Social Media

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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62% of facebook users (Guardian, 2013) and 80% of twitter users (twitter, 2014) do so on their mobiles... what does this mean if bad customer experiences are received?

Consumer-generated Media

... consider the level of trust attributed to other, more traditional, marketing media

72% of online consumers use online reviews and similar prior to making purchasing decisions

which may be linked to organisations, brands, products, experiences, offers and more

setting up their own blogs and similar (however, this can backfire... just ask Sony!)

however, CGM is NOT representative of the whole consumer audience… just a very vocal, informative and influential group

visit sites such as…

visit reddit, digg or delicious and see where you’re tagged or discussed



who are your customers?

who are the consumer generated media creators and critics ?

start monitoring key areas, brands, new products, service encounters...

draw on experience and skills internally, outsource if need be

have a skilled and dedicated ‘interpreter’ accessed Nov16th 2014

Social Media Revolution, Eric Qualman, Socialnomics online, November accessed 22nd October 2014

How Companies are Using Social Media to Make Better Decisions, Author: Mat Fogarty Accessed

C. Li and J. Bernoff, 2011. Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Tomaiuolo, N, 2009. U-Content. Searcher; May 2009, Vol. 17, Issue 5, p34-54

Accenture, Global Consumer Research Executive Summary, 2011