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23977864 Synchronous Generator Transient Analysis

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EE304 SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR TRANSIENT ANALYSIS Instructed By : Mr. B.S. Madushanka Name : G.R. Raban Index Number : 070384P Field : EE Group : 8 Date of Performance : 15/10/2009 Date of Submission : 13/11/2009
Page 1: 23977864 Synchronous Generator Transient Analysis




Instructed By: Mr. B.S. Madushanka Name : G.R. Raban

Index Number : 070384P

Field : EE

Group : 8

Date of Performance : 15/10/2009

Date of Submission : 13/11/2009

Page 2: 23977864 Synchronous Generator Transient Analysis


Variation of the current waveform

Variation of field current with time

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Variation of phase voltage with time

The following readings were also obtained during the practical

Pre short circuit line voltage = 90 V

Steady short circuit current = 0.4 A

Generator speed = 1500 rpm

Number of generator pole pairs = 2

Steady state field current = 0.2 A

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(i) Step 1

Using the phase current oscillogram, the following values were obtained and the graph

of Ipk-pk versus time (graph-1) was drawn.

By the graph of Ipk-pk verses time, the following values were obtained;

(Since I have not used the peak-to-peak half value, I have divided the values by 2)

A = 79.2

2 A = 39.6 A

B = 17

2 A = 8.5 A

Pre S/C line to neutral voltage, Vs = 90

3 V

∴ Xd = 2Vs

B =

2 × 90


8.5 Ω = 8.64 Ω

X”d = 2Vs

A =

2 × 90


39.6 Ω = 1.86 Ω

T (ms) Ipk-pk (A)

5 68

15 56

25 41

35 36

45 32

55 29

65 26

75 24

85 23

95 22

105 21

115 20

125 19

135 19

145 18

155 17

165 17

175 17

185 17

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Step 2

By using the ∆X components of graph-1, the following values were obtained and graph-2 was


T (ms) ∆X (A)

0 62.2

8 45.0

16 33.0

24 25.0

32 20.2

40 16.6

48 13.8

56 11.4

64 9.4

72 7.4

80 6.6

88 5.8

96 4.6

104 4.2

112 3.4

120 2.6

128 1.8

136 1.4

144 1.0

152 0.6

160 0

By the values obtained by graph-2;

C = 62.2 A ⟹ C

e = 22.88 A

∴ D = 28 ms

Then, the following values were calculated;

X’d = 1


X d +


2V s

= 1

0.9622 = 1.04 Ω

T’d = 28 ms

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Step 3

By using the ∆Y components of graph-2, the following values were obtained and graph-3 was


By the values obtained by graph-3;

E = 101.68A ⟹ log 𝐸

𝑒 = 1.25

∴ F = 21.0 ms

Then, the following values were calculated;

T”d = 21.0 ms

T’do = T’d × Xd

Xd′ = 28 ×


1.04 ms = 232.62 ms

T”do = T”d × Xd′

Xd" = 21.0 ×


1.86 ms = 11.74 ms

T (ms) ∆Y (A) log(∆Y) (A)

0 49.8 1.697229

4 40.6 1.608526

8 33.0 1.518514

12 27.2 1.434569

16 21.8 1.338456

20 18.4 1.264818

24 14.6 1.164353

28 12.6 1.100371

32 10.2 1.0086

36 8.8 0.944483

40 7.4 0.869232

44 6.4 0.80618

48 5.4 0.732394

52 4.2 0.623249

56 3.4 0.531479

60 2.8 0.447158

64 2.2 0.342423

68 1.6 0.20412

72 1.0 0

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Step 4

By using the values of graph-1, the following values were obtained and the envelope mean was

plotted against time to obtain the armature time constant;

T (s) Ipk-pk (A) log(Ipk-pk)

5 68 1.832509

15 56 1.748188

25 41 1.612784

35 36 1.556303

45 32 1.50515

55 29 1.462398

65 26 1.414973

75 24 1.380211

85 23 1.361728

95 22 1.342423

105 21 1.322219

115 20 1.30103

125 19 1.278754

135 19 1.278754

145 18 1.255273

155 17 1.230449

165 17 1.230449

175 17 1.230449

185 17 1.230449

By the graph;

G = 101.7 ⟹ log 𝐺

𝑒 = 1.27

∴ H = 140 ms

Ta = 140 ms

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∴ The obtained X and T values are as follows;

Xd = 8.64 Ω

X’d = 1.04 Ω

X”d = 1.86 Ω

T’d = 28.0 ms

T”d = 21.0 ms

T’do = 232.62 ms

T”do = 11.74 ms

Ta = 140.0 ms












0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185





Time (ms)

Plot of envelope mean Vs time

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(ii) Using short circuit field current expression, arriving at short circuit field current wave


If = If0+ If0

(Xd − Xd′ )

Xd′ e−t/Td

′− 1 −


Td′′ e−t/Td



Tae−t/Ta cos(ωt)

Since it is assumed zero damping, 𝑇𝑘𝑑

𝑇𝑎 and


𝑇𝑑′′ is zero.

If = If0+ If0

(Xd − Xd′ )

Xd′ e−t/Td

′− e−t/Td


If = 0.4 + 0.4 ×8.64 − 1.04

1.04× e−

t28 − e−


If = 0.4 + 2.92 e−t/28 − e−t/21

The above function is plotted below;










0 50 100 150 200 250 300

I a (A


Time (ms)

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(iii) Open circuit line voltage

Va = 2Vs cos ωt + θ0 − 2Vs

Xd − Xd′


e−t/Td 0′

cos ωt + θ0 − 2Vs

Xd′ − Xd


Xde−t/Td 0

cos ωt + θ0

Assuming 𝜃0 is zero,

Va = 2Vs cos ωt − 2Vs Xd−Xd

Xd′′ e−t/Td 0

cos ωt − 2Vs Xd

′ −Xd′′

Xde−t/Td 0

cos ωt

Va = (73.48 − 293.29e−t/232.62)cos(314.16t)

The above function is plotted below;












0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900



Time (ms)

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Comparison of the theoretical and observed oscillogram of short circuit field current and

open circuit line voltage

The practically observed oscillogram and the theoretically calculated waveform are

relatively similar in shape. But the actual time they take to arrive at steady state are

different. This is because we have assumed that there is zero damping when calculating the

expression for the short circuit field current, whereas in the practical case, a small amount

of damping may exist.

We have used practically calculated X and T values to establish the theoretical expressions.

This may introduce some errors to the expression.

The theoretical graphs are smooth. But the practically obtained oscillogram may have been

affected by noise introduced by external devices. Therefore, we can observe a slight

difference in practical and theoretical observations.

Features of short circuit oscillogram of phase and field currents

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In short circuit oscillogram we can identify four components in the field currents. They are,

a. Transient

b. Sub transient

c. DC offset

d. Steady state component

Generally sub transient fades away by completion of several cycles although transient is

quite unlikely to disappear rapidly and may last for quite a number of cycles.

The importance of short circuit study

Generator parameters such as synchronous reactance, transient reactance, sub transient

reactance and other relevant parameters can be determined through a short circuit study.

These parameters are necessary when designing protection schemes in synchronous

generators. Therefore, the short circuit study of a synchronous generator is essential.
