SCatalogue Queue

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  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


    The legacy of the CFX continues

    Yamaha CX Series grand pianos taking grand pianos to the next stage

    Preserving tradition is not the same thing as refusing to change; rather, it is from the ongoing search for perfection that traditions emerge.

    And when it comes to the t radition of craft ing a grand piano, there is a sound, a tone to which only those

    who s trive constantly to outdo themselve s can aspire. For almost ha lf a century, Yamaha' s world-renowned C Series grand pianos have

    continued through a gradual process of refinement .The CFX full concert g rand piano built on the knowledge, techniques,

    and experience gained during this long period, with craftsmen pouring everything they knew into the creation of an instrument

    that took bold new steps in piano design, seeking to attain sonic perfection. The CX Series extends this work further, providing

    a clear sound with a clean attack, sparkling tone, and transparent harmonies, all encased in an elegant, flowing form.

    The end result is a series of instruments refined in tone, yet bold in design, and shows the dedication to innovation that allows

    Yamaha to remain true to its musical heritage. CX Series pianos represent progress commensurates

    with Yamaha's 125th anniversary year progress that will transform any room in which you play into a concert hall.

    Pianos queue Yamaha Srie CX - Le 21m sicle en marche

    Son hritage se poursuitRespecter la tradition n'est pas contraire au changement C'est de la recherche permanente de la perfection que naissent les traditions

    Dans la tradition de la facture d'un piano queue, seuls ceux qui s'vertuent cette recherche peuvent atteindre la qualit ultime.

    Pendant prs de cinquante ans, la srie Conservatory Yamaha (srie C) a su gagner une popularit mondiale tout en voluant rgulirement.

    Le piano queue grand concert CFX, quant lui, a t conu sur l'hritage de prs d'un sicle de facture instrumentale et avec l'ide

    de franchir tape aprs tape de nouveaux horizons musicaux.La srie CX entend donc poursuivre cette dmarche en proposant

    des pianos queue la fois puissants et doux, brillants et harmonieux. Le rsultat final est une srie de pianos queue audacieux,

    fruit d'un dlicat mariage entre hritage et innovations. Pour les 125 ans de Yamaha, la toute nouvelle srie de pianos queue CX atteint

    une nouvelle tape qualitative qui transformera votre salon en vritable hall de concert.

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    L'essence d'un piano... L'ess ence de Yamaha

    Apr s 125 ans, un nouveau standard de piano

    The essence of a pian o... the essence of Yamaha

    After 125 yea rs , a new standard in piano sound

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    03 04

    Years from now, it will be evident that the decade starting in2010 was one of immense significance for Yamaha piano-crafting. It all began with the creation of the CFX full concertgrand piano. The first complete model change since the release ofthe CFS 19 years previously, the CFX benefitted from the

    input of top-flight pianists from the earliest stages of its develop-ment, and won acclaim in the United States, Europe, Japan, andindeed everywhere it was released. In the fall of 2010, the CFXwas played by the winner at the famed International ChopinPiano Competition, one of the three largest piano competitionsin the world. This marked the first time that a piano from aJapanese piano-maker had won this competition, and was atestament to the true capabilities of the CFX. Two years later , in2012, a new series of pianos emerged that followed in thefootsteps of the CFX the Yamaha CX Series.

    En prenant un peu de hauteur, si l'on regarde l'histoire de Yamaha,la dcade dbute en 2010 sera marquer d'une pierre blanche.C'est cette date que Yamaha sort le nouveau modle de concertCFX, 19 ans aprs le CFIIIS. Dvelopp avec la complicit denombreux talentueux pianistes durant toutes les tapes de son

    laboration, le CFX, ds sa sortie, est acclam aux Etats-unis, enEurope, au Japon. Il est mme choisit par la laurate du fameuxConcours International Frdric Chopin de Varsovie, l'un destrois plus grands concours de piano au monde. 2010, l'anne deconscration pour Yamaha et son modle CFX, premier fabricantjaponais tre choisi pour remporter ce concours. Deux ans plustard, en 2012, une nouvelle srie de pianos queue est proposeen dclinaison du modle CFX, la srie CX.

    The development of the CFX brought clarity to Yamahasphilosophy of creating an original piano sound, which is to craftinstruments that truly sing. For a piano, singing has two mean-ings. One is to possess a tone that changes with the feeling of themusic in other words, one that is more than just beautiful,

    capable of transforming into a rich sound that changes to reflectthe true intentions and emotions of the performer. Of course,this is not merely a question of tonal change richly overlappingharmonics are a vital element in giving an instrument the breadthof musical expression so essential to a beautiful tone.The other meaning of singing is that the instrument should berich in resonance. A piano must possess a beautiful tone, but itmust also be capable of projecting its sound to the audience.Mechanically speaking, the issue is one of how to take thevibration of the strings caused by the force from the hammer andtransmit it efficiently into the surrounding air, which is why thebalance between the soundboard and the bracing that supports it

    is so important. This knowledge, gained during the developmentof the CFX, has taken Yamaha piano-crafting in a new direction.

    Le dveloppement du CFX a respect la philosophie de Yamahaqui est de faire chanter ses pianos. Pour un piano, "chanter" deux sens. Le piano doit tre capable de changer de timbre selonle type de musique ou rpertoire, il doit pouvoir rpondre demanire la plus fine aux intentions et aux motions du pianiste.

    Cela va bien entendu au del de la simple tonalit ou timbre, lesharmoniques cres tant de vritables lments construisantl'expression musicale.L'autre sens du mot "chanter" est cette capacit pour un piano "rsonner". Le piano doit projetter sa musique vers le publicde manire la plus belle possible. Les cordes vibrent grce unensemble d'actions subtiles. L'ensemble des lements constitu-tifs du piano intragissent pour obtenir cette musicalit unique.C'est cette connaissance acquise dans le dveloppement duCFX qui a orient Yamaha dans une nouvelle direction.

    Looking back over the preceding fifty years reveals the amazingprogress that Yamaha pianos made during this time. The releaseof the CF concert grand piano in 1967 brought Yamaha pianosto the attention of the world, and was followed by the arrival ofYamahas C Series grand pianos. The C in C Series is taken

    from Conservatory, and represents the pride that Yamahatakes in crafting pianos with a level of quality suitable for use insuch musical institutions. C Series pianos have since beenacknowledged as the standard for grand pianos around theworld. And just as the CF series evolved into the CFX , the CSeries has metamorphosed into the CX Series. In this, the 125thanniversary year of the Yamahas founding, proof that Yamahagrand pianos have indeed reached a new stage in their evolution.

    Depuis 50 ans, les progrs raliss par Yamaha en matire defabrication de pianos sont incroyables. La sortie du modlegrand concert CF en 1967 avait lev Yamaha dans la cour desgrands. Et dans sa suite, Yamaha sortait les pianos queue srie"C", ou srie "Conservatory". Un ensemble de modle capable

    de rpondre tous les besoins d'un conservatoire. La srie "C"est devenue le standard des coles de musique dans le mondeentier. L'arrive de notre nouveau piano de Concert CFXmarque ainsi, pour le 125me anniversaire de Yamaha, lamtamorphose de la srie "C" en srie "CX". Une nouvelle tapede l'volution des pianos est franchie.

    Piano queue Yamaha - srie CXL'hritage du grand concert CFX

    Yamaha CX Series Grand Pianosinheriting the legacy of the Yamaha CFX

    Une nouvelle ralisation

    A new achievement

    Construire des pianos qui "chantent"

    Crafting pianos that sing

  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


    Pianos are not machines Yamaha makes musical instruments

    Pianos, and in fact all musical instruments, are intended toconvey the performers deepest intentions and feelings to thelistener. To that end, a good piano must be able to fill a spacewith sound, giving the listener the impression of a color, or ascent, or sometimes even a shape. Each piano is comprised of

    more than 8,000 parts, combining fine woodworking and castingtechniques. Despite this complexity, Yamaha aims to achieve morethan just mechanical perfection; we seek to create a musicalinstrument a work of art of which we can be truly proud, andthis ambition is evident in every component of the CX Series.

    A violin is built around a beautiful body with three-dimensional contours and a delicately curved shape, which is

    similar to the three dimensional concave design of a piano soundboard called the crown. The manufacture of

    this crown is pivotal to the crafting of any piano, and is thus of paramount importance to piano engineers in

    addressing the problem of how to most efficiently transmit the vibrations of the strings from the soundboard intoits surroundings. Yamaha has taken experience accumulated through many years of crafting pianos and combined

    it with unsurpassed engineering ability to ensure that the soundboard always provides superior projection.

    The resulting design capitalizes on physical phenomena unique to the craft of piano-making, to create a sound-

    board assembly with a structure that allows it to vibrate easily, something that would not have been possible

    without the deep understanding of the traditional art of piano crafting that goes hand-in-hand with Yamaha's

    experience and engineering know-how.

    The same techniques developed for gluing the soundboard, ribs, and bridge in the CFX are used for the C3X and

    above models which require a great deal of projection and the process of installing the soundboard into the

    piano body has been investigated carefully with precision and accuracy. This has resulted in dramatically

    improved projection and the unprecedented response that performers demand.

    [ Soundboard ]

    Resonating with the emotions of the performer

    As with the CF Series, the CX Series utilizes unique crown manufacturing techniques

    Comme un violon, la table d'harmonie d'un piano est de forme courbe. Cette courbe, ou galbe, est fondamen-

    tale pour transmettre et mtamorphoser les vibrations des cordes en sons clairs et lumineux dans l'air. La grande

    exprience de Yamaha dans la fabrication des pianos et des capacits d'ingnierie ultra modernes ont permis

    d'aboutir une qualit exceptionnelle de conception sans cesse renouvele.

    Une fois encore, c'est la trs grande exprience de Yamaha dans la manufacture traditionnelle combine une

    grande maitrise des phnomnes acoustiques et physiques qui ont ont permis d'apporter des innovations dans lafabrication de la table d'harmonie.

    Les techniques de collage de la table, des barres de table et du chevalet employes pour le CFX ont t u tilises

    pour la srie CX . Ce processur d'assemblage a fait l'objet de toutes nos attentions. Les qualits de la rverbration

    de la table ont t considrablement renforces. La nouvelle capacit de projection du piano a ravi tous les

    pianistes consults lors de leur cration.

    [ La table d'harmonie]

    C'est le cur du piano. Elle vibre et reflte les intentions du pianiste. Comme pour la srie CF, la srie

    CX utilise de nouvelles techniques de galbe et d'assemblage

    Les pianos ne sont pas des machinesYamaha fabrique des intruments de musique

    Les pianos, et les instruments de musique en gnral, sont imagi-ns pour retranscrire le plus fidlement possible les motions del'artiste vers l'auditoire. A cette fin, un bon piano doit trecapable de remplir son environnement d'une musique donnantau public la sensation d'une couleur, d'une sensation voire d'une

    forme. Chaque piano est compos de plus de 8000 pices combi-nant bnisterie et techniques de moulage. Malgr cette complexit,Yamaha s'attache atteindre au plus prs la perfection. Nousconcevons un instrument de musique comme une vritableoeuvre d'art et la srie CX est l'image de cette dmarche.

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    05 06

    One of the most important factors in achieving a rich tone is the support provided within the instrument. When

    playing powerful fortissimo the force exerted on the instrument causes it to bend slightly, losing energy. The part

    of the piano that accepts this force and transforms it into deep reverberation is called the back beam, which could

    be likened to the skeleton in a human body. On the C3X for example, this back beam is approximately 20

    thicker than on other pianos, providing significantly improved support and reflecting the considerations onwhich the CX Series has been completely redesigned.

    [ Back posts ]

    CX Series pianos feature a thickened back beam for improved support, providing a rich, resonant tone

    The frame in a modern piano must be able to withstand a total string tension in excess of twenty tons; not only

    does the frame work together with the wooden body to support the string tension, but it has a profound effect on

    the instruments sound. Yamaha makes its own frames, relying on a method of casting referred to as the vacuum

    process, developed over many years to create some of the best piano frames in the world. During this time we

    have built up a storehouse of knowledge on factors such as the manner in which controlling the temperature and

    composition of casting, and even the coating used on the frame itself, affects the acoustic characteristics of the

    piano. This is a major reason as to why Yamaha is able to ensure reliable quality when crafting our pianos.

    [ Frame ]

    Expertise in frame making shines through in the robust quality of Yamaha pianos

    Un des facteurs importants pour obtenir une musicalit riche et puissante est la qualit de la structure interne du

    piano. Lorsque l'on joue en fortissimo la force exerce sur l'instrument provoque ncessairement des dformations

    nergivores. Les barrages et renforts situs sous le cadre, l'instar d'un squelette humain, supportent cette force et

    la transforment en vibrations. Ds le C3X, ces barrages et renforts sont 20% plus pais que sur des pianos

    classiques, amliorant ainsi singulirement sa capacit rflchir cette nergie vers la table d'harmonie. Voil un

    exemple de nouveaut de la srie CX.

    [ Barrages renforcs ]

    La srie CX bnficie de renforts plus pais amliorant la rsonnance du piano

    Le cadre d'un piano moderne doit tre capable de supporter prs de 20 tonnes de tension de cordes. Au-del de

    ce "travail", le cadre joue un rle prpondrant dans la qualit du son du piano. Yamaha fabrique elle-mme ses

    cadres grce une mthode exclusive intitule "Vaccum process" ou plus communment "V-process". Ce systme

    exclusif dvelopp il y a plusieurs annes permet d 'obtenir sans doute les meilleurs cadres de piano au monde. De

    la temprature de fonte la composition de l'alliage en passant par le revtement final du cadre, toutes ces tapes

    ont une influence sur les caractristiques acoustiques du piano.

    [ Le cadre ]

    Un grand savoir-faire de Yamaha

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    Pour obtenir un piano dot d'une grande expression, il faut ncessairement des marteaux de grande qualit.

    Yamaha produit la majeure partie de ses composants haut de gamme et est rgulirement la recherche de

    nouvelles voies d'exprimentation pour amliorer les performances des marteaux. La srie CX a ainsi bnfici de

    toutes les recherches dveloppes dans ce domaine lors de la conception du modle grand concert CFX. Un

    rsultat lumineux et color.

    [ Les marteaux]

    Les marteaux employs sur la srie CX sont les mmes que ceux utiliss pour le piano grand concert CFX

    La libert de jeu du pianiste peut paratre limite. Au-del des pdales, cette libert se rsume en effet 10 mm de

    course pour chacune des 88 notes du clavier. Cependant, la combinaison du jeu des pdales la vlocit et la force

    appliques sur chacune des notes donne un rsultat musical qui ne peut tre reproduit par la technologie numri-que actuelle. Le pianiste est ainsi capable de produire une quantit incroyable d'expressions musicales en

    seulement 10 mm d'enfoncement de touche.

    Voil la raison principale pour laquelle Yamaha dpense autant d'nergie "donner la vie" au piano. Lors du

    rglage de la mcanique, le technicien ajuste la mcanique permettant d'interprter toutes les nuances transmises

    par le toucher de l'artiste. Dans l'harmonisation, les laines de marteaux frappant les cordes sont piques afin

    d'quilibrer leur tonalit et de procurer un son harmonieux. La technologie avance pas de gant mais rien ne

    remplace la main de l'artisan lors de cette tape essentielle l'laboration d'un piano de grande qualit. Voil la

    raison pour laquelle Yamaha attache autant d'importance cette tape et voil pourquoi le rglage Yamaha est un

    des plus rputs au monde.

    [ Rglage et harmonisation]

    Donner la vie au piano

    Great hammers are essential for producing a beautifully expressive and malleable sound. Yamaha, unlike most

    other piano manufacturers, produces most of its own high-quality components and is constantly looking for new

    ways to use the abilities developed to give our piano hammers resilience and power. The CX Series has also

    benefitted from the results of this research and development, and utilizes the same felt as the CFX, adjusted to

    match the size of each instrument in the series. This ensures that all CX Series pianos possess a clear range of tonal

    colors and a nuanced, expressive sound.

    [ Hammers ]

    The hammers used in the CX Series utilize the same felt as the CFX,

    giving these pianos bright tonal colors and a finely nuanced sound

    Pianos offer pianists only a limited amount of freedom; indeed, apart from the pedals, the pianists scope for

    expression is limited to the 10 mm travel of each of the 88 keys on the keyboard. Even so, the combination of

    the pedals with the speed and velocity applied to the keys produces a range of tonal changes so broad that they

    cannot be reproduced with current digital technology. This is the true soul of an acoustic instrument, allowing

    the pianist to obtain an incredible amount of expression from just 10 mm of key travel.That is precisely why Yamaha devotes so much time into breathing life into the piano through this, the interface

    through which the intentions of the pianist are conveyed to the strings. In regulation, a craftsman adjusts the

    movement of the action so that it accurately transmits every nuance of the pianists touch. In voicing, the

    hammers, which cause the strings to emit sound, are pricked with a pick to create a balanced tone that will

    respond beautifully when played. Even today, in an era when technology continues to evolve rapidly, these tasks

    remain the domain of skilled craftsmen who must ensure the high quality of these instruments, and are the main

    reason that Yamaha has remained one of the top piano makers in the world.

    [ Regulation and voicing]

    Breathing life into the piano

    It is music wire that actually creates sound of a piano. While affected by its matching with the hammers, sound-

    board and body of the piano, music wire has a profound effect on the timbre and sustain of the instrument. The

    CX Series utilizes music wire that produces a rich sound with a full complexity of overtones in its middle and upper

    registers. Coupled with the support from a solid foundation, this gives CX Series pianos a rich, harmonic sound.

    [ Music Wire]

    Revolutionary new music wire in the middle and treble registers offers beautiful sustain and harmony

    Le son du piano provient donc de la vibration des cordes. En interaction avec les marteaux, la table d'harmonie

    et la structure du piano, les cordes ont beaucoup d'influence sur le timbre et le sustain de l'instrument. La srie

    CX utilise de nouvelles cordes aciers procurant un son riche et multi-timbres. Le rsultat est tonnant et donne la srie CX une identit toute personnelle.

    [ Les cordes de piano ]

    De nouvelles cordes de piano rvolutionnaires employes dans le registre mdium et aigu

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    The CX Series pianos feature a completely revamped design. Following in the footsteps of the CF Series concert

    grand, the CX Series design features simple, elegant lines, focusing on the characteristic legs of the piano and

    doing away with any excess ornamentation. This elegant design also incorporates a solid pedal box that allows

    performers to depress the pedals with as much power as they want, consistent with the philosophy of epitomizing

    "functional design" that allows pianists to become one with their instrument as they play. In order to providethe best playability possible, the CX Series grand pianos offer white keys made of IvoriteTM, which has the feel,

    color, and absorbency very similar to natural ivory, while natural ebony has been used for the black keys.

    [ Design ]

    A design that unifies the piano with the pianist, inheriting the legacy of the CF series

    La srie CX propose un nouveau design. Suivant le cahier des charges imagin pour la srie de concert CF (CFX,

    CF6 et CF4), la srie CX propose des lignes simples, lgantes et sobres. La lyre a galement t redessine

    offrant au pianiste un rglage d'enfoncement optimal. Un design lgant et "fonctionnel" au service du pianiste.Le clavier de piano utilise de l'IvoriteTM, rsine de synthse imitant le toucher, la couleur et les qualits

    d'absorption de l'ivoire naturel. Les touches noires sont quant elle en bne de synthse.

    [ Design ]

    Un design, hrit de la srie de concert CF, souhaitant lier le piano au pianiste

    The CX Series is equipped with lid prop safety stop to prevent your fingers from being caught when the

    piano lid closes unexpectedly.

    The fallboard is fitted with a soft landing mechanism that means you no longer have to worry about the

    fallboard shutting on your fingers unexpectedly.

    [ Safety]

    The peace of mind that comes with a Yamaha grand piano

    Les pianos de la srie CX sont quips d'un bloque bquille empchant toute mauvaise utilisation de cette

    dernire lorsqu'elle supporte le couvercle arrire du piano.

    Le couvercle du clavier dispose quant lui d'un systme de retour progressif vitant tout pincement de

    doigt lors d'une fermeture inopportune.

    [ Scurit ]

    Je fortifie l'paisseur de doorcase des profondeurs qui met lade l'instrument de musique

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  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


    Pictured in Polished Ebony

    Reprsent en finition noir brillant sur la photo


    Pictured in Polished Ebony

    Reprsent en finition noir brillant sur la photo


    C1XSH DC1XE3

    09 10

    C2XSH DC2XE3

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  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


    Pictured in Polished Ebony

    Reprsent en finition noir brillant sur la photo


    Pictured in Polished Ebony

    Reprsent en finition noir brillant sur la photo



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    Pictured in Polished Ebony

    Reprsent en finition noir brillant sur la photo


    Pictured in Polished Ebony

    Reprsent en finition noir brillant sur la photo



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    Polished American Walnut

    Noyer amricain brillant


    Yamahas uncompromising insistence on superb sound and resonance, available at a price suitable for smallerbudgets. The compact size of the GB1 makes it perfect for any room.

    Conu pour les espaces et les budgets plus modestes, le GB1 reprsente laboutissement dune grandeexpertise permettant ce piano de sadapter aux budgets limits sans le moindre compromis sur la qualit.

    Polished Ebony

    Noir brillant

    Polished Mahogany

    Acajou brillant

    GB1SG2 DGB1E3





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    15 16


    Un instrument dune sensibilit exceptionnelle un budget abordable.

    With the full resonant tone only a grand piano can possess, the GC1 seriesprovides superior performance at an affordable price.

    Polished Ebony

    Noir brillant

    Satin American Walnut

    Noyer amricain satin

    GC1SH DGC1E3





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    173cm (5'8'')

    The larger footprint and an affordable price of the GC2 make this a very popular sizeinstrument. With a superb sound and excellent resonance, the GC2 is a delight to play.

    Adoptant un format en vogue depuis des annes, le GC2 poursuit sur la voie trace parla srie GC, offrant le son magnifique et la fantastique exprience de jeu dun piano queue pour un prix parfaitement raisonnable.

    GC2SH DGC2E3





    Finished in Polished Ebony

    Finition noir brillant

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    Finished in Polished Ebony

    Finition noir brillant

    186cm (6'1'')

    Transparent reverberation and lush harmonics enable the C3STUDIO to fulfillthe stringent requirements of the professional performer for fine expressive control.

    Vritable rfrence dans sa catgorie, le C3STUDIO est linstrument parfaitpour le professionnel la recherche dun son riche, puissant, quilibr etfiable lui offrant toutes les prossibilits dexpression et de musicalit dsires.

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    Offering the superb sound and warm character of an acoustic piano, Yamaha's SilentPiano allows you to plug in headphones and plays silently when you dont want todisturb anyone else. The advanced technology and depth of knowledge behind theSilent Piano has imbued it with superb sound, touch, design, and functionality. This istruly a Silent instrument for those who love the acoustic grand piano.

    Sound, which resonates throughout the entire instrument, is a vital source of informa-tion to the pianist. In the new Silent Piano, Yamaha has worked to provide a superb

    sound source, rich resonance, tonal movement, and reverberation, offering an outstand-ing listening experience when using headphones.

    CFX Binaural Sampling: For the first time ever, the Silent Piano offers sound sampledfrom the Yamaha CFX full concert grand piano, supporting the beauty of its clear, vividtones with the power of this renowned instrument. Thanks to sophisticated binauralsampling techniques, the new Silent Piano offers a natural ambience so real that the soundseems to be coming straight from the heart of the piano, even when heard throughheadphones. Yamaha engineers placed microphones at the same locations that a pianist'sears would be, recording the sound of the piano exactly as a pianist hears it. The result isa natural, three dimensional sound that must be heard to be believed.

    String resonance: Silent Piano reproduces the warm, rich resonance that occurs on an acousticpiano when a hammer strikes the strings, causing other strings to vibrate in sympathy.

    Key-off sampling: Even when muted, Silent Piano reproduces the subtle tonal variationsthat occur immediately after the pianist has released the key, just before the sound fades.

    Sustain sampling and damper resonance: Sustain sampling features recordings of the deepreverberation present when playing the piano with the damper pedal depressed, whiledamper resonance reproduces the spreading depth of the resonance that also occurs whenplaying this way. Together they provide reverberation that is both powerful and authentic.

    USB Audio Recorder: Recorded data can also be stored in a USB flash memory device.Data can be saved in audio (WAV) format as well as in MIDI form, convenient forcreating CDs or uploading to the Internet.

    Unique Yamaha technology retainsthe all-important touch of the grand piano

    SH Type

    A piano you can play any t ime you want, with the na tural touchof an acoustic grand piano.e new Silent Piano from Yamaha, offering enhanced Silentfunctions and an even richer sound.

    Yamaha Silent Pianos feature a range of unique technologies that allow a touch whichis astonishingly close to that of an acoustic grand piano, even when in "Quiet" mode.

    Key sensors : Under each of the 88 keys is a Yamaha-unique continuous-dete ctiongrey-scale shutter key sensor. These sensors detect the movement of the keys continu-ously, allowing natural musical expression even when the piano is in "Silent" mode.Since they do not come into contact with the keys, these sensors do not affect the feelof the keyboard in any way.

    Hammer sensors : Yamaha Silent Pianos are fitted with hammer sensors that allow evenslow keystrokes or rapid trills that would be difficult for key sensors to detect accurately.To ensure that they do not affect the feel of the keyboard in any way, Yamaha usesnon-contact sensors. (except GB1 SG2)

    Quick escape system: Silent Piano features a quick escape system that allows the soundmuting mechanism to be fitted to a grand piano without sacrificing any of the playabil-ity or musical expression demanded of such instruments in an acoustic performance.This system allows optimal separation to be obtained between the hammer and stringsby adjusting the distance between the hammers and strings, ensuring that the feel of thekeyboard stays in the best possible condition whether playing acoustically or with thesound muted.

    numrique.Cette technique a conduit les ingnieurs chantillonner le son dupiano en plaant galement des micros hauteur d'oreilles du pianiste. Le son est ainsienregistr et numris dans les conditions les plus ralistes possibles. Le rsultat est tonnant,procurant pour la premire fois une sensation d'coute en trois dimensions. Un sonchantillon comme jamais auparavant.

    Les vibrations des cordes: Dans un piano tradionnel, les cordes sont capables de vibrer sansmme qu'on les ait touches. C'est ce qu'on appelle la vibration par sympathie. Le systmeSilent piano est capable de reproduire ce phnomne au casque !

    Echantillonage du son de remonte de la touche: Mme en mode silencieux, le sytmeSilent reproduit la subtile variation du son qui intervient lorsque le pianiste a relachla touche, juste avant que le son ne s'estompe.

    Echantillonage du sustain et des harmoniques lies l'utilisation de la pdale tonale:L'chantillonnage du sustain inclue les rverbrations des harmoniques qui apparaisent

    lorsque l'on joue avec la pdale tonale.lEnregistrement audio USB: Les enregistrements peuvent galement tre stocks surune cl USB. Les donnes peuvent tres enregistres en audio (wav) ou en format MIDI;choix utile pour crer des CD ou tlcharger sur le net.

    Pour le nouveau systme Silent, yamaha a beaucoup travaill sur la qualit musical du sondu piano. Pour ce faire, Yamaha a us de toutes dernires technologies pour arriver retrasncrire avec fidlit, la tonalit, la dynamique, la rverbration, et l'interprtationgnrale du pianiste lorsqu'il joue au casque.

    Echantillonnage numrique du CFX "Binaural": Pour la premire fois, le systme Silenta fait appel au nouveau piano queue de concert Yamaha CFX pour son chantillonage

    Type SHUn Silent PianoTM est d'abord un piano acoustique de grande qualit. C'est aussi uninstrument dot d'une technologie exceptionnelle permettant le jeu au casque. Cetteavance technique, sans cesse en progrs, propose des sonorits d'une trs grandequalit. Cet instrument est ddi aux amoureux de la musique.

    Un piano que vous pouvez utiliser quand vous voulez et quigarantie le toucher naturel d'un piano queue traditionnel. Lenouveau Silent PianoTMYamaha apporte de nouvelles amliora-tions et de nouvelles fontionnalits.

    Seule la technologie Yamaha permet de prserver le toucher d'unpiano queue traditionnel lorsque ce dernier est en mode Silent

    Les points cls permettant de conserver le toucher du piano en mode Silent.

    Les capteurs sous les touches: Sous chacune des 88 notes, Yamaha a install descapteurs laser niveau de gris. Ils permettent de calculer les mouvements, en continu,de l'enfoncement et relev de la note. L'interprtation du pianiste est ainsi fidlementcalcule. Ces capteurs sont sans contact et ne gne en rien l'enfoncement naturel dela touche.

    Les capteurs au niveau des marteaux: Les pianos Silent Yamaha sont quips de capteurssur les marteaux qui permettent de dtecter de manire prcise un toucher trs lent oudes trilles trs rapides. Ces capteurs sont sans contact et ne gnent en rien l'enfoncementnaturel de la touche. ( l'exception du GB1 SG2 Silent).

    Systme Quick escape: Le systme Quick escape est un systme exclusif Yamahapermettant de garder la mme distance d'chappement en mode acoustique ou enmode Silent. Ceci garantit au pianiste un toucher identique lorsqu'il souhaite jouer aucasque. Fondamental lorsqu'on possde un piano queue !

    With st ereo sampling from the world-renowned CFIIIS concert grand, YamahasSG2 Type delivers rich resonance and an element of luxury. Ten voices, includingharpsichord, pipe organ and strings, provide a wide range of musical expression.Built-in recording and playback functions, a USB port and 50 well-known demosongs pre-installed in the internal memory bring added entertainment andconvenience.

    SG2 Type

    Avec ses chantillonnages en stro du piano queue CFS, le Yamaha Type SG2offre une rsonance riche ainsi quune dimension luxueuse. Dix sonorits dont clavecin,grand orgue et instruments cordes offrent une large palette d'expressions musicales.Ses fonctions denregistrement et de reproduction intgres ainsi quun port USB et50 morceaux connus pr-installs en mmoire ajoutent sa valeur de divertissementet son caractre pratique.

    Type SG2

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    Capteur fibre optique 2 points sans contact

    Pdale forte : capteur dtection continuePdale sostenuto : capteur dtection on/offPdale douce : capteur dtection on/offBute de manche de marteau actionnepar moteur entranementMcanisme de dgagement rapide (QuickEscape)chantillonnage stro AWM

    Capteur optique de dtection continue sans contact

    25619 (dual 3)

    480 voix XG + 12 kits de batterie / SFX

    chantillonnage binaural CFX

    Systmede capteur






    Consommation lectrique



    Moteur son(piano)

    Effets depiano

    256MBRoom / Hall 1 / Hall 2 / Stage414,8Hz 468,8HzOuiOui53(50 classiques favoris + 3 dmos de piano)


    Oui (WAV)

    Mini-prise jack stro x 2OuiMini-prise jack stroPrise jack x 2Oui17W (DC 12V CC)


    30MBRoom / Hall 1 / Hall 2 / Stage65 +65 niveauxOui

    Capteur optique de dtection continue sans contact

    -Pdale forte: capteur de dtection continuePdale de changement /pdale douce: capteur de dtection marche-arrt

    Bute de manche de marteau actionnepar levier manuelMcanisme de dgagement rapide (QuickEscape)chantillonnage stro AWM

    chantillonnage CFIIIS

    Effet de rsonance de la pdale forte


    -50 greats for the Piano(50 grands classiques pour le piano)



    Jack stro x 2Oui

    Mini-jack stro


    8W (DC12V CC)

    chantillons de relev de touches (Key-off Samples), resonance descordes (String Resonance), chantillons de maintien (SustainSamples), rsonance pdale forte (Damper Resonance)

    Type SH (GC1/GC2/C1X/C2X/C3X/C5X/C6X/C7X)

    SG2 (GB1)

    Capteur de toucheCapteur de marteau

    Capteurs de pdale




    Polyphonie (max.)Nombre de voixSlection de voix (Lecture)

    RverbrationCommande de hauteur de son

    Commande de variation de voix


    Enregistrement/Lecture MIDIIEnregistrementaudio USBCasque d'couteMIDI IN/OUT

    AUX IN/OUTSortie du haut-parleur


    Noncontact 2-point optical fiber sensor

    Damper pedal: continuous detection sensorSostenuto pedal: ON/OFF detection sensorShift pedal: ON/OFF detection sensor

    Hammer shank stopper operated by motor drive

    Quick Escape mechanism

    AWM Stereo Sampling

    Noncontact continuous detection optical sensor


    19(dual 3)

    480 XG Voices +12 Drum / SFX kits

    CFX Binaural Sampling



    Internal Tone

    Wave Memory



    Power Consumption



    Sound Engine(Piano)


    Key SensorHammer Sensor




    Polyphony (max)Number of Voices

    Voice Selection(Playback)

    ReverbPitch Control

    Voice Variation Switch


    Preset SongsMIDI Recording/Playback

    USBAudio Recoreder

    HeadphonesMIDI IN/OUT

    AUX IN/OUTSpeaker Output



    Room / Hall 1 / Hall 2 / Stage

    414.8Hz to 468.8Hz


    53 (50 greats for the Piano + 3 piano demo)Yes

    Yes (WAV)

    Mini Stereo jack x 2


    Mini Stereo jack

    Phone jack x 2


    17W (DC 12V)



    Room / Hall 1 / Hall 2 / Stage

    -65 to +65centYes


    AC adapter, Headphones, Headphones holder,Owner's manual, Music book "50 greats for the Piano"

    Noncontact continuous detection optical sensor-

    Damper pedal: continuous detection sensorShift pedal: ON/OFF detection sensor

    Hammer shank stopper operated by silencing lever

    Quick Escape mechanism

    AWM Stereo Sampling

    CFIIIS Sampling

    Damper pedal resonance effect


    50 (50 greats for the Piano)Yes


    Stereo jack x 2


    Mini Stereo jack



    8W (DC12V)

    AC adapter, Headphones, Headphones holder,Owner's manual

    Key-off Samples, String Resonance, SustainSamples, Damper Resonance

    TypeSH (GC1/GC2/C1X/C2X/C3X/C5X/C6X/C7X) SG2 (GB1)

    Adaptateur CA, Casque d'coute, Support de casqued'coute, Manuel de l'utilisateur, Recueil de partitions 50greats for the Piano (50 grands classiques pour le piano)

    Adaptateur CA, Casque dcoute, Support de casquedcoute, Manuel de lutilisateur

    The Yamaha QuickEscape action automatically optimizes hammerescapement for normal and Silent PianoTM play, ensuring naturalkeyboard touch and response in either mode of play.

    Le systme QuickEscape de Yamaha amliore le retour dumarteau en mode Normal et en mode Silent PianoMD, assurantun toucher et un niveau de rponse naturels du clavier.

    Hammer shankstopper

    Grayscalekey sensor


    Tone generator


    Hammer sensor

    Quick escape system / Systme Quick escape CFX Binaural Sampling/ Echantillonnage numrique du CFX "Binaural"Normal mode

    Silent PianoTMmode

    Electronic control unit (SG2 Type)Unit de contrle lectronique (Type SG2)

    Electronic control unit (SH Type)Unit de contrle lectronique (Type SH)

    SHType / Type SH

    SG2Type / Type SG2

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    By combining technology with tradition, Disklavier E3 and E3PRO digital/acoustic grandpianos offer a whole new way to explore and appreciate music.With superb listen-play-record capabilities, these instruments represent the ultimate inentertainment systems.

    Turn your living room into a concert hall with Disklavier pianos. Adjust the volume on anyDisklavier piano to hear whisper-soft sounds that never disturb others but still retainYamaha's renowned clarity.Expand your listening pleasure through Internet Direct Connection (IDC) and Disklavier-Radio that let you receive uninterrupted streams of music from the Internet on over 20different channels. The Disklavier E3 even comes with over 400 song choices on exclusiveYamaha CDs, ready to perform complete with moving keys and pedals and you'll havethe best seat in the house for listening.

    An Exqu isite B lend of Digital Technology andAcoustic Piano Cra ftsmanship

    Alliant technologie et tradition, les pianos queue numriques/acoustiques Disklavier E3 etE3PRO offrent une toute nouvelle manire d'explorer et d'apprcier la musique. Lesfantastiques fonctions d'coute, de jeu et d'enregistrement de ces instruments en fontd'ailleurs de pures perles de divertissement musical.

    Une fusion exquise mlant la technologie numrique etlaconnaissance de la facture du piano acoustique

    Many of the E3s basic functionsmain volume, song playback start/stop,music media selection, DisklavierRadio playback, and more can becontrolled via Wi-Fi with the iPhone/iPad/iPod touch application*,available from App StoreSM.

    * Works only with Disklavier E3 Series Version 3.0 or later and is not included with E3 purchase.Apple device and E3 must be connected to same Wi-Fi network. For more information, please visit AppStoreSM. iPhone/iPad/iPod touch Disklavier Controller (not included)

    Disklavier E3 control via iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

    De nombreuses fonctions lmentaires de lE3 volume gnral, dmarrage/arrt de lecturede plage, slection du support musical, lecture DisklavierRadio ainsi que dautres fonctions peuvent tre pilotes via Wi-Fi grce lapplication* pour iPhone/iPad/iPod touch disponible sur lApp StoreSM.

    * Application uniquement compatible avec la Version 3.0 ou les versions ultrieures de la srie Disklavier E3et non fournie avec lE3. Le dispositif Apple et lE3 doivent tre connects sur le mme rseau Wi-Fi.Pour plus de renseignements, visitez lApp Store SM.Contleur de Disklavier pour iPhone/iPad/iPod touch (non fourni)

    Pilotage de Disklavier E3 via iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

    LISTEN: Bring Music to Your Ears

    Les pianos Disklavier se font un plaisir de transformer votre salon en salle deconcerts. Chaque piano Disklavier comporte bien entendu une commande devolume qui vous permet de jouer sans jamais dranger votre entourage-imaginezdes sons aussi doux qu'un murmure et offrant cette extraordinaire clart qui fait larenomme de Yamaha. Les fonctions de connexion directe Internet (InternetDirect Connection) et DiskiavierRadio offrent l'accs un flux continu demusique sur internet via plus de 20 chanes diffrentes, pour un plaisir d'couretoujours rehauss et plus vari.Le Disklavier E3 est mme accompagn d'une impressionnante slection de plus de400 titres sur CD exclusifs compils par Yamaha. Choisissez le fauteuil le plusconfortable de votre salon et voyagez dans cette slection musicale en regardantd'un oeil admiratif votre piano actionner lui-mme ses touches et pdales.

    COUTEZ: Faitesdu touches oreilles

    Disklavier pianos are much more than just high-quality acoustic pianos with the refinedtouch, tone, and craftsmanship of a traditional Yamaha instrument; they also boastYamaha's digital music technology, making it delightfully easy to enhance your playingpleasure and prowess with specially recorded digital accompaniment. On the Disklavier E3,simple and easy controls-including a logically laid-out remote and a cutting-edge organicelectro-luminescent display panel-let you quickly and effortlessly enjoy everything theinstrument has to offer.

    PLAY: Create Your Own Musical Moments

    Les instruments de la gamme Disklavier sont bien sr des pianos acoustiques de qualitrigoureuse, offrant la facture, le toucher et le son raffins de tout instrument traditionnelYamaha. Mais ils sont encore bien plus que cela, grce la technologie numriquedveloppe par Yamaha: ces fantastiques outils musicaux rehaussent avec une facilitincroyable votre plaisir de jeu mais aussi vos progrs au travers d'accompagnementsnumriques spcialement enregistrs pour votre plus grand plaisir.

    Le Disklavier E3 possde des command. Es simples et d'utilisation facile

    notamment unetlcommande bien organise et un cran "high tech" organique lectroluminescentquivouspermettent d'accder rapidement et sans effort toutes les fonctions de l'instrument.

    JOUEZ : Crez vos propre s moments musicaux

    RECORD: Preserve Your Musical Memories

    Grce leur fonction d'enregistrement et une capacit de stockage gnreuse, les pianosDisklavier vous permettent de capturer, conserver et reproduire vos moments les plusmmorables au piano avec une prcision poustouflanted'une simple pression sur unbouton. En outre, le Disklavier E3 vous permet d'couter vos morceaux favoris enregistrssur des sources externes en branchant simplement une cl USB. Afin de recrer fidlementtoute la magie de vos interprtations, vous disposez d'une fonction de synchronization

    automatique PianoSmart qui vous permet de revivre ces grands moments musicaux touten son et en images. Il vous suffit de brancher un camscope ordinaire un enregistreur deDVD et de relier ce dernier votre piano Disklavier: vous voil par pour capturer votre jeudans une squence vido offrant une synchronisation parfaite du son et de l'image via votreDisklavier et un tlviseur standard.

    ENREGISTREZ: Conservez prcieusement vos souvenirs musicaux

    With recording capability and plenty of built-in digital storage, Disklavier pianos cancapture, keep, and recreate piano performances with incredible precision andtouch-button ease. And with the Disklavier E3, listening to your favorite songs recordedoff external sources is as easy as plugging in a USB memory stick.For the ultimate enjoyment of past performances, PianoSmart video synchronizationlets you simultaneously relive both the sights and sounds of cherished musical memories.Simply connect a standard video camera to a DVD recorder and then connect thatrecorder to a Disklavier piano to record your performances for perfectly synchronizedvideo and acoustic piano playback on a standard TV monitor and the Disklavier.

    iPhone/iPad/iPod touch

    Disklavier Controller & E3 Controller

    Disklavier Controller E3 Controller

    With Yamaha CDs, the

    Disklavier E3 is always

    ready to perform

    Avec les CD Yamaha, le

    Disklavier E3 est toujours

    prt se produire

    IDC registration website:

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    21 22

    Stockage dedonnes

    Model DGB1E3DGC1E3/DGC2E3/DC1XE3/DC2XE3


    Silent PianoTMSystem Motor-driven hammer shank stopper (switch control)

    Noncontact optical fiber/shuttersensing system

    DSP servo drive system (servocontrolled solenoids)

    DSP servo drive system (servocontrolled solenoids)

    Noncontact optical fiber/grayscaleshutter sensing system

    DSP servo drive system( high-power servocontrolled solenoids

    with supersensitive magnetic sensor)


    Key sensors Noncontact optical fiber/grayscale shutter sensing system for 88 keys (senses the key position, keying velocity, and key releasing velocity)

    Hammer Sensors

    Pedal SensorsDamper & shift pedals: Noncontact optical position-sensing system Sostenuto pedal:

    Optical ON/OFF detection sensing system

    Damper & shift pedals: Noncontactdigital optical position-sensing system

    Sostenuto pedal: Optical ON/OFFdetection sensing system

    128 MB

    Audio CD (CD-DA), Data CD (ISO 9660 Level1-compliant)

    FAT16 or FAT32 format Yamaha does not assure the operation of the commercially available USB flash memories.

    FAT32 format Yamaha does not assure the operation of the commercially available USB hard disks.

    Standard MIDI File (SMF) format 0, Standard MIDI File (SMF) format 1, E-SEQ format

    PianoSoft (Solo), PianoSoftPlus, PianoSoftPlusAudio, SmartPianoSoft, SmartKey (CueTIME)

    CD (read only)

    20 W 2 with tone and volume controls

    10 cm (3-15/16) woofer 2, 2.2 cm (7/8) tweeter 2

    144 236 167 mm (5-11/16 9-5/16 6-9/16) 2

    4.4 kg (9.70 lb) 2



    292 49 216 mm (11-1/2 1-15/16 8-1/2)

    2.7 kg (5.95 lb)



    Set at A=440 Hz, tunable -50 to +50 cents in 1 cent increments

    Advanced Wave Memory 2 (AWM2)

    32 notes (max.)

    Piano (digital stereo sampling)

    Room, Hall1, Hall2 (depth controllable)

    Advanced Wave Memory 2 (AWM2)

    32 notes (max.)

    16 parts

    XG, GM

    676 voices (480 voices can be used for playing)

    21 kits (11 kits can be used for playing)Local AC current, 120V, 60 Hz



    Internal Memory

    Compact Disc

    USB Flash Memory

    USB Hard Disk


    Dimensions (WHD)


    Rated Power Output


    Dimensions (WHD)







    Reverb Type




    Ensemble Parts

    Voice Module Modes

    Normal Voices

    Drum Voices


    Data Storage



    File Format



    Song Format




    Pitch Control




    Power Source

    Supplied Accessories

    Control unit (1), control unit suspension

    bracket (1), monitor speaker (2), remotecontrol (1), sample PianoSoft CD

    software (2), operation manual (1),PianoSoft CD song list (1), music book

    50 greats for the Piano (1)

    Control unit (1), control unit suspension bracket (1), monitor speaker (2), remote

    control (1), stereo headphone (1), sample PianoSoft CD software (2), operation manual(1), PianoSoft CD song list (1), music book 50 greats for the Piano (1)






    Model DGB1E3DGC1E3/DGC2E3/




    Systme de Silent PianoTM Bouchon du tibia du marteau moteur (contrle du changement)

    Systme obturateur de dtection

    fibre optique sans contact

    Systme dentranement servocommande DSP (solenodes servocommands)

    Systme obturateur de dtection

    fibre optique/gamme de gris sans contact

    Systme dentranement servocommande

    DSP (solnodes servocommande grande

    puissance avec capteur magntique ultra-sensible)

    Systme dedtecteur

    Dtecteurs de toucheSystme obturateur de dtection fibre optique sans contact/chelle de gris pour 88 touches(dtecte la position de touche, la vlocit de touche ct la vitesse de relchement de touche)

    Dtecteurs de marteau

    Dtecteurs de pdalePdales forte et douce: Systme de dtection de position optique sans contact

    Pdale sostenuto: Systme de detection active/dsactive optique

    Pdales forte et douce:Systme de dtection

    de position optique numrique sans contactPdale sostenuto: Systme de detection

    active/dsactive optique

    128 Mo

    CD audio (CD-DA), CD de donnes (ISO 9660 Level1-compatible)

    Format FAT16 ou FAT32 Yamaha ne garantit pas le fonctionnement des mmoires flash USB disponibles dans le commerce.

    Format FAT32 Yamaha ne garantit pas le fonctionnement des disques durs USB disponibles dans le commerce.

    Format Standard MIDI File (SMF) 0, Format Standard MIDI File (SMF) 1, Format E-SEQ

    PianoSoft (Solo), PianoSoftPlus, PianoSoftPlusAudio, SmartPianoSoft, SmartKey (CueTIME)

    CD (lecture seule)

    20 W 2 avec commandes de tonalit et de volume

    Woofer de 10 cm(3-15/16) 2, tweeter de 2,2 cm(7/8) 2

    144 236 167 mm (5-11/16 9-5/16 6-9/16) 2

    4.4 kg (9.70 lb) 2


    292 49 216 mm (11-1/2 1-15/16 8-1/2)

    2.7 kg (5.95 lb)




    Paramtr sur A=440 Hz, accordable 50 +50 cents par incrment de 1 cent

    Advanced Wave Memory 2 (AWM2)

    32 notes (maxi.)

    Piano (chantillonnage stro numrique)

    Room, Hall1, Hall2 (profondeur contrlable)

    Advanced Wave Memory 2 (AWM2)

    32 notes (maxi.)

    16 Parties

    XG, GM

    676 voix (480 voix peuvent tre utilises pour jouer)

    21 kits (11 kits peuvent tre utiliss pour jouer)

    Courant alternatif local, 120V, 60 Hz



    Mmoire interne

    Disque compact

    Mmoire Flash USB

    Disque dur USB


    Dimensions (L H P)


    Puissance de sortie



    Dimensions (L H P)







    Type de rverbration




    Parties densemble

    Modes de module de voix

    Voix normales

    Voix de batterie

    Systme de



    Format de fichier

    Unit decommande

    Format de chanson




    Commande de hauteur de son




    Source dalimentation lectrique

    Accessoires fournis



    Systme dentranement servocommande DSP (solenodes servocommands)


    Unit de commande (1), haut-parleur de

    contrle (2), tlcommande (1), CD delogiciel PianoSoft chantillon (2), manuel

    de lutilisateur (1), liste de chansonsPianoSoft sur CD (1), recueil de

    partitions 50 greats for the Piano (1)

    Unit de commande (1), haut-parleur de contrle (2), tlcommande (1), casque stro

    (1), CD de logiciel PianoSoft chantillon (2), manuel de lutilisateur (1), liste dechansons PianoSoft sur CD (1), recueil de partitions 50 greats for the Piano (1)

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    A leading choice of the finest schools andconservatories, Yamaha grands are equally prominent on stage at international piano competitionsand performing arts organizations around the world.

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    23 24

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    Polished Ebony Noir brillant


    . . . . . . . . .Polished Mahogany Acajou brillant . . . . . . . . .Polished White Blanc brillant . . . . . . . .Satin Ebony Noir satin

    . . . . . . . .Satin American Walnut Noyer amricain satin . . . . . . . .Polished American Walnut Noyer amricain brillant .

    Cabinet Finishes

    Finish Color Sample Models Modles GB1 GC1 GC2 C3ST C1X C2X C3X C5X C6X C7X


  • 7/26/2019 SCatalogue Queue


    25 26

    Models Modles GB1 GC1 GC2 C3ST C1X C2X C3X C5X C6 X C7 X



    Solid brass

    single casters roulettes simples


    (Type ST)Ivorite

    (ST Type)

    Solid brass double casters

    roulettes doublesCaster Roulette

    Nombre de positions

    du pupitre

    Disponible en version:

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    GP CATALOG (Europe Ed 2012)


    P400R2EF Websi te

    P 1 0 0 2 5 1 6 2