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2557 12 1 CDIO Standard Piyanut (1 Dec Afternoon) · Standard 7 Integrated Learning Experiences It...

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Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) Active Learning Asst. Prof. Piyanut Jingjit ACTIVE LEARNING ACTIVE LEARNING CDIO: STANDARD 78 ACTIVE LEARNING ACTIVE LEARNING
Page 1: 2557 12 1 CDIO Standard Piyanut (1 Dec Afternoon) · Standard 7 Integrated Learning Experiences It tdIntegrated lilearning experiences ldlead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge,

Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO)

Active LearningAsst. Prof. Piyanut Jingjit



Page 2: 2557 12 1 CDIO Standard Piyanut (1 Dec Afternoon) · Standard 7 Integrated Learning Experiences It tdIntegrated lilearning experiences ldlead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge,

Academic learningAcademic learning

h f f l• The focus of many courses is seen as mainly theoretical, and many students point out that theory is memorized for the exam rather than applied and understood.applied and understood.

Academic VS experiential learning• Though both methods aim at instilling new knowledge in the learnerknowledge in the learner

‐ academic learning does so through more abstract classroom‐based techniquesabstract, classroom‐based techniques

‐ whereas experiential learning actively involves the learner in a concrete experiencethe learner in a concrete experience

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Standard 7Integrated Learning Experiences

I t t d l i i l d t thIntegrated learning experiences lead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, as well as personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skillsp , y g

Standard 7 — Integrated Learning ExperiencesStandard 7 — Integrated Learning Experiences


• Integrated learning experiences are d i l h th t f t thpedagogical approaches that foster the 

learning of disciplinary knowledge simultaneously with personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and p , p , p ,system building skills.

• professional engineering issues + disciplinary• professional engineering issues + disciplinary issues

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Standard 7 — Integrated Learning ExperiencesStandard 7 — Integrated Learning Experiences

‐ students recognize engineering faculty as role models of professional engineers

+ disciplinary knowledge disciplinary knowledge  

+personal and interpersonal skills

+ d t d t b ildi kill+ product, process, and system building skills

Standard 8Active LearningActive Learning

Students must engage in suchStudents must engage in such higher‐order thinking tasks as analysis synthesis and evaluationanalysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

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Active learningActive learning

Active learning engages students in two aspects –

“doing things”doing things


“thinking about the things they are doing”(Bon ell and Eison 1991)(Bonwell and Eison, 1991).

Standard 8 — Active Learning


• Active learning methods engage students directly in thinking and problem solving y g p gactivities + manipulating + applying + analyzing +evaluating ideasanalyzing +evaluating ideas. 

• Active learning is considered experiential when students take on roles that simulate professional engineering practicep f g g p

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Standard 8 — Active LearningStandard 8 — Active Learning

• By engaging students in thinking about y g g g gconcepts, particularly new ideas, and requiring them to make an overt response students notthem to make an overt response, students not only learn more, they recognize for themselves h t d h th lwhat and how they learn.

• This process helps to increase students' p pmotivation to achieve program learning outcomes and form habits of lifelong learningoutcomes and form habits of lifelong learning.

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Active LearningActive Learning“doing things”g g


“thinking about the things they are 


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Active Learning VS Lecturegstudent centered  teacher centered

k l d t t h i i l i / i iknowledge structures changing

collaborative to independent l i l

passive learning/ memorization

dependent learning stylelearning style 

open, decentralized classroom structured, centered classroom

contextualized knowledge knowledge‐out‐of‐context

ll tti i di id l titi ttismall group setting

students dialogue

individual competitive setting

students listen

teacher acts as facilitator, environment‐setter

teacher acts as expert, authority figure

transformational traditional

Active LearningActive Learning

students sit passively in a instructors createstudents sit passively in a classroom and absorb the knowledge transmitted by 

instructors create opportunities for students to engage new material, serving 

an expert as guides to help them understand and apply informationinformation

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Active LearningActive Learningengage students in the l i

Benefits:learning process:

group discussions

problem solvingimproved critical thinking skills

increased retentionp g

case studies

role plays

increased retention 

transfer of new information

increased motivationrole plays

journal writing

t t d l i

increased motivation

improved interpersonal skills.structured learning groups

Active LearningActive Learning

• Using active learning does not mean• Using active learning does not mean abandoning the lecture format.

• Lecturers who use active learning pause frequently during the to give students a few q y g gminutes to work with the information they're providingproviding.

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Active LearningActive Learning

k d d iask students to respond to a question

summarize important concepts in writingp p g

compare notes with a partner


Active LearningActive Learning

class size

room limitationsroom limitations

fixed seating


Individual writing 

paired activities

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B i El t f A ti L iBasic Elements of Active Learning

four basic activities:

Talking and Listening




Categories of Active Learning Strategies

individual activities

paired activities

informal small groups

cooperative student projects

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Planning an Active Learning Activityg g y

When planning an active learning activity, answering relevant questions will help you clarify your goals and structure.

Keys to Successy

• Be creative! Invent new strategies and adapt existing ones to your needs.

• Start small and be brief.Start small and be brief.

• Develop a plan for an active learning activity, try it out collect feedback then modify and try it againout, collect feedback, then modify and try it again.

• Start from the first day of class and stick with it. St d t ill t t ti l i dStudents will come to expect active learning and perform better.

• Be explicit with students about why you are doing this and what you know about the learning process.

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Keys to Successy

• Request students vary their seating arrangements to increase their chances to ork ith different peopleincrease their chances to work with different people. Have students occasionally pair up with the student behind them, since friends often sit side by side.

• Use questions from in class activities on tests. For example, include a short essay question that was used in a think/pair/sharea think/pair/share.

• Negotiate a signal for students to stop talking.• Randomly call on pairs to shareRandomly call on pairs to share.• Find a colleague or two to plan with (and perhaps teach 

with) while you're implementing active learning i i iactivities.

• Continue learning through workshops, reading, and practicepractice.

Active LearningActive Learning“doing things”g g


“thinking about the things they are 


Page 14: 2557 12 1 CDIO Standard Piyanut (1 Dec Afternoon) · Standard 7 Integrated Learning Experiences It tdIntegrated lilearning experiences ldlead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge,

S B i A i L i S iSome Basic Active Learning Strategies

RoundtableIce Breakers Roundtable


Problem‐Based Learning

Ice Breakers


Write/Pair/Share g

Ten‐Two Strategy

Peer Survey


Student Summaries

Question and Answer PairsShared Brainstorming

3 ‐ 2 ‐ 1 Format

Question and Answer Pairs

One Minute Paper/Free Write

Focused ListingNote Check

Background Knowledge Probe

Focused Listing

Two Column Method

Scenarios/Case Studies Generating Questions

Jigsaw Teamwork

R t ti Ch i Di i

Scenarios/Case Studies

Reciprocal Questioning

Numbered Heads Together Rotating Chair DiscussionsNumbered Heads Together

Addi i l hi h d d iAdditional teaching methods and strategies

• B ll ti b d• Bulletin boards • Reading assignments in journals, monographs, etc. • Reading assignments in supplementary books • Assignment to outline portions of the textbook • Library research on topics or problems • Jigsaw puzzle maps• Jigsaw puzzle maps • Hall of Fame by topic or era (military or political leaders, heroes) • Gaming and simulation • Flash cards • Flowcharts • InterviewsInterviews • Models

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Addi i l hi h d d iAdditional teaching methods and strategies

• Fi ld t i• Field trips • Drama, role playing • Photographs • Making of posters by students • Students drawing pictures or cartoons vividly portray principles or 

factsfacts • Role playing • Use of community or local resources 

S lli• Story telling • Surveys • Oral reports p• Word association activity • Workbooks

Addi i l hi h d d iAdditional teaching methods and strategies

• C t ti f b k• Construction of scrapbooks • Applying simple statistical techniques to class data • Time lines • "Group dynamics" techniques • Put idea into picture • Write a caption for chart picture or cartoon• Write a caption for chart, picture, or cartoon • Mock convention • Prepare editorial for school paper • Obtain free and low cost materials• Volunteer (tutoring, hospital) • Prepare an exhibitPrepare an exhibit   • Prepare mock newspaper on specific topic 

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Wh i ti l d ti l iWhy experiential and active learning

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them we learn by doing them”can do them, we learn by doing them


A i i 1Activity 1

Active learning strategiesActive learning strategies

• Time : 20 min.

• Think/pair/share

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A ti it 1Activity 1

Thi k P i ShThink – Pair ‐ Share

• Think about how you might use active learning strategies in your lecturesstrategies in your lectures.

• Turn to a partner and discussTurn to a partner and discuss

• Share your finding with the large groupShare your finding with the large group.

Activity 2Session plan: Teaching and Learning Methods 

• Fill‐in the session plan template for theory session.

• Time : 10 min• Time : 10 min.

Intended learning outcomes

T hi dAssessment

Teaching and learning activities

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Activity 2Session plan: Teaching and Learning Methods 

Activity 4course plan: Teaching and Learning Methods 

• Fill‐in the course plan template for your ownFill‐in the course plan template for your own teaching course.

• Time : 15 min.Intended learning outcomes

T hi dAssessment

Teaching and learning activities

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Activity 3course plan: Teaching and Learning Methods 

• Fill‐in the course plan template for เทคโนโลยสอสารมวลชนp p

(Mass Communication Technology) 3 (3-0‐6)

• Time : 20 min.

จดมงหมายของรายวชา1 เพอทราบถงความหมาย องคประกอบ และกระบวนการของการสอสารได1. เพอทราบถงความหมาย องคประกอบ และกระบวนการของการสอสารได2. เพอใหทราบถงบทบาทหนาท ทฤษฎตางๆ เกยวกบการสอสารได3. เพอใหมการวเคราะหกระบวนการของการสอสารได4. เพอใหทาการสอสารภายในบคคล ระหวางบคคล จนถงสอสารมวลชนได5. เพอใหวเคราะหและแยกแยะบทบาท หนาทของสอมวลชนตางๆ ไดถกตอง

6. เพอใหทราบกระบวนการผลตของสอมวลชนตางๆ ได7. เพอใหทราบเกยวกบกฎหมายและจรยธรรมดานสอสารมวลชนเบอตนได8 เพอใหนาความรทไดไปปรบใชอยางรเทาทนกบสอสารมวลชนในอนาคตได8. เพอใหนาความรทไดไปปรบใชอยางรเทาทนกบสอสารมวลชนในอนาคตได

Activity 3course plan: Teaching and Learning Methods 

Page 20: 2557 12 1 CDIO Standard Piyanut (1 Dec Afternoon) · Standard 7 Integrated Learning Experiences It tdIntegrated lilearning experiences ldlead to the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge,

C ti l iCooperative learning

• A group of students study and learn together• A group of students study and learn together.

C ti l iCooperative learning

• Si lt l dd d i d i l • Simultaneously addresses academic and social skill learning by students

• Five Basic Elements of Cooperative Learning1 P i i I d d1. Positive Interdependence2. Face-To-Face Interaction3. Individual Accountability4 Social Skills4. Social Skills5. Group Processing

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Collaborative learningCollaborative learning

• Assign students in groups of 3‐6 people and they are given an assignment or task to work on together either to 

ti t t t thanswer a question to present to the entire class or a project. 

Short written exerciseShort written exercise• "one minute paper." 

• Good way to review materials and provide feedback. However a "one minute paper" does not take one minute and for students to concisely summarize it is suggested that they have at least 10 minutes to work on this exercise.

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Short written exerciseShort written exercise

• A way to seal ideas in students' mindsA way to seal ideas in students  minds

• Provides an idea of where students are

• Develops students’ critical thinking skills, and

• Give students experience writing short essay answers

• Tells you something about your own teachingy g y g

Student debateStudent debate• Allow students the chance to take a position and gather information to support their viewand gather information to support their view and explain it to others.

• These debates not only give the student a These debates not only give the student a chance to participate in a fun activity but it also lets them gain some experience with giving a verbal presentation

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Learning by Teachingg y g• Students actively research 

i d ha topic and prepare the information so that they 

t h it t th lcan teach it to the class. 

Wh i ti l d ti l iWhy experiential and active learning

Perhaps most important is a recognition that changing how we teach is morethat changing how we teach is more difficult than changing what we teach. 

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Why experiential and active learning

Why experiential and active learning

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Why experiential and active learning

Why experiential and active learning

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Why experiential and active learning

Why experiential and active learning

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Why experiential and active learning

Why experiential and active learning
