THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO The Messenger … · tu Parroquia es esfuerza para levantar fondos ......

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October 2016 Octubre 2016

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero


Volume 47

Issue 8


It’s that time of year again, when your Parish

tries very hard to raise the money to support

our varied ministries. Money is not the only

thing, but it is an important thing. My wife

and I know that, and so we gave $17,072 to

various charitable organizations according to our

2015 tax return. The biggest part, $13,212.29, went to

St Luke’s ~ San Lucas. We are very happy to support

our church with greater than 10% of our income, and

have some more to invest in things like our college,

my seminary, OPB, Episcopal Relief and Develop-

ment, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, the Ensemble, the

Hispanic Scholarship Consortium, and Save the Chil-

dren. We know every gift counts, no matter how


Unfortunately 2016 has not been so kind to us. Amy

was laid off her job, and so we had to contact the

Treasurer and say our pledge would not be met. It

can happen to anyone. That’s how pledges work; they

are dependent on the underlying income, and things

make it change. We will still be able to make our 10%

tithe. The pledge is an estimate.

Amy and I believe many things about the church,

about the faith community as the place of inspiration

and ongoing struggle to bring God’s will to reality.

As a family and as a church we all realize we will

never accomplish the work of God, we can only col-

laborate with it, help with our means, and trust that

God understands our efforts more than we can.

Fr. Jaime Case

(English articles continue on page 7)

Rincón del Rector


Una vez mas es la temporada del año cuando

tu Parroquia es esfuerza para levantar fondos

para sostener nuestros variados ministerios.

Dinero no es la única cosa, pero es una cosa

importante. Mi esposa y yo sabemos esto, y

por consecuencia hemos dado $17,072 a varias organi-

zaciones caritativas según nuestro documento de im-

puestos. La mayor parte, $13,212.29, fue a San Lucas –

St Luke’s. Nos alegra mucho colaborar con nuestra

iglesia con una cantidad más grande que el 10% de

nuestro ingreso, y aún poder dar a nuestro colegio,

mi seminario, OPB, Fondos para Desarrollo Episco-

pal, Cofradía para Paz Episcopal, El Ensemble, El

Consortio para Becas para Hispanos, y Salvar los Ni-

ños. Sabemos que cada regalo cuento, aun el mas pe-


Desafortunadamente el año 2016 no ha sido tan

bueno para nosotros. Amy perdió su trabajo, y tuvi-

mos que contactar al Tesorero para decirle que nues-

tra promesa no iba a completarse este año. Así funcio-

nan las promesas. Dependen del ingreso como base, y

cosas pueden cambiar. La promesa es una propuesta.

Amy y yo creemos en muchas cosas sobre la iglesia, la

comunidad de fe como lugar de inspiración y lid con-

tinuo para llevar acabo la realidad de Dios. Como fa-

milia y como iglesia nos damos cuenta de que no po-

demos terminar la obra de Dios, solamente podemos

colaborar en ella, ayudar con nuestros bienes, y con-

fiar que Dios entiende nuestros esfuerzos mejor que

nosotros entendemos.

Padre Jaime Case


MENSAJE DEL CURA Ya estamos en la temporada de elec-

ciones y de mucha actividad política.

Es muy común escuchar a personas

decir “No debemos hablar de política

en la iglesia.” Lo cual no considero

cierto. Claro quizá no sobre política partidaria, pero si

es importante conversar y hablar sobre política en el

sentido amplio de la palabra.

De hecho, los cristianos somos gente profundamente

involucrada en la política. Somos seguidores y discí-

pulos de Jesús, quien a través de sus palabras y accio-

nes vino a enseñarnos el camino a una nueva manera

de relacionarnos y de usar nuestros recursos. Dentro

de ese Movimiento de Jesús, somos Episcopales. Los

Episcopales somos cristianos que encontramos gran

valor en las cosas materiales. Digo cosas materiales en

contraste con aquellos que solo piensan en nuestra fe

como algo invisible, solo espiritual. Nosotros los Epis-

copales encontramos valor en “cosas” - en el agua, en

vino, en pan y en fuego. No solo oramos en nuestras

mentes y oraciones, sino que en nuestras misas nos

persignamos, cantamos, nos arrodillamos, en fin usa-

mos nuestro cuerpo como manera de participar en las

verdades de Dios.

La centralidad de la política se encuentra en el buen

uso y manejo del poder y los recursos para el bienestar

de la comunidad, para ayudar a los indefensos y nece-

sitados. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos dejó ejemplos

muy claro de ayudar, de manejar nuestro tiempo,

energías y tesoro para el bienestar de otros.

Nosotros, los cristianos, somos gente involucrados en

la política, en el sentido amplio. Nuestras promesas en

el bautismo son promesas políticas.

¿Continuarás en la enseñanza y comunión de los

apóstoles, en la fracción del pan y en las oraciones?

Así lo haré, con el auxilio de Dios.

¿Perseverarás en resistir al mal, y cuando caigas en

pecado, te arrepentirás y te volverás al Señor?

Así lo haré, con el auxilio de Dios.

¿Proclamarás por medio de la palabra y el ejemplo

las Buenas Nuevas de Dios en Cristo?

Así lo haré, con el auxilio de Dios.

¿Buscarás y servirás a Cristo en todas las personas,

amando a tu prójimo como a ti mismo?

Así lo haré, con el auxilio de Dios.

¿Lucharás por la justicia y la paz entre todos los

pueblos, y respetarás la dignidad de todo ser hu-


Así lo haré, con el auxilio de Dios.

Estas son promesas que hacemos ante Dios de como

viviremos como sus fieles hijas e hijos. No debemos

prometer ligeramente, estas promesas son muy serias.

No nos escondamos usando nuestra fe de excusa para

no involucrarnos en los procesos políticos del país

donde ahora vivimos. Debemos, en respuesta a nues-

tras promesas, velar por que el poder y los recursos de

este país sean usados para el bienestar de la comuni-

dad y no solo para unos pocos.

No es fácil, pero no estamos solos.

Les pido que tengan en consideración sus promesas -

las que hicieron y las que hacen cuando recordamos

nuestros bautismos cada vez que hay uno en nuestra

iglesia. Que seamos fieles a nuestro Señor en la bús-

queda del bienestar de otros.

Padre Eliacin Rosario-Cruz


LA GUARDIANA MAYOR Mensaje de la Guardiana Mayor

No puedo creer que ya es octubre.

¿Dónde ha ido el tiempo? Me imagino

que esto sucede cuando estamos haciendo

el trabajo de Dios.

Hace poco Jim y yo asistimos la fiesta de jubilación de

nuestro sacerdote en San Bernabé en Bainbridge Is-

land. Era un acontecimiento a la vez alegre y triste. La

esposa del sacerdote, Grace, dio una charla la noche de

sábado que me pareció muy lindo. Habló del ministe-

rio de presencia. Pensé en San Lucas – St. Lukes y co-

mo tomamos por dado a los que siempre asisten. Los

que vienen a misa cada domingo sin ser parte del coro

o tener otra responsabilidad dentro de la misa. Su pre-

sencia añade una porción rica a nuestra comunidad.

No celebramos esto adecuadamente. Quiero celebrar

cada uno de ustedes y hacerles saber que su presencia

es importante a la fábrica de nuestra congregación.

Pasé todo el día domingo 18 de septiembre dando los

resultados de la encuesta mutua de evaluación a las

tres misas. Cada presentación fue en formato diferente


pero llevaba el mismo mensaje. Algunos indicaron que

íbamos a esconder los resultados antes de presentarlos.

Yo prometí trasparencia al principio y creo que ustedes

quienes asistieron las presentación vieron que no es-

condimos nada. Para los que perdieron las presentacio-

nes, se han colocado en nuestra página del web, o us-

ted puede pedir una copia de la oficina. Por fin quiero

decirle que podemos reunirnos, usted y yo, para repa-

sar los resultados. La Junta Parroquial vio los resulta-

dos el 13 y no hemos tenido tiempo para reflexionar

sobre la información ni para hacer planes. Hay mucha

información para analizar y hemos decidido volver a

hacer otra encuesta en 2018. Otra vez, quiero dar gra-

cias a todos que tomaron el tiempo para llenar el for-

mulario. Fue muy valioso.

Espero que todos vengan a dar su apoyo para los que

se van a confirmar y bautizar este domingo 2 de octu-

bre. No tomen miedo de que es una misa bilingüe.

Será una celebración alegre con el obispo y los jóvenes

de HYC. Por supuesto, habrá una fiesta después. Me da

tristeza perder el día.

Ansío mi vuelta revivificada y recargada para atacar

nuestro próximo gran proyecto la Campaña de Prome-

sas. Estamos haciendo planes para sesiones de educa-

ción y artículos para comunicar claramente los progra-

mas que se bases en nuestras promesas. Ver los anun-

cios del fin de semana.

Estoy muy agradecido poder servir a esta congrega-


Kathy Gallaher

Meta 1: Relaciones más estrechas entre


SAN LUKE’S ~ SAN LUCAS ESTE OTOÑO Como anfitriones de la parroquia para este evento

HYC, necesitaremos hogares; Bernie Malcolm es nues-

tro Coordinador de Vivienda. Por favor, darle una

llamada si nuestros huéspedes pueden alojarse en su

casa por favor llame al (360-694-1098).

También proporcionamos comidas para los jóvenes y

adultos consejeros de conferencias. Melanie Kenoyer

ha aceptado ser el Coordinador de la cocina pero

todavía necesitamos ayudantes y donaciones de ali-

mentos de cocina. Por favor, póngase en contacto con

Melanie Kenoyer (360-433-1341) si quiere ayudar en la


· Preparar bocaditos para la noche del viernes

· Preparar el almuerzo, meriendas y cenas para el


· Preparar almuerzos traídos para el domingo.

Por favor, háganos saber cómo puede ayudar la bien-

venida a estos jóvenes a nuestra parroquia para que

puedan tener un fin de semana de cultivo de la fe.

Donna Greene, Líder del Ministerio de la Juventud

CELEBRACIÓN DE VISITA DEL OBISPO El domingo, 2 de octubre estaremos honrados de tener

al Obispo Greg Rickel con nosotros. Habrá un servicio

especial bilingüe a las 11, la combinación de los ser-

vicios de 10am y 1pm (servicio de 08 a.m. según lo pro-

gramado regularmente). Durante el servicio bilingüe

habrá bautismos, confirmaciones y recepciones.

Después del servicio, vamos a compartir un almuerzo

potluck en el Salón Parroquial. Favor de traer tamales o

pozole para compartir para el potluck.

BENDICIÓN DE LOS ANIMALES El domingo 2 de octubre se ofrecerá solo una ben-

dición de los animales. Ambos serán después de los

servicios, de 9:00-10:00 AM El lugar se anunciará.

2016 DIRECTORIO DE FOTOGRAFÍAS Es hora de un nuevo directorio de la iglesia de este

otoño! El mes pasado completamos nuestros primeros

tres días de sesiones de fotos. Muchas gracias a todos

los que vinieron a tomarse sus fotos!

Sólo estaremos fotografiando 4 días más: Jueves 13 de

octubre, Viernes 14 de octubre, Sabado 15 de octubre y

Domingo 16 de Octubre (Horarios de citas varían

según el día.) Si usted no ha hecho una cita, sin embar-

go, por favor haga uno ahora!!

Tenemos inscripciones en línea disponibles en Busque el botón

"Registrarse ahora" en la primera página y hacer clic en


este para programar su sesión de fotos. Si usted no

tiene un ordenador o desea programar con uno de

nuestros voluntarios, simplemente pasar por la mesa

de registro después de los servicios del domingo. O

puede llamar a la oficina de la iglesia durante la sema-

na (martes a viernes) y obtener ayuda para hacer su


Queremos incluir a todos los que forma parte de St.

Luke ~ San Lucas en nuestro directorio, pero sabemos

que nos falta información para algunos hogares y so-

licitamos su ayuda para completar nuestros registros.

Por favor revise su perfil en la lista en la tabla Directo-

rio de fotos los domingos para estar seguros de que

hemos incluido todos los miembros de su familia,

nombres correctamente escritas, dirección, número (s)

de teléfono y dirección (s) de correo electrónico son

correctos. Si encuentra algún error por favor, hacer

correcciones a la lista maestra disponible los domingos

o por correo electrónico estas correcciones a la oficina

de la iglesia (

Este nuevo directorio será proporcionado sin costo al-

guno para usted o nuestra iglesia y no hay ningún

costo para usted tener sus fotografías tomadas. Sólo

por participar, usted recibirá una cortesía profesional

de 8 x 10 retrato (del directorio de pose) y un directorio

de la iglesia. Nuestro directorio de la iglesia nos

ayudará a conectar con nombres y no estará completa

sin ti! Así que por favor tome el tiempo para participar

y hacer este directorio un hermoso herramienta con la

que podemos llegar a ser más consciente de uno al ot-


Después de que haya fotografiado, usted será capaz de

ver las imágenes inmediatamente. Si así lo desea, usted

tendrá la oportunidad de comprar retratos adicionales

(que recibirá antes de Navidad). Esta es una maravil-

losa oportunidad para traer a lo largo de miembros de

la familia para tener un retrato profesional tomada a

pesar de que no van a estar en el directorio. Incluso sus

amigos pueden hacer una cita!

Para el que compre retratos, hay algunos grandes des-

cuentos disponibles:

• Cada familia recibirá un cupón de $ 10 de descuento

disponible cuando te registras para su cita.

• Las familias con un miembro de la edad de sesenta

años o más recibirán un descuento del 20%.

También queremos animarle a invitar a amigos y fa-

miliares para programar una sesión de fotos en el St.

Luke ~ San Lucas. Ellos no estarán en nuestro directo-

rio, pero la iglesia recibirán un directorio extra para

dar a los nuevos miembros. excelentes precios mismas

y conexión 8X10 foto!

Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor póngase

en contacto con Herlinda Marquez (503-863-4528).

Kris Lawless, Administrador de la Parroquia

FIESTA DE SAN LUCAS ~ ST LUKE’S Domingo 16 de octubre vamos a celebrar en todas las

misas a nuestro santo patronal, Lucas. También vamos

a celebrar los diversos ministerios de la iglesia entre

11:30 y 1:00 durante la hora de café. Esperamos que

vengan a conocer nuestros ministerios e involucrarse

en algún aspecto de la iglesia para realizar su ministe-

rio. Los danzantes Aztecas, Cristo de Chalma, obse-

quiarán una danza en honor de nuestro santo patronal,

Lucas, al fin de la misa de 1:00, y se ofrecerá comida

después de la danza. Todos son bienvenidos.

LIBRO DE MEMORIA Libro de memoria estará disponible para que ust-

ed pueda añadir sus nombres seres queridos que

han partido después de 9 de octubre Estos nom-

bres serán leídos durante los servicios bilingües en

día de los difuntos, miércoles, 2 de noviembre a

las 7 pm. Busque este libro en el Atrio.

FIESTA DE TODOS LOS DIFUNTOS No siempre podemos marcar la muerte de un ser que-

rido o porque estamos lejos, o por otra forma de alie-

nación. El duelo en nuestro corazón se transforma en

algo que llevamos cada día, el luto por una vida que

no se ha resuelto. Amigo o familiar o otra persona ne-

cesita una despedida, un “Te amo” un recuerdo de la

reconciliación aún después de la muerte.

La Fiesta de Todos Los Difuntos se ofrece a las 7:00 pm

el 2 de noviembre con una misa de réquiem para to-

dos que han muerto, aunque han sido de años. Estás

invitado a traer un recuerdo de la persona y ponerlo

sobre la mesa en frente del altar. La misa será bilingüe

y tendremos incienso. Reunámonos todos juntos para


poner en paz las almas de los difuntos, especialmente

nuestros seres queridos.

Meta 2: Expandir Programas Sociales

RECAUDACIÓN DE WHO Programa de WHO (Winter rebosadero) tendrá una

recaudación de fondos en Applebee el sábado 1 de Oct,

2016, entre 8-10 AM en cualquiera de los 3 Applebee en


13006 Hwy 99, 5111 NE 112th Ave, o 816 NE 98 ° Cir.

boletos de desayuno son $ 8 cada uno. El desayuno

incluye huevos, salchichas, panqueques, jugo, café. Por

favor, disfrutar Oct 1 desayuno para ayudar a la OMS.

Los boletos se venden en Applebee el 1 de Oct.

COMPARTIR CON SHARE O NO En este mismo momento que se imprima nuestro Men-

sajero, nos estamos reuniendo con Andy Silver, Direc-

tor Ejecutivo del concilio de “Homeless”, y el inspector

de bomberos para ver si podemos hospedar un refugio

que se llama WHAT en nuestro sótano. Este es el pri-

mer obstáculo, y si el inspector dice no o los gastos son

demasiados, todo lo debajo será irrelevante.

La propuesta es hospedar 6 mujeres y tal vez algunos

niños en tres salones en el sótano, y un salón mñas pa-

ra ser sala, durante las noches (7 pm a 7 am), 1 de no-

viembre al 31 de marzo (el inverno). Share trae fondos

para realizar esto. Share sabe que se requiere regadero,

alarmas, cambios de puertas, y muchas otras cosas pa-

ra hacer factible un refugio. Share provee el personal

para dirigir el programa, proveerá camas, muebles y

particiones para privacidad en los salones, además de

refrescos y otras cosas. Les brindamos el uso de nues-

tras lavadoras y secadoras, y cooperaremos con sus

requisitos para proveer un refugio bueno para las mu-


Un comité se ha formado, y si pasamos este primer pa-

so, se reunirá en octubre para discernir lo que se puede

hacer. La parroquia entera tendrá la oportunidad de

dar su opinión sobre el asunto en alguna Reunión de la

Parroquia, cuya fecha depende de las negociaciones.

Padre Jaime


COMUNIDAD Saludos a todos y un enorme gracias a todos los que

participaron en la 13ª Feria Anual de Paz y Justicia el

10 de septiembre. La reunión era más grande que nun-

ca, con una gran cantidad de visitantes. ~ miembro de

San Lucas de San Lucas, Marcos Den Wichar, es el co-

ordinador del curso de todo el evento y hace un trabajo


El 20 de octubre estaremos nuevamente apoyando

HOPE en el Burgerville por el Fourth Plain. Por favor,

véase el artículo de HOPE para obtener más infor-


En previsión de nuestro servicio de confección y dis-

tribución de alimentos en movimiento al sótano,

muchas cosas han sido corregidos por la tripulación

del jueves. Gracias a la tripulación por su ayuda. No

hemos podido hacer este movimiento sin su trabajo.

Mientras esperamos escuchar acerca de la posibilidad

de acoger huéspedes sin hogar este invierno, estamos

tomando una mayor reflexión antes de entrar en el

sótano de reposición. Los mantendremos al día, cuan-

do tengamos más información. Estamos en gran nece-

sidad de voluntarios para apoyar nuestro esfuerzo.

Hablar con el Rector o yo mismo cómo puede ayudar.

Por último, sólo para recordarle que las vacaciones

buenas cestas van a ser distribuido por Acción de Gra-

cias este año. Ver más información en la siguiente Mes-

senger y anuncios semanales.

Gracias a todos los que trabajan en la divulgación y

que lo apoyan. No existiríamos sin ti. Muchas personas

tendrían un tiempo más difícil sin ti.

Lynne Hulse, Enlace Vestry


RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS HOPE, la Homeless Outreach Promover el programa

de Educación, es una asociación entre las Escuelas Pú-

blicas de Vancouver y los refugios locales en la comun-

idad para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de las

familias sin hogar con niños en edad escolar.


Nuestro sexto recaudación de fondos para los estu-

diantes sin hogar en escuelas de Vancouver será de

nuevo en Burgerville Central Park, cuarto llano y Fort

Vancouver Way, al norte de la universidad de Clark,

16:00-19:00, jueves 20 de octubre Todo lo que necesita

hacer es planificar su cena ese día alrededor de menú

de Burgerville. Comer, para llevar, conducir a través ---

programa HOPE recibe un porcentaje de todas las ven-

tas, en ese lugar, durante esas tres horas. Por favor

marque su calendario para este esfuerzo deliciosa e im-

portante. Los números cuentan en porcentaje de recau-

dación de fondos así que por favor, únase a nosotros e

invitar a otros, para disfrutar de la comida de nuestra

empresa ciudad natal, que hace hincapié en las fuentes

de alimentos locales. La necesidad también es local,

apoyando a nuestros estudiantes hermanas y hermanos

que no tienen hogar a través de causas ajenas a su pro-

pia cuenta. Vamos a empacar el lugar. Viene el invi-

erno. Los niños nos necesitan!

Den Marcos Wichar 360-694-3703

2016 HOLIDAY CRAFT VENTA Apoyando a más de un siglo de servicio a la comuni-


Los logística para la venta de bazaar de 2016 se han fi-

nalizado. En lugar de ser en el salón parroquial, la ven-

ta será parte de la "Crystal Plum Bazar" en Hazel Dell el

sábado 12 de noviembre 9AM-4PM.. Este es el año nú-

mero 37 del bazar y es patrocinado por el Club de Leo-

nes de Vancouver Dawn. Se llevará a cabo en la Escuela

Intermedia de Alki en Hazel Dell.

Hay una maravillosa colección de artesanías únicas que

se están realizando o previstas por el Gremio de Artes y

Artesanías de San Lucas, pero el gremio necesita más

artesanos y artistas. Si desea participar en apoyo a este

esfuerzo, por favor, póngase en contacto con Joseph

Ziemba en o con la oficina

parroquial. Joseph le puede ayudar con ideas e identifi-

car otros artesanos que le puede dar instrucciones, si así

lo desea. Uno sólo necesita ser capaz de utilizar un par

de tijeras y pegamento, carpintería básica, tejido y cos-


Meta 3: Crecer En Fe


ESCUELA DOMINCAL Domingo 18 de septiembre fue nuestro

primer día en la escuela dominical. Fue

tan maravilloso ver a los niños como lo que realmente

les perdidas tanto durante el verano. Disfrutamos de

un helado social y con tratos especiales. Hemos tenido

algunas caras nuevas. Los niños se presentaron, nos

dijo qué grado y unas cuantas cosas divertidas acerca

de sus veranos.

Comenzaremos nuestro nuevo año de escuela domini-

cal revisitando Vol 2. Compartiremos las historias de la

gran familia, el Éxodo, Las diez mejores maneras, y el

arca y el tabernáculo, en el mes de octubre. No tendre-

mos la escuela dominical el 2 de octubre como todos

vamos a disfrutar de nuestra visita del Obispo. Tam-

bien no tendremos escuela el 30 de octubre por los bau-


Todavía estamos en necesidad de voluntarios. Mi fecha

programada se está acercando rápidamente el 6 de no-

viembre! Muchas gracias a Ebie y Lee para ayudar con

la narración de los domingos que no podré estar aquí

pero todavía necesitamos un segundo voluntario que

acompañan cada domingo que tenemos en la escuela

dominical. Por favor póngase en contacto conmigo si

tiene alguna pregunta.

Herlinda Marquez, Coordinador de Ministerio de Niños 503-863-4528


PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Las clases comenzaran el 9 de octubre a las 12:00PM en

uno de los salones en la planta baja. Las clases serán

bilingües y están diseñadas para niños de escuela

primaria (3er grado en adelante) que puedan leer y

escribir; y así participar más plenamente en el culto

dominical. Las clases continuaran hasta

el 15 de enero. Por favor, inscriban a sus niños para que

el P. Eliacin o Herlinda pueda comprar los materiales

que necesitamos.


GRUPO DE JOVENES Las reuniones del grupo juveniles en Octubre serán los

sábados de octubre, 8, 15, 20 y 29 de 6-8PM. Decidi-

mos comenzar reuniones semanales para poder lograr

un trabajo más constante en nuestro proyecto de

cómic. Damos la bienvenida a todos los jóvenes en los

grados 9-12 a unirse a nosotros para la diversión, el

compañerismo, música, juegos y nuestro proyecto de

cómics en curso.

Donna Greene, Lider del Ministerio Juvenil

BAUTISMOS Los próximos Bautismos serán el 30 de octubre y el 8

de enero. Por favor, regístrense para el bautismo en el

formulario que se encuentra en el Atrio de la iglesia.

Una vez llene el déjelo en la oficina. Puede encontrar

el formulario también en la página web de la iglesia

BUSCAS COMO PUEDES AYUDAR MAS? Comité de de fotografía: le gusta tomar fotos? Nos

gustaría fotos de eventos importantes, ministerios en

acción, y de la vida general del nuestro parroquia. Es-

peramos buscar alguien pronto para este ministerio.

Por Favor de comunicarse con el P. Jaime si está in-

teresado. 606-4285 o

2016 CONVENCIÓN DIOCESAN La convención anual de 2016 será el viernes y sábado,

de octubre de 21-22, en el Hilton Seattle Airport &

Conference Center, Seattle, WA, 98188.

La Diócesis de Olimpia Convención se reúne

anualmente para llevar a cabo el negocio de la dióce-

sis. Se elige a las oficinas diocesanas; ratifica un pre-

supuesto; establece los niveles de evaluación; admite

congregaciones como las misiones o parroquias; los

votos de los acuerdos; elige una delegación Con-

vención General; y oye el discurso anual del obispo. El

clero y los delegados electos de congregaciones asis-

ten. documentos de la Convención se pueden encon-

trar en el sitio web a continuación.

Nuestros delegados a la convención son Mike Grigsby

-Lane, Lynne Hulse, Roy Sandberg y Mary Ellen Sand-

berg. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en

contacto con uno de nuestros delegados y darles las

gracias por representar a nuestra parroquia!

ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DIRECTORIO ¿Es usted un miembro nuevo que quiere un directorio

y no lo ha recibido? ¿Hay cambios de su información

en el directorio? Contacte la oficina por (telephone) o

por email

DIRECTORY UPDATES Adds, Changes and Deletes to you current roster are

listed below. Please make these notations.

Are you a new member and would like a parish direc-

tory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your

directory information? Please contact the church office

at 360-696-0181 or by email,


ALVAREZ, Benito and SANTIAGO, Marina

Jorge, Karina, Edwin

505 NE 105th St Apt A Vancouver, WA 98685

GOMEZ, Serafin and VAZQUEZ, Juliana

Valeria, Julian

10117 NE 9th Ave Apt A201 Vancouver, WA 98685


9619 NE Oak View Dr. Vancouver, WA 98662


LOPEZ, Jose and CARMONA, Alejandra

Azul, Luis

3305 18th St #6 Vancouver, WA 98661

MARTINEZ, Gabriel and PLATON, Tomasa

Karen, Angel, Sandra, Emily

520 NE 108th Ave Apt 11 Vancouver, WA 98664

NEARY, Matthew (Matt) and Keryn

2600 NE Minnehaha St #70 Vancouver, WA 98665


NUNN, Barbara and Robert (Bob)

802 Umatilla Way Vancouver, WA 98661


ONOFRE, Jesus and MURILLO, Norma

Jesus, Lisbeth, Luciana

2712 NE 86th Ave Apt 2 Vancouver, WA 98662


PASCOE, Sharon

Austin, Jonah, Lillyana

4502 NE 62nd Ave Vancouver, WA 98661


WOODWARD, Henry (Lanny)

7701 NE 122nd Ave Vancouver, WA 98682




4710 Plomodon St Apr 99 Vancouver, WA 98661

MARTINEZ, Jose & ORNELAS, Victoria

2805 NE Stapleton Rd. Vancouver, WA 98661

McLEAN, Joan

3710 Providence Pt Drive Issaquiah, WA 98029

VERNON, Juanita

3305 E 24th Cir Vancouver, WA 98661

CURATE’S MESSAGE “Pastor, we should not be talking about

politics in church!”

That is a phrase that I hear often from

many American Christians. However,

I believe very few people would have

said this to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, during the

Apartheid in South Africa, or to Monsignor Oscar

Romero, during the violent times in El Salvador.

“That is politics you are talking about Father, and we

have the constitutional right of the division of church

and state.” Wait, a minute you do not want me to talk

about politics, but you are making reference to the

Constitution! I am confused.

The reality is that as Christians, the Episcopal brand of

the Jesus movement, as said by our Presider Bishop

Michael Curry, are constantly speaking and engaged

in politics. As Episcopalians, we are people of things.

By that, I say that we are people for whom materiality

is very important. Physical things are at the core of

our identity. Different from other Christian groups for

whom a more ethereal and otherworldly spirituality is

at their core, we Episcopalians gathered around water,

fire, bread, and wine. Things. We do not only pray in

our head, in our hearts, but we move in our liturgy,

we bow and cross ourselves, we process, chant and

come forward to eat the Holy Bread and drink the Ho-

ly Wine. We are followers and disciples of the Incar-

nated God. At our core of our faith is the Incarnation,

the physical manifestation of God. God, not as an in-

accessible force, but God in the flesh. Our liturgical

rhythms through the years remind us constantly of

the life of Jesus Christ - of his poor birth at the time of

Roman occupation, of his immigration to another

country while seeking asylum from Herod. We are

reminded of his baptism, his work and words of a

new kingdom, a new society of justice, mercy, peace,

and love.

By following the liturgical calendar we are reminded

of Jesus’ work against injustice, placing people in right

relationship with themselves and with each other. We

feel inspired by his message of inclusion and feel a bit

uncomfortable by his challenges. Jesus not only chal-

lenged the religious authorities but the political au-

thorities too. Because of his commitment to a new so-

ciety, God’s Kingdom, he suffered government sanc-

tioned death via the execution tool of the Roman Em-

pire, the cross.

Again, “Pastor, we should not be talking about poli-

tics in church!” And yet, that is what we are called to

be, political people, people that care about how re-

sources and laws are used for the common good, for a

well-being of those in need. I am not meaning political

in the partisan politics of our country. But political in

a much bigger sense. Our faith is not about invisible

living in the clouds, but about material things and en-

gaged relationships. Every baptized Christian has en-

gaged in a very political pledge, yes, a political cove-

nant. When we celebrate a baptism, we are not simply

engaging in a ritual of pouring water over a baby or

an adult. That is just part, we also make a commit-

ment, a pledge, a covenant - a very political one. It is

political because it is a commitment, a pledge, a cove-

nant about continuing in the teaching of Jesus and the


Read the vows and commitment that every baptized

Christian has made:

Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and

fellowship, in the breaking of bread,

and in the prayers?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever

you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?


I will, with God’s help.

Will you proclaim by word and example the Good

News of God in Christ?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving

your neighbor as yourself?

I will, with God’s help.

Will you strive for justice and peace among all peo-

ple, and respect the dignity of every human being?

I will, with God’s help.

Those, sisters and brothers, are very political vows.

So, yes, we are to talk about politics in the church,

about the just organization and use of resources and

privilege and power for the common good of society.

I pray that with God’s help we can be constantly aware

of those vows and promises at the time of our engage-

ment in partisan politics. I pray that with God’s help

we can be constantly aware of those vows and promis-

es each time we share our opinion about the killing of

Black people, the demonization of Latinos and the stig-

matization of poor Whites in our country.

I want to invite us all, to prayerfully read the full Bap-

tismal covenant starting on page 299 in the Book of

Common Prayer and remember our own baptisms as

we engage in partisan politics in the weeks to come.

Fr. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Curate

SENIOR WARDEN’S MESSAGE I can’t believe it is October. Where has the

time gone? I guess that is what happens

when we are busy doing God’s work.

Recently Jim and I attended a retirement

weekend for our former priest at St. Barna-

bas on Bainbridge Island. It was a joyful and a sad

weekend. The priest’s wife, Grace, gave a talk on Sat-

urday night that really spoke to me. She talked about

the “ministry of presence”. I thought about St. Luke’s ~

San Lucas and how sometimes we take for granted

those who “show up”. They may not volunteer for

Outreach or serve on the altar. They may not sing in

the choir. But, they are there in the pews Sunday after

Sunday. Their presence adds an additional layer of

richness to our community. We do not celebrate this

enough. So I would like to celebrate each of you and

let you know that your presence is important to the

fabric of our congregation.

I spent all day Sunday, September 18th, presenting the

results of the Mutual Ministry Review to all three ser-

vices. Each presentation was in a different format but

contained the same message. I had heard that there

was some concern that we would censor the results

before presenting them. I promised transparency in the

beginning and I believe those of you who attended the

sessions saw that we did not hold anything back. For

those of you who missed the presentations, the graphs

have been posted on our website or you can check

with the office to see if they have a paper copy they can

share. Finally, I would be happy to meet with you

when I return from vacation. The Vestry just saw these

results on the 13th so we have not had time to really

digest the information or decide if any action plans are

needed at this time. There is a lot of information to di-

gest so we have decided to work with this feedback

from now through 2017 and not survey again until

2018. Again, I would like to thank everyone who took

the time to submit a survey either online or on paper.

The feedback is invaluable.

I hope all of you come and support the people being

confirmed, received and baptized on Sunday, October

2. Do not let the fact it is a bilingual service scare you

away. It will be a joyful celebration with the Bishop

and the HYC participants. Of course, there will be a

feast afterwards. I am very sorry to miss this wonder-

ful day.

I am looking forward to coming back refreshed and

recharged and ready to attack the next big project- our

Pledge Campaign. We are planning some education

sessions and articles to more clearly communicate the

programs that are supported with our pledges. Look

for more information in the weekly Announcement


I am grateful to serve this congregation.

Kathy Gallaher


Goal 1: Develop relationships between the Anglo & Hispanic



High school Youth Conference September 30 – October 2

As parish hosts for this HYC event, we will need Host

Homes; Bernie Malcolm is our Housing Coordinator.

Please give him a call if you can host some of these vis-

iting youth (360-694-1098).

We also provide meals for the youth and adult confer-

ence counselors. Melanie Kenoyer has agreed to be the

Kitchen Coordinator but we still need Kitchen Helpers

and donations of foods. Please contact Melanie Kenoy-

er (360-433-1341) if you want to help in the kitchen.

Prepare Snacks for Friday evening

Prepare Lunch, snacks and dinner for Saturday

Prepare Sack lunches for Sunday.

Please let us know how you can help welcome these

youth to our parish so that they can experience a faith

growing weekend.

Donna Greene, Youth Ministry Leader

BISHOP VISITATION CELEBRATION On Sunday, October 2, we will be honored to have

Bishop Greg Rickel with us. There will be a special bi-

lingual service at 11AM, combining the 10AM and

1PM services (8AM service as regularly scheduled).

During the Bilingual service there will be Baptisms,

Confirmations and Receptions. After the service we

will share a potluck luncheon in the Parish Hall. Please

bring a salad or dessert to share for the potluck.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS On Sunday, October 2 we will offer one time for the

blessing of your animals, from 9:00-10:00 AM.

Location TBA.

2016 PHOTO DIRECTORY It’s time for a new church pictorial directory this fall!

Last month we completed our first three days of photo

sessions. Many thanks to all you came in to have your

pictures taken!

We will be photographing just 4 more days:

Thurs. Oct 13, Fri. Oct. 14, Sat. Oct. 15 & Sun. Oct. 16.

(appointment times vary by day.) If you haven’t made an

appointment yet, please schedule one now!! We have

online sign-ups available at Look for the “Sign Up

Now” button on the first page and click on this to

schedule your photo session. If you do not have a com-

puter or want to schedule with one of our volunteers,

just stop by the sign-up table after Sunday services. OR

you can call the church office during the week

(Tuesday-Friday) and get help making your appoint-


We want to include everyone who is part of St. Luke’s

~ San Lucas in our directory but we know we are miss-

ing information for some households and ask your

help to complete our records. Please review your list-

ing in the roster at the Photo Directory table on Sun-

days to be sure that we have included all your house-

hold members, names spelled correctly, address,

phone number(s), and email address (s) all correct. If

you find any errors please make corrections to the

master roster list available on Sundays or email these

corrections to the church office


This new church pictorial directory will be provided at

no cost to you or our church and there is no cost for

you to have your photographs taken. Just for partici-

pating, you will receive a complimentary professional

8 x 10 portrait (of your directory pose) and a church

directory. Our church directory will help us connect

names with faces and will not be complete without

YOU! So PLEASE take the time to participate and

make this directory a beautiful tool with which to be-

come more aware of each other.

After you are photographed, you will be able to view

your images immediately. If you so desire, you will

have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits

(which you will receive before Christmas). This is a

wonderful opportunity to bring along extended family

members to have a professional portrait taken even

though they will not be in the directory. Even your

friends can make an appointment!

For those who purchase portraits, there are some great


discounts available:


COUPON- available when you check in for

your appointment.

Families with a member age sixty or older will

receive a 20% discount.

We also want to encourage you to invite friends and

family to schedule a photo session at St. Luke’s ~ San

Lucas. They won’t be in our directory but the church

will receive an extra directory to give to new members.

Same great prices and free 8X10 photo!

If you have any questions please contact

Pam Goodlett (360-573-6267),

Dena Cassidy (360-521-6079),

Cindy Schlatter (360– 573-5667) or the

Church Office (360-696-0181).

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator


SAINT LUKE ~ SAN LUCAS At all services on Sunday, October 16 we will honor

our patron saint, Luke. Additionally, we will celebrate

our many ministries following the 10AM service with

Ministry Displays during Coffee Hour. We hope you

will come and learn more about all of our ministries

and even discover some that you weren’t aware. If you

haven’t found a ministry that you want to participate

in this will be a good day to find out more information.

The Aztec dancers guild, Cristo de Chalma, will be

dancing in honor of our patron saint Luke at the end of

the service around 1 pm, which will be followed by a

sharing of food. Everyone is welcome to join us.

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE A Book of Remembrance will be available for you to

add your departed loved ones names in starting Octo-

ber 9. These names will be read during the bilingual

services on All Souls Day, Wednesday, November 2, at

7PM. Look for this book in the Narthex.

ALL SOULS EVENING EUCHARIST We do not always get to mark the passing of a loved

one because we are so far from them, or for other rea-

sons of alienation. And that ache in our hearts becomes

something we carry around, the unresolved mourning

of a life. Friend or family or other dear person needs a

goodbye, an “I love you,” a reminder of reconciliation

even after death.

All Souls is the feast of all the dead. At 7:00 pm on No-

vember 2, we will offer a requiem bilingual Eucharist

for all who have passed away, even if it has been many

years. You are invited to bring a memento of the per-

son to put on the special tables placed below the main

Altar prior to the service. The service will be bilingual

and will have incense. Let us join together to put to

rest the souls of those who have departed, especially

those who are dear to us.

Goal 2: Expand Outreach TO SHARE OR NOT TO SHARE As this newsletter goes to press, we are meeting with

Andy Silver, the Executive Director of the Council for

the Homeless, and the fire marshal to see if we can

host a women´s shelter called WHAT in our basement.

This is the first major hurdle, and if the fire marshal

says no or not without expensive changes, all that fol-

lows may be moot.

The proposal is to house 6 homeless women and per-

haps some children in three of our basement rooms

and use one room for a lounge area, at night (7 pm to 7

am) November 1 to March 31 (winter months). Share

comes prepared to spend some money to do this. Share

knows that we would have to install a shower, alarms,

replace door hardware and many other things in order

to make the shelter work. Share would staff the shelter,

provide furniture and some privacy screens in the

rooms, snacks and miscellaneous other stuff. We will

extend to them the use of our washers and dryers, and

cooperate with their requirements to provide a safe

shelter for the women they serve.

A committee has been formed, and if we pass this first

major hurdle, will be meeting in October to figure out

what can be done. The whole parish will have an op-

portunity to give their opinion on the matter at a future

All Parish Meeting, which date depends on the negoti-


Fr. Jaime Case, Rector


WHO FUNDRAISER WHO Program (Winter Housing Overflow) Fundraiser

at Applebee's on Saturday, Oct 1, 2016, between 8-

10AM at any of the 3 Applebee's in Vancouver:

13006 Hwy 99, 5111 NE 112th Ave, or 816 NE 98th Cir.

Breakfast tickets are $8 each for eggs, sausage, pan-

cakes, juice, coffee. Please enjoy Oct 1 breakfast to help

WHO. Tickets sold at Applebee’s on Oct 1st.

OUTREACH Fall greetings to all and a huge thanks to all who par-

ticipated in The 13th Annual Peace & Justice Fair on

September 10th. The gathering was larger than ever,

with lots of visitors. St. Luke's ~ San Lucas’ member,

Den Mark Wichar, is the ongoing coordinator of the

entire event and does an amazing job.

On October 20th we will be again supporting HOPE at

the Burgerville on 4th Plain. Please see HOPE article

for more information.

In anticipation of our clothing and food distribution

service moving to the basement, many things have

been tended to by the Thursday Crew. Thanks to the

Crew for your help. We could not make this move

without your work. As we wait to hear about the pos-

sibility of hosting homeless guests this winter, we are

taking more thought before we get reset in the base-

ment. We will keep you up to date as we get more in-

formation. We are in strong need of volunteers for

supporting our endeavor. Ask the Rector or myself

how you can help.

Last, just to remind you that the Holiday Good Baskets

are going to be distributed for Thanksgiving this year.

See more information in the next Messenger and week-

ly Announcements.

Thanks to all who work in Outreach and support it.

We would not exist without you. Many people would

have a bit rougher time, without you.

Lynne Hulse, Vestry Liaison to Outreach

ALS WALK – OCTOBER 1, 2016 This is our 8th year in the WALK TO DEFEAT ALS. As

always, we will be walking in loving memory of Fa-

ther Eric Werts. This 5K walk helps us raise funds for

research, support of families, awareness and most im-

portantly finding a CURE. This is a horrible disease

that strikes someone every 90 minutes and every 90

minutes someone loses their battle with ALS. The aver-

age life span is 2 – 5 years after diagnosis. Father Eric

survived 3 years, 2 months and 10 days. We need to

continue what the “ice bucket challenge” started with

raising funds and putting ALS to the forefront in peo-

ple’s minds.

The ALS Association and the community of St Luke’s ~

San Lucas were so good to us and helped make Eric’s

journey so much easier. I hope you will consider sup-

porting our walk team FOR THE LOVE OF ERIC again

this year with a donation as we WALK TO DEFEAT

ALS. Online donation via our website: http:// or mail me a check

made out to “ALS Association”.

We would love to have you join us for this 5K walk on

Saturday, October 1st. Please arrive at Esther Short

Park between 11 and 11:30 to gather our team and do

pictures. The walk begins at 11:45AM. If you can join

us, please let me know. (If you walked last year and

still have your red bandana, please wear it again as it

is a symbol that you are part of FOR THE LOVE OF

ERIC team.) If you or anyone else would like more in-

formation about ALS, please go to

Thank you so very much.

Ruth Werts 360-718-8232

813 NW 151st Street Vancouver, WA 98685

HOMELESS STUDENT FUND-RAISER HOPE, the Homeless Outreach Promoting Education

program, is a partnership between Vancouver Public

Schools and local shelters in the community to help

meet the needs of homeless families with school-aged


Our sixth fund-raiser for homeless students in Vancou-

ver schools will again be at Burgerville Central Park,

4th Plain and Ft Vancouver Way, north of Clark Col-

lege, 4PM-7PM, Thursday October 20. All we need do

is plan supper that day around Burgerville's menu. Eat

in, take out, drive thru --- HOPE program receives a

percentage of all sales, at that location, during those

three hours. Please mark calendars for this delicious

and important effort. Volume counts in percentage

fund-raisers so please join us and invite others, to en-

joy our home-town company's food, which emphasiz-


es local food sources. The need is also local, supporting

our sister and brother students who are homeless thru

no fault of their own. Let's pack the place. Winter is

coming. The kids need us!

Den Mark Wichar 360-694-3703

2016 HOLIDAY CRAFT SALE Supporting more than a century and a half

of community service

The logistics plans for the 2016 Craft Sale have been fi-

nalized. This year the sale will be part of the “Crystal

Plum Bazaar” in Hazel Dell on Saturday, November 12

from 9AM-4PM. This is the 37th year for the bazaar and

is sponsored by the Vancouver Dawn Lions Club. It

will be held at Alki Middle School in Hazel Dell.

There is a wonderful collection of unique crafts now

being made or planned by the St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas

Arts & Crafts Guild, but the Guild needs more crafters

and/or artists. If you would like to participate in sup-

porting this effort, please contact Joseph Ziemba at or the parish office and he

can help you with ideas and identify other crafters who

can give you instructions, if desired. One needs only to

be able to use a pair of scissors and glue, basic wood-

working, knitting or other needlework.

Joseph Ziemba

Goal 3: Spiritual Growth CHILDREN’S MINISTRY SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday September 18th was our first day

back in Sunday school. It was so wonderful

to see the children as we have missed them

so much over the summer. We enjoyed an Ice Cream

social and with special treats. We had a few new faces

so we had everyone introduce themselves, tell us what

grade they are in and a few fun things about their sum-


We will begin our new Sunday school year revisiting

Vol 2. We will share the stories of The Great Family,

Exodus, The Ten Best Ways, and The Ark and the Tent in

the month of October. We will not have Sunday school

on October 2 as we will all enjoy our visit from the

Bishop. We will also not have Sunday school on Octo-

ber 30th as we will have baptisms.

We still are in need of Volunteers. My scheduled deliv-

ery date is fast approaching on November 6th! Many

thanks to Ebie and Lee for helping with storytelling on

those Sundays that I will not be able to be here but we

still need a 2nd volunteer to accompany them each Sun-

day that we have Sunday school. Please contact me if

you have any questions or would like to help.

Herlinda Marquez, Children’s Ministry Coordinator


COMMUNION CLASS The classes will start October 9-12 PM in one of the

rooms located downstairs. The classes will be bilingual

and are designed for children in 3rd grade or older that

can read and write and can fully participate. The classes

will continue until January 15th. Please register with Fr.

Eliacin or Herlinda so we can have enough materials

for everyone.

YOUTH GROUP Youth Group nights in October will be on the Satur-

days, October 8th, 15th, 20th and 29th from 6 PM-8 PM.

We decided to begin weekly meetings to be able to

achieve more consistent work on our comic book pro-

ject. We welcome all youth in grades 9-12 to join us for

fun, fellowship, music, games and our ongoing comic

book project.

Donna Greene, Youth Leader

ORDER OF ST. LUKE - VIDEO SERIES You’re invited to attend video presentations in this se-

ries, “The Miracles of Christ”, provided weekly each

Thursday evening from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM in Room 104

(lower level of our building) now through November

17. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the

Narthex if you plan to come to any of the sessions.

This same series is also going to be offered at Church of

the Good Shepherd on Tuesday evenings from 6:30PM

to 8:00PM starting October 4th for 11 weeks.

Order of St. Luke (OSL) is an international ecumenical

organization dedicated to the Christian healing minis-

try. OSL has Chapters throughout the world. Free infor-

mation literature is available in the Narthex.


If you have any questions please contact Ellen Case at

360-952-0664 or email at

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP All women are welcome as we begin another year of

reading, studying and sharing. We will resume our

2nd Saturday monthly sessions on Saturday, October 8

when we will gather from 10AM to 12PM. This will be

a time to come together and expand our spiritual expe-

riences with a feminine view. Each Saturday session

begins with refreshments and friendly conversation

then we will begin our study and discussion based on

the book, May I have this Dance – An invitation to Faith-

ful Prayer Throughout the Year” by Joyce Rupp. In October

we will focus on the Introduction and the chapter,

“October-The Falling Leaves”. Please read both prior

to our session together.

If you don’t have the book yet, please contact Kris

Lawless (360-574-3755) or the church office. Suggested

donation is $15. Hoping you will join us! If you have

any questions please contact any of the conveners:

Mary Boettcher, (360-936-2425)

Janet Butler (360-947-0404)

Kris Lawless (360-574-3755)

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM September was yet another great month for music at

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. In quick succession, we hosted

vocal programs by The Ensemble, Chor Anno, and

three local singer/song-writers led by parish member

Justin Little. The choir and handbell ringers are back to

their Wednesday night rehearsals and their Sunday

musical leadership roles, and Willy Silva and his Band

at the 1 PM Sunday Hispanic service are rocking. Our

Diocesan Bishop, Greg Rickel, will get a first-hand

dose of our music at the bi-

lingual service Sunday,

October 2nd at 11 AM.

The Jazz Vespers season begins

on Saturday, October 8th at 6

PM with guitarist Dan Balmer

as our special guest. Dan has

played with us before so we all

know him to be one of the best

jazz players in the Northwest.

He is one of only five Oregonians to be honored with

membership in both The Oregon Music Hall of Fame

and the Jazz Society of Oregon Hall of Fame and he

can be heard on over 80 CD recordings! Also, our own

Catherine van de Salm will be the Cantor. Bring your

family, friends, and neighbors to this alternative ecu-

menical service.

On October 21st at 7 PM, The Ensemble will return to

present Brahms' Liebeslieder Waltzes and solo works

by Pacific Northwest composers for voice, piano, trum-

pet and oboe, which will provide a healthy dose of

Love, Laughter & Truth. See Catherine van der Salm to

reserve half-price tickets.

Tim Nickel, Music Director

BREAD GUILD We are looking for bakers for the Bread Guild as we

have lost two bakers this year. Please contact me at 360

-241-3604 or at if you

are interested or want more information. The more

bakers the less often everyone bakes!

Kathleen Brown

FUN WAYS TO GET INVOLVED Transportation Ministry: From time to time one of

our members needs/requests help with a ride to/from

church. If you can provide transportation for someone

to a Sunday service this is the ministry for you!

Friday Night Live After leading this ministry for 8

years, Brad and Ginger Harris will be stepping down

after the December FNL. This is a fun and easy minis-

try to manage and Brad and Ginger will gladly teach

you the ropes!

Please contact the Office if you are interested in either

of these ministries. or


Goal 4: Pastoral Care

PRAYER PARTNERS After prayerful thought and discussion during our re-

cent Prayer Partner’s meeting, it was unanimously

agreed that the time has come to put our ministry to

rest for now.


There are many options within the parish for prayer

needs such as attending the Wednesday Healing Eu-

charist service, calling the office and request Pastoral

Care, or being listed in the Sunday bulletin for prayers.

Peace be with you.

PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE Please let us know if you have someone who is not

able to come to church, is in some type of crisis, medi-

cal or otherwise, or, perhaps, is in the hospital, by mak-

ing a call to the office. Our meetings are on the fourth

Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on Oc-

tober 25 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit,

(Children’s Chapel).

The Rev. Dennis Cole

LIFE GOES ON The next meeting of Life Goes On is on Thursdays,

October 27, 2-4 PM at Glenwood Retirement Center

(5500 NE 82nd Ave, near the Vancouver Mall). We are

a group of people who have faced significant loss and

are in the process of grieving. Some lost someone sev-

eral years ago, others have lost someone this past year.

We share grief and loss and work hard not only to re-

member the ones we have lost but to find new mean-

ing and purpose in continuing our lives. Life does go

on. Please feel welcomed to come join our group. We

share together and enjoy some goodies, coffee and tea.

The Rev. Dennis Cole

Community Life COFFEE HOUR

Coffee Hour hosts for the month of October are:

2 October - Potluck Lunch with Bishop Rickel

9 October - Kathleen & Greg Brown

16 October - Nancy & Chuck Barnes

23 October - Hiromura/Mathieu

30 October - Janet & Steve Butler

6 November - Mary Ellen & Roy Sandberg

Judy Morrison 360-574-2441

MAH-JONGG GROUP This group meets in the Parish Hall every other Mon-

day from 1:00PM-5PM. Come join the fun, learn, play

and chat! October sessions October 10 and 24! (Does not

meet on holidays) If you have questions, contact

Peggy McDonald (360-573-0609) or Ruth Werts (360-


THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, October 11 at

12 PM. Our sponsor this month is Joan Wilson. She

has arranged for Mr. David Schmitke, representative

from the Vancouver Fire Department, to talk to us

about Fire Safety, tripping hazards, alarms, and safety

features we can have in our homes. He will also talk

about "Aging in place" ie: staying home rather than

going to an assisted living facility. The things we can

do to modify and make it easier for us to remain in our

home. He will bring a “rig” if one is available.

Please sign-up if you are coming and/or if you can

help with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets are in

the Narthex. As always your friends and neighbors are


“R @ R” GROUP All are invited to these monthly gatherings on the third

Wednesdays with Rev. Chuck Barnes. Retirees @ Res-

taurants (R@R for short) will meet on Wednesday, Oc-

tober 19, 9 AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929 Main

St, Vancouver, WA 98660 for breakfast and lively con-


THE ENSEMBLE CONCERT October 21, 2016, 7 PM

St Luke's ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church, Vancouver


Brahms' Liebeslieder Waltzes, performed by a quartet

and piano four hands, and contemporary solos written

by Pacific Northwest composers for voice, piano, trum-

pet and oboe will provide us with a healthy dose of

Love, Laughter & Truth. Presented in collaboration with

Cascadia Composers.

Ticket price for St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas members is $10.

Ticket reservations are available on Sunday’s after

services or contact the church office during the week.


FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE This event is an opportunity for us to get together cas-

ually in a member’s home. Always a great way to be-

come more acquainted and to be with friends. The

host provides the main course only and guests bring a

dish to share (appetizer, salad, side or dessert) and

their own beverage. Look for the sign-up sheet and

maps in the parish hall next to the kitchen door. Please

sign-up so the hosts know how many to prepare for.

In October, Friday night live will be hosted by Beth

Ivey and Diane Smith. It will located at Beth Ivey's

house at 5323 NW Cherry Street, house C, Vancouver.

360-907-3165. It is on October 28th at 6:30 PM.

We are looking for someone who would like to host

the December's event. In the past, it has been a white

elephant gift exchange but doesn't have to be. Also,

due to Christmas, the date is flexible. Please contact

Brad or Ginger Harris.

After 8 years of leading this fun ministry, we are look-

ing for someone to take over the program next year.

We would love to see this lively, fun social monthly

event continue.

Please address any questions to Ginger or Brad Harris.

(971- 373-8894) or at

Administrative & Financial OUR CITY PAYS ITS DEBTS Back in 1923, St. Luke’s received a gift of at least $500.

In today’s dollars that would be over $7,000. The Ves-

try needed some place to invest the gift. Being good

civic leaders, they invested in the City of Vancouver,

more specifically in a local “Improvement Bond” for

Lower Fruit Valley Road.

These bonds were supported by assessments on the

landowners benefitting from the construction. Many

cities in Washington, and throughout the United

States, were issuing these types of bonds. Unfortunate-

ly, the idea was new and the underlying assessment

capability of the landowners was not proven prior to

the issuance of the bonds. Defaulting of the payments

of assessments, and thus on the bonds and bond inter-

est became a large problem.

Up until 1925 the City had dutifully paid the bond in-

terest, but in 1925 the City could not get the landown-

er assessments to support further payment of interest

or principal. The City Council voiced a promise to

pay, but they did not have the money in 1925.

The St. Luke’s bond, and three future interest coupons

for $17.50 each, was filed away in what became the

Archives. Recently we found the bond and coupons.

They are ‘bearer bonds’, meaning that the possession

of the original is as good as cash, if you can find some-

one to cash in the bond.

We went to the City Treasurer who said the City

would be happy to pay, however we need to follow a

certain process (put in place by the State of Washing-

ton after the 1920s default fiasco). First we went to US

Bank, who sent us to the State of Washington, who

sent us to a bank in New York, who sent us to the City

of Vancouver. No one had a record of the bond, but all

could see that it appeared valid. We met once again

with the City of Vancouver Treasurer. She was de-

lighted to authorize payment in full in the amount of

$552.50 to St. Luke’s.

You can see that an endowment or gift to St. Luke’s ~

San Lucas can have long lasting benefit to our faith

and outreach efforts. We want to thank the person

who made that $500 gift back in 1923; and the City of

Vancouver, because you pay your debts.

Pat Lawless, Archivist


“Dollars and Sense”

Percentages should to be at 66.6% of budgeted revenue

and expense.

Summary as of August 31, 2016

Revenues: Actual revenues as of August are

slightly above what is expected, a very good thing.

Expenses: Overall expenses are under YTD budg-

et projections by $13,185 due to not filling a budg-

eted youth coordinator, no medical/dental benefits

Total Budget Year to Date Percent

for the Year Actual of Total

Amounts Budget

Revenues $583,833 $392,300 67%

Expenses $583,833 $376,037 64%

Net Income 0 $ 16,263


requested for a part-time position, lower than ex-

pected facility maintenance costs and fewer ser-

vices provided as compared to budget expecta-


Additional Comments: Thank you for continuing to

fulfill your pledge commitments during the summer

months. Parishioners have been consistently meeting

their pledge commitments and this is very much ap-

preciated. And for those who have been on vacation,

this is a time to “catch up.”

The budget, thus far, is looking good as we enter the

fall season. If patterns of donations and expenditures

continue, this foretells a good ending to the fiscal year.

Thanks for your continued financial support of St.

Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

VESTRY SUMMARY -- September 2016

MINISTRIES INFO: Groups of our many ministries

will be highlighted at upcoming St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas

Feast Day, October 16 during the Coffee Hour. Please

stop by to learn more about them. They welcome ad-

ditional members.

BUDGET TIME: Ministry leaders – give Parish Treas-

urer Doug Goodlett your “wish lists” ASAP as he

drafts the 2017 Parish Budget.

CARD SALES: Christmas card packets featuring the

parish’s stained-glass windows are being created for

sale. Proceeds will go to the General Fund.

OPEN POSITION: We need a qualified person to fill

an unexpired Vestry position until the next Annual

Parish Meeting. Tell Fr. Jaime or a Vestry member if

you are interested.

FACILITY USE: SHARE would like to use part of

our basement to house up to six women during the

next two winters. Feasibility of the project is being de-


Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry

Around the Diocese 2016 DIOCESAN CONVENTION

The 2016 annual convention will be held Friday-

Saturday, October 21-22, at the Hilton Seattle Airport

& Conference Center, Seattle. This year’s theme is

“Your Kingdom Come”.

The Diocese of Olympia Convention meets annually to

conduct the business of the diocese. It elects to dioce-

san offices; ratifies a budget; sets assessment levels;

admits congregations as missions or parishes; votes on

resolutions; elects a General Convention deputation;

and hears the bishop’s annual address. Clergy and

elected delegates from congregations attend. Conven-

tion documents can be found at the website below.

Our delegates to the convention are Mike Grigsby-

Lane, Lynne Hulse, Roy Sandberg and Mary Ellen

Sandberg. If you have any questions please contact

one of our delegates and please thank them for repre-

senting our parish!


CURSILLO RE-IMAGINED Dumas Bay Conference Centre in Federal Way, Fri-

day, October 28 – Sunday, October 30.

$100 Suggested Donation

A short course in Christianity where participants will

encounter overwhelming love as a beloved child of

God along with Christ’s healing and grace and experi-

ence what it means to live out their baptismal cove-

nant and be radically sent by Jesus into the world.

More information and registration link at : https://

The program begins at 2 PM Friday with check-in be-

ginning at 1:00 PM. Closing will be on Sunday after-

noon beginning at 1:30 pm at Church of the Good

Shepherd, 345 S. 312th St., Federal Way, WA.



2 - Kira Greene

2 – Martin Bautista

4 - Ray Cubberly

4 - Danielle Farmer

5 – Traci McCormick

5 - Alondra Montaniel

6 – Aurelia Reyes

6 – Yasmine Benitez

6 - MacKensie Dale

6 - Guillermo Plaza

7 - Hailey Weller

8 – Sebastian Romagosa

8 - Daisy Garcia

9 - Chuck Greenwood

9 - Gabriela Arreguin

9 – Jesus Reyes-Cruz

10 – Barbara


10 - Teresa Ornelas

10 - Dan Rogge

10 – Gabriela Vasquez

11 - Ruben Triana

11 - Gybram, Martinez

11 – Lucia Silva

12 - Cindy Routtu

12 – Catherine


12 - Isabel Casarez

13 - Luis Perez

13 – Audrick Escobar

13 – Yannick Escobar

14 - Alondra Gallegos

15 – Jill Boyd

15 - Tom Daniels

15 - Lizbeth Onofre

16 - Geri Hoekzema

17 - Suzanne Savage

17 - Erica Medina

18 - Lilly Pascoe

18 - Mateo Perez

19 – Willy Silva

20 - Luis Garcia

20 – Hector Marquez

21 - Antony Arteaga

23 - Peggy Jones

24 - Ryan Sigurdson

25 - Melanie Kenoyer

26 - Ricci Kilmer

26 – Juliana

van der Salm

27 - Ryan Hanrahan

28 - Brad Harris

28 – Anthony Klucas

28 - Joana Bunnell

29 - Greg Brown

30 - Pat McHargue

30 - Jim Clark

30 – Blanca Klucas

30 - Rachel Femling

Episcopal Diocese of Olympia

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

October 2 Annie Wright School;

Charles Wright Academy, Tacoma

October 9 Episcopal Campus Ministry

October 16 Diocesan Council; Board of Directors;

Standing Committee; All Commissions,

Committees & Programs of the Diocese

October 23 Bishop Rickel and the bishops’ staff

October 30 St. Paul, Mount Vernon; La Iglesia Epis-

copal de la Resureccion, Mount Vernon

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East

Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

October 2 Kids for Peace, Jerusalem

October 9 St. Luke’s Church, Marka, Jordan

October 16 The Episcopal Church, Irbid, Jordan

October 23 The Arab Episcopal School, Irbid, Jordan

October 30 St. Matthew’s Church, Zababdeh,

West Bank


eGiving is available on our website. Just use this QR Code to visit the donation page.

Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the November issue of The Messenger,

please submit your article on or before October 12 to the church office. Thank you!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sept 30

7:00 HYC


10:00 HYC 10 WHO Breakfast 11:00 ALS Walk @ Esther Short Park

2 20th Sunday of


HYC & Visitation of

Bishop Rickel

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Blessing Animals 9:45 Nursery Care 11:00 Bilingual Eucharist, Baptisms, Confirmations & Receptions 12:30 Pot-Luck Lunch

3 Office-Closed

4 Outreach



12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells

6:30 Outreach


7:00 Choir

6 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew

10:00 Helping Hands

7 Outreach


10 Women’s Spirituality Group 6 JAZZ VESPERS 6-8 Youth Group

9 21th Sunday of



8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Coffee Hour 12:00 1st Communion 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical

10 Office Closed

12 Mar- Jongg

11 Outreach

12 Lunch Bunch 6:30 VESTRY

12 Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir MESSENGER DEADLINE

13 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 1-8:30 Lifetouch Photo Sessions

14 Outreach

1-8:30 Lifetouch Photo Sessions


10-5:30 LifeTouch Photo Sessions 6-8 Youth Group

16 St. Luke’s~San Lucas

the Evangelist Feast Day Observance



10-5:30 LifeTouch Photo Sessions

17 Office Closed

18 Outreach

19 Outreach

9:00 R@R—Dulins

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

20 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

4-7:00 HOPE Fund-raiser @ Burgerville (Central)

21 Outreach

7:00 THE ENSEMBLE Concert


6-8 Youth Group

23 23rd Sunday of



24 Office Closed 12 Mah- Jongg

25 Outreach

6:30 Pastoral Care

26 Outreach

12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

4:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

27 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

2:00 Life Goes On (off-site)

28 Outreach

6:30 Friday Night Live @ Beth Ivy’s

29 6-8 Youth Group

30 All Saints Sunday

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Coffee Hour 12:00 1st Communion 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa

31 Office Closed


DAY Outreach



12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

3:00 Staff Meeting

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir

7:00 Bilingual All Soul’s Day

Nov 3 Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

Nov 4 Outreach

Nov 5 6-8 Youth Group

Church Office Hours: 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-5 PM Tuesday - Friday

If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181.



Senior Warden: Kathryn Gallaher Junior Warden: Stu Hennessey

VESTRY MEMBERS: Stefanie Aschmann, Lynne Hulse,

John Mathieu, Sharon Mayhew, Marlene Perez, Tako Torres

and Joseph Ziemba

Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

The Rev. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Curate

The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy

The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer

Tim Nickel, Music Director

Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator

Herlinda Marquez, Administrator Assistant

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853.

Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of

Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need

through service, and to grow in faith together.

Prepared by:

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard

Vancouver, WA 98663

Request delivery by dates: September 30-October 3

Return Service Requested

(360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182



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