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CIRCULAR – REVISION EXAMINATION–I PORTION & TIME TABLE FOR CLASSES - IX to XI Ref: JHPS/PAR/CIR/67/2018-19 Date: 13.12.2018 Dear Parents, Please note that the Revision Examination - I for classes IX to XI will be held from 3 rd January to 11 th January, 2019 as per the schedule and syllabus given in this circular. REVISION EXAMINATION - I DATE DAY IX X XI 03.01.2019 Thursday II Lang English Accountancy 05.01.2019 Saturday Math Science Business Studies 07.01.2019 Monday Science Social Economics 08.01.2019 Tuesday English II Lang - 09.01.2019 Wednesday Computer Computer PE/CSc/Entr/Math 11.01.2019 Friday Social Math English for Jubilee Hills Public School Ruchi Sabharwal Vice Principal CLASS - IX PORTION FOR REVISION EXAMINATION-1 2018-19
Page 1: 11th REVISION EXAMINATION - I DATE DAY IX X XIjhpublicschool.com/wp-content/circulars/2018-19/JHPS_67... · 2019-01-05 · ससससससस * MATHEMATICS: 1) Real Numbers 2)



Ref: JHPS/PAR/CIR/67/2018-19 Date: 13.12.2018

Dear Parents, Please note that the Revision Examination - I for classes IX to XI will be held from 3rd January to

11th January, 2019 as per the schedule and syllabus given in this circular.



03.01.2019 Thursday II Lang English Accountancy

05.01.2019 Saturday Math Science Business Studies

07.01.2019 Monday Science Social Economics

08.01.2019 Tuesday English II Lang -

09.01.2019 Wednesday Computer Computer PE/CSc/Entr/Math

11.01.2019 Friday Social Math English

for Jubilee Hills Public School Ruchi Sabharwal

Vice Principal


Page 2: 11th REVISION EXAMINATION - I DATE DAY IX X XIjhpublicschool.com/wp-content/circulars/2018-19/JHPS_67... · 2019-01-05 · ससससससस * MATHEMATICS: 1) Real Numbers 2)

ENGLISH: Beehive-Prose: The Fun They Had, The Sound Of Music, The Little Girl, A Truly Beautiful Mind, The Snake And The Mirror, My Childhood, Packing. Reach for the top, The Bond of Love, Kathmandu, If I were you Beehive-Poetry: The Road Not Taken, Wind, Rain On The Roof, The Lake Isle Of Innisfree, A Legend Of The Northland, The Kangaroo and the Duck, On Killing a tree, A Snake trying, A slumber did my Spirit seal, Moments: The Lost Child, The Adventures Of Toto, Iswaran-The Storyteller, In The Kingdom Of Fools, The Happy Prince, Weathering the storm in Ersama, The Last

Leaf, A house is not a home, The Accidental Tourist, The Beggar, Writing Skills: Article writing, Descriptive Paragraph, (Person/Place/Event) Diary Entry, Short Story Writing Grammar Tenses, Modals, Use Of Passive Voice, Reported Speech, Subject-Verb Agreement, clauses, Determiners, Prepositions.

II- Lang (HINDI): Comprehension: अअअअअ अअअअअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ Text

Book:अअअअ अअ अअअअअअ, अअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअअ, अअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ

अअअअअअ, अअअअ अअ अअअअअ, अअअअ अअ अअ, अअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअ,अअअअअ अअ

अअ,अअअअ अअ अअअअ, अअअअअअअअ,अअ अअअ अअ अअअ, अअअ-अअअअ, अअअअअअअ,अअ

अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअअ अअअ,अअअअअअ, अअअअअअ,अअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअ

अअअअअअअ,अअअअअ अअअअ Grammar: अअअअ (अअअअअअअ, अअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ,

अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअ),अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअअअअ, अअअअ (अअअअअ, अअअ,

अअअअअअ, अअ),अअअअअ अअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअ Writing Skills:अअअअअअअअ अअअअ,अअअअ

अअअअ(अअअअअअअअअ अअअअ), अअअअअ अअअअ,अअअअअअअअअ,अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ

II- Lang (TELUGU): POETRY – 1.अअअअअअअअअअअअअ, 2.अअअअअअअ, 3.अअअ अअअअअअ 4. अअअअअ 5. अअअअअअ

PROSE -1. अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ, 2. अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ, 3. अअअअअ

अअअअअअअअ, 4 अअअअअअअअअ. 5. अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ NONDETAILED -1. अअअअअअअअअ, 2.

अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअअ, 3. अअअअअअ, 4.अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअ 5.अअअअअअअ.

अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअ, अअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअ. వవవవవవవవవవవవవ: వవవవవవ: अअअअ, अअअअ, अअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअअ, अअअ, अअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअअअअ, వవవవవవవవవ: अअअ, अअअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअअअअअ.

వవవవవవవ: अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअ వవవవవవవ: अअअअअअअ, अअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ, अअअअ अअअअअअअ

II- Lang (SANSKRIT): Text Book :- अअअअअअअअअअअअअअ:, अअअअअअअअअ:,

अअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअ:, अअअअअअअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअ अअअ:,

अअअअअअअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअ,, अअअअअअअअअ:, अअअअअ :अअअअअअ *

अअअअअअअअअअ अ अअअअअअअ: अअअअअअअअअअअअअ Grammar- ºÉƺEÞòiÉ´ÉhÉǨÉɱÉÉ -

=SSÉÉ®úhɺlÉÉxÉÉÊxÉ*´ÉhÉÇ-ºÉƪÉÉäVÉxÉÆ* ´ÉhÉÇ-ʴɪÉÉäVÉxÉÆ* ºÉÎxvÉ* ¶É¤nù °ü{ÉÉÊhÉ *

vÉÉiÉÖ °ü{ÉÉÊhÉ* ={É{ÉnùʴɦÉHòªÉ&* अअअअअअ, |ÉiªÉªÉÉ&- {ÉjÉ-±ÉäJÉxÉ, ÊSÉjÉ-´ÉhÉÇxÉ.

अअअअअअ *

MATHEMATICS: 1) Number Systems 2)Polynomials 3)Euclid's Geometry 4) Triangles5) Coordinate Geometry 6)Linear Equations in two Variables7) Quadrilaterals 8) Herons Formula9)Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles 10) Statistics 11) Probability 12) Circles 13) Constructions 14) Surface

Areas and Volumes SCIENCE: PHYSICS: Motion, Force & Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Work & Energy, Sound, Practical Based Questions – Density of Solid, Verification of Archimede’s Principle, Velocity of Pulse CHEMISTRY: 1. Matter In Our Surroundings 2. Is Matter Around Us Pure, 3. Atoms And Molecules, Structure of an Atom, Practical based questions BIO: The fundamental unit of life, Tissues, Improvement of food resources, Diversity in living organisms, Why do we fall ill? Practicals.

Page 3: 11th REVISION EXAMINATION - I DATE DAY IX X XIjhpublicschool.com/wp-content/circulars/2018-19/JHPS_67... · 2019-01-05 · ससससससस * MATHEMATICS: 1) Real Numbers 2)

SOCIAL SCIENCE: History: French Revolution, Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution, Nazism: The Rise Of Hitler, Forest Society and Colonialism Geography: India - Size and Location, Physical Features Of India , Drainage, Climate, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife, Population Pol. Sci: What is Democracy? Why Democracy, Electoral Politics, Working of Institutions, Democratic Rights Economics: Story of Village Paramour, People as Resource, Poverty as a Challenge, Food Security in India

Computer Applications: 1: Office Tools (MS-PowerPoint) 2: Office Tools (MS- Excel) 3: Python Programming


ENGLISH: Literature: Prose: Two gentlemen of Verona, The letter, Mrs.packeltide’s tiger, Patol babu, A shady plot, Virtually true Poetry: Frog and the nightingale, Mirror, Not marble nor gilded monuments, Ozymandias, The rime of ancient mariner, Snake Drama-Dear departed, Julius Caesar Writing skill: letter writing-formal (letter to the editor, letter of complaint, placing an order, letter of inquiry), story writing grammar: edit/omit, gap filling, sentence re-ordering, sentence transformation, Long extended reading: chapters 1-23

II lang) HINDI: Comprehension: अअअअअ अअअअअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ Text Book: अअअअ(अअअअ), अअ (अअअअ), अअअअ (अअअअअअ), अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ अअअअ, अअअ, अअ अअअ अअ अअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ, अअअ अअअ अअअअ, अअअअअ अअ अअ अअअअअ, अअअअअअ-अअअअअअ अअअ, अअ अअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअ,अअअअ अअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअअ अअ अअ अअअ, अअअअ अअअअअअ अ Grammar: अअअअ अअअ अअ,अअअअ (अअअअअअअ, अअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ), अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअअअ, अअअअअअअ, अ Writing Skills: अअअअअअअअ-अअअअ, अअअअ-अअअअ (अअअअअअअ अअअअ), अअअअअ-अअअअ, अअअअअअअअ-अअअअ, अअअअअ-अअअअअ (II lang) TELUGU: 1.अअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 2. अअअ अअअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 3.अअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 4.अअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 5.अअअअअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 6.अअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 1. अअअअ अअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 2. अअअअअ अअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 4.अअअअअअअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) 5.अअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअ) వవవవవవవ: 1 अअअ अअअअ 2. अअअअअअअ अअअअ 3.अअअअअअअअअ 4.अअअअअअअअअअअअअ 5.अअअअअ अअअअ 6.अअअअअअअअअ 1.अअअअअ 2. अअअअअअअ 3. अअअअअअ अअअ 4.अअअअअअअअ , 5.अअअअअअअ వవవవవవ – 1. अअअअअअअअअअअ, 2. अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअ, 3. अअअअअअअअ अअअअ 4.अअअअअअअअअ अअअअ 5. अअअअअअअअअअ 6. अअअअअअअअअअअअअ अअअअ 7. अअअअअ अअअअ వవవవవవవ – 1. अअअअअअअ, 2. अअअअअअ, 3. अअअअअअअअअ, 4. अअअअ अअअअअअअ వవవవవవవ – 1. अअअअअअअअ, 2. अअअअअअअ, 3. अअअअअअअ, 4. अअअअअअअअ వవవవవవవవవ - 1. अअअ 2. अअअअअअअअअअ 3. अअअअअअअअअअअअअ 4. अअअअ

(II lang) SANSKRIT: - Lessons- ´ÉÉRÂó¨ÉªÉÆiÉ{É&* +ÉYÉÉMÉÖ°ühÉÉÆʽþ

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--* EòɱÉÉä½þ¨ÉÂ* Grammar: ससससस सससससससस,सससस ससससस,ससससस

ससससस,ससससस,सससस,ससससससस,ससससस ससससससससस,ससस:,सससससससस,ससससससस ससससससस *

MATHEMATICS: 1) Real Numbers 2) Polynomials 3) Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 4) Quadratic Equations 5) Arithmetic Progressions 6) Triangles 7) Coordinate Geometry 8) Introduction to Trigonometry 9) Some Applications of Trigonometry 10) Circles 11) Constructions 12) Areas Related to Circles 13) Surface areas and Volumes 14) Statistics 15) Probability.

Page 4: 11th REVISION EXAMINATION - I DATE DAY IX X XIjhpublicschool.com/wp-content/circulars/2018-19/JHPS_67... · 2019-01-05 · ससससससस * MATHEMATICS: 1) Real Numbers 2)

SCIENCE: PHY : Electricity, Magnetic Effects Of Current, Sources Of Energy, Light, Human Eye & The Colourful World Practical Based Questions – Verification Of Ohm’s Law, Resistors In Series And Parallel, Focal Length Of Concave Mirror And Convex Lens, Refraction Of Light Through Glass Slab & Glass Prism, Characteristics Of Image Position For Different Object Positions For Convex Lens CHEM : 1. Chemical Reactions and Equations, 2. Acids, bases and salts, 3. Metals and non-metals, 4.Carbon and its compounds, 5.Periodic classification of elements BIO: Life processes , Control and coordination,

How do organisms reproduce?, Heredity and Evolution, Sustainable management of natural resources, Our environment, Practical based questions (Stomatal peeling / CO2 released during respiration / Reproduction – Binary fission in amoeba, budding in yeast and hydra/Identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed) SOCIAL SCIENCE: History: Nationalism in India (Map), Nationalist Movement in Indo-China, Age of Industrialisation, Novels and Society Geography: Resources and Development, Water, Agriculture,

Minerals and Energy Resources, Manufacturing Industries, Lifelines of Economy (Maps for all lessons) Political Science: Power Sharing, Federalism, Democracy and Diversity, Gender, Religion and Caste, Political Parties, Outcomes of Democracy, Challenges to Democracy Economics: Goals and Development, Sectors of Economy, Money and Credit, Globalisation, Consumer Rights COMPUTERS: Unit 1. Basics of Information Technology, unit 2. Information Processing tools (MS ACCESS, Introduction to HTML, Advanced features of HTML)Unit 3.XML , Unit 4 .Societal Impact of ICT.


ENGLISH: Hornbill: The Portarait of a Lady, A Photograph, We’re Not Afraid to Die, Discovering Tut:

The Saga Continues, The Laburnum Top, Landscape of the soul, The Voice of the Rain, The Ailing

Planet: the Green Movement’s Role, The Browning Version, Childhood, Father to Son. Snapshot: The

Summer of a Beautiful White Horse, The Address, Ranga’s Marriage, Albert Einstein at School, Mother’s

Day, The Tale of Melon City. Writing Skills: Letter Writing (Official, Business, Job Application); Article,

Speech, Report, Advertisements. Reading Skills: Unseen Comprehension; Note Making Grammar:

Editing, Reported Speech, Active & Passive voice, Jumbled Sentences. Long extended reading:

Chapters 1 – 4.

ECONOMICS: Statistics: 1. Central Tendency 2. Dispersion 3. Correlation 4. Index numbers

Micro Economics: 1. Demand 2. Supply 3. Cost and Revenue 4. Producer’s Equilibrium 5. Market

forms 6. Market Equilibrium

ACCOUNTANCY: 1. Journal Entries 2. Ledgers 3. Subsidiary Books 4. Bank Reconciliation Statement.

5. Depreciation 6. Bills of Exchange 7. Trial Balance 8. Rectification of Errors 9. Financial Statement-


BUSINESS STUDIES: 1.Sources of finance 2. Small business 3. Internal trade 4. International

business 5. Social responsibility and business ethics, 6.emerging mode of business 7.business services

8. Public private and global enterprises 9. Nature and purpose of business 10. Forms of business


MATHEMATICS: Sets, Relations and Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Principle of Mathematical

Induction, Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities, Permutations and Combinations,

Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series, Straight Lines , Conic Sections, 3D, Limits and Derivatives,

Mathematical Reasoning, Probability.

COMPUTER SCIENCE: 1. Computer Fundamentals 2. Programming Methodology

3. Introduction to C++ 4. Programming in C++

ENTREPRENEURSHIP : 1. Resource mobilization, 2.business finance and business arithmetic

3.concept of market 4. Entrepreneurship as innovation and problem solving 5.entrepreneurial journey

6. An entrepreneur 7.entrepremeurship concept and functions.

Page 5: 11th REVISION EXAMINATION - I DATE DAY IX X XIjhpublicschool.com/wp-content/circulars/2018-19/JHPS_67... · 2019-01-05 · ससससससस * MATHEMATICS: 1) Real Numbers 2)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Changing trends and career in Physical Education, Fundamental of Anatomy

and Physiology, Test and Measurements in Sports, Physical Environment and Leadership, Biomechanics

and Kinesiology. Psychology and Sports, Training in Sports, Doping.
