The Cougar Claw Vol. 4 Issue 5

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Coronado Key Club's October Newsletter



Page 1: A Letter from the

Bulletin Editor

Page 2 & 3: September Events:

DCM, MotM, PTP Carwash

Fundraiser, & Green Apple

Page 4: October Events-

Imagination Movers & the


Page 5-7: Regional Training

Conference (Board’s Opinion)

+ A Special Thank You

Page 8: October Calendar and

future Service Event


Page 9: Contact Information

for Board and Advisors

Hello Everyone! Yet another eventful month

has passed with more to come! These past couple months

have probably been the most active I’ve ever experienced

in Key Club! It has been the most busiest when it comes

to the Regional Training Conference (RTC) with the

preparation for October 13th. Being able to work together

as a board and deliver a great presentation at RTC was

extremely memorable. The spirit we were able to exhibit

from our members was so inspirational. The long hours

of hard work going to preps, prop supplies, and more

paid off a lot in the end. Though Coronado Key Club did

not win at RTC this year, we are very blessed and proud

for those who have won (especially Liberty)!

As for the rest of the month, we were also able

to go to many fun events that many of our members went

to. Coronado KC was the first to start off the year by

hosting the first Divisional Council Meeting! We were

also blessed with members, like Linh Truong, to be a part

of our club these past couple months! Many moments

that you will be able to experience in this month’s

newsletter for The Cougar Claw!

I hope you all enjoy this month’s issue and if

you have any question, comments, or concerns- be sure to

contact me! Thank you everyone and have a happy


-Tiffanie Ignacio

Coronado KC Bulletin Editor

Year: 1991

Michelle McMillen becomes

the first female member to be

elected Key Club president.

“I'm glad that Coronado was able to host the September DCM this month! We were able to represent our school to the division. This DCM, like the rest was very informative, and I'm sure all the other schools had a great time as well. Members throughout the division were caught up on new and old business from other schools, and we got to socialize and bond with our fellow Key Clubbers over some tasty Port-of-Subs.”

-Lauren Tsang

Coronado KC Senior Member

“Linh Truong is a very active freshman already participating in most, if not all, service events in September. She attended Viva Bike Vegas at 5AM - 11AM, and on the same day attended the Coronado Car Wash from 11AM - 2PM. Linh also participated in Green Apple Day of Service, the Hemophilia Walk, and Seussical. Linh dedicates so much to volunteer. During weekends, she tries to volunteer as much as she can.

It is amazing that a freshman is so excited and as well as amazed about Key Club as she. We hope to see Linh Troung sprout more into the future. Linh loves to help out as much as she can, and she is also excited to be attending RTC and Fall Rally this year. Linh will be continuing Key Club throughout the years of her high school career, and it is just great that she is going to many of the service events in October and as well in November!”

-Mari Pascual

Coronado KC President

“On Saturday, September 22nd, I woke up bright and early to prepare for our

very first Coronado Key Club Fundraiser for PTP! The day started off at 9:30 am

where our KC board set up the stations filled with buckets of water, soap, sponges,

etc.! The whole experience of the day was extremely thrilling! It was also a great

opportunity to meet the new faces to Key Club as well. The turnout for the amount

of members that showed up was completely surprising because many enjoyed their

time cleaning! We all worked together as a group and knew our priorities and it

turned out smoothly! We also had many spirited members along the side walk

cheering for attention, led by our Division Specialist Calvin Kleber! The spirit was

so uplifting and attracted so much attention! Some drivers even stopped by just to

donate and not get their car cleaned! All the good hearted people out there made

me feel the hope in humanity. This would be one of those events I would never,

ever forget! Overall, our club made over $300 raised for PTP!”

-Tiffanie Ignacio

Coronado KC Bulletin Editor

“The Green Apple Day of Service held on September 29th at Sunridge Park was definitely a fun experience! It brought together Key Clubs from Liberty, Secta, Green Valley, Coral Academy, and Coronado in order to clean up the park. But that was not all that went on that day! There was also a Cheer-Off between the school's where we all tried our hardest to be louder than everyone else there, and I think that we did show how amazing our Key Club really is. It was really great to meet members from other clubs and get to know them. At this event we had a kickball tournament our school competed against our rivals, Green Valley and despite all of our attempts they won by a point! Being able to unite with the other clubs to work towards a good cause and just hangout was a really great experience that I believe should happen more. “

- Alana Lopez

Coronado KC Freshman Member

“On October 6th at The District the FAAN Walk took place and our Key Club

was there to run a Carnival for the kids who were attending that day. The games

included Ring Toss, Fishing, and Matching Ducks with each other. There were

other game and activity booths there run by NHS and Student Council. The prizes

given at the event were all small things that promoted the event and Food allergy

awareness, but even with this the kids appreciated the fun and games our carnival

provided. This section of the event was run by Coronado students as a whole.

Uniting with the other Clubs from our school and the FAAN Walk was an

incredible experience. The Walk in general had a very positive atmosphere and

working with the Kids and helping them win the games was a lot of fun and it

helped some of our Clubbers step out of their Comfort Zones and is themselves.

This event was not only beneficial for the Walk attendees and Children, but it also

helped form new friendships between the members that were there serving.”

-Alana Lopez

Coronado KC Freshman Member

“On Friday October 5th at the Henderson Pavillion the Imagination

Movers performed and Coronado's Key Club was there to help the guests

throughout the night. There were 40 volunteers from our group there on

that night and at first it was a bit hectic. The night moved on and when it

was time for us to step up to the plate we did our jobs well and it went

pretty smoothly. Our jobs were to hand out Disney Channel activity books

to the children and escort families to their seats, if they needed the help.

With our Key Club's help we escorted nearly 2000 people to their seats in

time for the show. Good Job Coronado Key Club!”

-Alana Lopez

Coronado KC Freshman Member

“The 2012 Region Training Conference was one of the best experiences I have had in my life! I've been to RTC during both my sophomore year and junior year, but neither of them could top this year's! It started out as any other. Coronado Key Club met at the park across Cimarron-Memorial to put on our face paint and hair spray to get ready to cheer! We practiced numerous amounts of times, and once we were ready, we set off to Cimarron, at the appropriate time too! Coronado Key Club proudly cheered, "Who are we? Coronado!" throughout the day. We were so excited to take home the spirit stick and win the RTC spirit rally! All of the members were pumped and excited of what the day was going to offer! As the day went on, many of us were anticipating the spirit round. Although it was very early than expected, Coronado tried their best as we performed our first cheer! It was so great hearing Coronado be so loud and proud as president it almost put tears in my eyes. After the spirit round we were introduced to go to the different workshops that were waiting for us throughout the day. After the vigorous workshops we had attended, it was time to find out who won the top three spots from each division! Luckily, from 28 South Pandas, Coronado made one of the top three schools, along with Liberty and SECTA! Coronado tried their best as we cheered our hardest! It was just absolutely amazing how we presented ourselves, and it made me so proud. Though we didn't win, my club couldn't have made me more happy! I began to tear up as my members gathered around me. I never thought that our club could make it so far with all our club spirit and intuition! Region Training Conference was just an amazing experience and I wouldn't change anything about it! I want to thank Coronado Key Club officers and members for all their hard work! You guys are just amazing! I'm also so happy, proud, and blessed to be your club president! I love you my Key Clubbers! (:”

-Mari Pascual

Coronado KC President

“This year was my 3rd year going to RTC and it was amazing as it has been in the past. During the week of, I was counting down the days. I was super excited. Being on board this year, I knew I had more responsibilities during the event. I was also anticipating on seeing how spirited the freshmen were going to be this year. Passing out name tags and assigning groups to the members were hectic, but we eventually figured it out. The workshop I enjoyed the most from was the President and Vice President workshop. I got to learn and participate in new ice breakers that I would be able to share with the club and information to become a better leader. At the spirit rally, I was surprised at all the cheers each school had. Ending RTC was the dance in which I had tons of fun and I know that our president, Mari, did too. Although Coronado didn't win, I'm still proud of everyone for making into the top 3 of our division! This RTC will be one I'll never forget. Can't wait for next year!”

-Elaina Xie

Coronado KC Vice President

“Honestly, this year's RTC was the best conference out of all four I have been able to attend throughout high school. We may not have won the spirit competition within our division, but we made it into the top three and that's impressive enough. Moreover, Liberty was able to win the competition for Region 5, representing Division 28 South; so while we may not have won as a club, we still managed to win as a division. The RTC preps were pretty successful overall and I'm proud for how well our members managed to cheer and shout. As my last RTC, I can say that it ended as I would have wanted it to end. I met new people, went to workshops, had a great time with friends and members, cheered like no other, and danced like there was no tomorrow. I know preparing for RTC was stressful for the board, but now that it's over I am positive we can say everything went pretty smooth. The highlight of my day? The giant sign of my face. End of story. Best RTC ever. #Jonnby2012”

-Jonnby LaGuardia

Coronado KC SAA | Service Event Chair

“RTC was absolutely amazing again! Getting up at seven in the morning is not something I enjoy doing but getting to spend it with my fellow members made it all worth it. I am extremely proud of the outcome! I know we didn't win the spirit stick, but we were absolutely amazing! We were loud, clear, and all together when we cheered! If I had a chance to do Saturday over again I wouldn't change a thing!”

-RJ Immerman

Coronado KC Secretary A

“I had an AMAZING time at RTC this year! Technically, it was my first time there since I left early last year, so I was in for a treat. It was awesome to see over 2,000 Key Clubbers all in the same room anticipating what the rest of the day had to offer. Also, I'm so glad I reunited with my friends from Key Leader. When I saw them, my day instantly got better. I loved seeing the reactions from the freshmen since this was their first time at RTC. I could tell that many of them were having a great time! The spirit session was definitely my favorite part. Even though Coronado didn't win, we still did an awesome job and I'm very proud of our club. Congratulations to Liberty for winning for Division 28 South! At the end of the day, my head hurt and my whole body was sore, but that just showed how much of a blast I had. This year's RTC was truly a day that I will never forget. Days like these make me love serving my club as Secretary B even more. I love Key Club, the lessons it has taught me and the great friends I've made through this organization. Who are we? CORONADO!”

-Sabrina Fairfoot

Coronado KC Secretary B

“This year's RTC was unforgettable. I was very proud of my fellow key clubbers for trying their hardest and going to one of the final rounds to win the spirit stick! It was great listening to everyone's speeches, for I have learned more about the club I love the most. As a board member, I feel accomplished for helping out my president and organizing everything in order to have a smooth day at RTC. The highlight of my day has to be the dance, I met a lot of people, had fun, and not to mention I did sweat quite a lot.”

-Sergio Linares

Coronado KC Treasurer

“RTC this past Saturday has got to be one of the best ones I’ve ever experienced, right next to my very first one during my sophomore year. I won’t deny it, but I actually teared up quite a lot throughout RTC cause it would always hit me knowing that it would be my last year to ever experience all the spirit. I love Key club very much that I just wanted to be able to live up every single second of RTC. The spirit our entire club expressed gave me inspiration and satisfaction that Key Club is going to be left with good hands once we graduate. I’m so thankful to be able to share this experience with all the new and old members. Though we were unable to win the spirit stick for us seniors to feel proud about, we were all extremely happy knowing that Liberty was able to represent for us as a Division! I’m so glad of all our hard work for this event and I can’t wait to continue to succeed with my board throughout the rest of the year!

-Tiffanie Ignacio

Coronado KC Bulletin Editor

“On Saturday, October 12, 2012, Regional Training Conference (RTC) was held at Cimarron High School. RTC consisted of a whole day of Key Club workshops and cheering. I enjoyed the entire day, and by the dance at the end of the day, I had to leave early because I was so exhausted. During the day, I learned much about Key Club and how I can improve the club, and I gained knowledge in many important areas such as service partners and DCON. The cheering was exhilarating and wonderful, and I had the best time cheering my head off. I got to know many of my fellow members better, and I even got to see an old friend. It was really a wonderful day, and I am so glad that I went.”

-Rachel Oshiro

Coronado KC Sophomore Rep

“RTC was unforgettable. Not only were we all educated on the organization, we

were able to spend 12 hours with our Key Club family. Though we didn't have as

much time as planned to practice our cheers, I'm proud of everyone's efforts that

got us into the second round! Losing my voice was worth it for this day. I hope the

members enjoyed this event as much as I did. I wish I could go back to this day, for

I'm still suffering from Post RTC Syndrome.”

-Brenda Tran

Coronado KC Junior Rep

“This year's RTC was extremely fun for me. If I had the opportunity to go to

another one, I would go in a heartbeat. Although this was my last RTC, since I am

graduating this year, I thought this particular RTC was more memorable than all

the other ones I have been to because I've met new people and had many laughs

with people. Seeing everybody cheer and show their spirit made me realize why I

love Key Club. To me, RTC is more than just an event, it brings clubs closer

together. And in regards to Coronado's Key Club, we cheered and showed our

Cougar spirit as a whole and that's what makes us a great club. I'm proud of our

club and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.”

-Chris Ibarreta

Coronado KC Senior Rep

Thank you to all the

members that volunteered

at Viva Bike Vegas this past


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Silverado DCM





Trunk or Treat

Kiddie Academy

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30

Wolff Fall Festival


Silverado DCM

WHEN: Thursday, October 18th

WHERE: Silverado HS (1650 Silver Hawk Avenue)

Keep yourself updated as a division and attend

the DCM! Limited to only 12 people!

Homecoming Tailgate

WHEN: Friday, October 19th

WHERE: Coronado HS

HOURS GIVEN: 2 Club Hours

Coronado KC will be having a booth selling soda,

ice tea, and water at Tailgate before the game!

Come and support your club!

Trick or Treat for UNICEF

Want to go Trick-or-Treating and help UNICEF? Go

talk to our Treasurer, Sergio Linares, for a box! Every

$10 is an hours!

Kiddie Academy: Trunk or Treat

WHEN: Saturday, October 20th

WHERE: Kiddie Academy (870 Coronado Center


Help volunteer with setting up, activities booths,

passing out candy, and clean up!

Wolff Elementary Fall festival

WHEN: Tuesday, October 30th

WHERE: Wolff Elementary (1001 Seven Hills Drive)

HOURS GIVEN: 3 Clubs Hours

Volunteers needed to run games and activity

booths for elementary school children!

Fall Rally South

Remember that Fall Rally South is located at Six

Flags Magic Mountain on November 10th!















Contact us on our desired emails

and we will be sure to get back to

you as soon as possible!

Division 28 South | Region 5 | California-Nevada-Hawaii District | Key Club International

a Kiwanis-family member