My New Leaf - A web based recovery application in develoment

Post on 12-May-2015

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My New Leaf is a evidenced based, gamified, web based recovery application in development that is based on personal empowerment, respect for the individual and embodying the highest standards if confidentiality and anonymity


My New Leaf* Development Team“Strategic Innovation: Ask what not how. ”


*a work in progress

Zach EvanIsaacMorgan


With less that 5% of the world population, we consume 73% of the world supply of illegal drugs and 99% of the


“Even with every possible rehab bed in the county filled we would only serve 10% of the

people who need help!”Dr. Michael Flaherty – Founder of IRETA

Ms. Fletcher drives home the point that every person—adolescent, adult, those with dual diagnoses and/or addiction with a medical illness—

deserves to be treated as an individual with respect for unique situations within a program that allows for flexibility.

Recovery is a ProcessAddiction is a Chronic Disease

Recovery Is Based on Respect and Hope

Many Pathways

“Natural Recovery”Our Target Market

It is a moderation-first based philosophy. "Progress not perfection"

OUR GOAL - “The Gets”Get past denial

Get engagedGet back your values

Personal risk assessmentMotivational incentive log with

feedbackMotivational incentives by FAR the

most successful psychosocial technique

How Will We Do That?

Systematically guide them towards peer support andclinical providers that USE evidence based treatments.

Strong evidence of peer support success with our target market.

How do we evaluate the Professionals?

Not all addiction specialists are using the best evidence-based methods

Do they reflect the values of recovery oriented system of care?

How so? What criteria should we use?

Allow users and family the opportunity to comment and rate?

A one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment typically is a recipe for failure

Utilize Inspirational Stories of Recovery

Music videos Inspirational Stories Messages of Hope Music as Therapy

Develop coping skills.

#1 Cause of Relapse – Poor Coping Skills

How to say NO gamesUse of rewards as motivational incentives

Rewire the brain through successive approximation

Encourage self evaluation to effectively show gratitude and positive


Gratitude serves as :A Value BarometerA Value Motivator A Value Reinforcer

Workbooks in Recovery

*Psychiatr Serv. 2009 Apr;60(4):491-7. doi: 10.1176/ A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of a modified recovery workbook program: preliminary findings.Barbic S1, Krupa T, Armstrong I.

This study, which is one of the first randomized controlled trials of a recovery-based group intervention for persons with serious mental illness, showed that

the Recovery Workbook group program was effective in increasing individuals' perceived sense of hope, empowerment, and recovery. *

Get the Family Involved

Dennis C. Daley, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychiatry and Social Work. He served for 14 years as the Chief of Addiction Medicine Services (AMS) at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC) of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. WPIC also hosts many funded clinical

trials including Dr. Daley's Appalachian Tri-State Node, which is part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network (CTN).



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