Our Town August 8, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 8, 1918



    One o f Hie )[embers.

    eLAssn'IEH A n V E R T I S E ~ I E N T ~

    Interesting facts Concerningthe Narberth Buildingand Loan Association

    ~ r w o C'tltR p er w or d each t m ~ e r t ' o n . CRIbIn advance. No adver t isement accepted un.It'Sft cash accompanies copy.

    . . J J I ~ ~ f . ( l " . \ ~ T I . ; J ) - ( h a n l h P : r J n a l l l ."" 'ritp hox j l i f i or telepllOl1c- C y n w ~ ' c 1 297.

    I'on UID.T-Spncc In prl,"ntc ~ l 1 r n J r c . Apply:tIS : ' \ 'I l rbe r th a \ ' enu '...-. --------_._--_._------


    nfl\"!' "on 11 snrlll11s snpJlh' of vege.f .. M"", In ~ ' O l l r gllrllenT I f so, t1ley... 111 hI ' Jrl'catly 1l1111reelatcd a t th eH"l"lr,, Honse. No amount Is too'''''1111 to 81'1111. Please leave t1lem be .r"l'l' noon. I I n ~ ' Ilny. on t he b ack porcl1. . , ~ 110 X . ES8"x 1ll'Clllle, tIle 110mI' of"II''''. Unrry W. Derb) '.

    O F T H E

    Civic Association

    NARBERTH GUARDBE P R E P A R E DP O ~ h l l l 1 s t ~ r .

    Thursday, Evening, Fire Hall


    On Friday Evening, at 8.30 sharpAT THE Y. M. C. A.

    There Will Be an Important Meeting

    D i sc us si on o f t h e F ete to be h eld in S e p t em b e r"",ill t a k e p l a c e

    Mrs. J. A. BoyerMr. Warren M. FooteMiss Sophie JeffeltMr. Jack ReddianMrs. Thursh.Ed",arll 8. Huws,




    Rules govern.ing the use of t he Anl more Y. 1\1. C. A. pool by Narbe rt hbovs mllst he strictly followed.Narberth Y. 1\1. C. A. Inembershiptickets mus t b e shown before enteringpool.Admission will be a ll ow ed o nl y onTuesday afternoons, 3.30 to 4.30, andSaturday morning, 10 to 11 oclock.This liberal offer of the ArdmoreY. 1\1. C. A. should be great ly appre

    c ia te d a nd the p ri vi le ge ' vi II b e canc el le d i f a bu se d.VNeLAD[ED LETTERS ATNARBERTH P08TO}'}'I( '}:


    - - - - - - ~ - - _ . ~ ... _ - - - - - - ~ - - : - - - ~ =

    Boys ' Wo rk ing Res erv e Fiel dDay Enjo)'1ed by All

    J. HenderLaura andfor the re-

    netty nnxter'!} GUIlSIII



    Red Cross wool distributedat Red Cross Workroom in Y.M. C. A., Monday, Wednesdayand Friday.

    THE Narberth Guarddrills every Thursdayevening in the Fire House,7.45 to 8.45 P. M.

    Mr. anrl Mrs. Williamson, wit h t he ir children,Billy. ar e in Ocean Citymaindel' of th e summer.


    The Ardmore Troop of Boy Scqutsleft l ast Satu rday for a stay of twoweeks at Camp Delmont, along thePerkiomell, near Sumneytown.

    (rontlnuerl on 'Second Pagel

    May and should be made toMR. LEITCH atMerion Title &Trust Co.

    Mrs. William B. Parker has for herhouse guest th is m on th Miss Wilhelmina P hl1 li ps, of Charlestown,W. Va.

    Miss Dorothy Moo re i s s pe nd ing afortnight at Seaside Pa rk , a s th e guestof her aunt, Mrs. J ohn J. Byrd.

    Give our boys in t he a rmy and n a v ~ 'every fighting chance. Buy WarStamps t o t he utmost of your ability.

    The Y. M. C. A. is your associationif YOU ar e c onne ct ed w it h a ny a ct iv i t i ~ s taking place in its building.

    Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Downes onSunday entertained Midshipman Geari ng , f rom the bat tlesh!p Louisiana.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. H. N as h, o f Merionavenue, are entertaining Mi ss B. H.;\lash, of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

    The last du es o n t he fi rst series ofth e ;o.;arberth Bui ld ing a nd Loan As-Teams from th e l iberty camps in sodation were paid at the Augustthe Philadelphia district and boy s em- mee ti ng , and those fortunate ones whoplayed pn individual f arms w er e re- hold stock in this first series wlll re l ea se d f rom work l as t Sa tu rd ay to ceive their two hundr ed dol la rs p erparticipate in a district field day at share at th e September meeting. In-Central High School athletic field terest on all loans' in t he firs t seriesHave you renewed your Y. 1'1. C. A. ' Philadelphia. Seventy-five of the five will b e paid a t the September meet ingmembership? hundred boys doing farm work In t he wh en t he Ind ebt ednes s wi ll be cand is t ri c t en tered th e track an d field celled.Miss Margaret Boy le i s spending a Isports which took the largest place As an i ll us tr at io n o f the character

    month at Cape May. on the day' s prcgram. Of course most of the loans running over a periodI of these boys entered several events. of one h un dr ed and thirty-eightThe Home Guards invite all men to ' A 75-yard dash, mHe run, mile re-. months, the association has no t t akenjoin their organization. lay, shotput, h ig h a nd b ro ad j ump a nd o ve r a p ro pe rty during the e nt ir equoit pitching tournament alI had per iod on account of any stockholderMr. and Mrs. F. Richard Gifford are their interest ing and exci ting points, fa iling to k ee p u p t he interest charges

    in t he poc onos for their vacation. but best of all was the t ug -of-war and dues. This is a record the Boardtournament w it h t eams f rom th L dif- of Direc tors ' i s proud o f a nd very fewShould Narberth be satisfied with a I f er en t c amps e nt er ed as c o n t e s t a n ~ . associat ions can equal it.Y. M. C. A. membership less than 300? Around this event centred alI the Last wee k w e s ta te d, through the- - - camp enthusiasm. Six boys were a l- c olumns o f Our Town, that possiblyMrs . A. K. Siler and SOil, Aldine, are lowed each ,team. The process of i some o f our readers did not know wetouring through th e South. Mr. Siler eHm:ination made i t necessary for the, had a Building and Loan Associationwill j oi n t hem later. Winning team to pul l i n preliminaries in ~ a r b e r t h . We h av e h ad two ap pJ iand f inal s. A ll eyes rested on the cations thus fa r from residen ts o fCanby Mecke, formerly of Narbe rt h, Camp Thomson boys from New Cen- Narberth for shares in the new ser i ess pent t he week-end with his mother terville, near Valley F org e. Th e boy s whi ch opens September 5, who did not

    b efore goi ng to cam p. C and y has a in th is camp, because of th e fact th at know th ere wa s an association here,commission as sergeant. I t hi s c amp ( ba ck ed ,by Mr. T homs on , an d we ho pe that many others whoson o f a former president of t he P en n- r ea d this article wl1l think the matterCome to the Community Market Isylvania Railroad,) was the only c amp o ve r and dec ide to t ake shares at thelJext Satu rdayand get your vegetables with a last yp.ar's experience to build September meeting, as' we hope tof re sh f rom the garden. on, wer e handp ic ke d early in the make this s er ie s t he large'lt one yet- - - I spring from the Philadelphia High issued.Donald Faile , Tommy Dal ton and School applicants Witil reference to The meet ings of the Narberth Build-Frank Hamer h av e gone to Hanover, their size and farm experience. They i ng a nd Loan Association are held inMaine, fo r t he month of August. were larger, much heavier and im- t he Coun ci l ro om at th e fire house the

    pressed one as th e only possible t ug - f ir st Thursday In each month. a nd t heof-war winne r. Not enough account officers of th e association are:was taken, however, of that s pir it ed , J. H ow ard Wi lson, pl'esiclent.although much l ighter team f rom t he WilIlam D. Smedley, vice-president.Biddle Cam.p at And al us ia . N ot all William B. Godfrey , treasurer.kn ew o f their w ork i n t he rhuba rb Thomas C. Trotter, secretary.fields, the pulling o f w hi ch g av e t hem Fletcher W. Stites, solic itor.b rawn and abi li ty to pull hard when The Boa rd o f Directors-J. Howardlecessary. After easily puI1ing their Wilson, A. P . Red if er , William B.opponents over the line In the p re - K ra ft . T. C. Tro tt er , J r. , Cardenl imlnary, they were p i tted against the Warner. C. B. Metzger, W. D. Smedhusky. Thomson Camp team an d the ley, E. P. Dold, C. H. McCarter, H.'excHement was o n. ' C. Fritsch, W. B. GOdfrey, C. S. Powell,The Thomson Camp coach remind- W. S. Howard.

    (Continued on Thi rd Page , The above officers and directors willbe glad to furnish any Informa t ionPLEASE NOTICE desired about the new twenty- s ix thseries which opens' September 5, andyon w il l always find them w i I l i n ~ toexplain the operat ion of thp. bUildingand loan plan t.o t ho se who ar e desirous o f b ecom in g m embers o f t heassociation.


    Washington, Aug. I . -The campaignfor the four th Liberty Loan wiII openSatlUrday, September 28, and continuethree weeks, ending October 19, it wasannounced l ast ni gh t by S ec re ta ryMcAdoo.In fixing three weelrs as the .lengthof the campa ign for t he Four th LO:ln,i ns te ad o f th e four weeks as in previous loans, Treasury officials plan fora more in tensive campaign. A shortercampaign, it was said, also wi ll en able more business men to enlist asworkers.T he d at e of t he campa ign was an nounced at this time In order to a llow.campaign organizations to prepare forthe s al e o f b on ds and to prevent theplanning of o ther campaigns whichmight i nt er fe re w it h t he flotation ofthe loan.Although official announcement hasnot been made, th e amount of th e loanprobably will be $6.000,000,000 and t ~ rate of interest which the bonds WIllbear 41,.4. per c en t. S ho ul d t he Treas urv decide soon to place on th e marketc e ~ t i f i c a t e s of indebtedness redeemablenext June when taxes ar e paid, th eamount of th e l oan may be reduced .OTICE


    NI .JC)BElclTH M ~ ' ~ l r J : I ~ I T CHUC) CHE1111 .1 I I H E S U Y T E m ~ N 11 0U nd e r Y .M . C . A . Au s p i c e sNEXT SUNDAY AT 7.00 P. M.On the the Lawn. Cor. 01 Woodbine and Narberth Avenues

    Uel. W. G. :\' )'ce, former Secre tnr)" of tile Nnrberth Y. ::U. C. A.,wllJ Ilrench.)[rs. Wlmam )[cKlnstr) ', of the Pre"b)tel'iull ( 'hurch Quartet te, ",IIIsing'. )[rs. E ll rl e W il son wUl I lr esJ de lit th e o rg an.

    Owing t o t he arrival of a large nUI l l - r J ' l n ~ ! 'UESS FOR SUFFRAGEbel' of cars of s tone for the construc-tion of Dudley avenue, it wiII be neces-sary t o p os tp on e the collection of In t he m ont h of June 810 suffrageashes until s uc h t im e as men a nd edi to rials w ere r et urned. t o t he deskteams can be spared from this' work. of t he cha irman on edi to r ia l co rre-I f anyone is seriously incon-' spondence o t ~ l e Leslie W ? m ~ n Suf=venlenced by a large accumulation or frage COmnllSSlOn. The chppmg b a shes , a nd w il l not if y me, an endeavor reaus were o rd er ed t o return ant.l

    w il l b e made to relieve th e s it ua ti on . s uf fr ag e a s wel l as s U f f r a g ~ c ~ m -C. I:. Hump)U'el's, Iments; yet out of the 810 editorIalsStreet Commissioner. only FIVE were opposed to suffrage.,

    A number of the memberR ar e awavOn vacations. bu t t he y' ll a ll be backhv tournament t ime-Saturday. A u ~ u s t24. And be sure and s end you r entryto one o f t.he members of t he Tournament Committee be fore 6 P. 1\r. Frida)'. August 23.

    By the way, there ar e several vacancies in th e c lub membe rshi p. due tomembers be ing cal led away from Narb er th bv wa r wor k. Membe rs Wll0have fri'ends wllo would like to jointhe club. shou' ld have some othermember second the prospective memhe r and send his name to PerrvRedifer. chairman of the memhershipcommittee.

    And If Walter Shaw and PonceBurkhart shOUld ever get teamed up.we can 't t hi nk o f any combination thatcould ,beat them unless It wer e t henight watchman and the conductor onthe 11.55 P. M., f rom Broad s treetnobody else would be up late enoughto finish t he l as t game.

    Narberth The community market held lastAll Members of the 3aturday was sufficiently successful toAssociation Urged to Enter justify th e food conservation comthe Singles and Doubles. mittee in con tinu ing the en terp r ise.H t H Matches for the The produce handled was f resh and inope 0 ave good condition, bu t except for oneLadies, Too lot of tomatoes, was brought In In such.--- Ismall lots that It wo ul d have beendifficult to market It i n any o th er way.The annual Fall Tournament of the The communi ty market provides a

    Narberth Tennis Association wl1I startIsplendid opportunity for the o w n ~ r stwo weeks from next. Saturday--

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 8, 1918


    NARBERTH, T'A.-{)UR TOWN--AUGUST 8. 1 ~ 1 8

    Of course, wedeliver - anyp l a c e - a n ytime.




    We have to get in it,But it 's only just to say,

    We have bandages and arnicaFor victims of the fray.


    The Brightest Spot in NarberthA drug store in themost modern sense of the term


    The Federal Reserve Bullet in saysthat one o.f th e most encouraging and

    President-Joseph H. Nash.V,ice-presidents-A. C. Shand, JamesArtman, A J. Loos.Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. M. Colesworthy.D1rectors-W. Arthur Cole, M rs . CP . Fow le r, H en ry C. Gara, W. R. D.Hall, George 1\1. Henry, H. R. Hillegas,Charles E. Humphreys, Daniel Leitch,E. A. Muschamp, Mrs. A Perry Redife r, M rs . A. B. Ros s, Fletcher W.Sti tes, Walton M. Wentz, A. E . Woh lert, Mrs. Charles W. Young.------------_.- --

    OUR TOWN I grat ify ing ' featu res of the Third Llber- CUB'S WEEKLY LETTERty Loan Is that apparently t he re h as____________- - - : .___ been I It tl e use of bank accommoda- iAn Experiment In Co-olleratlve t10ns f or the h of the bonds To I E Iu rc a se . I t le d tor of Our Town:Journalism-No Paid Workers . It e.stimates that p robab ly more than, As though 1: d id n' t h av e t ro ub le IOwned and P U b l l s h - ; d - ; ~ ; r - ; - - T h u r s ~ 80 ,per cent. of the bonds are already enough! Here I am , try ing to recon-

    day by the Narberth Civic Associa- fUUy paid for. : cl1e C. D., Critic and Not'lons when I1Ion. The financial statements of the va-' along comes Doc Howard with somer lo us Feder al Res erve banks Indicate, I po etr y a bou t ba nda ge s a nd ar nic a,Subscrip tion pr ice one dollar pe r according to the Bul le tin, that not a nd spl1ls a ll t he b ea ns . C. D. ha syear In advance. much b orrowing f rom t he banks was ikept awfuHy quie t since that Ad. ap-d on e b y the subscribers to the th ir d I peared and It's p la in h e' s s ca re d to

    NARBEUTH CIVIC ASSOCUTION loan. They e it he r p ai d cas h o r bough t I deavh. For shame! And just be-on t he i ns taUmen t p lan. I cause I took a little vacation some'Thi s eas es a great deal tneburden Iyap s ign ing himself D i c t i o n a r ~ Dickof t he b an ks , u po n who se s ho ul de rs I gives me a caB for laying off a week

    rests the financing of the bualness and iand adds Insul t to Injury by callingindustry of the country . Ime "Old" Cub. I f he doesn't cut thatsttlff there wl1l surely be a marketlIave )'on II snrplns snpi l ly of vege -, f or Doc Howard's goods.tllhles. In yonr garden1 I f so, they For D. D,'s Informat,ion I'll say thatwill he greatly 1l11llreclated at the t he For um i s c lo se d for the summerlIolldll)' House. "No amount Is too and hence n ~ w s is scarce. In thesma ll t o s cn d. P le as e l ea ve t hem be- meant ime t he war i s b ei ng car ri ed onfore noon, 11IIy da)', o n t il e back porch, tolerabJy weU in s pi te o f t he fact thatl it 110 "N. Essex IIfCntlC, the home of assi s tance and advice f rom the Forum

    Jrrs. Hurry If . Derb)'. ar e lacking. Fish ing news is scarcebecause-well, If I must say I t -because the fellows who u sed t o t ak e meon those trips in their automobl1esMrs. Roy E. Clark A. J. Loos ar e getting to be a bunch of tight- -- ----1-Mrs. C. T. Moore Henry Rose (Continued from First Page) wads and only go f ishing when some- and Walzer promises not to gO intoG. M. Henry W. T. Melchior thing In the way of a f inancial return the box again. He doesn't dare.Are you fulf il ling your financial C bAssociate Editors obligation to the Y. M. C. A., the Nar- is in sight, that is when they think u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. __ _ berth community centre whi ch a ims t hey' lI h ave f i ~ l ~ to sell. Just now the I The August meeting of the XarberthMAIZIE J. SIMPSON, to s er ve a ll the people of N b tl 1fish are not b ltmg well. II,OWI,Y BEAN OUTJtA.NKS br.anch of the Woman's Sul'l'rage partyCashier at all times? ar er I But, say, what's a "griggle"? I BEI:T AS ~ I O N E Y CROl' WIll be omit ted. The n ex t m ee ti ng_ s e n d - ; l l - l ; H e ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ d - ~ l - ~ ~ ~ - - i t ~ ; ~ ; to I will be h eld o n the second TuesdayP. O. Box 404. Are you one o f t ho se Y. M. C. A. The ~ o u n t Du Marais Is not in RC-! The lowly bean which, since the in September.Send all adver ti s ing copy to P. 0.1 members, who th rough failure to r e Icord w'lth t he F rench Int erpr et er of! war began, has been soar ing skyward I TI S ff . --.-Box 820. new yo ur m em be rship last mon th , t he Eveni ng B I l I ~ e t i n , who helps us ' in p ri ce with beef and bacon, was I u raglsts W ~ l l take an activeMake all remittances to P. O. Box cau sed the memberShip to ta l to d ro p II through many dIfficult places when blamed recently for t he s ug ar beet part m the f o u r ~ h LIberty Loan drive.118. from 280 to 278? reading that paper:s wa.r news. Count, Inquiry which is now In progress, ~ I r n S . JOlhn ? I\hller, president of tlieOur Town is on s al e a t t he d epot says the InterpretMions ar e all: says the Los Angel es T imes . Tes tl fy - e n sy valUa Woman Sul'l'rage party,

    newsstand, and at t he s to re of H. E. Th e m an y f ri ends o f Private Earll' wrong,ibut I am advised, conlldentially: ing before the conlmisslon of Inquiry, ~ a been a ~ p o l n t e d State chairman ofDavis. i Pr:ce, of Dudley avenue, ar e pleased that his French is really a pllitois of I B. J . B le e, of Santa Ana, expressed I ~ Woman s Committee of the four thEntered as second-class matter Ito hea r t ha t he is home on a week's IAlgerian, Camembert and je ne sais! the opinion t .hat the be et growers LIberty Loan.

    October 15, 1914, at t he Po st Office at furlough from Camp Lee. He expects Iquoi,. while the Bulletin mil.l1 i s , m ight not have become so dissatisfied I ------Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the ac t Ito leave shortly for France. [famlllar only with the p ur e and un-' with their lot had theh- neighbors not AItDJIORI; ilIEN WOeXDEDof March, 1879. adulterated speech of the GaUls. i .aken in f rom $l5() to $200 an acr e on I______ . __ . . __ The n ew equ ipment for the Na r- - - - : Lean crops l ast year , and added that The names of two Ardmore menTHURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 19 18 berth Postoffice has arrived and Is I And speaking of l an gu ag es! You ' the big clean-up on beans made th e w er e included In the casualty l is t on__._ _ being placed In position. All the lock Iknow Dave Calhoun, don't you? He's beet ranchers justifiably envious. Tuesday.EMERGENCY PHOXE CALLS boxes will be new and renters of a new resident of Narbertll, although ' R. L Hazard, of Westminster, seem- Charles E. Evans, seriduslyFire, 350 I wound d dIboxes ar e requested to see the post-I a lot of u s kn ew h im when he played' et to share the s ame opinion . He e ,a n Samuel H. Evans, Jr ..Police, 1250 master and secure their "combina- ball at the s ea shor e. S ome ban play- 'stated that a great many ranchers or ser!ously III, ar e brothers , formerlytions," er, too. Wen. Dave ha s a rather dark his acquaintance a re r ed uc in g t he ir llvl.ng at 5719 Cddrar avenul'Ij, with___ Icomplexion-was a life saver while, beet acreage this year and going i n t he Ir p ar en ts , Mr. and Mrs. S. Howell

    "The Claw," an i nt en se ly d rama ti c h e wasn 't playing ball and accumu -' for beans . He recited that his beets Evans.s to ry of Darkest Africa, fUIl of thrills Ilated a fine, everlasting coat of sun-' last year produced about s ix tons per, _C?arles, 23, an ar ti s t, enlisted in theand excit ement, wil l be shown at t he burn. I f you didn't know him, you'd; acre, at a production cos t o f from $63 1 N a ~ l O n a l Guard about a year ago, andPalace'Theatre, Ardmore. on Wed- say he was a lJ it l tuanian or Uranian, to $72 per acr e, but adm it ted that t he t ramed at Camp Hancock , Augusta,n es day a ft ernoon and evening. The o r s om et hi ng like that. Well, Dave, light crop resulted from poor cult i 'la- Ga. He is w it h t he e ng in ee rs inc ha rmin g b ea uty Clara Klmball was wai ti ng for th>l 3.15 i n Broad lion, as he c onldn' t g et h elp to t hi n F rance.Young as Mary Saurln has t he mos t S tr ee t Station the other day when a the beets when tb,e work should have Samuel, 26, was employed in adramatic role in he r wonderfUl career. foreign looking woman walked up t o been done. I lawyer's' office her e, and enl is ted InBeaut y' s c ha rm s s oo th es t he sa va ge him-I'II let him tell the rest of , the E. J . Lecovain, f rom t he San ta An'! the ~ i g n a l Corps several months ago.breast of man and bea st I'll a pl ay o f s to ry h ims el f: !district, ol'l'9red tlle mos t comfo rt ing He IS suffering from enteric fever.E X C H A ~ G E O}' LmERTY BOXDS unusual interes t. I "The woman began t o talk a lot of t es timo ny g iv en d 11rlng th e day. He The advice of his i l lness came so soonDago stuff to me which I couldn't' told of having /;l 'own 120 a cr es of I a f t e ~ his leaving this country that his

    The Issue of registered bonds of the The Y. M. C. A. Is In a prominent make head o r t ai l of. All I could do he et s last yeal'; that his c rop we nt famIly believes h e c on tr ac te d i t onThird Liberty Loan has progressed s o pl ace .and you s ho uld b e remlnded,l was shake my head and say, 'Me no n ~ a r l Y fourte.en t on s t o the acre, and Ithe. trip across.1ar t ha t t ra ns fe rs and exchanges of each tllne you look at the building, ofIunderstand-me no under st and. ' A t hIS productIOn expense was o nl y I .No word ha s been r ec eive d f romregi st ered for coupon bonds will be your personal obligation to contribute that she looked ra ther hard at me and $39.S0, while he sold the beets for e : t ~ e r n ~ a , n since leaving, except themade on and after August 1 until towards its support. I f your dues are s ai d. 'You say you no talk Slavish? $111 per acre. notIficatIOn of arrival. Mr. and Mrs.AUglust 15. The reg is tr y b oo ks w il l no t paid up, or if y ou h av e never \ You ashamed to say you Serbian? Go' His production cos t f igures as fol- 'Evans now live at 13 Wes t A then sbe closed on t he l at er date in order t o j oi ne d, join today. Don't wait for' wan!" then walked away." ! lows: Ploughing, $5; preparing seed avenue, Ardmore. with their daugh-prepare checks for Interest payments some one to b ri ng t hi s privilege to ! bed, $5; planting, 60 cents; cu lt lvat- t er , Mrs. I. F. Erikson.on September 15. Bonds may b e p re - you. Take t he i ni ti at iv e yourself. The ~ h e y say everything ha s its uses in ing, $3; rolling, $1.80; th inn ing and Isented during such period for transfer pleasure of giVing is l os t when you this world. but how about mosquitoes'!': hoeing, $8.50; Irrigation water and THE SIUF.RL\."N COSSACKor exchange, bu t such transaction will wait to be asked. Even Democrats ar e to be endured at : labor, $4; ploughing out, $5; topping Ibe el'l'ected after September 15 and times; for instance, take Ed Haw s. : a nd loading, $4.80; hauling, $3; seed, Tobolsk, where the Sil er' C kthe September interest paid to whom- W H } ; ~ TIn; PROFESSOIt SLIPPED' Isn't it Ed's doing that we have a $2.40; taxes on land , $3; interest on I is reared, Is a well-"') t lanl osslac' i t 2- I na eree reg on,ever was holder of the bonds on new post office? I f It hadn't been for, equ pmen, "cents; rep antlng, $1.50. with 1600 lakes, many o f t hem o f c o n-August 16. In his recently published book, "[ n the war, w e ' ~ have carrier service' siderable size. :Many of the inhabitantsCoupon bonds p re sent ed after Au- Good Company," Mr. Coulson Kerna - h er e. too. but I'm ~ o sure we all, AllVICE ABOUT BABIES had t he ir o ri gi n In the u lt il iza tion of

    gust 15 for exchange for r eg is te red han tells an anecdote that proves W ~ ~ l t that. But we v e dreamed and It he t er ri to ry a s a penal COlony forbOnds s houl d have t he Sep tember In- that even a l ea rn ed p ro fe ss or may waIt ed f or a n ew post. office so long ]

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 8, 1918




    Storm Work


    WM. D. S1-.EDLEY

    Re a l Es t a t eI n s u r a n c eNARBERTH, PA.

    c. A. SPEAKMAN


    45th and Parrish 8ts.

    OUR TOWN wfll glndly printan y news Item about any subjectthat Is of Interest to Narberthfolks, bu t In or4er to meetthe printing sche4ule, al l "copy"-manuscrip ts-must reach theedItor by 6 P. M. Monday eachweek.

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH , PA

    For Rent an d Sal.Fire InsuranceBell Phone 8Gl! W.

    "I.all BuDcllng. Narberth, P. .


    Alterations Repairing

    H. C. FRITSCHPnperUes

    Screen Work

    IhlVe you 11 surillus SUPlll)' of vegctubtes In )'our gurdenT If so, tlleywll1 be greatly allpreclnted at theJ(olldu)' House. No amount Is toosmall to send. Please le ave t l tem be .fore lIoon, an)' dur, on tlte back porchat 110 N. Essex : avenue, tlte Itome ofIllrs. Harr)" W. Derby.

    Are Becoming ScarceI have r emaining for sale a veryattractive

    HOWARD F. COrlER...EATS ofl ~ . l QUALITY




    SH :.. AH .AN '.N a { ~ o E : h Essex Ave. abo Haverford Ave.

    Lee's GarageL .

    s rRE EXOGGll O D m T n ~ S

    Overland Sales and Service AgencyRepairs, Storage, Gasoline and OilsOPEN DAY AND NIGHT

    W. R. D. HALL.President of Council.

    CARROLL DOWNES.Chief Burgess.


    Attest: CHARLES V. NOELSecretary of CouncllApproved this 11th day of Ju ly , A. D1918.

    A large turtle gives eighty pounds Bedlam is a corruption of Bethle-of tortoise shell. hanle, the name of an insane. asylumAn ordinance authorizing the Chief. . It requires 12,000 elephants to su p- i n St. George's Fi el ds , London. ItBurgess to establ,l,sh a commiSSIOn ply 650 tons of ivory. was originally loca ted in Bishopsgateto be known as The Shade Tree Prefix "Llan" occurs I'n the namesC . . f IB h f N Street Without, where i t was foundedommlSSlon 0 t le oroug 0 , a r - of more than 450 p la ce s i n Wales. in 1246.berth." li t is a Cel t ic word and s igni fies anWhereas, by an act a pp rove d the inclosure In early times its m a a n a ~ e m e n tfourteenth d ay o f May A D 1915 the .. . was deplorable . the patients bemg exGeneral Assembly of tile' C o m ~ o n - MarIe Antomette was called I h ib it ed i n p ub li c l ik e wild beasts inwealth of p ~ n n s Y l v a n i a did authorize Madame D e f i c i ~ because, she w as al- cages. at so much pe r' head, the spec-ways demandmg money from her t t ki t f tland empower boroughs to establish a mini st ers and never h ad any. aTohrs mf a dng fSPoth 01 lietml' b 'n gc ommi ss io n t o be known as "The e un s 0 e l!?SP a elSh d i ' h Amer ican word boss, meaning an insufficient partially convalescenta e Tree Commiss on ' of suc I I 'emp oyer or overseer, s the modern patients with badges fas tened to theirboroughs. f f h D h b d 'T orm or t e utc ass, lin a rm s we re s en t o ut to be g a nd wereThe Counci l o f the Bor ou gh o f N ar - d es ce nd ed f rom t he original Holland . . " , ; ..berth does ordain' . k now a s Tom-o -Badlams, or Bed. settlers II I this country. I B .. Ell Sh kThat a Shade Tree Commission be am e g ~ a r s . ( g,ar, u a es-aud the same Is hereby established p ea re 's "Ki ng L ea r, " a ss umes th ehv the Borough of Narberth and th e To prevent lawsuits three peace- character of one of the:;e.Burgess of s aid bo ro ug h is h ere by makers were appointed for each Penn-authorized and empowered to appoint sylvania county in 1683. RAlld t.he advertlsementfl.three freeholders to compose such I' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~commission, one for a term of threeyears, o ne for a term of four year s .anrl one for t he t erm of five years.Passed thi s e igh th day of July, A. D1918.

    Chemist's Assistant-I 'm af,raidcan't let y'Ou have that drug , s i r.Cus'tomer-Why not? Do I l ook likea man who woul d k il l h im se lf ?Chemist's Assistant - Well, Iwouldn't go so far as to say that, sir;bu t if I looked like you I should be


    Your Account Solicited

    - - -_ . - - - -

    nev. A"er)' S. Uemmr, Pastor


    3 1 E J U O ~ )lEETING HOUSE

    ALL SAlXTS' I>. E. CIIURCIIRev. And rew S . Bur ke , RectorThe services at All Saints' P. E.

    Church . Montgomery and Wynnewoodavenues , for next Sunday ar e as follows:8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.11.00 A. M.-Mo rn ln g p ra ye r a ndsermon.Both the Sunday school sessions andthe afternoon services have been discontinued for the summer.The Rev. O. P. Steckel, of MahanoyCity, Pa., has charge of all theservices during the absence of therector, who Is on his vacation.Mr. Steckel i s l iv ing at 211 ElmTer ra ce , and can b e r ea ch ed o n t el ephone, Narberth 325-M.The pews at All Saints' a re a ll free,and strangers as wel l a s the residentsare most cord ia l ly Invited t9 attendany of the services.Ch'l1lfch 'busses lee.ve Narberth andWynnewood s t at ions a t 10.40 on Sunday mornings.

    Serv ice s Sunday , Angust 11, as follows:9.45 A. ?lI.-Bible school. Classesfor all a ge s. Lad ie s' adult Bibleclass taught by :\lrs. C. A. McAlpine.Men's Bible class taught by Mr. H. L.Ph iller. Welcome t o a ll .11.0\) A. :\I.-i\lorning worship. Sermon by Rev. C. A. l\lcAlpine.7.00 P. ?lI.-Union twil ight service.Sermon by Rev. Mr. Nyce. former secretary of Narberth Y. 1\1. C. A.Church XotesOn Wednesday, August 7, there willhe no union prayer meetIng. The

    Daily V,acation Bible School will holdits commencement at th e Y. M. C. A.on Wednesday. August 7. at 8 P. M.Everybody welcome.All who heard Rev. C. A. McAlpinelast Sunday morning will have an opportuni ty nex t Sunday to hear himagain.

    Meetings for next Sunday:10.00 A. :\I.-Sunday school. Mr.H. A. Banks will teach th e combinedBible classes.11.00 A. i\l.-Publlc worship. Rev.W. G. Nyce, formerly secretary of th e!\arbeI'th Y. ?II. C. A., will preach.7.00 P . 1 \1. -Unlon twil igh t mee ting .Rev . W. G. Nyce w il l preach. MrS.W NARBERTH"a cr os s t he line each pUll unt il t he Cream Buttermilk ARDMOREOnly the weaklings, full of doubt, two-minute time expired and the WYNNEWOODWeary of s tr iving , soon fall out; Biddie team was cheered as the win- Table . & d e ' : : ' ~ I P P I D OYou, wi th your Staff of Cheer, toil on, nero The spi ri t of the winning teamKnowing of doubt and terror none. was greatly bolstered by their caillpWhat t hough occasional slips you leader, Mr. Dean, a graduate of theget? Agricultural School of State College.

    Downward you go aWhile, and yet, IHe act ed a s coach and u rg ed t hem toAs from your b ro w t he sweat you greater efforts each pull wit h t he irmop, bat tl e c ry "Yea, Rhubarb!" ART BY TilE FOOT St,adily climb until you reach the The camp trophy for all-around-- I top. h igh score was won by the ThomsonHurry i s n ot cha ract er is ti c of the I Camp, despi te the ef fo rt s o f t he tug-p resent centu ry alone; ou r ancestorsIThink of the view when, the summit oC-war winners. who made secondwer e n ot a lw ay s immune from the gained, high carftp score. Ea,ch individual

    habit. The Dutch artist Vander- All that you' s trove fo r you have a t winne r o f first, second o r t hi rd placestraaten, according to a story from tained! in e ac h e ve nt r ec ei ve d a gold, silverDas Echo, was a master in scheming Think of the rest 'neath a smiling o r b ronze medal. IY . M. C. A . BU ILD INGou t short c ut s a nd s av in g time. sun, This field daY was arranged by Mr'

    lVanders t raa ten had l it tl e difficulty, Knowing a bard fougbt battle WO'l! Bowen, o f o ur N ar be rt h Y. M. C. A.,it is s ai d, i n paint ing in a day thirty Thos'e in th e valley content to stay as part of hi s district recreat ionall andscapes tbe size of an ordinary Miss all the joy you w il l know that program. and it i s f el t that the whDle.S'heet o f d rawi ng paper. He would day. affair will help in keeping up thesurround himself wi th po ts o f p ai nt , So, for no obstacle make a stol}- moral e o f these boys who have giveneach of which had its particular p-u'r- Stead ily c l imb t i l l you r ea ch t he top, up t hei r vacations for this hard pa- GARAnteed RoofspoS'E!--{)ne f or t he clouds, one for ~ h triotic work away f rom t he comfort:>gras's. on e for the s ha dows . Whe n TilE WORD OF A BOY of home. Mr. Bowen says that anyIH! was r ea dy t o b eg in painting he -- w ork al ong th is li ne is not hi s con- CALDWELL&COc al le d t o h is assistant, "BOY, a cloud!" When, during the Civil War, Gen- t rlhu tion, bu t that of t he Narbe rt h a nd the lad speedi ly brought the de- eral Lee a nd his ar my advanced into Y. M. C. A., whi ch b y t he action of itssired pot. Vanderstratten, with a Pennsylvania, there was great uncer- directors rel eased h im t o d evot e partthick brus'h, quickly t rans fe rr ed t he t ai nt y as to the point he w as aiming of his t im e e ac h w ee k along t hi s l in eclouds to the canvas. With the f lnis!l- for . Rumor s were flying t hi ck , r e- of service towards the winn ing of thei ng s t rokes he called, "There are the por ts wer e conificting, and th e gov- war. s O ~ r t ' ; . ~ d S t . l l o Dclouds; bring the grass'!" And so it I ernment was espedally anxious to _

    THE PRESBYTERJAS OWRCII went, withou, t a moment's waste of Ifind ou t so that it s a rmy might be WHITE HOUSE STABLES-_ . time, un ti l the th ir ty l andscapes w e r ~ ready to meet him. -- Attractive New HousesRev. Jobn Van Ness, lIlinlster finished. It chanced that during the march The oroigina,b Whi te House stableOn occasions Vanderstraaten would ' a boy, a plain, unassuming farmer's was located a bout s ix ty yards southpaint i n t he man ne r des'cribed a land- boy, overheard General Lee t al ki ng of .the Whi te House , i n whi ch ar e nows cape upon a l ong p ie ce of c anva s. w it h one of his officers as t o th e move- the 'private grounds of the ExecutiveIn filling the o r d e r ~ o ~ customers he Iments of his f o r c e ~ a nd h ea rd him Mansion, and was the first thing de

    would cut the strip mto pieces ofIsay that be had decided to march on s tr ay ed d ur in g th e wa r of 1812various lengths. A purchaser could Gettysburg instead of Harrisburg, as Presidents Monroe and Adams keptbuy two, th re e or four f eet of lanJ- had been his first intention. their h ~ r s e s at. a l ive ry s tab le, andscape, accordi ng t o h is fancy or ac-' The boy at once rea lized the im- when Gener al Jackson came to thecording to the size of the space he por tanc e o f w ha t he had learned. Whi te House he h ad a stable built at. h d t i Don't hesitate if you want a good home.WIS ed to ecora e. Hastening h ome, w it h t he h el p of his a point some distance from the Pres -

    father he telegraphed the fact t o d en ti al mansion. Thi s s tabl e was alsoRober t was an h on or t o the force. Governor Curtin of Pennsylvania, who nsed for a time by President Van I _He did not mak e th e acquaintance at once sent a special engine f or t he Buren. but later he boarded hisof cooks, no r did h e fall asleep on boy that he might bear tbe story from horses at a livery stable.duty. He was ambi tious and yea rn ed h is own lips. I Presiden t Pierce kept his horses infor t he t im e when he would be able When he had done this, Governor a stable which was e rect ed in theto profix tbe magi c w or ds "Ch ief Curtin s t il l hesitated, uncertain, for, Whi te House grounds at a point com-

    lUPTIST cnURCIl Const ab le " t o h is s iurname. One day as he wel l k new, t he gravest conse- para t lve ly bn t a short distance from01" THE EVANGEL recently he arrested a man on a q ue nc es t o th e wbole coun try hung th e mansion itself. When Presidentcharge of assault. On the Cl'se com- on his decision. "I wou ld g iv e my Buchanan came to t he Whi te Houseing ,before the magistrate he inqui red r igb t hand ," he said, " to know if this he had the stable enlarged, and i t w as CIGARS ICE CREAMas t o wh o made the ltllegatlon against .boy t el ls t he truth." again enlarged for Pres iden t Lincoln.the prisoner. I An officer who was in the room an- who kept a l ar ge numbe r of hor se s. IForward s t ~ p p e d the zea lous swered, "Governor , I know that boy; President J ohnson a ls o made use of Frank CristRob:rt, who, With a sweeping salute , it is impossib le for h im to l ie ; there is this stahle for his horses and car I .repiled: not a drop of false blood in his veins." riages. Up to L inco ln 's t ime there MEATS & PROVISIONS"Me, yonr worship; I's the alli- The r es ul t w as t ha t on the u nsu p- wa s n o water in the s ta bl e, s av e t hegator!" ported word of a boy in half an hour l imited supply obta ined f rom a small Hil&h Grade Butter

    the Union troops were marching tl' well. and it was customary to takf Telephone-Narberth 644 A-I Gettysburg. whea-e they gained the t he W hite HQuse horses to the Potovictory which is counted the turninb" mac River. f,ully half a mile d is tantpoint of that great s trngg le, and ]in order that t hey migh t be watered.whose fiftieth a nn iv er sa ry t he s ur - a nd f re qu en tl y t he Whi te H or se carvivors o f bot h a rmie s cel eb ra ted by riages were taken thither to bea reunion on the battlefield. wished.-Outdoor Sport.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 8, 1918


    N A I ~ B E R T J I , PA -OUl-t TOWN-AUGUST 8,1918

    THE HILLTOPPERS~ I A I X 1 ' 1 I 0 J ) U C T I O ~ sTAUTS AS XEAIIAS I 'OSSIIU.E TO 10.15 A. )\J.. 12.00, 11.45. 7 ,4 5. 9 . 30 I'. M.

    When'you want automobile trips, furnituremoved, packages carried. freight hauled,automobiles stored, etc.


    in"F ED0 RA"

    NARB ER TH 6 7 2PHONE TO good deal of entertaining t hi s sum- WAG Mk N F dmer. informally a nd h ap pi ly a nd com- e re rOWlng- a e ew nen sf or ta bl y. Yo u beg in t o s ee t he sUua- '~ ~ o ~ . : : o ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ i r l ~ ~ ~ o \ : ~ ~ d c : ~ b f l : ~ ~ IJOIN THE NARBERTH GUARDgether for a kind of game. p la yi ng I ' THUR 'Sthey ar e daughters of this home, that I DAY EVENING, FIRE HALLt he y belong her e, girls who will pia)' I================================" . . . i hostess. Do you k now a ny g ir ls wh o I " " ".A R CAD IA,I' .et .. lt off your braID, Sally, she, would be w il li ng to do that??" I ~ ~ cried Sally, I didn t mean "It 's no use, Grace." Sally saili.CHESTNUT.Bel.16th St IsaId.. . Fa t girls have plenty of good I "You can't mean 'us, Mrs . B la ke !" It h ~ t . , "You couldn't possibly g et i nt o T:,eFine.t Photoplay The- times. c ri ed Ann e Smi th a plain gi 1 with Bu t seriously, why shouldn t )ou Hll lt oppe rs . Ca n' t y ou s ee you 'r e no t. t re 01 U . Size i n the I "I don't see how t he y c an ." ' . r , Imea n i t? " fa t enough?"EntlreWorld. . "h . 1 a full-moon face. Anne's surprise ?Pb.topl_.-Contlnunus 10 A. M. to 11.30 I T e re w as a tIme when I thou.g.l t was' so h on es t a nd frank that t h e ~ Why not . indeed. As t he y thought Slim, p re tt y, p op ul ar G ra ce tookP. M. so, too." Aunt Evelyn remarked q u i e ~ - a ll l aughed It over. no t one or them saw any the words as a j ok e a nd s pr ea d t hem

    Ph i l&. , P.. IIY "dBUtt Iblearnfedt bei ttlerc Y I O f ~ ' see. "I c e r t a i ~ I Y mean you, Anne," said gO,?sd reason.I ' fa r and wide. Any everyone whoPRO G RAM use 0 e a a g r myse '. Mrs. Bl ak e. "Yo u and t he o th e r four orne peop e won t s t and the ghost Iheard took th e words as a joke, too,Week . 5 Sally's Violet eyes opened WIde. girls In thi roo " of a show of e ve r g et ti n g in... saal : a singularly appropriate joke, untiCommencmg August "You-why. Aun t E ve ly n. y ou 'r e n ot "But I S ' ~ O U l d m ~ h l k 11 Madge Horton, giggling. "You can't ge t Into The Hl1ltoppersPAULINE FREDERICK th e least bi t fa;! Not that you're want ornamental P ~ O P l / o ~ o r ~ : I" I "W e're very exclusive!" SallY; y ou 'r e n ot f at enough," became a by-thin exactly, ~ o re all l ove ly curves, blurted ou t p la in A nn e. Then she Ichuckled. word of the summer-a byword wit;but th ere isn t a n Y ~ h l n g s u p e r f l u o u ~ s to pp ed a ba sh ed won de rl n wh t Whereupon they al l h ad mor e pbk no unpleasant meaning. rather witnabout you, no t a thinb" th e o t h ~ r girls , ~ o u l d sa y ~ bei:o lees a nd mor e l it tl e r ou nd cakes , anl i a hint of wist fulness about -it. of un -Aunt Evelyn smiled. "There won' t ca lled ornamenta l. n ot on e of them gave a thought t3 attainable de s- lr e. No g ir ls h ad sudlbe a ny th in g s up er fl ou s a bo ut you "I t wou ld be hea ve nly Mrs BI k ,., what would In consequence happen to gOod times as The Hll1toppers now I ~ , e n yOU g row u p. " exclaimed Marjorie S t o ~ e h ~ t I ~ y . e . he r weight. The ver ie st s yl ph s coulrl girl who woul d no t g la dl y have' been

    If I could be sure of that-but , "Please." begged' Madge Hor to n. n ot h av e d ev ou re d goodies more rec'