Limits to the Optical Response of Graphene and 2D...

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Limits to the Optical Response of Graphene and 2D Materials

Owen D. Miller,1, ∗ Ognjen Ilic,2 Thomas Christensen,3 M. T. Homer Reid,4

Harry A. Atwater,2 John D. Joannopoulos,3 Marin Soljacic,3 and Steven G. Johnson3, 4

1Department of Applied Physics and Energy Sciences Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 065112Department of Applied Physics and Material Science,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125

3Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 021394Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139

2D materials provide a platform for strong light–matter interactions, creating wide-ranging de-sign opportunities via new-material discoveries and new methods for geometrical structuring. Wederive general upper bounds to the strength of such light–matter interactions, given only the opticalconductivity of the material, including spatial nonlocality, and otherwise independent of shape andconfiguration. Our material figure of merit shows that highly doped graphene is an optimal materialat infrared frequencies, whereas single-atomic-layer silver is optimal in the visible. For quantitiesranging from absorption and scattering to near-field spontaneous-emission enhancements and radia-tive heat transfer, we consider canonical geometrical structures and show that in certain cases thebounds can be approached, while in others there may be significant opportunity for design improve-ment. The bounds can encourage systematic improvements in the design of ultrathin broadbandabsorbers, 2D antennas, and near-field energy harvesters.

2D materials [1, 2] and emerging methods [3–8] forpatterning 2D layers and their surroundings are openingan expansive design space, exhibiting significantly differ-ent optical [9–11] (and electronic) properties from their3D counterparts. In this Letter, we identify energy con-straints embedded within Maxwell’s equations that im-pose theoretical bounds on the largest optical responsethat can be generated in any 2D material, in the nearor far field. The bounds account for material loss asencoded in the real part of a material’s conductivity—in the case of a spatially local conductivity tensor σ,they are proportional to

∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1

σ∥∥—and are oth-

erwise independent of shape and configuration. We de-rive the bounds through convex constraints imposed bythe optical theorem [12–14] and its near-field analogue,leveraging a recent approach we developed for spatiallylocal 3D materials [15]. In addition to accommodat-ing nonlocal models, this work demonstrates starkly dif-ferent near-field dependencies of 2D and 3D materials.For graphene, the 2D material of foremost interest todate, the bounds bifurcate into distinctive low- and high-energy regimes: the low-energy bounds are proportionalto the Fermi level, whereas the high-energy bounds areproportional to the fine-structure constant, α, for any ge-ometrical configuration. We find that far-field bounds onthe extinction cross-section can be approached by ellipti-cal graphene disks, whereas the near-field bounds on thelocal density of states [16–20] and radiative heat transferrate [21–26] cannot be approached in prototypical flat-sheet configurations. The bounds presented here providea simple material figure of merit to evaluate the emerg-ing zoo of 2D materials, and offer the prospect of greateroptical response via computational design. The material

∗ Corresponding author:

figure of merit can guide ongoing efforts in 2D-materialdiscovery, while the general bounds can shape and driveefforts towards new levels of performance and better op-tical components.

Plasmonics in 2D materials opens the possibility forstronger light–matter interactions, which may be usefulfor technological applications, including single-moleculeimaging [27–30] and photovoltaics [31, 32], as well asfor basic-science discoveries, such as revealing forbiddentransitions [33], and achieving unity optical absorptionin graphene through optical impedance matching [5, 34–36]. Theoretical work towards understanding optical re-sponse in 2D materials has focused on analytical expres-sions using specific geometrical [5, 9, 37] or metamaterial-based [38] models, but from a design perspective suchassumptions are restrictive. Quasistatic sum rules canyield upper limits on the cross-section [39, 40], buthave been restricted to far-field quantities and isotropicand spatially local materials. A well-known microwave-engineering bound, known as Rozanov’s theorem [41], of-fers a bandwidth limit as a function of material thickness,but its contour-integral approach requires perfectly con-ducting boundaries that are not applicable for 2D mate-rials at optical frequencies. Here, we find constraints thatdo yield 2D-material optical-response bounds given onlythe material properties. We provide a general frameworkto derive limits to any optical-response quantity (includ-ing cross-sections, spontaneous-emission enhancements,and radiative-heat exchange), and we present computa-tional results suggesting pathways to approach the newbounds. For a broad class of hydrodynamic nonlocal-conductivity models [42, 43], which capture several im-portant nonclassical features at length scales approachingthe quantum regime, we derive general bounds in termsof a constitutive-relation operator. We show that thenonlocal response is necessarily bounded above by thelocal-response bounds; further, by exploiting the qua-


sistatic nature of interactions at nonlocal length scales,we show that the maximum response must be reduced inproportion to a ratio of the scatterer size to the effective“diffusion” length.

To derive general scattering bounds, consider a 2Dscatterer embedded in a possibly heterogeneous back-ground. Passivity, which implies the absence of gainand that polarization currents do no work [44], requiresthat the powers absorbed (Pabs) and scattered (Pscat)by the target body are non-negative [15]. These al-most tautological conditions in fact dictate bounds onthe largest currents that can be excited at the surfaceof any 2D structure. The key is that their sum, extinc-tion (Pext = Pabs +Pscat), is given by the imaginary partof a forward-scattering amplitude, which is a well-knownconsequence of the optical theorem [12–14]. For an ar-bitrarily shaped 2D scatterer with area A that supportselectric surface currents K (a magnetic-current general-ization is given in the Supp. Info.), the absorbed andextinguished powers are given by [13, 45]

Pabs =1



E∗ ·KdA (1a)

Pext =1



E∗inc ·KdA, (1b)

where, in the latter expression,∫AE∗inc · K dA is a

forward-scattering amplitude. A key feature of the opti-cal theorem is that the extinction is the real part of anamplitude, which is linear in the induced currents. Bycontrast, absorption is a quadratic function of the cur-rents/fields. Yet extinction must be greater than absorp-tion (due to the Pscat ≥ 0 condition noted above), requir-ing the linear functional to be greater than the quadraticone, a condition that cannot be satisfied for large enoughcurrents. The inequality Pabs ≤ Pext thereby provides aconvex constraint for any optical-response function. Anyoptical-response maximization can thus be formulated asan optimization problem subject to this convex passivityconstraint [15]. For a generic figure of merit f(E) of thefields (or, equivalently, currents), the design problem canbe written

maximize f(E)

subject to Pabs(E) ≤ Pext(E).(2)

Thanks to the convex nature of the constraint Pabs ≤Pext and the simple expressions for Pabs and Pext, Equa-tion (2) can often be solved analytically—unlike thehighly nonconvex Maxwell equations—thereby providinggeneral upper-bound expressions without approximation.

To find bounds that solve Eq. (2), we must specify arelationship between the field E and the induced currentK. To maintain generality we assume only that they arerelated by a linear operator L,

LK = E, (3)

where in different size, material, and parameter regimes,L may represent anything from a density-functional-theory operator [46] or a hydrodynamic model [43, 47],

to a simple scalar conductivity. For a scalar con-ductivity σ, L = 1/σ. Given this current–field re-lation, the quadratic dependence of absorption on in-duced current, per Eq. (1a), is made explicit: Pabs =(1/2) Re

∫AK∗ LKdA. If we choose the figure of merit

to be the absorbed or scattered power, then straightfor-ward variational calculus (see Supp. Info.) from Eq. (2)yields the bounds

Pα ≤1



E∗inc · (ReL)−1

Einc dA, (4)

where α denotes absorption, scattering, or extinction.The variable β takes the values

βα =

1, α = absorption or extinction14 , α = scattering,


which represent a power-balance asymmetry: absorptionand extinction are maximized when Pabs = Pext, whereasscattering is maximized when Pscat = Pabs = Pext/2, akinto conjugate-matching conditions in circuit theory [48].Equation (4) sets a general bound, at any frequency,given only the incident field and the (material-driven)field–current relationship, dictated by the operator L.The bounds apply in the far field, where Einc might bea plane wave or Bessel beam, as well as the near field,where Einc might be the field emanating from dipolarsources. Further below, we show that (ReL)

−1can be

considerably simplified in the case when L is the differ-ential operator arising in nonlocal hydrodynamic models.First, however, we simplify Eq. (4) for the important caseof a spatially local conductivity.

A local conductivity σ, relating currents at any pointon the surface to fields at the same point, by K = σE,is the primary response model employed in the studyof optical and plasmonic phenomena, in two as well asthree dimensions. In 2D materials, it is common tohave off-diagonal contributions to the conductivity (e.g.through magnetic-field biasing), and thus we allow σ tobe a general 2× 2 matrix (implicitly restricting E to itstwo components locally tangential to the 2D surface).Given that L = σ−1, the term involving L in the boundof Eq. (4) can be written: (ReL)

−1= σ† (Reσ)


In far-field scattering, the quantity of interest is typ-ically not the total absorbed or scattered power, butrather the cross-section, defined as the ratio of the powerto the average beam intensity. The scattering cross-section, for example, is given by σscat = Pscat/Iinc, whereIinc = |Einc|2avg/2Z0. Then, the bound of Eq. (4) simpli-fies for the absorption, scattering, and extinction cross-sections to

σαA≤ βαZ0

∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1



where Z0 is the impedance of free space, βα is definedabove in Eq. (5), and ‖ · ‖2 denotes the induced ma-trix 2-norm [49] (which is the largest singular value ofthe matrix). The power of Eq. (6) is its simplicity—the


scattering efficiency of any 2D scatterer, whether it is aperiodic array of circles [5], a spherical coating [50], anisolated strip [37], or in any other configuration, has anupper bound defined solely by its material conductivity.We show below that simple ellipses can approach within≈ 10% of the bounds, and that structures with two ad-ditional degrees of freedom can approach within < 1% ofthe bounds.

A key feature of the approach outlined here is thatthe optical response of a 2D material of interest can becleanly delineated (without approximation) from the re-sponse of any “background” structures. Our formulationrelies on the passivity constraints Pscat, Pabs > 0, andyet the choice of “incident” and “scattered” fields is ar-bitrary, as long as they sum to the total fields. As anexample, there is significant interest in integrating 2Dmaterials with photonic crystals [6, 7]; we can define theincident field that controls the bounds in Eqs. (4,6) asthe field in the presence of only the photonic crystal, andthe scattered field as arising only from the addition ofthe 2D layer above it. The limits of Eqs. (4,6), as wellas the limits derived below, then capture the maximumachievable enhancement due to the 2D material itself,subject to its inhomogeneous environment. Throughoutthis Letter we focus on free-standing graphene to under-stand its unique optical response, noting that generaliza-tion involving substrates and more complex surroundingstructures can follow precisely this prescription.

Near-field optical response, in the presence of nearbyemitters, is at least as important as far-field response.Here we find bounds to two important near-field quan-tities: (i) the local density of states (LDOS), which isa measure of the spontaneous-emission rate of a singleexcited dipole near the scatterer, and (ii) near-field ra-diative heat transfer, which is a measure of the radia-tion exchange between two bodies at different tempera-tures. The (electric) LDOS at a point x is proportionalto the power radiated by an (orientation-averaged) elec-tric dipole at that point, and is given by the expressionρ = (1/πω) Im

∑j pj ·Ej(x), where Ej is the electric field

excited by the dipole with moment pj , and where the sumover j = x, y, z accounts for orientation-averaging [16].The expression for ρ shows that LDOS is dictated by acausal amplitude (not a squared amplitude), exhibitingsimilar mathematical structure to extinction. The sourceof the similarity is that both extinction and LDOS can bedecomposed into radiative and nonradiative components,which for the LDOS we denote by ρrad and ρnr, respec-tively. The nonradiative part of the LDOS is given bythe absorption in the scattering body (which is often anantenna), and per Eq. (1a) is quadratic in the inducedcurrents. Unlike far-field scattering, in the near field,the incident field increases rapidly at smaller distances d(|E| ∼ 1/d3). Thus, the same convex-optimization prob-lem laid out in Eq. (2) leads to distance-dependent LDOSbounds via the replacements Pext → ρ and Pabs → ρnr.For an arbitrarily shaped 2D surface separated from theemitter by some minimum distance d, the bounds are

(Supp. Info.):

ραρ0≤ 3βα

8 (k0d)4Z0

∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1



where α in this context denotes the total, radia-tive, or nonradiative component of the LDOS, k0 =ω/c, and ρ0 is the free-space electric-dipole LDOS,ρ0 = ω2/2π2c3. Again βα represents a power-balance(conjugate-matching) condition, and takes the value 1for nonradiative or total LDOS and 1/4 for the ra-diative LDOS. Equation (7) includes the highest-order(∼ 1/d3) term from the incident electric field; lower-orderterms (∼ 1/d2, 1/d) are generally negligible in the high-enhancement regimes of interest, as discussed quantita-tively in Ref. [15]. The 3/8 coefficient in Eq. (7) is for thecommon case in which the surface is separated from theemitter by a separating plane; if the scattering body sur-rounds the emitter across a solid angle Ω, the bound inEq. (7) is multiplied by 4Ω. Equation (7) provides a gen-eral answer to the question of how efficient and effectivea 2D optical antenna can be.

Radiative heat transfer (RHT), in which a warm bodytransfers energy to a colder one via photon exchange,is also subject to optical-response bounds. It has longbeen known [21–23] that near-field RHT can surpass theblackbody limit, as evanescent tunneling can outpace ra-diative exchange. Yet general limits to the process inconventional 3D materials had been unknown until ourrecent work [51]. The total RHT rate, H, is given bythe net flux from one body at temperature T1 to an-other at temperature T2, typically expressed as (Ref. [25])H1→2 =


Φ(ω) [Θ(ω, T1)−Θ(ω, T2)] dω, where Φ(ω)is a temperature-independent energy flux and Θ is thePlanck spectrum. The flux Φ is the power absorbed bythe second body, having been emitted from the first, suchthat it is similar to the scattering problem bounded byEq. (6). A key distinction is that the (incoherent) sourcesare in the interior of one of the scattering bodies, inval-idating the conventional optical theorem. This difficultycan be circumvented by breaking the flux transfer intotwo scattering problems, connected by a generalized [52]reciprocity relation (the material conductivity does notneed to be reciprocal), as outlined in Ref. [51]. The keydistinction in the case of 2D materials is the dimension-ality of the domain over which the field intensities areevaluated, which for bodies with identical conductivitiesσ leads to the bound


ΦBB≤ 3

2 (k0d)4Z


∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1

σ∥∥∥22, (8)

where d is the minimum separation distance betweenthe arbitrarily shaped bodies, ΦBB = k20A/4π

2 is theblackbody limit (for infinite area A) [25], and the con-ductivity term is squared due to potential contributionsfrom each body (see Supp. Info.). As for the LDOSbounds, Eq. (8) assumes a separating plane between thebodies; corrugated surfaces that are interlaced (but non-touching) have bounds of the same functional form but


Energy, ℏω (eV)0.1 0.5 1 1.5 2




Al2D Ag2D




EF = 0.6 eVGraphene

ω (THz)2 4 6





GrapheneEF = 0.3







l FO







0.4 eV

0.2 eV

EF = 0.6 eVB = 1 ThBN



600 nm1μm2 μm12 μm

FIG. 1. A simple material figure of merit (FOM),Z0

∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1 σ∥∥2

for conductivity σ, dictates the maxi-mum optical response that can be generated in 2D materi-als. Experimentally tabulated or analytically modeled op-tical data can be compared to assess optimal materials asthey emerge. Here, we compare: graphene at different Fermilevels (solid black lines) and magnetic-biasing (dashed blackline), AA-stacked bilayer graphene (dark red), hBN (green),MoS2 (purple), the anisotropic conductivity components ofblack phosphorous (BP, pink and dark purple), and three 2Dmetals, Al (red), Ag (blue), and Au (gold). High-Fermi-levelgraphene and 2D silver offer the largest possible responses atinfrared and visible wavelengths, respectively. The inset com-pares graphene at THz frequencies to the topological insulatorBi2Se3, which can have a surprisingly large FOM.

with different numerical prefactors. An interesting 2D-specific aspect of Eqs. (7,8) is that they exhibit identical1/d4 distance dependencies, whereas for 3D bodies, RHTincreases more slowly for smaller separations (∼ 1/d2)than does the LDOS (∼ 1/d3).

The fundamental limits of Eqs. (6–8) share a com-mon dimensionless material “figure of merit” (FOM),


∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1

σ∥∥2. The FOM, which simplifies to

Z0|σ|2/Reσ for a scalar conductivity, captures the in-trinsic tradeoffs between high conductivity for large re-sponse and high losses that dissipate enhancement, andcan be used to identify optimal materials. In Fig. 1 weplot the FOM across a range of frequencies, using ex-perimentally measured or analytically modeled materialdata for common 2D materials of interest: graphene, forvarious Fermi levels [53], magnetic biasing [54], and AA-type bilayer stacking [55] (at 300 K), hBN [56], MoS2 [57],black phosphourous (BP) [11], Bi2Se3 (at THz frequen-cies [58]), and metals Ag, Al, and Au, all taken tohave 2D conductivities dictated by a combination [39]of their bulk properties and their interlayer atomic spac-ing. Strongly doped graphene (EF = 0.6 eV) offers thelargest possible response across the infrared, whereas 2DAg tends to be better in the visible. At THz frequen-

cies, where graphene’s potential is well-understood [59–61], the topological insulator Bi2Se3 shows promise foreven larger response. More broadly, the simple ma-terial FOM, |σ|2/Reσ or its anistropic generalization∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)

−1σ∥∥∥, offers a metric for evaluating emerging

(e.g. silicene [62], phosphorene [63, 64]) and yet-to-be-discovered 2D materials.

In the following we specialize our considerations tographene, the standard-bearer for 2D materials, to ex-amine the degree to which the bounds of Eqs. (6–8)can be attained in specific structures. We adopt theconventional local description, including intra- and in-terband dispersion. Appropriate modifications [37, 53]are included to account for a finite intrinsic dampingrate, γ = 1/τ =

(1012 eV/s

)/EF, which is taken as

Fermi-level-dependent (corresponding to a Fermi-level-independent mobility), with a magnitude mirroring thatadopted in Ref. [37]. Figure 2 shows the cross-sectionbounds (dashed lines), per Eq. (6), alongside graphenedisks (with EF = 0.4 eV) that approach the bounds atfrequencies across the infrared. For simplicity, we fixthe aspect ratio of the disks at 2:1 and simply reducetheir size to increase their resonant frequency; each diskachieves ≈ 85% of its extinction cross-section bound.The disk diameters are kept greater than 10 nm to en-sure the validity of our local description. We employ afast quasistatic solver [65] to compute the response of theellipses, which is verified with a free-software implemen-tation [66] of the boundary element method (BEM) [67]for the full electrodynamic problem with the surface con-ductivity incorporated as a modified boundary condi-tion [45]. If edge scattering, or any other defect, wereto increase the damping rate, such an increase couldbe seamlessly incorporated in the bounds of Eqs. (6–8)through direct modification of the conductivity. In theSupp. Info., we show that with two extra geometricaldegrees of freedom (e.g., a “pinched ellipse”), one canreach > 99.6% of the bound. The cross-section boundscan also be used as bounds on the fill fraction of graphenerequired for perfect absorption in a planar arrangement,and they suggest the potential for an order-of-magnitudereduction relative to the best known results [5]. Con-versely, such room for improvement could be used tosignificantly increase the perfect-absorption bandwidthbeyond the modern state-of-the-art.

The bounds simplify analytically at the low- andhigh-frequency extremes. In these regimes, graphene’sisotropic conductivity is real-valued and comprises sim-ple material and fundamental constants, such that thematerial FOM is approximately


∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1

σ∥∥∥2≈ Z0σ ≈



ω γ

πα ω 2EF/~.(9)

The low-frequency proportionality to EF/~γ arises as aconsequence of the intraband contributions to the con-ductivity, in contrast to the interband dominance at high


Photon Energy (eV)








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







Bound (any shape)Computed (ellipse)

r1 = 2r 2




0.6 0.8 1(Flat sheet)

EF = 0.5 eV











FIG. 2. Upper limits (dashed lines) to the extinction cross-section of graphene scatterers of varying Fermi level, pat-terned into any shape, alongside the computed response of el-liptical graphene disks of varying sizes for EF = 0.4 eV (green,solid). The bounds, per Eq. (6), depend on graphene’s 2Dconductivity and incorporate the extent to which losses canbe overcome. The disks reach within ≈ 85% of the bounds,and in the Supp. Info. we show that slightly more exoticshapes can reach > 99% of the bounds. Simple asymptoticexpressions for the bounds emerge at low (dash–dot lines) andhigh frequencies. In the high-frequency limit, the limits con-verge to πα, and are thereby reached with a simple flat sheet(inset).

frequencies. Interband contributions to the conductivityare often ignored at energies below the Fermi level, buteven at those energies they are responsible for a sizablefraction of the loss rate, thus causing the quadratic roll-off (derived in Supp. Info.) of the maximum efficiencyseen on the left-hand side of Fig. 2.

Famously, at high frequencies a uniform sheet ofgraphene has a scattering efficiency σ/A ≈ πα (Refs. [68–70]). Interestingly, Fig. 2 and Eq. (9) reveal that πα isthe largest possible scattering efficiency, for any shapeor configuration of graphene, at those frequencies. Perthe incident-field discussion above, it is possible to in-crease the absolute absorption of a plane wave at thosefrequencies by structuring the background (e.g. with aphotonic-crystal slab supporting the graphene), but thepercentage of the background field intensity that can beabsorbed by the graphene is necessarily ≤ πα, no matterhow the graphene is structured. The right-hand side ofFig. 2 shows the bounds for each Fermi level converg-ing to πα, with the inset magnifying the high-energy re-gion and showing that the response of a flat sheet indeedreaches the bound.

The near-field LDOS and RHT limits are more chal-lenging to attain. We study the LDOS near a flatsheet of graphene, the most common 2D platform forspontaneous-emission enhancements to date [9, 71, 72],

Emitter–Graphene Separation Distance, d10 100 1μm5






al D


ty o

f S


s, ρ


ρ/ρ b







ℏω = 0.7 eV



nm nm

bound, ℏω = 0.1 eV


EF = 0.4 eVGraphene

~ 1/(k0d) 4

~ 1/(k0d)3





nmnm nm

FIG. 3. Comparison of the LDOS above a flat graphenesheet (dashed lines) to the LDOS bounds for any structure(solid lines), for multiple frequencies (colored lines) and as afunction of the emitter–graphene separation distance d (withEF = 0.4 eV). For larger separations and higher frequencies,the LDOS above a flat sheet follows the ideal ∼ 1/d4 scal-ing, but at shorter separations and lower frequencies (wherethe response is potentially largest), the optimal-frequency re-sponse follows a ∼ 1/d3 envelope. The inset shows of ratio ofthe flat-sheet LDOS to the upper bound, showing that thereis the potential for 1–2 orders of magnitude improvement.

and show that there is a large performance gap betweenthe flat-sheet response and the fundamental limits ofEq. (7). There are two key factors that control thenear-field bounds (for both LDOS and RHT): the ma-terial FOM |σ|2/Reσ, and a “near-field enhancementfactor” 1/d4, for emitter–sheet distance d. The 1/d4

near-field enhancement factor is particularly interesting,because it increases more rapidly than in 3D materials(for which the LDOS [15] and RHT [51] bounds scaleas 1/d3 and 1/d2, resp.). In Fig. 3, we show the LDOSas a function of the emitter–graphene separation, for afixed Fermi level EF = 0.4 eV and a range of frequencies(colored solid lines). The bounds for each frequency areshown in the colored dashed lines, and the ratio of theLDOS ρ to the LDOS bound ρbound is shown in the in-set. For low and moderate frequencies, there is an idealdistance at which the LDOS most closely approaches itsfrequency-dependent bound, whereas the high-frequencyregime (e.g. ~ω = 0.7 eV) is almost distance-insensitivedue to high losses.

Figure 3 shows two asymptotic distance-scaling trends.First, at high frequencies and/or large separations (50 nmto 1 µm), the LDOS enhancement scales as 1/(k0d)4. Weshow in the Supp. Info. that in this regime the LDOS fur-ther exhibits the material-enhancement factor |σ|2/Reσ,falling short of the bound only by a factor of 2. In thisregime, the LDOS is dominated by a “lossy-background”contribution [71], which is insensitive to details of theplasmonic mode, and due instead predominantly to in-






0 0.5 1 1.5 2

1 2010-5



Energy, ℏω (eV)



ve H

eat F


Φ / Φ


EF = 0.2eV0.5eV


ℏω (eV)








EF = 0.5eV


T2 d


FIG. 4. Radiative heat flux between two graphene structures(at T = 300 K and d = 10 nm), for flat sheets (solid lines) andfor the arbitrary-shape analytical bounds (dotted lines). Fora Fermi level 0.5 eV, the flat sheets fall short of the boundsby 104 at their peak, due to near-field interference effects be-tween the sheets. The interference effects do not arise betweendipolar circles (inset), whereby the bound is nearly achieved(for R = 5 nm and d = 30 nm). The discrepancy betweenthe disk and flat-sheet RHT rates suggests the possibility ofsignificant improvement via patterning.

terband absorption in graphene (permitted even below2EF for nonzero temperatures). Of more interest maybe the opposite regime—higher frequencies at smallerseparations—which are known [73] to have reduced dis-tance dependencies. It is crucial to note that the boundspresented in this Letter are not scaling laws; instead,at each frequency and distance they represent indepen-dent response limits. We see in Fig. 3 that for each indi-vidual frequency, ρ/ρ0 flattens towards a constant valueat very small distances, because the corresponding plas-mon surface-parallel wavenumber is smaller than 1/d anddoes not change; however, the envelope formed over manyfrequencies (for a given separation d) shows a 1/(k0d)3

as higher-wavenumber plasmons are accessed at smallerdistances. This suggests a simple potential approach toreach the bound: instead of finding a geometrical con-figuration that approaches the bound at all frequenciesand separations, concentrate on finding a structure thatreaches the bound at a single frequency and separationof interest. A “family” of structures that combine to ap-proach the bounds over a large parameter regime maythen naturally emerge.

Near-field RHT shows similar characteristics, in whichthe bounds may be approached with flat graphene sheetsat specific energy, Fermi-level, and separation-distanceparameter combinations. As a counterpart to the LDOSrepresentation of Fig. 3, in Fig. 4 we fix the separa-tion distance at 10 nm and plot the frequency-dependentRHT [74] for three Fermi levels. The respective bounds,

from Eq. (8), show the same “dip” as seen in the insetof Fig. 2(b), which occurs at the frequency where theimaginary part of the conductivity crosses zero. At thesefrequencies, the RHT between flat sheets can approachthe bounds. However, at other frequencies, where thepotential RHT is significantly larger, the flat sheets fallshort by orders of magnitude, as depicted in Fig. 4 atEF = 0.5 eV. The flat-sheet case falls short due to near-field interference effects: as the sheets approach eachother, the plasmonic modes at each interface interactwith each other, creating a level-splitting effect that re-duces their maximum transmission to only a narrow bandof wavevectors [15]. By contrast, for two dipolar circles ina quasistatic approximation (Fig. 4 inset), the RHT be-tween the two bodies can approach its respective bound.These examples suggest that patterned graphene sheets,designed to control and optimize their two-body interfer-ence patterns, represent a promising approach towardsreaching the bounds and thereby unprecedented levelsof radiative heat transfer. In the Supp. Info., we showthat achieving RHT at the level of the bound, even overthe narrow bandwidths associated with plasmonic reso-nances, would enable radiative transfer to be greater thanconductive transfer through air at separations of almost1µm, significantly larger than is currently possible [15].

Having examined the response of graphene structuresin the local-conductivity approximation, we now recon-sider nonlocal conductivity models. For structures inthe 2–10 nm size range, below the local-conductivityregime but large enough to not necessitate fully quantum-mechanical models, hydrodynamic conductivity equa-tions [42, 43, 47], or similar gradient-based models ofnonlocality [54, 75], can provide an improved accountof the optical response. In a hydrodynamic model, thecurrents behave akin to fluids with a diffusion constantD and convection constant β (both real-valued), with acurrent–field relation given by [43][



(β2 +D (γ − iω)

)∇∇ ·+σ−1loc

]︸ ︷︷ ︸


K = E, (10)

where σloc, ωp, and γ are the local conductivity, plasmafrequency, and damping rate of the 2D material, respec-tively. Per Eq. (4), the 2D-material response boundsdepend only on the Hermitian part of the L operator,denoted by an underbrace in Eq. (10). Before derivingbounds dependent on the hydrodynamic parameters, wenote that the grad–div hydrodynamic term in Eq. (10)cannot increase the maximum optical response. The op-erator −∇∇· is a positive semidefinite Hermitian oper-ator (for the usual L2-space overlap-integral inner prod-uct), shown by integration by parts in conjunction withthe no-spillout boundary condition. The Hermiticity ofthe grad–div operator means that the Hermitian part ofL is given by ReL = (L+L†)/2 = − D

ω2p∇∇ · + Reσ−1loc .

Because −∇∇· is a positive-semidefinite addition to

the positive-semidefinite term Reσ−1loc ,∥∥∥(ReL)

−1∥∥∥ ≤



)−1= |σloc|2/Reσloc. Thus the nonlocal re-

sponse is subject to the bound imposed by the underlyinglocal conductivity, demonstrating that nonlocal effects ofthis type cannot surpass the local-conductivity responseexplored in depth above.

We can further show that hydrodynamic nonlocal-ity necessarily reduces the maximum achievable opti-cal response in a given 2D material, by exploiting thequasistatic nature of electromagnetic interactions at thelength scales for which nonlocal effects manifest. Thekey insight required to derive bounds subject to thenonlocal current–field relation, Eq. (10), is that the ab-sorbed power can be written as a quadratic form ofboth the currents K as well as ∇ · K (proportionalto the induced charge): Pabs = (1/2) Re

∫AK∗ · E =


[a(∇ ·K∗)(∇ ·K) + bK∗ ·K], where a = D/ω2p

and b = Re(σ−1loc). Similarly, the extinction can be writ-ten as a linear function of either K or ∇ ·K (exploitingthe quasistatic nature of the fields), such that Pabs ≤ Pext

offers two convex constraints for the generalized nonlocal-conductivity problem. We defer to the Supp. Info. for adetailed derivation of general figures of merit under thisconstraint, and state a simplified version of the result forthe extinction cross-section. The additional ∇ ·K con-straint introduces a size dependence in the bound, in theform of a “radius” r that is the smallest bounding sphereof the scatterer along the direction of the incident-fieldpolarization. Defining a plasmonic “diffusion” length

`D =√cD/ω2

p (for speed of light c), the variational-

calculus approach outlined above yields an analogue ofEq. (6) in the presence of a hydrodynamic nonlocality:







)−1−1 . (11)

Equation (11) has an appealing, intuitive interpretation:the cross-section of a scatterer is bounded above by acombination of the local-conductivity bound and a non-local contribution proportional to the square of the ratioof the size of the scatterer to the “diffusion” length. Thusas the size of the particle approaches `D, and goes belowit, there must be a significant reduction in the maximalattainable optical response. There is ambiguity as towhat the exact value of D, or equivalently `D, should bein 2D materials such as graphene; the bounds developedserve as an impetus for future measurement or simula-tion, to delineate the sizes at which the local/non-localtransition occurs. Conversely, since the bound shows adramatic reduction at sizes below `D, Eq. (11) can serveas a means to extract this nonlocal property of any 2Dmaterial from experimental measurements.

General limits serve to contextualize a large design

space, pointing towards phenomena and performance lev-els that may be possible, and clarifying basic limitingfactors. Here we have presented a set of optical-responsebounds for 2D materials, generalizing recent 3D-materialbounds [15, 51] to incorporate both local and nonlocalmodels of 2D conductivities. We further studied theresponse of standard graphene structures—ellipses andsheets—relative to their respective bounds, showing thatthe far-field absorption efficiency bounds can be reliablyapproached within 10%, but that the near-field boundsare approached only in specific parameter regimes, sug-gesting the possibility for design to enable new levels of

response. The figure of merit∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)

−1σ∥∥∥ can serve

to evaluate new 2D materials as they are discovered, andtheir optical properties are measured. Our results pointto a few directions where future work may further clar-ify the landscape for 2D-material optics. One topic ofcurrent interest is in patterned gain and loss [76, 77](esp. PT -symmetry [78–80]), which exhibit a variety ofnovel behaviors, from exceptional points to loss-inducedtransparency. Our bounds depend on passivity, whichexcludes gain materials, but in fact the bounds only re-quire passivity on average, i.e., averaged over the struc-ture. Thus Eqs. (4–8) should be extensible to patternedgain–loss structures. A second area for future work is inexploration of quantum models of the L operator. Wehave shown here explicit bounds for the cases of localand hydrodynamic conductivities, but there is also sig-nificant interest in quantum descriptions of the response.Through, for example, density-functional theory [81], an-alytical bounds in such cases may lead to a continuumof optical-response limits across classical, semi-classical,and quantum regimes.


O.D.M. was supported by the Air Force Office ofScientific Research under award number FA9550-17-1-0093. O.I. and H.A.A. were supported as part of theDOE “Light-Material Interactions in Energy Conver-sion Energy Frontier Research Center under grant DE-SC0001293, and acknowledge support from the NorthropGrumman Corporation through NG Next. T.C. wassupported by the Danish Council for Independent Re-search (grant no. DFFC6108-00667). M.S. was partlysupported (reading and analysis of the manuscript) byS3TEC, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded bythe U.S. Department of Energy under grant no. DE-SC0001299. J.D.J., M.S., and S.G.J. were partly sup-ported by the Army Research Office through the In-stitute for Soldier Nanotechnologies under contract no.W911NF-13-D-0001.

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Supporting Information: Limits to the Optical Response of Graphene and 2DMaterials

Owen D. Miller,1, ∗ Ognjen Ilic,2 Thomas Christensen,3 M. T. Homer Reid,4

Harry A. Atwater,2 John D. Joannopoulos,3 Marin Soljacic,3 and Steven G. Johnson3, 4

1Department of Applied Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 065112Department of Applied Physics and Material Science,California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125

3Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 021394Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139


I. Optimized structure to reach within 1% ofextinction bound S1

II. Optimal conductive heat transfer throughgraphene S2

III. Graphene material figure of merit: second-orderapproximation S3

IV. Variational-calculus derivation of upper bounds S3

V. Bounds in the presence of hydrodynamicnonlocality S5

VI. LDOS above a planar conducting sheet S6A. Pole contribution to the LDOS S7B. Lossy-background contribution to the LDOS S7

References S8


In this section we show that the bounds can be reachedto within 1% through simple optimization of the scatter-ing structure. The elliptical disks considered in the maintext only have two degrees of freedom, one of which is ascaling parameter that solely shifts the frequency. Thus,we consider the “pinched ellipse” structure depicted inFig. S1. Utilizing the angle θ in the two-dimensionalplane of the structure, the boundary of a simple ellipsecan be parameterized as x = a cos θ, y = sin θ. We gen-erate the pinched ellipse via the parameterization:

x = a cos θ (S.1a)

y = sin θ[1 + de−|x(θ)|s/w


where a, d, s, and w are free parameters. Many differentcombinations can lead to good performance; from simple

∗ Corresponding author:

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20











n E




Photon Energy (eV)



EF = 0.4 eVBound

FIG. S1. (a) “Pinched ellipse” geometry, described byEq. (S.1), with the parameters in Eq. (S.2). The pinchedellipse geometry has a mode with 99.6% of the maximumpolarizability possible, such that the response is almost per-fectly concentrated at a single resonant frequency. (b) Spec-tral response of the pinched-ellipse geometry, for two differentscaling factors (given by the widths of the structures). Theresponse achieves 99.6% of the general bound.

unconstrained optimizations, the values

a = 53.788 (S.2a)

d = 3.0917 (S.2b)

s = 3.6358 (S.2c)

w = 0.3964 (S.2d)

reach near-ideal performance. The performance of such astructure is exhibited not only in the peak of the spectralresponse but also in the quasistatic polarizability. Thequasistatic polarizability of a 2D scatterer, α(ω), can be


decomposed into a complete set of modes that are or-thonormal under a properly chosen inner product. Thepolarizabilities of the modes, αn for mode n, must satisfythe sum rule [1] ∑


αn ≤ ||Ω|| (S.3)

where ||Ω|| is the total surface area of the scatterer.The capability of a structure to reach the bounds de-

veloped in the main text is directly related to whetherits response is concentrated into a single mode at thefrequency of interest. The elliptical disks of the maintext have oscillator strengths, i.e., mode polarizabilities,of approximately 90%, explaining their large extinctioncross-sections that reach within 10% of the bounds. Forthe pinched ellipse of Fig. S1, the parameter values inEq. (S.2) yield a normalized oscillator strength of 99.6%,as computed by a quasistatic integral-equation solver [2]and shown in Fig. S1(a). Such a large oscillation strengthindicates that the scatterer should reach 99.6% of the ex-tinction bound, which we verify numerically. The nearlyideal spectral response is shown in Fig. S1(b), for twoscaled versions of the ellipse shown in Fig. S1(a) withthe parameters given in Eq. (S.2).


We showed in Eq. (8) of the main text that near-field radiative heat transfer (RHT) has a unique 1/d4

separation-distance dependence for 2D materials, in-creasing more rapidly than the 1/d3 dependence of 3Dmaterials. Here we consider the potential for a 2Dmaterial such as graphene to exhibit large radiativeheat transfer relative to the large conductive heat trans-fer rate for two bodies separated by micron-scale airgaps. As discussed in the main text, the total ra-diative heat transfer between two bodies is given byH =

∫Φ(ω) [Θ(ω, T1)−Θ(ω, T2)] dω. For a small tem-

perature differential between the bodies, the conductance(heat transfer per unit temperature) per area A is termedthe radiative heat transfer coefficient and is given by

hrad =1




∂Tdω =



∫Φ(ω)f(ω) dω, (S.4)


f(ω) =



e~ω/kBT − 1)2 (S.5)

For common 2D materials such as graphene, the materialloss rates are sufficiently small that resonant response issharply peaked, with a width determined by the mate-rial loss. For resonant response the distribution of Φ(ω)will be much sharper than the Boltmann-like distribution

10 nm 100 nm 1 μm100




Separation distance


tive h





. (W




T = 1500 K

T = 300 K

λres = 6 μm5 μm4 μm

Graphene, EF = 0.6 eV



FIG. S2. Optimal radiative heat-transfer coefficient for near-field energy exchange between graphene structures operatingat the maximum theoretical flux rate, over a bandwidth dic-tated by the material loss rate. At 300 K it is possible forgraphene RHT to surpass conductive transfer through air at≈ 350 nm separation distance; at 1500 K, it is possible atalmost 800 nm separations. The theoretical RHT coefficientincreases with the resonant wavelength, λres, due to the in-creasing material FOM |σ|2/Reσ of graphene with increasingwavelength.

f(ω) in the integrand. Thus we can approximate h by

hrad ≈1


∫Φ(ω) dω (S.6)

≈ 1




where ωres is the peak resonant frequency, and the secondapproximation assumed a Lorentzian distribution for Φ,with ∆ω as the full-width at half-maximum of the dis-tribution. For a plasmonic material such as graphene,we can model the bandwidth through the quality factor:

Q = ω∆ω = | Imσ|

Reσ , which is the 2D-material version of thewell-known expression Q = |Reχ|/ Imχ (Refs. [3, 4]).For graphene and similar materials at optical frequen-cies, Imσ ≈ |σ|. Thus if we use the minimal material-dependent bandwidth ∆ω ≈ ωres Reσ/|σ|, and insertthe bound for Φ/A from Eq. (8) in the main text intoEq. (S.7), we find a bound on the radiative heat-transfercoefficient:

hrad ≤3








2. (S.8)

Note that this is not a strict bound, but rather an indi-cation of what is possible, if the single-frequency boundsderived in the text can be reached over a typical plas-monic bandwidth (which is significantly narrower thanthe RHT flux rates seen in Fig. 4 of the main text).


Figure S2 shows the heat-transfer coefficient ingraphene if Eq. (S.8) can be met. We fix the Fermi levelat 0.6 eV, consider two temperatures: T = 300 K andT = 1500 K, for a resonant wavelength λres swept from3µm to 5µm. For the sake of comparison, we includethe conductive heat-transfer coefficient through air, tak-ing the thermal conductivity to be κair = 0.026 W/m2 ·K(Ref. [5]). An exciting feature of Fig. S2 is the lengthscale at which heat transfer may become dominatedby radiative rather than conductive heat transfer. For300 K, this transition can occur at separation distanceslarger than 300 nm, and for 1500 K, the transition canhappen beyond 800 nm, separations orders of magnitudelarger than those required with conventional designs.


A surprise in the material figure of merit of grapheneis the extent to which interband contributions play a sig-nificant role in the peak magnitude of the response evenat energies smaller than the Fermi level. The simpli-fied expressions for graphene’s material FOM given inEq. (9) of the main text are asymptotic expressions, andthe low-energy expression is only valid for ω γ, whereγ is the small material loss rate. In this section, we de-rive a higher-order correction that more accurately de-scribes a broader frequency range. For ~ω < 2EF, thelow-temperature (T EF/kB) approximations of theintra- and interband conductivities are

σintra =ie2


~(ω + iγ)(S.9a)

σinter = − ie2


(2EF + ~(ω + iγ)

2EF − ~ (ω + iγ)

). (S.9b)

A Taylor expansion in frequency (with small parameter~(ω + iγ)/2EF) yields an inverse total conductivity of

(Z0σ)−1 ' − i


~(ω + iγ)


(1 +

~2(ω2 − γ2 + 2iγω)




Inserting the inverse conductivity of Eq. (S.10) into thecross-section bound, Eq. (6) of the main text, yields theapproximate graphene bound:(σext



=[Re (Z0σ)


' 4α


)− α ~γ





− 1


Equation (S.11) predicts a quadratic reduction ingraphene’s material figure of merit (and thus its responsebounds) as a function of energy. As shown in Fig. S2,the quadratic dependence is a good approximation of the

Full LRA



Graphene conductivity

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10







FIG. S3. Comparison of the extinction bounds, (σext/A)bound,for graphene with the full local-response-approximation(LRA) conductivity (solid) and with the second-order approx-imation in Eq. (S.11) (dash-dot). Even at frequencies belowthe Fermi level, inclusion of the interband terms, resultingin the quadratic dependence evident here, yields much betteragreement than the intraband-only expression (dashed).

full local-response material conductivity for energies wellbelow twice the Fermi level. Note that the frequency-dependent second term in Eq. (S.11) arises entirely frominterband contributions to the conductivity, which are acrucial limiting factors even at frequencies well below theFermi level.


Here we provide the intermediate mathematical stepsin the derivation of the bounds that appear in Eqs. (4–8)of the main text. For generality, we also accommodatethe possibility of magnetic surface currents in additionto electric surface currents. We denote the fields as com-ponents of a six-vector ψ,

ψ =



and the electric (K) and magnetic (N) surface currentsas components of a six-vector φ:

φ =




Then we can write the absorption and extinction as theinner products of the fields and currents:

Pabs =1

2Re 〈ψ, φ〉 (S.14)

Pext =1

2Re 〈ψinc, φ〉 (S.15)

where the inner product is defined by 〈a, b〉 =∫Aa†bdA.

For the most general bounds in the main text, Eq. (4),we assume only that the fields are currents are related bysome linear operator L,

Lφ = ψ, (S.16)

where we have generalized the L operator from the maintext, to include magnetic currents.

The simplest bound to derive is the one for scat-tered power. We substitute the constitutive equation,Eq. (S.16), in the equations for absorption and extinc-tion, and write the scattered power as the difference be-tween extinction and absorption:

Pscat =1



2〈ψinc, φ〉+


2〈φ, ψinc〉 − 〈φ, (ReL)φ〉


Note that by passivity ReL is positive-definite (for ascalar isotropic conductivity, ReL > 0 is equivalent toReσ > 0). Thus the negative term in Eq. (S.17) isa positive-definite quadratic function of the currents φ,whereas the first two positive terms are only linear in φ.Thus Pscat is inherently bounded by constraints imposedby the optical-theorem form of the extinction. We canfind the extremum by setting the variational derivativeδ/δφ∗ equal to zero:




4ψinc −


2(ReL)φ = 0 (S.18)

which implies that the optimal currents are given by

φ =1


−1ψinc (S.19)

For these optimal currents, the scattered power is givenby direct substitution of Eq. (S.19) into Eq. (S.17), yield-ing

Pscat ≤1


⟨ψinc, (ReL)


⟩. (S.20)

Equation (S.20) is the magnetic-current generalizationof the scattered-power component of Eq. (4) in themain text. By similar variational derivatives, with aLagrangian-multiplier approach to the constraint Pabs <Pext, the bounds on Pabs and Pext follow:

Pabs,ext ≤1


⟨ψinc, (ReL)


⟩, (S.21)

with the only difference from the scattered-power boundbeing the extra factor of four (the β term in the main

text), which arises because maximization of absorption orextinction can fully “saturate” the constraint, i.e. Pabs =Pext. Similar saturation would yield no scattered power,and thus the scattered-power optimum occurs for Pabs =Pscat = 1

2Pext, at half the current level and thus one-fourth of the power level.

The next equation from the main text that we want toshow the key steps for is Eq. (7), the bound for the LDOS.In this case, we can consider a spatially local conductivityfor the L operator, i.e., L = σ−1. We henceforth do notconsider magnetic currents, though the generalization isstraightfoward. The bound for the LDOS takes exactlythe same form as Eqs. (S.20,S.21), for absorption, scat-tering, and extinction, but with a different prefactor toaccount for the free-space LDOS, ρ0:

ραρ0≤ βα





⟨Einc,j ,



⟩= βα




∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1σ∥∥∥




|Einc,j |2 dA


where j denotes the (random) orientation of the dipolaremitter, α denotes either the total, radiative, or nonradi-atve LDOS, and βα is 1 for the total or nonradiativeLDOS and 1/4 for the radiative LDOS (and we havedropped an additive +1 factor for the radiative LDOSthat is negligible in the near field). The surface A of the2D material can take any shape; because the integrand inEq. (S.22) is positive, we can find the planar surface pass-ing through the point on A that is closest to the emitter.Denoting this half space Γ, we know that∫


|Einc|2 dA ≤∫


|Einc|2 dA (S.23)

where the latter expression can be analytically evaluateddue to its symmetry. [As discussed in the main text,other bounding surfaces (such as the closest sphericalshell) can be used, instead of a half space, with the result-ing difference only being different numerical prefactors.To determine the integral, we can use the fact that thesum of the squared electric field over all source-dipole ori-entations is given by the Frobenius norm of the dyadicelectric-field Green’s function:∑j

|Einc,j |2 = ‖G0‖2F =k6



(kr)6 +


(kr)4 +




which has contributions from 1/r6, 1/r4, and 1/r2 terms.The 1/r2 term represents a far field radiative contribu-tion, which is dominated in the near field by higher-orderterms. The integrals of 1/r6 and 1/r4 over the plane Γare ∫



r6dA =





r4dA =




where d is the separation of the emitter from the plane Γ.Thus the integral over the Frobenius norm of the Green’sfunction, excluding the far-field term, is∫


‖G0‖2F dA =k4






Inserting this value into the bound of Eq. (S.22) yields:

ραρ0≤ βα

∥∥∥σ† (Reσ)−1σ∥∥∥






], (S.27)

which is the LDOS bound of Eq.(7) in the main text,including the second-order term.

The final expression whose mathematical form we wantto derive is the RHT bound of Eq. (8) in the main text.As explained in the main text, and derived in Ref. [6],a bound on RHT can be developed by consideration oftwo scattering problems connected through (generalized)reciprocity. For two surfaces with conductivities σ1 andσ2, the bound is of the form

Φ(ω) ≤ 2











‖G0(x1,x2)‖2F d2x1d2x2.


To complete the integral over the two 2D surfaces, we usethe same “bounding plane” approach as for the LDOS.Now we need a double integral over Γ1 and Γ2, where Γ1

and Γ2 are the bounding planes for A1 and A2:∫Γ1



r6= A








r4= A





where A is the (infinite) area of the Γ1 and Γ2 surfaces,which could be pulled out of the integrals by symmetry.Inserting the integrals into the RHT bound expression inEq. (S.28) yields:

Φ(ω) ≤k2A
















Recognizing that k2A/4π2 is precisely the blackbody fluxrate [7], ΦBB, we can write

















which is precisely the RHT bound of Eq. (8) in the maintext, except that here we allow for two different mate-rials in the interaction, and we include the second-orderdistance term, proportional to 1/d2.


In the main text, we showed that in a general Maxwell-equation framework, hydrodynamic nonlocality cannotincrease maximum optical response, as any such nonlocalresponse is subject to the local-response bound. Here weshow that under the additional assumption of quasistaticresponse, which will almost always apply at the lengthscales for which nonlocal effects are non-negligible, thenonlocality necessarily reduces the maximum achievableoptical response in a given 2D material. In accord withtypical hydrodynamic models [8], we will work only withelectric surface currents K, driven by electric fields E,related by Eq. (10) of the main text, repeated here incompact notation:

−A∇∇ ·K +BK = E, (S.33)


A =i


(β2 +D (γ − iω)

), (S.34a)

B = σ−1loc , (S.34b)

σloc is the local surface conductivity, and β2 = (3/5)v2F

(for Fermi velocity vF ) for both parabolic 2D materialsas well as graphene. Note that one can define the plasmafrequency ωp using ~kF/vF as the effective mass, yieldingω2p = e2EF/(πε0~2). In the presence of a hydrodynamic

nonlocality, it is straightforward to write the absorbedpower in terms of the currents K:

Pabs =1



K∗ ·E




−AK∗ · ∇∇ ·K +BK∗ ·K




a (∇ ·K∗) (∇ ·K) + bK∗ ·K, (S.35)

where the second line follows from integration by partsand the no-spillout condition (n ·K = 0), and a and bare the real parts of A and B, respectively,

a = Re(A) =D


, (S.36a)

b = Re(B) = Re(σ−1


), (S.36b)

which are positive by the sign convention chosen inEq. (S.33). The key insight to take away from Eq. (S.35)is that it is quadratic in K and ∇ ·K. Thus for nonlo-cal models, restrictions on the divergence of the currentsrepresent an additional constraint on maximal optical re-sponse. To have a non-trivial restriction on ∇ ·K, thereshould also be a term in the extinction that is linear in∇ · K. This is where the quasistatic approximation isuseful. Quasisatic electromagnetism dictates that the in-cident field is the (negative) gradient of some potential


φinc: Einc = −∇φinc. Then, using integration by partsand the no-spillout condition once more, we can write theextinction in either of two equivalent ways:

P(1)ext =




E∗inc ·K, (S.37)

P(2)ext =




φ∗inc∇ ·K. (S.38)

The first equation, Eq. (S.37), offers a constraint on themagnitude of K, while the second equation, Eq. (S.38),offers a constraint on the magnitude of ∇·K. Thus if wewish to maximize extinction, for example, it is subject

to two constraints, Pabs < P(1)ext and Pabs < P

(2)ext , and we

should maximize the minimum of P(1)ext and P

(2)ext (which

are not necessarily equivalent since we do not impose theadditional nonconvex constraint of satisfying quasistaticelectromagnetism). Thus the maximal-extinction prob-lem can be written as a “maximin” (negative of a mini-max) convex problem




such that Pabs ≤ P (i)ext.


Although Eq. (S.39) is nonsmooth (because of the abso-lute value), a standard transformation [9] yields an equiv-alent smooth optimization problem



such that x ≤ P (i)ext

Pabs ≤ P (i)ext,


where i ∈ 1, 2 and the constraints are all convex. At

the extremum P(1)ext = P

(2)ext , and standard optimization

techniques (e.g., Lagrange multipliers) yield this optimalvalue:

Pext ≤1








. (S.41)

The bound on the right-hand side of Eq. (S.41) is a ratecompetition between the local-conductivity bound in thefirst term and a diffusion-constant-based bound in thesecond term that only arises from the hydrodynamic non-locality. We can simplify the bound in the case of a planewave.

Within the quasistatic approximation, an incidentplane wave is represented by a constant vector fieldacross/over the surface of the 2D material; for a polariza-tion along z, i.e. for Einc = E0z, the associated potentialis φinc = −E0z. If the “radius” of the scatterer (moreprecisely, its smallest bound sphere in the polarizationdirection) is given by r, we can simplify the integral of|φinc|2 via the inequality∫


|φinc|2 = |E0|2∫A

z2 = |E0|2⟨z2⟩A ≤ |E0|2r2A,


where 〈·〉 denotes an average over the area of thescatterer. In terms of the cross-section, σext =Pext/(|E0|2/2Z0), the expression of Eq. (S.41) is boundedabove by










, (S.43)

where `D =√


pis a normalized diffusivity that we

can interpret as a plasmonic “diffusion” length. Equa-tion (S.43) has an appealing, intuitive interpretation: thecross-section of a scatterer is bounded above by a com-bination of the local-conductivity bound and a nonlocalcontribution proportional to the square of the ratio ofthe size of the scatterer to the “diffusion” length. Thusas the size of the particle approaches `D, and goes belowit, there is a significant reduction in the maximal opticalresponse.

Because the local density of states (LDOS) is propor-tional to Eq. (S.37), but with the replacement E∗inc →Einc (Ref. [10]), the equivalent LDOS bound is exactlyEq. (S.41), with additional numerical prefactors and thecaveat that Einc is now rapidly decaying in space. The1/r3 decay of the incident field is responsible for the1/d4 distance dependence of the local-conductivity LDOSbound, Eq.(7), in the main text. But the incident-fieldpotential, φinc, decays less rapidly, with scaling ∼ 1/r2.Thus

∫A|φinc|2 ∼ 1/d2, a dramatic reduction from the

1/d4 scaling for a local conductivity. The crossover fromthe 1/d4 term being dominant in the bound to the 1/d2

term being dominant occurs when the separation dis-tance d is of the same order of magnitude as the diffusionlength `D. Exploration of the 1/d2 scaling in various rele-vant materials and geometries would be interesting futurework.


In this section we analytically derive the LDOS abovea planar conducting sheet. We show that the envelope ofthe peak LDOS has 1/d3 scaling when dominated by asingle resonance, whereas it has a 1/d4 scaling, and comeswithin a factor of two of the LDOS bounds of Eq. (7) inthe main text, when it arises from a “lossy-background”contribution. The LDOS above any structure with trans-lational and rotational symmetry is given by

ρ(ω) =

∫ρ(ω, kp) dkp (S.44)

where kp is the magnitude of the surface-parallel com-ponent of the wavevector. In the near field (kp k0),for p-polarized waves (e.g., surface plasmons), ρ(ω, kp) isgiven by

ρ(ω, kp) =k0




e−2kpz Im rp (S.45)


where rp is the p-polarized (TM) reflection coefficient.For a 2D material with surface conductivity σ, rp is givenby

rp ≈iσkp

2ε0ω + iσkp(S.46)


kp − ξ(S.47)

where ξ = i2ε0ω/σ. Thus the imaginary part of thereflection coefficient is

Im rp =kpξ′′

(kp − ξ)′ + (ξ′′)2, (S.48)

where the single and double apostrophes indicate realand imaginary parts, respectively. The variable ξ(ω) en-codes the material conductivity. For single-resonance-dominant response, the wavevector integral of Eq. (S.45)will be dominated by a narrow peak in the imaginarypart of the reflection coefficient, i.e. Eq. (S.48), wherekp ≈ ξ′. Conversely, for a highly lossy background, forwhich Reσ | Imσ| and thus Im ξ |Re ξ|, the con-tribution of Im rp to the integrand in Eq. (S.28) will beroughly constant. We treat the two cases separately.

A. Pole contribution to the LDOS

As discussed above, the imaginary part of the reflectioncoefficient will be sharply peaked around kp ≈ Re ξ(ω) inthe case of a single resonance dominating the response.Then the peak value of Im rp, as a function of wavevector,will be

max Im rp ≈kpξ′′


and the width of the peak will be ∆kp ≈ 2ξ′′. If wedenote kp0 as the peak wavevector at which Im rp takes itsmaximum value, and assume a Lorentzian lineshape forIm rp, then we can approximate the kp-dependent termsin the integral of Eq. (S.45) by∫

k2pe−2kpz Im(rp) dkp ≈ k2


∫Im(rp) dkp

≈ k2p0e−2kp0z


2Im [rp(kp0)] ∆kp

= πk3p0e−2kp0z (S.50)

Thus we can write the full LDOS, ρ(ω), as

ρ(ω) = ρ0(ω)k3p0


e−2kp0z, (S.51)

where ρ0(ω) is the electric-only free-space LDOS, ρ0 =k2

0/2π2c. We note that the optimal frequency, and thus

the optimal kp0, changes as a function of z, with theoptimal kp0 given by kp0 = 3/2z. Replacing the height zwith the separation distance d, we can write



ρ0(ω)≈ π





≈ 1

2(k0d)3. (S.52)

The expression given by Eq. (S.52) quantitatively pre-dicts the short-distance and low-frequency behavior ofthe LDOS in Fig. 3 of the main text.

B. Lossy-background contribution to the LDOS

The lossy-background contribution to the LDOS ex-hibits a different mathematical structure. Instead ofIm rp being sharply peak around a single resonance,Im ξ |Re ξ|, and the imaginary part of the reflectivityis nearly constant over wavevector:

Im rp ≈kpξ′′


for all kp (that are not so large as to be inaccessible at afinite separation distance). Thus Im rp can be taken outof the integral for ρ, Eq. (S.45), which is then given by∫

k2pe−2kpz Im rp dkp ≈



∫k3pe−2kpz dkp

≈ 1


8z4, (S.54)

where we have kept ony the lowest-order term in 1/z.Writing out ξ′′ = 2ε0ω/Reσ, straightforward algebrayields:


ρ0(ω)≈ 3

16(Z0 Reσ)



for emitter–material separation distance d. We see thatin the limit Reσ | Imσ|, which is a prerequisite for thelossy-background contribution to dominate, Eq. (S.55)is exactly a factor of 2 smaller than the general LDOSbound that appears in Eq. (7) of the main text. The fac-tor of 2 stems from the factor of 2 in the denominator ofEq. (S.46), which itself arises from the equal interactionsof a 2D material with the exterior regions on either sideof its surface. Equation (S.55) quantitatively predictsthe LDOS in the moderate-separation and large-energyregimes of Fig. 3 of the main text.


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