The Why and the Who…. Hittites Aryans Minoans Phoenicians.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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MigrationsThe Why and the Who…

Who’s on the Move?


Why Do People Migrate?

Environmental ProblemsEconomic ReasonsTechnological Developments

Political and Religious Persecution

What Are the Results of Migrations?

Cultural DiffusionPopulation ShiftsLanguage DiffusionReligious Diffusion


Time Period: 1650-1190 B.C. Main Activity: Warriors Location: Came from the steppes of Asia to

Anatolia (modern day Turkey) Political: Kings ruled; city-states emerged which

would eventually form an empire. Accomplishments: Treaty with Egypt and they

rewrote Hammurabi’s Code to make it more forgiving.

Lasting Contributions: Iron weapons and chariots Reason(s) for Decline: They were suddenly

attacked from the north. The invaders burned their capital.


Time Period: 1500-1000B.C. Main Activity: Pastoral People Location: Moved into the Indus River Valley Political: Minor kings struggled for power.

There major kingdom was Magadha Lasting Contributions: Caste system,

election of tribal leaders, Vedas (sacred literature that shows Aryan life), and Mahabharata (epic poem).

Reason(s) for Decline: Internal violence?


Time Period: 2000 B.C.-1200B.C. Main Activity: Merchants and sailors Location: Crete. There capital was Knossos Political: King Minos was their most famous

leader Accomplishments: Trade, painted pottery,

language, women in high ranks Lasting Contributions: Legend of the

Minotaur Reason(s) for Decline: Unclear –



Time Period: 1100 B.C.-842 B.C. Main Activity: Sailors and traders Location: The area that is now Lebanon

around the Mediterranean Sea. Political: Never united (remained city-states),

major cities included: Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos. Accomplishments: First to venture beyond the

Strait of Gibraltar . Lasting Contributions: Alphabet Reason(s) for Decline: Eastern cities were

captured by the Assyrians. Later they came under the control of Babylon and Persia.