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Post on 06-Feb-2018

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Value chain

Production Point of purchase


Value network Individual

From P.O.S. to Customer Relationship

Adapted from LiveWork AS

Relationships Relationships

What is Service Design?

Customer Need and Customer Experience

Understood from the users perspective

But Ted!What is Service Design?

Designed offerings to provide experiences that happen over time and across different touch-points

Designed offerings to provide experiences that happen over time and across different touch-points

Whole DetailExperiential Need

Trygg fra A til Å,

Zoot / Making Waves

User Insight

Involving stakeholders in the service development

Zoot/Making Waves

Zoot/Making Waves

Resulting in improved service experience

Clarity and Effectivity

Zoot/Making Waves

Understanding the whole experience

Designed offerings to provide experiences that happen over time and across different touch-points

‘The Experience Economy’Pine & Gilmour

Competitive advantage investing in Experience

‘We are not in the business of filling bellies. We are in the business of filling souls’

‘customer experience’ without brand input runs the serious risk of lacking strategy,

Most companies have brand handbooks

Simon Clatworthy - 2013

Alt for Norge

Simon Clatworthy - 2013

Simon Clatworthy - 2013

Grand Narrative

Illustration: Syver Lauritzsen

When we add a touchpoint we ask:

• Is it on Brand?• Does it relates to the grand narrative?• How will it contribute to the service experience ?• What kind of emotional response from the fan or

player do we want it will have?