NEWSPLASH! - Adrienne 2011.pdf · Kindergarten 2011-2012 The...

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October 25, 2010 Volume VII

NEWSPLASH!Nancy Young Elementary

From the President...

Inside this Issue Dates to Remember

January 2011Volume 12, Issue 5

January 10! ! One Book/One School Starts

January 11! ! PTA Meeting, 7pm

January 13! ! End of Semester

January 14! ! No School

January 17! ! No School

January 21! ! Report Cards

January 25! ! 3rd Grade Concert

January 26! ! Market Day Pick-up

January 28! ! PTA Bingo Night

January 31! ! Muntu Dance Assembly

February 8! ! PTA Meeting, 9:15am

From the Principal! ! ! 2-3

Kindergarten Registration Form! ! 4

One Book/One School! ! ! 5

Young Daughters Dance! ! ! 6

Reflections; Young Authors!! ! 7

Art Awareness; Staff Appreciation! ! 8

Bingo Night! ! ! ! 9

IPPC Update! ! ! ! 12

Help Wanted! ! ! ! 13

NYE Directory ! ! ! ! 14

NYE Board Email Addresses! ! 15

Team Young“Under the


Dear  Young  Families,

I  hope  you  all  had  a  relaxing  Winter  Break  and   are  ready   for  an  exci=ng   2011  at  NYE!    Our  PTA   is  planning  a  variety  of  ac=vi=es  for  the  upcoming  months.    We  have  the  tradi=onal  Daughter  Dance,  a  new  venue  for  Sons’  Night,   and   an   exci=ng   new   literacy   program   that   we   hope  will   promote   reading,   family   =me   together,   and  incorporate  some  fun  ac=vi=es  at  school  over  the  next  few  weeks.    We  are  also  planning  a  Chicago  Wolves  ou=ng  as  well  as  the  annual  5K  Family  Fun  Run/Walk  which  will  take  place  aRer  Spring  Break.    If  you  would  like  to  be  involved  in  the  planning  or  execu=on  of  any  of  any  of  these  events,  please  contact  the  CommiTee  Chairperson  or  myself.    For  more  informa=on  about  PTA  programs  and  ac=vi=es  or  upcoming  events,  please  visit  the  PTA  sec=on  of  the  Nancy  Young  website.    It  is  updated  weekly.    You  can  find  helpful  informa=on  including  the  Art  Awareness  schedule,  commiTee  chair   names  and  contact   informa=on,  upcoming  mee=ng  dates,  and  a  variety  of  ways  to  support  the  PTA.

Once  again  we  ended  last  year  with  our  annual  Winter  Party.        I  would  like  to  thank  Tracy  Bludgen  and  Marie  Sa=nover  for  planning  the  event  for  the  second  year  and  all  of  the  volunteers  who  helped  make  the  day  a  huge  success.    The  students  had  a  great  =me  showing  off  the  dance  moves  they  learned  during  their  specials  classes  in  December.    Tracy  and  Marie  also  had  Kaptain  Karaoke  mix   it  up  with  a  few  new  ac=vi=es,  including  a  fun  freeze  dance.

Please  join  us  for  our  next  PTA  mee=ng.    We  will  meet  Tuesday,  January  11th   at  7pm  in  the  Nancy  Young  MPR.    We  will  welcome  special  guest  speaker,  Mary  Kelly,  Principal  at   Granger  Middle  School.    She  will  discuss  the  transi=on  from  Elementary  School  to  Middle  School  as  well  as  Encore  curriculum  choices.    We  look  forward  to  seeing  you  then!

Shannon  Lynch

Nancy  Young  PTA  President


the Principal......

Dear Young Families,

We are very excited to be back at school learning. We have quickly jumped back into the swing of things and we are eager to see how much more we can accomplish and learn this year. In addition, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students are diligently preparing for the Illinois State Assessment Test. This school year, 3rd and 5th grade students will be assessed in the areas of reading and math, while 4th grade students will be assessed in the areas of reading, math, and science. ISAT administration will occur from February 28th through March 4th.

We are anxiously awaiting the start of the PTA’s “One Book, One School” program with all Young students and families reading The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School by Candace Fleming. The PTA has worked hard to develop many exciting activities to go along with the chapters in this book. In addition, on Friday, February 18th, author Candace Fleming will visit for an all school assembly with Young students.

Beginning the week of January 10th, all students will participate in curriculum based measurement (CBM) testing in the areas of reading and math. CBMs are one of the ways that we review and monitor our students’ performance and growth. Teachers use the information from the Benchmarks to plan their instruction for all students.

The first semester ends on January 13th. Report Cards will go home with students on January 21st. On January 28th, updated reading and math curriculum based measurement (CBM) information will be sent home with students. The box and whiskers chart will indicate your child’s winter CBM performance in relationship to grade level students across the district.

On January 31st we are thrilled to have the Muntu Dance Theater perform at an all school assembly at 9:30 am. The Chicago-based Muntu Dance Theatre performs authentic and progressive interpretations of contemporary and ancient African and African-American dance and music. Additional information about the Muntu Dance Theater can be found on their website:


Kindergarten 2011-2012The office is collecting information about incoming kindergarten students for the 2011-2012 school year. If you, a neighbor, or a friend, has a child in the Young attendance area who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2011 (as required by Illinois State Law), please contact the school office at 375-3800 to provide us with your child’s information (information sheet provided on the next page of this newsletter).

The 2011 Kindergarten Information Night will be held at Young Elementary School on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 7:00 pm.

Inclement Weather InformationWith our return back to school, I would like to remind everyone of several important items in reference to the winter weather:

• Students go outside for recess everyday unless the temperature is 5° Fahrenheit or below (This temperature reading includes the wind chill factor). Please make sure that students are properly attired with a hat, gloves, and appropriate weight coat. Students must have boots and snow pants if they want to play on the field and playground when there is snow on the ground. Children without boots and snow pants must remain on the blacktop when there is snow on the field and the playground.

• During the cold weather months, traffic in the parent pick-up zone increases. Please review the traffic procedures in the Car Pick-up Line and be sure to follow the directions of staff. The parent pick-up/drop-off line is the safest way to drop-off and pick-up students. Please be patient as you navigate through the line. Please remember that cars are not allowed in the front circle drive between 8:45-9:05a.m. and 3:15-3:45p.m. due to the loading and unloading of students on busses.

A lot of great things are happening at Young school. Your continued participation and support is greatly appreciated. Please know that we value your role in working to help your child achieve high academic standards. A strong partnership and a positive relationship between home and school are key components of a child’s educational success. As always, our goal is to build and maintain a strong home-school partnership as together we share in the responsibility of supporting your child’s learning. Thank you for your support and involvement in your child’s education.

Sincerely,Ms. Morgan


Adrienne Morgan, Principal



Legal Student Name ____________________________________________________Gender: Male or Female (first) (middle) (last)

Current Address______________________________________________________________________________

Subdivision____________________________________ Phone Number (H) ______________________________

Phone Number (W) _____________________________

Student Date of Birth___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________________________________________ (first) (last)

Did your child attend District 204’s Prairie Preschool? YES NO

Other Preschool(s) Attended __________________________________________________________________

Primary language spoken in the home___________________________________________________________

Additional languages spoken in the home ________________________________________________________

Health concerns, other services needed, or any additional information you wish to share: ___________________



Nancy Young Elementary School

800 Asbury Drive

Aurora, IL 60502

Phone: 630-375-3800

Fax: 630-375-3801


ONE BOOK / ONE SCHOOLThe NYE PTA is excited to present our first One Book/One School event. This is a program where our entire school community will read the same book simultaneously—parents to children, older children to the family, and school staff to spouses. The program is designed to create a school-wide "buzz" about books.

The PTA will be providing every family with the book titled The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School by Candace Fleming, as well as a bookmark with the reading schedule. On the bookmark, your child(ren) can check off the reading when your family has completed a section. This program will begin on Monday, January 10th and run for 6 weeks, with various activities planned along the way. The premise is that the reading will be done at home as a family to encourage everyone to read. Additionally, podcasts of each chapter, read by different staff members, will be available for listening on the Nancy Young Elementary School website.

Summary of the book: The book is about a group of rambunctious fourth graders that nobody wants to teach, until a new teacher comes along and changes things. Each chapter has a moral based on an actual Aesop Fable.

Reading Schedule: Note: This is just a guide; feel free to take your time or go ahead.Week 1 - Read pages 1-30Week 2 - Read pages 31-66Week 3 - Read pages 67-97Week 4 - Read pages 98-129Week 5 - Read pages 130-162Week 6 - Read pages 163 to the endWeek 7 - Catch up if needed.

Fabled Friday events: During this reading event, we will have “Fabled Fridays,” which will include trivia questions read over the P.A. in the morning, as well as other fun events and prizes.

• Ideal Teacher day (Thursday, January 13 - we are off on Friday) - Be Like Principal Struggles looking for the ideal teacher to teach the 4th grade class and write a “Want Ad” for your ideal teacher. On a sheet of paper think about what he/she would dress like, act, do, teach, etc. Bring this “ad” back to school and one from each grade will be chosen and displayed in our hallway.

• Rose Day (Friday, January 21) - Rose ended up wearing a very eclectic outfit on picture day. Review pages 22-30 in the book and come to school dressed like Rose (ie: wear a cowboy hat, tube socks, silk scarf, bow tie, sunglasses, etc.)

• Fable Day (Friday, January 28) - All the chapters in this book are based on an actual Aesop Fable. With your parent’s permission, visit or visit the school or public library and read some fables.

• Poem Day (Friday, February 4) - Lillian Ditty is always writing short poems. Write a poem on paper and bring it to school. We will bind them into a book to be kept in the LMC and also make a copy for the author.

• Valentine’s Day (Friday, February 11) - The kids make Mr. Jupiter a Valentine. Make your teacher a Valentine and give it to them.

• Favorite Character Day (Friday, February 18) - Dress up like your favorite character from the book. At school you will receive a label to wear so others know who you are. The AUTHOR WILL VISIT OUR SCHOOL for an assembly that day.

This is going to be a great event and we hope your family enjoys reading together!

If you have any questions regarding this program, please feel free to contact Carolyn Fichte at or 630-978-4106.




WHEN: Friday, February 11, 2011 7:00-9:00 PM

WHERE: Nancy Young Elementary Gymnasium

DETAILS: This dance is meant for all Nancy Young girls and ONE adult male (Dad, Uncle, Grandfather, etc…). Moms who would like to be a “part” of this special night are encouraged to volunteer – we need lots of help! This dance is not for siblings or girls who do NOT attend Nancy Young.

COST: $10 per adult – Nancy Young girls are FREE Flowers may also be purchased. Wrist corsages for the girls and

boutonnieres for the Dads will also be available for purchase (more info will be sent with the ticket order forms).

INFO: Ticket order forms will be coming home in backpacks mid January. Be sure and watch for them!

Volunteers are needed for the night of the dance (set-up, take-down, flower sales, coat check, refreshments, etc...) as well as in preparation for the dance. There is a place for EVERYONE!!

The planning meeting for the Young Daughters Dance will be held on Thursday, January 13th at 9:15am in the Multi Purpose Room.

If you need more information, or would like to help out with this great event, please contact Tammi Arostegui at 630-851-9939 or


REFLECTIONSCongratulations to the students listed below whose Reflections entries advanced to the IPPC level. Students with an (*) by their name have had their submissions selected to advance one more level, the District 36 level. Way to go! An IPPC Recognition ceremony will be held the evening of January 27th at McCarty Elementary School. All advancing entires will be displayed and students will be presented with a certificate. Invitations have been emailed to all advancing students. Please contact Aarthy Shanmugam at or Rebecca Curtis at if you have any questions. Sudeep Annem Tyler FlandersNicholas Asuan* Sean HickeyOla Asuan Caroline HurstSindhura Baruri Caroline KelloggKatie Breck* Katie Kim*Alycia Bhargava Jordan MamonAdam Casselman Ananya Parimi*Carly Casselman* Aditi Prabhu*Aubree Curtis Prarthana PrashanthGabrielle Czarnik* Aden PrinceLauren Dami Chaithra ReddySara Dixon* Sarat SagaramKavishka Fernando Mackenzie VictorKaty Flanders*

YOUNG AUTHORS Young Authors is a time for students to let their creativity shine. This program is intended to generate appreciation and recognition of children’s writing. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are encouraged to participate in the Young Authors Program by writing and submitting an original story, essay, or collection of poems. A letter will be sent home in January describing this program. Students who would like to participate will have the end of January and the beginning of February to complete their pieces for submission. We look forward to another great year of wonderful writing!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Ranucci at


This is just a reminder that if you are an Art Awareness Volunteer to please check the schedule if you present in January. You may look at the schedule on the NYE website. Go to the website, click on the PTA tab and then click on the Art Awareness Tab. Then scroll down to view all the schedules by grade. Also, if you use the last of any supplies please let Angie Tippin know so she can replace it for the next person.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carolyn Fichte at, Kay Kellogg-Huth at , Nina Prabhu at or Angie Tippin at


The Staff Appreciation Committee will be preparing for the next staff event. On February 22nd the Committee will be treating the staff to dinner. A planning meeting for this dinner is TBD. As volunteers, we need people to set-up and/or clean-up each event, oversee the planning, coordinate with the Bakers R' Us committee for the food and plan decorations that go with the theme.

What better way to say thank you to our wonderful staff for all they do for the students of NYE! If you are interested in helping out p l e a s e c o n t a c t S h e r r i N u g e n t a t or 630-364-8057 or Zena Weir at or 630-820-6936.

If you are unable to help with this event, please mark your calendars for Staff Appreciation Week, which will be the week of May 16th-20th.





Nancy Young Elementary’s Spirit Council will be hosting a Bingo Night on Friday, January 28, 2011. Watch the ListServe and backpacks for details about registration. There will be two sessions offered:

Session One - 5:45pm to 7:30pm

Session Two - 6:45pm to 8:30pm

If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Flanders at or Jodie Bach at

Tired of cooking? Winter got you down? Come out to Steak and Shake Restaurant located at 4333 Fox Valley Center Drive on Wednesday, February 2nd from 5pm to 9pm and take a break from the kitchen. Enjoy a milkshake, have a fun meal, and support your school at the same time!!

The more people that attend, the more money that we can raise. 10-15% of the proceeds go to Nancy Young PTA. Look for more information to go home through backpack mail as well as ListServe. If you have questions, please contact Wendy Balda at

YEARBOOK PICTURE SUBMISSIONSWe are continuing to put the YEARBOOK together. If you have pictures you would like to include in the yearbook, please email them to Jennifer Vierling at or burn them on a CD and label with “yearbook.” CD’s can be left in the Yearbook mailbox in the office. Please make sure that you identify the classroom or event on the CD or in your email.


WINTER PARTY THANK YOUThank you to Marie Satinover and Tracy Bludgen for all of their hard work on the Winter Party. Due to their diligence and organization, the party ran smoothly. Also, we would like to thank all the parents who volunteered for the room party. Your time and involvement is truly appreciated!

Thank You!!

ONE BOOK/ONE SCHOOL THANK YOUA HUGE thank you goes out to Carolyn Fichte and the One Book/One School Committee for all of their hard work on the launch of the One Book/One School Reading Program. There was so much work and preparation that went into the distribution and preparation of this program. We truly appreciate all of their time and efforts in making this a great program for our Young students.

We would also like to take the time to thank Brenda Montemayor, one of our Young parents, who designed our One Book/One School Logo. This logo represents our belief that this program will stimulate an interest in reading that will hopefully last throughout the year, if not longer.

CHICK-FIL-A THANK YOUCongratulations to Miss Faoro's Kindergarten class for winning the Chick-fil-A Nugget Party with 62% of their class participating. The CFA cow will be delivering their prize soon! Over $275.00 was raised in profit through this Restaurant Night to support Nancy Young PTA programs.

Additionally, Miss Eckert’s First Grade class was the winner of the Dominos Pizza Dough Raiser. All students in 1E will receive a coupon for a free medium Dominos Pizza. Look for that coupon coming home in backpack mail.

Thank you to all the families that participated in these Restaurant Nights. Your support of our PTA is appreciated tremendously!!




NYE PTA WEBSITEIf you are looking for any information about our PTA activities, please check out the PTA pages on the Nancy Young Elementary website at

The website is updated every Thursday with current information about the PTA events at Young Elementary. The tabs include Forms, Meetings, Events, Art Awareness, Reflections, Committees, Volunteers, Newsletters, Support PTA, and PTA News.

If you would like more information about this website, please contact Amy Coryell at

Save the date!! Young Sons’ Night will be held on Friday, March 18, 2011. The Chairs are looking at a new venue. Watch for more details and registration forms coming home through backpack mail and ListServe. If you would like to volunteer o r wou l d l i k e mo re i n f o rma t i on , p l e a se c on t a c t Amy Papa a t

The PTA will be hosting a Chicago Wolves Night on Saturday, April 9, 2011. Save the date for an exciting night of hockey action!

If you have any questions, please contact Kristen Flanders at

NOMINATING COMMITTEEEven though 2011 has just started, the PTA will soon have to start thinking about the 2011-2012 school year. In the next two months we will be forming our Nominating Committee, which reviews applicants for the NYE PTA Executive Board. There is a minimal time commitment. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Shannon Lynch at



Help! Parenting isn't as easy as it looks.

Save the Date! Saturday, February 5, 20118:00 AM - 2:15 PMMetea Valley High School1801 N. Eola Road, Aurora IL

The cost is $35/person for a full day or $25/person for a half day. Join us for a day of informative and interactive workshops designed to provide practical lessons for parenting kids in preschool through high school. After all, parenting is a learned skill. Register Now! (1) Registration booklets are now available at your school and online at Select the workshop(s) you want to attend.(3) Complete the registration form and return form and payment by Friday, January 28, 2011 Parent University is brought to you by District 204, District 203, and the Collaborative Youth Team. The Indian Prairie Parents' Council is pleased to work in cooperation and support Parent University for the benefit of children, youth and families. The Indian Prairie Parents' Council is the umbrella organization for all 34 PTA and PTSA units in District 204. For more information about IPPC, please visit


TREASURER’S REPORTAll expenditures for December events need to be turned in ASAP for reimbursement. All forms are required to have the Committee Chair's signature on them in order for a check to be issued.

Reimbursement Forms are available on the NYE Website under the PTA Tab.

Any questions, please contact Linda Matty @

PTA MEETINGOur next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 11th at 7pm. Mrs. Mary Kelley, the principal of Granger Middle School, will be our guest speaker. Fifth grade parents, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn a little about the middle school and meet the principal.

Are you good at writing? Do you like to do research? Do you want to volunteer at Young, but don’t know how? We are looking for someone who can assist one of our other volunteers with researching grants as well as writing them.

If you are interested, please contact Erica Patterson at

NYE is in need of a representative for the Indian Prairie Project Arrow PTA (IPPA). The person would need to attend the IPPA meetings and report back to the Young PTA any updates.If you are interested, please contact Pam Bautch at


PTA MEETING DATESPTA Meetings are held on Tuesdays in the Multi-Purpose Room at NYE. Children are welcome to attend with you. Get involved and find out what’s happening at your child’s school!January 11, 2011 - 7:00pm April 12, 2011 - 9:15am

February 8, 2011 - 9:15am May 10, 2011 - 9:15am

March 8, 2011 - 9:15am

The Dolphin Depot is on Thursday mornings from 8:50am until 9:05am. Items for sale include pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, notebooks, sharpeners, pens etc... Prices range from .05 cents to $3.00. Please make sure that your student checks in with their Teacher first, so that they are not marked tardy.

Mark your calendars for the dates listed below:

January 13th, 2011 - Grades K-2January 20th, 2011 - Grades 3-5January 27th, 2011 - Grades K-2February 3rd, 2011 - Grades 3-5

Anyone interested in Chairing or Co-Chairing the Dolphin Depot for the 2011-12 School Year, s h o u l d c o n t a c t L i n d a M a t t y a t


NYE DIRECTORYAll PTA members should have received their NYE Directory at this point in time. If you are not a PTA member and would like to receive a d i r e c t o r y , p l e a s e c o n t a c t P a m B a u t c h a t for membership details.


BOX TOPSCONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Palmer’s 5th grade class for winning the November Box Top collection challenge!! They brought in the most box tops. Thank you for all of your support!!

In October we sent in $711.00 worth of box tops for redemption. Our goal for the school year is $1800. So far we have a total of 4,875 box tops that are ready for shipment. We need an additional 10,890 box tops by February 2011 to reach our goal. This is a HUGE goal, so let’s keep cutting those box tops!!

The LAST submission date for reimbursement for this school year is February 2011, so please turn in any box tops that you have now. We are only allowed to submit them twice yearly (October and February), so it is important that we receive as many as we can this month and the beginning of February.

I f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e c o n t a c t A n g i e M a r t y a t or Erica Patterson at

President Shannon Lynch nyeptapresident@gmail.com1st Vice PresidentOversees Membership, Communications, Service, and Educational Enrichment

Amy Coryell

2nd Vice PresidentOversees Social, Ways & Means

Jodie Bach

Recording Secretary Carolyn Fichte nyeptarecsec@gmail.comCorresponding Secretary Tammi Arostegui nyeptacorsec@gmail.comTreasurer Linda Matty nyeptatreasurer@gmail.comEducational Enrichment Standing Chair

Joanne Jachimiec

Membership & Communications Standing Chair

Pam Bautch

Service Standing Chair Claire Beach nyeptaservice@gmail.comSocial Standing Chair Kristen Flanders nyeptasocial@gmail.comWays & Means Standing Chair Erica Patterson





Target has donated approximately $4400.00 to our school over the past 10 years with the 1% back on purchases when using one of their Target Redcards. This is an extremely easy way to help out our school while shopping for everyday groceries!

You will also receive 5% off purchases at check-out EVERYDAY when one of their REDcards is used at any Target store or The new 5% off incentive program includes Target’s Credit Card, the Target Visa Credit Card, and Target Check Cards.

Remember that you can go through and chose Target as your merchant and then our school will get an additional 7% of the online purchase. WOW!

If you are already a Target card holder: 1. Go to 2. Click “First time here? Enroll.” 3. Follow the prompts to register (you can also pick Nancy Young as your school at this time)

Congratulations – you’re done! You will start getting 5% off on your everyday purchases.

Any questions, please email Erica Patterson


We had another GREAT month - forty seven customers purchased food through Market Day and our NYE PTA received $298.00 from the December sales. FABULOUS! That brings us to a year to date total of $1300.00 that has gone back to the PTA. Thank you to all the families that ordered Market Day this month.

Upcoming special in the January Market Day flyer:  

Help us Earn $250 in Books!

Effective for sale dates 1/2/11 to 1/29/11

Help your organization earn a $250 Borders® Gift Card this month and get a Free Book Bag Buddy! Support National Reading Month in January with your Market Day purchase. Every purchase earns a free Book Bag Buddy plus each organization that exceeds the dollar amount of January 2010 sales by 10% or more will earn a $250 Borders Gift Card. Remember, your purchase CAN make the difference! See your chairperson for your organization's goal. Our goal for January 2011 sales is $1649.50 before tax.

*Limit one free Book Bag Buddy per customer order. Borders is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this promotion. Please see back of gift card for terms and conditions of use. Borders is not responsible for any alleged or actual claims related to this offer. Promotion effective for sale dates January 2, 2011 through January 29, 2011. $250 gift card given to organizations with orders that exceed the dollar amount of January 2010 orders by 10% or more. Programs and promotions are subject to change or termination at any time without notice.

If you have any questions, please contact Erica Patterson at




iTunes will donate 5% of your purchase to our school.

Oriental Trading will donate 5% of your purchase to our school.Remember this for upcoming birthday parties or classroom parties.

For you fitness buffs – If you order P90X online, they will donate 10% to our school.

Toys-R-Us will donate 3% of your purchase to our school. The list of merchants goes on and on.

Please go to first and pick the merchant of your choice. The website will take you to that website and you can make your online purchase with a percentage coming back to NYE PTA.

So far we have $90 in our account with Thanks to everyone that has used when shopping online.

If you have any questions, please contact Erica Patterson



Indian Prairie School District #204

Elementary Lunch Menu January 2011

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3

No School

Winter Break


No School

Winter Break

5 **Corn Dog

Or *Cheese Stuffed Breadstick

w/Marinara Sauce

Mixed Fruit Animal Crackers Choice of Milk

6 Balanced Choices Meal: WG Chicken Patty on a

Whole Grain Bun or

*Cheesy Pasta w/WG Roll & Jelly

Local Grown Peas & Carrots

Chilled Applesauce Choice of Milk

7 *Cheese Pizza

Or NEW Chilimac w/WG Biscuit

Fresh Broccoli Golden Corn Chilled Pears Choice of Milk

10 Cheeseburger on a WG Bun

Or *Make Your Own Pita Pizza with or without Pepperoni

Fresh Carrot Sticks Pretzel Twists

Chilled Strawberries Choice of Milk

11 *Pancakes w/ Reduced Sugar Syrup

with or without Sausage Patty Or

**Cheese Dog on a WG Bun

Broccoli Salad Baked Tator Tots

Fresh Orange Wedges Choice of Milk

12 Soft Shell Tacos w/Taco Meat or *Vegetarian Refried Beans

Or WG Chicken Nuggets

w/WG Roll & Jelly Tossed Salad w/Romaine

Golden Corn Fresh Banana Choice of Milk

13 *Cheese Ravioli

w/WG Roll & Jelly or

NEW BBQ Pork Sandwich on WG Bun

Green Beans

Chilled Peaches Choice of Milk


No School

Teacher Work Day


No School

Martin Luther King Day

18 WG Chicken Nuggets

w/WG Roll & Jelly Or

*Pita Wedges w/ Fresh Veggies & Hummus

Marinated Green Bean Salad Golden Corn Chilled Pears Choice of Milk

19 Nachos w/Cheese & Taco Meat

or *Vegetarian Refried Beans Or

WG Chicken Patty on a WG Bun

Tossed Salad w/Romaine Fiesta Rice

Fresh Banana Choice of Milk

20 Hamburger

on a WG Bun Or

Oven Baked BBQ Chicken w/WG Roll & Jelly

Fresh Carrot Sticks Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy

Cinnamon Apple Slices Choice of Milk

21 Balanced Choices Meal:

*Cheese Pizza Or

Chicken Caesar Salad w/WG Roll

Fresh Broccoli Potato Wedges

Local Grown Fresh Apple Choice of Milk!

24 Balanced Choices Meal: *Cheese Stuffed Breadstick

w/Marinara Sauce or

WG Chicken Patty on a WG Bun Green Beans Mixed Fruit

Choice of Milk

25 *Mini Strawberry Blast Pancakes with or without Sausage Patty

Or NEW Meatball Sub Sandwich

Baked Curly Fries

Fresh Grapes Choice of Milk

26 Taco in a Bag w/Taco Meat or *Vegetarian Refried Beans

or **Hot Dog on a WG Bun

Shredded Lettuce/Tomatoes Steamed Broccoli

Applesauce Choice of Milk

27 WG Chicken Nuggets

w/WG Roll & Jelly Or

*Make Your Own Pita Pizza with or without Pepperoni

Carrot Coins Fresh Pear

Choice of Milk

28 Balanced Choices Meal: *Cheese Pizza

Or BBQ Rib Sandwich

on a WG Bun Tossed Salad w/Romaine

Local Grown Vegetable Blend Chilled Peaches Choice of Milk

31 *French Toast Sticks w/ Reduced Sugar Syrup

with or without Sausage Patty Or

Salisbury Steak w/WG Roll & Jelly

Potato Smiles NEW Blue Razz Juice

Choice of Milk

Balanced Choices Meals are meal combinations that meet

precise nutrition standards that endorse healthy eating guidelines

for students. BC meals are in bold

Lunch Meal Prices: Paid Lunch: $2.25

Reduced Lunch: $0.40 White Milk: $0.40

Chocolate Milk : $0.50

Alternate !"#$ Fun Lunch Offered Daily: *Soybutter & Grape Jelly Uncrustable Sandwich offered daily

Mondays: *Blueberry Muffin & String

Cheese Fun Lunch, w/Graham Crackers, Fruit Juice, and Milk

Tuesdays: Balanced Choices Meal:

Turkey & Cheese WG Sub Fun Lunch, w/Graham Crackers,

Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice, and Milk

Wednesdays: *Pizza Bagel Fun Lunch,

w/Animal Crackers, Baby Carrots, Chilled Fruit,

and Milk

Thursdays: *Nachos Fun Lunch

(Baked Tostitos Scoops, Shredded Cheddar Cheese & Salsa) w/

Graham Crackers, Baby Carrots, Fruit Juice, and Milk

Fridays: Ham Sandwich (no Cheese)

on WG Bread Fun Lunch, w/Animal Crackers,

Baby Carrots, Chilled Fruit, and Milk

*This menu item is a vegetarian option **This item contains turkey WG = Item is made with Whole Grain Full student lunch includes choice of 1 entrée, 2 side dishes, and milk.

-Food bar with fresh fruits and vegetables offered daily. Menu subject to change without notice.

Daily Milk Choices Include: Skim White, 1% White, and 1% Chocolate Menu Questions or Comments? Please Call Director of Dining Services: Susan (Ladesic) Plemons, RD at 630-428-6570

The School Lunch Program is operated in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture policy which does not permit discrimination because of race, color, sex, age, handicap or national origin. Any person who believes that he or she has been discriminated against in any U.S.D.A. activity should write to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250.