Tracking the Birth Pains End Time News January 2016

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Birth PainsJanuary 2016 Newsletter

RTWP is Committed to Watching the Convergence of Headline News &

Bible Prophecy Till Jesus Returns!

Sign #1- False MessiahsSign #2- Wars & Rumors of WarsSign #3- Ethnic DisputesSign #4- FaminesSign #5- PestilencesSign #6- EarthquakesSign #7- PersecutionSign #8- The Falling AwaySign #9- False ProphetsSign #10- LawlessnessSign #11- The Preaching of the GospelSign #12- The Abomination of Desolation

** note- Matthew’s Gospel presents 14 signs, but only 12 are trackable now. 2 signs are strictly future signs. Find out more about the remaining signs in my book, Tracking the Birth Pains**

“For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will

mislead many.”- Matthew 24:5


2016False Messiahs

Albuquerque man waves BB gun and claims to be the Messiah!

Wanted to prove he’s the

Messiah & nothing could

hurt him.

Man claiming to be Jesus was arrested after threatening to abduct one of Obama’s pets!

Hundreds of rounds of

ammunition were found in his truck

along with unregistered


Ted Cruz believes Trump & Obama have Messiah Complexes!

“This election is not about any one person, any one individual who believes he or she will

make America great. You know what, for seven

years we’ve had a president in the White House who has had a

Messiah complex.”Ted Cruz

“You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened,

for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.”(Matthew 24:6)

January 2016Wars & Rumors of Wars

Headline News

Turkey Concerned by build up of Russian Troops near the Turkey-Syrian Border

Swedish General Warns that World War 3 is on the Horizon & Prepares Troops.

Sweden hasn’t been at war for

200 years, but the top General is

anticipating WW 3 in a few years.

ISIS magazine, Dabiq, calls for war on Muslims, specifically Shi’ites!

The Dutch Government Has Now Extended its War Against ISIS to War

Torn Syria!

U.S. Commandos Expand Anti-ISIS War into Libya!

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against

kingdom.”(Matthew 24:7a)

January 2016Ethnic Conflicts

A recent terrorist attack at a restaurant in Somalia, left over 20 dead!

Saudis weigh nuclear option if Iran gets bomb!

A Suicide Bomber Attacked a Police Station in North Yemen.

A Bomb Exploded Outside the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey

5 Female Suicide Bombers Exploded in Chibok, Nigeria- killing 9 and

wounding 32.

“And in various places there will be famines.” (Matthew 24:7b)

January 2016Famine

It appears that famine, is once again, lurking in Ethiopia.

According to the U.N.

Ethiopia is experiencing its worst drought in 30 years

The poorest, most vulnerable infants are dying at a rate of 2 per day

350,000 children need treatment for severe acute malnutrition

8.2 million people need urgent food assistance & number is expected to rise to 15 million this year

Famine in Madaya, Syria is just the “tip of the iceberg” according to Amnesty.

People were surviving on leaves

Madaya is cut off by military and land mines

Starvation is being used as a weapon of war throughout Syria

40,000 people live in Madaya

The death toll in Thar, Pakistan has risen to 75

Sindh minister rules out famine, but,

Children are dying from malnutrition

Scarcity of food and unsafe drinking water contributes to the condition

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in

various places.” (Matthew 24:7)

January 2016Deadly Disease

Deadly listeria outbreak has left 1 dead & 12 hospitalized!

Salad was produced at the Dole Plant in Springfield, Ohio

Travel-related Zika cases now reported in Florida & Illinois.

The virus is blamed for the recent cases of

microcephaly in Brazil.

Bird Flu has hit the State of Indiana. More than 400,000 birds have been euthanized so far!

Ten S.W. Indiana farms have been affected. This is a

different strain than the one that led to 48 million bird

deaths last summer.

Legionnaires’ disease is causing a crisis in Flint, Michigan.

Flint is already reeling from a lead-contaminated water crisis.

Utah fears thousands infected with Hepatitis C after exposure to hospital nurse.

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in

various places.” (Matthew 24:7)



Earthquakes January3.0 & Higher

Week Total

January 1-7 287

January 8-14 228

January 15-21 192

January 22-31 238*

Total TBDSource: USGS

10 Significant Earthquakes in January 2016.

Source: USGS

“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of

My name.”(Matthew 24:9)

January 2016Persecution of the Faithful

ISIS stooped to another low & destroyed a 1,400 year old Christian monastery in Iraq. The church has served as a place for Christian

worship since 590 A.D.

St. Elijah’s church was the oldest

monastery in Iraq.

ISIS Punishes Kids’ Kindness to Christians!

ISIS has arrested & executed children who showed kindness to Christians.

A Michigan dentist is being sued for harassing staff by playing Christian music!

Franklin Graham previously stated

that he feared Christians would

be sued into submission- I

think he’s right!

“At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and

hate one another.”(Matthew 24:10)

January 2016Apostasy & Rebellion

The Anglican Church of Canada is scheduled to vote on a proposal that would authorize gay


Why are “Christians” voting on the accuracy of the Bible? I’ll tell

you why: Because they hate God’s


New York court rules that farm owners broke law by not hosting a lesbian wedding. Upholding Biblical truths in

America will now cost you!

The farm owners

appealed & lost. They were fined $13,000!

U.S. church has joined the BDS movement & will blacklist Israeli banks!

Christians are called to love & pray for Israel & her peace. We are

to be salt & light & we are to provoke them to jealousy- not to

make them despise us!

“And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”

(Matthew 24:11)

January 2016False Prophets

Boy cuts off his own hand for offending the prophet Muhammed!

Boy thought the Imam asked,

“who loves the prophet


Imprisoned prophet runs polygamous towns!

Lagos Prophet sets church member on fire!

The prophet received a “revelation” that if he set the

woman on fire, she would NOT be burned.

“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love

will grow cold.”(Matthew 24:12)

January 2016Lawlessness

Man was arrested hours before following through on a terror attack at a Malaysian entertainment venue.

The potential suicide bomber was arrested at a train station. He

confessed to his plans & said ISIS had given him the orders.

ISIS claims responsibility for Baghdad mall siege that left 18 dead.

Gunman stormed the mall after a car bomb was set off & suicide

bomb detonated at the mall entrance.

Germany may be struggling with migrant “rape game.”

The “rape” game, known as taharush, is widespread in Egypt.

Groups of men surround the victim while other men prevent

passerby's from intervening.

ISIS burned its own fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall!

The fighters were burned alive in the town square.

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a

testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”(Matthew 24:14)



Into All the World!

1 of the largest Christian nations in all of Asia.

92% Christian!

Therefore when you see the Abomination of Desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy

place (let the reader understand)…(Matthew 24:15)

January 2016Israel- the Super Sign

These doors are currently sealed waiting for

Messiah’s return!!!

A Jewish minor was arrested on the Temple Mount for saying “Shema Israel!”

Hear O Israel the Lord our

God is One!

Muslims have been carrying out unauthorized excavations of the Temple Mount, allegedly due to a water leakage.

“Digging was being done in order to repair a water canal, but it was unauthorized. In the

past, these types of digs have destroyed historical remains that would reflect the

Jewishness of the site!”

Protesters & incitement have returned to the Temple Mount!

The outlawed Islamic Movement has been leading protests on the Temple Mount. ISIS flags were even flown & hate inspired speeches were made!

Canada is Stepping Away From its Unbiased Support for its Ally, Israel.

The Prime Minister of Canada blamed both sides for the ongoing conflict &

called on Israel to reduce violence and unrest.

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree (Israel):As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near,

right at the door.”- Matthew 24:32-33

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