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, l t , , , VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w Page 6 - 20 Teachers Join Public School Staff BY CAJUUER 15c A MONTH-SINGLE COPIES 5c Grosse Pointe'. Newspaper for More Than 23 Years CIRCULATION PAID MONTlfi.,Y GROSSE POun'E, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1949 * I * See Grosse Pointe Public School Calendar * * * * * * * lHealth Authorities round Broken for lVew Po in te-Area Bailk Vote Unanimousiy AND so BACK TO SCHOOL! Against Delay 11 Grosse Pomte Publlc Schools wtll open on schedule ~ despIte the paho epidemIc, It was announced the Board of EducatlOn thIS week Posstblhty of a delayed school opemng was removed as a result of a conference on Monday mornmg of pubhc health offIcers and educators from Wayne, Oakland and -------------~ Macomb Counties. I Health authorities were unani- mous In their recommendatIon that the school openmg should not be postponed Dr. Thomas S DaVIes, Town- shIp Health Commissioner who represented Grosse Pomte at the meetmg, expressed unquahfied agreement m the deciSIon. PrevIOusly Dr. DaVies had an- nounced that although he person- ally favored openmg the schools on schedule, he would abIde by the consensus of opmlun at the meetmg In a statement to the Review Dr. Da\l1es said that he could lee no partIcular advantage In post- ponmg school. . He adVISed agamst upsettm. the usual routIne and activities of children. "This often causes more trouble than good," he saId. "The maUl thing is to keep the children 1A It'. EIIY To Win In Th. 'M.mory P__oto' Cont"t S,. ,... 3 OINTE-- ARAGRAPHS by ThePointer--- -- - --- Woo d 5 CommISSioner Arnold Je,mg reported to Woods Pohce day night that "four suspi- ouslooking men" In a dark car ere crulsmg down VerDIer eaaed towards Lockmoor Club. Upon 1m estJgatJon, the "SUSPI- ous lookJng men" turned O11tto Woods policemen In one of e newly-purchased .scout cars. 0 0 WhIle fishmg at the BrItish plte AsSOCiation's basket dm- er at Waterford Park Sunday. h Murrell got a bite Ind ught a stray hook. 0 Chesler F. Carpenter, Grosse omte CIty s representatIve to he Wayne County Board of Su- n1>ors has been representing e Board at the three-day con- entlOn of the MIchigan State Polio Cases Decline In Pointe i WIth no new cases of polio re.1 ported durmg the past week, I Grosse Pointe's total for the ~ season remams at SIX Of the SIX cases five have 11. most completely '"recovered, ac-I cording to Dr. T. S. Qavles, To""'- shIp Health Commissioner. A five and a half year old boy Twenty new teachers wl1l be remams the victIm of paralySIS. I on duty when the school year Dr. DaVIes exprel;l;ed hiS satu- opens for the publIc school staff faction WIth Grosse Pomte's pro- on Tuesday, September 6.- gress m the poho situation. "It All but two of these new seems that the pobo IS leveling teachers wl1 be 1D elementary off," he saId. _ r- Preparmg for school open- schools. ThIS is the Amallest Last year sev~n cases of polio ~.. h number of new teachers In the were reported In Grosse POInte ~... ~ ing next week are rig t, publIc schools in more than ten A drop 1D the number of polio I Kathryn Rowe, 5, and Don- years. cases was also reported In De- bo G School authontJes are gratified Photoeraphy By DEE trolt and all through the State. aId Cuyler, 6. Ave, er- by tlus decrease m teacher turn- Ground was broken at 9 a m. yesterday for The NIneteen new cases were re- aId Franck has his first over. Durmg tlle war years It Detroit Bank's 34th neIghborhood branch at the north- ported In DetrOit for the first I haircut since May. Below was necessary to fill as many as west corner of Mack and Hillcrest, convenient to Grosse three days of the week brmPg fifty pe&ltlons WIth new person- POinte. Mr. Joseph M. Dodge, presIdent, IS at the crane the year's total to 365. Deaths the finished product nel. LEGAL HOLIDAY controls; left, Mr. Charles H. Hewitt, Vice-president; reached 19. I Four of the Jlew taehers are CLOSES OFFlC£S center, Walter G Albrecht, preSident of the Albert A. Sixty-two new cases brOlllht I craduates of G_ PoiJI~ All municIpal oft'iees and the Albrecht constructlOn company. the State'. total for the seallOJtto ~h Sehool: As a publie servi~ we priDt GrO!lSePointe Bank will be --------------------------- 1,514. Andrus d t elsewhere in this issue tile elosed all day next Monday, ------- Miss Mary , a gra ua e calendar of the local pubUc ~:r::o~e~a~~b in observance Garden Shou) Scheduled I Record Crowd ~r~~lls~~~~~ :~ete~~: I =~ ~~~~:~~e:e Offices of The Review will F S b 17 18 SchooL )IOriant da.tes which many also be cllll!lecl. However, a or epte m er - Attends Miss Frances Hall, a graduate parents fiIld it advantqeous to special mail chllte in the door r of the University of Michigan, know in advance. School "IU permit news coatribntors, The 33rd Annual Flower, FrUIt. Judgmg before noon, Saturday, SIhP WIll be in charge of a Grade One authorities sug,est that par_ pabllcity chairmen and adver- and Vegetable Show WIll be held September 17, and must remam p as arty; I group 10 the Maire School. ents cUp the 1949.50 sebool he.... to safel" d~~it copv .t on Saturday and Sunday, Sep- In n12" .. Ilntl1 tll", ..nd of the MISS ;patrlCl& Kerr, a graduate calel1dar for future referenee. aJ--I-ho~rs. -. - r II tember 17 and 18 at the Nelghbo,.. j' --h r -- - - I A ,"pcOld c:rowd atte1lded- ~i.e I ~ I .... 'N.. ~l.'.o..nM •• "f Ji'nu....hnn l L_-- -_---- ..... l..nnt-1 I"'th ............. ,...;; W ........ lf\A .s ow., ~.-- ~ ~"!=. q r...- - ~I ............ - - ~,.. - "' _... d ,---- ----, -- - -, --- ------ th 1'u:st .annual SPlasD p~- at .<.~/ __ liiIiW':-(" will have a Grade Two group in the same group day to day :U1 'oclatlon of County SocIal I Grosse POinte and Eastern There 15 n()-hrnJt on e num- Grosse Pointe Shores Mumcipal .~' -'Wk .~ the Trombly SchooL to aVOid strange crowds," he said. ~Ifare Boards d B d f Mlclugan Horticultural SocIety, ber of entnes and complimentary Park Sunday afternoon. -;~. -'# ~ Miss Kathryn Lynch, a gradu- Dr Davi~ supported the views an oar sOl show sponsors. announced that exhIbIts. not m competition, are RibboN and Clll!h prIZes '• ., ~ ate of the UniverSity of Mlclu. expressed by a speCial COtnmlttee uper\ lsors. 0 0 0 thIS )ear competitIOn WIll be dl' acceptable awarded. i gan, has been assIgned to a formed at the meetmg. A recently purchased $7,000 vlded Infto the fOll°15Wm g SIX Mrs. George Ville rot IS general I Races were held In shallow I !:t." -,-,< , -- • .$ _ ' -. , •..! 1 Grade One group In the Mason "Expeflence has shown that in 15 clpsses 0 arrangemen < dd ts th b I kT S h 1 N I ed _# .chme for sweepmg. pavemen Class I-An arrangement of chairman for the shOW and com. an eep water even WI rl - It' B c 00 ext School the past a de ay openmg UL rmed at Grosse POinte Woods wen lowen in any eontainer I'llJttee members are Mrs. Lynn bons and cash prIzes gomg to the S ac 0 I schools has In no way affected londay It .. as put mto serv- fopen only to people who have McNaughton. Garden Club of follOWing Wlnnmg contestants. Tha' the course of outbreaks of polio. ct Tuesday never won II blue ribbon>. MIchIgan; Mrs. WIlham H_ Ffles, Shallow Wlltel' Events Week For More n 7 100 i T --t R:tes for "It baa been found that delay- o 0 0 Class "-An urangement to Grosse Pomte Farm and Garden Greased Watermelon Race- , . LA.J,lJ.. ing the openmg of schools da- Seaman-Radioman Barry Sal- be u.sed on a sidebroad against Club; Mrs. Clarence Fox, Mrs. FIrst: LlZette Nelson. School doors will open next Ibe the initial date In the fall Lloyd Sm:th rupts the normal routme of adults n IS spendmg a nme-day leave a wall. Wendell Wheelock, Pomte Gar- 25-\rard Dash (11 years week for more than 7,100 publIc i semester. II and chl1dren and resulted in ere- the Pornte vlSltl1\g his parents, Class ill-An arrangement on den Club, Mrs. J. Lawrence Bu- and under)- and parochial school students. Other colleges drawmg a large atlon of undue anxIety on the r and Mrs. Fred Salton of a plaque suitable for a fan ell, Jr. Grosse Pomte Garden FIrst: Jim Forster., 2nd-Anne- A Samt Ambrose School of- number from Grosse Pomte have Funeral servIces for Lloyd De- part of the general pubhc." I d SaIto sta I CI b M M k H nn Grosse fi 1 ed th t tha Witt SmIth were held Saturday ry an avenue. n IS - dinner table. (Flowers. "ege- u; rs. ar a a, Ft. 3 d-RIcky White cIa announc a more n set openmg fall term openmgs The mfectlon IS so Widely IOnedaboard the Patrol Craft I tables, or fruit Vmes per- Pomte Woods Branch of the Na- U::re~u~ Race- . 11,000 students are expected to m late September and early mornmg from • Ius home ~t 731 spread in an affected community '55 PCE-B77 at Norfolk, VIr- mittecl.l tlOnal Farm and Garden Assocla- l;'" t. Sanford White. 2nd I enroll for the fall term on Wed- October Grand MarCalS. Bunal "'Hlll!U In or area that the deferment of In a '. t d Me Fred Schumann, .,.rs . - tsd Se te b 7 . LakeVIew emetery at owe, 1 Class IV-An arrangement In Ion, an s Dave Munson' 3rd-Paul Krogh' nay, p m er . Some Grosse Pomters Will' M. h the opemng of schools would not a rustio container ("ooden, Grosse Pomte Park Garden Club. bed WIth Mlk~ LaForest. : On the same day approximate- travel east to attend Harvard" ~ir~g~~lth, 7, died Wednesday, mfluence the infectIOn rate." (By BEHIND PAGE 1 basketry, pottery or metall, _ I nl<rnbing Race- ,Iy 700 students Will resume stud- Yale. SmIth. and Wellesley whIle August 24 at hiS home followmg mfectlon IS meant the presence of --------- Class V-~n arranz:ement ID I Plan 2 Meelul,Us 1 FIrst. George Jerome, 2nd_ lies at St Paul School. others WIll head West for COI-, a long Illness. the Virus In the body without shades and tints of purple I ~ RIcky White; 3rd-Ann Forster. I Grosse Pomte public SCh~~ orado and ArIZona Umverslbes. Born in Howell, he lived m the caus10g actual dIsease). TL. TJ7 k' Class VI-An arrangement of For New Pupils Lemon Race- I Will open for more than Otht'r colleges attracting a DetrOit area for 56 years He 'vas "Thl< rpC'Ommenri:ltlOn !!annnt 1 f/IS rr ee S !lowers from the palt'lt lellow FIrSt. Kurt Carmichael; 2nd-'1 chudren on Tnursday. ~eptem- Ilarge number of localitIes are a retIred engIneer of the Mur- be looked upon as In('onsl$tent R . to the deepest orange. I Two meetings have been 5che- Jay Hooker. 3rd-Joh~y Mertz ber 8 Denmson, DePauw, Notre Dame phy Iron Works. WIth the usual recommendation evzew All Grosse Pomte re'ldents are I duled on Wednesday. September Deep' Water Events All public school offICes have: and Northwestern. Mr SmJth was Deputy Gover- made With respect to avoiding ehglble for competition and roa- 7. for the mstruction and guld- 50-Yard Dash (15 years been open for enrollment of new, nor General of the Society of strange and large crowds, such u Slone, of speCial mterest be- tenats used are not r('qUired to ance of students new to Brownell and under)- pupils begmnmg ~onday thiS B k Do Ma)fiower Descendants, Pas t traveling from epIdemiC to non.- md oage one thiS week mclude. be grown. by the exhibItor. offl- IJumor HIgh School and Grosse FIrst Don MeKenzle: 2nd- week as et lllller VIce-President of the Sons of the epidemiC areas or from one see- AI"Iiann. TennIS Chapm. Clals saId . I Pomte High School. It has been Ralph Cross' 3rd-Chns Frolund. School authontles have urged I American Revolution. and State tlon of an urban community not Po,nte Personahtles RIbbons Will be alla,ded In announced by Walter Clemm::on, Greased W~termelon Race- I parents of chddren not prevlous- H ld At P k PresIdent of the SocIety of the heaVily mfected to another Plan 2 'Ieetmgs for New PupIls Ieach class With a trl colol rIbbon High School plmclpal. First Ben Fruehauf. 11y enrolled m the Grosse Pomte e ... ar War 1812. I where the dIsease IS Widespread. Coeds to Spend weekend at I tor the best entry of Ihe show. i All 7B pupils and man)' stu- Greased Pole Walk- I pubhc schools to ?ke care of Officers and Directors of the He held membership In the Past experIence has shown ~t <l'11) Reservatlons.can be made until, dents \~ho WIll attend Brownell I First: Chns Frolund; 2nd-Jlm enrollment formalities thiS week BntlSh Empire AssocolatJon held Mason and ShnDe oranzzauons school health programs are vel')- Tllo locahtles Plan Fall DebJ.:t I Tuesday September 13 b)' callmg II to the first tIme are requested I Ogden; 3rd-Jlm Forster. I m order to aVOid delays whIch a basket dmner Saturdav August and .the Detrolt HIStorical So- effectl\'e m controllmg those dJs- ROIl ene Zick MarrIed . I Mrs.. J. Lawrence Buell, Jr. ~. tor attend a meetmg m room 218 JIm Hartman. the Park's recre- are unaVOIdable If enrollments 27. at Grosse Pomte W~terfront I clety I eases which may be controlled. Fair Offers Variety of Women s 1 111 ;> Iat I 30 pm In the High School atlOn director, was m charge of are delayed until Thursda:l' Park. Survtvors are Ius WIfe. ~abel It TRay be assumed that the \rt \III~< All entnes mu<t be In place for I buildmg. the program and Judges ",ere \ Sacred Heart Convent has an- SWlmmmg and fishmg were the IE. a son Kenneth. a daUghter, health of the school chIld will be I Pat Martin, Tom Bruce, Don Ma- nounced WE'dnesday. September mam attractions accordmg to I Helen Gale Wnght a brother'l as closely guarded In the schools GPH H T 1 T k A meetmg for all lOB puplI< caulc~ Bob Robertson and Bar- H as the fall tef81 openmg da\ John J MacE\\en and SybIl Sle- Fred, and three grandchIldren as It IS In the home" istory eac ter a es I and High School stu~en:: grade~ ney Martin. I Approxlmatelv 600 students gnst. chairman of the party. ' I School hours dunng the 1949- 10-12 neVI<to Gr~e omte. 1 -------- are expected to return to DetrOIt Among othero pre~ent were To Vo*n On 50 school )'ear Will be the same P(I rf 1,1 Excl- nnge Progra m ,cheduled fr ~ ~O pm. In the SCOU t8 to. Hold Umverslt.. and Country Da} Bntlsh Consul ~neral A R. Sm- t~ I as last) ear ~ High Schoo au I onum. I School on September 21 claIr. Mr 'and Mrs Harrv Tur- GOd 0 Elementary school <esslons are G" r POinte Is one of five been in operatlon for ~everal Both groups should come pre- Annual Regatta I Meanwhile the local college rell. Bettv Turrell Joseph Hands. lIS r lllanCe Ifrom 9 am to l~ 45 a m. and \1 '- hh 'ears Its ba°IC purpose 1<;to fos- pared to pay the deposIts on contmgent IS bu,\- packmg col- Joyce JoplinI'( Man. Guttendge. I from 1 pm. to 3 4;> pm. L '",on <chool sv~tems "" IC ) , G Po t C C I Il " d ta d bet lock< The Se<:ond Annual Regetta lIege bound trunk~ for theIr re- Be<Sle Bell Arthur Schofield. Mr I ro,se me Itv ounCI \\ 1 School hOUT<;at Pierce Junior d\e Ot>f'napproved for partlclpa- ter better un ers n mg .\\E'E'n, 'The ulpo<e of the~e meelmgs and Rendezvous spon<ored by turn to their re<pectJve campuses and MIS George Jones Mr and meet Thursday n ght. September IHigh School are from 9 a m to t'(n In a pl o!(ram of mter-chanlle the two countrlf'< Th" t:nlteo 1<to il.... ~gn pupll< to home rooms I Sea Scout Ship 690 \\ III be held I Umver<ltv of Michigan MIChl- Mr< Ar('h Murrell. Mr and ~rs I to dlscu« malter< deferred 12 noon and from I pm to 3 45 I' l~", ~( < between the' Umt~ States Offlc" of EdlK~tlon "nd the <lnd to help pupll< new to the I at the Gro<se Pomte Woods Park gan State College and Wayn(' J<lme< Ru<tage. Mr< John J Mac- from the t\\ 0 postponed. meetmg< pm ~ '( ,n<1 GI "at Brltam durmg Department of StatE' \\ 01 k \\ Ilh ommuml' or ne\~ to th(' school on '>atUlda" and Sunda' Septem-, Umverslh' offlclal< have an- E\\ "n Kenreth M lcE\\ E'n of dUl'lnl( .J~]Y and .... ugu<, Schoo] ill tlvltlE'< ill the High '-d l~~Q )0 <('hool vear ('011 e<pondmg aut h 0 lIt I P < In ~o bEocomefamiliar WIth the prac-I ber 10 and II nou'lced t!Jat Septe'T'ber 24 "Ill Clc\Cland and GeOi gc He'lleey. b An or Ind,lnC"hre~la:mgll g~ School be<:m at <; 10 am and - . h J ----- ------------ -- - - -- --- - -- umer< an eatlm: \\\ "" I t 320 th tat \! - "1ill'\ P L\ nch a graduate Gl eat Bntam In a 1angln~ for tIC(,< and polICies of the sc 00 ~ voted upon at the meetmg. Nor- c o.<e 'I pm. \\ I a ro _ 0' fl'" 'I'd College Umver~lh. of the<e teachE'r exchangp, <0 that theIr <chool begmnmg Fall SOt W MOL C t hen XelT c.:\' CIerI" <aiD mg ..\ ..tE'm of lunch peqods so ! 'n" .. "rTlved thiS week to be- Other \il('hlgan commlln'11C< September 8 \\ III run ~moothly;' II easoll to pelt a ar elnorUl en er) o\lso s~heduled for" dlSCU" on dthffat tne f noon penod 1 II l h ll be d - Clemm<on <ald. te. I' I (>rent or <;orne pUpl , t an It ',~." \rdl of t('a('hml( m the approv!'d for pattKlpilllOn In the. I Three meetl < and a dance ter < Board or Dlrrctor<; \10111 be, tlnue through Ihe f,1l1 <llthoulth are "a r ra.e equa Iza.lOns ana \0,111be for other< -. ( rlrpartment of Gro<,e teachE'r exch;mgl' D'''~I"n a I' Th(' oon)" ,1011' \\111be open for h be h ~1E'd f Ihe nE'xt held on Saturda\ SeptE'mbE'r 10 m<ln" of the ll:roup 11111 be awa} an a 11endl1'enl to me eil~e em- r'r II gh School MISS Lynch Ann ."rbor BatTle \1('(')" f l"ll all H gh School <turlen15 on Wed- avE' en sc e h U f1 0 1 r f M' Ch I B' Lord Youlh at "chool plo)ee penslon< for a tnal per od d_ ~( ~ a te h th C nh S "t ~~ d Se t h(-r - I ",eek to open tea <r,,~on 0 r, ar e< . of SIX month< H II ~I te G dr S ahc elf Ifn E'G°IU nand aUlt., I' a: 11' ne< a~ P em I I actn"tles at the War Memonal Chalrman on the Board has an- A \outh counCIl ""Ill be fOlmed . 0( l' ec III (7 , .c 00 or Ir ~ I B d f h lied I h d II' ------- _ Pdn - E I d 1944 The Grv<,e POint.. 1d 0 The deanll avE' em 0 manv j Center nouncE'd t'1at t e an~ WI con- earl) thIS fall Mrs Lord saId,S keF' '--' r ng an since Education approved Joc,,] paltl n('w <tudent~ thiS \\eek They The Metropollun Club of the, 'I The Board of Dlrf'Ctors .... hlCh, par's OIUJP Ire T0 BOd ">r 'I ~: "Iiargaret Casteel. I mem- Cl'patHln m the exchangc p (\:ram ",ll be avaIlable agam Fnday, Amencan AUXIliary \\ ,11 meel 1 'T ri It> (lid not m('et durl!'g th(" AUlNst Spark. from the dumnl'v 0 PCII I S the HIl(h Sch.ool History b<t ~onnl! Membe" of th .. Board ~nlember 2 The next opoor- I::~ ... ~ C......~- ~... !'"-:!: S-~ ~.~ .vfl/>,r r I '~\."L1un "'''''''' '" III flU'" "" .,." .. caUSM a fire" hlCh d('<tro\(~d an \ ..",,<""1 1'1('('1ng nf Ih...Grns.<e -Plrr <'nt smce 194;> ""n teach have expressed !!onslde, "bJI" ,at. tunlt\ tn enroll new students Itember 2 at 8 30 P m Arthur WItherell rep(\rted to SessIon on Monda\ Scplembor 12 awnmg at t~ horn:? of Angelo POlOlp \\ n'Xi< COUnt11 \I il" held t'n s<"hool from whIch MISS I~factlon thlt the 10<'11 <('hn<l) transferring to Gro~<e POlDte HIgh I On Tuesday. September Ii the ",roods Police that ;l h-pewnter The program committN" chlllr- Mell. 1060 Devonsh\fl!. early Mon. Monda" n ght to a\\ .l-ci the con- .. come~ In Penzance Eng- s\'Stem has been ap" 0' I'd fe-r School from a <("hool other than ICamera Club ~"ll hold Il.~regular was stolen from hiS offIce at 21031 maned bv Mrs FredeT1('k C F~d.1 day afternoon. tracts for I"TOrOVemE'nt<on Stan- ':.~ : ,jrlD~ the comln, school partlCl])allo n . a Gro<sE' Pomte publ,!! S<'hool\ m~tlng at 6p m i Mack over the week-end I met on Fnda3'. Augu<' 26 An-I hope and Allard <treet..' ,no ,I" Ca!'teel saIled for En,- ------ "'Ill be Thur<dav afternoon Sep- Grosse POinte Theatre , plan-I other meeting I!' S(heduled for U-M GRID Gt-"lDE ThE' Cool( Const ell t "n Will '0 d ,llr m July A recent letter Theft Fron, (:flr tember 8 nmg an mformal get-t"S(rthpr fOT lEFFERSO~ OIL SLICK Frida" September q The ReVIew 1< In receipt "f a h' I iM feo' 0f pa\(,~onl r h<">t'1 ", '1 bv local <chool authorl- .\\1 <l"t'f n'/,ll1hel< \\,11 atlend member' and theIr gUt",,< "n Fl'!- A leakIng- Fuel 011 C,'rp truck James Lee "'ho II", n"ll'ed as ('o:npr~hen~lve 19-49 gllcilron <' NI' r"" Cllns;:'. ' "r Ole<- "l1 "IiISS Ca.~teel reportl' John B\ln. of 814~ '>r on ,( ,'t, ,,, ..\ n!:. ~nd nl'lI <tu- rla\ September 9 combmrd IIrtr W!'dnp,rla\ s de- pubhcllv dlre<'tor f01 Ihe Center gUIde for 1949 contaInIng ('!Y', 'n° Dnt'ml'nl to H" 0' ,,\enue e al'lValln England Dl'IIOlt rep<>rll'd 1(\ f. 1 flu!.,r (;:'n't< Or!f'nlalj(,n merltn~' Tue< .Summ~r Shado\lo< ,e",nd lD lugJn~ lain m"dp a ,,'rn me<$ tn Juh announced that Ihp pub- piete mformatlOn ror pre<$ and :'*"1'1'" I, he lr,twpr! ."1 the r Ih.tllrllcle,\aluf'd;l\"l1h",\\(',r fd h ~O~O F d I I ld d h , ..... -' ;: ()~lamofJntel-(hangro 0 oa\ "nli "eon('<03\. Srplem1>er a serlell 0 ance< fc>r' e. -,> 1101 arm~ firemen late '-e<ter av 1(" reatlons group \Io"U meet la 10 on tel,"" 1(1.<1<et-up at 'ilO<' il-~il b' Ine ~,n~1 ,la and o ... --' I~k-n from hl< 1' .. 1 r"r~rrl 'm C J• hUM" ," I_ ,,,,tl\ een the Umtn> ~ < h Ii Anrl 7 age group ~ponsored b\. the en- at Flsner Road and ellerson. won t E' mverslty of lchlltan ,.. nl relll Campan' "" and Great BntaIn has Manor near Mark Th,," ,1~' nil: t .~__________ __ _ _
Page 1: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School


t, ,,

VA. 2-1182

For Mor.Local N.ws. PicturlS

R.ld Th. R.vi.w

Page 6-

20 TeachersJoin PublicSchool Staff


Grosse Pointe'. Newspaper for More Than 23 YearsCIRCULATION PAID MONTlfi.,Y GROSSE POun'E, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1949




See Grosse Pointe Public School Calendar

* * * * * * * lHealth Authoritiesround Broken for lVewPoin te-Area Bailk Vote Unanimousiy

AND so BACK TO SCHOOL! Against Delay• 11 Grosse Pomte Publlc Schools wtll open on schedule

~ despIte the paho epidemIc, It was announced b¥ theBoard of EducatlOn thIS week

Posstblhty of a delayed school opemng was removedas a result of a conference on Monday mornmg of pubhchealth offIcers and educators from Wayne, Oakland and

-------------~ Macomb Counties.I Health authorities were unani-mous In their recommendatIonthat the school openmg shouldnot be postponed

Dr. Thomas S DaVIes, Town-shIp Health Commissioner whorepresented Grosse Pomte at themeetmg, expressed unquahfiedagreement m the deciSIon.

PrevIOusly Dr. DaVies had an-nounced that although he person-ally favored openmg the schoolson schedule, he would abIde bythe consensus of opmlun at themeetmg

In a statement to the ReviewDr. Da\l1es said that he could leeno partIcular advantage In post-ponmg school. .

He adVISed agamst upsettm.the usual routIne and activitiesof children.

"This often causes more troublethan good," he saId. "The maUlthing is to keep the children 1A

It'. EIIY To WinIn Th.

'M.mory P__oto'Cont"tS,. ,... 3


by ThePointer---

-- - ---

Woo d 5 CommISSioner ArnoldJe,mg reported to Woods Pohceday night that "four suspi-

ouslooking men" In a dark carere crulsmg down VerDIereaaed towards Lockmoor Club.Upon 1m estJgatJon, the "SUSPI-ous lookJng men" turned O11tto

Woods policemen In one ofe newly-purchased .scout cars.

• 0 0

WhIle fishmg at the BrItishplte AsSOCiation's basket dm-

er at Waterford Park Sunday.h Murrell got a bite Ind

ught a stray hook.• • 0

Chesler F. Carpenter, Grosseomte CIty s representatIve tohe Wayne County Board of Su-n1>ors has been representinge Board at the three-day con-entlOn of the MIchigan State

Polio CasesDeclineIn Pointe i

WIth no new cases of polio re.1ported durmg the past week, IGrosse Pointe's total for the ~season remams at SIX

Of the SIX cases five have 11.most completely '"recovered, ac-Icording to Dr. T. S. Qavles, To""'-shIp Health Commissioner.

A five and a half year old boy Twenty new teachers wl1l beremams the victIm of paralySIS. I on duty when the school year

Dr. DaVIes exprel;l;ed hiS satu- opens for the publIc school stafffaction WIth Grosse Pomte's pro- on Tuesday, September 6.-gress m the poho situation. "It All but two of these newseems that the pobo IS leveling teachers wl1 be 1D elementaryoff," he saId. _ r- Preparmg for school open- schools. ThIS is the Amallest

Last year sev~n cases of polio ~.. h number of new teachers In thewere reported In Grosse POInte ~... ~ ing next week are rig t, publIc schools in more than ten

A drop 1D the number of polio I Kathryn Rowe, 5, and Don- years.cases was also reported In De- bo G School authontJes are gratified

Photoeraphy By DEE trolt and all through the State. aId Cuyler, 6. Ave, er- by tlus decrease m teacher turn-Ground was broken at 9 a m. yesterday for The NIneteen new cases were re- aId Franck has his first over. Durmg tlle war years It

Detroit Bank's 34th neIghborhood branch at the north- ported In DetrOit for the first I haircut since May. Below was necessary to fill as many aswest corner of Mack and Hillcrest, convenient to Grosse three days of the week brmPg fifty pe&ltlons WIth new person-POinte. Mr. Joseph M. Dodge, presIdent, IS at the crane the year's total to 365. Deaths the finished product nel.

LEGAL HOLIDAY controls; left, Mr. Charles H. Hewitt, Vice-president; reached 19. I Four of the Jlew taehers areCLOSES OFFlC£S center, Walter G Albrecht, preSident of the Albert A. Sixty-two new cases brOlllht I craduates of G_ PoiJI~

All municIpal oft'iees and the Albrecht constructlOn company. the State'. total for the seallOJt to ~h Sehool: As a publie servi~ we priDtGrO!lSePointe Bank will be --------------------------- 1,514. Andrus d t elsewhere in this issue tileelosed all day next Monday, ------- Miss Mary , a gra ua e calendar of the local pubUc

~:r::o~e~a~~b in observance Garden Shou) Scheduled I Record Crowd ~r~~lls~~~~~ :~ete~~: I =~~~~~:~~e:eOffices of The Review will F S b 17 18 SchooL )IOriant da.tes which many

also be cllll!lecl. However, a or eptem er - Attends Miss Frances Hall, a graduate parents fiIld it advantqeous tospecial mail chllte in the door r of the University of Michigan, know in advance. School"IU permit news coatribntors, The 33rd Annual Flower, FrUIt. Judgmg before noon, Saturday, S I h P WIll be in charge of a Grade One authorities sug,est that par_pabllcity chairmen and adver- and Vegetable Show WIll be held September 17, and must remam p as arty; I group 10 the Maire School. ents cUp the 1949.50 seboolhe.... to safel" d~~it copv .t on Saturday and Sunday, Sep- In n12" .. Ilntl1 tll", ..nd of the MISS ;patrlCl& Kerr, a graduate calel1dar for future referenee.aJ--I-ho~rs. -. - r • II tember 17 and 18 at the Nelghbo,.. j' --h r -- - - I A ,"pcOld c:rowd atte1lded- ~i.e I ~ I....'N..~l.'.o..nM •• "f Ji'nu....hnn lL_-- -_---- .....

l..nnt-1 I"'th ............. ,...;; W ........ lf\A .s ow., ~.-- ~ ~"!=. q r...- - ~I ............- • - ~,.. - "' _... d,---- ----, - - - -, --- ------ th 1'u:st .annual SPlasD p~- at .<.~/ __ liiIiW':-(" will have a Grade Two group in the same group day to day :U1

'oclatlon of County SocIal I Grosse POinte and Eastern There 15 n()-hrnJt on e num- Grosse Pointe Shores Mumcipal .~' • -'Wk .~ the Trombly SchooL to aVOid strange crowds," he said.~Ifare Boards d B d f Mlclugan Horticultural SocIety, ber of entnes and complimentary Park Sunday afternoon. -;~. -'# ~ Miss Kathryn Lynch, a gradu- Dr Davi~ supported the views

an oar sOl show sponsors. announced that exhIbIts. not m competition, are RibboN and Clll!h prIZes • ' • ., ~ ate of the UniverSity of Mlclu. expressed by a speCial COtnmltteeuper\ lsors. 0 0 0 thIS )ear competitIOn WIll be dl' acceptable awarded. i gan, has been assIgned to a formed at the meetmg.A recently purchased $7,000 vlded Infto the fOll°15Wm

gSIX Mrs. George Ville rot IS general I Races were held In shallow I !:t." -,-,< , -- • .$ _ ' -. , •..! 1 Grade One group In the Mason "Expeflence has shown that in

15 clpsses 0 arrangemen < d d ts th b I k T S h 1N I ed _#.chme for sweepmg. pavemen Class I-An arrangement of chairman for the shOW and com. an eep water even WI rl - It' B c 00 ext School the past a de ay openmg UL

rmed at Grosse POinte Woods wen lowen in any eontainer I'llJttee members are Mrs. Lynn bons and cash prIzes gomg to the S ac 0 I schools has In no way affectedlonday It ..as put mto serv- fopen only to people who have McNaughton. Garden Club of follOWing Wlnnmg contestants. Tha' the course of outbreaks of polio.ct Tuesday never won II blue ribbon>. MIchIgan; Mrs. WIlham H_ Ffles, Shallow Wlltel' Events Week For More n 7 100 i T --t R:tes for "It baa been found that delay-

o 0 0 Class "-An urangement to Grosse Pomte Farm and Garden Greased Watermelon Race- , . LA.J,lJ.. ing the openmg of schools da-Seaman-Radioman Barry Sal- be u.sed on a sidebroad against Club; Mrs. Clarence Fox, Mrs. FIrst: LlZette Nelson. School doors will open next Ibe the initial date In the fall Lloyd Sm:th rupts the normal routme of adultsn IS spendmg a nme-day leave a wall. Wendell Wheelock, Pomte Gar- 25-\rard Dash (11 years week for more than 7,100 publIc i semester. II and chl1dren and resulted in ere-the Pornte vlSltl1\g his parents, Class ill-An arrangement on den Club, Mrs. J. Lawrence Bu- and under)- and parochial school students. Other colleges drawmg a large atlon of undue anxIety on the

r and Mrs. Fred Salton of a plaque suitable for a fan ell, Jr. Grosse Pomte Garden FIrst: Jim Forster., 2nd-Anne- A Samt Ambrose School of- number from Grosse Pomte have Funeral servIces for Lloyd De- part of the general pubhc."I d SaIto sta I CI b M M k H nn Grosse fi 1 ed th t tha Witt SmIth were held Saturdayry an avenue. n IS - dinner table. (Flowers. "ege- u; rs. ar a a, Ft. 3 d-RIcky White cIa announc a more n set openmg fall term openmgs The mfectlon IS so Widely

IOnedaboard the Patrol Craft I tables, or fruit Vmes per- Pomte Woods Branch of the Na- U::re~u~ Race- . 11,000 students are expected to m late September and early mornmg from • Ius home ~t 731 spread in an affected community'55 PCE-B77 at Norfolk, VIr- mittecl.l tlOnal Farm and Garden Assocla- l;'" t. Sanford White. 2nd I enroll for the fall term on Wed- October Grand MarCalS. Bunal "'Hlll!UIn or area that the deferment ofIn a '. t d Me Fred Schumann, .,.rs . • - tsd Se te b 7 . LakeVIew emetery at owe,1 Class IV-An arrangement In Ion, an s Dave Munson' 3rd-Paul Krogh' nay, p m er . Some Grosse Pomters Will' M. h the opemng of schools would not

a rustio container ("ooden, Grosse Pomte Park Garden Club. bed WIth Mlk~ LaForest. : On the same day approximate- travel east to attend Harvard" ~ir~g~~lth, 7, died Wednesday, mfluence the infectIOn rate." (ByBEHIND PAGE 1 basketry, pottery or metall, _ I • nl<rnbing Race- ,Iy 700 students Will resume stud- Yale. SmIth. and Wellesley whIle August 24 at hiS home followmg mfectlon IS meant the presence of--------- Class V-~n arranz:ement ID IPlan 2 Meelul,Us 1 FIrst. George Jerome, 2nd_lies at St Paul School. others WIll head West for COI-, a long Illness. the Virus In the body without

shades and tints of purple I ~ RIcky White; 3rd-Ann Forster. I Grosse Pomte public SCh~~ orado and ArIZona Umverslbes. Born in Howell, he lived m the caus10g actual dIsease).TL. TJ7 k' Class VI-An arrangement of For New Pupils Lemon Race- I Will open for more than Otht'r colleges attracting a DetrOit area for 56 years He 'vas "Thl< rpC'Ommenri:ltlOn !!annnt1 f/IS rr ee S !lowers from the palt'lt lellow FIrSt. Kurt Carmichael; 2nd-'1 chudren on Tnursday. ~eptem- Ilarge number of localitIes are a retIred engIneer of the Mur- be looked upon as In('onsl$tent

R. to the deepest orange. I Two meetings have been 5che- Jay Hooker. 3rd-Joh~y Mertz ber 8 Denmson, DePauw, Notre Dame phy Iron Works. WIth the usual recommendationevzew All Grosse Pomte re'ldents are Iduled on Wednesday. September Deep' Water Events All public school offICes have: and Northwestern. Mr SmJth was Deputy Gover- made With respect to avoidingehglble for competition and roa- 7. for the mstruction and guld- 50-Yard Dash (15 years been open for enrollment of new, nor General of the Society of strange and large crowds, such u

Slone, of speCial mterest be- tenats used are not r('qUired to ance of students new to Brownell and under)- pupils begmnmg ~onday thiS B k Do Ma)fiower Descendants, Pas t traveling from epIdemiC to non.-md oage one thiS week mclude. be grown. by the exhibItor. offl- I Jumor HIgh School and Grosse FIrst Don MeKenzle: 2nd- week as et lllller VIce-President of the Sons of the epidemiC areas or from one see-AI"Iiann. TennIS Chapm. Clals saId . I Pomte High School. It has been Ralph Cross' 3rd-Chns Frolund. School authontles have urged I American Revolution. and State tlon of an urban community notPo,nte Personahtles RIbbons Will be alla,ded In announced by Walter Clemm::on, Greased W~termelon Race- I parents of chddren not prevlous- H ld At P k PresIdent of the SocIety of the heaVily mfected to anotherPlan 2 'Ieetmgs for New PupIls Ieach class With a trl colol rIbbon High School plmclpal. First Ben Fruehauf. 11y enrolled m the Grosse Pomte e ... ar War 1812. Iwhere the dIsease IS Widespread.Coeds to Spend weekend at I tor the best entry of Ihe show. i All 7B pupils and man)' stu- Greased Pole Walk- Ipubhc schools to ?ke care of Officers and Directors of the He held membership In the Past experIence has shown ~t

<l'11) Reservatlons.can be made until, dents \~ho WIll attend Brownell I First: Chns Frolund; 2nd-Jlm enrollment formalities thiS week BntlSh Empire AssocolatJon held Mason and ShnDe oranzzauons school health programs are vel')-Tllo locahtles Plan Fall DebJ.:t I Tuesday September 13 b)' callmg II to the first tIme are requested I Ogden; 3rd-Jlm Forster. I m order to aVOid delays whIch a basket dmner Saturdav August and .the Detrolt HIStorical So- effectl\'e m controllmg those dJs-ROIlene Zick MarrIed . I Mrs.. J. Lawrence Buell, Jr. ~. tor attend a meetmg m room 218 JIm Hartman. the Park's recre- are unaVOIdable If enrollments 27. at Grosse Pomte W~terfront I clety I eases which may be controlled.Fair Offers Variety of Women s 1111;> Iat I 30 pm In the High School atlOn director, was m charge of are delayed until Thursda:l' Park. Survtvors are Ius WIfe. ~abel It TRay be assumed that the

\rt \III~< All entnes mu<t be In place for Ibuildmg. the program and Judges ",ere \ Sacred Heart Convent has an- SWlmmmg and fishmg were the IE. a son Kenneth. a daUghter, health of the school chIld will beI Pat Martin, Tom Bruce, Don Ma- nounced WE'dnesday. September mam attractions accordmg to I Helen Gale Wnght a brother'l as closely guarded In the schoolsGPH H T 1 T k A meetmg for all lOB puplI< caulc~ Bob Robertson and Bar- H as the fall tef81 openmg da\ John J MacE\\en and SybIl Sle- Fred, and three grandchIldren as It IS In the home"istory eac ter a es Iand High School stu~en:: grade~ ney Martin. I Approxlmatelv 600 students gnst. chairman of the party. ' I School hours dunng the 1949-

• 10-12 neVI<to Gr~e omte. 1 -------- are expected to return to DetrOIt Among othero pre~ent were To Vo*n On 50 school )'ear Will be the sameP(Irf 1,1 Excl- nnge Progra m ,cheduled fr ~~O pm. In the SCOUt8 to. Hold Umverslt.. and Country Da} Bntlsh Consul ~neral A R. Sm- t~ I as last) ear~ High Schoo au I onum. ISchool on September 21 claIr. Mr 'and Mrs Harrv Tur- GOd 0 Elementary school <esslons are

G" r POinte Is one of five been in operatlon for ~everal Both groups should come pre- Annual Regatta I Meanwhile the local college rell. Bettv Turrell Joseph Hands. lIS r lllanCe I from 9 a m to l~ 45 a m. and\1 '- h h 'ears Its ba°IC purpose 1<;to fos- pared to pay the deposIts on contmgent IS bu,\- packmg col- Joyce JoplinI'( Man. Guttendge. I from 1 pm. to 3 4;> pm.

L '",on <chool sv~tems "" IC ) , G Po t C C I Il" d ta d bet lock< The Se<:ond Annual Regetta lIege bound trunk~ for theIr re- Be<Sle Bell Arthur Schofield. Mr I ro,se m e Itv ounCI \\ 1 School hOUT<;at Pierce Juniord\e Ot>f'napproved for partlclpa- ter better un ers n mg .\\E'E'n, 'The ulpo<e of the~e meelmgs and Rendezvous spon<ored by turn to their re<pectJve campuses and MIS George Jones Mr and meet Thursday n ght. September IHigh School are from 9 a m to

t'(n In a pl o!(ram of mter-chanlle the two countrlf'< Th" t:nlteo 1<to il....~gn pupll< to home rooms I Sea Scout Ship 690 \\ III be held I Umver<ltv of Michigan MIChl- Mr< Ar('h Murrell. Mr and ~rs I to dlscu« malter< deferred 12 noon and from I pm to 3 45I' l~", ~( < between the' Umt~ States Offlc" of EdlK~tlon "nd the <lnd to help pupll< new to the I at the Gro<se Pomte Woods Park gan State College and Wayn(' J<lme< Ru<tage. Mr< John J Mac- from the t\\ 0 postponed. meetmg< pm~ '( ,n<1 GI "at Brltam durmg Department of StatE' \\ 01 k \\ Ilh ommuml' or ne\~ to th(' school on '>atUlda" and Sunda' Septem-, Umverslh' offlclal< have an- E\\ "n Kenreth M lcE\\ E'n of dUl'lnl( .J~]Y and ....ugu<, Schoo] ill tlvltlE'< ill the High'-d l~~Q )0 <('hool vear • ('011 e<pondmg aut h 0 lIt I P < In ~o bEocomefamiliar WIth the prac-I ber 10 and II nou'lced t!Jat Septe'T'ber 24 "Ill Clc\Cland and GeOi gc He'lleey. b An or Ind,lnC"hre~la:mgll g~ School be<:m at <; 10 a m and

- . h J ----- ------------ -- - - -- --- - -- umer< an eatlm: \\\ "" I t 320 th tat\! - "1ill'\ P L\ nch a graduate Gl eat Bntam In a 1angln~ for tIC(,< and polICies of the sc 00 ~ voted upon at the meetmg. Nor- c o.<e 'I pm. \\ I a ro _0' fl'" 'I'd College Umver~lh. of the<e teachE'r exchangp, <0 that theIr <chool begmnmg Fall SOt W MOL C t hen XelT c.:\' CIerI" <aiD mg ..\ ..tE'm of lunch peqods so! 'n" .. "rTlved thiS week to be- Other \il('hlgan commlln'11C< September 8 \\ III run ~moothly;' II easoll to pelt a ar elnorUl en er) o\lso s~heduled for" dlSCU" on dthffat tne f noon penod 1 II l

hll be

d - Clemm<on <ald. te. I' I (>rent or <;orne pUpl , t an It',~." \rdl of t('a('hml( m the approv!'d for pattKlpilllOn In the. I Three meetl < and a dance ter < Board or Dlrrctor<; \10111be, tlnue through Ihe f,1l1 <llthoulth are "a r ra.e equa Iza.lOns ana \0,111be for other<-. ( rlrpartment of Gro<,e teachE'r exch;mgl' D'''~I"n a I' Th(' oon)" ,1011' \\111be open for h be h ~1E'd f Ihe nE'xt held on Saturda\ SeptE'mbE'r 10 m<ln" of the ll:roup 11111be awa} an a 11endl1'enl to me eil~e em-

r'r II gh School MISS Lynch Ann ."rbor BatTle \1('(')" f l"ll all H gh School <turlen15 on Wed- avE' en sc e hU f 101r f M' Ch I B' Lord Youlh at "chool plo)ee penslon< for a tnal per odd_ ~( ~ a te h th C nh S "t ~~ d Se t h(-r - I ",eek to open tea <r,,~on 0 r, ar e< . of SIX month< H II ~I te

G dr S ahc elf Ifn E'G°IU nand aUlt., I' • a: 11' ne< a~ P em I I actn"tles at the War Memonal Chalrman on the Board has an- A \outh counCIl ""Ill be fOlmed . 0 ( l' ec III (7, . c 00 or Ir ~ I B d f h lied I h d II' ------- _

Pdn - E I d 1944 The Grv<,e POint.. 1d 0 The deanll avE' em 0 manv j Center nouncE'd t'1at t e an~ WI con- earl) thIS fall Mrs Lord saId,S keF' '--'r ng an since Education approved Joc,,] paltl n('w <tudent~ thiS \\eek They The Metropollun Club of the, 'I The Board of Dlrf'Ctors ....hlCh, par's OIUJP Ire T 0 BOd

">r 'I ~: "Iiargaret Casteel. I mem- Cl'patHln m the exchangc p (\:ram ",ll be avaIlable agam Fnday, Amencan AUXIliary \\ ,11 meel 1 'T ri It> (lid not m('et durl!'g th(" AUlNst Spark. from the dumnl'v 0 PCII I S• the HIl(h Sch.ool History b<t ~onnl! Membe" of th .. Board ~nlember 2 The next opoor- I::~ ... ~ C......~- ~... !'"-:!: S-~ ~.~ .vfl/>,r r I '~\."L1un "'''''''' '" III flU'" "" .,." .. caUSM a fire" hlCh d('<tro\(~d an \ ..",,<""1 1'1('('1ng nf Ih...Grns.<e

- Plrr <'nt smce 194;> ""n teach have expressed !!onslde, "bJI" ,at. tunlt\ tn enroll new students I tember 2 at 8 30 P m Arthur WItherell rep(\rted to SessIon on Monda\ Scplembor 12 awnmg at t~ horn:? of Angelo POlOlp \\ n'Xi< COUnt11 \I il" heldt'n s<"hool from whIch MISS I~factlon thlt the 10<'11 <('hn<l) transferring to Gro~<e POlDte HIgh I On Tuesday. September Ii the ",roods Police that ;l h-pewnter The program committN" chlllr- Mell. 1060 Devonsh\fl!. early Mon. Monda" n ght to a\\ .l-ci the con-

.. come~ In Penzance Eng- s\'Stem has been ap" 0' I'd fe-r School from a <("hool other than ICamera Club ~"ll hold Il.~regular was stolen from hiS offIce at 21031 maned bv Mrs FredeT1('k C F~d.1 day afternoon. tracts for I"TOrOVemE'nt<on Stan-':.~ : ,jrlD~ the comln, school partlCl])allon. a Gro<sE' Pomte publ,!! S<'hool\ m~tlng at 6 p m i Mack over the week-end Imet on Fnda3'. Augu<' 26 An-I hope and Allard <treet..',no ,I" Ca!'teel saIled for En,- ------ "'Ill be Thur<dav afternoon Sep- Grosse POinte Theatre , plan-I other meeting I!' S(heduled for U-M GRID Gt-"lDE ThE' Cool( Const ell t "n Will

'0 d ,llr m July A recent letter Theft Fron, (:flr tember 8 nmg an mformal get-t"S(rthpr fOT lEFFERSO~ OIL SLICK Frida" September q The ReVIew 1< In receipt "f a h' I iM feo' 0f pa\(,~onl r h<">t'1", '1 bv local <chool authorl- .\\1 <l"t'f n'/,ll1hel< \\,11 atlend member' and theIr gUt",,< "n Fl'!- A leakIng- Fuel 011 C,'rp truck James Lee "'ho II", n"ll'ed as ('o:npr~hen~lve 19-49 gllcilron <' NI' r"" Cllns;:'. ' "r Ole<-

"l1 "IiISS Ca.~teel reportl' John B\ln. of 814~ '>r on ,( ,'t, ,,, ..\ n!:. ~nd nl'lI <tu- rla\ September 9 combmrd IIrtr W!'dnp,rla\ s de- pubhcllv dlre<'tor f01 Ihe Center gUIde for 1949 contaInIng ('!Y', 'n° Dnt'ml'nl to H" 0' ,,\enuee al'lValln England Dl'IIOlt rep<>rll'd 1(\ f. 1 flu!.,r (;:'n't< Or!f'nlalj(,n merltn~' Tue< .Summ~r Shado\lo< ,e",nd lD lugJn~ lain m"dp a ,,'rn me<$ tn Juh announced that Ihp pub- piete mformatlOn ror pre<$ and :'*"1'1'" I, he lr,twpr! ."1 the

r Ih.tllrllcle,\aluf'd;l\"l1h",\\(',r f d h ~O~O F d I I ld d h ,..... -';: ()~lamofJntel-(hangro 0 oa\ "nli "eon('<03\. Srplem1>er a serlell 0 ance< fc>r' e. -,> 1101 arm~ firemen late '-e<ter av 1(" reatlons group \Io"U meet la 10 on tel,"" 1(1.<1<et-up at 'ilO<' il-~il b' Ine ~,n~1 ,la ando ... --' I~k-n from hl< 1' .. 1 r"r~rrl 'm C J • hUM"

," I_ ,,,,tl\ een the Umtn> ~ < h Ii Anrl 7 age group ~ponsored b\. the en- at Flsner Road and ellerson. won t E' mverslty of lchlltan ,.. nl relll Campan'"" and Great BntaIn has Manor near Mark Th,," ,1~' nil: t .~__________ __ _ _

Page 2: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School


, ~ -~, ., ,"


• J:ettel'heads

• envelopes•

• 8tatelnen ts

• .flnvoicel

VAHey 2..1162.3



25 Velrs of Service to CrossI !'ointe~nd the East S.de

Between lakepolnte and Maryland

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~! ~ /

Pointe Naval Airmell on Cruise

I 2- The Groue Pointe R•• jew- Thursday. Septemb.r I, 1949; r Ask The Mall Who Olvns A CornBy JOHNNIE BACHELOR

W ld hke to ~ee thli counlr)' get with a "hotfoot"up ~r:::u the couch lind forget about A "Be KlOd To YOUI FeN \\ cek"psychologl~t~ The!! \VIWk I, eol nil to our ?I del If we are to"sa \Ie thIs lOU Illi \ ::010

heads Be!>lde~thl~ b no tllne to be ldyltlg 'Cdlles ,wd CUIns IIIdown on the Job while they give us the MpanwhJle a chat With yOUi liIlIUP'Jdl,l"hOrizontal onle ovel " (ba~ement psychologlstl Will Ienllnd \

If we are gOing any pillce lO thJ~ WOlld, that feet have been taklllg ml'11 PI~l~~It's time we divert IiOme attention to our since tmle be~an.feet What. good IS all the "bram bFlefing" Our-lower limbs have been lJ11\ ll1g thIi you don't have a Isg to stand on. load .ln~ Adam courted t:\ e \~Ithou~

"When IS th,e last time you had a heart drawing any mor eattentlOn theill d pair ofto talk With \'our feet?" 01 "have vou .h~ .counted YOui -toes lawly"" are quelll10l\J The ChlfOpodJjt will dlagnol>e\ 'ur dog;that even ~tump the qUlzmaStel wltholJt .. kill' you W plate YOlU feel On

Ameflca's neglect of Its {eet can lead to a couch.15eno~s repel CU<;<;lOns. Your feet JUJt need a bttle mUI e CCinsll!.

The most diplomatiC dIplomat becomes elatIOn (lnd cale. Aftel all, thel die sensi.a "dead-end hId" when hIS dogs ale al111"\6. live. too.

And we can thll1k of no gleateJ menace If you doubt thiS ~tatemen\ ask th~to the League of NatIOns than a RUSSian man who owns a corn 01 two

I ----- - __

:.....::.=-_-.-_-R~E-M-E-M-B-I!-R--. - •.-. -fl~~~~~~riTo JEllt~r- - - " ...~ .. ,. - .. " 'jl .... lltU .1'1' flUf'",,,

23 YEARS .\60 ,ak fOi thel~ se;~Ices as play. Wdllace Hall \ \lodici '"(,11I_~ 1I1G,0ss.e POinte Hum I groLJnd ~UpelvIsors at the N'el,h. MI .md Ml ~ E.ll<,t G \I~ ~

School, located at 399 St. Clau. j borhood Club I ot 791 Washington, I.d hi!>';:were to begm 09 Septembel 8 II Mary Ella Andl u~ /ltlve a . bell k ac<.epted fOi <1dllll"J"n !hl' r.~

Enrollmentwa~expeetedtoex. toschool"teaforhel blibschool to the Admllcil F,t1I.~ut ~t<deeed 40015 YEARS AGO friends She was aiBlited by emy In PlIle Bedch Nell J,r~

The NeIghborhood Club All. Jeelnne QUill cind Betay BaUlIUIn. Wall£ce attended GJO',e PumltSta te led the Playground I ONE YEAR AGO High School I,,\( \ e,oI \ hm ,SOf~ball~aiu.e With SJ~ WinS and The Metropolitan ('I"h " .. Ipr • .-nmpl*,!'!d the lOti, .'dOe Wh:no losses I tamed ovel 1.000 OOY6and ,Ir!., at the High SLh00! he PdrlJclllil

MI and Mrs GeOJge Anderson I at their 8th annual Field Day at ed In vaulty SWImming and f~In Sl'lte of uncel tam weather IN Jones and Se:man Re<.'lUlt T I returned to their Balfour road GrONe POinte Hleh Scbool ft41d ball

condltlO!lS caused by the recent Neumann home after a three week triP to Mr. and Mrs Jolm Seldon He \\ 111 be a mcmbcl of)flurry of hur~an~ alon, the I Saturday, September 3, they Bermuda and Atlantic City. Burchenal of Morosl !o.d an- Second Class at raIl agul ~r:southern Atlantic spaboard, pilots wlllleturn to Grosse lie. It YEARS AGO noWlC*i the bmh of • dalahter. he leports on September 16thand crewmen of Patrol ~u,adron '-______ Golf Tournament fOI T<)wQihIP MarCia Ann. _55 of th" G o~~" n ~-- G Ski employees was held at the Bev. -.--.---- CARn OF THANKS., .. r...... e 7ryel lire nest pea er erly Hdls Golf Club L Sk tKeePm& them dym& at their I Grosse Pointe Farms b~ball ose, IT , I The family 01 the late !IllI Quoruet POinte. Rhode Island The Rev. Albert Van Kampen team &Bye Its annu.al Farewell Theft of the tender skine from I NICholal (Daphne) MU'lnan,tT

ba5e as they brml their annual of Muskegan Heights Will be the IDance hlJ auto WI$ reported to Woods 319 FISher road, \\lsh to exptrallu~ cruJ.le to an end. Iguest speaker at the EastmlftlSter FIVE YEABS AGO Police by Robert J. Powell of I U'~1J' SJncere appreclitlon Ill\'

AmQn, thOle from Grosse IPresbyterIan Church on Sunday, City Pollee ChIef Thomas 12247 East Outer DrIve. I many ,:cti of Iundne:.s dU.ln~:l.!Pomte parUClpatl1l, In tlus liQuad.1 September 4, at the 11 a m. Trombley pral&ed Raymond Powell's car was at the Woods recent Illness and pai>Smg ortlJt:ron's operatIons ale Lt. <,,> T. servIce Kauhtz: and MISSPaulme W Ma. I Theatre parklll' lot. • Wife and mother




te n.",OTO

run.. ." 0

Downtown Trainand Camera Shop

122 W f:l,JZABF:TH

RI~k NlWth of Tull., Hot.'

: \, f,' '.' \ •.", l.


n.nit TltAINS,\lOIln. RAn,ROAD KITS

hazards that you ha\'e for Pollo. Last year75 times a, many Mlt1ugan people died ofu atflc mishaps as died of Polm

ACCidents over the weekend alone areexpected to take almo:.l as many I\{lChlganhves as poho has taken so far thiS year.

Grosse POlOte has emerged Without aSingle traffiC fatalIty from last Labor nayweekend and the past Fourth of Julyhohdav.

Why not take It easy. remam at home,and be sure you'll be here to ,'acation an-other year.

learn where the belt buy. are to be had,and act accordingly,

ThIS is true of every kind of store. deal •ing m every kind of consumer gOods. PricereductiorlS on the who1eAle and manu-facturmg levels are soon trarulated intoprIce reductions at the retailleYel. Great-er efficiency and economy in store oper-ation likewise lead to lower figures on theprice tats. That it why our dol1ar*,!<hrunken- as thev still are bv nrewarstandarcb, are gOIng farther now. ~

But such factors as competition andprogreSSIve retaIling practices that bnngpnces down should not blind consumersto economit' reality. Costs are high. Profitmargms, eSI'ecially in retailing, have beenreduced to t Ie van~g point. And themflatlonary danger of a nSlng governmentdebt 15 returning. If wages and othercosts again move upward in the path ofinflation, retail prices w\ll follow.

That iI inevitable.

and better machInery have increuedproducllVlty. And that IS also true ofagncultural production ill this mechan.-Ized era. .

EffiCiency in production. however.doesn't tell all the swry. The averagecltlzen can't buy hiS goods at a farm orfactory-he buys them In a store. So ef-flClency In dJstnbutlon is Vltally import-ant 10 bnngu\g our livmg standards upand holdIng them there.

No country has a retaIl machIne whichlS comparable to ours. Cham and in-dependent stores do a fIne Job In meet ...mg our needs and our mdlVldual whUNand Ustes. Competition !leeS to it thatservIce IS good .and that pnces are as lowas pOSSIble. The dIstnbutors and readen;of goods. no le&s than the producers, bnngabundance W Amenca.

to the pomt of exhausbon to t lOld work.Emllv Post may now retzre-at last

they've Invented a foolproof method ofeatmg corn on the cob .

OLDHAM. PUBLISHER'.ul 8Mckburn, Advertising M,r

Dottfe Vou.,. Advertising• , Y_nC, Circulation Mar.

Politte', FIrst NewIfX1peT



Just Comment


L BCho,'" M•• os. editor

rOilI Ebn.r Stoff WrIterDo,is Milm, Stoff Wnter

]iul, glLO.44il- OJoinltL lWJiJuuGrolSlS!!e



A vacatlOner-one who exerts hllnself

Don't make real lawr out of the LaborDay Weekend'

The NatIOnal holrdav ollgmated as anatIOn-wIde attempt to secure a day ofrest a'lcl rf'lll X1ltlOl'I

Why not take It eas) and give a httLeconsweratJOn to the middle-aged heart.

Spend a qUiet day on the porch and) ou'll aVOid the hazards of the overburd-ened highways. Your local Park prOVidesample facdltles for sWlmmmg, sunnmg,and temus.

fulve the same respect for Labor Day

Summ@r Sp@f);a'

ISSM E. WARREN, Corner Somerset

14m E. WARREN, Comer ehalmen

A short time ago, the New York HeraldTnbune published a series of articles deal.m, WIth the drops in food price. that haveoccurred since last year. It took the pncescharged by one of the large chain systemsas its yardstIck. It found that butter de-clined 21 per cent, meat 21 per cent, eggs23 per cent, cheese 22 per cent. and so ondown _ list of staple commoditles.

Prices in most other lines have alsoshown IUbstantial declines. Clothes. ap-pllanees, ciry.gOOQ&-In _!mOSt every casethey are well down from the highs thatwere reached after the war. when demandoutran supply by a wide margm, and "e~-money" was prevalent.

The factors that have caused the dropsin pnces are many. One of the most im-portant is retail competition The chamstore system, whtch was the Herald Tnb-une's yardstIck, has to compete for bUSI-nei! WIth all the other chams and all theother indel'f!ndents operatIng in the areaIt .erves. Price-conscious conaumers JIOOn

Sorry, Kids! Even the March of Dimesean't stop that march back to school nextweek.

Dollar, Go Farther-But

flttAreWe Living Better""Despite the protests over high hvmg

costs, we are hvmg better in 1949," uys afeature article in Look.

The magaZIne used food for a compan-IOn. In 1929, prices were much lowerthan thev ar/! now. Yet 1t took thp aver.age worker 19 hours and 12 mmtes oflabor to pay for a week's food bill for hiSfamily. Today, in SPIte of high pnces, heneeds to work only 13 hours and 40minutes to earn the week's food supply.

Look hsts other Items In common usewhich can be bought more cheaply nowIn terms of labor-eoal, gasolme. SllkatoclongJ, and so on. The pomt 1$ tM.t, in20 years, there has been a marked Im-provement In the h":lng standards of themlllo8ei of Amencans.

\\i'hat has caused thts'? For one thme,manufactunng mdustna are more eff1-cllmt than ever before, New techmques


OFFICES AT 15121 KERCHEVAL BETWEEN MARYLAND AND LAKEPOINTEVAlley 2.1162 • 2-1163 • 2-4588 • 2-4559

PUBL1~HED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE GRUSSE POINTE PRINTING CO .• Uunl/ Reeders 1:.' ery Thursday • • • - SubSCription Rate,S Cent,s per copy; By Mal! 520(1 per year

Take It Easy

Deadly AI A Bombc<.. , ..

Th. cIgarette-that harmle"ii looking without seeing that they're extlnguiJhed.little tube of paper filled With tobacco- It hall long been known that careleuneuean be as legal as a bomb. With matches and smoking matenals is a

Last year, In New York City alone, prime cause of forest fires which havesmokers were responsIble for more than destroyed mtllions upon mIllions of acres5600 fires whieh dId a total damage of of forest over the years. This is one of thesome $3,285.000. Tobacco was the bIggest worst of all the tragedIes fire causes _smgle contributor to the CIty'S total loss buildmgs can be erected m a compara-of just under $20,OO(),OOO. • tlvely short tune, but burned trees can-

We can't blame the weed for Uus sorry not. One cigarette, one match, is all that, j recofa""':and It is a record which is par- IS needed. when cond!hons are "right," to

alIed on a smaller scale in many other destroy for generations a nAtural wonder-Amencan clhes, towns, and vl1lages. The land.offenders are the peopIs ~ho do the smok- How can such waste be stopped? Onlying. They smoke m bed. They lay cIgars the mdlvtdual smoker has the amwer. Itand cIgarettes and hot pipes. dcwn and hes m aceeptmg the responsibility that isforcet about them. They dJseard butts hus every tune he smokes.




Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School


<.I' ,, <!,I'I~t'j



America'.lowest prieecleustom.bWlt


VA 2.8181


Let us put HW-Cll'

p.rformalce i.your old Buickwith a new 1949Fireba II .otor

Tailor-Made forYOUR Furnace


InclucliJlr• CleanJnr Fumaee• All Controls• Permit• I.Year Free Sen1ee





• ,, 'f. ' ~" I

Whattoao ~, : I 1

I; :,f., 1

~"l. I 1

untili l-, l

fyou can get !

a new 8uiuK/j j/ \~.,

No reason to wait any longer for the thrill of driving withresponsive. eager new power at your command. For yourBuick. or an~ mooelfrom 1937 on. can have a 1949 Fm,baUengine installed this v.eek-righl in our servIce departrnenL

ThiS IS a glislenIng. factoq,.fresh nev. engine. straight fromthe production hoe. In one operation v.e remme ) our oldmOlor and sel the new one mto place-from waleI' pumpto clutch It's all assembled and tuned up. ready to run.

It's like turnlOlt ,\our speedometer back to zero You sa'\ e 00od and gas; you''\'e Increased the lrade-In value of ~our car-bol be~t of all. ~ou can eOJoy once again that same smooth.trouble. free /'OK ~r ) our Buick used to thrill you v. Ith when

We can do tbe -hole job in leu than"'0 daH. The COSIIS surpn~lngh low-00 more Ihan a malor o'\erh,ul--and our con,\eOlenl pa,ment plankeep~ It do,," n to a fev. dollars eachmonlh. ( ome 10, leI us lalk over thed(,lall~ WIth YOIl •

... - .... _ ..-.... -. ..~....... -.



The Dalzen Gas Burner Unit employs the "injector" prinel, ..which makes possible the nearest approach to perfect combus-tion yet known. It d-elivers a 10Jlf, super-hot, all-blue bmeconstantly, as it handles aU the air necessary for completeair. A.n economical feature is this unit.s complete freedom fronacombustion by automatIC control of the primary and seeoudar1carbon deposits, corrosiOn and condensation. It never requlretlcleaning or adjusting and produces tile maximum &moant .,heat from a given amoUbt of gas. Its e1ricleney IIf:ts a newrecord In economy.

*M"l'..rRI K'II~14200 E. WARREN at Newport

Thousands will want to take advantage of the economy. cleu-liness and convea!ence of gas heat. but due to the scarcity eIA.G.A, approved burners, installation matenals and lack .,trained liceusecl gas installers, many wiU have to walt mOlltlu!before they CllJl enjoy the benefitl of gas heat.We have installed many thousands of DALZEN cas b1ll'Jlensince 1935 and are weU equipped with burners. installatiOD ma.~~ and have trained installers to handle yOUl' cas heatiDc

We are licensed gas burner installation contractors.Buy with con.6dence from a reliable old MtabllBhM f!ft!!!.~~,..

TURNER BUICK, Inc.15103 Kercheval at Maryllnd Ph. VAlley 1.5400

The Grolle Pointe R.view/'- Thursday, September', 1949-3

'Intermezzo' to Open FallArt Film Season at Colonv

01The art film presenlatlOn polIey [ thl oUl(h Thul,day. September ••

Inaugurated at the Colony The- The W. Somerset Maugham filmatre, 15035 Mack, may be a sur- I "Quartettt!" Will open on Fnday,pnse to many Glos~e POinters I September 9 at the Colony fC1tSJnle It was mtlodu<.ed dUlmg Its first DetrOit showmg at popu.August when many polentlal pa- liar pI Icestrons were enJoymg vacatIOns. I To continue the !1st of select

HoJever even With the sum- I film presentations "Red Sho ....mer Inaugural the mandgement I and "PygmalIon' have bee!lwas so f'nCOUIaged by the gratlfy- scheduled for October rele~e at

I mg leturn, lhat speCial arrange- the Colonyments and negotiatIOns have been -------entered Into for presentatIOn of LOSES $12.500 ON SUBWAY

• some of the world's fme~t film Gomg to a bank, Mrs Maryproducts at the Colony dunng the Sang en mg. 52, of New York, drewcom 109 season.

out her life savmgs, $12.500, toFICst on the agt>nda of hits buy a new house and car. She

WIll be the first lady of the screen, put the cash In a pdper bag andlngl'ld Bergman, m an exclUSIve got OD a subway tram to return

! East SIde Pi esentatlOn of "lnter- to her home In the Bronx. Be.I mezzo" In whIch the late Leshe commg absorbed m read10g •'Howard plays the supportln,ll; ~-- - '--' ., 3d' l;;tollUlg ior.Iwie I ~~~u~~~~"th~'~oney'. When she

I"Intel mezzo" will open a five I left the tram she dIScovered that

day run at the Colony Sunday. I the bag and all of her money haclI September 4, and Will contmue I dIsappeared

Good ForErosion



.................. ,....s.pt 5.8

T_, .... Iett-~pt 9.n....... A ... _Me

Sept 11

10" Chltwootl'lDared.yill - Sl'!pt 11

J8'i/1 Cfenlen~ual J919


F,rst compl.t.


HUGI AUTO IMOWN."r Before Exh,bit,L.th Th.,. in Mlc/"gan


Vo'ith Thousands of ~ Finest Agricultural, Educationaland Industrial Exhibits Ever Offered


Sept. 2,3,4......'......Ole Opry

2 Shows - s.pt 2

, ... Ritter' .......~pt 3 10

t'MI T' ',TI',T, SI/lT. 2-"A""".lIon to (hoo""d.: SOC. Chfldrtt" under 14- Fr••

I "o~~~~~~o! ,t~.~.s:~:~~~ ~~~dge t~ fall, <;an. ~ ~own to t~IS co.vero-~~~ ... to' ........ 4 ............ .., ......... ~J ~l V.HVU \..1 VtJ, ,u~u I.U1::lo J<:) III 6VUU ...,'" c1\.. ...U ...'t

has brought doubt about value of when manure JS to be spaded un-fall spadmg 10 many cases, Plots der, or sod turned The rye Will'whIch are not level, whel e the give protectIOn agamst erosIOn.newly turned soli might be wa;h'l But smce sprmg spadmg Will alsoed away, or valuable elements I be neCeSltdly, to turn under the

Ileached out by heavy rams. may I rye. httle IS gamed by spadmg abe more harmed than benefited.

Where thIS danger IS not pres- - -- (, 'iJ III IIII V ient. fall spadmg Ia benefiCial for '4"'.: , II~r"'l y J

i heavy SOlI.and 10 cases where sod ,,~, 'I ....

: IS turned under. or manure ":.. !1" ,(Ispaded In When practiced, the - )surface should not be leveled or

I raked after spadmg. but left 10, rough conditions WIth small hIlls

I and hollowsFrost actIOn Will tend to break

I down ,and loosen heavy SOils, andthe uneven surfale WIll check therunoff of water, and cause It tosoak In Fall spadIng Will not ...always take the place of spl'lng I

I spadmg. but It WIll make sprmg I

Ipreparation much easIer I

Where erosIOn IS a problem. andth.e s~Jl.1is heavy. aliI' It WIth a I ~ ~wnee. r.ve a few IOcnes deep ana I ~"".. ~ ~sow seed of rosen rye at the rate -P' . . ~ ~ Pof 1 pound to 300 square feet 1ThiS WIll germinate in a few days d hoe op IS toand should make some growth Igar en were a c V I' crthIS fall It WIll survive the be grown, unless there IS somewinter and start growmg 10 the matel'lal to be spaded under.sprmg WIth the first thaw It can I Fall IS the be;t time to spadebe turned under when the time under hmestone screenmgs, wlllcn Icomes and ItS green leaves Willi are excellent tor loosenlilg heavj'decay qUIckly and add sUbstantiall SOlIs There IS lIttle danger of us-quanti lIes of both humus and 109 too much and a quantity asnItrogen to the SOlI small as four pounds to 100 square

Gardens which are spaded thiS feet wIll be effective.

!Fall SpadingGarden Free

Dn\'e safely on the hlghw<l\ <.-

It mll(ht be your own life ~ousa\'e.


bryant grosse pointe co.5074 BEACONSFIELD

LH .•• ..,<: .. 11 Hf'Io;:dp.F C('rnfT_(,,~!"lr "GA Af'lt"l"n\".", l' fJ f\,.,...,,.,.tG.,.c. (l"1ml""r ~ 1 r1 l"lfld Pfl'rC:('ITH'~' ("-'''' HfII.1'm.: \\ ..-,. .. U"'~.I1""

TU. 5-8809 TU. 2-8408

~s Heat in (J huOne day .. aU we Deed to change voar pn!IlIe'lIt \1 11 7fumaOl! M boiler to model"ll.~ llUtollUlbc .... "~, \ ,!.~boIl wrth the eftiaent oryant CoDVIr'- "_ BonMr. SImply pre. a battoa, ,. thlltbenDo8tat-ed your beatm« tl'oablel areover Order now for early ~l:ICIL &lea-lIUIte wrtbout obhptlolL

Lrqanl :~OMAnCCOOIISIII .. IIUS..•••••••••••••••••••

VA. 1.5000

Do You Know These



Voa can II. lur. f)f~. ~ l'fnI('f'1

(W'rfonned ac("or,hnjt tofa ("torT 8Pf'(",{'("lllon8,,.1WrJ Ton hnn~ ..our ("ar10 0Id1lRW>bl1f' '. fa.-Ior".trl,nf'd "Fot.ra"ueMI'<'hl..-. "

You can be C..... in thlltmoof'.n, ....~nllfM' ",pl,r"'T'"J"11,.nl 10'1" I>f' .-l 10fl ..lllt 8t,. fa.l. ,.ff'("If'nthandhnlt of lIn", J"b-frnmI .lmJllf' Inhnf'IUOIt m I 'm aJOt' In'erftaul.


Need Cadets forNa\'al Training

The need 18 atll grea t today forvoung men to enter Naval flighttramIng It was stated today by

_..... A , c:", 1f.. 'fCO""1Jl.un .......... _ _ ..... , ""'_....In chalge of Naval Officer Pro-wfCl"pnt In DetroIt.

Air mmded young men lthould1/1\ estlgate the opportunity toobtain a $35,000, education en-tlrelv at government expense,whIle at the same time learningto flv 10 the latest type aircraftNaval AVIation Cadet flighttramlng offers quabfied candi-dates a chance for a lifetime ca.reel' In Naval AViation, If theyare selected, or they may JOinthe \\ eekend Naval Air Reserveafter a normal four year tour ofduty wIth the fleet.

SIngle men between 18 and 27111 good phYSical condition, withtwo or more years of collegecompleted are ehglble to applyas Naval AViation Cadets Fur-iuci"~~!c!"""':!tlt)nmay be cbt~:!'-cd at 949 Book Bulldmg, DetrOIt.

Plun PilgrinlugesFor Holy Year

Complete plans for transport-ing AmerIcan Roman. Ca.thohcs MEMORY PHOTO CONTESTwhClexpect to make pilgflmageSI. llnm .. r1llrinll thp fnrthl'nmln" I --------------..;.;;...;-

f;i~~:~~c~~I~~I~~:S~mgmad:i Judges Sort Through Record Number ofSpecial arrangements WIll 10-1 E t. T S I W kl W ·

dude Itmeraries which permit U rtes 0 e eet ee y tUnersSIdetrips from Rome to famousshrmes m Ireland, Lourdes and Judges sorted through a record ICongregatIonal Church; the Rev. awarded to "Memory Photo"Fabma. Educational groups may number of entries to select the Charles W. Scheid, pastor, and contest wmners.be orgamzed by priests laymen SIXth group of weekly wmners I the Rev. A A MeIkle, auperm- If you can idl!Dtify the above,s Sh d ' t BCatholic fraternal org~nizatlo~ m the "Memory Photo" contest. tendent of the DetrOIt Congrega- picture. you may be one of thUI ummer a ows 0 eand relIgious orders. They are: tlOnal Asoclatlon. week's winners. •

Present-day Holy Year cere- Mrs. Albert SchleJir, 12%1 To date, 30 pnzes of two tlck- The contest 18 easy and fun- Tlteme for Twentles Dancemomes are much the same as BaUour. ets to the Punch and Judy or and has a mmunum of rules. Ithey were in 1300, the first Holy Mary Frizzell. 369 McMillan Colony Theaters have been I Just study the picture and "Summer Shadows" has been I tIons, and Bob Fosmoe, 893 FlSh-Year ThiS year they Will com-I Road.. send your deSCription to: I selected as the theme for the I er. tickets,mence on Chnstmas Eve of 1949 Richard HUdson, 307 Mt. Ver. -------------1 Charles Manos, Editor. 20.30 age group dance to be held Others planrung the dance are\\1th the openIng by the Pope of non Avenue. 0 B ITUARY Grosse Pointe Review, Saturday, September 10, at the LOIS Gehng, Jean and HarrytheHoly Door at St Peter's Polly Kay, 1245 BaUour. 15121 KerchevaL II War Memonal Center. I Schroedl'r. Ray Schuman, Carol

On each day throughout the Nancy Wyckoff. 13.6 Gray. "---__________ But promptness counts. liub- Sponsored by the Grosse Pomte Sanford, and Sally Andrus."ear, ceremomes WIll be held m ton. THOMAS S. FORWARD mlt your entry immediatelY', War Memonal AssOCiatIon, thethe churches. outside of VatIcan These persons correctly Identi- Funeral servIces were observed Deadline for each week's 'con- dance Will feature the musIc of Police IssuecIty An audience WIth the Pope fied last week's PIctures as the M d f f Th S test IS Tuesday. JudgIng is by Roston Clark and hiS orchestra. •may be arranged through local ground breakmg rites for the F:r:::d,a ;:~~~~ed o~rId~~a:ve~ the edItorial staff of the Grosse The gardens Will. be open and TraffIC Appealparish priests ~forehand or new church site of the Grosse nmg at hiS home, 745 Grand Mar- POlIlte ReVIew and 15 based on faCIlIties for bndge Will be I h Lab Dthrough the Amencan Embassy POinte Congregational Church als Burial was In Grand Lawn accuracy and promptness aV81lable. WIth traffiC over t e or aym Rome k T k 11b ld t h d week end thiS year expected to_______ In the photo, which orIgmally Cemetery. FIve prIzes of two hc ets to IC ets WI e so a t I' oor break all holIday week end

H 'Y' P l appeared m the November 18, HIS WIfe, Gladys. survives as the Punch and Jud~ or Colon~' I Co-chairmen for the party are records 10 Michigan history,annan 00 i948 Issue of the ReView were does hiS Sister, Mrs. Ab.gall Par- Thealers are awardea weekly. I Bill Boales, 43 Edgemere and State Pouce CommIssIoner Donald IReco-- ..11' ":oned Edgar H. 8uns, trustee ~f the sons of Durand. MIchIgan. .All "Memory Photo Contest Joyce Bowen, 771 Lmcoln. S. Leonard has Issued an urgent

1m .... --------.----- pIctures are selected from Re- Committee ch81rmen are Allan appeal to motorISts to dnve WIth"Crash helmets supphed to V' T M k c. E. BAKER, JR. Vlew files and have appeared m Rutter, 750 UmversIty, publlc!ty; extreme care.

those usmg the pool" has been a ur1ety 0 ar Last ntes for C. E. Baker. Jr., preVIOUS ISSueS of the paper. Barbara Sickels, 863 Grand Ma- "The MemOrial Day and Fourthcommon phrase In the locker Th M were to be held Wednesday after- Subjects In the pIcture and I nas, posters; Nancy Hodges. 442 ot July week ends thIS year. whenroom of the Hannan Y M.C.A eatre eetillg noon at the Verheyde nFuneral members of theIr faffi1lIes are I McKmley. refreshments. Dick new traffic records were set, werebecause of repair work going on Home. not elIgible. WardrIp, 787 LInCOln, decora- proof that unnecessary deaths andin the pool MUSical variety and tefresh. The manufacturing manage"r I tffijUries can be aVOIded by dnv-

Workme~ have spent many ments WIll highlIght the evenIng and treasurer of Fmck Overall I YMCA B G C d T S d' mg s,afely," Leonard sH!d. "Lasthours c1eanmg and repaInng the I~oclal to be enjoyed by the memo Company, Mr Baker dIed Sunday - oe S 0 peb year 19 were kIlled over the Me-1'\1mmmgpool in preparation for bel'S of thp Grosse Pomte The. at Jenmngs HospItal followmg a monal week end, thiS year therea full f311 schedule of activItIes j atre On September 9 m the War short Illness. I Week-End At Camp Ohiyesa \were .14. Last year 23 lost theIrbegmmng 10 September. Memonal Center I A native of Buffalo, he came to lIves m traffiC aCCidents over the

Durmg the last season there I Featured as part of the pro- DetrOit In 1908 and was graduat- Once agam tne Y M.l;.A s ot M. Wahlberg. Dearborn, WIll Fourth, thIS year there were onIyuprp 2:1Qhnyc whn p!!rh~lpa:t~d In gram WIll be amateur rehf:!arc;alc:;; ~d !rcffi t!"e Detro!t Collpgp nf I iU~trvpoht;ui Dctrclt a:-e jvin.lngl be the 5Ut:~t_ TUPlC, 4 SpeaKIng I C::l~1 , .'

the free "Learn to SWlmm" for the members and theIr guests Law. I together to sponsor a Coed teen- of Love" Let s keep Ull thIS trendclasses along With communIty on a wire recorder, Mr. Baker reSided With lus age week-end from Saturday (. Monday I\lomin There were 20 persons killed, 500md Church groupS who enJoyed The entertamment WIll follow Wife at 1318 Audobon Other sur- I September 3, t~ Monday, Septem: g mJured and nearly 2,000 aCCIdentsthe sWlmmmg dunng scheduled an mformal meetIng of the mem- Vlvors are a daughter, Betty Jane; I ber 5. at Camp OhIyesa near Cracker Barrel SesslOn- reported durmg the Labor DayperIod. bel'S his father. SIster, and a brother. U II M hJ Time to shoot questIons at the week end In 1948.- --- .,0 Y. IC gan. guest speaker regardmg boy- Let's see how much we can rot I

MRS. NICHOLAS MUSMANSKY Members of the Hannan Y. M. girl relatIons, datmg and thiS down.Funeral services were held In C. A. Boy-Girl clubs are now I courtship problems. "Durmg the COffi1ngweek end

St Clements church last Thurs- enrollmg for the 3 day camp The followmg B.G club mem- there WIll be the usual hundreds• day for Mrs NIcholas (Daphne) period whIch IS bOlL'ld to be full bel'S are already Signed up for of thousands takmg thell' last

Musmansky, 319 Fisher road, of fun camp Bermce Clayton, Joan I summer vacatIon trip. Thousandswho passed away Monday, Au- The schedule calls for free time Hazelbrook., Joan Hawkms. Fred Will be returmng from theIr sum-gust 22. Interment was In Wood- for sWlmmmg. canoemg, tennIS Stevenson. Ronald Shem, Bob mer cottages so that children canmere cemtery. and boatIng, as well as four con- Romzek, Noel Hll1hday, Syd Har- st~rt school

Mrs. Musmansky was affection- ference periods when the students rlS, Ken Fltzg~ald, Bob Hill, 'The hIghways WIll be crowdedately known as Mrs Nick or WIll do some serious thmkmg Janet Pauh. Nancy Burke. Dick and that means every driverChriS to hundreds of hIgh school and diSCUSSIng of common prob- DaVIes, Joe Fullto, Barbara Klose, should make an extra effort tostudents and neIghbors near the lems. The four conference hours Mrs Roland Momtambeau, Mr be careful Observe the rules oft:<.-h d g ocery whIch her are as follows: d M H 11d d M C I the road. Take a httle longer to.. ..., er roa I' .. an rs 0 I ay. an r ar get there Be watchful of thehusband operates. 1. Saturday Night Trial Case Throop WIU be the adult leaders th d D 't t k

.. 0 er nver. on a e oneIn addition to her husband she "Y" Co-Ed Clubs on Trial Students may still enroll for ~mgle chance If all drivers do

IS surVIVed by two daughters, ~udge. Jack HIggInS. presld-I the week-end at Ohlyesa by con. thiS, tlte answer WIll be fewerMrs. Constance Goetz and Mil. mg (Downtown Y. M. C A). tact10g Mr. Throop at the Hannan lIves lost and fewer injured. Itdrea, and a son, Chns. W,tnesses w,ll be called from Y.M C A. can be done"

each club to present their case

3 To ReceI.ve as to why the Y.M C A. shouldcontmue these clubs.

Z. Sunday Morning

MSC D Panel DISCUSSIOn- ChaIr-egrees man, Jack Cole-TopIC, "WhatRobert V Charvat, Bruce W Factors Tend to BUIld Strong

Peston, and Wilham H Hammond Co-Ed Clubs?" FIve studentsare among 548 MIChIgan State Will diSCUSSthe tOPiC and thenCollege students who Will be ellg- ":lve time for questIOns.Ible for bachelor degrees at the 13• Sunday Afternoonend of two Six-week summer ses- Vesper Hour - Rev Edgarslons endmg Saturday. Septem-ber 3. I NOISY, BUT NICE

The summer total mdlcates an A smartly dressed wo manmcrease of 160 over last : ear, drO\'e mto a San FranCiSco serv-according to Robert 8 LInton. I Ice station. caught the bumper ofregistrar At the same tIme last i her car on a pop stand and asummer MSC awarded 388 bach'l dozpn bottle~ v.ent ll~109 Theelor degrees car hit an oll-dlsplav stand and

------- a tire rack, and 011 can~ andThe mockmg bIrd IS famnu~ hre~ went roll mg. Then she

throughout the world for ttJp, cq"'drely hit two !la~ pumps.\\-onderful \\oay It can Imitate the bowling them over and thl'n-she~ounds of "lther bird. says The dro\ e av. ay. A~ she pa ....pd an

IWorld Book Enn c1npedla One attendant. she smIled s\\€'E'tl~ andbIrd naturalist said he heard a saId, . Hello '.mockingbIrd of South CaroLnaImItate the songs of thlrh -t\\ ndIfferent kinds of birds In tenminute<;





Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School


I •




l'l.~~~\aT llun-In 111'

Ji14r1 1\.:-'1'\ I '--In II r


China PaintingStartinf

September 12thAfternoon and EveniDl


•Member American Cor,ml" SoctttJ

i:~~N etv Classes • . .

SIN G ER S~~~6TER13131 E. Jefferson VA. 1-8810

Between Lenn Rnd Drexel





Don't wart until they I~ave for schoolto get their fall things out and have

them beautifully cleaned and pressedby Queen.

You. too. shou1d be thInkIng about

your Fall war d rob e. Hustle thoseclothes off now to Queen.



i'1'7 00 New


Fruit Whip1~~CUlII fruit pull'~ eup IUPI'1 cup evaporated milk% tablespoou lemon juieeUse any kmd of frwt pulp you

wish and mIx WIth sugar. Letstand about 15 mmutes to dlSsolvesugar, stlrrmg occasionally. ChIllmIlk until icy cold, then whIpuntil stJft. Add lemon iwce andwhip untn very stiff. Stir in fruitpulp gently. Freeze in in refrig-erator tray.

Your Ca" LQ. 7 -11 ~OOIfJueen


• • •


-:::::..:..:::TWO CONVENIEl''T Gr088e Pointe Store~

YES - QUHn mamtams two com.tnlcnt cash and carry stor~s esp"clally for you - at 19834 Mack at Huntmgton m the Wood~ anri17140 K ..r,.n~"a!. !"~xt to A .t. P in the V1llage. •



].i»& ]/J gJd. ]JWJL CllJlJt£t&a4 }/JJL Sdw/Jl (/JaJjA!

~ It I C...


Gm .. , Pou.tt


Although George Wuhmgtonstressed the need tor a canalacross Cape Cod durLl,g tl, .. Revo-lutionary War, it was 1909 beforework was actually begun on thewaterway.

Accordmg to CHILDCRAFTBooks, the young robm eats morethan Its own weight in food ev.ery day. EIghteen feet of earth- .worms make up its dally dleL I The blue Jay, a. common bud of I

_______ the eastern Unlted States andColgate Clock m New York Canada ~ften makes bfa miser-

harbor. Wlth an llluminated dial able for Its qu-d nel&hbors by eat-38 feet m dIameter IS the largest mg the eggs and YOWlgfrom. theclock In the world. nes~ of smalle~ or weaker birds

durmg the nesting season.consecutive time that he has re-ceived the scholastic honor.

Peter Wlll enter the sophomoreclass when he returtlB to MariettathIS fall.

Trinity College at Hartford,Connecticut, hll.! admitted 10urGrosse Pomte boys for the fresh.man class whIch begins studySeptember 18.

They are Troy H. Browning.Jr., 1170 Harvard; DaVId L. See.ver; 213 Memweather; John W,Weed. 113 Moran Road; and Rich-ard C Nightingale. 1861 Loch-moor Boulevard.

RIChard C. Carver of 279 Mc-Kinley road ISone of the 31 trans-fer students who WIll enter Tnn-IIty College thIS fall.

Carver formerly attended theUnzverslty of Connecticut. I1=:e:I===--

Moffett StudIO

ornCE BOURS'e '. 7 p.m.




puddmg Peel them, then cutin half the long way, removecore and cook till tender In asimple syrup-sugar and waterwith a bttle lemon juice. Takepears out and add a glass of Jellyto the syruP. put In a small pleceof butter, then poach the pearsm thIS sauce until they glaze.Serve wlth bread pudding.



A Perfect Pal t~. in Preparation

A Partv Wlthm Your Budget


EXlwl'i~lu'~d Organization __Arrange Your Every Detail


Michigan Social ServiceRosel jll~ 222.j.J


Shirley Forsyth, Buffy Wicking Plan Fall Debutsoi-ine ~r;;iii ~;l~~ ~~...!~... TI.~~':!~;, ~~r~:;:;.. i, ii49

JUNE SHADER 1(), --'TO MARRY goan rJardner weds atC?Sr.2'~d~!."'~'M, gaster~ 8ummer fJ-{omeand Mrs. Frank J. Shader of Berk- Framed In the helrloo~ rose Jr last Saturday In Wallh HI'shIre Road, has choseD Satuldav, pomte lace that her great-grand- Rhode Island. I..

October 8 as the date for her mo'her wore, which trlmmed ber Another he Imarrlage to DanIel Ros, Reason, ~ 1 I ly Ir Oom \\ as thfson of Mr. and Mrs. Clair D. Rea- Ivory satin gown neck me, ove crown of orange blOSsomsand

Joan Gardner of Lakeshore Road rose pomt lace from hson, of Clucago Boulevard. er n.olherand Washmgton, D. C. beclllI1e Mrs. Arthur Galdncl, \Ihllh h ld

The ceremony w111be re~d In the bnde ot Alexander Brltton in place Joan's lllu~lon lell \I:enBlessed Sacrament Cathedral at she was escorted dOlIn the aLlI11 a m. by the Rev. Edward C. by her father. I

Burkhardt. A weddmg breakfast LOCALITEand reception will follow at the Accentuating the bl Ides gO~llDetrOIt Golf Club. were the robes of maIo of hOMr

h TF I I S PLAN S Suzanne Gardnel, In I\hlte eMISS Shadel'. will have a.~ er • _ _ _ . brOidered organd~' anJ the '11.~t'matron ot flonOI. Mrs WliiJ.am J. h."d ill be DIN G blue S Jrred organzd gO\\nmBerg. Jr. Bridesma1 oS w FOR WED bridesmaids Lmdsal Ander~

~r~o::a~~k~~: ~~ ~~~rx: h t d b Mrs Gerald McGull e of NewBaylOr. Jr, and Sally Reason. SIS- A rehearsal dumer os e y York, Mrs Owen Walsh vIter of the bridegroom. elect. I the Lawrence Buhls on Sept. 16 Pennsylvania. Fay Cdulkllls of

WIll cllmax the pre-nuptial fetes New York, Menam Belhnger ofRobert Reason WIll be hiS f R ~khart Wllburs' daugh- Vlrgmla, ~tty Easton of Wilh.

brother's best man and usbers or C' thO W Ibur who will ex mgton; Lorme Eshleman 01wlll be Wilham Reason and Rich- t~, yn la I.th, BenJamin R- Pennsylvania; and Mane WII.ard Reason. brothers of the bnde- DCange votw;h ~Idel hl8 on Sept' llams of Mlssoun.groom-elect Fred R Arst, Lleut. ray ton, a I a p, .Col. BUldett Eaessly. of Fanbault, 17 at ChrIst Church, Grosse Servmg as ushers 1\ hlle RanMmn .• MaJ. Howard O. Golloday. Pomte dall Hagner Jr. was best manof Jackson and James Murray. I For hel' weddmg to the son of ~re Grant Boss, Merle Tho!'pf

Parties for the bride-elect w!lll Mrs. William Battles of Newtohwnas

Jr., Maunce Sellmgel and Georglsart September 10 when Mrs E J. Square. Penn, CynthIa . Wheeler, all of WashIngtonWmckler and her daughter. Mrs. chosen tor attendants, Marlon Arthur W. Gardner RichardWalter Bayer, Jr., and daughter- Wilbur as maid of honor; and Semple. Harton Semple, bothofin-law, Mrs. Robert Wmckler Wlllj bridesmaids Mary and Helen Pennsylvama; and Campbellentertain at a kJtchen shower and Owen, Susan Duckett, and Nancy Smidt ot St. LOUIS.tea at the Wmckler( semor) home Hughes. The Gardners held the recepoon West McNIchols Read. The groom wlll have hIS broth- tlon In thelr summer hom~

On September 14 hostesses for er, John, as best man. With Rich- Moana Cottage.a crystal showel and tea wlll be ard Dr.yton. George Bartol, After a Bermuda hone;mootl,Mrs. Frank A Krue. Jr, Mrs Sandy Rush, Hamilton R Jones, the couple Will reSide In VolliWilham H. Gordon and Mrs C. H. Roy Tolleson, and Malcolm Lovell, Place m Washmgton.Cillsholm at the Krue residence ushermgon Wlldemere Ave~ue. Mr. and The bride's father WIll honQrMrs. Sherman Kelly will enter. the pair at a receptlon at hIS Prov-tam at dmner at their home on encal Road home after the cere-Boston Boulevard West Mrs. mony.Hugh Gorey WIll be hostess at apersonal shower and luncheon ather home on Chalfonte Road Sep-tember 28 and on October. Mr•.WuUam J. Berg, Jr., will enter-tain at the spmster dinner. Mr.and Mrs. Clair D. Reason wlll behosts at the rehearsal dmner atthe Hotel Statler on October 6.


[/Jointe [f-{untinfj 8etf9pens CIa!! actt'Vl'ties



Z blk, No of W()()(!s 1 heatu




By An F:xpertCOMPLETE u~r

JNF A'liT'" \\. "RA'O SOTIO'-;

Opfon \Inn Tu~ \\ rl! . " to IiThu" rn. <;;al III" pm


OpelUllg of the hunting ..eason! MIs Sally Cote Dr DaVIS When Buffy Wlcklng and Shir-has. caUed Plany Pomters to Loewlt. MISS Mary Margaret ley Forsyth retul n to college thIS IMetamora Huntmg e\ent.> ale In Sweeny, Mrs James E Bullock, fall they Will already have madetill s",mg and a num~el of mOle Mrs Laura B Hlgble, and Mrs theIr bows to socIety. Iformal actll Itles have been cal- James A. Blackwood Shirley """II make her debut at-.&ared for the next few "'eelts. A :.peclal feature of the :.how a garden tea on Wednesday. Sep-I

Wounds go out Monday, Wed- Will be an exhibItion of Seemg tember 14, at the Rivard Boule-I-.day, and Saturday mornmgs Eye Dogs from the Leader Dog vard home of hel parents, Mr. IWId1 Ben Colman and WIlliam League of Roches tel Mlclugan and Mrs. RIchard A Forl>~'th. On IReeves Clark as Co-master~ 'I Septembel 25. Shuley w111begm

The l1leets are planned at \ dr- Among the boxh~ers and her sophomore yea!' at Mount Iell.h1bltors are Mr. and Mrs H I k C II So th H dl I

lOUS pomts m the counlr)', J L Cote. Mrs C J. Graham, 0 yo e 0 ege m u a ey,usually at the hou.>€ of some I M E E F h M d M Massachusettsr . rs er, r. an rs. edmember near the secllOl1 10 be C D Purce Mrs H R Boyer Buffy Will be pi esent at adrawn and hunted that day As r ],~L orld ~V11:. Vl V.; Muis, MJs~ g~~dcn par-t} on TueMld.", S~}J.tne season anCl tne Cla\\ns get 1M t St h M d M tember 13 She IS the daughterlater the meets WIll be timed GatguenC\ rt, r and rls. of Mr. and MIS. Bert H. Wlckmg'

rd gl I eorge lrs lansen an r. of Trombley Road Iaceo m y. and Mrs Theodore Gorenflo, Sr. . IThe second Annual Hunters- Ot'" u_ H J 1:1- e As~lstJng Buffy and hf'1 mothf'r

I ..c.s are ...u. . .... 1- M R f M IBreeders Show WIll lake place male Mrs Charles KIrchen. Mr. ""Ill be ary eSlg 0 onroe.tIus year at the Metamora Club I and Mrs J E Bullock, Mr and MIS Webster B KDlght III. Nancyon September 3 and 5, begmnmg IMrs E S NIchols Mr. and Mrs Belgdall, MalY Watelfall and Iat 930 a.m. Saturday and 10 a Ill. H' W d,' d M d Barbara Hasselblad, ISunday. enry yar an r. an Plecedmg the tea Buffy's Slster, !\IRS. MICHAEL WASKOW SKY

Mr. ChTlstopher Greer from I Mrs. M L. Pardec Mrs. Krught. Will be hostess at U (jJ {cMIddleburg WIll be the judge. He There IS a buffet luncheon a luncheon for the debutante, her rpand Mrs. Greer Will be the guest< planned for the exh1bltors and asslstants and out.of-town guests I U\eneat OWS e oreof Mrs. Ed v. ard P. Hammond members both days at the Huffy wlll be a sophomore at I rover the weekend. Ml$amora Club and a dmner the UniverSIty of Mtchlgdn till'> ChZ m h d Ch -" ~The classes to be Judged dur- scheduled for Saturday evenmg. fall l , .lng the show mclude both Hu- Susan Satterly will v15it Mr. ----- ower- an e tren aceman and EqUine. The youngsters and Mrs. Uward Parker durmg r _always ~mlnand a great amount the Show weekend B b,u St'tter" Befole a flower-banked fire- served as MIchael's best manof attention from the. spectators, Mrs. Charles KJrc~en and her a J ,J place In the 'FIsher Road home of Followmg the ceremony, theand WIth the ever excltmg Jump. daughter, Mrs. WIllian,t Fltzge.r- her parents, Harnett Gelhaart re- brlde's par~nts, Dr. and Mrs. Earlmg and hunter classes promIse ald of Holland, MtclUgan, will L ' R l cently exchanged marriage vows A Gelhaart were hosts at aanpexcellt:,Jlt ShdOW. b be the houseguests of Mr. and I tst u es WIth Michael Waskowsky son of home recept;on tor qose fnendsosters were rawn ya group Mrs James Blackwood. I ' .of the younger set JDcludmg Mr and Mrs. Henry Ledyard Families WIth loaded ~ce boxes, the Jo.hn Waskowskys of Chica- and relatlvell.LydIa Rothman. Helen Parker, are entertauung at H1gb Acres automobiles, and teleVISion sets go~lllin01t, 11 W ts f When th;h ~~w::c~:;e~~and the four Phelan gITls, Mary Mr and Mrs Alexander Sellers I are on the "preferred 11st" of I ary ue a a op. was rom a nor eMeade, Bobble (Florence), Terry' h Idr B d Amenca's baby sItters. accordtng Harnett.s only attendant. Charles eymoon, they will resIde. m Kal-(Ellen) an Anne and thelT c I en, wmy an to the Cluldcraft AdVISOry Serv- Gelhaart, brother of the brIde, amazoo, where Mlchael WIll teach.. ' Sandy. Formerly of Grosse

MISS Ethel Fhnn is cha1rman Pomte the Sellers now live mIce m Chicago. Iof the Horse Show commIttee. Buffal' Baby sitting 15descnbed by the ReS · StAssistllJf he~e M~. B~ C;l- Oth:~ events planned at Meta. SerVIce as "probably the most • • ervICeS resses=- ~;lotte r~~ChO:n::s. ~: mora mclude the Hunter Trials mdependent part-tune .?Ccupa-Deane Rucker, Mrs. Josepb J. on September 17 followed that tlOn m the coun~?, t~ay. U f P A F dPhelan, Jr., and Mrs. Edward P. evelUng by the Hunt Ball The In order to rate a regular se 0 ears s 00Hammond. Trials are an annual event Wltn baby sltter, parents of Infants and

Members of the general com- various classes deslgned espe- small children have to abide by Summertune poses no problemmittee Ire Mrs. Wllson W. Mills. dally for the horses that hunt a senes of regulabons as rlg1d as to the homemaker when she isMrs. Edear R. Thom, Mrs. Ed- regularly With hounds. the rules of protocol. for an of- 100kmg for varlety m avallableward C. Parker. Mrs. Edward Later ~ the season there WIll ficial dmner m Washington. fruIts. Rigilt now, in addition toRothman, Mrs. Ernest Putnam, be races and a Pomt-to-Plont. A coke and an apple are re- ample supplies of grapes, peaches,--------------------------- garded as "absolute minimum plums and apples-Bartlett pears:II P l F'~ food reqwrements for keeping are headmg the list of plentIfull,~any erennw Wwers the adolescent baby sItter happy." fruits. Because of their rmldness

Candy bars, doughnuts, and choc- and sugar-sweetness they can be

B tte S · th F U olate cake are welcome addJ.tions eaten freely both by children ande r own l,n e a and insur~nce against having the adults.Ice box raided • Unless ~ou plan to eat themSeeds of many perenmal ftow- screen or lath to break the torce . I Immediately pears should be pur.

ers may be sown th15 fall rather of dnvmg rams and prevent the Famlhes employmg te~n-age chased whe~ slightly under-npethai) next sPl'lIlB They Wlll ger- tlny seedlmgs from being washed baby sltters must be willing to Th ill t rf ti imiDate earher ~d will have a out of eXlstence This scheme 15 make concessions about use of dey W Inpen 0 pe ee

ton a

. . . . th t 1 h d t 1 ' or.!Dary Ivmg-room empera.~nding longer growmg used qUIte Wldely by professIonal e e ep one, ra 10, e eVlll10n tu1'e 4. ~

sea.m. next year, Then too gardeners to protect theIr seed- set, and recordmg machme anr! _ .;:;~:"~ '" _ ,. " ~ - - t l>O t r 1 r-c .......... w ..y" t:llJUY lJupUldruy Ithe weatherm~ of wmter ~PrI" !mg.5, :l 1;..;;-= yrVYUl i.,un of WhICh' uo= Cl:<iljO~D1Ypromp a u e- d' t th A 1

f th b f 11 turning at the agreed hour serve JUS as ey are. pen- 100. _

up germmatlOn m many 0 e~ m18ht e lost 1J u y exposed to . tlful supply kept ripened andwinch. sown m the sprmg, are spring dpwnpours Tbey must also escort the baby chIlled m the refrIgerator IS per- Beginnmg WIth the fall term,slow to appear. In fact, some of Those ""ho grow IrIses from sItter home personally, It the fect for m-between snacks, to the Wayne Umverslty Journalismthem will he over a year m the seed. 'a popular garden pastime hour IS latoI' than 10 p.m, or be serve guests as light refreshment, department WIll offer a newlP'ound before appearmg The of recent ;years, should plant the willmg to proVlde cab fare If or to pack in box lunches. Ac- course, "Books In the News." to

AFltR SOWINGSUDS IN COL1)- I seed an Inch deep tlus fall. SI- I)ecessary. cordmg to the American Red be taueht by Clyde Beck, hterarynaME COVEQ WITH UTTICE benan, Japanese, and the tall. HIgh on the adolescent baby Cross Nutrition SeIrVlce pears are I edItor of The DetrOIt News.TO &QUK l)1Q£CT AAY5OF SUN. bearded sorts 'I'h15 will gIve good sitters' list of "squares" is the good salad makers. Pear and It is to be a lecture course, non-

' I g~rminatlon aext sprmg, which mama who IS always trymg to cheese combinations are many credit and non-wrltmg, and willIwill not result WIth as much cer- add dlSh-waslung and lronmg. or and varied. Serve halves on let- meet two hours a week: from 8Itainty from sprmg-sown seed, bathing and feedmg the baby, to tuce, topped WIth grated Amer- to 10 p.m. on Wednesdays.Isome of whIch will take a year thelT duties, wltho~t offermg ad- lca ncheese and mayonnll1Se or The books dIScussed Will em-I before appearmg. dJ.tlonal compensatIOn French dressmg Cottage cheese, brace practlcally the enUre lIter-

The llerenrual seed-bed should There are also a few tlungs the too, IS good With pears FIll with ary field, mcludlng new novelsIbe made early and :enriched WIth baby sItter would like to kno~ th ecbeese, plam, or mixed WIth biographtes histOrical novels anda balanced plant food applied at i e' (1) Where can she reach mmced green pepper, duves. books on ~ent aftaITs.the rate of 4 pounds to a 100 someone m the famIly by tele- OlUon, or parsley. G~15h With a The new course IS deslgned forsquare feet, to encourage a strong phone m case of an emergency, spng of mmt or red Jelly. dults h d t ke u

I i ~~~ :~;t~~~e~he ~~:~~ t~~~ ~;~n~er:n~g~~:it~~:.s ::rd

~~; SP;~:d a:l:~~~~:~~~~e~~i;C: :n~lIs~~n~w ~~~ :s th:; ar~hot. dry weather of mIdsummer. same reason, and (3) Exactly nalse 0/3 part peanut butter to pu .•••Which takes such toll of seed- what her duties are to be (out- 1 part mayonn8lse). Sprmkle Th d t t f l1sI h 1 t. ) th 41_ 1 h ped ts G e epar men 0 Journa mmgs eac year. me In wrl mg . WI uue y C op peanu. ar-


f MJ big State Coil h--------------------------- lUSh WIth orange slices. o. c an ege as re-

l As an accompamment to meats, celved na.bonal accr~dJ.tatJon byVarietv 0+ Ann es O++ers pears may be brOIled, mmted' the American COUhcl1 on Educa-~ ~ .J 'J r r 'jJ « cmnamoned or glazed. tlon for Journallsm...- ~~ IT' "\7 A d When It -comes to desserts. Approval of the department

~ - ~ .I.. ast1!Dzshes the Lear rOUll Baker Gmger Pears are a dellght- came as the result of a three-year

I J I ful vanatlon. mvestlgatlon mto the quabty ofinses. the eas plant, Dlctamnus How well do you know apple I There 1S a long season flom BAKED GINGER PEARS journalism mstructlon m collegesfraxmella, .and delpbJDlums trol-, vanetles _ theIr character15t1cs summer through late wInter to I Pare halve an~ core large and unlversltles all over the US.hus and phloxes sometimes show . I" MSC thus becomes 0 e f 38 m Ithese tr8Jts marketing seasons. and proper use those good .\-hchlgan va- firm pears; place In bakmg dish 1 n 0 a- I

. use ID your latchen? TJeties and fill hollows Wlt hthe follow- 'I Jor universItIes recogmzed by theSow delphmn.wns. columbmes. I MichIgan g rower s market SUMMER APPLES I mg rmxture of brown or granu- ACEJ for Its Journahsm curn-

gaulardlas. foxgloves. Canterbury about twenty different varieties Summer apples start appeanng Ilated sugar, chopped preserved I culumgells, peach-leaved bellflowers, co- of apples. whIch often presents a m stores m August. In general, gmger and gInger syrup Cover: • • •reopslS-ln fact any of the hardy confusmg pIcture to the average they are very poor keepers but 1 bottom of pan WIth water, and The appomtment of Dr. Stan-perenruals-late th15 fall and save apple buyer. Here are a few are good for coolang The mam I bake. covered. m moderate oven I ley J. Chtpper as Professor ofthat much. sprmg work and get guides for the promment Mlchi- sumrw.er vaTJetles In MIchigan are (350 degrees F) about 20 mmutes ,EconomIcs at Alma Colleg~ was Ibetter reswts In the way of ger- gan apple vanehes that are used Yellow Transparent and Duchess or until tender. Serve warm or Iannounced by PresIdent Dale D Immahon Primrose seed gIves for pIe. sauce, bakmg and eatUlg SUMMER AND EARLY FALL cold Wlth cream IWelch. .much higher percentage of ger-I out of hand. They are outhned Wealthy and Malden Blush are OLD-FASmONED MOLASSES Dr. ChIpper IS ll. graduate ofmmatJon If sown In the fall than by Mary Bodwell. agrlcul.ural usually the next to appear. as PEARS are a remmder of meals ICharles Umverslty, Prague, Cze-m the follOWIng spnng. I economics department food spe- "ummer and early fall varieties on the farm Halve and core 12 choslovalaa. With the earned de.

Sow the seed In ro"~ '" here It clalist at MIchIgan State College The Wealthv IS a good eatmg ap-I firm under-npe peal'!: do not peel grees of Doctor of Laws andmay grow along unhl the plants - For Pll~ the apples ~hould be pie while the Malden Blush IS Add 2 cups ....'ater and simmer Doctor of Phllosophvare suffiCIent size to tran<plant II tart cook ....ell and vet have the bettf'r for bakm!< sauce or pIe I untll nearh tender Add 1 cup • • •The one danger of fall plantmg 15 pieces hold theIr shape An apple Neither ,ar,et} keep~ too ",ell mola<;.<esand I thll1h <hcro lemon Peter Klaver. son of Dr andthe "ash from heavy rams, a dan- I that ....111"cook to pieces" makes In Michigan alone. an eleven and simmer ltntll tender and unlll, Mrs Eugene Klaver of LlI1coln!<er always In plantmg seeds m the best sauce Bakmg apples mIllion bushel apple crop IS ex- I the syrup I~ thlckenecf Cool I road. was nohfied last \\eek thatthe open To obViate thIS danger, I must cook wel1. have tart Ravor pected. With Jonathans a< the I Serve" Ith cream Serves 6 I he had been placed on the Dean's'llulch the bEods WIth some ma- and a skm firm enough to hold leadmg vaTlctv In volume This is JELLY PEARS are deIICIOU<LISt at Manetta College. Man-tE'nal that ""II not mat do ....n ~ol- the apple m shapt'. ) pt tender the year vou can use lots of ap- served v,lth rour favonte bread etta. OhiO. This I~ the secondHj)y such a~ oak leaves pll1e enough 1(, fOal For eatmg out of pIes m the lunch basket ha\e - _needle<. or fresh straw. In the I hand look for a large colorful plenty of apple pres apple sauce.spring the beds may be protected Iapple that 1< Crl."P. JUICY and and colorful fruit on the dmmgby frames covered WIth window, and o;hghtlv tart room table

Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School



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TV. 1-1111


({a u tV

Every Thursday

15777 Harper at BerJuhire

, ,k . (Best. ·

(BlltC t tts A Newo Ce (l LocationSe~t AN~

DealershipBut ... The Same Old Friend

CHARLES M. GROVE~• • • Readv to extend to you that same friendlycourteous "and effiCIent service at hIS new BweltAgency . • . seI'Vlce that has been symbollc ofGroves 15 years In BUIck sales and service.



• •

Say: "Charge It!"

PH01VE - J'A. 2-4:138

Everythmg Isn't what It ap-pears to be on the surface. E' enIcebergs are deceptive 10 appear- Iance Only one-eighth 0' thehuge icy mass protrudes abo\ ewater level. Seven-eights ofeach Iceberg IS submerged m theocean's depths.

Mrs. John L MItchell, presi-dent of the Bon Secours GUIld,has asked Mrs. Harold G. Frear toserve as chaIrman of the dessert-brIdge and style show the GUIldhas scheduled for October 20 atthe Grosse POinte Yacht Club.

Thursday Mrs. Ervin H. Muel-ler entertained Mrs Frear andher commIttee at a luncheon mthe club.

TI... f;ro~~.. I'oil'." n",'i.,V15121 KERCHEVAL AVE.



Place Your Want Ad

?jJJJL Can- ·

Smart Moderns

TO DISCUSS delect ChairnzanBENEFIT PLANS Cfor 8tyle dhow

A comnuttee meetmg of theGrosse Pointe Colony, NationalSociety of New England Women,WI)) be held Friday, September2, at the home of Mrs. Russell F.Tnpp, 1241 Nottingham.

Mrs Tripp and her co-chair-man, Mrs. Alden Burnett. willpresent plans for the benefitbndge party to be gIven Monday,October 3. at Kern's Auditorium.

Other Grosse Pointen and far-east SIders who will asSiSt withparty plans are: Mrs. CWford A.NeVIlle, Mrs, George Savage. Mrs.Paul Berner, Mrs. OIle W. Shan-non, Mrs. Albert Pwni, Mrs. J.Cullen Kennedy, Mrs. Edward A.Davy, Mrs. George S. Guy, and,Mrs. Henry P. DeWitt.

• • •,The Gro••• Pointe Reyiew-Thur.doy. September 1. 1949-5

- - --

TU. 5-9390


Sept. 6


Artists to Hold OutdoorIJisplayFA IR PRO MIS ES W 0 MEN Seventy-five Iewgmzed artists year by Ann BedfOl"d Goodmaa

A VARI ETY OF ACTIVITI ES will display theIr canvases at the and Eleanor Smart to acquall'l~second annual Curb Art FaIr to the pubhc WIth the art1JtlI per-be held Monday, September 12, sonally.

When the MIchigan State Cen- Its lion pots, the rope bed with! on the vacant lot at the corner In addltlon to pamtlngs and

Iof Kercheval and CadIeux roads draWings. thiS year's exhibIt WIlltenmal FaIr o""ns on Friday noon Its hand woven coverlets and old,- , Among the exhibItors Will be melude ceramIcs and jewelry.

A home on Vel mer Road Will at the Fairgrounds for the ten fashioned pictures IR century old: Edgar Yeager, SarkIS Sarkisian, In the event of unfavorablewelwme newlyweds F John dq show, women can take their boxed frames, I Ruby Wilhams. Agnes Lmdeman, weather, the talr Will be held oJ!.Keoghs. Jr, daughter and son of lholce of the host of acu~ltJes The Coliseum at the Fair-I BenJamm Ghcker. Bermce Car. the followmg day.MUIr DuffIeld of Semmole ave- th t h b t d . 11 michael, Helen Boosp. Pauline Im. De"",•• nd .h •• ,""" J. • ov' ~n ~n '" ... ~ .. F , ...... wu' 'N"," ~'m~ .nd ',,'d. Th<>m" B",n •• nd K"'h iKeoghs of Notre Dame avenue, aJound eXhibits, prizes, and en- evenmg pretormances. WIth dlol

lWhitmore Without

when they return from honey- tertamment of mterest to them. versified acts and Bob Hope as Other al tlStS present Will m..f A Portraitmooning In Mont Tremblant, Home Arts bUIldmg With Polly the star from Friday, Septembel Iclude Evelyn BI ackett Elsa Good- of You rQuebec 5 Luers as dtrector, have an 2 through Sunday, September 4'1 man, Hughie lee SmIth, Dorothy Child?

Ruth wed F John Keogh last abundance of dls la s Crochet Klop. Ben Lund Berg, Paul MIl.Saturday wearmg IVOry satm dl k l Y th to f Another feature for homemak- ler Myrtle Hall Vlrgda Thl- 0 ne to opeNI a lot ofWIth a f~ll length IVory 111uslon ;~~ ~;a~~ ~~o; .. _ ~~~ _~e"onProoeIer. WIll be the (ooklng ""hooll oodeau, and Sam 'FIeld r:;,r,~~to'rsN~ &~~e':'~~he;' ~

h fl. - ~..... v ....... " ... Ul ... I Sid 1 t Just my hCe lonl amblt,on toveIl cabcadmg from a cloc e 0 County fine handiwork from I classes at 2 pm begmnmg at- Thc fair was orlgmate as enable "\ery famIly 10 haverose pomte lace Her white orchid tapest!;es to toys, antiques of .1 ulday, Septembel J, WIth a host, ~~:re/~l~e.IP~i~al~a:eo'on:,centered stephanotIS. hundred years or older ceramics I of Prizes and Interestmg demon- [p ~ h I fhZ' 5x7 pottralt for $2 (resrular

Sky-blue taffeta topped WIth I metal work' and flow..~ arrang-_~ tJ ahons by home economIcs m the I 'J "e-c C 00 t'"I ~nrJ prlc" 3 for $12 SOl

I d t Y sto k t hi' ~ Dont delay-make your ap-whIte organdy gowned the honor ments WIll be included in the ex- mo erms IC oung wn I c en I pomtment todayattendants, Mrs. Wtll1am Pondof hlbJts For the teen agers, exhIbIts For one last pre-school fling PRONECallforma, and Joan Rockwell; Women demonsl1atmg their I have been planned by the 4-li Posy Toml'IC inVited seven of her I" 2 37' .,and budesmalds, LaIrd Beamer, abilities In the culinary arts are, clubs, Campfil e girls, WIth par-I friends on an excursion to Peach V/l.,. - '.;)tI!&.Vlrgmla Hebb, Cynthia Fmn, and featurmg delectable pies, cakes, jades every evenmg from 6'45 pm. I;land aboard the cruiser' Penny"Mra Hugh Mulkey. special breads. fruits, canned Agricultural contests are last but I last Wednesday.

Also In the same styled frock jelhes, meats, relishes and pre-I not least and there Will be a Among those on hand for the Iwas Jlnxle Blake, who served as serves FashIOn Show on Tuesday, Sep- boat tnp were Tom Pfelfte,flower glfl WIth ung-bearer Grand House will be open dur- II tember 6 from 9 to 10 pm. WIth I DWlne Retzlaff, Bob Schaller,Blooks Duffield. mg FaIr tIme WIth Its orlgmal back to school fashIOns. college Peg Koehler. Chuck Beromus'l

Servmg With g roo m s men furmture used by Ulysses S. I style~ and proper clothes for town Polly Schnudt, and Phil Russell. I

Bethune DuffIeld, Glenn H. Grant, the quaint cook stove WIth' or country. =~===~=:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;,;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:Fnedt, Jr., John Herdegan, Rich- ---------.---- ------ard McKinley, Sunon Dunn Jr.,and Alvm Sherman Jr .. was beatman Robert Kelgh.

After the DetrOIt Boat Club re-ception, the bride changed to agreen SIlk ensemble with brownaccessones for the wedding trip.

,Newlywedsto Reside011 Vernier



Beach PllvllegE's m Summer

FALL Semester

-<:hnedms\ Photo

Fruehauf, Dlr.

821 Vern'er Road, Grosse Pomte 30, Mlch

no'pl,.mt .~


"pcI'lIll IlOlIr~ "(Ill bl' arrallqed for elliploypd parents

The Ethel Fruehauf School

CHARGOrThe Most Modernlv EqUipped Plant for Quality WorkHARPER ot BEDFORD TU. 5.3230


The l'chool bUlldmg~ and the 2 acre pla"rround have beenplanned to prOVIde both phYSical and educational develop-ment of the child .

Smce 1932 parents WIth chIld care problems have Ivatledthemselves of the pnvlleges ot enrolling theIr chl1dren betweenthe ages of 3 and 12 years as eIther boardlng or day schoolstudents

Ethel B

Phnllf" 1'11• .).32:~O

for Pick-up and Oe Ii\'e 11'Al"o

1t. H_,.I<"...h.c_l_o.r_L_R.ll_" ..d_ry__ S..' e.r_'t•.i.c.e --' [ ~_fij~""" ;,;;)1;."

For ... And About


gunior £eague

New! "Hlftdi Butle'"L lHj~ '1nd I 'H"II)~ nil'! 11)( n'",n ,.f tht' h ••U ....l

o':OL'ne Zickll{/rried inoufh Bend

Mr and MIs Leonard Zick of 1~rkshJreRoad, tl aveled to thell'~melo\\l1 South Bend, Indiana, II SatuldaY for theIr daughter'l

O\\enes weddmg to ArthureJdow,.on of the Carl Neldow. IHammond, IndIana. I

For the St. Paul's Lutheldnurth ({'Iemony, the bride chose19lan apphqued lace for herf.the-<houlder gown, styledltha talhedral-length tram.ll.l. ~old blocade gowned maid•hon~1 Arlene Zlck, contrast-

agamst the gray brocadeun of Ihe gowns worn byldesmaldsNorma Gltersnoke of1Il0lS, Halbara Sturm of Chi- Igo,GeOigean Eley of Indiana; Id Mrs Wilham Wells ot In-'

anaAttendmgalso the groom besideI man RIchard Neldow. were

dllam Wells, William Bostick,rge Hall, and Edward Rade. !

cher 'j IThe bllddl couple wIll llve In

oommytlln, IndIana, ;0, herebur will study at the Um.

rsJlyof IndIana.

Shown Onty By Personal Kirby Representativesc, 1\ - 12221<Xi~\ f ,r "n ~'(I1 n~ I'>N' II ,ml' 1'1 - cn,~11011

THE KI!tBY COMPANY15641 HARPER AVE. Between Somerset and Balfour

• • • AND NOW •••

"Pushbutton Housecleaning"The Revolutionary New ~

(i;;M ~~"-Y ~ ,

Home SanitationSYSTEM



fJ-{eirloom [JJrayer (BookCarried by (Bride

erl-can LeglO- n For the fourth tlme .an heIr- I She WOIe pale pink faille Withloom playel book wa, call1ed Imatching trim on her large piC-

A -I- N down the aisle In a bllde's hand I tUIe hat MaIds, dressed m aUXIlary ews when Maylou Babcock spoke her I deepel shaue of pink faIlle were

vows to John MaUrice Closs Sat-I Sharon LudWIg. Charleen Ward,GROSSE POINTE ulday mOlmng at St Paul's ISally WhIte, and Mrs. James Lud-

UNIT 303 Church ' wIg Babcock Susan Closs sisterb Doris E. Nielsen The book, whlth held the of the bndegroom, was 'Junior Uonzemade BreadY bridal orchid, and the Silk Chan- bridesmaId

. I tllly lace whIch tllmmed her T L tt d L d F 1'~ k t' d --~I thmk our Unit gals better h d b 1 my ure a an In a ogt ?J P • ac Ive r'1 '1C'111'O'h 0 I gown a een pI evlOUsy worn ,"ere flower gIrls IL cup lukewarm waterg theIr heads In same' ut by the bnde's grandmother I • • ,3

the 103 cards that bowllng mother, and slstel. ' I The bridegroom. son of Mr 3 ,cups scalded milk11rmanRIta Newcom sent out The daughter of MI and Mrs and Mrs John MaurIce Closs of 3 tablespoons SOlarr last week's practice, we had Charles W Babcock Maylou was Martin, MichIgan. asked Gerald 1 tablespoon .. Itlurnout ot just 10 glfls. Golly, gowned m heavy' blush pmk' Nelson Murphy to be the best " tabletlpoons morteninlu should all turn out cause we slipper satm The Chantilly la.:e I man. 9 cups (about) sif'tecl all-allyhave loads of fun Remem- trimmed a deep bertha and cov- Ushers wel e Robert Closs, purpose flourr, we're all just begmners so ered a fan whkh she carned. brother of the bridegroom, Ar- Add yeast to lukewarm water,ne of the scores are very high. Mrs Gerald Nelson Murphy I thur Dittrich, and James Bab- Let stand 5 mmutes. Don't stir.

0\1 about It. gIve It a try, won't was her SISter's matron of honor. cock and Charles Babcock, broth- MIX mIlk, sugar, salt, shortewng.u' Just call RIta at TA. 6-3417 ------------_ I ers of the bnde. Then cool thIS mixture to luke-r the date and time ot the next Followmg the celemony. a warm so as not to kIll yeast.

Q ° k R h dd kf Stlr lukewarm nulk mixtureacllce. If we can't get e~ough Ul/' fIIOO'/l/' we mg brea ast was held at (It'S nght when drop tested-onII members for a league, I'm It, f L, It. the Stockholm. In the afternoonraIdwe'll have to put a bId In the bnde's palents were hosts wnst can't be felt) mto dIssolvedr outsiders 0 0 C' at the garden reception yeast Add flour gradually andCongratulations to Katherine nJOn .LJ OUfJ Mrs Babcock wore a soft blue mIx until soft, but not stickyd John PaIsley on the bIrth of I r dress WIth matchmg accessorIes. dough IS formed. Toss onto bght.son, John Jr, who weighed m The bndegroom's mother chose a ly floured bread board.9 Ib 13 oz Penonally, I Wish 4 large onions beige gown and taupe accessories. Knead dough untll smooth,

• tablespoons butter or elastIC bubbles are spaced evenlyhad been a girl so we would ,. ---~, ---a ariDe \ under surface. Put m greased,e a future member to look m G' L hM\ardto 6 beef bouillon cubes Ives unc eon bowl, brush top WIth melted

.. 6 b 'In t shortemng Cover Let rISe inMaywe JOIn our post m wlsh- cups 01 f wa er1 teas"""n Worch--'-rshirt 1 Maniyn Faus, ga"e a parly I warm piace untll (lOUDle In size. 'g a V-y speedy recovery to I ..-- .,.....,; Kn 1~. Tuesday to chat WIth her Grosse ead agam untl satmy.

tto Berfelz who IS at the Vet- sauce Pomle friends before she returns DIVide dough Into 3 loaves Putans Hospital In Dearborn 2 teaspoons salt t h U f V I . d 9" 5" 2'L"'ka 0 I e mverslty 0 a paralso In grease x x: 73 pan,On our own Sick list we have 1:1 teaspoon papn B h hId hwhere she WIll be a sophomore rUII Wit me te s ortenlDg.ane Zumbo who met WIth an I. teaspoon pepper thiS fall Cover. Let nse m warm placeCldentand Will be confuned at 2 hard rolls Sealed around the luncheon until double. Bake 15 minutes Inme for about three weeks, and Grated Parmesan-style table \\ere D,ana Cooley, Maur- hot oven, 425F; 30 minutes in

Its)' Hovt. ",ho IS now at home cheese een Clam, Pat Mann, PriSCilla moderate oven 375°F.n"alesczng after a foot oper- Slice omons thin WIth sharp Ehrke, Manlyn Shay, Margo Turn loaves out immedIately on

bonat Harper HospItal kmfe. (To stop your tears keep a Kahl, and Delores Anscheutz. rack. (Important, because breadEha and Martln J-llelsen are crust of bread between your hps ) ------- left In pans wiII sweat and getpeeted back hOQ1e"about Sep-, Then melt butter or margarme}I1 Scheduled planes are not the soggy) You can, If you hke, brushber 6 or 7< after combmmg! large sklllet and cook on~~s un- only wmged objects that have a the baked bread With melted

elf vacatJon _th the National, hI golden sel course across the sky Mlgra- shortening to make crust crustier,nvenllOn at PhIladelphia. I Pour dIssolved boUIllon cubes I tory birds tend to travel along shmy, handsome.~, thanks to Nell BaldWin and' over cooked onions. Add Wfll-I set flyways Most heavlly-travel-alel Allor for their news Items' cestershlre sauce. salt, :l?apTika ed bird courses m North Amenca Japanese cherry trees bloomam of you have an)thmg to' and pepper Brmg to bollmg i Include the Atlantic Coast, Pacl- along the Potomac RIver In thert how's about glvmg me the I pomt but, for fuller flavor, do not i fic Coast, MISSIssIppi Valley, Ap- spring. because the wife of Wil.

II dO\ln. That's all for now _I boll. I palachlan and Great Plams fly- ham Howard 'I"aft admired then. Pour soup into earthenware I wa) s. trees while on a VISit to the Ori-

------- casserole medIUm-Size For that ------ I ent. When she told her husbandfinal Fre~ch touch, cut rolls mto I Thmgs don't Just happen, some- that, he had them planted lD the

Speak thm shces and spnnkle each shce I body makes them happen. I natlon's capItol for her."Ith cheese. Float these on toP; ,------------ -.

• of soup I11 FashIon Shde casserole mto broiler,

Iabout 4 mche~ from Unit, and

Beth Da' l~ Palmer WI)) speak brOIl unbl cheese turns rich I~ Co,lume Completion." at a I brown color Remove from broil- ,nefit luncheon.fashlOn show of' er. Serves 6 ,e Hellemc Ladles Society at the -------hlltler Hotel on Thursday, Sep- I All Ca!Jfolma orange, and lem-mbel8 at 1 p.m on- commit to market today aTeMrs Palmer WIll dISCUSScolor I made possIble by the '\ork of the

ibncs and the Importance of I Austrahan ladybird ThIS I'ttle Icce«ones In achlevmg mdlvld- beetle" as first Introduced m Sanahll She IS a member ot the' FranCISco to counteract an msect~ahr, and Fashion Bureaus at I \\ ar on the orange and lemon,~J L Hudson Company : gro' es The beetle began de\ our-Re-en abon, for the benefit In/! the msect, at a IIemendousII be obtamed b) calling Mrs I rale. and smgle-handed -a\ ed ,

Georgeades, TV 2-8482 or the cItrus mdustr) of the entirers Char~e5Kalkams LA 6.7143 Cahforma coast _ _ '

Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School

20229 MACK AVE,

P1eaR nTh'T CLURLfNclL IeJl&Tale ,,~r<I of ••

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'til 9 P.M.

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Such as "Carpenter" • "Personals" _ MISe. for Sale" • "Boats aftd Motors." tIe.

Write you a' .JUST AIYOU W ANT IT ~O BEPUBLlS.ED 1atc:1•• 1a1.... er '0." ADDalUS or'l'ELBP.OHB NU1lI1IEIt orktlol (ettll.r '.l1li b !11'0l"1li1) Place a' po,__mC ... n pe ....... all to GrocH hili ..armw, 15121 K.ftMvl1.GI'OIM Polllte _, Mlell.


NAME ._._------------------ADDRESS --- .._---. __ ._--_.-lONE._._. Tel. No._ •• _._._ .••

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-FMhWord-Alttr -TlIa 4e Extra M .58 .SZ '"-

1"-TII. c;.o... Pol.," ... -- TII...... " S.... Mh,. 1 1

I"'-~-.--e-I!II SCHOO~9~~5~ENDAR ~/t' fih... . DATE DAY EVENTIt.iJr ~\ Aug. 29 • Sept. Z Reglstrat~on of new pupil

(1:00 - 4:00 p.m ) sSept. 5 (Monday) All schools, publiC' hbra

and offices closed nesSept. 6.7 (Tues.-Wed,) Organizations mel'llngs

l. f andp annmg con erenle~_A!l sl'~members. llll

(Thursday) Schools open at legular hoursfor an all.day seSSlfJnAll schools closed for regionalteachers' meetIngsAll schools closed for Thanks.gIVing vacatlon.All schools close at end of dafor Chnstmas vacatIOn lAll schools, public' IIbraneand offices closed all day s,

January 2 (Monday) All schools, publIC 11bl ariesandoffices closed all cia\'

January 3 (Tuesday) All schools reopen at Usualhours after Chnstma~ vacatIOn.End of First Seme~telSecond Semester beginSSchools close at end of da\'fa'Easter vacatIon. . .All schools, pubhc IIblanes andoffices closed all da\All schools reopen at usuajhours after Easter vacallonAll schools closed for teacherInstitute meetings

(Tuesday) All schools, pubhc Ilbranes andoffIces closed all day

(Friday) All schools close fo'l the \ear(Monday) Summer School opens at 800




Emergency Needs AreMet by March of

Dimes Money

For Thanday PubticatioD

RV D... n~1C....... wr ......

VA. 2-4558The Grosse

Pointe Review


Wednesdayat 5 p. m.

Say: "Charle m"

Polio FundsS~I.V~Manv- - ~

In County

"Dimes ann dollars contrIbuteddurmg the March of Dimes bythe clllzens of Wayne County areanswermg the present emergencycreated by the lecord number ofpolio cases 111thiS community."accordmg to Nate S. Shapero.Mr Shapero, campaIgn directorof the March of DImes for the • •Wayne County Chapter of The RecrmtmgNational Foundation for InfantileParalYSIS, reports that hospItal -bills for the. polio patients are IOn Increasebemg paid WIth March of Dimesfunds at the rate of $66 a day atthe present time II n. t • tpn~~ ~~~:::~~~~~ ~ll;~:~~~~et~~ n IS rICMr. Shapero continued, "We I Mlthlgan and Indldba men arewaut the reSidents of thIS county enhstll1,g In the US. Army andto know that we are prepared to U!? Air Force m mcreasmg num-meet any emergency which thlS bers, accordmg to Sgt. John DaVIS,season's poho inCIdence may In charge of the local Army ~ndbring. BeSides giving financial AIr Force Recrultmg Station,assIStance to 500 vlctllns of pollo 11001 West Jet'felson at Great-patIents of this and previous Lakes.years stIll reqwnng treatment- "Duung July, 1226 men enlistedthe Wayne County Chapter of for servIce In the A1'my and Air IThe NatIOnal Foundation for In-I Force through the RecrUlhng of-fantlle ParalysIS, in response to t'fees of the Eastern RecrUItinga plea from Herman Klefer Hos- DlStnct. Of those who enlisted,pital, secured the servIces of 1851 elected .to serve m the Army,three additional physical thera- while 375 Jomed the AIr Force.~l1sts needed to treat the 70 polio In addition, 22 young women Re'l'ew Want Ads Get Results ..;;patlents m the hospItal, and from the two states of the East-rushed an extra respirator from ern RecrUltmg DIstrict enhsted In

Boston Massachusetts to Detroit the women's components of the, h 11 th Army and the Alr Force-theto stand by w en a 0 er res- WAC' d WAF's Of the totalplrators were In use, saIl

Through Mar c h 0 f Dim e 8 number who enl1sted, 25 weref ds" he s d "The National from thIs area," Sgt. DaVIS saIdun, 81 , Secunty and opportunities for

~oundatlOn continues Its unceas- travel are the two mam attrae-mg search for the answer to the bons tll those who are enhstmgrIddle of Infanble paralYSIS In for pea'ce-tlme servIce In Amen-the largest program of res~arch ca's Army and AIr Force.and education agamst a smgle Enhstments for the Alr ForcedIsease m Umted States hlStory. continue to be on a stnet quotaIt 15 this kmd of service which baslS, Sgt. DaVIS says. OpenIngsassures the peeflle of thlS com- for enll!1tment In the Army, how-munlty of the best poSSIble care ever, are practIcally unlmuted.and treatment for Infantile par- DIrect assignments to such fam-alysls," stated Mr. Shapero. Free ous branches of the Army as theltterature and mformation about Armored Cavalry, the Corps ofpoho are aVailable at the Wayne Engmeers, the Field Artillery andCounty Chapter of The Nabonal the Infantry are now guaranteedFoundation. those who request such assIgn-

ment. In addItIon, there are open-mgs, on a quota basIs, for Air-borne trammg, dIrect assIgnmentto the Far Eastern Command orto one of the Infantry DiviSIons IInow serving m Japan and Ger.

-Longfellow many. .

American Grown Lily BulbsThrive In Garden Soil

The talent of success is nothingmore than domg what you can dowell; and domg well what youcan do, wIthout a thought offame.

Ltly bulbs for gardens are more! good potatoes, corn or root vege-plentiful trus fall, thanks to rapid- tables, will answer well. Anly growing American production. abundance of humus is of Im- IBulbs grown In thIS country are porlance m lily culture, and mayavailable earher than those 1m. be added in the form of well I

ported from Europe, and many rotted manure (never use fresh Imanure) leaf-mould, peat moss.compost, or saWdust from hardwood. Manure IS best spaded uia season before planting lilies

Good dram age IS necessary toall lilies; even swamp lovmgspecIes are found growing Wlldon dry hummocks, and theythrive under garden conditIons.Bulbs pensh In damp soil. Where Ithere IS doubt about dralnage,jelevating the lily bed to a foot I

above the SUIToundll}.g surface lSl'advlSable.

Recent investigations make itdoubtful if any sharp hne be-tWl1enaCld-Iovmg and lIme-lovmgvarietles of lIlies can be drawnFor no SpecIes can It be said thatIt requires an aCId or a neutralSOIl. The site of the-lily bed 'I

should have free circulatIOn ofaIr, Without bemg exposed to the Ifull sweep of high wmds.

Shade from the midday sun is IRep1, or Royal Lily, One 01 the deSirable for most hlJes; but they

Best. should not be planted near enou15:hIconSider them to have Supertor to trees so that they suffer from IVIgor. So far Japan, which for. the competItion of theIr roots. A Irnerly supphed most of our Illy northern slope ISpreferable, sincebulbs, has shipped only neghglble here the soil. IS cooler and dnes I

quantities. Lilies are not difficult out more slowly, but on a suth-/to grow. ern slope the flowers Will come

For most V31"1etles a medIUm earher. Igarden loam. such as WIll grow I




VA. 2-4558

15121 KERCHEVALBetween Lakepolnte and Maryland

Created for Charm and Children


Appilcatlons are now bemg accepted for loodpaYIng ReVlew paper routes in every GrossePointe munlctpahty. and Gratiot Township,A few Immediate opellings available. SUbsti-tute c:arnl:l'l wanted In each Village.



8t. [/JaulEv. Lutheran ChurchJackson School AUdltoriumMarlborough and WaveneyRev. Charles W. Sandrock,


9.30 a.m-Sunday School11.30 un-(:hurch Service

~UNDAY:-SEPTl:MBEH 11" 1.311ja.m,:,--e-pt;,:r-8t&.e-- LaYlng

Chalfonte and LothrojlNEW SITE: CHALFONTE



An Open Door10

Healllt and Peace

{Jrosse [/Jointemethod,"stehurch


FALL SEASONin New Kerby School


14730 KerchevalDetroit

TU. 1.2008


14730 Kercheval Avenu.

SUNDA Y SERVICES10 3D un aDd • '00 11m

Sunday Schoo!f'tnt lIeSSIon-lO 3U a.mSecoDd SeaiOll-ll U a.mWedoesday £Venlng TeatimDnlal

Meebnv 8'00 pmBNdlnll Room open week 41)'8

10'0(1 un to 9'00 pm -Sunday-I.110 to 5 00 pm

Grosse Pte. Woods MarketIt385 Mack Betwecm Lancaster & COIlIltry Club Drive

Op@D SundaysaDdEvery nay-l to 9

• 1"reIb Prod1lCle • CIIoIee Meats • Quality Groeeries

Wrltmrs that reveal the actualScience of ChrlSuamty, andthereby have meant the dlfter.e!lce between' Sickness andhealth, f-allure and success. un.retlt and nch satisfaction fortbouaands, are aVallable for youat the nearest Ghristian ScienceReadinI Room.

Hen the Bible and the Chris.tian Science textbook, "Scienceand Health with Key to theSeripturea~ by Mary BakerUdy-eontaining the completeezplaDation of Christian Sci.~ ..-ell as othl!!' Chns-tiaa Scle!lce literature. may bereed. borrowed Dr purchased

•' , 5T PAllL EVANGELICAL 110 tb 'd

LUTHERANCHURCH U oarat 10:45 Q m. ; L I : .Iackso.. Scbool Audltorhun _Rl='J. H'v'GH r-, \OVH1TE' o~a !I :U,Ullkuu",h .....;. Wa,ene) -

~ y .... : Be> Charles W. Sandrock. Puto,. B TPastor : Thursday ~ptemb.r 1- ChDlr re. t tChur-helEl : I h.arsal at the hDme ot DlI'ectDrC. 1. 08 es SJOtI Van ADtwerp ReI. ro. 1.1129 ... S3 : WickwireJ!hdldlnI: Srte 00 Moross. : Sunday. September ~9 30 am, Sun.

.. ~ Kercheval and BidP • • dav School. Church service B. M dI :.............................................Wednesda". September 1- Sunday I enlg 8 e!IoCECHURCHES Scnool BDard, 8 IS p.m.:t=============== ~~~~T~~ ~I~h.e subject Df the --- /UssDn-SermDnIn all ChrlstJan Science IEFI'ERSON AVENUE METHODIST

churches throughDUt the world Dn CHVRCH That the old argument aboutSlonday Seplember 4. .JeJr.... OD AveDue I! at "Iarlborourh I whether outboard motor boatsThe Gold.n Text (JDb 328) Js' Rudolph R Boyce, Mmillter '."There IS a spmt In man. and the .n- Sundav ~ptember 4 hurt fishmg !S gomg to be settled..plfahoH uf UI~ Alm1l:hlygiveth them 10 am -Mornlne Worship The Po"n- The University of MichIgan 15understanding lSter will preach from the topIc. Tht

Among the BIble cltatlDns 111 thJs Laborer Is Worthy ~ undertakmg sCIentific tests topassagej (Rom 8 14-16) t"FfDrGoclumthAnY 10 a.p1--Church school for the duI. solve the problem once and foraa are ed b) the Spin 0 . ey c1renate the sons of God.- FDrye have nDt 7 p m -Roulh FellowshIp meEUrIll, a11. The Outboard Boating Clubre",,'ed the spmt of bondage 81am Wednesday September 6 fA' h t' altD t.ar bul ) e have recPlved the 8 pm-The regular meelmg of the 0 menca, Wit a na Ion mem-~~I~t i'ith~~DP¥~~.s:.~~r~~l! 'l::.ie~ 016c.al Board. bershlp co~posed enttrely of out-WItness ,uth DU~lrJt. that we are GROSSI! POINTE WOODS board boating enthUSIasts, 15 co.th~D~~r~V""~[assage~to be read frDm PIlESBRTERlAN CHVRCH operating In the study.~~~.. ~~':n~nHe:I~~e,,~theKet;x:~~ 19'$1 Mack AvrDue at Torrey ROad The entire study will be con.Scrtptures" bv Mary Baker Eddy, In- S~n4'saYa:.'~::' ..':-":h. 4School tor thOle ducted as sCIentifically as anyelude the follDwlngIp 316)' "The real nlDe vears of age and oVer made In a laboratory but lt willman being Ianked by Science to hIS 11 00 a m --Church Service. sermon ,Maker. morta~ need only turn frDm theme-"RonDnng Jesus by DelplOr still make any angler wlSh he~: tl~~d~~st'lr~~ DieaT°= S:~'m'i M~~~ a.m -Church School for dul. were on hand for the expert-~~~n8~~~\ and to recoCUlZethe dren two to e.ght years Of age. ments. Although there'll be a

p Tuesday September 6 lot of apparatus In use and note.------- 7 30 p.m -The Rel1lllDusEducationFAITH LUTHERANCHUaCH CounCil "'ill meet at the Church book after notebook of data915PblUp AnDue h

JUv. C R. L&qe, Pastor ~.::I;:~~w~p~m'i.e~uran. taken, there'll also be a whale ofaev. c. E. Sbowstlet, AI8't. Putor 8"00pm-The Board DfTrustee. will a lot of fishing.SWlday School-9 30 a.m. meet at the Church Jame. AleXlll 15

,~ur~bo~r;.asceR;w~~;m. Sermol1, president Of the bolrd All m all it WIll be a field dayTuesday. september 6- BoWlers ------- for everyone-mcludmg the fish.Round-Up LtlTBbAN CHuacH OF T8EWednesday. September 'J-Advuory REFORMATION SIX ponds at the Wolf Lake

Board Jotoebnl '730 p.m. "ernor Hlrbway £. at Lakeview Hatchery, near Kalamazoo, Mlch-M~a1B=trf~es~.,k,!..e:...,Dp..':iihP~~kU Igan. made available by the State

9 30 a.m ~hurch School. Classes fDr Department of Conservation.chIldren. YDung people and adults t lall: Ann ArYou and YDurchildren need .".e reltll- and a prlva e e near _lOllSeducation of the Sunday School bor are to be used for the experi-The Sunday School need. you

11 a.m -Momme Worsh.p The sere ments.mon will be preached by the pastDr Directmg the work WIll be Dr.

PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Karl F. Lagler. asslStant profes-Rev. W~:Jl ~d c=ou~astor sor of zoology, and Fesearch as-MrL Guido A lIlerkenl, Vicar soclate in the laboratory of ver-

Rev. ~':."oda~, ~f~:,n~~~stor Of terbrate biology at the Umver-Peace Church. wlll take nDte of the Slty, and Dr. Albert S. Hazzard,national hohday of Labor Day In hlll dIrector of the Conservation De-Sunclay addresses The pastDr will de-

I¥ye~.!he_~~rmon In both the 8 ~ and partment's Institute for Fj.hpripq

IU"j~phs~i~ 18 the sun~henl Research. also located at the Uni-story of the week Sunday I and. verslty. FIve graduate studentsB1ble cl_ CDnVeneat 9411am. will aid in the study.

BAHA'I WOHl>n.41TH A detenmned number of breed-132 1Il0r&ll ROldTo. 2-3310 ing p31rs of adult bluegtlls WIll

Sunday, September 4 1030 am - bled' t f th ds AChlldren. Cla.. SUblect: "WIll the e p all m wo 0 e pon .Lord 8 Prayer Ever Be Fulblled?"" determmed number of breedmgcu~~~oU~~~~mb":rQ~M~lIrWa;:;i'n~- pairs of adult bass WIll be stocked~~~,;; ~~t~m~Fht on Twentleth In another patr of ponds. Known

------_ numbers of largemouth bass fryMESSIAH LUTHERAN WIll be planted In a third pair of

Seutlle.. t1:~~ °i":'De~~:eval aDd ponds.r':~loD~~~~yp~~~~l All through the summer tests

l\l. L. MartiD. Asslsta.DtPastor WIll be conducted. Outboard mo-J';~~wl~si:emU;~th~~la~r~~ se~: torboats WIll be operated twicemon to be delivered .n the serviceS dally In only one of each of theOf Sunday. September 4. TwDservices three types of stocked ponds.8'~~~:"J'1a~ i.:'t~ :~C'l!se';tc:lI ~ Study Will then be made of fisha1"e Sunday School including a behavior and nestmg In four ofB.ble CIISIlfDr Adults WlU be 10 ses- the ponds and survlVal m all suealon hom 9 IS to 10 IS 8.m Vl8ItDrs

,and new puplls are welcome ponds.

~ COiW:er'1ol.nv jre~I*blie ~, murch ft'M1ice.t,&tId OCher Chrilti4n Scfeftce ac-MUift &110 Ul'Ulable.

===== =========== I



Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School

, ,I

.,I ..



at NoUlDs!lllIlt

TU. 1.9110



Flne Cllblnei WorkFuralture RebllbiJII

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several y«.rs eXP'lnence with taatine&t &hops UI the cJty

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a ItIal.eI a •• ' .... .,.. PeU




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For. Space Reservation 0", Thi&Yaluable Directory Call VA. 24558

Eastern Office Supply1028 LAKEVIEW at lZFFEJtSON

(AfOaa' CerDer tr_ 'ean)WE DILIVIR VA. 2.5524




Men'g and Ladles' SultJ T811ore4 to OroerAlterations, Relining, ClcalUna IIDd Prea.t1J).14931 E. JE~RSON, AT C!TY !.IM!'!'!! I

'red M. Schuman Est. 1925 Open EVl!1.Till 7'()O VA ... ,... ,


ROR"'RT'.. I~.....,-~~. ~ ~ I16330 E, Warren I

TU. 2-4550 VE. 9-0880 II

RCidI. R.,.ir $eFYice


'A I 6644



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HrattDE Coatraetor Serve Yo_J 1 Yt>ars In Your ~Te1ghOorllood_ WE I"",T"U_ WE CONTINL£ TO SERVICE_ in lloliPEcr \Ol-B fUL'ACE




1013 ALTEll VA 2-7111

Crosse Pointe Hordwore161115E. detrerson Nl. 442.


Power Mowe,.Prompt 5e"lc~

Linen Service

Cemellt Work



Ph,me VA 2-4558. Slop IJI - or11(811Your Ad III

\\ ORKJNG (at PI r.. df-ltll f> tlat. tn.( I,mI(' 01 liilJ,.> H r t>' \" 1 lO42

Buildillp for Sole

TUX£DO. "orn h'olce lUll and hght Galtan overcoat, excellent condition, I

SIZe 40. medIUm Nl 5Il34 , Conyersion BurnersM~,y~~N ~~'~dat 1~"~XC~~~:'stc~~~ I COMMEaCtt;..u~tr~'IDDITIAL

wear It <-all NI ~7211 ALSO ftEPAUU oil ALTII!BA'fION'

( •.,.'Tit\l\\, •")"''-: to"'1I IIm If pr V.. I,. lint" n GI n' ...~

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Wearin, App.nd

Photolraphic EquIPment

MUlicol In.trumentsLUDWIG Inare drum with ltand new

condlt",n 13ar,alO TU 2-2550

KODA~ 16-mm. 19 movie c.m~ra~llh 1.~coPlc lense, lood cond.tlon


HANSONChevrolet Co.

14259 MACK AVE.VA 2-9800

Applications are now be-Ing accepted for good.poymg Rev ie w poperroutes In every GrossePOinte mUnlclpallty andGratiot Township

A few immediate op-enings available Substi-tute corners wonted Ineach area,


Cars Wanted

HOU&f:hold Coods fo, Scal.'Continue... II 18TH (.~NTlJRY m..hog ..ny t1e.k. '171

I 4' .. v*~ ii ....:ilu ..... y... e ;;;'':~'':...:::;::;,;:.:, I

hu'!)~lI)1p.tle U. dra\\ing board and I\

,".el $'; TU !-5lI29

J)I"lNO .ROO..t;;tlovel~ ;:;r~p.e(.,r (.r",d( 11'W bt} 1. like ne"A alsoII"" I.A 7.3385 I

FOR A-at.TTER- gl ..de of -u.ed rurn!-ltWit' Witt" JlhUiC N'e..,tway furnlt.ure I., 13060 Kercheval WI! alwafl h.ve~':JIJ~"I1"you'" 100klO' tor VA

DAVENPORT ~I~-~~~~m.U:lllni <aryeel <ockl.1J tahle "ntl.nel labwi GI.... wY~Ted 2:u:ellentc')rodlt'o'l Reall'lnable TU HI19a

MUST SELL--Lov.ly 6-PI~~t;droo-;Repairing and Replacing ""lie, liVing room chaITI. dlnlttte(..ble small ru,. SO-pll ... ,old platad

Pickup and Delivery _ Rat~w~ .. rvl ..e~r~_!,~_2:l640

IIVOR¥ BEDROOM ... 1 lOnll.tlnS of

MUMFORDS one Iwm bad ,compll!teJ ch ... 1 Ofdr~"el. two chOir•• kIdney elreliin, CEMENT WORKlable and bltnch. MIl I'll 6943

FLOOR COVERING - - --- Walk. Onvel Ratwalll eteKI'LVINATOR. porcel~jn .drl,erator No Job Too SII_r Too Sm.U

.1"" AS .... , ..n,e, "00 takp both16127 East Warren Will ""II "pdl'.ol<!ly TU 1.2Al61 I E. L. MAItSACK

N I 0446 , -.M. _i_"_e.II_.n,oulfor Sate . _. II TU. 1-6461 Gr~~e:~t:.'':J:''4a_ BraDcll Olfu:e N"w Bal!JJllO" JM

Employm.nt A •• n,i.. I"~;-'h~~S;rt'laj~' ........,.. u .." .... I .... ~MILLER _ Emllloyment agency LO Ph~~~r~~ O:~_~EIl: COSMETICS

1-21160 Domasth help ,WOIll..n for i ------ --------laundry and cleanm. Part-t~ or RUSSEK Ii mouwn lamb ...01 n one I CArL YOURv.eekly Good laundT." and cleaMra I ""olson .• Ize 14.16 brown ' •• lenlth. ..._____________ .. lw> Can.dlan toldlnl .troller-bulI)' Loeal B.eprMentatlve

FIELo'S t:Mf'Lu\'Jo1EN'I Color<Ul TU 2 1130c.ouplti cooks. maw "hau!leJ'li. POr- - -- -- -- --- - - - I'or a I'ree Demonstrationtarl, janltorl and c:ar.ta~rl Day LADIES bIWl-wh,le dllunond. o,er .~- COlD.!lete UPIor week TrInIty 3-1710 ( .. rat ~'I/llmum ti'h-tall ""Illng ""th DEIUTANIE COSMETICS____________ -1 6 maU:hll1.1/Imall Iwn .. Also malch-

H.lp W.llt.d--F.",.le In, l,eddUlg banel. w.th 7 small dla- Hom- D,UVeTY• mon II Sav~ 50', Will lJluill<e for MRS, B. ARNOLD

EXPEIUENCED IWltcllboard operator ~rcS.h PholU! 'l'0 7-7283. eve- VA. 2.8621 112. WA'l.IWRNPrivate club Nl 0500 -------- - - - _

SELL CHRISTMAS CAIlDIl- QUICK I A~~~ND rubbllih drum 'l SO VI\.EXTRA CASH &hOWlllll frLllndS and ------- _llelghbGfS ne" and different box as., STOKER uCombustloneoer' I:ood con-~ortments III Metal PlastiC and F01) dillon Immedldtch a\oallable. reab-Ineh OIt S largesl ,ancl) of top values onable 1'<1 8221\..111 can] )OU big proftts Personal - - - -- __... rds 00 for SI.OO~nd up PETROIT 'I CEHL STOKER good conellhon IGREETING CARD CO, 983;1 Gr.nd Ieaoollable VA 2-9093 •

RIver 1 CLOSEOUT-PALCO-PETE S MuLcH: IHelp Want." IU. -1__ 'MIracle Reel" ood B.rk' regular I TROPILAL FI.H

_..... large t3 50 bap no" 'I 50 Thls Ii'---~-------~-' I about J'aJf the pnce of peat mo .. I Bra .... r •• f Fw. QuaUtr 1111"

BOy SOpen Sund.YI 313 St Cillr. Gro_Pomte TUKedo 2-204t Kitty Litter - Pet Suppliea

GROSSE POrNT-E-R-E---SA-L-E--S-H-OP I HUFF'S PET SHOPOpen 4a1ly from 12 to. 14+27

N T ED Ken'h",al at ChIllmera VA 2.6300 U300 MACK V.\. J .. ,2JWA GENUINE CAMEO brac:elet made m 1-------------11.1\ hand Pllmted sliver 18192 ,Washlenaw VE 9-1010 I LAWNMOWERS

A d 1A U TUXEDO COAT SIze H. "lth b.um I9e P '8;,r:~~a}r~'::g ,¥,~60~.~ Also 6xLUI

26=i1\CH Lmcoln bIke for sale. In good I<ondltwn TU •• 2138

2-81802925 Hokem"







Wednesdayat 5 p. m_

fer nll1'ldlT '."butl!)"

VA. 2-4558!illY .• Chule It " •

The GrossePointe Review

FTRg1 t r A~'-: OAftJ""'Wn


Re.son.ble - WQI~ C;;UI.anleecl

OBRIEN BROS.Window Cleaning

CompanyStOllB Saah aIld Sereen SUYl ..

Wau WISnlll1Paper and CalcuClln. Clean ..

Extenor HOUle WalhUl,l ExpenelleedMen for E,'uy Joe

EstlDlates Cheerfully GIvenAlwaYll A Good lob

Window Shades

Mi,cetr."eoUJ Servic ..------------

Repaired. &ep1aeecl andCleued-

NEW BUILDING. 20x40 Metal Deeb-Porehe.In Miracle Mile ALBUT I Flat Boofinc

011 Furnoce. Tile Floors hLOL\ I WE BE-BOOF OLD HOUSES

1~~595~:~K TU~0~~~~arpe~~Y;~;;18 I -P-lOfteerRoofing anti Sheet Metil----- -- - --- 1


---------1 4708 EASTLAWN VAil.,. 1."48

Lots. Acreace for Sale-----"--------1GROSSE POl?>.TE WOODS. esx1l5

('orner ranch site Torre\ road andG St. S2800 TU l-9193I R;;I£;t;te Wanted-.---

, WANTED-Grosse Pomte modern bnck


-------------"-, bungalO\, g~s h".1 C... I, !"eedBoots and Motan ~~'C~~"'SSIOn Call after Sunda). I~----------.EXCELLEJo.--r c:ond.llon. Clms er.tt \\-ANTED TO BtT\3-bedroom hou'e II

I"41 Olnet~ cnnser 2'8 ft fnl" I' modf"rn, n ~o()d ;onditlon m Grossee~ulPped Sacnticmg !or qUlck sale Pomte SIS 000 10 SI8000 Ple.se'1' 1.9793 I c:onl.ct Bo" ~5 Grosse Pomte Re-

I :n.n OWENS FJ.ph,p CruISer 1948 ~ 111121K.r~hev.~_ _ .i model .. 'th Iou of extra. PrICed I Emnlm 'he Sen"lc;' "f !I lo... for qUIck ... 1« c.1l lI<I. 2490 A R I b~ 0_____________ _ e la T,amzatlon

I Electric Appliances To liST .nd SELL Your

1__ " -------- - --- HO\IE or Bl:SI:'ooE8-. I

BOSTWICK'S w. ha'oe • lore IJSt of Bu'ers forI 7 ...0 Vam,h Flats I

APPLI ANCES AlsoI For Ho 1 ('r,;. ~ens bh PTIC"t"d -------------BIG SUMMER I The Rf"al E<,.,< \'., !-el " Holdmw

Clearance Sale IUp 1l::.:.,~l:h~~L:O~,,'IS:S~lI1mf"rll1 Before s"hooJ St.rt. and ,.,OW II the


G E. THOR, MAYTAG HC I TU. 5-2770 VA 1-66441

$6 to $22 50 I KEY 1

: E~E~~T~:Cr. ~~~~~G~~g~:,~~S I REALTY ~------------

j S12'tfll;'S45 iROC::;:~:~;e~'\O~T1'\GhA'[ I

------ ---R<ldlO~ $~ up _ R..dICl ( H' b,"~- FRO'T ROOM P I\a.< horn. :-'.. r1I0n< $15 up _ Metal BE-d< $2 lro,,'port.llon TV 2.5ll7_

lice Boxe~ $2 50 - Electnc MotOl' ROO'" FOR w. t rm~, '<0" pm ••

I .. H p. S3 =)() ha~h or Il.1nSp4"-,:"t .. tTOn R~!~riPnC"f'''req"" ..d TL HJ2ll9

BOSTWICK S APPLIANCES CO"'FORT ...RT F '""m 'rer lefferson'i6=lO (;R AND RIVER .u,t.ble rN~' <~ M h\l<m .... ""m.n

'1 o,..'V" DAn," Q " 'f '.."., -r 'f ~"rll~" Jlrf1 ~ (';a ....T~..rf'lpdOl al ",("1("f-

C;t .. 'iD'" '\ Tn, ....00"\ "1"'("'-'- "'P 1 C"''''~ -----I H _-..L.-.I'" r--.-.~ to If._ rr FAc;,"'T ROO" h l-lo,.l ("r" f'lfI\I ... - ~J r _t. 1~~g/t>rteach .. "r llul'n,.q rtrl TtJ


BREAKFAST SETS ' HauleS for Rent _

I orPLEX 1 \Por nlll AAZ1'0.. « "II TUMADE TO OROE'R-T"h"* ~" .a" be ; '420

m.ad~ up m .11 ('010"' 1nC'"hu1 r., \ f'I-

II~p~('JI~:~:('<1r~?, r~~l~~~~:;&~tl:~I'~~"~t Wonted to Re..'\~hl1.e lahl .... (an be' .... ,1.. ~('l ar ...... 1 ,.

tthap.t and mlttf'l al '(HI r. n .(' t'C'ttrmn 2' dd''''r .. nt ""tVln: \1 ....11 O\H 1C~,ory dlSJIlay and _ th.ae l>e" fill.... ,r Bu," direc-t (r(lm manl 1.-1(. r .. r, "''o' D<;l, Odd Clt1rom .. chain nnlv $4 115

I METAL MASTERS MFG CO24845 GratIot Ave E Detro,t

N'flolr 10 Mile fto~dn~'1""n rt~II' t t 9 P \1 IJ- .. oslDtlrolt Mlchl •• n

RO~l!lItI:e ~690 WOpe" Sundays. • 10 • P M.

Apply At Once


SERVICE 1512 K h I VA 2 1162 Y-U-R-N-I-T"U-RE--w-a-n-te-d--Jf-Y-OU-h-a-veA TWE AND MONEY SAVING I erc evo. . - anvthmg In the hne of household I REII'AL SERVICE CUSTOM 8UJLT Bno. IYNCIIJIOJOZATION

furniture an~ ru,s call Isaac Nelt- 'It ~ ALL SIlUT'.l'EJtSca~::~;;v:~Tod" S-i-tu-a-tl-o-,,-s-W-a-n-te-d-,-'-e..,-.I-e-~~2rlfurmtur 13930 Kercheval VA Wh)' not let usrent coatiand Co_,lete 'tock III PlMterrQIdc lup,ll8 fot Aaatean ... Pr .. e .......

Tel RDwville tIIU-W IIEXPERIENCED be.ul) oo*rator fo~ T-R-E-'>l:-B-L-E-b-ab-~-s-b-.-th-,-n-et-Ie-.-a-Iu-m-I-n-um-IIdresses for butlers and maids? I FILMS ad PROJECTORS RENTED

I~--u-e'i-ie-O-~-;~?~ 511'b::;:n~a ~~k:\ ~;;;i~"~;n';~[;,na ~;:;:~f~;~-~;j _;~_Fu_:,a_lnd_t_ra_y_._«_O<I_d_c_o_nd_l_tl_on__ V_A_.II= hueD for special OCCU-IIIIIIU. 1illLln.fJ.• • (A'nmmIn. ~,.. , ~

manshlp Fme tl:uaI1ty material. I'ru con1ldenhal For .Ppolntment. VA CLEAN SOFT ' I.-.. TUx~ l~lllI" 2-41158before Ii pm or wrlt,e;BOx 14 , _ •• _ • •• __ ...... _

-VALA-m-ad-Ne-CEto-oBr-dO-eAr-B-DExs--.~COrt~-'!"-oer-'bolI-Frrda-..-A-Cu-tosP-'-:'f'-Co--'r~-S~-ol--'----- COnON RAGS I MAUlnUR-III All ['- ---- -,- - v-- - --~ ~ -...- -,-~- -" cc Ja I LINEN SUPPLY CO. LOUIS A. PUS;;.uoU1' 10_.'.'5.AvjOMIINONB.EY'l'A.HDt, •.•. 1.estImates Call LAkeVIew 6-11653. I 15c LB. -""" ...

lf47 OLDSWOBlLE. Hyc!ramall". prlV-

~~eat~~~~ ~~e~;.. ~:~e ~f;~Jl~~~GROSSE PTE. REVIEW WA. 1-%'717 WA. l-UI& 13m UBCHEVAL V,A.UOIItubes, 31.000 mile.. shin) dean,

WALLS and Cell!Ull washed ed S1200. 856 Lakewood. V_A 2-6Ml! _ 15121 KERCHEVAL"aper cleaned RIIJ! quJrty work Idoaa by expel1eActd men. VA '- NASH 1939, four-door oedan. 10 lood181.. condillon. $350, radIO, he.ler good

----------- -- - llr" Pnvate owner NI 31143~='~e~~~g WJ:.~~e ~th~;l -94-9""C-HEV-- -R-O--LET"-"-4--d-00-r--Fleethlle.

Expenenad \\orkl:l"I In.eur~ Com- r.d,o heater. elrtras, '100 below co,tmfl'clal and re9ld.entlal Free Eoti- Pc"ate o...ner. TU 1-3053meta c.n VEnice 1I~i10 --------------

HIGm:.V recommended w-a-U-w-um-n'-llll-IAutos Wanted .MMIlce by refined white men can --------------LA 1-4192 A GOOtl. CLEAl'J I'lir ....nted by pnv-_____________ ale part) Will pay cash. TW. 2-5160.

P~lterlnlPLASTERING - Any Inll4 of repaIr

work ~asonable r.co. Free estl-~~te. Call TU 5-o3t3 Leon Venneu-

PL~~1'ElUNG~.~~';-' .2-5M3



W. E. MEECHAMTUxedo 2-1048

1552 Brys Dr Grs Pte. WoodsIRefric.r.tor Service

VA. 4-8004


D D T. SPRAYFor the Pesty. Pest




VA. 2-5044

F,ne Intenor Dec()rol,ns::Ext"n01 Po nl ns;:


Trees Cut ond RemovedAll ~mds of ReplUr Work

~1lS lUld.F~et-Jiul1t

Wilcox ond SonEverunglS, MU 0768




Landscape ServiceHigh Grode Nursery Stock

TOP SOIL. SODFree Estimates

WE AilE NOW able to let ",eli-seaSOn-ed cow m.nure The Ideal fertIlIzerror tawns. flower& and ,ardeno 01-~r~~'~~6 bllllap ba.. 1Sc per hac



ESTABLISHED 54 ~ EARSWe Speclollze In Baggageto ond From ALL Depots

and MOVingWithin Your Own Residence

LIght Movmg - Any PUiceFOl'JDel'ly Dan Cronm

Packing. Cratlna: - Shipping I

VA. 3..0032 I--ES-T-"'-US-DD--.-YEA-AS--I


VA 2-6588----- ----ARMORE BRCS


T nmm ng G CI«an and Efnelent• - uymg VA 2.0131 TU 2-51'1TREE SPRAY ING -- -------

Piano InstructionTRill eVERGREENS .nd IhrUbs w ~- - -- - _

UlOtlQJ s.ze NOW not il/rlnl or 'aU I PlANO LESSON!> c.ompelent alld con.P,olesslona Ioervlce rea. 0 nab I sdenllous ",strucllon ChIld balm-charges • « ners • spec"l" TU 1-4156l1

I PIANO BeSJIlller claso ~IIOn&, n IDetrOit COnse" ator) Itradu.te 1410 II BlSllOP road TU Z-26Oll

Piono TU"in,PIANOS Tunecl and lerYIcecl Reason-

aQ~ r.w All work ~rutftCl t-O SeIbert TO 2-32'19

TU. 2-0989 I REFJUGDATOR_Al1d mglqr oerv-Ic. Licensed and bonded KeJVlna-

20736 Mock Ave. ot 8 Mi. Rd. ~~'jV~~ ~~::d.~=.I VAUe, !-:n11

General LandscapingPruning. Tree IlemovwI .nd Plantlng

LAWN~LD OR NEWG r.ded. S«eded or Sodded

Slretelal t4r New HornN U DetJredWork GuarantHd I'r«e EatlmatltJl

MARCEL VIAENEVA 4-0723 Wl Chllnlel'J-------------1

I Greater DetroitLANDSCAPE co.



TU. 2-2275

I Floor!a~inl II FLOOR SANDING -;:;;d ftnl&illng Guar. I

Idntee4 workm~,a;h.p TW a-l0Jl


..... 11 .l1li1111111.

Electrical Repair. p.. - -- - --IContlnuedl alntlnc and D.coratinc Window Sh.d ..

_ - I lCOnlullltcll_____ _ I_CO_nt_ln_u_e_d"_I _KELL Y & SONp -A-I-N-'l'-J-N-G-p-"-jJ"-r1~l-j)Ilper removed

~lectr1~11 <-ontracwr Work 'uaranleed, >III MuIr RoadLlcen.e<l I__M_e_r_le_n_'_T_U__ !.oeu _

Cornmerclal lie$IOellllal lNTERIO~ AND EXTERlO-R--Bile Plu.s • ',xture) • Sw,tch ••

House Wiring ltESIDENTJAL AND COlllMEBClALFluorescent Flxturu FilEt, E6TIMATU

VA 2-5127 10HN FORTIER--H-A-RR-Y-;". 4ABLOCKI 8916 Mock WA 1-43481

£LECTRKAL <-Ol\TRACTOR PAI ....TlNG and Oe<oratm, !>peLi;l.llz-Ll( "''''SED JIlg III hlle re,idelllJal "ork al rea-

GAS BURNERS SOLD bOn.ble pllces Walnut .-969. Hd-WIRED and INSTALLED _.I_'e_De_l_ae_.hele_~_5_r_r_el_lcl~ Rd_

l\o Job Too Small NELS SWANSONLAkeview 6-4864

LA 7.2952

Grosse Pointe

1ne people'sMarket Place

"'f'cd our closs I

"rl to convert, n g S yOU no

n-:e-r ne~d Into/ -:lrd cash


U93. MACK at W.yburn


WASHERS. VACUUMSJRONERS REPAIREE>Call Us for lhe 8ul anll,.<test Apph.IlCll Sennc.

On the Eut SideNl 6172


CASH RATEI\r 1l111llnlLJIll chdlge IOl c1assl.

od, IS 50c for 15 words,I cenl. 101 each addltwnal


5 i eOJI\ ,:fi.loCnCe :d~ IU!U b!'('Cepled over the telephone.he OlinIlllum charge rate IS

lor IJ \\ ol'ds. four cents torch additIOnal word Pay.

,enI can be madp by casheckor money order.


Upon Request

TheGrosse Pointe ReView

15121 Kerchevalet Lakepomte and Maryland

Say ~ChUle ItJ"

l>\a ",,01>lANdrlvin. lq P_dena,pI ~~Ilts companion w lb.Ue ex.""" RefelelU'es eKcha~ NI

Ick and Cement WorkCK AND Cement re~ ppreheld 'tone step&. dnvewan, garage I

'oors General ReplUl'I DeGryseAlter Rd VA 4-1163.

ex &. Ce8lent _r" new or re-If lubs All ... ,,,11 "I\lal"an~d

r.. eSUrn .ted TU 1-2450

IE:-'-" Work Wanr" side drlves.U1In01' an(l P1l!'''wpJII: Ko job too

mall VAlley 1-4Ma.

rpenterl,..... Q

--. ..AIll Interior aDd exterlor. En-

front or relT porch KitchenbIDets recreatzon recllllll. atticme. remodelJIl. l'rompt; 1U'V1l:e.

\\orkmanshlp S ~ Barbertooesoll. NL 8784.


DlTIOr-s - AlteratiOll.I _ KitebeJlcabInets - s!alrways _ recreat10Drooms - .tUcs - dOl'lllerL Call TU.. ~ or II'A. 1-41106.

rpenter - General RepairALTF~i~1o.~-~llo~cToa

l'lI '0' Fr~ EstImateLA 6-5501

kkeepinc and Accounting


T.l< and RepOrt ServiceFeder.l. JUte and Canawan

Notary PublIc With SealIlADJl\' HA AS Tax CaIl&UJt.IuIt

14841 KERCHEVAL AVE. 1./oUe~ lIP~d7 VA. J-7811

i1dl'ioj;~... I';~~;E B~~:;;-~::ceAdd.-I

1LOnc.porches, kitchens. \\ ood ortit 4~1~38eL5 21:> eaTS expenence.

Cl\CER CORSETS Indl~,dual1y LOCAL .nd EXPRESS'" g to d e" and SlJrgJcal g.r- SERVICi:

r t !:J, r'I\er 1.0 yean expeI1ence I~I, d. Rane,ert NL t021 or TO Plano .nd Appllall .. Mo'IO'-=:,m ">8 'IIcKl"\ley Y,e Buy Funuture I

en k--Alt. H621 ",ercheval VAllev 2-2171ma lng. erahons :. . 1

SiO\l O;;:"makmg I.ell" and I Palnh"l ond Decorahnc ,\ 10', clotre, l>peclallz:!ng In ------"- S'ogJt COOlgn< Alter.UOn8 expertly I Complete Decoratmg ervlce

done n ~ .3593 11lI,"TERIOR and e"tenor palOllng paperL,FP,HIO,\S Ores.makl;;g-~ remO\ln)l. paper hangml< ~~qual:l "t) r R('a~nable Mrs Ribble ltv paInts \Io;;e Work l{Uaran ~ 1ml.,,", ~-,~Ol medIate sen ,ce

_ ~lmatn ctlnrfl.l h ,~\enlectr,col Repairs ("All FORSYTHE VA '.'IM

COMMUNITY-E-LE-C-T-R-IC-I Neat, Clean DecoratingL. , \ "ED CO-;TRAC roll and Poperhon'(lng

r I' all l\"llf! ",ring !l'I1.ltches II .,r.t Cia'S ~ork Guar.nterrl\~TO ~1( FXPERT WALL CLEANING

• r ...IR - , A'IP REPAIR CALL mCRp -.rd I>t-Il\~n I

VA 1-3014 VA 1 8614

-Thoma5-E DuParlIntenor and Extenor PamtlDl

Wall Washm,VA 1-9622

Frr€ F.t1mate5Work c.uaranttf'd

rAI:-'-Ti,,, Papcrra."ml-,n,vl, ;I'dnuls!df" "'e.~or •.abJe rate-It RO'l@l\.llle4H4-11 _

PAtNii~r.-~-;;;;rlttn~ In<1d« or(KIt \\ ()......m.n"h p a ....d 1""'3U~M.. 1r ~r:~'f"~IO:f!\J: ~r, \r~~"~d'~:l~~~~• l \\ rn loOt' t n I 4(~q:f,

... C Knl~K (Ie 'H,aUl1l ' III lH'" tn.terlO'!'" and f'x{(rl0r ~...Jl0:tpr. rf'n'u.,Ned' "I ..hln~ Ind l..I,..nml 1~.l.akopolOle \.. 1 \>f',

VA. 2-4558


~ THE. ~ Rf'''rul


Page 8: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · , l,,t, VA. 2-1182 For Mor. Local N.ws. PicturlS R.ld Th. R.vi.w-Page 6 20 Teachers Join Public School



Sept. 1st to lOth Only

Refular 52~75• Spalding • WI!soIl


8trunl' with Vlclor &'11Sale Pnce .

106 KERCHEVALTU. 1-5262


VAlley 2.1185



LAkE SHOI. MOTOR SALESI46U t.. ol.t.FFt:RSON _ Betwen Pllllip aBd 3laAtltlqo. _ \ \lIt} ,.Ull---

24 Hour Service(Clos~ Tuesdpy.l

Dinners 65 cents and Vp Complete SundovHome Made Pies lUlU Pastries Dinner. $165

~ BLOSSOM INN RESTAURANT• 15405 E Warren. coruer Beaconsfield

_ \oor DO_Steve GalaAos or GroSl. Pornt.

Between Phihp and Manilltique

Prompt Service - EXPERT MECHANICSAvailable to Serve You NOW on All ChrY,sler Cars

Lake Shore Motor Sales


Guaranteed Workmanship - Low PriceBU~lPl.NG and PAINTING


The true work ()f~ but the~ of the d'\'me perfection. I

Michigan -families owned $8,.292,000,000 of life Insurance at I D. Rthe start of l~t yeal, accoldmg lvorce ateto the 1949 Life Insurance Fact IBook, published by the Instituteof Life Insurance I I Cut Down AL MANN

ThIs represented an Increase of S C$1,668,000,000 ov,er the ownership I asteel took Ihe mens

I M. h · champlOnshlp dreported In thiS state two years n Ie Iganbefore. Mann's on" de!e'l

Dunng 1948 the people of thiS Thursday when he lost'the ,state purchased $596,000,000 of I set of the men S "lnglnew ordlnarv hfe .n~urancp thp V .. .:I .. ,. .. .:I U .. U T.. T..rn Krlstufek es toI ....,'""U""' ......u ..a...... A.a ....... v F 11Fact Book also shows I • 0 owmg aJ~ the f

Death benefit pa)ments In I Years; MarrIages suits IllllMichIgan durmg 1948 are report- Falling Off JR. SINGLES FIMLSed as $55,812,000 under 41,629 pill-I -_ Al Mdnn defeated DlCles. MichIgan's dlvOlce late has 16-3, 6-1. an

FOVR IN STATEIn a table listing the locatIOn of been cut In half In the last two I JR. DOUBLE.s FI\AI.S

the 584 legal reserve companies yeal", the MIchigan Department I Al Mann and Ddn GUl dt!In the U. S, Mlcrugan IS hsted of Health announces The mar-! ~ k~~o K

6eAnned\and Co

WIth four campa rues whose head rlage late has declIned a fourth I c I er -', 6,2offices are In the State In the same perIod. " MEN'S SIIIGLES

"For pol,1,cyholders, as fOl the Both d.vOlces and marllages All Mann vs Joe Kr~ompanJes, . the yearbook says, are contInumg the downward I Joe KrIstufek lIon 1st set'the 1948 highlights of the U. S. tr.ontl ",h",h fnllnur ..tl th.. ..,,,~_ Al Mann won 2nrl .n' ••

~lie Insurance bUSIness wer~; cr;~ted 1946 p~~k -StJ1i--MICb~-1Krlstufek won 3ld setllt'rst, the mvestment earnmg rate gan's avelage of one divorce for MEN'S DOeR

went up, second, more famIlies ds I Ushad more hfe Insurance protec, evel y 3 9 marrIages excee. the I Al Mann and Bill Sastel!hon than ever before; and thIrd, nahonal avelage of one ~lvorce feated Joe KrIstufek andBu!purchases of new Itfe msurance for every 4.4 mal'T1ages. Hugh 6-4, 3-6, 9-7.stayed near the very high level Records m the StattstIcal Sec-of the past thl.ee years tlon of the MIchigan Department

"Probably the most 1mPOItant of Health show that whIle 10 peo.smgle development was the up- pIe m every thousand ~n Michl. Iturn of the mvestment earrung gan got divorces In 1946, five In Irate on hfe insurance funds after every thousand got divorces Ina declIne of about 20 years. The 1948 and that whlle 28 10 everyrate m 1948 was 2.96%, up from thousand undertook marnage 10288% In 1947. There were two 1946, 20 m every thousand under.chIef reasons for the upturn One took marnage m 1948.was the continued dIrection of Malnages declined from an all I'funds mto Iugher earnmg Invest- time peak of 78,808 In 1946 toments such as busmess and In- 61,986 m 1948. Divorces declmeddustnal securItIes, real es.tate and from a peak 29,158 In 1946 tomortgages that began In 1947, 16017 In 1948 Actu 1 te fThe other was the upward trend I ' a ra 0In Interest rates m general that persons marned p~r one thousandalso began I 1947 estimated population In 194& was

INCRElsED'4 TLl\tES 276 and In 1948 It was 20 Ac.,"Today nearly eight times as I tuaJ rate of persons divorced per

many people have life msurance lone thousand estimated popula-as 10 1900 Four out of five Amer- hon In 1946 was 102 and In 1948ican families are protected. The It was 5.2.large amounts of new InsuranCl? --,-----bought In the past few years, to-I He s Boss Nowgether With the low laDse rate, Governor A. G. Crane of Wy-brought the total owned In the ommg now bosses the trustees of IU S. at the end of 1948 to $202 _ the Umverstty of WyomIng. For-000,000,000. ThlS IS tWIce the ~_I merly preSIdent of the urnver. Ital only thIrteen years ago and ISlty, Crane was fired by the tru.s- j

nearly thIrty times the amount m tees In 1941.force In 1900." I...... N ~~ L"


I • Breakfasts Parties - Clubs ete."Hubba-hubba," the popular • Shcm OTde1's TU. 5-9704

"wolf call" of World War 11, hasbeen traced to Its source by theresearch experts WIth the WoIld IBook Encycl0 pe<l!a. ,

The researchers claim that theexpressIOn started In much the I

same manner as the ~ ord "bar-barIan" The anCIent Greeks felt I

that foreigners spoke In nonsense I

syllables. and foreIgn languagessounded like a senes of "ba-ba"sounds to them So they calledthe foreigners "barbanans"

Tllustratmg that human naturedoesn't change much over thecentunes, the American soldJers10 the PaCific conSIdered foreignlanguages Just so much "hubbub."Basmg hIS chOice on thiS wordG I Joe picked up two nonsensesyllables of hIS own to de"cnbe~:.;etty nattve glrl-"hubba-hub_




When Leon Jacobi retired I ervatlon of the MIl~hll!anfrom a stiff tour of maritime which was an iron slde-wheel-service m the past war he tack- er bwlt m Id43. The celebratedled a triple task whIch bled shIp was the thIrd iron vesselhiS spare tIme for any Idle In the world to be built andPUrsUits that a decorated of. through Its effIcaCIOUs pre-flcer might have craved. The sence IS said to have pre-trident abIlity of the chIeftam vented a war With the Blltlsh.was tapped for hiS clvulan post The parts were made 10

as engmeer for DetrOIt EdIson, Pittsburgh and lugged by oxC<lmmander at the Naval Re- team and boat to Erie wheleserve in Detroit and member- It was erected and launchedshIp 10 the Hoover Commls- on a bitter December day In

Slon. the !rozen waves. The crowdthat had huddled about theshIp to gIve It a sendoff wenthome dlSappomted when the.ship refused to budge from ItsICy birth. That mght the MIch-Igan alone and unguardedcompleted her launchmg andbegan a career wmch lasteduntil 1923 .• In spite of vlg.orous protest from Its de-fenders the Mldugan was re-cently sold as scrap

As a natIve of tms state Ja-cobI lived In Mount Clemensand spent hIs summers nearthe banks of the Clinton RIverHe was schooled at the NavalAcademy at Annapohs "and in1925 Jomed the Edison Comp-any where he holds the pre-sent posItion as chief of In-pectlOn and Standards

In the past war he was En-gineer and Matellal Officer In

the Commander ServIce ForcewhIch controlled all aUXIliary\I es.sel,; ut. th~ A t1antlL .n~~t..ThIS number mcluded 450slups all the way from tankersto cargo, mine sweepers andrefrigeration ships

ASide from tendmg to hiSgardens around hiS FisherRoad home the captaIn fa"vorspo'verboatmg as a hobby In

keepmg With hIS nautIcal apt-ness.

/ifiilm ----------~ITIlSllranCe ]AI Mault Takes Three of{Pointe I TaIl IFoul' Chili 'l'ennis Titles

fA ~ ot S Only a defeat 10 the men',.t · I smgles prevented AI M'!!'l' fromersona t tes 8 Bille maklOg a clean sweep of theBy TONI EBNER I IOn Neighborhood Club TenniS Tour-

nament- I Mann and Dan Guy won the,!\rnount of Michigan Life JUnior doubles champIOnship last

Friday and on Sdturday MannInsurance In Force went on to take the JUnior smgle!!

Is Huge clown ...The same day Mann dnd BIll

While assocIated With theHoover CommISSion he com-muted to Washmgton andspent weekends WIth hls fam-Ily In Grosse POInte. More spe-cUlcally he was a member ofthe Federal Supply ProJectwhIch waggled It's cautIous.finger at Government purch-ases' to insure correct stend.al ds and l>peLlLcatiolls of sup.plies. So ~omprehenslve wasthlS diVISIon that It includedall government purchases frompencils to ShiPS, planes andguns.

At the close of the war theNaval Reserve m DetrOIt '.taslookmg for a lead\Jr who couldrevive the OUtfit Such acommander ~as Captam Ja-cobi who knew what peace-tIme trammg was about. Heassumed the task of recrult.-mg ana tramIng 10 Jig "lilt:: a11"1+ 1'\." .4 Mn ",,:Ion ur'hn e-onln--_.. -- -,- - - -~--~ - ~ - - - -stand ready for actIOn HIS twosons are also numbered amongthese ranks Once a week thesallOl s meet at the J\rmory onE Jefferson and In the pa"tthree years have expandedtheir activItIes 15 times.

Jacobi has a marmer's heartand once enlisted In an unsuc-cessful campaign for the pres-

••• both Old Friencla aDd New •••




dUJ.6.6A...' dUJJJ.A IZ


Detergents Serve ManyPurposes In Clean-

ing of Fabrics


"The Be~t ('offpp Thl~ SIde of Heaven"OPEN 7 A M "I'll. 1 A M


Russian leadenl. already havefound "pure commurusm" un-

--'" _"!..... • • ., ~

I wv ........ " .....u Udve lIau W QeVlse Ia leru sYstem .tmt1:o,. tn thn_

In effect in capitalist countrles~-a Iwriter m the Umversity of Mich- I

igan Law ReView declares. ILon L. Fuller, professor of JU-

risprudence at Harvard, POintsout that M8.I'JWt doctrme decrees Ithat both state and law shall"Wither away" and a man shall I

Ino longer thmk of hiS own Inter-jest as somethmg d1stmct from theinterests of hiS fellows. Presum-Iably a kmd of "group morality"wIll force men to obev ItS rules h A La k Of HWithout the force of law I Sue e armony

ThiS was the ongmal doctl meespoused by present-day leaders By JOHNNIE BACHELLORof RUSSia, Professor Fuller notes There ought to be more harmony ••• much more.10 an artIcle In tht current ISSue judgmg by the prices one pays, even for the low-pricedof the Law ReView. However. the big three.book m which thIS VIew was first Notice a $3,000 four-wheeled gasohne "'chariot"set forth has now been replaced crulsmg down the street Look at the ornament adornmgby a treatise written by Andrei I the radiator hood. Next, look at the mchne Of the headVlshmsky, the Soviet foreign Iml1Uster. The new book refers I of the driver.

I only vaguely to a "wlthermg I Nme hmes out of ten, the two don't harmOnIze. Oneaway" of the processes of law, leans forward With determmed "I'll get there attitude,"although it inSISts ,that Soviet while the other leans backward, Wlth a "I don't care If Ilaw III in every way "bigger, bet- don't" air.ter and purer" than capitalISt law. Or, the one ts reachmg for the clouds, whlle the otherthe wrIter explams

rnSTICE NECESSARY is digging In the floorboards."In the process of attemptmg to I Still other ornaments portray the grace of a gazelle,

I operate a great governmental ma- while the drIver IS ponderous and puffy.chme, the Soviet leaders have re-I We don't mean you, dear reader, we are talkmgdIscovered some anCient truths:' I' about your neighborProfessor Fuller wntes "They So much copy IS WrItten about the supreme mecham-have learned that the state With-I cal refinements and lovely grace and beauty of theout Justice IS Impossible. or at I ""'od d h -' t 11 h I k fleast that It IS ImpoSSible unless I HI ern ay super-e arger ... an" .;; 1 sue a ac 0people believe that the state IS harmony between drIver and ornament.attemptmg to render JustIce to I Perhaps thiS may appear to be rather a Silly observa-

I all. Men must know, or thmk tlOn ... but it won't. Look at that chanot. You'llthey know where they stand un-I understand us better.der the law and before the courts. ------------ __The despIsed capltahst virtues I FRIENDSHIP

I turn out. 10 the end. not to be Imere copybook maxims but 10- A frIend should be one 10 I

I dispensable ways of gettmg thmgs whose underst..ndmg and virtue, done" I we can equally confide, andI Professor Fuller declares that who'<e opinIon we can ,alue at

the alteratIOn 10 the MarXISt linemdlcated by Vlshmsky's new ex- once for Its Justness and mts SIO-posltlon of the SovIet legal s, s- cerItytern may mdlcate some hope for -Robert HallaVOIdmg ultimate war between,capitalism and commu'llsm He Iwal'TlS that Amerrcan and other'Western Po~er leader~ should J( )'OU "" Ish success In hfe,not ba~e theIr e~tlmate~ of So- make perserverance )our bo~(}m'Vlet future policy entirely upon frIend expcTlence your '\ ,<ethe teachmgs of MarXIst theory, counselor. cautIon your eld!'rSInce the pressure<; of eXlstmg brother, and hope )our guardIanconditIons can force the Kremhn genIUs.to deVIate from the theory. I


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Our grandmothers would havebeen coniused With our refer-ences to wang "soapless soaps"Also known as detergents. thesenew soaps may be equally con-fus10g to modern homemakerswho wonder about thell' use.

The fact that some of thesesoaps and detergents mayor maynot con tam "bullders" IS helpfulto know. A guIde to selectmgfrom these many new productsIS offered by Irma H. Gross, headut tin: Ut:~dl Ul1~l1L 01 nome man-agement and child developmentat MIchigan State College

A bwlder 15 an alkalIne sub.stance added to help soften thewater, the home econoffilSt re-ports. Soaps are effective In softwater. WIthOUt bUIlder they arelabeled "pure soap" and With Itthey are labeled "soap."

FOR FINE FABRICSThe pure soaps are good for

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Detergents are more effectivein hard water than soap, Dr.Gross explams They are notlabeled soap but the word "suds"15 usually on the label Deter-gents WIthout the bwlder arehard to IdentIfy from the labelexcept that the product is recom-mended for delIcate fabrICS, Theyare good to use lor fine fabriCSand colors that may fade andare especially good for wool andSIlk,

Detergents WIth a bUilder arenot labeled In any SpecIal waybut are often recommended for

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many. once one of the bIg fac- l1Utts available IS a sheepskin-tor. m the black market, 1$ now hned sltpper that has worn out.Dear Its end. CIgarettes m many To use it most effectively, turnplaees retau at prIces only the shpper wrong Side out andalichtly above wholesale east. I clean the woolly surface,



