OLWEUS BULLYING PREVENTION PROGRAM School Classroom Individual Community Parents 1.

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Classroom-Level Components


SchoolClassroomIndividualCommunityParents1Research shows bullying prevention needs to happen on multiple levels to be effective. The 4 Olweus program components are based on this & consist of: + school-level components + classroom-level components + individual-level components (working w/ individual students & their parents), + community-level components CLICK MOUSE so that parents flies in.Parents are very important for success of the Olweus program & are involved at all 4 levels. Each of these components will be discussed.

OBPP Staff TrainingTab 2: Doc 2

2011 The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, US1

about bullyingWe will not bully others.2. We will try to help students who are bullied.3. We will try to include students who are left out.4. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

(TG Doc #8)2All schools have rules governing student behavior, but many do not explicitly address bullying. Existing rules may not use the term, bullying & frequently omit indirect/subtle forms (e.g., social exclusion)need to include full range of behaviors.OBPP recommends schools adopt these 4 rules: (SLIDE) Show Poster & table tents (SWG CD Docs. 21-22; TG CD Doc. 8).Highlight info from SWG pp. 51-55:Only 1st rule addresses children who bully; remaining 3 focus on bystander behavior. Expectation is that ALL students wont bully AND will take action to help students who are bullied.Rule #4 applies to students being bullied themselves (not just bystanders.)Post in all areas & discuss in detail w/ staff, students & parents. These rules supplement not replace other school rules.OBPP Staff TrainingTab 2: Doc 2

2011 The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, US2

3Classroom-Level ComponentsPost and enforce school wide rules against bullying

2. Hold regular class meetings

3. Students will get a clear understanding of what bullying is and is not4. Both positive and negative consequences will be discussed with the students

School rules that we went over earlier will be posted & consistently enforced in the classroom, using positive & negative consequences, so they can be reinforced consistently by all adults. We expect that Class meetings should be held weekly for full class period. Research findings: teachers who systematically held class meetings saw larger reductions in bullying after 1 year, than those who used them less, or not at all. Much more info. to follow. Parent meetings The program recommends that teachers hold classroom-level (or grade/team-level) meetings w/ parents periodically during the year. We have begun working on how to do this & will be getting input from you about how to make this successful.OBPP Staff TrainingTab 2: Doc 2

2011 The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, US3

Overview of School-Level Components1. Establish a Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee2. Conduct committee and staff trainings3. Administer the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire4. Hold staff discussion groups5. Introduce the school rules against bullying6. Hold a school kick-off event to launch the program 7. Involve parents

4School-level components involve the entire school community.

(Describe each briefly & why they are important to the program success-refer to TG pp. 37-42, & explain what steps have been taken already.)

Well discuss school rules & consequences in more detail because they play an important role in some other components, such as classroom.

But 1st, a word about the student survey.(next SLIDE)

OBPP Staff TrainingTab 2: Doc 2

2011 The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, US41. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions. 2. Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time.3. Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength.Talk with your child about suspected behavior. Talk with your childs teacher. Talk to the counselor and administration if the issue is not resolved immediately. WhAT Do you Do If You Suspect that Your Child is Being Bullied?

RememberStopping bullying takes a team effort.

You play a criticalposition on the team.

Change happens insmall increments but can have positive long-term impact for us all!

6The success of the OBPP depends upon active involvement of ALL adults in the school community!(SLIDE)OBPP Staff TrainingTab 2: Doc 2

2011 The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, US6