Oct 2012-Hawaiian South Shore Surf News

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Proctor Surfboards:All Hail The Big Chief,Royalty Rewards,Kyle,have you seen my phone?,SORKY,KanuLock,DXLX-DOCKSLOCKS,As fit as a Bee?


What Surfers are saying about

Luis took out to one of Panama’s renowned

breaks, Santa Catalina, and was impressed by its maneu-

verability and control.

“I was able to place it all over the face of the wave, even got

a little barrel ...with a lot of ease. The construction is

great...this one took my 240 pounds of body weight right in

the middle of the deck in a couple of wipeouts without a

single pressure ding.”

Chad bought his custom squash tail back in April.

For the past 3 years, he hasn’t been able to surf as much as

he used to, with two little ones running around the house.

“Although I was out of paddling shape...I really liked how the

board paddled and took off. I am super happy with it!”

Kelly is an old surfing sea dog who hasn’t been himself on

the waves lately.

“A few warm-ups and it was like I was back to my old surfing

self when I was 17 and on. The board is a great blend of old

and new. A great feel.”

Jose dragged along on a surf

trip to Costa Rica, where he conquered a few

head high waves in Playa Hermosa.

“...I was so confident on it. After being out of the

water for 2 and a half years, that board made

me catch up with my surfing. Best board I ever


55 year old Mark said, “ This board is great!

Makes me feel 30 years younger. Paddles fine

and catches waves very easily.”

October 2012

Proctor Surfboards’ has been sweeping the surf world with style. The board is designed for surfers who tend to ride their rails

(instead of surfing off their fins) and for those of us who aren’t

wafer-thin and all skin and bones. The fuller rails of the board’s

design allow you to drive through turns with ease.

The board’s high volume, especially in the chest area, makes paddling

out super easy since the board doesn’t sit low in the water. Surfers

get extra paddling power with the high performance maneuverability of

a shortboard.

It’s a breeze to catch waves and thanks to its versatile rocker, this

beauty gives you speed and power in small waves without losing maneu-

verability. The board also responds quickly to snap changes in direc-

tion, allowing you to pull off incredible tricks and turns on the


The shape of the tail, the board’s extra width, rail geometry and

double concave bottom all work in harmony to give you a ride like no

other. That’s a pretty impressive feat for a big board.

Tell us your thoughts



Hawaiian South Shore is one of the few places to have

the first set of Jordy Smith Future Fins in stock. We

have only 6 sets available, so call now to place your


In collaboration with Future Fins, Jordy has used his

knowledge of board shapes and designs to create a Fu-

ture Fins series like no other.

These fins are designed to give the feel of a glass-on

without the rigidity and weight. They have a medium

flex pattern, making the fins stiffer than a Blackstix

but more flexible than Fiberglass or Techflex.

They’re flat-foiled, giving surfers better speed con-

trol on fast, powerful waves. The fins also have a

large area which is perfectly adapted for bigger frames

(180+ lbs) like Jordy’s.

Happy Gorillas!


Expiration Date: 10/31/2012


RR Number:

Hawaiian South Shore is hooking up the

first 20 people that come into HSS with

this coupon. Buy a Gorilla Grip Deck pad in

October and get a free Gorilla Grip Limited

Edition T-Shirt. Just clip this coupon, write

in your name and RR number and present

it when you make your purchase. Only the

first 20 people will score free Gorilla Tees,

so come early or you’ll miss out!

Dimensions (Side & Rear Fins):

Height — 4.73”

Base — 4.77”

Area — 16.11”


Royalty Rewards

Check your mailbox for our Halloween Special! The postcard

offers a $10 discount for any purchase worth $35 or more.

Present your postcard coupon to one of our guys when making

your purchase to enjoy the deal. This special can NOT be

combined with any other specials or offers and you have to

use it on/before the expiry date.

Can’t make it in by Oct. 31st? Just give us a call and we’ll take

your order over the phone. We accept all major credit cards.

After paying for your item, just come in with your postcard

and we’ll make sure that you’ll get your points.

Oh, I almost forgot! Here’s our number (808) 597-9055. Ring

us up Mon - Sat between 10:30 - 7:00.

This Offer goes back to

the grave on Oct 31st

Kyle, have you seen my phone?

I have to give a big `Thanks' to Sergeant Yue and the officers of the Honolulu Police Department for helping

me to recover my stolen iPhone. The drama all went down the other day. After surfing, I called my wife on the

way to the shower. When I got off the phone, I placed it under my towel on the bench next to the shower. After

showering, I walked back to the car and realized that I'd forgotten my phone, but it was gone by the time I

returned to the bench to look for it. I asked a friend of mine to call my number to see if I'd left it in the car. No


I figured someone had snatched it, so I dashed over to HSS and turned on the pc to track the phone's GPS. My

phone was moving up Ward Ave, so I ran outside to see if anyone along the avenue was walking around with

it. No luck there either! Chances are, the person was heading away from the store, so I ran home and re-

trieved my iPad to use it to track the phone. After locating it again, I noticed that the phone was moving fast

towards downtown. That's when my wife suggested that we should call the police because you never know...

maybe some crazy person took the phone.

When the police arrived, I gave them my iPad so that they could use it to track my phone. They called up a

few more officers and, after coordinating their team, pinpointed the phone's position. It was on a bus. I'm sure

the bus driver was pretty surprised when the cops pulled him over. My wife dialed my number again and the

officers caught the dude on the bus trying to put the phone on `Quiet' mode. I would've loved to have seen

the look on his face when he was caught red-handed.

Man, the things these smart phones can do! I'm super stoked that the police helped me out. It was a first for

them, chasing down a stolen phone using an iPad. I've learned my lesson: don't take my phone to the

shower! I'm happy I took Kyle's (our manager) advice and turned on the phone's locator feature a few months



There's no hiding it, you're a self-

proclaimed Surf Junkie! The call of the

perfect wave is a beautiful symphony to

your ears, but

any old surfing

sea dog will

tell you that

years of answer-

ing the ocean's

siren songs can

lead to the con-

dition known as

Surfer's Ear


SE is caused by long exposure to extreme

changes in temperature. Being constantly

slapped around by the cold wind and water

on the waves causes your ear canal to be-

come irritated. Your body kicks in, try-

ing to alleviate the inflammation, but

this desperate attempt only makes matters

worse. Your ear canal eventually becomes

blocked, trapping drops of cold water and

earwax in a tiny space and leading to in-

tense ear infections or even hearing

loss. Surfer's Ear is rather painful and

not a pretty sight.

Completely shielding your ears from the

elements is the best way to fend off SE

while still indulging in your favorite

past-time, but no self-respecting surfer

likes to sport a pair of Great-grandpa's

earplugs. Besides being über uncool, such

an earplug is downright dangerous, as it

prevents you from hearing anything while

in the water.

If you're wondering how to solve this

'Hearing Conundrum', the engineers at

Sport Contrôle, in collaboration with a

few medical doctors, have developed a

product called Sorky.

At its core, Sorky is an earplug; yet it

seems as if it's so much more. It's for any-

one over the age of 12 and is durable, super

lightweight, flexible and extremely comfort-


Once inserted into the

ear canal, Sorky is

designed to stay put,

come Hell or High Wa-

ter. Yet it's not a

hassle to remove when

play-time is over. Ac-

cording to the manu-

facturer's website,

the silicon used to

make the earplugs mim-

ics the flexibility

and movement of human skin, making the plug

fit snuggly in your ear.

They also feature a

specially designed

membrane that allows

sound to flow freely

while keeping the sea

out of your ears. This

ensures that your

hearing and sense of

balance, two of the

most important senses

for every surfer, re-

main unaffected.

It may sound like we are drowning this lit-

tle gizmo with accolades, but that's because

Sorky has truly impressed us. Our only con

is that the product generally runs a little

pricier than similar ones on the market, but

for a high quality, top notch product, the

added cost is well worth it.

Check out Sorkys at:



HSS is your source for DXLX ®Complete Surfboard Lock Sys-


The DXLX® system is like a bicycle lock for your surfboard. It

was invented by a former Navy Seal, C. Dock Hooks, who

got tired of people snatching his board while he was at the

beach. Its durable, stainless steel design locks into your

leash plug or finbox and you can loop the cable through sev-

eral plugs to lock multiple boards without any extra keys.

The DXLX® system comes with:

- A 10ft coated, Stainless Steel Cable (w/ resettable Combina-

tion lock)

- A DXLX® Jaw

- A Cleat for use in your finbox if your board doesn’t have a leash


Check it out at:


KanuLock is an all-in-one rack strap

and lock. It works like regular tie-

downs, but it’s reinforced with

braided stainless steel cables, mak-

ing it almost impossible to cut. The

straps are wrapped with nylon, so

your car won’t get dings or scratches

and since you position the widest

part of your board between the front

and back straps, your board won’t

slide out either.

Check it out at:




Forget being as fit as a fiddle. After a few years of

throwing back a few Naturebee™ capsules, I'm as fit as a


Naturebee™ capsules contain organic bee pollen that:

Contains as much protein as eggs but without the


Aids in digestion

Is an all-natural anti-oxidant that fights aging.

Is packed with more than 20 key vitamins, minerals

and fatty acids

Improves mental alertness

Strengthens immune system

Is an all-natural energy booster

Keep healthy for the waves! Don't forget your Naturebee™


320 Ward Ave 112

Honolulu, Hi 96814

(808) 597-9055

Monday—Saturday 10:30-7:00

SUN - We’re out surfing!


As fit as a Bee?