Twitter Tuesday 10.15.13 Using Social Media with Purpose ... … · Using Social Media with Purpose...

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Twitter Tuesday – 10.15.13

Using Social Media with Purpose

(read from bottom to top)

Heather Haupt @HeatherHaupt 1m

@Lisa_MarieF Good point. I've seen many successful sm campaigns do this. In the minority

here; quality content keeps me engaged #hsbloggers

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kerrybeck @kerrybeck 4m

@thedaisyhead @Lisa_MarieF Absolutely right. I think content is what attract people to you,

but you must continue relationship #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB

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Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 4m

Talk to you all next week! Everyone going to #Allume have a great time!! #hsbloggers


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 4m

Speaking of content... I have a review to post. Better get to it.~ :) #hsbloggers


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 6m

@kerrybeck @thedaisyhead I guess that's true, too. both is good. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 6m

@kerrybeck @Lisa_MarieF True, but I don't think that content curation itself is social. We

need both. #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 6m

RT @kerrybeck I think there is overlap with content & interaction-I need to share good content

& be willing to talk #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 7m

@Lisa_MarieF @thedaisyhead I think there is overlap with content & interaction-I need to

share good content & be willing to talk #hsbloggers

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Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 7m

@Lisa_MarieF Agreed! I don't think it's a popular opinion but I find it true. :) #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 7m

@Lisa_MarieF sharing content in this context is building relationships through social

interaction and sharing valuable info #hsbloggers

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Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 8m

Thank you for the chat - Time went waaay to fast! #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 8m

RT @hsblogging Thanks for joining us today! P.S. Check out today's blog abt unplugging from

social media: #hsbloggers


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 8m

@thedaisyhead At least I'm not alone lol. #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 8m

yes RT @thedaisyhead: RT @Lisa_MarieF I can share 20937 posts and links-if I don't talk

with people - social media is pointless. #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 8m

True! RT @Lisa_MarieF I can share 20937 posts and links, but if I don't talk with people -

social media is pointless. #my2cents #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 8m

RT @Lisa_MarieF I can share 20937 posts and links, but if I don't talk with people - social

media is pointless. #my2cents #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 8m

@Lisa_MarieF @hsblogging I totally agree. They may like your content, but the social is the

social. Totally separate most times. #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 8m

Thanks for joining us today! #HSBloggers // P.S. Check out today's blog about unplugging from

social media:


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 9m

I can share 20937 posts and links, but if I don't talk with people - social media is pointless.

#my2cents #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 9m

RT @Lisa_MarieF I think community on social media has nothing to do with content &

everything to do with being interactive. #hsbloggers


Worldata @worldata 3 Oct

DMA13 TOP SESSION: What's Working Now: Critical Email and Emerging Media (Speaker: J.SCHWEDELSON) #DMA2013 #DMA13

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Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 9m

@hsblogging // Oh, Thank you - That is what I am doing with other's info #hsbloggers

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Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 10m

@hsblogging I think community on social media has nothing to do with content & everything to

do with being interactive. #hsbloggers


Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 11m

Q5: I use social media to promote content on my blog. #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 11m

@Bowmania Fantastic - I've scheduled questions from our webinars and responses have

increased #hsbloggers

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Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 12m

RT @hsblogging Content is the foundation you build community on in social media - w/o

content you have nothing. // Hmm. idk... #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 12m

I recently just set up a new sharing strategy for myself it is geared towards my blog niche to help

build up my reputation on SM #hsbloggers


Stephanie Bowman @Bowmania 12m

@kerrybeck I am not sure what happened. I have been posting fun questions and I am having

more communication that way on B #hsbloggers

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Heather Haupt @HeatherHaupt 12m

Word. RT @hsblogging: Content is the foundation you build community on in social media -

w/o content you have nothing. #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 13m

RT @hsblogging Content is the foundation you build community on in social media - w/o

content you have nothing. #hsbloggers


Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 13m

Q2: FB, Twitter, and Pinterest. I'm still trying to get a good handle on those. Don't think I can

add anything else yet! #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 13m

Content is the foundation you build community on in social media - w/o content you have

nothing. #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 14m

@hsblogging I focus on my content before promotion. But, I have an overall promotion strategy

for all blog posts #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB

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Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 14m

@kerrybeck content on your SM platforms #hsbloggers

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Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 14m

Q4: Organization. I'm not very outgoing so I have to think of things to say. ;-) But I'm very

organized! #hsbloggers


Katey @MamaKautz 14m

@goldenreflect I always try to reply #hsbloggers

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Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 14m

RT @hsblogging Focus on your content strategy before your promotion strategy. #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 15m

@HSBlogging - What is: building a foundation of content on social media? #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 15m

ahhh RT @hsblogging: Focus on your content strategy before your promotion strategy.



Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 15m

Focus on your content strategy before your promotion strategy. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 15m

RT @hsblogging Q5: Are you focusing more on promoting content or building a foundation of

content on social media? #hsbloggers


SAP North America @SAPNorthAmerica 11 Oct

There’s an app for that. What do people actually think of all these #mobileapps? Here:

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Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 15m

Q5: for me, both. #hsbloggers


Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 15m

Q3: FB - interact with readers; Twitter - find and share interesting/funny things; Pinterest -

organize great ideas #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 15m

A5: My focus is always tweeting other's content #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 15m

@hsblogging What exactly do you mean? Promoting content on your own site vs building

content on a social media site ???? #hsbloggers

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Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 15m

@HeatherHaupt Yay!! :-) #hsbloggers

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Ashley Pichea @apichea 15m

@MamaKautz I think it depends on the type of site/post... informational posts tend to get more

shares #hsbloggers

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Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 16m

RT @hsblogging Q5: Are you focusing more on promoting content or building a foundation of

content on social media? #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 16m

@MamaKautz I hardly get any honestly... I always try to reply when I do. I think more people

comment on FB or twitter on blogs #hsbloggers

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Heather Haupt @HeatherHaupt 16m

So excited to join all you #hsbloggers today for the chat. Thankful for the time to pop in and the

social media topic.


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 16m

Q5: Are you focusing more on promoting content or building a foundation of content on social

media? #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 17m

RT @MamaKautz what about comments on posts? I think the sharing on sites has replaced that

IMO #hsbloggers


Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 17m

Q1: Goal... bringing new readers to my blog. Engaging with other homeschoolers and book

lovers. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 18m

Yay! We should set a time. RT @HeatherHaupt @thedaisyhead I'll be at #allume and would

love to meet up with other #hsbloggers.


Katey @MamaKautz 18m

what about comments on posts? I think the sharing on sites has replaced that IMO #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 18m

Don't think you have to develop a special talent to dominate social media. Make the platform

obey the strength you already have #hsbloggers


Heather Haupt @HeatherHaupt 18m

@thedaisyhead I'll be at #allume and would love to meet up with other #hsbloggers.

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Katey @MamaKautz 19m

@SunnyPatchBlog @goldenreflect It really does. #pinterest #hsbloggers

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Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 19m

@goldenreflect I agree! #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB

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Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 19m

Don't think you have to develop a special talent to dominate social media. Make the platform

obey the strength you already have. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 19m

@kerrybeck I forget, too-- along with most other people out there. :) #hsbloggers


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Katey @MamaKautz 20m

I prefer FB and Twitter b/c of interaction #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 20m

A4: I share what I see on other people's blogs #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 20m

@thedaisyhead I've tried to comment on pins but often forget...I heard that would make it more

social #hsbloggers

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Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 20m

@goldenreflect @MamaKautz I'm just beginning to realize how much influence Pinterest can

have! #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB

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kerrybeck @kerrybeck 21m

Q4 focus fb & pin b/c that brings traffic & community. I try to set up opps on fb for my group to

interact - fb parties, ?'s #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 21m

@hsblogging A4: I tend towards information sharing versus conversations. G+ and Pinterest are

great for this. #hsbloggers

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Heather Haupt @HeatherHaupt 21m

Good to remember! RT @apichea: RT @hsblogging: Make social media play to your strengths,

not the other way around. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 21m

Yes! RT @hsblogging: Make social media play to your strengths, not the other way around.



Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 21m

Q4: Pinterest, FB, Twitter, in the order. Still learning on G+. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 22m

RT @hsblogging Q4: What are your strengths when it comes to social media? Where are you

most comfortable? #hsbloggers


Tonia @SunnyPatchBlog 22m

I use Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I just started to really start working on things these past

few months. #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 22m

RT @hsblogging Q4: What are your strengths when it comes to social media? Where are you

most comfortable? #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 22m

@thedaisyhead // Thank you - IG "doesn't play with Windows phones - just iPhone & Droid"



Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 22m

And I don't really think of Pinterest as social media. It doesn't seem very social, though it's a

sharing great tool! #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 23m

I forgot too, lol! For community and being personal! RT @apichea @thedaisyhead I forgot

about IG! LOL... I use it for community #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 23m

RT @hsblogging: Make social media play to your strengths, not the other way around.



Katey @MamaKautz 23m

I have used IG once for promoting. I don't click through when I see stuff myself #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 23m

Q4: What are your strengths when it comes to social media? Where are you most comfortable?



Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 23m

oh, right. Instagram. I just like it because I can share photos of life in action. #hsbloggers


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 23m

@MyHSHelper idk if it's the best method or not! lol. #hsbloggers

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Stephanie Bowman @Bowmania 23m

@apichea @thedaisyhead oh yes.. I use IG a lot! :) #hsbloggers

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kerrybeck @kerrybeck 24m

@thedaisyhead I forgot about instagram. I use it more personally b/c I haven't figured out how

to connect it to my fb/biz page #hsbloggers

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Ashley Pichea @apichea 24m

@thedaisyhead I forgot about IG! LOL... I use it for community #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB

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Katey @MamaKautz 24m

I had to get over the 'self promoting fear' and I am so glad I did #Pinterest #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 24m

RT @hsblogging Make social media play to your strengths, not the other way around.



Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 24m

@MamaKautz same for me! Tripled my page views just by getting on some big group boards

and pinning my posts! #hsbloggers

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Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 24m

@Lisa_MarieF // Oh, I like that strategy! #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 24m

@MyHSHelper Sorry. Instagram. :) #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 25m

Next year for sure, babycakes! RT @goldenreflect @thedaisyhead I wish! Planning for 2014!!

Will be following #allume #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 25m

@thedaisyhead // IG? #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 25m

Make social media play to your strengths, not the other way around. #hsbloggers


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 25m

I mostly use twitter to chat & share links. FB is more about sharing posts and answering

questions. Pinterest is to share stuff #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 25m

Q3: I'm mostly on Fb, sometimes Twitter and IG. #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 25m

@thedaisyhead I wish! Planning for 2014!! :-) Will be following #allume #hsbloggers

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Katey @MamaKautz 25m

Pinterest has done amazing things for my blog in the last 4 mo. Wish I had started earlier



Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 25m

@thedaisyhead // Oh, I wish - Have a great time! #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 26m

@hsblogging A3: FB= blogcommunity/traffic AND blog/biz groups, Twitter=connecting w/

bloggers, Pinterest=traffic, G+=knowledge #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 26m

Q3: Twitter for sharing, networking with bloggers/brands and the parties! ;-) G+ for hangouts,

networking, sharing for SEO. #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 26m

Off topic- Who will be at Allume next week? Wanna meet up? #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 27m

Q3: Kind of... Pinterest is for promoting my posts getting my "brand out there". FB for sharing

and connecting with readers cont #hsbloggers


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Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 27m

@MamaKautz // Loved the article today on #unplugging #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 27m

RT @hsblogging Q3: Do you have different goals for different social media platforms?



Katey @MamaKautz 28m

@Bowmania SO wish you were NEXT DOOR! :) #hsbloggers

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Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 28m

RT @hsblogging Q3: Do you have different goals for different social media platforms?



Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 28m

Pinterest and FB are my biggest referrers so I tend to spend more time there. But I like twitter for

the parties! ;-) #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 28m

same here RT @Lisa_MarieF: I really only use FB, twitter, and pinterest.Barely succeeding - so

adding more is a waste for me. #hsbloggers


Stephanie Bowman @Bowmania 28m

@MamaKautz come hang out with me/us :) #hsbloggers

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Eclectic Homeschool @EclecticHS 29m

{Days 11, 12, 13, & 14} Our Secret Garden #hsbloggers


Katey @MamaKautz 29m

It's Tuesday? oops #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 29m

Q3: Do you have different goals for different social media platforms? #hsbloggers


Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 29m

I really only use FB, twitter, and pinterest. I am barely succeeding in these - so adding more is a

waste for me. #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 29m

A2: Currently, I am only on Twitter (haven't figured out FB yet and am afraid I will love

Pinterest too much)! #justBeingHonest #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 30m

@hsblogging A2: FB, Twitter, Pinterest, G+... all to varying degrees and w/ various goals for

each #hsbloggers

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Lisa Marie Fletcher @Lisa_MarieF 30m

Oops. Almost forgot. Having an afternoon slump. ::yawn:: #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 30m

Q2: Pinterest (gain readers), FB & Twitter for sharing/conversation/networking, G+ for hangouts

and sharing for SEO. #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 31m

me too-more convo on fb than my blog RT @Bowmania: Facebook has been growing for me,

more my personal page than my blog page. #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 31m

@goldenreflect @hsblogging // Me too Heather - I struggle with balance! #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 31m

RT Q2: Where are YOUR places? Which social media platforms are your readers on? Where do

you go for information/encouragement? #hsbloggers


Stephanie Bowman @Bowmania 31m

@hsblogging Facebook has been growing for me, more my personal page than my blog page.


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Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 32m

Q2: Where are YOUR places? Which social media platforms are your readers on? Where do you

go for information/encouragement? #hsbloggers


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Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 32m

RT @hsblogging Determining your goal for social media will help you make better use of your

time and resources! #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 32m

that's why I'm not much on linked inRT @hsblogging: Don’t have to be everywhere at once

online-just have to pick your places. #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 33m

Still figuring out that balanceRT @hsblogging You don’t have to be everywhere at once online.

You just have to pick your places. #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 33m

RT @hsblogging: You don’t have to be everywhere at once online. You just have to pick your

places. #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 33m

RT @hsblogging: Determining your goal for social media will help you make better use of your

time and resources! #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 33m

A1 variety of purposes, depending on the avenue. Facebook -build community, twitter-

relationships w/bloggers, pin-exposure/promo #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 33m

@kerrybeck Hi Kerry! #hsbloggers

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Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 34m

You don’t have to be everywhere at once online. You just have to pick your places. #hsbloggers


kerrybeck @kerrybeck 34m

Howdy! It's grand central station at my house & I hope my door bell doesn't ring again :-)



Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 35m

RT @hsblogging Determining your goal for social media will help you make better use of your

time and resources! #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 35m

Determining your goal for social media will help you make better use of your time and

resources! #hsbloggers


Belinda-My HS Helper @MyHSHelper 35m

A1: connect with other bloggers and friends #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 35m

RT @thedaisyhead Q1: Community- with readers as well as other bloggers #hsbloggers


Ashley Pichea @apichea 35m

@hsblogging A1: Different purposes with different platforms #hsbloggers

Favorited by Heather @ GRB

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Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 36m

Q1: Community- with readers as well as other bloggers #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 36m

RT @hsblogging Q1: What's your goal with social media? #hsbloggers


Stephanie Bowman @Bowmania 36m

RT @hsblogging: Q1: What's your goal with social media? #hsbloggers// to connect with

others. #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 36m

To grow my blog and communicate with readers // RT @hsblogging Q1: What's your goal with

social media? #hsbloggers


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 37m

Q1: What's your goal with social media? #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 38m

RT @hsblogging It's important to start any new endeavor by asking "why?" - to define your

goal(s). #hsbloggers


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Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 39m

It's important to start any new endeavor by asking "why?" - to define your goal(s). #hsbloggers


Heather @ GRB @goldenreflect 40m

RT @hsblogging Today we're talking about using social media w/ purpose #hsbloggers


Connie Stults @thedaisyhead 40m

Hi, everyone! RT @hsblogging Welcome to #HSBloggers Twitter Tuesday!!


Homeschool Blogging @hsblogging 40m

Today we're talking about using social media w/ purpose #hsbloggers
