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46 AMERICAN NET TWINE C~.,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18900407… · .....

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.. '\ IJ I (TWo DOLLARS PER YEAR.) ·. I HARBOH. GRACE, Nlt1LD. MONDAY, APRIL . 7, 1.890. (sioSGLP. COPrF.S TWO 1 N By Telegraph. -o- - -HALtFU. N. S., April 8 -The Cur bu been eei1el\ wHb 1U11den A DUal officer bu com 1uioide ll\ Sa. l'etereburg, leatiD!l a lotler IIIAliDg tbat he ••• eelected to &IAhio- ate the Cur Arre.ta of lladeota continue Turkey, un der Eollhlb preuure, decided to IIOJ.Ipreee ra1dlosc by cbe Kurde io ' ArmeDia. Go(ruaoy accepte tbe Hritleb iovita&ioo co •'· lfod the International l''iabery Conference. The t'Ooditioo of the Pauama Caoal ie report- ed woere thao n•or. dietreN prenile in tb'e Penneylnoia coal Thnuaanrlr of mioere are Idle. Tba American Hoveromeot bu releued the Britieb ecboooerPathfi ndu,takeo into Town· eeod for aeal io Sebring S,.. 'fbe Caoadiao Goteromeot bu proposed two dollar• a too bounty oo pig Iron manufactured from Canadian ore. . The Local Op&ioo Bill for Ireland wu defeated io the Honee of Common• by a majority of HYeD Ewio Paella ao employe of &be Ger· mao o.f .&u• Africa. AP&IL , , -Aft'\tira in 'Rusaia are eeriooa. The O%lr ia euft'ering from nervous fever. The polioe diaootered exploaive. in the groonda of O.teobina palace. Tbe Ozar'a bunting ex• pedition Poland baa been abando .nt!d, A decoy t?ain supposed the Czar wu wrecked by rocke on the track. A rupture between Serna and Bulgaria ia The .Sarnia with Engliab maila auivei yea· -.erday. The baa arrived. The Marquis of Normandy i1 dead. Emin Be1 by the German eenioe l{t'tlatly anooya Eaat African Com. pany. APRIL 7 -The PariMn with the Engliah maila arrived yeeterday. Tbeae wu a eevere hurricane in tbe Paci6o Jut rnonth. Many diuatena in t.be New Hebridee. A veuel g1ounded at Madioolo. whitea aud tbiny nativea drownfld. Some reaobed the abore and were maaaacred by the DAtive&. The Braiilian bishoP- to oon»ent to ...,.,.tion of Ohuroh and St.at.e. Tbe Torkiab G<wernment are auxiou for the wi.&hdral :>f the Enciieh frolll Eo'pt. Ne- piac.iona begin be\ween &liabclrf aad 1M "···- Ruaaia hu pre.aed the payment of war claim• against rurkey. ia reported eerioua atudeot trouble oontiLue. The Canadian preaa aympeU1ize with New' foundlamd in to the FNncb Shore question. CATARRUAL CATARRHAL HAY FEVER, I. N &1f' BOD Tu.t. TIRMT. are nol aeutally aware that t.ben dieeuea are coata11loue, or tb.t are due to &he proeeDoe of llvlor paruit.ea in c.he lining membrane of the ooee AOd eu.tachlao tnbea . Mloroeo.opio reeearoh, bowuer. bu prond tlai.• be a lac$, and the reaul& ia that a eimple remedy bu been fotmulated wberebJ catarrh, oatarrhal and baJ feftr are permaoeotly oared lo from one &O thr ee ehaple applloationa made a& home by cbe pAtieot oaoe lo two weeki N. .8. -For oatarrbal diloharaoa peouhar fe. maJeatwbl&M) &obia rt"'edyla a apeoi.fto. A pam· pblet upJalD{olr oew ,.,..taMn\ il No\ oD reoelp& of ceo MDC. bJ A. ll. t>rxo• . & So•. 80S WMIJQ:i th., Toronto. CanadL-SNntiJf. A..... W.. -1''-o'• aod Plao'• Bee:tedy for Catarrh are eold b1 W. li 'l'bomp · IOD & Co., Harbor Graa.. Prof Lioeett. • Kemo17 ayatem Ia Ore- &tlDJ' IU'Mter than ner iu all parll of tbe aod per10n1 wltblol( lmproYe tbelr memory lboold aeod for bie pr01peoto1 fne u adf'81'tlMd lo column.-' in. . 8IBT&:. On IMt, Ule wile of llr Oeor1e Oorbio, of a claa . pt..- .. Professor Danielle's Class in Dancing will hold an Assembly as above, and to which they respectfully invite their and acqnaintnnces, either as pal' t1c1pants or spectators. _ :-Gentlemen. 50 cents; Ladies Of" Spectators, 20 cents ; Children Spec· tators, 10 ce nts . Refres hments will peon sale. To Housekeepers. Pl'OOure Lb e New American Carpet mute of wt:ioh Qite" a eort feel to the Carpet Aod it from we ariog :-thu1 do- away tbe atraw usually placed under Carpetl. Price-10 cents per yd., 36 inches · wide. WSamplea Hot to any addreu. T. M. CAIRNS. Aplh2i SALB OF WORK. The LadH. ol Jbei)fetrbodlst Church will hold a Sale nt Work . in the Oeutral School Room on Monday and Tuesday, at 3 o'clock, p.m., eacb d.y. 1 Tlfe,_. will bl an Ueori.a!lent or' IM !NB ·· \ ii!MS!T! ' f!Jttr r •. ---- ..- crwtl ue o a' c •P ratee. retreahmf'nt t.ahle, that will temvt the moet . faatidious, will be proYided. · · The Lac.lie. in oh)lrge •ill take every paiDa t.o pleue Cll!it.omera, and will give tbem good value for the money they lu ont. · Ad1Di88ion-10 oent.a; taken &, &be F ishe.ries, We are fally maullf.-an bolD the. beat grade Amerric.o oottoo' . Caplin, :Herring SEINE 'S and TRAPS (the comlor ne& for pro8t oo all oou& Filberiea) wit.b tbe beet aklll aud experie'loe. -ALSO- Strong, Serviceable Herring troDrlJ and properly mouated, ad&pkd to 'ht bard aa,re of NewfooDdlaodera. 'I be &bermo wUI ftod tb eee • .,... with ,.,. lmponlua wtr• chant. The will afve bil per10Lal atteDtloa &.o all Nn' them. Oc t 286m. STOWE, Glbtu:uter Net t 'I'tltine Co. 'i4 CoiMtf.rrial St ., Bo.ton 46 Tons Salt, UO Barrels, 2 Bullies and Snil 6 1 Bunts and Sails, 1 Trap Boat , 1 Skiff, 1 and slils, Grapnells, Anchors, Beams: nnd Scalee, and a lot particulars of which may be obtained on application nt the office of Mr. A.!,[' ...DRYSDALE. J . J . .MURPcl Y, Auctiuneer . Harbor Grnce, 1 9. · FOR SALE! The 1\ll:a ttrass 40 toni bui_ J.a. iu Lahue io 1he ie built of well foood and ie io n ery way 1uitable fnr'·.tbe (leueral trade of the oouotry. writ be'" Jobo'e io May out, wbeo ehe rlii.D be ioapeltlted. . For particuh.re avp' to 1 ADAM POWER, Channel, JOHN Rcubur. Groed Private · Sate of .: furniture. THE HOUt)EHOLn Furniture . and Effects of tbt uodemaned are offered to be 10ld by pri •a c..:..S.Je. The 'Forallare Ooe Waloo, l>"'wlng Room Salle ; one. Bed· room I:Jolte, Waloot aod Alb , Ooe : Boom leaiber coYered .aol .. ; 8 oew Carpetl, Pol11 aad Rloaa ; Floor and Hall CaoY&I , all4, ftn tone Coal, aod other boutebold articlu. JAMES COUGHLAN. Harbor Grace, Marchllm ' . Allenta. Lung Bruaam Will IO rio pnbho 11ftur ror poeitiv ... curt- ()f &'1·!h r. o· uGH hnd llei!n fully '""''"'t f'XCitN• · ' \ . '- ' CIIUII'e thtl Luuc" to) tlim "' o ff Ire . or chnOtlPI t iro Pl' Crr•tionR 11. ··•l C 0 lD S, C R0 UP pur i fi l'll th e bloor1; b.,nli! t he p:'lr' JriVI•II to .the tlil! eRriv•: th "' liver · to its proper llct i(lO ft!lrl i"'"""" ll l•t>uarh Itt >he "'h•llll 11y•1crn. tlrl' imuorllit\IP ftn ll Rll. ti&factory tjr nt it is Wll.l'ranted to 'b reflk up the J\lost dietresalog cough in a few hours' t ime. if t t,Jo · 1 t no 'IJI' lrrt iu nuy f11rrr• 11url is wl\rrnrrtod to be p\'rf fclly h11 rrolcas' to rhe ruost ri .. Ji o:o te child There j,. no r e11l Ht•ccs.ity !or Pn mnuy rh:lllhs by conlltllllfi•io u "•lr C'u :\ll c H'a i: ni KHn " ill p r<'\'c n t it ir in tirne For nr.d ni l rhat lr•ll •l •o rr, ,cuoh nR Co u..:h·• ;u.·!!lrctcd f 'nl t111, liJunchirie, , \,.th u.a and ntl oli8f'OPI'II .. r tho Lunj.!8. At..LFN.t! L UNG i ll •he <treat :\l·rut .. rn H .. r.,erly. For (;roup nuo \\' Cmr' 11h it ;II lllur OPI n It is nn nlt1 A L,E N·' rl-.rrl rf'nrcll). 11olt1 univPreally at 60 cente V ntod holllo. T he ;?!) . f' e nt holiii'R IH <I 1•111 1111t to """" ' Or t ht· coulltu trl f'.llll fnr n Good .I .< u N c BAl nud Low . prit: .. rt Cn!'\011 Cultl.; If you h:wo L.. V 1 rr ot t ned t ho Un laAw. call fnr a 25-co rH bot de to l cP t 11. 1\1:11.1 r\, AMERICAN NET & TWINE 34 Commercial Street, BOSTON, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF C<Jl>, HEl{l{lNG & C1\.PLIN SEINES. -ALSO- RRING N -ALL OF THE VEH.Y QUALITY U .l'' OUR - SflEP AH 0 Q()LD .i\IEDAL of wbic lt we are th e numuf11.ot urera. Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philaddphia. 1876 ; London Fish- eries Exhibition, l883. 17 &nd for Illu11trat.ed Catalogue. USE F OR All SUMMER COMPEA I NTS l>IARR- HOEA CHOLERA . CltAMPSood PAI NS IN THE BOWELS Purely anri pleauot to take. Sold bJ Price 2h oeota. Sold by W. H. THOMPSON &SON. !h•c. 28. Zm. ·FOB.. SAT.E -AT TJUt - F ANCY & TOY BAZAAR, Victoria Strut : EASTER CAHDS. C :\llDS. Traced and Shudt'd MATS. 1111d Rel'lin WOUL. Bi,·thdlly CAR OS 11nrl BOOKS. M U!l tncho lind Funcy Chinli C lJ PS. ()b iOH. VAS!\::;. 5 o' clock 1'EA SETS und Cltess, Dominoes, 01'8.11Ji(ht B oat'UH 11nd M t! n •. A.&: A. BRUNLEES. EMORY M. SEARLE, GR FAT BARGAINS f I Watch-Maker & Jeweller, · [. \1 Water S treet, Harbor Grace. All work lo tho d tt{erllot branllb e• of the traJe -- I I d 'ld 'b Call and -.e for youree ltel tbat wbal we eay i1 neat Y 1 · OOrrPflt We are uow offerinn tbe CHEAP ES 1' Uut . port work Will recctve careful aotl prOWj)C GOOD PR V "' .. H 1 . s aod 0 Isto ... s ner IOid ID ar-1 "'b (' d • T I b om bor : "' op- wo onre wee. e eQ:rap oe. ept 21. Boneless Pork at $8 per brl l Retailing at cs ot.a per lb. H .. ;r ""'g Ro 100 brls Superfine Flour, - .... om, .. (lliglO> ie). l!lo, vember Inepeotiop. .. at 84.sao 1 'V nter Str eet Ho.rb ot• Grace.: ,. per BarreL 1 ' Palace Patent FLOUR,- »very attention given to · · ' Sellf.nJr Cheap WJNut doQr to Lite""' loecltute . j PAOL moonrs, Proprietor 's Three-Quarter .tsoots sept2t .• Bud•macte, at tt per Pair . . . . · · w.BDT ' r. J. A. ,¥•by u. ·· Custom Tailoring. Jl • · .. Will Fit, Workmauhlp and Style.. . , ' .
Page 1: 46 AMERICAN NET TWINE C~.,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18900407… · .. '\ IJ I (TWo DOLLARS PER YEAR.) · . I HARBOH. GRACE, Nlt1LD. MONDAY, APRIL . 7,

.. '\ IJ


· . I

HARBOH. GRACE, Nlt1LD. MONDAY, APRIL . 7, 1.890. (sioSGLP. COPrF.S TWO C&NT~.J 1 • N t::~\t'BER ~7

By Telegraph. -o-

- -HALtFU. N. S., April 8 -The Cur bu been eei1el\ wHb 1U11den illn~ A DUal officer bu com mitt~ 1uioide ll\ Sa. l'etereburg, leatiD!l a lotler IIIAliDg tbat he ••• eelected to &IAhio­ate the Cur Arre.ta of lladeota continue

Turkey, unde r Eollhlb preuure, ba~ decided to IIOJ.Ipreee ra1dlosc by cbe Kurde io ' ArmeDia.

Go(ruaoy accepte tbe Hritleb iovita&ioo co •'· lfod the International l''iabery Conference.

The t'Ooditioo of the Pauama Caoal ie report­ed woere thao n•or.

lot~oee dietreN prenile in tb'e Penneylnoia coal re~ona. Thnuaanrlr of mioere are Idle.

Tba American Hoveromeot bu releued the Britieb ecboooerPathfindu,takeo into Por~ Town· eeod for aeal flebin~t io Sebring S,..

'fbe Caoadiao Goteromeot bu proposed two dollar• a too bounty oo pig Iron manufactured from Canadian ore. .

The Local Op&ioo Bill for Ireland wu defeated io the Honee of Common• by a majority of HYeD

Ewio Paella ~roea ao employe of &be Ger· mao Co~paoy o.f .&u• Africa.

AP&IL , ,-Aft'\tira in 'Rusaia are eeriooa. The O%lr ia euft'ering from nervous fever. The polioe diaootered exploaive. in the groonda of O.teobina palace. Tbe Ozar'a bunting ex• pedition ~ Poland baa been abando.nt!d, A decoy t?ain supposed ~ oonta~n the Czar wu wrecked by rocke on the track.

A rupture between Serna and Bulgaria ia imminen~ ·

The .Sarnia with Engliab maila auivei yea· -.erday.

The ~olun~M' baa arrived. The Marquis of Normandy i1 dead. Emin Be1 by en~ring the German eenioe

l{t'tlatly anooya the~ Bri~ieb Eaat African Com. pany.

APRIL 7 -The PariMn with the Engliah maila arrived yeeterday.

Tbeae wu a eevere hurricane in tbe Paci6o Jut rnonth. Many diuatena in t.be New Hebridee. A veuel g1ounded at Madioolo. ~ whitea aud tbiny nativea drownfld. Some reaobed the abore and were maaaacred by the DAtive&.

The Braiilian bishoP- refu~~e to oon»ent to ...,.,.tion of Ohuroh and St.at.e.

Tbe Torkiab G<wernment are auxiou for the wi.&hdral :>f the Enciieh frolll Eo'pt. Ne­piac.iona begin be\ween &liabclrf aad 1M ~b mintner1n~-.....:.o "···- - ·

Ruaaia hu pre.aed the payment of war claim• against rurkey. I~ ia reported eerioua atudeot trouble oontiLue.

The Canadian preaa aympeU1ize with New' foundlamd in ref~oce to the FNncb Shore question.


I. N &1f' BOD Tu.t. TIRMT. Soferer~ are nol aeutally aware that t.ben

dieeuea are coata11loue, or tb.t ~ey are due to &he proeeDoe of llvlor paruit.ea in c.he lining membrane of the ooee AOd eu.tachlao tnbea. Mloroeo.opio reeearoh, bowuer. bu prond tlai.• ~ be a lac$, and the reaul& ia that a eimple remedy bu been fotmulated wberebJ catarrh, oatarrhal deafoe~~ and baJ feftr are permaoeotly oared lo from one &O three ehaple applloationa made a& home by cbe pAtieot oaoe lo two weeki N . .8.-For oatarrbal diloharaoa peouhar ~ fe. maJeatwbl&M) &obia rt"'edyla a apeoi.fto. A pam· pblet upJalD{olr ~I• oew ,.,..taMn\ il No\ oD reoelp& of ceo MDC. bJ A. ll. t>rxo• . & So•. 80S WMIJQ:i th., Toronto. CanadL-SNntiJf. A.....W..

-1''-o'• C~ fo~-;;;.-_ptloD aod Plao'• Bee:tedy for Catarrh are eold b1 W. li 'l'bomp· IOD & Co., Harbor Graa..

Prof Lioeett. • Kemo17 ayatem Ia Ore­&tlDJ' IU'Mter iD~ereet than ner iu all parll of tbe oooo~. aod per10n1 wltblol( ~ lmproYe tbelr memory lboold aeod for bie pr01peoto1 fne u adf'81'tlMd lo a~o,her column.-' in . .

8IBT&:. On T~7 IMt, Ule wile of llr Oeor1e Oorbio, of a



Professor Danielle's Class in Dancing will hold an Assembly as above, and to which they respectfully invite their f~iends and acqnaintnnces, either as pal' t1c1pants or spectators. _ ADMt~IoN :-Gentlemen. 50 cents; Ladies

Of" Spectators, 20 cents ; Children Spec· tators, 10 cents. Refreshments will peon sale.

To Housekeepers. Pl'OOure Lbe New American

Carpet · Lining~ mute of Waddln~r. wt:ioh Qite" a eort feel to the Carpet Aod preY~•nll it from weariog :-thu1 do­io~r away w.i~h tbe atraw usually placed under Carpetl.

Price-10 cents per yd., 36 inches· wide.

WSamplea Hot to any addreu.

T. M. CAIRNS. Aplh2i

SALB OF WORK. The LadH. ol Jbei)fetrbodlst Church will

hold a Sale nt Work. in the Oeutral School Room on

Monday and Tuesday, oommencin~ at 3 o'clock, p.m., eacb d.y.

1 Tlfe,_. will bl an Ueori.a!lent or'

IM !NB ··\ii!MS!T! ' f!Jttr r :..~_ •. ~~ ~ ----..- crwtl ue ~ o a' c •P ratee. retreahmf'nt t.ahle, that will temvt the moet

. faatidious, will be proYided. · · The Lac.lie. in oh)lrge •ill take every paiDa

t.o pleue ~heir Cll!it.omera, and will give tbem good value for the money they lu ont. ·

Ad1Di88ion-10 oent.a; taken &, &be d~r.

F ishe.ries, · · ,~go. We are fally ~to maullf.-an bolD the.

beat grade Amerric.o oottoo' .

Caplin, :Herring a~a .Cod

SEINE'S and TRAPS (the comlor ne& for pro8t oo all oou& Filberiea) wit.b tbe beet aklll aud experie'loe.


Strong, Serviceable Herring ~T&,

troDrlJ and properly mouated, ad&pkd to 'ht bard aa,re of NewfooDdlaodera. 'I be &bermo wUI ftod tbeee • .,... with ,.,. lmponlua wtr• chant. The oD~eralped will afve bil per10Lal atteDtloa &.o all order~ Nn' them.

Oct 286m.

WlLLIA~f STOWE, Glbtu:uter Net t 'I'tltine Co.

'i4 CoiMtf.rrial St., Bo.ton

46 Tons Salt, UO Barrels, 2 Bullies and Snil 61 Bunts and Sails, 1 Trap Boat, 1 ~ajt Skiff, 1 Whaleboa~ and slils, Grapnells, Anchors, Beams: Wel~btt~ nnd Scalee, and a lot of,,~undries, particulars of which may be obtained on application nt the office of Mr. A.!,[' ...DRYSDALE.

J . J . .MURPcl Y, Auctiuneer. Harbor Grnce, Ma~b 19. ·

FOR SALE! The rchoon~r

~arry 1\ll:a ttrass 40 toni burLbt~u, bui_J.a. iu Lahue io 1~0; 1he ie built of barrlwood.~~· well foood and ie io n ery way 1uitable fnr' ·.tbe (leueral trade of the oouotry. Sbt~ writ be'" ~t Jobo'e io May out, wbeo ehe rlii.D be ioapeltlted. .

For particuh.re avp' to • 1 ADAM POWER,

Channel, JOHN PO~'\'l!:R.

Rcubur. Groed

Private ·Sate of.: furniture. THE HOUt)EHOLn

Furniture .and Effects of tbt uodemaned are offered to be 10ld by pri •a c..:..S.Je.

The 'Forallare COUiprl~ea-Ooe Waloo, l>"'wlng Room Salle ; one. Bed·

room I:Jolte, Waloot aod Alb , Ooe l>ioio~r : Boom leaiber coYered .aol .. ; 8 oew Carpetl,

Pol11 aad Rloaa ; Floor and Hall CaoY&I , all4, ftn tone Coal, aod other boutebold articlu.

JAMES COUGHLAN. Harbor Grace, Marchllm

~ ' . Allenta. Lung Bruaam Will int~oJnccd IO rio • pnbho 11ftur itt~rneri ll' ror th~ poeitiv ... curt- ()f &'1·!h r. o· uGH ~ ll ill~l\11('8 hnd llei!n fully '""''"'t I ~ f'XCitN• ~x·

· ' \ . '- ' p~ctorntion1wd CIIUII'e thtl Luuc" to) tlim"' o ff •Ire . p~ l,. :.~m or rr.neut~· chnOtlPI t iro Pl'Crr•tionR 11. ··•l

C 0 lD S, C R 0 UP purifi l'll the bloor1; b.,nli! the iri ' "'~'' ' p:'lr' " · JriVI•II • f!lreo~th to .the tlil! eRriv•: ,..,~,;!'": l~rlt• :!" th "' liver

· to its proper llcti(lO ft!lrl i"'"""" ll l•t>uarh Itt >he "'h•llll 11y•1crn. ~urh •~ tlrl' imuorllit\IP ftn ll Rll. ti&factory ~!Teet tjrnt it is Wll.l'ranted to ' b reflk up the J\lost dietresalog cough in a few hours' t ime. if o~t tt,Jo lou~tll'~'n'li"l! · 1 t comnin~ no 'IJI' lrrt iu nuy f11rrr• 11url is wl\rrnrrtod to be p\'rffclly h11 rrolcas ' to rhe ruost ri .. Jio:o te child There j,. no re11l Ht•ccs.ity !or Pn mnuy rh:lllhs by conlltllllfi•iou "•lrC'u :\llcH'a L11 11~ i:niKHn " ill p r<'\'cnt it ir only '"" ~'" in tirne For Con~llmpriou, nr.d ni l rli,.,.R~I.'tl rhat lr•ll •l •o rr, ,cuoh nR Cou..:h·•;u.·!!lrctcd f 'nlt111, liJunchirie, ,\,.thu.a and ntl oli8f'OPI'II .. r tho Lunj.!8. At..LFN.t! L UNG li .\(~ \)1 ill •he <treat :\l·rut .. rn H .. r.,erly. For (;roup nuo \\' ho,piu~.:

Cmr'11h it ;II lllurOPI n ~pl'cilic . It is nn nlt1 ~<lou- A L,E N·' ~ rl-.rrl rf'nrcll). ~tucl 11olt1 univPreally at 60 cente • V ntod ~I OU P~"' holllo. T he ;?!) .f'ent holiii'R IH <I

1•111 1111t to """"'Or t ht· coulltu trl f'.llll fnr n Good .I .< u N c B A l ~AM.-nud Low . prit: .. rt Cn!'\011 Cultl.; If you h:wo L.. V 1 rrot t n ed tho Un laAw . call fnr a 25-corH bot de to l cP t 11. 1\1:11.1 r\,

AMERICAN NET & TWINE C~., 34 Commercial Street, BOSTON, Mass.


C<Jl>, HEl{l{lNG & C1\.PLIN SEINES. -ALSO-


SflEP AH 0 Q()LD .i\IEDAL ~f'ATINES of wbiclt we are the exolu11i\'c~ numuf11.ot urera.

Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philaddphia. 1876 ; London Fish­eries Exhibition, l883 .

17 &nd for Illu11trat.ed Catalogue.



IN THE BOWELS Purely Ve~etl\ble anri pleauot to take. Sold bJ Dealer~. Price 2h oeota.

Sold by W. H. THOMPSON &SON.

!h•c. 28. Zm.


F ANCY & TOY BAZAAR, Victoria Strut :

EASTER CAHDS. EA~TER C :\llDS. Traced and Shudt'd MATS. Pl~~.in 1111d Rel'lin WOUL. Bi,·thdlly CAR OS 11nrl BOOKS. M U!ltncho lind Funcy Chinli C lJ PS. ()biOH. VAS!\::;. 5 o'clock 1'EA SETS und 'fRAY~. Cltess, Dominoes, 01'8.11Ji(ht B oat'UH 11nd M t!n •.




GRFAT BARGAINS f I Watch-Maker & Jeweller, · [. \1 Water S treet , Harbor Grace.

• All work lo tho dtt{erllot branllbe• of the traJe -- I I d 'ld 'b Call and -.e for youreeltel tbat wbal we eay i1 neat Y ~xocute "'~ 1 ea~n .o · OOrrPflt We are uow offerinn tbe CHEAP ES 1' Uut.port work Will recctve careful aotl prOWj)C GOOD PR V "' .. H 1 11.tt~nt-tou.

. s aod 0 Isto ... s ner IOid ID ar-1 "'b (' d • T I b om bor Gr~oe : "' op- wo onre wee. e eQ:rap oe. ept 21.

Boneless Pork at $8 per brl l Retailing at cs ot.a per lb. H .. ;r Dress~ ""'g Ro

100 brls Superfine Flour, I~~- • -.... om, .. (lliglO> ie). l!lo,vember Inepeotiop. .. at 84.sao 1 'V nter Street Ho.rbot• Grace.: ,.

per BarreL 1 '

Palace Patent FLOUR,- ~ »very attention given to cu.~men. · · ' Sellf.nJr Cheap • WJNut doQr to Lite""' loecltute.

• • • j • PAOL moonrs, Proprietor Itt~ 's Three-Quarter .tsoots sept2t . •

Bud•macte, at tt ~ per Pair. . . .

· ~ · w.BDT'r. J. A. WHITMAN~, ; ,¥•by u. · · Custom Tailoring. Jl • · • ..

Will ~utee Fit, Workmauhlp and Style.. . ,

' .

Page 2: 46 AMERICAN NET TWINE C~.,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18900407… · .. '\ IJ I (TWo DOLLARS PER YEAR.) · . I HARBOH. GRACE, Nlt1LD. MONDAY, APRIL . 7,

Al. -vv ays -THOMPSON'S

lYiedicalllaii. EST ABLI~HED IN 1855.


The S11bacriber hu again add~ ~o his large and varietl Stock, a few of tht neweaL le"din" Patent M~icineat and Sunct:-~.3&1 aa followat

Green'• August Flower, Warner's Safe Cure, Lime Fruit Juice. Boeouee'a Germ~&n Syrup, Eno'a Fruit Sal~. l!olloway 1 Coru Cure Caner's Little Liver Pills, Wi~ttar'a Balum of Wild Cherry, · Wyeth's Liquid Malt Extract, Huelioe Mother Gra~ea· \Vorm Ext.flrminat.or, Lie big's Extruct of Meat, Drainage Tubing. Pear's &mp, Pear's Sba'"ing Sticks. Wbit.e Enamel (i'or filliog teeth,) Benzine (for cleansing purpoaes,) ltbtt.aon'a F8mily l::iyringes. Lemon Ely rap, R .... iJberry l::lyt UiJ, Dr. Wilson's H erbine Bitte rs, JohO.tWn'e Anodyne Lioiment1

Tamar Iodien (for coetivenefla\, Eno'a M&iicated Bug~~r {lor worms), Guard's Hair Jyt~, Tricopberoua Teaber•y Tooth Powder, 61 urray'a Flaid M agneaU\, Beef Iron and Wine, Northrop & Lyman'11 VeiZet,able Diaoonr1

do do Quinine Wioe, Kello~s Aatbma R emedy

do Catarrh Suuff. Daffy's Elixir, Hop Bitters Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bittert Putman's Corn Exti"&ctor lf eatinl{'a lnii!Ct Powder Nor~brop & Lyman's Emolsior Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. Putner'a l!:mulalon

do Oberry Pectoral Pierce'• Golden Medical Diacovery

tlo Puagativts Pellet.a do Nual lnjeot.ors

Waterproof Nursing Aprons do "" Sponge Bags do Bilo~ (for cbildreo teething.)

.B'elU,wa <..:oll.lpoond Syrul' Steedman'111 Teething Po'l'ders Rnbber Tubin~t for Feeders Ayer'a Hair Vigor, Bay Rum Allen'" Hait· Restorer, Child's Truaaea Adult'• Truuee, Minard's Linimen~ Oaivert'e Carbolic Soap, Fuller's Ear~b Dried Savory, Dried Sage. Dried Thyme Wri,tbt'a Unterment.ed Wine Butdook.rBiood Bitten Keot~lerla Ood Liver Oil and Mal~. Eeaenoe of. Spruce, Allen's Long .&tum 1ud.ton'll Gold Plliot, Judton'a Gold Ink


Hair and Clo~hes BRUSHF.S. ... Preecrptiooa carefully compouoded aod

wllb pll're druga. W. H. THOMPSON

NORTHERN Assur~ce Com;a.ny.



RlfDI (1881} : 7lN ~am.8 ...... -~ ••••• ••••••••• ~ ,000 Ute~~ •••. . •••••••••..• Jrt,OOO Ill...-.................................... lM,OOO ~'·•.s .-...sa.., ............... a.Mltooo

Legisl&tive Assetb.bly snroND7o• ~Isos.

( Co11ti,uul ) · W&ONitSDAY'1 March 26

Mr. MORISON mond tba& "'" H uu•e rt'lllllv• it· l'elf into Cotumittee oftbe Whole un 11\tt bill to

"tuee"l tb• 'feaop.~rauce Act uf ltS89 C'urri11d. Mr. ~ln1pby io tbe Cbalr.

aed qualUI~tlO. of tbe penoD mH&iooed I• the t&h M aot &ua&loll wblob Ia WjMIId M pethaou \0 be aJtpolated loapeo&or, btU lbaa 10111e ~ llllpoae wQJald -0 baib abe., foo<Jt oee'ebullht be .,polated WM a .oeoeeaily that qo liito &be aeoeral &WtllU u1 , ... aalllDirY.

hon m~bttr ooald poeeibiJ qaMtioo h fre. aob WM ~ ,,._ u.& Pf"l'iltid g uetllaA&. t:Jlk'lltlf ubOII.rred aha& & Q&IUli'J of diMated fur I ~ deal•rt of lbt Oitita wlefe .. e 111\!1\la ru'-ntl ill •• , loto Harbor Hraoe. aurt •• whOM ' tr .. do ... aJr.Owci by Ul~ ..:r~:at a a.•<·~taity uiaWd f'>r ao luepecwr to that .oa:•uta, aud be tbou¥b' &be eame Uliur •1111, 11111~ luwu •• in Ht J.,hu'll, The peUdoo waa oumer· bc rtt ~tttly••wned-;-.. d be (~r W) felt ltlf'e tbat. if Mr·W11mu;n p....eatect _._Uotrfrom C. W: ••a I•"'J~r •u ~~~d to. aood aorJ benellcial Ruae amt ut~er reaid11DUI ol Harbor Grace oo r~11ulla wvuld follow He 1 hol)erl tluu h wouh.l alte ibhject of a road leadlol( &u tbe diffe~reut r"c:.-'v" '"" coualtier~ttlon of tb• Hom••· Cl'tOt:h!rld of that towo. 'fbt tMatt•r wa. ooe Mr. MORISON moy.,d tbaL tbe aeoood sectiou ll•

~&doJJted Curie&. ~lr lluHN &.ad much pleaaureiu eupportiDg tbe uf very grutimporulSOe to bia OCJoatltu•u~ ADd ~_,...,.. __ .

pravar of the petitioo. tld road tbey nferred to io the petitloo w~ ao

-AKtfl&l .POWDER ~ ,

'floe commiltee roee aod reported tbat tl•ey ba•J pu.ed the bill. · ,

Co.nmttc.e. of &ho Whole oo tb• Mo=cbaoic•' Lit>o Hill. Mr. Clift lo Ule Ch11ir.

Hon. Mr. MOIUUS uplaioed tba~ the object of the bill waa &o create a a&atutorylieo oo worlt: lllf· rormed b1 • tradeewao. Tbere aiNady t'Xieteci a lieo reoogoiaed by 'be cowwoo law : auoh aa, for ina~ce, In the oaae of a tailor haviojl tb.s rir.!ht to det&io clotbea ootil payweot bad be•o made for &he work. ~ach co•umoD law lieu. how­uver, ooly applied iD 111cb caeea where portable aoode were io quHllou, aod where tbe ttadeamao bad ~hem lo bl1 poMeaioa. 'l'be chief obj,c~ of tbi1 bill waa to eo large &be prOYIIIoua of tb• com· moo law, aod to declare, more ewpbatloally, wbat &he~ rigbte of workmeD were OI)Dcoroloa tlte lieo upoD tbeir worlt:. 'fbe bill waa ioll!oded to protect OJeobaoloa from fragduleDL cootracton aod otben, aod to MOOnt to tbem tbe doe pay· meDt of Ulelr •&~~ea. ·

Hoo. tbe ~PKAUK dnired to •1 that a Bill lilte the pre11eu~ ot.u •t-ot thronab tbe tJuueelut year. Wh~tu the preaeot Hill waa iotrouuoed here, a few d•1• ago, there were obaer .. tio ... • wad11 wnlo!l I e would oo' refer to uow, uor would tuoh nfereooe be oalled for; but be bovwcJ that tb• ae obeenatlooa would oot prejudicially ~tr .. c~ tbe palllie of tbia me~aeure ttaoogb tb11 Upper HoDM. He hoped tbat tb11year tbe mea· 111re would muc witb oo agch aoaut courteay aa tbat of laaa Je&r, aop be oow ezplaiD11d tb•• • bi• Bill bad Leeo prepared wltb Jere&t oooaid11ratloo t.o beoe6t &be weobaolqal clau uf thla oouotry aotl thAt i& waa eothled to reoelva •' the baoda of the LeJlialative Couooil thaL cooah.leratioa which ita importaoca demaod•.

The aeYeral aeoc.iooa were theu read aod oar· ried. The oomwittee r<>~e aod rt~ !J<.ortat.l tbat ttuy bad paued tbe bill witb IOUle aweuJuot~Dtll

Oo motiOD of Hoo. E . P. Morri.o 1!.• b1ll ••• ordered to be read a tbird tO•worrow.

Hoo. CoLONIAL ~IORETABT laid oo tllr table uf t.be t:lollM certaio ooplee of tetewrovh'o correa­poodeooe betweeo tbe liiab' HouoraOie th• ::i.so· retary of St.ate for tb11 <..:oloPiee eutJ Uia J!:xcel-leooy tbe Gonroor, oamt~IJ :- .

From tba t)eoretary of ijta&e ~ HI• ~uelleocy, Deo 7, 1889.

From i:t11 Exoelleooy to the Secretary uf ijtate, Dao. 9, 1889.

From tbe Secretary of State to Hit Excelleoc-y, Dec 16, US89.

From the tMioretary ol State t.o Hla l!;&c•lleuoy, Ueo . 28, 1889. .

From the St,creter1 of t:ltate to lJia E~ooalleocJ, Deo 2•. 1889. ~rom tbe :SeoretarJ of State to l:li• ExcelleucJ1

Jan. 29, 1890, . !<'row Hi• Exoelleaoy Ule Gortroor to tbe

Secrt:tary of State, Jao 80, 1889. From tb11 Secretary of State t.o Hia E~llePDJ.

F.sb. 8, 1H90. From tbll Secretary of State to Hla Esojjlfeocf,

Feb. 12, 1890. From H•e l£.xoelleooy w tbe Secretary of .Sua.,

Feb I~ HS90. ' . From H 11 Kr:oelleocJ to tbe ~ecretary of State,

}o eb. IS, 18110. Frou. Hi11 ExcelleD4y to tbe Secretary oflitate,

Fl!b. a 1890. From H11 Excelleoo1 to tbe Secretary of Stale,

Mtrcb i . 1890. l'rom the Secretary of I:Jtate &o Hie Exoelleooy,

6th A-oarob,l890, From tbt .::»eoraUIJ)' or Bta\1 to Hie Eu.JI~DIJ,

121b Marcil, 1890. From Hia Eme!leooJIO tile S.ora&arJ ol&tate,

14tb Harcl•, US9(). The tiou1e tbe~o adjourDed uot.ll &o·morrotftt

<l o'clock. 1

~r. HAWK 1110 11upported tbe Pf"Jer of the v.· alfOiu'«t oeceailty, for h 1ed to tbr~ ~iA\.reo' tidou U11 rto06foill!d Ule DIIONti'" ·.or Mn lo· ~lueutrte. •ODt\lde t6e tow D. it. t(ad bl.:;tto. .,,, .. olur ur rueatl to be appoiuted, aud be cooairl· furw11d tbal :iuHog tbe wlo&ft woothe lbe pre· ered (loll weutlewu na-iled io tbe~ P•titioo • tit nr' ro~d .... J)OWple'lly blocud ..... ith IDOW, eo 11111 pru1•11r pen10o 10 till tbe offtoe. urto reader i~eutll'elf im~b1e. He~

. M 'i' W JHT&t.&Y paueuted a p.til.ioo from ReY. tbtU •heu the allocatioua were graull!d, vruv11iol! Freak Smart and o&her lubabltaotl of Harbor wo~o~ld b4t made wbereby Lbe reqnnt of ,1111 peU-t;raoil. prayiotr for a aum of mouey to l'rect a uooora m!Kb& be ooUipli.fa whu. .I , ,

fllrrJ wharf.''' tbe South aide .lf that. place. l'hia · . Mr. MoM~ bad Yery mucb pleaa'-re io auppor&· wbad waa Ul a .tate of dhapidatioo, aod hoo t~J( til• v-suuoo wblch had beeo ao i u8ueotiallf ·membe" who laa•e •laited Uae bor Grace muat ·~~t.ued tl~:~ waa. awartt ~f the dtiBpl!ltiea d1e pe· loave ..... ,a,, al'OIIMity for a QuoJ 11ubdtaolial tlliODtn experiuooed iu tb11 wiuA!r tiw• from Ule hudin11 oa' alae ot11it llde of th" Harbor. H.s vary 11uauec.,ble ruad which uow led to cbe looat­hn,..d &ha' aht. p.d&.ioa wuuld NC41i•• tbt: ity referre.l to. 'l'be pNMo& road waa ouly about oooald11a&ioa.of \be Boue_ ud-tbat a aum would ll!o feet wfde, aud beoce io wiucer moot be waa b" allu .. •tl tu l'Ul Ulie wbad io a thoroui!CIJ etale ouarly alwaJa bloolted witb auow. He would of r~:~pair, ' · Y~:~ryatrooi!CIY rt•comwt~u\.1 tb• petiuoo w the fa-

Mr l\toNN bad ruuob pleaaure io aupponio11 tbu .vorabl• oooaiderMiou 1of Ule Uo11a11. vr~tyer uf the p!!titioo. Mr. C.un lHI!~a · . .lllld a pethioo !rum Roben

Mr. ~)AW. ltot • frow upuleoce what a rtrelt Purter aud ou.o"''· iullabhaotl uf, Hibba Hole lo co~ov .. uat~uc• th. wharf epolteu of io the petitloo tbe \Jilt riot of l'un-dw· ()rue, oo tbe aubjwc~ of •u 'IIIII ,,., tru"'~~'' tbat tll!'l auw ulteti lor by a l•odiu& pLace ; aleo, a ,.mion from lOMph thu v~:titeu""" •9uld b., wreiat•d oy Ill" Houee. .Uuoree aod othera, iobatJttaota of South Ri•er

.\lr. ltunnn:l.L 1•ruented a petltiou lroru P .erce ou the eu1Jj4!ot of a boat .&o oarry c:apllu maatlnt: C 111'''' ""d orb .. n. of Jeao:..de-!!aJ. on tha ellb· . , &lr Wuau..pruu .. ct a-pe\idoo from i''reder­ji'Ct ol ". wranl of IQODJIIY for ihe purpoee of repair- 10k Guter aod oth e~re , ioJa.bltaota of ~pan lard'• 1u~ " bra•• a•. a portloo of •.~)oh wu card~:d awaJ Hay auiJ. vlac&e io tb• daetnoc uf 'J.'riulty Ha1, 00 lut MUI u""' ) t ••• ~~~•olnteiJ oecellllry tbat •tbu IUl.oJuCU u1 a road Tbe road tbe JJ&taiooen th i• u'"'"" •boi!IJ be revairea for a111ce tbe lut ,.,r .. rr.d t.o would be a Ytr] yaloabl~ que .aod LWt~ O~y Yl'~fl no . WUII~ .. d bedD enntld for .ba WOUld therefore give &bt pethlOI) bia hetr&y lt.uveu..: h 111 n11paer II~ al1o ~ruch!.t!d " peoi· 111ppor& • H~t nuet«J tnt Gonrument woold ••• t~ou fruw Jo.bo Co&Jyalld oabere, iubabitauta of Ita way clear tQ oomply wi&b their ~OM&, aod ~.P""I•I,, Kuuw, oo '"" ,awe aubj.lct-of a brid~e gra~t rbem tbe aam of mooey ..Ued for on W ilol Ut:aph Prouk Mr 1\lOGitATI:I lJ.reaeuted a pottltiqo tro111 Duld

[,~. T~ll' IJaiJ Ul~olo ple.aaure io aupl•ortiutc th Shea a~c:l otbera, iobabitanta of Barreu Jel&od. 1"'1111011·

1 P lac•oua Bay, reqlliii~DI a reoncauiutioo of

. . l>r I•IT prH .. IIIII<:I a petitlou from Wileoo A. . t~11lr H oad Hoard 'fbe puople ouuiplaioed ._,1 l 1l.oh11 tu•rt ul)fer•, iJJl)abilAIItl nf Grand Haole , ' wucb of tbe Creatmeo~ tbey bed recetnd In tbe pr.ayl••w lur • •qrn uf •uouuy fu r tb• couoplutiou u1•ll11r of ~eir U.Oad Hoarde doriog the Tbor· ur dou t .. ... t ... ter •• tba• plrDe. •bich wu be- tluru Adwioilln&UOD ICD11

'••• yt-HT, but DOl,.,, OOwfJiotted . Tbe ¥u'- l!r. Mo~tMB. wiebed1 to poin~ ou~ th_.t if .. ,.llnf'n! ""l:loeet b"d •urv.:yed the place. ADd h ' tbe people deatred a oba.nae in their Road • ... •lt-cldcct to build a breakwater on. the Eutero Boa d ~ auol Welllf'ru 11ide c.f tlte barhor U.et eummer r t~~1J?eed only llpply to the bon. the a • ruu of .JIIuDey bali beeo apeot 011 tble work ~~er, and 'be bon. •~e VteileDter qf the pe· ~oti th<~ We-cern por1ioo waa completed. The ~lt.lOO, ~~ repretenLed their dJitriot.. to \lave 111hat.•••u•11 powuked tba& a farther 10m of mooe1 it effeotac:l. ,. • be ICI'liQ re·l &o·oomp14!te &ho portioo wblob· wu · llr. )lopa preeentecl a pet.\tion fr;pm Ab· u~ol\ui~h .. l'f f ... r "" 1t etood ·~ preeerit it ... apt ~l' J?IDJ).ey, ~d ot.ben, of Keele, in &be dia tu Ult OMrri~d awa, by bllh •latfuDd tldea The 'net or BoD.P.V&at&, on tbe aubjeot of • b~ ••1111 "'~a:d for wu S.OUO dotlara. He hoped ibat wa~r. Tbe appW:a~~-.. •u a J• .. daLJe one tbtt hPU't .-oJJ)d apcrde co tbe wiebea of ptti. ¥1• ... "' ' ~~~11".'11. nnd i"Pt lf.Ul IDIJI aaked for to oomplose and he t.ra~ h woQJd reoeiu tb" a~tention tble uupurt.aot wor". ot the Government..

Mr . .k~lRW&LJ. apd &b. ltioGa•ra bad moab Mr; F. MouJs preeented a petition from plo•Jore Ill •upporUPa tb• praJer of &t.ie petllioo. John Harman, and o~era, of Oonoept.ion

tloo Mr. 61011111 preM~ted a peUtJoo from t:iarl)or, in 'be dittriot ol Bar'bor Main a.,-. certalU peraooe of St. J obt•'•. Eaat aod Well r, OD .~be tobjeot o( oonl"eyanoe of m&ila bet


weeo "!•• • lJCitt'd oumeroualy bj 'aoob mea aa M.. ;eoe· ~rtgua aod Salmon Oo•e alation. Re de 1~11• A. D Raokio; ?amee lial!d· Jobo Sharpe, 11red to point ou~ 'bat the gntnt tor this eer-t;barlcMI K _l)oder, C. Ayre. G H utcbior and · o.'her leadao" merobanta uf tbe eity. Helog vt~ amoanLed to the tum o( •1 000 and All(llUd to D~merouelyaod byagcb inftuentlalmeo whila' tbe wuole ronte wu in Bar'bor !tain "Ill a ~_,.N&le' t~a& h ... of aucb lwportaoc~ dia&.ric., 1e~ c.be "Whole amount' wen& into tbe u to recwlre d.,, ~aatdentlou. Petition ere oom· banda of lhe I.Brt,(ua ooariera. Tbit wu oer plaiut.d lhat tbelr bPneee wu ieJnred and llam t.aioly an 1ojaUioe to the dutrict he ~pre· ~ered by lll• uoaaJ'Or bfeAaiaJ riaita of truel- eented., &OU-D.O•. ~' t.I.Je Ql.!At..,r- waa bronght h ·I!C 1\gente. or • drawtOCra.' aa tbt' were ter•oed. L 1 1 ~b T-Na~tri.Y "" &be liaoatgru were tboee of miJl who e o.ren!d e urltala~or~ b1 ~qc~ an in~ebtia~ wt"re oou•••oted with the ba,iotN of tbe oouatry ly-~J~ ..... ~itioq, ooo&et~ing. !.JDP~o.he"' atroaaliaa aloa;r, eoden· ... aia1 to .Dalte a llteli: r:be •a&n\Lures ofthe Reverend F&tber O ' Don. bo.nd , aod h waa . a aerfoue wa\ter indeed for n11U ~~ tbe Beveuio~ FaU!et Brown be tina lloaae to de<»de wbether h ahnuld permit hoped tLe Ooveramen~ wo~&ld '-Jke it ' ioco tb~ae blrda ot1:>aaa•~t11 eo.·roteH~re wltb nn r local fw.vorabl~ ponaiderawoo, and. aoce<M_ to .. tbe mm-witbou~a·..-etltaro- auor u a'll9fuee wOfi' ~a!lble ~nee& ot' ,be ~ltl~en&! fur tbe """""" ilr eoUcl~olc· ordt-n &If$! ouder- ~.: w •·-· ... Ill ll l)ititlopera Oa rtbe otber .. llabd lb lb"' • • · • ·r 90¥rJ'O~ bad muobj>l~1iiea~

f " unl lfta ... ..__ 'tl"in. '""!' -. ' • auterea·• o tbe pnplil). it ebould be llODiioleret.l ~ ·-., ~ wt.ett.er lhfl 6oJUf>'tjtiOD ,foplcfooL be 10 their r1 lJe cd•tinuttl.) •drau 11a~ ,il(loh w.-, tl;le outpollle, ~rt~iul1 ot 1 the '" • of, t\~ pow"erDi'l &raf•lle~ra • )'b;,.

T.ltt1RSDAT, Mareh li7. Plllltlon •111 pr•aeoted for'"" ptirj.oo~ oi obtniu-Tbe Hooee opened a& four o clock lUll the uplolo&~a 'Or bon •De111be1a •bo are en Mr. MUitliAT preee~ut.ed a petluoo from Samgel w•aeJ lo t,uelo .. , aod •Jao woulti be. oompeteot

~ik.s 1\Dd o~be~ lobablt*Otl of Horreo, pr•1·. "' tl"•' wltb tho ia1tter, aod If afrer thtl bad 1Di for tbe ert'otlon ot a Wblatl• or Fog Gu~. glun • •1' re11ic>blo thlMYitwalr woa)d bu 'foontf oo (;baooel Haad. 1D pr11eotloa cbla 1Jetltlun. ••umlblf" to do io,•a Hill oould ' be .euily ID\fO• be would call atteudoo &o tb" fao~ that tlle loc.&ll · !.loo.ol whlob would rtinote 'the d1CBcalty. tJ lo • blob tlot peUtiooen duired 'be er.,otloo uf . Mr. FKAMN aaid tba\ h• doallte•l the adYiaabll a Wuiatle or Fog Goo. wu a nry to~Jl1 ope, aud 111 of !)tjllint{ a me..Ure .Pion ibe • trat~llf.,Jl numerou. dlautento ablpplo~t b&J OCDUrNd there •~ouw•a H• thouwll tba' a11rut daal11ould' be u id from time to tiwe. Yor tbeae reaeou•, 'baD, be -.calullt'*"~ ' eo!Jr'l. A;t 011naln olaa. of work· hoped tbat the uOYifDIIIIDt fo ita WltcfOCD lfPUld ioltC Ult!D •nd Jr.,Jt-lfPep uwed a wreat deaJ tO lie ha way•lear tO anDI the Ylr1 r ... oaeble rll• tbJII:I t~veJit,., lor If~ .. , cu.,ed 10 comf"t•r'i quu' coot.alued lo Ule petitloo : aleo. a pethloo • euooopo11 "o~ald b, cr,-c~ w~lob woqld plape from Joho PeDDIJa'Od other iobabttanta or lhl tbt •...a. •&...GpOct lo tbe IJipCla of. Itt• IDI!I\haota ume dietrict, aakiu1 for the er,.ctiou of a Liwht lo eudtl I o• rt11Diu pri .. •oald be eet.bllah Hoi!M oo the ... , eod of Rawea .l.II•Dd Tble rd, aodiM· tf Mtanl rea~at• nrae prolha would

,Ugbl, be aJao OOn .. oded, Will I tery OIOHIU1 IUIUe.. tl• ~bt bt .... riacll' iU &a.Jiu¥ U tili

,one, OODiltJeriq ~e •ount of .. I=IC ca!llow tt-u 711r 1110, befol"' oownaercial \.r~YIIIfre oam11 *' atljaoeot porta The barbor •' .. •a• a her•, h ~~~ a. oommoo Ulk.lf for uotfemen .,0 . good ODt, &Dd U a litchi were ptao.d Oil the blaod vaar11.1 I ~ be proyfefort Wdt to brio" ee"IJ oar· It woillcl be a ,.._, IJDide for .._.,, Pllll•t •• ~·ICOill aod ue-~ dollar a ~rei prolh 00 flour. .... ............. .. .......... pl-.. Ia ....... i-..... _.,, .. _ .. ~···· .. morioa tba' tb ... pttluoua Ue DpDD Ule aabte impuaed 0 a.~ • lf&ftJIIUI llpD .. for 1b1 JlrlyiJ.

Mr. !ilOR!IO• bail macb l'ltalllte ID edpportloa II' Qf~ · lnaale• ll.re. wh,.bJ \be7 lhoold the prayer of Ule '!rt& petiuoa. preeea&ed bJ boo· 10 •owe ·~·oora,ribuc. JO tbt ~teoeral ntYII!lle Mr. Marray. of lbe ~. •I· b~ta ~ 1P01fld ~ eorry ,_. rutrict

Jrtr McGUTB bad alto IDDob pi ... Drtla IDP.- in &!.oJ l''r lA~ b.Pfl"t'~jtrt!i- bcoa~a~t por&.iot &be pnyer, of ~e ptUdoi for a Wbietle . mo11opo ... wq..W btl "'~· IPIJ ·"tff Jlarw oo CbaDoel fteed. - would bt doae 10 &be ..,...lolt

Ml>.MDaur alto ..,..Mel • PJt~tto• fro" ,.J. l>re.D~&'IiiiV'IPifii•Nd '" ..;ttle•~.._..bleb 1'. 'l'w~l ... o~.,.. oJ.jl~ .,&.Wolle. veu o referred wae 1 moa• ~-001 uk(aa f~ a ·..u .-m peoke& 10 pi) bta•.-• Ul4..ba. ~ 11 ~ •• ; lortue RaJ ... ,.,.. o• &be \V IItVa &bore. & • Al&boa111 &Mra were two ealUor peok•&a ,.Ji~Wi • qal.e.te ...... "'"' I.; • aa U.. ..... ._... .. .-,.~,_., U.e ••all• mecbbef flf ih.i W*' co porta • .,. pa-.d OMr "oooeeqUDot olloe aod ~ altai Olbtr b8pedimeota · 111·-.lllN , J:ioa. flll.utOLU. &.our.ur k4 mula lor 1D of U. PtiiQOIDo


. /~bsolutely Purt-:. 'l'bia powder oeYer uriea. A manel of pur­

Icy. et.riDflUl aod wholeaomeoea- More ecouo· 1111cal thao 'h.e ordioarJ ltioda aod ~uno& be , eold ia compeulioD with ~be wqlti,ode .of low eat, abort weight. alum or phoapthate powttera. &frf ttn/11 ill CG/16-H.oYA.L..HAllNO i'OWD&IC Co., ' 106 W&ll-"kht, N.Y, Avl2lly


Italian and American(Marble SOAPSTONE &c 0 • •

~O~~ME~TS;· O~AD~T~N&s,. tUBBING . , &;c., executed in Original dtiS!gna.

Enidiah and Amerloan plana fumtabed to oraer. C:u-vinas, a apemal~

Note-BeelBtOck, Artfttio and 8~­tial Work guaran~. .

P~loe Ua&oa aud Specimen Boob aeD' oo ap. plication to &DJ addreu. · ·

Beet atteDdoo ginu to orden reoeiYed bJ tO&.II or olberwlee.

All work executed aoder penooal aupefTWoD CEMENT aud fLASTE& PARIS fot aal•. 'l)~A.NOVA. lllAB.B~ WO~,

DUckworth St.reet, BL. lolm'a ;&pllO' 1 Poet Ottioe BO% 428

I PH<ENIX -Fire Assurance Company •.

LONDON. LOMBAllD 8Ul~~. CHAIUllG 9llo8f'

ESTABLIB~D IN ~ 18~ ....... -

TBUBTEES • DIBBOTOJJB Joqpb W at. Hauodale, ~·

•Briatow Buill, Eaq. 'fbe Hou. Jamee Rf.,. JobD CloUoo, Eaq. Octarlna E . Coo.p•. Zaq., M.P. .U.Orge Aribar Faller._~­Oharlee E. Goodhart, Eeq. M . Rhode Hawlt:ioe, Eeq.

·· &irJobD IAlbbook, Ban.. M.P., F.R. UhrleA ThotOU Lnoaa, Eaq. Charlet Majl'Day, .I!Aq. rhe HoD. EdJJJo B, • .Por&mao. Dadle1 Robert SmJtb, Etq

. Wm. Jam~ Tbompeon. Eiq. -


Page 3: 46 AMERICAN NET TWINE C~.,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18900407… · .. '\ IJ I (TWo DOLLARS PER YEAR.) · . I HARBOH. GRACE, Nlt1LD. MONDAY, APRIL . 7,

l!egislati~e ~€ounciJ popul~tloo, before. tile. oooatty We are· r.oto GY~ A BD I ' .. a . ., &T . the IIlii ffahery .yleloa .. a a ,4:0011 return. hut ' "" . u !. ~ :&.W.

' etatiat~ca'of the en~ I , htst riniC llud Mh.oon fl11hntiea revaa.l a coo'l!dertlbiJ falliu iC uff in tit a oatcla.' . FIRE A ND LI.FJi tlert tD we flod\ ~~~" ca~ee of 'he l'etult At.I\IPti •


PIR3T·SE3SION .OF 16th GENRR!ItABSEIBLY .L-:o:.:- rurthtr oo. that. ,b.., .. e,~oue exh•b'·~· '"!u ..... nff. Assur~nce Com'l"\'!tn"fl

ST. J OY.H's, 'J.'u.etday, March 11. · ~ud ,, that dl!ohue cnoboue to mttolflllt lt~~t:lf t ho • "" rrM I lloo JAHU Ptns -ttontintltd)l-lieatJt'otito~ ':!-'v"rnmeut wlllatillfio~ tbnDH vrt t'.l ufron111tt ' ,.. J NDON '

,· .mEIU~AL USE. Pll4tuD:IODlia, Bhoo.math!J, Dlee .. at Ulo

'lln!.-~•'"D Ollolora XorbWI, 0,.8011• ·c!Oo&alAID• SlJttn.. ,~ a(, if•r7

1be para~:ra&Jb ioformi11g tbd Lt-tct~aluea lilac ,. wub un e10pty cheat, whiob, oo,witbelaucliui! the 0 L' .. 0 1

oowwitaio~ bu be~n Bl•polutl:rl ro jqqutrP iuto f i\Ct rlrllt i~ was emply, they "PJH:!Ar4!t1 l!ll~terlv - --· -I ~t ft.lu. B't·

Of)lbody • h 0 Q t ct ba.,. Ulla book,

.&Ad tllolfO WbO

"•e operataou of \1~11 Uai~ Acll of 18&7. Hi88 aod auxiunt to j.:Ct boltl <~ f it Dul!ll not t l:ia ltol;l ESTABLISHED A .D., i821 r~9. •o tiwl anotbt~r lttaconraoy, bacau•e tho 111\ltjlltCnt or tbll GoverumeoL, or whlub the hon (ia!t Ac' of 1889 h.o~e oever been 1,111 in opt~mtion . .\lr I lllfvey ia ao ioflueotial a mcmher. 111Jorrl " It 11, however, oul)' lipbu a)Jill' with tht1 lollS auu hi).!llly nucompliutttultuy _and uuaatiefllctory ell· lt•correct way iu whiob 1-tui whole bueioeat iafraru tuttx to '''" elforlll n~tcd by tlut llort t.:ttutlu·

;, , MD4 , -u._ lt1WUl ! ~'VOr an. UlaA)l

• • ' Dt.tr l- •tare. '"" .. ' ''- eball NOOln a~oatoi ....it ~~·.-a B.lallprtoe, 26ota.; e~w.e. 1160. lbt-pro•~to

Moor w~'im~~;~·t···}IL ~~OBNSON .. oo .• P. o . Bo~ lll\8.ao.Ga.U....


· "~· ~t!lpecung thb appoiotrueot of 'be oomwi~- """' duri"lt tlttl IJMBt. t wunry Yt!KNI-Iliiurlll in .. uo_n~r1 bo (~r. P.) ;. .. fully io accorri • ith rbe •_hich ht: (Mr ~.1) ltttd "''Pporterl him-to pro­op&otooa exwe~A~ed by the bou mo•er of rb" Ad· Vttlt· •10ol .. ,u .. bhefl 11o dlioeeut fi&bl!ry au1lervi ­~rua, Mr. Ma,ckay, r11gardtUIC qu,Uflcatioue of 1 10 11 1 llow wua it 1111,t the bon ~entlemac. &he guotleaiw appointed 10 tb" oftioe. At tiro llftcr IIChtt~vin~: the elltKbhehment ,of t\ ~·illht<ries ame time, H bu bt~Qb deenabd noceiallry tlult Corulllil!llioo a 'I tbtt fruit of hio~ · able a~ritl\t ion ~~cb ". coune 11hould !:>e adopted. and be quos- iu ••II thuau_ yeKra hH8 uow. appnretH ly forJotOtlen uoued 1~e beceaeity:' ~e ~'trell as ila ·aiuceruy, re .' hi11 lu.ntlinl{. H.uli ullowcu 1t t.o ,~o Lre11t .. d wi1.h gardwg ·~ a11 a pohuoal 11batu, why, io view of 1111Ch colJ iuJrll~•·ttaCI', · if not a1J11o lnte oe~­tll" vtt.ltwportauca of auob a · aubj.,ot, ietb., in. l .... c~ 1 HKll t hM hon. geotlen;.m lo11t io··· v~:etigation coutioed to out~ WI\U. He cootandtd r...:n:.n. i11 thH tittlreriell, wh()jj~ v"lue 1u1d tha_t tOIItc:l\d of 011e, tb.e du~:,y ahould hu.i be11o prllil,cc11 he h1111 time aud 11g'11 in soundlltl ISI!tlllltld to three tboroul(~l~ compeUwt mf ll. so · 1 1 f u to iuveatig~ttc tbe watter ui the moa' lboroul(h wtt' IIIIC ' ervid eluq~ter;tce.1 He rol(rtltted

SUIJ:!CIUUIW CA.PI'I'AI • •• . ... £:l,IJUO,OO() bl<g

I •trAI. lilvurr1w .l•'t!NUII Ul'· WAitO OF .... .. ... ~ . .. ... ...... ~,7fl0,01JU "

Al'fNUA.L lNco.ut: UI'WMUJS or :Si•IJ,lH•U " I

The • GUARDI AN" locio:.: ,. lintt cl~-. . l~nJ.;lish~ luat.t llllC~ ColD I'"" y otleol$ ull thOtSe . ruh·kntllgeE, Wo:it. dCl<irn lolo Lu iu:tUftJrll viz. unJort l.w.l Kt.lll,ilit y, fn,·•o:·,, IJ(e 1't~rru'1 ,,,,(!

t••·urOtJit l!attleue~llt ·t.o claitus to·,. lo~. Tho Urllltll'btlplctl h tvi,ag h mm '' I'• o tt lt.,: .

A,.:l!nt.'l (ur Nt~wfuolntlluml "r" l'"' l''" ot•t ~oJ i!i­llllti l'ulicies "~1111l:il lo:~s Ly ll'in).

J A.'!lt.o.:::i::; ..v t., ·rr:tt, ::i~. J v i IIlii.

JU~EPll WJOUBN I ::i u lt. A a.:• •u L H r. I < I'UCO.

and cowprebe·oaiYe ruaaher , lt impoted too l tt r~:u to tiiiU "uoh CIJOioeaa to>~eard~ bill fQnuor lo\'&. 118

a tUit and tOO "ei~loty a •reepooaibility OpOD fbll l>l tOWtt by tbiatJrODO'tDCemeot of tbtt t7overuntt'tlt . el!ooh.lorl_ of a eiogle commieeiont!r, becauae upou of wloicb tlte hoo. Qeotleman is a .co"llllicu••ull hta aole dtctum wtll re•' the oou\ioua&ioo or rll- me rub •r which co;:npletely iJloorea the lab"r" Jltllll of a atat:'t"• &Qd .bia''i'eputl opoo I be CAll' of tb '' J.o'iehery Coromieaioo. aod "ppareotly witb Q I way m eao ruao tO ·~he ~,u'!"Y· : l tnf'oe ... r,at ~··" lton.d~eo,tl elua~·· iconblieu,, Not a bare paaa- uee_n nsurance Company. all .. the true u11oee11ty of IJiQ·. ooruwiuion would 1111C "'or o tban .. e e t rowo, &Yeo· aa a bone oonail' in ill beiul( t~ffioi~~t, wbiob would depeut.l to a doll. to the Flebery Oommi .. iooere, who • PITAL upon the eXjt!D~ ol tbe JIIOrk dooe. aod lbe Will · hue perfortued. ~o~ratuitooiiJ , very ardaoue 19f · v A .-£2,0001000 Sterling. dom dieplayecl io ptrformio~tlt; aud b~t'eooteod . •ioeL Now . rejl&rdlnif tbat Fiabery Commiatioo. ed Lbat uo mao, ~ow.,e.r io<iividua, lly comnateot, boo mrmbera wtll remet.Obe t the lenflby d iaoua-

IJ b bl r, tt. r- t iooa we bad iu tbla' Chamber upon tbe Hill Qiv wou e a e to per orm a.( tbtt work requirt~d. log h elrt~ot , in wbicb t he nmmimo'ua ft~elinJ "".J rttport, tba aetaloD. in · time for .le~lllatiYil aot\Do. Re thereto~ reacatfed c~e motemtot aa wu tbat the llillhteat llllot or poll&ioal bi~e eboul



60 GHAOECl:iUlWH l::!T.REE'£, LON!")ON.

a di!CI'ptioo. aod tbe oommf'-ioa it evideoUy u- oo& be allowed r.o color i ta compotitioo or ita _tabli'htld tqr 110,1)e purpoae other than ao houet1 aoc.. In 1oeiatlull ou tblt •lew. no wau WNI

•nqalry ioto the o'peratioo of the Bait Aota W t' more lu earot'tt, uoue advocated It more wllrru ly are told ln another paragraph tb•t .. the Rigbt tbau boo. Mr. Harvey. , It ""' tne uoanit.Ooue ll r..oorable the Seoretar

1 ol ~tate for &be Coloo- opinion tbat tbe Government of the day eltould TWI!!NTY-.'1:0. 1u ANNUAL REPO lri,

iu bu ac:qu,~nted me tb" De otiaLiooa Aro iu hue oo po4.er to iuterfera wi•b ita w~~rking. fhe Reports anJ Accounts t or the year

Golder's Patent Victoria Anchor and Oil Buoy. pr~"r_e-a between . ~b. G~~ern\3!._¥'- of Great ~·h~ action 'of tht~ prea~:nt Government would. 1886, presented to the Sluu·ebolders 1\t the Hrua~o aod France, for a aettleme~l of qaeatioue owe•er. g:> to allow that tbtly Art! inUuooct!d hy A.nnuul Meeting, on Thut·sday ~th May that bne areteo w"b regard to lbtl riabca of tbe uot a lirt lt' jealuuay of tDeir predeceuora for be- 1887, showed in t he aobjeote or tbe two oatiooa ritpeotiuly. to catch inll tbe tire~ to luitiate tbe Fiabery Hureau. be- FIRE BRA NOH. Kul.l ureaar•e lobetere 00 t lla• part of our co••t cause they bo.ve etriuo tbeir Ql'lt ainctl t llttir Ad - Tl p . r ~ - It .• . ,. I . . 11\t the rtHU1U!n8 for 1886, tl.ft.er tluduc· wbertl the Freoob bue .. ooaoorreotrlabtof tlab- Vl'n 0 powt~r. to rtlOvt!r It a pu II 0"1 lll8tltUIIIID

- • !u

1; aod h ie hoped tha~ a. proviaioaal arrahge- We bave teen, witbio ebe laet fp!f day• . a p11rteot Ling He·in tsurances, a mounLed to , £601,649

,rueot for the preaeot aealoo ma1

be arrtv~rJ "' avalaoobe of ne" merobora a_t tbe tneetioge of tbe rtnd the L osses to . £3~3,494; or 08.76 per wblob 1 tnut may pu.- tbe way JO a aatltfaotory oomml•eioa; and thllt too, wttbout &be oommoo cent. IOttlt~men' of tbll di1Bonhy" Now. if tlutt

11r oourteey of a ooto from tbe llon Colo~olal ::!Pore .

raoae010Dt i1a Wti\Jtl, OlD ~~ pOIIIibJy be &J.Iprove-1 tary, DOlifyiDil tbtl<()OQJUilltiOU Of thei ... appn\nt -01 by the Ledala&ure or thle colooy tbie tellloro? meot. Now, tel(ardinl( ehel'uro nt fi>~h . ht1 failerl It · to b te · to be oou•iooed Lb~At tht! Lagielature bad any-


11 e a mporary arr.&Dft&meot for tbo~ Ottr· tbio~ to do witb it . Tbtu wu • eoatt"r that reot year; but we have been aaaurad by the lm · d perial Go•eromeot tbat tbe aattnt of the Colouial ehoul btl left eo1ire1y io the bKarle of the tratle J..t,gielatore II eueoti•l to the adoption uf auy who. iu other oouotrte., bne thtt regulluiou of meaearee touohin~: our 6eber1 right.a. Soob beio

11 auoh matterraa tbie by rrreane of Uoardt eetolb .

the cue, CAD thil tetuvorary arraouerpeot be aub· liebed fnr tbit tad oowoale purpuaea. He ooa· i d " leaded it wae. tbo dotv of the Cba1.0ber of Coru-

m tie r.o 01 tht1 preatnt aeetioo for •pproy- l or me•ce to aUeDd to tbii aubject. aud If tbat oharo­rejt~otioo, e.nd ie' it likely ~hat we ebould approve ,of it? Aod if oot tubc;nitted to ne, are our t\rtt ber ba.J doae he d•Hy, • ., ahould oot b~tve to prioo~plee r.o be aone tt.oJC •. _ apoo

1 aod a vl•al coot,oul! to dt~plore the .e•i la . .rt119ltla1C to the

quettlOD that we preaumabiJ betd tbeftoal di•po .. l bett iotereatt uf tbe oolony frut& Imperfectly of in· 011r baodt, r.o be l&t uide by 10 ~reo· ourl'd tiah My ooueeueue of ty:tdorataoding meoc tr~ade wilboo&. our know1eda• or cooeeot? amooaet tbemeelvee they could eetabliah a e:aod . A k • tb' ard of qoali~y tbat would vbviate the great lo-

1 t p,reaeot we 0011 DO 101 a boot tbia matter 1' ory the colouy hu eufrered, aad witho"nt euob aate fr!)m what ~e h•" l(a,ber~~ from t.be de­i~tM io tbe .FrenOL Le~j_atawYp Cb&mben . Ltnt remedial meuuree will continue to euiJI!r from !if_ eteq_ Jo,r one 1811.,00 lOCh ao, acoraP-m.eo~· II ie ,tbil ClUte 'l'be Pllr&l(rapb referriu~ to mining · d be ..., • iodnatri111 wane. tbt~ elemeoll or oorreotoeae

.~ btnte a& , m~de, It' will ban a c:'\-qe' prejodioial d • effeot·opoo tome of the dearett rljbte of ua uol· ;w~ich ahoal be expectt~d io a S&Jeecb delivered

M d I . A d d . WOrdera.for tbe Baoye so bti bad of Jou ouittl. Becauae tbe recoKoition, ot a 'right oo ~be lby Ria Exoelleucy to t ue asYerublerl Legit~lll

9 a 8 -• war e • \ MoQ & Co_. Harbor G...ft. . . of the Frrooh .r.o ~\ph ant.l prep.re lobettn :turil. \V e are told that, " no~withatllndin~ ---- . . F,, w .. &Ol.JJ;Ea., ln1Jt111ttJr, the COUll of tbi .. i~laod •Ill "- uLiliaed.. the heayy decline iu t he prioe or copper, in

ht- Tbe • VlC'l\)RIA ANOBOR" ll .ql ~-· ~ .Late ~j!f. oj'A.'tA. T . Oo· S. s,,!JI...., In ,tbelr fnqr· in •obi.queot ar- th~ &arfy part of the year, -JUining ~lUI prose· peci&lly adapted for &OJ pwticol~, buhv"lclaa JJU ~~ qf.tk Gold Medtslettl Tbe tao&¢ b~~iuK, oauabt them outed to a uont the same e xc.ent aa in the p re-of ~11, 'from 'tbe 'f1rt4t &utma to \be Dory. . DiplMNJ t(W·~ 01 tM J1VMrW1 !for ooe •euoo, will, be.poo"'er~ed loco a reuon vioua a&Uioo." He (Mr. M.) "as not aure

tocf-h ltlpenedet all otbe.n, u h 'lau more 1 , • ·R:z\ibitiQn, tc . 1888. for beiDa ~riDhted &p do.,.l9 be,~w~ aod r bela. b · t 1 1 ~.o1ldila1'_,9r.~ tba ... o aoy other tweo'f ·p~r oeot. GO'D"R'~ "!RIA 'Pl'I'PIIT_Inl , BJIUV tereata of ,the oolooJ 'fl t~~··~UlCO\J • • tienral ~ · at t he pnca o copper WllS eli& llllt year u ,,il 11 1.1 ll A an UJ.U IUVI l imporc.a~ ma~ce" are thep ,d~tt ,hb io ,b~ tol- thiUl in &Ue year bllfote: he believoJ the p:ic~. 8rd-l~eMaDot.be fov/.M. by oablee o~r it or A~ A G01 . __ _. ... , i .,. ... .._-',_.. to~iug tutDwary mauoer :-• J:$\u1 , relattoK to lit tbe p~nt time, wila an avtlnage one. liu~

IIDtpt bJlta.owu. ,. EZhJ ~ L.e,.... -r...---. rail way e:ll8DIIOO. Non~ aod \lie·~ Manhood ~be e,prea9ion ot ll hopH, .. t.bat OUI' mineral •thr-b.wtQI. io ooe-fo~rtb the room on deck A ad DOW' d ~ on, 1 , ' • Soli' rage •. Local Self.Go•erocueo~. aod . o~ber im · resources will be worked with inor6t1.88rl vigor·

or raU. oolr "projeotioa abou' a fool from the • · - d OH • bJ t e large 1leet of .wllolf, for· port&ot to&~r• •lll be .Ubmitted k) joo ·., tbe during. the prMuo~ yettr,'' ia Jeluaive vurbinge, ........ -'de wbeo ttow-.ll . . . 811f11 au ba.nkiOf Ve••l• ont or tbl• pan. It •I 8 f t e . ' d 1 b • •• .... . bu gtye ._ 1 u.r.;.~ • _ _u - ' -1 m 0 00 perqnc. ao pray t •t ·JOor when it. i• known tb11.t afl't~.,irs of the principal

ThRt New Policlies h11.d been iliaued for £2158,990, yielding in premiuul £9,9H'i. and tlmt the totlll nett. premium income was £82,r 374. That the ptiymonts to poh oy- bolders were £-13,741, llOd tbut. tho Life tund was ooreased by £40,00:3.

The 8blaoco at CrPJit oi Profit and Lo88, .tftet• Rdding £23,000 to the !!'ire lt'nnd, was 8bowo to 11mouut to £134,1!)6 l Oa 4a, and wll8 di11poltfld of rtll follow11 :-£~7,00l'l lS 0 For Dlvldedannd Bonua

16,701 17 0 Added to Reterve Fund, and 90,489 8 4 Carried forward.

TlLF. FOND::; W ere shown tbet·eafter to stt1.od 1111 follow11 :-Cav't"l Paid up ............... . .. .1::1 80,089 Ktlaerv~a ... ... ... ... ... .. ... •.• ..• 4-<10,-isb Life Accumulation Fuud ... ... . 661 ,016 .\uouity J.o'uod ... ... ... .. . .. . 24,WO l'UTAL FUNDS IN HAND ......... £1,296,600

JOHN CORMACK, Germ·al Agent for 11/flJ

Sos-Ao£NT. A T. DftYtiL>Af.E.

arbor nr.oe

GENERAL &aauranco Gampaar~

·FIRE AND LI~~E. 6th-h oan tse fn 10 Srock a11tl Flfllb from tbe fi:l 0 ~'-ner. . a:-~aoAoo, -mowa 1 oom· deliberatioDJ uodu the I;>' rine ~ljllliog, ~1 re· d :" rail _, ~ a· 'lambler. No .()001:-bUliltq, lor d dllly. • . tot~ in lbe happloe .. ao~opotentmtol' of the peo. oopper oompauy, Olng bnaine&i in tbia h bUJ.bocmfaor-lf'OII-on ben~~ aeo..-ry. · . . '""'a . ~ . ·pie of.tblaJoolooJ.' Now, u tberelaoo tp8C116ed hmd, are in t.be bands of a receiver, and t.bat. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1837

a&h-It. O&DaiOt poeelblt•fonl the (Of'f•foot or , • ...~Tl~~~oON'lA.LS. lime, beo for olotloa. tbe .-loD. &h~ .. mattert. there iaa po11ibillt.y of its beiog wonnd up a t ' prick ~bo• ·•bllit beia1r MOIP'ed. . The foJio•lo&.Mid~• are from o.p•. HAW• or aome or them, m•J . 1loder &be wordio~r of &.hal llny moment. Suob atatetneull were wia- HEAD Ol'FJOE:

•7tta-Uiar...,•$0 ootaod,.,laod llot11 tbao KDII, of .-be b&okloreoaooaer ~a1td:cJap1 !P.raarapb, be nompleteiJIJIIIOred. aoool'dln~r r.o leadmg in the extreme; beio~t utt.erly at vad 103 OANNON STREET, LONDON, F .. O.· IDf otbea&Nbor.. . .• · • • . BODIOII, qf the eob~otr .wu.a:"bo&h o,.l::lal- . ~e wbim or exoedleuo7 ,of Lhe,goteromeo'l. who ancie 'l"i tu facta with which tl•eEx.ecutive were

t&ll-'tbe.Flake.oaa be-ln.t.. owt aad rep~d ~or ~raoe.;- • ~ . I · ICD&y, wbeo, th!1 ohooae., tlo .. tbe • ..,oo toDd perleotly f~&ruili,a,·. While , ou1· 6'eheri011 are Capl•ta.l·.-£.1,000,000 Stg loa t.tr' atlu ...... ~ Rlult .. .abe•applled. · · .sm~I lt.a•e. ued .. &he Vlotoria OU Bde)' ain th ... qoenioo•-~ ao· bJ ~o:~b I• tbo oo- f wblcb Ia of. gHtll•od#GIIklf', . by Modloi omaber' the put --..oo,wbUtt eopaed la Ute &ak Jllb. . .. ,~tr. )1nbeoomlog • way lo wl)lob 'beJ, plaoe diapoaed ot in three or our lines, we tiod a of

1tp. · . . 1 er,.,aod. dnrhtg tbe•ftfJ lt•YJ l&orrM •ebaa- theu proaramme ~fore tb~t oouo&n 1 but tbe long par"8.raph devot.ea to a teferenoe to tl}e 9~-'l'btl Aaobor..up &o S.e huodNd wet1bc. ter81f, batlf.toaod.iWo~ alUb'*it "-l...SIIDd ollm~s of iau>roprietr., Ia t~obed.by ~iog a d iaoo!ea·y, , dt wo,.lu.ble aeama ' of. ooal. Ele

MD bt ~ np4lNd by .ay ordi~tary. black- ~bat Ia claimed for- .u-wbe&bu layfo1 to or few word• to 1be lut patU~:apb • .ooota\Jaioac . a M.) aboa~d feel only too glad to know ,~.,...,... \bt eomiDOO -.aobor le tot411' ttit- r~poloa,lo.,beaYf lei&; ' Oi ridbat a~bor oi tete praJer tb~t tlu DlYioe~~lMifoa may._,,et OQ...J.btlr i• a proepeo~ o( tbeee on&l Jej)Oaita be· eu trbeo ouoe brokea. · S.,olt~t.bere S. perfect .aaltt1' wbil• yoa bafe , labon. l bey!Jare D~' .. _-q tbt .cocqlbo~MD~ ing mad!l payable, but ooDJidering t.bi~t is a

lOth· -The 8took o( "-e u VIOT.OBIA AN- tbe, OU Baor d.Mt.·. l.olllclaot Dow be wt•·· ,~d oommo~ c:\eoeo01 &o offer uv 'heir; IIPI•allooa matter only mitt incep~ion howClin the Oov · OI:IOR" .. '-· .uo Olle•kif 11 loaa.u t~e.•rock ,o1n, 1~ at aor oeet.. YOil oaooo& 11tlma .. <tbe lia a dll.tJ!»>• aod .. ~,...-peracrapb. ae bu bare~. • • d k ' ,. b . . . of~ ooeiDOfto....,_, •Jtdd f aeeded.lllllllllla~rn. sulq bJ"'be aM of t.be OU ·BDOJ: ' . • tofore ai••JS beeo done ~o mlolt&Jrial epe ~ e~ment un erta e to •ay, t ete 1ft l ea!lon

0111 ._ ehto.,. o4r .._, •foci: aad 17wm _,;, ~t.• .. ' ' : .. ·· •.tt<.D&Pli&N~WKIN&. 1 lD fao~. Lbe wbol~ eJ01100 bear. 1,eyitten'! e:;, to 'b~fie!e tll11t t~e reau!te of tbia work, wh~n

• • 1 bleD b.utlly\pyi&teo 111cl 110& eabjeottd co 1fully reported upon, wtll bue \be effeo~ of f~a.4 Jaet • • •·. · No-uottoT of •he, day' Ia ,i han~ U.. ·P.Mt,OIIJ~o;:u..;. _,. . .. re.Woa-~hro"91 off . with a'*"~ ioditftr· giving an impetull t.o otiniog, rLDd o~her iudna· 10:-:.1•••-:tf u' lf . t•IJelSaabiiDd1.-o-: teetlfJ&o tt.•Mefalneee,aad u&ow~df9'hmla~Ha~tttp(llllbepub· :r.rieeintbe ntoarfuture!' Here we have a

• -Tbe . OTO A CB~B Ia tb,e ooly ... o~I";Do~.,. to be wftboaal••* l''ol~eo aMCI .mio~ ~utitsa Jll.Cbeir e&roDil Yote, their oountry nor. evf'n &nl'•tytd, and even •dwit =~04":~ llgAht:.r::/:'J!.~:! :of ._....1 trblllhldiDf ~ aoobor.. • ,,.,. . rt • ' ltllfDt~l power, the~QverQ,IIIN' eppuo.a&IJla· rting tbe ma~~tl'ft&voFahle view of tboae ooal I ._, .• - ' ~ (- l ' . .aOB&&T"'HUDSe., . ttod. &o ~Joroe tbear-,w-.r teprdl ... or all form f, d ~ be .• k bl 10

l .. , t l SobU•If .....,. ~u aod rule olord!olfltProprielJ . ... t~eJlodloaled. ~~·1 th~ oun to or a e tue or b7 ~.ar .ofg ~pe.Ob. •12 mllea from. 1be sea oo .. t. Hence ie waa

l:ioo. M. Mo .. o• tdebtd &p rtf• a -few obeer· ,nnreuonable t.o l'efer to them in terJUa of Yatiool or a ,.,~ ebur,_r...,. Ute opeoh•l ~~lt~h -'lln'r~tnoe with the meagro i nformation

~~{)~b. &o wlaiob ftll• .,.cl_ .-ott. before tlae u yet ai'ailable. llr.' l?Mtiden~, it i• doubt· ~Oil~ pDIPQJl~ to NpiJ, • AD -~. IWllaaaD ful whether!. in your·loOC O'XPttrieboe of par-who ~ ,...,.,ed blCD....,d ~··laa epeeob lltialenetar, ufe;' ar-tir· rerba~ ttl an ' that of

, ll0~!!!~ ~ 111.,.,ol,h~'11J..-d lookl•a~a• •••• ~·1''0Uier J ..ln~lemu no.t a iD'cmgat ua. JOU im~-• IIHI\tertt la teo oateodl7 ••~ h ~ , ... , . 1 "' woal4,... ,beN •wal & cl1epoaldOe 00 &be pars e•et ,•'!'( b1 ' • ~h\'-tena ~b, dell\re~~~ by of . 1~ frataen CO OUtpiJ IIi" U.-4old .... 1\he reprteeo&iUYe oJ H~r --.JMSflb tbu oo\. wblob -.r• • \la•"" eo-...-~~~~ eo_...d oo'T. euoo an uiu.rulhM aqd htilloroat para··

' Ia &U ~~!~all• ,.,.a.' Wblia.;ri ..,..idet. ppb u tbf.' havlns referenoe &0. the J?o.litl .. ~. ,. • .eow •• wW llarcq~~a~ edl!llNre o&t a(Snatioa. ~ ,.J• 1 •• SiDoe tlae ~lla· are pleueclto deeorlbe .. " Go-Mt.utf all .laa~ mR a teoeral eleotfiHI bAf taken tbe ....... we Aoal41 ....... ll, bart•ezpeoteda bl whloh ' &be ballot l.ft&eih wu em··

,,.91._._"':-' •IHI fot ' tb'e 8ret time 1n \bb oolon1.

tha~ DMrl1 "enr~ dwtriot .,..._ •l.oro~tOOb•MCJ, I ba-.e'

.c ta. ot :'~ ~·fibd 'ha' 'be ·= 1.1.~ ~ -~· -:r:t .u • .

• Insurances effected on almoat all kinda ot property in Newfoundiand at lowest possible ratee.

J. AUGUSTUS OLIFr, Agent for N ew{ou.ncll4nQ..

E. B. 1'HOMPSUN, .4gent (&r Harbfl" Grau

Post Office Notice .. -NORlHERN MAIL ROUTE. --MAILS will be deapat:ohed £row thia · l Otficie, for all pl•oei between St J obn•• and Weat.ern Cove, Wbit.e Bay, on

' Tt1&8DA.Y.!-.2ht J i4.UU.iry.

" 4th and H3Lb F'ebru .. ry. ' '• " · ttb 'and 18tb Mllrob. u ' 1 l n , l~th i 'od 29th April,

Ol01lng aG 8 a.m. od lnoroing of d~~~~totl. . ' _., Booka and Pt&~1· .wltf'oot .be fo\'•r

warCied by tbi.a rotit.e, Oo~pondenoe no~ poat.ed in Lime will t~ma\u ln ollloe until ~ t'ollo-2-- mail. ( • • '

"'AU5 I • s. o. l'.tu .. s&a "' ~P011 lliut.rtl•;a•

General p .,.t 01Boe1 St. J ubu•1, } l>~ So, 1889' tlSO ,

Page 4: 46 AMERICAN NET TWINE C~.,collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18900407… · .. '\ IJ I (TWo DOLLARS PER YEAR.) · . I HARBOH. GRACE, Nlt1LD. MONDAY, APRIL . 7,

• larbor ~~ · ~b -.lHD­


MU~IMX' At•t:IL. 7. ~~~0 ........., __ ....... ___ ................. ..---... -~---.... ~



A8 the ruincl" of tlae fleOftle of this and o~her plllcea in Conci'Jtd• n Bay-of those ,..pecially who IU'8 much iut:1ettted in the Lt. bntdor anJ Bttnk fiaht<riAM-1t~ "~ lJ rtllient btt­ing agi~tt:d a.y rhe JII'Opot-~tl of ti.Je Govern­ment JO c~ to k~p in ~tc,iv" oper~ttaon thn Colony'~ B~tit. Aot., a few· cumment.s there~ anent »rA in ordt:r:

First., tlow"v"r, lflt UK in • f"w words lay before our r61\dent llll outline of the plan nn· der which it iM 1uop"seJ t.o llOt for ~tt. le111st a abort titue to come. Tll'll\ NitS given in ~tn llO .. nouocemen~ m~de in the Huuse hy \ohe Pre· mier on 'lut~eday night., to the fnll,winll ef. feet, viz., thttt, "durin~ thn enquary now pendiug in rellltion to the Bait Aotll •nd thllir operation on the trtule ~tnd 6aberiea of the colony, the preaeot. B•it Aot would be carried oot under lioeneea l.ly wLich foreigners of llll na~iona will be permitted, during \he present II!UOD, to purohuf' hAit in all our porta on payment. ctf a certain tonnage due-every vee· 181 being limited to one barrel of bait per too of her register."

Furthermore : in reply to a qu&f'Lion put in the Legi.lative Couuoal, the lion. Mr. Har .. ""'Y• (we quot-e from the Coloni.t) at'aterl th11t, "instead of enforcing the B•it Aot on the old priocilJlt!, it wo~old Le modified considerably anJ that a new ~Arrangement would he enLer ed into, by which the French would be com· pellud \O Pnt.er porUI in For·tune B~&y and ot.ber portA of the weat P"rt of thll Island to purchKIIe b"it, by paying a cert»in tonnage rate (ttt in thn caute of the AmeriOilna) and by bein~ 111roenaule 1.0 light anJ harbor dues."

That is to uy, tht:n, that ( 1) .mr people will be pre•·en~d trvau Clll ryiog bnit to St. Pierre ; anJ (2) th"t the vee881a of "II for­eignent-th08e of the .Frer.gh. of the Ameri cans, of the P ortug..1ese, et.o.,-will be allow­ed to come into Newf,,undland port.sand b&r· borS, ~tnd there be vennilted lO purchase bait, OIL p"yroent of ll ~r~tn ronnage due.''

Now, let 118 look for" mOmfllnt. 1H thia pro· poa~~.J, ttnd aak ourt~bl9ea what such rut'flna­wb .. t in,·olvcs-~:nqui~t! wi1ether or not it will have thl! effect contemplated-whether, in a word, it will nnt c;Pft>Kt the very olljeot aimed at by the Bait Act--tiJI\t wll& thd h~tmpering of the French ('tis they we have the most t.o fear 1) and tbe curtailment of their orerationa on the ooaata of this colony-with the conae · quent leuening of their cat.ck of 6ab, etc.

(1) What is involved in the liberty, nay lioenae, now to be granted to the French of procuring auppli611 of bait on the ahorea of Newfoundl.u1d 1 Firat, we aay, it means the nrtual abrogation of the a., it Aot - that mea· aure which even ita encmiet1, being judges, ate free and do no~ hetlitat.e to aar1it ia an in. uluable piece of legi11latiC1n. Ja it · wise, therefore, that it ahoulu be int&rfer· ed with in any wny, e.xoept, it may bit, to buf' it placed in atill moro etringeur. opera tion againat oar • •ery unfair riu!a, the :Freoob f Ia it wiAe thll~ il abould he pntct.i• cally temoved from our Statu~ Book--or, wha~ amounta to much the aame tbiag, have it eet ~e by any auch an arran~ement u the one referred to .lboYe t

Fartbe11more : Those even who are not a~unoh ditnda of the meuare, equally with ~hMO who are, mar•~l greatly tbat ever the Imperial Governmen~ Rbould bue oon.ented to give ita sanction to the Bill--60eiJ•g tba~ ita ri~ enforcement. wu IUt.ble at any mo­men' tO be the ooouion of angry diepatea be. tween the French Md the N e.,foundland fieh· ermeo,and perhaps even lead to diaagreement1 that mig!lt. culminac.e.in international oompH• oa~ioDL No one, therefore, who baa foi'Q)ed any aocurate opinion on the aahjeo~ will at• tempt to deny the 6rn importalloe and rre-~ nlue of the- meuare, eepeoially ~view of the ligni6cant circomat&noe that the Bait Aot, property an ~ oioutly worked, can be made a v~ pocent r in all fut.are n980tiatiooa d'ecftlDtr the Ne fouodland 8aberie1, wbloh 111117 be entered iD'\C) or C)(.noluded with .France. B'pr this one ~ aabetantial and aa1Bclc!ot reuoo, tb~, ~.lo~ ao yber, ~be &it Act il a pieoe of-~~~icb ehoold bt •err dear to ancr .... YefJ biablJ prilecl bJ the peo-... ud Jecl ... 'wre ot tbil ooaa'I'J· Ooue-qoentiJ &he qu .. Uon ari.--le h wile or JM'Ud-& &bat 1117 re6eouon auoh u il in•ol•· eel lD &be la&e propoeal aboald be out apoo ita aeelal--. nine ~, lipal lmf'br&anoe &o WI ooloay Ia &be niJ*' jut madoucl t w.._ OODiiderbla abe m•"- of the Ball Aot &bere Ia ooe .-.m,wlaiob .boald oe•er be Joe& ... , of, ri&.,-&laaa If' ,&be .... re ... abro-. ..W .._row, '&wuaW b.t a loq date t.. lore ............. &I.e IUO&foa ol .... .... ~to .. , ........ liadlu tolti. • ~ (J) w;u '' _. .,.. ..,... to u.. ,.. ,a.., • ..........., ...... • .--.. olwo ........... .,........ ...

·~~~-~ ~

re.dy to(lf"ueroul'r throwopen •"d 'aciv" Ll,t'Ql llah. I; &he 1W' M&W cloae~ lloodo&her l Local and other Items. houa f0,. llQ..._. , tcJ OUr OU..tJI-lb .. )IC'&V~~~-- &baa I&Op ...... lf'O"&.Ja ·o( , .. 8 8t. Pierre ~"'- · · ' • "


of ttnk'iing. •ll oar JIOn& and luub,,., •nd baiakillf a. (whloh~ l& .U. donf'), &._,we -oA Daoelq A..._blJbJ-.... of.., JODDf .. 011 !JilYlOellt. or. oer\aln &oun.ge due.'' •lr.- • .,, ja ..... an A~ well wot1h all ~ UPflnel •• Ia on able •••uiDIIIG "" Pa&rloll"e ~L UtMIIl our innloa~le t.i' eupufiee t What. ucf 'trouble i& ~- co ealoc:oe t'- . Ba, . .,Jaa, will, ""1 wb•t. caa our t*'f'l• •1 •IJOut t.bi. will IMt th;, reeuh when &.1ae tntelli_.noe (ttllA J: Tbe eeala laodtd frola ... Q~ 00

~eoo/..U act.ion on tbe ~ •or their lotci•lll- hrnited abroad in St. PiM"'"e and l'•aooe th"l ~~::~:CS~D~ ~ ~ ~ Bt'lfllt WrM 1 Will t.hf'1 no' iDOI{ne w &.ltink th~L. in tlrent ia •irWAIIy on BaJt Act now ; that 1 this u-se wh"~ iM •uoe for tbe gooee lihould... Freuuh a.llioooera'will t'le.· (ree to come iuto "II -Y&RSO•Ar..-Joh• P~o. ~·· J 1'., witb be ~t~tuoe lor the gauadef al8o t · NA,.fortndlud porte! and 'here "purobw' b. it ~tr. J . G. Mbno (of Ma11D HrO&Mra)'iattunutd

(8) 'rhe effect. ~e pro~ plan will have .. on 1*11DMn.ol a cert"iD touDar due"1 At I tu to•o OD rndaj, after tMlr ra• &o be Old on tlu~ Newfooucllaod Bankin~e 1nc.luatry. · A• wha~t .1 "e m".J.i well aek ouraebfll'~ C"o it. ¢ouuc:tJ. ' ' ~ ' ·

our re.dera are aware, wi&.htn the f*&t ye•u· IJf' olher than \hW. -.a, ..lbat.' the .8&::· Piecre ! -PIRIOWALt-:l(r. Adolph Nell•••· Saperin~ 01 two t.bi~t h•• "rowa into l•rge paoportions, Bm1dn .. fleet frill. tttmfly' arow. and, it. ill lt.o' f' aden& of rlt&".prlel. 'arrtnd lo &o•• Oll deaur-and ill now, it. ia ~leuing t.o •1· .. Vt!ry v-.lu· bP r~rtod, wit I alter the ,..,.. or. abOC"t. 'l.ime 1· l:lea.a ... .(or SL' Jobo'a ~-morro• moro-•l·le brauch of the lt..j•lu tnu.le. Well, ~hlln, a•omt' IIUOb large pro)l011!o~ th.t ,Fr8ocb g. . le t '"' oou~tider for • ·ruom£nt how thie l~ti'~A oo.mJMt.itlon iq ,!llt4),$ (~il!' ,spark"" will ---Beet. of 80hoonera ,m be Mfle~.:ttl"i if the vro- bftoome more,.k~n IUld worae than it ever -P&RSO•.lf.-M...n R. S MaDD and William p08ttl be Cl&rried into e!fect of 118' wi~do~ th" wu before f And 'wha~ then. u. Wore at bulf ret oro lo tbt ch1 lo tbe aoornl:.e, to apia French and AmeriCMDIA to OOlite in on t.he 1 L.-d o· h ' auend the tlouM wblob meet& to-morro• after

•n:t nue our """''11 9r, ..~:u ery. · the Eaeter r~•· . Newfoundl"nd cout for b~tit. The aell&On luta .For the afo~oing potent. reason-, 'here-

1 no w come roun .... wla"n mauv of ttl .... ,_ achuonerK t ' to nfi •L. d t. ----" " ~o ore, we Mre ~~ee 09 - ._t we o no aee -Some. of oar Baokera will be ready to pro-will be le~tvinl!C C~noeptioo&y ~&1\dutltf.r pbtCfll our ww.y olear ~ appro•• of the vl~tn .. hove ~fed on tbo •oya~re some time duriDg \be week. t.o t.he nor~b •lld eoutla, and prooeeJiog t.u the rf'ferr&J to.· -We ar, pltuNI ~ le..rn that. wheo t~1 wllrleave io que" of ball ll ie to be W eat Cout in **rob of herring '••it t.u en~tiJI6 tl1e impurl.llnt tutdt.« ie aoon to com~ heforf' bopecl thl!y may experienN oo ditftcnlty iu pro­thum to en~r upon the B~tuking voyttl(t". \ho r.n~Ii"l"ture.. w:heno, i,t {A mnob to he hoped, curiog eucb. What, weaak.will be r.heeff'ect-if• harae 1lt-et i' will t.P.,iYIJ imriani•t, earneet con"itler.· ---f J I · N • · · -A Proo1••n .. •ioo ie ioaerted in '.rueada•'a o foreixn v8lflill t. • eo JCO 1n. on the pwfouml· tion. The _i--. d-nd.in~r o•tonn illf hue too ~ . ..,...-•. .,.... .....,.. ., .-- Uoutu appou•t to•lt • Term of tbe SuprHDe ~onr\

IKnd cottst for the ume purpoee 1 Will 11111:h auuoh C)(lnoer.n.foe: t.ho .. people ot ~bia Oonnllfa y to bo belli iu IIRrbor Grace 00 'flluday Lbe not ru~tke hllit. boLh IOAroe and de'" 1 Will to waw•uat .!'ny·ot~ ~.,~a~mt. Twenty-oiotb clay of April loataot, oatil Tbure· not. our 6ahermeo bave t.o pay doultle for· it. " •• ,.. .• ~·)' ,,10 Eigbtb da~ _of ~-1a' Dtxl.

which they odaerwiae would t What, Ltk>, .. P.&l& ~Y" U~BS '1'0 "B11NK.- • about. tbe IOU oi"'~imf' O<tnauwtd.in·aearobing . . • 1 Z& lu.I.L." -HT AUTOORm.-tfle KxoelleDCJ tbe Go•er-for t !ae e~~~ent.ial t \Vill it not. lie the cue thllt .1' ' - " nr, in Con neil, bae ' beeo · pleued to appoio\ u,w.ny of the N••roundland cf'Mil, m•y hue T~.-IIP~. -•• ,,..,Public Wharf. J"m11 MarpbJ, Eeq • (frtpuMy.) to 'e! a Jua-

-~ - uoe or tho Peace for UN Hootbern Oiltract.. to go from hMrhor &0 harbor, llud perhape e•en ( rTO ma -b:!' OJ Ta JT.U'D.l'RD.) : Secretar'ft Oftice, April lilt, 1890.-Gcudu. then be di.llllppoitued, and hu"' t.o •al~ on Dua tia _ ' 1. • --many t.ht11l j when, in•te.d df heing eng•gtd YnrocWreibolld .. •r8oabr Sill." lo &tor· -A ToTAL WR!OL..:...Tbe eoboooer I.ittk &&. in Lhia fruLtleaa lahar, &herahonld have ~ur- ct., .. blat Of &li·ltr~ .,. tba' a petitlbo C'\pl. Dreke. wbicb ~lad a~ BoDarieta OD 'l'aee­t!d ~heir b~tit, ttnd bave been 6ahing on t.be frllfll lll•"'1\'Mbfbmt. of•t61; pi .ca. pr :JIDIC lor dav whh AAme frelaht from St Joho'a. oo lear. B·lllk¥, Wh"t, \brua, OIID the reaalt. be for tbl' OODitrllaU.O or a 'Jd\la •flarf a\ r.llqc Coto, ~Ofl for Catalloa ml•taytd ., Hay co ....... t.hem other \ham short , 018888 t Ia eboot to bit fo.....W.ecr to tW 'C...~ialatlfe ~- dritib aebore, and became a total wreck. Tbe

(4) W ' ll b 1 r · · b urubiJ. la ref""" ro ~ ~J~ of ' tbie petl- ,cult waa aoloaared. I uot t e act. o permtt.~mg t " tloo, u 811"\ff'1iltl._,. rtel\atb oetUtniJ polu& In I ---

F rench ' to oome in on 'be 'Newfoundland rile rlaMdlriiiDD. ,.,_.~,-r-t·or ahe locaUtJ -A 3ale of yv'ork tru opeu.i thle afteroooo cottU for ~he • pnroh~tae of bait, "on pay- 11 eatftoJeatij t~"'"' eo 'mefl~ jnclt enn- a\ S p.m .. io the C.on~l Scbool rco01. The ffiHilt. of. OO'rtain tona.,e due," lead to one, tlrtenilo;. a' dlra..dl oa~\pl k-lli•l•to," an un· IKriJ IU8mbere of tbe M.tbodiet CbDftlb are the IlL lillY rate, ot \he verr thiDJt" the Bai~ Aot otttni-llr4t' I&4."C.l 4 M llllMliioW'p.iro&, b •• equ•l to, bold llrt of the aale. A Yilit thhher Will ampiJ wa~ e·~ially iotemled llnd deeigned to if'''"'" ~ft-tJU~_.e'cMIS{rpt.rf• df th• buiab t'epay an Jooe. 'l'he ule ooollaall to·morrow prev~nt 1 Thill ia t.he injury to onr hmhuutt. ·~lidltb'm"'U~ -be~ t•taJ' obJ.,toU~to of evonlnl(. lutit ti¥1atstt contw~tn".eot UJlOO tbtt )Jr'MCi. iOft whiuh fertt•1 'tu .,,.t .. lra'dliQtt of 'IM' bboD -.t,)oti it now --

--~ u"'"•"· lfbt pe~ oan -pdl.lbty diMattte with -Mu&'s C&RTinO.l'fl- ~aotber of nor JOUDif "'118 10 lara" ly iJili'IIUed IJy miUlf of onr peo y,•1r corr .. eponlijoD\ nb tlaPit ~rrooade; bal. oo •e11ou.o Mr. F.araea Warr.a. 800 of Mr. Jamee pie, without let or hinc.lraa>e, until Lh" afore- lito o&b.,, b'-cl, 1 ~,11 'fti'J acl'.ooa, Nuonl for \Varrel"' 011 Saturday week laet. wu awarded by 11~tid metU~ure becarue toe J .. w of thA l~&nd- •h•ap~tr• ·•loac of &b .. ic~ wbtl* 'hWa~pbfnre lor tl!11 ~he I ora l examloera aU~t. Joho'a a oertUloate of Lh11t U. the i.umenee deetruotlOn of berrin)( ~tnd work •n ~uiWIJo. In a matter of thllll ,,atQt4t. "omoet.~uoJ•• 111ate. W'e arleb oorJoaoa towDa­caplm wl1iob annually took Jti•Oft ll ! hort dia- vubho Ol)oYeDl•uo"' muet. be t&keu iow onoet.ler•- fuaa e~ary •.~C!OeM lo bi~ pr~euloo. LoUIOtl out.tide of the b~&rl..or of St., Pierre-the lluu. A,..cuontubotald be m•d• wh.b a yiew t.Pilll ol tu,.11,._0 ,J1 of llllrrt!l" wJ.ioh, t.he m .. rtu•t. ro , .. .,_,. tbe niqolt.a.beota of t.be peorle, aod -Ao alum offtre rROif oat lo tb11 bal~rbt of tbe

ehoulol ~ot be-~tabmttfed &o tbe iteqldbn bf aDy torm oo S..&orday etenlo~r. 'fbe oao.. w• heinx oon¥eatet.l, Wl!re every Y&ir t.hro-vn over .,_.rtionlar flo'lrty. •· Hlloker' Hill" eltaalltte ttaar. t•me l"rae eparh prooeedlo~r from the chimney lovKrd-uoLil io aome l'l'*ca~ the ll9t.wm ol a llc•le t. the 'eal\ara'Y4'of &b Rarreu•• prernlui f Cart Vroet'e bonN No damaae waa dooe: ti.Je lift& htJCilme Whit# WI~U t.he rejeltt:d 6"b- II •b1 plaCI! hf!tt• 11Qiled1fof the' lr~tjon of a pUb· ta the OOnWQOIIOotl nf a ftre at tht time W&l

a. ~tifeut JlrOI.eat. apirutt thP 'waot.on .... u~ llnt.l lie W' 1111tf - lo'r tile bOIIdfrfl o( a tirHkwaler, tbe l omot.bloa 00' &o be tboaab& of-a etrooa btoefte llriwinal Ja.truction or our uarlnllflld, ~tblltJ• Ill Ol .hu• JMiauated ••. be'fOud doabl, admUably of s.~.\V.wlud WMlUD ble~wflle. Moral: oltlltoe, lutely imlia111nkblo 6abety 1,roduut which ··b ...... / bnt wltb r~'to tbi work oow COD· It" lb"~JOar bouHI are proyldcd with aood lad· Nature never intended ehutalJ be 10 wilfully -. ...... lareJ, it le.uetuatr d.,.bli oor adyantaa•· n 1

oue. He~ "oee on to ., lbat bJ "" adJitlouaJ h ---~tnd earah•ly deatrqyed. peudl&ur'l(-llleaoJot:a ~aJ- ' fUtD ..tbao woold -O.A.t~teoro Asi&MBLY.-Profeeeor Daolelle'a

W 1111, t.ll81l, tiu) question foroibly prete'ltl be required for "th..- W11a,f' 6ol,-tbe atrooture Ut~uclog Clltl will bold eo A11embl1 w-morrow i tlelf-Will uol the above unfortun•~ IJr&O· oool1l htJ rnalt~t'tb .. om• a dooble vnrpo.e, tba$ (Tnteday) nenioa io 'be Waaoolo Hall '1 bt ti~ be re11i ved unclur tl11! l&l'hOI(emout. of rwbarf Roal break w'ter. fio,. J ehoold like · to vupile "ill tba. be Rlforded \be obauoe of huely c.letermioe<t on' What. u to prevent lroow ehelt.lrr' -:• 8aakor IIIII" h.tl '1111 idl!a of exhlhitina the terpelcbonaa abtllty • aod &be it, ro he mure explicit.. Supvoee. for in- bow GlDOb alria'lfadftfb al upendit ... .aet oe public •Ill hue au opporcoofty of ~elog the 11~0~, a French IIOhoouer of 60 tone oc·m·t -.,.riiJ be, I• Older th1u tbe obJect .wet. :he bu .new ettle of daoclag lotrodooed bJ tbe Probeeor. into one of our h"rhora 00 ·h· .. W ... t Oo~•t ifn riew ma1 bt e!loted He •boold ..... re l'be ooouioD promleM to be &D eojo1able oat

" .. .... - cneq,b,n!cl tbat · tbe p,.. ... a, qoulloo tmpliM a ,For .,.rtlcalare ... ad•. for, •a1, tifty banDla of be it.. lnppoee, •pin, wba,r aDd Dot a breatwater, aud be eboeld ban -rr"T(• one ot our JII"Ople up there undertake t\l med beelta&ed beforw prooooo~UDI hie opiploo oo botb - PRotmo-We titl9t lakly ltaro' of two the demand. Ele hu herrioi' IDOre than aut. bJ lookloll It tbem \.f1'o111 ~he "" etaodpolnt iCIMI •~ere the ahtep foldt of two of our people ticleut on hand. Wh•l• bA ia tQJ'l~ ln a11 p . lt. ·je abeorct fbr lil111 to tblu~ t.ba& the bolt of the ' ..... oonalderabiJ ioO?eutd. ~r. •John Malool' plyiniC the Frencba:ao, ano~ber llewfound• one arould~ oUrt; f4llllil to ~u poet or the froru a ftoolt .r he ehMp reoel•ed ao In~ lllnder OOWM Mloaaa. 911 ha.. b~d bia berrtnu otber. aocl ICia fl«laan, .. ·~rd for bflu to e6p- of twel•• heal&bJ Jacnbe: aod ..,, 4ook of OapL

' • ., poH ~"'' ao cwdra.J'f~b.rf; MpHiefiJ IDa pl"oe \Y. Oaoo ol &at.b ::Side, namberiaa fOQr abeep. aein"' out, and bu eeoetl'ftd a blg hanl. B nt llltt MIQt Oo~· wll)ld ' a,..,., t~ varpoee of , ... aa.,nwoted bJ •l•bt Iambe. '.l'bla iloolllid•r· he i.e tofd bia bah t. n~ w.mted j t.hat the botb wbartaoi bttat ... ur 'vfl " ttooct locl'fUe. Le\ &he docs .,;. doot awa1 party wbo hu tb.e PrMchw .. o'a oontaaot hu '~ nm pld~"'-'"'" eboold eatentt ·~•h . .Inc! ui a ••1'1 few 1ean' d .. t .,.aPae himaelf more herrin, OQ baDil &.ban will I'Up llOYOie Ule en'-"ooe t. tbe CctYe. IMrio,~e an upen •Ill belatiU to ... wba& aoOfl~ to be dtri•td fro~ plJ tbe demand. What, ~heo, mqe& be done lo~rlo &be •etre 10 adallt of the P"fllll(e bf crafc. ebeep ralalor.

· h tL 1 h 1' wa... iJ a. i h 'Ia aleo erideo& •that lt•boold be •ube&au lall, --wlt '"'

8 ar~ 1:-•0 uat ut. to ta~• t. 1bQih · '"" •• to elfectliall1. rtel.& tbe ebook of ab~ · -Ooe da1 lu& week a flu. nair of oun wM

oot.aide the n&r'DOt', and tbro;, It overboard ' ....,. ... · .. -., arb; ... u. ...... nf _.._.,1. blo- r"ebee I·· urn• .. n thron<~b lhe etrMtl of towo ·, thet w•rt And 10 tbe nokte. •••te au.d wanton de- · ._, "' -~ _...,... ..... " u .. ..

• •rno•:on -£ •L- ~--al .... ble ... _, . ._ .. _L '· to be he,. •ltb bo•lctle,vlol•~ l'h• labor ao1l ma- yok .. tt &.M ·tller by~ a frame wbJoh bore aloh 1 " ... u. ..... uh' ... ua ~- ~ •rerfal netclt4 lot f&1'1~~·tfDD toql\ be far In 0'1 UJ.Ie of~ Mr. Jobo Rnceo. tbt o•Der, oau

ooutinaed I Here it i.e interee~lo1 to Qotloe adraaoe of ~lt•t rfC~rnrtd for • · mere ,.bart · aot1 hi! l''~"•touwd for •· abowlatr ol" 100b be btuta, wh•t a ~ndent, aiping bir..eelf '' '.er rht ••peou luol* yo old bt Pf'Ol)OrtlooaiiJ Ooe of tba DaJr I• a oatt•e; '' •Nralltd by CapL mita,e Bay," trrilel co the lut qqruber Q( the ptater Hut~~ thj ..... &~~·· l bOPf' It will DO~ c. Oa•• of u .. ,QoJerta, &Qd ... porobued from AfqnJ}J D--J,u t b bo 1 li b. be i1of•rred that I aayuppoe.d JO h . qr that 'br blrn l .. t fall hJ ~lr HoRao for 1100• The aai-

Y. ~- ,. 0 ' ., • ve ooa tT on~ .. aitaatJoo ctf. tbp-ptaoe ~d•r•· ltflllh 14 uqdertak . •ua.l wbao llillt!d ••itthed o'er e cwt. 'J'bleaatmat

very poant.. Be aaya 1 IDI( J•ll~bl,. O n t~lt-~trary, J wo9td wire ie,ptobablt oue of the """' tba& bu beeo ral•ed "We u ftebei~Mo dcpeodiDI ap • d'llf t..lt lc ~~ t.-.rtJ •P-pron) · ...t .. tl.e pi• .. epleo · abou' here, aod lboare wlta& oan be dooela tbll

for ou ~b koow a tbiq or two about bah lildlt ~~r•r • ~Jtllf the Iliad. f oo011der •1tr..,tt~n •"q lq mucb-aba .. d Nearfotal:ldlaod. aod we proteea ~ OOD1Dltlo11 ooly tboee ' •it woold be11-.... ~._.erlfhJ. oJ ----who are iauoedlaa.l1 OODOiratd ill the Bal\ trade. llbaU DOW .,.to&·.oa\-: tblt apo' ebic'b. lo mJ 1 -&r.P.lllfllfQ -Cape W. thoo ... , bu. dur· For \be Jut teD,..,. oar Bahaapply b .. ~o opleloa, le betttt eof&ed fOt' a laDOJDiif thau u .at lt~a,the prl1 aprio~:. bad hie "'•1-tllt P«frl-1 .. and leN. ancl .... ,.., oqr IJebery wu oest iudlc.ttd lty ,. .. DIItllilr l:tlll." A et. ort~ dlatanoe r~ tihe b., batt new toptldtt. ao eoUre to a total falJare owl,. \9 wan& of bel$ If 'ft , IIPI&I or lfr. ~·&he COJ8 terq,Jaat .. lo -u' ""' 'l# ..... lq ~d plaoldnJ aDd bftl OD tbe art to batt DO YlliGe ro dte mllltr, ..tnd the QQ,~ tl!WtOil Ntpf ,..,....,.,..... 'The water here ' ta ' •hole "'P''Ifl'd lo>tbOt'o .. h nertaiOI ..... d rtpair erDGieDhball Mt I& &o ,.~l the Ual& 4cn, tbera 'eqrpr'-'ntff ·~ ~ .......... • r•• )arda of tbe !'l'b•'·Atrl "- t:tlfa~a.-:15· ·~r~ dHermltace

1 &7_~111 eertaiDIJ eo!er. We '"' altore. Ia',._ •••U~r,la.laaotoe» thMfur tbe rt••or:\• ....... (~ ~

aepeod Dl exol-ftiJ Dpoa tbl dellr aetofa of I*( ,, tit• Uo~J,)ba• It it 'Pit of tla• IMf • IM1f ·-- - - d ood fOI' I llfllllaood. aod II &he ~ ot balr te &.bJa ....... Dftd .. atM t f•"ri._ I ... w ala aria&ob tilt IJtM tO OOD•

11tro1ed by a.bt mWioe lo·tbct former •&lratii'DI tlltJ •lfuf.eotl-t_. .,_,,..,.'* ,~ ,._, Jt .,., of ""' oarpeoetN wbo WtN

"Fatber. wba& d ... aaoclu "qodlmeu ?" " 4 ..... of llYiDI(, we're 101~''

" Ro• oalhd lie." 10t1Dir Snfouodlaed oaiee. " Wboo o~r IDNne of li•iotla ~ ?•

-Tb• Kift't IDID made 168 2'9 _.; two bo11 made 14371 eaeh, aud a JOGDif lad. teo ,..,. ol aee. • arraadaoo of the oepratn, cnade t49 60, be batiDf baaltd for ble own bud H JOODI bafpD '

-- I W& lane to acltnowledae. with tb'ao\a. the

receipt of a oopy of ~~ Aoou.al &pore of cbe Ne"fooodlaod Fiebente Cocnmilllioo (or-&h•Jear 1889. whlob bu beuo la&eiJ·prt!IIIDted to tbo ~Afcialatare. The docnmeo& ia a ••r1 nluable oDe-eo Y&IDable tba& we lhaJI ba'-' plellure io referrlog to lllf eome length io future iaoee. .

-ARRlV.lL 01 TBI' 'F'ALCON •-The ateamer Falco,., Captain Job Koef. arriurlat St Job'b'e eerly oo &tarday moruit•rc whb a fall tnp of old aod yonog harpt, The youog barpa aru all of prime lfrOar&h, aod 1400 IJad tu be ccorried on deck. '!'bey arere rakeu io the ume locality f\ebed b1 tbo Kite aod &qlfi»1aa trom HI) to 60 milca ... , aucl oort.b·••rd of tbe Fouke Tbe Folcon ler& the loe oo TbaradaJ, Srd ion.: anti bur repor' ie teo daJI later tb.\n tbst of the~ Kile. Duriog tha& interval tb .. Oeet 'tad pull­ed up pret., well. aoct \he Ntplllllt i1 Do• re­pOt'tl'd wltb 21,000; Ttrro .Vo(JQ, I~ 000; Eogk . 10 000; VangiUJrd. 8.000; Wolf. 12,001); Ltvpard 7.000, aud 80 oo with Lbe otb're ID like pro­portion ' rbe-Spriog will be a good ooe aod &be wbolt oomplemeo& takea preu1 e•eol1 die-hibottd ·

nrat .Arriftl hen-~ tiw Seal J'i.tUzy. M. .. raJoha MaoD & Co 'eeteamer G•ttlfhlnd

Caps HeDI'J Dawe, arri•td bert , ou &tardaj moroiDlf from \tM Joe.ftelde, whb a Hoe carxo of lb 000 prime JOQOg harp' ltaiL Sbe ia oom­pleteiJ flll.a below. bu~ bad oo df'Ok-load.

'J.'be Gtwnltmd, it IHma: left Pool's lltaad lo oompaoy , !I ith Lbe other oor&bero, "-'Dera, aod ereamed oat in tbe water 10 'be dlreetioe of tb11 Funke. '.rbe Vangu4rd: Wul{aod & ,.gn- were lo company. · From Lbe lltb to Lbe 17tb,' ahe waa kepi bolting ooodaoall1 Bffaloet benJloe, •od •er11low prorr ... •ae mad11. On lat&erday, about~ mllee "SSd of Lbe Fooke, \be firet ... le were atruok, aud 4. 000 prlwe barpa takto, More tbao tba~ uamber "ere killed, boa o~lnr ro the be11•ylce, the7 coald DO~ be picked op io time. Tho KiU aod Jlafl:on worked lu tbe ume patcb, which •11 aoon oteered naL The Gr«n· land aleamer1 oo tbroaah tlle htaty ioe for abouc 20 roil~'!, aod oo ~lie ~7th, tbe malo body of ..... •ae entered; 4. 000 were tbeo killed i (tbe folfowiua day wu ecorruy); aod oo tbe 29th 10 000 m"re were killed. 'look oo board nearly all tbe lot, aod oa 'l'bartdaJ ni~rM IM& &he lbip bor• op for bomt. Neart1 all \he 8Mt ol •teamera wl!rela the aarue pat4b, aod oa Ute day abe bore op eneral of them were apokeu :.o. Thoee Nport~ are: Hrclor, (Barber), "i660 1 Nep&oae, 20,000; Wolf. 12,000 • TerTa Nooa, 16 000; Wolnu. 1roall fare; Ltoparcl, (Hufd), 8 000; Aurora 6 000 : Eag~. •mall fare : /lmtgt'f (Karber), 10.000; fctl4nd, 12,000 V4lfii"Jrd H .OOO 'fhe ice •11 left ooe boodred mllee &.a• bJ Nortb fram Cepe Bon .. leta. 'l'be wea&ber oa 'be whole waa ltOnDJ, wltJa froet. No aooidtot or milbap occurred kl &DJ of &he crew dariae the eprioa. Moob •tkfae&loli· II t.ltat 'be (JreutJancl• eoooe•. •

....---. . TB& BeeolatiOM on Wan •nd Meaua were

laid on tbe t.ble 'of the Houae on Tu.tar night. bf ,tbe Hon. .B.eoei•er 'General. Tbe Budget 8~b will not. be delivered before C.O·morrow. · AD inore .. ed ra&e ot daty il impoeed on ae•eral article~~, u ie nidau (roe tbe 110bjoifted. U poU Un8DQIDe ... ted Joode, the areac.er var~ of all oar imponadou, the dotr b"a been inoreuecl from tWDiltf ~ twentr·Hve per cen't. • • •

Followinc are \he cbarpa :- . Ale, Porter, Cider aDd .l'ertJ, lise plloo jO 10

,Aalmale. wla : ••• . , • ., .................. ~·····• Cas, ... plte. abet~p, .co., e.ob ........... . Borte~. mar• eto. NOh •• , ................ . O&.eD, oo•e and bolle.-~ lb. ll•• wtJarbe AppfN, per b&rrel.,, • ., •••• , •••••.•• ., •• , ••• ,,, Oh ... e, per Cl•t ••••••• ,,., •••• ••• ,_,,, ••• , •• Batter~ per ow& ••• ; ••••••••••••••.•••••••• , .•• Cipn, 10 per on' ad 110l aud &De M .... . Ci~rare&:ee, 20 prot ad PCJJ aod tbt M ... . .. Cool80tlooerJ, (Do' iooladloaooa(to\loa-

•n oroameDM) ..... , •••••• •••• ., •• , •• , •••••• Jama and preeen-. ~0 per oeu• ocl110l.,. liplnta, Yi& 1-

8ra.pd1, •• , ••••••••• , ............ .. ,. Ruw ... .................... ............ . Gia ,, .............................. , , •••

, , Wbi.at·•J.,..... ••·••r••········-··· .• ; Oordialt •• , .,_,, ........... ............ . U uc:le!aed ., •••. ••• ,,..,, •••••• •••••••••

WIOII, •i• :


CbampatDI,., ............... , ..... . ClaNl • ., ··• ........ , . • , ••• , •••• ,. . ..... .

oeo eoo 0 Ol 0 '60 800

. a oo , aoo Oto

e60 0~

800 184 • i 10 ~~ . jOO,. 8 oo.

ft1h11 II aJiowDCI M A& WU wbeD t.i& •aa Ql• aruo~ f,jf Ws '''It~ &p wlftc.r *t MPploJIII•o' 4frnrded bat beDD fotrDd

rn&DDtr of •wJIII bal& to tbt Freoob. oaar •bert ..., ... ~.a C..~Ntect. lt 1f dt pre- • Wba& •• eNd ie maob m•aa..of llytllUOd trill oartalnly bt eerlolllly, ctMI ... I....U,..'-'t,' J"oltft ,._, · • .,..., If•• ·~rebJ oar o.,.rau,.. t bam pete! U oo• taldaaael7 raloei, " · ' ' , , • lAUl &;A y, •UI :A- ~-·••,_.. We trieb Cept UMUtmtJ

Hook. eco.. • •••••••••••••••••••••. ,., Port aad Madelra •••••••••••••••••••••

'OQ. 060 lOU ''\'

ot!;'-=~=.:~:--rpdTh~l.:{:! ......... ~,..,,..-==···. ::-- • J iJ I IIIIU~· j' '"'Lhf,~~~-~~~-.Aieft. plan a1on1e114 ....... •• ~9t, w;ll "I; tB6e 0.'!Ml1Pei'M • .._ ......, N~ -I'll aep ..... •."-4 won ol.,U..._. ~ tb-lllr~ ... ~ •lncJ- of tmr ~ :-=.~ :::::".:'! .:.:...· Milt Mad il OD islt'!'::.~'!' .._.._ .._ ~· PltMJ~D qt ~ fll P ~~ ._,. ~ ... _..,... ...... _,_ • ......., .,... two f ... lool ~ ueu .... ....... n .. ".., via., ... eiTJip&' ....... "' ..... .... J'll It ......... lOpe ud • .; wlaioll of&llet..,atha ~· ~& • • .tl.7tlt,_., .,_e._.. Tbl18et .u. ...... fWtbe ~bt "'' .•• . .,. ...... ,..... --...

--... ~ Ia llaNtD .~, Ap- ~ ~ -.,.. ._.,_ _...... ........ ~~~~::: 7:: ~..~. .. [qi~MfJI..,.~ ..... .,.. ................... ... .

,., - pi, .... riWD

All odltt 16 per 81Dt a4 .U,.,a

~ ••a. wacr; cSM4joal'bJt pr Jb 1 ~~ o'-u" poal~ .... ~ ...................... ~ lf p • Oorf ~ aa.,, J'Mahr,.._t ...,... ,

' .... 1100...... ••• ............. ••• •••••• •••• ..... • p • Ad rMICI a_., ._..,.. J6,.,

&o be;;t' 8,0 p f
