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Inglés 100%  Auténtico a Través de la Lectura.

‘The Motivation Habit’.

Inglés Intermedio a través de la lectura de libros reales. Con glosario y tests.

Real Language Readers

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The Motivation HabitThe 5 Essential Steps to Lasting Energy and Focus

© David Michaels and Real English Readers 2015

All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced or distributed in any form whatsoever w thout the permission of the publisher. The only exceptions are short quotat ions and somenon-commercial uses allowed by copyright laws. All efforts have been made to make thecontents as accurate as possible. However if there are inaccuracies the publisher cannot beheld liable. Disclaimer: This book contains a list of steps and exercises of what worked for theauthor and is not supposed to be specif c advice for the reader. This book is about takingresponsib lity for your own life so any actions you take are your own choice and I cannot be heldlable. By downloading and read ng this book you are agreeing to this disclaimer.

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Table of Contents

Aprende Inglés a través de la lectura.

Getting StartedSection One: Why make motivation a habit?

Section Two: Mindset

Section Three: What type of person.

Step Four: The right environment for motivation.

Step Five: Staying motivated


BonusesSuggested 4 week program

30 random ideas for getting and then staying motivated

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Aprende Inglés a través de la lectura.

Par a alumnos de inter medio a avanzado.

En algún momento en tu viaje de aprendizaje del Inglés tendrás que dar el salto desdelos materiales de aprendizaje preparados para alumnos hacia el 'auténtico Inglés'dirigido a hablantes nativos. Desafortunadamente, el salto entre estas dos cosas esnormalmente enorme y puede ser muy desalentador.

Este l ibro fue originalmente escrito para hablantes nativos de Inglés, así que contieneInglés 100% real y no ha sido simpli ficado lo más mínimo. Sin embargo, esta versióncontiene traducciones de Inglés a Español de todo el idioma intermedio y avanzado.Esto, junto con las preguntas de comprensión, ayuda a guiarte por todo el proceso para

que así puedas mejorar tu vocabulario sin esfuerzo mientras disfrutas leyendo un librocompleto.

El l ibro en sí es El Hábito de la Motivación'. Este directo e interesante libro cubremétodos y técnicas para ayudarte a mejorar tu motivación y niveles de energía para quepuedas alcanzar tus objetivos más rápidamente. Este libro es perfecto para alumnos deidiomas ya que es muy claro, está bien estructurado, y contiene cientos de palabras yfrases cotidianas a nivel de Inglés intermedio y avanzado. Así que no sólo aprenderáscomo mejorar tu vida, sino que también mejorarás sin esfuerzo tu Inglés al mismo


Una vez hayas empezado, descubrirás que no sólo se disparará tu vocabulario, sinotambién tu seguridad en tu habilidad para hablar en Inglés. Si eres capaz de leer unlibr o c ompleto en Inglés, entonces no habrá literalmente nada que pueda pararte.

Como Usar este Libr o:

El libro está dividido en 25 secciones. A lo largo del libro hay preguntas de comprensión.Apunta tus respuestas mientras trabajas cada sección. Encontrarás las respuestascorrectas al final de cada sección. Puedes querer usar un diccionario; sin embargo,encontrarás que todas las palabras y frases de nivel intermedio/avanzado ya han sidotraducidas a Español. Sugerimos que leas el tex to (párrafos) primero, compruebes lastraducciones, y luego leas el tex to de nuevo. De este modo ganarás un mayor entendimiento tanto del idioma objetivo como del significado real del libro.

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Getting Started


Let's get started! …Then, let's keep going. That's what the motivation habit is al l about;maintaining  energy and drive for the long term. Motivation is a great feeling. We feelhappier, full of energy and we get more done. Unfortunately, it rarely lasts long term. Over the years I've come to r ealize that motivation is something that needs to bemaintained, nurtured and exercised. That is to say, the more you make concertedeffor ts to get things done and remain positive over a long period of time, the easier it willbe to feel naturally motivated. While we will need willpower  to get started, if weincorporate systems and practices into our lives that free up our energies, motivationwil l just become part of our daily routine. It wi ll literally become a habit.



To maintain (something). - Mantener (algo)

Long ter m. - A largo plazo

To come to r ealize (something). - Llegar a darse cuenta de (algo)

To maintain (something). - Afirmar (algo)

To nurture (something). - Alimentar (algo)

To make a concer ted effor t.  - Hacer un esfuerzo conjunto

Willpower. - Fuerza de voluntad

To incor por ate (something) into (something else). - Incorporar (algo) dentro de (otracosa)


Question 1: What is more importmant for maintaining  motivation, wil lpower or habit?

Answer: All answers are at the end of each sub-chapter. Please make a note of your answer and then check it later.


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This is not a 'if you're happy and you know it clap your hands' book. There are some'positive thinking ex ercises' but there wil l be no 'group hugs'. Rather it is a series of very str aight for ward articles and exercises to help you start forming the great habitsthat will fill you with the motivation to get stuff done. And once you start to 'get stuff done'you will start to feel seriously motivated. It is not a miracle cure for laziness where you

simply write a 'to do list' and all of your troubles are just a distant memor y. It wil lrequire some commitment, but once you start getting into some good habits things willbecome effor tless.



Positive thinking. - Pensamiento positivo

To be str aight for ward. - Ser directo

A to do list. - Una lista de cosas por hacer 

To be just a distant memor y. - Ser un recuerdo lejano

Commitment. - Compromiso

To be effor tless. - Algo que se hace sin esfuerzo


Question 2: Will you have to make an effort to get the most from this book?


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Everything here is based on my own personal exper ience of going from beingsomeone who was pretty aimless and hardly ever finished anything, to someone whohas completely tur ned their life ar ound  and no longer has to force themselves to doeven the simplest of tasks. Not only do I no longer have to 'psyche myself up' just tothe dishes, but I feel motivated everyday to do the bigger things as well. I am not a

doctor or a self pr oc laimed exper t, but through tr ial and er r or  I managed to getmyself into gear , get some goals and go for them.



(From) personal experience. - (Procedente de) ex periencias personales

To be aimless. - No tener objetivos

To turn one's life ar ound. - Darle un giro a la vida

To psyche oneself up. - Motivarse uno mismo

A self pr oc laimed expert. - Considerarse uno mismo un ex perto en algo

Tr ial and er r or. - Al tanteo / Experimentación

To get oneself into gear. - Ponerse las pilas


Question 3: Has the author always been motivated?

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This book is based on one simple principle: the more good habits you have the easier it is for you to get stuff done and to feel motivated. Everything else is just getting in theway. This is more of a 'holistic appr oach'. By that I mean that rather than just focus onour 'thinking' we also try to look at the other aspects of our lives and how good habitsthere could boost our overall motivation levels.



A pr inciple. - Un principio

To get in the way of (something). - Interponerse en el camino de (algo)

A holistic approach. - Un enfoque alternativo

An aspect of (something). - Un aspecto de (algo)

To boost (something). - Estimular (algo)


Let's get into the habit!! 


Question 4: Does 'holistic approach' mean to only focus on one aspect of something?


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One) Answers.

Question 1: What is more important for maintaining  motivation, wil lpower or habit?

Answer 1: Habit is more important than willpower for maintaining motivation.

Question 2: Will you have to make an effort to get the most from this book?

Answer 2: Yes, you wil l have to make an effort to get the most from this book.

Question 3: Has the author always been motivated?

Answer 3: No, the author has not always been motivated.

Question 4: Does 'holistic approach' mean to only focus on one aspect of something?

Answer 4: No, 'holistic approach' means to look at the 'whole' and not just 'one aspect'of something.


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Section One: Why make motivation ahabit?

 Get motivated

Any actions wil l be short lived if the underlying mindset is not changed. You can do adiet or start a new project using willpower  alone but unless something fundamentalchanges you will eventually burn-out and quit. We have all had the ex perience of 

being really energized and fired up at the beginning of something and then have thatenthusiasm, energy and motivation just die out. Was it because the initial idea or dietwas no good? Or was i t just that we didn't have the str uc tur es in place so thatcontinuing just came naturally. If your habit is one of action then there is no resistance.t just is.



The under lying (something). - (Algo) subyacente

A mindset. - Una mentalidad

Willpower. - Fuerza de voluntad

Fundamental (something). - (Algo) fundamental

To bur n-out. - Estar quemado

To be fired up (about something).  - Estar disparado (para hacer algo)

To die out. - Evaporarse

To have the (something) in place.  - Tener (algo) en su lugar 

Resistance. - Resistencia


Question 5: If you do not change your mindset , what will happen?


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Deep down in my soul I am a profoundly lazy person. However, I am also humanwhich means that by nature I str ive for  more and want to achieve as much in this life aspossible. I'm sure that you'd agree that laziness and the feeling that you really should bedoing something with your life is not a good combination. In fact it was a recipe for constantly feeling guilty about wasting time. That's not to say that I just sat around all

the time. In fact for years I would enthusiastically start something, become half hearted, lose motivation and then quit. Actually I wouldn't even really quit, because thatwould imply some sort of motivated decisive action. I would just dr ift off cour se andthat would be that.



Profoundly… - Profundamente

To strive for (something). - Luchar por (algo)

A good/bad combination. - Una buena/mala combinación

A recipe for (something bad). - Tiene todos los ingredientes (para salir mal)

(To do something) enthusiastically. - (Hacer algo) con entusiasmo

Half hear ted. - Aburrido

To imply (something). - Implicar (algo)

(To take) decisive action. - (Tomar) una acción decisiva

To drift off course. - Desviarse del objetivo


Question 6: In the past did the author achieve their goals?


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So what changed?

I started to notice that after the initial bur st of ener gy I would soon return to my badhabits and start to feel un-motivated again. So instead of fighting against myself and myhabits why not just adjust them? If I could make my habits work w ith me rather thanagainst me then getting stuff done would become second natur e. Motivation wouldbecome habit.



A bur st of ener gy. - Inyección de enegía

To adjust to (something). - Ajustarse a (algo)

To be second natur e. - Ser automático/instintivo


Question 7: Instead of fighting their bad habits, what did the author do?


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Ex ercise 1, cleaning the slate. Before we get started we need to be clear aboutsomething. The motivation we are seeking is not an external thing but rather the energyand dr ive to achieve our goals and live a more fulfilled life. To be motivated long term itneeds to come from you.

Take a few minutes to note down what you lack motivation to do. What do you keepputting off ? Chanc es are that however small these things are, you are wasting energyavoiding them when you should just get them out of the way and focus on bigger andbetter things. Now note down how long it would take you to complete this task. Thenrate on a scale of one to ten  how much this thing pains you to even think about.


What task(s) do you lack motivation for?

How long would it actually take to do?

How much dread on a scale of one to ten do you feel even thinking about it?

I think you will see that the worry and dread you feel is totally dispropor tionate to theactual task. When you look at it in the c lear light of day there's absolutely nothing toworry about. Just set aside a few minutes a day, or a few hours a week to get this stuff done. t's getting in the way. Avoiding it is a bad habit that is using up valuable energy.



To clean the slate. - Hacer borrón y cuenta nueva

External. - Externo

To have the drive to (do something). - Sentir el impulso de (hacer algo)

To have a fulfilled life/ To feel fulfilled. - Tener una vida plena / Sentirse realizado

To put (something) off. - Posponer (algo)

The chances are that…. - Lo más probable es que…

To get (something) out of the way. - Eliminar (algo)

To rate (something) on a scale of one to ten. - Evaluar (algo) en una escala de uno adiez

To dr ead (something). - Temer (algo)

To be dispr opor tionate to (something else). - Ser desproporcionado en relación a(otra cosa)

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In the c lear light of day. - Con claridad

To set aside (something). - Dejar a un lado (algo) / Reservar (algo)


Question 8: Is motivation an external or internal thing?


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Going forward. We will look at how to form good habits in the next exercise but here area few ideas on dealing with tasks you avoid. If at all possible try to automate thingslike bil l payments and anything else which can be automated. Nex t is to either deal withthese things as soon as they arise or to alloc ate a certain time each week to addr essthem. Make sure that whatever method you choose you stick to it for at least a month. I

would also recommend buying a whiteboard and noting down things you need to keepon top of. Then just clear off the tasks as they get done. They say that 'out of sight isout of mind' so make sure that it is in sight and that you can't just ignore it.



To automate (something). - Automatizar (algo)

(When things) arise. - (Cuando) surgen (las cosas)

to allocate (things). - Asignar (cosas)

To address (things). - Tratar (cosas)

To stick to (doing something).  - Persisti r en (hacer algo)

Out of sight is out of mind. - Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente


Question 9: What should you automate?


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Two) Answers.


Question 5: If you do not change your mindset , what will happen?

Answer 5: If you do not change your mindset, any action you make wil l not last long.

Question 6: In the past did the author achieve their goals?

Answer 6: No, in the past the author did not achieve their goals.

Question 7: Instead of fighting their bad habits, what did the author do?

Answer 7: The author adjusted their habits so they worked for him.

Question 8: Is motivation an external or internal thing?

Answer 8: Motivation is an internal thing.

Question 9: What should you automate?

Answer 9: Bil l payments and anything else possible.


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Why Focus on Habit?


'Habit: A settled or regular tendency or practice, especial ly one that is hard to give up' 

Oxford English Dictionary.

I think that we can agree that we all have some habits. Some good and some bad. Butthe quality (of habits) that we will be using to our advantage is that they are regular and long term. That's what we want. We want to feel motivated and full of energy longterm. We want to start things and feel the energy and drive to see them thr ough toconclusion. I've read countless books and websites about motivation and have feltthat while they all contain ex cellent methods, they don't take into acc ount that you

need more than just good techniques to stay motivated. You also need good practicesand habits so you can continue using these techniques over a long period of time. If youare using willpower alone to get stuff done, it will not last. If getting stuff done is a habit,it becomes almost effortless; no resistance.


What do we mean by habit?

Subconscious) You are not really thinking about it. For example you probably don't will(force) yourself to put your socks on in the morning, it's just what you do naturally.

Repeated action) Something you do naturally w ithout having to 'think it through '.

Effortless) It doesnt require pure willpower to complete the action.



To use (something) to one's advantage. - Usar (algo) en beneficio propio

To see (something) thr ough to its conclusion. - Ver que (algo) se desarrolla hasta elfinal

Countless. - Innumerables

To take into ac count that…. - Tener en cuenta que…

Resistance. - Resistencia

To think (something) thr ough. - Analizar (algo) detalladamente


Question 10: Do you just need good techniques to stay motivated?

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Three) Answers.

Question 10: Do you just need good techniques to stay motivated?

Answer 10: No, you also need good practices and habits.


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Technique to form new habits


t is commonly said that it only takes 3 weeks to form a new habit, whether this iscorrect or not, it is certainly true that new habits can be formed and they can be formedpretty quickly. This book contains lots of areas in your life where if good habits wereformed, your general energy and motivation levels would rise. All you really need is thestructure and the initial w il lpower to get started, then let habit take over.


As much as possible we want to r ely on schedules and routine rather than wi llpower to

form new habits. The idea is to use a set schedule until i t becomes second natur eand you don't need it anymore. This may seem too simple but it is an excellent way tokeep your self acc ountable and add some routine so you can get stuff done effectivelyand feel motivated by your own progress.



To r ely on (something). - Confiar en (algo)

A set schedule. - Un horario fijo

To be second natur e. - Ser algo mecánico / automático

To keep oneself accountable.  - Pedirte cuentas a ti mismo


Question 11: Why is i t a good idea to set schedules?


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Ex ercise 2, Habit tick list. Either on a piece of paper or on your computer draw a tablewith 32 columns. At the top of the page write the title Daily Habits' then at the top of thefirst two columns write 'Time' and 'Task'. Then above the rest write the date, starting fromtoday until a month from now. Then do the same thing again but title the table WeeklyHabits' and only have enough columns for a month. Also make sure that you change the

'Time' column to 'Day' instead. (so 'Day', 'Task'+ 4/5weeks).As you work through this book, start to add things you would like to make habits belowthe 'Tasks' column. Then if possible note down when you would like to do it during theday in the 'Time' column (or what day of the week for the weekly habits). Then everydayas you do the task just tick it off  under the correct date. Make sure that you put these'tick lists' somewhere you will see them. Also make sure that you do this for at least amonth. At the end of the month you may find that you are doing it naturally and no longer need the tick list. If not, please continue until doing the tasks becomes habit. By adding

this structure into your li fe you won't need to r ely so much on willpower. Once you getinto the flow you will feel a lot more motivated to keep on going. It's amazing thedifference actually seeing the progress we've made written down makes.



To tick (things) off (a list). - Tachar (cosas) de (una lista)

A tick list. - Una lista de comprobación

To r ely on (something). - Confiar en (algo)

To get into the flow. - Dejarse llevar 

 Question 12: What should you do every day as you complete a task?


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Four) Answers.


Question 11: Why is i t a good idea to set schedules?

Answer 11: So you start doing things naturally.

Question 12: What should you do every day as you complete a task?

Answer 12: You should tick each task off the list as you do it.

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A word on verbalizing and writing things down


If you want to remain motivated to do things then they need to be real  to you. Throughout

this book I encourage you to both write things down and to say them out aloud. It's astrange thing, but once you say or write something it becomes more real than if you wereto just think it. Make it official that you are doing this thing. t is usually easier to staywell organised if you write things down. Also for many people it helps them remember things more easily.

Exer c ise 3, Buy a notebook. If you don't own one already please buy both a smallnotebook and a small whiteboard. Get into the habit of  writing things down. Also

whiteboards are excellent for to do lists' and keeping tr ack of  what you have alreadyachieved. Try to make a habit of leaving the whiteboard somewhere you wil l see it so i treminds you what you should be doing. Also make sure that you carry the notebookaround whenever practical.



To get into the habit of…. - Desarrollar el hábito de…

To keep track of (something). - Llevar un registro de (algo)

Practical. - Práctico


Question 13: Why should you write things down?


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Five) Answer.

Question 13: Why should you write things down?

Answer 13: Because then they become real to you.

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What is motivation?


When we say "I need motivation" or "I want to feel motivated to…", I think we arer eferr ing to two connected but slightly different things. Firstly, we want to feelgenerally energetic and positive about things. Secondly we want to feel energy andpositivity towards doing a certain task or achieving  a certain goal. I would argue thatonce you change your mindset and habits and start to feel motivated to achieve acertain task then the 'general motivation' will come naturally. Although feeling motivatedfeels good we are not aiming at 'a general feeling of wellbeing', we are aiming for theenergy and will to achieve things both big and small.



To refer to (something). - Referirse a (algo)

Positivity. - Positivismo

To ac hieve (something). - Conseguir (algo)

A mindset. - Actitud


Question 14: Apart from a 'general feeling of wellbeing' what are we aiming at?


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But if you want to do something why dont you just do it? That's a good question buteasily answered. Unfortunately, achieving goals requires a lot of  work. And work requireslong term energy and motivation. So we start with the best of intentions but when wedon't get results immediately, we lose momentum and then interest.

Shouldn't I just make a to-do list and then work through it? Yes that's a great techniquebut if it is not in a larger framework how long do you think it wi ll last? Instead of justchanging one aspect and being disappointed when it doesn't last why notincorporate it into a routine that comes naturally?

Aren't I feeling unmotivated because of lack of self esteem or not knowing what mygoals are? I don' know, maybe. That's why you should put some structure into your li feso these things have the space to thr ive and arise naturally. Stop fighting the tide and

make it work to your advantage. 


The best of intentions. - La mejor de las intenciones

Momentum. - Ímpetu/Empuje

 A fr amewor k . - Un marco

One aspect of (something). - Un aspecto de (algo)

To incor por ate (something) into (something else). - Incorporar (algo) a (otra cosa)

Self esteem. - AutoestimaTo thrive. - Prosperar 

The tide.  - La marea / La corriente


Question 15: What does achieving long term goals require? 

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Exercise 4, What does 'motivation' mean to you?: Why did you pick up this book? Was itto gain motivation in general or do you have a specific goal in mind? Take five minutesto picture a motivated you. Where are you? How are you feeling? What are you doing?t's important to have a destination to shoot for , so try to get a really clear picture of what you want and how you want to feel. Remember to write it down.


Exercise 5, When were you most motivated? Ok maybe you can't remember ex actly buttry to think about a time when you achieved something pretty big. How did you feelduring the process? What was the structure of your day? What was your routine? Did youhave to for ce your self to feel motivated or did it just happen as you were str iving for your goal? Write down everything with as much detail as possible. If you notice anygood habits that benefitted you, write them down too and maybe incorporate them intothe 'Habit Tick List' you made in Ex ercise 2.



To shoot for (something). - Aspirar a (algo)

To for ce oneself to do (something). - Obligarse uno mismo a hacer (algo)

To strive for (something). - Luchar por conseguir (algo)


Question 16: What is it important to have in order to maintain motivation?


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Six) Answers.


Question 14: Apart from a 'general feeling of wellbeing' what are we aiming at?

Answer 14: We are aiming to get the 'energy and wil l' to get things done.

Question 15: What does achieving long term goals require?

Answer 15: t requires a lot of work.

Question 16: What is it important to have in order to maintain motivation?

Answer 16: t is important to have a destination (a goal) to shoot for.

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Willpower. Willenskraft.


When we think of wil lpower we think of making a conscious effort to achieve or 

maintain something. While this is an ex cellent way to get started (to get the motor running), if you are li terally forcing yourself to do something through your wil l then it'sgoing to be exhausting  and probably shor t lived. We've all had jobs that we didn't likeand had to use w il lpower to get thr ough . But either we eventually quit or we get soused to hating the job that that becomes a habit as well. Dont get me wrong, we needwil lpower. Throughout this book we are going to need it to start implementing somegood motivational habits. But remember willpower is the spark that ignites the engine,not the fuel that keeps us going long term. By solely relying on willpower you are

setting your self up for disappointment or ex haustion. 


To make a conscious effor t to (do something). - Hacer un esfuerzo consciente por (conseguir algo)

To be exhausting.  - Ser agotador 

To be shor t lived. - Ser breve/efímero

To get thr ough (something). - Sobrevivir a (algo)

To implement (something). - Poner en marcha (algo)

A spark. - Una chispa

To ignite (something). - Encender (algo)

Solely…. - Únicamente…

To set oneself up for disappointment. - Prepararse para estar decepcionados


Question 17: What is 'willpower' good for?


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Example of willpower. I once had two jobs that I hated back to back. I only lasted for afew months in the first one but I stayed for a few years at the second one. Now they wereactually quite similar except that I needed willpower alone to stay at the first one, butwith the second one I was starting to think that this was normal. Enduring somethingthat I didn't enjoy had become a habit. So let's use wil lpower to get started and habit to

keep going (but hopefully in something we like!).

Ex ercise 6, Can you force yourself to do things? I read a book recently whichencouraged its readers to take cold showers for a week. I lasted 3 days. Not because Idisagreed with the message of the book (how to conquer  things you avoid doing), infact I really liked it. But because they had made their point and cold showers servedno pur pose for me in the long run. Forcing yourself to do things that you know you willnot continue is pointless. However forcing yourself to get started on a sustainable path

is sometimes essential. Diets don't work, fundamental lifestyle changes do. Remember,the first 10 minutes of any activity are generally the hardest, once you've engaged your brain and got started then that's the majority of the battle won.



Back to back (something). - Estar hasta la coronilla de (algo)

To endur e (something). - Soportar (algo)

To c onquer (something). - Conquistar (algo)

To make one's point.  - Decir algo importante

To ser ve no pur pose.  - No servir para nada

To be sustainable. - Ser sostenible

Fundamental.  - Fundamental

To engage one's brain. - Enganchar tu cerebro para que haga algo.


Question 18: In the ex ample, were the author's two jobs similar or totally different?


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Try these two things this week.

The first is to ex ercise for 20 minutes a day, or read a book for 20 minutes or dosomething that helps improve you but requires willpower to get started. You will noticethat after 10 minutes you forget about the wil lpower that it took to get started and just getinto it. If you find that it benefits you and gives you energy then add it to the list fromExercise 2.

The second is to do something that also requires willpower to get started but you haveabsolutely no intention of  continuing. For me it would be something like followingsport closely or cooking complicated recipes, neither of which I particularly enjoy.Choose something that serves little to no purpose in your life. While doing this task try tonotice how much effort it took to just get started and how much energy it took to continuewith it throughout the week.

I'm sure that after a few days you will see the difference in how you approach the twotasks. Both require wil lpower at the beginning but one gets easier over time. There arealways going to be tasks that we have to do that drain our motivation, like paying billsand doing tax r etur ns, but for the rest of it we should learn to pick our battles. I amnot saying that you should only do things that you like doing, but try to pick new habitsthat will benefit you in the long run. For example 'following complicated recipes' may bea good habit for you because it teaches you to follow instructions exactly and do thingsin a logical manner. But for me it serves no purpose as I can already do those things.



To have no intention of (doing something). - No tener la más mínima intención de(hacer algo)

Particularly. - Particularmente

To dr ain (ener gy etc). - Agotar (energía, etc.)

A tax r etur n. - La declaración de la renta

To pick one's battles. - Elegir nuestras batallas


Question 19: What two activities does the author suggest you try?


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Seven) Answers.


Question 17: What is 'willpower' good for?

Answer 17: t is good for getting started.

Question 18: In the ex ample, were the author's two jobs similar or totally different?

Answer 18: The two jobs were similar.

Question 19: What two activities does the author suggest you try?

Answer 19: To do something that improves you, and also something that you don'tintend on continuing with.


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Being lazy is exhausting


Before we continue forming good habits and making motivation a habit I just want to

really hammer home why we need to get off the sofa and get stuff done. Being lazy isabsolutely exhausting. Truly. Ok, maybe if you have no aspirations then you may l ikeit but i f you are reading this book then you probably want to get up, get motivated andachieve something. Let's face it, we've all done it. Sitting around the house all day eventhough we know we should be doing things. We may even have a specific goal that wekeep putting off . Let me ask you something. How does it feel to do this long term?Pretty bad, right? You start to feel heavy and guilty and the whole thing becomes avic ious cycle. In fact if you just put the r emote contr ol down for a second and did the

dishes or replied to that email you'd probably feel a lot better and more motivated to doother things. Lethargy can be a real vicious cycle, you're inactive because you're tired,and you're tired because you're inactive. If you want to break this cycle for good we needto create some consistency so motivation can flourish.



To hammer home (a point). - Recalcar (un tema, una cuestión)

To be exhausting. - Ser agotador 

To have aspir ations of…. - Tener aspiraciones de…

To put (something) off. - Posponer (algo)

 To be guilty.  - Ser culpable

A vic ious cycle. - Un círculo vicioso

A r emote contr ol.  - Un control remoto

Lethargy. - Letargo

Consistency. - Consistencia

To flourish. - Florecer 


Question 20: Why is lethargy a vicious cycle?


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Ex ercise 7 (Optional, only do this if you are up for it), Worry on pur pose. One of theCognitive Behavioral Therapy* techniques for dealing with Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder is to force the patients to 'worry on demand'. This is so ex hausting for patients that they often can't continue worrying. Let's do a quick ex periment. Spend afew minutes thinking about tasks you have been worrying about. Tiring isn't it? Ok, you

may not be actively worrying when you are being lazy and not taking action, but for meat least the feeling that I should be making the most of my time is always at the back of my mind.

*Stop Obsessng, Edna Foa Ph.D, Reid Wilson Ph.D. P:86.



To be up for (something). - Tener ganas de hacer (algo)

On pur pose. - A conciencia

(To do something) on demand. - (Hacer algo) a petición

At the back of one's mind. - Tener algo en la mente


Question 21: Do you have to do Exercise 7?


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Eight) Answers.


Question 20: Why is lethargy a vicious cycle?

Answer 20: Because 'you're inactive because you're tired, and you're tired becauseyou're inactive'.

Question 21: Do you have to do Exercise 7?

Answer 21 : No, it's optional. You do not have to do it.


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Section Two: Mindset


The whole purpose of this book is to create good everyday habits in all aspects of  one'sli fe. That way motivation can arise and continue naturally. However, probably the biggestobstacle is going to be your own mind. If you are like me then you have two 'voices',one telling you 'you're doing great, keep going', and the other one telling you 'you never achieve anything, you might as well quit now and have an ice cream'. If you are of relatively sound mind then it's just a case of trying to listen to the positive voice moreand more until the other one doesn't bother you. This is a matter of discipline, but themore times we choose to be positive, the more naturally it will come. Try to formallyacknowledge that you are having a negative thought by saying/thinking 'I'm having thatuseless/negative thought again'. Try to catch yourself before you chase after it and getcaught up in the negative emotion. This is a great habit to get into, why not put it on your tick list?



Aspects of…. - Aspectos de…

An obstacle. - Un obstáculo

Might as well….. - Bien podrías…

(To be of) sound mind. - Estar en tu sano juicio

Discipline. - Disciplina

To acknowledge (something). - Reconocer (algo)


Question 22: What is the biggest obstacle to motivation?


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Nine) Answer.


Question 22: What is the biggest obstacle to motivation?

Answer 22: Your own mind is the biggest obstacle.


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Get into the right frame of mind

Sometimes we just need to shut out all of the noise, close the door and focus on beingin the present. t's hard to remain motivated if we can barely focus on what we are doing.Our minds jump from one thought to the nex t and we rarely take the time to step back

and see the whole picture. Once you can consistently remain present and not just betossed ar ound  by your own thoughts you will find that motivation will be less and lessof a problem. You are just doing what you are doing and not constantly wanting to quitand do something else.



To shut out (something). - Bloquear (algo)

(To take a) step back.  - (Dar) un paso atrás

To see the whole pictur e. - Tener una visión más amplia

To be tossed ar ound. - Ser zarandeado


Question 23: What should you focus on?


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Ex ercise 8, Be here now. Whether you want to call it meditation, prayer or justreflection try to give yourself 10-20 minutes of the day (morning is best as your mind isnot racing around yet) to just clear your mind and concentrate on being in the presentmoment. I would recommend finding a quiet area. If possible, breathe through your noseand from your lower stomach, not your chest. This will take some practice but here is a

video on how to do it. Also I would recommend doing this sitting up and with your eyesopen (pick a spot on the floor about a meter or two away to focus on). This will stop youfrom daydreaming too much. Also, try to focus on your breathing at first. Perhaps countyour breaths in series of tens (you may find that even this is difficult at first). If distracting  thoughts arise just acknowledge them and try not to chase them, just letthem go.



Reflection/to reflect on (something). - Reflex ión / Reflex ionar sobre (algo)

To be distr acting. - Que distraen


Question 24: When meditating how should you breathe?


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Ex ercise 9, Be here now, and now, and now. Throughout your day try to remain aspresent and engaged as possible. If you start to wander , try to bring your focus back toyour present situation. The more you can focus on now  the less you are going to worryabout nonsense and the more motivated you are going to feel. I know this is easier said than done, but remember to be consistent over a long period of time and it wil l get

easier. I personally have a sign above my computer which says is what you are doingright now bringing you closer to your goal? If not, then get back to it!'.



To wander (around). - Vagar sin rumbo

Nonsense. - Tonterías

(To be) easier said than done. - Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo


Question 25:  Why should you focus on 'now'?


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Ten) Answers.


Question 23: What should you focus on?

Answer 23: You should focus on the present.

Question 24: When meditating how should you breathe?

Answer 24: You should breathe through your nose and from your stomach.

Question 25:  Why should you focus on 'now'?

Answer 25: So you won't focus on nonsense and you wil l remain motivated.

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Just a decision


I realized a long time ago that for the most par t, my life and my happiness were largelymy own responsibilities. Our environment and the people around us are an influencebut sometimes you have to just take responsibility and decide 'I dont care what otherssay, I'm doing this and I'm going to succeed'. In the end it's just a decision, put in theeffort to be positive and move forward or give in and blame the world (Of course if youhave suffered some major trauma then things may be different, I can't say). Decide thatyou are no longer a smoker. Decide that you are going to start a company. Make adecision and then make sure that all of the small decisions that come after fit your goal.



For the most par t. - En su mayoría

A r esponsibility. - Una responsabilidad

An influence. - Una influencia

To blame (someone/something). - Echarle la culpa a (alguien /algo)

A tr auma. - Un trauma


Question 26: Whose responsibili ty is your life and happiness? 

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Eleven) Answer.


Question 26: Whose responsibili ty is your life and happiness?

Answer 26: Your own.


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Consistency is key


How did you gain that weight? Why do you never finish things? Why are you in a job thatyou hate? People tend to think in terms of events, l ike 'I'm fat because I eat junk food'.While that may be true we tend to forget that we usually didnt get to where we arebecause of one thing, because of one decision. We get fat etc because of thousands of tiny bad decisions. Every time we choose the chocolate over  the piece of fruit is asmall step in the wrong direction. Our own choices or actions accumulate until wearrive in a certain situation. Think about how you learnt your own name for a second. Youdidn't learn it because your mother said it 100 times in a day, but because it was said toyou consistently over a long period of time until you just knew that was your name*.

This is what we want to do with our good habits, including thinking positively. We wantto keep making small correct decisions until they accumulate into big results.

*I saw th is example in language learn ng website Al Japanese Al the T me.



To tend to (do something). - Tender a (hacer algo)

To c hoose 'A' over 'B'. - Elegir 'A' sobre 'B'

To accumulate (something). - Acumular (algo)


Question 27):  Do we get to where we are now from one decision?

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A word about 'Spaced Repetition'. An ex ample of accumulated small actions resulting inbig results is 'spaced repetition'. How this works is that you learn a small piece of information and then are tested on it a few days later. You are then tested again after 4days, then 8 days, then 16 days and so on. The idea is that by being systematicallytested on the same information over increasingly longer periods your memory w il l get

stronger and you will remember naturally. Language learners use such software as Anki(which automates the testing) to remember huge amounts of data in a systematic andlong standing way. Essentially the hard work is done at the beginning and then the restis just maintaining . This is what we want to do, we want to introduce great habitsconsistently at the beginning so they become easy to maintain in the future.



Systematically. - Sistemáticamente

Long standing (something). - (Algo) de larga duración

To maintain (something). - Mantener (algo)


Question 28: What is the name of the software mentioned above?


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Some ex amples of small actions equaling big results.

If you write 2000 words a day (which is not that many if you are writing a book) that is730000 words a year. Stephen King is famous for sticking to this and he has beenprolific  for years.

If you do 22 minutes of moderate cardio exercise a day that is over 150 minutes aweek. This doesn't sound a lot but it is pretty good if you maintain it throughout the year.Actually the American Heart Association recommends (at least)150 minutes ofmoderate ex ercise a week.

If you save $20 a week, with compound inter est even as low as 5% it will be over $130000 in 40 years.

Promote your business in a different way each week. You will have 52 promotions at theend of the year.

Swap an ex tra piece of junk food for something healthy. You'll be eating well in no time.


Ex ercise 10, Bite-sized. This is an ongoing exercise. Instead of going crazy and beingfull-on at the beginning then losing momentum quickly, try to do things in small butconsistent segments. For ex ample, I have been learning jump rope (skipping) for 3months and am now quite good. I only practice for 15 minutes a day and try to do it evenif I'm not in the mood. A few years ago I would have practiced for an hour a day and thenquit after a few weeks because it was 'taking up to much time'. Now, I try to do things asconsistently as possible and that often means doing less but over a long period of time.



To be pr olific. - Ser prolífico

Moderate. - Moderado

Cardio exer cise.  - Ejercicio cardiovascular 

Compound interest.  - Interés compuesto

To swap 'A' for  'B'. - Cambiar 'A' por 'B'

To be full-on. - Ser intensivo

A segment. - Un segmento


Question 29: How many words does Steven King write a day?

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Twelve) Answers.


Question 27):  Do we get to where we are now from one decision?

Answer 27: No, it's usually through many small decisions.

Question 28: What is the name of the software mentioned above?

Answer 28: Anki.

Question 29: How many words does Steven King write a day?

Answer 29: 2000


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Section Three: What type of person.


t is commonly accepted that everyone is different. No two snowflakes are the same, etcetc. Yet with advice, when it is most needed, this concept seems to go r ight out of thewindow. People just hand out advice without thinking about who they are giving it to.What works for one person may not work for you, especially when dealing with habitsand motivation. So let's take a moment to think about ourselves. What works for us?What keeps us motivated?


Ex ercise 11, Some bad habits. When you try to do something positive like work on aproject, do some ex ercise, choose the healthy option to eat, do you tend to do somethingelse instead? I would argue that this is just a bad habit which can be easily broken. For ex ample, do you sit down to work on that business you've always wanted to start andust quickly check your emails, then Facebook, then YouTube and before you know ityou are reading an article about vegetarian celebrities? Be honest, write down as manyways that you sabotage or distract yourself as possible.

Here are some common ones:Sit down to do some work and end up surfing the internet.

Watch TV before you do some exercise and then never get around to the exercise.

Put things off  until the weekend and then dont bother to do them because weekends are

for relaxing.

Decide to eat healthily but then buy the same junk at the store.

Are there any other bad habits you have that are holding you back? Try to think of theopposite of your bad habits and then add them to your 'good habit tick list'.



(For something to) go r ight out of the window. - Tirar algo por la ventana

To sabotage (something). - Sabotear (algo)

To distr act.  - Distraer 

To get around to (doing something). - Encontrar el tiempo para (hacer algo)

To put doing (something) off. - Posponer hacer (algo)

To be holding one back. - Ser un lastre

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Question 30: Do people tend to hand out the same advice to everyone?


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Ex ercise 12, Your good habits. Here's some surprising news, you probably already havesome/lots of really good habits. Funnily enough  it will be harder for you to identifythese than it was with your bad habits. Try to note down at least 10 good habits youhave.

Here are some areas to think about.Human interactions: Do you always ask questions? Do you hold the door open for others? Do you always reply to emails? Do you say please and thank you? Do youremember people's birthdays? Do you organize events?

Lifestyle: Do you brush your teeth twice a day? Do you floss? Do sleep enough? Do youmake your bed? Do you clean your house regularly? Do you walk when possible andleave the car at home? Do you turn the light off if you are not in the room? Do you drink

enough water? Do you do any ex ercise?

Work: Are you always on time? Are you rarely off sick? Do you try to hit your deadlines?Are you courteous to your colleagues? Do you try to do your best?

As you can see, you already have quite a few good habits. Were they difficult toacquire? They probably weren't. You probably just did one small action after another over a long period of time until it was automatic. Do they make your life easier? Theyprobably do. To be honest these habits alone probably don't make you feel 'motivated' butthey free up the energy you need to get the important stuff done.



Funnily enough…. - Curiosamente…

Interactions between 'A' and 'B'. - Interacciones entre 'A' y B'

To floss (your teeth). - Usar hilo dental (en tus dientes)

To be cour teous. - Ser cortés


Question 31: Does the author think you already have lots of good habits?


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Thirteen) Answers.


Question 30: Do people tend to hand out the same advice to everyone?

Answer 30: Yes they do.

Question 31: Does the author think you already have lots of good habits?

Answer 31: Yes.

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Stick or carrot?


Take a moment to think about your work or school l ife. If you have ever had a teacher or 

a manager you will know that there are two techniques they use to get you to achieveresults. One is 'the stick', where there would be a punishment if you failed to meetexpectations. The other is 'the carrot' which is a reward for doing well. In the past,which have you responded better to? Most people respond to a mix ture of the two, butsome people achieve greater results under one or the other. Actually we want to reach thestage where neither is necessary and we just 'get it done'.



Stick or c ar r ot. - Palo o zanahoria / Castigo o recompensa

Expectations. - Expectativas

To r espond to (something). - Responder a (algo)


Question 32: What does 'stick' refer to? What does 'carrot' refer to?


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Ex ercise 13, Reward or punishment? Quickly make a list of 8-10 small things that youhave been putting off doing.

For example:

Replying to an email.Ringing your mother.

Cleaning your wallet.

Organizing your bil ls.

Cleaning your fridge.

Changing the oil in your car.

Cutting the grass.

Doing your homework.

Organizing the files on your computer.

Divide the list into two halves. You now have two days to complete both lists. If youcomplete list one you can tr eat your self to guil t free ice cream (or anything else thatyou would not receive usually). If you dont  complete list two, you must take $20 andsend it to someone you don't like.*

Which task did you complete first? Which task did you complete quickest?

*I frst encountered this idea of sending money as punishment on  thefastlaneforum.com


Going forwar d: If you find that one or both of these techniques work well, then why notapply them to everything you are trying to achieve? Completed today's tasks? Great,have a reward. Didnt complete them? Too bad, here's a punishment. Remember,consistency is the key. We want habits to form. I suggest that you take the time toarrange a number of treats and punishments in advance. Perhaps you have vouchers thatyou can use whenever you hit the target. Or pre-written checks that you can send to your 

least favorite political party if you miss a deadline. After a few months of doing this,you won't even really need them anymore, you'll just be conditioned to hit the targets.And if you're hitting targets, you'll feel motivated. At the beginning it will be hard but inthe end it will be habit.



To tr eat oneself to (something nic e). - Recompensarte a ti mismo con (algo bonito)

Too bad. - ¡Qué lástima!

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A political par ty.  - Un partido político

To be conditioned to (do something). - Verte condicionado a (hacer algo)


Question 33: If you completed today's tasks, what do you get?


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Fourteen) Answers.


Question 32: What does 'stick' refer to? What does 'carrot' refer to?

Answer 32: Stick' refers to a punishment. 'Carrot' refers to a reward.


Question 33: If you completed today's tasks, what do you get?

Answer 33: You get a reward for completing the tasks.

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Goal Setting


For long term motivation, in my opinion goals are absolutely essential. Actually in l ife

they are essential. I can remember the ex act moment my l ife turned around, it was whenI read the following quote. 'If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind isfavorable'*. This was like a lightning bolt to the head for me. No wonder  I feltunmotivated and despondent, I was just banging around like a ball in a pinballmachine. I drifted  from job to job and was slowly losing energy. I knew at that momentthat I needed a pur pose and that it didn't necessarily have to be a job or a career. tdidn't have to be what everyone else ex pected me to be or do but it needed to bedefinite.

Napoleon Hill in his book 'Think and Grow Rich' had this to say about having a definitegoal: 'Definiteness of purpose. Knowing what you want is the first and, perhaps, the most important step towards the development of persistence. A strong motive forces you tosurmount  many difficulties'(page 181).

* Seneca



No wonder … - Con razón…

To be despondent. - Estar desanimado

To dr ift fr om (this) to (that). - Vagar de un lado para el otro

A pur pose. - Un propósito

A motive. - Un motivo

To sur mount (something). - Superar (algo)


Question 34: What is absolutely essential for long term motivation?


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"How can I decide on a goal?" I see this question posted online all the time, butunfortunately it's different for everyone. Here is how I got started.

What am I not happy with in my life? This is a great place to start as we may not knowwhat we want but we sure as hell know what we don't want. I knew that I was a

miserable employee and that I'd be better off  self employed.

What skil ls do I have? In order to reach a goal you need to either have the necessaryskills or be will ing to acquire or hire them. I knew that I didn't want to retrain but that Ididn't mind learning a few ski lls off my own back. I knew that I was pretty wellorganized, enjoyed research and that I could w rite.

How long do I have to achieve this goal? Is this just a general goal or a specific goal. Is

it 'I want to spend more time with my family' or is it 'I want to start a company'. While theformer  is admirable, we will concentrate on the latter  as we want to get momentumso we feel naturally motivated. I personally wanted to get started immediately.

Is there anything else I can leverage? Is there anything that you have that could bechanged slightly to get you started. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do, but Idid have a course that I'd written years ago. Even though I had no intention of going intoself publishing, I decided to change the course into a book and publish it. Bynar r owing down my options and working with what I had, I got a goal. It may not havebeen ideal, but it was real and realistic. I have since published 10 books back to backmostly on the same subject.

Please remember, this doesn't have to be your 'goal for life'. If you have one that's greatbut don't feel that you have to find your sole purpose in life in the next 5 minutes. If you're anything like me, your purpose in life is constantly changing. By setting a goalyou are at least getting the motor running.


To be miserable.  - Estar triste

To be better off (doing 'A' r ather than 'B'). - Estar mejor (haciendo una cosa en vezde otra)

To acquire (something). - Adquirir (algo)

The for mer /the latter.  - El primero / El último.

Momentum.  - Impulso

Leverage. - Ventaja

To nar r ow (something) down.  - Reducir (algo)

Sole. - El único

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Question 35: Do you need to decide on your 'goal for life'?


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Exercise 14, Get excited. If you do not have a goal then I highly suggest that you getone! Seriously, having a goal can be a real boost for your motivation levels. Even if thegoal is to become better at what you are already doing, that is still a goal. Still somethingto str ive for, to get up for in the morning, to get ex ci ted about.

Over the next few days start using the 4 step process outlined  above to really startthinking about your goals. If you can't focus on the long term then just concentrate onsome short term goals to get started.



To strive for (something). - Luchar por (algo)

To outline (something). - Subrayar (algo)


Question 36: If you can't focus on the long term what should you do?


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Fifteen) Answers.


Question 34) What is absolutely essential for long term motivation?

Answer 34: Goals are essential.

Question 35: Do you need to decide on your 'goal for life'?

Answer 35: No you don't.

Question 36: If you can't focus on the long term what should you do?

Answer 36: Just focus on some short term goals.

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Are you a planner? If you're not then I have bad news. You need to be, at least at thebeginning. You need a plan in order to progress, and if you don't progress you will  losemotivation and then it's game over. Take a look at yourself for a second. Take a look attoday. Did you set out to achieve anything? Was it part of a bigger goal? Did you plan thesteps in order of priority and then work through them?


How to plan effectively. Now we don't have the time to go fully into all of the differenttechniques and what works best for different sized projects. But here is the four stepformula I used to write 10 books in a year (this required a lot of detailed planning). You

probably already do a lot of this, but just to be clear I thought I'd include it.One) Start with the end in mind. Write down exactly what the end goal is. Do this for both the whole project and each of the stages (we will cover milestones later).

Two) At the beginning of each day just make a note of the start time, when you plan tofinish and a few words describing the day's goal. For ex ample mine says 10:45-4:00 type rough draft: next three chapters. You may have to do this for a few days to work outwhat is a realistic daily goal.

Three) Brainstorm what needs to get done. Again do this for the whole project and on adaily basis. Simply w rite everything you need to do on a sheet of paper. For ex ample,'research', 'add links to websites mentioned', 'structure chapter 3', 'br eak down of paragraphs', 'proofread yesterday's work', 'type up r ough dr aft'.

Four) Prioritize what to do. What needs to be done first. Not 'what is the most importantthing', but what would be essential for you to get started? For example in the above list, Iwould need to 'research' first, otherwise I would have to go back later and make major alterations to the tex t. Work through the list until it is in order of priority and then youare ready to get started.

I have read countless books and articles on this subject and have planned manyprojects and it usually boils down to these four principles. Write the goal down,make a list of what to do, prioritize, do.


Ex ercise 15, Make a plan. If you are not used to planning then try to use the above 4principles to plan tomorrow's activities. Another good tip for daily plans is to plan the daybefore. That way you can get started right away as soon as you start working etc.



A for mula. - Una fórmula

Milestones.  - Hitos

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To br ainstor m. - Aportar ideas

To br eak (something) down.  - Dividir (algo)

To pr oofr ead. - Corregir 

A r ough dr aft. - Un borrador 

To pr ior itize. - Dar prioridad

To make alterations to (something). - Hacer cambios en (algo)

A pr ior ity. - Una prioridad

Countless…. - Innumerables

It boils down to….  - Se reduce a…

Principles. - Principios


Question 37: Is planning optional?


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Sixteen) Answer.


Question 37: Is planning optional?

Answer 37 : No, you must do it, at least at the beginning.


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Deadlines. The good and the bad.


But aren't all deadlines good? Don't get me wrong you need deadlines, especially whenworking on projects, but we are trying to build long term motivation through good habits;and habits don't have deadlines. We want to avoid putting a time limit on the 'practices'.So deadlines are great when getting started because you will have something to shootfor. But be sure to have the nex t goal and deadline lined up so you can keep themomentum up. It's fine to rest but you don't want to fall back into bad habits. Soplease keep setting deadlines until you don't need to anymore.

 A quick note about work. In the workplace, as soon as we hit a deadline another one is

usually waiting for us. However when we do something on our own we tend not to havethe same discipline. Start applying this principle to your own life and projects, so youbenefit from the same structure as your employers do.



A time limit. - Un tiempo límite

To fall bac k into bad habits. - Volver a recaer en los malos hábitos

Discipline. - Disciplina

To apply (something). - Aplicar (algo)


Question 38: Why is it good to keep setting deadlines?


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Exercise 16, The deadline habit. Start to apply time limits and deadlines to everything.When you are making a 'to do list' place deadlines on the actions in it. The more you dothis the more efficient you will become. Think about all of the things you need to dotomorrow. Try to divide your day up with deadlines. I assure you, you'll be amazed byhow much you actually get done.

Going forwar d. Try to start thinking ahead. So by the time you reach one deadline,especially i f it is a major one, you already have the nex t goal in sight. Try to get into arhythm as soon as possible. The less energy you have to expend  getting started all thetime, the more energetic and motivated you are going to feel.



To be efficient. - Ser eficiente

To assur e…. - Asegurar 

(To have something) in sight. - (Tener algo) a la vista

To expend (something). - Gastar (algo)


Question 39: What should you apply deadlines to?


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Seventeen) Answers.


Question 38: Why is it good to keep setting deadlines?

Answer 38: To keep the momentum up.

Question 39: What should you apply deadlines to?

Answer 39: At first you should apply them to everything.


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Milestones and small wins.


A milestone is a short stopover  on the way to the main goal. So for ex ample if you planto launch a new product then a milestone would be a stage in the production that youwould have to pass on the way. For example, design, getting a patent, building awebsite, getting it produced, getting it into various shops etc. You may want to adddeadlines to each of these milestones. Milestones are an excellent way to stay ontrack and to stay motivated. They show you that you are making progress.



A stopover. - Una parada

A patent. - Una patente

To stay on tr ack.  - Mantenerse concentrado


Question 40: What is a milestone?


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Ex ercise 17, Make some milestone targets. Whatever your goal is, whether it is long or short term, try dividing it into sections. It is absolutely crucial that you write everythingdown. This is exactly what we did in the planning section except that we are nowformalizing the stages and hopefully adding deadlines. Every time you reach a milestoneeither take a short break or reward yourself. This is a great achievement in i tself. I find a

great way to stay motivated is to review just how far I've come. While in the process of doing something it is sometimes difficult to 'see the wood for the trees', which is justa fancy way of saying that it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. When you reachyour milestone, take a step back to really appreciate how far you have progressed. Lost10 lb? That's amazing, keep going. Got your website up? That's great, start promoting it.Once you get into the habit of progressing forward you'll be unstoppable.



(To be) crucial to/for/that (something). - Importante para (algo)

To be unable to see the wood for the trees. - Los árboles no te dejan ver el bosque

A fanc y (way). - Una (forma) sofisticada


Question 41: What is it crucial to do?


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Small wins. I would greatly encourage you to not only write down your goals but also themilestones. If you are ever feeling that you are not making progress then a quick look atyour milestones will convince you otherwise. It's easy to forget just how far you havecome. Also, I would suggest that you often aim at 'low hanging fruit'. By this I mean thatthe more small successes you have, the more motivated you are going to be to keep on

track. I don't mean that one should always aim low, just that sometimes the easy wincan keep you fired up for the bigger challenges.


Ex ercise 18, Make someone happy. Here's something that you can do immediately.Make someone happy; Compliment someone. Forgive someone you've held agrudge against. Pay for someone's coffee. Let someone go before you in the line at thestore. These are small w ins. In all probabili ty you ll go away feeling better than they w il l.



To c onvinc e…. - Convencer 

To keep on track. - Mantenerte en el buen camino

To compliment (someone/something). - Alabar (a alguien / algo)

To hold a gr udge.  - Guardar rencor 


Question 42: Should you always aim low with your goals?


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Eighteen) Answers.


Question 40: What is a milestone?

Answer 40 : A milestone is a point on the journey (a stopover) to the main goal.

Question 41: What is it crucial to do?

Answer 41: t is crucial to write everything down.

Question 42: Should you always aim low with your goals?

Answer 42: No, but small win can be good.

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Analysis paralysis


This is the cur se of  people who only do research and never actually take the steps to

achieve their goals. If you do this long term it w ill absolutely kill your motivationbecause you never make any real progress. Research is essential but it is not the goal.Unfortunately some people get so caught up in the research that they never hit the 'go'button. I see this in publishing all the time, "I can't decide what to write", "what genreshould I write in", "I'm afraid that no one will buy it". I agree, no one will buy it,especially if you don't write the bloody thing. Now here is some tough love. There's agood chance that your project etc will fail. But you need to keep failing to see whatworks for you. My first book (the course I changed into a book) took me about a year to

write (a few hours each evening) and has performed pretty badly. My nex t book took 3weeks to write and sells very well. You could say that I wasted a year. But if I'd never gotstarted I wouldn't have learnt the skills to knoc k out a book in 3 weeks.

Here is my advice. Start small and build yourself up to major projects. Also if possible, if you are doing something that involves people buying something from you, see if you caninterest them in the product before you even get started. This w il l help you both gain andmaintain motivation. t's hard to get up after a major smack-down , but a minor onewhere you were prepared for a bit of disappointment is a lot easier. If you are well

organized then minor setbacks shouldn't affect your motivation too much. But never actually doing anything; that wil l drain your motivation for sure.



The curse of (something). - La maldición de (algo)

To get caught up in (something). - Quedarte atrapado/enganchado de (algo)

A genr e. - Un género

Bloody.  - Maldito

Tough love. - La pura verdad

To knock out (a task). - Terminar (una tarea) bajo presión

A smack-down. - Un golpe bajo

A setback. - Un contratiempo

To dr ain (ener gy etc). - Agotar (energía, etc.)


Question 43: Is it impossible for your project to fail?

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Ex ercise 19, You've got to start somewhere. If you have been stuck thinking aboutstarting, or just researching and then talking yourself out of starting, then it's time to getstarted. Set yourself a deadline to get started and then stick to it. Nothing is ever going tobe perfect, and the longer you wait the more likely you are to lose motivation. If you havea number of possibil ities then why not choose the one that wi ll only take a few weeks.

Then you can get the motor running. Once you get some momentum it w il l be easier tocarry that motivation on to the nex t thing.


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Nineteen) Answer.


Question 43: Is it impossible for your project to fail?

Answer 43: No, there is a good chance that it wil l fail.


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Is anything unrealistic? Limiting beliefs


"Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they're yours"  Richard Bach, llusions.

Is anything unrealistic? I don't know, ask Gandhi. Now I wouldn't start with trying toliberate a country of more than a bill ion people as my first project, but that's just me. Butno, nothing is unrealistic. I personally found however that if you start small then you cangain both confidence and motivation. Remember small actions repeated over anex tended period of time helps to form habits. So shoot for the moon by all means butbe sure that you handle it in small stages so you get the 'wins' that will keep your motivation up.

I for one don't like wishy washy 'self help' speak and have read countless books thatused jargon that I suspect was total non-sense. But the one phrase that I completelyagree with is 'limiting belief'. This is basically the idea that it's your belief that you cantdo something that is stopping you, rather than any real barrier . If you think that youcan't do it then you can't do it. If you think that you can do it, then you can do it.



Limitations. - Limitaciones

To liber ate.  - Liberar 

To shoot for the moon.  - Apunta alto

By all means…. - Por supuesto…

Wishy washy. - Insípido

Jargon. - Jerga

A barr ier. - Una barrera


Question 44: What is the one 'self help' phrase the author agrees with?


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Jen Kim in Psychology Today had this to say about vocalizing limiting beliefs: "The

roblem with declaring a barrier, is that once you say it, something in your head clicks, and you begin to tell yourself that you really cant do it and that you shouldnt even try. You've walked away from a door of opportunity without checking to see if it wasunlocked." 


Exercise 20, Yes you can! Here's a sur e fire way to identify a limiting belief. Asksomeone who knows much more on a subject for some advice, if you start arguing withthem or trying to justify why you just can't do it then it's probably a limiting belief. Of course that person could be wrong, but if you catch yourself asking for advice and thenignoring it, then you have to ask yourself why. You obviously think they have the answer,so why ignore it when you don't like the sound of it. Think about it the nex t time youcatch yourself doing this.



(When) something in your head c licks. - (Cuando) algo tiene sentido en tu cabeza

A sure fire way to (something). - La forma más perfecta de hacer (algo)

To justify (something). - Justificar (algo)

To catch oneself (doing something). - Pillarte a ti mismo (haciendo algo)


Question 45: If you ask for advice and then ignore it, what could this mean?


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Twenty) Answers.


Question 44: What is the one 'self help' phrase the author agrees with?

Answer 44: Limiting belief'.

Question 45: If you ask for advice and then ignore it, what could this mean?

Answer 45: t could mean that you have a limiting belief about that subject.


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Twenty One)

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How to speak yourself motivated.

Do you catch yourself saying things like "I can't", "I don't have enough…" more oftenthan you say things which are positive? As soon as is humanly possible I suggestthat you stop using this type of language. In fact you should be saying and thinking theex act opposite. Let's take the ex ample of a child. If you constantly discourage or belittle that child, there is a good chance they are not going to develop into happymotivated adults, of course there are exceptions but you get my point. Now take a lookat the way you speak to yourself. I used to start almost every sentence with but I can't'and of course I was right. When I eventually started to change my language and startedsaying 'I can' of course I was right again.

How language can affect behavior. Many teachers find that if they use positive language

towards the children, behaviour often actually improves. This is what a British

Government adviser, Andy Vass had to say about the subject: "By this we mean

language that describes success and avoids use of the word ‘don t’. A key principle in

ositive language is simply to describe what you want children to do rather than what you

want them to stop doing. For example,. "Can you stop talking and pay attention ",becomes "Carl, I need you to put your pen down, look this way and listen. Thanks." 

The simple rationale is that our brains cannot process negative statements. Try this:

don t think of a banana (to do this you have to picture a banana first!)

If you use positive language children are less likely to resist, and, because it is said in a

 pleasant  and respectful  tone the child is more likely to follow the instruction and want to

experience more of the same."



As is humanly possible. - Como sea humanamente posible

To discour age. - Desanimar 

To belittle. - Menospreciar 

To pay attention to (something). - Prestar atención a (algo)

A rationale.  - Lógica

To r esist (something). - Resistirse a (algo)

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Pleasant. - Agradable

Respectful.  - Respetuoso


Question 46: What type of language should you stop using?


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Ex ercise 21, watch your mouth. Changing the way we speak is ex tremely difficult. Infact our choice of words is one of the biggest habits we have. If you listen carefully,you'll notice that we all have words and phrases that we continually reuse. A few yearsback I met someone who had successfully overcome a very severe stutter . The basictechnique he used was that every time he caught himself stuttering, he would choose

another similar word. So if you catch yourself saying/thinking 'I can't do that because Idon't have the money, time, education etc etc', say 'I can't wait to get started' or 'I can'tbelieve I almost sabotaged my motivation by saying something negative'. Enough withthe self sabotage, trust me there are plenty of other people to do that for you!


Going forwar d. You are not going to change the way you speak or think overnight, soconsistency is the key. Here is the technique I used but try to find something that youcan stick to. This is a meditation technique for dealing with negative thoughts but I usedit in my everyday life. Every time a negative thought would arise or I would saysomething bad about myself I would say/think 'I'm having that negative thought about soand so again' then I would visualize myself wrapping up this thought into a package andflushing it down the toilet. Of course you could visualize something more romanticlike placing it in the river, so long as you are 'metaphorically' letting go. You wil lprobably notice that the same thoughts keep appearing. As a general rule the more youacknowledge the negative pattern the quicker you will get r id of  it.



Continually…. - Continuamente…

Severe.  - Grave

A stutter. - Tartamudeo

Stuttering. - Tartamudear 

To sabotage (something). - Sabotear (algo)

(To happen) overnight. Tr anslator : this does not literally mean overnight…it

means very quickly etc. - (Ocurrir) de inmediato

To flush (something) down the toilet. - Tirar (algo) por el wáter 

To visualize (something). - Visualizar (algo)

So long as you….. - Siempre y cuando tú…

Metaphorically. – Metafóricamente

To get rid of (something). - Deshacerse de (algo)

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Question 47: If you start to say something negative, what should you do?


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Twenty One) Answers.


Question 46: What type of language should you stop using?

Answer 46: Negative language such as 'I cant'.

Question 47: If you start to say something negative, what should you do?

Answer 47 : You should change the sentence to something positive.


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Twenty Two)

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Step Four: The right environment for motivation.


As we have seen, one of the biggest tricks to staying motivated is routine and habit.This is why ensuring that you have the right environment is essential. Placing yourself in environments and situations that work with, rather than against you, will boostmorale and productivity. If you are trying to get stuff done in a messy environment or onefull of distraction  it is going to be hard to maintain focus. No focus means lowproductivity, and low productivity means losing motivation for what you are doing. Thereare of course those who thrive in chaos. If you are one of those people please feel free

to skip this chapter.



To ensur e (something). - Asegurarse de (algo)

Morale. - Confianza

A distr action. - Una distracción

To thrive. - Prosperar 

Chaos. - Caos

To skip (something). - Saltarse (algo) 

Question 48:  Why is it difficult to get stuff done in a messy envi ronment?


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Ex ercise 22, Clean up. For one week only, try to keep your work space clear. Try not tohave piles of paper stacked up everywhere on your desk. Very few people can focus inchaos, and if you can't focus it is going to be difficult to maintain motivation. Try it for aweek and see how it affects your motivation and focus.


Divide your space. Throughout my 20's I was very interested in Zen Buddhism andattended many meditation groups both in the west and in Japan. Now, Zen is notabstract at all. In fact it is pretty straightforward and follows the 'sit down, shut upand appreciate that you are alive in this moment' principle. That said, whenever youenter the meditation area you must enter with your left foot and then bow. This is thesame even if the group is held in a community center or some other decidedly non-spiritual location. In fact some groups just put a piece of string or another marker on thefloor that you must cross over. For years I just thought this was meaningless ritual. Thenit str uc k me. You need to divide things up to really channel your foc us. You need tomake a clear distinction between what you were doing before and what you aresupposed to be doing now. Doing the same thing the same way (left foot first) frees upthe mind to focus on what it is supposed to be doing.



Abstract. - Abstracto

Straightforward. - Directo

To appr eciate (something). - Apreciar (algo)

Decidedly…. - Sin duda

To str ike one that…. - Entender que…

To c hannel one's foc us.  - Canalizar tu concentración

A distinction between 'A' and 'B'. - Una diferencia entre 'A' y 'B'


Question 49: In Zen, how do you enter the meditation area?


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Ex ercise 23, Divide and conquer. If you either work from home or are doing a project inthe evening and are having trouble maintaining focus, productivity, and motivation, trythis. Start at the same time. Clearly write down how long you intend to work for. Clearlydefine a workspace. Make sure that you always enter this workplace in the same wayand that it's to work only. For ex ample I would recommend against eating breakfast there

or watching YouTube videos of cats etc. Even if it's just a desk in the corner of your bedroom. t is now no longer a bedroom. This is your workspace.



To intend to (do something). - Pretender (hacer algo)

To define (something). - Definir (algo)

A wor kspace. - Lugar de trabajo


Question 50: When at your workspace, what for example shouldnt you do?


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Distractions. Anyone who has tried to work from home or tried to maintain motivation fotheir own projects w ill know that distractions are deadly. Distractions kill motivation.Now you can either use willpower to avoid the distractions or just eliminate them fromyour life. My job requires me to be at the computer producing for around 6 hours a day.Not researching, but actually producing. I have found that if I am at home I have too many

temptations and distractions. *So I simply designated a certain amount of hours toworking in the l ibrary and 2-4 hours of research which I do online at home. It has beenthat simple. No software for blocking websites on my computer or training my dog to notump on my lap every five minutes, I just go to the library (don't get the Wi-Fi code!) andbecame a production machine. I would also recommend this for people who haverecently become unemployed or have started working for themselves. Use themomentum and habit from your previous job to benefit yourself.

*Rachael Aaron in her book 2000 to 10000 has some nteresting ideas about this.



A distr action. - Una distracción

To eliminate (something). - Eliminar (algo)

A temptation. - Una tentación

To designate (something). - Designar (algo)

Momentum. - Impulso


Question 51: Where does the author do their online research?


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Ex ercise 24, Remove distractions or remove yourself from the distraction. Depending onyour situation and what you are trying to achieve you can either change your currentenvironment and minimize distractions, or you can just simply remove yourself from theenvironment and work elsewhere. Here are some things you can do to get started.

Clearly define your workspace. This is where you work, when you enter this space youare motivated and focused on your goal.

Clear your workspace. Make sure you dont have to waste time searching around for everything all the time.

Remove yourself from the distracting workspace. Hire an office. Work in the library.

Use software such as Stay Focused or Cold Turkey to block access to websites, during

your work period.

Try using the Pomodoro Technique' where you work for 25 minutes, take a 5 minutebreak and then start working again. You could also try 'Strict Workflow' which is anapplication that blocks websites for a certain period and then allows you access duringyour break times (it's based on the pomodoro technique).

Speak to family members and ask them not to disturb you during your work period.

Do not perform non-productive activities at your workspace. Try not to eat or watchvideos or do anything that is not related to what you are trying to achieve.



To minimize (something). - Minimizar (algo)

To define (something). - Definir (algo)

A (computer) application. - Una aplicación de software


Question 52: What is the 'Pomodoro Technique'?


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Twenty Two) Answers.


Question 48:  Why is it difficult to get stuff done in a messy envi ronment?

Answer 48: Because it's difficult to maintain focus.

Question 49: In Zen, how do you enter the meditation area?

Answer 49: You enter with your left foot and then bow.

Question 50: When at your workspace, what for example shouldnt you do?

Answer 50: You shouldnt eat your breakfast or watch YouTube videos etc.

Question 51: Where does the author do their online research?

Answer 51: They do their online research at home.

Question 52: What is the 'Pomodoro Technique'?

Answer 52: t's when you work for 25 minutes and then rest for 5 minutes and thenrepeat the process.


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Twenty Three)

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Step Five: Staying motivated


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Other People

"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with". Jim Rohn

Think about it; what is the one thing that can drain your energy and motivation in aninstant. Other people. You could be having the greatest day ever and then 'Bam' someidiot says something and totally ruins it for you. Now, two conc lusions can bedrawn from this. The first is that you need to avoid these types of people. The secondis that if other people's opinions have that much power over you, you probably need totoughen up  a bit (or a lot). The bottom line is that if we want to maintain motivationwe can't solely rely on others to agree with us or to tell us what a wonderful job we aredoing and how everything will be alright in the end. That said, if you surroundyourself  with people who discourage you and mock your aspirations, then you are

going to need an iron will to keep your motivation levels up.



In an instant. - En un momento.

An idiot. - Un idiota

To r uin (something). - Arruinar (algo)

To dr aw conc lusions. - Sacar conclusiones

To avoid (something/someone). - Evitar (algo / a alguien)

To toughen up. - Aprender a ser fuerte

The bottom line. - En definitiva

To sur r ound your self with (soothing etc). - Rodearte de (confort)

To discour age…. - Desanimar 

To moc k. - Burlarse de

Aspirations. - Aspiraciones

(To have an) iron will.  - (Tener) una voluntad de hierro


Question 53: If people often ruin your mood what can you do?


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I'm not saying that you have to have a wife/husband/partner that fully supports everycrazy scheme you have and is w ill ing to dr op ever ything  just to cheerlead  you. Butif someone consistently doesn't support you, then it would be madness not toacknowledge that this is having a huge effect on both your self-esteem  and your motivation levels. This is the same with friends, do they laugh when you tell them your 

aspirations? If they do, are they really friends? 


A scheme. - Un plan

To dr op everything and…..  - Dejarlo todo y…

To c heer lead (someone/an idea, a pr oject etc). - Hacer de animadora (de alguien /de una idea /de un proyecto, etc.)

(To be) madness. - (Ser) una locura

To acknowledge (something). - Reconocer (algo)

Self-esteem.  - Autoestima

Aspirations. - Aspiraciones


Question 54: Should your husband/wife/partner support every idea you have?


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Ex ercise 25, Take a look around. This is probably the most painful thing to do, but take ahard look at the people closest to you. Make a list of 5-10 people who you are closest to.Do they encourage you? Do you encourage them? Are they interested in what you do?Deep down  do they want you to succeed? If they consistently belittle you, thenperhaps you need to stop sharing your ideas with these people. People often call

themselves 'r ealists' but actually they are just negative and never really strive to domuch of anything themselves. There is a difference between 'a realist' and 'a negativeperson'.



To encour age.  - Animar 

Deep down. - En el fondo

To consistently…. - Consistentemente…

To belittle. - Menospreciar 

A realist. - Un realista

To strive for (something). - Luchar por (algo)


Question 55: Are people who call themselves 'realists' always actually realists?


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Ex ercise 26, Get new friends. What are you interested in? What are your goals? Nowmaybe your immediate fr iends and family are not willing to offer support but there aremillions of like-minded  people out there. Join a forum full of people in the sameposition as you. Change your habits, instead of banging your head against a br ickwall trying to change those around you, broaden your scope. There is an online world

out there full of people with similar interests. You don't even need to do it online, checkfor local clubs etc as well.

Dont ex pect everyone to see things the same way as you. Remember, if you doannounce a r adical change in your li fe don't ex pect everyone to understand. Theymay not be 'hating' they are just genuinely concerned. When I told my wife that I wasgoing to start writing books, there was literally no reaction whatsoever . She didn't get it.She wasn t being critical but she certainly wasn't shouting 'you can do this, believe inyourself' every morning before I sat down to my (then) unpaid job. But bit by bit after I

started getting 'small wins' her attitude started to change. That's why I always advocatesmall wins. They're quick, easy and difficult to argue with.


Ex ercise 27, Keep it to yourself. Instead of discussing your plans w ith everyone youmeet and seeking approval, try to get a small win first. If you want to make a product,get someone interested in buying it first. Want to lose weight? Lose some first before you

announce your goal. Remember, results are difficult to argue with. If you are alreadywinning, then people are less likely to say something negative, and if they do, youllknow it is not genuine concern.



Immediate family.  - Familia inmediata / más próx ima

Like-minded people. - Personas con la misma mentalidad

An internet for um.  - Un foro de internet

To bang your head against a br ick wall.  - Darte cabezazos contra la pared

To br oaden (something). - Ampliar (algo)

The scope of (something). - El ámbito de (algo)

To announce (something). - Anunciar (algo)

A r adical change. - Un cambio radical

To be concerned about (something). - Estar preocupado por (algo)

Whatsoever. - En absoluto

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To advoc ate (something). - Abogar por (algo)

To seek appr oval. - Buscar aprobación

 To be genuine.  - Ser auténtico / genuino


Question 56: If people don t understand what you are doing, are they just 'hating'?


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Twenty Three) Answers.


Question 53: If people often ruin your mood what can you do?

Answer 53: You can avoid those people or toughen up.

Question 54: Should your husband/wife/partner support every idea you have?

Answer 54: No, not if it is a 'crazy scheme'.

Question 55: Are people who call themselves 'realists' always actually realists?

Answer 55: No, sometimes they are just negative.

Question 56: If people don t understand what you are doing, are they just 'hating'?

Answer 56: No, they may just be concerned for you.

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Twenty Four)

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A few other things


Stick to the plan. Consistency is the key to progress and feeling motivated. If you areconstantly shifting your routine, it's going to be hard for good habits to form. Have youever noticed that it's more difficult to start that it is to continue? If you feel yourself slipping back into bad habits, try to catch yourself. Remember what we said about'spaced repetition' and learning languages. The most intense work is done at thebeginning and then it wil l become second natur e over time.



To stick to (something). - Ser leal a (algo)

To shift (something).  - Cambiar (algo)

To slip back into bad habits. - Volver a caer en las malas costumbres

Intense. - Intenso

To become second nature. - Convertirse en algo automático


Question 57: Why shouldn't you keep changing your routine?


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Accountability. A great way to stay motivated is to make yourself accountable. Thereare lots of ways of doing this but they all serve the same purpose. To keep you ontrack. Here are 2 popular methods.

Start a blog or a thread in a forum documenting your goals and progress. By making

this public, people often feel that they are more accountable if other people are followingtheir progress.

Get an accountability partner. This is where you set goals and deadlines for yourself andsomebody else keeps track of your progress. You in tur n do the same thing for them. If someone is ex pecting you to get a certain task done by a certain time, then you are morelikely to do it.



To be accountable for (something). - Ser responsable de (algo)

To keep on track. - Seguir en el buen camino

To doc ument (something). - Documentar (algo)

In tur n. - A su vez


Question 58: What is an 'accountability partner'?


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Get a formula. If something is working, keep doing that! Even though it's common

sense we often abandon what is working to try out something totally new. To a certaindegree that's fine but we need to consider what has actually worked for us in the pastas well. As Goethe said "He who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from

hand to mouth."


Be realistic with yourself. I have long been interested in adopting a raw food diet.However every time I adopt this style of eating, or something similar I inevitably snapback to my old habits. This is down to a few factors. One was that I was under-eatingand the other was that in the long-term it was just not realistic for me. Eventually Iadopted a 'Raw till 4' approach where I eat as much raw fruit and vegetables as I l ike

during the day and can still enjoy a cooked meal in the evening with my family. Whilethis is still a major change from my previous eating habits, it is much more sustainablethan trying to do things that totally don't suit my personality. Try to match your new goodhabits as closely as you can to your life and personality if you want to have sustainedmotivation.



Common sense. - Sentido común

To a certain degree. - Hasta cierto punto

To adopt (an idea etc). - Adoptar (una idea, etc.)

Inevitably. - Inevitablemente

To snap back to….  - Volver a…

To be sustainable. - Ser sostenible


Question 59: Instead of a 'raw food diet' what did the author adopt?


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Twenty Four) Answers.


Question 57: Why shouldn't you keep changing your routine?

Answer 57: Because it wil l be hard to form habits.

Question 58: What is an 'accountability partner'?

Answer 58: This is someone who keeps track of your progress.

Question 59: Instead of a 'raw food diet' what did the author adopt?

Answer 59: The author adopted a 'raw til l four' diet.


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Twenty Five)

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This is not the place to fully discuss the pr os and cons of different diets and lifestyle

choices, but it's crazy to ignore the effects these things have on our motivation levels. Ihave seen people who basically live off eating crap and drinking soda, complainingabout feeling tired all the time. Then they drink coffee and energy drinks to getthemselves started. I can't really judge because I spent 10 years of my life working myway up to just below obese before I realized that if I just stopped eating crap thenmaybe I'd stop feeling like crap. Mission acc omplished, I'm now a normal weight, feelmotivated and take action towards my goals on a daily basis. Once I started puttingenough of the right things in and for the most part avoided the rest, my moods stabilized

and my motivation levels went thr ough the roof . 


The pr os and c ons of (something). - Los pros y los contras de (algo)

Crap. - Comida basura

To judge (something). - Juzgar (algo)

To be obese. - Ser obeso

Mission acc omplished! - ¡Misión cumplida!

To be stabilized. - Estar estabilizado

(When something) goes thr ough the r oof. - (Cuando algo) se dispara


Question 60: Was the author ever overweight?


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Exercise 28, Health check. Please take a look at these things and answer honestly.Also please take the time to consider what these things are doing to your energy levels.

Do you eat a lot of pr oc essed food?

Do you eat a lot of fat?Do you eat a lot of things that you have absolutely no idea what the ingredients are? If you don't know what the additive is then how wil l you know it's effect on you, your mood and your motivation levels.

Do you rely on stimulants, such as coffee and energy drinks to keep you going?

Do you think that the stuff you put into your body is crap? Answer honestly!

Try reading the ingredients of everything you eat. If that doesnt scare you into takingchar ge of  your diet then nothing will. There are tons of additives etc that have beenclaimed to alter behavior.

Are you getting enough sleep? How can you feel motivated and ready for the day if youare ex hausted all of the time.


Basically just start thinking about what the effect of the food and drink you consumeand your general lifestyle have on your overall motivation levels.



Processed food. - Comida precocinadaA food additive. - Aditivos alimentarios

A stimulant. - Un estimulante

To take charge of (something). - Tomar las riendas de (algo)

To c onsume (something). - Consumir (algo)


Question 61: Does the author think you should eat lots of additives?


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Twenty Five) Answers.


Question 60: Was the author ever overweight?

Answer 60: Yes they were.

Question 61: Does the author think you should eat lots of additives?

Answer 61: No.

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Congratulations, we are at the end of the book, but hopefully at the beginning of your ourney to making motivation a habit. Although the methods mentioned may not be as'sexy' as some they are totally practical and will work long term if you just put in theinitial effort now. Do what suits you and you will soon find that your new good habits willhelp you maintain a very high level of motivation.

I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Bonuses on nex t page……

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Suggested 4 week program


Week One: Start taking note of all of your good and bad habits. Add all of your goodhabits to the 'Habit Tick List' from exercise 2. Think about what the opposite of your badhabits are and then if you think they are sustainable, add them to your tick list as well.Think about what actually motivates you. Use the exercises in Steps 1-2 to get a good

idea of what is going to work for you.

Week Two: Spend this week really observing your thought patterns. Do you have anybad habits such as always thinking negatively or using negative language? Start usingthe exercises in Step 2 to get focused on the present and to start really monitoringhow you speak to yourself.

Week Three: Really start to think about your goals and how you approach achieving

them. Use the ex ercises in Step 3 to get a clear idea of where you are heading.

Week Four: Start to observe how your environment has an effect on your motivationlevels. Do you need to minimize distractions? Do you need to remove yourself from thedistractions? Do you need to alter your workspace or start to keep things tidier? Takesteps to getting this done. Also take a look at how your health and other lifestyle factorsare affecting your motivation levels.

Be sure to add any new habit that you wish to benefit from onto your 'Habit Tick List'.Then of course be sure to fill it in everyday until your new 'practices' become habit.



To observe. - Observar 

To monitor (something). - Llevar un seguimiento de (algo)

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30 random ideas for getting and then stayingmotivated


1)  Keep a journal.

2)  Get a goal.

3)  Start a blog to stay accountable.

4)  Start a thread on a forum to stay accountable.

5)  Get an accountabili ty partner. They track your progress and you track theirs.

6)  Give away money every time you slip from your goal.

7)  Take an inventory of all of your good points.

8)  Get rid of your TV. Or at least minimize watching it.

9)  Read for an hour a day.

10)  Tell people who are supportive what your goals are.

11)  Stop speaking to people who don't offer positive criticism.

12)  Read motivational quotes every day. You can find some here.

13)  Read about people who inspire you.

14)  Find someone who has achieved what you want and then just ask them howthey achieved it. 99% of people will tell you.

15)  Try to avoid negative language.

16)  Try to avoid gossip.

17)  Get enough sleep.

18)  Say your goal aloud every morning.

19)  Aim for small wins at first.

20)  Make sure you encourage others.

21)  Stay hydrated.

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22)  If there are too many distractions, remove yourself and go somewhere you canconcentrate.

23)  Even if you are not in the mood, get started, that's always the most difficult part.

24)  If something is definitely not working then think about a change in direction.

25)  Make sure your 'to do list' is visible at all times.

26)  Have a poster above your workspace reminding you to remain on track.

27)  Regularly look at the milestones you have reached in order to remind yourself of all the progress you have already made.

28)  Organise an event to celebrate you reaching a certain goal. This will mean thatyou have to reach it!

29)  Join an online forum.

30)  Join a local club or association.


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