The Junction

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Newspaper which is part of "Offret", a processual, community-driven project that was part of the Exchange Radical Moments! Live Art Festival 2011. “Offret” is an urban intervention in one of London’s areas that were hotbeds of unrest in August 2011, Clapham Junction. The project has encouraged different sectors of the local community to get together and discuss the unrest by promoting series of workshops. The outcome of the workshops took shape a newspaper presenting visions for the future of the community that was distributed during the event. For more info visit:



Issue 0001 London 11 November 2013 “Headlines of the Future” FREE

SPECIAL: Mentorship schemes

PRESSURE is mounting on politicians to launch an investigation into the alleged appearance of local funny-man Dan Leno during the riots in 2011.

Councillors originally dismissed as ludicrous the suggestion that Leno,

who has been dead for more than 100 years, could have appeared anywhere other than in people’s imaginations.

The international star, who built and owned renowned music hall Clapham Grand and was

once billed as the world’s funniest man, lived in Clapham Park before he died in 1904.

Rumours began circulating days after the disturbances that Leno, who was national clog dancing champion in the

1880s, appeared on St John’s Hill during the unrest and in various locations across the borough on the night of Monday, August 9, with #OMGjustseendanleno trending on Twitter at around 5am.

However, it was several

months before the story was reported locally as witnesses feared speaking out and being sectioned.

The speculation continued to be ridiculed until an investigative

continues on page 5


6th Hour Productions

This paper is a publication by 6th Hour


locales or persons, living or dead, is either coincidental or use poetic licence.

This newspaper is the outcome of the community workshop “Headlines of the Future”, which was part of “Offret”, an art project on the London riots

developed by 6th Hour Productions. “Offret” is part of of the “Exchange Radical Moments!” Live Art Festival, taking place on the 11/11/11 (more details on page 11).

The contents of the stories are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of 6th Hour Productions.

THIS PAPER, published alongside a video projection intervention in Lavender Hill, aims to explore the

use of artistic practices in the understanding of historic events and in the transformation of social conditions.

6th Hour Productions have worked closely together with Glenn McMahon and Darcey Williamson in a fruitful partnership committed to challenging preconceptions and entrenched opinions.

S e v e r a l p a r t i c i p a n t s and collaborators have c o n t r i b u t e d t o t h e exploration of the causes and consequences of the unrest. From their discussions, key themes were identified and fictional narratives unfolded in a newspaper article format.

The idea of creating news from the future was intended not just to provoke participants into pushing the boundaries

of the present, but also to inspire its readers to envisage new possibilities of engaging with society.

It seems that the desire for self-expression in a social context is growing ever stronger. We live in an era in which action is being facilitated by widespread digital communication and social networks. Yet, 6th Hour Productions praises the value that exists in offline experiences.

E n g a g e m e n t , express ion, ability for listening, being open to other people’s point of view and learning from them - this is what this project is about. The community meetings promoted were an attempt to achieve this.

Exercising dialogue is about participating in society and

defining a personal identity. Dialogue can connect communities, generations and policy-makers to their people.

Getting together for discussion and sharing of ideas is a gradual process that starts with instilling confidence and sense of belonging, progresses to empowerment and new ways of thinking and, finally, to creation.

This publication comprises inventive and fictional writing that addresses, through a creative exercise, some of the community’s thoughts and demands on social, educational, technological and political issues.

Hopefully, this work will feed back to the community and inspire new actions.


AS A COMMUNITY artist one of the most inspiring and interesting parts of my practice is the process; the interaction between participants when they come together to create

art, whatever form it may take. For me, the art is in the experience. The experience of communal artistic processes and the conversations involved. Dialogical art. “Dialogical art,” writes art historian Grant Kester, “enables not just the artist but those directly involved to confront issues that pre-exist within communities and open them up to create a larger awareness of parts of society within an extended context of the public.” Through ‘Offret’, a post-riot urban intervention project in Clapham and Battersea, members of the community (and beyond), have collaborated to be part of an intervention that does just as Kester says. By confronting some of the issues in society and producing a newspaper, with Headlines of the Future, it offers a creative reflection on how participants want change.

But why use social arena for artistic intervention?

Intervention questions and challenges the framework that shapes society: capitalism. Many feel we need to address dominant economically orientated, self-seeking, consumerist tendencies. By intervening in social spaces it gives us an opportunity to oppose these issues and some of the negative consequences, including environmental damage and social disharmony. “Art can offer a chance for society to collectively reflect on the imaginary figures it depends upon for its very consistency, its self-understanding,” write philosophy professor Brian Holmes. Indeed, this type of practice does not promote an oppositional agenda to a dominant system but rather acknowledges a need for questioning.

This forms a much needed critique, played out in the social spaces of everyday life. It is not solely about ‘restoring the social bond,’ or proposing ‘non-hierarchal organising’ but rather about exposing flawed societal systems by experimenting with modes of interactions and social critique. Whatever those may be. Artistic intervention acts as a ‘social sculpture’, illustrating art’s potential to transform society. ‘Offret’ joins the company of many a dialogical projects, in an artistic, social and political context. It provides an opportunity for a wide range of people to be involved in something creative that looks at large amounts of social unrest and instability in society at large. For me, being involved in ‘Offret’ has been inspirational, and I feel these projects are the way to building a more inclusive future.

The Junction London, 11 November 2013




Darcey Williamson artist / workshop leader

6th Hour ProductionsSofia Dawe + Juliana Glam

WITHIN 24hrs of the riots speculation began as to who was responsible and why they occurred.

Three months on we have

a reasonable breakdown of the educational, criminal and economic status of those who were charged, but still no authoritative understanding of what was the motivation behind them.

That has not stopped them from being labelled thugs and criminals or victims of a materialistic and individualistic society.

Such generalisations and stereotypes can usually be proved both right and wrong in the same instant.

If someone looted because they simply did not think or even care about the consequences they may be regarded as a leech who sucks the life from society.

But is it wise to not consider

why they do not care?

Meanwhile, the riots have provided a springboard to discuss a number of issues that simply refuse to go away, some of which are reflected in this paper.

What influences the thinking of those who choose or fall into a path destructive to either themselves or others?

Education, parenting and the media are surely the biggest forces acting on young minds today and there is work to be done on them all.

But even if these factors were exemplary, young people must have the opportunities to fulfil realistic dreams or they can be expected to take matters

into their hands.

There are many people who work and volunteer to try and help fill the gaps, but with significant cuts across the board this will be an impossible task.

As a consequence we will become accustomed to being inconvenienced as the ranks of the unemployed swell and politicians fail to offer a way out.

So it is no good looking down our privileged noses demanding people behave while failing to offer solutions.

For if one thing is certain, sneering at the periphery or locking them up will not make them disappear for long.

Glenn McMahonjournalist / workshop leader



Call for NEW proposals

EXCHANGE RADICAL MOMENTS! is looking for ideas and proposals for Live Art projects 2012/2013.

More infos at:

Streams from the festival 2011, 11 November

London, 11 November 2013 The Junction

A STUNNING light sculpture was unveiled today to brighten up the scene of one of Battersea’s darkest moments.

Local artist, Sarah Smart, was commissioned to create the piece after C l a p h a m J u n c t i o n shopkeepers felt the area’s good name was unfairly blighted by the riots in August, 2011.

The abstract piece that resembles a blossoming tree soaks up light during the day and emits a warm glow at night.

A small plaque on the stand lists the area’s p r o u d e s t m o m e n t s i n c l u d i n g n a t i o n a l l y recognised educational, business, artistic and sporting successes.

Andy Thomas, head of the local business association that funded the project, said: “We wanted to get the idea that the shopping centre was the scene of one of Battersea’s darkest moments out of people’s minds. The riots were an aberration, the chances of

them happening again are almost zero. We need to move on and we hope the conversation will too.”

Fears that trade could be hit following the riots proved unfounded as shoppers returned within days. However, the continuous talk of the unrest could damage the areas reputation, Thomas said.

“I think loyal customers made a point at the time of showing they will not be intimidated by gangs of mindless thugs, but the incessant talk of the riots can’t do the area’s reputation any good and could put people off. Now we have something positive to focus on,” he said.

Ms Smart, who was born and raised in the area, said: “I was honoured to be asked to create such an important piece. There are so many talented artists in the area. I hope people will reflect in the glow of its light what a great place Battersea is.”

A unique light sculpture inspired as a reaction to the negative reporting following the riots has been installed outside Clapham Junction Station– Lorinda Freint



THE SUPREME Court has ruled that evictions from social housing must be limited to those found guilty of serious or repeat anti-social behaviour or other crime and not include their cohabitants.

The landmark ruling comes on the back of a popular backlash to hundreds of innocent families being kicked out of their homes following riot related convictions in 2011.

The order has been applied retrospectively meaning councils across the nation will have to immediately rehouse those affected costing them hundreds of thousands of pounds.

The policy provoked a heated debate at the time as councils were accused of punishing innocent people for a crime they did not commit while punishing those guilty of a crime twice after they had already been sentenced by the courts.

However, councils who applied the policy said it was the responsibility of

tenancy holders to control those living in or visiting their homes even if they were adults, out of sight and off the estate when the digression occurred.

The final decision to evict tenants was made by the civil courts based on the wording of the tenancy agreement, but those opposed to the evictions say the terms of the contract were aimed at disruptive tenants when they were written and are being misused.

Ruander Song, head of campaign group No Innocent Evictions, said: “This is a victory for common sense. How can innocent people be kicked out of their homes for something they had no part in and no control over. It’s Orwellian. Some people were literally made homeless.”

However, the lawyer representing the coalition of councils that defended the case said they were acting on behalf of law abiding and decent families. – T.B.

A POPULAR shop on Clapham Junction was gutted in August 2011 after a group of looters set it on fire.

Despite his devastation from the attack, owner Jason Davey was inspired to set-up an initiative to help others follow in his footsteps after building up the successful business over two decades.

He said: “I’ve always been involved with community projects and with it taking

two years to repair the building I wasn’t going to sit around.

“When I started up in the 90s the Junction was full of independent businesses but most of them have been priced out with the ever-increasing rents so this is a great way to get them back into the heart of the community where they belong.

“We’ll be concentrating on supporting businesses

selling handmade arts, crafts, jewellery, clothing and antiques. People can try out their business model without having all the expense and commitment of renting a shop, but still be in a great location.”

Mr Davey will offer free advice and support to help traders get their businesses off the ground and will be open later this month in time for the run-up to Christmas.

Indoor markets, famous for their antiques, nic-nacs and curios, have been disappearing from town centres over the decades as developers replace them with modern blocks or increase rents so independents are forced out.

Jewellery maker Kelvin Ogulu, of Tooting, was one of the first to sign-up.

He said: “I finished a jewellery course at university two years ago, but it’s been impossible to get a job; everyone’s laying people off so I thought I would start making my own and sell it where ever I could, but it will be great to have a permanent pitch and the support I’ve been getting has really helped with planning and all the business stuff they don’t teach you at uni. There should be more places like this.” – H.S.


A THREE-STORY building burnt-out during the riots is set to open as a traditional market hall to provide affordable units to independent traders

XGovernment backtracks on evictions policy after housing costs and homelessness rocket

A RECENT report has predicted the exponential rise in energy bills could be tempered by climate change.

Householders have seen bills increase by as much as 100 per cent over the past few years with more rises expected.

If global warming lives up to its name central heating could remain off until later in the year as recent weather has shown.

However one cynic said a sudden drop in energy use would force suppliers to further increase prices to maintain profits.

News In Brief

– G.M.

The Junction London, 11 November 2013


journalist pursuing the story spotted members of the Bad Boy Gang, some of whom were sentenced for their part in the riots, clog dancing in dark alleys.

A 17-year-old from the BBG, who did not want to be named for fear of losing his reputation, said: “It’s true, we saw Dan Leno on that fateful night and it’s changed our lives forever. I don’t know how or why, but we suddenly started channelling our time and energy into being creative. Through him we are finding new ways to express ourselves and make use of our time.”

The BBG have since been challenging local rivals the Clapham Gang, who

were also visited by Leno, to clog-dancing duels to settle disputes.

Under the cover of darkness and donning the latest custom-made clogs, the youths take it in turns to show off their best choreographed and improvised moves to win respect from their peers.

The two groups fell-out five years ago after the CG insisted on calling Battersea Clapham; a faux-pas usually associated with outsiders.

The three-year aftermath left Wandsworth Police pushed to its limits as crime went through the roof, but latest figures show a continual downward trend in anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and violent crime.

Some believe the two are related.

One member of the BBG gang said they were thinking of going public to inspire others to follow their example and get the nation clog-dancing again.

He said: “Clog-dancing never took off in London when Dan was performing and we wanna right that wrong.”

Similar stories of Dan Leno’s influence have also emerged with comedy workshops and clubs recording record foot-fall.

Fanny Guy, manager at Battersea’s longest running comedy club Giggles, said: “I believe the rumours. Dan was someone who cared about his community and would have been appalled to

see us fighting, looting and smashing up local businesses. I reckon he came back to inspire people with a negative view on life to do the opposite and make people happy and what better way to do it than by entertaining each other.”

Sources at the council told the Junction that there is a willingness in the cabinet to launch an inquiry but fear a backlash from sceptics for wasting public money.

However, a compromise deal is being considered with a special funding programme to support performers breaking into the industry and Dan Leno being officially recognised as Battersea’s community spirit.

continued from page 1

Portraits Natalia Castro

– L.F.

London, 11 November 2013 The Junction


A TEENAGER imprisoned for looting during the riots three years ago has won a place at prestigious Oxford University after completing a mentoring scheme set-up following the unrest.

Dan Savage, of Wake Up Lane, Battersea, will study Politics and Social Development from September and hopes to learn how government policy can improve young people’s life chances.

The 22-year-old said: “I can’t believe what I’ve achieved, if I can do it anyone can. Some people just need a bit more support than others. I know there are people who would say why should I get special treatment after committing a crime, but surely the cost of keeping me in prison is a lot more than funding mentoring schemes.”

Mr Savage completed five GCSEs in prison during his year inside before completing A-levels at a local college under the stewardship of the Second Chance mentoring initiative.

SC was set-up by local residents concerned some of the underlying issues that led to the riots and wanton theft were not being addressed.

Doris Appleby, a retired pensioner, who helps run the scheme, said: “I’m over-the-moon at Dan’s success. He deserves all the credit, he just needed some guidance and attention that most of us get elsewhere. We know we can’t help everybody, some people don’t want help, but for those who do, we’re here for them.”

WITH mentorship schemes being bandied about from all quarters The Junction decided to speak to Don Smith to find out what is so special about them, why they are needed and who benefits.

Don has spent seven of his 35 years in and out of prison as he wheeled-and-dealed his way through his teens adopting a more violent approach in his twenties.

But after seeing his best friend killed in a stabbing over a ‘stupid’ argument over respect he used his final stretch in prison to think about how he got there and where his life was going.

When the signs of change became obvious the probation service put him in touch with a charity that helps support ex-offenders back into a normal life and it soon became clear why he was the leader of a gang and how those talents could be put to use.

As I conduct the interview, the charming and authoritative speaker makes you feel safe in his

company while extracting a deep respect for his words; along with his life experiences it makes a perfect combination for mentoring.

“I was just lying in my bed in the cell and my mate getting stabbed was just playing over and over in my mind, I didn’t even stay with him, I just ran as I knew the cops would be there any minute. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over that guilt, but I can try and help prevent others from going through the same”, he said.

Don now mentors seven teenagers who have all shown a willingness to better themselves.

Some, like Don, are sick of the violence they are party to by the very people they hang round with.

Others are in Pupil Referral Units, where excluded children mix with the most problematic and sometimes misunderstood youths, while some have been identified as ticking time-bombs by their teachers waiting to explode.

Imprisoned rioter wins place at Oxford University after taking part in post-riot mentoring scheme


– Cllr Tony Belton



The Junction London, 11 November 2013


IN A TWIST of irony, a young man who looted an electrical store in Clapham Junction during the riots has re-opened the shop with the help of its former owner.

Mark Davies, of Clapham Common, served 12-months of a two-year sentence for the crime that left John Harris, 60, out of business.

But after studying business studies in prison, the Second Chance mentoring scheme took the 20-year-old on and helped get him experience working in a shop.

SC also put Davies in touch with Mr Harris, who agreed to meet him, so he could apologise face-to-face.

Mr Harris was so impressed with Davies’ turnaround that he agreed to become his mentor before the two realised they should put their relationship and knowledge to the test.

The pair have now reopened the shop with Davies managing it on a day-to-day basis and Mr Harris taking care of the accounts and admin.

Mr Harris said: “I was devastated when I realised I would have to close, but if the truth be known I was getting a bit out of touch with all the latest technology and business was declining with all the chain stores taking over the area.

“Mark has reinvigorated my enthusiasm with all his energy and new ideas and I’m looking forward to the future. I used to hate him, but now I’ve realised he just had a poor start in life. He’s acknowledged his mistakes and is now part of the local business community. Some people think I’m crazy, but I’m happy to be working with him.”

Mark said he believes there are thousands of unemployed and disaffected people with the ability to run a business but don’t have the knowledge or confidence to get started.

He said: “In a way I’m glad I ended up in prison because of where I am now. I just needed some space to think and someone to push me in the right direction. When you’re hanging out with a group of friends who are up to no good it’s difficult to break away. Believe me, loads want to, but where and what do we break away to?”

Former rioter opens business in shopping mall he looted in 2011


– Emma Clark

He explains: “Kids get into trouble for all sorts of reasons, some obvious and some less so. One kid that was referred to me by his school would explode in a violent tantrum every time he was asked to do some work or read from a book and was on the brink of being expelled which only makes problems worse.

“It turned out he couldn’t read and used it as a distraction rather than admit he needed help; and of course he didn’t want his mates knowing. Now he’s getting extra help, in secret of course, and his teachers give him extra space and it’s working. Of course I still see him every week to see how things are going and to let him know I’m still here for him.”

Understandably schools do not want disruptive pupils in school, but it is the rest of society who has to deal with the mess when they are expelled.

Either they go to PRUs where the behaviour often becomes worse or they hang around the

streets with no prospects often turning to crime if they were not already involved.

Don believes one of the keys to mentoring is to not abandon them after sharing your wisdom.

He said: “A lot of these kids lack a decent male role model so they turn to their mates for guidance and that’s not a good thing so you become a sort of father figure if you can gain their trust. This is one of the problems with the Mayor’s plan to recruit 10,000 volunteer mentors over the next few years. It can’t just be anyone, they have to be committed and long-term, just like a father, otherwise they will feel abandoned, again, and go back to what they know.”

Don is a firm believer that most kids in need of some help are good but just lack confidence.

He said: “They don’t believe they can make it in our society so create their own. We have to show them they can and that takes more than just words.” -H.S/G.M.

London, 11 November 2013 The Junction


A NEW GAME that blurs the realities between the real and digital worlds has been credited with turning round the lives of young people.

The game, City Saviour, ties together a series of missions set by business people, council departments, and community organisations that players embark on as they follow a series of clues.

Successfully completing missions, which include cleaning up parks, carrying out tasks for a shop or helping out in a care home, build up a player’s points for the game, but more importantly skills for a

digital badge which can be treated like a CV.

As the craze catches on hundreds of kids can be seen running round Battersea with their smart phones carrying out tasks that are now seen as cool while benefiting the community.

The game harnesses multitouch Augmented Reality technology which, via the screen of a smart phone or tablet device, superimposes a digital layer over the real world.

The results are stunning and are key to engaging young people switched on to an emerging digital world their parents are yet to grasp.

Ryan Ratchet, who is the current City Saviour champion, turned his life around after downloading the App and taking up the challenge.

He said: “I didn’t really believe I was worth much

until I started playing City Saviour. Being a young black man who grew up in a council flat, I didn’t think I would ever amount to much so I just rebelled.

“I got involved with the riots two years ago because I was angry with the world. I had no prospects, there were no jobs so there was no point in finishing college and even if I did I couldn’t go to university with the costs so high now. I don’t want to start out in life with £50,000 of debt.

“Then one night last year I saw a bunch of kids running around St John’s Road with their smartphones having a lot of fun so I went up and asked them what was going on and they told me they were playing City Saviour and the rest is history.”

Now Ryan has turned

from rioter to role model encouraging youngsters to be city saviours rather than city scroungers which some say has helped forge an uplift on the area’s atmosphere.

Tommy Smith, of Clapham Common, explained how he left school without any qualifications and had been unemployed since, but has now got a job after completing more than 20 missions for a local technology shop.

Raymond Singh, who owns Smart Tech Systems, said: “I created some of the missions knowing what skills and values I want from an employee and so I felt more comfortable employing Tommy than someone who might have GCSEs.”

The brainchild behind the game is a mysterious techno guru revered in forums and chatrooms

across the net who goes by the name of Citizen Cam.

However, it is believed Citizen Cam, who has been compared to the underground-artist-cum-pop-star Banksy, hails from the Battersea area.

In his manifesto he says ‘from the ashes of the London riots in 2011, I witnessed people come together with their brooms and sweep away the streets. They were not paid or forced to do it. They just came together through the magic of social media and I will continue that crusade.

“Young people feel excluded from society and have lost faith in the top-down government and education system, but now they can feel like heroes rather than villains.”

twitter your comments to @cleftasunder

CITY SAVIOUR – Cleft Asunder

A REPORT published today has called on the business community to send an army of role models into the country’s toughest schools and estates in a bid to challenge the sense of rejection many young people feel.

But it does not want just any role models, it wants people who have pulled themselves up from the bottom, been in jail or suffered from substance abuse who can empathise with those in need of most help.

It says Boris Johnson has already acknowledged the need of an army of mentors to help challenge gang culture and the lost opportunities of London’s youth, but the programme should be extended to include successful role models that inspire them into work before the rot sets in.

The paper was commissioned following the outrage over the riots two years ago and interviewed a thousand youths about their aspirations.

The shocking responses highlighted a desire to be famous without any talent to giving up on life before it had really begun.

The author of the document, Dr James Farad, said the only real role models these young people seem to have are footballers, pop stars or rappers and local gangsters or drug dealers.

He said: “Many young people seem to feel rejected and on the periphery of society. They feel excluded from education with the cut in EMA and the high tuition fees while the alternatives are few and far between. There are no real tax breaks for training and there is still a serious lack of apprenticeships.”

He said the rioting, along with other criminal activity, are the consequences of this exclusion.

“And it’s not helped when they see the bankers and politicians, in what they consider to be, robbing the state and all their sophistry to justify it following the expenses scandal and the bail-outs. Then they see all these brands and wealth being flaunted and they think ‘I want some of that’”, he said.

Household names such as entrepreneur Sir Alan Sugar, fashion icon Jeff Banks, Dragon’s Den star Duncan Valentine and Sir James Dyson were all listed as examples of successful businessmen who had overcome adversity, but it also warned of a need for equally high-profile women to step forward. However, the report pointed out, fame is not a crucial factor to be a good role model.

Rather, role models should be people with the ability to give motivational talks.

But, the report said, there needs to be educational, training and employment opportunities to back the talks up with.

One idea put forward was for house builders to build a small block of social housing on land donated by the council.

Young people would shadow and work with professional tradesmen for the duration of the project earning NVQs along the way with possible job opportunities with the company after.

However, Farad said the media would also need to play a role by reporting such success stories as part of a positive story quota.

He said: “It’s about time the media stopped chasing ambulances and started chasing fire engines.”


– Martin Ireland

The Junction London, 11 November 2013

9DAME Susan Shearer,

who’s election as head of the Death Democrat Party shook the political landscape, told an audience in Battersea that while she wants to see people continue engaging with and helping their community, she wants to see the finance industry

do the same.In her short time in

power she has overseen the setting up of the Philanthropist Parish, based on the Freemasons, but with the aim of helping others rather than themselves.

Dame Shearer said at the Parish’s inaugural session in Clapham Junction that she wanted to see a new alliance between financiers and the community to promote spiritual richness.

The PP will invest its vast wealth in bringing back to life old buildings and spaces for the benefit of the community offering training opportunities and employing local people to do the work.

She said the parishes will initially concentrate

on cities with high rates of crime and unemployment as they roll out the programme.

“We hope this initiative will help defend Britain from the gang culture we inherited from previous governments which exists among both the wealthy and

the poor. They indulged themselves in watching the disintegration of our communities for too long as these financial and street gangs ran amok,” she said.

However, opposition leader Graham Waugh told the Today programme this morning that Shearer was working with failure and had no hope in addressing the issue.

She in turn accused Waugh of having a lack of faith in the British people saying things are not as bad as politicians and the media make out.

She said: “We will not get involved in the politics of division, we embrace the politics of unity. We have the capabilities to put things right. I have seen the enthusiasm of

the British people and community norms are still prevalent and we will prove that through the PP initiative.”

Under a banner of ‘your street needs you’ a call has been put out to the nation to mobilise and help make a better Britain.

Through the PP projects

people will learn and share skills as well as take part in the work and leisure opportunities that will result.

Bobby Frode, 45, who grew up in Battersea and attended the meeting, said: “I joined the parish to help encourage my kids to get involved with the community and learn to help themselves. I’m concerned they’re at risk of taking the wrong path in life. It seems a lot of others have had the same idea. We were promised so much under the old system but got nothing and it led to some of the problems we all know too well. I hope this programme will trigger the start of something better.”

RISE OF THE DDsThe new prime minister has announced she is to tear up the former government’s ‘accept less and do more’ approach adopted for its Big Society agenda – Rebecca Patenon

Offret / The Junction team

- concept and realisation: 6th Hour Productions- organisers: Juliana Glam and Sofia Dawe- workshop journalist / editor: Glenn McMahon- workshop leader: Darcey Williamson- assistant producer: Bartira de Sena e Souza- video documentation: Claudia Tomaz- photographers: Natalia Castro, Sheesh-wo (Justyna Szyszlo), Wagner Antunes

Workshop participants- Tony Belton- Elena Chatziiordanou - Emma Clarke- Simon Cooper-Grundy - James Cousins - Daniel Frechoso - Lorinda Freint- Martin Ireland- Anthony Laban - Isabel Losada- Camram Mohammad - Rebecca Patenon - Alison Royce - Hayley Short - Emilia Vilagra

Thanks to Gabriela Dworecki, Daniel Frechoso, Anya Tavkar, Lorinda Freint and Frederik Weissenborn.

London, 11 November 2013 The Junction


THE notorious Winstanley Estate has been dubbed Winstanley Wonderland after a radical modernisation programme transformed it into a model of harmonious living.

The dramatic

turnaround followed a multi-million pound investment that saw residents involved in both design and build stages of the project employing 50 people as trainees teaching them new skills and imbuing a

sense of ownership of the estate.

Wandsworth Council have been credited with pioneering the new strategy that targeted people suspected of anti-social behaviour to get involved and could become a template for revitalising some of the nation’s toughest estates.

Sara Mir, leader of the council, said: “This is all part of our ‘thinking outside the box’ experiment where councillors of all persuasions have joined forces and combined party ideologies. In one

foul swoop we’ve managed to get people off benefits, help the disadvantaged and provide a greener environment.”

The ground-breaking venture has turned the former dank concrete jungle into a colourful modern development after new gardens and trees replaced bland paving, new cladding brightened up buildings, dark enclosed areas were designed out and opened up and the derelict shopping precinct rebuilt and made into the thriving heart of the estate.

Feared gangs have since swapped selling drugs and intimidating residents for challenging litter droppers and gardening.

The area was previously associated with open drug dealing, no-go areas, street crime and gangster style pop bands, but previous plans to base a Safer Neighbourhood Team on the estate have now been put on hold.

Floss Moore, 70, who has lived in one of the tower blocks for 35 years, said: “I never thought I’d see the day, it’s like I woke up in heaven.” -T.B.

THE GOVERNMENT is to consider rolling out a new educational programme that saw a significant reduction in school-leavers claiming benefits after a five-year pilot in Battersea.

The Get Wise initiative concentrates on giving 11 to 16-year-olds, who are unlikely to go to university, practical skills and confidence in getting a job or starting up a business.

It also includes an ethical focus raising awareness of poverty and living conditions across the world to help put a perspective on under-privilege in the UK.

Created by teachers, parents and pupils after 12-months of

discussions, Get Wise marks a radical departure from the top-down approach to education that is coming under growing criticism.

The teenagers learn how to write CVs, handle tricky interviews as well as basic accounting, business planning and trading. They also take part in a community charity club to help foster an interest in the areas they live.

Last week Wandsworth Council announced a 52 per cent drop in NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) among the first wave of students who completed the five-year programme and left school in June.

Sources said the government has been moved to act after statistics following the riots in 2011 showed that the majority of people charged with riot-related offences were poor, young and under-educated.

It is believed that installing tangible business and job finding skills at a young age helps school-leavers to help themselves enter the job market and put their own ideas into practise.

This year the Get Wise curriculum was upgraded as the first wave of primary school kids to have completed Smart Kids, a junior school programme that introduces 7 to 11-year-olds to budgeting, business and economics in fun and interactive ways, enter secondary schools.

The secondary school kids will now create and implement business plans with the help of local business people before trading their wares and services at school and markets as part of a borough-wide competition.

It is hoped the move could lead to an even bigger drop in school-leavers becoming a NEET.

No-go housing estate no-go no-more after local ‘hoodies’ spearhead modernisation



– Hayley Short

The Junction London, 11 November 2013

Offret An art intervention on the London riots

Humour Paul Shinn

Crossword Puzzle


1 2

3 4 5


7 8 9





3. Area where Clapham Junction is


6. Prestigious university where a

teenager imprisoned for looting during

the riots three years ago has won a


7. ... Superstores - Local business that

was affected by the riots in August


9. Teachers ... - Local footbal team part

of the Wandsworth league

10. Campaign group No ... Evictions

11. ... Democrat - Newly elected prime

minister Dame Susan Shearer’s party

12. Mentoring scheme


1. Dan ... - Famous Clapham Junction

comedian, once considered the

funniest man in the world

2. City ... - Citizenship game that is

changing young offenders lives

4. One of the objects most sought

after during the looting that took place

in the summer of 2011

5. Winstanley ... - How the notorious

Winstanley Estate has been dubbed

after a radical modernisation

programme transformed it into a

model of harmonious living.

8. Battersea Arts ... - BAC

Tips for complet ing the crossword puzz le can be found a l l over th i s ed i t ion of The Junct ion . To rece ive your so lut ions send an emai l to contact@6thhourproduct ions .com

“Offret” is a process-based, community-focused project that is part of the Exchange Radical Moments! Live Art Festival, taking place simultaneously in selected European cities in the 11th November 2011.

The project has focused in Clapham Junction (South London), one of the areas affected by the widespread rioting that took place in England in August this year. It consists of an outdoor artistic intervention with a live video projection on burnt-out buildings: a video-collage considering the multiple perspectives on the events such as the affected community, business owners, youths, their families, police officers.

Workshops have been promoted engaging local residents with the intent to generate multiple visions for the future of the community. They were held in October 2011 at the Battersea Arts Centre. The idea was to employ creative thinking to facilitate a reflection on what the community is now, and what it aspires to be. The meetings have also been a platform where participants were able to share experiences, stories and ideas. The outcome of the workshops is this newspaper, The Junction.

The realisation of “Offret”was made possible with the support of the “Exchange Radical Moments!” Festival organisers Die Fabrikanten and the EU Culture Programme.


6th Hour Productions

London, 11 November 2013 The Junction


Issue 0001 London 11 November 2013 “Headlines of the Future” FREE

SPECIAL: Mentorship schemes

PRESSURE is mounting on politicians to launch an investigation into the alleged appearance of local funny-man Dan Leno during the riots in 2011.

Councillors originally dismissed as ludicrous the suggestion that Leno,

who has been dead for more than 100 years, could have appeared anywhere other than in people’s imaginations.

The international star, who built and owned renowned music hall Clapham Grand and was

once billed as the world’s funniest man, lived in Clapham Park before he died in 1904.

Rumours began circulating days after the disturbances that Leno, who was national clog dancing champion in the

1880s, appeared on St John’s Hill during the unrest and in various locations across the borough on the night of Monday, August 9, with #OMGjustseendanleno trending on Twitter at around 5am.

However, it was several

months before the story was reported locally as witnesses feared speaking out and being sectioned.

The speculation continued to be ridiculed until an investigative

continues on page 5


6th Hour Productions

This paper is a publication by 6th Hour


locales or persons, living or dead, is either coincidental or use poetic licence.

This newspaper is the outcome of the community workshop “Headlines of the Future”, which was part of “Offret”, an art project on the London riots

developed by 6th Hour Productions. “Offret” is part of of the “Exchange Radical Moments!” Live Art Festival, taking place on the 11/11/11 (more details on page 11).

The contents of the stories are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of 6th Hour Productions.


THE FA have given a final warning to old rivals Labour United and Conservative FC after another stormy match that ended 1-1 and with 17 players on the pitch following a 22-man brawl.

Cons coach, Dave Lewson, said United started it while they accused the Cons of not playing fair.

The FA told both teams that if they can’t play nicely they will take the ball back and they won’t play at all.

This season the Cons have had the luxury of a 47-man

squad despite massive cutbacks hitting the rest of the league, however, United’s former treasurer has been blamed for the financial mess that has left them with a meagre 13-players in the team.

Meanwhile, former bad boys the Bad Boy Gang beat the Clapham Gang 3-1 in a hotly contested game that saw five yellow cards. The win moves them up to second and more importantly gives them bragging rights until the return fixture in April.

The newcomers have impressed fans and commentators with their fitness and disciplined approach, but denied rumours they had been fielding ringers.

The other midweek game saw Teachers Albion accused of diving in the box to win a penalty as they went on to beat Artistic Wanderers 1-0.

However, the Albion said if Wanderers did not insist on getting consensus every time they kicked the ball they would have had time to score.


A NEW community boxing club is to start offering GCSEs aimed at troubled youths who have struggled in mainstream education.

The model has already been tried out at a number of schools across the country and proved highly successful with pupils who are disruptive in a classroom environment or attend Pupil Referral Units.

However, the modules are far broader than simply working out in a gym with fitness,

diet, nutrition and event planning and management taking equal footing.

Buster Ali, a former amateur boxing champion from Battersea who is behind the initiative, said: “Boxing gives them an opportunity to do a topic that gives them self-esteem and confidence. We had a girl at my former club who used to run a gang and sell drugs. She’s a changed person since doing the course. A lot of these troubled kids aren’t macho or tough;

they just keep doing stupid things.”

The Battersea Boxing Club will be opened at the Battersea Community Centre and has already signed up twelve students from PRUs and the Youth Offending Team, but hope to convince schools to get on board.

However, the club is looking for some funding to cover the cost of hiring or buying a van to ferry in the kids from different postcodes.

Ali said: “The postcode issue is very real, no

matter how crazy it is, some youths just won’t travel outside theirs’. We’ve worked really hard with the PRUs and YOTs to convince them they will be safe coming to the club and need to make sure they are. We are not gonna have any gang nonsense here and the local Safer Neighbourhood Team have agreed to pop in and show their faces just to help keep it a neutral territory.”

The National Boxing Award programme was set-up in 2006 by ex-boxer

Quinton Shillingford after realising no school in the country offered it as an option.

Cllr Mark Sanders (Battersea: Ind) who helped Ali set-up the club, said: “This is a great opportunity for young people to not only keep fit and healthy but to also acquire recognised qualifications. It’s important that we continue to provide innovative ways to help develop key skills for Wandsworth’s youngsters.” -G.M.




The Junction London, 11 November 2013