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09. Nacionalna ekonomija i finansii 09. National Economy and .... BDP.pdf09. Nacionalna ekonomija i...

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09. Nacionalna ekonomija i finansii 09. National Economy and Finances
  • 09. Nacionalna ekonomija i finansii

    09. National Economy and Finances

  • 299Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)


    Vo Dr`avniot zavod za statistika vo tekot na 2000 godina e napravena pogolema revizija na podatocite za presmetka na bruto-doma{niot proizvod za periodot od 1997 do 1999 godina so posoodvetno implementirawe na principite na sistemot na ekonomski smetki na Eurostat. Taa revizija se odnesuva{e na:

    - metodolo{ki podobruvawa na presmetkata na proizvodnata i na rashodnata strana na BDP;

    - metodolo{ki podobruvawa za procena na neopfatenata (siva) ekonomija;

    - primena na novi re{enija za presmetka na volumenskite indeksi i cenovnite deflatori;

    - integrirawe na podatocite od Anketata za rabotnata sila vo presmetkata na BDP so {to se postignuva pogolem opfat na neregistriranite ekonomski aktivnosti;

    - novi standardi pri analizata na podatocite;

    - primena na Nacionalnata klasifikacija na dejnostite koja e celosno harmonizirana so klasifikacijata na EU NACE Rev.1.

    So implementacijata na novite podobreni metodolo{ki re{enija vo tekot na 2000 godina i na~inot na prika`uvawe na podatocite se ovozmo`uva pogolema me|unarodna sporedlivost pri analiza na podatocite.

    Od 2005 godina, pri presmetkata na bruto-doma{niot proizvod, promenata na zalihite se presmetuva na na~in koj ovozmo`uva eliminirawe na vlijanieto na cenite.

    Vo 2010 godina e izvr{ena revizija na podatocite za bruto-doma{niot proizvod za 2006, 2007 i 2008 godina poradi implementiraweto na:

    - Regulativata na Komisijata br.1889/2002 za implementirawe na Regulativata na Sovetot br. 448/98 za kompletirawe i izmenuvawe na Regulativata na Sovetot br.2223/96 vo odnos na alokacijata na finansiskite uslugi mereni indirektno;

    - Regulativa na Komisijata br.1722/ 2005 vo odnos na principite za presmetuvawe na inputiranite stanarini, a za potrebite na Regulativata na Sovetot 1287/2003 za harmonizirawe na bruto-nacionalniot dohod po pazarni ceni;

    - usoglasuvaweto so revidiranite podatocite vo platniot bilans;

    - metodolo{kite podobruvawa na presmetkite na BDP po postojani ceni i

    - koristeweto na mese~ni podatoci od platniot bilans za: izvozot na stoki i na uslugi i uvozot na stoki i na uslugi, mese~ni podatoci za devizniot kurs na dolarot za dobivawe na godi{nite podatoci.

    Del od bankarskite uslugi se pla}aat direktno, no del od finansiskite uslugi se vr{at bez eksplicitno pla}awe. Toj del na uslugite se vrednuva indirektno. Vo nacionalnite smetki tie se poznati kako finansiski uslugi mereni indirektno (FISIM). Bankite pla}aat poniski stapki na kamati otkolku vo slu~aj koga tie na nekogo mu pozajmuvaat pari i napla}aat povisoki stapki na kreditite koi tie im gi odobruvaat.

    Vo dosega{nite presmetki ovie uslugi bea presmetuvani kako razlika pome|u primenata i platenata kamata. Ne be{e napravena alokacija po sektori i po korisnici na ovie uslugi i tie se iska`uvaa kako me|ufazna potro{uva~ka na nivo na vkupnata ekonomija.

    So cel podobruvawe vo nacionalnite smetki vo soglasnost so Regulativata na Komisijata br. 1889/2002 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1889/2002), od site zemji-~lenki na EU se bara{e da napravat presmetki i alokacija na finansiskite uslugi mereni indirektno pome|u sektorite - korisnici na ovie uslugi, so upotreba na referentna stapka definirana kako "metod 1" vo to~kata1(b) od Aneksot 3 na Regulativata na Sovetot br. 448/98 (Council Regulation (EC) No 448/98). Spored novite presmetki, ovie uslugi po korisnici ne se iska`uvaat samo kako me|ufazna potro{uva~ka, tuku mo`at da bidat finalna potro{uva~ka i izvoz (uvoz).

    Kako rezultat na sorabotkata so NBRM, vrz osnova na raspolo`livite podatoci od NBRM, vo Dr`avniot zavod za statistika se napraveni presmetki i alokacija na finansiskite uslugi mereni indirektno, po sektori i po korisnici, vo soglasnost so navedenite regulativi na EU. Presmetkite se odnesuvaat za 2008 godina, a podatocite za 2006 i 2007 godina se revidirani spored novite presmetki.

    Presmetkite na FISIM se vrz osnova na slednite glavni podatoci: referentna kamatna stapka (interna i eksterna referentna stapka); prose~na sostojba na depoziti i krediti i presmetana kamatna stapka po sektori i korisnici na ovie uslugi.

    Alokacijata na delot od FISIM, kako me|ufazna potro{uva~ka po aktivnosti, e napravena spored strukturata na bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto.

    Vlijanieto na alociraniot FISIM vo bruto-doma{niot proizvod e 1.07% vo 2006, 1.11% vo 2007 i 1.25% vo

  • 300 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)2008 godina.

    Presmetkite na FISIM ne se odnesuvaat na Narodnata banka na RM. Bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto na NBRM od 2006 godina se presmetuva kako suma na tro{ocite (sredstva na vrabotenite, amortizacija, me|ufazna potro{uva~ka, drugi danoci na proizvodstvoto minus drugi subvencii na proizvodstvoto). Spored konvencijata, bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto na NBRM e alocirana vo me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka na bankite.

    Podatocite za finalnata potro{uva~ka na doma}instvata se revidirani kako rezultat, pred sé, na primenata na Regulativa na Komisijata br.1889/2002 za implementirawe na Regulativata na Sovetot br. 448/98 za kompletirawe i izmenuvawe na Regulativata na Sovetot br.2223/96 vo odnos na alokacijata na finansiskite uslugi mereni indirektno i Regulativata na Komisijata br.1722/ 2005 vo odnos na principite za presmetuvawe na inputiranite stanarini, a za potrebite na Regulativata na Sovetot 1287/2003 za harmonizirawe na bruto-nacionalniot dohod po pazarni ceni.

    Del od vkupniot FISIM za prvpat e alociran vo finalnata potro{uva~ka na doma}instvata, vo COICOP, podgrupa 12.6 Finansiski uslugi, a negovoto u~estvo vo BDP e 0.89% vo 2006, 0.87% vo 2007 i 0.99% vo 2008 godina.

    Alokacijata na finansiskite uslugi mereni indirektno vo neprofitnite institucii {to im slu`at na doma}instvata i vo finalnata javna potro{uva~ka ima{e implikacija na vrednosta na finalnata potro{uva~ka.

    Metodolo{kite podobruvawa za presmetkite na inputiranite stanarini proizlegoa od primenata i na pogore spomenatite regulativi.

    Vlijanieto na alokacijata na FISIM vo inputiranite stanarini ima implikacija vrz promenata na me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka i, soodvetno, vrz bruto-rentata koja se presmetuva spored metodot "user cost".

    So metodolo{kite podobruvawa za inputiranite stanarini, se primeni godi{na stapka od 2.5% na neto-vrednosta na stanbeniot fond na stanovite po tekovni ceni. So toa se promeni podatokot za neto-delovniot vi{ok pri presmetkite na inputiranite stanarini.

    Ovie metodolo{ki usoglasuvawa so me|unarodnite standardi vlijaeja na revidiraweto na podatocite za finalnata potro{uva~ka na doma}instvata impliciraj}i promena na podatocite vo COICOP, podgrupa 4.2 Inputirani stanarini.


    Izvori na podatocite

    Za presmetkite na bruto-doma{niot proizvod (BDP) se koristat podatoci od godi{nite smetki {to se prezemaat od Centralniot registar, podatoci od redovnite statisti~ki istra`uvawa vo Dr`avniot zavod za statistika, Ministerstvoto za finansii, Upravata za javni prihodi, Narodnata banka i dopolnitelni podatoci od soodvetni institucii.

    Prika`uvawe na podatocite vo tabelite

    Podatocite za izvorite na dodadenata vrednost i tro{o~nata struktura na bruto-doma{niot proizvod po proizvoden metod, po tekovni ceni, vo tabelite se prika`ani po sektori i potsektori spored klasifikacijata NKD. Tie se presmetani na nivo na vkupna ekonomija, na nivo na institucionalni sektori i potsektori i spored goleminata na delovnite subjekti.

    Podatocite po institucionalni sektori i po potsektori se definirani spored preporakite na SNS93 i ESS95, vo zavisnost od vidot na proizvodstvoto na institucionalnite edinici i vo zavisnost od nivnata glavna dejnost i funkciite koi gi izvr{uvaat, a koi se zemaat kako pokazateli na nivnoto ekonomsko odnesuvawe, isto taka, zemaj}i go predvid i na~inot na upravuvawe.

    Zaradi zapazuvawe na principot na doverlivost na podatocite, vo tabelite kade {to tie se prika`uvaat po institucionalni sektori i potsektori, za Finansiskiot sektor se dadeni podatoci samo na nivo na sektor. Za sektorot S.14 Doma}instva ne e napravena potsektorizacija, bidej}i ne se raspolaga so dovolno podatoci za da se definiraat potsektorite.

    Raspredeluvaweto na delovnite subjekti na golemi, sredni, mali i mikro e izvr{eno od strana na Centralniot registar vo soglasnost so kriteriumite od ~len 469 stav 4 i ~len 470 od Zakonot za trgovski dru{tva ("Sl. vesnik na RM" br.50/2001, 84/2005).

    Definicii na osnovnite kategorii

    Bruto-doma{en proizvod

    Bruto-doma{niot proizvod (BDP) po pazarni ceni e finalen proizvod na proizvodnata aktivnost na rezidentnite proizvodni edinici i e zbir na bruto-dodadenata vrednost od oddelni institucionalni sektori ili oddelni dejnosti, po osnovni ceni, plus danokot na dodadena vrednost i carinite, minus subvenciite na proizvodi

  • 301Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)({to ne se raspredeleni po dejnosti).

    Dodadena vrednost

    Bruto-dodadenata vrednost po osnovni ceni pretstavuva osnovna kategorija na bruto-doma{niot proizvod i se definira kako razlika me|u bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto i me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka.

    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvo

    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto pretstavuva vrednost na proizvedenite stoki i izvr{enite uslugi vo tekot na edna godina, nezavisno dali tie vo celost se prodadeni ili del od niv se staveni vo zalihi.

    Vrednosta na proizvodstvoto se sostoi od tri vida na proizvodstvo: pazarno proizvodstvo, proizvodstvo nameneto za sopstvena finalna upotreba i nepazarno proizvodstvo. Poradi specifi~niot karakter na odredeni dejnosti, bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto se definira na razli~en na~in.

    Taka, na primer, vo trgovijata, bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto pretstavuva razlika pome|u proda`nata i nabavnata vrednost na prodadenata trgovska stoka, odnosno bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto e ednakva na bruto-mar`ata vo ovaa dejnost.

    Kaj bankarsko-finansiskite institucii, bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto e ednakva na zbirot od prihodite na bankata dobieni od vr{ewe na bankarski uslugi i presmetanata vrednost na inputiranite bankarski uslugi koi se dobieni kako razlika pome|u primenite i platenite kamati.

    Kaj osiguritelnite dru{tva, bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto e ednakva na vrednosta na presmetanite osiguritelni uslugi {to se presmetuvaat kako razlika pome|u prihodite od premii za osiguruvawe i ostanatite nadomestoci za {teti od osiguruvaweto.

    Kaj proizvoditelite na dr`avnite uslugi i drugite nepazarni i neprofitni institucii, bruto-vrednosta na proizvodstvoto se presmetuva kako zbir na me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka, amortizacijata, sredstvata na vrabotenite i danocite na proizvodstvo. Poradi celta na nivnoto postoewe i dejstvuvawe, proizvoditelite na nepazarni uslugi ne ostvaruvaat profit poradi {to, po definicija, neto-delovniot vi{ok e ednakov na nula.

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka

    Me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka pretstavuva vrednost na proizvodite i pazarnite uslugi {to gi upotrebuva proizvoditelot kako inputi vo procesot na proizvodstvo, isklu~uvaj}i ja potro{uva~kata na fiksen kapital, t.e. amortizacijata so cel da se proizvedat drugi proizvodi i uslugi. Ovaa kategorija ja vklu~uva potro{uva~kata od tekovnite nabavki, potro{uva~kata od zalihite, kako i potro{uva~kata na sopstvenite proizvodi i uslugi vo tekot na proizvodstveniot proces. Kaj proizvoditelite na nepazarni uslugi, po definicija, vrednosta na me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka e ednakva na vrednosta na tekovnite nabavki. Me|ufaznata potro{uva~ka se sostoi od potro{uva~ka na surovini, materijali i energija, siten inventar, rabotna obleka i rezervni delovi, tro{oci za transport na vrabotenite, avtorski honorari, dnevnici, tro{oci za odvoen `ivot i razni drugi pogodnosti {to gi dobivaat vrabotenite, a koi se povrzani so vr{eweto na redovnata dejnost.

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Sredstvata na vrabotenite se definirani kako vkupen iznos na nadomestocite vo pari ili natura isplateni od strana na pretprijatieto na vrabotenite kako nadomestok za izvr{enata rabota vo tekot na presmetkovniot period. Tie vklu~uvaat neto-plata, personalen danok od plata, pridonesi od plata, nadomestoci za hrana, prevoz, terenski dodatok, regres za godi{en odmor i sli~ni nadomestoci na vrabotenite.

    Deloven vi{ok

    Delovniot vi{ok e rezidualna golemina na dodadenata vrednost i se dobiva koga dodadenata vrednost }e se namali za amortizacijata, sredstvata na vrabotenite i danocite na proizvodstvoto. Delovniot vi{ok mo`e da se presmeta vo bruto-iznos dokolku ja sodr`i amortizacijata i kako neto-iznos dokolku amortizacijata e isklu~ena.

    Delovniot vi{ok (dohodot na samostojnite vr{iteli na dejnost i individualnite zemjodelski proizvoditeli) pretstavuva razlika pome|u dodadenata vrednost i neto-indirektnite danoci i sredstvata na vrabotenite vo sektorot Doma}instva. Bidej}i kaj samostojnite vr{iteli na dejnost i individualnite zemjodelski proizvoditeli postojat pote{kotii vo razgrani~uvaweto na platite na sopstvenikot i ~lenovite na negovoto semejstvo od ostvareniot vi{ok, ovaa kategorija, za razlika od delovniot vi{ok na pretprijatijata, gi sodr`i i platite na sopstvenicite.

    Amortizacija - potro{uva~ka na fiksen kapital

    Potro{uva~kata na fiksniot kapital vo eden presmetkoven period se definira kako opa|awe na tekovnata vrednost na osnovnite sredstva na proizvoditelite, predizvikano od fizi~ko tro{ewe, normalno zastaruvawe i o{tetuvawe vo nesre}ni slu~ai. Pri presmetkata na bruto-doma{niot proizvod, vrednosta na amortizacijata e presmetana vrz osnova na podatocite od godi{nite presmetki na pravnite subjekti, a za sektorot Doma}instva, vrednosta na amortizacijata e proceneta.

  • 302 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)

    Vraboteni i samovraboteni

    Vkupnata vrabotenost e spored konceptot na SNS93 i ESS95 i gi opfa}a site lica, i vraboteni i samovraboteni, anga`irani vo oddelni proizvodni aktivnosti, koi pripa|aat na proizvodnata granica na sistemot.

    Vo kategorijata vraboteni vleguvaat site lica koi vrz osnova na dogovor rabotat za druga rezidentna institucionalna edinica i dobivaat nadomest registriran vo nacionalnite smetki kako sredstva na vrabotenite. Vrz osnova na ovaa definicija, vkupniot broj na vraboteni vo nacionalnite smetki gi vklu~uva vrabotenite spored godi{nite presmetki na site registrirani pravni lica i odreden broj na lica koi ne se registrirani, a nivniot broj e procenet vrz osnova na Anketata za rabotnata sila.

    Samovrabotenite se definirani kako lica koi se samostojni sopstvenici ili partneri vo nekorporativni pretprijatija.

    Vrz osnova na ovaa definicija, vo kategorijata samovraboteni se vklu~eni: procenetiot broj samostojni vr{iteli na dejnost dobien vrz osnova na godi{nite presmetki, vrz osnova na podatoci od Upravata za javni prihodi, brojot na individualnite zemjodelski proizvoditeli koi pla}aat pridones za penzisko osiguruvawe, spored podatocite na Fondot za penzisko i invalidsko osiguruvawe, kako i odreden broj na lica koi nemaat oficijalno registrirana dejnost, a se proceneti vrz osnova na Anketata za rabotnata sila.

    Definicii na institucionalnite sektori

    Sektorot Nefinansiski pretprijatija (S.11) go so~inuvaat site institucionalni edinici koi postojat kako nezavisni pravni lica koi se pazarni proizvoditeli i ~ija osnovna dejnost e proizvodstvo na stoki i nefinansiski uslugi nameneti za pazar.

    Sektorot Finansiski pretprijatija (S.12) go so~inuvaat site pretprijatija koi glavno se zanimavaat so finansisko posreduvawe ili so dopolnitelni finansiski aktivnosti koi se povrzani so finansiskoto posreduvawe.

    Sektorot Dr`ava (S.13) gi vklu~uva site institucionalni edinici koi se nepazarni proizvoditeli, ~ie proizvodstvo e nameneto za individualna i kolektivna potro{uva~ka i vo najgolem del se finansiraat od zadol`itelni javni dava~ki od institucionalnite edinici od drugite sektori. Dokolku pove}e od 50% od tro{ocite na proizvodstvoto se pokrivaat so prihodite od proda`ba, a institucionalnata edinica se kontrolira i finansira od strana na organite na centralnata ili na lokalnata vlast, toga{ institucionalnata edinica e nepazaren proizvoditel i pripa|a na sektorot Dr`ava.

    Sektorot Doma}instva (S.14) se sostoi od site rezidentni doma}instva definirani kako institucionalni edinici. Ovoj sektor gi vklu~uva neinkorporiranite pretprijatija i individualnite zemjodelski proizvoditeli koi se javuvaat i vo funkcija na proizvoditel i vo funkcija na potro{uva~.

    Sektorot Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata (S.15) gi vklu~uva rezidentnite institucionalni edinici koi obezbeduvaat stoki i uslugi za nivnite ~lenovi i za ~lenovi na drugi doma}instva, besplatno ili po ceni koi ne se so ekonomsko zna~ewe.

    Nivni glavni izvori na finansirawe se dobrovolni pridonesi, ~lenarini, transferi od dr`avniot buxet i dohod od sopstvenost.

    Godi{na presmetka na BDP spored proizvodniot metod po postojani ceni

    Pri presmetkite na BDP po postojani ceni, sekoja godina se menuva baznata godina, odnosno sekoja prethodna godina se koristi kako bazna godina.

    Vo ramkite na presmetkite na BDP po postojani ceni, vo osnova se koristat slednite metodi: metodot na edine~na ekstrapolacija, metodot na dvojna ekstrapolacija i metodot na edine~na deflacija.

    Kaj metodite na edine~na i dvojna ekstrapolacija, del od indeksite na fizi~kiot obem koi se koristat se presmetani od delovnite statistiki, dodeka eden del od niv se presmetuvaat vo soodvetnoto oddelenie vo Sektorot za nacionalni smetki.

    Pri koristeweto na metodot na deflacija se koristat soodvetnite indeksi na cenite.

    Vo nekoi od ekonomskite aktivnosti se koristi indeksot na vrabotenite kako indikator za tie dejnosti.

  • 303Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)


    In the State Statistical Office, in 2000, an extensive revision was made to the data for calculation of GDP for the period from 1997 to 1999, by implementing more appropriately the principles of the European System of Accounts of EUROSTAT. This revision referred to:

    - Methodological improvements to the calculations by production and expenditure approach of GDP;- Methodological improvements to the estimations of exhaustiveness in the economy;- Applying new methods for calculation of volume indices and prices deflators;- Integration of data from the Labour Force Survey in the calculation of GDP, thereby achieving greater coverage of

    unreported economic activities;- New standards in data analyzing;- Applying the National Classification of Economic Activities, which is fully harmonized with the NACE Rev. 1 classification

    of the EU.The implementation of the new improved methodological solutions in 2000 and the way of presenting the data enable

    greater international comparability when analyzing the data.Since 2005, when estimating GDP, the calculation of changes in inventories is made in a manner that enables the

    elimination of holding gains/losses.In 2010 a revision was made to the data for 2006, 2007 and 2008 due to the implementation of:- Commission Regulation (EC) No 1889/2002 on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 448/98 completing

    and amending Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the allocation of financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM);

    - Commission Regulation (EC) No 1722/2005 on the principles for estimating dwelling services for the purpose of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1287/2003 on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices;

    - Harmonization with revised BoP data;- Methodological improvements to the calculations of GDP at constant prices;- Using monthly data from the Balance of Payments for: export of goods and services and import of goods and services,

    as well as monthly data on the exchange rate of the US$ to obtain annual data.Some of the banking services are paid directly, but part of the financial intermediation services are performed without

    explicit payment. That part of services is evaluated indirectly. These services in the National Accounts are known as Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM). The banks pay lower interest rates than in the case when they lend money and charge higher interest rates for the loans they approve.

    Up to now, these services had been calculated as a difference between interest receivable and interest payable. These services were not allocated by sectors and users, and they were shown as an intermediate consumption at the level of total economy.

    In order to improve the National Accounts in accordance with Commission Regulation No.1889/2002 all EU Member States are required to calculate and allocate the Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured among user sectors, using the reference rate defined as "method 1" in item 1(b) of Annex III of the Council Regulation No.448/98. According to the new calculations these services can be shown not only as intermediate consumption by users, but also as final consumption and export (import).

    As a result of the cooperation with NBRM, and on the basis of the available data provided by NBRM, in SSO the financial intermediation services indirectly measured have been calculated and allocated to sectors and users, in accordance with the EU Regulations that were mentioned above. The calculation refers to 2008, while the data for 2007 and 2006 have been revised according to the new calculation.

    The calculation of FISIM is based on the following main items: the reference interest rate (Internal and External Reference Rate); the average stock of deposits and loans and the accrued interest rate by sectors and users of those services.

    The allocation of the part of FISIM as an intermediate consumption by activities has been done according to the structure of gross output.

    The effect of the allocated FISIM in the Gross Domestic Product was 1.07% in 2006, 1.11% in 2007 and 1.25% in 2008. The calculation of FISIM does not refer to NBRM. Since 2006, the Gross output of NBRM has been calculated as a sum

    of costs (Compensation of employees, Depreciation, Intermediate consumption, Other taxes on production minus Other Subsidies on production). According to the Convention, the Gross output of NBRM has been allocated in the intermediate consumption of

  • 304 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)the banks.

    Final household consumption data are revised first of all as a result of the implementation of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1889/2002 on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 448/98 completing and amending Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the allocation of financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) and with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1722/2005 on the principles for estimating dwelling services for the purpose of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1287/2003 on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices.

    A part of the total FISIM is for the first time allocated in Final household consumption, in COICOP, sub-group 12.6 Financial services, having a 0.89% share in GDP in 2006, 0.87% in 2007 and 0.99% in 2008.

    The allocation of FISIM in NPISHs and General government final consumption had an implication to the value of Final consumption.

    The methodological improvements for calculating the imputed rents are derived from the implementation of the Regulations mentioned above.

    The impact of the FISIM allocation in imputed rents has implications to the changes of intermediate consumption and also to the gross rent which is calculated by applying the user-cost method.

    With the methodological improvements for imputed rents the annual rate of return of 2.5% was applied to the net value of the stock of owner-occupied dwellings at current prices. As a result of this improvement the data on net operating surplus were changed when calculating imputed rents.

    These methodological adjustments in accordance with the international standards affected the revision of data on Final household consumption, implicating changes of COICOP data, sub-group 4.2 Imputed rentals for housing.


    Data source

    Data sources used for GDP calculations are the annual financial accounts from the Central Register, data from the regular statistical surveys in the State Statistical Office, data from the Ministry of Finance, the Public Revenue Office, the National Bank and additional data from relevant institutions.

    Data presentation

    Data on the sources of Value Added and the cost structure of the GDP by production approach and at current prices are shown in the tables according to NACE classification by NACE sections and subsections. Calculations are made at the level of the whole economy, at the level of institutional sectors and subsectors and by enterprise size.

    Institutional sectors and subsectors are defined according to the recommendations in SNA’93 and ESA’95, depending on the kind of production, on their main activity and their functions, which are an indicator of their economic behavior, keeping also in mind the manner of managing the enterprises.

    Because of data confidentiality, the data on the Financial Sector in the tables by institutional sectors and subsectors are shown only at the sector level. Subsectorization for the Sector S.14 Households is not made because the subsectors cannot be defined due to lack of data.

    The enterprises, according to the criteria laid down in article 469 paragraph 4 and article 470 of the Company Law (Official Gazette of RM. No. 50/2001, 84/2005), are classified into large, medium, small-scale and micro enterprises).

    Definitions of the basic categories Gross domestic productGross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is the final result of the production activity of the resident producer units

    and it is the sum of gross value added of the various institutional sectors or the various activities at basic prices plus value added tax and import duties less subsidies on products (which are not allocated by activities).

    Value addedGross Value added at basic prices is the basic category of GDP and it’s defined as value of gross output minus

    intermediate consumption. Gross outputGross output is the value of goods and services produced in the course of one year, regardless of whether or not the

    whole quantity is sold or partially added to stocks. It consists of three kinds of output: market output, output for own final use and non-market output. Due to the specifics of

  • 305Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)some activities, various definitions of gross output exist.

    For example, in trade, gross output is defined as a difference between sales value and purchase value of merchandise sold i.e. the gross output value is equal to trade gross margin.

    Concerning banks and other financial institutions, gross output is equal to the sum of banking income earned by performing banking services and the calculated value of imputed banking services, computed as a difference between interest receivable and payable.

    Insurance companies calculate gross output as a difference between income of insurance premiums and other damage compensations i.e. it is equal to the value of calculated insurance services.

    For the Government and other non-market and non-profit institutions, gross output is calculated as a sum of intermediate consumption, depreciation, compensations to employees and taxes on production. Because these organizations and institutions do not make profit, their net operating surplus is always zero.

    Intermediate consumptionIntermediate consumption is the value of products and market services, which the producer uses as inputs in the

    production process, excluding fixed capital consumption i.e. depreciation, in order to produce other products and services. This category includes consumption of current purchases, stock consumption as well as consumption of own products and services in the production process. For non-market service producers, by definition, the value of intermediate consumption is equal to the value of current purchases. Therefore, intermediate consumption includes the use of raw materials, materials, energy, office supplies, working clothes and spare parts, transport costs of employees, daily allowances, separate life, contract payments and other benefits received by the employees, and which are connected with the performing of a regular economic activity.

    Compensations of employeesCompensations of employees are defined as total amount of compensations paid out in cash or in kind from enterprise

    to employees for the work done during the year. This amount includes wages and salaries, personal tax, allowances added to salaries, social contributions, as well as all compensations for food, transport, accommodation, vacation, etc.

    Operating surplusOperating surplus is the residual component of the value added. It represents value added reduced for the amount

    of depreciation, compensations of employees and taxes on production. Operating surplus can be calculated in gross value if it includes depreciation or as net value if the depreciation is excluded.

    Operating surplus for the household sector (mixed income) is obtained by subtracting net indirect taxes and compensations of the value added. Because it is difficult to separate salaries of self-employed persons, individual agricultural producers and members of their family from the surplus achieved, this category contains the owner’s salaries too.

    Depreciation-consumption of fixed capitalConsumption of fixed capital during the accounting period is defined as a decrease of current value of producer’s fixed

    assets due to the physical use, obsolescence and accidental damages. When calculating GDP, the depreciation value is calculated based on the data from the annual reports of legal entities. For the calculation of gross rents and value added of unincorporated enterprises, the value of depreciation is estimated.

    Employees and self-employedTotal employment in accordance with SNA93 and ESA95 methodologies covers all persons - both employees and self-

    employed - engaged in some productive activities that falls within the production boundary of the system. Employees - are defined as all persons who, by agreement, work for another resident institutional unit and receive

    remuneration. In accordance with the National Accounts concepts the total number of employees covers the number of employees from

    the annual financial reports, and the adjusted number of non-registered employees using Labor Force Survey data.Self-employed are defined as persons who are the sole owners, or joint owners, of the unincorporated enterprises where

    they work. In accordance with the National Accounts concepts, the total number of self-employed persons covers the adjusted

    number of self-employed from the annual financial reports, the number of self-employed obtained from the Public Revenue Office, the number of individual agricultural producers that pay contributions to the Pension Fund and the adjusted number of non-registered employees using Labor Force Survey data.

    Definitions of the institutional sectorsThe sector Non-financial corporations (S.11) consist of institutional units, which are market producers and whose principal

    activity is the production of goods and non-financial services.The sector Financial corporations (S.12) consist of all corporations, which are principally engaged, in financial

    intermediation and /or in auxiliary financial activities.

  • 306 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)

    The sector General government (S.13) includes all institutional units, which are other non-market producers, whose output is intended for individual or collective consumption, and mainly financed by compulsory payments made by units belonging to other sectors. The institutional unit also belongs to the Government sector even though the income covers more then 50% of costs of production but the institutional unit is controlled and financed by general or local government.

    The Household sector (S.14) consists of all resident households that are defined as institutional units. This sector includes unincorporated enterprises and individual agricultural producers that are producers and consumers at the same time.

    The sector Non-profit institutions serving households (S.15) consists of resident institutional units that serve households and their members or members of other households with products and services free of charge or at prices that are not economically significant.

    Their principal resources are voluntary contributions, membership fees, from payment as a transfer made by general government and from property income.

    Calculation of GDP at annual level at constant prices according to the production methodIn the calculations of GDP at constant prices a movable base year is used, which means that each previous year is a

    base year.Within the calculations of the data on GDP, the following methods are used: the method of single extrapolation, method

    of double extrapolation and the method of single deflation.In the method of single and double extrapolation, part of the volume indices used are calculated from the business

    statistics, while part of them are calculated in the appropriate division of the National Accounts Sector.Corresponding price indices are used for the method of single deflations.In some economic activities employee indices are used as an indicator for those activities.

  • 307Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)


    GDP rEaL GrOwTH raTES


    GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, 1998-2008BDP vo tekovni ceni (vo milioni denari)

    BDP po `itel vo SAD dolari1)

    BDP vo milioni SAD dolari1)

    Stapki na realen porast na BDP %

    BDP deflator%

    GDP at current prices (in million of denars)

    GDP per head in USD1) GDP in million USD1) GDP real growth rates %

    GDP deflator %

    1998 194 979 1 573 3 157 3.4 1.4

    1999 209 010 1 656 3 340 4.3 2.7

    2000 236 389 1 771 3 588 4.5 8.2

    2001 233 841 1 821 3 706 -4.5 3.6

    2002 243 970 1 917 3 872 0.9 3.4

    2003 251 486 2 032 4 119 2.8 0.3

    2004 265 257 2 114 4 298 4.1 1.3

    2005 286 619 2 226 4 534 4.1 3.8

    2006 320 0593) 2 398 4 892 4.0 4.4

    2007 364 9893) 2 646 5 408 6.13) 7.43)

    2008 411 7283) 2 9802) 6 1002) 5.03) 7.53)

    1) Konverzijata e napravena so metodot na cenovno prilagoden kurs, Metodologija na OON (baza 2000 godina)

    2) Prethodni podatoci3) Revidirani podatoci1) Conversion is made with price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE) recommended by UN (2000 base year)2) Preliminary data3) Revised data

  • 308 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)


    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD sektor

    Naziv 2006 2007 2008Indeksi / Indices Struktura (%) / Distribution (%) NACE

    Section Description2007/2006 2008/2007 2006 2007 2008

    A Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 33 484 33 053 41 267 98.7 124.9 10.5 9.1 10.0 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    B Ribarstvo 46 56 74 121.3 132.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 B Fishing

    V Rudarstvo i vadewe na kamen 1 569 2 604 4 350 166.0 167.0 0.5 0.7 1.1 C Mining and quarrying

    G Prerabotuva~ka industrija 49 627 64 083 70 634 129.1 110.2 15.5 17.6 17.2 D Manufacturing

    D Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda 10 162 9 516 11 159 93.6 117.3 3.2 2.6 2.7 E Electricity, gas and water supply

    \ Grade`ni{tvo 17 587 20 835 20 258 118.5 97.2 5.5 5.7 4.9 F Construction

    E Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    43 268 47 355 50 270109.4 106.2 13.5 13.0 12.2 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles,

    motorcycles and personal and household goods

    @ Hoteli i restorani 4 710 5 565 5 952 118.2 107.0 1.5 1.5 1.4 H Hotels and restaurants

    Z Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 134 29 017 33 143 111.0 114.2 8.2 8.0 8.0 I Transport, storage and communication

    Y Finansisko posreduvawe 8 785 10 619 11 090 120.9 104.4 2.7 2.9 2.7 J Financial intermediation

    I Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    9 378 12 806 17 449 136.6 136.3 2.9 3.5 4.2 K Real estate, renting and business activities

    J Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita 21 141 22 757 26 677 107.6 117.2 6.6 6.2 6.5 L Public administration and defence; compulsory social securityK Obrazovanie 10 811 11 329 12 467 104.8 110.0 3.4 3.1 3.0 M Education

    L Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 10 602 12 304 13 577 116.1 110.3 3.3 3.4 3.3 N Health and social work

    Q Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    7 124 7 495 10 548 105.2 140.7 2.2 2.1 2.6 O Other community, social and personal service activities

    M Privatni doma}instva koi vrabotuvaat doma{en personal i neizdiferencirani dejnosti na doma}instvata za proizvodstvo na stoki za sopstveni potrebi

    - - -- - - - - P Private households employing domestic staff and

    undifferentiated production activities of household for own use

    N Eksteritorijalni organizacii i tela - - - - - - - - Q Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

    Imputirani stanarini 21 898 24 084 28 533 110.0 118.5 6.8 6.6 6.9 Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - - - - Other net taxes on production

    A. Dodadena vrednost 276 324 313 478 357 450 113.4 114.0 86.3 85.9 86.8 a. Value added

    B. Danoci na proizvodi 44 741 52 426 56 723 117.2 108.2 14.0 14.4 13.8 B. Tax on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 39 318 46 227 50 449 117.6 109.1 12.3 12.7 12.3 Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 5 423 6 199 6 275 114.3 101.2 1.7 1.7 1.5 Import duties

    V. Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 1 006 915 2 445 90.9 267.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 C. Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 320 059 364 989 411 728 114.0 112.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) Revidirani podatoci za BDP po tekovni ceni za periodot 2006-2008 1) Revised data on GDP at current prices for the period 2006-2008

  • 309Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)


    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD sektor

    Naziv 2006 2007 2008Indeksi / Indices Struktura (%) / Distribution (%) NACE

    Section Description2007/2006 2008/2007 2006 2007 2008

    A Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 33 484 33 053 41 267 98.7 124.9 10.5 9.1 10.0 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    B Ribarstvo 46 56 74 121.3 132.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 B Fishing

    V Rudarstvo i vadewe na kamen 1 569 2 604 4 350 166.0 167.0 0.5 0.7 1.1 C Mining and quarrying

    G Prerabotuva~ka industrija 49 627 64 083 70 634 129.1 110.2 15.5 17.6 17.2 D Manufacturing

    D Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda 10 162 9 516 11 159 93.6 117.3 3.2 2.6 2.7 E Electricity, gas and water supply

    \ Grade`ni{tvo 17 587 20 835 20 258 118.5 97.2 5.5 5.7 4.9 F Construction

    E Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    43 268 47 355 50 270109.4 106.2 13.5 13.0 12.2 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles,

    motorcycles and personal and household goods

    @ Hoteli i restorani 4 710 5 565 5 952 118.2 107.0 1.5 1.5 1.4 H Hotels and restaurants

    Z Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 134 29 017 33 143 111.0 114.2 8.2 8.0 8.0 I Transport, storage and communication

    Y Finansisko posreduvawe 8 785 10 619 11 090 120.9 104.4 2.7 2.9 2.7 J Financial intermediation

    I Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    9 378 12 806 17 449 136.6 136.3 2.9 3.5 4.2 K Real estate, renting and business activities

    J Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita 21 141 22 757 26 677 107.6 117.2 6.6 6.2 6.5 L Public administration and defence; compulsory social securityK Obrazovanie 10 811 11 329 12 467 104.8 110.0 3.4 3.1 3.0 M Education

    L Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 10 602 12 304 13 577 116.1 110.3 3.3 3.4 3.3 N Health and social work

    Q Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    7 124 7 495 10 548 105.2 140.7 2.2 2.1 2.6 O Other community, social and personal service activities

    M Privatni doma}instva koi vrabotuvaat doma{en personal i neizdiferencirani dejnosti na doma}instvata za proizvodstvo na stoki za sopstveni potrebi

    - - -- - - - - P Private households employing domestic staff and

    undifferentiated production activities of household for own use

    N Eksteritorijalni organizacii i tela - - - - - - - - Q Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

    Imputirani stanarini 21 898 24 084 28 533 110.0 118.5 6.8 6.6 6.9 Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - - - - Other net taxes on production

    A. Dodadena vrednost 276 324 313 478 357 450 113.4 114.0 86.3 85.9 86.8 a. Value added

    B. Danoci na proizvodi 44 741 52 426 56 723 117.2 108.2 14.0 14.4 13.8 B. Tax on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 39 318 46 227 50 449 117.6 109.1 12.3 12.7 12.3 Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 5 423 6 199 6 275 114.3 101.2 1.7 1.7 1.5 Import duties

    V. Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 1 006 915 2 445 90.9 267.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 C. Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 320 059 364 989 411 728 114.0 112.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) Revidirani podatoci za BDP po tekovni ceni za periodot 2006-2008 1) Revised data on GDP at current prices for the period 2006-2008

  • 310 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD sektor


    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto po

    osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po

    osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvodstvoto i


    Sredstva na vrabotenite



    Amortizacija Neto-deloven


    Broj na vrabo-teni i samovra-


    Section Description Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic prices

    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating


    Number of employees and self-employed2)

    A Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 81 837 40 570 41 267 2 3 276 37 989 3 625 34 364 61 259 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    B Ribarstvo 154 80 74 0 29 45 6 39 263 B Fishing

    V Rudarstvo i vadewe na kamen 9 187 4 837 4 350 - 1 577 2 773 506 2 267 4 123 C Mining and quarrying

    G Prerabotuva~ka industrija 224 414 153 779 70 634 21 29 124 41 489 9 663 31 827 119 675 D Manufacturing

    D Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    43 060 31 900 11 159 0 6 540 4 619 5 936 - 1 316 13 865 E Electricity, gas and water supply

    \ Grade`ni{tvo 57 613 37 355 20 258 8 9 681 10 570 1 689 8 880 34 304 F Construction

    E Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    85 004 34 734 50 270 63 16 832 33 375 4 415 28 960 93 865 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    @ Hoteli i restorani 11 757 5 805 5 952 12 3 377 2 563 863 1 700 15 448 H Hotels and restaurants

    Z Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 71 242 38 099 33 143 9 11 205 21 929 9 320 12 609 32 268 I Transport, storage and communication

    Y Finansisko posreduvawe 18 829 7 738 11 090 - 5 474 5 616 1 362 4 254 8 471 J Financial intermediation

    I Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    33 310 15 861 17 449 103 8 070 9 276 2 088 7 187 25 906 K Real estate, renting and business activities

    J Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    47 170 20 493 26 677 - 22 113 4 564 4 564 0 41 861 L Public administration and defence; compulsory social security

    K Obrazovanie 18 562 6 094 12 467 0 10 903 1 564 1 304 260 32 693 M Education

    L Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 23 134 9 556 13 577 1 10 614 2 962 2 471 491 34 865 N Health and social work

    Q Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    18 521 7 974 10 548 83 4 725 5 740 2 791 2 949 18 618 O Other community, social and personal service activities

    M Privatni doma}instva koi vrabotuvaat doma{en personal i neizdiferencirani dejnosti na doma}instvata za proizvodstvo na stoki za sopstveni potrebi

    - - - - - - - - - P Private households employing domestic staff and undifferentiated production activities of household for own use

    N Eksteritorijalni organizacii i tela - - - - - - - - - Q Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

    Imputirani stanarini 38 696 10 163 28 533 484 0 28 048 14 818 13 230 - Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - 57 - 57 - 57 - Other net taxes on production

    A- Dodadena vrednost 782 489 425 039 357 450 729 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 A- Value added

    B- Danoci na proizvodi 56 723 - 56 723 56 723 - - - - - B- Taxes on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 50 449 - 50 449 50 449 - - - - - Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 6 275 - 6 275 6 275 - - - - - Import duties

    V Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 2 445 - 2 445 2 445 - - - - - C- Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 836 767 425 039 411 728 55 007 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) Po sektori, potsektori i oddeli go sodr`i podatokot samo za drugi danoci na proizvodstvoto, a na nivo na vkupna ekonomija se prika`ani samo

    danocite na proizvodite (danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi i carini i carinski dava~ki)

    1) By Nace sections, subsections and divisions this category contains only other taxes on production, whereas for the total economy only taxes on products are shown (value added tax and excises and import duties)

    2) Definirani spored Evropskiot sistem na smetki 95 2) Defined according to ESA 95

  • 311Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD sektor


    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto po

    osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po

    osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvodstvoto i


    Sredstva na vrabotenite



    Amortizacija Neto-deloven


    Broj na vrabo-teni i samovra-


    Section Description Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic prices

    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating


    Number of employees and self-employed2)

    A Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 81 837 40 570 41 267 2 3 276 37 989 3 625 34 364 61 259 A Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    B Ribarstvo 154 80 74 0 29 45 6 39 263 B Fishing

    V Rudarstvo i vadewe na kamen 9 187 4 837 4 350 - 1 577 2 773 506 2 267 4 123 C Mining and quarrying

    G Prerabotuva~ka industrija 224 414 153 779 70 634 21 29 124 41 489 9 663 31 827 119 675 D Manufacturing

    D Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    43 060 31 900 11 159 0 6 540 4 619 5 936 - 1 316 13 865 E Electricity, gas and water supply

    \ Grade`ni{tvo 57 613 37 355 20 258 8 9 681 10 570 1 689 8 880 34 304 F Construction

    E Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    85 004 34 734 50 270 63 16 832 33 375 4 415 28 960 93 865 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    @ Hoteli i restorani 11 757 5 805 5 952 12 3 377 2 563 863 1 700 15 448 H Hotels and restaurants

    Z Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 71 242 38 099 33 143 9 11 205 21 929 9 320 12 609 32 268 I Transport, storage and communication

    Y Finansisko posreduvawe 18 829 7 738 11 090 - 5 474 5 616 1 362 4 254 8 471 J Financial intermediation

    I Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    33 310 15 861 17 449 103 8 070 9 276 2 088 7 187 25 906 K Real estate, renting and business activities

    J Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    47 170 20 493 26 677 - 22 113 4 564 4 564 0 41 861 L Public administration and defence; compulsory social security

    K Obrazovanie 18 562 6 094 12 467 0 10 903 1 564 1 304 260 32 693 M Education

    L Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 23 134 9 556 13 577 1 10 614 2 962 2 471 491 34 865 N Health and social work

    Q Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    18 521 7 974 10 548 83 4 725 5 740 2 791 2 949 18 618 O Other community, social and personal service activities

    M Privatni doma}instva koi vrabotuvaat doma{en personal i neizdiferencirani dejnosti na doma}instvata za proizvodstvo na stoki za sopstveni potrebi

    - - - - - - - - - P Private households employing domestic staff and undifferentiated production activities of household for own use

    N Eksteritorijalni organizacii i tela - - - - - - - - - Q Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

    Imputirani stanarini 38 696 10 163 28 533 484 0 28 048 14 818 13 230 - Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - 57 - 57 - 57 - Other net taxes on production

    A- Dodadena vrednost 782 489 425 039 357 450 729 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 A- Value added

    B- Danoci na proizvodi 56 723 - 56 723 56 723 - - - - - B- Taxes on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 50 449 - 50 449 50 449 - - - - - Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 6 275 - 6 275 6 275 - - - - - Import duties

    V Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 2 445 - 2 445 2 445 - - - - - C- Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 836 767 425 039 411 728 55 007 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) Po sektori, potsektori i oddeli go sodr`i podatokot samo za drugi danoci na proizvodstvoto, a na nivo na vkupna ekonomija se prika`ani samo

    danocite na proizvodite (danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi i carini i carinski dava~ki)

    1) By Nace sections, subsections and divisions this category contains only other taxes on production, whereas for the total economy only taxes on products are shown (value added tax and excises and import duties)

    2) Definirani spored Evropskiot sistem na smetki 95 2) Defined according to ESA 95

  • 312 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD pot-


    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto po

    osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka


    vrednost po osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvod-

    stvoto i carini1)

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Bruto- deloven


    Amorti- zacija

    Neto- deloven


    Broj na vraboteni i samovraboteni 2)

    NACE Sub-


    Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic


    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating surplus

    Number of employees and self-employed 2)

    AA Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 81 837 40 570 41 267 2 3 276 37 989 3 625 34 364 61 259 AA Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    BB Ribarstvo 154 80 74 0 29 45 6 39 263 BB Fishing

    VA Vadewe na energetski surovini 628 381 247 - 28 220 14 206 104 CA Mining and quarrying of energy producing materials

    VB Vadewe na drugi surovini i materijali, osven energetski

    8 559 4 456 4 103 - 1 550 2 554 492 2 061 4 019 CB Mining and quarrying except energy producing materials

    GA Proizvodstvo na prehranbeni proizvodi, pijalaci i tutun

    46 207 30 781 15 426 6 5 137 10 282 2 343 7 939 18 274 DA Manufacture of food products; beverages and tobacco

    GB Proizvodstvo na tekstil i tekstilni proizvodi

    19 243 8 633 10 610 4 7 709 2 897 841 2 056 46 905 DB Manufacture of textiles and textile products

    GV Proizvodstvo na ko`a i predmeti od ko`a 2 488 1 129 1 359 0 962 397 85 312 6 324 DC Manufacture of leather and leather products

    GG Prerabotka na drvo i proizvodi od drvo 2 613 1 394 1 219 1 788 430 104 325 3 746 DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

    GD Proizvodstvo na celuloza, hartija i proizvodi od hartija; izdava~ka i pe~atarska dejnost

    8 652 4 911 3 740 2 1 963 1 774 530 1 245 5 483 DE Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing

    G\ Proizvodstvo na koks, derivati na nafta i nuklearno gorivo

    36 556 34 496 2 060 - 582 1 478 172 1 306 932 DF Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

    GE Proizvodstvo na hemikalii, hemiski proizvodi i ve{ta~ki i sinteti~ki vlakna

    7 309 3 177 4 132 - 1 675 2 457 474 1 983 2 193 DG Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres

    G@ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od guma i proizvodi od plasti~ni masi

    6 342 4 017 2 325 1 889 1 435 296 1 139 4 629 DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

    GZ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od drugi nemetalni minerali

    11 670 6 275 5 395 0 1 646 3 749 777 2 972 3 733 DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    GY Proizvodstvo na osnovni metali i standardni metalni proizvodi

    65 383 48 642 16 741 3 4 471 12 268 2 926 9 341 13 913 DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

    GI Proizvodstvo na ma{ini i uredi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    3 686 2 185 1 501 0 540 961 103 858 2 014 DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    GJ Proizvodstvo na elektri~ni i opti~ki uredi 7 513 4 425 3 089 0 1 300 1 788 395 1 393 4 293 DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

    GK Proizvodstvo na soobra}ajni sredstva 2 211 1 264 947 - 521 426 427 - 1 1 875 DM Manufacture of transport equipment

    GL Prerabotuva~ka industrija, nespomnata na drugo mesto

    4 539 2 450 2 089 4 938 1 148 188 960 5 361 DN Manufacturing n.e.c.

    DD Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda 43 060 31 900 11 159 0 6 540 4 619 5 936 - 1 316 13 865 EE Electricity, gas and water supply

    \\ Grade`ni{tvo 57 613 37 355 20 258 8 9 681 10 570 1 689 8 880 34 304 FF Construction

    EE Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    85 004 34 734 50 270 63 16 832 33 375 4 414 28 961 93 865 GG Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    @@ Hoteli i restorani 11 757 5 805 5 952 12 3 377 2 563 863 1 700 15 448 HH Hotels and restaurants

    ZZ Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 71 242 38 099 33 143 9 11 204 21 929 9 320 12 609 32 267 II Transport, storage and communication

    YY Finansisko posreduvawe 18 829 7 738 11 090 - 5 474 5 616 1 362 4 254 8 471 JJ Financial intermediation

  • 313Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD pot-


    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto po

    osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka


    vrednost po osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvod-

    stvoto i carini1)

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Bruto- deloven


    Amorti- zacija

    Neto- deloven


    Broj na vraboteni i samovraboteni 2)

    NACE Sub-


    Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic


    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating surplus

    Number of employees and self-employed 2)

    AA Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 81 837 40 570 41 267 2 3 276 37 989 3 625 34 364 61 259 AA Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    BB Ribarstvo 154 80 74 0 29 45 6 39 263 BB Fishing

    VA Vadewe na energetski surovini 628 381 247 - 28 220 14 206 104 CA Mining and quarrying of energy producing materials

    VB Vadewe na drugi surovini i materijali, osven energetski

    8 559 4 456 4 103 - 1 550 2 554 492 2 061 4 019 CB Mining and quarrying except energy producing materials

    GA Proizvodstvo na prehranbeni proizvodi, pijalaci i tutun

    46 207 30 781 15 426 6 5 137 10 282 2 343 7 939 18 274 DA Manufacture of food products; beverages and tobacco

    GB Proizvodstvo na tekstil i tekstilni proizvodi

    19 243 8 633 10 610 4 7 709 2 897 841 2 056 46 905 DB Manufacture of textiles and textile products

    GV Proizvodstvo na ko`a i predmeti od ko`a 2 488 1 129 1 359 0 962 397 85 312 6 324 DC Manufacture of leather and leather products

    GG Prerabotka na drvo i proizvodi od drvo 2 613 1 394 1 219 1 788 430 104 325 3 746 DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

    GD Proizvodstvo na celuloza, hartija i proizvodi od hartija; izdava~ka i pe~atarska dejnost

    8 652 4 911 3 740 2 1 963 1 774 530 1 245 5 483 DE Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing

    G\ Proizvodstvo na koks, derivati na nafta i nuklearno gorivo

    36 556 34 496 2 060 - 582 1 478 172 1 306 932 DF Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

    GE Proizvodstvo na hemikalii, hemiski proizvodi i ve{ta~ki i sinteti~ki vlakna

    7 309 3 177 4 132 - 1 675 2 457 474 1 983 2 193 DG Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres

    G@ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od guma i proizvodi od plasti~ni masi

    6 342 4 017 2 325 1 889 1 435 296 1 139 4 629 DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

    GZ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od drugi nemetalni minerali

    11 670 6 275 5 395 0 1 646 3 749 777 2 972 3 733 DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    GY Proizvodstvo na osnovni metali i standardni metalni proizvodi

    65 383 48 642 16 741 3 4 471 12 268 2 926 9 341 13 913 DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

    GI Proizvodstvo na ma{ini i uredi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    3 686 2 185 1 501 0 540 961 103 858 2 014 DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    GJ Proizvodstvo na elektri~ni i opti~ki uredi 7 513 4 425 3 089 0 1 300 1 788 395 1 393 4 293 DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

    GK Proizvodstvo na soobra}ajni sredstva 2 211 1 264 947 - 521 426 427 - 1 1 875 DM Manufacture of transport equipment

    GL Prerabotuva~ka industrija, nespomnata na drugo mesto

    4 539 2 450 2 089 4 938 1 148 188 960 5 361 DN Manufacturing n.e.c.

    DD Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda 43 060 31 900 11 159 0 6 540 4 619 5 936 - 1 316 13 865 EE Electricity, gas and water supply

    \\ Grade`ni{tvo 57 613 37 355 20 258 8 9 681 10 570 1 689 8 880 34 304 FF Construction

    EE Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    85 004 34 734 50 270 63 16 832 33 375 4 414 28 961 93 865 GG Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    @@ Hoteli i restorani 11 757 5 805 5 952 12 3 377 2 563 863 1 700 15 448 HH Hotels and restaurants

    ZZ Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 71 242 38 099 33 143 9 11 204 21 929 9 320 12 609 32 267 II Transport, storage and communication

    YY Finansisko posreduvawe 18 829 7 738 11 090 - 5 474 5 616 1 362 4 254 8 471 JJ Financial intermediation

  • 314 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD pot-


    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto po

    osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka


    vrednost po osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvod-

    stvoto i carini1)

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Bruto- deloven


    Amorti- zacija

    Neto- deloven


    Broj na vraboteni i samovraboteni 2)

    NACE Sub-


    Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic


    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating surplus

    Number of employees and self-employed 2)

    II Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    33 309 15 861 17 449 103 8 071 9 275 2 089 7 187 25 906 KK Real estate, renting and business activities

    JJ Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    47 170 20 493 26 677 - 22 113 4 564 4 564 0 41 861 LL Public administration and defence; compulsory social security

    KK Obrazovanie 18 562 6 094 12 467 0 10 903 1 564 1 304 260 32 693 MM Education

    LL Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 23 134 9 556 13 577 1 10 614 2 962 2 471 491 34 865 NN Health and social work

    QQ Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    18 521 7 973 10 548 83 4 726 5 741 2 791 2 949 18 618 OO Other community, social and personal service activities

    MM Privatni doma}instva koi vrabotuvaat doma{en personal i neizdiferencirani dejnosti na doma}instvata za proizvodstvo na stoki za sopstveni potrebi

    - - - - - - - - - PP Private households employing domestic staff and undifferentiated production activities of household for own use

    NN Eksteritorijalni organizacii i tela - - - - - - - - - QQ Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

    Imputirani stanarini 38 696 10 163 28 533 484 0 28 048 14 818 13 230 - Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - 57 - 57 - 57 - Other net taxes on production

    A- Dodadena vrednost 782 489 425 039 357 450 729 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 A- Value added

    B- Danoci na proizvodi 56 723 - 56 723 56 723 - - - - - B- Taxes on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 50 449 - 50 449 50 449 - - - - - Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 6 275 - 6 275 6 275 - - - - - Import duties

    V Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 2 445 - 2 445 2 445 - - - - - C- Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 836 767 425 039 411 728 55 007 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) 2) Vidi fusnoti na stranica 310 1) 2) See footnote on page 311

  • 315Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    NKD pot-


    Bruto-vrednost na proizvodstvoto po

    osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka


    vrednost po osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvod-

    stvoto i carini1)

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Bruto- deloven


    Amorti- zacija

    Neto- deloven


    Broj na vraboteni i samovraboteni 2)

    NACE Sub-


    Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic


    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating surplus

    Number of employees and self-employed 2)

    II Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    33 309 15 861 17 449 103 8 071 9 275 2 089 7 187 25 906 KK Real estate, renting and business activities

    JJ Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    47 170 20 493 26 677 - 22 113 4 564 4 564 0 41 861 LL Public administration and defence; compulsory social security

    KK Obrazovanie 18 562 6 094 12 467 0 10 903 1 564 1 304 260 32 693 MM Education

    LL Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 23 134 9 556 13 577 1 10 614 2 962 2 471 491 34 865 NN Health and social work

    QQ Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    18 521 7 973 10 548 83 4 726 5 741 2 791 2 949 18 618 OO Other community, social and personal service activities

    MM Privatni doma}instva koi vrabotuvaat doma{en personal i neizdiferencirani dejnosti na doma}instvata za proizvodstvo na stoki za sopstveni potrebi

    - - - - - - - - - PP Private households employing domestic staff and undifferentiated production activities of household for own use

    NN Eksteritorijalni organizacii i tela - - - - - - - - - QQ Extra-territorial organisations and bodies

    Imputirani stanarini 38 696 10 163 28 533 484 0 28 048 14 818 13 230 - Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - 57 - 57 - 57 - Other net taxes on production

    A- Dodadena vrednost 782 489 425 039 357 450 729 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 A- Value added

    B- Danoci na proizvodi 56 723 - 56 723 56 723 - - - - - B- Taxes on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 50 449 - 50 449 50 449 - - - - - Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 6 275 - 6 275 6 275 - - - - - Import duties

    V Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 2 445 - 2 445 2 445 - - - - - C- Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 836 767 425 039 411 728 55 007 143 541 213 180 65 421 147 759 537 484 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) 2) Vidi fusnoti na stranica 310 1) 2) See footnote on page 311

  • 316 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    Institucionalen sektor



    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po osnovni

    ceni, 2006

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po

    osnovni ceni, 2007

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po osnovni

    ceni, 2008

    Indeksi Структура (%)1)

    Description Sub-sector Institutional Sector Indices Distribution (%)1)

    Value added at basic prices, 2006

    Value added at basic prices, 2007

    Value added at basic prices, 2008 2007 /2006 2008 /2007 2006 2007 2008

    S.11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    S.11001 Javni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    8 307 8 365 10 922 100.7 130.6 2.6 2.3 2.7 Public non-financial corporations

    S.11001 S.11 Non-financial corporations

    S.11002 Doma{ni privatni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    114 939 130 574 142 784 113.6 109.4 35.9 35.8 34.7 National private non-financial corporations


    S.11003 Nefinansiski pretprijatija kontrolirani od stranstvo

    34 112 48 192 59 508 141.3 123.5 10.7 13.2 14.5 Foreign controlled non-financial corporations


    Vkupno 157 358 187 131 213 214 118.9 113.9 49.2 45.5 51.8 Total

    S.12 Finansiski pretprijatija2)

    Vkupno 8 479 10 266 10 748 121.1 104.7 2.6 2.8 2.6 Total S.12 Financial corporations2)

    S.13 Dr`ava S.1311 Centralna vlada 30 333 31 133 36 566 102.6 117.5 9.5 8.5 8.9 Central government S.1311 S.13 General government

    S.1313 Lokalna vlada 2 473 4 310 5 323 174.3 123.5 0.8 1.2 1.3 Local government S.1313

    S.1314 Fondovi za socijalno osiguruvawe

    9 214 9 079 9 522 98.5 104.9 2.9 2.5 2.3 Social security funds S.1314

    Vkupno 42 019 44 522 51 411 106.0 115.5 13.1 12.2 12.5 Total

    S.14 Doma}instva3) Vkupno 44 802 45 848 51 808 102.3 113.0 14.0 12.6 12.6 Total S.14 Households3)

    S.15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    Vkupno 1 768 1 627 1 737 92.0 106.7 0.6 0.4 0.4 Total S.15 Non-profit institutions serving households

    Imputirani stanarini 21 898 24 084 28 533 110.0 118.5 6.8 6.6 6.9 Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - - - - - Other net taxes on production

    A. Dodadena vrednost 276 324 313 478 357 450 113.4 114.0 86.3 85.9 86.8 a. Value added

    B. Danoci na proizvodi 44 741 52 426 56 723 117.2 108.2 14.0 14.4 13.8 B. Taxes on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 39 318 46 227 50 449 117.6 109.1 12.3 12.7 12.3 Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 5 423 6 199 6 275 114.3 101.2 1.7 1.7 1.5 Import duties

    V. Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 1 006 915 2 445 90.9 267.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 C. Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 320 059 364 989 411 728 114.0 114.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 GrOSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) Vidi grafikon na stranica 333 1) See graphs on page 333 2) 3) Vidi metodolo{ki objasnuvawa na stranica 300 2) 3) See Notes on methodology on page 304

  • 317Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    Institucionalen sektor



    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po osnovni

    ceni, 2006

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po

    osnovni ceni, 2007

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po osnovni

    ceni, 2008

    Indeksi Структура (%)1)

    Description Sub-sector Institutional Sector Indices Distribution (%)1)

    Value added at basic prices, 2006

    Value added at basic prices, 2007

    Value added at basic prices, 2008 2007 /2006 2008 /2007 2006 2007 2008

    S.11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    S.11001 Javni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    8 307 8 365 10 922 100.7 130.6 2.6 2.3 2.7 Public non-financial corporations

    S.11001 S.11 Non-financial corporations

    S.11002 Doma{ni privatni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    114 939 130 574 142 784 113.6 109.4 35.9 35.8 34.7 National private non-financial corporations


    S.11003 Nefinansiski pretprijatija kontrolirani od stranstvo

    34 112 48 192 59 508 141.3 123.5 10.7 13.2 14.5 Foreign controlled non-financial corporations


    Vkupno 157 358 187 131 213 214 118.9 113.9 49.2 45.5 51.8 Total

    S.12 Finansiski pretprijatija2)

    Vkupno 8 479 10 266 10 748 121.1 104.7 2.6 2.8 2.6 Total S.12 Financial corporations2)

    S.13 Dr`ava S.1311 Centralna vlada 30 333 31 133 36 566 102.6 117.5 9.5 8.5 8.9 Central government S.1311 S.13 General government

    S.1313 Lokalna vlada 2 473 4 310 5 323 174.3 123.5 0.8 1.2 1.3 Local government S.1313

    S.1314 Fondovi za socijalno osiguruvawe

    9 214 9 079 9 522 98.5 104.9 2.9 2.5 2.3 Social security funds S.1314

    Vkupno 42 019 44 522 51 411 106.0 115.5 13.1 12.2 12.5 Total

    S.14 Doma}instva3) Vkupno 44 802 45 848 51 808 102.3 113.0 14.0 12.6 12.6 Total S.14 Households3)

    S.15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    Vkupno 1 768 1 627 1 737 92.0 106.7 0.6 0.4 0.4 Total S.15 Non-profit institutions serving households

    Imputirani stanarini 21 898 24 084 28 533 110.0 118.5 6.8 6.6 6.9 Imputed rents

    Drugi neto-danoci na proizvodstvoto - - - - - - - - Other net taxes on production

    A. Dodadena vrednost 276 324 313 478 357 450 113.4 114.0 86.3 85.9 86.8 a. Value added

    B. Danoci na proizvodi 44 741 52 426 56 723 117.2 108.2 14.0 14.4 13.8 B. Taxes on products

    Danok na dodadena vrednost i akcizi 39 318 46 227 50 449 117.6 109.1 12.3 12.7 12.3 Value added tax and excises

    Carini i carinski dava~ki 5 423 6 199 6 275 114.3 101.2 1.7 1.7 1.5 Import duties

    V. Minus: Subvencii na proizvodi 1 006 915 2 445 90.9 267.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 C. Minus: Subsidies on products

    BRUTO-DOMA[EN PROIZVOD (A+B-V) 320 059 364 989 411 728 114.0 114.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 GrOSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (A+B-C)

    1) Vidi grafikon na stranica 333 1) See graphs on page 333 2) 3) Vidi metodolo{ki objasnuvawa na stranica 300 2) 3) See Notes on methodology on page 304

  • 318 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    Bruto-vrednost na

    proizvodstvoto po osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka


    vrednost po osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvod-

    stvoto i carini

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Bruto- deloven



    Neto- deloven


    Broj na vraboteni i samovraboteni

    Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic


    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating


    Number of employees and


    S-11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    S-11001 Javni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    26 835 15 913 10 922 - 8 437 2 485 4 474 - 1 989 23 784 Public non-financial corporations

    S-11001 S-11 Non-financial corporations

    S-11002 Doma{ni privatni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    377 624 234 840 142 784 - 65 504 77 280 20 051 57 229 245 073 National private non-financial corporations


    S-11003 Nefinansiski pretprijatija kontrolirani od stranstvo

    135 094 75 585 59 508 - 19 031 40 477 11 922 28 554 54 943 Foreign controlled non-financial corporations


    Vkupno 539 552 326 338 213 214 - 92 972 120 242 36 448 83 794 323 799 Total

    S-12 Finansiski pretprijatija

    Vkupno 18 222 7 474 10 748 - 5 279 5 470 1 167 4 302 8 028 Total S-12 Financial corporations

    S-13 Dr`ava S-1311 Centralna vlada 57 782 21 216 36 566 - 29 167 7 400 7 400 0 73 315 Central government S-1311 S-13 General government

    S-1313 Lokalna vlada 11 500 6 177 5 323 - 5 033 289 289 0 5 192 Local government S-1313

    S-1314 Fondovi za socijalno osiguruvawe

    16 804 7 283 9 522 - 7 404 2 117 2 117 0 20 431 Social security funds S-1314

    Vkupno 86 086 34 676 51 411 - 41 604 9 806 9 806 0 98 938 Total

    S-14 Doma}instva Vkupno 95 810 44 002 51 808 302 2 272 49 234 2 858 46 376 104 402 Total S-14 Households

    S-15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    Vkupno 4 123 2 386 1 737 - 1 413 323 323 0 2 317 Total S-15 Non-profit institutions serving households

  • 319Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)



    po tekovni ceni At current pricesvo milioni denari In million denars

    Bruto-vrednost na

    proizvodstvoto po osnovni ceni

    Me|ufazna potro{uva~ka


    vrednost po osnovni ceni

    Danoci na proizvod-

    stvoto i carini

    Sredstva na vrabotenite

    Bruto- deloven



    Neto- deloven


    Broj na vraboteni i samovraboteni

    Gross output at basic prices

    Intermediate consumption

    Gross value added at basic


    Taxes on production and


    Compensation of employees

    Gross operating


    Depreciation Net operating


    Number of employees and


    S-11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    S-11001 Javni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    26 835 15 913 10 922 - 8 437 2 485 4 474 - 1 989 23 784 Public non-financial corporations

    S-11001 S-11 Non-financial corporations

    S-11002 Doma{ni privatni nefinansiski pretprijatija

    377 624 234 840 142 784 - 65 504 77 280 20 051 57 229 245 073 National private non-financial corporations


    S-11003 Nefinansiski pretprijatija kontrolirani od stranstvo

    135 094 75 585 59 508 - 19 031 40 477 11 922 28 554 54 943 Foreign controlled non-financial corporations


    Vkupno 539 552 326 338 213 214 - 92 972 120 242 36 448 83 794 323 799 Total

    S-12 Finansiski pretprijatija

    Vkupno 18 222 7 474 10 748 - 5 279 5 470 1 167 4 302 8 028 Total S-12 Financial corporations

    S-13 Dr`ava S-1311 Centralna vlada 57 782 21 216 36 566 - 29 167 7 400 7 400 0 73 315 Central government S-1311 S-13 General government

    S-1313 Lokalna vlada 11 500 6 177 5 323 - 5 033 289 289 0 5 192 Local government S-1313

    S-1314 Fondovi za socijalno osiguruvawe

    16 804 7 283 9 522 - 7 404 2 117 2 117 0 20 431 Social security funds S-1314

    Vkupno 86 086 34 676 51 411 - 41 604 9 806 9 806 0 98 938 Total

    S-14 Doma}instva Vkupno 95 810 44 002 51 808 302 2 272 49 234 2 858 46 376 104 402 Total S-14 Households

    S-15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    Vkupno 4 123 2 386 1 737 - 1 413 323 323 0 2 317 Total S-15 Non-profit institutions serving households

  • 320 Statisti~ki godi{nik na Republika Makedonija, 2010

    09.01. Bruto-doma{en proizvod (proizvoden metod) 09.01. Gross Domestic Product (production method)


    A B V G D \ E @ Z Y I J K L Q

    Zemjodel-stvo, lov i {umar-



    Rudarstvo i vadewe na kamen



    Snabdu-vawe so


    energija, gas i voda



    Trgovija na gole-mo i trgovija na

    malo; popravka na motorni vozila,

    motocikli i pred-meti za li~na upotreba i za


    Hoteli i


    Soobra}aj, skladira-

    we i vrski



    Aktivnosti vo vrska so

    nedvi`en imot, iznaj-

    muvawe i delovni


    Javna uprava i odbrana;


    socijalna za{tita


    Zdrav-stvo i soci-jalna


    Drugi komu-nalni,

    kulturni, op{ti

    i li~ni uslu`ni


    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OAgricul-

    ture, hunting

    and forestry

    Fishing Mining and quarrying


    Electricity, gas and

    water supply



    Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and

    personal and household goods

    Hotels and


    Transport, storage and


    Financial interme-


    Real estate, renting and

    business activities

    Public admi-nistration

    and defence; compulsory

    social security

    Education Health and social


    Other community, social and

    personal service

    activitiesBruto-vrednost na proizvod-stvoto po osnovni ceni

    S.11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    15 071 123 9 187 221 484 43 059 44 541 82 050 9 761 69 668 605 26 570 - 2 285 5 134 10 015 Non-financial corporations

    S.11 Gross output at basic pricesS.12 Finansiski

    pretprijatija- - - - - - - - - 18 222 - - - - - Financial

    corporations S.12

    S.13 Dr`ava - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 009 47 119 16 249 17 677 3 031 General government


    S.14 Doma}instva 66 753 31 - 2 930 1 13 073 2 954 1 997 1 573 0 4 689 - 13 72 1 725 Households S.14

    S.15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    13 - - 1 - - 0 - - 1 41 51 15 250 3 751 Non-profit institutions serving households


    Vkupno 81 837 154 9 187 224 414 43 060 57 613 85 004 11 757 71 242 18 829 33 310 47 170 18 562 23 134 18 521 Total

    Me|ufazna potro{u- va~ka

    S.11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    9 719 65 4 837 152 636 31 900 29 331 33 821 5 063 37 276 264 13 502 - 1 097 2 039 4 789 Non-financial corporations

    S.11 Interme-diate con-sumptionS.12 Finansiski

    pretprijatija- - - - - - - - - 7 474 - - - - - Financial

    corporations S.12

    S.13 Dr`ava - - - - - - - - 0 - 1 322 20 442 4 989 7 356 566 General government


    S.14 Doma}instva 30 838 14 - 1 143 0 8 025 914 743 822 0 1 015 - 3 29 456 Households S.14

    S.15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    13 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 22 51 5 133 2 162 Non-profit institutions serving households


    Vkupno 40 570 80 4 837 153 779 31 900 37 355 34 734 5 805 38 099 7 738 15 861 20 493 6 094 9 556 7 974 Total

    Bruto-dodadena vrednost po osnovni ceni

    S.11 Nefinansiski pretprijatija

    5 352 57 4 350 68 848 11 159 15 210 48 229 4 698 32 392 341 13 068 - 1 188 3 095 5 226 Non-financial corporations

    S.11 Gross value added at basic pricesS.12 Finansiski

    pretprijatija- - - - - - - - - 10 748 - - - - - Financial

    corporations S.12

    S.13 Dr`ava - - - - - - - - 1 - 687 26 677 11 260 10 322 2 465 General government


    S.14 Doma}instva 35 915 17 - 1 786 0 5 048 2 040 1 254 750 0 3 674 - 10 43 1 269 Households S.14

    S.15 Neprofitni institucii koi im slu`at na doma}instvata

    0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 1 19 1 10 118 1 589 Non-profit institutions serving households


    Vkupno 41 267 74 4 350 70 634 11 159 20 258 50 270 5 952 33 143 11 090 17 449
