Review of Cold Rydberg Atoms and Their ·...

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Review of Cold Rydberg Atoms and Their Applications

Jongseok Lim, Han-gyeol Lee, and Jaewook Ahn∗

Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, Korea

We present an introductory review of the latest advancements cold Rydberg atom research. First,we briefly summarize the exaggerated properties of Rydberg atoms, and we discuss the new perspec-tives of Rydberg atom research that has been enabled by laser cooling and trapping technique. Wethen highlight the latest developments and achievements in the newly emerged research fields forRydberg molecules and cold neutral plasmas. Various applications of the Rydberg blockade effectfor quantum optics and quantum information science are also reviewed.

PACS numbers: 36.90+f, 39.25+k, 32.10-f


Rydberg atoms are atoms in their highly excited en-ergy states [1–3]. The study of Rydberg atoms has a longhistory in physics, dating back to more than a centuryago when the high-lying energy levels of hydrogen in theBalmer series were first studied in atomic spectroscopyto become the experimental ground for the Bohr’s atommodeling [4, 5]. Helped by the gradual development ofsophisticated experimental techniques in high-resolutionabsorption spectroscopy, the bizarre nature of Rydbergatoms has become uncovered piece by piece and hasdrawn keen interest ever since. The physical propertiesof Rydberg atoms are particularly important in the pres-ence of external fields [6, 7] or during the collision or ion-ization process, and their extreme properties have beenunder intense investigation [8–10].

Research involved with Rydberg atoms has real ap-plications: One of the examples is found in astro-physics [11, 12], where radio and microwave frequencytransitions of Rydberg states correspond to radiative re-combination of low-energy electrons and ions in interstel-lar media. Another application based on the dynamicsof Rydberg atoms, which can be extremely slow withrespect to the time resolution of ultrafast laser spec-troscopy and has been used to unveil the link betweenthe stationary description of quantum wave functions andthe classical orbiting dynamics of electron wave-packetsaround atomic ions [13–15]. Furthermore, the lately ap-plauded by the Nobel physics prize in 2012, the long-lifetime and huge electric dipole moment of Rydbergatoms in a high-Q resonant cavity led to the countingemitted microwave photons, allowing the quantum non-demolition photon state measurements [16, 17].

In the context of the subject for which this reviewarticle was prepared, cold Rydberg atom research isbased on the technique of laser cooling and trapping ofatoms. With the advent of technology of laser coolingand trapping of atoms [18, 19], a new perspective for Ry-dberg atom research has become enabled. Within a cold

∗Electronic address:; Fax: +82-42-350-2510

atomic vapor, the kinetic motions of atomic nuclei arealmost frozen during the long radiative lifetime of Ryd-berg states, and hence the fascinating features of stronginteractions between Rydberg atoms can be directly ob-served experimentally. First, many-body effects on res-onant dipole-dipole energy transfer resulted in diffusedexcitation line profiles in the temperature region whereatoms are cooled to an energy neraly to their thermalenergy [20, 21]. Cold Rydberg atom clouds have alsobeen found spontaneously to transform into an ultra-cold plasma state, where strikingly the translationally-bound cloud of cold ions trapped electrons to further ion-ize other Rydberg atoms to make the as-formed plasmafurther expand [22]. More recently, the strong couplingbetween a pair of Rydberg atoms or between a Rydbergatom and a ground state atom manifests itself in the for-mation of an exotic molecular state with a mesoscopicintermolecular distance [23–27].

The Rydberg atom dipole blockade or the inhibition ofmultiple Rydberg excitation is of particular importancein quantum optics and quantum information [28]. In re-cent experiments, strong interaction has been observedto appear between a pair of trapped atoms when theyare excited to a Rydberg state within the dense atomicvapor region. This paired-atom interaction in the dipoleblockade is often used to implement two-qubit entangledquantum gates [29]. A large experimental effort is nowa-days being devoted to further extend the applicability ofRydberg dipole blockade in various research fields includ-ing non-classical state engineering, quantum nonlinearoptics, quantum error correction, quantum communica-tion, and quantum computing [30]. For the implementa-tion of scalable quantum information processor, variousexperimental platforms for Rydberg atom spatial config-uration are under consideration, which include, for ex-ample, spatially-ordered Rydberg atoms in large-spacingoptical lattices, or magnetic trap arrays [31–33].

Another entrancing observation may be the discoveryof collective quantum states in an ensemble of cold atomsexcited into Rydberg states [34]. The strongly-correlatedmany-body states, in which Rydberg excitations werecoherently distributed among all atoms, formed a crys-talline spatial distribution of collective excitation. Thelaser-excited two-dimensional Rydberg atomic Mott in-


sulator phase was directly imaged by using a high-resolution in situ Rydberg atom imaging system.In this review article, we provide an introductory

overview of the most important topics in this fast evolv-ing young research field of cold Rydberg atoms. We in-tend to summarize each topic with a brief descriptionof the fundamental principle and with the most up-to-date experimental demonstrations. However, we needto mention that a number of seminal review articles onvarious specific topics such as Rydberg atoms in exter-nal fields [7], Rydberg atom interactions [35, 36], quan-tum information application of Rydberg atoms [30], andultra-cold plasmas [37] already exist. Still, the reason weprepared another review article on cold Rydberg atomswas in part because the development speed of this fast-growing research field allowed another up-to-date worth-while review article and in part because this invited ar-ticle was prepared as part of the special topical editionof articles on cold atoms and molecule research in theJournal of the Korean Physical Society.The paper is structured such that Sect. II provides the

basic scaling properties of Rydberg atoms as a functionof the principal quantum number n, and Sect. III brieflydescribes the experimental procedure of producing Ry-dberg atoms. In Sects. IV and V, we discuss the prin-ciples and the experimental achievements related withRydberg molecules and ultra-cold neutral plasmas, re-spectively. After describing the principles of the Rydbergatomic dipole blockade in Sect. VI, we discuss the basicideas and prospects of various Rydberg atom-based quan-tum information processing proposals and realizations inSect. VII. We conclude by discussing some possible fu-ture directions of this fast-growing young research field.


The physical properties of Rydberg atoms are well de-scribed in monographs, for example, in Ref. 1. Briefly tosummarize, Rydberg atoms exhibit incredibly exagger-ated features compared to those of conventional atomsin their ground state or in their first few excited en-ergy states. Due to the huge size of these atoms, whichscales as n2, where n is the principal quantum num-ber, the dipole moment, for example, scales as µn ∝ n2,and the radiative lifetime scales as n3(l + 1/2)2, wherel is the angular quantum number. The physical prop-erties, which are proportional to the area of the atomicorbit, such as the geometric cross section and diamag-netic energy shifts, therefore scale as n4. For a Rydbergatom with n = 50, therefore, the atom size approachesthe typical size of a bacteria of 1 µm, and the radia-tive lifetime extends to near 100 µs. A few frequentlyused physical properties of the rubidium atom in the 50pstate are estimated in Table 1 to summarize the scal-ing properties of Rydberg atoms. Recent measurementsof the Rydberg state lifetimes carried out in cold rubid-ium Rydberg atom in a magneto optical trap (MOT)

TABLE I: Scaling properties of Rydberg atoms [1].

Property n-scaling Rb (50p)

Binding energy n−2 6.2 meV

Energy between adjacent n states n−3 0.22 meV

Radiative lifetime n3 106 µs

Fine-structure interval n−3 -0.9 MHz

Orbital radius n2 0.17 µm

Dipole moment ⟨np|er|nd⟩ n2 3200 ea0

Geometric cross-section n4 0.096 µm2

Scalar polarizability n7 ∼GHz cm2/V2

reported 64 µs for 60p3/2, which extended the earlierthermal sample measurements, that had been limited be-low n ≈ 20 by avoiding the finite-detection-volume andcollision-depopulation effects [38–40].

Rydberg energy states of alkali-metal atoms are welldescribed by the Bohr atom picture of a valence electronorbiting around a positively-charged atomic core. As theatomic core is screened by core electrons, an empiricalformula for the binding energy is given by

En,l,j = E∞ − Ry

(n− δn,l,j)2, (1)

where Ry is the Rydberg constant, E∞ is the ioniza-tion energy limit, δn,l,j is the so-called quantum de-fect [41, 42], which describe the discrepancy of a Ryd-berg atomic state from that of a hydrogen atom, and jis the total angular quantum number. Thus, the bindingenergy scales as n−2, to be more precise as (n∗)−2, wheren∗ = n− δn,l,j . Then, the energy difference between ad-jacent n states scales as ∆n ∝ n−3, so, the polarizabilitygiven by α0 ∝ µ2/∆ scales as n7. Traditionally, accuratemeasurements of the polarizability of Rydberg atoms arehindered by thermal collisions, but recent measurementscarried out in a cesium MOT have produced a scalinglaw of the polarizability of Rydberg atoms up to n = 50,where the strong long-range interaction between Rydbergatoms of scaling in n11 started to play a role [43–45].

In the presence of external fields, the properties of Ry-dberg atoms show striking sensitive responses [7]. Asthe binding energy of a Rydberg atom is small, evena moderately-low electric field causes valence electronsto escape easily over the Coulomb potential barrier [46].The classical ionization field, denoted by F , is obtainedat the saddle point condition of the Stark-Coulomb po-tential given by

F =1


in atomic units, which is about 50 V/cm for n = 50,without considering linear Stark energy level shift [1].On the other hand, when the Stark shift is included,the result in Eq. (2) is changed to F = 1/9n4. Whenthe Stark energy levels shift so severely that different n


energy levels experience avoided-crossings, which occursfor an ac electric field of F > 1/3n5, a different kind ofionization occurs, for example, multi-photon ionizationby microwave fields [47]. The effects of magnetic fieldson Rydberg atoms are highlighted by the presence ofquasi-Landau resonances above the ionization limit whichshows a series of sharp resonances at frequency intervalsof 3ωc/2, where ωc = eB/mc is the electron cyclotronfrequency [48]. Recently, magnetic trapping of cold Ry-dberg atoms has revealed collective oscillations of coldatoms, showing extremely long Rydberg gas lifetimes ofup to 200 ms [49, 50].


The production of cold Rydberg atoms typically startswith laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms. Thereare many good reference books and articles for themethod of laser cooling and trapping of atoms [18, 19].In a MOT with a configuration of three pairs of counter-propagating laser beams and magnetic fields, as many as109 atoms can be cooled to a temperature below mK andcan be spatially confined at a atom density of 1010−11

cm−3.For a rubidium system, a trapping laser, typically

a narrowband diode laser at 780 nm, red-detuned byabout the natural linewidth from the cooling transi-tion 5s1/2(F=2) → 5p3/2(F’=3), while being frequency-stabilized with respect to the saturation absorption spec-trum of a reference rubidium, is used. Also, a re-pumplaser, a narrowband diode laser, drives a re-pumpingtransition, 5s1/2(F=1) → 5p3/2(F’=2), to achieve a two-level system consisting of 5s1/2(F=2) and 5p3/2(F’=3)hyperfine energy levels. Then, with the trapped atomiccloud in a volume of 1 mm3 in the MOT, Rydberg atomsare created. First, the trapping laser is tuned to the res-onant frequency of the two-level system, and the atomsprepared in 5p3/2(F’=3) are then excited to one of theRydberg energy levels of rubidium by using a Rydbergexcitation laser. After the Rydberg excitation laser isswitched on for a time period of about 20 µs within theRydberg atom’s lifetime to accumulate Rydberg atoms,the Rydberg excitation laser is then switched off and thetrapping laser is reset to the trapping laser’s frequency.The detection of the Rydberg atoms is carried out byfield ionization by applying the ionization electric field ofthe Rydberg atoms to the parallel plates across the atomcloud [20, 21].Most of the reported Rydberg atom-related experi-

ments have been carried out in MOT systems describedin the previous paragraph. However, in more recent ex-periments, in particular, those designed for the study ofRydberg atom interactions, single-atom monitoring ca-pability has become essential, so different types of exper-imental environments for Rydberg atom research are con-sidered. As an example, Fig. 1 shows the experimentalgeometry of the Rydberg atom pair interaction experi-

FIG. 1: Experimental scheme for the observation of the Ry-dberg blockade effect in a pair of FORTs: (a) Illustrativeexperimental configuration, (b) energy levels and laser exci-tation frequencies, and (c) the laser operation time sequenceto perform a C-NOT gate operation as explained in Sec. VII.The image is from Ref. [52] with permission of the publisher.

ments in far-off-resonance optical traps (FORTs) [51]. Inthe FORTs setup, the dipole blockade effect between twoRydberg atoms is studied, where two infrared beams ofmoderate laser power are focused to spatially adjacentsites of 10 µm apart from each other so that a few mK-deep potential wells are formed at the foci with a focusedradius of a few µm in each individual beam. After be-ing initially loaded and cooled in the MOT, the atomsare captured in FORT sites, and the trap and repumpbeams are turned off to remove the atoms untrapped inthe FORTs. Then, within the lifetime of FORT loading,various experiments can be performed, e.g., experimentson the Rydberg dipole blockade interaction [29] and Ryd-berg quantum gate implementation [52], where the lightscattered off the trapped atoms is collected through ahigh-numerical-aperture lens onto the screen of a sensi-tive charge-coupled-device (CCD) camera for site-specificimage detection of single atoms.


Rydberg atoms have enormous polarizability thatscales as n7, which results in discovery of new kindsof exotic molecules. These Rydberg molecules are dif-ferent from the conventional Rydberg molecules or themolecules in high-energy Rydberg states which are of-ten studied in zero-kinetic energy photoelectron spec-troscopy. These new kinds of Rydberg molecules can becreated in laser cooled atomic vapors by photo-assistedchemical bonding between Rydberg atoms and ground-


state atoms [24].Rydberg atoms can have large permanent and induced

dipole moments, so they are strongly influenced by vander Waals and dipole interactions, respectively. The in-teraction between Rydberg atoms is largely determinedby Coulomb interactions, along with higher-order correc-tions, aside from the chemical exchange overlap inter-action acting only over extremely-short distances of lessthan a few nm. Thus, the electric potential of molecularstates as a function of the inter-atomic distance R can begiven by

V (R) = De +∑n


Rn, (3)

where De is the dissociation energy and Cn are the cou-pling constants. When permanent electric dipole mo-ments are present, the dominant dipole-dipole couplingcontribution turns out to be the C3/R

3 term and theC3 coefficient is proportional to the square of the dipolematrix element. However, when the permanent dipolemoments are not present, for example, in the homo-nuclear molecular ground states, the leading contribu-tion in an asymptotically approaching ns+ns bi-atomicground state at long range becomes C6/R

6. Hence, thevan der Waals energy or the interaction between induceddipoles dominates at long range. In this case, the dis-persion coefficient is given by C6 = −(µ1µ2)

2/∆, whichscales as n11, where ∆ is the aforementioned energy dif-ference between adjacent energy levels.The strong interaction between Rydberg atoms was ob-

served first in Rydberg dipole blockage experiments [52,53] and later more clearly in long-range Rydberg molec-ular resonance experiments. In the latter, molecular res-onance features were found in the excitation spectra ofultra-cold atoms of rubidium and cesium in their Ry-dberg states [54, 55]. Also, when an atom in a Ryd-berg state interacts with a nearby ground state atom ormolecule, Rydberg macro-molecules can be formed, be-ing bound together at large distances of thousands ofBohr radii. In this case, the governing interaction can bederived from simple electron scattering off the ground-state species, and, because the electron kinetic energy isso low, the electron scattering is primarily s-wave. There-fore, the main physics can be manifested by the s-wavescattering length. Recent studies have shown that a low-energy Rydberg electron interacting via the zero-rangeFermi pseudo-potential with a nearby atom could have anegative scattering length and bind into ultra-long-rangeRydberg molecular states [23].Furthermore, for Rydberg atoms with low orbital an-

gular momenta, Rydberg molecules were predicted toform in their triplet states 3Σ(5s − ns) of Rb2, wheren = 35− 37, and these Rydberg molecules have been ex-perimentally observed with 20-µs molecular lifetimes [24].These Rydberg molecules are often called “butterflymolecules” due to their shape (see Fig. 2(a) [25]). Onthe other hand, for Rydberg atoms with high-angular-momentum quasi-degenerate energy states, the Rydberg

(a) (b)

FIG. 2: Electronic probability densities of a “butterflymolecule” and a “trilobitemolecule” on a constant θ surfacein cylindrical coordinate system. (a) The p-wave scattered-state Rydberg molecule consists of an n = 30 Rb atom, and anearly ground-state Rb atom is distributed with the shape ofbutterfly wings. The highest peaks are located at the positionof the nearly ground-state Rb atom. (b) Rb(30d) + Rb(5s)Rydberg molecule, in an s-wave scattered state, exhibits thetriolobite shape. The position of the Rb(5s) atom is locatedunder the ”twin tower,” and the position of the Rb+ ion isillustrated as a small white sphere. The asymmetrical elec-tronic probability density gives a permanent dipole momentof about 0.3 kdebye. The images are from Refs. [25] and [26]with permission of the publishers.

electron interaction with the core electrons works as anenergy shift of the Rydberg states from their unperturbedhydrogenic energy levels, and the deep hydrogenic poten-tials can result in more bound vibrational states. Underthis given senarario, a second class of Rydberg molecules,often referred to as “trilobite molecules” (see Fig. 2(b)),is predicted. These molecules possess permanent elec-tric dipole moments given by µ = R − n2/2 (atomicunit), albeit the fact that they are homonuclear diatomicmolecules [26].

Another kind of, and even more exotic, Rydbergmolecule exists when the ground-state atom in the pre-vious Rydberg molecules is replaced by a polar molecule.This type of molecules is predicted to be formed whenRydberg atoms interact with polar molecules. Theseare macro-polyatomic molecules formed under an ultra-cold temperature environment and possible candidatesfor the polamolecules are KRb’s and deuterated hydroxyl(OD)’s. As these giant molecules are involved with ananisotropic charge-dipole interaction that scales as ex-tremely long-ranged 1/R2, they are polarized being as adipole in a double-well energy potential [27].


Ultra-cold neutral plasmas are created in the environ-ment of a cold atomic vapor in conjunction with laserionization [56]. Particular interest has been drawn fromthe scientific community because ultra-cold neutral plas-mas are characterized by their occupying an exotic re-search regime of plasma physics [22, 56]. As illustratedin Fig. 3, the ultra-cold neutral plasmas differ from otherplasma sources: They are extremely dilute, ρ = 106−10


10−9 10−6 10−3 100 103 106100






























12 K













FIG. 3: Neutral plasmas in nature compared with an ultra-cold neutral plasma. The ultra-cold neutral plasma enablesstrongly-coupled (Γ > 1) ion research in previously unchar-tered temperature and density ranges [37].

cm3, but they still satisfy the strong coupling conditionbecause they have a cold temperature below mK [37]. Inthe strong-coupling region, or

Γ =e2

akBT> 1, (4)

where a is the Wigner-Seitz radius characterizing the par-ticle separation in a plasma [57], the Coulomb interactionenergy between particles exceeds the average kinetic en-ergy. Under these interaction and kinetic energy condi-tions, collective dynamics can emerge as a result of thepresence of a spatial correlation of the plasma [58]. Inparticular, the low density of the ultra-cold plasma fa-cilitates an extremely slow characteristic time scale, sotransient plasma phenomena have been observed. Theyinclude plasma formation and expansion [59], recombina-tion to Rydberg atoms [22], collective plasma-wave prop-agations, and plasma instabilities [60].Ultra-cold neutral plasmas are created either by using

a photo-ionization process of cold atoms or by using aphoto-excitation process of the cold Rydberg state atoms.Electrons liberated by subsequent inelastic collisions orblackbody radiation are trapped by the resulting positivebackground charges to form a plasma in an admixture ofelectrons in temperatures from 1 to 1000 K and ions at 1K [37]. Ultra-cold neutral plasmas have been experimen-tally created by many research groups: The tested atomicspecies to be formed into ultra-cold neutral plasmas in-clude xenon, strontium, calcium, rubidium, cesium, andeven rubidium BEC [22, 61–65].The plasma formation and expansion dynamics are di-

vided into three distinct phases: In the first phase, coldatoms are photoionized, and the photoliberated energeticelectrons quickly escape from the atoms within 10 ns.

Following the fast event, more electrons are ionized fromRydberg atoms via blackbody radiation and start to leavethe atomic cloud slowly in a 1 µs time scale. However,in the second phase, the electrons are trapped in a hugeattractive Coulomb potential formed by the backgroundions, and an avalanche process of ionization occurs untilan equilibrium state of ions is formed. This process takesplace on a time scale of 10 µs, which is equivalent to theinverse of the ion plasma frequency. Lastly, the as-formedplasma slowly expands until the so-called hydrodynamictime-scale elapses. The hydrodynamics time is given by

τ =


kBTe, (5)

where Te is the electron temperature and σ is the size ofthe plasma, which is over 100 µm in a typical ultra-coldneutral plasma.

In the ultra-cold neutral plasma, one can observe var-ious collective oscillations. The first one is the elec-tron plasma oscillation, known as the Tonks-Langmuirmode, which represents an electron density oscillation ina quasi-neutral plasma or metals. Its frequency is de-scribed, when the thermal motion of the electrons is ig-nored, by ωTL given by

ωTL =


ϵ0me, (6)

where ne is the electron density, ϵ0 the vacuum permit-tivity, and me the electron mass. This mode can be res-onantly excited by using a radio frequency electric fieldthat pumps energy into the plasma and further increasesthe plasma temperature. The phenomenon has been ob-served in early experiments of electron plasma oscilla-tion measurements. In that, the resonant frequency ofthe electron plasma oscillation was shifted to lower fre-quency as the plasma expansion progressed [59]. Whenthe thermal effect becomes important in an inhomoge-neous electron distribution of plasmas, another electrondensity wave known as the Tonks-Dattner mode, whosefrequency ωTD is given by

ω2TD = ω2

TL(r) +3kBTe

mek2(r), (7)

where k(r) is the local wavenumber, was predicted andalso observed experimentally [66, 67].

There also exist electrostatic waves of longitudinal iondensity oscillations, which, long with Langmuir oscilla-tions, are considered to be fundamental waves in plasmaphysics. In a hydrodynamic approximation in which ionsare assumed to move slowly and the electron density isassumed to be isothermally uniform, it is predicted thatthe dispersion relation for the ion density oscillation isgiven by

ωion =


k−2 + λ2D

, (8)


where λD is the Debye screening length, and k is thewave vector. Recent experiments adopting a techniqueof initial density shaping of a periodic modulation in anultracold neutral plasma has reported ion acoustic waveexcitations and even electron correlation effects on col-lective ion oscillations [68, 69].


When two atoms interact strongly with each other,their simultaneous excitation to the same Rydberg stateby an instant driving field may be forbidden, becausethe presence of the first atom excitation to the Rydbergstate detunes the Rydberg energy level of the secondatom [44, 45]. This phenomenon is known as Rydbergatom dipole blockade of excitation, and was proposed ina decade ago for quantum information processing withneutral atoms [28, 70]. As an elementary building blockof quantum information processing circuits, the depen-dence of a conditional excitation of a qubit on the otherqubit’s energy state allows the two-bit logical operationknown as C-NOT [71].To explain the principle of Rydberg atom dipole block-

ade, as shown in Fig. 4, we consider two atoms sepa-rated by a distance R and both in the ground state, i.e.,|g, g⟩. When one of the two atoms is excited to a Ryd-berg state, i.e., |r, g⟩, the excitation to the same Rydbergstate, i.e., |r, r⟩, of the other atom located within a dis-tance smaller than the so-called blockade radius Rb isblockaded [29, 53]. This is due to the Rydberg inter-action energy between the two atoms, which shifts thedoubly-excited state of the two atoms |r, r⟩ off resonant.In other words, the blockade shift B is bigger than thelinewidth of the coupling laser field, or in terms of Rabifrequency Ω,

B ≫ Ω. (9)

where the power broadening of the two-level system isproportional to the Rabi frequency in the regime wherethe Rabi oscillation occurs on a time much shorter thanthe natural decay time [72]. As previously discussed, theRydberg interaction scales as n4/R3 in the dipole-dipoleinteraction regime for R < Rc, where Rc is the crossoverinter-atomic distance, and as n11/R6 in the van der Waalsinteraction regime for R > Rc. For Rydberg levels ofn = 60 ∼ 80, the van der Waals interaction is relevantbecause Rc varies within a few µm, which is sufficientlysmall compared to the experimental size of cold atomsamples. Therefore, B ≃ C6

R6 , and the blockade radius Rb

for the two-atom van der Waals interaction is given by

Rb ∼(C6




because the blockade shift B should suffice the conditionB > Ω.




r inter-atomicdistance





B = C 6


blockade region


FIG. 4: Schematic representation of Rydberg blockade ex-citation. When an electric field with a coupling strength Ωinduces a transition between |g⟩ and |r⟩, the van der Walls in-teraction shifts the energy level, B, of the coupled state |r, r⟩as a function of inter-atomic distance R (B = C6/R

6). Whenthe blockade shift B is bigger than the linewidth of the tran-sition, the transition from |r, g⟩ to |r, r⟩ is inhibited. Here,the linewidth is determined by the Rabi frequency Ω.

In rubidium atoms, Rydberg levels of n = 80 providea blockade shift of B/2π > 3 MHz at a blockade radiusof Rb = 10 µm, which distance is well within the control-lable range of individual atoms, for example, by meansof optical tweezing of an atom pair in a pair of tightlyfocused beams of a far-detuned laser. Experimental real-izations of two-atom Rydberg blockade were performedboth in the dipole-dipole interaction region for rubidiumn = 90 at R > 10 µm [29] and in the van der Waalsinteraction region for n = 58 at R ∼ 3.6 µm [53].

The dipole blockade at the Foster resonance has alsobeen observed, and corresponds to the resonant dipole-dipole energy transfer of the np+np → ns+(n+1)s reac-tion [73]. In the experiment, the dipole-dipole interactionof atomic cesium in n=20-25 was tuned on and off by us-ing the Stark effect, and the excitation of a pair of atomsat the Foster resonance occurred as a result of an avoidedcrossing between the energy levels of the pair of np+npatoms and ns+(n+ 1)s atoms.

In a two-dimensional or three-dimensional opticaldipole trap array, on the other hand, many adjacent atomsites can be located within the blockade radius, and a si-multaneous laser illumination on an ensemble of N atomsallows only one Rydberg atom to be excited inhibitingat the same time the rest of the atoms from being ex-cited. Provided all the atoms are strongly interactingwith each other, which atom is excited is completely un-decided; hence, the excited state of the ensemble mustbe described by a coherent superposition state, |R⟩, of


all possible N particle states of a single excited atomand N − 1 atoms in the ground state in such a way that

|R⟩ = 1√N


|g1, g2, · · · ri, · · · , gN ⟩, (11)

where i is the index of the atom excited to the Rydberglevel. In the given system described by an N -particlecollective wave function, the single-atom excitation is Ntimes more probable than it is in an isolated single-atomsystem, so the Rabi oscillation frequency between theground state |g1, g2, · · · , gN ⟩ and the excited collectiveN -particle state |R⟩ is given by

Ω =√NΩ1, (12)

where Ω1 is the corresponding single-atom Rabi oscilla-tion frequency [28, 74]. Therefore, the Rabi frequency forthe N -particle coherent excitation in the Rydberg dipoleblockage regime is

√N times bigger than the single-atom

Rabi oscillation frequency.For a cold atom cloud of uniform density ρ, the number

of strongly-interacting atoms is given by N ∼ ρR3b , and

from Eqs. (10) and (12), the blockade radius is given by

Rb ∼ (C6/√NΩ1)

1/6 for the van der Waals interaction,so the number of interacting atom scales in terms of thedensity as N ∼ ρ5/4, and the Rabi frequency ΩN ∼ ρ5/8.Likewise, for the 1/R3 dipole-dipole interaction, the scal-ing of the N -[article Rabi oscillation frequency becomesΩN ∼ ρ1/3 [75].


Quantum information processing requires quantum-mechanical ways of storing, processing, and retrievinginformation. When neutral atoms are considered to pro-cess quantum information, a quantum-mechanical bit,a so-called qubit, is often realized with two hyperfineground-state energy levels labeled by |0⟩ and |1⟩ becausethey are stable and robust against environmental pertur-bations. Single qubit operations are relatively easy toimplement by means of, for example, optical two-photontransitions that induce changes between any superposi-tion states of |0⟩ and |1⟩ [76]. Nonetheless, together withthe single-qubit operations, a two-qubit controlled NOT(C-NOT) gate operation is necessary to construct a min-imal set of quantum operations sufficient to perform anyarbitrary unitary operations; thereby, the C-NOT gateimplementation is of great importance in realizing uni-versal quantum computation [71].The C-NOT gate has two input qubits, known as

the “control” qubit and the “target” qubit, respectively.The logical circuit representing the C-NOT is shown inFig. 5(a), where the top line represents the control qubitwhile the bottom represents the target qubit. The gate’soperation depends on the state of the control qubit, and





c + t






2 3 (2π)4

1 5 (π/2)







1 67


2 4

3 5

(d) (e)



1 6


3 5 2 7

t c2







c1c2 + t


FIG. 5: (a) C-NOT gate, and (b) the five-pulse implemen-tation and (c) the seven-pulse implementation of the C-NOTgate in a two-Rydberg-atom system. (d) Toffoli gate, and (e)the seven-pulse implementation of a Toffoli gate in a three-Rydberg-atom system.

if the control qubit is 0, the target qubit is unchanged,but if the control qubit is 1, the target qubit is flippedbetween 0 and 1.

Rydberg atoms have drawn significant interest inquantum-information community as a good candidatefor neutral-atom-based quantum information process-ing [28, 70]. The reason is simply that because of theRydberg dipole blockade effects, two-qubit operations,such as the C-NOT gate, are easily realizable. The basicidea of the dipole blockade two-qubit gate is as follows:The first example is shown in Fig. 5(b). We considerthat two atoms are individually addressable by an op-tical field in the strong blockade regime (B ≫ Ω) andthat the state |1⟩ is coupled to the Rydberg state |r⟩with excitation Rabi frequency Ω. Then, a sequence ofthree pulses (2,3,4) implements a two-qubit controlled-phase gate operation (C-PG), and in conjunction withthis C-PG operation, when two Hadamard rotation op-erations (labeled by 1 and 5, both π/2 pulses) are ap-plied on the qubit state of the target atom before andafter the C-PG operation, respectively, the C-NOT gateis constructed [30].

Besides the two Hadamard operations, the C-PG op-erates as follows: The second pulse (π-pulse) acts on thecontrol atom |1⟩ → |r⟩, the second one (2π-pulse, 3) on


the target atom, and the third one (π-pulse, 4) again onthe control atom, where the excitation and de-excitationcycle of the target atom corresponds to a 2π rotation ofan effective spin 1/2 and the wave function of the tar-get atom undergoes a π phase rotation. Therefore, if thecontrol atom is initially in |0⟩, the target atom picks upπ phase shift. However, if it is in |1⟩, no phase shift isinduced because in that case, the target atom never oc-cupies the Rydberg state |r⟩ due to the dipole blockade.Alternatively, a sequence of seven pulses in Fig. 5(c)

also implements the C-NOT gate. The conditional ex-citation (the first pulse) of the control atom to |r⟩, de-pending on its initial state |0⟩ or |1⟩, either implementsor prevents the swap operation. The swap operation isimplemented by the next five pulses (2-6) of the qubitstate of the target atom. The last pulse conditional re-sets the control atom back to its initial state [77]. Theexperimental demonstration of the seven-pulse C-NOTgate operation was carried out by Isenhower et al. witha pair of rubidium atoms separated by 10 µm in far offresonance traps (FORTs) [52]. The hyperfine energy lev-els of |f = 1,mf = 0⟩ and |f = 2,mf = 0⟩ in the ground|5s1/2⟩ are the two-level qubit bases. When the atomswere then excited to n = 97 Rydberg states by two pho-ton excitation via |5p3/2⟩, the blockade shift was retainedat B/2π = 9.3 MHz, which limited the double-excitationprobability to Ω2/(2B)2 < 2.6 × 10−3. In that case,the Rydberg excitation Rabi frequency was Ω/2π = 0.67MHz. During the C-NOT gate operation time of 7 µs,a fidelity of F = 0.73 was achieved. The experimentalscheme is illustrated in Fig. 1.More complex quantum gates can also be considered

with Rydberg atoms. For example, the three-qubit Tof-foli gate computes t → c1c2 ⊕ t for a given set of twocontrol bits c1 and c2 and a target bit t. Thus, the targetbit t is switched between 0 and 1 if both the control bitsc1 and c2 are in state 1, and if either one of the controlbits is in state 0, the target bit is unchanged. This gatehas been designed with seven laser pulses, all of whichare π pulses, in a three-Rydberg-atom system [78]. Inthis scheme, the three atoms are excited in different Ry-dberg energy levels, which enables the design of a morecomplex set of three-qubit gate operations.While the previous example dealt with a system of

multiple control bits and a single target bit, the oppositecase, i.e., a system of a single control bit and multipletarget bits, also brings new applications of quantum in-formation processing. In proposal termed as “mesoscopicRydberg gates,” a system in which a single atom (thecontrol bit) is separated from and is singly addressablewith respect to a mesoscopic ensemble of atoms (target

bits) is considered [79]. The candidates for such a sys-tem include two-dipole-trap systems, large-spacing opti-cal lattices, and magnetic trap arrays. We consider thesystem to be initially in the state |c⟩ ⊗ |tN ⟩, where thecontrol bit |c⟩ is the superposition state of |0⟩ and |1⟩,and |tN ⟩ represents the mesoscopic state of the targetensemble of N atoms in state |t⟩. Suppose now the C-NOT operation is applied with the sequence of laser in-teractions in Fig. 5(a) among the control and the targetatoms, the Rydberg dipole blockade effect facilitates theC-NOT operation to all the target atoms simultaneously,which results in the output state becoming

(α|0⟩+ β|1⟩)⊗ |tN ⟩ → α|0⟩ ⊗ |tN ⟩+ β|1⟩ ⊗ |tN ⟩. (13)

When α = β = 1/√2 and t = 0 are given, for

instance, the result in Eq. (13) is the well-knownGreenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state [80], the maximally-entangled multi-partitite quantum state.


In conclusion, we have summarized the rapidly-growing research field of cold Rydberg atoms. The spe-cial properties of Rydberg atoms, i.e., their extremepolarizability, long-range interaction, and long lifetime,have place them at the centers of highly-active researchareas of modern atomic physics and quantum informa-tion science. During the last fifteen years, previously un-known types of novel matter, such as Rydberg molecules,cold neutral plasmas, and collective Rydberg matter,have been endlessly created one by one from vapors ofcold Rydberg atom. Also, the atom-atom and atom-photon interactions in cold Rydberg atom systems havebeen successfully programmed to perform special func-tions in quantum-based technologies. The optical con-trollability of the Rydberg atom interaction may becomeease and precise compared to the electric controllabilityof electron devices. We hope that various entrancing ap-plications of Rydberg-atom-based quantum technologywill be realized in the future.


This work was supported in part by Basic Science Re-search Programs [2010-0013899, 2009-0083512] and inpart by World Class Insitute Program [WCI 2011-001]through the National Research Foundation of Korea.

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