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ABC-Q-ML-0100 QMS Manual

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  • 7/30/2019 ABC-Q-ML-0100 QMS Manual


    Any comments and proposed changes on this manual and related procedures can be

    directed to Process Owners, Quality Manager and/or Management Representative

    (MR) for necessary action.

    This Quality Management System (QMS) Manual is the property of the Company

    and shall not be reproduced and distributed to third parties without the

    authorization of the above.

    As with all quality documents, this manual will be reviewed at least once a year toconfirm its suitability and effectiveness in supporting the QMS.

    With the advent of computers, Process Owners shall make the latest version of

    documents they produce available on a common drive. All users of such documents

    are responsible for ensuring that they update themselves of the latest version.

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    Table of Contents

    1. Scope

    1.1. General

    1.2. Application

    2. Normative Reference2.1. Company Profile

    2.2. Scope of Services

    3. Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations

    3.1. Title

    3.2. System

    3.3. Document Type

    4. Quality Management System

    4.1. General Requirements

    4.2. Documentation requirements

    4.2.1. General

    4.2.2. Quality Manual4.2.3. Control of Document

    4.2.4. Control of Records

    5. Management Responsibility

    5.1. Management Commitment

    5.2. Customer Focus

    5.3. Quality Policy

    5.4. Planning

    5.4.1. Quality Objectives

    5.4.2. Quality management system planning

    5.5. Responsibility, authority and communication

    5.5.1. Responsibility and Authority

    5.5.2. Management Representative

    5.5.3. Internal Communication

    5.6. Management Review

    5.6.1. General

    5.6.2. Review Input

    5.6.3. Review Output

    6. Resource Management

    6.1. Provision of Resources

    6.2. Human Resources

    6.2.1. General

    6.2.2. Competency, Awareness and Training

    6.3. Infrastructure

    6.4. Work environment

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    7. Product Realization

    7.1. Planning of Product Realization

    7.2. Customer Related Process

    7.2.1. Determination of Requirements Related to the Product

    7.2.2. Review of Requirements Related to the Product

    7.2.3. Customer Communication7.3. Design and Development

    7.3.1. Planning

    7.3.2. Input

    7.3.3. Output

    7.3.4. Review

    7.3.5. Verification

    7.3.6. Validation

    7.3.7. Control of Changes

    7.4. Purchasing

    7.4.1. Process

    7.4.2. Information7.4.3. Verification of Purchased Product

    7.5. Production and Service Operations

    7.5.1. Control of Provisions

    7.5.2. Validation of Processes

    7.5.3. Identification and Traceability

    7.5.4. Customer Property

    7.5.5. Preservation of Product

    7.6. Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices

    8. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

    8.1. General

    8.2. Monitoring and Measurement

    8.2.1. Customer Satisfaction

    8.2.2. Internal Audit

    8.2.3. Monitoring And Measurement Of Process

    8.2.4. Monitoring And Measurement Of Product

    8.3. Control of Non-conforming Product

    8.4. Analysis of Data

    8.5. Improvement

    8.5.1. Continual Improvement

    8.5.2. Corrective Action

    8.5.3. Preventative Action

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    Annex Title

    1. Approach to QMS

    2. Organization Chart

    3. Master Schedule

    4. Company Vision5. Quality Principles

    6. Quality Functions

    7. Quality Policy

    8. Quality Objectives

    9. Interaction of Processes

    10. Core Procedures

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    1. Scope

    1.1. General

    This Manual specifies the Quality Management System (QMS) of ABC Pte Ltd, here

    forth called ABC, the Organization or the Company.

    This QMS serves many purposes and the following are some typical applications;a. As definition of management policies with regard to Quality management,

    requirements of the Organization and Customers, and relevant Authorities.

    b. A complement to specified technical requirements for product and services.c. A linkto identify and satisfy the requirements and intent of both ISO 9001

    Standard and ABC.

    d. A base document against which practices and procedures are audited, both

    internally and externally, and continually improved upon.e. As a training document for new personnel used to ensure consistency of

    performance and continuity of system when there are changes of people.

    f. A main introductory document for both Customers and Supplier alike for

    information purposes only.Being a dynamic and innovative company, this QMS also serves the following special

    rolesa. As a handy toolbox issued to every employee where all important tools

    (procedures and practices) are readily identifiable, used and sharpened on.

    b. As a strategic tool (the how) for emphasizing and achieving Company Visionsand Goals (the what).

    c. A personal guidebookfor effective ownership and application of policy,

    objectives and procedures and other relevant quality tools.

    d. As a handbookfor quality for all staff to challenge and add more value to andgain from, making it as dynamic and effective as with all other procedures and


    e. An overriding point of reference on all quality issues and activities.ABC, being a new company with phenomenal growth and performance, would expect

    every manual, plan, procedure and work instruction their supporting forms and charts,

    and even QMS itself, to be improved on as regularly as required to meet the everincreasing challenges and visions.

    1.2. Application

    There are no exclusions to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 Quality ManagementSystems - Requirements.

    For effective and quick reference to ISO 9001 Requirements, the Sections of the Manual

    are numerically aligned with the clauses of that Standard.

    The approach taken to


    b. implement


    d. improve

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    this QMS has been outlined in a simple table. By adopting such an approach, ABC intent

    to create confidence in the capability of its processes and the quality of its products, and

    provides a basis of continual improvement. This in turn will lead to increased satisfactionof customers and other interested parties and to the success of the ABC.

    Refer to Annex 1 : Application of QMS

    2. Normative Reference

    2.1. Company Profile

    ABC has established presence in strategic locations in South East Asia, the Middle Eastand Central Europe. Comprehensive resources and access to fabrication facilities in these

    locations enables a fully responsive service to be provided to clients around the globe.

    The organizational structure of the ABC can be divided into:

    a. Corporateb. Country

    c. Project

    Refer to Annex 2 : Organization Chart, Responsibility and Authority

    2.2. Scope of Services

    The Quality Management System applies to the all works carried out by ABC which

    includea.General Design Engineering

    b. Specialized Electrical & Instrumentation

    c.Project Managementd. Fabrication and commissioning

    of process equipment and systems for the oil, gas, petrochemical and associated process


    3. Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations

    Quality related definitions used in this Manual are according to the SS ISO 9000:2005

    Quality Management Systems Fundamentals and Vocabulary.

    Other definitions are as follows:

    a.The Company / Organization ABC Pte Ltd

    b. Senior or Top Management person or group of people who directs andcontrols an organization at the highest level

    c.Customer - Our Client/Clients representative

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    d. Procedure Owners - custodians, authors and normally main users of

    processes or procedures and work instructions and relevant supporting forms,

    charts etc.

    e.Joint Audit When two or more auditing organizations cooperate to audit a

    single auditee.

    f. Combined Audit When a QMS and other management system are audited

    together. Examples include environment, safety, health and securitymanagement systems.

    g. The term product, whenever used in the Manual, can also mean service.


    3.1 Title

    a.CEO Chief Executive Officer

    b. COO Chief Operating Officer

    c.GM General Manager

    d. PM Project Manager

    e.MR Management Representative

    f. QM Quality Manager

    g. DM Department or Discipline Manager

    3.2 System

    a.QMS Quality Management System

    b. ABC ABC Pte Ltd

    c.ISO the International Organization for Standardization

    d. PQP Project Quality Plan

    e.ITP Inspection and Test Plan

    f. PQR Procedure Qualification test

    g. WQT Welder or welding operator qualification test

    h. WPR Welder or welding operator performance record

    3.3 Document Type

    a.ML Manual

    b. PL Plan


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    d. WI Work Instruction

    e.CF Control Feature

    f. FM Form

    g. OC Organization Chart

    h. FC Flow Chart

    i. CLChecklist

    4. Quality Management System

    4.1. General Requirements

    The Company QMS has been established, documented, implemented, maintained and itseffectiveness continually monitored to

    a. Satisfy ABC commitment to continuous improvement.

    b. Meet the requirements and intent of ISO 9001:2000 QMS-Requirementsc. Meet the changing needs of the market and that of our Customers.

    From QMS perspective, ABC had put in place an ongoing programme to oversee various

    aspects of QMS, which includes;1. Assessment

    2. Training

    3. Internal Audit4. External Audit

    5. Management Review

    6. Document Review

    a. Manualb. Plans

    c. Proceduresd. Forms

    e. Records

    7. Work Review

    a. Vendor Qualification and Surveillanceb. Site Visits

    c. Walkabouts

    d. Others e.g. Briefing, Teambuilding, Debriefing, etc

    Refer to Annex 3 : Master Schedule for QMS

    ABC will continually monitor the suitability and effectiveness of this programme and the

    QMS itself. Every opportunity for improvement identified, where appropriate, shall be

    documented and acted on.

    The organizational structure of ABC can be divided into

    a. Corporate

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    b. Country

    c. Project

    The country and project organizations mirror the Corporate Organization by usingcorporate procedures wherever possible. Country and Project Specific procedures and

    work instructions are identified with country and project numbers respectively and are

    archived accordingly.

    4.2. Documentation Requirements

    4.2.1. General

    To lead and operate our company successfully, it is necessary to manage it in a

    systematic and visible. As such, ABC has established QMS documentation in the form of

    a. Quality Manual main and supporting policy and objective statements

    b. Plans and Procedures core processes and activities affecting the finalproduct and services

    c. Work instructions detailed instructions for various procedures

    d. Forms and Records - evidence of conformity to requirements and the

    effective operation of the QMS.Apart from the typical items above, this QMS documentation also includes

    e. Company Visionf. Quality Principles

    g. Quality Functions

    Company Vision helps to clarify the direction of the company in both the short and long

    term. At every appropriate opportunity, senior management will continually remind all

    employees about our company vision. All managers shall implement this in such a way

    that every employee will make it their shared vision with equal opportunity forapplication, contribution and performance.

    Refer to Annex 4 : Company Vision Statement

    Quality Principles serve as a very critical foundation for good management and

    enhanced business performance. They are:a. Customer Focus

    b. Leadership

    c. Involvement of People

    d. Process Approache. System Approach to Management

    f. Continual Improvement

    g. Factual Approach to Decision Makingh. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship

    These principles are directly adopted from ISO 9000:2005 clause 0.2.

    They actually serve as a basis of the entire ISO 9000 family of standards.The practical applications of these principles include;

    a. Policy & strategy formulation

    b. Goal & target setting

    c. Project & Operational Management

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    d. Human Resource Management

    Refer to Annex 5 : Applications of Quality Principles

    Quality Functions evolved over time just as standards like the ISO9000 family is being

    continually revised. The basic roles of quality professionals and everyone in anorganization change in tandem with the development of quality systems, namely;

    a. Inspection

    b. Quality Control (QC)c. Quality Assurance (QA)

    d. Strategic Management

    Attached table shows the various stages of quality evolution, beginning with one simply

    for inspection to the current format which is a strategic management tool.Other areas of change include;

    a. Primary Concerns

    b. View of Quality

    c. Emphasisd. Methods

    e. Role of Quality Professionalsf. Responsibility for Quality

    g. Orientation and Approach

    Refer to Annex 6 : Quality Functions

    Altogether, the ownership and application of vision, principles and quality functions

    throughout the company will make the impossible dreams become (more than)possible. This only happens when everyone gives their full support to the Vision and


    4.2.2. Quality Manual

    The Senior Management, MRand QM are jointly responsible for the preparation and

    maintenance of this Manual. The processes needed for the QMS, their applicationthroughout the Company, their sequence and interaction are identified through the flow

    chart and listing in Annex 8 and 9.

    The Companys QMS documentation is structured as follows:

    System Manual (ML)

    System Procedures (PR)

    Work Instructions (WI)

    Supporting Documents (CF,FM, OC, FC & CL)

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    a) Level 1: System Manual

    Defines the QMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. TheQuality Manual provides an overview of the QMS and associated

    documentation and also documents the statements of the companys Vision,

    Quality Policy and Objectives.b) Level 2: System ProceduresQuality System Procedures that describe the activities required to implement the

    QMS based on ISO 9001:2000. They define the WHO, WHAT, HOW andWHEN related to the activities of implementing the QMS.

    c) Level 3: Work Instructions

    Procedures that describe the sequence and interactive nature of the processes

    necessary to ensure the conformity of services. The Work Instructions describethe operating practices and controls of process activities performed by the

    respective departments. Each department maintains their own Work Instructions

    and documentation.

    d) Level 4: Supporting DocumentQuality records are the output of the working QMS based on ISO 9001:2000.

    They demonstrate the effectiveness of the QMS and provide a means to measurethe continual improvement of its operation. They provide evidence that the

    requirements for the desired quality have been met. Records can be in the form

    of notes, reports, data, and completed forms etc. The originating department orwork area has primary responsibility for collating, filing, maintaining and

    archiving and discarding of such records.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    4.2.3. Control of Document

    The company has established a documented procedure for controlling new and reviseddocuments required for the QMS. This procedure ensures that:

    a. Documents are approved for adequacy prior to release

    b. Documents are reviewed, revised and approvedc. The current versions of documents are available at all locations where

    activities are carried out

    d. Obsolete documents are removed from all points of issue or use, or are

    otherwise controlled to prevent unintended usee. Any obsolete documents retained for legal or knowledge preservation

    purposes are suitably identified

    f. All documents shall be legible and readily retrievableg. Applicable documents of external origin are identified and recorded

    The documents can be in any form or any type of media.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-D-PR-0100 Document Control Procedure

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    4.2.4. Control of Records

    The company shall establish and maintain a documented procedure for the identification,

    storage, retrieval, protection and disposal of quality records. These quality recordsdemonstrate conformance to requirements and effective operation of the QMS.

    Individual departments or functions will be responsible for the collation, maintenance and

    disposal of relevant records. In general, such records are normally maintained for adefined retention period of 5 years. However where required for legal or knowledge

    retention purposes, this retention period may be longer.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-D-PR-0300 Record Control Procedure

    5. Management Responsibility

    5.1. Management Commitment

    Leadership, commitment and active involvement of the top management are essential for

    developing and maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency of QMS to achieve benefitsfor all interested parties. As such, the company Senior Management is committed to

    develop, implement and continually seek to improve this QMS which in turn supports theperformance of the company to achieve the desired vision and goals.

    This commitment is demonstrated through;

    a. Establishing and monitoring the company Vision, Policy and StrategicObjectives

    b. Communicating to the staff the importance of meeting customer as well as

    regulatory and legal requirements

    c. Leading by example and conducting management reviewsd. Ensuring the availability of necessary resources for implementing and

    maintaining the QMS and supporting strategic plans

    e. Regular briefings on company performance and immediate focus etc.f. Training on QMS throughout the company to increase awareness, motivation

    and involvement. To those selected, this will lead to internal and external

    audit qualificationsg. Creating an environment that encourages the involvement and development of


    h. Keeping close ears on customer needs and expectations

    5.2. Customer Focus

    Senior Management shall ensure that customer needs, expectations and legal

    requirements are identified and fulfilled to achieve total customer satisfaction.Detailed descriptions of the activities associated with the determination of requirements

    related to product and achievement of customer satisfaction are provided in Sections 7

    and 8 of this manual.

    Refer to Annex 5 : QMS Principles

    Item 1:Customer Focus

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

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    a. SABC-C-PR-0100 Tender Preparation and Contract Review


    b. SABC-C-PR-0500 Scheduling and Progress Reporting


    c. SABC-C-PR-0600 Change Identification Procedure

    d. SABC-C-PR-0700 Technical Query Proceduree. SABC-Q-PR-0300 Feedback Procedure

    f. SABC-C-PR-0900 Satisfaction Survey Procedure

    5.3. Quality Policy

    The company Quality Policy defined by the CEO describes our main objectives. This

    policy is used as a means of leading the company towards improvement in itsperformance. The policy and QMS in turn have been carefully established to ensure that

    our company can accomplish these goals.

    The Senior Management shall ensure that the quality policy

    a. Is appropriate to the companyb. Includes a commitment to comply with all requirements and continually

    improve the effectiveness of the policy and QMS itselfc. Provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives

    d. Is communicated and understood within the organization

    e. Is reviewed annually to maintain its relevance and suitability

    Refer to Annex 7 : Quality Policy

    5.4. Planning

    Top Management shall take responsibility for quality planning of the organization. This

    planning shall focus on the processes and resources needed to meet effectively and

    efficiently the companys quality objectives and requirements, consistent with thebusiness strategy.

    5.4.1. Quality Objectives

    The company Senior Management has established Quality Objectives at relevantfunctions and levels within the company. The management is committed to provide the

    means to achieve such goals and communicate them regularly. This is to gain from as

    well as provide support to all levels.

    Quality Objectives include those needed to meet the requirements of our services andprocesses as well as customer requirements.

    The quality objectives are consistent with the quality policy and the commitment to

    continued improvement.Typically strategic objectives are cascaded down and supported by lower level objectives


    a. Corporateb. Country

    c. Project

    d. Department

    e. Discipline

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    These objectives shall be communicated in such a way that people in the company can

    contribute to their achievement. Thus concerned parties at the various levels shall set

    their own measurable objectives and monitor them accordingly. Any deviation shall bereported and followed up accordingly. At various levels, this is discussed through

    immediate superiors. At an official level, this is discussed through management review

    where root causes and action required are discussed and agreed upon. These QualityObjectives shall be reviewed annually to ensure suitability and relevance.

    In general, the overriding objectives for quality are to satisfy customers by;a. Developing and providing services that meet their requirements by achieving

    zero customer complaints

    b. Ensuring that consistency in Quality is achieved throughout the provision of

    service by seeking to achieve zero non-conformityc. Undertaking continuous improvement of service and ensuring they are always

    up-to-date and relevant

    Refer to Annex 8 : Quality Objectives

    5.4.2. QMS Planning

    While this manual provides consistent information, both internally and externally, about

    the companys QMS, document that describe how the QMS is applied to specific product,

    project or contract are referred to as Quality Plan. In any case, the Senior Managementof the Organization shall identify and define the activities and resources needed to

    achieve quality objectives and to meet corporate, project and/or Customer requirements

    through prompt quality planning. If necessary, the Project Quality plan and even QMS

    shall be improved to achieve the quality level specified by the Customers. In both cases,

    Senior Management shall ensure the integrity of the QMS is maintained when changes

    are planned and implemented.

    5.5. Responsibility, Authority and Communication

    5.5.1. Responsibility and Authority

    ABC has defined functions and their interrelations within the organization in theOrganization Charts namely for Corporate, Country and Project. This charts show the

    interrelationship of functional groups that have the responsibility and authority for

    performing and verifying work affecting quality.

    These responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated in order to facilitateeffective quality management.

    The Organizational Structure of the Company defines the relations between the members

    of the Company and shows how the authority to is executed. The overall organizationstructure and provision of appropriately qualified and experienced resources to perform

    the work rests at corporate and various countries lies with the CEO/COO and GeneralManagers respectively. CEO/COO

    The CEO and COO are the highest point of contact for the organization. They coordinate

    activities to direct and control the organization at the highest level. They are responsible

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    for the overall management and development of the company and the planning and

    attainment of its strategic objectives.

    They also establish the highest level policies, implementation strategies and goals for allfunctions and business activities of all the companies under the group.

    Through leadership and actions, top management can create an environment where

    people are fully involved and in which a QMS can operate effectively. The qualitymanagement principles can be used by top management as the basis of its role, which is

    as follows:

    a. to establish and maintain the quality policy and objectives of the organization

    b. to promote the quality policy and objectives throughout the organization to

    increase awareness, motivation, involvement and commitment

    c. to ensure focus on customer requirement throughout the organization

    d. to ensure that appropriate processes are implemented to enable requirements

    of customers and other interested parties to be fulfilled and quality objectives

    to be achieved

    e. to ensure that an effective and efficient QMS is established, implemented and

    maintained to achieve these quality objectivesf. to ensure the availability of necessary resources

    g. to review QMS periodically

    h. to decide on actions regarding the quality policy and objectives

    i. to decide on actions for improvement of the QMS General Manager (GM) and Project Managers (PM)

    The GM and PM are the first points of contact for the organization for specific countryor Project respectively. They are responsible for the overall management, planning and

    development and attainment of their respective objectives.

    They establish policies, implementation strategies and goals for all functions and business

    activities for the country or project respectively.They also assess performance and, where warranted, initiates actions with the view to

    promoting ongoing improvement in service, productivity, quality and profitability.

    Being senior management at specific country or project, they are responsible for

    a. Setting of country and project specific Policy & Objectives

    b. Establishing and monitoring the efficiency of the QMS and project quality


    c. Develop and maintain close and trustful customer relations

    d. Assuring employment of qualified staff as per job requirements

    e. continuous improvement in performance and knowledge through on or off the

    job training Quality Manager (QM)

    QM for Corporate, Country and Project will assist

    a. CEO/COO,

    b. General Managers

    c. Project Managers respectively in all quality related matters.

    Collectively, they are to organize and manage the QMS in accordance with the Quality

    Policy and procedures as laid down at respective levels.

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    All QM have full organizational freedom to review, audit, analyze, and identify Quality

    problems and to initiate corrective actions which result in solutions to and mitigation of

    non-compliance problems at their respective levels.While having direct reporting responsibility to immediate superiors, all QM have also the

    direct reporting access to senior management.

    Other roles include;a. Develop, implement, maintain and improve respective QMS

    b. Conduct QMS training for every employee within their organization

    c. Work towards ISO 9001:2000 certification and ensure ongoing compliance

    d. Review and audit to ensure that all processes, resources and products involved

    conform to requirements

    e. Facilitate expeditious resolution of all findings

    f. Handle and coordinate of customers complaints

    g. Gather of all lessons learnt and quality issues at their respective levels.

    h. Partake in Vendor Evaluation and Surveillance

    i. May in serious instances, suspend a project if its continuation will have an

    adverse effect on the quality objectives of companyj. Continuous develop their own and those under them through on or off the job

    training Process Owners

    Process owners are custodians, authors and main users of processes or procedures and

    work instructions and relevant supporting forms, charts etc. They have full organizational

    freedom to review, audit, analyze, and identify their process problems and to initiateimprovement by way investigation and revision of related processes or procedures.

    This however is normally conducted in consultation with MR, QM, DM, functionalleads and those who are directly affected.

    Other roles include but not limited to;a. Organize meetings where changes can be discussed and jointly agreed upon

    b. Revise relevant document accordingly and obtain relevant signatures

    c. Launch and provide training for relevant personnel on the objective, use and

    rational of said document whenever major changes are made

    d. For minor changes, simply notify all concerned through email

    e. Periodically review all document under their charge, singularly or

    collectively, to ensure their objectivity, suitability and effectiveness are

    maintained. All Employees

    Each and every employee in ABC has the organizational freedom and authority toidentify and record quality issue and opportunity in their own or related areas of work.

    They shall report these directly to the process owners, DM,QM and MR.

    All employees are encouraged to proactively initiate, recommend or provide solutionsand follow up actions especially in their own areas of work or expertise.

    Other roles include;

    a. To proactively assist one another in achieving company vision and objectives

    b. To cooperate in all improvement efforts and quality activities

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    c. To exercise due diligence by raising of concerns and sharing of ideas ,

    proposals and efforts

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0200 Audit Procedure

    SABC-Q-PR-0300 Feedback Procedure

    5.5.2. Management Representative (MR)

    ABC Senior management has appointed a Management Representative, MRat each

    office. He/she, irrespective of other responsibilities, has the responsibility and authority

    toa. Ensure the QMS is implemented and maintained in accordance with the

    requirements of ISO 9000

    b. Report to the Senior management on the performance of the QMS, includingthe needs for improvement

    c. Ensure awareness of Customer requirements throughout the organization

    d. Where appropriate, liaise with external parties on matters relating to theQMS

    All MRshall be given additional training in QMS so as to carry out this role effectively.

    5.5.3. Internal Communication

    ABC management team has established and maintained internal communication at

    various levels and functions regarding the processes of the QMS and their effectiveness.

    Providing such information can aid in organizations performance improvement anddirectly involves its people in the achievement of quality objectives and ultimately the

    company vision.

    Internal communication is currently ensured through various meetings at respective

    departments. In addition, information is transmitted directly, on common drive, noticeboards, in-house journal, website, email, etc. These include, where appropriate,

    a. Memorandum on Quality policy, requirements, objectives and

    accomplishmentsb. Manual, procedures, work instructions and forms and related discussion of

    the same

    c. QMS training, promotions and awardsd. Key Performance Indicators and Charts

    e. Internal and external feedbacks forum

    f. Audit notice, meeting, interview and reportg. Relevant minutes of meetings

    h. Management briefing where senior management will brief all staff on ABC

    performance, accomplishments and focus and concerns, etc.i. Project debriefing and lessons learnt

    j. Team building exercise, etc

    5.6. Management Review

    5.6.1. General

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    The Management of ABC reviews the QMS at least twice a year to assess its continuing

    suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. If necessary, additional reviews may be held.

    The review shall evaluate the need for changes to the organizations QMS, Quality Policyand Quality Objectives.

    5.6.2. Review InputAgendas to Management Review shall include performance and improvement

    opportunities related to the following:

    a. Results of internal and external auditsb. Customer feedback

    c. Internal and external process performance and products conformance

    d. Status of preventive and corrective actions

    e. Follow up actions from earlier management reviewsf. Changes that could effect the QMS

    g. Recommendations for improvement

    5.6.3. Review OutputThe output from the Management Review shall include actions related to:

    a. Improvement of the QMS and its processb. Improvement of services related to Customer requirements

    c. Resource needs.

    Results of Management Reviews shall be recorded and used by senior management asinputs for strategic planning and opportunity for performance improvement through

    formulation of more challenging and rewarding objectives.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0400 Management Review Procedure

    6. Resource Management

    6.1. Provision of Resources

    The Management of ABC is committed to provide the resources needed to:a. Implement and maintain the QMS and continually improve its effectiveness,


    b. Enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.

    Each manager is responsible for identifying the necessary resource requirements whichcan include people, and processes, hardware and software, infrastructure and utility,

    finance and time.

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    6.2. Human Resources

    6.2.1. General

    People are the most valuable asset. As such the Management is committed to have a well

    trained and effective work force. The organization selects competent personnel on the

    basis of education, training, skill and experience and assigns tasks to the personnel withrelevant competency. As an aid to achieving its performance, ABC encourages

    participation, involvement, development and commitment of its people at every level.

    6.2.2. Competency, Awareness and Training

    The organization provides all personnel with ongoing relevant training to maintain and

    enhance their competency level, both in QMS and their own work disciplines. This is to

    ensure an effective and efficient operation of the organization. As is, ABC hasestablished procedures to:

    a. Identify competency needs for personnel performing activities affecting


    b. Provide training or take other actions to satisfy these needsc. Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken

    d. Ensure that its employees are aware of the relevance and importance of theiractivities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality


    e. Maintain appropriate records of education, experience, training andqualifications.

    f. Support achievement of individual, team and ABC objectives

    g. Facilitate the involvement of people

    As for QMS training, all employees are required to attend QMS Induction trainingprogram in the first year and yearly refresher programme thereafter.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-A-PR-0100 Competency, Awareness and Training


    6.3. Infrastructure

    ABC is always identifying the need and requirements for new sites and work spaces in

    conjunction with award of new projects, workforce changes and other such events.

    ABC shall define, provide and maintain the facilities it needs to achieve the conformityof the services, including:

    a. Work space and associate facilities

    b. Equipment, hardware and softwarec. Supporting services, such as transport or communication

    For example, ABC is leasing a large workshop with even larger open spacesand office building in Batam Indonesia as a strategic fabrication yard for

    Singapore offices. Similar approach is taken in all other national offices .

    6.4. Work Environment

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    ABC shall identify and manage the work environment needed to

    a. achieve conformity of product requirements

    b. have a positive influence on motivation, satisfaction and performance ofpeople

    c. enhance the performance of the Organization

    These factors include:a. Health and safety conditions

    b. Work methods and ergonomics

    c. Social and work ethicsd. Conducive working conditions

    As is, due to the business growth rate experienced by ABC in this region, both

    Singapore and Malaysia Offices are taking newer and bigger offices. Thiscertainly augurs well for well being and development of the every staff and

    company as a whole.

    7. Product Realization

    7.1. Planning of Product Realization

    The product realization of the organization comprise processes of production of

    drawings, fabrication, construction and installation operations on the site starting with

    the design plan and the project schedule, and progressing through all stages of the project.The sequence and interaction of these processes are defined within the respective Project

    Quality Plan, which is simply another way how QMS is applied in to specific product,

    project or contract.

    In such planning, the organization shall determine the following, as appropriate:a. Quality objectives for the project or contract

    b. The need to establish processes and documentation, and provide resources and

    facilities specific to the productc. Verification and validation activities, and the acceptance criteria

    d. The records that are necessary to provide evidences that the realization

    processes and resulting product fulfilled requirements.Dependent on the size of the project, the company translates the above points and


    a. Project Management Plan

    b. Project Quality Planc. Inspection and Test Plan

    d. Scheduling and Progress Reporting Procedure

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-C-PL-0200 Project Management Plan

    SABC-C-PL-0300 Project Quality Plan

    SABC-Q-PL-0800 Inspection and Test Plan

    SABC-C-PR-0500 Scheduling and Progress Report Procedure

    7.2. Customer Related Process

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    7.2.1. Determination of requirements related to the product

    ABC identifies customer requirements and strives to meet them. These efforts shall

    consider:a. Requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for

    availability, delivery and support

    b. Requirements not specified by the customer but necessary for intended orspecified use

    c. Obligations related to services, including regulatory and legal requirements

    d. Additional requirements, if any, determined by the organization.

    7.2.2. Review of Requirements Related to the Product

    ABC reviews the identified customer requirements together with additional requirements

    determined by the organization prior to the commitment to supply the product andservices to the customer. It shall ensure that:

    a. Product requirements are defined

    b. Where the customer provides no documented statement of requirement, the

    customer requirements are confirmed before acceptancec. Contact or order requirements differing from those previously expressed in the

    tender or quotation are resolvedd. The organization has the ability to meet defined requirements.

    The results of review and subsequent follow up action are recorded.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-C-PR-0100 Tender Preparation and Contract Review


    7.2.3. Customer Communication

    The organization shall identify and implement arrangements for communication with

    customers relating to:a. Project and Product information

    b. Enquiries, contracts handling, including amendments

    c. Customer feedback, including customer complaints

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-C-PR-0500 Scheduling and Progress Reporting


    SABC-Q-PR-0300 Feedback Procedure

    7.3. Design and Development

    7.3.1. Planning

    ABC plans and controls design and development of the product. The project plans aredrafted out before the design development and shall determine the following:

    a. Stages of design and development processes.

    b. Review, verification and validation activities to each design and development


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    c. Responsibilities and authorities for design and development activities

    d. Interfaces between different groups involved in design and development

    e. Method to ensure effective communication and clarity of responsibilities ateach design and development stage.

    The plans shall be updated, as appropriate, as the design and development progresses.

    7.3.2. Input

    The design inputs come from customer requirements and regulatory requirements. The

    inputs shall be defined and documented in the in the project and development plan. Theseinclude:

    a. Functional and performance requirements

    b. Applicable information regulatory and legal requirements

    c. Applicable information derived similar designsd. Any other requirements essential for design and development.

    These inputs shall be reviewed for adequacy. Incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting

    requirements shall be resolved.

    7.3.3. Output

    The outputs of the design and development processes shall be documented in a formatthat enables verification against the design and development inputs. Design and

    development output shall:

    a. Meet the design and development input requirementsb. Provide appropriate information for production and services operations

    c. Contain or reference product acceptance criteria

    d. Defined the characteristics of the product that are essential to its safe and

    proper use.Design and development and development output documents shall be approved prior to


    7.3.4. Review

    Throughout the products development process, design reviews shall be conducted to

    verify the design and development. The objectives of the design reviews are:a. Evaluate the ability to fulfilled requirements

    b. Identify problems and propose follow up actions.

    Participants in the design reviews shall include representatives of functions concerned

    with the design and development stages being reviewed. The results of the design reviewsand subsequent follow up actions shall be recorded.

    7.3.5. Verification

    Design and development verification shall be performed to ensure the design and

    development output meets the design and development inputs. The results of the

    verification and subsequent follow up actions are recorded.

    7.3.6. Validation

    Design and development validation is performed to confirm that resulting product is

    capable of meeting the requirements for the intended use.

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    Where applicable validation shall be completed prior to the delivery or implementation of

    the product.

    Where it is impractical to perform full validation prior to delivery or implementation,partial validation shall be performed to the extent applicable.

    The results of the validation and subsequent follow up actions shall be recorded.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-G-PR-0100 Design and Development Procedure

    7.3.7. Control of Changes

    Design and development changes or modifications shall be approved by authorized

    personnel and recorded before implementation.

    Design planning, design output, design verification, and design validation activitiesfollow the same process that was applied to the original design. The results of the review

    of changes and subsequent follow up actions shall be recorded.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core ProceduresSABC-C-PR-0600 Change Identification Procedure

    SABC-C-PR-0700 Control of Technical Queries

    7.4. Purchasing

    7.4.1. Process

    ABC control its purchasing processes to ensure purchased products/ services conform to

    requirements. The type and extent of control is dependent upon the effect of the

    purchased products on the final product.

    The organization evaluates and selects suppliers based on their ability to supply product/services in accordance with the organizations requirements. The criteria for selection and

    periodic evaluation are established. The results of evaluations and follow-up actions shall

    be recorded. The criteria for supplier selection include certification to ISO9001:2000,technical competency and commercial risk.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0500 Supplier Assessment Procedure

    7.4.2. Information

    ABC purchasing documents shall contain information describing the products/ services tobe purchased, including where appropriate:

    a. Identification of the materials, goods, or services being ordered

    b. Requirements for approval or qualification of products/ services, procedures,processes, equipment and personnel.

    c. Reference specifications or applicable standards

    d. Quality management system requirementsThe organization shall ensure the adequacy of specified requirements contained in the

    purchasing documents prior to their release.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

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    SABC-C-PR-0400 Purchasing Procedure

    7.4.3. Verification of Purchased Product

    ABC verifies the purchased products and services to ensure that they confirm to be

    specified requirements.

    Where the organization or its customer proposes to perform verification activities at thesuppliers premises, the organization shall specify the intended verification arrangements

    methods of products release in the purchasing documents.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-O-PR-0100 Production and Service Procedure

    7.5. Production and Service Provision

    7.5.1. Control of Provisions

    ABC controls of production and service operations through:

    a. The availability of information that specifies the characteristics of the product.

    b. Where necessary, the availability of work instructions.c. The use and maintenance of suitable equipment.

    d. The availability and use of monitoring devices.e. The implementation of defined processes for release, delivery and applicable

    post delivery activities.

    The company ensures that fabrication, construction and installation requirements aredefined. This is either documented in contract, directives or technical specifications.

    Project managers are responsible for ensuring that technical data including drawings,

    datasheets and standards specifications available to users are complete, unambiguous

    complete with schedule for completion.Production on the other hand must ensure that all tools and measuring equipments used

    are maintained and suitable for intended use.

    The overall production and service activities performed are controlled by mean ofInspection and Test Plan (ITP) where key stages of intervention of production and

    services are agreed upon among company and customer representatives. This plan

    include reference standards and codes, work instruction and acceptance criteria forprocesses, tests, inspections and customers points of involvement which include hold,

    witness, monitor, review or information only.

    7.5.2. Validation of Processes

    ABC shall validate the production processes where the resulting output cannot be verified

    by subsequent measurement or monitoring. This includes any processes where

    deficiencies may become apparent only after the product is in use or has been delivered.The validation of processes is to evaluate the ability of the processes to achieve planned


    The arrangements for validation shall be defined and include the following:a. Qualification of processes

    b. Qualification of equipment and personnel

    c. Use of defined methodologies and procedures

    d. Requirements for records

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    e. Re-validation

    These include welding process where the level of qualification of personnel and process

    are validated by initial inspection and tests.E.g. welding procedure qualification tests (PQT) are carried out to identify

    welding procedure specifications (WPS). Similarly, welder and welding operator

    go through welder or welding operator qualification test (WQT). Theirperformances are further monitored through welder performance record (WPR)

    to ensure consistent results.

    All these are normally carried out with the attendance of third party and properreport and records as according to codes and standards such that they are

    recognized by other interested parties.

    7.5.3. Identification and Traceability

    ABC identifies, where appropriate, the product by a unique identification system

    throughout the production realization, from material receipt to all stages of fabrication,

    construction and installation. This includes work carried out by the company and

    suppliers where the extent of which is spelt out in relevant codes, standards and customeror company specifications or requirements.

    The organization shall identify the status of the product with respect to measurement andmonitoring requirements, in accordance to relevant Inspection and Test Plan (ITP).

    The organization shall control and record the unique identification of the product, where

    traceability is a requirement. In general this relates to the criticality of the process withregards to applications and locations.

    Typically structural integrity is categorized as by special, primary and secondary

    areas, where the level of inspection, test and traceability reduces accordingly.

    In any case the records should be consistent such that progress can be summarizedand reported effectively. E.g. welding and material traceability summary where

    relevant information on welding and material are updated as work progresses and

    finally issued are part of construction deliverables.

    7.5.4. Customer Property

    ABC exercises care with customer property while it is under the organizations control orbeing used by the organization. The organization shall identify, verify, protect and

    maintain Customer property provided for use of incorporation into the product.

    In the event where the Customer property is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be

    unsuitable for use, the situation shall be recorded and reported to the customer.All free issue materials required for the fabrication, construction and installation will be

    verified, identified, stored and controlled through a master list similar to those that

    company purchased.

    7.5.5. Preservation of Product

    ABC shall preserve conformity of products with Customer requirements during storage,internal processing and delivery to the intended destination by proper identification,

    handling, packaging, storage and protection. Where required, the methods of preservation

    shall be documented. At appropriate intervals, the condition of product or constituent

    parts in stock shall be assessed.

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    7.6. Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices

    ABC shall determine the monitoring and measurement to be made and the measuring andmonitoring devices required to assure conformity of product to specified requirements.

    Measuring and monitoring devices shall be used and controlled to ensure that

    measurement capability is consistent with the measurement requirements.Where applicable, measuring and monitoring devices shall:

    a.Be calibrated and adjusted periodically or prior to use, against devices traceable to

    international or national standards; where no such standards exist, the basisused for calibration shall be recorded;

    b. Be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the calibration;

    c.be protected from damages and deterioration during handling, maintenance and

    storage;d. Have the results of their calibration recorded;

    e.Have the validation of previous results re-assessed if they are subsequently found

    to be out of calibration, and corrective action taken.

    Software used for measuring and monitoring of specified requirements shall be validatedprior to use.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-O-PR-0100 Production and Service Procedure

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    8. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

    8.1. General

    ABC plans and implements the monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement

    processes needed to:

    a. Demonstrate conformity of the productb. Ensure conformity of the QMS

    c. Continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS

    As measurement data is important to fact based decision making, senior managementshall ensure effective and efficient measurement, collection and validation of data to

    monitor and ensure

    a. organizations actual performance

    b. satisfaction of interested parties

    Departmental Managers are responsible for identifying the need for using appropriate

    statistical technique within their own areas. Examples of statistics would include

    performance on quality objectives. Such analysis will be used as input in management


    Refer to Annex 8 : Quality Objectives

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0400 Management Review Procedure

    8.2. Monitoring and Measurement

    8.2.1. Customer Satisfaction

    ABC monitors information on customer satisfaction as a vital measurement of

    performance of the QMS. Customer satisfaction information is obtained from customersurvey which includes their perception on

    a. Audit results

    b. Inspection Reportingc. Responsiveness to Client requests

    d. Expeditious resolution of problems

    e. Close out of NCR, CA and PAf. Repair rates

    g. Technical knowledge

    h. On time / on budget / Compliance with requirements

    Project managers shall obtain such information on a quarterly basis by eithera. Solicited Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

    b. Follow up telephone call

    c. Personnel interview

    QM will collate such information for analysis and use as input for management review.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-C-PR-0900 Satisfaction Survey Procedure

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    8.2.2. Internal Audit

    ABC Senior Management ensures the effective and efficient internal audit processes toassess the strengths and weaknesses of QMS and ABC. Internal audit acts as a

    management tool for independent assessment by obtaining objective evidences and

    conclusions. As such Senior Management shall grant the authority to manage the auditprogramme. Those assigned the responsibility shall

    a. Establish, implement, monitor, review, improve the audit programme

    b. Identify necessary resources and ensure they are providedABC conducts internal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the QMS

    a. Conforms to the planned arrangements, to the requirements of ISO 9001:2000

    Standards and ABC

    b. Is effectively implemented and maintained.The organization plans the audit programme taking into consideration the status and

    importance of the activities and areas to be audited as well as the results of previous


    As a general guide, ABC will audit every project at a quarterly basis key processes andprocedures relevant at that point of time.

    Refer to Annex 3 : Master Schedule

    Item 3 Internal Audit

    The audit criteria, scope and methods are defined in audit notice while the frequency is

    spelt out in the QMS master schedule. The responsibilities and requirements for

    conducting audits, ensuring their independence, recording results and reporting to

    management are documented in audit report.Audits are performed by personnel other than those who performed the work being

    audited. QM, where necessary, will appoint internal auditors and technical experts, while

    he serves as lead or sole auditor.The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that actions are

    being taken without undue delay to eliminate detected non conformities and their causes.

    As a guideline, the response time for acknowledgement and follow up on proposal andconclusion are two weeks consecutively.

    Conclusion shall include the verification of the implementation of action and the

    reporting of verification results.

    Whenever required, additional internal audits are performed to investigate specificproblem areas and/or to follow up on major findings. These may be initiated on short

    notices by eitherauditee or auditor.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0200 Audit Procedure

    SABC-Q-PR-0300 Feedback Procedure

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    8.2.3. Monitoring And Measurement Of Processes

    The organization measures and monitors process necessary to meet customerrequirements. Many of the processes are measured through quality objectives, audit and

    assessment. The intent is to demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned

    results. During periodical survey, a more independent source of such information wouldbe actual ratings and opinions given by

    a. Employees

    b. Customersc. Suppliers

    When planned results are not achieved, correction and corrective action shall be taken, as

    appropriate, to ensure conformity of the product.

    8.2.4. Monitoring And Measurement Of Product

    The organization monitors and measures the characteristics of products to verify that the

    product requirements are fulfilled. This is carried out at appropriate stages of product

    realization process in accordance with the planned arrangements.This requirement is addressed mainly in projects where inspection and test plans (ITP)

    are generated. Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria shall be maintained.Records shall indicate the person authorizing the release of product. Degree and type of

    involvement of Customers and Certifying body are agreed upon upfront during the

    project planning stage of product realization.Agreed intervention points at various stages of product realization process would include

    a. Hold

    b. Witness

    c. Monitor d. Review

    e. Information only

    Products do not proceed or are not dispatched until specified activities have beensatisfactorily completed and the related documentation is available and authorized. The

    only exception is when services are released with full traceability through end use, thus

    allowing for positive recall.Personnel other than the persons who perform or directly supervised the production of the

    products shall perform final acceptance and product release.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PL-0600 Inspection and Test Plan

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    8.3. Control of Nonconforming Product

    The organization ensures that product which does not conform to requirements isidentified and controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery.

    The organization shall deal with nonconformity product by taking action to eliminate the

    detected nonconformity.Records of the nature of nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken shall be


    When nonconforming product is corrected, it shall be subject to re-verification todemonstrate conformity to the requirements.

    When nonconforming product is detected after delivery, the organization shall recall the

    product for corrective action or rectify the problem on site.

    Any information on rework, especially for field work, shall be documented likewise andused as case study during debriefing and/or MR input. This is especially because the

    impact on cost, schedule and reputation of such incidences are exceptionally high.

    For example, welding defects are not considered as NCR as it is considered aswork-in-progress, unless the corrective work is not carried out or the trend on the

    amount of defect is exceptionally high. Nonetheless, ABC consider suchinformation as useful for monitoring and improving performance and bottom line.

    At ABC, every employee is empowered with the authority and responsibility to reportnonconformities at any stage of a process in order to ensure timely detection and

    disposition of nonconformities. In fact, ABC also welcome Customers, Suppliers and

    third parties to raise issues through this mechanism. Responsible managers shall

    acknowledge and follow up accordingly without undue delay. Quality manager willfacilitate the tracking and prompting of such matters.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0300 Non Conformance Report Procedure

    8.4. Analysis of Data

    ABC collects and analyse appropriate data from all parts of the company to determine the

    suitability and effectiveness of the QMS and to identify improvement opportunities.

    The organization analyzes applicable data to provide information on:

    a. Customer satisfactionb. Conformance to Customer requirements

    c. Characteristics of process, services and their trends

    d. SuppliersThis is normally done within the framework of Management Reviews. MR, QM and DMare jointly responsible for compiling and analyzing different input data.

    Ultimately decisions making requires reliable analysis of data, balanced with experienceand intuition.

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    8.5. Improvement

    8.5.1. Continual Improvement

    The organization plans and manages the process necessary for the continual

    improvements of the QMS through:

    a. Quality policy and objectivesb. Audits results

    c. Analysis of data

    d. Corrective and preventive actionse. Management review

    Every employee, customer and even supplier are encouraged to proactively suggest

    new ideas for improvement of processes, products and services, especially within their

    own areas of work or expertise. Nonetheless proposal from other disciplines and sourcesare also welcome. These improvements may result in changes of product and processes

    and even the QMS itself.

    QM will facilitate the tracking and prompting of such matters.

    8.5.2. Corrective Action

    ABC takes appropriate corrective action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities inorder to prevent recurrence.

    The organization has established a documented procedure for corrective actions which

    includes:a. Identifying nonconformities (including Customer complaints)

    b. Determining the cause of nonconformity

    c. Evaluating the need for actions to ensure that non-conformities do not recur

    d. Determining and implementing the corrective action needed.e. Recording results of action taken

    f. Reviewing results of action taken

    8.5.3. Preventative Action

    ABC has established a procedure to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities and

    to prevent occurrence.This documented procedure defines the requirements for:

    a. Identifying potential nonconformities and their causes

    b. Determining and ensuring the implementation of preventive action needed

    c. Recording results of action takend. Reviewing of preventive action taken.

    Refer to Annex 10 : Core Procedures

    SABC-Q-PR-0200 Feedback Procedure

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    This Feedback procedure addresses partly or wholly the following clauses

    No Clauses Title

    a. 5.5.1 Internal Communicationb. 7.2.3 Customer Communication

    c. 8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product

    d. 8.5.1 Continual Improvemente. 8.5.2 Corrective Action

    f. 8.5.3 Preventive Action

    How much time, effort, scope and depth we collectively and singularly put into the

    development and performance of QMS and ABC is how much we can expect to gain


    Likewise, how much a company can afford to tend to the needs and expectations of itssuppliers, customers and employees depends on how much they as individuals tends and

    contribute to company performance, bottom line and growth, and vice versa.

    Whats worse than training your people and losing them? Not training them andkeeping them. As such lets work together to develop one another through QMS

    for the benefit and satisfaction of the company and all involved.

    End of Manual
