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~~:t I l:.)~il:;e \.... , p.-.•:,. " .. q:;aiity ,",I ~ro- • ,.' 1:: "" .- (: t''" A '~i PHONE LE. 1111 I' (' i' ~ ... .,."~ "',.l' , I~ .\ • The Review i. the only new....... publi.hed in The Pointe r . home. in Grolle Pointe d Gntiet tOWD.hip. each week. Cir~ a&iclavitupon reque.t of Ad.wt IIn -~,-,_ ~,_, -- _ --- , " .. 'II' \. .,.: ....... "', ... ' " ... r, ,) '" I ,\ 11 ~ ," ," ........ ,.. ,,' or t\\ a large plots approxim"tel)' 1.3S0 feet in arla. These will be <li,'idod up lllto indi"idual garden plo!>. \\ ith eaclt ,illage ha' ing about is indi\ idual garuen~, Preliminar~' work. sucl, as plow- ing. and PlPlll;t in \\ ater lines. "ill be carried 01lt 0)' ,'il:age and garden club official; "ho will al50 provide ~uPfr\i5iont in~truction and ad\"ic~ for thOse acquiring individual plots. Those meeting Friday, as memo oers of the executive council, in. cluded: ),lrs. Pltelp! Xewberrr. rep- resenting the Garden Club of "r kh. I' . r I, .., ..... ,..,. . : Te(': .; ;r ... (~~' ~.(': ... \ T '". , .a ' .. \ ..,,, . , ,oj 1 \. h"• ;, ~ t I) .... ,. ~\ < I', , ' \r , ',. \' .. 'R r;;: .' A: .>f .... 60 More Grosse Pointe Men Put in I.A; Now Subject to Immediate Induction Plans for a pro,r::r'llI oi "icIOr)' I(ardens for each of tlte til'e Grosse Pointe munidvailLic: ... \\ l'rt ~'orUlu- latd la,t Frida" at a meeting m the home of ~[rs. 'Phelp, Xe\\ herrr. 110 Cloverly road. Representatil'es of all fil'e go"ernments and reprc'en tatil'es of the ..aria us garden clubs here met as an e,«utire council to outline the program. \'. R. DePelris, acting as co-ordInator under the OCD for the United States horticul- tural program. presided. l.'nder the present set-up, each of the fi"e Municipalities will ha ..e on~ '. ',":1 q ", I ~"11 'j.t [ .. - ; .t~ :...(, J:' .., -n . '0;1 r \(,.' . i' \'... h(' . d .;;;;" \- .l , , ( ....... ~ ,., l •• ~.,. CommunityPJot~ .1[1 Ready for Pointe -'1 Victory Gardens I ' • II I .... rr .... '.,'." " " . " .. (' ..... 1 " l~ '::., \, (G;"'tC' ...r...l •:" •~ ," ,-'0\'~ '.\.:l~ ~-:- .... \\('(:. h' t. r: i: PCl- i• " > I'l"'l<.,. :",'( ,. ,.. rn ;:. ., :r (' i. ,") I. '. '.., . (' I"''')r \:l.;'",. GRO.SSE POI!\TE, WCJIIG,'\~, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1942 'I. , . " ""1 .' I~ ,. \\~ . .,'C'~ h .'''~1 ,.~ ~ ~ 'f I I , l,j " ..... I' i1 L'A t ...(11 i , .. il ... ,~'1 I' .., 1'1'; " \" . " I \1 Model Plane BullGer. Work For Victory '. >1. :l'n " , • '0 , , .. , I\. ] , I ..." "' .. , , \ ~1 .~.,,,. I ••,1 , , 1\1ud~e May Be Charged with Embezzling "'\'1 AI';' ' .. ,.. ... 11",.: '~ )'(, " .. ..; ...'1- ""~r .. r ... ",. ~ ..... •• 1 .. ' " r:;, r',,':~" ,r I.' ,~ .... r I .,'. \.. ,. ~ 1'(,. n ,_ ''\ r,' i ()., r ~,. •• w: Ie I't' : 'Ir )I<" -f.- T" R•• ,< .. fole.i-,. ," ('. II Reuther EaroIIa m OrdDaDce Coune AlDert L Reuther, of 105 Oak .t:eei, G.'out. Po.inte Farnu. is en. roIled ill the ordDallCc :inspection coarses now beitll offered at t h c U~rrit:r of lrlichigan as a part of * ~oiversity's deleue IN'Qgnm. Acci.ordinC to 'provi5i"tis- of "oron. menlo tniateu .... 'iU be tIDd.er govern- ment pay While tal.-ing tht'Se courses aDd must aiTee to enter ordnance inspection work immediatel). upon COIDpletiou of thl: training period. I' ,.. ,. rr~\ r rI '.1' I' ~, < I 1.r , ,.~~,..,r~f'ri t'!1 I')\}:'" (,,,n,C"c::,\ (' rL..... . ~~~'.irn:::. ,"': tl'H" l ';\. I'll (,:-"'~~r P(\::""r \\r"r '("\ \(\:r .\;--"'; 7 (\1 a . , .. IlARTHA SACER .-4'~ clouds of glory, Ralph .... ter CllDle from Purd1Je unil'cr- - .. !,ast weekend to spend a few VOL. 17- XO. 32 ' ....... ith his parents, ti'e Hermin »easters, of Harnrd road. ,.. junior .. tbe Purdue college of engineer- iac. Ralph ...as recently elected to four honorary organization" Tau Beta p~ Dational honorary eng,. Deerillg fraternity; Pi Tau Sigma, national llonorary fraternity in me- ehanical engineering; the Scaobard and Blade, nalional military organi. By MARTHA SACER~" zation, and Cimlct. honor"ry fra. Clare II udge. "Ispended Gro"e temity at Purdnc for ml'n outstand. Pointe Park pobce lieulenant, faces ing in e.,.;tr.aaf..:urricular ac.:ti\.ititS r the possibility of arrest <In a charge Last year he served as \.jcc ..presi. of cnlbC,'zzling \ iHage fUllds 3.c; al1 in .. dent of the ~Ien', Cnion at the uni. dicated shorlage of at lea,t $'JOO and \e,sily and he i, a member of the a possible shortage of some $1,900 in RaTe. He is also a member ... f Phi his aecounls was disclosed r,is "eele Kappa Psi as \\ ell as being an hon- bv auditors for Ibe village. or sludent. Ralph \\ as gradualed . I from Grosse POInte high school with II udgc, until slightly Over three I the class of 'Y!. weeks ago, was ill charge of the traffIC viola ti"ns and license bur- The rains whkh came ~[onday I eaus. ., , brought a headache to more than 1 Be~ore !eanng.lor a three w~eks h 't' f G o'se POI'nte Call' Ivacahon III Flonda Tuesday night. t e C:I IZtnrv 0 r::io .. ,. . ... poured in the office of B>'ron Roek- \ Iliage PreSIdent ~arl B: Goddard •• ~ 'Ita a".r o[ Grosse ordued that the IIlI'eshgatlo" be WUO<I, "I ge man!>, '" . Pointe Park, complaini"g of flooded earned out III delall and the filldlllp;s bas~menis and streets. "Irs. C. }. lurned ol'er to the 'Yayne County "'ernet, 1370 "!aryland. reported ~roseclltor's office for further ac. that her basement was Rooded for lion. lhe first time in os'er 12 years, ,",'hile Goddard ~rdered l[ ud~e suspend- Ed Abbey, caretaker for the apart- ed fro~1 active dllty on February ~1 .. ent buildilli at 15120 East ]elfer- when :t "as found that ..... ork III son, reported four inches of "ater in ~:udge s de~artment \I as 50 f~r be- ,_ Rrvi-w Staff Photograph". the basement there. Th~ foUowing. h,llld tlJ.at It. could be c,o, nSldered . ., If L_ 1• 1 d I fd er ...... Pointe hirh achool ,. are eOlltrt'lMldlrr directl, to lMir eCtllalry. _r e on "'Y .... ,_ night, as happenstance Roekl\'ood on Y a . ere.,chon 0 uty. the ronrnmeDt .. ith .ca1e a>ocIel f ai~ .. f ...... Axio .nd AIUecl _tioa ...... ,1.-.. Memben of formally submitted his resignation to Jm'estlgahon showed that on t.hat the .ochool'. A ...iatio .. elub work three ut_ .. _ell ... 1.: uter ..,10001 hOlln ia aD eff .. rt to &0 their tbe village council. ~ale ~here .. wer: .~I'er 260 ~~phca- qllOta of .. IlIClClel pl .... e., n as I"""~. s,,~ l'.t tIteW won: art:, ':oft t.:o rlj:!>t, Til ... Mm"•. ~...u, hun' lOr um'er s IlccmeS stIll lyIng R .. berto. Thomal Stuck, BiD AI "",- Ted Potter, ~ Stamm ~ J&IIl Tr .. l&OCIeIe, Not .10.... 11 m tL. Si .•ty additional Gro'se Pointe men V. Graul, Stephen F. Grifford, Oliver !o(others of men now serving with in Mlldgc's office which had not yet picture i. their iI•• _tor, Leo .. EDrelbart, all iao __ ... math~ ... abc. at the .chool.. ""ere classified as 1_.... by 1000al boart! J, Haffler, John B.Hammond, James the l82nd field artiller~' moved into been forwarded to Lan,ing. Some BOYS WORK WITH UNCLE SAM COmml"S81'On 57 Saturday and are subject to call ..... Harlan. Louis Hilgendorf. Fred. action last week with tll'O meetings were dated as far as a month belore for induction at any time. crick J, Holfz, Jr .• Robert H. Horn. being held in homes of members. that time, Grosse Pointe Park reo TO BUILD MINIATURE AIRCRAFT A" t The 00 thus qualified are: Frederick W, Hoschke, Jr., Thomas Another business and [uneheon ceh'es o~ the Herage of 50 such ap- PPOI n 1men 8 John Ii. Arndt, Duffie "1. .... rnot, G, Jones, Frank Kardos, Lewis G. meeting is scheduled for Monday. plications \\'eekl~'. ------------ Theodore F. Barton, Ralph H. Bas- Kirchner, Gordon J, Konen, Joseph March 23, at 12:.30 o'clock at the Y. On the same day thil th. applica. Six:,' model airplanes to be 1Jsed the club hopes to turn out it, quota. Bring Change tien, Jr., William R. Broughton, II. H. Krausmann, Richard }. Kurtz, W. C. A, All mothers or wives of tions were di,co\'ered word was re- by th~ Cnited States nav~ in train. 60 planes, within the next few Donald H. B'rydges, Edward B. ~lichael R. Lang, \\'illiam 'V. Lutz, men 5en-ing with this unit are in. cei,'ed b). the village from State of. ing men to recognize enemy air. weeks. Champine, James .... Chapin. Ernest Thomas ~rcConnell. Han'ey W. vited to attend the meeting. Reser. ficials asking ..... hy no applications crait are being made by the Ada- "[embers of the club are building A complete reshuffling of depart. ~f. Chopp. William F. Crockel!, A1- lriller, Francis S, Mitdlell. Joseph Titions may be made 'with Mrs. for drivers licenses had been re- tion dub of Grosse Pointe hi~h 15 different tyPllS of planes repre- ment heads was made Monday night bert Cooper, Laurence lL Dorle, L .\loran. XeiI G. ~(uir, .\hurice A. Avery, 'biIa~ara 0974, or Mrs. Pros. eeil'ed. school, sponsored by Leon Engle. senting the aircraft o( four different nouneed his new lineup for the vi!- George "'. Ellis. William l1. Flem. Xl'e, Edward F, Ostashay. Karl E, .er, Olive 1113. Acting immediately, Goddard hart. nations. both of tbe Axis and the AI. lage President Karl B. Goddard an- ion.}r ~ Leo J. Fluent. Thomas Gal- Pfaehler, Robert ll. Poole, Gerald AOOtlt SO members and guests of ,,'rote out a check on village funds Secretary of the ~a,'y Frank lied nations. nouneed his ne wline-up for the vil- Iowa)', Leonard J, Golemb, Charles H. Princ~, Howard R. Reamore. the club were entertained Saturday :~_.eo:~~. t~; ~~:o~n\_n"eede:;_:nd Knox, has requested model airplane Ther are bui1ding the British \Vel. lage commissioners. This was the Robert G. Ryan, Lawrence .... Sack, afterooon at a card party at the r:;;" .~... c. u d ;.v"c~ .1.... ry •••• ~D I builders throughout all schooh in lington bomber anll Spitfire fighter; first meeting of the commissioners lJr" iCOyOD Explaios .\lartin Schiappacasse, Simon Schor- llDlne of Mrs. Jennie Maino, on n~,ng. to e.l\'er. In person, t e the Cnited States to con,truct 500.- the Japanese l[itsubishi 96 na,,>, since the elections "!arch 9. er, Robert J. Shannon, Frederick L. .. Palmer avenue. Mrs. Maino is the apphcatlOns and the rno?~y: 000 aircra[t models, 10.000 of these bomber. Baku Gel.ii KI-99 nas'y dive TlJe splitting oi the dIvision of Pli2ht of Children Smith, }ames G. Smith, John Stone, \" mother of Father Hubert MaiDo. .-~s. a eh~ck O? the actl\'lh~s of th.e to be turned out in the Detroit area. bomber and Sen\to KI.OOI na"r public safety into two units, police .... Richard E, Talcott. Ralpb C. chaplain of the l82nd field artillery, dl\'15Joo, tne villag~ called m audl- Tom Miller, 12.\, pre;ident of the fighter; the IJp.,Henkcl HE.11I and tire, each with its own head, and --- .. I Tan~he, ... lbert O. "an Hooren, On Monday a group of the knit- tors t.o ma~c a. re\'1e", of the b~oks. Grosse Pointe high school c1nb says bomber an lIhrschmitt 109 the creation of a new post of com- ~ran;- ha"e been the VISitors from George H. Yerbruggle, C>lmer J. ler, !net at the home of Mrs. Kur- The ms'esllgahon reHaled an mdi. 'tighter. They J also buildlllg scale missioner of th'ilian defense high-! ol'erseas ,who hal'e rrported On the I Yer !Im'en, William L, Walker, Jr~ ~tlt, . Euclid aVrDae. lrln.. Kureth cated shartigt'. as the records stood, B R==-=:C~ models of' cl. SUItes Bre,,'ster, lighltd the meeting. . leffects 01 the raId, and roll agn of 1an~ Tho ... s J. \\'oodcoek . ,~ iJl moniu C:D!I~tte4!»7 yron ~~~ .." er-m,;. D£.~t sM:ao:. ~c. ~~--.._~r:..Jl.\'.t.l!o",,~ •.. ~~~~~~l,:~X ,~",,'-l .. ".. ,,~,_ .. d or allt_t>~ Resioons as Park sky, Consolid 1rJ., Ben, Curtin, missioner of publk ","orks. To'~S ti..-atin« and appealing tban ur~ Old T" "thlet h ckw ami oaller li~ses and in set- ab oa Xorthrop and ilering planes, named commissioner of public dree ROl'on, a. dele~at~ from. th .. \ une n es t e uemcut of tnlflC tickets iu the vio- Village Manager Drawings a plans are supplied health and ci,'ilian deiense .. Fritsch i "S~'fC .the ChIldren. mt~rn:llonall Hold Get-Together !atiou. DUTraa. supplies and w ,is going on under was also appointed president pro-j UmOn In Genel'a, S ..... ltzer.an .' "h~ . . The auditor's report also di5c1O!ed by the V. S, bu au of aeronautical tem, to sen'e during PresideDt God. sPOke before the ",'e~kly ,::eellng,ol i ... gTOUp of Grosse POlllters: lO- a possible additional shortage Df B)'ron J, Rockwood submitted his the auspic~s of t e Federal Security dard's absenCe for the next three: the "Save the Children a.uctlon i duding the old ball players ot the .Ollle $300 not ,ho\\"11 On the records. re.,ignation as village manager at ..\gency of the lJffiee oi education. weeks, I commi.ttee on Monday ~ornll\g. at 'I Grosse T'omte Athletic Gub ~nd This ",as foul\d through a check of .\fonda)"s meeting of the Grosse The models will be used for recog. Commissioners Howard Parshall, the "a)'ne county medical SOCiety Best Yet Cub, met for the first hme the probation cases ,,'hereby traffic Pointe Park commission. Rock. nition of aircrai~ by bOlh Xavy and I and "Cap" Pfeffer traded their I building. I in. about.1O years at the Be.\'erl y '... "iolators are ailowed to pay their wood stated that he had accepted ci"ilian spotters.} for determination former posts. ParshalJ. former com-I Dr. Royon stated that there are I Hills Gol~ dub where. they enJoj'ed the.e lun~uons In t~e Gt,. fines ia insta1lrn~nts. the offer of the position of cit~~ of range estimation and to deter. --:s~; ........... O. -'= .......... ~,. ,,". __ ...J .'1',1 125 !n!ll!on c!!Hdren:r: Euro?e ~Od:;.. 11;' s::::!.: :::!:r::::e:-~:td re:r=S!':~~~t!"1 G:-ossc I\~jritCj Hie LittI c G-.r Aceor ... ,{ to the probation rec- manager ior Hazel Park, iormer mine co~e fire. '\\'~ere the finis~e.d ~is;;~~~~ of ~~~;;~'~ffa:;s:'::; ~~ef~ I n.~t One of :,'hom is leadi~g.a normal I l!an~' oi the ho~:s that has'e not CII,b ior ~ros~e Paiute Park; Mds, there is some $1,300 outs land- unit oi Ro) al Oak township which planes 11',11be sent IS kept as a mlll_ fer, former commissioner of public IlIe, and In G.r~at B:llam whe.re I seen each other lor the, past 20 Gr,oss~ ~olllte branch of the W iug and still due the village. Act. \'oted for incorporation as a city late tary secret. affairs, wa~ made commissionc-r of !tl,ere are 10 .~dllon ot these chI!- I years talked about and rel,,'ed old :n s :\at'onal ~ann a.nd Gucfat nail)', however, indications are that last year.' --------__ finance. I dren, three million of whQ'n are 1Jn. 'times. E\'Cr)'ood~' enjoyed them. lor Grosse POinte \\ oods; arid some $.300 of this has been paid. The The resignation is elfecti,'e .'\'pril Oh' M" . Comm;,sioner .'\'rlhur } ohuson der Ii,'e years of age, and iI's tI,e I sch'e., 10 the .xlcnt tliat they decid. ~L S. Randall. representing the complete amount ,,'ill not be deter- I. Howe\"Cr, Rockwood said, he ,,~11 . 10 InJsfer fonner health commissioner ..... a~ i tin)' little loungsters such as these I ed to meet again in the future'ller organizalion. ",ill auist mined until the completion oi the remain with the \'illage on a part- Accepts Pastorate named commissioner of tire ;rotec_lthat arc mo~t distressed by the ~'ar. : Along these lines a group of office:s Gro5Se Pointe S~~es, inrestigation which is still in prog- t;me basis until April 15, at which tion and water suppl)'. \\'ard S./ She also said that the eucual,ons I were chosen 10 act for a year III The ~epresentat,,'es at the ress. time the Yill.age budget for the next Of Park Church Yan Deu;en: former. commissioner' ~~~ :C"_':;S:~ _a}"}ost as ~llch 1Jnr~SI order to bring toge~her ~ more com. ~o.mmunll::s, eac~ agreed to 11. Indications are that the shortage fi~cal nar IS expected to be com- "i i'"l;::~,.,d). recamea tne POSI _."_ ." .... <; u..... nu''' .... mong lilt plete ,:roup next t~me. fhe off,cers 1'~lIl p~rmJ.Slon ~rom the. oWller,. ? 1m l.""oOnth~s'~.';; '" diceL' ,el erai I' pleted." I of police commissioner. Commis_ > oung as had the bombings. are as lollows: Dantel Labad;e, preS' u,e or land \I h,ch ma~ be R EM E M B E R The Re\'. Huber F. Klemme from .. d T t' ---------- sioner Archie Damman, iormer na- Oi local interest "as the an. ident; Xeil Blondell. secrelar)': lor y;ctor)' ,ltar em. enta rv e •. Th ' I' t' . d Fairfield, 0., has accepted lhe call d d . t' d II f II .... ~ e lIn-es 19a Ion .., not expecte G Station Owner ter commi"ioner. \\as made com- n ...uncement that the SCF "as to be Charles A. Pm,par , trea,llrer; an 01 ,Ie ",:ar en, ~re 'e ~ """ ___ to be completed beiore Goddard's, as to the pastorale of Grace E,ange. mi"ioner oi puoli, work,. (Continllcd on Page Two.) I tbe board oi direnors are the ioll"\\'o I" tile .Lll)' 01 (~r~sse Po:n~. l1!" IS y .......... Tlaia Week return in threc wee;';'. IF d Dead "n Bed lical and Reiormed church oi Gro,'e ----------- ing; I1arry Funon. Fred Dansbllry, )larden.1I1 t": \lCIn':y or Kerc~ef James \\'. Hopton. Richard Sa)'- ~flldg'e ,01l1d not be reached for oun I Poinle Park. He \Sill be in'talled in 80 MEN TO LEAVE WEDNESDAY i Ro)' Kalli. nan P')l1pard. Ilenry In. pla,'c !rom Xo:rc name :0 Cadle\, •• , ..ar .. a,ld William Crichlon ",'ere I a statement. The position is bonded his new charge on Sunda)'. ~Iarch I son, Chalmce.,' \\'innie, Lome :\) 1- and in t',e ricini,y of Lal..eland a .... named chairmen for the Cottage ior $1.000. Jallle, c. Legg. 53.)'ear old pro- 22 at ::JO p.m .. by t!,e Re\, Edwin IN LATEST POINTE DRAFT CALL : ill/;, \\',lliam llondr .... and lIarr)" Clar!C\oix; (,ro"e P"lIlle Fa~. Garden competition for G r 0' se ---------- pricIer oi the I<a, station at Kerche- r. :'[a)'er. president of the ~rich;. : Cal'anall/o:h. This .c:rC>!ll' nill en- ;11 Radnor Park ,"hd;, i,i'Jl1 and ill Pointe, . , .'\ crowd of oycr 500 I FBI H d Add "al and "'a)'burn "a, fotlnd dead g:ln ,,.nod. The Re\'. R"hcrt Stanger ----- dea,'or I,) increa,e thc nlnnher of the ,;c::li:;' ...i l[oro's I'e .. Rich; tilled the Grosse Pointe Athletic ea to real Trle,da)' mornin" in hi, hOllSe trail. oi Bethel c1ltlrch "ill preach Il1e Ei,,::t., (;ro,'C P"'"1e Illen "ill Th,"'m;"",. R"bert F. rarmer. Jolm name< S,) lhat an ann""l meet:"." (,rn". 1\""1,, ":lOre ... in the \'iciao club to witne~s the l-l.bout bo"ing Local DAR Saturday er 1'"rl..r<l at I'le reor of the 1'i,her- srrm"n and the ReI. J"hn H. P",I- I,ave \\',,<lne,<1.1). "'arch 2~. ior 10-' .\. Reallme. Rohert C. D;;Hnport. can he de\el')l''''1. Others pr,,'cnt it.\. oi \'ernier near the: rire otat;OII malc~. e~::t~~ nia WHit "The FBI and Xati"nal Dcirn<e" ;;;.c\":l d a:I;~~I/arT;~et :~d~.~~s ~i'- ;~tl:I:.'!~:t.~.~,5:i~I~\~!;~',~~I\:\I':;,!,~: i: h : ~~~:,:i~":l~~:'~ :~~I al:.~cl~c~~r~~:.~: t~'i~ ~~~t~:kl~~~;j:~t.p~)~~:it~,,(~.n~l'~~'~~~ "~~;e:d Bakrr. (;C<lr~e 1\)llp",,1, ;\~:l"lil" ; 1'~m'I:~':~',il)"al~'~Ii I:~:~~~ "" Grosse Pointe Po~t, American "ill be Ihe ;llbje<t oi an addre" b,. rOl'Cred by Ilenry C. 1)a\'i,. 13<;8 gradllatc of the \,'"iol1 T:,c"lo.~;cal 'Jho,c k,l\;ll~ i"dude: :., t;. Soher. '\'alter \":1 :--llllac)'. ~r""k 1J:".:c1. :--,:", "rc )rt 1,' he selr,'I<d. in L .a,'on. ,'<.'u-d an I,racnt a ""e' 1 to John:-. BII~a, oi the federal hurea,,' HUI, a mech"nic ior the F'sher Semillar)" oi Xc,," York City. j;rad-, \\'al,I,),l. R.ea,,»re, '.I';:I~rr.E. Xel:- 'I' \\',:ter R. Conr"d. CI.dc, E. 'J" R \ Ie' dl,,\:c, or (;r,."c [\'I1l1C Park a ~..., - " .... ;'l' III ,.. 1 l I " \\ I H norn:on C-Jtll1H:,.... ,(T\ a:... III re,:dents ior \'(),operation in the oi i"\'e,ti,,atioll:o member. of Gen- Rec'>rd \Iolor ~11c" "ilo notitie') uat:ng \'.it!1 h;/;:I h,mors. mc)er .. r., "3r ,', . 0 I•. enry' C'llkr . .I,. fhll,,,:a,:,. C"rJ'''I1. Ba- I,me' Perk"", 1-:." ]jiIJc~.;,'ri. I,r""e 1'" '~e \\',)",1" Lellion" dri\C 10 find "ork for the <ral Jo.;a:, lI"rmer c:,aptcr oi thc (;ro,,( I'olnte Park police. Indica. At (;rare hc '''ccecd, t"e Re\' \\: I'< ",-ock. Jr. :--am"cl P "her', tram Co Bateman. lIarold E 1.;";"'" ilaun (,c'iI'n (,c"ru'Del1erl'1. Leo 'I',.),c de,':i".:: p!,'I, :,'r "cto unemployed men and "omen in D.\R Saturday. \Iarch 21. i"llo\\",g tion, "ere th3t Leg>:. who had li"cd \I'arner If. :,id'ert" ho II", gonc 10 I "rk~' I.r;";1 \~"r'mcr. .Ia~~; .~ Ld\\ardJ Reaume. Francl' B. Doo,: Lan.er. Bu'" f:e"urrc, I ed"c, ""r,len, ,:",,,1<1 con:3Cl t;lr derk .,. Gro '.'e POln'e to\\'n'hl'p. Som. I~" a I o'cloc" itmchcon a: the I.e- in t!le tr.iler for t:,e la't ~C\eral SnaClI'e. X. Y. :-- .!It •.. ,)"n. ,cssmer,. m,m ':':l;e. \I"n,n F. Han,.n Ro\' \1. C' 'I' P ' ... Ch' t',e;r Of"'.,, ::'C ,'nlmuni:\. , ,. , _,.0 ~, . R '.1 1" I' r I ,-' I ' . ,,,all' In •• \ .r,:n a\ c. l \, ", . J.'. . , familt~~ ""rre on the to\\n"hip "C'l- en,,,t apartmrn:~. ' C',4r .., i1.:Jd djcti in ht~ l;l~("Jl. 3ecor.!.. ------,---- .. , "lr In. e.leo: .,.:lIlae:,., \\'iI50n. C,arle' :\. Dean 1[[. Foust, \ in. 10m Beaupre. ,\i,;, (',0\;.11. "11- ,'11'.,:<1 Ii:, Oll: ::,e .p;>hlatton i",\ fare rolls, Com. Robert Butts .aid I/o<lc',e"t li,e luncheon "ill he 10';: 10 Detcrti"f< LOll\wrs and BUlt< \Ir. and llr~. lfyron Trumba"er' l R('htr: \\ arren, E,,~ \\ \\ elS~~O(lt. Ba:le,', l!o"ard 0\ Soci •. Philies J. lam .}Ia' CI, Jtll,u.; :'tork, l.'"icl Tee. I. he i,'":1,j cn ,n,,:',cr page oi Tl\ .. On the in"ita:ion oi Ot:o (;roehn. ~re,l1amr< Tl"r"ld E Dr.,ie. lIa.old Tht\. 're 'rek,nl( rrlal' ... <, who were the gl1es~; of \!r. and I-;ar1:--. \"I1CrsOT1. (,eor>:~ If. C.ark.: Frall~r. ~lanJn F, ,[cCall. La:.rcnce :.er:. Fdp:ar 1'r,.,m','.'. (:en~enl POll_I Rn'", ,nci la;', It I,) t:,c,r \11l~\ Gros<. POi,lle Park commi<;;oncr. 11 ,I,. \1 .101l ",ri Rrr; Trnmhl~. --- -- - \1 r'. CI,.,:e, f.. Jacohsnn, ...f Berk. I I ,c~ 1 ."tiem" ":. John ,r..:l1 f(,ra,' .. :.1 110, \\o"d. Fr. n,,, ~l. '{eeei,. n. ,a,d I to Tee~u,'. R"her: Rio".' l>~lee \ re~i" :.• : 011 i,'e "i one dcol- " 'r'. ,f'm.~.f ("I,',rl','. ' Scotch th- Snak-.'. Bu w D-f-nse ,h'rc ro,d ld' la<' week i"r t'le'r ,1.I"r\\ t-.:. ~I' en'", L \ crnon I, r:",m" \\. \1,.Pilarl'" IJrnn. , ' . . 'j" \1'" 11 ", " . I d' a Carl ~chaeier "'(('''led a brlte and.' -" . ,Cllaj>~er reo ~ ~ , ~~ . ., , ,. . . . . .. ." dr,! I :"'l11a. "'"W'" ,.",r"r ,,: , ,r l,"~ I" .'e l' e:r Y "",. r.ean:il,,1 oil j>aml;n!l' "i a ".'11n'e;" \:<111, :";; pre.:dr Bond.! !,,'mr in (;lrnrl.1c. Cahf. .\';r~,. \T1~ ,. \\. Po,,,: 'n. R" m,,"d ~"n\:,r. R"hr": r.. \1 ,,, •• t,,,,. 11,.";<1 ( . I'll. "\1 I." 'r- [-c<i V'" I pcn,r '01, 'den',' ., ",e p'eparat'M ". ------- - ------ ---- ----------------- I I~. R..-jl!I,)rd. i .1"1',"(':1\ ('" l' "";\1(".11. lI('~r. R:(:l;;crd 1. {:=I<I;".,,'<, \\','. ,am,)('.. r: .' /. '.' ., " ...". ". , . whirh lI'a, pre<cnled 10 the coll"eil. --D--e'-f'~- n-se Is Theme of Flower Show '. ) '" . .\ I. I ::el. j.• " ~I,,,,n.re 1_01,(, ,., :',c ,:,,: '.'r ;1,""::n,;:. I n:: r ." hrj"ll ....... lilI;)l. (.I'\I!""'l(, (;;:jl~-'i\:;r r". ~~\ \:ht ... T \f.{'1ilirf F'T1- . . I "'-'.'rd', Painl' and oils u,~d hy Sfh,efer .' , .....'.. \Iel ... ",,,cl.. f'.hler 1.,""'lr. '\. \1... i ,''c.' I.,'C. 1\ ,,' ,. " d d hid )'/ I I ,,'no )1,\;,1 \\ ,\,,",1. (l:~" H. c,: r R :'~r.. Rc\:, ,.Id iI. iI",el' . . \\' I 1" ,... .., " ,. 11 "'.-c' no::' .nd \'\t7"C on;:cte y.r(' (l.17 !Ji<\;-,,~(' .1r.A'ldr,'lIlr;.r.';'"::lri.(':. c.'llll:.r :"'dr:r-.\ \. ~"".:l, \:l,I'l'\\ 1,;j,ll.~ .. (,:-((';'" .• l ••. ~ ,.lI".,.-111 I ..... j ..... , F' Y A n' W !r '.1),1 (" "r~r I" ,,< I \',,:~ ",,', '.c ,"n,T1 :o.e ... "'n r. II H T,r ,'re" ,,,d :'",.<1 "i','ar tIme ,I""~"I :--:a:c """o\:< ,',d I"cln,,' ''''i'''''I'''" ,. :1:1'''''1 c,',,,,.: I;,'".', (' t.,', :"', .I,'"c, \\ \-<11 \11' '1:. I",,, I., "",ll. \.,. I:" ,. "",,,:,'d .... ,.,. '" :"" ," .. ' 'I ,""':",, '",','"1. J~mrc;..(,n(c ~nd.\\;:r'.1m DrY-I;;;' ""111 'll"dr:lI, t'.r "'",..,:,n :>1'."""II,"'I,.,'::r.11 ~",',e~\. 1"n,,,,".r.,,,,<1 a:'c"~,o', '",I,oCt II'.,::, \\0:""" II I.",,,, 11::'0111 d'n, 1•. ,1).1,..... 1 ... ,:",. \c'.' -<Ie, 111.... ": .. 11' .• ".,: ',". " ,.". I', tJ,' oI' ' .... e ~ro.o!r.ol(,r"'"ef'''I11:c.\\r'e'T1 .. I""cr.':"", ":l'j~':.'l<,,,,,r'.e 'l'r """/1"I",t 1o'r: of 11"" ,l\clll"t .. '.m .... J:].'iI:,d,:.,,:, j. :-' ... '1, I', l t 1\", .. ,: [\,.,:: i. j:"":',.I'dl1.'. \I,c :H:' ."".' ,.. ,1.1)';'" :" \.' ,'ll""'"'", ."."., ...... at t'~tr<l in:o 1)01:, 1\'1';" Ep,:I,o~r,,~:"" i'I'I,,'cd :', .,,1,,'.' 10 ,.',j.rr:'~.c' •.. !,-<II,:l.'.,chce., :-;":"'rl,'\e",:""I.,.";;:,,I"','rl,.Ir.'T1\': \\,"d,,'.1 1I,:""I.lcn r:.. \:"e,' \1 \,'.".,. 1 .... lIc H:",,;,".171'"\I"'11< """,.,,,". r." ', .. ",,:em,'y ..: tll' l n"rr,,~\' 0' i add,,\ <Ii',," ~" nL., .. 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Il:' \1.',',':1.,'1,"""' I:",' ,.\ :,"", ,,' ',i"";".,, .,,'," ;:',.',1''',;:,''', li,'IIC.<1".,:c H F ';:' ..'::~,;:~:2D\~":' :,) h, i',;d """',i,, :,,, "''''"r ".,";"" ',.:\c \-r;:,; •.,,, ,,,,'j,, I, '11, a """",' Bureau to Remain orne ront (J'& R MpM.ollan (:0. Stores In 'I'~~. : 1(' " (". \,-;11 10.: r :. ,1\ ' .. l: 1("('; i "'.111('1. Rn~(' \....lrdrJl' '1'110... \\ il 11(' -(pl.,(i.:CI"'(j .' ~-"\\'I1:: ,';1;'. .... ....' _ o..V_Ar .. n;.WH!r .]C.:, :." :,,' ,n,' ",' " ..... ",.'r.''''.'"',I :],','C' ,-,',ie" k','.,:,;, .• ,,;.',c"' h,. r.. ';:""l~",' Open Evenings \ ., ..... ~ nor n('('di('(,,, :rj\ffH old: ...... ".\' r-, ~ \;.5'. '/\\.' 0\- ' ... ,,(' .. ;1-,(", ..... 1.H. ('11"'- ,~"".('.\ 1'.lr:'-:, .. nl'l ,.In,j (r1r';\{"";-\ h.; .... ,'"(. JI .... ,.c, r-~." ... ""',:~ In (,rl"'H(' rr.:nl("l ~'~ ...... : ~'r r-1' .. ,., "r--r ~ z.~.,('. :' ... ' 1 ':-, il' ,:,- 1 !" ..., \.': !1. ('I ~".' -I'" '.~, 1\r,j h ............ jIo~.\~tl"l~t'r"!('Io~l~.1cC'.f{t"'n~ ... 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PHONE LE. 1111


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The Review i. the only new.......publi.hed in The Pointe r .home. in Grolle Pointe d GntiettOWD.hip. each week. Cir~a&iclavitupon reque.t of Ad.wt IIn-~,-,_~,_, -- _ ---


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or t\\ a large plots approxim"tel)'1.3S0 feet in arla. These will be<li,'idod up lllto indi"idual gardenplo!>. \\ ith eaclt ,illage ha' ing aboutis indi\ idual garuen~,

Preliminar~' work. sucl, as plow-ing. and PlPlll;t in \\ ater lines. "illbe carried 01lt 0)' ,'il:age and gardenclub official; "ho will al50 provide~uPfr\i5iont in~truction and ad\"ic~for thOse acquiring individual plots.

Those meeting Friday, as memooers of the executive council, in.cluded: ),lrs. Pltelp! Xewberrr. rep-resenting the Garden Club of "r kh.

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60 More Grosse Pointe Men Put in I.A;Now Subject to Immediate Induction

Plans for a pro,r::r'llI oi "icIOr)'I(ardens for each of tlte til'e GrossePointe munidvailLic: ... \\ l'rt ~'orUlu-latd la,t Frida" at a meeting m thehome of ~[rs. 'Phelp, Xe\\ herrr. 110Cloverly road. Representatil'es ofall fil'e go"ernments and reprc'en •tatil'es of the .. aria us garden clubshere met as an e,«utire council tooutline the program. \'. R. DePelris,acting as co-ordInator under theOCD for the United States horticul-tural program. presided.

l.'nder the present set-up, each ofthe fi"e Municipalities will ha ..e on~

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CommunityPJot~.1[1 Ready for Pointe-'1 Victory Gardens

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1\1ud~e May BeCharged withEmbezzling

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Reuther EaroIIa mOrdDaDce Coune

AlDert L Reuther, of 105 Oak.t:eei, G.'out. Po.inte Farnu. is en.roIled ill the ordDallCc :inspectioncoarses now beitll offered at th cU~rrit:r of lrlichigan as a part of* ~oiversity's deleue IN'Qgnm.

Acci.ordinC to 'provi5i"tis- of "oron.menlo tniateu ....'iU be tIDd.er govern-ment pay While tal.-ing tht'Se coursesaDd must aiTee to enter ordnanceinspection work immediatel). uponCOIDpletiou of thl: training period.

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.. IlARTHA SACER.-4'~ clouds of glory, Ralph

.... ter CllDle from Purd1Je unil'cr-- .. !,ast weekend to spend a few VOL. 17- XO. 32'....... ith his parents, ti'e Hermin»easters, of Harnrd road. ,.. junior.. tbe Purdue college of engineer-iac. Ralph ...as recently elected tofour honorary organization" TauBeta p~ Dational honorary eng,.Deerillg fraternity; Pi Tau Sigma,national llonorary fraternity in me-ehanical engineering; the Scaobard

and Blade, nalional military organi. By MARTHA SACER~"

zation, and Cimlct. honor"ry fra. Clare II udge. "Ispended Gro"etemity at Purdnc for ml'n outstand. Pointe Park pobce lieulenant, facesing in e.,.;tr.aaf..:urricular ac.:ti\.ititSr

the possibility of arrest <In a chargeLast year he served as \.jcc ..presi. of cnlbC,'zzling \ iHage fUllds 3.c; al1 in ..dent of the ~Ien', Cnion at the uni. dicated shorlage of at lea,t $'JOO and\e,sily and he i, a member of the a possible shortage of some $1,900 inRaTe. He is also a member ...f Phi his aecounls was disclosed r,is "eeleKappa Psi as \\ ell as being an hon- bv auditors for Ibe village.or sludent. Ralph \\ as gradualed . Ifrom Grosse POInte high school with II udgc, until slightly Over three Ithe class of 'Y!. weeks ago, was ill charge of the

• • • traffIC viola ti"ns and license bur-

The rains whkh came ~[onday I eaus. ., ,brought a headache to more than 1 Be~ore !eanng.lor a three w~eksh 't' f G o'se POI'nte Call' Ivacahon III Flonda Tuesday night.t e C:I IZtnrv 0 r::io .. ,. . ...

poured in the office of B>'ron Roek- \ Iliage PreSIdent ~arl B: Goddard•• ~ 'Ita a".r o[ Grosse ordued that the IIlI'eshgatlo" beWUO<I, "I ge man!>, '" .

Pointe Park, complaini"g of flooded earned out III delall and the filldlllp;sbas~menis and streets. "Irs. C. }. lurned ol'er to the 'Yayne County"'ernet, 1370 "!aryland. reported ~roseclltor's office for further ac.that her basement was Rooded for lion.lhe first time in os'er 12 years, ,",'hile Goddard ~rdered l[ ud~e suspend-Ed Abbey, caretaker for the apart- ed fro~1 active dllty on February ~1.. ent buildilli at 15120 East ]elfer- when :t "as found that .....ork III

son, reported four inches of "ater in ~:udge s de~artment \I as 50 f~r be- ,_ Rrvi-w Staff Photograph".the basement there. Th~ foUowing. h,llld tlJ.at It. could be c,o,nSldered . ., If L_ 1 •

1 d I f d er...... Pointe hirh achool ,. are eOlltrt'lMldlrr directl, to lMir eCtllalry. _r e on "'Y .... ,_night, as happenstance Roekl\'ood on Y a . ere.,chon 0 uty. the ronrnmeDt .. ith .ca1e a>ocIel f ai~ .. f ...... Axio .nd AIUecl _tioa ...... ,1.-.. Memben offormally submitted his resignation to Jm'estlgahon showed that on t.hat the .ochool'. A ...iatio .. elub work three ut_ .. _ell ... 1.: uter ..,10001 hOlln ia aD eff ..rt to &0 theirtbe village council. ~ale ~here .. wer: .~I'er 260 ~~phca- qllOta of .. IlIClClel pl .... e., n as I"""~. s,,~ l'.t tIteW won: art:, ':oft t.:o rlj:!>t, Til ... Mm"•. ~...u,

• • • hun' lOr um'er s IlccmeS stIll lyIng R .. berto. Thomal Stuck, BiD AI "",- Ted Potter, ~ Stamm ~ J&IIl Tr .. l&OCIeIe, Not .10.... 11 m tL. Si .•ty additional Gro'se Pointe men V. Graul, Stephen F. Grifford, Oliver!o(others of men now serving with in Mlldgc's office which had not yet picture i. their iI••_tor, Leo .. EDrelbart, all iao __ ... math~ ... abc. at the .chool.. ""ere classified as 1_.... by 1000al boart! J, Haffler, John B.Hammond, James

the l82nd field artiller~' moved into been forwarded to Lan,ing. Some BOYS WORK WITH UNCLE SAM COmml"S81'On 57 Saturday and are subject to call ..... Harlan. Louis Hilgendorf. Fred.action last week with tll'O meetings were dated as far as a month belore for induction at any time. crick J, Holfz, Jr .• Robert H. Horn.being held in homes of members. that time, Grosse Pointe Park reo TO BUILD MINIATURE AIRCRAFT A" t The 00 thus qualified are: Frederick W, Hoschke, Jr., ThomasAnother business and [uneheon ceh'es o~ the Herage of 50 such ap- PPOIn 1men 8 John Ii. Arndt, Duffie "1. ....rnot, G, Jones, Frank Kardos, Lewis G.meeting is scheduled for Monday. plications \\'eekl~'. ------------ Theodore F. Barton, Ralph H. Bas- Kirchner, Gordon J, Konen, JosephMarch 23, at 12:.30 o'clock at the Y. On the same day thil th. applica. Six:,' model airplanes to be 1Jsed the club hopes to turn out it, quota. Bring Change tien, Jr., William R. Broughton, II. H. Krausmann, Richard }. Kurtz,W. C. A, All mothers or wives of tions were di,co\'ered word was re- by th~ Cnited States nav~ in train. 60 planes, within the next few Donald H. B'rydges, Edward B. ~lichael R. Lang, \\'illiam 'V. Lutz,men 5en-ing with this unit are in. cei,'ed b). the village from State of. ing men to recognize enemy air. weeks. Champine, James .... Chapin. Ernest Thomas ~rcConnell. Han'ey W.vited to attend the meeting. Reser. ficials asking .....hy no applications crait are being made by the Ada- "[embers of the club are building A complete reshuffling of depart. ~f. Chopp. William F. Crockel!, A1- lriller, Francis S, Mitdlell. JosephTitions may be made 'with Mrs. for drivers licenses had been re- tion dub of Grosse Pointe hi~h 15 different tyPllS of planes repre- ment heads was made Monday night bert Cooper, Laurence lL Dorle, L .\loran. XeiI G. ~(uir, .\hurice A.Avery, 'biIa~ara 0974, or Mrs. Pros. eeil'ed. school, sponsored by Leon Engle. senting the aircraft o( four different nouneed his new lineup for the vi!- George "'. Ellis. William l1. Flem. Xl'e, Edward F, Ostashay. Karl E,.er, Olive 1113. Acting immediately, Goddard hart. nations. both of tbe Axis and the AI. lage President Karl B. Goddard an- ion.}r ~ Leo J. Fluent. Thomas Gal- Pfaehler, Robert ll. Poole, Gerald

AOOtlt SO members and guests of ,,'rote out a check on village funds Secretary of the ~a,'y Frank lied nations. nouneed his ne wline-up for the vil- Iowa)', Leonard J, Golemb, Charles H. Princ~, Howard R. Reamore.the club were entertained Saturday :~_.eo:~~. t~; ~~:o~n\_n"eede:;_:nd Knox, has requested model airplane Ther are bui1ding the British \Vel. lage commissioners. This was the Robert G. Ryan, Lawrence .... Sack,afterooon at a card party at the r:;;" .~...c. ud ;.v"c~ .1.... ry •••• ~D I builders throughout all schooh in lington bomber anll Spitfire fighter; first meeting of the commissioners lJr" iCOyOD Explaios .\lartin Schiappacasse, Simon Schor-llDlne of Mrs. Jennie Maino, on n~,ng. to e.l\'er. In person, t e the Cnited States to con,truct 500.- the Japanese l[itsubishi 96 na,,>, since the elections "!arch 9. er, Robert J. Shannon, Frederick L.

.. Palmer avenue. Mrs. Maino is the apphcatlOns and the rno?~y: 000 aircra[t models, 10.000 of these bomber. Baku Gel.ii KI-99 nas'y dive TlJe splitting oi the dIvision of Pli2ht of Children Smith, }ames G. Smith, John Stone,\" mother of Father Hubert MaiDo. .-~s. a eh~ck O? the actl\'lh~s of th.e to be turned out in the Detroit area. bomber and Sen\to KI.OOI na"r public safety into two units, police .... Richard E, Talcott. Ralpb C.

chaplain of the l82nd field artillery, dl\'15Joo, tne villag~ called m audl- Tom Miller, 12.\, pre;ident of the fighter; the IJp.,Henkcl HE.11I and tire, each with its own head, and --- .. I Tan~he, ... lbert O. "an Hooren,On Monday a group of the knit- tors t.o ma~c a. re\'1e", of the b~oks. Grosse Pointe high school c1nb says bomber an lIhrschmitt 109 the creation of a new post of com- ~ran;- ha"e been the VISitors from George H. Yerbruggle, C>lmer J.

ler, !net at the home of Mrs. Kur- The ms'esllgahon reHaled an mdi. 'tighter. They J also buildlllg scale missioner of th'ilian defense high-! ol'erseas ,who hal'e rrported On the IYer !Im'en, William L, Walker, Jr~~tlt, . Euclid aVrDae. lrln.. Kureth cated shartigt'. as the records stood, B R==-=:C~ models of' cl. SUItes Bre,,'ster, lighltd the meeting. . leffects 01 the raId, and roll agn of 1an~ Tho ...

sJ. \\'oodcoek .

• ,~ iJl moniu C:D!I~tte4!»7 yron ~~~ .." er-m,;. D£.~t sM:ao:. ~c. ~~--.._~r:..Jl.\'.t.l!o",,~ •..~~~~~~l,:~X ,~",,'-l .. ".. ,,~,_..d or allt_t>~ Resioons as Park sky, Consolid 1rJ., Ben, Curtin, missioner of publk ","orks. To'~S ti..-atin« and appealing tban ur~ Old T" "thlet

h ckw ami oaller li~ses and in set- aboa

Xorthrop and ilering planes, named commissioner of public dree ROl'on, a. dele~at~ from. th .. \ une n est e uemcut of tnlflC tickets iu the vio- Village Manager Drawings a plans are supplied health and ci,'ilian deiense .. Fritsch i "S~'fC .the ChIldren. mt~rn:llonall Hold Get-Together

!atiou. DUTraa. supplies and w ,is going on under was also appointed president pro-j UmOn In Genel'a, S .....ltzer.an .' "h~ . .The auditor's report also di5c1O!ed by the V. S, bu au of aeronautical tem, to sen'e during PresideDt God. sPOke before the ",'e~kly ,::eellng,ol i ... gTOUp of Grosse POlllters: lO-

a possible additional shortage Df B)'ron J, Rockwood submitted his the auspic~s of t e Federal Security dard's absenCe for the next three: the "Save the Children a.uctlon i duding the old ball players ot the.Ollle $300 not ,ho\\"11 On the records. re.,ignation as village manager at ..\gency of the lJffiee oi education. weeks, I commi.ttee on Monday ~ornll\g. at 'I Grosse T'omte Athletic Gub ~ndThis ",as foul\d through a check of .\fonda)"s meeting of the Grosse The models will be used for recog. Commissioners Howard Parshall, the "a)'ne county medical SOCiety Best Yet Cub, met for the first hmethe probation cases ,,'hereby traffic Pointe Park commission. Rock. nition of aircrai~ by bOlh Xavy and Iand "Cap" Pfeffer traded their I building. I in. about.1O years at the Be.\'erl


"iolators are ailowed to pay their wood stated that he had accepted ci"ilian spotters.} for determination former posts. ParshalJ. former com-I Dr. Royon stated that there are I Hills Gol~ dub where. they enJoj'ed the.e lun~uons In t~e Gt,.fines ia insta1lrn~nts. the offer of the position of cit~~ of range estimation and to deter. --:s~; ...........O. -'= .......... ~,. ,,". __ ...J .'1',1 125 !n!ll!on c!!Hdren:r: Euro?e ~Od:;.. 11;' s::::!.: :::!:r::::e:-~:td re:r=S!':~~~t!"1 G:-ossc I\~jritCj Hie LittI


Aceor ... ,{ to the probation rec- manager ior Hazel Park, iormer mine co~e fire. '\\'~ere the finis~e.d ~is;;~~~~ of ~~~;;~'~ffa:;s:'::; ~~ef~ In.~t One of :,'hom is leadi~g.a normal I l!an~' oi the ho~:s that has'e not CII,b ior ~ros~e Paiute Park;Mds, there is some $1,300 outs land- unit oi Ro) al Oak township which planes 11',11be sent IS kept as a mlll_ fer, former commissioner of public IlIe, and In G.r~at B:llam whe.re I seen each other lor the, past 20 Gr,oss~ ~olllte branch of the Wiug and still due the village. Act. \'oted for incorporation as a city late tary secret. affairs, wa~ made commissionc-r of !tl,ere are 10 .~dllon ot these chI!- I years talked about and rel,,'ed old :n s :\at'onal ~ann a.nd Gucfatnail)', however, indications are that last year.' --------__ finance. Idren, three million of whQ'n are 1Jn. 'times. E\'Cr)'ood~' enjoyed them. lor Grosse POinte \\ oods; aridsome $.300 of this has been paid. The The resignation is elfecti,'e .'\'pril Oh' M" . Comm;,sioner .'\'rlhur } ohuson der Ii,'e years of age, and iI's tI,e I sch'e., 10 the .xlcnt tliat they decid. ~L S. Randall. representing thecomplete amount ,,'ill not be deter- I. Howe\"Cr, Rockwood said, he ,,~11 . 10 InJsfer fonner health commissioner .....a~ i tin)' little loungsters such as these I ed to meet again in the future'ller organizalion. ",ill auistmined until the completion oi the remain with the \'illage on a part- Accepts Pastorate named commissioner of tire ;rotec_lthat arc mo~t distressed by the ~'ar. : Along these lines a group of office:s Gro5Se Pointe S~~es, •inrestigation which is still in prog- t;me basis until April 15, at which tion and water suppl)'. \\'ard S./ She also said that the eucual,ons I were chosen 10 act for a year III The ~epresentat,,'es at theress. time the Yill.age budget for the next Of Park Church Yan Deu;en: former. commissioner' ~~~ :C"_':;S:~ _a}"}ost as ~llch 1Jnr~SI order to bring toge~her ~ more com. ~o.mmunll::s, eac~ agreed to 11.

Indications are that the shortage fi~cal nar IS expected to be com- "i i'"l;::~,.,d). recamea tne POSI _."_ ." .... <; u..... nu''' .... mong lilt plete ,:roup next t~me. fhe off,cers 1'~lIlp~rmJ.Slon ~rom the. oWller,.

? 1ml.""oOnth~s'~.';; '" diceL' ,el erai I' pleted." I of police commissioner. Commis_ > oung as had the bombings. are as lollows: Dantel Labad;e, preS' u,e or land \I h,ch ma~ beR E M E M B ER The Re\'. Huber F. Klemme from .. d T t'---------- sioner Archie Damman, iormer na- Oi local interest "as the an. ident; Xeil Blondell. secrelar)': lor y;ctor)' ,ltar em. enta rve •.Th

' I' t' . d Fairfield, 0., has accepted lhe call d d . t' d II f II .... ~e lIn-es 19a Ion .., not expecte G Station Owner ter commi"ioner. \\as made com- n ...uncement that the SCF "as to be Charles A. Pm,par , trea,llrer; an 01 ,Ie ",:ar en, ~re 'e ~ """ ___

to be completed beiore Goddard's, as to the pastorale of Grace E,ange. mi"ioner oi puoli, work,. (Continllcd on Page Two.) Itbe board oi direnors are the ioll"\\'o I" tile .Lll)' 01 (~r~sse Po:n~. l1!"IS y.......... Tlaia Week return in threc wee;';'. IF d Dead "n Bed lical and Reiormed church oi Gro,'e ----------- ing; I1arry Funon. Fred Dansbllry, )larden.1I1 t": \lCIn':y or Kerc~ef

James \\'. Hopton. Richard Sa)'- ~flldg'e ,01l1d not be reached for oun I Poinle Park. He \Sill be in'talled in 80 MEN TO LEAVE WEDNESDAY i Ro)' Kalli. nan P')l1pard. Ilenry In. pla,'c !rom Xo:rc name :0 Cadle\, ••, ..ar .. a,ld William Crichlon ",'ere I a statement. The position is bonded his new charge on Sunda)'. ~Iarch I son, Chalmce.,' \\'innie, Lome :\) 1- and in t',e ricini,y of Lal..eland a ....named chairmen for the Cottage ior $1.000. Jallle, c. Legg. 53.)'ear old pro- 22 at ::JO p.m .. by t!,e Re\, Edwin IN LATEST POINTE DRAFT CALL :ill/;, \\',lliam llondr .... and lIarr)" Clar!C\oix; (,ro"e P"lIlle Fa~.Garden competition for G r 0' s e ---------- pricIer oi the I<a, station at Kerche- r. :'[a)'er. president of the ~rich;. : Cal'anall/o:h. This .c:rC>!ll' nill en- ;11 Radnor Park ,"hd;, i,i'Jl1 and illPointe, . , .'\ crowd of oycr 500 I FBI H d Add "al and "'a)'burn "a, fotlnd dead g:ln ,,.nod. The Re\'. R"hcrt Stanger ----- dea,'or I,) increa,e thc nlnnher of the ,;c::li:;' ...i l[oro's I'e .. Rich;tilled the Grosse Pointe Athletic ea to real Trle,da)' mornin" in hi, hOllSe trail. oi Bethel c1ltlrch "ill preach Il1e Ei,,::t., (;ro,'C P"'"1e Illen "ill Th,"'m;"",. R"bert F. rarmer. Jolm name< S,) lhat an ann""l meet:"." (,rn". 1\""1,, ":lOre ... in the \'iciaoclub to witne~s the l-l.bout bo"ing Local DAR Saturday er 1'"rl..r<l at I'le reor of the 1'i,her- srrm"n and the ReI. J"hn H. P",I- I,ave \\',,<lne,<1.1). "'arch 2~. ior 10-' .\. Reallme. Rohert C. D;;Hnport. can he de\el')l''''1. Others pr,,'cnt it.\. oi \'ernier near the: rire otat;OII

malc~. e~::t~~ nia WHit "The FBI and Xati"nal Dcirn<e" ;;;.c\":l


a:I;~~I/arT;~et :~d~.~~s ~i'- ;~tl:I:.'!~:t.~.~,5:i~I~\~!;~',~~I\:\I':;,!,~: i:h: ~~~:,:i~":l~~:'~ :~~I al:.~cl~c~~r~~:.~: t~'i~~~~t~:kl~~~;j:~t.p~)~~:it~,,(~.n~l'~~'~~~ "~~;e:d Bakrr. (;C<lr~e 1\)llp",,1, ;\~:l"lil" ; 1'~m'I:~':~',il)"al~'~Ii I:~:~~~ ""

Grosse Pointe Po~t, American "ill be Ihe ;llbje<t oi an addre" b,. rOl'Cred by Ilenry C. 1)a\'i,. 13<;8 gradllatc of the \,'"iol1 T:,c"lo.~;cal 'Jho,c k,l\;ll~ i"dude: :., t;. Soher. '\'alter \":1 :--llllac)'. ~r""k 1J:".:c1. :--,:", "rc )rt 1,' he selr,'I<d. inL

.a,'on. ,'<.'u-d an I,racnt a ""e' 1 to John:-. BII~a, oi the federal hurea,,' HUI, a mech"nic ior the F'sher Semillar)" oi Xc,," York City. j;rad-, \\'al,I,),l. R.ea,,»re, '.I';:I~rr.E. Xel:- 'I' \\',:ter R. Conr"d. CI.dc, E. 'J" R \ Ie' dl,,\:c, or (;r,."c [\'I1l1C Park a~..., - " .... ;'l' III ,.. 1 l I " \\ I H norn:on C-Jtll1H:,.... ,(T\ a:...

III re,:dents ior \'(),operation in the oi i"\'e,ti,,atioll:o member. of Gen- Rec'>rd \Iolor ~11c" "ilo notitie') uat:ng \'.it!1 h;/;:I h,mors. mc)er .. r., "3r ,', . 0 I•. enry' C'llkr . .I,. fhll,,,:a,:,. C"rJ'''I1. Ba- I,me' Perk"", 1-:." ]jiIJc~.;,'ri. I,r""e 1'" '~e \\',)",1"Lellion" dri\C 10 find "ork for the <ral Jo.;a:, lI"rmer c:,aptcr oi thc (;ro,,( I'olnte Park police. Indica. At (;rare hc '''ccecd, t"e Re\' \\: I'< ",-ock. Jr. :--am"cl P "her', tram Co Bateman. lIarold E 1.;";"'" ilaun (,c'iI'n (,c"ru'Del1erl'1. Leo 'I',.),c de,':i".:: p!,'I, :,'r "ctounemployed men and "omen in D.\R Saturday. \Iarch 21. i"llo\\",g tion, "ere th3t Leg>:. who had li"cd \I'arner If. :,id'ert" ho II", gonc 10 I "rk~' I.r;";1 \~"r'mcr. .Ia~~; .~ Ld\\ardJ Reaume. Francl' B. Doo,: Lan.er. Bu'" f:e"urrc, I ed"c, ""r,len, ,:",,,1<1 con:3Cl t;lr derk .,.Gro

'.'e POln'e to\\'n'hl'p. Som. I~" a I o'cloc" itmchcon a: the I.e- in t!le tr.iler for t:,e la't ~C\eral SnaClI'e. X. Y. :-- .!It •.. ,)"n. ,cssmer,. m,m ':':l;e. \I"n,n F. Han,.n Ro\' \1. C' 'I' P ' ... Ch' t',e;r Of"'.,, ::'C ,'nlmuni:\. ,,. • , _,.0 ~, . R '.1 1" I' r I ,-' I ' • . ,,,all' In •• \ .r,:n a\ c. l \, ", . J.'. . ,

familt~~ ""rre on the to\\n"hip "C'l- en,,,t apartmrn:~. ' C',4r.., i1.:Jd djcti in ht~ l;l~("Jl. 3ecor.!.. ------,---- .. , "lr In. e.leo: .,.:lIlae:,., \\'iI50n. C,arle' :\. Dean 1[[. Foust, \ in. 10m Beaupre. ,\i,;, (',0\;.11. "11- ,'11'.,:<1 Ii:, Oll: ::,e .p;>hlatton i",\fare rolls, Com. Robert Butts .aid I/o<lc',e"t li,e luncheon "ill he 10';: 10 Detcrti"f< LOll\wrs and BUlt< \Ir. and llr~. lfyron Trumba"er'l R('htr: \\ arren, E,,~ \\ \\ elS~~O(lt. Ba:le,', l!o"ard 0\ Soci •. Philies J. lam .}Ia' CI, Jtll,u.; :'tork, l.'"icl Tee. I. he i,'":1,j cn ,n,,:',cr page oi Tl\.. On the in"ita:ion oi Ot:o (;roehn. ~re,l1amr< Tl"r"ld E Dr.,ie. lIa.old Tht\. 're 'rek,nl( rrlal' ... <, who were the gl1es~; of \!r. and I-;ar1:--. \"I1CrsOT1. (,eor>:~ If. C.ark.: Frall~r. ~lanJn F, ,[cCall. La:.rcnce :.er:. Fdp:ar 1'r,.,m','.'. (:en~enl POll_I Rn'", ,nci la;', It I,) t:,c,r \11l~\Gros<. POi,lle Park commi<;;oncr. 11 ,I,. \1 .101l ",ri Rrr; Trnmhl~. --- -- - \1 r'. CI,.,:e, f.. Jacohsnn, ...f Berk. I I ,c~ 1 ."tiem" ":. John ,r..:l1 f(,ra,' .. :.1 110, \\o"d. Fr. n,,, ~l. '{eeei,. n. ,a,d I to Tee~u,'. R"her: Rio".' l>~lee \ re~i" :.• : 011 i,'e "i one dcol-

" 'r'. ,f'm.~.f ("I,',rl','. ' Scotch th- Snak-.'. Buw D-f-nse ,h'rc ro,d ld' la<' week i"r t'le'r ,1.I"r\\ t-.:. ~I' en'", L \ crnon I, r:",m" \\. \1,.Pilarl'" IJrnn. , ' . . 'j" \1'" 11 " , " . I d' aCarl ~chaeier "'(('''led a brlte and.' -" . ,Cllaj>~er reo ~ ~ , ~ ~ . ., , ,. . . . . . . ." dr,! I :"'l11a. "'"W'" ,.",r"r ,,: , ,r l,"~ I" .'e l' e:r Y "",.r.ean:il,,1 oil j>aml;n!l' "i a ".'11n'e;" \:<111, :";; pre.:dr Bond.! !,,'mr in (;lrnrl.1c. Cahf. .\';r~,. \T1~ ,. \\. Po,,,: 'n. R" m,,"d ~"n\:,r. R"hr": r.. \1 ,,, •• t,,,,. 11,.";<1 ( . I'll. "\1 I." 'r- [-c<i V'" I pcn,r '01, 'den',' ., ",e p'eparat'M ".

------- - ------ ---- ----------------- I I~. R..-jl!I,)rd. i .1"1',"(':1\ ('" l' "";\1(".11. lI('~r. R:(:l;;crd 1. {:=I<I;".,,'<, \\','. ,am,)('.. r: .' /. '.' ., " ...". ". , .whirh lI'a, pre<cnled 10 the coll"eil. --D--e'-f'~-n-se Is Theme of Flower Show '. ) '" . .\ I. I ::el. j.• " ~I,,,,n.re 1_01,(, ,., :',c ,:,,: '.'r ;1,""::n,;:.In::

r." hrj"ll .......lilI;)l. (.I'\I!""'l(, (;;:jl~-'i\:;r r". ~~\ \:ht ... T \f.{'1ilirf F'T1- . . I "'-'.'rd',Painl' and oils u,~d hy Sfh,efer .' , .....'.. \Iel ... ",,,cl.. f'.hler 1.,""'lr. '\. \1... i ,''c.' I.,'C. 1\ ,,' ,. "

d d hid )'/ I I ,,'no )1,\;,1 \\ ,\,,",1. (l:~" H. c,: r R :'~r.. Rc\:, ,.Id iI. iI",el' . . \\' I 1" ,... .., " ,. 11 "'.-c' no::' .nd\'\t7"C on;:cte y.r(' (l.17 !Ji<\;-,,~(' • .1r.A'ldr,'lIlr;.r.';'"::lri.(':. c.'llll:.r :"'dr:r-.\ \. ~"".:l, \:l,I'l'\\ 1,;j,ll.~ .. (,:-((';'" .• l ••. ~ ,.lI".,.-111

I..... j ..... ,

F' Y A n' W !r '.1),1 (" "r~r I" ,,< I \' ,,:~ ",,', '.c ,"n,T1 :o.e... "'n r. II H T,r ,'re" ,,,d :'",.<1 "i','ar tIme ,I""~"I :--:a:c """o\:< ,',d I"cln,,' ''''i'''''I'''" ,. :1:1'''''1 c,',,,,.: I;,'".', (' t.,', :"', .I,'"c, \\ \-<11 \11' '1:. I",,, I., "",ll. \.,. I:" ,. "",,,:,'d .... ,.,. '" :"" ," .. ' 'I ,""':",, '",','"1.

J~mrc;..(,n(c ~nd.\\;:r'.1m DrY-I;;;' ""111 'll"dr:lI, t'.r "'",..,:,n :>1'."""II,"'I,.,'::r.11 ~",',e~\. 1"n,,,,".r.,,,,<1 a:'c"~,o', '",I,oCt II'.,::, \\0:""" II I.",,,, 11::'0111 d'n, 1•.,1).1,..... 1 ... ,:",. \c'.' -<Ie, 111.... ": .. 11' .• ".,: ',". " ,.". I', tJ,' oI' ' .... e~ro.o!r.ol(,r"'"ef'''I11:c.\\r'e'T1 .. I""cr.':"", ":l'j~':.'l<,,,,,r'.e 'l'r """/1"I",t 1o'r: of 11"" ,l\clll"t .. '.m .... J:].'iI:,d,:.,,:, j. :-' ... '1, I', l t 1\", .. ,: [\,.,:: i. j:"":',.I'dl1.'. \I,c :H:' ."".' ,..,1.1)';'" :" \.' ,'ll""'"'", ."."., ...... att'~tr<l in:o 1)01:, 1\'1';" Ep,:I,o~r,,~:"" i'I'I,,'cd :', .,,1,,'.' 10 ,.',j.rr:'~.c' •.. !,-<II,:l.'.,chce., :-;":"'rl,'\e",:""I.,.";;:,,I"','rl,.Ir.'T1\': \\,"d,,'.1 1I,:""I.lcn r:.. \:"e,' \1 \,'.".,. 1.... lIc H:",,;,".171'"\I"'11< """,.,,,". r." ', ..",,:em,'y .. : tll' l n"rr,,~\' 0' i add,,\ <Ii',," ~" nL., .. " : c )"."t' ': ""' ..,,j '" :',c '.j.: "" ". ,,',d \\.1:" al'" "i;' hc ,m., .... ,I" ,,I .,' .. "r;,od h, Jr,.,n I: \\ .,." \\ ',I ;Ill t, II" '. '-, .... c 311.1 ( ,"c',. \\.' "'11' "'0/' 'n .•. "'''' '11" .', n,,, <.,' .C' ..• :',' :'" :" \; .', I \1:. I' ,c:I>I',l.-',i~an. ~ra.o ... (".~<. of (,w"'ia"J lI1,'" I.r ... :",,I " ..... , "I ", .'" .. ,,'., ;""""'Oif";I><- .."';.:.",.I"."";':\",,,,\, •. ,,1:311011"" "" ,- 1"".1.\1,. '/ R"."',,11 '".' r, .. ,:'.,,,, '"'):n':r'i,'nP.~e1,,,,)p" 'l.~. l' ...:;:inh:OiIttrf n"""1 ({'lJlr~.:1:"'; 1,.,,1 ~ ,. , .••• '~r i :'l ))".: 'j' (. t ; .. 11.1..... ",'1.1 , .. ':11 " ('"f' "m;.lll.p;l "ent' \\ .; 'f'L "!I':<_::.~. J[ ,'; \\ 1../ "'. 11 :.,'j (, ;- -, . " __. _

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Miu Joe l..&mkiD <.:" 'Mrs. A. L. Lamkins, of t2Zll ~Mile dri,,~, Graue Pute. ... •frtshman at .~drian ecllqe thiayur, WilS receatly iniliated ilIto theactive cbapter of Kappa ~Gamma sorority. Yis. talllkiu Q •member of the college choir.




16111 mack at de\.onshire

)-fnf!'''J: VnMr r~~!!.~ !~ !:.::."':: :; ~.:e!beauty a~lysis by a bealKy espcrt.Make your appointment _,


(.... IMWM)


, • I


B9P+MiWl 5

distinctive portraiture

FELIX FRANCOIS BEAUTY SALONer- romte • .,.....Latin. of tM OIP'I'ie Sillla'l

PIIDda A: Jud,o Theatre Bida'. NI. 3753

• 1 t ••

'Robertson's M:NTBirdM,oe Fl'Nted Fruita UMI V.. -..we.


17898 Mack Ave. Near Washington Rd.CroNe Pointe

(F-....,. ~ Willefonl MaI'Iret)We Delinr-TU. Z.C7ZO R. C. ROBERTSON, Prop.

let .-""y U'"'6hIe )'OIl ,.

FREE t:O.... ~.PE ~SIS!

'paul s. brown

~Cclme in aDd let the HUVUH Com1Jbp[ ...... :J!l:l!.t .....

HU\'t.'H T'lAla'aaat!. caa ,1orilyyWl: ~ a -u.~JJowis&, iadiaace... _ ... - . ". Usiag the special CoIoncope W'hec1, _ .at ..-...u.. _

shade of hair coIoriIi *Ai.. "£.)'[i55 roll. ThcJI, ~ lVitJ prcpart~~.

),[adelaine scope AnalySIS Chant Sbo1rUlJ JUit.\lIen oi Kew which make.up and costume shades.

York 1I\ill bert enlunu your natunllovcImas.Be in

Our S.!on:'farch 26, 27From 10 a.m.

To S p.m.


- eo.. in fin' Free Coaaaitati.a _YVONNE BEAUTY SALON

I7t4Z Ken:benI Aye. roo Z.M11City of GroNe Pointe

Academic Honor.Given Seven Seniora

Sevent~en Grosse .Poinle hi,hschool senior high .tudellts haveb~en presenled with gift booles bythe Rolary club, because Ih~y at.tained a scholarship averaee of Ain all tlleir academic subjects lastsemester,

The student, are: Twelve A's _Ja)'ne Armour, lIelen Briggs, FredGalla/l'her, Marion Hoff, CarolynInnes, Jean Leavitt, and Ricbard

. .. IN ...

Now ia the time to be tJ&inkmlabout letlin, tho.. Curtains laun-dered and drape. dry cleaned.

Our ultra.modem curtain laundry,plu. more than 20 y."rs of drydean in, experience i. your aNQT-Mce of complete Nti.faction.


Flower Show

We SpeciaNze

rie, Daniel Goodel1ough, Roy Chaoin" the studeDt mo>rewiUin&,10 1Il'0rk,inJr" and ?ofi.. G~riildine Hi&,bie. addilion tll it bfing clean and quiet.

Mrs, Goodmiin reported that manyDetroit. Bloomfield Hills, and GrO!lsePoint~ artists ...ere giving som~ oftheir .....orlls to Ihe auclion sale. Mrs.Cyril Edward Schley was there andsaid 'be was gi,.jng 1\\'0 lans ,,'hicbbad belonged to a niece of George\Vashinglon. ,",'ho was one of herancestotl. 1'ow, contribulions havecome in from European royalty.maken of American hi,tory, and lo-cal artists of nOle. Everyone is do.ing his and her share, and morecontribulion. are needed.

Laundering & Dr) CleaningCurtains and Drapel ies

Te8cher Laud, sNew Arts Building

• • •


who expectJi to fly do,nt durinr hil,'acalion from DUS.• • •

Mr. and !lIrs. Robert B. Po .....eu.of Renaud rpad" annollnce the birthof a son, borDoMarch 8.

• ••Mr. and Un Henry E. BeY'I~r,

of ReasinrlOn road ha\'e beentpendini some tilDe in ~e .. York.

• • •Mr. and tolrs. William Baldwin

bave returned from their trip 10 SunValley and arc al bome on Neffroad.

Mr. and Mrs, Leo Fitzpalrickhll'e relurned to Iheir home 011

Ooverly road, after .pelldinc a weekend in l"e" York.• • •

Mn. H~nry S. Birdseye, of Derby,Conn., is spending Ihree weeks withber brother. in-law and sisler. Mr .and Mrs. Edward A. Batchelor, ofJd oran road.

(Continued from Paze One.)A ",hole hall has been /l'iven to the

birdhouse and feeding stalion dis-play with a beautifull garden selling1$ its center of interest. Here willbe ,hown birdhouse and feeding sla.lion! sel up in Ihe mOSI practicalVictory Gardens and atlracli ..e ways. Ca,es of plutasuch as prove altract;ve 10 nestbuilderJ are included, sponsored by

(Continued from Page One.) Ihe Wildllower Associalion of !oricb-l\ewberry is auianed Ihe lask of igan ,,'ith Mrs. Marjorie T. Bing.chairman for Ibue classeo of in- hoilUill charge. Other casu will showstruclion under tbe supervision of bird food plants, edible pl:uJls. forthe superintendent 01 schools, Yr. human consuml;'lion and even poi •ElSerl, and in colaboration wilh sup- sonou. plants 10 he avoided by theerintendenl of plaWounds and rel:- forelt or field visitor.realion, a Victory Garden Labor The orc:hid exhibit, always dra •Battalion will be oreanized. matic, will include the largest in-

This will inelude the boys and dividllal .bowinl' ever offered ill theI'irl. able to work and trained to United States witb over 500 plantlbndersland the: rudiments of rard. on display. Orchids from Jan, Bur.enill&'. Younraters in tbe Viclory 10&. the Philillpines and other warGarden Battalion will be available torn lands in the sOlltbern stas willfOf' YVOI'kb,. c:alling upon the Sllpe!'- be included.illtelldent of paYITllUnds, Mr. Geary.

The set ..... e scale for rel'nlar For Ibe practical. minded! Michi.workers .hall be 25 t h pn State college IS offenng caD.

cen s per OlD'. . -L'b' d " hDistil1l[Uish d WMlt_ ..... n... _ Dlli&' ~I Its aa tln"~ Le c:=-designated ~y ~- ins;;;1.. "ib::: Ibined sponsorship ~f t.he Federatedrate .1Wl be JO cent. per bou and Garden Oubl of Mlcblgan, the: De.3S cenls in uc--tional S. rb troit Garden Cenler and tb~ NatioD •

-r cadwerotalF dGd A"tbe youngster is both a hard alld ann. an ar en SSocllulln,,killed lVorker there 'WIll be ShOWll methods of

'r. f " making soap, drying fruils and theo urther a .. ,st the supcr"isioD use of modern J\orage facilities.

Of, these prdens by eapable Dlea Craabrook: IDJititllte of Science isand women, aU prdell clUbs will flI- offennl' one of the nnest co!1ectiODIdea'rO~ t~ nlect IlICmber. of .tbeir of minerals ill the Uniled States.orplUU~on ....ho arc bolh WilliIII' FJorisb Ire offeriar special deJipsand qualified to act as field instruc- iD Soral decoration, benlting mili-tors. Moreover. lDeIIl~ers of gardeD tary weddinrs aad other activitielclubs who employ skilled prdeners of a mililary Or Daval Jlole aa 1Rllshall be ask.ed to cIonate the senicel 'I't d' f ' __ ..

f th'. d . f &s D11 I ary eslgal or corsageS .....o elr car tDer or one or two bouquets.bours per week 1I!'ti1 aU carden, are Service lIMa in unlfOl'll1 wtlJ he ad.well IInder way. The cardtners wi!! mitted free to the ,bow at all times.act onl,. al ~. 0lI. the tield Both the ~ Red CroH &lidand shan aot ~Ued apoD 10 do the: USO will hne bootq at thetile actw work 01 tf Vic\Qry Gar. I1tow th attcacluls. The -1Uica1dcncr. ., '.. Pl' will Seat1ll'e lPtioaal ...........

(Coatinaecl frtipl'esc:.ted 011 th committee forda, ea .. elf chiUrC1ti whick Q • partof. thi'WaYllc ronat,. ~ittee OIl

cltilian defCllae, with Mn. BeSlja.miD O. Sftepherd al the delegate.

AIoDI' with aD that came a state-ment .fr... },In. Frederick S. Fordwho attcaded the meeting with },In.Fr~ ea....wu.'U4 lolr.. LloydHooker, that the .Americall WOlD.

en:' Vohlllteer service was read,. toco-operale in ally way that theycould to make thue nutJeries andtbe possible bomb sh~lters aDd re-habilitation h.:lfDes a SlN:cess.

n,:s new day nurscry will a1JiO b~used as a traininr c~nler for Yolun-leers and as soon as il is establishedIhe classes will begin.

• • •

• • •

• • •


Mrs. Ahan )'lacaule)', of wkeShore road. rdurned home Ihis• 'eek from Xew York with herdaurnlcr. Mrs. Hel1J'l' Whiling.

• • •Mr. and Mr •• Armin RkkeT, 01

Edgemonl Park are en roule 10 LotAngeles, accompanied by I h e i rdaughters, Gloria and Lorone.

• • •Mr. and Mrs. Jobn H. French, of

Lake Shore road, "'ere hosh al adinner party Salurday ennill&, inIheir bome.

The , ..est croup 01 Della Zela metfor briqe at Ihe home of Mn. FredFlom, of Rivard boulnard, yener-day eveninl'.

Frieda and Antoinette Motscball,of Berkshire road, arc spending lev.eral week.s as the guests of Mr. andMrs. J. ~r.Mol,chall, of Three ~{iIedril'e, al their Winler home in Mi.ami Beacb, Fla.

• • •Mn. Richard H. Macauley, of

Lal.:c Shore road, .. i!l extend h~rvisit ...jth her Jion-;n-Iaw and daurh.ter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee Wad ••WOllh, in Winnelka, III. until after:he uitct hoIidioY15.• • •

Robert Farmer, of Locbmoorboulevard, was host Saturday eve-nin&, at dinaCf at the Delroit 80.11club.

• • •Yrs, J, Vincelll Dwyer, of Ylee-

Iaad aveDue. has retllr lied tbis ....eekftOlll a three weckJ' .ta,. ill PalmSprincs.

The industrial art. baiJdiJIg, re-teat addition to Grosse Pointe qhschOOl, b .. &'Oftefar in pro,;ding fa •cilities to relieve the Cl"etQ'owdedcondition •.

The teaehers appreciale the build.iD&,ll'J'eaIly because it provides morespace in wbich they can do theirwork.

CbarlCJi l'erte.on. general sbop,9tated: "The expanded facilitieipresent a wider selection for tileJiludenh."

Miss Jean BoswClII. junior artteacher, appreciated Ihe fact thaIshe had a rOom of her Own 'and Ifelt that the junior high students did I

"A.frc. H~r0k! -'- E::.~~;,., ;h.~••u.u bcttr:r work as .a rt51.1lt of havingof the sandwich salesair1s durin&, the Iheir owa work displaJ'ed in theirauclion. has enlisted to help her: o..-n room.,Xancy Bigelow, Marlha Fink, llary Stanley Fox, general shop and me-Decker, Mesdames Charles Du chanical drawing, said: HI like itCharme II, Gaylord Gillis, Jr ~ becau.e il was planned to be an in-George Monro III, ....lexander Gir- Quslrial arls building and is beingard, Charles Warren, William Lau.1 us~d solely for thaI pnrpose." I

Altogether the t~ache.. agreedthat Ihe atmosphere tends to makeGROSSE POINTE COUNCIL for VICTORY GARDENS

Kame ....... ~_ ....__ . _

Address _ _ .._._ ..__ .__ .. _

Telephone l\umber .. ._ •.__

X urn" er in Fa rn iIv _._, __.._ __ _ .

I promise to make and care for a garden in one of the C?m.munitv \'iclorv .. ard.n Tracts. <pon,ored hv the \'ro"e POinteCOllncil for ,",eIM)' (;.rMn,. I ",ill .,,,prh' .11 se.d.. plant'.tooT<,'pra, 5 and fe, tiliur', 1 \\ ill hqnn "Iantinl!' thc plot not laltrthan June 1, or a$ <,oon 3;; prr-plantinlt prepar.atlon j~ ('ompltl("cL ] iallue thH Iht pro<lucr i. for m,' prrsolJal l1<r ""t to he meo! f"rcommrrrl~1 purp"'e •. If I f"il I" kerp mv Plol irre from weed, and...•11nllti,'alen. I all'rer to f"rir;! it, .itrr hrill)l" li:il"rn dllC ""llCe ..cr. tl1,at it can h~ re ..;l~,j~llt"d 1~..,tile n(",t ~j)plJ("al;()n on the "ai:in~li<;.t" 1\ ho '" ill h~n r~: A!l f'lr~...rlll(,C fr0'l1 I'lf time raf rr.a~";;lnm("n:".it hOlTt rrimlmr~t"rnrnt tl" hiol; p;-,.Of'(c ....'or. If ior ~I\\" r('iI!ion r mil"1 ~

hr ;1\\~\' frl.."m frh' lilarclr:1 ior l'1inr(" 111311 1\\0 \\"rrl..;;:, T ,\ill not;l\ IfJthp' {;r( ....~(' J\':"h' {"()I111(';l iIl");- 'irion" (;.irdC'Tl<l. Dm"n'!' ~ll\" ~h. ~~lIiitnCr r ,,,ill :l.rrilng~ t() h~ve TII(' ,=,~rcf("n r~rrrl for" T "ill not lln1,:lht (;'t"('l~~f" Poin:,. ("('I;:ndl !Of' \ it'o"" C;:trrlrn.:::. f'r ~h~ OWnf"f ('11 ~1he 'H'(\~rrt,. rrlllipfln ..,hT(" ;('Ir ::1'1\" 3cfi,frnt" tt,::l~ In:h'' 0ffur 0':"'1fl.", ,~("ommtmih'" \"icfoT\" (;ardrn Trar:. \t fhr f'nrl of thr c.r;1l1lion I "I ~clran Olll th~ plol. rcmo, e all ,ulk<. ruh!"'h and d~h""

~ ..R('~:...:r.l:il'n irt- ~:.rtn~t:'r(' ~f :\prlif~nt ~~llOne!)(lII.,.A""liu"t P'-se Do Not FiB Out. IApPIic ..t;." N .... looor ..


Mr. and Mrs. William Ford Tor.rey, of Provencal road, have r ..turned from Ouabaw. Ga~ whereIhe,. visiled Mrs. TorreY'J parents,D!-. !.!!d !!:o:.. lr.:i"j N. 'rucu:r ..

• • •Jack Caulkias and his roommate,

Page Baldwin, who attended theTaft scbool ill WatertoWJI, Conn.,"ill arri"e bome today to .pc:ad twoweeltt wilh Jack's parents, Mr. andYrs. ~rie P. Caulkins, of ltlvardboulevard. Christiq Caulkins willretUtll next W~dnuday for ber ..a.ea tioa frOlll Kiarlwood.

• • •Illr ••. S.nford While, of Chicago,

is the lfUest of her 1011 and dqb.ter.in-Iaw, :Mr. and Mra. OaarlesM. Wbit~, of Lake Shore rnad.•• •

Co",,,,_ily Vicl...-y c.. T1l'*

C_"' ....ity Viclory c. Lee.tie"

\pl'l',,"'r,. m',,! \It lak~n 10 tne fn:1" ... ;~ll' "ffi,'aT in '~:J',....",.~ 1'I:a ("~ ('f T~~ r!, P'H'"t':

Yr. and Mrs. George Eo Lackey,of Touraine road, are spendinr ft...

era! ....eeks in Palm Beach wherethey ",.iIJ bf joined by Iheir son, Joe,




... a-da of CIDiIt,S • • t'lII. D.Init

JaIl KMdIc .... A...... s..-,. s.w-

M. I .........,. ....Pint s.u.. I" ....,.....s--. 11 ....

• ..........,.E--. T I" ..1.1....................a- __..,.11: Ie ~i: S:.-.

Pat WIIIId& aU IIe1aa WorreDwill anin 1MaIe m. SuUilIs to..... ~ SJriIsa neatiost oaApril 2. '

Betly Hunter will arrive bome aweek from Saturday to spend herSprinr ,'acalion from the Stuartschool in Boston with her mother,Illes. Andrew D. Hotchkiss, and Mr.Hotchki", of Rward boule\'ard.

• • •Yr. and Mr~. William Evans, ~r.

and Mrs. Johll Boydell, and Mr. and• •Mrs. Frederick T. Farr are amon.

those who are planning dinner par.lies to precede th~ muskale Friday

. "venin.: .i.t a c'd;c!a: ia the home ofYr. aad Mrs. lianball T. GortOll,of SWlDinrd&le drive, under .pon.IOrship of th~ Women'. Auociationof the Grosse Pointe Conare&,alionalcbtudL

• ••lift. IltiD Hcff-.aa. of BalfOlfl'

road. wiJI be heard in • rroup ofsoqs, and Mrs, Ralph Dixoll, pian-isl, wiJI play Beethoven. Bnhms,Cbcpi .. and DeIlD_y.

• • •Yr. alld Yn. R. £. Yimpn, Jr'..

of Lodie dri"e are Ipendillr a monthat the Sborelllede at M ilJni Beach.

• • •IEr.. WiIlillD M. Blair ka. reo

IItI'Hd to her home OQ McKinleyroad after a trip iD the South iu-c1ndi_&,'risits in WiniamstOW1l. N.C.&ad Ho1Iow Bnth. F1&.

•••Illr., Charlel 1. PiUIU, of the

Grosse Pointe: Ollb, and Yn. All.dre ....a Green. Jr .. of Yaumee ave.nue, _ sPcudiq fwll wub in Try.on, N. C.

• • • AD.. Lou Duff, daqbter of },In.Illr. u4 M.... llerton E. Farr will lobn F. Duff, of Gra.rtoD road aAd

ret12n& to their homQ Oil Clo«rly the late Mr. DUff, iJ eqqed to Rotread the end of .ext wtek aflu a Alaer of CJukstOllo _ of !be latetft -.tIu' mil ia tile WQL Tbc7 Yr, ~d 1llrs, Jc.qk 'A. A!ecr'._e .... ........... is& PiIIM:nix, 0 0 e

r. ~v'iin:" Ra1pb .. ~cif-Ilidce r_d. Jsa're rttnnlecl f~ aJCkIa,. .tay at IllL TuwblaJlt, 110..treaL • • •

Mr. aDd )In. Earl Holley, of Pro-ytDcal road, left yesterday to .pendthree IIl'ccka at Sea Isla.d, Ga. Dar-i... their .ta,., !lIr. and lIn. Rob-ert C. Nortoa, of Linc:oln road. willtisit them for a few day ..•• •

Hr. and Mn., Leslie Weary are".Iutlininl' At a dinDer party Sat.urday eveninl' as a farewell &,eshlreto Mr. and Mu. Fralld Yhon, whowill be leaying sbMtly 10 make tbeirhome in Philadelpbia.

• • •Y rs. Charles L Frederick, llf Ri.

nrd boll!e,'atd, who has been s"rnd.ing t1l'0 month. visiting her son-in-law aDd da1Ul'hler Dr. and \Jr,

IFrank H. Constantine, of New York,win return home DellI ",'eelc.

• • •


.Ib. 39c

. .1». 47e

.... lb. 41e

. .... .

....... lb. 39c

AP.-t NowM_ AHApp, Euter

0.... e.-.Oil Cuto. Per......-. - '- .........Ii_Priced ,... ...... aazaM. EVELYN BUTLER

HAIR DRESSE.lUll Mack AYe. lit :I...... D...Thurodav & Friday EVellings

Bv AppointmentTUXEDO 1._


...... ~N......... ~ •••• rt.1Ift


A Fun Re,M»rt of Thi. Lecture Will B. Printed "'The Gro ... Pointe Review of Thursday, March 2i.

Whitmore Road at Second Boulevard

By JAMES G. ROWELL, C.s.B.Of ~ City. Ma..-f

Fifth Church Edifice

M..... eI t'" B...... ." ~ip ef n. Mot_ a....n.. Fint CII-a eI ClINt, sa.......--.. M.... d, III


U A' L'I T Y


0UIt NY CLE,u.... C .. ".USIItG IE.VICE


... IaIhChops

~ '.., ....."....


'. ~ B, Glicoync, of Bu. lir. and Mrs. C. L Stebbtns aad I SOCIETY NOTES' avenue, ldt SatuccR.y to lheir cilildren, Robert and Elaine, of• week .. illo her parents, ),Lr. Moran road, are leavinr thi. week ., CLOalA .EWOLDTno Gerold McCoy, of Graad for a month's ucation at Ft. Lau-I __

• yerdale, Fla. Delroit Sorosis Iael al the hOllle ofI Mrs. RiLlph l"eltina, of Lincoln road.'I for luncheon Tuesday. ~n. F. A., Tiller and Airs. James C. Bolles as.i sisted lhe hosless., ...I Urs. \\'. VIII Husan Moore. of

ILakeland a,'enue, elnlertaind al afalllily dinner SlIurday niahl in her

I home., •• *i Mr. aad Mrs. C. Bradford Hit!

I have 1D0"ed frOID tbeir home onWeslchester road to Lincoln road.

I • • •Mrs. Joseph S. Shenr, Jr. ofRid/l'e road, relurned home after aleveral ...eeks v;,il .. ith her mother.Mrs. Paul R. Gra)', at Ihe laller'sWinler home on Belle Isle, Fla.

• • •

WORK BY EXPERTS.•..~ ---- .....s-f..-..- A.J b. Iaip........., ...,.'- ~ ..u- .n faiW,

• .... GET t '- eZIIM'U .. _ 01 1M--. in Midia...



;;ROBERTS RADIO SHOPu. Eut w..... at e.-.-. ~TV. 2-455.- ~ ....ar... ,. 'IoIII..f ••I __

Friday Evening, March 20,1942At EiPt O'CocII


Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940... · 2006. 2. 28. · ~~:t I l:.)~il:;e \....., p.-.•:,." ..q:;aiity,",I ~ro-• ,.' 1:: "" .- (: t''"




Phone NIgara 3200

IRoUed Roast, Genuine Spring Lamb lb. 35c

F.uq. Fresh Dru..d - 2VJto Jill 0.. .

Broilers and Frying Chickens lb. 35cJ(UJ(~ll IU');');' TIUJI""Jm IL "".& &'-Lot'ItJ.&..&. &I&.J&J& V~ 'UV.L:I IU • .,aa\,

. Prime Genuine Spring Leg 0' Lamb lb. 28cI

Dair! Department Fish Department- SPECIALS - - SPECIALS -

GoW Badde.

Mectiam Siz.

4.,..~()U~£I~t3like tIieae and we have reaolveCIto lielp you make yourfood dollars 1'0 a long way. Without aacrificin, Quality-,Slire'. will bring you the mOlt for your mODey in 11'0-urie. and meats and frub fruita and vel'ctablea u well

, as the 6nelt in Food Store Service. In Groae Pointe at16822 Kercheval Avenue aDd at Sire'. 880 W. McNicholsStore; alao at Slire'.larae market in HimUna-., Mieh.

A new market service for Grosse Pointe and vicin.ity ••• Slire Brother.. .uccealOr. to MeMillan'., withtremendous buyiq power, will now link quality withlow prices and fine service to bring you the utmo.t inFOOD BARGAINS EVERY WEEK.. Here at Slire'.we know what a big job the food dollar baa to do in times


ORANGES ORANC~~- - -- -- ,. .....,..- ~39c~ExtraLarre

$3.95 Cue




Larp 1...,-, I~ Snow-, au.-CHlPSO FLAKES 2



C 0 F F E EC.A T 5 UpSIRLO~~STEAKu.3le 2 Bottlts 3IJc u.39c

SAN K A CO F FEE ;.. :..... Ib. Me CHILE SAUCE ... -'~.:.7.1t'•• bottle 25c FANCY YOUNG HEN

SILVER NIP I1JLPmor... T U I:? 1\ ~ ~ ~Grapefruit JUICE :A~MON .'e , 59c 3IZPoaacI.A...... _.. /'~"

J.I: A. ,1. Lb~~23c:t.. . CLEANSER 3 cans 20c •__ ~_.__ ___~,,~~. s. III ..a ,

" CAKE FLOUK~.~ .•.-.:...r.:.~'l.!.~.23c PRIME RIB

TEA ~ .p~ .-:-Ib~ sib. 48e WBSTER -.-.haIf lb. can 39c LAM B CH0 If.--.,~_ f.......

43c SANI.FLUSH .... ,.•.•.,.. 2 cans 37e LB.36c

M.in. P t t 15u. 39u. S. No. loa oes Peck c

Texu Marth Seedleu

c. 4; R. McMiDan Frnb Caupt Lak. Superior

BUTTER White Fish$4.1. PetCaM 39Florida Oranges 2 doz. 49c,------------ 2 Lb. Sse u. C

Sweet, Juicy, Mediam Size _ $4.1. Cue Fill. for BakiD~ R.n

FJ'd0 I IdahoPotatoes l0Ib.bag 39c,------ W.B_AUFiMforYoaon a ranges, extra arge .doz. 39c Domeatic Blue Freab C.qbt, Mic:bitUl

Sweet, Juicy - $3.95 ease WuhiDrtoa Extra Fancy CHEESE . ,. lb. 48c SMELT .. ,. lb. ISc

25Delicious Apples ' 4Ibs .. 25c ~:~:ia°~:efortI Fresh Shrimp lb. 35c

Grapefruit, Large .. , 4 for c Rome Be.uty UlCIMclatoab Apples (Fme for Bakmr> CHEESE. 2 Ibs. 17c Vikill~ Pickled Tid-Bill

Hemng in WineSauce ... keg $1.15

Florida Extra Criap Home Crown Hot House Frankenmuth Medium Sharp

Celery Hearts 2 bunches 29c Rhubarb, extra fancy Ib. lOc CHEESE . . . lb. 35c

These Prices Effective From Thursday, March 19 to Thursday, March 26. Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Effective March 23rd

luccessor'. to McMillan'.16822 KerchevalAvenue GrossePointe

( ..... T1nr OH'IC£ -, ).51" ( ,,~ .... ...-.ve... (.Ioll ..." rA.~-:~.,~7 ' ..f ...... ,,ol ..... '"

~ •• TI ""C( -. 1'''0-1 ..,..,.~ (rt"'lW"I

['I'''''''''''''''' - '2Z';' M ~'" ,~I"I ,A ..... fliU.W'(A.N~Orll!-~., ..6 , ..." " .••.

Fish is fine food-high in proteins, ,'ha"mins, minerals, ,-ital food values. LBe

the big oven of your Gas range to bakedelicious, nutritious lish.

And in haking fi,;h <as in roasting meats).et that accurate ov('n heat control onyour Gas range at a relatively low tern"perature to ",tain more of the naturalvitamins and nUlritiH~ elt'ments.

Gf'tall thegoorloutoC the foods ~'OU

hu~'. J~t ~'ourG8~ran~(' h.-Ip "011 II nel~otlr famil~' :0 hrl-tt"r h"ahI. thrullt:hbt"tl ~r nil' ri' ion.

•• N CII~ ce •. SCtO .... det ... "" •• "_"'II t,I<tt--( ••••"("'~..,.,..,1ll.).lfl'""'l

(.u,..r. ,~. ~r'l .c .....i (.......~I .... A .

, ...~.. ,;"r( ...• f~.' .•a:~..•• A "" ..

W'U,. ~-;;i8 '10.., .......... '"~



Delicious Fish!easy, lIatritioas LeateD meals

The United States of ....merica ..-asfounded on religious principles, Allour schools, up to 1840, ....ere essen-tialy religious. George 'Vashinll'tonaaid: "Reason Ind experience forbidII. to C'xpect that natur;u moralitycan prevail in exclusion of religiousprincipie. -; and this sentiment hasbeen echoed bl' nearly C'very Presi-dent since. ',"ho can then sllly thatthe Catholic school, the nursery ofFaith and citizenship alike. is un-American? Information on 'anvCatholic subject will be sent grati's



On friday,. ),larch 6, HighlandPark, Hamtramck and Grosser"iPlle held Ihcir annuiil iu.Liiute atthe Highlatld Park high schuol, ....t

<;> o'clock, six meelings on seminarswere lleld, Each teacher attendedthe seminar in which he was mostinlerested. At 10:30 o'clock I gener-al se,sion conl'encd in th, auditori.urn w:,ere the recordings of the sem.inars were read and the mayor ofHighland Park welcomed the teach.ers. William P, Lovetl. secretary ofthe Detroit Citizens' League, spoke

To the Catholic the elimination on "Reorganization of Wayne Coun-ef religious teaching is more than t)"s Go,'ernmenl." f.oaselue. It is tragic. For religion The delicious luncheon sen'ed to.hi the. ~nly ,solid b~sis for mora.lity the elementary school teachers was I- .r~II&'!OUs~n~trUCl1onfor ~he mmd. acclaimed by all and sen'ed as arell£l?US tra,nlng for the ,""lIl. Home wecome interlude between the morn-teachmg or an hour In Sunday ing and afternoon meetings.fe.hool cannot s~ffice. God and!b Dr. SlringfellOw Barr, presidentW1~1~ust.be ~n Integral part of the of St. John's college at ....nnapolis.child s dally life:. was a most dynamic speaker at the

It is because Catholics believe this afternoon session. His subject wa,'0 firm I>•• that while pa)'ing- their "Eduqlion for a :l.Iodern Time,"full share 01 lhe .upport of the pub- ~lj5S Cora Gibson's verse speak-lie SChools, they are also buying ing choir was an outstanding- fea.

, ".' land e~ting buildings and educat- lure of the whole day', program.ia& ,,'ith lheir own mone)' more "All Onr ToWll~ -"n 2,500,000 pupils, llws sa"jng ,Miss Ernestine ~ocha's 5A grou~)'OU and other taxpa)'ers more than ".r:scnted a pial' All Over Town$2SO.ooo.ooo annually. And this Cath- I'rlday, March 13. The play was lak-elic education in its academic stando, en from a book of the same namein" in its teach:ng abilit and in'l but rewri!ten into four acts by the'"6, • Y 'S h'ld Th feducational results a,'erages well IIp c I ren. e theme I) the comedytv - aud in m;u\T instances tar C:('In,=ern~ h';o ~nlni:;ti;ti' UU)"S andahead of - the public school cd _ their friend who always had "brightcation today. u ~deas: and the mischief the "bright

,de3S wrought. The children madetheir o\\'n costumes and scenery.PTA M_h Tanday_

The ~ichard school PTA ,...i11Ilave its next meeting on Tuesdarevening, March 24, in the auditoriumof the school. The speaker ",'i11 beHelen Williams, a child psycholog-ist, who will talL: on problems ofchild adjustmtnt I') school and lifesituations. Parents are im'ited'to \'is-it the rooms from 7:30 to 8 :15. ~e-freshments will be served by a com-mittee of which Mrs. Brown ischairman.

, Informati if you write to: Ii]~":;:~r'~,;-, '. , on C.tIlolicI.'--..ti.. Scc.i., .f'< 'i'y",~~, - 5t. Paw'. CJinA,da, M.". L.a. .....:~'-'~ '''1.,;;-'- . - No Aritbaaetic ! 3ZI Rinr-d, w- Poi.te, Mich. I;"~~':. arlthmeti<;?" gasped the boy's -------:J-"ii!-,i-: ; "Do you ~xpect me to lend Richard School:''"~' ., t$ il school that eliminatesA. ' ic: principles of lliathematics, N-E-W-S:~,.'. "',~ed&e needed in every w31k; ; '; .• 6f~1.... ~ - .'" 'It. school with no arithmetic 1

• ," 1\'1lat noniense I Y~t i~it more non-,~ , _tical thau a JChODl that teaches

»... .,thing of God, our lirst beginning, .,.cl our lau ~nd - of Jesus, Our

- Redeemer and the greatest of allteachers - of the Ten Command-_ent" and the Sermon on theIlount - of love of neighbor iorthe sake of God - of obedience toour civil rulers because Iheir powereomts from God?

... ,

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i ,


Reataurant aDdSea Food Hou ..

Be ..... Wi ...... "d LiqUOri

WASUM'S1564 Broadway

At Cr • ...! Cireu. , .....

CLifrord IU4 CAdillac 2Z3I

Opell E ..e..,. D.,. "I'W 2 ....Su"da,.. a"d HolWa,.. 0,.-

Frolll 1," p .....

Good F doc! You'll R.............



Joan Roberts


Thursday, March 19, tta

Bin & Clay Penrocl"~BARBER SHOP21821 M.de A.."••

Gro •• " Pointe W oodaThree Competent Barberi t.

!In ... YouCION daily 7 p.m ••• p ... Sat'.,..

AIDS RED C&OU~[rs. J. Heimerl, of hm...ec-

road, lias returned home after ~ing \I ith the nurSf! at Brow_ ...t he stale hospital in KaJuluoo,~[r,. Helmers is one of tbe GraJoLad}'s at Deaconness hospital Sitelias given up some of her club workand other activities to devote DlDl'.

time to Ihe Red Cross in lerYiB..her country.

Lilted ill DUllea" Hu.-'"AdYe"tarel la GoocI E.tiq" .t

., • • • •• I • t ••• I

Wa.hi .. , Machaie •• V.cuwa CIeaa-e.. , !ro ..e.. , Floor LamPI ... d U,latSocket •• Repaired ... d Ser'ricacL



Chicken Serve d in a Ba.ket

8715Harper at CraneFive Block. We.t of Gratiot

Groue Pointe Park

The Hying HowardsCarl and Lennia



Tommy Vaughn. and His MusicBob Doering at the Piano

Margo Gavin

The Biggest and Most Entertaining


7 Headline Acts of VaudevillePLUS ... The DE ROY Glamour Girls'



SUNDAY MENURoa.t H.m ...•.." ".. .75Prim. Road Beef .75Pork ChoPI , ,............ .85Road Turkey ,................ .85R t Sprinlr Chieke 1.141T.Bone Steak 1...


White Fiab .IllAU Ar. Co plete DiD.e ..

in a Quiet, homebke atmosphere\\ here no beer or )jQ Llor is servedat all\, lime. All women cbefs.


15515 E•. W.. r"n .t Noltin,h ....-

Announcement is made tllis weekof the sale of the Chatham Village:-'Luket. Wa,ilt'naw and )(elly road,by Xit'k .\ch; to Jack atld Lewis..\dkr.

TI,e market will retain its presentname. \11th ~Ir. Jack ,\dler. a butch-er of fifteen ) ears experience incharge of tbe fresh meats and poul-try department and :-'1r. Lewis Adlerwho hag been in the retail gr':'ceryb"siness for nine years, handlingthat end of the store

In addition to a complete line ofbeers and wines. the market is alsoagency for American Expressmone)' orders and Edi>on and tele-

At TERATIONSR".St,.linll' - Repairi"rCleaninlr and Pre •• in,

Windmill Pomte Cleaners1.,31 E. J"B ... on .t Cily Li...it.

Open E......i.... E.t. 1'25



The I B boys and girls ha,'e com-pleted a trip through Mason school.The)' hal'e ,'i,ited :'Ii" Tucker'sotTirr, rach class rOOIll, the auditori.nm, tile clinic, the kildten and thefurnace room. The)' were especiallyinterested in the saie: the' teacher~'mail boxes. the dilla and mimeo-graph machines and the SlIppl)' cup-boards in the otTice. The childrenha\'e discussed the work of the eler-iea! and custodial staff, and workedout wa)',! in which they can help thepeople ,\.ho help them each day.

ZA'. H ..lp U.cle S....The 2.\'s in ~Iis; Stofer's room

ha"e been doing their part to helpencle Sam. \\'e planted narcissusbulbs and sent them to loldiers whoare in the hospital. We arf bringingtinioil.' old silk stockings. rubber anda great deal of scrap metal too. Xoww~ 811) $luting to bring children',book; nd game~. Many other roomsin the building ha~'e also been col-lecting ,all'age material.

Life of Mr. Fro."Who.t animal lives in the water

when it's a baby and Ii\'es On landwhen it's grown up?' - So did thelA bors and girls at ~rason schoolquestion!

They knew - A froglTl,e children ha\'e just completed

a deligbtful mural on . The Liie at I~fr. Frog." They show him as atadpole as he grows and grows andgrows Imt.il J,e is finally all grown"f' and finds himself a frog!

HO. n"

CoocI ....... CoocIJ", lu ... tie eo__ n., ...... 101o... r for atill .a-other week at the Club Stendora ...her" tbeir .nti<:. be.dliae .. all..tar .....iet,. Ioill.---- ---_._-_._-----------------

T F .t. F A A I Chatli V'llage phone bills are payabl~ lbIr. j,;.Wo ugl Ives rom n sy um am 1 limy service daily II It 2, •Market in New Handl

Roller Skating Act j Mason Schooi NotesOn at Club Stevadora



Of all the t_pliJ>q W<rf'I 10

.-TO .. lIDO... __ will pi.....

y,", mar. ,ball tbio rich GIld

~ory O .... n d••h.



Trombly SchoolN~E.W~S

St. Jude BowlingN~E.W.S

~lrs. Eric E. XewlIIall, of 18561\\'ashtenaw, i. confined to her homewith an attack of bronchial intlu-en~a. ~fr. and ~!rs. Xewman grad.uated Irom the first aid class atDenby high Ichool la.t Thursday .

A ne\\' gavel \\'as presented to AlClaire, president of the East P.rk:-'!anor CiI'ic League. at the league'slast meeting. The ga\"el was made b),"'illiam Danforth in his home "'ork-shop and is really a beauty.

"Wo. Waat tlooF..- !"-s-.I Tilio-J"!

XD\'elty, Yaricty anti comedr arethe high]]!:ltts of the Sterauora showthis week. Once again Eddy Shep-herd eomel up with a show that pas-sesse, a lot of entertainment. XO~'-elty entertainment honors go to aremackabl, roller ,katin~ act by thename of Rex and Belly Powers, whopro\'e that skating is an art ratherthan ph)'~ical cxercise. This pres.

Fathers and sons hoth are urged entation of fanc>' skating as per-to tryout for the two softball formed by them in Sonja Hettie'sleagues being organized in Gratiot picture "One in A ~Iillioll" is verytownship under the sponsorship of picturesque and well receh'ed. !Ifu-the East Park !I[anor Civie League. sical honors are taken by Carl FordBoth junior and senior divisionJ arc at the console of the mighty mouthplanned so that all tI,e men and I organ. His rendition of popular andboys of the township may partid- ,classical songs a.re quite entertain-pate. The league is sponsorinl'!: the I ing. Comedy is a~g". takell care ofsoftbillt groups in answer to Pre,;- oy those fugiti,'es from a.n insanedent RoowYe!t'$ call for the con- a,~'Jum, g~d ~d GOd)"','" scene.!,ii_ti<m 01 aU types of amusements called ~IlQt New and ~Basebal1to aid in bolstering ch;1ian morale. Rookie." Ethel Shepherd againThis is the first of a number of such s,,'ings songs frt tlte Hit Parade.amusements planned by the leagu~. Kay l!a~'nie doe some fine RussianMen and bo>'s interested should call dancing. A char ing toe number isMichael Skurda, Jr.,' at ARlingtor, contributed by E,'elyn Brock. The09Z1'. whole show is rounded out by the

lont)' ere appealing DeRoy glamourWhole w...wl girls, who this week feature a danceWord to Ge.... called "The ~[oodl." The, fi.. t show

alw3y~ ~t~rts at 9 :30 i'.m.

After the parents hue had an op.portunity to "isit the classroom!they are im'iled to the auditoriumto see demonstrations oi work car-ried on in mu.ic and ph,'sical educa-

The ~nb Scouts ;n Den 3 and the tiol1 cla.'ses. -4.-\ SCIence dub are \\"orkin~ to- _. ," II . t1' d f "E'.I" A b Ill,"ute film on 'llow to~e leT In .1~lr stu y 0 JITu:,. III I : B .,. V' ScL I NThe cub Scouts are making bird- . andle ncen,Lar)' om~s ",II. be ermer nOO otes e........ -~.~.~-_.~- ..• '.-. "' .. 'w' .,,-~ •• ,--. • • • • • • • , ...... ,

1 .. f d' 'I f SllO\I'n an,l an expert on lICe fighting t N S f t d B t f Y Hlouses an" c: 109 tr~)'S. " any a I\I ill be here to an;wer am' u"tions _. . i ew a e y an eau y or our orne

the members 01 the SCIence clnb are . I ~I' " - q. The \ er",er school chIldren Ila\'e ItI r.l i"'''''r • ".:: ,1 m ;:I''''I.',T h. ,." ~'"....... . • "''''''i~l.A.H1t:LIIUIt"I~ oi tilt: nalJOnal .1'~Udtlhon I Tl' ~ - - - ..• _. jl1au a Dns~~ week wlth tIle campaign

cluh. Books ha"e I,een obtained e.t to a ""dents 01 the COnlm!]n- ior the collec1ion oi sall-age matcri- Fireplace Curtain. . . a" an,l all are llreet! to attend I" 1 .Iro~ the national Au.dubon SOCIt:ty ,,'he:!,er thC\. are Ill;ml'ers of PT.\ .1. , mone t]C. ~latenals collected (Shown .t Ri:rht)which hal'e uccn l,clplul to the club I' . \lere rtll,ber, tltlle,ld paper, rag,. Thi, !lrac.ful .park,proofin identi;; ing birds and finding Ollt or not. )"arn, stocking" "lrater'. tooth. curtain i. de.ired by eyeryoneabon! th~ir hal,it<. The Science dnl, ;I,e pr~~ralll. t~ !,e, ~ffereJ u)" the paste and ~t!ter luhes, pliahle metal; that own. a fireplace. It.meet:; t\'ncc a 1\ eek at t:IC heginning cJlI,drC'Tt h a" 10110\\::lo. and rnagazlllC'S. it beautY' and coa't"enience haa

i- I- h....n pro...n i" dozen. ofof tTle sci("ncc da~". Rtport.;; are Rl\ - rnc ~fl("ahing Choir. a demon- E ...('r~ One" ho brollgh t something- f Crolle Pointe home ••en .~n ~1.1~.~h ..('n'31ioIl5 of bir.d .I!ic, ,lra:i')n. :--'C'LllTHl ~rad('. directed In' ".1.'i gi\ en it 1i~k('.t for a SIlO\\" Fri- ii Made of heAt reaiatine blackthC"ll lIttDlI:lI anll the J)fn actn.l!lC''', f;crtrllllr llullt. ~a::\ct:c d('mon~tra~~ day 1Il0rnlll"~. :Xccdle:-5 to :-.<1\' e\er-I" If enilm~led me. It. trimmed inCitjlC'n-;l~ir at the (lib mec:jn~ j" lion."; \ .'{racic. dlr("f!("d lJy (;corgl" child a!tC"ndC'rj the ~:IOW. Chifclr(';l Ii lolid brall, it hanlf. like arrported to the Chlh. )li.;;Cj ~Iart;n. R(,)t1. T!~)nlhi.r C1wr: ...trr,. SdCl'tcd iroll) cael, grade ('ntertaincd ant{ t curtain.the 4:\ !l:cienct' t("achcr, w;)s a ,i:;;;tor :':T0:1P. grades .5 anti 0, dlrC(tcu bv t:lcn a mo\ic "a=; 5ho\\n~ Iii We in.tilll without cJnllinl'

1 1 I. ,~ . r. .. Or in any way marriar theat 1 H~ <l5t cu J mtelmg. ~,;J,0ml ~onc-s. ------------- 1_'f.ee of the firepl.ce.

Tr ... 1>I,.PTA Meelo - --------- t See Our Full Line of Fireplace FurnitureTlte Tromhly PT.\ mcets Tlle-- Pro ..e a. Worth,. •• Th ..y Ar .. ! ••••••••••••• t Manufaelared .nd Sold By

da). e\"entn~. :'Iarch 14, at 7 :4.; p.m. j -Men Who Make • Cold.n Star I Ladies Dresses 111 ~~~:~I;SMA~E:r~v:~U~~~;, ;i~:

A Famous Recipe ~:=:= ;'Me:tr.~~~"''' \ _onion ... jlh 14 cup~G=N:'~ :i1f,~ ~~. fit's SMART to

IT MARY BLArE ~:,'7;::bull";" ::::~;.a:~ BeO.ueatinf~dIlY ,:: '~)"" t. be SEEN at theHc-e s.rnc. o.parhzl_t onion, qu',,:'l pppp.- .... b:("cd CTum~.... ICa::nlatiOD. Compa'F H-ot thoro..:ah:'r'. Rpmoy", SM:." tmd

::::e~.'.'O;:;,~'~il~~:g~,~,~'.::,,~~and I 0 I NT<h .. ", ""d I 'b"l'. h.,:t",. Pl"c. ",. PiniShed.: i:'t"rnO',tlj It:"..... rs o! fl!l:h 'n':'ll"Il'l'1!' l:l

burtf'r ..d b<::1ci1'lq d ~h, ,,-prink: .. q..r.-"O"':y ...."h 'h ...... mid dot ... "h 1 Send U.tsp bu'!('T'. U:'ll:l c:' 01''' ll.l"d+ 'Bait.h tt rn0<1r:-~18 O.Nl at 3,:JO- r~ for Your:J~ 40 lnJl. . .s~r'l"«". 6. BEST

Garments•i 15218E. Jefferson++,j



16118 E. Warren .t Bedford ttf No Cover, AdmillSion Or Minimum Lharrel Except Wel'kf'nd.

~ 4._ _..~ ~~-.-....., • I


Notie<> to Ma.o".

Poet's Corner

Nul time ........ Slroh',Bohemian B. eor - .JHie .....,.... • im eo th_.It",. .. '..,iU i".i.t on .hi.Fi" Brew",. rood talt-inr bn-er ......

Tryit-It's Grand!



Defense Plant\Vorkers UrgedTo Ride Together


Res;d.c:nt! of Gratiot townshipwho ha~'e neWi items for TheGrosse Pointe Re\'i~w should lea\'etheir inrormation with AI Claire19138 Kenosha, AR. 5896: MichaelSkmda, 19130 KCiosha, AR. 0927, orEric Newman, 18562 iValhtenaw,PRo 5521.

!If... HlIrbert S. Weber an<lHenry, her son, hal'e returned to

i Cadieux road irom Xew Orleans.\I hue the)' h.. e been \'acalionini'~he poilst 5ix "r~k5.

Hail to the Her_Hail 10 the hero~s o,'er there

\Vho are figl1fing Yal!a!1tr~.To make the world a safer place

For all democracy.But don't forget tilat O\'er here

Are mall)' heroes, too,Who \I'ork and sweat and donate

mudtFor the Stars and Stripes and you.

"'e hal'e to hue men o\'er thereTo keep OUr lair shores free;

\\"e\'e got to han them here as,,'ell

To prodUCe for libert) ..Lest we forget. they're otbers.too

Air wardens and Red Crol!.Without their gladly gi\'en time

We'd be fighling at a loss.So let's wake up America;

Fight hard - 'tis freedom's c'al1.They've picked tbemseh'u a foe

I that's tough.Our back's against the ,,'all.

Don't slaCken up a little bit'Til we whip those Yellow s"ine,

Then let's take dte; Hitler's mobAnd put thelD ICI'p'" the RhUI.e..

Thea _,-toe _'Ii h&.... ' peace apin,The ... or14' 6nd nberty.

Put on your hat"":you're up to batFor our Demcx:racy.


Residents of Chatham \"illage are

)taking advantage of the nine f(et ofground recently added to the rear or

~ !h~ir loh h,r tl, ... ,.'2"""~;-_ ...f ~t._ .. f

iP. ley's to pla~t de-fen-s-e-~.~~d;~s:..-Ti,'enine feet timl's the \\'idth oi the lotpro' ides a con ... r.ient as well as anattract;, e site for O(lch gardens.

~rasons \\"1", ~'sire to \'i,it .. day.~ 1i<;"t lodge arl' re'luested to cail Eric(a

IX('\\man at PRol;pcct 3~21. Th~lodge is held Her)' Tuesday marn-

rei ing at 10 o'clock in Ih~ Mason:c@ Ttmple.l~ - _


PETER PAN LAUNDRYCo,..&ete BM:heJor Ser9iceMeadiD, ....I D.nai .. , Fre ..

FAMILY WASHFl.t Piece. Iro..- 95c

15 ,....... •1$21$Mad: Aft. TU, Z.III'

w" ....,. U1Deral ... d kodak. forca.... Let u. appr.ioe J"oar cam-era. I

~~Soldo ..EuyT~POINTE CAMERA SHOPIJ311 E ..... If"no" LE. N7.

CHAS, A. RONZIOOppooite Ciaderella Tioeatro

CASH-For YourCamera -., ., .,. . .

\Vith only two more weeks to flOon their schedule, Pryor Bros.

A program of co.operative trans- cllllched first place for the season by

Iportation for l,'l"!ory workers in "ol~in", tlleir nine point lead. Pr) orGratiot townshi!, i< being organized Bros. and ~[istele Coal made it •here uy the Ed't Park ~Ianor Civic draw Friday night when they cachleague. took two points. Pryors took the

., ~.. . • , ., , .. ,. ,', '1'

IInl \...141L~, yl ~:)HJt:IH. lld.~ uc:r:n 11l5~ S.,UC .:illY U:"'.1l puh \\ llile .\ IS.

; asked bl' a number of re ,idents to tele took the second and third gamesorganize a system whereby those by narro\\' margins. Prror had a 205

Iworking III the same plant. call ride game while Lang had 5SS in three

" "ith one dri, er or rotate thl" ",e of with a high .'(ame of 201. For ~llS-C b' Duart W d' their car., in order to consen t '"es. tele, J{oek had 343 with a hegh game

OlD me a ave .an t I "There are many \\orkers. '''d' oi 216. Chatllam Village took 'breeas Feather Cut for S p r I n I + 010\ ed in the 'ame "Ianl'. 11"1'0 ~",,'t ,points from Houtekiers. :-'htschang

; dUU'ine... + I'k' hI". LI ' . d f CI' . I 'SOI + now l at t .1('lr n(.~,-:'I )('ll ~ \,. t .; • ~tarre Or liltlam Wit 1.. ,:1REID'S + lhere, too,"' Claire declared. .B, ,<>ricS '\lth Illgh games 01 213 and• t g~t!in.F: !ogethe:", a m~ll1~lt: ". r \ ; 214. \\geitrnberner t"arne out of tbrirBEAUTY SALON t may dri\'e to and from \lork with I sh,mp and took three points from1611'" M ck Bedf d lone another. thus sa, ing botn tires tile Dall n Patrol team. Standings

.. a near or and automobiles in line with the <Ie- iollo\\':TU. 2-7178 . fense effort. :-.ran\' mcn, for' ex- \\' L

ample, are work;n~ at tither the I Pr)'or Bros 70 4Ztank pl~nt or the gun plant, and I :-'Iislele. Coal ".. 61 SIcould rIde to and fwm work 1<,- IJoutek,er ,,"..,,__ 37 5Sgether." \\'eitenberner _ 53 59Those interested in this mo,'ernent Cbatham \'iIIage 51 (.1are asked to call AI Claire at AR. Dawn Palrol "__ ,, 44 685986. ------- I

~hl. C. Jo,~ph Betan;:~r, of Bed,iord roa~. wa sho,tess at a bridaelunclleon on Friday for 12 guesU.

Bu,. D.f." ..

Townahip SupervisorTown.hip ClerkTown.hip TreasurerFour (4) ConltablesJustice of PeaceBoard of Review

Particular People Prefer



ElGE~E PIOR7'ACK, }Town.hip Oerk. :~

'c;~, I

~~~~~J!.~i.:~." ..:~,~ ..~~~.~~rt~r~J~~~U'!2,~~

.uA. J. Forster

BKa"" they are auured of the mo.t eare-fuI d-.ainW serna OIl the beat and lateat ma-c:hiaer)'.

s.w.. er- Poiale for 14 V....

e.t Aaeric:an E .........M."J" Order. HeN

hlected' Fredl DreuedP.u1try E..... J" Da,.

F...1Ia FiohR_i ...dTwac. WHId,.

Je-eler &: Optometri.tlUll CHARLEVOIX

AI CJaabo .... 1LENOX 537.

..... ..."., u.- of E.H£ZW _ ." T COOD COAL" Since 1114

!HeIr of -'-'ca'. HIe.. v , .............v..., at. "OrIPMJ" ........ret'l! er s- s.a-.,. CoIre e...-lior StoMa-k....,. _ ~ stea- ,.... w... ea.-I

AM ,. A~ lM1 D..J. c.&-Iu.

BAKER ..WHILDIN COAL CO.PLaza 8580~:::: w"'e;:::: 11000 Hem

.ad that the poll. for said election .hall be open from7:.. o'clock in the forenoon until 8:" o'clock in the eve-- .. , Eaatem Standard Time. for the purpose of electingtIae following officers:

INotice of AnnualElection

You .re further notified th.t the following placesfor said Election sh.1I be III followl:

Precinct No, I-Election Booth, Harper Avenue, betweenVernier Road Illnd Anita.

Precinct No. 2- Township Office, 19764 Harper Avenue.comer MlInchester.

Pftcinct No. 3-Easlwood Schoo', 19445 Eastwood Drive.


< To The Qualified Eledora~TOWIUhip of Gratiot, Wayne County, Michigan

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual: Election will be held in the Townahip of Gratiot, Wayne~Coaaty, Michiran, on

Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940... · 2006. 2. 28. · ~~:t I l:.)~il:;e \....., p.-.•:,." ..q:;aiity,",I ~ro-• ,.' 1:: "" .- (: t''"


Wayne County, Michigan

Township Supervisor \Township ClerkTownship TreasurerFour (4) ConstablesJustice of the PeaceCommissioner of HighwaysMember of Board of Review


l-South end of the Robert Trolllhly SdtooL2-North end of the Ro&ert Tromhly SchooL3-The South .ide of Jdenon A"eauc _tw_

Balfour Road and W •• tch .. ter Road.VOTING PRECINCT NO.4-The Southwest comer of Jeff...- AnInIe

aDd Park Laue.VOTING PRECINCT NO.5-Municipal Buildinr, Jefferson aDd Mary ....

Avenues.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 6-Someraet ROIld and St. Paul AftDue.VOTING PRECINCT NO.7-South .ide of St. Paul Avenue hetWeeD

Tbree Mile Drive aDd Audubon ~ft.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 8--Kerc:heval Avenue and Biahop Avenue.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 9-Th. East end of the Defer School.VOTING PRECINCT NO. IO-Pierce Sch:ooLVOTING PRECINCT NO. II-The Weat end of the Defer School.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 12--Charlevois Av~,u! between Maryland A_

nu. and L.lI:epointe Avenue.VOTING PRECINCT NO. l3-CbarleYoix Avenue between Lakepoiztte An-

nue and Beaconafield Avena.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 14-South side of Mack Avenue .... Wl'lell Buck.

ingham Road and Berkabire ROIld.VOTING PRECINCT NO. IS-The Southeast comer of Whittier Road _

Mack Avenue.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 16-Th. East end of the Gabriel Richard Sc:boolVOTING PRECINCT NO. 17-Kerchenl Avenue between Moran ROIld and

Meniweather Avenue.VOTING PRECINCT NO_ l3-Grosse Pointe Farms Municipal Buildinl.VOTING PRECINCT NO, I9-The Wellt end of the Gabriel Richard SchooLVOTING PRECINCT NO. 2O-Kerhy ROlld West of Beaupn ROIld.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 21-Mack Avenue at Moran Road.VOTIN(; PRECINCT NO. 22-The Mason School.

VOTING PRECINCT NO. 23-Gr05le Pointe Woods Municipal Builclinr.VOTING PRECINCT NO. 24-CrOlSe Pointe Shores Municipal Buildinr.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tnat the Annual Electionwill be held in the Town.hip of GroBle Pointe, Wayne County,.Michigan, on


and that the poll. for laid Election shall be open from 7o'cl9dl:in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the evenina', Eaatem Stana&rdTime, for the purpose of electing the following officer.:

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the polling pIacafor Kid Election .hall be a. follow.:

Monday, April 6th, 1942

Grosse Pointe Township

YOU ARE FURTHER NOT I FIE D that the annualmeeting of the Town.hip Elect ora will be held at the TownlhipOffices in the Municipal Building, Grosse Pointe Park, Michi-gan. on Monday. April 6th, 1942, at 1:00 o'dock in the afternoon


Ea.tern Standar~'" "'e, (or the transaction of the bu.ineu of theTownship which, egally be transacted thereat.


Typical 01 the po,itions found lor i there were 60 foll-llmc placements i WIth office machin, \rdllld'j!girls are opportunities in store, a, I and 4-l part time placements. There: In order to apply for a politiotl,Ierk. and office job. including sec- u,ually are a surplu, 01 call. lor I' through the placement bureall, alretanal <witch board and liIing po". ,tudents to fill odd job, (house- app.hcation ~Ian~ is filled .Ollt de-tJOns. work in p~rticular), and ,ome full. noting qualifIcations and Illterelta

5"",1,,0 of Job. tIme job, can not be filled becaule 1.0 tha.! students may .be employedDuring 194(H941, the most sue. "I a lack of boys with typewritinR I to their own and their employer'.

cessful year the bureau ha' had, a"d mechan,cal drawing. and girls advantage.


girl.IAllll~ JllglI "Ill~()()lIITutJlt-tlI"1:Jlld !J(!\ "'.

Th" lIlornlJlg ~ara Beeler. 11.\,alld J)oug <.; ra 10.1111. 121'., weill to~lollroe from Gro»e Pointe for an.other forum. Wyandotte also at-tended, The subject was Ihe respon.sibililies of ,tudent~ in the school$of a demQCracy.

In AlJril the two flll.il discussionswill be held in the form of panels.In a panel the ,peakers discuss gen-er" a"igned tovic. ,'ery infOrmallY"The purpose ts not to sohe theproblems dlscu>sed, but rather to I.eTl'e a. a means 01 helping the stu-dent express his own ideas and helphim think toward an understanding01 the problem

In a forum Ihe purpose is the,same, but the method is different,

Inslead of an informal diseuuion,members of a forum speak on as.signed topics which have been pre-pared previously.

The .peech program of Ihis Springis a part of the regular lorensicse"tca-curricular actilit)' offered atGro.se Pointe high school. In theFall and \Vinter during the first se-Inester, the debating season is held,with regular league debates. In theSpring the above described discus.sion programs are held.

Burt'8U ProvidesJobs for Siudents

Broilers - FryeraStewine Hena

Fowl. D.... ed F..ee Whil. Yo"Wait


17624 Mack near UniversityNI.8i44 We Deli.e. '


NI •• n.5 .. CIoaUooI "'oI_i .. _ ...

I 1/ ~


IElectric Motor Repair

DUNCAN. MacNICOL I1.21 e...rleyoi" at W.,..,,", !

INi.hto. 5 ..... ,.• ., Holi.,..

ITR.2- ....

TUxedo 2.1151i

Pointe WomenComplete TrainingAs Nurses' Aides


I "~Ialter" II ill be the suujert "Ithe IClSon-sermon in all Chri,tianSCIence churches throul:hout the

I world on Sunday, March 22.The golden text (l Cor. 7 '31) b:

"The fashion 01 this worJd pa,sethaway."

,"mona- tht Bible dlations i, tlmpa»a.<:e (Psalm, 102:11, 12): "~lyda)', are like a shadow that decliu-elh; and I am withered like grass.But Ihou, 0 Lord, .halt endure forel'er; and thy rememberance unloaJI !lenerations."

Last ...eek, caps. insignia and pinswere. a"arded to several GrossePointe women as they completed an8O-hour course is volunleer nunes'aides.

These ,,'omen are serving the RedCross in a \"Cry n«essary andworth"hile manner. They are Irain.ed five mornings a week for sixweeks, to reliel'e graduate nursesfrom some: of the routine work, ,uchas bed baths, feeding helpless pati-ents, preparing medical Irays, takingcare 01 temperature, pulse and res. D........ ,.. K--.I D....... I B",pi ration, admitting and discharging Defe." Bow Ipatients and general care for in.fants, chronic eases and the aged. Bu)' .. d K.. p Def_ ...... Till

The course is open to all women M.tlII"it,!between the ages di 18 and 50 """r-are 1Il good health and are not oth.erwise emj>lored, The first threeweeks 01 the training is taken atHarper hospilal. and the {ollowingthree weeks, the students are sentto other Detroit hospitals for actual "I want a job." That thought isexperience with patients, "'orking running tllro1.lgh the minds of manyunder trained nurses. of the graduates of Grosse Pointe

Mrs. James McEvoy, of Burns High School. They have completedavenue, and Mrs_ Carl Grown, of their courses this )'ear and are 1I0W

Yorkshire road, are in charge of the ready to take their place in a largerprogram. Mrs. J. Harold Meech, of school-that of life.2033 Country Club drive, Grosse An excellent help in answeringPointe \Voods, is one of the volun- the question, "Where can I find ateer teachers, position?" i. the Grosse Pointe

The Grosse Pointe women who High School's placement bureau un.ha\"C successfully finished the course, der the supervision of Charles Salt.and who are now set"ving one or two zer, assistant principal. The place'days a week in Detroit hospitals menl service is not limited to theare: graduates 01 this ).ear, but students

~fjss Martha Oise, 685 Rivard who hue been placed and haveboulevard; Mrs. John H. Gardner. lost their jobs or find their work395 Fisher road ;~iS' Geraldine unsatisfactory are also assisted illHigbie, 246 Lakela d; ~[rs. Philip fir.ding a more suitable position,Hilbert, 515 Uni,'~ ity; Miss Betsy. N. Ser'rice CJwu.,.Holton, 1008 Bi•. 01'; Miss Lois Thrre is, of eourse •. no charge~[urphy, fm BalibuT; Mrs. S. Reed. for advice and aid, nor is the place.346 Hillcrest; Mr Denmead Sewell, ment ,en'ire connecled in any man.lSl Kenwood; tuse Piuro; de 11er ....ith an emplo)'ment alleney. ItRosang, 752 Tro bley; Miss Belly is all independent organlzatiorlSmith, 3505 Alldu n; Mrs. Robert wh~cl, receives its .calls from firmsG Waldron 532 niversity place' wluch have ,'acancles that IludentsMis; Adev; Wr' t, JO Be,'erly; ar,e capable of filling. Grosse Pointeand Miss Brigit Valentiner J? IHlI'h School stadenls have acqniredLakeshore. ' - a good reputatio~ with. these I1rms,

AnI' one desiri more informa. a~d they so~etlmes hire studentstion ~boul the nurs 'aides mal' caU ,..,thout referr'ng I') the b.llreau: i~!rs. Carl Grown, at Red Cross Beys ha\'e b~en placed In oHlces I

? as messengers, In {oUow-up work atheadquarters. _163 st Jefferson, Or d .' b d d - b k " IMrs, J. Ha.rold Me h,2OJJ Country ra~\~ng oar s an In cok eeplngClub, telephone T xedo 2-4tl8O. po'ltlon,. They . have aLso been

placed as apprentices and as ,.'Orlc.ers in factories.


With TheMen in Service




St. J?-mes Lutheran church ofGrosse Pointe worships erery Sun.dal' in the Punch and Judy thealre.Tl,. morning sen'ice is at 11 a.m.Sunday school is at 9 :45 a.m. SerenSunday school pupils were awardedgold.filled shield crosses last Sun-day for 18 months perfect attend •ance. These ehidren are: DonnaDahlen, MuH)'n Fa u s I. EvelynMann, Barbara Mann, William?\eeb, LUlher :!\eeb, and Mary AnnWilliams. ?\ext Sunday Ihe Rev.George E. Kurz, pastor, will preachanother in a .eries of special L1ntenmeditations. 51. James LuUkranchurch will hold 1& sllecial Good fri-day service iB the PUllch I&udJudytheatre, beginnin&" at 12:JO p.m. witha solemn music meditation, the or-der of \\'orship beginning at 1 p.mVisitor' are a!'lrays welcome at 51.]ames churCh.

WI .wt__ .... Plollip

The Rev, R. 0, Linhart, pastor;the Rev, G. Heidmann. assistant.

Divine sen-ice 10:45 am. Church Doctor Scott Warn.sc hool 9: IS.

The last in the series of .ermons IOf Complacencyon "Gospel Portraits of Jesus" ...illl Toward War in Talkbe delil'ered Sunday morning. Thepastor will use as his theme; "TheDi,'ine Saviour" 011 the basis of theGo~pel of St. John.

"\\'hat Is My Destiny?" is tilesermOn theme for the final mid.week Lenten sen';ce next \\-ednes-da" enning at 8 o'c1ock under theKeneral theme: "The Cross Is God'sAnswer:' A cordial inl'italion i. ex-tended to all to worship at theCross.

Adult illStmction lecture, prepara-tory to confirmation each Mond.yel"ening at 8 o'clock.

Junior Luthcr Lea!(uc meetingSnnda.\" cnning at 7 o'clork.

t I

I I •••• II

• t • I •••




l'\URSERY SCHOOL - for littleDeop!e. two and one. half to .ix

'ears. Tramportalion l\'~j1able. NI.0861

IT'S NEW - ReSoct •• LoW1l .. " ....be.... Plai. aad U.ht..L R_ ... Weprice. Aolr ... ~ ;t.

~O CHARGE-!"'or insoectinll ra-dios in home, If serviced $1.50 C

S. Brooks Radio Sen'ice and EquiD-ment. 341 Fisher oDoo.ite hi..hschool. Nl. 6110.


EDGE\i'OOD ARSEXAL, MD.- And)' Speed, whose home is at575 LakeShore drire. Grosse PointeShores, has been promoted from pri-,'ale to corporal in Company' C. ~n-listed replacement training center,Chemical \Varlare serl'ice, this sta-tion.Three months in the army beforehe ""on 'his ,tripes, Corporal Speedwas inducted at Fort Custer, Dec.S. 1941. He was with the power andsale.s department of II,. Detccit Ed-i,on company in civilian life.

Attending Grosse Pointe highschOOl and the Georgia School ofTechnology, Corporal Speed was a

•• J~tterman in swimming in bbth highReo. NI ..... 3C24 LE ..o. 8411 school and varsity competition. He- Alter R..... 151.. KeftlMftI was also a member of Ihe riRe team.


Reprocl.dl.... 01 ,... foa1.altwe-.de 10 ~ADJ' .~. or .-IooiR_ooIeJjq. R-ma.. R.&.u1Uq


8902 Charlevoix LE. '384


V.l"",. FiaUIo


14 Lbs. 99cAll flab iadudinl welker-dtiefa IkwatifaU, ironed.A Complet. Bachelor SenieeW. Specie'.. ia Curt.aiu


,.. Cop1ia LE. 6373Free DeIi"er)'

Devils EliminatedIn First Round




IfllllllTftDl Steel, for permanency

1111"11 Pi~ket. for beautyWrre, for economy

M.terials or ErectionCrolloe. Un. POOh. St~r or Wood, P.nn .... "t or R... on"r.


_"... y_,_'_fa_rc_h_I_9_,_19_4~ T f:I_~_G_R_ ~ S _~_ ~_._p_O_J _N2__E_' ~_R_E_V_I _E_\~~V ,

f.OST-Black Cock,'r ~naniel. male,"n," er~ to name Pedro. l~(IIard.

:s l. 9QIO.839 Bediord Road...... __ ._- - --_. ----

L\DY - Wi,h" curtain and finewashing, to do at home. ""ork

guaranteel!. Tl' 2-6051. 5519 \\'ood-hall Altnu,. Detr"it ~lichi!(an.

LOST-Februarv 25th. Fox Terrier. FJ\'E OR - Si.<-room hOIl.. infemale. while '" ith brown around Grosse Pointe section. Will pn

no:uN! ears, Small brown ;pot on cd,h lor ,'~uitl'. Owncr; only. Cailhea4- LURe bro\\n .pot all back, ~!. 4472 atter 6, pm.I'bort tail. ]0 \'t:U'~ old. ~3ln('d TlP~ ~--n. Rc:\\'ard $10. LEnox 2181. ELECTRICAL

LOST_l..adyl~ ~old wri~~~rl-I.~ I ELECfRICIAN _ Lkenc,ed. ~1c!ast ThursdaL I idOltv of :-':elf mvself. Wirinll and repairs, fans

ttoad between 51. Pa,,1 and Jeff ..r, floor lamp •. motor,. switche •. ,teo.'lOll. Reward, Tl'. 2.2158. nver hot water eon trois. wall oluA".

Vacuum deaner sen.jce. Prompt andreliable Call anI' time. PLaza 9527

Sergeant Floyd Nugent, .on of~I r,. Blanche Nugent. of MarylandavenUt, has r<turne" to act;,'e dutywith the 183nd field artillery at FortLeonard Wood, Mo. Sgt. /Iougentwas released in October, 1941, underthe "over 28 years" prol'ision, butafter the attack on Pearl Harbor hereturned to his position as technicalsergeant with the sen'ice haltery of

Paiatia, anll Decoratioa _ the firsl battalion. Silt. t\ugent is~tuatioDa Wantecl--Femal. Guaranteed workmanshio and ma. a graduate 01 Grosse Pointe high

-- Co~r PLETE - Deeoratinl( sen'ice. ,ehool.RELIABLE-CoIMe,! ~jrL General. t '1 (1'0 . Iera, I> U,,, vears exoerlence. Robert~!. Schmuet IS now ita.weeks. dal'S. Ii, e in or home Estimate, free. Have vour work

night •. Good \lorker. Reference~. done now. F~iA time pavment .f tioned with the technical schoolfL 3808 de,ired. \Vm. Loader. TU. 2-7143. squadron at the army air ba,e at

;1 - JNTiR-IOR _ And exterior Jefferson Barracks, }.{o. Schmucttlecoratinll. P:iperhanll'inll" a soe- left Feb. 3 with the draft and was

daltv. WorkmanshIP and malerial sent to Jeffer,on Barrack. afterabsolu!e1v lnlaranteed. E~timale, spending a week at the army recep-and rea~onable Drice,. Hawiev. NI tion center at Fort Custer. He is__Z'l_60. _ ,~ _ the son of Mr. and ~!rs. Bruno

SC:lInuet, of 5107 Baflour.• • •

SIT \\"TD-~IAI.F.G"'RnF.~ PLO\\'JXG-Call ~Ia!(a.

ra 3269. !\nllUr Socia.



Cl.ERKS \\".-\~TED-~hle or Ie-mal<:'. Stead,. e!llploymen!, ll"ood

wages. Grocerie; or meats. "f}r1y!ltana"er. C. F. Smitl1 Store. 20%2~hclc "'lI'enue. g a.m. to 6 p.m.

XOTTIXGHA~r. 1423 - Brick fi,'eroom; nn nr<t floor. One bedroom

on second floor. Tile bath. Good con-lIition. :!\1. 8.131,

FOR SALE-Miacellaneous


GAR.\GE-For rent or storaRe j;lltoff lelfcrSOll .'henue. Call ~IL"r-

ray 74&,.

Fll;G rOXG TABLE-Ail c(l\Jip~ment, practicallv new. Telephone

LEnox 3398. S41 Lakepointe. _

BOY'S 24-I:\CH - Bicycle. G"odcondition, ~I\l, :\'1. 4091. 17130 St,


WILL SELL-Good maple tree, 20feet hi!?h, $15. Yard is too crowd-

ed. Call XI. 3872.

TWO SKIX-Stone ~[artcn ;car!.$6. Girl', fur coat. Iberian Beaver.

'lood condition. Size 12-14. $15. co;t$ro. TV, 2-6235,

NI~E.PIECE-Dininll room suite.walnut. Good condition, rea50n-

able. ARlin!?ton 3028.

FRE:\'CH-Pro"encial li!?ht mallo!?-anv hand made needlepoint foot-

.~toal. or can be used as an ottoman.LEnox 6'921.

FOR RENT -Fu....w. ....

NEW LOWER - Beautifullv furn-ished, five-room incolll~. Rem or

!h:u'e "it!l coup!t> or fad~~.' Rricr ..~nre;. PRosreet 2'9-14. 10 a,m: to 4p.m. " GroSSe Pointe high.s Y3rsit~. ca&".

R:£..NT. ers finished the 1941-~2 Season aR90M-FOR 0 ' week ago Wednesday "hen they

ROO~[ - Home pril'ileKeS~icely dropped out in the first round offurni'hed home. Bminess woman the regional tournament at Fern-

or couple. ~olllerset between Char-: dale.levai" and ~lack Excellent trans., Iportation. :\'L .1251elfnin~s or Sun-, Conquerors of the Poinlers for theda\5. '."rcond 'mcccssive )ear w~re the~t to \ (" " n,-v''II'" ".'.l~ ....I. ,~ t Pcmti:<or ('hi" f .. If n\\ "'.-"f' t}'i~ ~ "':lr'c;• -_ ''''' __ '' .......... u .. 1

fa mil v. Go (> rI tr;w'rortal.on., 3O-2J 10;, \\a, not a~ had as lastBeach ron\'ilel:rs in ~mnll1er. rl1on~ ,ea.or "1-21 drublJing.~I. 143i. I Chief contributor to 1l1e Del iI's:R(){)),I-In pri,ale jalllih in Grosse lIo\\niall was Center RO\\f \\ho

Pointe. riJ(ht off oj .klferson _'he- .eem~d to control boti! hoc\"boards.nue. ~I erra\' (1-551>. Four tip.in follow-up shots and

thrce pivot ,hots gal'e Rowe a totalof 14 points ior the e\'~ning.


Thr r{"~t'T\ ('.:, \('lmpl~t"rl :;I milchhr::rf r('rr'lrcf '!1\ ~ll~ proml"e for

HiR"h~"t rl""\.(" '''-';i d \Ir ":lIt~r.': ~t;i~.... \ {""(lr ... ilI:l('d'T. Tlt(" rr",rf\(''::' "(In 11,Inri <" l(lr .., 1 rl"'r~1('II1t cal. \\ ,1J lInl1'=' . . ~ .tn: t,~ \1" 'mmr-rll,i:rly" Of r~("p'lnnr (Inti ]oe,t hll~ :\\('101 a b-t;,lilH' "',~,l('rl-TY~c' 4-3'.2.~ 11~(,.

Dr. PresIon H, Scott, head of thespcecll department at \\'ayne uni.•• ..::i ....~i._~, g.\C • raik about .'uciens.C'in Our Community" at Ihe GrossePointe high school assembly lastFriday ior tile senior student;.

Doctor Scolt emphasized Ihe lac:that t!,e communities in GrossePointe and Detroit hal"C not taken"this war bus i n ~ $ s" seriouslyenough.

The following questions were putto the student, by Doctor SCOlt;"How many of ~our home, could beblacked out in lhe requ;ccd 10 min-utes? \\'hat rOOms ha"e ~'ou seta,ide for air raids? And h,,'e yousufiicient watcr buckets, blankeuand first.a id equipment ready inca.,e Ihe Japs ,hould penetrate Ourh()mes:"

OffIces and nepartmenl stortSha\ e preparcd them,eh es \\ell indol' nlown DetrOIt and a display"indow at a downto\\n srort showsho\\' an inc~nrl,.ry homb i. to heo.l;lIgtll<heti.

"People ., ind1l,<!u"l. hale n~t:dh.~n pn"C4.1l110no; an(j .L'(' not ~\\aketo the j;llt oi 'r0~"ihl{" arr raid,,"he ~t4.trd. "\\ t mu .. t nnt he ("aaR'll~ S TOP _dlnn ,jind r,lc'l 1l1c11\Idll.iJT mll~l rr~. L 0 0 K _:1/(' th~l lill:; I .. 'nar.' l1nt 'pl~\ ~ .,

-----,- ,-----~- LIS TEN

Students Consider PLAIN SKIRTS Ii Ir."

Place of Schools ~~~: and 3ScEAS~~1:~~J:lJBY- In Democ~~cy NEFF CLEANERS

...,.dd('n .... rr{)nl Cr\l."r P~l Ill!'" II .....l I w~ Pick Up and Dttli ...er 00Established INt Plan 2SSt "4' "' '- "";''', <, ,,,,': .1,'-,,, .<,I'(K,I >rr p.l-: r ~.' ',<:; "1 • "'.".\ TU. 2.7270 17457 Mack at Neff

------ __ ....._1] \\.\ r ( 1(';" n:f,Wf'l' r"i f\"'lr 'm find r~"d rl <":,,,;0,,( ;" '~:lI "TIM Quality That Cou"h"'7';;"7';::-::;-::-:-"::"'~~~~~~~r:!I~J~lE~r~~~~~Jf;'F!rC~~ 11 ('fl ~ rl' ric",. !tl""~ '1 ()"I~ r C':1rr (c!,N' ..l" '11 ~"'f Rr"'~rif" ( . roc.. ~__ ,_

'0- ~---- ~. P .' Ii.....". i M.k. CASH Whil ...iRe '~air ~::eServi eel' r~..,~~,~I:(.~~'::'n;-: :'",., Tee r ",'nm~n~;~~~:d~:,::r:°t,~U'~~:~~,~:;:;h:lcl~"'::n~:h~::';:t:}'~~~'-=- & ~ ""m~ !(\ b~ ~O:\ ~d b....~ dt'm::lcr."' .... ,r ~ •• .- (uJ,lem .. ,. ,.,aill". fLOW~, WASHE Co. IRONERS. VACUUM CLEANERS I~II ',""0.' ; '" ~.,. ,,'"';-; c.>: T" ~ lo-~m< ~nd I"~ 0 ?anr~!" '11' Br,._ rrnrnfl!i.t.l~ Ie.. ~ ( "~,"". ~ , ~ "'........~ r'l R )i"a:-:5 I.. • "," . •• I G,,() ... P61"t. R ... l. Sho",..• AUTLU\RrZED SALES AND SERVrCE I a,< been .1' d M s, \-.C:"" "I. 15527 Muk ne.r Se",uld' ",... • , I",;. P' •. , C'-. J!', (""." Pw. ma." :"em. bv 1:-. , .. ,,'", rnrl : _

Y M AVIAG ~i < ~Olel"i,:\','" mcr'" <"I 'I:" I,.: 1",,- .. 1;, "I \!.l., I, al GROSSE POINTE• 1'\.1 ~~ ., .. ,. I ,:,r ;".' ",. '.11 " 1 ': 'I' ,',., I LIVE POULTRY MARKET Township Clerk, Groue Pointe Town.hip, .

,. 'R,.,,, "., .•n! I"" .. , I",,, .. ",,,I r>1 W C t MO h. ~NI. 68 72 ~ If you WAn' .<> ,.11 th.t <KId po'" ;"., ',,: '''' ,~ '"., j I,. "" "',d' Sl,.;<tl~ F'...... F.1rI' I f~~ ayne oun y, Ie Igan. ~jCo!' of furnituTt" ale Ihp Rt",.it'w l.iner I r; \fc P"(" j~\, "f','~""'( ),(',1 Poult'rt Drf'''~ Wt..I., Yeti W.i' I~ ~

Wi!~~~~&~CtA";;':Ji:~ <olunm., I f"".,r )'''''''' jj,,:, d'" ,<',<I r" I L£. 3ft3 15117£. Jeffenoft ~~'~.w~)m;,::ti.:,,:&';1,[il:&';JJ1';~;~;e;.@~~~ ::::"'.~""'~:":"':5:.:-.:'U;';"-~,i::~~~Y:':.~~iJ@Ji~f~mJi~R~la_r5:J~:SJ~I~~•

WORKTXI; 1JOTfTERS - I 1'0\11 Ri" Cl,n Holt was high for theC'~re for your chllrlren in my Iwmc.

AKt'5 1\\0 to h\Oe y('ar~o 2o.!3h Kc.' lo(al.; \\ irh ~r\'('n point.;. boostingno'h~. '1'1'. 2-45413. hi, sr.son's total to 10i point< in 15------ ------- games. Glm, \llw \\ ill he hack ne"l

WANTED }ear, \\'as the season', high point-------------TR ..\:\SrORT.\TIO:-': - \\-.n:cd to man i0f Gm<se Pointe: lItld,on" ordn.nc, plan!. :\ine IT- . ~ . I d' II),[lle dlHi ~r(1unti R()~d !I"om \icinn\' hr hni1J , ~r.q~y rC"coro. lnc II :ngE:c:ili ~Iile ~'1(1 ~ra(k (,r0~",r r'Jint~ t;,~ regjon~l contc~t. rr.ds sc\cn 5eot:theA.r.t corn~r ("If Keifhc,.l"'oor!", l~il 1 L'. 2.8943 ~wnrll::'. \\In, .nd ~iRill lo<se,. Thi, is the and L.ke\\ood altnue<. 1'._ H. A.

tirst timc In man.'" }~ars th.t the Loeber. pastor. 1434 LakeI' ood a"e-n~\1l< ha'~e lini,hed helD>\ .500. nue. Telephone LEnox 2121.

The last of the cangreg.ation's1<)42Lenten .<rn ice' will take placen,,! \\'cdn,sday. ~lar,h 25, at 7 :45r m. OJ 11(" thtrne of th(" ,,("TmOn "111he' "Je.tl; Led .\\\2"'"

On Palm ~llnday. ~larri, 29.•ci<t~s (Ii chl'drtn a) \\('ll as a cIa""sof <t(L:l:" "n j;) Ill:' (On tlrmc-o. The(";tjlrlrc 1 \\11] he ll\':)hd~' c\o1n1ll1{""d on

l;'r dl'C:; i11(''' pi t:t(' ("1tlrC'l :n the,~r;,,\ :rr Ilr,t ~iin(j:4.~ mr"'lfn"n;;:o U;lrrh122.,: 111.; "',,,<1,.

Tit(' ~l1ndrlY .'it "0," \\,'1 he :11 H'(~<;~(ln i.llnl iH 1(~ 11 ('I,lNh..

\, 'U S En FCRXITCRE - Can bebou~ltt at reasonable prices far

'ca<h. You arrange delirery. Vanity,chiffirobe ~nd double bed in walnut.<tandard ,ize ~I'er,tuffed da,'el1porl,pl.in walnut finish iron ;in~le bed... 1<0 a full ;lud bab\" crib. Call XI.fl741.

-...... :l ............ =J="':..BOY'S-Practicalh. new t\\'o knkk-~. er suit. Size 12. ~. TU. 2-~.


, .

Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940... · 2006. 2. 28. · ~~:t I l:.)~il:;e \....., p.-.•:,." ..q:;aiity,",I ~ro-• ,.' 1:: "" .- (: t''"





Filled to Doctor'. 0rcI..

Ye., S e r vie e, apeUed.:with a capital "5," U ODe.of the mauy advaataa'es of ::Bob'lI Drugs. CoavementlyI 0 c • te d with p)eoty ofparkin, apace, an efficient ~and friendly .taJf i.alway.ready to carry out yourcOmmaDd.

Russell Curtain :LAUNDRY &: CLEANERS :.

147Z7 Kerch ... )


Specially De.ipated Diatrillo!tor by Liquor Cootrol ComemiNion.

BOB'SDRUGS21034 Mack


,wlnt lid scction h,s suc-ih r~lldcn for over III



Until you've triedto seU it

Through the Classified

~i!!li!!li!!li!!ll!!Ji!!ll!!\iUI5H3Fti* ...._._------ -- - -

Our modern shop, plu5 a factory-trainMpersonnel, ~uarantees you the most effi-cient service for your car and at a priceyot! can afford to pay. Collision s~r'l'ice aspecialty.


We Need Your Service Business

We Carry A Complete Line of Fertili ....... ~d Lawn See;I

Open for Your Convenience From 8 lUll. to t p.m.Tenn. If Desired



15000 KERCHf:YAL

LE.aox 5777Free Pickup IaDd DeliYeI'F

One pouad of KASCO DOG FOOD mixed wit], two poon<U of.....Ier ..... ke. tbr_ pound. of cIelicio... dog food. T],ink of it! 0..po ..nd of KASCO ........ mllc], dry food ingredient. u tb ...pouncla of wet canned dOll food or raw meat.

Reduce your do .. feeclinlr coato wit], KASCO DOC FOOD.

QUALITY FEED STOREHarper at Eight Mile Road TU. 2.0551

Buy Drof_ Rom. ritlkerloll.

II 1

Mrs. Robert C. Williams, of Har- Don't RuiD Curtaiaa ~yard road, 1\.il1 entertain at a tea By O,'eracilin.! ,todal' honori'lg bride-elect Mary rAil Now' _ LE. 1%75I . I . ,"

IDdividual,ex.';.... wrtIIiIIaDd drapery ........ ...dunin,. :I Dirty

Window Shades.poil your cleaD cllrtai".l

Replace Now Wit"



.1 ..... un CUTI

Standard WindowShade Company

15'15 E. Warren TU. 2-5441N...... Buck.iDllbam

Joe's Repair ShopI ISZl7 Ken:I.e .. 1 DR. 240tt!Will do that repair work for you......_1>Ie - From ..... e_nt to

roof - I U "Dd out.


Special!BLOOS~ 39Cleaned C

and. .Hand


I Cub, Carry and SaYe!

I Thll ... day, Friday a: Saturday

ALGERCLEANERSIIt2Z Kercla_a1. tal' E. Warre ..

3M3..... Plll'itaJiTU. t......TU. 2-1111, UN. 2-3311

1'1 ~:i Ii'

.. It of tJle adual J~nrtIJ of the allM.bly bllildiDI ia MOWll hi thepAoto. Ford will produe~ giant four.uriM COlUlOlidated 8-24 bo.Mr.ia the Willow Ron plut. Con.~tru..tioll work has advan ..ed eo rapidlya tool r_ already i. ia produdioll in the Dew .'ructure.

"I!:lr' '1..

I ;, n t .

\1 •',\ r r .... ,n >'

" "11 ,"1

I :•.

THE G R 0 SSE PO, N T ERE VIE W Thurse'la)', March 19, 1942---------------------_._-----------_.

~ • r •• ~ ,r

Huge Ford Bomber Plant in Michigan Takes Form

\ ,.•\ " i :i:l . :

THIS AERIAL PHOTO .hows the hUlll $47,*,000 bo.ber plutthe :Ford Motor COtIlpany is buildiDI' at Willow RuD, Ii~ar YplIilaati,Miell. In the !orepound i. th~ nearly eOJllpl~ted .ll1ufaeturinl ~.lion, ",'lIi..h fM •• the lower part of tbe "L" ahaped plant. Ollly

1 'c ~!

Alger Post, VFW ~~I~;" COlDlDuDity 5i"l _ 1 'ERSATZ ERA' WON'T BE SO BADN-E-W-S . .On Frida)' night a co~~unilY sing AFfER ALL CHEM PROF INSISTS",11 be held at the ~e!glJborhood, ,

-- I duh for all people in the commun-I •Last week, in. this column, ~ve' it)'. ~Iothers. dads. IJnc1es, aunts. . !.fT, PLEA~.'\8T -If, the grocer I "Examples can ~e multiplied by

spoke of the reVIval of th .. ser.',ce bol's and girls are all im'ited to join "Just can't get It for you' any more, thousands," Dr. FIlson says. HelIag, th .. same type of emblem found in this act;,'it),. The singing will be now that war shortages in many points cven 10 the rubber shortagein countless windows during the last under the direction of .Miss Mildred items are developing, don't worry -With its subsequent imposition 01"'orld War and to be displayed Knaggs. a teacher of music and a about it. A perfeclly satisfactory tire-rationing-as not likely to beagain to sholl' )'Ou ha,'e a fath<:t. et\'ilian defense worker. substitute is or soon -will be a,ail- permanent, howe"er long it shouldson or brother in the nation's armed Camp F .... Cirl. _ able. take to reopen America's supplyforces today. Your use of one of Hne ,'ou seen the display 01 the For the "ersa,z era" now com- lines to th .. Indies. The big gunsthese emblems will emphasize your flags 0[' our allies w!lich are n mencing, in the opinion of Dr. Mal. of modern industrial science, he te.

Iown pride in that member of your hanging in the gym of the N ..i o~: colm H. Filson. a"istant profe,sor minds, ha,'e been trained on thefamil! am.?ng t~e A~er~can dtl.~n~ •. borhood club? Those lIag, \\~;e of .. chemist.~y at ~entral }'fic~igan ~ro~lem _0.£ mass production of sny-ers. H Wlll .maKe au 01 us ~ IIll," painted by tne "'oakira Camp Fire I "'''''Il''. "Ill nOl oe as IOllgn as IneliC rUllber.more conscIous of the fact that GirJs of th .. !'\eighborhood club un. many folks 'e ..m to believe. Plutic. Replue MMaJ.there is a war going on, that sol- der the direction of ~frs Lindh In fact, Dr. Filson maintains, after "In the main," he insists, "ther ..diers. sailors and marines from this J..Dior ~D' _ • ' . ~Irs. American Housewife learns to is no reason to look for senous low-community are out there risking A I 'ld . h d use substitutes war shortages need ering of the American standard ojh. . f h f nv c 11 ren \\"s lIlg a gar en at • I' . f d dt elr llv..s or t ose 0 us at home. th ,:•. hb h d 1 b affect the a\'erage family's living 1\ lIlg, so ar as every ay nee s are

Th . II d" e ",eJg or 00 c u are request. d TI '11b hese sernce ags, are Istnbuted d t . h' I" .,Iandard lit-Ie if at all concerne. 'er .. WI e s ortages.. e 0 put In t e,r app ,calion. These ' •. f '.free of charge, by lhe national head- J' t' b b' Wb Not II Su'--"t t. 0 course; and lUconvemcnces, per.. app Ica Ions may e 0 talned at the y .....u u eo I h B h . .IquarteTS of t.ne VFW of the Umled de,k in the lobb . In food, in household utensils. in aps. u.t t ese are the. m""ltableStates, are In the form of a card y wearing apparel modern science h s accompaniment of warllme; theywith a whit .. background, a red and G de,'eloped sub:titutes for near~ may ruffl.. our tempers, but withblue border with a single star in the rosse Pointe e,'erything in ever)'day Use. Wh; adequate and. effectiv ... substitutescenter. The~ measure 6x9Vz inch ..s. Bus •.ness Men's not, for ..xample, slice the breakfast at. hand, ther.e IS no hkehhoo~, theyA blue star In the c ..nter of the fi ..ld oranges with a glass-bladed knife _ will unduly t,ghten our belts.denotes sen'ice within the bound- Bowling League pro,-ided of course the cutting edge Dr. Filson "iewed the del'elopmentaries of the Cnited States. The sil- is sharp' enough 'to do the 'ob? of plastics as substitutes for variousver star denotes sen'ic .. outside of \Vhat objection is there to proc~ssed mttals as one of tn: most signifi.the United Slat ..s, either on the high J"Dot'. LlUlcb hosiery and undertnings if these cant i..ature of the tImes.seas, in ~'nited, States possessions Flctcher 179 214 164 557 are both sheer and warm 'enough to ----- _or on fore,gn soil. A gold star means Madar __ . 144 180 154 479 suil milad)"s la,I .. ? Pointe Players Set IIthat member of your family has ~Iiesch ~__ 117 194 145 456 .

made the supreme sacrifice for his Quinn _- .. 138 216 200 m 6 Pointe'Students For Opening Night!countr) in tin'ie of 1\'ar, You may or- Van Hoor ..n ........ 157 170 146 473 Of Sch PIder which e,'er ,tar denotes the Given Degrees 001 aypreSent status of the soldier in your TOTALS 735 t7S 811 2521 . I

family. Xew sta:tl may be ordered to e:a....- AXN'.\RB MICH. _ Uw,'er- ".\ovarich," Spring pIa}' of Grossemeet ach t~ All'" if JOU woukt Sclrrock ---- 171 170 177 518 sity of Michi n degrees 1\'ere Po~te high school's dramatics dublike to han one of these emblems, Heintzelman -- 159 143 163 465 awarded to 4JS ud~nts at the clos.. \\~ll be present ..d by Pointe Player~all you have to do is mail yoar name !'\etschi<e -- 187 147 159 493 of the first s ster of the 1941-42 on ,March 25,27 and 28 in the schoolaad address along with the name Gillette .......- 169 153 184 50J h I I ddl' 56' auditorium. Th.. curtain Wl'11 b.and pres ..nt status of the soldier, to Thompson __ 194 233 162 589 sc 00 )'ur. lion dIplomas promptly at 8.'15 o'clock. •

H in nursing we appro,'ed by thethe Seaice Offir.er. Algcr Post No. andicap "' __ .M_. 11 11 11 JJ b TL HI' I 11oard of rege s. Graduating from "e _,"ot lers c ub wi again I995, VFW, 17145 St. Paul, Grosse .i.

Grosse Pointe ",ere: spon;or the Wednesday night per. I'Pointe. This is just one of the many TOTALS lItl 857 I5J _1 Ra)'mond E. €hambers,744 Rivard formance to b ..nefil the scholarship1\'ays in which the Veterans of For- f..ign. \Va .. is co.operating 'l...ith the I Cra!IIft Eledric boule,'ard, bachelor of arts; Cbarles undo Tickets mav b.. secured from

F. Parlhum, Jr., 1129 ~()llingham. ~lrs. H W. Reh';'.national government ••111 Ll,t Ileople Howc liJ 166 157 496 bachelor of art!; Harry ~L Kelsey. Donald Borton directs a cast thatof America both in times of war or ~runtz _ _- 187 190 146 523 1380 Ken,ington road, bachelor of has gone completely Russian, con-peace, The VFW was founded in Cramer --- 207 221 191 619 arls; John H. Wardwell, 16109 East sisting of Ted Johnston, Hank All!.1899 and is cbartered by congress Trombly M 192 165 146 503 Jefferson, bachelor of science in tin and Shirl ..y ....nderson, 12-""s:to function as a service and welfare Schippert _ 183 217 195 595 Rozanlle Rl'PP. '.lar)'orJ'

ALI'tlle, Tedchemical engineering; ~furiel O. .'.

order dedicated to th .. well.being of '.ogel, diploma in nursing; and 1hz. Souri_', Jim Ryan, Roger Shepard,America', soldiers. sailors and ma. TOTALS HZ '51 8352731 el \\' . .\lessner, ma,ter of arts. Pat Tobin and Ellen Hyde, 12B's; ~~tines and their families. All men in O..k Cle .._. Cal "ogt. ~Iarietta Lennan and =,--.--::::=-.------- --- _the active service, and lhe members J 16) C ~

une .. 190 II~ ~~81luttered Att•.cs DaH Kenna. !lA's; and ~rargo Son-of their families, are in,'ited to use McCarron 141 li8 ~, nem,n, 10."'. "tile s..rvice and welfare facilities of B )01 1M T f Bo

..aupre _~..... - ,'" 183 5M raps or mbs The slory takes place in a Parisi-the VF\" al any time. You are in- Peplinski _~ 202 167 243 6121 • an garrel where a iormer general'l'ited to get aCQuainled with Alger Tha)'er ~_ 192 152 175 519 I OCDChief Warns of Co'sack cal'alr~' (Cal YogI) andpost. Along thi, line. 'I'e ma" add -}-' d' I I .

" Ian lcap _... ...... I I I 3 ,lis wiic, a grand duene;s (Rozannethat the Ladies Auxiliar.1' of Alger- --L -- Rupp) have iun In ,pile oi rags andPost is functioning as a Red Cross TOTALS . 899 868 U7 21i54 Yir~ prevention-the c1eani"g out slan'alron.

unit. And if that father, son Or 01 alt,c, and cellars - tile prepara Itio f) " - Il a bonk lhc.'c 111'0 hal'e stowedb:~ther is on acth-e dtlty with the Croue Pointe Print;n,,' not 'e ,lome lor ~!1y emerg~nC'.' away 4,000.000 irancs inlrusted to

l.~'ted Sla.tes a rm.ed. force, On the I J)omen;c 131 1"3 IQ:l' - \\111 do mtlch 10 aId Ihc notIon', II '- . 1h ..I J '" ~()7 d' C . 'em U\' t.1C ate C7.lt and to heI" '. seas, In the l mted Slate, pos- I~laxman I2ti lJ2 124 .182 ~lclu;eG' ,eorge Elworlhy. chairman I"'orl io; RU<5ia's good

sess,ons Or On forei!:n soil. ).ou R. Oldham ~ 140 or t.e ro'se Pointe conncil of de. ..• ."h . 149 14.1 4~10 fcn.;e decl'red (Aua,' I _1"e I'lot dea,s w,th a merry chasemot cr., Slslers and daughters of H. Rell 14P 1',9 1" "" I

.. " '- SIi 413 I ,.F 1 , - • 0 Iter t lOse two bl' Ihe SO\ iet "hichscr.-ice men are eligible to join this Doniels .........~...... 221 I"" '10' .wn t.'ull~l1 "c hal'" (',rd. k' . ,r n - ti.,ililent

fi]. j " ma -;ng C\ cry po';;hle mo, e toaux, ,ary now, ii yOIl \'lish. Hannicap ........M.... 44 44 44 1.12 re I' C[,ar.lme,,,, em<rgC!1"lC5 take thc hllge fortune irom thcm

-XOR\'IX \\'Y.\TT may ea,; ,. an,c "hore ,di.',ch, I' t.' .- - II II)' - ., , t '.' pan,cd 1I,IIl a thousand tense _---------- TOTALS , BI. ,R&) S~~R23~"; ~Il r )e .most Irnp~')rt,lnt suer, 3'i moment,_ . .,~,..,.,_'_, .., ,

Ne.'ghbo h od CI b I' \\IlCIl lhc ~re dcpar:menl i, .." .ry I, . " .1 1r 0 U W ..rren-Yorlu],ire at 11 " . g ,c, T,lo," \\l'rkm<; hehll1d u,c 'ceno Broedell Plumb •.no- and Heati'ng ..al1n l('r nrc at a dl-.lan('(' or dc- "r ., .. i bN I.\llemang ._....... _. 1112 1(,(; 1<>4 ;", Idled b . 1Il Olarll'" arc: Ro;:,cr ~11cpard ,f . Iews ._-,. I' slorm" or 0111c",i,. prc 1'R I • COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE

I /'~Tein T.Q,.~!Il7 181 5i61 n;ltcd 'from rC'vonolll;: pr~mf'lh'- 1- ," - a,,, \ .~"h J.", kCllback 11.\, f TV 2 373

-- ro,s .." _ 130 ]71 1<>44<>,I '\mpl~ c -' I .' '~"\"'Il';.' IIan \\'Innlng-, 12B. ,lagc : _ _ 7-38 20752 MackJ) . " ... ,PC'r1('ncc ';H; pr0\.~ri th<t. d-Thtre is plent}' ('of excilement 't .etlIott - 1t>9 175 1.i6 SOO hoph.zud eff" ' manager; an Pat Gencmal~s, JriA,

J ft ,. I ~" '. '.'. or,s Or lIn,~r;tanI7cd n, rooerl"s. '.' CROSSE POINTE WOODSt~lt" rh.,' nn" t~". ~L,." ',."':l.-.": ",::0 .. '.. ,,_ .,ultrr 41 IO? 11",3 I h.. L.IJ" - <,.. ~, / ~.,~ i ': TlRlltfi:', tjl'1\\"t'\rr \\rll mr.an!, r •• •••• • ••

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I tr, 0i the ]e~l!llr. deica!eo t'le;r I -- I ..\\.c !'!-r to (':nk I;'": Illcrn,h;;,,- Subject of Talk I~:;,,:' f:: ~formfr a Im~ mrt:trr'", tC;Inl. t:l~ SL Korb'. Se"ice I!h1m!>" \\ ril not ia 11 (In ().lr hnm"~ T .;iPa"t " ;:1, ., hr)ol i",: 'j "",d;l\" I P.:r - _ 11.<) 13.1 11'1 4~4, i,nt n" " ... ran I>e t",) 'lIrr ot' (",' 0 Mothers' Club ytli~;l:, ;1\' tht' C;;,orelit Li.R I~ \\.l" a j( ..ro 1.:;1 11-/~~' 14, :/11 1\ ra", '" >nrcnri',ry ''''mh, m'~'11 i .., _" ",:n.r '''lit,,'. ',"\\nr. ,,,<I II;;, 'N\ Kor

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\\rl! P:A\ (rl 1 ;lC' (;rn",f' '\. 11'(' hl~;l Jfr"-m;:ln 1~1 1".. 1~1 41,'1 I (lor \ <i:!I:1fl:(' i()T(' ~ l~nd 0r lllrl \ldlT~l ;illd l('("fllrr:"", h~ h('('n «('cn;-('r! j". I!"\"po1:r..lr11•


llrtl'l",jlo,', "",,/RCl\ 1,1'1) 14" 1,11 41", I 11o'IH' Ii 'I' I ':1(' ('l"lh,( Y',ll'lit- \Jol':lr~ ' f';"';..... ,.. 1 I' '.... :i. or ... ar(' (Ii f4nt'd PIT: __ +

lro'tJ [.('h"d .:Inrl dlf'~'('rl t'H' ....1. -- -- ;1 : 'lr.' r., np Jd~r{' \\hc':'"(' ....1" J.," ;'l('Pl1l,1 :11(,1'~1tl;.:. :'-.f"nd:H' ("\t"'- +\m\rn ...(' ,:1..:'1 "'l""),,j '('",(Tll :;',' !;, ..., T( ~J \1 ~ . 7" ;.?~ 821 ~3~;i L"TIIl., t,~n r.1i .. :1. 1;1(", n:,i\ hl~ !1.1 l~!I~ n n:.:. \1,1'1;' JlI. lh ..."'llll1('(: ,~t:; ;" :

I'I"'C '{ lire (,' If, 1~ 'J 1f .... "("n'rd I Piche'.. Barber Shop I il d (OTJlr.lr.11" tho ('.i";\ 1,\ <;.~rr,lT1h .. t ;,,;-( f'j", il)'i Y\'ll~'l:' t~'\ PI)ln~~ IT) !1(' ;,p,: :hrc(' m:nlTlrt[n.;rn 11(' 1,.~ J,'W -4~lil,i",J.(r.Anrln\)~r('l:d,1111,1.:{'dlllH' J);". ~:':n:;;;.1 'Ir.;'A;l; i':,I::.,.ll t,')j 1'1(' 1...11111' ~ol .;','1.11 :'1(' ~;lmr PlI!'(' , 1 "I.! 1,.::; 1,.; .J!O ""\r'\ !h'lb(':I;.:,II~ \ 'II dt~(-~ "'il~1~(r. jl\:1.1:tl;\~ .1nd \\'~'l '-p:lrk1.n :


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,.-:,~ "r r", '-.' I' _ :~,,,r : "',r'- _'c'. N, <,' r h,r -<n,~, \ ,,"'r r "'" "",_ It."-' :' I'••. l"llr.ij."O;'!('.;:,. .... ~("'<.f'.'~";,' .. rl: ... ( "l"(" --",,1 ~l\ "rr.1"("'-.lnrl\'('(.l:'1r:~'~('>n: 1'-,.. r-l.'.'I:""",~':-'" "r'~ir-~'J":l '"'!li"'1' ;.., r:..,.... ('4;1~ :1,," .• ',..', r......\\ ,.1::r' .. .,:.~, .e f~ }:;~T \rl"1' h~r. h:: q;\.:t;;;::t m"l, """,I'(r.~ 110.0;," It

• I,. ~ :"'",11' itflri • -r (1;---'" (-~'j~(- f- ('" ,~ ,;,..... ....~~,j. - ,~-;'l ,'.in \"t~~r~,.l-;"r~ ~n ~ " f'" I, Thf!' REVIEW~S!r,~", ; >' ,-, ",_ .• I',:, l ,; ~'I'" ',",1 .. ""',~c' 1,.- ,'c c',,,' -\\ r ..-, "" .,' ;;-,.,:t cell5fully .~rv~I.,;::', f).(j .' r~ ~. ....'7 ""(.r~r:('1n \'HL l,',.:r.: yt'ars.I'. ' . I 1- I" " - 1- , , + t

.. t" " ",. I, ,.. '''' ,.; "., ,. If I OYAt 1<>Old Cole-.y, R<>r,d, T.II 'f Oial l.Eoo' I J (,2 ,I Woolw(')rt" D...n(~ \:. \f ... \,' 1'1: Your Storv'" ,

: TilE GROSSE P~r"d",~um'-lNIrre'-,,:v_fly " Shown on F:~~ry Bond t J

Y Oq o-"! _.... __ . ....



head 10elb. bunch 5e

5 'bat 29c.. for 19cdoz. 29c



Amade'l; Circle, Daul;hter> 01Isabella, Detroit, and Joan 01 ArcCircle, Dearborn. are holding abowhllg malch on Sunday. Ahrch22 at 2:30 p.rn" at the Maples Rec-reation. 22688 ~Iichigan al'enue. Sixteam, from each circle wilt compele .....fter the match. dinner "ill beser\'ed at the Warren Valley Goliclub, 26116 West Warren avenue,

Amadeus Circle will hold a socialmeeting Monday evening. ~[arcn 23,at Gabriel Richard hall, 9375 Amity.~l rS. '1ere,a !llalane is chairman.

school at the uniHrsity.Treadwell's article is entitled

"Taxation of Partnership Assets Re.ceiHd by a Deceased Partner .n~His Estate." He is a member of thestudent ed'lorial board of the LawRe"iew.

add Ai., &ad protect yoar


PERMANENT$2.50 - $3 - $4 and $5-Gohl Beauty Salon

East Side Beautician Since I9::?~3144 ~ at Mack

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W" Carry a CompJ .. te l.ine of


Order Some TocL.y Wilh Yt>ur Gnx:ery Ordf'r

thor's Article'Law Review

KMp oat IIIOIqaitoea-.JtII, with

BCREENS-For Metal WiDdo•• ?'01' WOOII W'uadow.?F. POI'ched

STORM SASH-Buy NOW for Nezt Fall"or M.tal W'auIow.? YES

,. Woo d W'mdow.? YES

ComhiDatioa Screen and Storm Suh -Filii' Wood WiDdenn? YES'01' .... lDlDt Wmdcnn? YES

• .1 CaD U. NOW fOl' Free Eatimat ..0. WCIl\ .-.hip -.I Quality Are Cunnteed!


Miller Screen & Sash Co.

H. Treadwell. !337 Berk.road, a senior in the law school

..... U"'\:oe'n;t:r. o! ~fieh:gan, isaathor of an artice appearillg

.die March issue of the MichiganReview, official publication of

bealty and students of the law

11S11Mack A_

",. s.nice Cd TU-Ie Z-Il.

FRESH FRtrlTS .\ND VEGETABLESLETTUCE, larre. &6lid (Vitamins ABC)c:AJlROTS, Fresh tender corelessNEW POTATOES, Genuine FloridaGRAPEFRUJT, sweet Texas, SO sizeORANCES. larre juicy Sunki~t, 2eO .iu

QUALITY GROCERIESCOLD MEDAL FLOUR _ ... _.- 241/:: lb. sack $1.15KELLOOC'S CORN FLAKES rei. pk,. 5eGRAPE NUTS................... pk,. 1StPET MILK. _3 tall cans 23cROYAL PUDDINGS _................ 3 for 19cCAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 4 can. 2geICRISPY CRACKERS, Sunshine lb. bolt 17c

-swEET PEAS, Shurtine blended No.2 can 15eGREEN BEANS, Neway,o cut No.2 can lie:MIXED VEGETABLES, Shurline fancy No.2 can Ilk:BEETS fute)' cut I,. No. 2% can 13caULI CoN CARNE, Libby'. can 12e

,.. GRAPE JAM, Sbumne Pure Concord 2 lb .. 27cPINK SALMON, Recipe brand lb. can 19cCOFFEE, Sharline 2 1.lb. pkg •. 53cKIEFFER PEARS Ir. No. 21/2 can 1StSHORTENING, Shurline all.veretable 3 lb. can 63eCR£AMETIES MACARONI 2 pk, •• 15eBEAN SPROUTS. Oriental No. 2 can 9cSHOW.YOU SAUCE. Oriental I) oz. btle. l1cCRACKERS. Nabisco Ritz lb. pilI" 21cGRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Shurline 46 oz. can 19cPEACHES, Shurline fancy shortcake No. 21.2 ean 29cWALLPAPER CLEANER, Climax 3 cans 27cQUICK ELASTIC STARCH pkg. 9cFELS NAPHTHA SOAP, laundry 5 ban 23c

. BLUEING, Blue Suds 2 pkgs. 15e5 P~ares Sftds 10e with LARGE RINSO at 22cI'CIIldioIi bulbs 10e with 2 Swan WrappeTSRervlar 4 for Z5c LARGE 2 for 19c:3 Orysanthemum Plants JOe with LARGE LUX at 2:k

,r UPPER MACK~';.Cleaners & Tailors

) .
