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100503 Report Networking Workshop Lyon

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  • 8/8/2019 100503 Report Networking Workshop Lyon


    Sustainable Energy Technology at Work

    SETatWork projectNetworking workshop

    Monday, 3 May 2010

    Lyon Convention Centre, France

    Organized by:


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    The world has entered a new energy era, where energy technology has a vital role to play.Sustainable Energy Technology at Work, SETatWork, strives at uniformed effort onaddressing the EU interests in the carbon markets, by comprising EU policy goals as well asbusiness opportunities. The basic objective of SETatWork, is to facilitate the entry of

    European know-how on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET) into emerging climatemarkets: the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM) market in Asia and Latin America.

    Sustainable Energy Technology at Work, a project supported by the EU's Seventh FrameworkProgramme (FP7), is thus having as a key aim to promote sustainable energy technologies atcarbon markets with focus on EU ETS and CDM markets in Asia and Latin America.

    The T@W Sustainable Energy Technology at Work project today consists of 10 partners fromEurope, 4 partners from Asia and 1 from Latin America.

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    Introduction/background and meeting content

    The global society is faced with a huge challenge in order to meet the threat given byglobal warming. The project SETatWork - Sustainable Energy Technologies at Workaims to meet this challenge through the collaboration and partnerships between

    organisations in EU, Asia and South America, supported by the EU's SeventhFramework Programme (FP7).

    In this context, one ETS match-making event has been organized as a side eventduring the 18th European Biomass Conference with the following objectives:

    promote the implementation of innovative and sustainable technologies incompanies that participate in EU Emissions Trading System

    matching stakeholders involved in energy efficiency and savings in European

    industry sectors for realization of energy efficiency and saving projects.

    In the final part of the workshop, a "networking cocktail" has been organized whereparticipants had the opportunity to share experiences, discuss "face-to-face"regarding new business opportunities, present innovative ideas, search fortechnologies, projects and know-how, meet potential co-operation partners andpromote the company profile.

    The event was addressed to stakeholders involved in sustainable energy technologiesor project development services and to those involved in a project or seeking forproject development assistance or technology suppliers.

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    Overall assessment of the outcome of the meeting

    The 18th EUBC&E has featured the SETatWork project Networking Workshop, animportant occasion for matching stakeholders involved in energy efficiency andsavings in European industry sectors for realization of new projects.

    The session was not only oriented in biomass technology. On the contrary, invitedspeakers came from different sectors with the objective to promote theimplementation of innovative and sustainable technologies in companies thatparticipate in EU Emissions Trading System. In this context, relevant discussedargument have been:

    demonstration of green energy projects opportunities for European companies to establish international cooperation

    activities for projects outside EU (CDM projects in particular)

    power generation plants running on biogas or waste gases to meet stringentemission standards

    power generation from biomass opportunities Deployment Of Sustainable Bioenergy In Industry: The Role Of International


    Funding opportunities offered by the European Commission for investements inenergy efficiency or saving projects and sustainable energy technologies

    ESCOs and Biomass Heat Contracting Markets And Implementationopportunities In Europe

    Speakers involved in the workshop came from different areas and participantshave had the chance to hear about funding opportunities for the development ofsustainable energy projects offered by the European Commission (SEE andCORDIS), the potential for renewable energy in industrial applications and the roleof international cooperation (UNIDO United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization), the Large-scale demonstration and deployment of green energyprojects in Scotland (Scottish European Green Energy Centre).

    In addiction the industry sector was also represented by GE Jenbacher and MerloniProgetti SPA who gave an overview about their product for power generationapplications to meet stringent emission standards.

    The final presentation, made by WIP Renewable Energies, was a very interestingoverview about the energy efficiency investments which are offered by the EnergyServices Companies (ESCOs) at European level.

    In the final part of the workshop, a "networking cocktail" has been organized,participants have had the opportunity to share experiences and discuss "face-to-face" regarding new business opportunities.

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    List of speakers and short summary of presentations

    Francesco Bazzoffi ETA Florence - Renewable Energies, ItalyThe SETatWork project to assist European industries in gaining access to thecarbon markets

    See attached presentation (ANNEX 1).

    Colombe Warin SEE Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign, EuropeanCommissionSEE to promote investment in sustainable energy technologies andInternational Cooperation with Developing Countries

    The presentation was an interesting overview regarding the possibilitiesoffered by the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign (an European Commissioninitiative in the framework of the Intelligent Energy - Europe programme)forthe promotion and the financial support of sustainable energy projects as well

    as cooperation with developing countries among private companies and publicauthorities, professional and energy agencies, industry associations and NGOsacross Europe. In addiction, the possibility to benefit from a greater promotionand visibility at European level by the participation at the Sustainable EnergyEurope Week initiative has been presented.

    Christine Michaut CORDIS Community Research and DevelopmentInformation Service, European CommissionCORDIS - the official access point to the 7th Framework Programme fundingopportunities

    The presentation highlighted the funding opportunities offered by the FP7program, the EU's main instrument for funding research and developmentactivities.To facilitate participation in European Research activities, CORDISoffers interactive web facilities that links together researchers, policymakers,managers and key players in the field of research.

    Emanuele Taibi - UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development OrganizationThe potential for renewable energy in industrial applications and the role ofinternational cooperation"

    The presentation considered the deployment of sustainable bioenergy for

    process heat in selected industrial sectors. Bioenergy technologies are themost diverse in the renewable energy technologies panorama and there is nosilver bullet in bioenergy technology, but rather a set of BATs for specificcombinations of processes and feedstocks. The role of internationalcooperation is to facilitate and speed up the process of bioenergy technologydeployment by removing the barriers to the realization of the potential.

    Jamie Robinson - Scottish European Green Energy Centre, ScotlandLarge-scale demonstration and deployment of green energy projects

    The centre opened in August 2009 and plays a catalytic role in the

    development of green energy and in the development of partnerships on key

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    policy priorities such as carbon capture and storage and renewable heat,through its work in Scotland and with partners across Europe.

    The key functions of the Centre are to support the development of jointprojects in green energy research and deployment, the EU-wide disseminationof results of existing and new projects, helping create EU wide partnerships

    with industry towards commercialisation and obtaining funding for theseactivities through EU programmes.

    Thomas Elsenbruch - GE Jenbacher, AustriaGE renewable power generation applications to meet stringent emissionstandards

    GE's Jenbacher gas engines range in power from 0.25 to 4 MW and run oneither natural gas or a variety of other gases (e.g., biogas, landfill gas, coalmine gas, sewage gas, combustible industrial waste gases). GEs lean burncombustion system and exhaust combustion system help reduce and minimize

    exhaust emission in line with the European committment to realise the20:20:20 objectives. In addiction, products offerd by GE offer maximumefficiency in the conversion of energy and comply with the most stringentemissions standards (like the Combined heat and power CHP plants thatgenerate electricity and heat locally where they are needed).

    Fabio Schiavini - Merloni Progetti SPA, ItalyBuilding sustainable bio-energy solutions for social progress

    Merloni Progetti is the engineering and general contracting company of theFineldo group. Merloni Progetti is a leading company in the transfer of

    technology and expertise in international markets and works as an industrialpartner in industrial plant planning, turnkey construction and start-up ofplants in the electromechanics sector, environmental treatments, biofuels,and the production of electricity from biomass.

    Wolfgang Hiegl - WIP Renewable Energies, Germany"Biomass Heat Contracting: markets and implementation in EU"

    The presentation gave an overview about the ESCOs (energy servicecompanies). ESCOs, or contracting schemes, offer innovative financinginstruments and services, especially to public bodies. They are a promising

    tool to increase the uptake of biomass heat technologies in the public sectorwhich could be a major driver for general market development. However, thisopportunity is not used to its full potential in countries with ESCo experience(such as Finland or Germany) and it is not used at all in many other Europeancountries. Lack of general knowledge and insufficient transfer of know-howare among the main barriers.

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    Some pictures of the meeting

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    To help you find funding, advice,To help you find funding, advice,To help you find funding, advice,To help you find funding, advice,background information and supportbackground information and supportbackground information and supportbackground information and support

    Technologies providers

    Advisory Services: companies that provide services topublic and private clients

    Carbon Markets: links to the European Carbon stockexchanges, as well as brokers, energy exchanges, etc.

    Funds & Finance: financial investment schemes thatsupport climate activities

    Information of relevance to Industrial Sectors

    Find the most economical option forFind the most economical option forFind the most economical option forFind the most economical option for

    you to answer your COyou to answer your COyou to answer your COyou to answer your CO2222 emissionemissionemissionemission


    provide you with a cost overview for implementingand conducting your own CDM/JI project

    helps you make the right decision whether yourcompany is considering buying or selling carboncertificates or just wishes to reduce its level of CO2emissions

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    The carbon markets in countriesThe carbon markets in countriesThe carbon markets in countriesThe carbon markets in countries

    covered by the EU ETS andcovered by the EU ETS andcovered by the EU ETS andcovered by the EU ETS and

    selected countries in Asia andselected countries in Asia andselected countries in Asia andselected countries in Asia and

    South AmericaSouth AmericaSouth AmericaSouth America

    National strategies for fulfilling GHG emissionreduction targets

    Relevant legislation related to climate changeand the country's NAP

    National Situation in the Carbon Markets

    Companies in the Carbon Markets

    R&D Priorities

    examples involving companies governed bythe EU ETS, including CDM and JI projects

    the best Case Studies will be added asGood Practice (GP)

    case studies in the database are linked tothe organisations involved in the project

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    Helping to improve energy efficiency inHelping to improve energy efficiency inHelping to improve energy efficiency inHelping to improve energy efficiency in

    companies covered by the EU ETScompanies covered by the EU ETScompanies covered by the EU ETScompanies covered by the EU ETS

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    CoordinationCoordinationCoordinationCoordinationEnergy Consulting Network (ECNet) - Denmark

    KEWOG Unit ZREU (ZREU) - Germany

    KanEnergi - Sweden

    CPL Press UK

    European PartnersEuropean PartnersEuropean PartnersEuropean PartnersSofia Energy Centre (SEC) - Bulgaria

    Confederation of Danish Industries - Denmark

    ETA Florence - Italy

    Primum Polska Sp. z o.o. - Poland

    Instituto de Engenharia Mecnica - Portugal

    Energy Centre Bratislava (ECB) Slovakia

    Asian and South AmericanAsian and South AmericanAsian and South AmericanAsian and South AmericanAsesors Profesionales (APLE) - Chile

    Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conservation (GIEC) - China

    Zhejiang Energy Research Institute (ZERI) - China

    The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) - India

    Centre for Energy Resource Development (CEERD) Thailand

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    Francesco Bazzoffietaflorence renewable energies
