Presentasi directing

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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  • 1. WHAT IS DIRECTING? DIRECTING is said to be a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Pengarahan adalah proses mempengaruhi orang-orang agar mereka mau berusaha secara antusias untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi atau kelompok. Pengarahan terutama berkaitan dengan aspek antar pribadi.

2. WHY DIRECTING IS NEEDED? It Initiates Actions It Ingrates Efforts Means of It Provides Coping up with the changes Efficient Utilization of Resources 3. ELEMENTS IN DIRECTING Motivation Discipline Communication 4. I HATE MY JOB VIDEO 5. MOTIVATE YOUR LIFE VIDEO 6. MOTIVATIONMotivation is the word derived from the word motive whichmeans needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals. It isthe process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish thegoals.It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish thegoals. In the work goal context the psychological factorsstimulating the peoples behaviour can be : desire for money success recognition job-satisfaction team work, etc 7. IMPORTANCE OF MOTIVATIONMotivation is a very important for anorganization because of the following benefits itprovides:1. Puts human resources into action2. Improves level of efficiency of employees3. Leads to achievement of organizational goals4. Builds friendly relationship5. Leads to stability of work force 8. NEED-WANT-SATISFACTION CHAINWhichWhich Give WhichGive rise to WantsTension Action Satisfaction cause to rise toResult in NeedsThe process of motivation consists of three stages:-1. A felt need or drive2. A stimulus in which needs have to be aroused3. When needs are satisfied, the satisfaction or accomplishment of goals. 9. DISCIPLINEMeans: to instruct a person to follow a particular code ofconduct or "order. 10. WHY DISCIPLINE IS IMPORTANT?Disiplin diperlukan untuk mengarahkan seseorang/karyawanuntuk bertindak dengan benar sesuai dengan peraturan yangtelah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Konsekuensi dariketidakdisliplinan adalah hukuman.Di Housekeeping pelanggaran-pelanggaran atauketidakdislipinan yang sering terjadi adalah: Pertengkaran (Quarrel) Tidak patuh pada atasan (Insubordination) Keracunan (Intoxcination) Terlalu banyak izin/terlambat/absen (Excessive unexcusedtardiness or absences) Pencurian (Theft) Melanggar aturan (Unlawful) 11. LANGKAH-LANGKAH UNTUKMENINGKATKAN KEDISLIPINAN1. Spoken Warning/Oral Warning Supervisor/Housekeeper melalukan tindakan peringatan dengan membetulkan kesalahan dari karyawan, secara lisan berusaha membantu, mendorong dan membimbing untuk memperbaiki kesalahannya.2. Written Warning Apabila konseling dan spoken warning dirasakan tidak efektif atau gagal maka langkah berikutnya berupa peringatan secara tertulis dimana semua masalah ditulis dalam form yang disebut employee warning notice dimana tertulis tanggal, waktu dan pelanggaran yang terjadi, rangkap tiga dan harus ditandatangani oleh karyawan yang bersangkutan maupun supervisor. Salah satu tembusannya disimpan pada file karyawan. 12. 3.SuspensionLangkah selanjutnya adalah pemberian sangsiyaitu untuk sementara tidak menerima gaji atauupah (ini merupakan pemberian hukumansecara tradisional). Untuk saat sekarang dibeberapa organisasi suspension merupakanperiode dimana karyawan yang melakukankesalahan diberi kesempatan untuk diinvestigasi, setelah selesai biasanya penggajianberlaku kembali seperti semula. 13. 4. Termination Merupakan langkah terakhir dalam proses peningkatan disiplin, langkah ini dipakai apabila langkah-langkah lainnya mengalami kegagalan. Dalam keadaan normal termination harus dilakukan setelah langkah- langkah lain pernah diberlakukan kepada karyawan yang bersangkutan sebelumnya dan biasanya sudah dicatat dalam dokumen karyawan (file) : informal counseling session spoken warning written warning suspension (and investigation)Sebagian besar organisasi tidak dapat segera melakukan terminationtanpa melihat pelanggaran yang terjadi, pada umumnya pelanggaranseperti perkelahian, pencurian, pengrusakan barang milikhotel, pelanggaran segi moral (immoral) dan pelanggaran-pelanggaranlainnya. Peraturan hotel (house rules) ada pada buku pegangan(handbook) karyawan dan semua karyawan mengetahuikonsekuensinya apabila melakukan pelanggaran terhadap peraturanhotel tersebut. 14. SAMPLE SET OF HOUSE RULESStrict enforcement of these policies will help protect our employees and ensure that our hotelruns in an efficient manner. Listed below are some of the violations which may result inimmediate suspension or termination, at the option of the hotel. Being discourteous. Rude, insubordinate, or using abusive language to a guest or fellowemployee. Fighting, stealing, unauthorized possession of hotel property, or gambling on hotel premises. Unauthorized use of alcohol, possession, use, or appearance of being under the influence ofalcohol, narcotics, intoxicants, or other substances prohibited by law, or the abuse of medicationwhether obtained legally or illegally, while on hotel premises. Possession of lethal weapons or other items prohibited by law while on hotel premises. Indecent, immoral, or disorderly conduct in the hotel, including willful destruction of property andfailure to follow safety procedures. Falsification of work or time records, reports or guest checks. Being in an unauthorized area of the hotel while working or in a non-public area of the buildingafter hours without prior permission from your department head. Socializing with guests on hotel premises. Removing anything from the hotel without permission. Sleeping while on duty. 15. COMMUNICATION PROBLEM 16. CULTURAL MISUNDERSTANDING 17. COMMUNICATION The process of passing any information from one person to the other person with the aid of some medium. penyampaian informasi dari pengirim kepada penerima dimana informasi itu dapat dipahami oleh si penerima.Sender ---------------------------Receiver Information 18. THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS FeedbackTransmissionThought EncordingReception Decording UnderstandingOf Massage Noise 19. THE VARIOUS TYPES OFCOMMUNICATION Verbal communication Non verbal communication Visual Communication 20. THE IMPORTANCE OFCOMMUNICATION IN ANORGANIZATION Communication promotes motivation by informing and clarifying the employees about the taskto be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to improve their performance if itis not up to the mark. Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for decision-makingprocess as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of actions. Communication also plays a crucial role in altering individuals attitudes, i.e., a well informedindividual will have better attitude than a less-informed individual. Organizationalmagazines, journals, meetings and various other forms of oral and written communication help inmoulding employees attitudes. Communication also helps in socializing. In todays life the only presence of another individualfosters communication. It is also said that one cannot survive without communication. As discussed earlier, communication also assists in controlling process. It helps controllingorganizational members behaviour in various ways. There are various levels of hierarchy andcertain principles and guidelines that employees must follow in an organization. They mustcomply with organizational policies, perform their job role efficiently and communicate any workproblem and grievance to their superiors. Thus, communication helps in controlling function ofmanagement. 21. THE COMMUNICATION FLOW IN THEORGANIZATIONIn an organization, communication flows in 5main directions Downward Upward Lateral Diagonal External 22. DOWNWARD FLOW OFCOMMUNICATION Communication that flows from a higher level in an organization to a lower level is a downward communication. In other words, communication from superiors to subordinates in a chain of command is a downward communication. This communication flow is used by the managers to transmit work-related information to the employees at lower levels. Employees require this information for performing their jobs and for meeting the expectations of their managers. Downward communication is used by the managers for the following purposes :1.Providing feedback on employees performance2.Giving job instructions3.Providing a complete understanding of the employees job as well as to communicate themhow their job is related to other jobs in the organization.4.Communicating the organizations mission and vision to the employees.5.Highlighting the areas of attention. Organizational publications, circulars, letter to employees, group meetings etc are all examples of downward communication. In order to have effective and error-free downward communication, managers must:Specify communication objectiveEnsure that the message is accurate, specific and unambiguous.Utilize the best communication technique to convey the message to the receiver in right form 23. UPWARD FLOW OF COMMUNICATION Communication that flows to a higher level in an organization is called upwardcommunication. It provides feedback on how well the organization is functioning.The subordinates use upward communication to convey their problems andperformances to their superiors. The subordinates also use upward communication to tell how well they haveunderstood the downward communication. It can also be used by the employeesto share their views and ideas and to participate in the decision-making process. Upward communication leads to a more committed and loyal workforce in anorganization because the employees are given a chance to raise and speakdissatisfaction issues to the higher levels. The managers get to know about theemployees feelings towards their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization ingeneral. Managers can thus accordingly take actions for improving things. Grievance Redressal System, Complaint and Suggestion Box, Job Satisfactionsurveys etc all help in improving upward communication. Other examples ofUpward Communication are -performance reports made by low levelmanagement for reviewing by higher level management, employee attitudesurveys, letters from employees, employee-manager discussions etc. 24. LATERAL / HORIZONTALCOMMUNICATION Communication that takes place at same levels of hierarchy in an organization is called lateral communication, i.e., communication between peers, between managers at same levels or between any horizontally equivalent organizational member. The advantages of horizontal communication are as follows:1.It is time saving.2.It facilitates co-ordination of the task.3.It facilitates co-operation among team members.4.It provides emotional and social assistance to the organizationalmembers.5.It helps in solving various organizational problems.6.It is a means of information sharing7.It can also be used for resolving conflicts of a department withother department or conflicts within a department. 25. Diagonal Communication: Communicationthat takes place between a manager andemployees of other workgroups is calleddiagonal communication. It generally does notappear on organizational chart. For instance :Todesign a training module a training managerinteracts with an Operations personnel toenquire about the way they perform their task. External Communication: Communication thattakes place between a manager and externalgroups such as -suppliers, vendors, banks, financial institutesetc. For instance: To raise capital the Managingdirector would interact with the Bank Manager.