ST. MARY STAR OF THE SEA 13 de Mayo / May 13, 2018-Freeport … · 2019-09-19 · ST. MARY STAR OF...

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Welcome This Week St. Mary Star of the Sea

extends a warm welcome to our new parishioners. We hope that they will come to find peace and joy as they

become active members of our worship community

Parish Membership We joyfully welcome new members to our parish community. Please register in the Parish Office or online at our


... Please also let us know if you plan to move from the parish.

New Email Address for Photos

If you would like to send us photos of parish events for the parish website,

please send them to:

Sacrament of the Sick Contact the Parish Office at


Stewardship Report Collection for May 6: $ 6,345.06 For the week of May 6 short by:

$1,947.45 Your faithful stewardship helps us

meet our needs.

Every man shall give as he is able,

according to the blessing of the LORD your God

which He has given you.

Deuteronomy 16:17

Monday, May 14 6:00p.m. KC 4th Degree Parish Hall

Tuesday, May 15 6:30p.m. English Mass Church 7:00p.m. Marriage Prep Conf. Room 8:00p.m. AA Meeting RE Building

Wednesday, May 16 8:30a.m. English Mass Church 5:30p.m. CCE PK-5th grades Heaven’s Way

Thursday, May 17 10:30a.m. Stars of the Sea-Senior Day Heaven’s Way 5:30-6 p.m. Sacrament of Penance Church 6:15p.m. Spanish Mass Church 8:00p.m. AA Meeting RE Building

Friday, May 18 8:30a.m. English Mass Church 6:30-10p.m. MFCC Heaven’s Way

Saturday, May 19 4:00p.m. Sacrament of Penance Church 5:30.m. English Mass Church 7p.m.-12a.m. Free Festival Dance Freeport Park

Sunday, May 20 10:00a.m. English Mass Freeport Park Parish Festival Freeport Park

13 de Mayo / May 13, 2018-Freeport

Pastor/ Párroco Fr. Jesse Garcia

979-233-5271 Ext 308

Deacon/Diacono Felipe Garza 979-233-5271 Ext 305

Deacon/Diacono Wally Shaw 979-233-5271

Office Manager/Bookkeeper/ Gerente de la Oficina/

Contadora Tina Robledo

979-233-5271 Ext 307

CCE, Sacramental Prep. & Youth Coordinator /Coordinadoea de

la formación catequética, jóvenes y preparación

Sacramental Sr. San Juanita Jeffress , ESEH

979-233-5271 Ext 304

Faith Formation / Formación en la Fe

Marilyn Saccomanno 979-233-5271 Ext 301

Liturgy Coordinator/ Coordinador de la Liturgia

Bill Hartnett 979-233-5271 Ext 308

979-233-5271 Ext 302

­­­­­­This weekend we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. It was the last appearance of the Risen Lord to the group of disciples. Once again, he gathered them around Him-self, this time on a mountaintop in his hometown of Galilee where he had first called them. Jesus then invited the disciples

and all of us to share the Good News about Him. The word “gospel” means “good news”. Christians are still sent by the Risen Jesus to proclaim the Good News about His final and everlasting victory over sin and death, through His own Death and Resurrection.

Jesus had already invited his disciples to “witness” to Him as in a court of law to the whole truth about Jesus and nothing but the truth. And that witness would be possible in the way He had told us: “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, by the love you have for each other” (Jn 13:35). This will be the substantial proof that we are His disciples.

On that mountaintop in Galilee Jesus promised to be with His Church until the end of time. He was envisioning that Church as the home and school of communion, the Church-Communion as it would be de-scribed much later by the Second Vatican Council. Earlier, during his pub-lic ministry, Jesus had told His disciples: “Whoever hears you, hears me,” (Lk 10:16) and with that assertion He provided certainty in a world full of so many different voices and opinions. But the Church is essentially communion brought about by the Eucharist and the new commandment. It is two or more with Jesus (Mt 18:20).

In His Ascension, Jesus loved us as Himself. He wants us to be where He is and to have what He has. When He was on the cross, He over-came the infinite distance between us and God, brought about by sin. He made Himself completely one with us by “becoming” sin (2 Cor 5:21), even though He never sinned. Then what? Then, He ascended to the Father and now sits at His right hand as His equal. As one of us, Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. By making Himself so one with us, we are now with Him there, “co-heirs” as Saint Paul also says.

Like the disciples on that mountaintop, Jesus doesn’t want so much to see us looking “up” at Him, but standing next to Him as His broth-ers and sisters. Together, with Him in our midst, we give the best witness to Him on earth. The Ascension also reminds us that we are on a journey with Him to Our Father. The Ascension reminds us to keep moving.

A very short time before her death Blessed Chiara Luce Badano was visited by two friends from Heaven, two boys from her youth group who had died and are also in the process of being canonized saints.

They appeared to her at her bedside and gave her a hand signal that the young people in the group used with a slogan: “Forward ever, back-ward never!” It was an encouragement to keep moving on together, help-ing one another toward the goal of holiness through mutual love and the presence of Jesus among them. Even in those last moments of her life, Blessed Chiara Badano continued the journey. May she help us to keep moving forward together with Jesus among us until we all reach the goal.

Fr. Jesse Garcia

ST. MARY STAR OF THE SEA FREEPORT, TX From Our Pastor Pastoral Staff

Secretary/Secretaria Mónica P. Caraballo 979-233-5271 Ext 302

Emergency Email Address and

phone number St. Mary’s has an email address and telephone number for emergency

situations: Call: 832-429-4877

Correo Electrónico o numero de teléfono para Emergencias

Llame al: 832-429-4877

Baptism Classes in

Spanish and English Spanish Baptism classes given the

first Saturday of each month 1 to 5p.m. English Baptism classes given on the first Sunday of the month 1- 4:30p.m.

Quinceañeras Requires preparation with Sr.San

Juanita ESEH at least 1 year in advance, must attend CCE/Lifeteen/Edge classes, and mass regularly,and

preparing for confirmation. Please contact Sister at 979-233-5271.

Altar Duty for May:

Sponsor of May Altar Wine

In Loving Memory of Rosalina Varela, Beatriz Gutierrez and

Karla Varela Requested by Varela Family

Este fin de semana celebramos la Ascensión de Jesús al Cielo. Fue el último encuentro del Señor Resucitado al grupo de discípulos. Una vez más, los reunió alrededor de Sí mismo, esta vez en la cima de

una montaña en su ciudad natal de Galilea, donde los había llamado por prime-ra vez. Jesús luego invitó a los discípulos y a todos nosotros a compartir la Bue-na Nueva acerca de él. La palabra “evangelio” significa “buena nueva”. Los cris-tianos siguen siendo enviados por Jesús resucitado para proclamar las Buena Nueva acerca de su victoria final y eterna sobre el pecado y la muerte, a través de su propia Muerte y Resurrección.

Jesús ya había invitado a sus discípulos a dar “testimonio” de Él (como en un tribunal de justicia) sobre toda la verdad acerca de Jesús y nada más que la verdad. Y ese testimonio sería posible en la forma en que Él nos lo había di-cho: “En esto todos reconocerán que ustedes son mis discípulos: en el amor que se tengan los unos a los otros” (Jn 13, 35). Esta será la prueba sustancial de que somos Sus discípulos.

En la cima de la montaña en Galilea, Jesús prometió estar con su Igle-sia hasta el fin de los tiempos. Seguro que se imaginaba que la Iglesia sería el hogar y la escuela de comunión, la Iglesia-Comunión, como lo describiría mu-cho más tarde el Concilio Vaticano II. Anteriormente, durante su ministerio público, Jesús les había dicho a Sus discípulos: “El que los escucha a ustedes, me escucha a mí” (Lc 10, 16) y con esa afirmación Él proporcionó certidumbre en un mundo lleno de tantas voces y opiniones diferentes. Pero la Iglesia es esen-cialmente comunión provocada por la Eucaristía y el nuevo mandamiento. Son dos o más con Jesús entre ellos (Mt 18:20).

En Su Ascensión, Jesús nos amó como a Sí mismo. Él quiere que este-mos donde Él está y que tengamos lo que Él tiene. Cuando estuvo en la cruz, superó la distancia infinita entre nosotros y Dios, provocada por el pecado. Él se hizo completamente uno con nosotros “convirtiéndose” en pecado (2 Cor 5, 21), aunque nunca pecó. ¿Y entonces qué? Entonces, Él ascendió al Padre y ahora está sentado a la diestra del Padre como Su igual. Siendo como nosotros, Jesús ahora está sentado a la derecha del Padre. Al hacerse uno con nosotros, ahora estamos con Él allí, “coherederos”, como dijo San Pablo y como se dice durante la oración eucarística.

Como los discípulos en la cima de la montaña, Jesús no quiere vernos mirando arriba hacia “Él” sino que estemos a Su lado como Sus hermanos y her-manas. Juntos y con Él en medio de nosotros, damos el mejor testimonio de Él en la tierra. La Ascensión también nos recuerda que estamos en un viaje con Él a Nuestro Padre. La Ascensión nos recuerda que sigamos moviéndonos.

Poco antes de morir, La beata Chiara Luce Badano recibió una visita del cielo – eran dos amigos que formaban parte de su grupo católico habían muerto muy jóvenes (y que también están en proceso de ser santos canoniza-dos). Aparecieron junto a su cama y le hicieron una señal con la mano que los jóvenes del grupo usaban con el lema: “¡Adelante siempre y nunca hacia atrás!”. Fue un estímulo para seguir avanzando juntos, ayudándose unos a otros hacia la meta de santidad a través del amor mutuo y la presencia de Jesús entre noso-tros. Incluso en esos últimos momentos de su vida, la Beata Chiara Badano con-tinuó su santo viaje. Que ella ahora nos ayude a seguir avanzando junto con Jesús entre nosotros hasta que alcancemos la meta.

Padre Jesse Garcia


De Parte de Nuestro Párroco Personal Parroquial



Mariapolis 2018 Mary, A Model for Humanity June 27-July 1, Kerrville, TX. For more

information, please contact Brother Bill or visit the Focolare link on the parish website under Ministeries link.

Adult Faith Formation: Are there questions you have about the Catholic Church? Maybe there are some issues you would like to discuss or just inquiring about the Catholic Church. Great! Come to the Somerville Room next to the church at 7 on Tuesday Evenings to have your questions answered or your issues discussed.

VIRTUS - Protecting God’s Children Classes being offered here at St. Mary Star of the Sea on June 2 at 9:00a.m. in Spanish in Heaven’s Way. You must register on line, no walk-ins:

Vacation Bible School VBS at St. Mary Star of the Sea from June 11-14, 2018 at 9:30a.m. to 2:00p.m. in the Parish Hall. Volunteers are needed (youth and Adults) from Monday through Thursday. Please contact Dollie at 979-665-9635.


On Saturday May 19, we need a team to move items needed for Mass at the park. Please call the Office if you are interested in helping at 979-233-5271.

We are almost at our target, need 15 bris-kets. Please bring them to church office; any and all donations are welcome. Thank you!

“Stars of the Sea” (50 years and old-er) will meet for SENIOR DAY on Thursday, May 17th at 10:30a.m. in

Heaven’s Way for prayer, fellowship, Bingo, exer-cise and some good snacks to munch on. Come and join us. Always room for one more!

Graduation Mass, to offer blessings for all graduates in PreK, 12th grade, and

college/university on May 27th at 9a.m. There will be a reception following the mass in the parish hall. Please call Sister San Juanita at (979) 233-5271 if you plan to attend. Thank you.

ST. MARY STAR OF THE SEA 6 de Mayo de 2018


Mariapolis 2018 María, un Modelo para la Humanidad Junio 27-Julio 1, Kerrville, Texas. Para más información, comuníquese con el Hermano Bill o visite el enlace de los Fo-colares en la Página Web de la parroquia, bajo mi-nisterios.

VIRTUS - Protegiendo a los niños de Dios, las clases se ofrecen aquí en Santa María estrella del mar el 2

de junio a las 9:00a.m. en español en el Heaven’s Way Hall. Deberá registrarse en línea no se aceptan personas sin registración: https: //

Graduados, habrá una Misa para ofrecer bendiciones para todos los graduados desde PreK hasta post doctorado, el 27 de

mayo a las 9 a.m. Habrá una recepción después en el salón parroquial. Favor de llamar a la her-mana San Juanita al (979) 233-5271 si va a asistir.

Escuela bíblica de vacaciones VBS en St. Mary Star of the sea del 11-14 de junio de 2018 a las 9:30a.m. hasta

2:00p.m. en el salón parroquial. Se necesitan vo-luntarios (jóvenes y adultos) de lunes a jueves. Póngase en contacto con Dollie al 979-665-9635.

Formación de la Fe para Adultos: ¿Tiene preguntas sobre la iglesia católica? Tal vez hay algunos temas que le gustaría discutir o simplemente preguntar acerca de la iglesia católica. ¡Perfecto! Venga al salón Somervi-lle junto a la iglesia a las 7 de la noche los martes para que sus preguntas sean contestadas o sus asuntos discutidos.

"estrellas del mar" (50 años y más) se reunirá el jueves, 17 de mayo a las 10:30a.m. en el camino del cielo para

orar, compañerismo, bingo, ejercicio y algunos bocadillos para disfrutar. Ven y únete a nosotros. ¡ siempre hay sitio para uno más!

Necesitamos Ayuda para preparar y reco-ger lo necesario para el Festival nos reuni-remos en el parque de Freeport el viernes 18 de mayo a las 8:30 a.m.

El sábado 19 de mayo necesitamos un equi-po que ayude a mover los artículos necesa-rios para celebrar Misa en el parque. Favor de llamar a la oficina si esta interesa-do en ayudar. 979-233-5271

Ya casi completamos nuestro objetivo solo nos faltan 15 fal-das. Favor de traer las donaciones a la oficina. Muchas Gracias!

Saturday, May 12 / Sabado 12 de Mayo Seventh Sunday of Easter Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19

5:30p.m. †Sister Henriette Delille by Jimmy Mikes

Sunday, May 13 / Domingo 13 de Mayo The Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 ; Eph 1:17-23; Mk 16:15-20

9:00a.m. †Mark Barclay by his Wife

11:00a.m. †Garza Family de Augustin & Rose Mendoza Por las Intenciones de la Sociedad Guadalupana

5:00p.m. †Thelma Wong

Monday, May 14 / Lunes 14 de Mayo Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; Jn 15:9-17

Tuesday, May 15 / Martes 15 de Mayo Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a

6:30 p.m. For the Parishioners of St. Mary’s †Nadia Mendoza by Augustin & Rose Mendoza

Special Intention for Daniel Jacob Caraballo's Birthday by Family

Wednesday, May 16/ Miércoles 16 de Mayo Wednesday of the Seventh Week of Easter Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-35a, 35bc-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 8:30a.m.

Thursday, May 17 /Jueves 17 de Mayo Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11; Jn 17:20-26 6:15p.m.

Friday, May 18 / Viernes 18 de Mayo Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19

8:30a.m. Marion High School, Houston, Class of “63 by James Saccoman no


Please note an individual who's name appears on the list will be published for two weeks. For an extension, please call Parish Office.

Glenda Fansher, Arcelia Garcia, Yesenia Ordonez, Michael Castelline, Junior Damian, Alberto Garcia, Graciela Garcia, Julia Acuna, Marcelo Acuna,

Tomas Acuna, Isidoro Perez, Maria Rosa Tovar, Esteban Acuna, Francis Solis , Marina Guerrero, Robert Montiel, John Mendoza, Grason Mendoza,

Jillian Young, Dustin Carter and Kiana Jeffress

At all Masses, please pray for holy marriages and families and most especially for vocations to the priesthood,

religious life, and diaconate.


Altar & Rosary Society Sociedad del Altar y Rosario

Dollie Hernandez (979) 665-9635

Knights of Columbus Caballeros de Colón

Ramsey Martinez (979) 201-6748

Legion of Mary Legion de Maria

Marilyn Saccomanno (979) 233-1726 Carolina Luna (979) 233-7185

Ushers / Greeters Acomodadores

Pete Gutierrez (979) 248-7824

Christian Family Movement Movimiento Familiar

Cristiano Jesus y Lucy Salazar (979) 233-2316

Guadalupana Society Sociedad Guadalupana Michael Gonzales (979) 265-6630

Almas Misioneras Missionary Souls

Jose Coronado (979) 201-1164 Maria Oliva (979) 201-6253

Lectors / Lectores Troy Menendez (979) 233-5271

St. Vincent de Paul San Vicente de Paul

Juanita Cardozo (979) 233-5271

Work of Mary (Focolare Movement) Obra de Maria

(Movimiento de los Focolares) Bill Hartnett (979) 233-5271

Neo-catechumen Way/Camino Neocatecumenal

Lorenzo Gomez 979-709-2173

Sponsor of the Week

I Loving Memory of Cora Anne Casarez

From Family

Ministries/ Ministerios