Sour Pickles_ a Simple Recipe — Nourished Kitchen

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    SOUR PICKLESJuly 29, 2009 by Jenny 99 Comments

    Sour picklesare a mainstay at our summer dinner table. Naturally fermented, sour pickles

    are rich in beneficial bacteria and food enzymes, offering a dairy-free source of probiotics.

    Vinegar pickles lack the beneficial bacteria and many of the heat-sensitive vitamins found

    G E T T I N G S T A R T E D R E C I P E S C O O K B O O K M E A L P L A N S & C L A S S E S

    S H O P P I N G G U I D E E V E N T S C O N T A C T

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    in traditional, sour pickles. You see, real pickles are naturally fermented through lactic acid

    fermentation a process that conveys many benefits by encouraging the proliferation of

    beneficial bacteria.

    Just as unrefined sea salt is used to prepare a traditional sauerkraut, unrefined sea salt is

    likewise used to prepare traditional sour pickles. While many traditionally fermented

    vegetables require pounding vegetables long enough for them to release their juices which

    then combine with unrefined sea salt to create a brine, in preparing sour pickles, you

    prepare the brine separately and pour it over cucumbers and seasonings. This brine helps

    to keep pathogenic bacteria at bay while encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria

    which metabolize the vegetables natural sugars and produce lactic and acetic acids as a by

    product. This is why sour pickles, traditionally prepared, salty without the addition of

    vinegar to the preparation.

    I like to season them heavily with garlic and dill while alternating the more subtle flavors by

    using pickling spice or even dried hot peppers. The benefit of using garlic in your sour

    pickle recipe is that not only do you finish the week with true, delicious salty and sour

    pickles, but you also get to enjoy pickled garlic with all of its flavor coupled with thiamin as

    well as vitamins C, K and B6.
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    2,6 milCurtir Tweet 29 12



    1 Gallon Organic, Unwaxed Pickling Cucumbers

    2 Big Bunches Organic Dill

    2 Large Bulbs of Organic Garlic

    3-4 Tbsps Pickling Spice

    5-6 Tbsp Unrefined Sea Salt

    1 Horseradish Leaf


    1. The first step in making sour pickles is to thoroughly soak the pickling cucumbers in

    chilly water. This is a very necessary step unless you picked your cucumbers that

    day as it helps to perk them up a bit before the fermeting begans.

    2. Next, youll want to makes sure all stems and flowery ends have been removed as

    either may contribute an off-flavor to the sour pickles. Make sure your pickling

    cucumbers are throughly scrubbed and clean.

    3. Peel each bulb of garlic and use only the best and freshest cloves of garlic to season

    the sour pickles.

    4. Add the pickling cucumbers and garlic, dill and pickling spice to the jar or vegetable

    fermenter in layers, I like to sprinkle a little salt between layers.

    5. Add the horseradish leafe to the jar as well. I find that you neednt tear it to ensurethat the horseradish leaf is evenly distributed throughout the jar; indeed, it can be

    left more or lose whole. The leaf not only yields a subtle additional flavor to sour

    pickles, but it also helps them to remain crisp, not mushy, when the lactic acid

    fermentation is complete.

    6. Prepare a brine of 2 3 tablespoons of unrefined sea salt to 1 quart filtered,

    chlorine-free water and shake it to ensure the salt is fully disolved. Pour the brine

    over the pickling cucumbers, spices, garlic, dill and horseradish until all of the

    ingredients are submerged in salt water. It usually takes about 2 quarts of salt water

    to sufficiently cover the vegetables and spices.

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    10 Ways to Get More Probiotics (without Dairy) A Glossary of Real Food Terms


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    Firs t Name

    7. Make sure that the vegetables are completely submerged beneath the salt water

    which is easy if youre using a vegetable fermenter. If youre using mason jars,

    simply place a smaller, plastic lid or other clean wait in the jar ontop of the

    vegetables until it weights them down sufficiently.

    8. Allow your ingredients to ferment for at least a five days and more likely seven days

    and quite possibly ten days. (Fermentation is an inexact art.) Taste them to see if

    theyve soured to your liking. Once theyre done, simply place them in the fridge

    and use wisely and judiciously.

    CUISINE:American COURSE:Side Dish SKILL LEVEL:Easy

    Filed Under: Dairy-free , Fermented & Cultured Foods, GAPS-friendly, Gluten-free, Paleo/Primal, Summer, Vegan, Vegetarian

    Tagged With: appetizers, beneficial bacteria, brine, cucumber, cucumbers, cuisine, dill pickles, european cuisine, fermented pickles,

    fermenting, food and drink, food preservation, how to make sour pickles, kosher sour pickles , lactic acid, Lactic -Acid Fermentation,

    lactofermented pickles, making sour pickles, mixed pickle, pickle, pickled cucumber, pickled garlic, pickles, pickling, pickling

    cucumbers, pickling spices, probiotics, real pickles, sauerkraut, sour pickle, sour pickle recipe, sour pickles, sour pickles recipe,

    sours, unrefined sea salt, vinegar pickles


    Jenny McGruther is a wife, mother and cooking instructor specializing in

    real and traditional foods. She started Nourished Kitchenin 2007. Her work

    has been featured on CNN, the Globe & Mail, the Atlantic, the Christian Science

    Monitor, Denver Post and WebMD. You can find her first book, The Nourished Kitchen

    features more than 160 wholesome, traditional foods recipes.
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    unsubscribe at anytime.


    Dawn @ Small Footprint Family says

    July 29, 2009 at 9:11 pm

    I just finished making my own pickles when you posted. Its nice to see how different

    people do it. We had a lot of Armenian cukes in the garden (which are huge, striped alien looking

    things), so I cut them into slices for bread and butter pickles, using a recipe somewhat similar to


    Your pickles look so yummy, makes me w ant to go get some small ones to try your way!


    valerie says

    August 9, 2011 at 5:41 am

    Its that time of year again! I choose smaller cucs and I do not cut them into spears!

    This will help them stay crispy. And when cutting off the stems, careful not to nick the

    cuccumber will help keep them from getting soggy. Also, i ferment my cucs in a harsh crock for 4

    days or so with just dill seed, corriander seed, mustard seed, and DRY dill weed. It was

    recommended to me not to add any of the fresh ingredients until i decanted the pickles into

    indiviual 2 quart jars, then add a dill flower and some fresh dill to each jar along. I dont like

    garlic with my pickles so I leave that out. I was told that it is the fresh ingredients that can ruin

    the batch cause they are what can go bad during the ferment. Also, try them after 3 or 4 days,

    you might prefer them as 1/2 sours dills. I have my first batch bubbling away. Cant wait!


    valerie s aysAugust 9, 2011 at 5:43 am

    i meant first batch . of the year. I made multiple batches of 1/2 sours last year

    and all of them turned out perfectly.
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    Maria says

    October 3, 2013 at 9:09 pm

    What tempercher is good to have the room at ??? I have a 5 gallon Food Grade

    Bucket with a bubbler on it, with at least 4 inch head space, my cucumbers are at least 12

    inches long you know the big ones, they are not bubbling ???? every thing looks fine though

    , this is my first time giving it a go, Do you have any tips for me to look for???


    RE says

    March 21, 2013 at 8:07 pm

    I was just wondering if I could use these cucumbers from the middle eastern market

    because theyre so fresh! Theyre long skinny curvy pickles, lol.

    I wonder if its ok to use a mix of different cucumbers? Or do they have to be specifically pickling



    Maria says

    October 3, 2013 at 8:40 pm

    Can you ferment Bred & Butter pickles??? I looked every where and could not find a

    recipe or a sweet & sour. ???


    Jenny says

    October 3, 2013 at 9:20 pm

    Hi Maria

    We have recipes and videos for bread and butter pickles in our online class here:
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    July 30, 2009 at 4:52 am

    They look phenomenal! I think I want one f or breakfas t. . . !


    Daily Dinersays

    July 30, 2009 at 7:09 am

    those look great. I have wanted to do this for a long time but havent. Do you have to have a

    vegetable fermenter? Thank you!



    July 30, 2009 at 9:45 am

    Ive been waiting for this recipe!

    Love pickles, but often avoid them since distilled vinegar is the last thing my body needs.

    How long do you think they keep?


    Mary P. says

    July 30, 2009 at 10:33 am

    They look great, fantastic photos too!
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    Bernadine says

    July 31, 2009 at 8:42 am

    Jenny looks great I am making a vegie medley this afternoon!



    August 3, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    These look amazing! And Im excited to tweet with you (Im @eatingfreely)! Thanks for

    sharing such a great recipe. Ive been making pickles with garlic, onions, and dill weed. Yum!


    Leanne Palmerston says

    August 18, 2009 at 11:41 am

    I used this recipe on Friday night to pack a large pickle jar (1L size) with cukes, 1 bulb

    worth of garlic, pickling spice, brine and fresh dill. Its pretty hot here and we dont do a/c so the

    temp and humidity are rather high. Immediately the bubbling action of the fermenting process


    On Sunday evening I had realised I could put wild grape leaves, which a neighbour has, in the jar for

    crispness. If I was too late, so be it, but I didnt realise I could use them till Sunday!

    Today is Tuesday and a weird thing is happening: my garlic is turning blue.

    The woman whose market stall I bought my cukes from warned me it would happen and I only sort of

    listened to her. But, it really is happening! Any ideas? Im a little freaked out!


    Michelle Doyle says

    September 14, 2010 at 11:41 am
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    The blue is totally normal, nothing to worry about Its something about the minerals in the

    garlic reacting with the salt. Some garlic changes, other doesnt, sometimes its blue, sometimes

    more purple. Its totally normal


    Dr. Gregory Mitchell s ays

    September 4, 2011 at 1:40 am

    Your blue garlic comes a natural chemical reaction which happ ens [ sometimes] in

    fermentation products. Blue garlic cloves are perfectly SAFE to eat. Dont just take my word, the

    USDA and Master Food Preservers agree. I have eaten my blue garlic cloves for years no ill

    effects. Try it, youll like it.



    August 18, 2009 at 6:56 am

    I had to laugh when I read your note at the end; I used the Wild Fermentation directions to

    make sour pickles last year and it did go horribly, horribly awry!

    What are you feelings on using oak leaves rather than horseradish leaves. In WF, he says you can use

    grape, horseradish, or oak I believeand I have a huge oak tree in my front yard, so the latter are very

    convenient for me. Though Im paranoid that its part of the reason why my last attempt was so bad.


    Izabela says

    July 27, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    Our family has been making fermented pickles for generations and this year my two 8

    year olds did them with me, so it is definitely not too hard. A couple things to remember:

    Cucumbers MUST be organic (the other ones have weird smells from the chemicals poured on

    them not to mention the wax), the water must be chlorine and flouride free, and you cannot use

    table salt. I think some people forget about the additives in the regular table salt. My fermentedpickles keep all winter in the cold room (or fridge). I even make pickle soup which is delish!

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    Maureen says

    September 17, 2009 at 11:49 am

    Is lactp-fermenting with whey more beneficial? Is this just a dairy-free method? (All the

    Nourishing Traditions recipes use whey, hers say to leave at room temp 2 day, does the whey

    accelerate fermentation?). Also, should the lid be loose to allow some airflow?

    Thanks I cant wait to start a batch today. Love your blog


    Jenny says

    September 17, 2009 at 12:42 pm

    Maureen -

    I dont personally care for fermenting with whey. In recipes Ive f ound f rom very old cookbooks, whey

    has never yet bee n included in fermentation recipes. Fresh whey acts like a starter by innoculating

    your brew with beneficial bacteria this usually results in much faster ferment and I prefer a longer,slower fermentation process . In my exp erience a slow fermentation using salt only results in greater

    dep th of flavor. I also prefer to save whey and use it when soaking legumes and grains.

    Take Care -



    helen says

    October 22, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    Hi Jenny,

    what bennefits happen when You soak legumes and grains with whey, please?

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    Erica says

    December 6, 2009 at 3:39 pm

    Wow thanks for all the great info on fermenting pickles. I have been wanting to do this for a

    long time and now I think Ill give it a whirl.



    August 30, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    I prepare also a lot of sour picles for winter. To keep them good I pasteurise jars with that

    picles. (Simply, by putting them to the oven heated to 95 centigrades for 20 minutes).It stops

    fermetation but doesnt make picles soft.

    And I use that picles to make sour cucumber soup.

    But I love sour cucumber and I p repare much picles to eat them in summer. If you use little

    cucumbers you can eat them after two days of fermentation they arent fully fermented but tastes

    really cool.



    September 14, 2010 at 8:41 am

    We use whey (strained from raw milk) as our starter.


    Jenny says

    September 14, 2010 at 8:42 am

    Do you clabber the milk first?

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    Michelle Doyle says

    September 14, 2010 at 11:50 am

    I made these for the first time earlier this season and LOVE the results! Totally like a true

    kosher pickle that I remember from being a kid. I split my pickles into spears, and followed the

    directions in the Wild Fermentation book for full sours. I had them fermenting in a space that ranged

    in temp from 65-75 degrees and it took several weeks. I knew they were done when they no longer

    tasted salty and tasted sour. You do need to watch the surface and skim off the top now and again. I

    used grape leaves for the crunch help, about one grape leaf per cucumber. I put half of the leaves in

    the bottom of the jar as a cushion and to keep the pickles out of the fluff from bacteria die off that

    floats to the bottom and the other half across the top to help keep air out and to prevent any mold

    that grew from getting to far into the jar. I did have to top of the jar a couple of times with some

    filtered water brine. I kept the lid on top, but just barely fastened and put the hole thing in a pie plate

    to catch the bubbled up over flow. I have also tried fermenting with whey and have had mixed

    results. I think some vegetables lend themselves more to brine/salt only fermentation and others

    need the boost from whey (like roasted red peppers, they would mold before the good bacteria got achance.) Temperature plays a huge factor in how long things take.


    PHOENIX says

    September 29, 2010 at 8:38 am

    what is it about the leaves that they give it a crunch how does this work and where doyou find leaves


    LIsa says

    October 5, 2010 at 6:00 am

    You can use Oak leaves if you cannot find grape leaves, they have tannins in

    them and this seems to keep the veggies crunchy. I am unable to give the scientific

    exp lanation for it, though I am sure someone else could or you could google it.


    Angela s ays

    June 8, 201 1 at 8:08 am

    I dont have oak leaves either. I live in Las Vegas. Would anything else

    work. Not too long ago I made pickles but cut the cucumbers in slices. I used lots of

    dill and garlic, fermented them for a week and they turned out soggy. Thank you so
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    Jenny says

    June 8, 2011 at 8:15 am

    You might try bay leaf or red raspberry leaf?


    Olga says

    September 24, 2011 at 9:40 pm

    Back in Russia we also used black currant leaves along with

    horseradish leaves and peeled horseradish root. And sometimes leaves from

    sour cherries.


    Pat says

    July 4, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    Can you freeze the grape or oak leaves when available and then use them

    when needed with the same results?

    Also Jenny, you said to try bay leaf is this dried bay leaf?

    I tried a batch with raw milk whey, they seemed to turn out OK, but there is an

    underlying hard to describe flavor (maybe musty) that I do not like. Is this normal?

    Other than that they seemed to have good flavor and texture and were sour.

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    Kirbi says

    May 16, 2011 at 8:53 am

    Hi there!

    Love your blog so much!! I am FINALLY trying these pickles now that its season again. Sorry for asking

    a question on an older postI keep seeing recipes for HUGE amounts of pickles. Should I justfollowed the recipe in NT if I want only one quart? Or if I make a more than a quart but not quite a

    gallon should I be really concerned about an exact recipe? I mean I figured if you have the seasonings

    and salt and filtered water, they should ferment fine right?

    Should you not add vinegar?

    I decided to skip adding whey. I ended up just making a 1 quart and 1 pint batch and have no idea if

    I added enough salt.I did 2T for the one quart and 1T for the pint.

    SO many recipes for pickles out there and most of them require you to make a HUGE batch, just trying

    to figure out how to scale it back.




    Momma T says

    May 20, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    I slice mini Japanese cukes with the mandoline and they are ready to eat in 2-3 days,

    depending on how warm the kitchen is. You know its working when the liquid gets cloudy and

    bubbles come up when you tap the jar. Yum yum! The kids love eating the pickled garlic that remains.



    May 23, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    I love your recipe. Its very easy to follow and reader-accessible. I have been wanting to try

    lactic-acid fermentation for making sour pickles for a long time but have always been too worried

    about mold in my kitchen or giving my family botulism. How do you know whether youre doing it right

    or if the process is happening as it should? Thanks for sharing your recipe.

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    May 24, 2012 at 4:41 am

    Heard Sandor Katz of Wild Fermentation on NPR tonight say that government agency

    records show never even one illness from fermented foods. The same can not be said of raw




    May 25, 2011 at 9:17 am

    Hi Jenny,

    Are the leaves hard to find? And where is the best place to find them?

    Thanks so much.




    Amii says

    July 27, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    This may be an odd question, but Ive never done this before. I started mine a few days

    ago, and noticed some bulging in the lid. Should that happen, is that safe? Or should I throw those

    away and try again. Also, we usually use bubbies pickles, which are natural, and fermented only with

    salt, is it ok to save the brine for a fresh batch?


    Izabela says

    July 27, 2011 at 7:57 pm


    The bulging of the lid is normal, especially if youre using a regular mason jar. It is caused by the
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    gasses released during the fermentation process. When I first open my pickles to taste them, the

    brine bubbles out like soda pop (this brine is delicious BTW). Hope this helps reassure you.


    kara says

    August 16, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    Can I add white or brown sugar to the brine prior to fermentation? (Id love to made a

    sweet & spicy pickles but Im afraid of it not fermenting properly) Is it safe to add sugar? Thanks!


    Marty says

    September 2, 2011 at 9:03 am

    Hi! Ive made some pickles in the distant past and have just recently tried again using the

    recipe without vinegar. I couldnt find any horseradish leaf so used a little bit of horse radish. I

    pickled in mason jars for 5 days and tried one last night. It was definately not sour or even half sour;in

    fact not even salty. It seems if I recoleck well that I let them sit for a month or onger last time; any

    suggestions? Thanks.


    olivia saysSeptember 7, 2011 at 6:39 am

    I always have a problem with floating gherkins. I pack them in tightly but after a few days

    they soften and loosen in the jar and float above the brine. Any tips? Is it still safe to resubmerge

    them? I found a mini glass plate that fits in some jars to hold things in place.


    Jenny says

    September 7, 2011 at 9:01 am
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    Yeah a weight of some sort is the only way to really resolve that issue. I use glass weights,

    others use resealable plastic bags filled with brine.


    Jackie says

    September 15, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    I am making a 2 gallon jar of sour pickles. I started them 2 weeks ago, and they arent very

    sour yet. Salty, yes, but not that sour. Should I let them keep going? Is there anything I can do to

    increase the acid production? Thanks!


    Jamie says

    June 21, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    I tried this recipe, but after four days a layer of grey mold formed on top of the liquid. Why

    did this happen and do I need to throw out my pickles?


    Jenny says

    June 21, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    This is a normal process if youre not fermenting in an airlocked device. As long as

    your pickles are not moldy, and rested well below the level of brine, simply scrape of the mold

    and call it good.


    Jamie says

    June 21, 2012 at 9:55 pm

    Thanks! Will do

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    Jessica says

    August 21, 2012 at 4:32 am

    If you use a pickl-it you will not have a mold issue, which can be harmful for

    those who have compromised gut health, which is a lot of us these days.


    jamie kirk s ays

    June 29, 2012 at 5:32 am

    I am truly a new fan of these sour treats! I want to make some rightaway. however, I was

    hoping I could use Horseradish root? or something other than the grape or horseradish leaf? Thank

    you for sharing these great treasures! this is an art that was lost and now found:)


    Rachael says

    August 17, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    Does anyone know if you can reuse your brine? I tried it but I used green beans the second

    time and i have never pickled green beans so I dont know how it is supposed to be. My son and i did

    think they were more sour than our pickles.


    cindy says

    August 18, 2012 at 1:10 am

    I need to peel each garlic clove?


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    August 20, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Hi Jenny, seems salt is a pretty crucial ingredient but Im on an intense natural therapy for

    the next year that limits sodiumis it possible to make them without? Thanks!



    August 20, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    You can, but youll need to use a starter culture, and your pickles may have texture




    August 20, 2012 at 9:01 pm

    As long as the health benefits are there Im ok with floppy pickles! Thanks foryour reply x


    Roxanne says

    September 2, 2012 at 8:08 pm

    I have tried this recipe and it has been 3d. We tasted a pickle today and it is not sour at all.

    However, it is too spicy. I used a commercial pickling spice and it does say chilies on the ingredient

    panel. I HATE spice so they wont work for me. If we leave them fermenting for more days will the

    spice calm down and the pickles get more sour? I so hope so! Thank you.

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    September 2, 2012 at 11:03 pm

    Look so great. I love pickles too. Its a great food as complementary for meat dishes. This

    food will against cholesterol in our body.


    Bethany Wiest says

    March 21, 2013 at 9:33 pm

    The recipe for pickles in the Nourishing Traditions cookbook calls for whey to be added to

    the brine. I thought I couldnt make naturally fermented pickles because I have no acces to true whey.

    Thank you for posting this recipe. I feel now that I could make real pickles with a greater chance of



    Kayleigh Jean at Pickle-Bioticsays

    March 28, 2013 at 11:29 pm

    I love true fermented sour pickles! These look simply amazing! I am so looking forward to

    having cucumbers growing in the garden again this year because I am all out of the pickled cukes I

    made from last summers harvest. I always reuse the brine for salad dressings, especially if there is

    garlic in the pickle ferment because the brine gets an absolutely lovely rich flavor of pickled garlic.

    Just use about 1/2 cup of leftover pickle brine and 1/2 cup nuts (such as macadamia nuts or cashews

    or a combo), add olive oil to thin out, lemon juice and s alt to taste and voila! A rich creamy p robiotic

    dressing that will keep longer in the fridge than your average home-made dressing because its

    fermented! Delicious and simple.Eat well, feel well, be well!

    -Kayleigh Jean


    ana saysMay 16, 2013 at 8:21 am

    Hi Jenn!

    Do you know if old pickled cucumbers are bad for health/poisonous? Do any fermented vegetables
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    have an expiry date?

    Thank you!


    Jenny says

    May 16, 2013 at 8:46 am

    Nope theyre good more or less indefinitely, as long as theres no visible signs of

    contamination by mold or anything.


    Lisa Magoulassays

    May 24, 2013 at 12:58 am

    This sounds like an awesome recipe. Out of curiosity, can I use himalayan sea salt? Thanks,




    June 2, 2013 at 5:39 pm

    Can you leave out the horseradish leaf? I have no idea where to find that. Is this left on the

    counter, or in a dark place? What about other vegetables? Right now I have a lot of green beans and

    small bell peppers.


    kristen says

    June 16, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    You can use oak or grape leaves too. They are just to help keep the pickles crunchy

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    Joshua says

    June 28, 2013 at 10:08 am

    Should the brine after a week be clear our cloudy? I used Fido jars so when I opened them

    there was a small eruption and it bubbled for a few minutes. But the brine is cloudy and theres some

    white stuff on the bottom of the jar. Is that normal?


    Erin says

    July 3, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    I would love to make these and have been able to find all of the ingredients aside from

    horseradish leaf. Where can I find horseradish leaves and are the essential to this recipe should I not

    be able to find them?


    Debbie Wood says

    August 6, 2013 at 7:10 pm

    I would like to make a lot of pickles to store for winter. I am use to the vinegar type of

    pickle canned in jars and so would like to here about storing many gallons of pickles. Do I need to

    stop the fermenting process? How is that done. I have no intention of storing them in the refrigerator,

    accept for the ones we are eating up. I will have some cold storage available in my garage.

    Any input on pickling other vegetables like carrots for example.


    Gail says

    August 7, 2013 at 12:17 pm

    Please dont take this the wrong way I say it lovingly and not at all trying to be rude or

    hatefulbut this page has many spelling and or grammatical errors, etc. I know if it were me, Id

    want to know so that I could clean it up and re-do it. Otherwise, thanks for sharing the recipe and

    pretty pictures looks great!
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    September 29, 2013 at 7:05 am

    Great article! I make my own fermented vegetables at home and consume this daily. I also

    make cultured butter. But Ive never tried this recipe. Looks delicious!



    Kent McLellan says

    December 5, 2013 at 5:40 pm

    I see there are lots of inquiries as to where to get horseradish leaves or a substitute, but no

    answer? Did I miss it?


    kristen says

    June 16, 2014 at 3:56 pm

    I tried making some a couple weeks ago but they never fermented-just tasted very salty. I

    think I may have used the wrong kind of s alt. I did nt know I had to use a kind without non-caking

    agents added. Can I just pour the brine out, rinse everything off and start all over with the right kind

    of salt? I really dont want to have to throw out 2 gal worth of cucumbers


    Tara says

    June 30, 2014 at 12:19 pm

    I love this recipe. I have a plethora of cucumbers coming from my CSA. Can I hot-water

    process these? Im afraid Id have to many to keep in the frig

    Thank you
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    John says

    July 19, 2014 at 2:49 am

    So when I want to remove the pickles f rom the crock and refrigerate them in mason jars,

    am I using the b rine to store them in? Not clear on that. Thanks f or any help.



    July 23, 2014 at 12:20 am

    Id love to make these but have no idea where to get pickling cucumbers from. Or the

    horseradish leaf for that matter


    Daisy says

    July 25, 2014 at 10:44 pm

    How many pickles in a weight measurement equals one gallon organic, unwaxed pickling

    cucumbers in your sour pickles recipe? Or, how many small pickles equals one gallon so that I can

    order them from the Farmers Market?


    Holly says

    August 5, 2014 at 1:22 pm

    Hi Jenny,

    I have no source for organic vegs. No whole foods around and the farmers markets dont offer more

    than one or 2 things. Can I use non organic?

    Thank you

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    Shaina says

    August 7, 2014 at 2:03 am

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but while theyre fermenting should they be capped (air-

    tight) or not?


    Lynn says

    August 29, 2014 at 12:13 am

    I wouldnt use an airtight system. I make my pickles e ither in a jar with an airlock that vents

    the gas that builds up, or a crock with a rock to keep the cukes submerged.

    I also use grape leaves which grow wild around here, and then I can use the pickled leaves to make

    stuffed grape leaves.



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