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Heidelberg Guide with city map includes walking tour of the city w w w . h e i d e l b e r g - m a r k e t i n g . c o m g u i d e @ h e i d e l b e r g - m a r k e t i n g . d e +49 6221 58-44444 INFORMATION € 1,50

Heidelberg Guide with city mapincludes walking tour of the city








+49 6221



€ 1,50





















29 30 31





















Bus- Terminal

1 Universitätsplatz Home of the Old University with its Old Auditorium and museum in front of it, Lion’s Fountain behind it, and in Augustinergasse, the historic Students’ Prison (see Museums). The Ruperto Carola is the oldest univer-sity in Germany, founded in 1386 by the Elector Ruprecht I. Financial assistance through donations from America enabled the New Universi-ty to be built 1929 – 1931.

2 Jesuitenkirche with its former Jesuit College Beginning in 1712, the construction of this Baroque style church building consisting of three naves of equal height took 150 years to complete.

3 Jesuitengymnasium The Jesuit Grammar School used to be part of the Jesuit Quarter.

4 Collegium Academicum Jesuit Seminary, built 1750, today university administration.

5 Hexen- oder Diebsturm (in the inner court of the New University) The tower belongs to the medieval fortification dating from the 13th century.

6 Universitätsbibliothek The library was built 1901 – 1905 in the style of the German and French Renaissance, with art nouveau elements. See Museums

7 PeterskircheThe oldest church in Heidelberg, parts of the tower date back to the 12th century and are characterized by memorial slabs.

8 Weißnonnenkloster Built in 1724. Former convent church, today the Church of Our Savior.

9 Adelspalais des Grafen Wieser Baroque building, in which the lawyer K.A. Vangerow once lived.

10 Naturwissenschaftliche Institute The scientist, Robert Bunsen, worked here from 1853 to 1888.

11 Altes Waisenhaus The orphanage was originally a Baroque town house which was converted to a Reformed church hospital in 1756.

12 St. Anna-Kirche The Roman Catholic hospital church was built 1714 – 1717. The former hospital adjoins the church on the east wall.

13 Haus zum Riesen A Baroque house, erected using the stone from the destroyed Castle tow-er. The name above the entrance to the building refers to the statue of the client, the great Baron Friedrich von Venningen.

14 FriedrichsbauConstruction took place from 1861 – 1863. On Anatomieplatz (Anatomy Square), in front of it, there is a larg-er- than- life memorial to Bunsen.

15 Alte Anatomie The first of the newly constructed natural science buildings of the new university at the time (1847 –1849).

16 Kongresshaus Stadthalle Today’s Convention Center was built 1901 – 1903 in the Historicism style with art nouveau elements featured in its interiors. It is the largest and most popular conference and event center in Heidelberg.

17 Providenzkirche The church was built for the Lutheran community between 1659 – 1661.

18 Palais Morass Built in 1712, the Palais Morass became the Kurpfälzisches Mu-seum Palatinate Museum in 1905. See Museums

19 Haus Raquet One of the largest and nicest town houses of the Baroque period.

20 Marstall Constructed under Elector Ludwig V. ca. 1510, the former stables mea- sures 135 m on the Neckar facade and is now the university dining hall.

21 HeuscheuerFrom the middle of the 18th century it was the tithe storehouse, and since 1963 a university lecture building.

22 Palais Rischer An imposing former residence of the architect Rischer, built 1711.

23 Friedrich-Ebert-Haus Birthplace of Friedrich Ebert (1871 – 1924), the first German president of the Weimar Republic. See Museums

24 Haus Cajeth The house was built in 1735, today it is also a Museum of “Outsider Art from 20th Century“. (see Mu-seums). On the way: The Student Kiss House.

25 Brückentor, Alte BrückeThe statues on the south side of the bridge represent the builder and patron after whom the bridge was named, Elector Karl Theodor, and on the north side the temple of Athena. The Old Bridge was built 1786 – 1788.

26 Former Neckarschule Used as a schoolhouse from 1706 to 1803, it is a restaurant today.

27 Traitteur’sches Haus In 1778, re-modelled in the Louis XVI style.

28 Heiliggeistkirche Construction of the Church of the Holy Spirit took place between 1398 and 1441. It is the final resting place of the Electors and until 1623, the mezzanine floor housed the famous “Bibliotheca Palatina “.

29 Meder’sches Haus A richly decorated town house from the 18th century with the Madonna and Holy Trinity.

30 Haus zum Ritter Built in 1592 by the Huguenot cloth merchant Charles Belier, it is the only town house to survive the destruction of the city of Heidelberg in 1689/1693.

31 Kurfürstliche Hof-Apotheke The Baroque facade of the Hof- Apothecary (pharmacy) is illustrated with colorful Palatine coats of arms.

32 Marktplatz with the Herkules-brunnen and RathausThe City Hall took on its current appearance in 1701. There is a glock- enspiel daily shortly before 12 midday, 4 pm and 7 pm.

33 Nebelhaus Baroque house (1710) of the Elector’s physician and court apothecary Nebel.

34 Schmitthennerhaus The house was erected on the former courtyard belonging to the Schönauer monks.

35 Karlstor The gate was built between 1775 – 1781 in honor of the Elector Karl Theodor.

36 Völkerkundemuseum (Palais Weimar) The palace was erected in the 18th century and is today owned by the Von-Portheim Foundation and houses ethnological collections. See Museums

37 Haus Buhl Society House of the University.

38 Karlsplatz The square, named after Grand Duke Karl Friedrich von Baden, is framed by the Academy of Science, the Mittermaier house and the Palais Boisserée.

39 Kornmarkt The erstwhile victuals market fea-tures the baroque Madonna created by Peter von den Branden in 1718. Bordering the square is the Palais Graimberg, named after the man who rescued the Castle ruins.

40 Palais Prinz Carl From 1788 it was a restaurant, until 1915 the Grand-Hotel of Heidelberg, and today it is an event venue fea-turing an historic mirrored hall.

Walking tour of the city

Walk to Castle and Philosophers‘ Walk

Meeting PointsCoach toursWalking tours

Walking tour of Old Town with stops

Worth Seeing

1 Heidelberger Schloss and SchlossgartenThe Castle was built on the site of a medieval castle complex over- looking the Old Town. For four hundred years, this was the resi- dence of the Palatine Prince Elec-tors of the house Wittelsbach. The oldest intact building in the Castle complex, the Ruprecht building, was commissioned for construc- tion around 1400 by the Prince Elector Ruprecht III. In 1693, du- ring the Palatine War of Succes-sion, the complex and its towers were destroyed. The ruins beca-me a symbol of an entire epoch, the German Romantic Period.

HDCARD see Schlossticket* www.schloss-heidelberg.de

2 Heidelberger BergbahnenThe lower part of the funicular up to the Molkenkur station is one of the most modern cable cars. The upper section which takes you to the Königstuhl is one of the oldest electric funi-culars in Germany.

HDCARD see Schlossticket*www.bergbahn-heidelberg.de

3 KönigstuhlThe Königstuhl is 568 m high and offers wonderful views over Hei- delberg and the Neckar River into the Rhine valley. Here you will find hiking trails, the falconry Tinnunculus www. tinnunculus-heidelberg.de, the “Fairy Tale Wonderland” www.maerchenparadies.de

HDCARD discount and the state observatory www.lsw.uni-heidelberg.de.

4 PhilosophenwegThe Philosophers’ Walk is one of the most beautiful panora-mic walks in Europe. The fa-mous path on the sunny slopes of the Heiligenberg was the source of inspiration for many a

scholar. The walk extends from the Theodor Heuss bridge to the Philosophers’ Garden. A longer route takes you up via the Schlangeweg (serpentine path) on the north side of the Old Bridge.

5 HeiligenbergMeasuring 330 m in height, the Heiligenberg towers over the Philosophers’ Walk facing the Königstuhl opposite. As early as 400 B.C. the Celts settled here and built a ring wall, part of which can be seen today. By ta-king the many hiking trails, vi-sitors can explore the Heiligen-berg, the ruins of the Michael and Stephan abbey on the top of the hill or the Thingstätte, a large open air stage built during the Nazi period.

6 Neckarwiese The grassy banks of the Neckar draw crowds from the first day of sunshine in the year to the last days of the golden fall. The north bank of the river between the Theodor Heuss bridge and the Ernst Walz bridge is a must for all those who enjoy a stroll, a jog, a game of frisbee, a picnic or who simply want to soak up the sun. Children love to play at the water playground where there is also a kiosk.

7 Stift NeuburgThe Benedictine monastery was built in 1130 by the Lorsch Ab-bey. It is a restful place nestled into the Neckar valley with its own farm shop and organic brewery www.brauerei-zum- klosterhof.de. Tours of the monastery and brewery are available.

HDCARD discountStiftweg 2 (Ziegelhausen)www.stift-neuburg.de

8 Zoo HeidelbergThe zoo is a great place for the whole family to visit. See majestic lions, powerful bears, comical meerkats, fascinating giant tor-toises and mighty gorillas. NEW: ExploHeidelberg (interactive exhibi-tion) on the zoo's premises now.

HDCARD discountTiergartenstraße 3 (Neuenheim)www.zoo-heidelberg.de

9 Botanischer GartenAround 14,000 types of plants are cultivated both in the out- door areas and the green houses of the Botanical Gardens. Tours are available.Outdoor gardens: open all year, Green houses: closed SaturdaysFree entryIm Neuenheimer Feld 340botgart.hip.uni-heidelberg.de

10 Neuenheimer Marktplatz One of the nicest farmers’ mar- kets in Heidelberg can be found at the market square in the su- burb of Neuenheim. There are cafés and bars nearby.Wed and Sat 8 am – 1 pmCnr Ladenburger Str./Lutherstr.www.wochenmarkt- heidelberg.de/maerkte

11 Tiefburg The medieval castle with a wide moat is nowadays a venue for exhibitions and festivals.Dossenheimer Landstraße 6 (Handschuhsheim)www.tiefburg.de

12 Bonsai ZentrumHere you will find bonsai trees and plants to suit every taste as well as special Koi pools full of colorful fish.closed Mon, Tue and SunFree entry, Mannheimer Straße 401 (Wieblingen)www.bonsai-heidelberg.de

13 BergfriedhofFollow the signs as you wander the paths through the historic cemetery and discover some of the famous people who are buried there such as Friedrich Ebert, Carl Bosch, Robert Bunsen, Hilde Domin and many others.Rohrbacher Straße (Südstadt)www.heidelberg.de/friedhof

14 Heidelberger LiebessteinThe mighty sandstone block on the Nepomuk Terrace where many have attached their love locks provides a unique photographic opportunity for pictures of the Old Bridge, the Old Town and the Castle. Eichendorff’s poem “Der Blick“ (The Look), is engraved on the stone. www.heidelberg-marketing.de

15 Neuer MessplatzFlea markets are among the many and varied events that take place regularly here.Kirchheimer Weg (Kirchheim)www.heidelberg.deRubric: Experience / Shopping /Markets & Flea Markets

You will receive a discount on all offers in the HeidelbergGUIDE marked with HDCARD if you have a HeidelbergCARD. See www.heidelbergcard.com or the advertisement on the back.

*The Schlossticket (Castle ticket) covers a once-off entry to the Castle courtyard, the wine barrel cellar and a visit to the German Pharmacy Museum (see Museums). The Castle ticket covers the return fare with the funicular via the Schloss station and as far as the Molkenkur stop. The ticket is available at the Tourist Information Office at the main station, the Neckarmünz-platz and City Hall, as well as both the funicular stations at the “Kornmarkt“and the “Schloss“, or the Castle ticket office.

Leisure Activities

Boat Trips

A boat trip on the Neckar river is popular amongst visitors and shows off Heidelberg’s greatest attractions, the river, the town and the Castle.

Weisse Flotte HeidelbergBoat trips through the charming Neckar valley from Heidelberg to Neckargemünd (approx. 1 hr one way) or on to Neckarsteinach (ap-prox. 1.5 hrs one way). On board the “Weisse Flotte” commentaries are available in German, English and French. As well as the round trips, there is a variety of themed trips available such as the popular fireworks trips to the Heidelberg Castle illuminations.

HDCARD discount weisse-flotte-heidelberg.de

Neckarfähre LiselotteThe Neckar Ferry operates from March to October on an hourly basis between the following stops: Alte Brücke, Stadthalle, Neuenheim, Campus and Mar-riott Hotel. (closed Tuesdays)

HDCARD discountweisse-flotte-heidelberg.de

Solar -powered boat NeckarsonneThe world’s largest solar-powered catamaran glides silently over the water as it takes passengers on a 50-minute round trip. Commen-taries are available in German and English. (closed Mondays)

HDCARD discountwww.hdsolarschiff.com

Pedal boats and motorboatsPedal boats and motorboats are available for hire from the Boots- haus (boat house) on the Neckar from April to September. Uferstraße, Phone +49 6221 411925

HDCARD discount


TiergartenbadHere you will find a generous park area and a wide wavy water slide.Tiergartenstraße 13 (Neuenheim)

ThermalbadHeated open air pool directly on the Neckar.Vangerowstraße 4 (Bergheim)

Information on all pool facilities: www.swhd.de/baeder


On the way to the Königstuhl and the Heiligenberg there are signposted hiking trails through the beautiful countryside. Hiking maps are available in the Tourist Information Offices.

Guided tours and hikes through the nature reserve Naturpark Neckartal-Odenwald, the Stadt- wald (city forest) and the nature park Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße- Odenwald are offered by the group initiative “Natürlich Hei-delberg“ (Naturally Heidelberg) www.natuerlich.heidelberg.de.The discovery walk Wine and Cul-ture Erlebniswanderweg Wein und Kultur Heidelberg-Rohr-bach www.weinwanderweg- rohrbach.de is a 2 km round trip. The somewhat more challeng-ing hike Neckarsteig www. neckarsteig.de takes you from Heidelberg to Bad Wimpfen. The hiking trails Burgensteig and Blü- tenweg lead from Darmstadt to Heidelberg along the Bergstraße www.diebergstrasse.de.


Numerous bikeways lead to Heidelberg:

Kurpfalzroute www.outdooractive.com

Radweg Bergstraße www.diebergstrasse.de

Neckartal-Radweg www.neckartalradweg-bw.de

Burgenstraße-Radweg www.burgenstrasse.de

Further bikeways & informationheidelberg-marketing.com

Bicycle Hire

Bicycles can be hired from the following places:

Radpoint, Untere Neckarstr. 64, Phone +49 6221 785578

HDCARD discount

radhof “Bike im Bahnhof” www.fahrrad-heidelberg.de

Radolino www.radolino.de

DB-Fahrradmietsystem in front of the main station www.callabike.de


Cabrio Sightseeing Experience Heidelberg in all weathers!

The open roof of the convertible bus off ers completely new perspectives of the city! Even if it rains, the glass sunroof allows for unobstructed views of Heidelberg’s sights. During the tour, put on the headphones provided to pick up valuable and interesting information, as well as many tips for other activities.

Tickets are directly available on the CabrioBus, online and at Tourist Information.

Departure times: Apr.–Oct. 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (every 30 min.), Nov.–Dec. 11:00 a.m.–16:00 p.m. (hourly), Jan.–Feb. 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. (hourly), March 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (hourly)



per person




the tour is the visit to the Castle. Descent by funicular back to the Old townDuration: 2 hours

April – October Thursday – Saturday and Whitsunday: 1:30 pm, Saturday 11:30 am(German/English, bilingual), except during Old Town festival “Heidelberger Herbst”

November – March Saturday 1:30 pm (German), Saturday 11:30 am (German/English, bilingual)

Meeting Point: Neckarmünzplatz HDCARD discount

Experienced tour guides reveal behind-the-scenes historical de-tails of the sights in and around Heidelberg.

Tickets for all the tours are avail-able at the Tourist Information Centers at the main station, the Neckarmünzplatz and the City Hall or directly from our certified tour guides.

Minimum number required for all tours: 5 people. Reservatoin recommendedheidelberg-marketing.com

Walking Tour of the Old Town

This tour includes all the major sights as well as the little lanes and squares that make up the historic Old Town of Heidelberg – a veritable cornucopia of histor-ical tidbits, each with a story to tell.

Duration: 1.5 hrs

April – October daily 10:30 am, Friday 6 pm, Saturday 2:30 pm (German), Thursday – Saturday 10:30 am (English), except during Old Town festival “Heidelberger Herbst”

November – March Friday 2:30 pm and Saturday 10:30 am (German)

Meeting Point: until 31 March 2018: Marktplatz, Main en-trance to the city hall, from 1 April 2018 onwards: Neckarmünzplatz, in front of the Tourist Information

HDCARD discount

City and Castle Sight-seeing Tour incl. Castle ticket*

A discovery tour by bus to the most important sights and places of interest in the city. Highlight of

City Tours and Round-Trips

Group Tours

Heidelberg Marketing offers a variety of tours for groups involving different themes and various supporting programs. We would be pleased to assist you, so contact us on:

Phone +49 6221 58 40-223/-225

[email protected]


Service for guests

The Heidelberg Marketing team will make your Heidelberg visit an unforgettable experience. Our hotline: +49 6221 58 44 444

Feel free to use our holiday service

– Personal and telephone ad-vice to help with your holiday planning

– Tourist Information in Heidelberg – Activity suggestions for your Heidelberg stay

– Group programs – Hotel reservations – Attractive package deals – City tours and trips – HeidelbergCARD with free use of public transport network (ÖPNV), castle entry and numerous discounts

– Specialized seminars on Heidelberg’s Environmental Management for example

– Comprehensive service for conventions and conferences

Your personal contact point in Heidelberg

Tourist Information Haupt-bahnhof (Main Station)

April – October: Monday – Saturday 9 am – 7 pm, Sundays und public holidays 10 am – 6 pm

November – March: Monday – Saturday 9 am – 6 pm, Sundays / holidays: closed

Tourist Information in the Rathaus (City hall) Monday – Friday: 8 am – 5 pmSaturday/Sunday/holidays: closed

Tourist Information at the Neckarmünzplatz

April – October: Monday – Saturday 9 am – 6 pm, Sundays and public holidays 10 am – 5 pm

November – March: Monday – Saturday 10 am – 5 pm, Sundays / holidays: closed

Important Telephone Numbers

Country code Germany: +49Area code Heidelberg: (0)6221Emergency/Police: Phone 110 (without area code)Fire Brigade:Phone 112 (without area code)Emergency Medical Service:Phone 116117Deutsche Bahn / customer service:Phone 0180-699 66 33 (0.20 €/call)ÖPNV / VRN hotline:Phone 0621-1 077 077 Taxi Depot: Phone 302030Lost and Found:Phone 653797 + 141055Tourist Agency Ziegelhausen:Phone 800649

Heidelberg without a hitchDiscover Heidelberg without a hitch. You can find an overview full of tips and information on how to make the most of your stay on: heidelberg.huerdenlos.de

„My Heidelberg“-AppHeidelberg’s app will provide you with information on par-king, public restrooms, places of interest, restaurants, shopping and much more to make your stay more enjoyable.www.meinheidelberg.de

Nette ToiletteMany restaurants and retailers in the Old Town are taking part in the campaign “Nette Toilette“, recognizable by the symbol shown above. You may use the restrooms here without having to purchase or consume anything.


Kurpfälzisches Museum The Palais Morass was built in 1712 and houses the art and cultural history museum collec-tions of the Palatinate Muse-um. Here you can see a unique representation of how life was in days gone by.Closed Mondays

HDCARD discountHauptstraße 97www.museum-heidelberg.de

Universitätsmuseum, Alte Aula and StudentenkarzerThe Universtiy museum doc-uments the history of the over 625-year old university. April – October: closed Mondays,November – March:closed Sundays and Mondays Today the Old Auditorium serves as the banquet hall of the Old Uni- versity. Between 1778 and 1914, students were “imprisoned” in the historic Students’ Prison (Augus- tinergasse 2) for petty offences.

HDCARD discountGrabengasse 1www.uni-heidelberg.de/einrichtungen/museen

Universitätsbibliothek Exhibitions change regularly, providing visitors with stimulat-ing displays in the university library. The highlight here is the “Codex Manesse “, the famous medieval collection of songs.Free entry, Plöck 107 – 109www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de

Deutsches VerpackungsmuseumThis unique museum housed in a former church exhibits traditional brands and their packaging through the ages.Closed Mondays and Tuesdays

HDCARD discountHauptstraße 22 (inner courtyard)www.verpackungsmuseum.de

Deutsches Apotheken-MuseumAt this museum in the Otthein-rich building of the Castle, you can see the history of pharmacy from ancient to modern times.Free entry, Schlosshof 1www.deutsches-apotheken-museum.de

Sammlung Prinzhorn A unique collection of artwork done by psychiatric patients around the turn of the 20th century.Closed Mondays

HDCARD discountUniversity Psychiatric ClinicVoßstraße 2 (Bergheim)www.prinzhorn.uni-hd.de

Heidelberger Kunstverein One of the oldest and largest art societies in Germany, the Heidel- berg Art Society is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary art.Closed Mondays and public holidaysHauptstraße 97www.hdkv.de

Carl Bosch Museum and Museum am GinkgoCome to the technical museum and experience fascinating aspects in the life of Heidelberg Nobel Prize-winner Carl Bosch (1874 – 1940). The ‘Museum am Gink-go’ offers special exhibitions.Closed ThursdaysSchloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 46www.carl-bosch-museum.de

Friedrich-Ebert-HausFriedrich Ebert, the first President of the Weimar Republic, was born in this house in 1871. Ebert's life and works are vividly dis-played in the various rooms of this memorial.Closed Mondays, Free entryPfaffengasse 18www.ebert-gedenkstaette.de

Museum Haus CajethThe builder of this house was the Palatine Master of the Mint, Anton Cajeth. Egon Hassbecker established here a gallery, book store and museum for Outsider Art.Closed Sundays

HDCARD discountHaspelgasse 12www.cajeth.de

VölkerkundemuseumThe collections of the Museum of Ethnology embrace artworks and ethnological artefacts from Asia, Africa and Oceania. The art and culture from these regions is presented in changing exhibitions.Closed Mondays and Tuesdays

HDCARD discountHauptstraße 235 (Palais Weimar)voelkerkundemuseum-vpst.de

Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti & RomaThe center documents the stirring history of the persecu-tion of the German Sinti and Roma during the Nazi regime. Eye-witness reports and biog-raphies are the focus of this permanent exhibition.Closed MondaysFree entryBremeneckgasse 2www.sintiundroma.de

Körperwelten Museum200 unique anatomicalplastinates and interactive en-joyment stations make visitors aware of the complexity of their own bodies.

HDCARD discountAltes Hallenbad (Bergheim)Poststraße 36/5www.koerperwelten.de/heidelberg

Textilmuseum Max BerkThis museum houses ladies’ dresses, ancient patchwork quilts from England and USA as well as textile artworks from India, Bali and South America.Closed Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and FridaysBrahmsstraße 8 (Ziegelhausen)www.museum-heidelberg.de, Rubric: Sammlung

Heidelberger Stuhlmuseum An art exhibition on the subject of sitting, combining social work, handicraft skills and artistic pursuits. Closed Saturdays and SundaysFree entryPlöck 16www.heidelberger- stuhlmuseum.de

Museum für GeowissenschaftenThe scientific collection presents the typical geology of Heidel- berg and surrounds. The cen-terpiece of the museum is the world-famous lower jaw of Homo erectus heidelbergensis.Closed Saturdays and SundaysFree entryIm Neuenheimer Feld 235www.geow.uni-heidelberg.de/ einrichtungen/

Museum für sakrale Kunst und LiturgieThe permanent exhibition docu- ments the works of the Jesuits in the Palatinate as well as sa-cred art from the 17th to 19th century.June – Octber: closed Mondays, November – May: only open weekends and public holidays

HDCARD discountMerianstraße 1 (Jesuitenkirche)

The complete event calendar can be found on http://www.heidelberg-marketing.com

Event Highlights

January / February CarambolageCabaret and Comedy Festivalwww.karlstorbahnhof.de


Heidelberger FrühlingInternational Music Festival “Heidelberg Spring Festival“

HDCARD discountheidelberger-fruehling.de

April / May

Heidelberger StückemarktContemporary Theaterheidelberger-stueckemarkt.de

Queer Festival HeidelbergFestival for the LGBT & Friends Communitywww.queer-festival.de

June / July / August

Heidelberger LiteraturtageLiterature Festivalwww.heidellittage.de

Heidelberger SchlossfestspieleCastle Festival: concerts andopera (operetta)

HDCARD discountwww.heidelberger- schlossfestspiele.de

MetropolinkFestival for urban artwww.metropolink-festival.net

June + September (1st Saturday.)

July (2nd Saturday)

Heidelberger Schlossbeleuchtungen Castle Illumination with Fireworksheidelberg-marketing.com

September (last weekend)

Heidelberger HerbstHuge city festival in the Old Town, the “Heidelberg Fall Festival“heidelberg-marketing.com

October / November

Enjoy JazzInternational Festival for Jazz and more

HDCARD discountwww.enjoyjazz.de

International Film FestivalMannheim-Heidelbergwww.iffmh.de

November / December

Heidelberger Weihnachtsmarkt Christmas market at various locations in the Old Town with an ice rink heidelberg-marketing.com

Cultural Meeting Point


Theater und Orchester HeidelbergThe Municipal Theater ensem-bles for musical theater (opera, operetta, musical), stage and dance theater as well as the Zwinger children and youth theater, gives a number of performances.

HDCARD discountTheaterstraße 10 Ticket hotline +49 6221 5820000www.theaterheidelberg.de

UnterwegsTheaterThe modern theater is on the road with its artistic concept of dance, acrobatics, installation and acting.HebelHalle, Hebelstraße 9Phone +49 6221 23806www.unterwegstheater.de

ZimmertheaterThis theater, with its picturesque backyard atmosphere, is one of the oldest private theaters in Germany.Hauptstraße 118 Ticket hotline +49 6221 21069zimmertheaterheidelberg.de

Taeter-TheaterThe repertoire of this theater includes works from the clas-sics to contemporary pieces.Bergheimer Straße 147, Phone +49 6221 163333www.taeter-theater.de

TiKK-TheaterThe Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof (Culture Center) is an intimate place to attend free productions and enjoy entertaining evenings.Am Karlstor 1Ticket hotline +49 6221 978928www.karlstorbahnhof.de

Cultural Stages

KulturfensterThis intimate little theater is the stage for cabaret, chansons and theatrical productions with attractive offers for everyone – children, young people and families.Kirchstraße 16www.kulturfenster.de

Kulturhaus KarlstorbahnhofThe Culture Center in the old railway building is a melting pot of music, theater, cabaret, politics, literature and cinema.

HDCARD discountAm Karlstor 1www.karlstorbahnhof.de

Halle02 The old railway freight terminal in Heidelberg is a gallery and music club in one, an amazing location for concerts and par-ties. There is definitely beach atmosphere during the summer months.Zollhofgarten 2 (Bahnstadt)www.halle02.de

Kongresshaus StadthalleThe historic building with its splendorous atmosphere is the venue for bigger cultural events and conventions.Neckarstaden 24heidelberg-kongresshaus.de

Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (DAI)The German-American Institute offers a comprehensive cultural program including informative talks, concerts, readings and exhibitions.Sofienstraße 12www.dai-heidelberg.de


Gültig ab/Valid from:

2Gültig ab/Valid from:

22Family2Gültig ab/Valid from:

1 Gültig ab/Valid from:


Castle ticket including funicular railway—Free use of public transportation in the city area—Discounts with over 60 partners, public walking tours in the Old Town or City and Castle sightseeing tours

Heidelberg in your pocket!

Available at all Tourist Information Offices

Online-order and detailed information: www.heidelbergcard.com


from 15,- Euro


An astounding and delightful monument!

Heidelberg Palace is pure romanticism and one of the most important German cultural monuments. The castle ruins tower proudly above the picturesque Neckar Valley, with a flair that enchants visitors. For more than 200 years already, it has been considered as one of the most romantic places on Earth. Information at: www.schloss-heidelberg.de/en






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für dichfür dichthere is always a parking space available in heidelberg

Cheap parking in four parking garages. All secure and open 24 hours per day, located centrally in the city: in Garage P6 Kraus, P12 Kornmarkt/Schloss, P10 Friedrich-Ebert-Platz and P16 Nordbrückenkopf.

AZ_Image Parkdeck_98x140_4c_engl.indd 1 21.10.16 15:09

Two experiences – one price!Travel with the Heidelberg funicular railway from Kornmarkt to Molkenkur and back, and take the opportunity to visit Heidelberg Castle, the Wine Cellarand the German Pharmacy Museum while you‘re there.

With the Castle ticket from the Heidelberg funicular railways you can experience all these attractions for just 7 euros!

Find out more at: www.bergbahn-heidelberg.de

Trip on the funicular

to Molkenkur and back

including admission

to the Castle


Anzeige Bergbahn_098x140_4c_engl.indd 1 21.10.16 14:47
