V47 Gathering Information And Scanning The Environment Rainier Abing Vhs

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Top ten marketing concepts on Gathering Information And Scanning The Environment


Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment

Rainier A. AbingAteneo Graduate School of Business

Top 10 Concepts

Outline: Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment is…

1. Importance of Management Information System (why?)

2. Three MIS components3. Identifying the right opportunity4. Adaptable to change5. Awareness6. Financial Values of the company

Outline: Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment is…

7.Understand client/customer needs and wants

8.Healthier options9.Marketing Innovation10.Business ethics on marketing

Concept 1:

Importance of Management Information System (why?)

To make good decisions Easy access of


Concept 2:

Three MIS Components

Internal Record SystemOrder to payment cycle and sales information system

Marketing Intelligence SystemUpdated information

Marketing research systemProcess and procedures

Concept 3:

Identifying the right opportunity

Getting the right trend

Use of the following: Surveys




Concept 4:

Adaptable to change

Marketers must pay attention to their interactions, because these will lead to new opportunities and threats.

Concept 5:


It should be increased at all levels concerning the need to optimize the sustainable use of resources, taking into account the development needs of the clients/customers.

Concept 6:

Financial management of the company

The aim is to assist managers who must determine how to evaluate the strategic alternatives available to them.

Concept 7:

Understand client/customer needs and wants

•It is essential for commercial success

•To provide better product/service better than any competitor

Concept 8:

Better options

•It is the current trend in the market. There’s a high customer demand

•To provide clients with better like healthier products and services

Concept 9:

Marketing Innovations

•Encouraging sustainable innovation is the use of effective metrics to evaluate progress during and impact following new projects.

Concept 10:

Business Ethics on Marketing

It is deliberately applying standards of fairness, or moral rights and wrongs, to marketing decision making, behavior, and practice in the organization.


Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment is…

1. Important 2. Essential for decision making3. Knowing the trends 4. Changing5. Analysis and statistics

My Conclusion:

Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment

Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment are:

Just around the corner, going to the right people

and asking the right questions.

Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment

Rainier A. AbingAteneo Graduate School of Business

Top 10 Concepts