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Miles Maier Twitter @LasaICTLasa

Social Media

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Paul Webster Twitter @WatfordGap

• Funded by DfE via Children England

• Capacity building CYP knowledge of ICT

• Series of 6 webinars on technology

About Lasa

• 25+ years in the sector

• Technology leadership, publications, events and consultancy

• Welfare Rights

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Social Media

Paul Webster (Twitter : @watfordgap)

18th July 2012

“Social Media. They get all excited about gleaming technology and clever gizmos. They talk in acronyms and begin sentences with: “Did you know you can..” The rest of us just want to get on with campaigning, fundraising or service delivery. We want to talk about the people we work with, the communities we’re in and the issues we’re passionate about. We want to find and talk to people who can help us get change, deliver services or make a difference”.

Well, Social Media is about all that, telling stories and having conversations, having a space to do that … it just happens that the space is on a computer.

(From ‘How to use New Media’ - Media Trust).

What we are going to cover • What is social media is and why its important

• Make a plan for good social media use - doing social media better

• What tools are being used

• How can it be used in all aspects of what your organisation does

• Get some inspiration from how other organisations are using social media

• How much time to spend on social media

• Questions & Answers

Old media - Web 1.0 . . . (Others – if you dare!)

. . static websites with no interaction, text heavy content.Information just fed TO visitors

New media - Web 2.0 ...

Web 2.0 =Social Media=New Media=Social Networking

. . media rich, interactive, content served based on preferences, open for comments, conversations WITH visitors encouraged.

It’s about conversations…..

Social media…is about pursuing relationships and fostering communities. Paul Adams, Google -

'The Conversational Web', not a Broadcast. Listen more than talk

Q. Which social network does your organisation use most?

- a website that you can update yourself?- write a blog, either personal or about the organisation?- share video on a Youtube account?- have pictures on Flickr or Picasa?- have a Facebook page?- use Twitter to keep in touch?- share connections on LinkedIn?- none of them

Social Networking – the numbers

• Of all the websites visited in UK, 2 are Social Networks - Google (9.5%), Facebook (6.6%), YouTube (3.5%), ebay (1.9%), WinMail (1.4%). Google = 91% of search traffic. (HitWise – Feb 2012)

• Use of social networks is 23% of time spent on internet in UK, 159% increase in last 3 years

• Of the 48.6 million adult population (ONS), 77% have a Facebook profile, 66% are YouTube users, 32% are on Twitter and 16% have a presence on LinkedIn. (Umph Sept 2011 – sample of 2,400 adults)

• YouTube 2nd most popular way to search for content. 48hrs is uploaded every two minutes

• One to watch? Pinterest visits up from 50k to over 300k in 1 month. (Nov 2011 Comscore)

Social Networking – the numbers

• Average social network user is aged 37

• LinkedIn it's 44, Twitter 39, Facebook 38

• 96% of aged 18-34 on one or more network

• 52% of Facebook users are 18 to 34 yrs

• 55% in this group check their social networks at least once a day (June 2011)

• 58% of their media content on mobile devices

• 30% check their status as soon as they wake up, 81% never turn their phone off (Aug 2011)

So, its not a passing phase, but it is important that organisations direct effort to the right network(s)

(From – Ofcom, &

Social Networking – the numbers

76% of iPad users also have a desktop PC, but 9% bought one to replace their desktop / laptop

Mobile web access will eclipse wired by 2015, 17% of UKhouseholds already use phone as primary web access

Increase from 31% (2010) to 45% (2011) of people connecting to Internet from phone/tablet (ONS – Aug 2011)

70% would give up alcohol for a week rather than phone

37% of young people in the UK own a Blackberry phone

So, have you viewed your website on a phone/tablet?

Android OS use grown from 5% to 47% (Dec 2009 to Dec 2011). Apple is 30%, Symbian <5%. (ComScrore Aug 2011)

59% access social network, 49% to buy, 12% to check-in

Bite-sized learning & volunteering whilst travelling

Over 25 million smartphones in use in UK51.3% of phone market(Ofcom Aug2011 / ComScore Dec2011)

The Mobile Web

'If you took away my mobile, you would take away a part of


Social media is online media that starts conversations, encourages people to pass it on to others, and finds ways to travel on its own.

Idealware -

Q. Which of these issues holds back your organisation’s use of social media the most?

• Where do I start?

• Lack of knowledge

• Confidence / Fear

• Capacity / Resources

• No access from my computer

• Don't have any time

• Too expensive to use the websites

• Scepticism – what's the point?

Immediacy – and response expected

What took days, takes hours, what took minutes takes seconds.

Print 7 days 2 weeks

Type News travels Reply within

Email 7 hours 2 days

Twitter 7 seconds 2 minutes

Facebook 7 minutes 2 hours

But how much time do organisations allocate for maintaining a social media presence and marketing


But how much time do charities allocate?

48% have no budget for social media activities 86% allocate < ½ day per week to using & maintaining it

(NTEN - 2011 – NonProfit Social Network Benchmark Report)

Only 17% have a social media plan or strategy(East Midlands ICT Infrastructure organisations – March 2012)

Just 6% have social media guidelines for responsible use (East Midlands ICT Infrastructure organisations – March 2012)

Social Media websites are increasingly an organisations main 'shop window' – we all check there first!

First - Planning How to Use

• Know your objectives and what you want to say• Giving local young people a safe place to meet

• Research where your audience are – do you know?• Don’t just build, work in the places where your target audience are

• Plan how to use the tools – have a strategy• Video of event?, Blog of experiences? Do ‘as well as’ what you do

• Choose tool to match audience and implement• Look at what other venues have done, what works elsewhere?

• Sustain the conversation and say thank you• Encourage people to return, keep it new, links from websites

How you could promote your cause

Think about the mission and aim of what you do

Can you write down your key message in 140 characters, what hooks would you use?

Could you blog about it? Make a video? Find a beneficiary to record an audio interview with? Make you website social?

How would you interest people

in what you are promoting?

Could you Pitch it?

Promoting your group

Start conversation – don't make everyone 'learn twice'

It’s easier to go where people are already

It can be difficult to get people to come to you

Do you know who your target audience are?

Are they already using social media sites (and which ones)?

Build a genuine relationship first, not an 'ask' - engagement follows

To participate people won't learn a 'new network & new topic'

Step 2 – Pick one goal to pursue

Use of social networks - similar to use of phone or newsletters...

Have Purpose – WHAT, Audience – WHO, Aims – WHERE

Have a Champion/s who can steer, update & reply

Social media posting active the moment it goes live. Be ready!

People will link and Share, & Share again to keep a conversation flowing. Share other news more than your own

Accept that can no longer control 100% what other people are saying, so be clear in what you say

Don't try to manage someone elses' social media and don't try to teach a young person to use social media (it's other way!)

NOW – Choose the right tools

Choose well

• Choose the way to capture audience.

– Audio → Images → Video

– See Audioboo, Flickr, Pinterest, Bambuser, Youtube

• Choose the context to engage with audience.

– Blog → Facebook → Twitter

• Choose a useful (FREE) tool/s to help streamline work

– Finding out → Letting people know → Running events

– See Survey Monkey, MailChimp, Eventbrite

Find the best social network for the job

Create a 'buzz' and link all networks backto your main website

Audio Podcasts – an organisation tells its story


‘Audacity’ - Video explaining Podcasting

Another way to let people know your news & interviews

Less bandwidth than video

Embed in website

Comments make conversations

Audioboo – 5 min recordings

Use 'Twitcasting' for broadcasting events

Instant reporting when editing not a concern

Image Sharing – FlickrA event for all the group Record of events

Added dimension

Access to reusable images

Easy & quick to put on website

Hosting 5 Billion images (Sept 2010 –

Also see Pinterest

Commoncraft Videoexplaining Image Sharing

Anyone can be a content creator

Increases Reach

Call to Action

Spread & Share – don't have to rely on TV or reporters

Show face of your organisation and has personality

Stream video content with Bambuser or Ustream

Online journals – Blogging - Commoncraft Video - explaining Blogs

Quick & easy to set up and to develop

Can be an the main website for a small organisation

Get feedback from people and start conversations

Open platform for community led content & story development

Other spaces – Tumblr, Posterous, Weebly


Social Networking - Facebook



It’s the place where young people already network and share

Great to create a Group for network of Supporters

Set up a Page around a campaign or issue, not about the organisation

Check privacy settings which change frequently Responsible use by young people & friend unfollow

Link to Twitter & Website

Professional Social Networking

Join sector specific special interest discussion groups

Now has section to record volunteer experience

Social Networking sites for Younger AudienceLegal age for most sites is 13 yrs old – though some young people using these sites anyway

Don't over react! → Set a good example → Promote responsible use

Once an image or comment is out there ... it's out there for ever

Guidelines - or,304&moduleID=10

Also – - connects Grandparents with kids

Club Penguin Superclubs ( Fantage

Host your own Social Network

Communities building their own spaces- for discussion- sharing- shows belonging

Alternatives:Yammer, Google Sites, SocialGo, Facebook,

Great for sharing and learning from a network of PeersAccepted channel to MPs & councillors to get opinion & inform of local newsSee the Content of the Tweet not the Tweeter & follow words not People

Events AS they happen not AFTER they have happened

A transient conversation

Short updates

# hashtags

Signposts to resources

Conversation starters

Important to make profile 'followable' - DO add Pictures (logo, background, recent images), Place, Profile and Page- DON'T leave these blank or over-sell and push advertising

Use Hoosuite or Tweetdeck to manage conversations

A small network of quality followers often results in better conversations through shared links than a large network of followers who never share ideas and knowledge.

Follow Orgs @youthnetuk, @youthactionuk, @ncvys, @thesite, @ukyouthand people @katie_bacon, @timdavies, @gopaldass, @antoniadixey, @judehabib

Growing - Location based Marketing & Communications

Incentive to visit location

Uses Smartphone

A way to meet up and be competitive with others

Share tips, comments, to-do lists and pictures

Become a 'mayor' and unlock extra rewards

Claim venue & set up page with visitor 'specials'

In use byShelter Scotland

Was used byM&S inBreast Cancer Care week

Growing 'niche' of over 10 million users(June 2011 - worldwide)

Pulling it all together• Consistency across all websites & social networks

• Social media sites are only part of the picture

–Make sure your core website is current

–Don't forget the offline

• Add organisation to Google Places or Foursquare

• Share links ...

–With all your social networking sites

–With 'Like' buttons and 'Share This' links

–With everyone!

Show all the channels on your main home page

'Add This' for sharing and tracking links with others on line ...

Time Planning

Frequency and time needed

Every Day(30 mins)

Once a Week(45 mins)

About Monthly(60 mins)

Tweet, re-tweet, check Google Alerts,check RSS reader & reply to comments

Write blog post, check analytics, monitorgroups & find new people to follow

Add video to YouTube, share a resourceon-line, create podcast & build profile

Measuring Success- Check how many times links are clicked if using Listen what's said about your organisation using Topsy- Monitor Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Wordpress visits- Measure Tweetreach, Twitalyzer, SocialBro, TwentyFeet- Visualize Infographics on Visual.y, My Social Strand

BUT …. real success not just about numbers- Social media presence a reflection of your organisation- Engage press, funders, authorities with pictures and video- Tell stories of real people & real changes- Find out how people heard about you- Build relationships joining in conversations

- Say Thank You!

• Only beneficial if you can see how it helps achieve your goals

• Don't do it just 'because everyone else is'

• Have a plan thinking short, medium and long term – and have an internal policy and guidelines for using it

• Know your target audience and go to the spaces where they are

• Know your message - make it clear and directed

• Think of how it applies to Marketing, Fundraising, Productivity, Communications .... and whatever else you do.

• Implement, monitor and adjust – and remember it takes time!

Be Helpful – Be Generous - Say Thank You - Share, be amazed what you get back!

Social Media - In conclusion


ICT Knowledgebase


Youthwork Online

Practical Participation

Charity Comms

KnowHow Non-Profit

Social Media Surgeries

DAIN Project

My Learning Pool

The Very Tiger Blog

Watfordgap Services

Useful links and websites

Social media - reflections

• How could your organisation use or make more of social media?

• What gaps do you or your organisation have?

• What One Thing are you going to do this month (or today?!)

• Have you any UnAnswered Questions?!

Social Media Surgery

People who want to see change + People who use social media = Organisations inspired in new ways of using technology

Informal (Tea & Cake too!)

No Lectures, No Selling, Locally led

Derby, Nottingham, Your area next?

Thank You – My Email & Twitter contacts Paul Webster

paul @ @watfordgap

Coming up next….

12 Sep – Websites (Sue Fidler)

26 Sep – Cloud Tools (Stony Grunow)

10 Oct – E-Safety (Sangeet Bhullar)

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Follow us at: @LasaICT and @childrenengland