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November 5-11, 2012


ARMM Northern Mindanao Davao Manila Zamboanga Peninsula

Founded 2006 mindanaoexaminer.com P10/RM1Zamboanga City, Philippines


Nov. 5-11, 2012

Officials said the boathad engine trouble and was

drifting off the coastal villageof Recodo where soldiers are

manning a detachment.The Frenchman identi-

fied himself as Gino Wattier,62; and his African wifeKamaria Nassbia, 45, anddaughter Baraka, 8. “We are

heading back to Africa froma holiday in Tahiti. We hadan engine trouble and driftedhere,” Wattier told MindanaoExaminer photographerAlvin Lardizabal.

Wattier said the boatcannot be controlled and theydrifted to Zamboanga on No-vember 4. He did not give ad-ditional details.

Officials said no one wasreported hurt or injured. Lo-cal villagers said they wereunaware that a foreign yachthad drifted off Recodo. Theyacht, soldiers said, has mark-ings “IROISE II SN.”

“They are lucky that theirboat drifted here in Recodoand not in other islands whichis dangerous,” one soldier

French yacht drifts toZamboanga

PHILIPPINE soldiers have rescued a Frenchman manand his wife and daughter after their yacht drifted offthe southern port city of Zamboanga while sailing to Af-rica, officials said.

said, adding the stricken ves-sel was towed into berthalongside a barge in Recodo.

It was not immediatelyknown whether the militaryhas informed the Departmentof Foreign Affairs or theFrench Embassy aboutWattier. (With reports fromAlvin Lardizabal and ElyDumaboc)

A French yacht has drifted to the southern Philippine port city of Zamboanga and all threepassengers - Gino Wattier, 62; and his African wife Kamaria Nassbia, 45, and daughterBaraka, 8 – are rescued and safe. (Mindanao Examiner Photo – Alvin Lardizabal)

Court junks Jalosjos appeal anewZAMBOANGA CITY – TheRegional Trial Court hasjunked the appeal of formercongressman Romeo Jalosjos,Sr. to be included in the per-manent list of voters inZamboanga City where is run-ning for mayor in the 2012synchronized local and na-tional polls.

Judge Reynerio Estacio,in his decision, affirmed theearlier verdict of the Munici-pal Trial Court which dis-qualified Jalosjos, who wasconvicted of statutory rape,from running in Zamboanga.

Municipal Trial Court

Judge Nancy Cuaresma, in a16-page resolution, saidJalosjos cannot exercise theright of suffrage or the rightto vote because he is disquali-fied.

“Jalosjos is not qualifiedto and cannot vote or be votedupon in any national or localelections until his perpetualabsolute disqualification s areexpressly remitted and re-stored by pardon,” the judgesaid.

CONVICTEDThe aging political king-

pin, who was convicted in1997 for raping an 11-year old

girl, was able to register withthe Commission on Electionsin Zamboanga City, but thiswas opposed by Congress-woman Maria Isabelle Salazaron the grounds that the formerpolitician is disqualified toregister as a new voter herebecause of his conviction.

Jalosjos, who was con-victed with two counts ofstatutory rape and six countsof acts of lasciviousness, in-sisted his right to suffrage,adding he had served his sen-tence.

Zamboanga City Con-gresswoman Maria Isabelle

Salazar, who is also runningfor the mayoralty post, soughtJalosjos’ disqualification, say-ing the politician was sen-tenced to suffer “reclusionperpetua” and “reclusion tem-poral” for each count of hiscrimes, and is not qualified torun.

She said the penalty forreclusion perpetua shall befrom 20 years, while reclusiontemporal is from 12 years.And Salazar said Jalosjos wasgranted a mere commutationof sentence by then PresidentGloria Arroyo in 2007 whichresulted in the reduction of his

original sentence.Official records with the

Bureau of Corrections alsoshow that Jalosjos was dis-charged from the NationalBilibid Prison only on March18, 2009, less than the 5-yearperiod prescribed under theVoter’s Registration Act, ac-cording to Salazar.

The Election RegistrationBoard also ruled in favor ofSalazar, a member of Presi-dent Benigno Aquino’s Lib-eral Party.

ELATED“God guide us. RTC ruled

in our favor,” Salazar told the

regional newspaperMindanao Examiner.

She said they receivedthe decision of the RegionalTrial Court late Wednesdaythru their legal counsels.

“May I, once again, re-iterate that this had been anadvocacy for a just and hon-est pursuit of the laws of thiscountry with its sanctity be-ing kept intact. Being part oflegislation, I have seen theimportance of these laws andfollowing them judiciously iswhat is expected of all of us.We continuously pray that allthis will come to a peacefulresolution and shall ensure apublic service that has thefoundations of honesty, sin-cerity and integrity,” Salazarsaid.

Jalosjos’ camp said theywill appeal the decision of thecourt.

The decision also coin-cided with the ruling of theSupreme Court disqualifyingJalosjos’ younger brotherDominador – who is runningfor governor in Zamboangadel Sur province – because ofhis past criminal conviction.

The younger Jalosjos, aformer mayor in Dapitan Cityin Zamboanga del Norte, andthree others were convicted in1970 for robbery. (MindanaoExaminer)

Rep. Maria Isabelle Salazar and brothersDominador and Romeo Jalosjos, Sr. (MindanaoExaminer Photo)

Nov. 5-11, 20122 The Mindanao Examiner

Exodus of OFW continues,deaths abroad mounting tooPAGADIAN CITY – Thelack of jobs and poor eco-nomic conditions in thePhilippines have forcedmillions of Filipinos towork abroad to help allevi-ate their families from pov-

erty, but thousands also diein foreign countries eachyear due to various causesand all these in the face ofgrim realities of intensifiedforced migration, theMigrante-Middle East.

“The grim reality isthere were thousands Fili-pino families lost their be-loved breadwinners work-ing in far, far away land asoverseas workers since thebirth of the Philippinegovernment’s labor exportprogram in 1972,” saidJohn Leonard Monterona,the group’s regional coor-dinator.

He said that in 2006alone, at least 5 cadaversof overseas Filipino work-ers who died from variouscauses, were sent backhome almost on a daily ba-sis.

“In a year, there wereabout 1,850 OFWs cadav-ers repatriated. In ten yearstime, from 2006 to 2015,the figure will reach to anestimate of 18,500 cadav-ers,” Monterona said.

But he said latest moni-toring reports showed analarming increase in thenumber of cadavers beingsent home.

“Now, OFWs remainsrepatriated on a daily basislanding in various Philip-pine international airportsrange from 7 to 10,”Monterona said, but hequickly added that the Phil-ippine Overseas Employ-ment Administration-Repa-triation Unit has yet to con-

firm this report.“Since the beginning of

the Philippine governmentlabor export program in1972 until this date, our es-timate of OFWs remainsrepatriated to the Philip-pines reached between35,000 to close 40,000,” hesaid. “A considerable per-centage of this figure, let’ssay about 40% were due tonatural deaths and acci-dents.”

Monterona explainedthat the figure is in propor-tion to the surging numbersof OFWs cases involvinglabor malpractices andabuses that lead to deaths,some in mysterious ways,not only in the Middle Eastbut also in other OFWscountries of destinationaround the world.

“This is part of thegrim realities of intensifiedforced migration, and it’sno joke. Is the incumbentAquino administrationaware of this? And I saycertainly, yes. But the gov-ernment keeps on peddlingmillion of unemployedFilipinos every year as itcontinues to look for labormarkets abroad amid itspoor performance in localjobs generation,” he said.(Mindanao Examiner)



A Cebu Pacific plane flies over a busy road in Zamboanga City.(Mindanao Examiner Photo)

Saudi closes Pinoy Workers’shelter in Jeddah

MANILA - A Filipino mi-grants’ rights group calledMigrante-Middle East saidthe Philippines has failed topay its rental of a villa inAl-Mina Haj Terminal inSaudi Arabia used as tem-porary shelters by abusedand undocumented Filipi-nos working there. It hasstopped operation now.

It said Manila owesabout P14.5 million inrental fees to Saudi authori-ties which are running theshelter in Jeddah.

John LeonardMonterona, Migrante’s re-gional coordinator, saidthey have written Philip-pine Vice President JejomarBinay, who is also thepresidential adviser on

OFWs concern, over theunpaid rental.

In his letter, Monteronasaid there are at least 7,000undocumented overseasFilipino workers in Jeddahalone who have listed up toavail the government’s vol-untary repatriation pro-gram.

“The 7,000 undocu-mented were mostly runaway due to various labormalpractices forcing themto abscond from their re-spective employers and aretemporarily seeking refugefrom their OFW relativesand friends, noting that har-boring an absconder is pun-ishable under Saudi immi-gration laws,” Monteronasaid in a statement sent to

the regional newspaperMindanao Examiner.

He said the Philippineconsulate started rentingthe shelter in October 2012when it started the mass re-patriation of undocumentedOFWs who had camped outunder the Khandera Bridgein Jeddah.

“Because of this un-paid lease rental and due tothe demand for payment ofthe lease rental by the Saudiimmigration authoritiesthat manage the Al-Minahajj terminal, the Philippineconsulate was forced tostop since July 2011 rent-ing the villa-type buildingthat serves as temporaryshelter for undocumentedOFWs who have opted to

avail voluntary repatriationwhile the Consulate is pro-cessing the formalities ofOFWs repatriation,”Monterona said.

He said undocumentedOFWs who opted for vol-untary repatriation are nowhaving problem where tostay. He said he raised this

concern to Foreign AffairsUndersecretary RafaelSeguis, who claimed thatthey are now working onthe problem.

Nov. 5-11, 2012 The Mindanao Examiner 3

AmpaAmpaAmpaAmpaAmpatuan tigtuan tigtuan tigtuan tigtuan tigokokokokoksa pamamarilsa pamamarilsa pamamarilsa pamamarilsa pamamaril

COTABATO CITY –Blangko pa rin ang pulisya samotibo ng pagpatay sapamangkin ni massacre sus-pect at ex-Maguindanao Gov.Andal Ampatuan sa kanilanglalawigan.

Ngunit sinisipat ng mgaawtoridad ang angulongaway-pamilya atpaghihiganti sa pagbaril kayNorton Ampatuan sa labas ngisang karaoke bar sa bayanng Ampatuan kamakailanlamang.

Ayon sa ulat ng pulisyaay nagkaroon ng kaguluhansa loob ng isang karaoke barat tumakbong palabas siNorton na kung saan ito ay

pinagbabaril. Sugatan rin angbarkada ni Norton na siJuhail Unting sa pamamaril.

Hindi naman agadmabatid kung nagbigay ngpahayag o nakilala ba niJuhail ang tumira sa kanila.Ang pagpatay kay Norton aynagmistulang patunay namanna nawawala na angimpluwensya ng mgaAmpatuan sa Maguindanaoat kahit sa mismong bayannila ay inupakan ang isa samga itinuturing na tagapag-mana ng pamilya.

Si Norton ay anak niSarip Ampatuan natumatakbo sa pagka-alkaldesa halalan sa susunod na taon.At si Andal Ampatuan – naama ni dating ARMM Gov.Zaldy Ampatuan – ay isinabitsa brutal na pagpatay sa 58katao, kabilang ang 32mamamahayag, saMaguindanao nuong 2009.(Mindanao Examiner)

Wanted Palparanappeals criminal caseMANILA – One of the Phil-ippines’ most wanted fugi-tive, retired army com-mander Jovito Palparan, hasasked the asked the Court ofAppeals to stop the BulacanRegional Trial Court fromproceeding with his trial inconnection with his allegedinvolvement in the disap-pearance of two Universityof the Philippines studentsin 2006, state media said.

It said Palparan, aformer army major general,and his co-accused retiredarmy sergeant Rizal Hilario,asked the CA through theirlegal counsels, to issue atemporary restraining orderagainst the Bulacan RTC.

They questioned theApril 2012 arrest order byJudge Teodora Gonzales.The court also issued a holddeparture order against thetwo in connection to thecharges of kidnapping andserious illegal detention of

RP to fetchOFW bodyThe Philippines said it isworking to bring home thebody of a Filipino truckdriver killed in a fuel tankerexplosion in Riyadh inSaudi Arabia.

At least a dozen otherFilipinos were also injuredin the recent blast that killedat least 21 people.

Department of ForeignAffairs spokesman RaulHernandez said the loneFilipino casualty FlorentinoSantiago was inside aparked vehicle when thetanker slammed on abridge.

The explosion triggereda huge fire that destroyedseveral buildings and en-gulfed cars nearby.

Santiago’s family saidall they wanted now is forhis body to be flown backhome, and was worriedmore about the children leftbehind by the Filipino. Santiago was the sole pro-vider for the family.(Mindanao Examiner)

MilitarMilitarMilitarMilitarMilitary say say say say says MNLF gunmenys MNLF gunmenys MNLF gunmenys MNLF gunmenys MNLF gunmenholding 3 fholding 3 fholding 3 fholding 3 fholding 3 forororororeign hostaeign hostaeign hostaeign hostaeign hostagggggeseseseses

ZAMBOANGA CITY – ThePhilippine military have im-plicated former Muslimrebels, whose group hadsigned a peace deal with Ma-nila, to the kidnappings of twoEuropean wildlife photogra-phers and a Jordanian televi-sion reporter and his two Fili-pino cameramen now beingheld captive in Sulu province.

This after the Moro Na-tional Liberation Front ac-cused the military of attack-ing its forces under TahirUsman in Sulu’s Patikul townlate last month, sparking afive-hour gun battle that leftat least 17 soldiers dead andwounded.

Lt. Col. RandolphCabangbang, a spokesman forthe Western Mindanao Com-mand, said Abu Sayyaf andMNLF forces attacked troopssent to investigate the reportedpresence of Ewold Horn, 52,from Holland; and LorenzoVinciguerre, 47, from Swit-zerland, who were kidnappedthis year in Tawi-Tawi prov-ince; and Baker Atyani, 43, of

Al Arabiya News Channel,and his crew Rolando Letrero,22, and Ramelito Vela, 39.

“As far as we are con-cerned, government troopsclashed with the group of AbuSayyaf and MNLF forces inPatikul and they are holdingthe three foreign kidnappedvictims, who are the center ofour operations in Sulu,”Cabangbang told theMindanao Examiner, addingtroops are still searching forthe trio.

There was no reportabout the fate of the Filipinohostages, who were hired byAtyani in Manila, to film hisclandestine interview withAbu Sayyaf and MNLF rebelsin Sulu.

The Abu Sayyaf is alsoholding a Japanese treasurehunter Katayama Mamaito,64, who was kidnapped in2010 in Sulu, and an Austra-lian adventurer WarrenRodwell, 57, taken last yearfrom his seaside home inZamboanga Sibugay prov-ince. There were also no re-

ports about the Mamaito andRodwell.

The fighting in Sulucame a day after the Muslimcelebration of the Eid’l Adha.

Senior Supt. AntonioFreyra, the Sulu police chief,said they put up checkpointsand road blocks in key areasto ensure protection of civil-ians.

He said the military op-eration was not coordinatedwith the local police, but hewas told by a military com-mander that troops were on aroutine change of tour of dutywhen Abu Sayyaf gunmen at-tacked them.

“We were not informedabout the military operationand I was only told that it’s aroutine change of tour of dutyamong troops when the AbuSayyaf attacked them inPatikul,” Freyra said in aseparate interview.

It was not immediatelyknown how many people havefled from their homes due tothe fighting, he said.(Mindanao Examiner)

political activists SherlynCadapan and KarenEmpeno.

Palparan and Hilarioinsisted the order should benullified and for the CA toask the Department of Jus-tice to conduct another pre-liminary investigation. Theysaid the DOJ did not inves-tigate the allegations.

The families of themissing students also ac-cused Palparan of raping thetwo women, aside from se-rious physical injuries, ar-bitrary detention, and gravethreats based on the testi-mony of a witness.

The government has putup a P2 million rewards forthe capture of Palparan.Others who were implicatedin the case – SergeantEdgardo Osorio and Lt. Col.Felipe Anotado - have sur-rendered already surren-dered. (PerfectoRaymundo)

Ewold Horn, Lorenzo Vinciguerre, and Baker Atyani.

Nov. 5-11, 20124 The Mindanao Examiner

The Mindanao Examiner Newspaper/Business Week/MindanaoDaily

is published weekly/daily in Zamboanga City and Cagayan de Oro City inMindanao, Philippines.

The Mindanao Examiner Televisionis broadcast in Skycable 54 in Zamboanga; Lupah Sug Cable

in Sulu province and Basilan Cable in Basilan province.Our business and editorial offices are located at Units 15,

3rd Floor, Fair Land Bldg., Nuñez St., Zamboanga CityPhone & fax: +63 62 9925480

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URL: mindanaoexaminer.comE-mail: mindanaoexaminer@gmail.com

The Mindanao Examiner


Mark Navales Giovanni SolmeranoARMM Eastern Mindanao

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Web MasterMindanao Examiner Productions

Media, Film and Television Productions

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DH gDH gDH gDH gDH gets paets paets paets paets pay incry incry incry incry increaseeaseeaseeaseeasein Hong Kin Hong Kin Hong Kin Hong Kin Hong Kongongongongong

MANILA – The Philippineswelcomed news of hike insalaries of foreign householdservice workers in HongKong where many Filipinosare working as domestichelpers in the former Britishcolony.

“This is a welcome de-velopment for our HSWs be-cause the Hong Kong govern-ment has always been protec-tive and considerate in look-ing after the welfare of expa-triate workers,” PhilippineLabor Secretary RosalindaBaldoz said.

The Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region is in-

creasing the monthly mini-mum allowable wage of for-eign household service work-ers by HK$180, or 4.8%from HK$3,740 toHK$3,920, and the monthlyfood allowance by HK$100,or 12.9% from HK$775 toHK$875.

The report said the newminimum wage and allow-ance will apply to employ-ment contracts signed by par-ties starting September 20this year and does not applyor affect prevailing contractsor contracts signed until Sep-tember 19 which will bear theprevious rates.

Hong Kong’s standardemployment contract for hir-ing foreign HSWs requiresemployers to provide foreignworkers with free food. Em-ployers may also opt to paytheir workers food allowancein lieu of free food. However,most employers in HongKong pay the food allowancein cash.

Baldoz has ordered thePhilippine Overseas LaborOffice in Hong Kong toclosely coordinate with theHong Kong Immigration toimplement this new wagepolicy in accordance to thetimeline set. (Susan de Leon)


PAGADIAN CITY - TVIResource Development(Phils.) Inc. said it is limit-ing the entry of civilians toits Mineral Production Shar-ing Agreement area in thetown of Bayog in Zamboangadel Sur province.

It made the announce-ment after citing intelligencereports from authorities aboutthe possibility that an undis-closed number of high-pow-

ered firearms, explosives,and regulated chemicals arestill being concealed by ille-gal mining operators in thearea.

“The entry restrictionto Balabag is a precautionarymeasure that the company istaking to protect the safety ofthe community,” Yulo Perez,TVIRD’s Vice President forOperations, said in a state-ment sent to the Mindanao

Examiner. He said earlier geologi-

cal studies conducted byTVIRD geologists likewiserevealed that Balabag hasbecome a geo-hazard areadue to the proliferation of il-legal miners’ un-engineeredunderground mine tunnels.

Bayog Mayor LeonardoBabasa Jr. also saidthat Balabag has become adanger zone and poses both

health safety and securityrisks to people. Aside frompolluting the area with theirchemical-laden mine wastes,illegal miners are likewisemaintaining armed personnelwho are being blamed forlawlessness and rising crimi-nality, including a number ofunresolved deaths in thearea.

The information wasconfirmed by locals who said

Sites of illegal mining operations in Zamboanga del Sur's Balabag Hill. (Mindanao Examiner Photos)

that they have seen otherhigh-powered weaponsin Balabag despite lastweek’s raid by police authori-ties in the area.

Just last month, membersof the Criminal Investigationand Detection Group, led bySenior Superintendent EdgarDanao, raided several illegalmine processing facilitiesin Balabag and confiscated acache of weapons and muni-

tions, and hazardous chemi-cals used by illegal miners ingold processing.

Police filed chargesagainst 16 suspected illegalminers, including Bayogtown councilor JulietoMonding, who is believed tobe one of the financiers oroperator of illegal miningactivities in Balabag.(Mindanao Examiner)

Security officials say preparation is underway for the coming Christmas holiday to ensurepeaceful celebration in Mindanao. (Mindanao Examiner Photo)

COMELEC stops issuanceof registration forms

ZAMBOANGA CITY –Hundreds of residents in thesouthern port city ofZamboanga blamed the Com-mission on Elections for theirfailure to register as voters onOct. 31, the deadline set bythe poll body for new regis-trants.

Locals said they weretold to wait outside the officeof the Commission on Elec-tions for hours only to be toldthat they cannot be accommo-dated anymore.

Officials of the Commis-sion on Elections said theystopped issuing registrationforms to allow the process-ing of papers for those whoregistered on Tuesday.

Thousands have waitedoutside the office of the Com-mission on Elections at theJoaquin Enriquez MemorialSports Complex and many ofthem were ferried from vil-lages by followers of politi-cians.

It was not immediatelyknown from the central officeof the Commission on Elec-tions whether the non-issu-ance of registration forms tovoters in Zamboanga was il-legal. But one voter said thegeneral rule is to accommo-date everyone who wants toregister

“If indeed, forms werereleased Tuesday to thosewho failed to register thatday, which is contrary to their

own rule (that day) that theywill only release applicationforms to those inside the of-fice,” he told the regionalnewspaper Mindanao Ex-aminer.

He said the poll bodyshould have distributed ap-plication forms on Wednes-day and continues the reg-istration beyond the 3 p.m.cut-off time for as long asthey are within the 30 meterradius of the office.

“They can continue toregister beyond that timeeven up to midnight or evenup to the following day. Thisis similar to the rule that onelection day, the electioncommittee should accom-modate all voters for as longas they are within the 30meter radius from the pre-cinct, just so all the voterswill be able to vote, even ifthat will be beyond closingof the precinct time. But no,they were in a hurry to stopworking after 5 p.m. andthose who want to registerafter that time–can go tohell,” he said.

“There is this naughtyrumor that somebody calledsome Commission on Elec-tions officials at the grand-stand for them to stop reg-istering these voters be-cause they were ferriedthere by supporters of a ri-val candidate,” he added.(Mindanao Examiner)

Nov. 5-11, 2012 5The Mindanao Examiner

Nov. 5-11, 20126 The Mindanao Examiner

Nov. 5-11, 2012 7The Mindanao Examiner

An Open Letter To His Excellency Benigno Simeon Aquino III

Philippine Human RightsPhilippine Human RightsPhilippine Human RightsPhilippine Human RightsPhilippine Human RightsVVVVViolaiolaiolaiolaiolations Condemnedtions Condemnedtions Condemnedtions Condemnedtions Condemned

Mr. President:The Canada-Philippines

Solidarity for Human Rights(CPSHR) joins Filipino hu-man rights defenders, indig-enous rights leaders, environ-mental advocates, churchclergy, people’s organizations,and international rightsgroups in strongly condemn-ing the current military andforeign mining aggressionagainst the people ofMindanao.

We are outraged at thedeliberate killing of a B’laanmother and her children bymembers of the Armed Forcesof the Philippines’s 27th In-fantry Battalion under thecommand of Col. AlexisBravo.

According to the fact-finding mission conducted bythe Social Action Center of theDiocese of Marbel, soldiersmassacred a pregnant JuvyCapion, 27, and her two sonsJordan, 13, and John 8, insidetheir farm house in the morn-ing of October 18. Vicky, theyoung daughter aged 4, waswounded.

According to witnesses,Juvy pleaded that they stop

firing as she was alreadywounded, to which the sol-diers replied with more bul-lets. To a relative’s plea thatthey spare the children, a sol-dier answered, “Better to fin-ish off the children, so thereare no witnesses.” The corpseswere then left under the sunfor almost a day and their rela-tives prevented from claimingtheir bodies.

A few hours after the in-cident, Col. Bravo called apress conference to announcethat the victims were killed inan encounter with armedrebels.

What were the Capionfamily’s transgressions thatthey were cold-bloodily mur-dered by your soldiers? It is awell-known fact in the com-munity that Daguil Capion,the father and husband, and aleader of the B’laan tribalcommunity actively opposethe entry of Xstrata-Sagit-tarius Mines, Inc. (SMI). Hiswife, Juvy, was a member ofKALGAD, an organizationopposed too, to the entry of themega gold and copper projectthat will displace about30,000 B’laan people from

their ancestral lands with itsentry and operation.

SMI is touted to be thebiggest mining investor in thecountry with the US$5.9 bil-lion investment largely inTampakan, South Cotabato.The SMI is owned by the Aus-tralia-based Xstrata Copper,believed to be the fourth larg-est global copper producer.

The Capion family joinsthe growing list of extrajudi-cial killing victims amongwho are Gerry Ortega, EliezerBillanes, Gilbert Paborada,and Fr. Fausto Tentorio, whowere murdered for their hu-man rights and environmen-tal advocacy work by personsbelieved to be agents andmembers of state securityforces.

Mr. President, as Com-mander-in-Chief of the ArmedForces of the Philippines, weask that you order an imme-diate pull-out of the 27th In-fantry Battalion and a stop toOperation Plan Bayanihan,your counter-insurgency pro-gram that is in truth, an all-out war against the people.Disband all militia forces likethe Citizens Armed Force

Geographical Unit (CAFGU),Special Civilian Armed Aux-iliary and other paramilitaryformations used to protect theinterests of despotic landlords,transnational and mining cor-porations like Xstrata-SMIthat plunder our forests anddestroy the environment.

We further urge you to:1. Cancel the mining per-

mits of Xstrata-SMI Companyas its presence in the area hascaused considerable violenceand bloodshed among ourpeople.

2. That a prompt, thor-ough and impartial investiga-tion of the massacre be doneby government agencies suchas the Commission on HumanRights and the Department ofJustice.

We seek justice for theCapion family and for othervictims of state-sanctionedviolence legitimized by OplanBayanihan. Finally we call onyour administration and all itsinstitutions to uphold the ba-sic human rights of the citi-zens whom you have sworn toserve.

The Canada PhilippinesSolidarity for Human Rights

Civil engineers donate rainwatercollector, trash bins to Davao schoolDAVAO CITY - Civil engi-neers in Davao City in thesouthern Philippines have do-nated one rainwater collectorand 10 garbage bins to an el-ementary school as part of itscommunity greening program.

The donation to elemen-tary school of Manambulan inPiedad district in Tugbok wasmade through the efforts of thelocal chapter of the PhilippineInstitute of Civil Engineersunder its Project Green Engi-neering Philippines–GreeningExisting Schools.

It was the 7th time in thepast months that the PICE -under the leadership of its na-tional president and currentPublic Works UndersecretaryRomeo Momo and 1st vice

president and project chair-man Engineer David Sanchez- donated garbage bins andrainwater collectors to localschools.

Engineer Erdsan ReneSuero, president of the localPICE chapter, said the projectwould still run through De-cember as supporters pledgedto help them in their greeningprogram.

The other recipientschools of the project wereDiego Silang ElementarySchool of Matina Aplaya,New Carmen ElementarySchool of Tugbok district,Gatungan Elementary Schoolof Bunawan district, NawanPrimary School of Malitanorth district, Davao del Sur;

Ladian Elementary School ofMarilog district and AlediaElementary School ofPaquibato ditrict.

“The project aims to pro-mote the level of awareness ofpupils, students, teachers andthe community on water pres-ervation, proper waste dis-posal and waste manage-ment,” Suero said in a state-ment sent to the regionalnewspaper Mindanao Exam-iner.

PICE is also constructinga one-classroom school build-ing at the New Carmen el-ementary school and theproject is expected to be com-pleted by November in timefor the group’s 75th year cel-ebration.

Members of the PICE-Davao City pose during the handover of the rainwater collector andtrash bins to a local school.

All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Daypeaceful in Mindanao

PAGADIAN CITY –Police authorities saidthe observance of AllSaints’ Day and AllSouls’ Day was peacefulin the entire southernPhilippines with no re-ports of violence.

It said the peacefulholiday was largely at-tributed to the safety con-tingency it implementedin the region, includingthe strict enforcement of

local government ordi-nances that prohibiteddeadly weapons, firearmsand liquors to cemeter-ies.

Police said the coop-eration of civilians wasalso critical to the peaceand order during the AllSaints’ Day.

In Manila, Philippinepolice chief NicanorBartolome said it wasalso peaceful in other ar-

eas, saying the advancepreparations laid out by thepolice ensured safety formotorists, commuters andthe public as well.

The Philippine NewsAgency also quotedBartolome as saying: “Thetraditional national obser-vance of All Saints’ Daywas generally peaceful. I amsatisfied with the overalloutcome of our security op-erations for Undas 2012.”

Tilapia remains one of Pinoy’s favorite. (Mindanao ExamnerPhoto - Geo Solmerano)

ARMM Bureau Chief Mark Navales hosts Mindanao ExamienrTele-Radyo episode.

Filipino favorite- lechon - in Zamboanga del Norte province.(Midnanao Examienr Photo)

Nov. 5-11, 20128 The Mindanao Examiner

‘Unw‘Unw‘Unw‘Unw‘Unworororororthththththy’y’y’y’y’MANILA - Not for his distin-guished legislative record—he practically had none—wasBenigno S. Aquino III electedto the Philippine Presidencyin 2010, but for his presumedlibertarian and human rightsheritage.

Benigno Aquino Jr. wasan authentic hero for daring toreturn home in 1983 despitethe certainty of either arrest orassassination. A turning pointin the decade-long resistanceagainst dictatorship, the out-rage that followed his deathaccelerated the collapse of theMarcos terror regime by fi-nally galvanizing the middleclass into, if not armed resis-tance, at least massing atEDSA in 1986.

To Corazon Aquino fellthe task of dismantling theapparatus of dictatorship andrestoring the institutions ofthe pre-1972 democracy that,flawed as it had been, never-theless provided citizens thetrappings if not the substanceof choosing their leaders. Shewas not entirely successful,primarily because, as the mainsupport of dictatorship andone of its worst and most te-nacious legacies, the militaryhad become a major powerand power broker. Besiegedby numerous coup attemptscalculated to undermine anyattempt at reform, CorazonAquino meant well, but leftMalacañang with humanrights still being violated andunder threat.

In 2010, Aquino III rodeto power on the assumptionthat, for his parents’ legacies,he was committed to humanrights. As if to validate thatassumption, Aquino III cam-paigned on, among others, apromise to stop extrajudicialkillings, support the Freedomof Information bill, and ad-dress the culture of impunitythat encourages the killing ofjournalists. Those who tookAquino at his word assumedthat he understood that at theheart of the imperative to stophuman rights violations is theright to free expression as anecessary condition for demo-cratic discourse.

Human rights and jour-nalists’ groups have sincebeen slowly but surely disap-pointed. Last September, Mr.Aquino quickly signed theCybercrime Prevention Act of2012, which among other as-saults on free expression notonly makes the already prob-lematic, 82-year old libel lawapplicable online. It alsoraises the penalty of impris-onment from the already ex-

cessive six months to fouryears to six years to twelve.

His spokespersons earlierdenied his responsibility forRA 10175, despite his havingsigned it. When pressed, Mr.Aquino categorically declaredthat he was for it, and what’smore, favored the retention oflibel—and the increased pen-alties for it—in the law if andwhen it was amended. Butduring a press conference lastOctober 17 with the ForeignCorrespondents Associationof the Philippines (FOCAP),Mr. Aquino said he favoredthe decriminalization of libel.

No one at this point be-lieves Mr. Aquino’s latest takeon RA 10175. It was obviousthat Mr. Aquino was pander-ing to the foreign press whenhe said he was for the decrimi-nalization of libel. But itwasn’t only his earlier state-ments that made his FOCAPstatement of dubious sincer-ity. There is also the outstand-ing fact that, despite a prom-ise to work for a Freedom ofInformation Act, once electedhe displayed such an antipa-thy for it Malacañang’s firstversions were distinguishedfor their emphasis on exemp-tions and a mindset focusedon regulation and controlrather than on citizen accessto government-held informa-tion as a matter of right.

Mr. Aquino’s latest state-ment on human rights is noless indicative of the sameauthoritarian, unthinking, andself-serving outlook. Inter-viewed over radio in NewZealand about hisadministration’s human rightsrecord, he described humanrights violations as the prod-uct of leftist propaganda, ar-guing in the same breath thatthe members of state securityforces like the police and themilitary have rights too butthat human rights organiza-tions pay no attention to theirplight.

If the widespread beliefthat human rights are beingviolated until now is indeedthe product of leftist propa-ganda, it would mean that left-ists have unquestioned accessto the dominant organizationsof print and broadcast. Anycontent analysis of the report-ing and commentary by radio,TV, and the major broadsheetswill establish that leftists—Ido not mean those who belongto those rightwing organiza-tions that for some reason themedia persist in describing as“left”—not only have the mostlimited access to these mediaorganizations.

They are also habituallydemonized and ridiculed, themost common epithet ofdemonization being thephrase “extreme left,” to dis-tinguish authentic left groupsfrom the respectably conven-tional but hardly leftwing or-ganizations with which theAquino administration is incozy alliance.

As for human rights vio-lations, hasn’t Mr. Aquinoheard about the killing of en-vironmentalist Leonard Co inNovember 2010 or of journal-ists like Gerry Ortega in Janu-ary 2011? What of the killingof Italian Priest Fr. FaustoTentorio, and of the Dutchvolunteer Willem Geertman?

Or, for that matter, thebeatings to which suspectedcriminals are routinely sub-jected in practically every po-lice station in the land? Whatof the continuing killing ofworkers and farmers fightingfor their rights, or of humanrights workers and defenders?Or the impunity with whichthe police and military detain,harass, and even kill ordinarycitizens, including students inpracticum in the communi-ties? Are these mere productsof “leftist propaganda”?

And what of the sup-posed rights of state actors?Do these rights supersedethose of citizens who’re de-fending themselves? Does notstate actors’ (e.g., the policeand military) monopoly overthe use of legal force, and theirobligations under the law,make them accountable?

If Mr. Aquino thoughtthat anyone in his right mindbelieved his statement abouthuman rights violations’ be-ing the mere product of leftistpropaganda, he has anotherthing coming. Everyone elseexcept Mr. Aquino and hisadministration knows what’sgoing on in the human rightsarena in the Philippines.

I am not solely referringto such non-governmental or-ganizations as Human RightsWatch, which has been ask-ing Mr. Aquino to do some-thing about human rights vio-lations; Amnesty Interna-tional; or the Asian HumanRights Council. I am also re-ferring to the United NationsHuman Rights Committeeand the governments of theUnited States and NewZealand, among others.

The US State Departmenthuman rights report has docu-mented numerous humanrights violations under theAquino administration—thisyear it placed them at a con-

servative 20 incidents in2011—and what’s more hasnoted that the Philippine gov-ernment investigated andprosecuted only a handful ofthose cases. It’s a record ofimpunity that includes theAquino administration’s con-tinuing failure to prosecute thekillers of journalists, and cer-tainly not the creation of “left-ist propaganda.”

Mr. Aquino revealedhimself an enemy of free ex-pression when he signed RA10175 while the FOI bill waslanguishing in Congress andits principal advocate was re-moved from the LiberalParty’s roster of senatorialcandidates for 2013.

He has also revealed alevel of cynicism and insensi-tivity to the plight of the kinof the forcibly disappeared,the murdered, the tortured,and the falsely imprisonedequal to that of the worstthugs resident in the policeand military.

He has thereby estab-lished that he, his allies, andhis administration are un-worthy of the support ofanyone truly human, andwho understand how the per-sistent violations of humanrights in the Philippines andthe assault on free expres-sion have made this countryso much the lesser in thecommunity of nations. (ByLuis V. Teodoro. The authoris a former dean of the Uni-versity of the PhilippinesCollege of Mass Communi-cation, where he teachesjournalism. He is the deputydirector of the Center forMedia Freedom and Re-sponsibility. He writes aweekly column for theBusinessWorld.)

‘Tiktik’ inaswangsa Zamboanga!

ZAMBOANGA – Inireklamong ilang mga moviegoers saZamboanga ang napanood napelikulang ‘Tiktik: TheAswang Chronicles’ mataposna umano’y mapuna angkakaibang quality nito.

Madilim umano angnasabing pelikula atmistulang gumagalaw itohabang ipinalalabas sa screen.“Madilim ang quality ng filmat hindi maganda ang audioat gumagalaw ang palabas sascreen ng sinehan na parangsa loob ito nai-record atparang pirated ang dating,”ani Jeng, na isa sa mganakapanood sa Tiktik.

Sa katunayan umano ayhindi na nito tinapos angpelikula at sa halip ay lumabasna lamang ng sinehan kasamaang isa pang kaibigan na siElen.

“Sayang lang ibinayadnamin sa sinehan at hindimaganda ang quality ngpelikula, pero sa trailer satelebisyon ay maganda. Hindinamin alam kung saan angdiperensya – sa pelikula ba osa sinehan,” ani Jeng sareklamo nito sa pahayagang

Mindanao Examiner.Hindi naman agad

makunan ng pahayag angpamunuan ng sinehan ukol sareklamo sa pelukula naitinuturing na isa sa mgapinakamagandang horrormovies ngayon taon.

Karamihan sa mgascenes sa pelikula ay maychroma o green screen upangmailagay ang mga kakaibangback ground para sa ibat-ibang eksena. Halos isangtaon rin umanong ginawa angpelikula.

Si Erik Matti angnaturang writer at director ngTiktik na pinondohan namannina Ronald StephenMonteverde, Jose ‘Ding-Dong” Dantes III at AnnetteAbrogar. May budget itongP70 milyon, ngunit tumabonaman sa takilya ng P180million sa ilang araw palamang ng palabas.

Pinangungunahan ninaDing-Dong Dantes at LoviPoe ang nasabing pelikula nakung saan ay kasama rin sinaJoey Marquez, Janice deBelen, Ramon Bautista at LJReyes. (Mindanao Examiner)

Nov. 5-11, 2012 9The Mindanao Examiner

OFW suffers stroke in Saudi, appeals for help MANILA – A Philippinewoman in Saudi Arabia hasappealed to Manila to helpher return home after a suf-fering a stroke and lost hereyesight.

The 47-year oldwoman, Virgina Gabiling, anative of Negros Occiden-tal, ran away from her em-ployer due to verbal abusesand other labor violationsand was working illegallywhen she had a stroke, saidMigrante, a Filipino mi-grants’ group, after learningabout her plight.

“Sana tulungan namannila akong maka-uwi kahitmamatay ako doon; bastadoon lang sa Pilipinas,” saidGabiling.

Gabiling’s friend in-formed Migrante-Jeddah

chairman Marlon Gatdulaabout her condition in an ef-fort to help the woman re-turn to the Philippines whileshe is still alive.

Migrante said thewoman, on her own admis-sion, was a victim of illegalrecruitment. “We’ve foundout that OFW Gabiling wasa victim of an illegal re-cruiter, but she managed tosneak her out of the countryand was deployed in SaudiArabia in 2004,” Gatdulasaid.

John LeonardMonterona, Migrante’s re-gional coordinator, said theyspoke to the woman -who istemporarily being shelteredby a friend - and recordedher appeal.

Gabiling said she

sought assistance from thePhilippine Consulate, butwas scolded instead for run-ning away from her abusiveemployer.

“Her friend and fellowOFW Jackie went to thePhilippine Consulate twiceto seek assistant forGabiling, but until now noassistance was provided toher,” said Beng Medina,chairperson of the women’srights group Gabriela inJeddah.

Migrante and Gabrielahave provided a copy ofGabiling’s recorded inter-view to the Philippine con-sulate recently. There wasno immediate statementfrom the Philippine govern-ment about Gabiling’s ap-peal.

Mindanao environmentalist shotPAGADIAN CITY – Au-thorities have not releasedany progress report on theshooting of an environmen-talist known for his advocacyin the southern Philippines.

A gunman shot andwounded Dr. Isidro Olan, ex-ecutive director of the Lov-ers of Nature Foundation,while driving home in thetown of Carmen in Surigaodel Sur, according toKalikasan People’s Networkfor the Environment.

“Dr. Olan was a passion-ate environment defenderwho opposed destructive andlarge-scale mining as well asillegal logging activities inCantilan and other areas ofSurigao del Sur. We ask foreveryone’s prayers for Dr.Olan’s immediate recovery,and for justice to be swiftlyexacted upon the assassinsand their clients as well,” Fr.Oliver Castor, spokespersonfor the Task Force Justice forEnvironment Defenders, saidin a statement sent to theMindanao Examiner.

The motive of the attackis still unknown, but Castorsaid there could be no othermotivation to assassinateOlan than his staunch oppo-sition to ecologically destruc-

tive projects in their areas. “If the Aquino govern-

ment claims to be hard work-ers for the protection of hu-man rights, we demand tohear about their work on Dr.Olan’s case now. In fact, wewould like to hear what aboutwhat they have done nowabout the 61 extrajudicialkillings of environment de-fenders we recorded since2001 that remains languish-ing in court up to the present,”the priest said.

Clemente Bautista, con-vener of the Defend Patri-mony Alliance, said the failedassassination of Olan sent achilling effect to environmen-tal advocates.

“It’s not even Halloweenand yet this latest attack onDr. Olan already produces achilling effect to environmen-tal advocates. The year 2012is already the bloodiest yearfor environmental advocatesin this new millennium, andit infuriates us to rememberthat President BenignoAquino dismissed the evermounting cases of humanrights violations in the coun-try is dismissed as just pro-paganda of the Left. Is theattempt to take the life of Dr.Olan for his defense of the en-

vironment not real enough forAquino?” Bautista asked.

Both groups demandedfor an immediate and inde-pendent investigation of theattempted assassination ofOlan. No individuals orgroups claimed responsibilityfor the attack.

In September, gunmenambushed a Subanen triballeader Timuay LocenioManda and his son Jordan inZamboanga del Sur province.His son was killed in the at-tack.

Manda, who is fightingfor their ancestral lands, washeading to school to bring hisson when gunmen attackedthem in the town of Bayog.Two of the 5 attackers, werearrested days later.

“In my effort to assertour rights and to protect ourpeople and ancestral do-main, my beloved son wassacrificed. It is very painfuland I thirst for justice,” hesaid. “I vow to continue mystruggle in order not tomake my son’s death invain. I need your support inthis most trying time of mylife as a father and a leader.”

Manda’s group – repre-senting the 3,000-strongCouncil of PigsalabukanGuhom de Bayog - is claim-ing some 23,800 hectares oflands in the town where sev-eral mining companies areoperating.

Government authoritiesrecently shut down illegalmining activities in Bayogand charged at least 16people, including a towncouncilor, accused as one ofthe mining financiers.(Mindanao Examiner)

An old woman and a child beg outisde a mall in Zamboanga City. Poverty remains thebioggest problem in the country.(Mindanao Examiner Photo)