Questionnaire Results For Music Video

Post on 25-May-2015

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  • 1. Questionnaire ResultsAs part of my primary research I had to create a questionnaire along with my group. We had to include the use of both qualitative and quantitive questions in the questionnaire. We decided to create 10 questions because we felt that any less would mean we would not have a sufficient amount of data and any more would mean that we could loose the interest of our intended demographic as it would be too long. Our intended demographic was both Males and Females between the ages of 15 - 30 so in essence young people. Due tot he circumstances we gave out the questionnaire to individuals around college.Amirah.I.Sharif

2. Age RangeFrom this chart we can see that the majority of people we asked were between the ages of 16 - 20. This meant that our questionnaire got most of its results from the younger generation. We wanted our demographic to range between the ages of about 16 - 30, so this shows that we did not get enough views of a variety of ages therefore our questionnaire results will not show the views of a wide demographic and will biased. Amirah.I.Sharif 3. GenderFor our questionnaire we asked a total of 20 people, from the results we can see that 13 of those people were Male and 7 were Female. When we planned our questionnaire we wanted to get an equal amount of both Males and Females so our results were considered equal. Although when giving our our questionnaire around college we found that there were more Males around rather than Females which affected the answers we would receive and our results. So this made the results unequal as our video is aimed at both Males and Females. Amirah.I.Sharif 4. What is your preferred genre of music ?We wanted to ask this question because we wanted to see what genre of music was the most popular, we also wanted to see if any people named a genre that we were unfamiliar with, so we could research more videos to then gain ideas for our own video. We found that people had very diverse tastes in music and that not everyone had one particular genre that they liked as some had many. We also found out that the most popular genre was HipHop which was what we expected.Amirah.I.Sharif 5. What style of video do you prefer?We decided that this question should be a quantitive question so we decided to make it multiple choice we asked whether the audience preferred: narrative, performance or animations styles of video. From the results we found that a majority of people in particular 11 of the 20 people we asked preferred a performance style video and 6 out of the 20 people we asked preferred a narrative style music video. We also received back a sheet were someone had added their own choice and noted that they liked the montage style music videos. After receiving this sheet we realized we had made and error in the question and had forgot to add on the montage choice.Amirah.I.Sharif 6. Would you expect to see the artist in the music video?Amirah.I.SharifThis was another one of the quantitive questions we asked. When forming ideas for our video we were having a dilemma on whether or not we wanted the artist we would be using to appear in the video. We thought that the best way to figure this out would be to ask the audience and see what they thought as they would be the consumers of our product so we would have to listen to what they want in order to have a successful music video. Once I analyzed the results it was clear to see that including the artist in the video was necessary as 85% of the people we asked had said Yes. After looking at the results we all agreed as a group to feature the artist in the video. 7. How long do you suppose a music video should last? After asking a few quantitive questions we focused on asking some qualitative questions. Rather than having this question as a multiple choice question we decided to leave a space so the audience could write down whatever time they wanted. The reason we asked this question was because when discussing this matter as a group we all had a difference of opinion on how long a music video should be. Some of us said it should be kept short and be around 3 minutes while others said depending on the style, it should be around 7 minutes if it was more like a short film. So after asking what their preferred style of music video was we also thought it would be good to ask how long they think a video should be so we could look at what they answered for the two questions then come to a conclusion. As you can see from the chart they all answered with various times, but the majority of people said that a music video should be either 3-4 minutes long and 4 minutes long, which was more or less the same.Amirah.I.Sharif 8. Would you like a music video that contains special effects? Amirah.I.SharifAfter researching some videos we found that the use of special effects was not that common in music videos. When we did come across videos that contained special effects the effects used were regarded as complex and looked very professional. This made us quite unsure on whether we would use them as they had to be done right in way for them to look professional. After using Final Cut Pro we were familiar with some of the effects we could add on to our video so we wanted to see whether the audience liked the use of them and if they were unsure, then what made them unsure. We found that a majority of people answered saying Maybe we also asked them to include reasons why they chose this answer. The following are some of the reasons they put down; Depends on the genre, depends on how they are used, makes the video more interesting, it can be boring and it depends on the message your are trying to focus on. This showed us that when using effects we have to be careful and use them when needed and take our genre into consideration. 9. What themes do you like in a music video?After getting the results back we found that a majority of people in particular 9 out of 20 people preferred an action theme for a music video. 2 people answered saying they preferred other but they did not enclose what the other type was. From this I learnt that there should have been a space to comment on what the other theme they preferred was, so we could get some more data that would help us when making our video and so we could also have more to research. Amirah.I.Sharif 10. Give an example of a music video that inspires you and why? We decided to keep this question open as we wanted everyone to explain what it was about the video that inspired them and so that they had the opportunity to go into detail. When we got the questionnaires back we found that a majority of people had not gone into detail but they had given a reason to why the video they choose inspired them. One of the answers was Drake - Started From The Bottom because it inspired the individual to do well and achieve their goals. Another person answered Chase and Status - Time because it had a good narrative. Even though we did not get a lengthy explanation we still got a good idea of what people can get from music videos and how they affect them. Asking this question made me and my group think more about the moral (message) of the video and what we wanted ours to be or if we wanted one at all. More so than the rest of the questions we asked this question in particular people had left blank, when asking why they left it blanked they said they did not understand what we meant by inspire. Amirah.I.Sharif 11. Do you expect the style of video to match to match the type of song and why?13 out of 20 people said that they did not really expect the style of the video to match the type of song. Some of the reason being: it depends on the song and that it does not really matter. When contemplating putting this question in the questionnaire we all thought it was obvious that people would expect them to match up but when collecting the results we found out that it was not true and most people do not expect the style of video to match the type of song. Amirah.I.Sharif 12. Who is your favourite music artists and why? Favourite artists and why ?Lady Gaga - her style and videos are unique and individual Arcade Fire - because they are the best band in the world Rihanna - great personality and I enjoy listening to her music Dizzy Wright - because he is relatable, motivational and inspiring Ricky Martin - because his gay and proud Biffy Clyro - I like the style of music Elton John - because he is fab Ed Sheeran - because he has good lyrics Eminem Kendrick Lamar Frank Sinatra ASAP Rocky Wiz Khalifa Ray Charles Snoop Dogg August Ashina Disclosure Roachee Justin Bieber Rick RossThe reason we thought this was a valuable question was because we wanted to know what artist people considered as their favourite and what it was about that artist that made them their favourite. We also wanted to see if people had the same favourites or if their reason were the same so we could look at what makes an artists successful. From the results we found that people generally had their own reasons to why they liked the artists they mentioned and none of the reason they mentioned were similar. A lot of people we asked stated their favourite artist but never explained why that artist was their favourite. Amirah.I.Sharif 13. Conclusion Overall, I think that the questions we included in our questionnaire have given us a clear idea of what makes a videos successful and what different factors within a music video, makes the video popular and interesting to our intended demographic. I also thought that after analyzing the results we have more of a clear understanding of what our demographic wants, which will help us to create a video that will be successful. If I was to re-do the questionnaire I would probably try and word some of the questions differently and make them simpler so people would be more likely to answer them rather than leaving them blank. I would also ask a larger number of people rather than just asking 20 as I feel that 20 people were not enough to get an accurate amount of data. When giving out the questionnaires we had ended up distributing them through college, one of the problems we found we had with this was that our college contained more males than females so our results were not equal. Another factor that could have made our questionnaire more successful was the time we handed them out as everyone was on their lunch break. This meant that a lot of people were otherwise occupied and were in a rush so they did not complete every question. On the other hand, I think the feedback that we did get has enabled us to move onto the next part of our project and start looking at ideas for a music video we can create and what we can Amirah.I.Sharif do to make sure that our music video interest our intended demographic.