Shabbat Morning B’Mitzvah Siddur 5781 - Shir Tikvah

Post on 16-Oct-2021

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ONE: Modeh/Modah Ani

Modeh/Modah ani lefanekha, melekh h. ai vekayam, sheheh. ezarta bi nishmati beh. emlah, rabbah emunatekha.

We are thankful to You, living and eternal sovereign! With compassion and great faithfulness, You restore my soul

TWO: Talit Blessing

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam Asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hitateif batzitzit

Blessed are you, Adonai, our God, Who keeps us holy with mitzvot and who has instructed us to wrap ourselves in tzitzit.

THREE: Mah Tovu

Mah tovu ohalekha ya’akov, mishk’notekha Israel.

Your tents look really good, Jacob! And Israel, so do your dwelling places.

Shabbat Morning B’Mitzvah Siddur


FOUR: Psalm 150


Halleluyah. Hallelu El Bekodsho Halleluhu Birkia Uzo Halleluhu Bigvurotav Halleluhu Kerov Gudlo. Halleluhu Beteika Shofar Halleluhu Beneivel Vechinor. Halleluhu Betoph U’Machol Halleluhu Beminim Veugav. Halleluhu Betziltzilei Shama Halleluhu Betziltzilei Teruah. Kol Haneshama Tehallel Yah Halleluyah

Praise God in the sanctuary; praise God’s power. Praise the Holy One for mighty acts and abundant greatness . Praise the Eternal One with the blast of the shofar and with the harp. Praise God with the timbrel and dance, with stringed instruments and the pipe. Praise the Holy One with the joyous-sounding cymbals.Let everything that has breath praise God. Hallelujah!

FIVE: Barchu

Bar’chu et Adonai Ha”m’vorach. Barukh Adonai HaM’vorach L’olam va-ed.

Blessed is Adonai, Source of blessing Blessed is Adonai, source of blessing, For all time.

SIX: Yotzer Or

Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam, yotzeir or uvorei h. oshekh, oseh shalom uvorei et hakol.

Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Creator of light and darkness, who makes peace and creates all things.


SEVEN: Shema

Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu Adonai eh. ad. Barukh Shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed.

Listen up, Israel! Adonai is God! Adonai is One! Blessed is the Name whose glorious majesty is forever and ever

EIGHT: V’ahavta

Ve-ahavta et Adonai Elohekha, bekhol levavekha

uvkhol nafshekha uvkhol me-odekha.

Vehayu hadevarim ha-eileh,

asher anokhi metzavekha hayom, al levavekha.

Veshinantam levanekha, vedibarta bam,

beshivtekha beveitekha, uvlekhtekha vaderekh,

uveshokhbekha uvkumekha.

Ukshartam le-ot al yadekha,

vehayu letotafot bein einekha.

Ukhtavtam al mezuzot beitekha, uvish’arekha.

Love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. Take these words that I command today and keep them in your heart. Teach them to your children. Talk about them in your home and on your way, before you go to sleep and when you wake up. Put them as a special sign on your hand, and make them a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Lema’an tizkeru va’asitem et-kol-mitzvotai vehaytem kedoshim le-elohekhem: Ani Adonai Eloheikhem asher hotzeiti etkhem me-eretz mitzrayim liyihot lakhem lelohim Ani Adonai Eloheikhem:

Thus you shall be reminded to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God. I am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I, am your God


NINE: Mi Chamocha

Mi khamokhah ba-eilim Adonai, mi kamokhah nedar bakodesh, nora tehilot oseh fele.Shirah eadashah shibeh. u ge-ulim leshimkha al sefat hayam,yaead kulam hodu vehimlikhu ve-ameru:Adonai yimlokh le’olam va’ed.Tzur Israel, kumah be’ezrat Israel, ufdeih khin-umekha yehudah ve-Israel.Go-aleinu Adonai tzeva-ot shemo, kedosh Israel.Barukh atah Adonai, ga-al Israel.

Who is like you among the mighty, Adonai?Who is like you, adorned in holiness, awesome in praise, performing wonders?At the seashore with a new song, the redeemed people praised your name. Together, as one, they gave thanks and proclaimed your sovereignty. “Adonai will reign forever and ever”Rock of Israel, arise to help IsraelFulfill Your promise to liberate Judah and Israel,Our redeemer whose name is AdonaiBlessed are You, Adonai, redeemer of Israel.


TEN: Amidah

Eternal God, open up my lips that my mouth may declare your praises.

Adonai s’fatai tiftah. , ufi yagid t’hilatekha

Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu vElohei avoteinu ve-imoteinu,Elohei Avraham Elohei Yitzh. ak vElohei Ya’akov,Elohei Sarah Elohei Rivkah Elohei Raiel vElohei Le-ah,Ha-eil hagadol hagibor vehanora eil elyon, gomeil h. asadim tovim vikoneih hakol, vezokher iasdei avot ve-imahot, umeivi go-eil livnei veneihem, lema’an shemo be-ahavah.Melekh ozeir (ufoked) umoshi’a umagein. Barukh atah Adonai, magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah.

Atah gibor le’olam Adonai, meh. ayeh metim atah, rav lehoshi’a. morid hatalMekhalkeil h. ayim beh. esed, meh. ayeih meitim berah. amim rabim, someikh nofelim, verofeih h. olim, umatir asurim, umkayeim emunato lisheinei afar.Mi khamokha ba’al gevurot, umi domeh lakh, melekh meimit umh. ayeh umatzmiah. yeshu’ah.Vene-eman atah lehah. ayot metim.Barukh atah Adonai, meh. ayeih hameitim.


Nekadesh et shimkha ba-’olam keshem shemakdishim oto bishmei marom Kakatuv al yad neviyecha vekara ze el ze ve-amarKadosh, kadosh, kadosh Adonai tzevaot melo kol ha-aretz kevodo.Adir adireinu, Adonai Adoneinu mah adir shimkha bekhol ha-aretzBarukh kevod Adonai mimekomoEchad hu eloheinu, hu avinu, hu malkeinu, hu moshi’einu, vehu yashmi’einu berachamav le’einei kol chai.Ani Adonai elohechem.Yimlokh Adonai le’olam, elohaiyikh tzion ledor vador hallelujah.

Ledor vador nagid godlekha ulenetzach netzachim kedushatkha nakdish, veshivchakha, eloheinu mipinu lo yamush le’olam va’ed.Barukh atah Adonai, hael hakadosh.

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God and God of our ancestorsGod of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob; God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of LeahGreat, mighty, awesome, exalted God who bestows loving-kindnessCreator of all, who remembers the piety of our ancestors and who brings a redeemer to their children’s childrenFor the sake of Your name, with love.Sovereign, helper, deliverer, shield.

Blessed are You, Adonai, Abraham’s Shield and Sarah’s Helper.

You are mighty forever, AdonaiYou give life to all, the powerful One to deliver us.(From Sukkot to Pesah) You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall / (From Pesah to Sukkot) You cause the dew to fallYour love sustains the living, Your great mercies give life to the dead. Supporter of the fallen, healer of the sick, releaser of the imprisoned, You keep your faith with those who sleep in the dust.Whose power can compare with yours? You are the master of life and death and deliverance and you are faithful in giving life to the dead. Blessed are you, Adonai, who gives life to all..We will sanctify Your name in the world as it is sanctified in the highest heavens. As it was in your prophet’s vision: And they called to one another and said:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Adonai of hosts, whose glory fills the whole world. Then, with loud noise, mighty and strong they make their voices heard, rising up to give blessing:

Blessed is the glory of Adonai from God’s place in the universe.

Our sovereign, You will reveal Yourself and reign over us. We yearn for you—when will you rule in Zion? May it be soon, and may you dwell there forever. You will be exalted and sanctified in Jeursalem, Your city, through all generations into eternity. May our eyes see Your sovereignty, as it is said in songs of splendor, in the psalms of David:

Adonai will reign forever — God, Zion, from generation to generation. Hallelujah!From generation to generation, we will declare your greatness and sanctify Your holiness to all eternity.

Your praise, our God, will never leave our mouths for you are the almighty sovereign, great and holy. Blessed are You, Adonai, the almighty, holy One.


ELEVEN: Oseh Shalom

Oseh shalom bim’romav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu, ve’al kol yisrael, v’al kol yoshvei teivel, ve’imru amen.

May the One who makes peace in the high heavens make peace upon us, upon all Israel, and upon all those who dwell in this world, and we say: Amen.

TWELVE: Torah Service

Ki mitzyon teitzei Torah, udvar Adonai mirushalayim. Barukh shenatan Torah, le’amo Israel bikdushato.

(Leader, then congregation) Shema Israel Adonai Eloheinu Adonai eh. ad.

(Leader, then congregation) Eh. ad Eloheinu gadol adoneinu kadosh shemo.

(Leader) Gadelu lAdonai iti unromh. mah shemo yah. dav.

Here is the Torah going forth from Jerusalem!Blessed is Torah, the voice of our people. Listen Israel: There is unity in the world. God is one and God’s name is one.


THIRTEEN: Blessing before the reading of the Torah

The Blesser Says: Barekhu et Adonai hamevorakh.Congregation: Barukh Adonai hamevorakh le’olam va’ed.Blesser: Barukh Adonai hamevorakh le’olam va’ed.Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam, asher bah. ar banu mikol ha’amim, venatan lanu et torato.Barukh atah Adonai, notein hatorah.

Praise the One to whom our praise is due! Praised be the One to whom our praise is due, now and for ever! We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You have called us to Your service by giving us the Torah. We praise You, O God, Giver of the Torah.

FOURTEEN: Blessing after the reading of the Torah:

Blesser: Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha’olam,asher natan lanu torat emet, veh. ayei olam nata betokheinu.Barukh atah Adonai, notein hatorah.

Blessed are You, Creator, for giving us a Torah of Truth for which to seek the sparks of life’s purpose. Blessed are You Giver of Torah.


FIFTEEN: Mi Shebeirach for Healing

Mi shebeirach avoteinu v’imoteinu Avraham, Yitzchak v’Yaakov, Sara, Rivkah, Rachel, v’Leah, hu y’vareich virapei et hacholim. HaKadosh barukh hu yimalei rachamim aleihem, l’hachalimam ulerapotam, l’hachazikam ulhachayotam; v’yishlach lahem m’heirah r’fuah shleimah, b’toch sh’a hacholim - r’fuat hanefesh, urefuat haguf - hashta baagala uvizman kariv. V’nomar: Amen

May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah bless and heal all who are ill:

May the Holy Blessed One overflow with compassion upon them, to restore them, to heal and strengthen them. May they know speedily a complete healing — healing of the soul and healing of the body — without delay, and let us all say: Amen!

SIXTEEN: Etz Chayim Hi

Eitz h. ayim hi lamah. azikim bah, vetomekheiha me-ushar.Derakheiha darkhei no’am, vekhol netivoteiha shalom.Hashiveinu Adonai elekha venashuvah, h. adeish yameinu kekedem.

Torah is a tree of life and those who hold it with love and tenderness find boundless joy and holy insight.


vahasheivota el levavekha, ki Adonai hu ha-elohim bashamayim mima’al ve’al ha-aretz mitah. at, ein od. … Vene-emar: vehaya Adonai lemelekh al kol ha-aretz, bayom hahu yihye Adonai eh. ad ushmo eh. ad.

We place these words upon our hearts and acknowledge You are Our Eternal Source of Life.


EIGHTEEN: Mourners Kaddish

Yitgadal veyitkadash shemeih raba (amen) be’alema di vera khir’uteh, veyamlikh malkhuteh, beh. ayeikhon uvyomeikhon uvh. ayei dekhol beit Israel,ba’agala uvizman kariv. Ve-imru: amen.

Yehei shemeih raba mevarakh le’alam ul’alemei alemaya.

Yitbarakh veyishtabah. veyitpa-ar veyitromam veyitnasei,Veyit-hadar veyit’ale veyit-halal shemeih dekudsha,berikh hu le’eila (ul’eila mikol) min kol birkhata veshirata,tushbeh. ata veneh. emata, da-amiran be’alema. Ve-imru: amen.

Yehei shelama raba min shemaya,veh. ayim aleinu ve’al kol Israel. Ve-imru: amen.

Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’ase shalom aleinu,ve’al kol Israel, ve’al kol yoshevei teiveil. Ve-imru: amen.

Let the glory of God be extolled [Amen].Let God’s great name be hallowed in the world whose creation Adonai willed.May God’s Sovereignty soon prevail in our own day, our own lives,and in the life of all Israel, and let us say: Amen.

Let God’s great name be blessed forever and ever.

Let the name of the Holy Blessed One be glorified, exalted, and honored,though Adonai is beyond all the praises, songs, and adorations that we can utter,and let us say: Amen.

May peace abundant descend from heaven,with a good life for us and for all Israel, and let us say: Amen.

May God, who makes peace on high, bring peace to us, to all Israel,and to all those who live on earth, and let us say: Amen.



Barukh Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melekh Haolam borei p’ri ha-gafen.

Blessed are You, Creator of the Universe, Who brings forth fruit from the vine.


Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, haMotzi lechem min haaretz.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who brings forth bread from the earth

Shir Tikvah Rabbis and Staff:

Mazal Tov! Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Michael Adam LatzRabbi Arielle Lekach-RosenbergRabbi Debra Rappaport

Forrest S. YesnesDirector of Youth & Family Education

Alison OligExecutive Director

Nikolina Erickson-GuntherClergy Assistant & Communications Manager

Carmen JohnsonFacilities Manager

Sara LahyaniDirector of Membership and Events

Courtney NguyenFinance Manager