Mother Sauces

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"Mother sauces"

Béchamel sauce

Espagnole sauce

Hollandaise sauce

Tomato sauce

Velouté sauce

Béchamel sauce

Béchamel sauce is a key ingredient in many lasagne recipes[citation needed]

Béchamel sauce (pronounced /bɛʃəˈmɛl/, beɪʃəˈmɛl[1] in English, [beʃamɛl] in French), also known as white sauce (sauce

blanche), is one of the mother sauces of French cuisine and is used in many recipes of the Italian cuisine, e.g. lasagne emiliane.

It is used as the base for other sauces (such as Mornay sauce, which is Béchamel with cheese). It is traditionally made

by whisking scalded milk gradually into a whiteflour-butter roux (equal parts clarified butter and flour by weight). Another method,

considered less traditional, is to whisk kneaded flour-butter (beurre manié) into scalded milk. The thickness of the final sauce

depends on the proportions of milk and flour.


According to Larousse Gastronomique, the sauce is named after the "marquis de Béchamel", actually Louis de Béchameil,

marquis de Nointel(1630–1703). According to Larousse the sauce is an improvement upon a similar, earlier sauce, known

as velouté. Béchameil was a financier who held the honorary post of chief steward to Louis XIV. The sauce under its familiar

name first appeared in Le Cuisinier François, (published in 1651), by François Pierre La Varenne (1615–1678), chef de

cuisine to Nicolas Chalon du Blé, marquis d'Uxelles. The foundation of French cuisine, the Cuisinier François ran through some

thirty editions in seventy-five years.

The sauce originally was a veal velouté with a large amount of cream added.[2]

Many chefs would now regard as authoritative the recipe of Auguste Escoffier presented in Saulnier's Répertoire:

"White roux moistened with milk, salt, onion stuck with clove [aka onion pique], cook for 18 minutes".[citation needed]


Béchamel sauce is the base for a number of other classic sauces with additional ingredients added including:

Mornay sauce (cheese)

Nantua sauce (crayfish, butter and cream)

Crème sauce (heavy cream)

Mustard sauce (prepared mustard seed)

Soubise sauce (finely diced onions that have been sweated in butter)

Cheddar cheese sauce (Cheddar cheese, dry mustard, Worcestershire sauce)

Croque Monsieur (some variations)

A very thick bechamel sauce is used to create the topping of a Parmo

Moussaka a layered dish found in Greece and throughout the Balkans and Middle East

The term "white sauce" or sauce blanche may also be applied to a simple sauce consisting only of milk and

melted butter, without flour or spices.[3]

Espagnole sauceFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In cooking, espagnole sauce (French pronunciation: [ ɛ spa ɲɔ l] ) is one of the mother sauces that are the basis of sauce-making in

classic French cooking. In the late 19th century, Auguste Escoffier codified the recipe, which is still followed today.[1]

Origin of the name

Although espagnole is the French word for Spanish, the sauce has little connection with Spanish cuisine. According to Louis

Diat, the creator of vichyssoise and the author of the classicGourmet's Basic French Cookbook:

"There is a story that explains why the most important basic brown sauce in French cuisine is called sauce espagnole, or

Spanish sauce. According to the story, the Spanish cooks of Louis XIII's bride, Anne, helped to prepare their wedding feast, and

insisted upon improving the rich brown sauce of France with Spanish tomatoes. This new sauce was an instant success, and

was gratefully named in honor of its creators."[2]


The basic method of making espagnole is to prepare a very dark brown roux, to which veal stock or water is added, along with

browned bones, pieces of beef, vegetables, and variousseasonings. This blend is allowed to slowly reduce while being

frequently skimmed. The classical recipe calls for additional veal stock to be added as the liquid gradually reduces but today

water is generally used instead. Tomato paste or pureed tomatoes are added towards the end of the process, and the sauce is

further reduced.[1]


Espagnole has a strong taste and is rarely used directly on food. As a mother sauce, however, it serves as the starting point for

many derivative sauces, such as Sauce Africaine, SauceBigarade, Sauce Bourguignonne, Sauce aux Champignons, Sauce

Charcutière, Sauce Chasseur, Sauce Chevreuil and Demi-glace. There are hundreds of other derivatives in the classical French


Hollandaise sauce

Hollandaise sauce served over whiteasparagus and potatoes.

Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion of egg yolk and butter, usually seasoned with lemon juice, salt, and a little white

pepper or cayenne pepper. In appearance it is light yellow and opaque, smooth and creamy. The flavor is rich and buttery, with

a mild tang added by the seasonings, yet not so strong as to overpower mildly-flavored foods.

Hollandaise is one[1] of the five sauces in the French haute cuisine mother sauce repertoire. It is so named because it was

believed to have mimicked a Dutch sauce for the state visit to France of the King of the Netherlands. Hollandaise sauce is well

known as a key ingredient of Eggs Benedict, and is often paired with vegetables such as steamed asparagus.


As early as 1651, François Pierre La Varenne describes a sauce similar to Hollandaise sauce in his groundbreaking

cookbook Le Cuisinier François: "avec du bon beurre frais, un peu de vinaigre, sel et muscade, et un jaune d’œuf pour lier la

sauce" ("with good fresh butter, a little vinegar, salt, and nutmeg, and an egg yolk to bind the sauce"). Alan Davidson notes a

"sauce à la hollandoise" from François Marin's Les Dons de Comus (1758), but since that sauce included flour, bouillon,

and herbs, and omitted egg yolks, it may not be related to the modern hollandaise.[2] However, Larousse Gastronomique states

that, in former times fish 'à la hollandaise' was served with melted butter (implying that at one time egg yolks were not a part of

the designation).[3] Davidson also quotes from Harold McGee (1990), who explains that eggs are not needed at all and proper

emulsification can simply be done with butter. He also states that if one does wish to use eggs they are not needed in as great a

quantity as normally called for in traditional recipes.

The sauce using egg yolks and butter appeared in the 19th century. Though various sources say it was first known as

"sauce Isigny" (a town in Normandy said to have been renowned for the quality of its butter), Mrs. Isabella Beeton's Household

Management had recipes in the first edition (1861) for "Dutch sauce, for fish" (p. 405) and its variant on the following page,

"Green sauce, or Hollandaise verte". Her directions for hollandaise seem somewhat fearless:

"Put all the ingredients, except the lemon-juice, into a stew-pan; set it over the fire, and keep continually stirring. When it

is sufficiently thick, take it off, as it should not boil..."


Hollandaise requires some skill and knowledge to prepare and hold. Properly made, it will be smooth and creamy with no hint of

separated oil. The flavor will be rich and buttery, with a mild tang. It should be prepared and served warm, but not hot.

There are a number of different methods for preparing a Hollandaise sauce. All methods require near-constant agitation, usually

with a wire whisk.

One family of methods involves acidifying the egg yolks to aid in the formation of an emulsion. Escoffier[4] uses a reduction of

vinegar and water. Others[5][6] use lemon juice or sherry.[7]The acidified yolks are whisked gently over simmering water[8] until they

thicken and lighten in color (144 °F/62 °C). Then, like a mayonnaise,[9] the emulsion is formed by very slowly whisking in melted

butter. (Clarified butter is preferred.) Some varieties of this preparation use water of various quantities and temperatures.[10]

Alton Brown espouses quite a different method.[11] The yolks, without acid, are cooked as above. Then the upper pan is removed

from heat and cold cubed butter (unclarified) is whisked in, a few cubes at a time. The emulsion forms as the cubes melt. The

pan is returned to heat only when the emulsion cools too much to melt more cubes. Lemon is used as a finishing flavor. This

method takes more time than traditional methods, but is more reliable in that it is difficult to overheat the forming emulsion. [12]

The above methods are known as "bain marie methods". Another family of methods uses a blender.[13][14] Yolks are placed in a

blender, then butter - at a temperature higher than appropriate for bain marie methods - is drizzled into the blender. Heat from

the butter cooks the yolks. Blender methods are much quicker, though temperature control is difficult. The products of blender

methods may be acceptable, but are generally considered to be inferior to the products of bain marie methods.

Joy of Cooking[15] describes a preparation unlike all the above, using whole eggs, and slowly adding the egg mixture to melted

butter over direct heat. It also includes variations incorporating sour cream and paprika, or cream and nutmeg.[16]

Note that in all methods the temperature must be closely controlled. Too much heat and yolks will curdle (180 °F/82 °C) or an

emulsion break (separate).[17] Too little heat and an emulsion will fail to form, or (once formed) will solidify.[17] Once the yolks are

prepared, the sauce should be not much warmer than required to maintain the butter in a liquid state, that is, a little warmer than

body temperature. Be sure to consider both the temperature of the yolks/emulsion and that of the melted butter. A finished

sauce can be "held" in its emulsified state for several hours by keeping it warm. Success with freezing Hollandaise has been

reported;[18][19] it is not widely practiced.

A normal ratio of ingredients is 1 egg yolk : 4-6 Tbs. butter. Flavorings may include salt, lemon juice,[20] and cayenne pepper or

white pepper.

[edit]Derivatives of Hollandaise sauce

Being a mother sauce, Hollandaise sauce is the foundation for many derivatives created by adding or changing ingredients. The

following is a non-exhaustive listing of such minor sauces.

The most common derivative is Sauce Béarnaise. It can be produced by replacing the acidifying agent (vinegar reduction or

lemon juice) in a preparation with a strained reduction of vinegar, shallots, fresh chervil, fresh tarragon and

crushed peppercorns.[21][22][23] Alternatively, the flavorings may be added to a standard Hollandaise. Béarnaise and its children are

often used on steak or other "assertive" grilled meats and fish.

Sauce Choron is a variation of béarnaise without tarragon or chervil, plus added tomato purée.[24][25]

Sauce Foyot (a.k.a. Valois) is béarnaise with meat glaze (Glace de Viande) added.[26][27]

Sauce Colbert is Sauce Foyot with the addition of reduced white wine. [28]

Sauce Paloise is a version of béarnaise with mint substituted for tarragon.[29]

Sauce au Vin Blanc (for fish) is produced by adding a reduction of white wine and fish stock to hollandaise.[30]

Sauce Bavaroise is hollandaise with added cream, horseradish, and thyme.[31]

Sauce Crème Fleurette is hollandaise with crème fraîche added.

Sauce Dijon, also known as Sauce Moutarde or Sauce Girondine, is hollandaise with Dijon mustard.

Sauce Maltaise is hollandaise to which blanched orange zest and the juice of blood orange is added.[32][33]

Sauce Mousseline, also known as Sauce Chantilly, is produced by folding whipped cream into hollandaise.[34][35]

If reduced sherry is first folded into the whipped cream, the result is Sauce Divine.

Sauce Noisette is a hollandaise variation made with browned butter (beurre noisette).[36]

Tomato sauceThis article is about the sauces often used with pasta or pizza. In some countries, "tomato sauce" means ketchup.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheese.

A tomato sauce is any of a very large number of sauces made primarily out of tomatoes, usually to be served as part of

a dish (rather than as a condiment). Tomato sauces are common for meat and vegetables, but they are perhaps best known as

sauces for pasta dishes.

Tomatoes have a rich flavour, low liquid content, very soft flesh which breaks down easily, and the right composition to thicken

up into a sauce when they are cooked (without the need of thickeners like roux). All of these qualities make them ideal for simple

and appealing sauces. The simplest tomato sauces consist just of chopped tomato flesh (with the skins and seeds optionally

removed), cooked in a little olive oil andsimmered until it loses its raw flavour, and seasoned with salt.

Water (or another, more flavourful liquid such as stock or wine) is often added to keep it from drying out too

much. Onion and garlic are almost always sweated or sautéed at the beginning before the tomato is added. Other seasonings

typically include basil, oregano, parsley, and possibly some spicy red pepper or black pepper. Ground or chopped meat is also


In countries such as Australia, New Zealand and in Southern Africa the term 'tomato sauce' is used to describe a condiment

similar to that known in the USA as 'ketchup'.[1] In Britain both terms are used for the condiment.

A tomato-based sauce containing tomato puree, diced tomatoes, and bell peppers(red, yellow, and green) with the seeds included. It is

seasoned with fresh garlic,basil, oregano, paprika, cajun seasoning,crushed red pepper, parsley, olive oil, and possibly some

additional seasonings.


The sauce tomate of classical French cooking, as codified by Auguste Escoffier, consists of butter, salt belly of pork, flour,

onions, bay leaves, thyme, tomato purée or fresh tomatoes, roux, garlic, salt, sugar, and pepper.[2]


The most common use of the term tomato sauce in Australia is to describe a commercially produced condiment similar to

American ketchup, which is used as a topping on foods such as meat pies and sausages.[3][4] "A pie and sauce" is a traditional

lunch for many working people, and is available from most takeaway food shops and many bakeries. It is probably one of the

most common expressions to be translated into rhyming slang, in the form of "a dog's eye and dead horse".[5][6]


Penne pasta served with tomato sauce

The misconception that the tomato has been central to Italian cuisine since its introduction from the Americas is often repeated.

Though the tomato was introduced from the Spanish New World to European botanists in the 16th century, tomato sauce made

a surprisingly late entry in Italian cuisine: in Antonio Latini's cookbook Lo scalco alla moderna (Naples, 1692).[7] Latini, not

unsurprisingly, was chef to the Spanish viceroy of Naples, and one of his tomato recipes is for sauce alla spagnuola, "in the

Spanish style".

Outside of Italy, the role of tomato sauce has been quite exaggerated: many people know little of Italian cuisine beyond pasta

with tomato sauce. Italian varieties of tomato sauce range from Pasta Puttanesca sauce, seasoned with anchovies, capers,

garlic, chilli peppers and blackolives, to Bolognese sauce, a predominantly minced or ground meat sauce which normally

contains a small-to-moderate amount of tomato.


Tomato sauce was an ancient condiment in Aztec food. The first person to write of what may have been a tomato sauce

was Bernardino de Sahagún who made note of a prepared sauce that was offered for sale in the markets

of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City today). Then, Spaniards brought the use of tomato to Europe.

Basic Mexican tomato sauces are tomato sauce (salsa de tomate rojo o jitomate) and green tomato sauce (salsa de tomate

verde). The tomato sauce is stock for spicy sauces andmoles.

United States

Ingredients to make a simple marinara sauce. A can of tomato purée

In most of the U.S., "tomato sauce" refers to a tomato purée with salt, herbs and small amounts of spices and often flavored with

meat or seafood. It is sold in bottles and cans. This product is considered incomplete and not normally used as it is. Instead, it is

used as a base for almost any food which needs a lot of tomato flavor, including versions of many of the sauces described on

this page.

Marinara Sauce is an American-Italian term for a simple tomato sauce with herbs—mostly parsley and basil—but, contrary to its

name (which is Italian for coastal, seafaring) without anchovies, fish or seafood. In other countries marinara refers to a seafood

and tomato sauce.

Some Italian Americans on the East Coast refer to tomato sauce as "gravy", "tomato gravy", or "Sunday gravy", especially

sauces with a large quantity of meat simmered in them, similar to the Italian Neapolitan ragù. "Gravy" is an erroneous English

translation from the Italian sugo which means juice, but can also mean sauce (as in sugo per pastasciutta). The expression for

"gravy" in Italian is sugo dell'arrosto, which is literally "juice of a roast" and is specifically not tomato sauce.[8]

American supermarkets commonly carry a variety of prepared tomato sauces described as "spaghetti sauce" or "pasta sauce".

Common variations include meat sauce, Marinara Sauce and sauces with mushrooms or sweet red peppers.


A spicy tomato sauce known as sauce piquante is common in Louisiana Cajun cuisine, that can contain any seafood, poultry, or

meats such as wild game. It is typically served over white rice. In Louisiana Creole cuisine, there is a tomato sauce known as a

Creole sauce. It is similar to Italian tomato sauce, but features more Louisiana flavours derived from the fusion of French and

Spanish cooking styles. They both usually contain the traditional holy trinity of diced bell pepper, onion, and celery.

Tomato gravy

Tomato gravy, which is distinct from the term as used by northeastern Italian Americans when referring to tomato sauce, is a

sauce common in most rural areas of the United States, particularly where tomatoes were a staple food. Tomato gravy is

prepared in a method similar to white gravy. The cooked tomatoes, some fat (usually cured pork fat) and flour are cooked

together until thick, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Typically, tomato gravy is served over eggs, toast and biscuits.


Indian curry, especially as it has been exported out of India, is recognizable for heavily spiced sauces, often made from a tomato


Velouté sauceA velouté sauce, along with Allemande, Béchamel, and Espagnole, is one of the sauces of French cuisine that were designated

the four "mother sauces" by Antonin Carême in the 19th century. The French chef Auguste Escoffier would later

classify tomato, mayonnaise, and hollandaise among mother sauces as well. The term velouté is from the French adjectival form

of velour, meaning velvety.

In preparing a velouté sauce, a light stock (one in which the bones used have not been previously roasted), such as chicken,

veal or fish stock, is thickened with a blond roux. Thus the ingredients of a velouté are equal parts by mass butter and flour to

form the roux, a light chicken, veal, or fish stock, and salt and pepper for seasoning. Commonly the sauce produced will be

referred to by the type of stock used e.g. chicken velouté.[1]

Sauce velouté is often served on poultry or seafood dishes, and is used as the base for other sauces. Sauces derived from a

velouté sauce include:

Sauce Vin Blanc : By adding white wine and heavy cream to fish velouté.

Albufera Sauce : Addition of meat glaze glace de viande.

Allemande sauce  By adding a few drops of lemon juice, egg yolks, and cream

Bercy: Shallots, white wine, lemon juice and parsley added to a fish velouté

Poulette: Mushrooms finished with chopped parsley and lemon juice

Aurora: Tomato purée

Hungarian: Onion, paprika, white wine

Sauce ravigote : the addition of a little lemon or white wine vinegar creates a lightly acidic velouté that is traditionally

flavored with onions and shallots, and more recently with mustard.

Normandy: Mushroom cooking liquid and oyster liquid or fish fumet added to fish velouté, finished with a liaison of egg

yolks and cream

Suprême sauce  By adding a reduction of mushroom liquor (produced in cooking) and cream to a chicken velouté

Venetian sauce : Tarragon, shallots, chervil


Standard ingredients and tools to make mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise (sometimes abbreviated to mayo) is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk and either vinegar or lemon juice[1], with

many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. Lecithin in the egg yolk is the emulsifier.[2] It is often cream in color,

and may be anything in texture from that of light running cream to thick. In countries influenced by France, mustard is also a

common ingredient, whereas in Spain it is made using the same ingredients, but specifically olive oil as the oil, and never

with mustard. Numerous other sauces can be created from it with addition of various herbs, spices, and finely chopped pickles.

Where mustard is used, it is also an emulsifier.[3][4]


The most probable origin of mayonnaise is that the recipe was brought back to France from the town

of Mahon in Menorca (Spain), after Louis-François-Armand du Plessis de Richelieu's victory over the British at the city's port in

1756. According to this version, the sauce was originally known as salsa mahonesa in Spanish and maonesa in Catalan (as it is

still known on Menorca), later becoming mayonnaise as it was popularized by the French.[5]

The French Larousse Gastronomique 1961 suggests: "Mayonnaise, in our view, is a popular corruption of moyeunaise, derived

from the very old French word moyeu, which means yolk of egg."[6] The sauce may have been christened mayennaise after

Charles de Lorraine, duke of Mayenne, because he took the time to finish his meal of chicken with cold sauce before being

defeated in the Battle of Arques[citation needed].

Nineteenth-century culinary writer Pierre Lacam suggested that in 1459, a London woman named Annamarie Turcauht stumbled

upon this condiment after trying to create a custard of some sort.[7]

According to Trutter et al.: "It is highly probable that wherever olive oil existed, a simple preparation of oil and egg came about –

particularly in the Mediterranean region, where aioli (oil and garlic) is made."[5]

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, mayonnaise made its English language debut in a cookbook of 1841.

Making mayonnaise

Mayonnaise can be made by hand with a mortar and pestle, whisk or fork, or with the aid of an electric mixer, an electric

blender, or a food processor. Mayonnaise is made by slowly adding oil to an egg yolk, while whisking vigorously to disperse the

oil. The oil and the water in yolks form a base of the emulsion, while the lecithin from the yolks is the emulsifier that stabilizes it.

Additionally, a bit of a mustard may also be added to sharpen its taste, and further stabilize the emulsion. Mustard contains

small amounts of lecithin.[8] It is a process that requires watching; if the liquid starts to separate and look like pack-ice, or curd, it

simply requires starting again with an egg yolk, whisk it, slowly add the curd while whisking, and it will emulsify to be


Traditional recipe

A classic European recipe is essentially the same as the basic one described above, but it uses top-quality olive oil with vinegar

or lemon juice. It is essential to beat the mayonnaise using a whisk while adding the olive oil a little, (e.g. a teaspoon) at a time,

then it is possible to add the oil more quickly briskly whisking to incorporate the oil into the emulsion. If there are two people in

the kitchen, one person can slowly pour the oil while the other does the whisking. Experienced cooks can judge when the

mayonnaise is done by the emulsion's resistance to the beating action. Herbs and spices can be added at any stage and the

vinegar may have already been infused with sprigs of French tarragon, or the oil may have been infused with garlic to make the

variation on mayonnaise called aioli.


Homemade mayonnaise can approach 85% fat before the emulsion breaks down; commercial mayonnaises are more typically

70-80% fat. "Low fat" mayonnaise products containstarches, cellulose gel, or other ingredients to simulate the texture of real


Some homemade recipes use the whole egg, including the white. It can also be made using solely egg whites, with no yolks at

all, if it is done at high speed in a food processor. The resulting texture appears to be the same, and—if seasoned, for example,

with salt, pepper, mustard, lemon juice, vinegar, and a little paprika—the taste is similar to traditional mayonnaise made with egg

yolks.[citation needed].

Commercial producers either pasteurize the yolks, freeze them and substitute water for most of their liquid, or use other

emulsifiers. They also typically use soybean oil, for its lower cost, instead of olive oil.

Use of Mayonnaise

Worldwide, mayonnaise is commonly served in a sandwich, or with salad such as potato salad or canned tuna ("tuna mayo"

or tuna salad). Regional uses are listed below:


In Western Europe, mayonnaise is often served with pommes frites (French fries or chips), especially in Belgium, Germany and

the Netherlands. It is also served with cold chicken or hard-boiled eggs in France, the UK, the Netherlands, Russia, Poland,

Lithuania, and Ukraine.

Guidelines issued in September 1991 by Europe's Federation of the Condiment Sauce Industries recommend that oil and liquid

egg yolk levels in mayonnaise should be at least 70% and 5% respectively, although this is not legislated. Most available brands

easily exceed this target.[9]

North America

Commercial mayonnaise sold in jars originated in New York City, in Manhattan's Upper West Side. In 1905, the first ready-made

mayonnaise was sold by a family from Vetschau,Germany, at Richard Hellmann's delicatessen on Columbus Avenue, between

83rd and 84th Streets. In 1912, Mrs. Hellmann's mayonnaise was mass marketed and called Hellmann's Blue Ribbon


At about the same time that Hellmann's Mayonnaise was thriving on the East Coast of the United States, a California

company, Best Foods, introduced their own mayonnaise, which turned out to be very popular in the western United States. In

1932, Best Foods bought the Hellmann's brand. By then, both mayonnaises had such commanding market shares in their own

half of the country that it was decided that both brands be preserved. The company is now owned by Unilever.

In the Southeastern part of the United States, Mrs. Eugenia Duke of Greenville, South Carolina, founded the Duke Sandwich

Company in 1917 to sell sandwiches to soldiers training at nearby Fort Sevier. Her homemade mayonnaise became so popular

that her company began to focus exclusively on producing and selling the mayonnaise, eventually selling out to theC.F. Sauer

Company of Richmond, Virginia, in 1929. Duke's Mayonnaise, still made to the original recipe, remains a popular brand of

mayonnaise in the Southeast, although it is not generally available in other markets.


Kewpie, a Japanese mayonnaise.

Japanese mayonnaise is typically made with apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar and a small amount of MSG, which gives it a

different flavor from mayonnaise made from distilled vinegar. It is most often sold in soft plastic squeeze bottles. Its texture is

thinner than most Western commercial mayonnaise. A variety containing karashi (Japanese mustard) is also common.

Apart from salads, it is popular with dishes such as okonomiyaki, takoyaki and yakisoba and may also

accompany katsu and karaage. It is sometimes served with cooked vegetables, or mixed with soy sauce or wasabi and used as

dips. In the Tōkai region, it is a frequent condiment on hiyashi chuka (cold noodle salad). Many fried seafood dishes are served

with a side of mayonnaise for dipping. It is also common in Japan to use mayonnaise on pizza.

Kewpie (Q.P.) is the most popular brand of Japanese mayonnaise, advertised with a Kewpie doll logo.


Mayonnaise is very popular in Russia where it is made with sunflower seed oil which gives it a very distinctive flavor. A 2004

study[citation needed] showed that Russia is the only market in Europe where more mayonnaise is sold than ketchup by volume. It's

used as a sauce in the most popular salads in Russia such as Russian Salad [oliv'e] and Dressed Herring and also many others.

Leading brands are Calve (marketed by Unilever) and Sloboda (marketed by Efko).

Furthermore, in many Russian speaking countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.), one can find different commercial flavors of

mayonnaise, such as olive, quail-egg, and lemon.


Chile is the world's third major per capita consumer of mayonnaise and first in Latin America. Since mayonnaise became widely

accessible in the 1980s[citation needed] Chileans have used it on locos, hot dogs, French fries, and on boiled chopped potatoes, a

salad commonly known as papas mayo.


The climate and availability of fresh produce in Australia makes it common for mayonnaise to be made at home from fresh

ingredients.[citation needed] When purchased premade it often contains sucrose and corn sugar balanced against E330 (citric acid),

with various use of thickeners, emulsifiers, EDTA, flavor enhancers, and water. Such cocktails allow for the production of

products which are low in fats and/or sugars.

Premade good quality mayonnaise is also readily available with labels like "real mayonnaise" and "whole egg mayonnaise". A

quick check of the ingredients will indicate any use of additives not available to the average cook.

Mayonnaise is a common accompaniment to French fries and potato wedges, as is tomato sauce, and tartare sauce.

Tartare sauce is available in most places selling fresh fish, and is mayonnaise with finely chopped pickled capers.

One old recipe, common in the 1950s, was something going under the name of "mayonnaise", and was made from sweetened

condensed milk with vinegar, mustard, and salt.

As a base for other sauces

Mayonnaise is the base for many other chilled sauces and salad dressings. For example:

Fry sauce  is a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup or another red sauce (e.g., Tabasco sauce, Buffalo wing sauce, or one

of many smokey barbecue sauces popular in the Northwestern United States), spices, and sometimes a strong tasting salty

liquid (such as worcestershire or soy sauce) is added to balance out the sweeter red sauces. Commonly eaten on French

fries in Utah, Idaho, eastern Washington and rural Oregon.

Marie Rose sauce  combines mayonnaise with tomato sauce or ketchup, cream, flavorings and brandy. In North

America, a processed version of Marie-Rose, called "Russian Dressing" sometimes uses mayonnaise as a base. However,

most homemade varieties and nearly all commercial brands of "Russian dressing" use little or no mayonnaise as a base.

They are very dark red and sweet dressings made with vegetable oil, tomato paste, vinegar, sugar, and a variety of herbs

and spices (often including mustard).

Ranch dressing  is made of buttermilk or sour cream, mayonnaise, and minced green onion, along with other


Rouille  is aïoli with added saffron, red pepper or paprika.

Salsa golf  created in Argentina is Mayonnaise with ketchup as well as spices such as red pepper or oregano.

Sauce rémoulade , in classic French cuisine is mayonnaise to which has been added mustard, gherkins, capers,

parsley, chervil, tarragon, and possibly anchovy essence.[10] An industrially made variety is popular in Denmark with French

fries and fried fish. It is quite different from most of the remoulade sauces that are frequently found in Louisiana and

generally do not have a mayonnaise base.

Tartar sauce  is mayonnaise spiced with pickled cucumbers and onion. Capers, olives, and crushed hardboiled eggs are

sometimes included. A simpler recipe calls for only pickle relish to be added to the mayonnaise.

Thousand Island dressing  is a salmon-pink dressing that combines tomato sauce and/or tomato ketchup or ketchup-

based chili sauce, minced sweet pickles or sweet pickle relish, assorted herbs and spices (usually including mustard), and

sometimes including chopped hard-boiled egg—all thoroughly blended into a mayonnaise base.

Certain variations of honey mustard are based on mayonnaise and are made by combining mayonnaise with

plain mustard, brown sugar, and lemon juice.

Mayonnaise alternatives

Vegetarian taro veggie burger with relish, tomato, salad and Vegenaise.

For people with serious health conditions, where cholesterol is of big concern, or egg allergies, but also for vegans and religious

vegetarians, who abstain from egg consumption (like for example in many places in India) there are growing amounts of egg

free mayonnaise-like spreads available[11][12][13]. The most well known American brands are Nayonaise[14] and Vegenaise[15].

Some egg-free mayonnaise alternatives are also soy-free[16].