Peru Missions Adventure - Clover Sites

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Peru Missions Adventure (9th – 12th Grade)

Ade and Rachel Yanac Ade and Rachel are members of Wycliffe Bible Translators, and have been serving in Huaraz Peru for the past 12 years. Our Church supports them financially and through prayer. Rachel is originally from Ohio, while Ade has been in Peru his whole life. Rachel and Ade have one son named Danny. Their current assignment, along with promoting the use of the Scripture in Huaylas Quechua, is to mentor a local Quechua mission organization called “Asociacion Alli Willaqui,” which means “The Good News Association”. You can visit both websites below. Yanac’s: Good News Association:

How We Will Help Them We will do a trekking / hiking trip to Quechua villages (villages in the Andes Mountains between 10,000 and 14, 000 feet.). During the 4-day hike, the team will trek from village to village, visiting schools & handing out school supplies, along with Quechua books and literature. We will also show the Jesus film and present an evangelistic program in a different village each night. They now have the NT translated into Quechua, so besides bringing school supplies and other things to give away, we will also have the opportunity to deliver copies of the New Testament in their own language. While sleeping in tents and hiking through mountains, we’ll experience the work God is doing in Peru.

Dates July 12th – 22nd (Below is a sample schedule. This is a general idea to help you know whether or not you want to come. Besides the beginning and end dates, this is subject to change.) Thursday, July 12

Depart really early from the church. (Best flight right now is out of Detroit at 7:00 am.)

Fly to Lima, Peru. Friday, July 13th

Travel by bus to Huaraz, Peru (8 Hours)

Saturday-Sunday, July 14th-15th Acclimate to altitude. Team training for ministry. Team training for hiking.

Monday-Thursday, July 16th-19th

Trekking ministry. Traveling from village to village. Living on the edge of civilization and God’s work!

Friday, July 20th

Travel to Lima by bus. Saturday-Sunday, July 21st-22nd

Travel home. Arrive at the church at latest, Sunday Evening.


$2,200. (Wow!!! Hang in there and talk to Pastor Adam if you are scared of this number.) There will be a required $100 (Non-refundable) deposit in order to reserve a spot. This will communicate commitment and ownership of the trip. After the $100, each participant will be coached on sending support letters, connected with work projects to raise money, and other creative things. Ideally, this trip will only cost $100 (plus gear below). There will also be some clothing/gear that each person will need to buy. (The expensive items like tents and backpacks will be provided.) If shopping at Goodwill, and borrowing, this should not cost more than $150. Also, this trip will require a passport. These cost $135. We will go over how to get a passport at our meetings. If you already have one, you’re in luck! Please note that the typical summer youth trip costs between $300-$500 dollars. This trip potentially will only cost $250-$385 ($100 deposit +$150 of gear +$135 passport). Also note that if this trip seems financially impossible, please let us know. There are some scholarship options.

Registration Requirements

Due by January 22nd (There is a limit to how many people can come. See FAQ’s below.) $100 down payment. Missions application (Attached) Event Participation form (Attached for those under 18yrs)

Mission Team Meetings (Not optional, but talk to Pastor Adam if you already have unmovable conflicts.)

Sunday, January 29th – After church till 1:30 pm (Including lunch) Sunday, February 12th – After church till 1:30 pm (Including lunch) Saturday, February 25th – 9:00 am-12:00 noon Saturday, March 10th – 9:00 am – 12:00 noon Wednesday, May 2nd – 7:00-8:30 pm Wednesday, June 6th – 7:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, June 20th – 7:00-9:00 pm Monday, July 9th – 7:00-9:00 pm

Physical Requirements

Although you do not need hiking experience, you will need to be in good shape. (We’ll be hiking a number of miles each day.) This does not mean that you cannot get in shape before the trip. It should however, be a caution. As a mission team, we will have some work out requirements as well as some group training in this area. We have been cautioned that hiking lots of miles at altitudes up to 14,000 ft. is something to take very seriously. Although this trip will be hard (no matter how good of shape you are in), we also need it to be effective. If we are simply surviving the physical aspects, we won’t have energy to do ministry once at the villages. Also, if you have knee problems, you should not go on this trip. Mountain hiking is hard on the knees.

Other FAQ’s

How many people will we take? We need at least 8, but can take up to 18 people. This is a youth ministry centered trip. It will consist of teens and adult leaders. We will make sure to have enough adult leaders to make this trip safe, but in the case of many adults desiring to go, teens will get first priority.

What happens if I commit to go, but do not raise enough money? The worst answer is that you will have to pay the difference. The best answer is that you need to work hard not to let that happen. We will provide you with the tools and ideas to raise all the money. If you work your hardest, and you are still short, then we do have some limited scholarship resources. My advice, consider if you want to go on this trip. Then, work hard, and we’ll figure out how to get you there financially.

What will we eat? We will eat a variety of things. Some of the meals will be from restaurants which will have a distinct South American flare, but should be pretty normal. This trip could also include hiking food. (Prepackaged, freeze dried, etc.) For the majority of the hike, we will eat local food. During these parts, we need to be prepared to become local. This does not mean you will have to eat brain or something like that. However, they do eat guinea pig. If it is offered, we will probably just eat it.

Other Questions? Call Pastor Adam (937-570-0258)

Mission Application Peru Trekking Mission

July 12-22, 2012

Name ___________________________________________ Age____________ Phone ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ How long have you attended Grace? ________________________________________ What are you involved in at Grace? __________________________________________________________________________


If you are over 18yrs, are you a member? ____________________ (This does not necessarily disqualify you. See below for reasoning.) (The purpose for membership at our church is as follows. We want to know that you are a born again believer in Jesus Christ before you serve in a major ministry here at Grace. Furthermore, we want to know if you have made that relationship public through baptism. We would not want someone being an extension of our message and ministry that did not own it themselves. Also, if you are a member, then you can vote. We only want people to vote who have a vested interest in our church and have the Spirit of God indwelling them. So, the membership process allows us to have that conversation with you. If you think it has anything to do with tithe, lifelong commitment to Grace, etc, etc, then just relax. It really isn’t that intrusive.)

If you died today and Jesus was to ask you, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” What would you say? Why do you want to go on this trip? What hurdles do you think you will need to overcome in order to be successful on this trip? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

Grace Baptist Church Event Participation Form

2012 Peru Trekking Mission Trip (July 14-22, 2012)

I give my son/daughter permission to participate in activities led by Grace Baptist Church. This permission

includes but is not limited to:

Permission for Grace Baptist to make necessary medical decisions in case of emergency.

Permission for Grace Baptist to transport my Son/Daughter over state lines with my prior knowledge.

Permission for Grace Baptist to transport my Son/Daughter to another country with my prior knowledge.

1st Person to call in emergency: _____________________________ Phone: ________________

Relationship: _________________________________________


nd Person to call in emergency: _____________________________ Phone: ________________

Relationship: _________________________________________

Insurance company: __________________________ Policy #: ___________ Group # ___________

Food Allergies _______________________________________________________________________



Other Health Notes ___________________________________________________________________



Child Name:

(Print) ___________________________

Parent Name:

(Print) ___________________________

(Sign) _________________________________ (Date) ________________________

Trekking Mission Trip July 12-22, 2012

Packing List (Updated June 1st, 2012) We will be allowing two normal sized bags for this trip. It is recommended that you pack one for when we are in civilization and one for when you are in the mountains. Just remember that you will be carrying these two bags through airports, on and off of charter buses, in and out of hotels, etc. Pack accordingly. You may also have one small carry on that needs to be able to fit at your feet.

Stuff for the “normal” world Passport

2 photocopies of your passport

1 pair of comfortable shoes that will be good for walking/traveling.

6 pairs of comfortable clothes. For me, this will be 1 pair of jeans, 6 t-shirts, and a jacket of some sort.


Girl stuff.

This is a mission trip. Light on the makeup while in Huaraz. Even lighter on the trek.

2 packs of “travel Kleenex”. The restrooms do not normally have toilet paper in them.

What you will need for the actual trek itself: Backpack. A normal school backpack is plenty strong. However, it is good to have something that straps

across the chest, and even better if it buckles around the waste. We’ll carry our water in this pack and a couple items for daytime travel.

A duffle bag. This is what we will strap to the donkey with all of our gear. It will need to be a good sized athletic type bag. But don’t go huge. I’m assuming no one will buy this. Borrow someone’s old one.

Large Ziploc bags (Good for storing and organizing all of your stuff.) Sleeping Bag. This should be a synthetic sleeping bag made for hiking/camping (not one that you took to your friend’s

house when you were 13.) As discussed at the May meeting, the church owns sleeping bags that will work for people that are generally warmer when they sleep. These keep you alive at 32 degrees and are comfortable at 40 degrees. If you are colder when you sleep, you’ll want to get one that is rated at 20 degrees. This means you will survive at 20 degrees and be comfortable around 32 degrees. Please ask to borrow this before you buy. We have enough within our church that you shouldn’t need to buy.

Sleeping pad. The church owns these as well, but some people like to have one that blows up. Don’t go spending money unless you desire to have a really good one.

2 water bottles. Anything that holds water will do.

Flashlight. Head lamp is clearly the best option here.

Extra batteries for your flashlight.


Small Bible


Camera (if you want)

Wash cloth

Small towel (If you can get one that is a camp towel, it will dry a lot better!)

Small bottle of shampoo and body wash. (I’ll probably just bring one of the two because I’m hard core!)

Toothbrush and toothpaste (floss?)

Ibuprofen (for altitude headache)

Sun block (You can get an unbelievable burn in the Andes. It’s always sunny above the clouds!)


If you get motion sickness, bring Dramamine. We’ll be on some long bus rides.

Any prescription drug you normally take

Flushable wet wipes (for hands and “bottom”)

Small bottle of hand sanitizer

Pocket knife (Only if your parents let you. This might be nice, but I’ll carry one so it definitely is not necessary.)

Extra food. You will probably want a snack between meals while we hike. I’ll probably bring one box of granola bars and maybe some beef jerky.

Powdered drink mix to put in water. (You’ll appreciate this to give you some flavor in your water.)

One well-broken in pair of ankle hiking boots/shoes (Merrell is a great quality for the money. Montrail is a good brand especially if you’re used to athletic type shoes.

2-3 pair thick/wool socks for in the evening.

2-3 pair of socks to hike in. Wool socks are good too, but you don’t necessarily need thick ones. Ankle high would be good.

A pair of sandals or very light sneakers or clogs to wear in campsite.

2 short sleeve “synthetic” next to the skin layers.

2 next to the skin layer for “in camp”. (Cotton is fine)

1-2 long sleeve shirts. (Cotton is fine)

1 Fleece or hooded sweatshirt

1 jacket (Think coat here, but don’t bring a Russian fur coat.)

Hat to keep sun from your face.

Warm hat for evenings (cover your ears.)


1-3 pair underwear

1 Pair non-cotton pants for hiking. (Some zip into shorts)

Depending on the thickness of your hiking pants, you may want another pair that is a little warmer to wear around the village in the evening. This second pair can be cotton.

1 Pair shorts if your pants don’t zip.

A couple other tips. 1. When you are packing for the trek, you should think about “day and night” clothes. I’ll be re-wearing

my day clothes every day while we hike. That’s a synthetic shirt, hiking pants, and a long sleeve T. That is what I will get sweaty. Then, every time I get to camp, I’ll put on my night clothes which will be dry and warm.

2. We will spend evenings doing ministry. This will include time talking to people and standing in the cold. You need to be warm in weather down to 30 degrees. Test this out. Find an evening when it will be around 30 degrees. Put on all your layers and see if you will be warm for about an hour. If the list above doesn’t suffice, make some of the layers “thicker” or add another shirt/fleece.

3. Please, Please, Please do not spend a lot of money! Goodwill, borrowing, and using what you already have is how you will save money. The unknown usually makes people spend a lot of money. When I talked to the missionaries, they were really “chill” with how dangerous these trips are. If someone doesn’t have quite the right gear, they said we can always go buy something in town before the trek.

4. Rain is not something we will deal with. This trip will be in dry season. We will not be wet. 5. You need to wear your hiking shoes A LOT! You should plan on wearing them till they look “old”. You

MUST wear them for entire days as well. Depending on your situation, it is good to wear them at work, school, on Sunday to church, etc. Make it active too! Work out in them if you can.