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Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Urinary

System” who is made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, May 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djuamarirmanto, S.Pd Mutmainna Ekawati Reg. No : 071404189

Known By:

Lecturer Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


A. Background

At the body of living things happen every time the metabolic processes that

produce substances that are useful for the activity of cells and tissue and residual

substances which are no longer useful to the body. If the levels of substances in

the body metabolism remains excessive and is not immediately released would

harm the body itself and interfere with biological activity in the body. To remove

these substances remaining expenditures necessary equipment incorporated in the

excretion system.

Excretory system took place in all living things, from a low level of living

creatures such as Amoeba and Paramaecium up such a high level of human.

Every organism remove residual substances which differ from each other. In fish

that contain nitrogen excretion results issued in the form of ammonia. In land

animals such as insects, reptiles, and birds out uric acid, whereas in mammals

and humans release the result of excretion of urea.

The urinary system (also called the excretory system) is the organ system

that produces, stores, and eliminates urine. In humans, it includes two kidneys,

two ureters, the bladder, the urethra, and two sphincter muscles. The kidneys are

bean-shaped organs that lie in the abdomen, retroperitoneal to the organs of

digestion, around or just below the ribcage and close to the lumbar spine. The

organ is about the size of a human fist and is surrounded by what is called Peri-

nephric fat, and situated on the superior pole of each kidney is an adrenal gland.

The kidneys receive their blood supply of 1.25 L/min (25% of the cardiac output)

from the renal arteries which are fed by the abdominal aorta. This is important

because the kidneys' main role is to filter water soluble waste products from the

blood. The urinary system includes the kidneys, bladder and tubes. These organs

control the amount of water and salts that are absorbed back into the blood and

what is taken out as waste. This system also acts as a filtering mechanism for the


Therefore, to more know about urinary system and how to do urine test.

This observation is done to prove theory about urine test. Weather urine contains

glucose and protein or not. Beside that, we can compare the theory that we got in

learning process from the lecturer and our observation directly.

B. Purpose

At the urinary system experiment, there are some purposes:

a. To observe the physic characteristic of urine like the color.

b. To observe the glucose and protein concentration at urine.

C. Benefit

The benefits of urinary system experiment are:

a. The students know way to test glucose and protein in urine.

b. This report can be used as reference at next observation and at learning

teaching process in the class.

c. The students can detect disease from urine test.


The urinary system (also called the excretory system) is the organ system that

produces, stores, and eliminates urine. In humans it includes two kidneys, two

ureters, the bladder, the urethra, and two sphincter muscles. The kidneys are bean-

shaped organs that lie in the abdomen, retroperitoneal to the organs of digestion,

around or just below the ribcage and close to the lumbar spine. The organ is about the

size of a human fist and is surrounded by what is called Peri-nephric fat, and situated

on the superior pole of each kidney is an adrenal gland. The kidneys receive their

blood supply of 1.25 L/min (25% of the cardiac output) from the renal arteries which

are fed by the abdominal aorta. This is important because the kidneys' main role is to

filter water soluble waste products from the blood. The other attachment of the

kidneys are at their functional endpoints the ureters, which lies more medial and runs

down to the trigone of urinary bladder (Anonyma ,2010).

Urea is the main nitrogenous waste product excreted by terrestrial animals.

Unlike aquatic animals, they cannot excrete ammonia as this requires large volumes

of the water into which it can be released. Urea has the advantage that although it is

reasonably soluble, its toxicity is much reduced when compared with that of

ammonia. Animals which excrete urea are said to be ureotelic. Urea is synthesized via

a series of reactions known collectively as the urea cycle. The production of urea is

seen in a large variety of animals (Kay, 1998:172).

The urethra is a tube that conveys urine from the urinary bladder to the outside

of the body. Its wall is lined with mucous membranes and contains a relatively thick

layer of smooth muscle tissue. It also contains numerous mucous glands, called

"urethral glands," that secrete mucus into the urethral canal. In females, the urethra is

about 4 cm long. It passes forward from the bladder, descends below the symphysis

pubis, and empties into the labia minor. Its opening is located above the vaginal

opening and about 2.5 cm below the clitoris. In males, the urethra, which functions

both as a urinary canal and a passageway for cells and secretions from various

reproductive organs, can be divided into three sections: the prostatic urethra, the

membranous urethra, and the penile urethra (Anonymc, 2010).

According to Soewolo (2003), urine characteristics are:

1. Adult norms urine volume 600-2500 ml / day, this amount depends on the input of

water, outside temperature, food and mental state of the physical conditions of


2. Specific gravity ranged from 1.003 to 1.030.

3. The reaction of acid with a pH of urine is usually less than six (ranging from 4.7

to 8). When a high protein input, because the urine becomes acid sulphate and

phosphate excess of protein catabolism results.

4. Normal urine color is pale yellow or amber. The main pigment is urokrom, slightly

urobilin and hematoporifin.

5. Fresh urine scented with edible substances

Kidneys produce urine containing substances remaining metabolic and

regulate body fluid composition through three main processes namely glomelurus

filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion. Filtration is the movement of

tubular fluid and solutes from the glomerular capillaries, in particular the pressure

gradient inside the capsule bownman. These factors assisted filtration oelh more

permeable membrane and glomerular capillary blood pressure in the glomerular

kapilar higher (Sloane, 2004:321).

Reabsorption selective, all substances that are useful for the body and are

necessary to maintain water and salt composition of body fluids will be taken from

the filtrate and returned into the blood by a process called reabsorbsi. Secretion of

substances that are not generally needed by the body removed from the blood into the

filtrate contained in the tubules (Wulangi, 1993:170)Urine is a liquid product of the

body that is secreted by the kidneys by a process called urination and excreted

through the urethra. Cellular metabolism generates numerous waste compounds,

many rich in nitrogen, that require elimination from the bloodstream. This waste is

eventually expelled from the body in a process known as micturition, the primary

method for excreting water-soluble chemicals from the body. These chemicals can be

detected and analyzed by urinalysis. Amniotic fluid is closely related to urine, and

can be analyzed by amniocentesis. To eliminate soluble wastes, which are toxic, most

animals have excretory systems. In humans soluble wastes are excreted by way of the

urinary system, which consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

The kidneys extract the soluble wastes from the bloodstream, as well as excess water,

sugars, and a variety of other compounds. Remaining fluid contains high

concentrations of urea and other substances, including toxins. Urine flows through

these structures: the kidney, ureter, bladder, and finally the urethra. Urine is produced

by a process of filtration, reabsorption, and tubular section (Anonymb 2010).

There is wide variety of excretory organs, but there are, in principle, only two

basic processes responsible for the formation of the excreted fluid, they are

ultrafiltration and active transport. In spite of the great variety of morphological

structure and anatomical location, excretory organs can be classified into a relatively

small number of functional types. Some excretory organs are generalized, or

unspecialized, and can, in a general sense, be regarded as kidneys and their excretory

product as urine. Other excretory organs have more specialized roles in that they

carry out one particular function (Nielsen,1997:356).

Colorless urine indicates over-hydration, which is usually considered much

healthier than dehydration. Dark yellow urine is often indicative of dehydration.

Yellowing/light orange may be caused by removal of excess B vitamins from the

bloodstream. Certain medications such as rifampin and pyridium can cause orange

urine. Bloody urine is termed hematuria, potentially a sign of a bladder infection.

Dark orange to brown urine can be a symptom of jaundice, rhabdomyolysis, or

Gilbert's syndrome. Black or dark-colored urine is referred to as melanuria and may

be caused by a melanoma. Fluorescent yellow / greenish urine may be caused by

dietary supplemental vitamins, especially the B vitamins (Anonymb ,2010).


A. Time and Place

Day / date : Wednesday, May 19th 2010

Time : At 13.00 pm until 15.00 pm

Place of experiment : At the 2nd floor of Biology laboratory, the east part

Mathematic and Science Faculty, Makassar State


B. Tools and Materials

1. The first activity (Physic Analysis)

a. Tools:

1) Tube reaction

2) Reaction rack

3) Drop pipette

b. Material: Urine of participants (him/her)

2. The second activity (Chemical Analysis)

a. Tools:

1) Tube reaction

2) Reaction rack

3) Drop pipette

4) pH indicator

5) Bunsen burner

6) Matches

7) Tweezers

b. Materials:

1) Urine of participants (him/her)

2) Pehling A and b solution

3) Lakmus paper

4) Acetate acid 10% solution

5) Sulphosalisilate acid 20% solution

C. Work Procedure

1. The first activity (Physic Analysis)

a) Prepared all tools and materials.

b) Entered 10 drop of urine to reaction tube, added 3 drop of pehling A and

pehling B.

c) Pinched the reaction tube and burn it on bunsen burner.

d) After that, observed the color change of urine.

e) Wrote down into table of observation.

2. The second activity (Chemical Analysis)

a) Prepared all of tools and materials.

b) Entered 10 drop of urine to reaction tube,

c) Test pH of urine with lakmus paper and pH indicator.

d) If urine is base, it is early added with acetate acid 10% solution

e) If it has been acid, added it with sulphosalisilate 20% solution.

f) Shaken the reaction tube and saw that if there are sediment in urine that

indicated there are protein in urine.

g) Wrote down the result of observation

Prepared all tools and materials

10 drop urine+3 drop pehling A and B

Burn it and observed the color change

Wrote down result of observation

Prepared all the tools and materials

10 drop urine+ pH test

added acetate acid if it base and sulphosalisilate if acid

shaken it and observed


A. Result of Observation

1. The first activity (Physic Analysis)

No Participants Color of urine Reason probably

1Sutrianto Hasta Yellow tusk

Pigment urine


2 Nur Rezki


Pigment urine


3Sureni Hikamwati Yellow tusk

Pigment urine


2. The second activity (Chemical Analysis)

No Participants Glucose Test Protein

Color Note Test

1 Sutrianto HastaBrown

greenish2+ No sediment

2Nur Rezki

OctaviaBlue Negative No sediment

3 Sureni Hikmawati Pink yellowish 3+ No sediment

B. Discussion

Urine is a residue substance that is released from the body through a

system called the excretion system. The main organ excretion on the human body

and other vertebrates is the kidney. There are a pair of kidneys in the body. That

has many functions other than as a means of excretion. Urine is excreted through

the kidneys, contains the main form of water, urea, and minerals. The presence of

other substances contained by the urine in addition to the above substances

would mean the body is experiencing problems or diseases. In this observation,

we observed about color of urine and weather urine contain glucose and protein

or not.

1. The first activity (Physic Analysis)

At this observation, we observed the urine color of each participants.

Sutrianto and Sureni have urine color is yellow tusk and Nur Rezki has urine

color is yellow. The color of urine indicated that pigment urine is normal.

According to Anonym (2010), Normal urine color is clear yellow to pale

yellow. Indicate the presence of reddish-colored urine blood in urine, which

could be an indication of kidney stone disorders, or cancer of the kidneys and

bladder. However, urine may be bright red, when consuming laxatives or

excessive eating bits of fruit. Brownish-colored urine can indicate the

presence of blood in the urine. But urine also could turn brown if there is a

muscle that is damaged or excessive exercise. It can also be caused by eating

too many beans. Brownish urine porphyria disease also indicated

abnormalities in the blood. Urine dark yellow or dark colored possible due to

dehydration, but can also an early stage of liver disease. Bright yellow urine

can also result in high-dose vitamins, particularly riboflavin (vitamin B).

Orange-colored urine indicating hepatitis or malaria.

2. The second activity (Chemical Analysis)

At this observation, each urine of people is added by pehling A and B,

then it is burned and based on observation the urine color of Sutrianto is

brown greenish (2+), Sureni is pink yellowish (3+), and Nur Rezki is blue

(negative). If the urine is red brick, it can be concluded that the urine contains

glucose. The presence of glucose in urine is a marker for an individual that

has diabetes mellitus. However, the presence of glucose in urine of normal

individuals may apply in individuals who have low glucose threshold;

circumstances that are recognized as glucosuria. If it is green, means not

containing glucose.

Then to test for protein content, the urine added with acetic acid solution

(if still pH base), then mixed with sulphoosalisilate acid. If after it is shaken

and there is sediment, urine is said to contain protein. Protein content

increased in individuals who experience urinary tract infection, individuals

who have high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and renal disease.

According to Anonym (2010), Urine protein testing is used to detect

protein in the urine, to help evaluate and monitor kidney function, and to help

detect and diagnose early kidney damage and disease. A semi-quanititative

test such as a dipstick urine protein is used to screen the general population for

the presence of protein in the urine as part of a routine urinalysis. If slight to

moderate amounts of protein are detected, then a repeat urinalysis and dipstick

protein may be performed at a later time to see if there is still protein in the

urine or if it has dropped back to undetectable levels. If there is a large amount

of protein in the first sample and/or the protein persists in the second sample,

then a 24-hour urine protein may be used as a follow-up test. Since the

dipstick primarily measures albumin, the 24-hour urine protein test also may

be ordered if a doctor suspects that proteins other than albumin are being



A. Conclusion

Based on observation that we is done, we can conclude that:

1. Normal urine color is yellow that is indicated that pigment urine is normal.

2. Urine containing glucose when the time is mixed with fehling A and B

solution and heated, its color changed to red brick. If the urine contains

protein when mixed with acid sulphosalisilate, there is sediment at the bottom

of the reaction tube.

B. Suggestion

1. I hope laboratory equipment can be completed, thus practicant can do

observation well.

2. Assistant can do practicum early and regulary.

3. Practicants can do observation well, especially in our corporate.


Anonyma. 2010. Urinary System. http://www.wikipedia.com. Access on May 24th

2010 in Makassar.

Anonymb. 2010. Urine. http://www.wikipedia.com. Access on May 24th 2010 in Makassar.

Anonymc. 2010. Excretory Organ. http://www.about.com. Access on May 24th 2010 in Makassar.

Kay, Ian. 1998. Animal Physiology. UK: Bios Scientific Publisher.

Nielsen, Knut Schmidt. 1997. Animal Physiology Adaptation and Environment Fifth Edition. America: Cambridge University Press.

Sloane, Ethel. 2004. Anatomi dan Fisiologi. Jakarta: Buku Kedokteran EGC

Soewolo. 2003. Fisiologi Manusia. Malang: Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang.

S.Wulangi, Kartolo. 1993. Prinsip-Prinsip Fisiologi Hewan. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia.


Urinary system

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe urinary system (also called the excretory system ) is the organ system that produces, stores, and eliminates urine . In humans it includes two kidneys , two ureters , the bladder , the urethra , and two sphincter muscles.


[edit] KidneyMain article: Kidney

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that lie in the abdomen , retroperitoneal to the organs of digestion, around or just below the ribcage and close to the lumbar spine . The organ is about the size of a human fist and is surrounded by what is called Peri-nephric fat, and situated on the superior pole of each kidney is an adrenal gland . The kidneys receive their blood supply of 1.25 L/min (25% of the cardiac output ) from the renal arteries which are fed by the abdominal aorta . This is important because the kidneys ' main role is to filter water soluble waste products from the blood. The other attachment of the kidneys are at their functional endpoints the ureters , which lies more medial and runs down to the trigone of urinary bladder .

The kidneys perform a number of tasks, such as: concentrating urine, regulating electrolytes, and maintaining acid-base homeostasis. The kidney excretes and re-absorbs electrolytes (e.g. sodium, potassium and calcium) under the influence of local and systemic hormones. pH balance is regulated by the excretion of bound acids and ammonium ions. In addition, they remove urea, a nitrogenous waste product from the metabolism of amino acids. The end point is a hyperosmolar solution carrying waste for storage in the bladder prior to urination.

Humans produce about 2.9 liters of urine over 24 hours, although this amount may vary according to circumstances. Because the rate of filtration at the kidney is proportional to the glomerular filtration rate, which is in turn related to the blood flow through the kidney, changes in body fluid status can affect kidney function. Hormones exogenous and endogenous to the kidney alter the amount of blood flowing through the glomerulus. Some medications interfere directly or indirectly with urine production. Diuretics achieve this by altering the amount of absorbed or excreted electrolytes or osmalites, which causes a diuresis.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaUrine is a liquid product of the body that is secreted by the kidneys by a process called urination and excreted through the urethra . Cellular metabolism generates numerous waste compounds, many rich in nitrogen , that require elimination from the bloodstream . This waste is eventually expelled from the body in a process known as micturition , the primary method for excreting water-soluble chemicals from the body. These chemicals can be detected and analyzed by urinalysis . Amniotic fluid is closely related to urine, and can be analyzed by amniocentesis . PhysiologyMain article: Renal physiology

To eliminate soluble wastes, which are toxic, most animals have excretory systems . In humans soluble wastes are excreted by way of the urinary system , which consists of the kidneys , ureters , urinary bladder , and urethra . The kidneys extract the soluble wastes from the bloodstream, as well as excess water, sugars, and a variety of other compounds. Remaining fluid contains high concentrations of urea and other substances, including toxins. Urine flows through these structures: the kidney , ureter , bladder , and finally the urethra . Urine is produced by a process of filtration, reabsorption, and tubular section.

[edit] Unusual color

Colorless urine indicates over-hydration, which is usually considered much healthier than dehydration. In the context of a drug test, it could indicate a potential attempt to avoid detection of illicit drugs in the bloodstream through over-hydration. [2]

Dark yellow urine is often indicative of dehydration. Yellowing/light orange may be caused by removal of excess B vitamins from

the bloodstream. Certain medications such as rifampin and pyridium can cause orange urine. Bloody urine is termed hematuria , potentially a sign of a bladder infection. Dark orange to brown urine can be a symptom of jaundice , rhabdomyolysis ,

or Gilbert's syndrome . Black or dark-colored urine is referred to as melanuria and may be caused by

a melanoma . Fluorescent yellow / greenish urine may be caused by dietary supplemental

vitamins, especially the B vitamins. Consumption of beets can cause urine to have a pinkish tint, and asparagus

consumption can turn urine greenish.


Urinary organ


The urethra is a tube that conveys urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body. Its wall is lined with mucous membranes and contains a relatively thick layer of smooth muscle tissue. It also contains numerous mucous glands, called "urethral glands," that secrete mucus into the urethral canal. In females the urethra is about 4 cm long. It passes forward from the bladder, descends below the symphysis pubis, and empties into the labia minor. Its opening is located above the vaginal opening and about 2.5 cm below the clitoris. In males, the urethra, which functions both as a urinary canal and a passageway for cells and secretions from various reproductive organs, can be divided into three sections: the prostatic urethra, the membranous urethra, and the penile urethra.

Renal Pelvis

The outside surface of each kidney is convex, while the side toward the center is deeply concave. The resulting middle depression leads into a hollow chamber called the "renal sinus." The entrance to this sinus is termed the "hilum," and through it pass various blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and the ureter. The superior end of the ureter is expanded to form a funnel-shaped sac called the "renal pelvis," which is located inside the renal sinus. The pelvis is divided into two or three tubes, called the "major calyces" (the singular is calyx), and they are divided into several (eight to fourteen) "minor calyces."


About one-quarter (750-1,000 pints daily) of the blood which is output by the heart is sent to the body's "filter treatment plant", where it is purified by the kidneys and circulated on to the rest of the body. One to two thousandths (1/1000-2/1000) of the blood flow becomes fluid waste and is sent into the bladder for storage until it can be conveniently expelled. This toxic waste is called urine. The kidneys are located about two inches above the body's midline just below and behind the liver in the upper abdomen and behind the lower ribs. They receive about 120 pints of blood per hour, even if other body systems are shorted.


A. Time and Place

Day / date : Wednesday, May 12th 2010

Time : At 08.30 am until 10.00 am

Place of experiment : At the 2nd floor of Biology laboratory, the west part

Mathematic and Science Faculty, Makassar State


B. Tools and Materials

1. The first activity (Sight or vision sense)

a. Tools

4) Handphone electritorch

5) Ruler

b. Material: Participants (him/her)

2. The second activity (Hearing sense)

a. Tool: Watch

b. Material: Participants (him/her)

3. The third activity (Smell sense)

a. Tool: -

b. Materials

1) Perfume

2) Eucalyptus oil

3) Citrus aurantifolia

4) Coffea robusta

5) Tuber of Curcuma domestica

6) Tuber of Zingiber officinale

7) Piper nigrum

8) Cinnamomun burmanni

9) Coriander

10) Participants (Her/him)

4. The fourth activity (Taste sense)

a. Tool:-

b. Materials

1) Capsicum frutescens

2) Sugar

3) Salt

4) Soybean sauce

5) Participants (Her/him)

C. Work Procedure

1. The first activity (Sight or vision sense)

a) Prepared all tools and materials.

b) Flashed handphone electritorch at participant eye.

c) Measured eye pupil diameter.

d) Wrote down into table of observation.

2. The second activity (Hearing sense)

a) Prepared all of tools and materials.

b) Made near between watch and ear and made far slowly from ear until

sound of beat watch has been heard.

c) Measured distance between ear and watch.

d) Wrote down the result of observation

Prepared all tools and materials

Flashed light

Measured eye pupil diameter

Wrote down result of observation

3. The third activity (Smell sense)

a) Prepared all materials

b) Smelled each material with closed eye.

c) Identified each material that has been smelled.

d) Wrote down the result of observation.

4. The fourth activity (Taste sense)

a) Prepared all of tools and materials.

b) Tasted each material with closed eye.

c) Identified each material that has been tasted.

d) Wrote down the result of observation

Prepared all the tools and materials

Made near and far watch from ear

Measured the distance

Wrote down result of observation

Prepared all materials

Smelled each material

Identified smell

Wrote down result of observation

Prepared all materials

Tasted each material

Identified taste

Wrote down result of observation


1. Conclusion

Based on observation that we is done, we can conclude that:

1. The greater the intensity of light entering the eye, the smaller the size of the

pupil and the smaller the intensity of light entering the eye pupil size is getting


2. Each individual has different capacities to receive and respond to sound


3. From the results can be obtained that the location of the smell receptors located

on the upper nose. Sensitive to the base of the tongue taste is bitter, the right

and left tongue sensitive is sour taste, the front side sensitive to taste is salty,

and the tongue tip sensitive to sweet taste.

2. Suggestion

1. I hope laboratory equipment can be completed, thus practicant can do

observation well.

2. Assistant can do practicum early and regulary.

3. Practicants can do observation well, especially in our corporate.


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology with title “Homeostasis Cell” who is

made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, March 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.pd Nunu Dwi Warti Reg. No : 071404013

Lecturer Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Blood I” who is

made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, March 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.pd Mukhlis Reg. No : 071404173

Lecturer Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Blood II” who

is made by:

Name : Muthmainnah

Reg. No : 081404154

Group : I

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, April 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.pd Mutmainna Ekawati Reg. No : 071404189

Lecturer Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Digestive

System” who is made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, April 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Mutmainna Ekawati Reg. No : 071404189

Known By:

Lecturer Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Digestive

System II (Lipid and Protein Digestion)” who is made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, April 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Mutmainna Ekawati Reg. No : 071404189

Known By:

Lecturer Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Respiration I”

who is made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, May 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi Reg. No : 071404193

Known By:

Lecture Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Respiration II”

who is made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, May 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi Reg. No : 071404193

Known By:

Lecture Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001


Complete report of Animal’s Physiology Experiment with title “Nerve System”

who is made by:

Name : Nur Rezki Octavia

Reg. No : 081404174

Group : VI (sixth)

Class : Biology ICP

Department : Biology

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, May 2010

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Djumarirmanto, S.Pd Nuni Rismayanti Nurkalbi Reg. No : 071404193

Known By:

Lecture Responsibility

Ir. Halifah Pagarra, Msi NIP : 1955 0915 1983 032 001