ROCK Weekend Manual (Mar 2011)

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Manual Updated: March 2011

I. Overview

R.O.C.K. Weekend is designed to inspire, equip and unite the KFC Facilitators (Formerly KFC Ate/ Kuya). It is a two-day overnight activity that allows them to interact with one another and exchange ideas in preparing for their KFC service.

R.O.C.K. is an acronym for Reach Out Christ to Kids, which aims to build a solid foundation of Prayer, Love, Obedience, Respect, Diligence, Generosity, and being Helpful to the KFC Facilitator as they reach out these core values to the kids. We believe that these are the very attributes that we hope our ROCK facilitators serving in KFC will imbibe.

II. Goals

The training program aims:1. To let the participants understand that serving in KFC is a calling

as important as serving in any other ministry2. To guide the KFC Facilitators in developing and implementing

activities for CFC Kids for Christ3. To explain the nature of kids and thus learn how to effectively

serve them.4. To develop and enhance the creativity of the YFC members by

providing venues for them to learn and exchange new ideas with other participants.

5. To provide opportunities for them to interact with YFC from other areas who have also committed their service to the kids.

III. Participants

KFC Facilitators/Service Team for KFC Area with the following qualifications:- Active YFC,SFC,HOLD members- Creative - Has natural love for kids- Willing to serve for a minimum of 2 years

Things to Bring

- Bible

- Rosary- Notebook - Writing materials- Coloring Materials- Beddings (If necessary)- Clothes that is fit and enough for the duration of the training

IV. Service team

To effectively conduct this training, the team must be composed of KFC couple coordinators who will be the overseer and YFC members who will take on the following tasks:

1. Team Leaders - former or existing KFC Facilitator 2. Speakers3. Facilitators – ratio of 1:6-8 participants, may be of mixed 4. Worship Leader5. Music Ministry - composed of at least a guitarist and singers who

are familiar with the YFC songs and Kids Praise6. Game Masters

Note: Preferably, the overseer, team leaders and speakers have previously attended this training.

Preparations1. The overseer takes care of the logistical requirements, which

includes; venue, food and other materials. 2. The overseer sends out Letter of Invitation (Appendix A) to the

parents of the identified YFC participants.3. The team leaders are responsible for the program of the

training. They also schedule and conduct the service team meetings.

4. The team leaders identify and invite other YFC to be the service team for the training.

V. Venue requirements:1. Common hall for sessions - spacious floor area2. Room accommodations3. Outdoor area - garden, basketball court, etc.

VI. Logistical Requirements and Materials1. Sound system (microphones, amplifier, etc)2. Guitar/ Band Instruments3. Glory Song book & song sheets

4. Overhead projector or multimedia (LCD projector, Laptop) if available

5. Whiteboard & whiteboard marker / blackboard & chalk6. Manila paper & permanent marker7. Materials for games workshops

Note: It is important for the team to walk through each session in order to anticipate the different requirements of each activity. The team is free to modify and/or change the materials, based on what is available in their area.

VII. ScheduleDay 18:00am Registration9:00am Gathering, Teaching of Songs9:30am Opening Worship10:00am Games and Activities (Appendix B: Sell Yourself)10:30am Talk 1: “Do You Want To R.O.C.K.?”11:30am Group Sharing12:00nn Lunch1:00 pm Gathering Song/ Prayer1:00- 5:00pm Workshop: “R.O.C.K. 101”

Workshop 1: Speaker’s WorkshopWorkshop 2: Storytelling WorkshopWorkshop 3: Case Study & Analysis Workshop 4: Designing Activities for KFCWorkshop 5: Arts & Crafts

5:00pm Processing/Discussion Groups6:00 pm Break7:00pm Dinner8:00pm Talk 2: “ROCK Solid Foundation” 9:00pm Group discussions10:00pm E-Night12:00mn Lights Out

Day 26:00am Wake Up Call/Morning Prayers & Worship7:00am Breakfast8:00am Gathering & Teaching of Songs9:00am Talk 3: “We R.O.C.K!”10:00am Sharing11:00am Praise fest12:00nn Lunch

Talk 1: “Do You Wanna R.O.C.K?”

Goals:1. To stress the importance of reaching out Christ to Kids.2. To empower the KFC Facilitators.

I. Introduction:Being with children is a happy moment. You will be able to see the

world from their view- full of excitement and fun. This weekend, we will realize that serving the KFC is not just a joyful experience but also we will see that what we are doing is what Jesus wants us to do - to reach-out His love to the youngest ministry of our community the KFC.

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14

II. Children are Significant to God’s Eyes

Numerous biblical readings tell how important the children are to our Lord. This is also very much true in our community of Couples for Christ. CFC Kids for Christ is the youngest (in terms of members’ age) amongst the Family Ministries and is part of the community’s vision of “Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth.”

III. “Let the children come to me;”

The kids, young as they may be are part of the vision of the community from the beginning. Aside from this, the mission verse of CFC Kids for Christ speaks of allowing the children to go to the Lord.

In response to God’s call, the CFC Kids for Christ ministry aims to help the children enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ in an environment that is fun and life-giving in the company of their friends. It also creates an atmosphere where Christian values can be shared, practiced, developed, and experienced.

As we look deeper into the verse, the Lord calls us to let every child come to Him. Children who are less fortunate, differently able, and even those kids who may seem difficult, are all part of our call of bringing them to the Lord. We are to reach out to them wherever they are and whatever race they maybe.

IV. “Do not prevent them;”

Oftentimes their being kids becomes an excuse for us to limit them in knowing God deeper and responding to His love, thus, preventing them from being able to really come to the Lord. But, knowing and understanding their nature can help us create more opportunities of bringing them closer to God.

A. Junior Kids: 4-8 year olds1. They have a short attention span

It is important to realize that children in this age bracket cannot stand listening to long talks. The most effective way to reach the children is by involving them in an activity that they can enjoy. A short processing session (See samples in the Junior Kids’ Day manual) should follow that relates the activity to the value or to the lesson to be learned.

2. Most of them are extremely active Junior kids are enthusiastic and normally restless,

especially 4 to 6-year olds. Activities such as running, jumping, dancing and generally moving around appeal most to them.

3. They are attracted to motion and interesting visuals They enjoy learning using the five senses. Cutting,

pasting, coloring and other art activities are exciting to them.

They have a high interest in words and love stories.4. Most of them learn better through repetition

Having the kids to repeat what you say can also excite them and impress upon them that learning can be fun.

5. They are beginning to be aware of the needs of others. They enjoy being with friends and can play

cooperatively with peers. Exposing them to group activities such as; team

building, group games and the like can help them interact and be conscious of others.

6. They need specific instructions. Step-by-step directions are easier for them to follow,

and give them greater confidence to carry them out. Sometimes, when a child refuses to follow directions, it is more out of confusion rather than disobedience.

7. They respond to love Seemingly little gestures like remembering their names,

accompanying them to the bathroom and conversing with them cheerfully tell them more about God’s love than anything you can ever say.

Serving them with a cheerful and loving heart helps them realize that what they learn in KFC is true and worth believing in. As they grow, your constant example makes you a credible teacher to follow and look up to.

B. Senior Kids: 9-12 year olds

1. Their bodies are rapidly developing. They demonstrate considerable competence and

continuing mastery of their bodies and their environment.

Boys are stronger than girls. Girls may be more graceful and accurate.

Fine motor skills (writing and drawing) improve noticeably.

2. They are into formal education. Motivate them. Give them a reason to become involved.

Allow them to use their hidden potentials so that their talents may not go to waste. Use prizes and other tangible rewards to motivate them.

Give them many opportunities to explore their different talents and skills.

Provide venues for them to showcase the fruits of their labor. These will help the kids have confidence and be proud of themselves.

Always have an encouraging attitude towards the kids. Simple gestures will give them a chance to overcome their fear of failure that they might have acquired early in life, which if not addressed, may keep them from fulfilling their potentials.

3. They look up to their elder siblings as role models. By being models, offering advice, and interceding with

adults, siblings form bonds that last a lifetime. They begin to develop their self-identity. Accepting some

of an older sibling’s behaviors and rejecting others contribute to their own sense of identity.

4. They need their friends. They enjoy doing stuff with their friends. During this age, relationships with friends are very

important. Kids are attracted to those who share their interests, who play well with them, and who help them learn about themselves.

Friends provide opportunities for learning. They teach kids how to communicate with one another. Friendship also means that a kid has to learn how to cooperate and how to deal with conflict.

Friends give kids the chance to feel that they belong to a group. Here the kids learn about not just individual friendships but roles, collective participation, and group support for activities.

We should remember that these are general characteristics for us to understand them. It does not mean that each kid is or should be that way. Remember that each child is unique in his/her own qualities and individuality. He/she will have his/her own way of responding to God. They need people to guide them in their walk closer to God.

V. Conclusion:“For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

The kids always have a special place in the Lord. Serving the people that are closest to the Lord’s heart is a very special privilege. Being close with them is also being close with the Lord.

Being a KFC Facilitators, we are role models and we need to witness to them how it is to love and serve the Lord. Reaching-out Christ to the Kids is doing God’s will. We are actually taking part in the fulfillment of the vision He has given our community. Furthermore, it is with great privilege and responsibility that we are given this task of leading the kids to the Lord. We are actually working hands-on in the future of our country and our faith.

Discussion starters:1. Share a significant experience with the kids.2. Do I see myself reaching-out Christ to kids?

Talk 2: Rock Solid Foundation

Goals:1. To remind the KFC Facilitators to connect first to Jesus Christ the

“Rock of all ages” before they reach Him out to the Kids.

2. To give the KFC Facilitators a deeper understanding of the KFC Vision.

3. To encourage the KFC Facilitators to live out the 7 Core Values of KFC.

I. Introduction: After realizing how important the children to the eyes of God, we will

now look on how we can effectively share Christ to the kids. We will look on the areas that build a strong foundation for the CFC Kids For Christ.

II. Three Main Areas on Building a Solid Foundation:

1. Relationship with the “Rock of all Ages”- Jesus Christ.a) Before we can reach-out Christ to kids, our hearts must be

rooted first and be firm on the strong foundation of God’s love. We have to experience God’s transforming power before we will be able to be an instrument of God for the children.

b) In serving God, with the kids or at any other ways, we will experience concerns and problems, that’s why we should make Christ the foundation of our lives. Because no matter what kind of problems will come our way, we will always emerge victorious.

“No one can lay any other foundation than the one that has already been laid.

That foundation is Jesus Christ.” -1 Corinthians 3:11.

2. The KFC Mission-Vision Statement

“A global ministry empowered by the Holy spirit in molding young Christ-Like leaders as instruments of hope and healing to families, society, and the world.”

1. As KFC Facilitator, we must know the KFC Vision-Mission by heart. The KFC Vision is rooted at the CFC Vision and it was formed because of the deep love of the people serving God through KFC. Let us walk through the Vision so that we may understand it more.

a. “A global ministry empowered by the Holy spirit in molding young Christ-Like leaders…” – they are not just ordinary leaders but they will be the leaders with the mark of Jesus Christ. They will be excellent in what they do because they do it through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

b. “… and instruments of hope and healing to families, society and world.” – They will bring smile to people’s faces and bring warmth to each person’s heart. They will be instruments in restoring broken relationships of families and they will bless the world with their love.

2. The 7 KFC Core Values- The teachings of KFC are embedded at these 7 Core Values. Before we teach the kids about the Core Values we must check our self first if we are also living the 7 KFC Core Values.

7 KFC Core Values

1. Prayerful – Set aside a time to listen to God. It is a great privilege to speak to Him. Can you think of any greater honor than to have an audience with the One who rules over ALL creation? We have been invited to talk with the one who put the stars in place. We are invited to seek counsel from the One who is truth and wisdom. We are invited to sit down with the One who knows all things.

2. Loving – “The secret to loving is living loved.” – Max Lucado

When we serve especially in KFC, we should strive to be loving because the kids will feel if our love for them is genuine or not. Let us also reciprocate to the love that the kids will give to us.

3. Obedient - Every miracle in the Old Testament partnered man’s obedience. If Moses had not raised his staff, the Red Sea would not have parted, if Joshua’s troops had not marched around Jericho seven times, Jericho’s walls would not have fallen.

-In KFC, God will also make miracles through the lives of the children. He just needs people like you who will be His instrument for that miracle to happen.

4. Respectful – Give respect to people older than you, also to the kids that

we are serving.

5. Diligent – Let go the extra-mile in serving God through KFC. Be

passionate in what you do because passion increases our


6. Generous – “Your candle loses nothing when it lights another because giving is the highest level of living.”- John Maxwell

-Let us give our full self in serving the Lord. 7. Honesty – When Michael Angelo was painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, someone asked him why he was working so diligently and has to paint even on a dark corner of the chapel’s ceiling that no one would see, Michelangelo’s simple reply was, “God will see.”

- In everything that we do, we should be truthful.“And so I tell you, Peter; you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will

build my church, and not even death will be able to overcome it.”- Matthew


Conclusion:Just like Peter, he allowed himself to be used by God. He was an instrument of God’s transforming love to this world. And because of that, Peter was chosen by God to become a rock foundation of the church by being the first pope.

Let us follow the example of Peter and make ourselves available for God by serving the kids and allow may God make us His instruments in building a rock Solid foundation of love to them.

Talk 3: WE R.O.C.K.!(We Reach- out Christ to Kids!)

Goals: 1. To empower the KFC Facilitators.2. To challenge the KFC Facilitators to share new ideas in reaching-out

Christ to kids.

I. Introduction

As the work of CFC and KFC continues to grow and evolve, we see a lot of developments happening. The CFC Kids for Christ ministry is flourishing and widening its reach in Metro Manila as well as the provinces of the Philippines. This is also true with what is happening around the world. KFC is spreading to more kids in more countries.

Its social component is also in place. With advocacies and work with the poor, we let the kids experience the social dimension of the gospel.

As we see the Lord unfold all these developments before our eyes, we are humbled and we realize the need for more laborers to work on the harvest, but more and more with hearts that follow after the Master’s heart.

II. Pre- Requisite to R.O.C.K Heart for the Kids

What kind of a heart does Jesus have that we should all have as well, as we seek to bring more of God’s little ones to Him?

Jesus has a heart of a Child. He would always mention in the gospel that he has come to do the will of the father. Likewise, the very prayer that He taught us starts with “Our Father…” so resembling the heart of Jesus, we are also to be always dependent on the Father, trusting and obeying Him.

He also has a heart of a shepherd. Jesus said “I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me.” Psalm 10:14. As KFC Facilitators, we are to be like our Lord. We could be like Him by knowing the people we serve (ex. We could know their names, their birthdays, their likes and dislikes, etc.). We are to be good role models for them. Guiding them and inspiring them. “…whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” Matt 25:40

Christ has a heart of a soldier of God. Always ready to be of service to the Father. Acts without delay, without complain and without selfishness.

III. Conclusion

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” Luke 10:2.

All the wonderful programs and camps of CFC Kids for Christ will be useless and meaningless if no one will take them on and bring them to the kids. There is a call for the laborers and it starts from their hearts.

Having a heart for Jesus is also having a heart for the kids. These are the people that are closest to the heart of Christ. If we really like to be the best servants for the kids, we imitate the heart of Christ.

Reflection Question: 1. How is God calling me to respond to His call to reach Him out to the

kids?2. What can I contribute to the CFC Kids for Christ Ministry?

ROCK 101:

A. Getting to know CFC Kids for Christ

1. CFC Kids for Christ is a Ministry of Couples for Christ that aims to provide a Christian environment for kids from 4 to 12 years old. A place where Christian values taught by the parents are shared practiced, experienced, and reinforced within a peer group environment.

2. We are not an outreach of CFC, but is in fact part and parcel of CFC. We are one of the Family Ministries of CFC.

3. We are not a formal school or a catechetical institution. We are catechetical -based, but not a Sunday school-type of program.

4. We are not a Day care or child minding group where parents leave their kids so they could attend their activities. We are a means of support for children to know Christ and to respond to His love.

The KFC Mission Goals:

1. Evangelizing Kids

a. Kids CampAs mentioned earlier, all children of CFC members can be automatically considered as members of KFC. However, they are acknowledged as full-fledged members of KFC after joining the Kids Camp. There are two types of Kids Camp programs, depending on the age range of the child. Below are brief descriptions of the two types of camps. It will be further discussed in a separate talk.

Senior Kids Camp - This is a one-and-a-half-day camp for senior kids whose age’s range from 9 to 12 years old. (A separate manual is available).

Junior Kids Day - This is a 4-hour activity for junior kids whose age’s range from 4 to 8 years old. (A separate manual is available).

b. Kids Praise- From joyful fast songs to heartfelt worship songs. The kids proved that like us adults, they could also praise and worship our God- In the purest and most sincere way.

c. Creative Camps- These are the various camps like Eco- camp, God’s Little Army Camp, STAR Camp and Champ Camp. It is designed to make the lives of KFC exciting and fun.

d. KFC Crossover – The transition of KFC to YFC Ministry to ensure the continuity of evangelization to the lives of the young.

e. Kids Ambassadors- Our goal is that KFC will be evangelizing other KFC through this program.

2. Enriching Family

KFC aims to enhance the relationship of parents to children. We are not only concerned of what the kids gets from the KFC activities, but also in how the parents respond to what we teach the kids. If we teach the kids about loving the environment through waste segregation, the parents must also be able to reinforce this teaching at home. We also give opportunities to have bonding memories through the following activities. The program will cover teachings on deeper level of open communication and commitment to serve and love one another, to help build strong relationships within the family.

A. Bond Camp 1 – The BOND Camp is a Father and Son overnight activity for

members of CFC Fathers and KFC Sons ages 8-12. This is a two-day live-in camp usually conducted during the summer. It is an experience where the fathers and sons can have fun doing outdoor activities, and at the same time hear and see each other as real men of God.

B. BOND CAMP 2-The Father and Son 2 is a follow through activity of the Father

and Son 1. This camp is open to all CFC/non-CFC fathers and KFC/non-KFC sons ages 10 to 12. This two day live-in camp will give both the father and son the opportunity to spend quality time together, and for them to know each other deeply through different games and activities.

C. Mother and Daughter Camp 1- The SUGAR & SPICE mother-daughter camp is an overnight

activity for CFC mothers and their KFC daughter (ages 6-12). The camp is a two-day stay-in activity. This is a once in a lifetime experience for both mothers and daughters to spend the much-needed quality bonding time with one another. The environment of other mothers and daughters joining the camp create a support group for the mothers and daughters, as they are also able to share their experiences with each other.

D. Mother and Daughter 2 – Is an overnight camp for mother and their daughter (ages 10-12).

The camp is filled with sessions and activities that will further strengthen the relationship between the mother and daughter as they grow together in their relationship with God.

From its tag line: Girls just wanna have fun, mothers and daughters are given the opportunity to have fun through the activities within the camp and also allowing them to go out of the usual things that they do at home.

E. Family Ties Camp- This is a 2-day live in camp aims to deepen family relationship and

unite each family through the different obstacles and activities in the camp. All KFC members should undergo this camp within 1 year of their membership.

F. Parents Recollection- This is a gathering for parents of KFC members. It’s an activity

that gives practical tips to parents about parenting and guides them to reinforce KFC teachings at home.

3. Renewing Society (World Changer)

- Kids can make a big difference. It is inspiring to see how little children help build a better society. The following are the activities and camps of KFC that gives kids the opportunity to show the rest of the world that there is no one too small to help renew the society:

A. KFC Global day of service (GDS) is one the event every year during the month of September where CFC Kids for Christ member together with friends and families, are able to put their faith into action and

make a positive impact to the world. This will be joined by different countries doing acts of service.

Through the kids’ service, many will be inspired to do something about changing the world and bringing it back to the plan of God. With the many issues and problems that the kids and their families are facing today, we desire to address these concerns by building a generation of Christ-like leaders who will bring Christ transforming love to many, making them World Changers.

F. Heroes Camp – This activity will introduce the different advocacies of KFC. In this camp, they will learn how to be instruments of change for the renewal of society. By letting them understand what it means to be a hero, they will be empowered to love the poor, to love the country, and to love the environment.

4. Leadership Formation- The ministry’s main purpose is molding young Christ-like leaders.

These kids will be the future of our society and it is important that at a young age they understand the real meaning of leadership. As young Christ-like leaders, these kids have to be strong in the conviction of their Christian values. Kids nowadays see poor modeling in the way adults lead. Fame, money, and power are highlighted. We need to teach this new generation how it is to be a servant leader like Christ.

Workshop 1: Speaker’s Workshop

A. Objectives 1. To orient the participants in giving talks or facilitating sessions to

a young audience.2. To introduce creative ways in speaking before KFC members.

B. Introduction “To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak; Have no fear before them, because I am with you to deliver you says the Lord.” (Jer 1: 5-8)

C. Preparing for the Talk (Short Recap)1. Begin with the end in mind

a. Know what your talk is about- the messageb. Stick to the outline

2. Internalize the talk- understand ita. Speak from the heartb. Understand your audience- age, social status

3. Prepare your outlinea. Come up with stories, anecdotes that might help illustrate

your pointb. Make it personal- share, don’t preach

4. Pray.

C. Presenting the Talk1. Speak to the audience

a. Generate good rapport- eye to eye contact, have a cheerful disposition

2. Clarity

b. Number your points so your audience would know where you are

c. Speak clearly with enough volume and pitchd. Avoid Christian jargons as well as YFC lingo that they might

not understand3. Tailor-fit your talk

a. Consider age (usually 4-12 years old), social status, presence of two genders

b. Use more stories as analogies to present your messagec. Consider the better option of using Filipino/ English depending

on your crowdd. Give jokes but not green/ racist/ Erap

4. Timea. Should be kept to 10-20 mins; kids have short attention span

5. Aestheticsa. Dress decently; kids are looking up to youb. Wearing costume is an option to further excite the kids

6. End with a high note

D. Creative Aspect1. Very important element of every talk in a Kids Conference; it

should be catches attention of the kids; it should break the monotony

2. Insert creative presentations before/during/after the talk (e.g. dance, song, magic show, praise and fashion, role-playing); Example: Finding a Treasure Talk talks about talents; can feature special talents of any KFC members

3. Speaker can be part of the performance before the talk proper4. One session is like one show; children should not notice that

you’re giving a talk

G. Attitudes1. Don’t scare them.

a. It is not your goal to make them cry/ guilty/ scaredb. Some make the mistake of citing instances such as

death of parents, accidents, etc. to change them2. Don’t underestimate or overestimate your audience

a. Don’t be too “kiddy” on your examples or too serious b. Don’t ever think that KFC is a less service than YFCc. Don’t ever think that speaking to kids need no

preparation; kids know when you are not prepared or not enthusiastic

d. Don’t be scared with the notion that kids are bratty or not attentive

3. Love the kids. Understand where they’re coming from.

a. Know their concerns- studies, family, siblings, peers, ambitions

b. Be patient if they are noisy, wandering, ‘NR’, etc.

Workshop 2: Storytelling Workshop

A. Objectives1. To introduce storytelling as an alternative method of giving talks

to KFC members.2. To prepare participants for different storytelling methods.

B. Introduction

Pep Talk on StorytellingWhen telling a story, be yourself; do not try to become a

dramatic character or something you’re not. Reading stories aloud from books will always play a part in education. But it is not storytelling. Storytelling is older than reading (or being read to) and is a more complete form of communication. It has neither the careful polish of literature nor the rehearsed spectacle of drama. Instead it is a unique form of improvisation created in the moment through interplay of audience, storyteller and story.

C. Points to remember1. Off the page

- A story read from a book would gain some refinement but may lose the raw vitality of the Living Word. So getting a story from a book may need some adjustments and preparations.

2. Not by Word- A story shouldn’t be memorized word for word but by heart. All you need to remember are key words, phrases and significant events.

3. Grasping the Plot- Read the story several times, in order for you to fully understand the flow of the story and to be confident enough to retell it in the way that you want it to be.

4. Seeing the Story

- Visualize the setting, people and events in the story as clearly and as detailed as you can. You can do this by closing your eyes and imagining.

5. Timing is Essential- Know when to speed up, slow down (e.g. climax). Don’t be afraid to pause to create a more dramatic effect.

6. Practicing the story and playing with your voice-Try taping yourself while telling a story and then retell it with the corrections from the first recording.

7. Movement and gesture- Don’t just stand in place while telling your story; you’ll be no different from a book. However, also remember not to overact.

8. Have fun- If done with confidence and passion, storytelling could be fun not only for the audience but also for the storyteller.

9. Pray- That God may use you powerfully in telling His story through you.

D. The Gift1. Each participant will imagine holding an extraordinary gift.

(e.g. the Sun, balot at asin, flying dragon)2. They will move around and exchange gifts with each other

while describing what it is that they have in their hands. They should be creative in acting out what they are holding and describe it in the best way the others would be able to understand them.

E. Story Chain1. The participants will form a circle and the facilitator starts

with a phrase to begin a story. The person on his/her left will continue the story with his/her own input. The story will evolve and develop into a climax and a conclusion. This aims to develop the spontaneity of the storytellers.

F. Story by Partners1. The participants will be asked to form pairs.2. From the pair, choose who will be Partner A and Partner B.3. Develop a story with actions.4. Partner A tells the story they made to the audience without

words and only actions. After that the partner B will tell it to the group with the words and actions.

5. This will show the importance of words in a story and that actions are not essential but will help make the story livelier and clearer.

Workshop 3: Case Study Analysis

ObjectiveThis activity aims to give the participants a preview of the usual

concerns in handling the kids. This will provide an opportunity for them to have a practical application of what they have learned so far.

I. Instructions:1. Write the following cases on separate sheets of paper. 2. Divide the group into smaller groups and provide them one case

to study.3. The group should re-enact the situation and their solution to the

problem.4. The workshop facilitator should process each situation.

II. Case Studies:

Case # 1 Some KFC members are ostracizing a 10-year-old boy. The

boy does not want to attend the monthly KFC gatherings because a lot of people are teasing him and he does not want to participate in all group activities. What will you do?

Case # 2A KFC Sector Couple Coordinator finds it hard to coordinate

with the YFC Couple Coordinator regarding the service of YFC in the kids monthly chapter activities and other KFC activities. As a concerned KFC Facilitator, what can you do to help?

Case # 3

During one of the organized KFC Cluster Sportsfest, a KFC member fractures his leg while playing basketball. When rushed to the hospital, the doctor recommends that an operation be done immediately. Who will shoulder the expenses? (The boy comes from a poor family and has barely paid the fee for the said activity; furthermore, the parents were already discouraging him to attend KFC activities.) What will you do?

Case # 4

A KFC member loses in a KFC sponsored Quiz Bee competition and becomes inconsolable. The parents of the girl accuses the organizers that there was cheating in the counting of the scores. (The KFC member is a consistent honor student and an accomplished writer / declaimer) What will you do as a Couple Coordinators?

Case # 5

The son of a CFC Leader does not want to join in KFC gatherings. He finds it boring and makes fun of the coordinators and calls them names. The CFC leader asks help and mentions that he could not profess a good family while his children are not in the community. (The child is known as a problem child.) What will you do as KFC Facilitators?

Provide possible solutions as guide for workshop facilitator.

Note to the Workshop Facilitators:Here are the possible solutions to the case studies that you could use during the processing:

Case #1: Make an activity that will focus on respect and friendship. It

can be in a form of storytelling or a game. At the processing, the speaker / facilitator can emphasize that it is not good to ostracize or tease other kids in general without dropping names.

KFC Facilitators can encourage the kid that is being teased by being a friend to him/her. Other kids will see that their older brothers and sisters are close to that kid and they might also would want to be his/her friend also.

Case #2: Ask permission from the YFC Coordinator if you could present

KFC in one of the YFC activities to be able to encourage YFCs to serve in KFC.

Case #3: First, inform the parents of what happened because they need

to know that their child needs to be operated. Help them find fund for the operation by seeking help from

other CFC members. Explain to them that it was an accident and hopefully they will

still allow their child to join KFC activities.

Case #4: Bring the complaining parent and child in an area where you

could talk privately so as not to attract more spectators. Have the scores recounted for the benefit of the doubt but do

not let the parents do it.

If the scores still show that their child lost, ask the parents to be a good sport and accept the result whole heartedly. Talk to the child and console him/her by explaining that it is just normal that we don’t win all the time and what we could do is still strive to be our best for the next opportunity to win.

Case #5: Have the child join activities that most interests him. He may

also be appointed as a group leader in a group activity to give him a sense of responsibility.

Workshop 4: Designing KFC Activities

Objective1. To be able to develop KFC activities for the areas2. To be creative in make the KFC activities

I. ElementsWhat elements should we consider in planning out activities for

the kids?

1. It should be EXCITING. Children respond more when the activity is of high interest.

2. It should be CREATIVE. Think of activities that will serve as an avenue for them to develop their different motor skills (e.g. drawing, scribbling, symbolism, etc.)

3. It should be ACTIVE. At this stage, children are only just developing their motor skills. Consider activities that involve maximum participation.

4. It should be EDUCATIONAL. Children continuously process new information. Constantly, provide them with helpful and important ideas.

5. It should be CHALLENGING. Mentally, and physically stimulating activities allow them to exercise their mind and body and serve as effective training for responsible individuals.

6. It should be LARGER THAN LIFE. How they relate to other and to the world beyond their family and their own selves is established at this stage. Come up with activities that appeal to them and that are as realistic as possible.

7. It should be FAITH BASED. The fundamental basis of everything we do in our community should be based on what we as a people of God believe in.

II. Attitudes

Attitudes we should haveb. Be flexible

Feel free to change or modify an activity/ game if the children are not receptive towards it. When an activity/game is too hard always think of an easier way to play it. When the activity/ game is too easy, make your questions harder or use materials that they are not yet familiar with.

c. Be alertWatch the children for clues. Children get discouraged

when the learning game seems too difficult. Children get restless and fidgety if the games are too easy. When an idea is difficult, break it up into smaller parts for the kids. Check whether each step or part is understood. Then you can move to the next part of the activity.

III. Workshop ProperThis is how we will conduct the workshop.

1. Announce the groupings for the workshop.2. Ask the group to select a facilitator for the discussions. He

or she may serve as your group representative or secretary should there be enough time to report the results of the group work.

3. Each group will be given a topic in designing a KFC activity. Give a suggested format in preparing the design. The topic contains two “givens”, the theme and the age group (4-8; 9-12). Distribute materials to write down the topics.

4. A total of 20 minutes will be given to the group. (Note to speaker: If there is time, some or all of the groups may report the results of their group work. Announce to them that you will be calling out some groups to report at the end of the allotted time for group work.)

5. Group Presentation. The number of groups to report will depend on the time available.

Note: Speaker should note the ff. preparations prior to this talk/workshop:

1. Before the training program, you should already decide on what theme and age group to give as case study. There will be as many

different “theme-age group” combinations as there are groupings, unless you want to give the same case study to two or more groups for comparison purposes. Write the theme and age group in blank sheets with the “Suggested Format in Designing the KFC Activities”.

2. While the first few talks are ongoing, you should figure out the groupings. As much as possible, try to put together those from different areas so that they get to know one another. Before the start of your talk, the group assignment of each case study should already have been resolved.

IV. Suggested Format in Designing KFC Activities

Date of Activity: ____________________________

Theme for the Month: ____________________________

Age Group: ____________________________

Goals/ Objectives: (You can have one or two main objectives and 3 to 4 specific objectives underneath.)

For example:

Main Objective: To make the members aware of how much God loves them

Specific Objectives:1. Build friendships2. Allow them to be creative and at the same time have fun


How to go about the activity: This should include a list of materials needed, the time frame required for each task, and the persons assigned to do each task. It is also important to be very specific about each task so nothing is over looked in the planning.

Synthesis/ Evaluation:

The synthesis/ evaluation need not be formal or very complicated. They may be as simple as asking the children to draw a picture related to the activity, answering an activity sheet, a form of prayer or simply asking them how they felt while the activity was going on.

Always conclude by summarizing all the lessons learned and a challenge to respond to these.

V.THEME MATRIXThe speaker may choose any of the themes listed below for

the workshop.

Theme ValueI will study my lessons well. Excellence

I will pray to God everyday.Faith and Piety

I will share my blessings. GenerosityI will take pride of my heritage. HeroismGod wants me to be honest. HonestyI am a good son and daughter of God. IntegrityI will love others as I love my self. LoveI will always obey my parents. ObedienceI will be pure in my words. PurityI will care for the environment. RespectI will honor and imitate the simple life of Mama Mary. Simplicity

Workshop 5: Arts & CraftA. Objectives

1. To provide an alternative idea in coming up with different KFC activities.

2. To enhance the creative juices in each participant.3. To allow each participant to express themselves through art

medium.B. Materials Needed

Paper platesArt materials (make available any of the following)- construction paper- glue/paste- crayons- poster paint- paint brushes- straw- beads- candles and match- scissors

C. DynamicsGive each participant a paper plate. Instruct them to make masks out of the art materials available. Tell them to use their creativity and ingenuity in coming up with designs that will best display their characteristics and personality.

D. Explanation of the Activity This activity aims for the participants to unleash their creative juices and to interpret their feelings and ideas about the training and their service.


PERSONAL INFORMATION:Full Name:__________________________________________Nickname: ____________Birthday: ____________ Age: _______Gender F _____ M _____

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number: _______________ Cell Number: _____________Email Address: __________________ Fax Number: _____________

SERVICE (please specify):What YFC/KFC service are you involved in? _________________________________________________________________________________Have you helped out/participated in any KFC activities? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

INTERESTS:Hobbies: _______________________________________________

Likes: _______________________________________________Dislikes: _______________________________________________If I were to be a kid again for a day, I would ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Appendix A: Sample Letter of Invitation

Dear brother and sister,

Peace of Christ be upon us!

It is with great pride and joy that we invite your son/daughter to come to an overnight training for the service of being a KFC Facilitator of the Kids for Christ Ministry.

The training will be the official entry point into the service of being a KFC Facilitators for KFC. This service will greatly benefit your child since he/she will be trained to plan, develop his/her communication and leadership skills and lastly, it will make him/her be a part of the mission and evangelization for the ministry of KFC.

It will be on ____________ at the ___________. A fee of ______will be collected to cover the expenses for the venue, food and materials.

Things to Bring:- Bible- Rosary- Notebook - Writing materials- Coloring Materials- Beddings (when necessary)- Clothing fit and enough for the duration of the training

We hope to see your son/daughter on this training. Thank you.

Yours truly,

_________________KFC Couple coordinator

Appendix B: Games and Activities

1. Sell yourself

Goals:1. To be an ice breaker activity during the training

Dynamics:1. The participants will be asked to sit in a big circle.

2. They will take turns introducing themselves by doing something “out of the ordinary” (ex. “I’m Jude and I can make the tip of my tongue touch the tip of my nose!” Or “I’m Robert and I can kiss my elbow!”)

2. Archer-Rabbit-Wall

Goals:1. To energize the participants in between sessions


1. Divide the participants into groups of about 5-7members (the number of groups depends on the number of participants)

2. The game is similar to the game “Paper-Scissor-Rock.”3. The rabbit beats the wall4. The wall beats the archer5. The archer beats the rabbit6. Two groups will stand back to back7. The game master will count “0ne, two, and three” then the

two groups will simultaneously face each other. 8. The group with the winning character wins a point.9. Best of three games.10. Additional games can be played

Note: the service team can use other icebreaker activity

Appendix C: Activity Report Form


Date: ______________________________________Chapter: ____________________________________

KFC Couple Coordinator: ________________________KFC Facilitator (YFC In-charge): ________________Total number of KFC participants: _________________

Venue: ____________________________________Activity: ____________________________________Song/s: ____________________________________Games: ____________________________________

Using the 5-point scale below, whereby 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest, indicate your response to each item. Please check the box that corresponds to your response.5 – Outstanding 2 - Moderately Satisfactory4 - Very Satisfactory 1 - Needs Improvement3 - Satisfactory NA - Not Applicable

5 4 3 2 1 NA1. Kids attendance2. Kids participation3. Effectivity of the resource person 4. Kids enjoyment in the activity5. Relevance of the activity to the theme6. Integration of values in the activity
