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1 Election of 1824 John Quincy Adams 2 Four candidates ran for president. All had been members of...

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1 Election of 1824 John Quincy Adams


Election of 1824

John Quincy Adams


Four candidates ran for president. All had been members of the Democratic-Republican Party.

None of them won a majority of the votes, although Jackson had the most popular and Electoral College votes.

The decision went to the House of Representatives where Henry Clay encouraged members to vote for Adams.

They selected Adams as president, which angered Jackson’s supporters who called the selection a “corrupt bargain” after Adams appointed Clay as his Secretary of State.



41 37







Jackson Adams Crawford Clay

electorial votes

The Election of 1824


John Quincy AdamsFirst son of a president to be

elected president himself

Important Secretary of State under Monroe: negotiated joint occupation of the Oregon country with Britain, helped make Florida a state, and co-authored the Monroe Doctrine

Controversial election led to a lack of support from Congress

Tried to push through more American System modernization reforms, but was largely unsuccessful

He was defeated by Jackson in the election of 1828 but was elected to Congress where he was an influential member until his death in 1848

Going Whole Hog for JacksonPresidential Election of 1828Campaign lasted for four

years. Dirty nasty campaign. Jackson won both popular and electoral vote

President John Adams and his son served only one term as Presidents 2 /6.

After his presidency John Q. Adams served in the House of Representatives. He was an outspoken abolitionist. He was known as Old Man Eloquent.

Andrew Jackson as PresidentEnters the Presidency as the

first DemocratSlave owner Planter aristocrat at his

mansion The HermitageNicknamed “Old Hickory”….

Hero to his troopsGeneral at Battle of

Horseshoe Bend and Battle of New Orleans

Ushers in Era of Common Man

Kitchen CabinetSpoils SystemState’s Righter and a


More on President JacksonNicknamed King

Andrew by political opponents

“Andy veto”…used veto power often

Inaugural Brawl scared many bureaucrats

Spoils system…given political friends government appointments….Jackson credited and blamed with starting this practice on a large scale

The Tariff of Abominations1828 tariff

1824 tariff was set at 37%. Southerners hated the tariff while northerners favored the tariff. Tariffs drove up the price of goods for the importing South but protected New England’s emerging industries.

1828 was raised to 45%. Southerners outraged,

led by Vice President John C. Calhoun. Tariff also called Yankee Tariff.

John C. Calhoun’s South Carolina Exposition and Protest

The South Carolina Exposition and Protest Tariff of 1832

John C. Calhoun wrote that the tariff was unfair and should be nullified in states (compact theory of government)

“Nullies” of South Carolina blocked by Unionists in South Carolina from declaring tariff null and void

Congress passed new lower tariff down to 35%, but Southerners still upset

By 1832 South Carolina Nullies called a special convention and nullified Tariff of 1832…..what would President Jackson do?

The Nullification Crisis with the “Cradle of Secession” South

CarolinaPresident Jackson

declares nullification will not stand. Governor Hayne of South Carolina says nullification will stand. (Jackson is ready to lead an army).

The Great Compromiser Henry Clay proposes Tariff of 1833, which after 10 years would bring Tariff down to about 25%. Narrowly passes Congress

John C. Calhoun

Nullification Crisis averted.

•Congress also passed Force Bill or Bloody Bill authorizing President to use force to enforce tariff collection.•After repealing Ordinances of Nullification, South Carolina nullifies Force Act• President Jackson increased power of Presidency

Denmark Vesey’s Rebellion Denmark Vesey was executed on 2 July 1822 after being

accused of planning a slave rebellion against slave owners and other whites in Charleston, South Carolina. Vesey was a well-respected carpenter and minister who in his teens had been sold into slavery from the West Indies island of St. Thomas. For years he was the household servant to Captain Joseph Vesey, who settled in Charleston in 1783. Denmark Vesey won $1,500 in a lottery in the year 1800. He used the money to buy his freedom and set up a carpentry shop, where he prospered. Educated and financially successful, he also co-founded a separate black Methodist church in Charleston in 1816 (though it was closed by white authorities four years later). In 1822 he was accused of being the leader of a secret plot to rebel against whites, a plot that supposedly involved 9,000 slaves and more than two years of preparation. The alleged plan was for the slaves to murder as many whites as they could, then set sail for Africa or Haiti. In the wake of rumors of the plot, Charleston authorities charged 131 people with conspiracy, convicted 67 and executed at least 35, including Denmark Vesey. Though the story of Vesey and the rebellion has long been taken for fact, a few historians have argued that no such rebellion ever was planned, and that Vesey and others were victims of false rumors that spread among nervous slaveholders.

Vesey's birthplace and birth date are uncertain, as are most of the details of his life before he was sold to Joseph Vesey in 1781.

Southerners saw slave rebellions, coupled w.ith tariff issues, as a threat to the Southern way of life .

The Trail of TearsThe Five Civilized Tribes had

sued in the case of Cherokee Nation v. State of Georgia for the right to their land in Georgia.

Cherokees won case to which President Jackson responded “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it”

1830 Indian Removal Act forced tribes West of Mississippi River to “Indian territory forever”

Result was Trail of Tears

Sauk and Fox WarOsceola and Seminole War

In early 1830s Sauk and Fox tribes destroyed in Great Lakes area

From 1835-1842 the Seminole War waged in the Florida area.

Eventually Osceola and some Seminoles hid in Everglades, others moved to Oklahoma.

The Bank War

The Bank of the United States was led by Czar Nicholas Biddle. The bank served as the National Treasury , coined hard money, and granted credit.Farmers out West wanted soft paper money and viewed the BUS as eastern establishment bent on keeping west down.

Henry Clay plays politicsRe-chartering the Bank Jackson hated the BUSIn an effort to embarrass

President Jackson politically Henry Clay proposes re-chartering the Bank of the United States four years early. Jackson vetoes bill which aligns West (South) against East.

Sectionalism starting to show

1832 Presidential ElectionFirst time nominating

conventions were held to pick political party candidates for President

National Republican or Whig, Henry Clay v. Democrat Jackson v. Anti-Masonic Party (Third Party) William Wirt….winner was President Jackson

Burying Biddle’s Bank

• To destroy the Bank of the United States President Jackson began to withdraw federal funds and place federal money in “pet banks”. • Czar Biddle retaliated by calling in loans.• Created loss of credit markets and hard times in the West• In 1836 BUS was gone…no new federal monetary system until 1900s under President Wilson

Birth of the Whig Political PartyGenerally the Whigs despised King Andrew and favored Henry Clay’s American system.

The Whig Party was a political party of the United States during the era of Jacksonian democracy. Considered integral to the Second Party System and operating from 1833 to 1856,[2] the party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party. In particular, the Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the executive branch and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism. This name was chosen to echo the American Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence, and because "Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who saw themselves as opposing autocratic rule.[3] The Whig Party counted among its members such national political luminaries as Daniel Webster, William Henry Harrison, and their preeminent leader, Henry Clay of Kentucky. In addition to Harrison, the Whig Party also counted four war heroes among its ranks, including Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott. Abraham Lincoln was a Whig leader in frontier Illinois.

In its over two decades of existence, the Whig Party saw two of its candidates, Harrison and Taylor, elected president. Both, however, died in office. John Tyler became president after Harrison's death, but was expelled from the party. Millard Fillmore, who became president after Taylor's death, was the last Whig to hold the nation's highest office.

The party was ultimately destroyed by the question of whether to allow the expansion of slavery to the territories. With deep fissures in the party on this question, the anti-slavery faction successfully prevented the nomination of its own incumbent President Fillmore in the 1852 presidential election; instead, the party nominated General Winfield Scott, who was soundly defeated. Its leaders quit politics (as Lincoln did temporarily) or changed parties. The voter base defected to the Republican Party, various coalition parties in some states, and to the Democratic Party. By the 1856 presidential election, the party had lost its ability to maintain a national coalition of effective state parties and endorsed Millard Fillmore, now of the American Party, at its last national convention

1836 Presidential ElectionDemocrat Andrew

Jackson hand picked Martin Van Buren to run. The Whig party ran different favorite son candidates in an effort to put Presidential election into the House of Representatives.

Martin Van Buren became the 8th President.

Diplomatic woes for the Little Magician Martin Van Buren

First President born in America He was educated, and a trained

politician, but was seen as “mediocre”

Rebellion in Canada with the British in which he remained neutral made some angry.

Anti-slavery movement gained strength, and he approved of the annexation of the slave ridden Texas

He inherited a serious economic depression from Jackson’s end to the BUS

He, as president, was “blamed for the nation’s woes, and he could do nothing to escape the blame.

Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury

The Panic of 1837 was caused by pet bank loans , and the Specie Circular which stated that debts should be paid back in gold.

Hundreds of Banks failed.Many crop failures.British bank failures.President Van Buren’s

solution was the Divorce Bill (no federal bank system) and Independent Treasury system which placed government funds in vaults in larger cities.

Gone to TexasAfter Mexico had won

independence from Spain the Mexican government invited Americans to the area that is now Texas as colonists.

The stipulations were that Americans must become Mexican citizens, could not bring slaves and should be Catholic.

Ignoring the stipulations Stephen Austin led about 300 families into Texas.

Don’t Mess With Texas!!!!!

Gone to Texas (GTT)

• By 1835 the Texas were clamoring for independence from Mexico. Mexican

• Dictator Santa Ana de Lopez de Santa Anna briefly jailed Stephen Austin and raised an army to show the Texicans just who ruled Texas.

Texas RevolutionIn 1836 Texas

declared independence from Mexico.

The Lone Star Flag was unveiled and Sam Houston was named commander-in-chief.

Santa Anna defeated Americans at the Alamo and at Goliad

Remember The AlamoRemember the Alamo Davy CrockettAmericans were

butchered to a man at the Alamo, included Western heroes Davy Crockett and James Bowie

War cries of Remember the Alamo, Death to Santa Anna and Remember Goliad were raised in Texas and America

Texans win their independenceSupported by

American men, money and munitions, Sam Houston retreated to San Jacinto Junction.

At the Battle of San Jacinto, Santa Anna was crushed and forced to sign Treaty of Valesco which ended hostilities and created the Republic of Texas

Northerners say no to TexasFearing a conspiracy by

those that wanted to expand slavery, northerners refuse to allow Texas admittance to the union.

The issue of a new state below the 36-30 line was alarming to northerners.

Texas would be its own nation for about ten years.

Presidential Election of 1840 “Little Van the Used

Up Man” had little chance to be re-elected.

The Whigs ran the popular William Henry Harrison and John Tyler as Vice President

“Tippecanoe and Tyler

Too”The Whigs ran a Log

Cabin Campaign

William Henry Harrison elected 9th


The Emergence of the two party system•Democrats glorified the individual, the “coonskin Congressman”•Clung to state’s rights and federal restraints•Generally from South and West

The Emergence of the two party systemWhigs generally

favored a renewed national bank, tariffs, internal improvements, moral reforms and public schools

Generally from the East

Generally more aristocratic and wealthier
