New year resolutions for 2015 - A Social Media Analysis

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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It’s that time of the year again. As we welcome the New Year, we also welcome the age old tradition of keeping resolutions. We at Germin8 made a resolution to track these New Year’s resolutions through social media listening and we delivered. Here are some of the resolutions that the world around the

internet decided to make.

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Total Mentions


New year’s resolutions racked up a total of 403,138mentions on Social Media offering us insights into variousself-improvement vows taken by users online.

Note : Tracking Period for this study was from 25th Dec 2014 to 9th Jan 2015

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Top 3 Hashtags




#Resolutionsfor2015212,721 Mentions

20,669 Mentions

23,243 Mentions

• The top 3 hashtags used by people on Social Media :1. #NewYearsResolution2. #Resolutionsfor120153. #NewYerasResolutions

• Apart from these hashtags #NewYearResolutions had 5409 mentions and #Resolution2015Had 2833 mentions.

• Also there were some other hashtags that were used by people on social media like#NewYearsResolution2015, #NYR2015 and #ResolutionFor2015.

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Sentiment Analysis


• The overall sentiments surrounding new year’s

resolutions were neither positive nor negative.

• 246,543 posts were neutral, as the online

conversations were very generic & casual talks

about the topic of New Year Resolutions for


• 138,570 posts expressed a positive opinion

about sticking to the resolutions made.

• 18,025 posts suggested a lack of confidence to

actually carry through with the various

resolutions made.




Neutral Negative Positive

Source : Microblogs ,Social Media and Forums


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Top 5 Resolutions


37823 19732 11782 7892 56030









Lose Weight Save More Quit Smoking Charity Travel More

New Year Resolutions


• Social Media was filled with conversations around New Year resolutions for 2015 and these were the most talked about resolutions

Source : Microblogs , Social Media and Forums

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Let us discuss these and the other resolutions that made our list in a little

more detail


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Weight Loss

People are more likely to slack off and indulge during the festive

season which results in an overflow of gym goers in the month of

January every year. Losing weight Is the top New Year’s Resolution


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Weight Loss

• Most people making resolutions online seemed determined to get

rid of their multiplying midsections.

• Weight loss received 37,823 mentions across social media claiming

that 2015 would be the year that they begin to live healthier.

• Men were more concerned about getting their indulgences and

weight under control compared to women, as 52.4% of the social

media conversation related to this resolution came from men &

47.6% from women.


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Save More

Online conversations suggested that people wanted to improve their financial health in 2015.

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Save More

• The second best resolution this year seems to be saving.

• Save more received 19,732 mentions on social media

proving that people wanted to be more financially

successful in 2015

• With no surprise Women were more confident about

taking charge of their financial future as compared to

men, as 56.8% conversations on social media were from

women and 43.2% conversations from men.

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Quit Smoking

Another vice that the world

wanted to let go of was smoking.

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Quit Smoking

• People, by their own confession, succumbed to this

vice more often in the past but were determined to

keep to their word this year.

• 52.1% of women were enthusiastic about starting the

new year without a cigarette in their hand as

compared to 47.9% of men.

• Quit smoking received 11,782 mentions on social

media marking peoples intentions to quit smoking in


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The holiday season inspired many people to support others and help change

their lives

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• Charity was the 4th best resolution that people

discussed on social media.

• The topic of charity received 7,892 mentions on social


• Women, it seems are much more generous givers than

men as 53.3% of the people who made this resolution

on social media were women.

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Travel More

While many spoke about what they wanted to change about their lives, others wanted to

know where they could change their lives, striving to travel more

in 2015.

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Travel More

• From the conversation on social media 53.5% of men

as compared to 46.5% of women resolved to get out

and see more of the world they are living in.

• Travel more received 5,603 mentions on social media

and the topics ranged from travelling in general to

taking that dream trip in 2015.

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Work hard

People online wanted to be more productive and

inspired, while cutting out the clutter

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Work Hard

• More men than women vowed to work tenaciously

in the year that lies ahead. As 51.5% of the online

conversations were from men & 48.4% from


• Working hard received 3,762 mentions, as people

set out to move to the next level of their career in


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New Hobby

Instead of typically doing the same thing every day, most

people wanted to add something interesting to their

daily routine


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New hobby

• New Hobby received 1,502 mentions on social media.

• People wanted to boost their productivity by finding a

new hobby.

• Surprisingly 55.1% of the people who wanted to

pursue a passion outside their career were men.


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Quit Alcohol

Making plans for a New-Year detox was a popular topic of

conversations online

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Quit Alcohol

• The numbers from the conversations on social

media show that 58.5% of women were more

likely to scale back their drinking than 41.5% of


• After some alcohol fuelled new year celebrations,

very few people wanted to have an alcohol free

2015, as this topic received 1,209 mentions on

social media.

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New Language

Linguistics was a surprising topic of discussion in the list

of New year’s resolutions


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New language

• Learning a new language that won’t be used actively

and frequently is a difficult task but this did not deter

twitizens from expressing their intentions. This

resolution was mentioned 893 times on social media.

• 51.6% of women showed greater enthusiasm for

language learning than men on social media.


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Make New Friends

Everyone talked about makingnew friends and improvingsocial connections irrespectiveof individual personality types.

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Make new friends

• The old adage of women being more social than men

rang true on social media as 55.2% of conversations

were from women.

• This resolution received 729 mentions on social



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New look

Some people wanted to rev up their look and get out of their style rut by giving themselves

a makeover.


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New look

• This particular New Year’s resolution enjoyed a total

of 561 mentions on social media.

• 51.6% of conversations on social media were from

women as they were keener to incorporate new

trends for a fresh look in 2015 as compared to men.