TAKS What Students And Parents Can Do To Prepare Brought to you by the teachers and administrators...

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TAKS TAKS What Students And What Students And Parents Can Do To Parents Can Do To


TAKS TAKS What Students And What Students And Parents Can Do To Parents Can Do To

PreparePrepareBrought to you by the teachers and Brought to you by the teachers and

administrators of BHS who want your administrators of BHS who want your child to succeed in life. child to succeed in life.

What is TAKS?

• Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills

• Yearly testing program• Measures student’s mastery of the

state’s curriculum• Accountability system for all public


What kinds of things will students need to know for


• The state curriculum defines what the students should know (TEKS)

• Teacher’s daily lessons utilize Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) based on the TEKS

• For more info, visit http://www/tea/state/tx/us/teks/index.html

Are school districts required to administer

the TAKS?

• Yes• Senate Bill 103 requires a

statewide assessment system in Texas

• The federal program No Child Left Behind also requires it.

What must a student score on a test to pass?

• A student must score a 2100 on each test to pass

• A student must also score a 2 (rated as “somewhat effective”) or higher on the composition at the 10th/11th grade to earn a passing score on the English Language Arts in addition to the 2100 total score

Are the TAKS tests being phased out at the high

school level?• Eventually• Legislation was passed in the summer of

2007• Establishes an End-of-Course (EOC) exam

system for students to earn diploma• Students who are in the 6th grade in

08/09 will be the first class affected by this change

Does TAKS affect graduation


• Yes• Each student must pass the exit level TAKS

(11th grade), in addition to the required credits in coursework, to get a high school diploma

• Subject areas: English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies

• Tests are separate. If a student only fails one test, they only have to retest that one subject.

• Students have 5 opportunities generally for testing

What does the TAKS English Language Arts focus on?

• Requires level of reading and writing performances of students that have completed English I, II and are enrolled in English III coursework

• Multiple choice, short answer and essay

What does the TAKS Math focus on?

• Assesses skills learned in Algebra I and Geometry

• Assesses skills learned in 8th grade math (probability and statistics)

What does the TAKS Science focus on?

• Concepts and skills that are components of Integrated Physics and Chemistry and Biology

What does the TAKS Social Studies focus


• Focuses on US History (most 11th grade, but some from revolutionary-era content from 8th grade course)

• Also covers information from World Geography and World History

What happens in May if seniors have not passed TAKS, but have

required credits?

• In this situation, students will not be awarded their diplomas

• In this situation, students will not be allowed to walk/participate at graduation

• The students can continue to retest in the summer, with hopes of a summer graduation.

Is there any advantage to earning really high scores

on the exit-level TAKS?• Yes• Many colleges and universities have policies

allowing students with excellent TAKS scores to be exempt from certain college entrance tests (THEA< ASSET< COMPASS< ACCUPLACER)

• This saves time, fees, and unnecessary “developmental” coursework

• See details at http://www/thecb.state.tx.us/facts/cd/Page8.htm

What is “Commended Performance”?

• Refers to an individual student achievement and honor on a test

• Students must score a 2400 scale score, which is considerably above the state passing standard (2100).

How do I know if my student earned “Commended Performance”?

• Look on your student’s performance report

• Find the column “Commended Performance”

• Yes or no in the column will indicate whether your student earned the distinction

What do 9th graders take on TAKS? (pre-


• Reading

• Math

Research shows that students who pass the pre-graduation TAKS tests tend to pass the exit level


What do 10th graders take on TAKS? (pre-


• English Language Arts• Math• Science• Social Studies

Research shows that students who pass the pre-graduation TAKS tests tend to pass the exit level TAKS.

What do 11th graders take on exit level TAKS?


• English Language Arts• Math• Science• Social Studies

Do students receiving special education

services take regular TAKS?

• A student’s ARD committee will decide which testing situation is best for a student. Options are:– TAKS Accommodated– TAKS Modified– TAKS Alternate– TAKS

Is TAKS translated into other languages at the

high school?

• No

• Only available at grades 3-6.

Are limited English proficient students

exempt from testing?• No Child Left Behind requires LEP participation

in state testing• Majority take regular TAKS• Other options:

– LAT Reading – immigrants in 2nd/3rd year of school in US

– LAT Math – all immigrants take this test if in 1st – 3rd year in US schools

– LAT Science – all immigrants take this test if in 1st-3rd year in US schools

How will students indicate answers on the TAKS?

• Multiple choice – students choose the best response and bubble in the corresponding letter on the answer sheet

• Griddable math items – students work out the problem and record the numeric solution on the answer sheet as individual digits

• Short Answer – students will compose a brief response

• Composition – students will follow the writing process to the final draft stage.

Example – 9th grade math

• What is the numerical solution to the statement “15 less than twice a number is equal to five”?– A. n = 5– B. n = 10– C. n = 20– D. n = 25

Example – 10th Grade Social Studies

• During the 1700s the textile industry became one of the first to use steam –powered machinery. This technological innovation increased production and led to

– A. greater profits and a demand for more workers– B. an end to the use of child labor– C. a safer work environment and shorter workdays– D. a decrease in demand for raw materials

TAKS Test DateMarch 3th

• 9th Grade – Reading• 10th Grade – English Language Arts• 11th Grade – English Language Arts

TAKS Test DateApril 28th

• 10th Grade - Math

TAKS Test DateApril 29th

• 11th Grade - Math

TAKS Test DateApril 30th

• 9th Grade – Math• 10th Grade - Science• 11th Grade - Science

TAKS Test DateMay 1st

• 10th Grade – Social Studies• 11th Grade – Social Studies

What else can parents do to help?

• Encourage the Three A’s – Academics, Attendance, and Attitude

• Call your counselor or our AP for Instruction for help• Talk with your student’s teachers and send them for

tutoring• Access the web:

– http://track.uttelecampus.org/

– http://www.tea.state.tx.us.student.assessment/parents.html


What is the bottom line?


What will you be doing in May of their Senior year?


Will your kids walk?

Hang in there!Hang in there!Hang in there!Hang in there!It all pays off in the end.It all pays off in the end.