The Colonnade - Cokesbury United Methodist...

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“Loving Christ first loved us!”

The Colonnade Cokesbury United Methodist Church October 2014 14806 Blackburn Road, Woodbridge, Virginia Volume 53, No.10

Operation Christmas Child

Members have been wrapping shoeboxes for the congregation to take and

fill with small toys and other gifts to be delivered to children in countries

torn apart by war and natural disasters. These boxes may be the only

Christmas those children will have.

Helping Hands sponsors this program for Cokesbury each year. Each box will include a brochure that will

give instructions for packing a shoe box gift, including suggested gifts and a list of items that may not be

included. Labels will be included to indicate age and sex of child to receive the gift. It is also requested that

postage be included in the box for shipping. If you are not able to do that, filling the box is a great gift by

itself. It will travel anyway.

The first year we shared this project, we supplied 40 boxes to the collection point. Last year, with the

generous contributions by the congregation, we sent 100 gift-filled boxes to needy children. It is a great joy

to fill the boxes as well as it is for those who receive them. This is a wonderful project with your children

also; they love to share their Christmas with a far-away friend. Please pick one up and return it to us by

November 23.

KiDS Mission Group Coordinators: Sharon Lasko and Barbara Firth

KiDS (Know His Design for Service) Mission group will be starting back up

with its first meeting on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 12:15 in the Sunday school

room. KiDS is open to all children 2nd through 6th grades (younger children are

welcome with an adult or teen helper) and provides the opportunity for our

children to Serve God by Serving Others by supplementing or getting involved in mission work already

ongoing within Cokesbury through fun craft projects and some hands-on work. We had a wonderful time in service last year and hope to continue it this year.

At the October meeting we will be creating table decorations for the Hilda Barg Homeless Shelter in support

of Cokesbury providing meals in November. We will also be creating Christmas cards to be signed by the congregation and then sent to the Missionaries of the Virginia Conference.

We are hoping for a great turnout each month, so parents please arrange your schedules so that your children

can attend this important fun and learning experience. KiDS meets the 4th Sunday of the month from 12:15

p.m. until approximately 1:30 p.m. 2014 meeting dates are Sunday, October 26 and Sunday, November 16, a

change from the 4th Sunday due to Thanksgiving. There will not be a meeting in December. Please see Sharon Lasko or Barbara Firth with questions.

“Loving Christ first loved us!”

Pastor’s Perspective

During the last few months we prepared for our 2014 Charge Conference Session

conducted by the Reverend Jeffrey P. Mickle, our newly appointed District

Superintendent for the Alexandria District of the Virginia Conference. We had a

great Charge Conference with Cokesbury United Methodist Church’s business

conducted in an orderly and reverent manner giving God the glory for being the

Church of Jesus Christ. Thanks to all of you for making the 2014 Charge

Conference actions of love a gift of praise to God!

The end of 2014 is swiftly approaching, I pray that we will end the year in a

victorious spirit through our increased attendance in our Holy Spirit filled worship

celebration, Christian Education, uplifted spirituality, finances exceeding our

expectations and God is praised for this year being filled with grace and blessings.

Please pray for Cokesbury United Methodist Church to be the center of God’s

presence on the corner of Reddy and Blackburn Roads for all to see God breathing

life, new hope, and love into us to be a viable, vital, and Holy Spirit led

congregation and community today and in the future!

Have you seen the Cross of Jesus Christ in Cokesbury United Methodist Church?

“Loving Christ first loved us!”


The Bible study entitled “Bible Interpretation:

a Road Map,” led by Barbara Horne, meets

each Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Please join in learning the tools to being able to

read and understand the Scriptures. Everyone is

always welcome – enjoy fellowship and explore

your relationship with God, yourself and others!

Hilda Barg Homeless

Shelter Meals

By Mary Beth Patane

Ready or not, the holiday season is just around

the corner! There are many families right here

in Prince William County in crisis and need a

home-cooked meal. November marks the next

opportunity for Cokesbury UMC to provide

meals on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday –

November 5th through 7th

. Missions &

Outreach Commission will provide juice, milk

and bagged lunches for three days. The dinner

meals needed are simple to prepare but hearty

dishes. Please join us in this food ministry - it is

rewarding to participate in blessing people in

their time of need. Sign-up sheets to prepare

meal items and/or serve the meals will be posted

in the narthex beginning Sunday, October 5th.

Those unable to join us may help by placing a

monetary donation marked "Homeless Shelter

Feeding" in the offering plate which will be

used to purchase needed food items.

Your support for this Food Ministry is much


If you are interested in learning more about Missions & Outreach Commission, please come join us at our next meeting on October 19th at 12:15 p.m.

Calling all Runners! Do what you enjoy and

help the ministry and mission of Rising Hope UM

Mission Church (a church that serves the least, the

lost and left out – the homeless, the poor and those

in recovery). Register to run in the 5K Halloween

Hustle for Hope on Saturday, October 25, 2014,

at Lake Fairfax Park in Reston. Entry fees for this

run and the Trick or Trot fun run for children

under 12 (same day and place) are low, low, low –

just $20 per runner ($10 for children under 12 and

a $50 family maximum). For more information,

and to register, go to the Bi-district website


hope-2014) or contact Herb Brynildsen at the Bi-

District office.

The Lord’s Table, St. Paul MC

By Deirdre Dorsey,

Lord’s Table Coordinator

The Lord’s Table is scheduled for

Thursday, October 9. Missions

& Outreach members will prepare the food in the

Cokesbury kitchen then transport and serve the

meal to the homeless at St. Paul UMC.

Homeless Shelter Feeding envelopes will be avail-

able as a bulletin insert on October 5 for donations

to purchase food items.

Aluminum Ministry By Don Dorton, Aluminum Can Ministry


Kyle Keen and I took 400 lbs. of aluminum cans

to the Recycling Center in Lorton, earning $244.

Appreciation is expressed to all of our Cokesbury

members and friends who consistently and

faithfully support this ministry by saving and

depositing their aluminum cans in the collection

bin in front of the UMM fruit shed.

Special thanks to Mike Haman who spends

countless hours crushing and bagging these cans.

If you would like to help crush and bag cans,

please call me or the church office for full details.

“Loving Christ first loved us!”

1 William Clark

3 Kenneth Kerton, II 4 Tom Taylor Jeremy Jewell 6 Joe Burnette Sean Rodriguez 7 Skylar Hawes Vicky Lutman 8 Michael Obeng, Sr. 9 Helen Azzano 10 Mary Crist Kenneth Kerton 11 Shelby Wilson 13 Aubrey Astore Brian Nelson 14 Joe Greene Audrey Burbage 15 Bobby Kinson 16 Danielle Haggart Beulah Green 17 John Schiele Ted Kelley, Jr. 18 Winifred Jones 19 Don Dorton 21 Paula Simensen 22 Harry Fizer Kyle Mahan 23 Felicia Akowuah 26 Blair Wilson 27 Barbara Commerce Corey Ritenour 30 Wenona Marques 31 Vera Edmonds

4 Melanie & Chad Westog Patsy & Carl Armentrout 10 Brenda & Kenny Johnson 18 Gwendolyn & Cory D’Aiutolo 20 Maria & Michael Haman

Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! Cokesbury Congregation!!

Red Bird Mission has received over 170

Devotion Books, Bibles and Bible study

materials through your wonderful generosity.

You have provided the materials needed for this

most important Christian ministry. Through

your contributions, lives will be touched by the

Word of God bringing hope and love to the

community of Beverly, Kentucky.

Thank You!

We, the Wirick family, would like to thank our

Cokesbury family for such a prestigious award.

Glenn/Dad/Pop-Pop was truly an outstanding

example of Christian love. He certainly felt it

was a privilege to worship at Cokesbury. We

know that he would have been very humbled by

this gesture. We are grateful to the church for

recognizing and honoring him. He will live on

in our hearts forever and the plaque will remind

us of how wonderful he really was.


Bunny, Tim, Shamaillah, Hannah, Sofya,

Wayne, Amy,Tracy, Hazel, Kyle & Baby Kylie


“Loving Christ first loved us!”

By Deirdre Dorsey,

Missions & Outreach Chair

Burke UMC has invited Cokesbury UMC to parti-

cipate in their 2014 collection of stuffed animals

that may be shipped to Dominican Republic, El

Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica and Guyana.

The stuffed animals will be given to children in

orphanages abroad or areas of disaster in the United States.

Everyone has a special stuffed animal at home or

two or three that may be shared with children in

need. Please consider contributing a gently used

stuffed animal (no battery operated or gigantic

animals, please by Sunday, October 19th, and

place them in the Teddy Bear Brigade collection

bags in the narthex. Missions & Outreach

Committee will provide the shipping cost of $1.00 per stuffed animal that is sent. Thank you!

Maternity Clothes Drive By Deirdre Dorsey

Birthright of Woodbridge, Inc. is a non-profit,

non-political, interdenominational emergency

pregnancy service offering alternatives to abortion

Volunteers provide pregnancy services and

counseling as well as resource information and

materials. All services provided are free and

confidential helping distressed women in our


In response to their current need for maternity

clothing, Missions & Outreach Commission will

be collecting new and agently used clothese for

mothers-to-be. Please join us in filling the

Birthright clothes donation box located in the

narthex during the month of October.

The directors of Birthright ask that Cokesbury

UMC keep them in their prayers.

Children’s choir is an important component of a

child’s Christian education. In choir they learn at

an early age to work with others as they practice

to sing in front of the congregation. They learn

the old songs that are a part of our rich heritage

and the new songs of praise and worship. They

also learn that they are valued and contributing

members of our church family.

Children’s choir will meet at 6:30-7:00 p.m. every

Wednesday evening through May. Children’s

choir sings at the 11:00 service the last Sunday of

each month. Leaders are Melissa Clark and Mary Jane Fizer.

By Cynthia Rohlfs

We are continuing the holiday baskets through Sunday, November 12. Any item is welcome from the following list.

October 12 – Green beans or peas October 19 – Pie filling or cake mix and frosting October 29-November 12 – donor’s choice from list Mashed potatoes & gravy Stuffing & muffin mix Sweet potatoes or yams

Cranberry sauce/applesauce

Corn and carrots

“Loving Christ first loved us!”

Church Finance – what do you know….?

When it comes to the church’s finance/ budget,

many people claim that they understand not so

much, but there are a few who actually know it.

There are some who think of Budget and Finance

merely as a list of confusing figures and dollar signs.

To others, it is a challenge and to some – a blessing.

Sometimes, it remains the red flag of disturbance in

the Church.

Years ago, Cokesbury’s budget was broken down to

more simplistic and understandable components by

Mary Seltzer and still continues to be made more

friendly by our current treasurer, Rick Clark.

Every bit of giving by anyone in the congregation is

RECORDED and ACCOUNTED for. Any member

can ask for a monthly copy from the CHURCH

COUNCIL or members of the FINANCE

COMMITTEE or contact the Church Office for

familiarization, and/or even attend any of their

meetings for any details.

There is still another aspect of the Finance/Budget

ministry that we would like to mention. For this

Church, and for any Church with sound accounta-

bility, finance is a part of every visit, every sermon,

every telephone call, and every aspect of the Church.

Our finances make it possible for the pastor to

preach and to comfort our people in their deepest

need. It is part of each letter from our church’s

office desk, that makes it possible for the secretary

to write out the bulletins we hold in our hands to

worship each week.

Every week, and beginning from January 1st of every

given year, we start with an empty offering plate to

receive faithful GIVING from all of us. Our Pastor,

the secretary, the Music Director, the Custodian and

other services rely on our collective giving to be

PAID. And above all we rely on it to pay our



Just suppose WE WERE ALL absent for 4 Sundays

–one month. The personnel who depend upon our

budget would go without pay, and we would have to

seek some attention from the District or through the


The Sunday school would not be supported.

The Various Trainings could not be carried out.

There could not be any tuning of the organ and piano

for good accompanying music at or worship


The choir would have no songbooks.

No organ or piano music would be heard.

The various rooms would be dark from the lack of

electricity and cold from the want of heat.

The rooms would be void of furniture or equipment.

There would be no flowers for the ill or the


The community would not be blessed with the

ministry of the church.

There would be no church here – no Flea Market

And In just the period of one year we would see our

creditors in possession of the church property.

All that we have gained in growth for our last 55

years would be lost in some short time.

It is worthy to stress that, we are to applaud our-

selves for being able to help provide such services

to the Lord through our giving, even during these

HARD economic times. On behalf of the Finance

committee, we say a BIG thank you for helping each

other to support all the activities in the Lord’s house

by our giving, gifts, prayers, service and talents. And

like all growing things, finance is becoming more

complex and challenging year after year with respect

to the cost of living. But we are to TRUST and

OBEY. As the Bible says in Malachi 3:10 10


the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may

be food in my house; and thereby put me to the

test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the

windows of heaven for you and pour down for

you an overflowing blessing.

The church is the people. If we were to meet in a

cave or in a classroom, we would still be the church.

The church is God's people. We are the church. And

the giving program of the church is we. The

community would not be blessed with the ministry

of the church, if there were no church here. If

nothing else we are the hope of the future. Those

who started this Church 55years ago have given the

candle to us to help LET IT BURN. We are to do

our part.

God has given into our hands the blessedness of this

ministry. He didn't have to. He could have turned it

over in administration to the angels, to the seraphim

and the cherubim. God could have done it in some

other way. But in His goodness and grace, He

turned it over to us. We have it all together. It is

ours. Under His love, and surveillance, and

inspiration, and direction, all of it is in our hands.

God has committed it to us. WE WILL…GOD


Submitted by Michael Obeng, Finance Committee


“Loving Christ first loved us!”




Do you have coats around the

house that you want to give

away? Are there any extra coats in your closet? (New coats are also welcome!)

The UM Men are sponsoring a coat drive from

October 12 until November 2. Please bring gently

used coats and other warm outerwear to share with

those in need. Winter is fast approaching and time

is needed to distribute as well as collect.

Collections will be given to ACTS and Rising


Through this coat drive, kids and families will

know that when the colder weather hits, or when

snow and ice may come, they’ll have a jacket or

other articles that will keep them warm and

comfortable. Your help will be appreciated many times over.

More Soup! By Bunny Mahar

Helping Hands will sponsor their Soup & Salad

luncheon again on November 5. Once again you can

share in a wealth of delicious homemade soups -

from bean soup to clam chowder. If you have a

favorite, you will almost surely find it here.

Along with a variety of cold-weather comfort food,

you will enjoy a tossed salad, crackers, beverages

and dessert. The cost for this wonderful repast is

only $5 per person. Please take one soup so

everyone gets their favorite, then come back for

more. Take all you want, but eat all you take.

Church Picnic - Thanks

Thank you to all the helpers for the church picnic

on September 21 without whom it would not have

been possible to host this well-attended church event.

John Jewell & Cynthia Rohlfs


Annual Fruit Sale – 2014/2015

Cokesbury United Methodist Men

Welcome to another fun-filled year with our fruit

ministry. If you have been a customer in the past,

we thank you. Our program has passed through

generations. Our United Methodist motto is

“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” As

you participate this year, please know that you are

supporting the mission and ministries of the United Methodist Men.

Flyers are available with types of fruit available,

prices, and order and pickup dates. First order is

due by November 3 and pickup will be November

14, 15. You may order online at, call 703-494-6552, or email

What's a Christian to do

with Halloween?

These days, children associate Halloween with trick-or-treating and candy. But centuries ago, Christians named the night before All Hallows’ Day (All Saints’ Day) “All Hallows’ Eve.” As the faithful prepared to remember people who were entrusted to resurrection life, they adopted various traditions to poke fun at death.

Around the world, Christians observe Halloween differently: In Poland, kids pray aloud while walking through forests to comfort souls of the dead. In Spain, tolling church bells remind people to remember the saints. In Finland, so many people light candles in cemeteries that the observance is called “seas of light.” Although some Christians steer clear of Halloween, others use it as an evangelism opportunity and provide entertainment alternatives such as harvest parties. No matter your views, you can remind children that though it’s fun to pretend, we can always be ourselves with God. Whatever our features and flaws, we need not and cannot hide from God behind masks. God made us in his holy image and loves us as his holy — hallowed! — children.

“Loving Christ first loved us!”

Sunday Worship Services 8:30 AM & 11 AM

Nursery available at both services.

The 11 a.m. worship service features a children’s worship for elementary school aged children.

Sunday School at 9:45 AM (for children, youth, and adults)

If there is a 5th Sunday in the month, the worship service that day begins at 10:30 AM and there is no

Sunday School. See the web site for more information:

The Colonnade Staff Editor: Bunny Mahar

Postal Coordinator: Joe Greene

Articles for the Colonnade are due by the 20th of each month for the next month’s edition.

Place articles in Church Mailbox #3 OR e-mail them to:

Church Office: 703-494-5400

Cokesbury United Methodist Church

Lord’s Table, Oct. 9 October 2014 Coat Drive begins, Oct. 12What's a Christian to do with Halloween?Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

17:00 Chancel Choir7:00 IPDC

27:00 Bible Study7:00 IPDC

37:00 IPDC

46:00-2:00 Flea Market (Missions & Outreach)10:00 Recovery, Inc.2:30 UMM to Envoy

58:30/11:00 Worship9:45 Bible Study, “Acts”12:15 HH meeting/potluck 1:30-5:00 IPDC5:30 UMY, St. Paul, Oktoberfest

66:00 Prayer Group7:00 IPDC

76:30 Girl Scouts7:00 Finance Meeting

810:00 Prayer Shawl

Comforters6:30 Children’s Choir7:00 Chancel Choir7:00 IPDC

97:00 Bible Study7:00 Lord’s Table at

St. Paul UMC7:00 IPDC

1011:00 UMM to Rising Hope7:00 IPDC

116:00-2:00 Flea Market (UMM)10:00 Recovery, Inc.3:00-9:00 IPDC Sanc./FH (T)

128:30/11:00 Worship9:45 Bible Study, “Acts”9:45 Trustees Meeting12:15 Worship Meeting1:30-5:00 IPDC 5:30 UMY, St. Paul UMCBegin Coat Drive

136:00 Prayer Group7:00 UM/UMW7:00 IPDC

146:30 Girl Scouts7:00 Admin Council

156:30 Children’s Choir7:00 Chancel Choir 7:00 IPDC

167:00 Bible Study7:00 IPDC

177:00 IPDC

186:00-2:00 Flea Market

(Finance)10:00 Recovery, Inc.

198:30/11:00 Worship9:45 Bible Study1:30-5:00 IPDC 5:30 UMY, St. Paul UMC

206:00 Prayer Group7:00 IPDC


216:30 Girl Scouts7:00 Education/Sunday School Planning

22 10:00 Prayer Shawl

Comforters6:30 Children’s Choir7:00 Chancel Choir7-9:30 IPDC

237:00 Bible Study7:00 IPDC

247:00 IPDC

256:00-2:00 Flea Market

(Worship)10:00 Recovery, Inc.

26 8:30/11:00 Worship Service9:45 Bible Study12:15 KiDS in Service1:30-5:00 IPDC 5:30 UMY, St. Paul UMC

276:00 Prayer Group7:00 IPDC

286:30 Girl Scouts

2910:00 Prayer Shawl

Comforters6:30 Children’s Choir7:00 Chancel Choir7:00 IPDC

307:00 Bible Study7:00 IPDC

314:00-7:00 IPDC Outdoor children’s program w/kitchen & pavilion7:00 IPDC