Nayland College Senior Prizegiving 2014

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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This is the programme from the Senior Prizegiving and details the academic, service, merit, sports and cultural prizewinners. Each year Nayland College has a number ceremonies to recognise the skills of its students. The House Dinner, Sports Prizegiving, Cultural Prizegiving, Service and Merit Prizegiving, Senior Prizegiving and Junior Prizegiving.



PPrrooggrraammmmee Processional Chasing Shadows: Phillip Greer

Tiffany Gilchrist, Toma Noguchi, Brogan Gilchrist, Caitlin Reid and Nikita Hoult

Mihi Rex Smith Principal Rex Smith Board Student Rep Ben Seelen Loyal: Dave Dobbyn Simon Wynne-Jones and Jordan MacGillivray Subject Prizes Year 11: Reader: Trevor Olley Presenter: Tony Jackson Year 12: Reader: Kathy Sherwood Presenter: Jane du Feu Year 13: Reader: Alison Paton Presenter: Gavin Dickson Year Level and Reader: Kathy Sherwood Additional Awards Presenters: Rex Smith and Carole Crawford Summertime: George Gershwin, Arranged by Chris Henzgen Orchestra Guest Speaker Nikki Bloomfield Because: The Beatles Caitlin Gladstone, Emma Usui, Kate Lovell, Laura Penrose, Brianne Troman and Simon Wynne-Jones Major Awards Reader: Rex Smith Presenter: Nikki Bloomfield Palmer Award Winner God Defend New Zealand: Arranged by Jodie Phaal School and Orchestra Recessional Winter from The Four Seasons: Antonio Vivaldi Orchestra

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Nikki Bloomfield

Nikki attended Nayland from 1992 to 1996. In her final year Nikki was elected student leader and won the Girls' Citizenship Award (Gregg Trophy). Following school Nikki attended the University of Otago where she gained a Law Degree in 2000. In 2001 Nikki travelled to the UK where she worked at the Treasury Solicitor’s Department in London, the UK Government law firm, where she managed commercial and human rights litigation. On her return to New Zealand Nikki worked at the Police Commissioner’s office in Wellington providing legal advice to the Police National Headquarters and managing New Zealand’s extraditions. Since 2005 Nikki has been employed by Meridian Energy in Wellington. She has provided legal and commercial advice on a wide range of contracts and projects including: the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter; the West Wind Windfarm in Wellington; the first large-scale solar electricity plant in California and the Ross Island Windfarm in Antarctica. Nikki helped lead Meridian’s $200 million bond offer and assisted with listing Meridian on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. Most recently Nikki has worked on the expansion of Meridian’s on-line electricity retailer Powershop. Nikki is currently on maternity leave looking after her two children, a three year old and a one year old.

GGoodd DDeeffeenndd NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd

E Ihoa Atua,

O nga Iwi Matoura,

Ata whaka rongona;

Me aroha noa.

Kia hua ko te pai;

Kia tau to atawhai;

Manaakitia mai


God of nations at thy feet

In the bonds of love we meet,

Hear our voices, we entreat,

God defend our free land.

Guard Pacific’s triple star,

From the shafts of strife and war,

Make her praises heard afar,

God defend New Zealand

SSuubbjjeecctt PPrriizzeess


Andre Castaing Level 1 Mathematics Level 1 Science


Daniel Batchelor Level 1 Technology - Hard Materials Level 1 Workshop Engineering Doran Trophy for the most improved student in Technology - Metal Ashton Bovey-Smith Level 1 Digital Technology Level 1 Outdoor Education Caleb Box Level 1 Music Holly Chandler Level 1 Geography Rachael Chittenden Level 1 French Level 2 Mathematics (The Richmond Office Products Depot Prize) Toni Dunn Level 1 Physical Education Liam Galbreath Level 1 English (The Paper Plus Prize) Level 1 Sociology (The Office Max Prize) Danyal Gear Level 1 Building & Construction (The Stevin McCauley Prize) Sarah Gonzenbach Level 2 English for Academic Purposes Stage 1 Daniel Kirby Level 1 Economics & Business Taylah Kirker Level 1 Physical Education Imogen Lunn Level 1 Drama Sarah McConchie Level 1 History Aimee McConchie Level 1 Technology - Textiles Level 1 Dance Daniel Musgrave Level 1 Digital Media (The Konica Minolta Prize) Tayla Nesbitt Level 1 Health Kyohei Noguchi Level 1 Hospitality Cullen Riley Level 1 Economics & Business Zoe Risner Level 1 Geography Level 2 Mathematics (The Richmond Office Products Depot Prize) Emily Rutherford Level 1 Graphics (The J D Design Prize) Laura Ryan Level 1 Accounting Sophie Usui Level 1 Art Level 1 Technology - Textiles Amber van Ginkel Level 1 Spanish NZ Institute of Draughtsmen Cup for Year 11 Draughting Neihana Waitai Level 1 Digital Technology

SSuubbjjeecctt PPrriizzeess


Elaine Ang Level 2 Digital Media (The Konica Minolta Prize) Lotte Bailey Level 2 Drama Ellan Baker Level 3 Music Mikayla Bovey Level 2 Business Management (The Business Telephones Limited Prize) Level 2 Technology - Textiles (The Spotlight Prize and the Bernina Sewing

Centre Prize) Trudy Brown Level 2 Photography Joshua Denton Level 2 Economics Level 2 Physics Charlotta Depping Level 1 International English Tino Dube Level 2 Workshop Engineering Ryan Gerrish Level 2 Automotive Trade Moira Gibbons Level 2 English (The Paper Plus Prize) Kara Hamilton Level 2 Biology Level 2 Spanish Natsumi Hayashi English for Communicative Purposes (Foundation Stage) Luke Hughes Level 2 Hospitality Emily-Rose James Level 2 Physical Education Serena Knight Level 2 Earth & Marine Science Momoko Kobayashi Level 2 English for Academic Purposes Stage 3-4 International Cup for all-round Excellence Sarah Lucic Level 2 History Kathryn MacKay Level 2 French James MacKay Level 2 Chemistry Level 3 Economics Tanya Poletayeva Level 2 Graphics (The J D Design Prize) Level 2 Painting Shannyn Riley Monica Robinson Prize for Diligence in Year 12 Mathematics Jack Sawyer Level 2 Journalism (The Office Max Prize) Rocky Smith Level 2 Outdoor Education Emily Snelgrove Level 2 Health Kieran Stamper Level 2 Legal Studies Isaiah Stevenson Level 2 Personal Financial Skills Dan Sutherland Level 2 Building & Construction (The Stevin McCauley Prize) Kate Sutton Level 2 Geography Courtney Tait Level 2 Gateway Gerry Toft Level 2 Chemistry Level 2 Digital Technology Level 3 Calculus Level 3 Physics Level 2 Accounting NZ Institute of Physics Prize Jordan Wagner Level 2 Dance Joseph Walton Level 2 History Tayla Wellesley Level 2 Design Art (The J D Design Prize) Nicole Whiting Level 2 Fashion & Design (The Bernina Sewing Centre Prize) Blake Winstanley Level 2 Economics Level 2 Geography Level 2 Psychology (The Paper Plus Prize) Level 2 Accounting Eenya Winther Level 2 International English Yasmin Woods Level 2 Tourism Simon Wynne-Jones Level 2 Music

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Milena Baden Level 3 Painting Level 3 German Mitchell Chandler Level 3 Biology Level 3 Geography Level 3 Statistics Emma Ching Level 3 History Kayla Cook Level 3 French James Croll Level 2 Digital Applications Jacinta Dempster Level 3 Sociology (The Office Max Prize) Alex Galbraith Level 3 Digital Technology (The Charles Newton Ltd Prize) Caitlin Gladstone Level 3 Drama Jonathan Growcott Level 3 Digital Media (The Konica Minolta Prize) Maddy Hansen Level 3 Photography Amy-Lyn Harvey Level 3 Health Level 3 Psychology (The Paper Plus Prize) Leo Lloyd Jill Smith Award for Diligence in the Learning Support Centre Ashleigh Martin Level 3 Media Studies Wati Nichols Level 3 Hospitality (The Nayland Road Store Prize) Toma Noguchi Level 3 Physical Education Adam Pauling Level 3 Biology Level 3 Chemistry Level 3 Statistics McKee Prize for Excellence in Mathematics McKee Prize for Excellence in Science Isaac Reardon Level 3 Mathematics Scott Riley Jill Smith Cup for Diligence in the Senior School Emil Secker Jim Scott Award for Special Endeavour Ben Seelen Level 3 Business Management (The Business Telephones Limited Prize) Lisa Toft Level 3 Design Art (The J D Design Prize) Level 3 English (The Paper Plus Prize) Level 3 History Level 3 Journalism (The Office Max Prize) Level 3 Accounting Circuit Journalism Prize Roger Batt Prize for Excellence in English Emma Usui Level 3 Dance Jonny Vitz Level 3 Outdoor Education Giorgia Webster Keitha King Cup for Diligence in Health

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Mitchell Chandler Energie Fruit Environment for Life University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

Kayla Cook Victoria Excellence Scholarship

Nina Lewis Victoria Excellence Scholarship

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Year 11

Liam Galbreath Whitcoulls Prize for Academic Achievement in Year 11

Sophie Usui Whitcoulls Prize for Academic Achievement in Year 11

Daniel Kirby Year 11 Network Tasman Award in Commerce

Laura Ryan Year 11 Network Tasman Award in Science

Ashton Bovey-Smith Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11

Rachael Chittenden Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11

Aimee McConchie Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11

Sarah McConchie Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11

Amber van Ginkel Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 11

Zoe Risner Principal's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Year 11

Year 12

Moira Gibbons Whitcoulls Prize for Academic Achievement in Year 12

Emily Snelgrove Whitcoulls Prize for Academic Achievement in Year 12

Joshua Denton Year 12 Network Tasman Award in Commerce

James MacKay Year 12 Network Tasman Award in Science

Kara Hamilton Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 12

Blake Winstanley Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 12

Gerry Toft Principal's Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence in Year 12

Year 13

Maddy Hansen Whitcoulls Prize for Academic Achievement in Year 13

Amy-Lyn Harvey Whitcoulls Prize for Academic Achievement in Year 13

Toma Noguchi Year 13 Network Tasman Award in Commerce

Oliver Sircombe-Kohen Year 13 Network Tasman Award in Science

Milena Baden Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 13

Kayla Cook Principal's Award for Academic Excellence in Year 13

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Kirsty Fern Nelson Federation of Graduate Women Trust Award

Jonathan Growcott Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology Secondary School Academic Achievement Award

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Sports Awards

Holly Chandler

Monica Robinson Cup for Best All-round Sportswoman

Laughlan Campion

D'Arcy Cup for Best All-round Sportsman

Paige Dunlop and Toma Noguchi

Higgison Cup for Sportsmanship

Rebecca Green

Gowans Trophy for outstanding contribution to Sport

Boys' Basketball Team

Andrew Trophy for outstanding Team Performance

Tommy McDowell Howat Cup for Excellence in Sport

Cultural Awards

Caitlin Gladstone and Kate Lovell

Appleton Meyer Cup for outstanding contribution to Drama

Laughlan Campion

Cassandra Wells Cup for the Best Comedy Performance

Ngaio Richards

Chapman-Cohen Music Award for contribution to Music

Caitlin Gladstone and Kate Lovell

Bruce Martin Trophy for outstanding contribution in the field of Musical Theatre

Laughlan Campion

Jones Cup for outstanding contribution to Dance

Huhana Panoho-Ginty

Meikle Cup for excellence in Music

Kate Lovell, Emma Usui, Laura Penrose and Caitlin Gladstone

Cultural Blues for outstanding contribution to Performance Arts

Service Awards

Isaac Reardon

Le Nedelec Cup for Selfless Service

Carla Lindley Nelson City Council Community Youth Volunteer Award

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Environment Leadership Award Recognising leadership in the areas of recycling promotion, energy saving or environmental awareness

Mitchell Chandler

Sophie Kroon Memorial Award

Recognising the potential of the recipient to make a difference to the lives of others and to society

Jacinta Dempster

Cindy Mosey Trophy for Enterprise and Innovation

Recognising the enterprise, innovation and determination needed to realise goals

Ben Seelen

Stoke-Tahuna Rotary Club George Cronin Memorial Prize for Boys’

Citizenship (Newman Trophy) Recognising outstanding contribution to the life of the school

Laughlan Campion

Nelson (Host) Lions Club Prize for Girls’ Citizenship (Gregg Trophy)

Recognising outstanding contribution to the life of the school

Kate Lovell

W C Kane Bursary

Recognising academic excellence and potential

Lisa Toft

W C Kane Scholarship - Dux (The Lukies Family Cup)

Nayland’s Dux Award recognising academic excellence and potential

Adam Pauling

Palmer Award for All Round Excellence (Norm Cowles Trophy)

Recognising all-round achievement in academic, cultural, sporting and citizenship areas

Mitchell Chandler

AAccaaddeemmiicc AAwwaarrddss

Year 10 Level 1 Mathematics Hazel Alderson, Ruby-Ann Burgess, Jona Schmutzer Science Gabrielle Emerson, Fynn Sawyer, Zoe Ward

Year 11 Level 1 Accounting Jessica Bartlett, Zoe Risner Art Ben Addison, Asher Jackson-Titjen, Imogen Lunn, Emily Rutherford,

Amber van Ginkel Building and Construction Rubyn Jarvie, Kade Thomas Dance Gabbie Hume, Shilah McCoy Digital Media Alex Crighton, Jared Sturkenboom Digital Technology Jason Little Drama Joseph Alison, Casey Crocker, Bailee Spriggs Economics and Business Joseph Alison, Sarah McConchie English Huri Bakhshi, Tayler Boeyen, Ashton Bovey-Smith, Caleb Box, Julia

Burrough, Jade Busch, Aimee McConchie, Courtney Neve, Zoe Risner, Laura Ryan, Neihana Waitai

Fashion and Design Shania Whiting Geography Aimee McConchie, Hamish Penrose, Laura Ryan Graphics James Peters, Sophie Usui Health Tobias Jordan, Taylah Kirker, Lucy Mitchell History Daniel Kirby, Caleb Box Hospitality Daniel Batchelor, Connor Nesbitt, Courtney Neve, Luka Taulilo Mathematics Huri Bakhshi, Harry Feasey, Mae Merritt, James Peters Music Liam Poole, Emily Rutherford Outdoor Education Cameron Aitken Physical Education Huri Bakhshi, Jordan Lindbom, Olivia Morrison, Maggie Riley, Tessa Riley Science Jade Busch, Asher Jackson-Titjen, Jason Little, Courtney Neve,

Lena Ramm Sociology Tayler Boeyen, Neihana Waitai Spanish Huri Bakhshi Technology - Hard Materials Jason Little Technology - Textiles Tayler Boeyen Workshop Engineering Theo Ensing, Sean Rae Level 2 Biology Holly Chandler, Daniel Kirby, Kyohei Noguchi, Laura Ryan Chemistry Aimee McConchie, Zoe Risner Digital Media Elliot Cina Mathematics Ashton Bovey-Smith Mathematics Jason Little, Sarah McConchie, Amber van Ginkel

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Year 12 Level 1 Art Shayn Webster Level 2 Accounting Andrew Borland Automotive Trade Zach Coote, Michael Hamer Biology Moira Gibbons, Daniel Raats, Rocky Smith, Emily Snelgrove Building and Construction Zach Coote, Harry Freeman Business Management Liam Cole, Laura Hedley Chemistry Daniel Raats, Katie Shaw, Emily Snelgrove Child Studies Holly Newton Dance Lotte Bailey, Nicole Whiting Design Art Elaine Ang, Cameron Murray Digital Media Logan Caunter, Jerry McKee Digital Technology Andrew Borland, James MacKay Drama Emily Haworth, Holly Newton Earth and Marine Science Reggie Elliott-Jones, Logan Caunter Economics Jackson Barber English Andrew Borland, Liam Cole, Indy Davidson, Kara Hamilton, Sarah Lucic,

James MacKay, Gerry Toft, Blake Winstanley Fashion and Design Jasmin Kennedy, Lacee Weeden Gateway Tane Raumati, Shannyn Riley Geography Ellan Baker Graphics Elaine Ang Health Laura Hedley, Rosie Wild Hospitality Elaine Ang, Samuel Kingsbury, Tayne Lousich, Aimee Mullenger,

Shannyn Riley, Lacee Weeden Legal Studies Kat Bauer-Eden, Brittany Carpenter Mathematics Momoko Kobayashi, Emily Snelgrove Music Trudy Brown, Ngaio Richards Outdoor Education Samuel Kingsbury, Justin Slierendrecht Painting Kat Bauer-Eden, Indy Davidson, Kanya Heng, Ngaio Richards Personal Financial Skills Zach Coote, Nash Thornley Photography Tayne Lousich, Cameron Murray, Ngaio Richards Physical Education Joshua Denton, Tia Lindbom-Turner, Katie Shaw, Lydia Watkins,

Rosie Wild Physics Moira Gibbons, Emily Snelgrove, Kate Sutton Psychology Melanie Cole, Sarah Lucic, Samuel Roberts, Kate Sutton Technology - Textiles McKenzie Gill-Davidson, Shannyn Riley Tourism Keeley McKnight, Taylor Tekawa Bruce Workshop Engineering Jackson Ottman Level 3 Calculus Joshua Denton, Kara Hamilton, James MacKay, Blake Winstanley Chemistry Kara Hamilton Physics James MacKay

AAccaaddeemmiicc AAwwaarrddss

Year 13 Level 2 Hospitality Sophie Cleary Workshop Engineering Caleb Beattie Level 3 Accounting Toma Noguchi Biology Tommy McDowell, Hayley Nam, Toma Noguchi, Oliver Sircombe-Cohen Calculus Tommy McDowell Chemistry Mitchell Chandler, Alex Galbraith, Tommy McDowell,

Oliver Sircombe-Kohen Dance Abbey Douglas, Jemma McKay Design Art Milena Baden, Maddy Hansen Drama Kate Lovell, Meg Parfitt Economics Tommy McDowell, Toma Noguchi English Milena Baden, Maddy Hansen Fashion and Design Natasya Hicks, Keely McManus Geography Ashleigh Martin, Samuel McEachern, Laura Penrose Graphics Jonathan Growcott Health Mikaylah-Jordan Matthews Health Charm Williams History Kayla Cook, Amy-Lyn Harvey Hospitality Zoe Dodge, Amy Sturkenboom Journalism Nina Lewis, Holly Maitland Mathematics Jonathan Growcott, Scott Riley Media Studies Annabella Thomas Outdoor Education Jacob Anderson, Daniel Vincent Painting Maddy Hansen, Wati Nichols Photography Nina Lewis, Laura Penrose, Sanne van Ginkel Physical Education Hamish Burke, Jonas Kale, Hannah Waine Physics Oliver Sircombe-Kohen Psychology Emma Ching, Kayla Cook, Jacinta Dempster, Abby Jameson Sociology Kirsty Fern, Hayley Nam Statistics Laura Penrose

SSeerrvviiccee AAwwaarrddss

The following students were acknowledged for their service to the school at the Service and Academic Awards:

Year 11 Taylah Kirker Sports Coaching, House Leadership Saul Ramsay Form Class Leadership

Year 12 Lotte Bailey NAGS Trudy Brown NAGS Moira Gibbons Form Class Leadership Emily-Rose James Youth Council Representative Rocky Smith House Leadership Blake Winstanley House Leadership, Chess Club organisation, Form Class Leadership,

School Administration

Year 13 Mitchell Chandler House Leadership, NEST Jazmin Clark Cottage Contact Kayla Cook Social & Fundraising Committee Jacinta Dempster Cottage Contact, 40 Hour Famine Zoe Dodge Form Class Leadership, Purple Cake Day, Kids Can Paige Dunlop Cottage Contact Joel Faulkner Cottage Contact Caitlin Gladstone School Photography Logan Goulding Cottage Contact, House Leadership Rebecca Green Sports Coaching Nina Lewis Leavers Committee, Chairperson Social & Fundraising Committee Kate Lovell Cottage Contact, Social & Fundraising Committee Holly Maitland Cottage Contact Jemma McKay Cottage Contact Hayley Nam 40 Hour Famine, Food Drive, Kids Can, Form Class Leadership,

Purple Cake Day Tia Palmer Cottage Contact Megan Parfitt House Leadership, 40 Hour Famine Laura Penrose House Leadership Isaac Reardon Cottage Contact, Form Class Leadership, House Leadership Scott Riley Services to the Library Kalena Stosser House Leadership Annabella Thomas Cottage Contact, NEST, House Leadership Sanne van Ginkel Chairperson Ball Committee

SSeerrvviiccee AAwwaarrddss The service given by the following students has been recognised with a letter of commendation from the Principal:

Year 11 Daniel Batchelor Science Fair Technology Silk Campion Form Representative Holly Chandler House Leadership Elliot Cina Service to Performance Arts Casey Crocker Service to Performance Arts Hope Hellesoe Form Representative Khailana Kendrick Service to Performance Arts Tash Knight Christian Group Wiremu Maxwell Form Representative Liam Poole Service to Performance Arts Saul Ramsay House Leadership Emily Rutherford Service to Performance Arts Luka Taulilo House Leadership

Year 12 Lotte Bailey Service to Performance Arts Kara Hamilton House Leadership, Form Class Leadership Emily-Rose James House Leadership Serena Knight Christian Group Jordan MacGillivray Service to Performance Arts Tanya Poletayeva House Leadership Bradley Richards Service to Performance Arts Ngaio Richards House Leadership Jack Sawyer Christian Group Katie Shaw House Leadership Jordan Wagner Service to Performance Arts Nicole Whiting Service to Performance Arts Rosie Wild House Leadership

Year 13 Milena Baden House Leadership Laura Beleski Ball Committee Hamish Burke House Leadership Mitchell Chandler Social & Fundraising Committee Jazmin Clark Peer Mentor Alix Cowan Ball Committee Jacinta Dempster House Leadership, Ball Committee, Social & Fundraising Committee,

Year Book Committee Zoe Dodge Social & Fundraising Committee, 40 Hour Famine Abbey Douglas House Leadership, Ball Committee, Year Book Committee Joel Faulkner House Leadership Kirsty Fern Ball Committee Caitlin Gladstone Ball Committee, Cottage Contact, Year Book Committee Nikita Goodwin Ball Committee, 40 Hour Famine Jonathan Growcott Video Game Group Matthew Hampson 40 Hour Famine

Lillian Haworth Ball Committee Isabel Heise International Committee Lisa Keen House Leadership Georgina Keenan Ball Committee Lydia Kilkelly-Waters 40 Hour Famine Nina Lewis Form Representative Carla Lindley Year Book Committee Leo Lloyd Form Class Leadership Holly Maitland House Leadership Rebecca Mann Year Book Committee Ashleigh Martin Social & Fundraising Committee, Year Book Committee Jemma McKay House Leadership, Ball Committee Lance Mead House Leadership Laura Penrose Year Book Committee Isaac Reardon Ball Committee, Social & Fundraising Committee Kalena Stosser Social & Fundraising Committee Annabella Thomas Social & Fundraising Committee Daniel Vincent 40 Hour Famine Caitlin Ward Year Book Committee Charm Williams 40 Hour Famine Zoe Workman-Teece Peer Mentor Anna Ziegler International Committee