Tale of a Blog Overhaul

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Find out how Hinge redesigned their blog to be a robust, go-to resource for professional services marketers and executives. To see the final product of Hinge's overhaul, visit www.hingemarketing.com/blog today!


The Story of a Blog Refresh in Professional Services

Tale of a Blog Overhaul


Once upon a time in 2002…

The Professional Services Marketing Blog was born.


The baby blog’s mission:

To provide quality educational material to help professional services firms increase growth and profitability.


• Increase online visibility via search engines and social networks

• Earn the trust of its audience by sharing useful and relevant knowledge

With a post or two every week, a trio of writers, and an attractive yet simple design, the baby blog was able to…

The Professional Services Marketing Blog had grown into a teenager, finding its identity and learning from growing pains.

Childhood flew by, and soon it was 2010…



There were a handful of people writing articles and publishing three posts per week, not to mention a more visual and easy-to-navigate design.


• Boosted lead generation via email and content offers

• Increased engagement (indicated by page views and bounce rate)

• Attracted new visitors via social media sharing

Learning from the results of Hinge research, Google Analytics data, subscriptions, and client conversations, the teenage blog:

The Professional Services Marketing Blog has matured into an adult, evolving into taking the knowledge gained during its youth to evolve into…


Now in 2014…


Professional Services Marketing Today, the go-to resource for professional services executives and marketers.

Our mission: To give professional services executives and marketers advice and information they can’t get anywhere else — in a knowledgeable and approachable way.

Now with more staff members — and guest authors — publishing five posts a week.

An updated design and layout enables readers to quickly scan topics and select the articles that matter to them.

And expanded the use of data-rich, informative images and video, all shareable via social media.


Professional Services Marketing Today increases reader interaction through:

• Topic suggestions

• Polls

• SlideShare presentations

• Comments

• Industry-specific articles to readers across professional services sectors



Even though it’s all grown up, the refreshed Professional Services Marketing Today still achieves a primary goal it did as a baby:

To provide quality educational material to help professional services firms increase growth and profitability.


By continuing to optimize and enhance Professional Services Marketing Today it will live happily ever after — at least, until it’s time for another refresh...


...but that’s another story.

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