Project Management Essentials - Cengage Management Essentials ... 5 BSBPMG410A Apply project...

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Project Management Essentials First edition

BSB41513 Project Management Practice Certificate IV in Project Management Practice mapping grid

BSB51413 Project Management Diploma of Project Management mapping grid

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 2


BSB41513 Project Management Practice ......................................................................................... 3

BSB41513 .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

BSBPMG409A Apply project scope-management techniques .................................................................................. 5

BSBPMG410A Apply project time-management techniques.................................................................................... 7

BSBPMG411A Apply project quality-management techniques ................................................................................ 9

BSBPMG412A Apply project cost-management techniques .................................................................................. 11

BSBPMG413A Apply project human resources management approaches ............................................................. 13

BSBPMG414A Apply project information management and communications techniques...................................... 15

BSBPMG415A Apply project risk-management techniques ................................................................................... 17

BSBPMG416A Apply project procurement procedures ......................................................................................... 19

BSBPMG417A Apply project life cycle management processes ............................................................................. 21

BSBPMG418A Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques ........................................................................ 23

BSB51413 Project Management ..................................................................................................... 25

BSB51413 ................................................................................................................................................................ 25

BSBPMG511A Manage project scope ................................................................................................................... 27

BSBPMG512A Manage project time ..................................................................................................................... 29

BSBPMG513A Manage project quality .................................................................................................................. 31

BSBPMG514A Manage project cost ...................................................................................................................... 33

BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources .................................................................................................. 35

BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication .......................................................................... 37

BSBPMG517A Manage project risk ....................................................................................................................... 39

BSBPMG521A Manage project integration ........................................................................................................... 42

BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement ........................................................................................................ 46

BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement ...................................................................................... 49

BSBPMG520A Manage project governance .......................................................................................................... 51

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 3

BSB41513 Project Management Practice Certificate IV in Project Management Practice Total units: 9 (3 core; at least 3 Group A; 3 Group A or B or other)

BSB41513 Code Title Chapter

Core units

BSBPMG409A Apply project scope-management techniques 7

BSBPMG410A Apply project time-management techniques 8

BSBPMG411A Apply project quality-management techniques 10

Group A elective units

BSBPMG412A Apply project cost-management techniques 9

BSBPMG413A Apply project human resources management approaches


BSBPMG414A Apply project information management and communications techniques


BSBPMG415A Apply project risk-management techniques 13

BSBPMG416A Apply project procurement procedures 14

BSBPMG417A Apply project life cycle management processes 1 and 16

BSBPMG418A Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques 15

Group B elective units (not included in this mapping grid)

BSBADM405B Organise meetings 12

BSBCCO405A Survey stakeholders to gather and record information 15

BSBLEG415A Apply the principles of contract law 14

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 4

BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements


CPPDSM4047A Implement and monitor procurement process 14

MSAENV472B Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices N/A

PSPETHC401A Uphold and support the values and principles of public service N/A

PSPGOV422A Apply government processes N/A

PSPPOL404A Support policy implementation 1−6 (Part 1)

TLIE4006A Collect, analyse and present workplace data and information


Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 5

BSBPMG409A Apply project scope-management techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Contribute to defining project scope 1.1

Review project initiation documentation and assist in identifying project objectives and requirements

137–9 142 Ch 7 – Q4

1.2 Contribute to identifying project deliverables 138–42 142 Ch 7 – Q6


Contribute to identifying measurable outcomes to enable evaluation of project performance

142 142 Ch 7 – Q10

1.4 Contribute to developing and documenting the scope-management plan

137 142 Ch 7 – Q2

1.5 Assist in obtaining agreement to scope from relevant project authority

154–5 Ch 7 – Q7

2 Apply project scope controls


Undertake work according to agreed project scope-management plan and by using established change-control procedures and performance-measurement procedures

156–7 Ch 7 – Q3


Communicate instances of non-compliance with overall scope to the project manager and other team members

155–7 Ch 7 – Q7

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 6

3 Contribute to review of scope controls


Measure progress to determine potential, perceived and actual scope changes

151–3 152 Ch 7 – Q10

3.2 Appropriately report scope changes 156–7 Ch 7 – Q14


Assist in the review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of initial and subsequent scope-management approaches

114–5 116 Ch 6 – Q1, Q4, Q5

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 7

BSBPMG410A Apply project time-management techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist in developing project schedule


Contribute to developing the work breakdown structure with sufficient detail to enable effective planning and control

145–9 152–3 Ch 8 – Q1


Contribute to estimating the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks to achieve project deliverables

171–4 170 Ch 8 – Q2


Assist in using project scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management, resource requirements, costs and risks

180–7 186 Ch 8 – Q8


Contribute to achieving an agreed schedule baseline and communicating the schedule to stakeholders

171–4 186 Ch 8 – Q9

2 Maintain project schedule 2.1.

Use techniques to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to agreed schedule

180–3 187 Ch 8 – Q12

2.2. Record baseline variance between actual and planned progress

188–90 Ch 8 – Q14


Contribute to forecasting the impact of change on the schedule and analysing options

188–191 Ch 8 – Q13

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 8


Update task status and agreed changes to maintain currency and accuracy of schedule

190–1 Ch 8 – Q15

3 Participate in assessing time-management outcomes


Assist in the review of project performance to determine the effectiveness of time management

121–3 Ch 8 – Q16


Document scheduling and time-management issues and responses to assist in project evaluation

126–7 Ch 6 – Q1, Q7

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 9

BSBPMG411A Apply project quality-management techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Contribute to project quality planning

1.1 Contribute to determining quality requirements of project stakeholders

234–5 Ch 10 – Q1

1.2 Contribute to identifying quantifiable quality criteria for project deliverables

235–6 Ch 10 – Q3

1.3 Source information to locate and interpret quality policy and procedures

235–6 Ch 10 – Q4

1.4 Contribute to developing quality requirements in the project plan and processes

237–8 233 Ch 10 – Q5

2 Apply quality policies and procedures


Implement quality assurance in the project according to agreed quality standards and guidelines

237–40 Ch 10 – Q5


Select and apply quality-management tools and methodologies to project processes according to organisational policy

243–5, 247 244 Ch 10 – Q5


Maintain quality control records and audit documentation according to agreed procedures

240–1 244 Ch 10 – Q11

2.4 Determine and maintain compliance records against agreed quality requirements

243–4 244 Ch 10 – Q11

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 10


Report shortfalls in quality outcomes to others to enable appropriate action to be initiated

244 Ch 10 – Q7

3 Contribute to project continuous improvement process


Participate in the ongoing review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of quality-management activities

244–8 244 Ch 10 – Q10


Contribute to stakeholder satisfaction analysis to ensure expectations have been met

243 244 Ch 10 – Q10


Report quality-management issues and responses to others for application to future projects

117–8 121 Ch 10 – Q8

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 11

BSBPMG412A Apply project cost-management techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist in developing the project budget


Implement cost-estimating methods against duration/effort and resource requirements

201–2 210 Ch 9 – Q1


Determine estimated costs for tasks and activities and confirm degree of accuracy with relevant stakeholders

207–9 209 Ch 9 – Q8


Communicate cost estimates where required to others to contribute to project budget and cash flow management

209 211–2 Ch 9 – Q1


Contribute to developing cost-management strategies and processes, and providing financial authorisation within delegated authority

207–9 210 Ch 9 – Q1

2 Monitor project costs 2.1

Monitor income and expenditure against the project budget baseline at predetermined intervals

213–8 Ch 9 – Q9


Identify and report variations in the budget using established project cost methods, techniques and tools

220–5 Ch 9 – Q3


Implement action and report progress to ensure cost objectives remain achievable throughout the project life cycle

222–3 Ch 9 – Q12

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 12

3 Contribute to cost-finalisation process


Assist in the finalisation and transfer of financial assets, liabilities and records to relevant parties

225 Ch 9 – Q13


Assist in the review of project outcomes through the use of project cost records to determine the effectiveness of cost-management processes

225 Ch 9 – Q1

3.3 Document cost-management lessons learned for application to future projects

117–120 Ch 9 – Q15

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 13

BSBPMG413A Apply project human resources management approaches

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist in determining human resource requirements

1.1 Analyse work breakdown structure to determine human resource requirements

265–7 267 Ch 11 – Q6

1.2 Prepare a skills analysis of project personnel against project task requirements

270–1 Ch 11 – Q4

1.3 Assist in assigning responsibilities for achieving project deliverables

273–4 Ch 11 – Q5

2 Contribute to establishing and maintaining productive team relationships


Actively seek the views and opinions of team members during task planning and implementation

283–4 285 Ch 11 – Q7

2.2 Promote cooperation and effective activities, goals and relationships in the team

283–4 285 Ch 11 – Q8


Communicate with others using styles and methods appropriate to organisational standards, group expectations and desired outcomes

283–6 285 Ch 11 – Q9


Communicate information and ideas to others in a logical, concise and understandable manner

283–6 285 Ch 11 – Q10


Regularly seek feedback on the nature and quality of work relationships, and use the feedback as the basis for own improvement and development

288–90 Ch 11 – Q9

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 14

3 Assist with human resource monitoring


Monitor the work of project personnel against assigned roles and responsibilities within delegated authority levels

291 Ch 11 – Q6

3.2 Monitor and control actual effort against project plan 291 Ch 11 – Q2


Review skill levels against allocated tasks and recommend solutions, where required, to others

288–90 Ch 11 – Q2


Advise others within delegated authority when assigned responsibilities are not met by project personnel

274–5 Ch 11 – Q9


Undertake work in a multi-disciplinary environment according to established human resource management practices, plans, guidelines and procedures

265–7 Ch 11 – Q2


Resolve conflict within delegated authority according to agreed dispute-resolution processes

282 Ch 11 – Q8


Assist in offering human resource development opportunities to individuals with skill gaps

286 Ch 11 – Q9

4 Contribute to evaluating human resource practices


Contribute to assessing the effectiveness of project human resource management

114–5,127 116

Ch 6 – Q4, Q5

4.2 Document lessons learned to support continuous improvement processes

114–5 116 Ch 6 – Q4, Q5

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 15

BSBPMG414A Apply project information management and communications techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Contribute to communications planning


Identify, source and contribute relevant information requirements to initial project documentation

301–2, 309 Ch 12 – Q1


Contribute to developing and implementing the project communications plan and communications networks

301–10 Ch 12 – Q4

2 Conduct information-management activities 2.1

Act on and process project information according to agreed procedures as directed, to aid decision-making processes throughout project life cycle

303–4 Ch 12 – Q7

2.2 Maintain information to ensure data is secure and auditable N/A N/A

3 Communicate project information 3.1

Communicate with clients and other stakeholders during project using agreed networks, processes and procedures to ensure flow of necessary information

317–8 315 Ch 12 – Q8


Ensure reports are prepared and released according to authorisation, or produced for release by others

319–21 Ch 12 – Q4

3.3 Seek information and advice from appropriate project authorities as required

305–9 Ch 12 – Q2

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 16

4 Contribute to assessing effectiveness of communication


Assist in the ongoing review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of communications-management activities

319 Ch 12 – Q9


Report communications-management issues and responses to higher project authorities for application of lessons learned to future projects

117-8 Ch 6 – Q8

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BSBPMG415A Apply project risk-management techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist with risk analysis and planning


Contribute to identifying and prioritising potential risks throughout the project life cycle, using established risk-analysis methods, techniques and tools

333–5 331, 339 Ch 13 – Q1, Q4, Q6


Contribute to developing risk-management strategies and risk-management plans according to established guidelines

336 331, 339 Ch 13 – Q2, Q3

1.3 Contribute to developing and implementing risk-reporting mechanisms

333–7 331, 339 Ch 13 – Q2, Q3, Q10

2 Perform risk-control activities 2.1

Monitor risks according to agreed project and risk-management plans and advise project manager of changing circumstances

353 Ch 13 – Q10


Regularly review progress and future activity for the purpose of identifying potential and actual risks and opportunities

353 Ch 13 – Q2, Q10


Contribute to implementing agreed risk-management approaches and amending plans to reflect the changing environment

347–52 Ch 13 – Q2, Q3

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 18


Contribute to corrective action on risks according to the risk-management plan and delegated authority

353 354 Ch 13 – Q8, Q9


Contribute to the review of contingency plans on an ongoing basis and, where required, ensure tasks allocated to individuals and/or team are clarified with the project manager before implementation

353 354 Ch 13 – Q6, Q9, Q11


Apply and monitor risk-contingency measures according to the risk-management plan

351 Ch 13 – Q11

2.7 Identify and report opportunities in the same way as risks

337–40 339 Ch 13 – Q4

3 Contribute to assessing risk-management outcomes


Contribute to the ongoing review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of risk-management activities by accessing project risk records and other available information

114–5 116 Ch 6 – Q1, Q4, Q5


Report risk-management issues and responses to others for lessons learned or application to future projects

117–8 Ch 6 – Q1, Q8

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 19

BSBPMG416A Apply project procurement procedures

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist with procurement planning

1.1 Contribute to establishing procurement requirements to achieve project objectives

363–4 374 Ch 14 – Q1


Act under delegated authority to contribute to the development of the procurement-management plan

366 374 Ch 14 – Q2

1.3 Contribute to developing procurement documentation 363–6

Ch 14 – Q3

2 Contribute to supplier selection process

2.1 Gather and evaluate information on potential suppliers

364 Ch 14 – Q4

2.2 Make recommendations to assist in selection of preferred suppliers

374–6 Ch 14 – Q6

2.3 Contribute to establishing agreed terms and conditions with preferred suppliers

376 Ch 14 – Q5

2.4 Identify and act in line with probity and project governance constraints

366–8 N/A

2.5 Assist in developing contractual documentation 368–73 Ch 14 – Q5

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 20

3 Conduct procurement activities

3.1 Test and accept supplies to ensure quality and suitability for purpose

377–8 Ch 14 – Q7


Undertake procurement activities and maintain information in line with reporting, confidentiality and audit requirements

377–8 Ch 14 – Q7

3.3 Receive, reconcile and register supplies according to established procedures

377–8 Ch 14 – Q7

3.4 Monitor and control suppliers according to contractual supply documentation

377–8 Ch 14 – Q7

4 Assist in finalising procurement activities

4.1 Assist in finalising procurement agreements 378–9 Ch 14 – Q8


Assist in the review of project outcomes using available records to determine the effectiveness of procurement activities

378–9 Ch 14 – Q8


Contribute to identifying lessons learned and possible improvements to procurement management

117–8, 125

Ch 14 – Q3, Q8

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 21

BSBPMG417A Apply project life cycle management processes

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist in establishing project

1.1 Identify and clarify project initiation documentation where required

13–6 Ch 2 – Q4


Establish the relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals

431–5 435 Ch 16 – Q2


Assist in negotiating and documenting project objectives, outcomes and benefits

16 22 Ch 2 – Q2, Q8

1.4 Assist in establishing the project governance structure 29, 31–2 34 Ch 2 – Q3, Q7,


1.5 Assist in drafting a project charter for approval 13–6 22 Ch 2 – Q4

2 Support project planning and design processes


Support the disaggregation of project objectives into achievable project deliverables

48–53 65 Ch 3 – Q1, Q2, Q3, Q7

2.2 Assist in identifying project stages, and key requirements for stage completion

48–53 65 Ch 3 – Q1

2.3 Identify project milestones and map clearly against time and objectives

48–53 65 Ch 3 – Q5, Q6


Assist in consolidating associated plans and baselines in the project management plan

68 65 Ch 3 – Q3, Q6

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 22


Support negotiation with relevant stakeholders and project authority to gain approval of project plan

69 Ch 3 – Q9

3 Assist with project control and execution


Maintain and update records against project deliverables and plans at required intervals

98, 101, 440 Ch 5 – Q4

3.2 Prepare status reports on project progress and identified issues

319–21 Ch 12 – Q4, Q6, Q7

3.3 Assist with undertaking an impact analysis of proposed changes to the project

441–5 Ch 16 – Q8, Q9, Q10


Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit

443–5 Ch 16 – Q6, Q7


Update associated plans to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes

100–1 Ch 5 – Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8

4 Assist with project finalisation

4.1 Assist with project finalisation activities where required 126 Ch 6 – Q1

4.2 Prepare project products and associated documentation for handover to client

126 Ch 6 – Q1

4.3 Assist in completing financial, legal and contractual obligations where required

125–6 124 Ch 6 – Q1, Q2, Q3, Q9


Contribute perspectives on project performance to assist with project review assessments

120–2, 127 124 Ch 6 – Q5, Q7,


Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 23

BSBPMG418A Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Assist in identifying and addressing stakeholder interests

1.1 Assist in identifying stakeholders relevant to project objectives

388 386 Ch 15 – Q2


Segment stakeholder interests and assist in determining forms of engagement

389–90 386 Ch 15 – Q1

1.3 Consider interests of stakeholders when advising on project operations

390–1 386 Ch 15 – Q4

1.4 Support actions to address differing stakeholder interests where required

391 386 Ch 15 – Q4

2 Actively participate in stakeholder engagement

2.1 Apply interpersonal skills to ensure stakeholder engagement is effective

391 386 Ch 15 – Q9

2.2 Conduct stakeholder engagement in line with agreed defined project roles

406 Ch 15 – Q9, Q12

2.3 Establish and clarify stakeholder behavioural expectations where required

270–1 Ch 11 – Q6

2.4 Openly engage with stakeholder performance reviews

114–7, 127



Recognise and address development needs and opportunities to support stakeholder engagement

406 Ch 15 – Q13

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 24

3 Assist stakeholder communications

3.1 Assist in determining and documenting stakeholder communication needs

301–2 Ch 12 – Q1, Q4


Assist in negotiating agreement on project communication method, and content and timing of stakeholder engagement

309–10 Ch 12 – Q7


Support the communication of information as planned within authority levels, identifying and addressing variances

319–21 Ch 12 – Q9

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 25

BSB51413 Project Management Diploma of Project Management Total units: 12 (8 core units plus 4 elective units)

BSB51413 Code Title Chapter

Core units

BSBPMG511A Manage project scope 7

BSBPMG512A Manage project time 8

BSBPMG513A Manage project quality 10

BSBPMG514A Manage project cost 9

BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources 11

BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication 12

BSBPMG517A Manage project risk 13

BSBPMG521A Manage project integration 16

Group A elective units

BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement 14

BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement 15

BSBPMG520A Manage project governance 16

Group B elective units (not included in this mapping grid) )

BSBINM501A Manage an information or knowledge management system N/A

BSBINN502A Build and sustain an innovative work environment N/A

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 26

BSBMGT516C Facilitate continuous improvement 10

BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability N/A

BSBWHS506A Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining WHS management systems N/A

BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development 7

BSBWOR502B Ensure team effectiveness 6

ICAICT511A Match IT needs with the strategic direction of the enterprise N/A

ICAICT515A Verify client business requirements 2

MSS015002A Develop strategies for more sustainable use of resources N/A

PSPETHC501B Promote the values and ethos of public service N/A

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BSBPMG511A Manage project scope Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Conduct project authorisation activities


Develop and confirm procedures for project authorisation with an appropriate authority

305–7 Ch12 – Q8

1.2 Obtain authorisation to expend resources 305–7 Ch12 – Q9

1.3 Confirm project delegations and authorities in project governance arrangements

270−1 271-2 N/A

2 Define project scope 2.1

Identify, negotiate and document project boundaries 143 137 Ch 7 – Q3

2.2 Establish measurable project benefits, outcomes and outputs

144 145 Ch 7 – Q7, Q8


Establish a shared understanding of the desired project outcomes with relevant stakeholders

138−9 Ch 7 – Q9

2.4 Document scope-management plan

143 Ch 7 – Q10

3 Manage project scope-control process

3.1 Implement agreed scope-management procedures and processes

156–7 152 Ch 7 – Q1


Manage the impact of scope changes within established time, cost and quality constraints according to change-control procedures

156−7 157 Ch 7 – Q5, Ch12 – Q8, Q9, Q10, Q12

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Identify and document scope-management issues and recommend improvements for future projects

156−7 Ch 7 – Q10

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BSBPMG512A Manage project time Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Determine project schedule 1.1

Develop the work breakdown structure with sufficient detail to enable effective planning and control

145 152 Ch 8 – Q1


Estimate the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks to achieve project deliverables

171–3 171 Ch 8 – Q4


Use project-scheduling tools and techniques to identify schedule impact on project time management, resource requirements, costs and risks

184–6 Ch 8 – Q14


Contribute to achieving an agreed schedule baseline and communication of the schedule to stakeholders

188 171, 186 Ch 8 – Q6

2 Implement project schedule 2.1

Implement mechanisms to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule

190 188 Ch 8 – Q7

2.2 Conduct ongoing analysis to identify baseline variance 190 Ch 8 – Q7

2.3 Analyse and forecast the impact of changes to the schedule

190–1 Ch 8 – Q8


Review progress throughout the project life cycle and implement agreed schedule changes

190–1 187 Ch 8 – Q8

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 30


Develop responses to potential or actual schedule changes and implement them to maintain project objectives

188 Ch 8 – Q14

3 Assess time-management outcomes 3.1

Review schedule performance records to determine the effectiveness of time-management activities

188 Ch 8 – Q11

3.2 Identify and document time-management issues and recommend improvements

188 Ch 8 – Q11

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BSBPMG513A Manage project quality Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Determine quality requirements

1.1 Determine quality objectives and standards with input from stakeholders

235–6 238 Ch 10 – Q2


Document in a quality-management plan the quality metrics for project and product output

235–6 238–9 Ch 10 – Q4


Select established quality-management methods, techniques and tools to resolve quality issues

237 244 Ch 10 – Q4


Distribute, discuss and support quality requirements with project team and stakeholders

235 242 Ch 10 – Q4


Include agreed quality requirements in the project management plan and implement as basis for performance measurement

235–6 238–9 Ch 10 – Q4

2 Implement quality processes

2.1 Undertake quality-assurance audit of project processes for compliance with agreed plans

239–40 Ch 10 – Q1


Assess quality control of project and product output according to agreed quality specifications

240–1 241 Ch 10 – Q1

2.3 Identify causes of variance to quality metrics and undertake remedial action

240–1 Ch 10 – Q6

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 32


Maintain a quality management system to enable accurate and timely recording of quality audit data

240–1 244 Ch 10 – Q4

3 Implement project quality improvements


Review processes and implement agreed changes continually throughout the project life cycle to ensure continuous quality improvement

243 Ch 10 – Q5


Review project outcomes against performance requirements to determine the effectiveness of quality-management processes and procedures

243–4 Ch 10 – Q2

3.3 Identify and document lessons learned and recommended improvements

245 Ch 10 – Q2

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BSBPMG514A Manage project cost Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Determine project costs


Determine resource requirements for individual tasks identified in the work breakdown structure, with input from stakeholders and guidance from others

209 210 Ch 9 – Q2


Estimate project costs to enable project budget to be prepared within agreed tolerances

210–2 208 Ch 9 – Q1

1.3 Develop a project budget 213–4 Ch 9 – Q6


Develop a cost-management plan, within delegated authority, to ensure clarity of understanding and ongoing management of project finances

207 207–8 Ch 9 – Q3

2 Monitor and control project costs 2.1

Implement agreed financial-management processes and procedures to monitor actual expenditure against budget

218–9 219 Ch 9 – Q14


Select and use cost-analysis methods and tools to identify cost variations and evaluate alternative actions

222–3 Ch 9 – Q15

2.3 Implement and monitor agreed actions to maintain financial objectives

223–5 Ch 9 – Q12

2.4 Provide accurate and timely financial reports

223–5 Ch 9 – Q12

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3 Complete cost-management processes

3.1 Conduct appropriate activities to signify financial completion 225 Ch 9 – Q17


Review project outcomes using available records to determine the effectiveness of project cost management

225 Ch 9 – Q17

3.3 Review cost-management issues and document improvements

222–3 Ch 9 – Q17

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BSBPMG515A Manage project human resources

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Plan human resources


Determine resource requirements for individual tasks to determine required project personnel levels and competencies

270–1 272–3 Ch 11 – Q3


Establish project organisation and structure to align individual and group competencies with project tasks

267–8 272–4 Ch 11 – Q2


Allocate personnel to the project to meet planned work outputs throughout the project

265–6 272–5 Ch 11 – Q11


Apply human resource management (HRM) methods, techniques and tools to support the engagement and performance of personnel

281 281 Ch 11 – Q7

2 Implement personnel training and development

2.1 Negotiate, define and communicate clear project role descriptions

279 279 Ch 11 – Q8


Identify, plan and implement ongoing development and training of project team members to support personnel and project performance

284–5 Ch 11 – Q5

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Measure individuals' performance against agreed criteria and initiate actions to overcome shortfalls in performance

288–90 Ch 11 – Q9

3 Lead the project team


Implement processes and take action to improve individual performance and overall project effectiveness

288–90 Ch 11 – Q7


Monitor and report, for remedial action, internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale

288–90 Ch 11 – Q9


Implement procedures for interpersonal communication, counselling and conflict resolution to maintain a positive work environment

282 Ch 11 – Q8


Identify and manage inter-project and intra-project resource conflict to minimise impact on achievement of project objectives

282 Ch 11 – Q10

4 Finalise human resource activities

4.1 Disband the project team according to organisational policies and procedures

115–6 Ch 6 – Q1

4.2 Identify and document human resource issues and recommended improvements

117–9 117–9 Ch 6 – Q8

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BSBPMG516A Manage project information and communication

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Plan information and communication processes


Identify, analyse and document information requirements, with input from stakeholders, as the basis for communication planning

301–2 303 Ch 12 – Q6


Develop, within delegated authority, an agreed communication management plan to support the achievement of project objectives

303 303 Ch 12 – Q3


Establish and maintain designated project-management information system to ensure the quality, validity, timeliness and integrity of information and communication

304 303 Ch 12 – Q4

2 Implement project information and communication processes


Manage the generation, gathering, storage, retrieval, analysis and dissemination of information by project staff and stakeholders

315–6 Ch 12 – Q5

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Implement, modify, monitor and control designated information-validation processes to optimise quality and accuracy of data

319 Ch 12 – Q11


Implement and maintain appropriate communication networks

317–8 Ch 12 – Q7


Identify and resolve communication and information-management system issues

322–3 Ch 12 – Q11

3 Assess information and communication outcomes


Finalise and archive records according to agreed project information ownership and control requirements

126 Ch 6 – Q2


Review project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of management information, and communication processes and procedures

114–6 116 Ch 6 – Q4


Identify and document lessons learned, and recommend improvements for application to future projects

117–21 117 Ch 6 – Q8

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BSBPMG517A Manage project risk Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Identify project risks


Determine risk objectives and standards, with input from stakeholders

332 331 Ch 13 – Q2

1.2 Establish project risk context to inform risk-management processes

332–5 333 Ch 13 – Q10


Identify project risks using valid and reliable risk-identification methods

337–8 339 Ch 13 – Q1

1.4 Classify project risks within agreed risk categories

343 Ch 13 – Q2

2 Analyse project risks 2.1

Determine risk-analysis classification criteria and apply to an agreed risk-ranking system

341–7 Ch 13 – Q1


Use risk-analysis processes, within delegated authority, to analyse and qualify risks, threats and opportunities

341–7 Ch 13 – Q7


Determine risk priorities in agreement with project client and other stakeholders

341–7 Ch 13 – Q2


Document risk-analysis outcomes for inclusion in risk register and risk-management plan

339–40 Ch 13 – Q10

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3 Establish risk treatments and controls

3.1 Identify and document existing risk controls 336 Ch 13 – Q10


Consider and determine risk-treatment options using agreed consultative methods

347–51 351–2 Ch 13 – Q8

3.3 Record and implement agreed risk treatments 339–40 Ch 13 – Q4


Update risk plans and allocate risk responsibilities to project team members

353 Ch 13 – Q4

4 Monitor and control project risks 4.1

Establish regular risk-review processes to maintain currency of risk plans

332 Ch 13 – Q11


Regularly monitor risk environment to identify changed circumstances that impact on project risks

353 Ch 13 – Q11

4.3 Determine risk responses to changed environment

347–51 Ch 13 – Q7


Implement agreed risk responses and modify plans to maintain currency of risk treatments and controls

351 Ch 13 – Q8

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5 Assess risk-management outcomes


Review project outcomes to determine effectiveness of risk-management processes and procedures

114–6 116–7 Ch6 – Q4


Identify and document risk-management issues and recommended improvements for application to future projects

117–8 117–8 Ch6 – Q8

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BSBPMG521A Manage project integration Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Establish project 1.1

Identify, clarify and prepare project initiation documentation

429–30 425 Ch 16 – Q4


Identify the relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals

431–3 432 Ch 16 – Q2


Negotiate and document project objectives, outcomes and benefits

430–1 Ch 16 – Q1


Negotiate the project governance structure with relevant authorities and stakeholders

265–6 Ch 11 – Q3


Prepare and submit project charter for approval by relevant authorities

429–30 429 Ch 16 – Q9

2 Undertake project planning and design processes


Establish and implement a methodology to disaggregate project objectives into achievable project deliverables

435 436 Ch 16 – Q8


Identify project stages and key requirements for stage completion against client requirements and project objectives

441 442 Ch 16 – Q1, 13

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Analyse project management functions to identify interdependencies and the impact of the triple constraints

426 435 Ch 16 – Q7


Develop a project management plan that integrates all project-management functions with associated plans and baselines

426–9 429 Ch 16 – Q5


Establish designated mechanisms to monitor and control planned activity

445 443 Ch 16 – Q10


Negotiate approval of project plan with relevant stakeholders and project authority

305–7 Ch12 – Q8, Ch 16 – Q9

3 Execute project in work environment


Manage the project in an established internal work environment to ensure work is conducted effectively throughout the project

441 442 Ch 16 – Q11


Maintain established links to align project objectives with organisational objectives throughout the project life cycle

14–6 18–9 Ch16 – Q1, Q13


Within authority levels, resolve conflicts that may negatively affect project objectives

282, 306 Ch12 – Q8, Q9, Q10

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4 Manage project control


Ensure project records are updated against project deliverables and plans at required intervals

441 443–4 Ch 16 – Q10


Analyse and submit status reports on project progress and identified issues with stakeholders and relevant authorities

441 443–4 Ch 16 – Q11


Analyse and submit impact analysis on change requests for approval where required

441 443–4 Ch 16 – Q11


Maintain relevant project logs and registers accurately and regularly to assist with project audit

441 443–4 Ch 16 – Q10


Ensure associated plans are updated to reflect project progress against baselines and approved changes

441 443–4 Ch 16 – Q6

5 Manage project finalisation 5.1.

Identify and allocate project finalisation activities

126–7 Ch6 – Q1


Ensure project products and associated documentation are prepared for handover to client in a timely manner

126–7 Ch6 – Q1

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 45

5.3. Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations

126–7 Ch6 – Q1

5.4. Undertake project review assessments as input to future projects

114–6 116–7, 117–8

Ch6 – Q4, Q5

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BSBPMG518A Manage project procurement

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Determine procurement requirements 1.1

Identify procurement requirements with input from stakeholders as the basis for procurement planning

363–6 364–5 Ch 14 – Q1


Establish and maintain, within delegated authority, an agreed procurement-management plan

363–6 372–3 Ch 14 – Q2

2 Establish agreed procurement processes 2.1

Obtain information from suppliers capable of fulfilling procurement requirements

373 374 Ch 14 – Q4


Determine or adopt established selection processes and selection criteria and communicate them to vendors to ensure transparency

374 374 Ch 14 – Q3


Obtain relevant approvals for procurement processes to be used for the project

366 Ch 14 – Q7

Project Management Essentials (first edition) – mapping grid ©Cengage Learning Australia 2014 47

3 Conduct procurement activities 3.1

Identify and act according to probity and project-governance constraints

377 Ch 14 – Q2


Communicate agreed proposals and/or specifications to prospective vendors to ensure clarity of understanding of project objectives

374 Ch 14 – Q3

3.3 Solicit vendor responses according to proposal requirements

375 Ch 14 – Q2, Q3, Q4


Evaluate responses and select preferred vendors according to current legal requirements and agreed selection criteria

375 Discussion question – Q2


Negotiate with preferred contractor or supplier to agree on terms and conditions of supply

376 Ch 14 – Q7

4 Implement and monitor procurement 4.1

Implement established procurement-management plan and make modifications in line with agreed delegations

377–8 N/A


Review progress and manage agreed variations to ensure timely completion of tasks and resolution of conflict within the legal framework of the supply agreement

377 Ch 14 – Q6

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Identify and report procurement-management issues and implement agreed remedial actions to ensure project objectives are met

377 N/A

5 Manage procurement finalisation procedures


Conduct finalisation activities to ensure vendor deliverables meet contracted requirements

378–9 N/A


Review project outcomes using available procurement records and information to determine effectiveness of procurement processes and procedures

125 127 Ch6 – Q1


Document lessons learned and recommended improvements for application to future projects

115–7 Ch6 – Q3

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BSBPMG519A Manage project stakeholder engagement

Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Identify and address stakeholder interests

1.1 Identify stakeholders relevant to project objectives

388 Ch 15 – Q9

1.2 Segment stakeholder interests and determine forms of engagement

389–90 399 Ch 15 – Q2, Q5


Consider interests of stakeholders when considering and advising on project-management issues

389–90 Ch 15 – Q2


Identify and implement actions to address differing interests where required

390–1 Ch 15 – Q1, Q5

2 Manage effective stakeholder engagement 2.1

Support development of team members’ interpersonal skills in effective stakeholder engagement

391 Ch 15 – Q9


Distribute team work effectively to ensure defined project roles are followed

270–1 272–3 Ch11 – Q3, Q11


Identify and clarify stakeholder behavioural expectations where required

270–1 Ch11 – Q6

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2.4 Openly lead stakeholder performance reviews

288–91 N/A


Identify and address individual development needs and opportunities to support stakeholder engagement

291 Ch11 – Q7

3 Manage stakeholder communications

3.1 Determine and document stakeholder communication needs

303 303 Ch12 – Q3


Ensure relevant stakeholders agree to communication method, content and timing of engagement

391 Ch 15 – Q10


Communicate information as planned and in line with authority levels, identifying and addressing variances

301–2 Ch12 – Q11

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BSBPMG520A Manage project governance Element number

Element Performance criteria number

Performance criteria Page reference

Project management mastery; Research and reflection activity

End-of-chapter question

1 Identify project-management structure 1.1

Determine organisational governance policies, procedures and expectations of project stakeholders

305–8 305 Ch 12 – Q6, Q7, Q8


Negotiate clear and discrete project governance roles and responsibilities with relevant authorities

305–7 Ch 12 – Q8

1.3 Establish delegated authorities for project decision making

305–7 Ch 12 – Q6, Q7


Identify and record differences between organisation’s functional authorities and project authorities

267–9 269, 270 Ch 12 – Q8


Adopt, document and communicate unambiguous governance plan to relevant stakeholders

301–3 307 Ch 12 – Q8

2 Apply project governance policies and procedures 2.1

Distribute and present information on governance planning to the project team and other relevant stakeholders and ensure common understanding

319–21 320 Ch 12 – Q5

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Include delegated authorities within role and project position descriptions

270–4 272–3 Ch 11 – Q2


Moderate conflicts regarding roles, responsibilities and authorities to support achievement of project objectives

282 Ch 11 – Q9


Regularly report to organisation and project authorities on performance and issues arising from governance arrangements

319–21 320 Ch 12 – Q9, Q10

3 Monitor and review project governance 3.1

Analyse and review project governance impact on achieving project objectives

114–5 116, 116–7 Ch 6 – Q1


Document lessons learned and recommendations to assist future projects

117 116, 116–7 Ch 6 – Q8