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Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Lake Way Potash Project Salt Lake Potash Ltd Revision 2 August 2019 ABN: 92 147 485 416 Leaders in Environmental Practice
Page 1: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation

Lake Way Potash Project

Salt Lake Potash Ltd

Revision 2 August 2019

ABN: 92 147 485 416

Leaders in Environmental Practice

Page 2: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Page 2 of 29 Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd ABN: 92 147 485 416

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Website: www.pendragonenvironmental.com

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Reference: PES14017 Page 3 of 29 Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2


Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation

Lake Way Potash Project

File: PES18020

Author(s): Carel van der Westhuizen and Ryan Lawrence

Client: Salt Lake Potash Ltd

Contact: Ken Wilyman

Synopsis: This document details the acid sulfate soils investigation for the Lake Way Project.

Document Control

Revision No Date Author(s) Reviewer(s)

1 16 August 2019 Carel van der Westhuizen and Ryan Lawrence Taryn Wren

2 21 August 2019 Carel van der Westhuizen and Ryan Lawrence Taryn Wren


Revision No Date Approved Recipient(s) No of Copies

1 16 August 2019 Taryn Wren Salt Lake Potash Ltd 1 Electronic

2 21 August 2019 Taryn Wren Salt Lake Potash Ltd 1 Electronic


Revision No Date Description Approved

1 16 August 2019 Issued for comment. Ryan Lawrence

2 21 August 2019 Issued for EPA Referral. Ryan Lawrence

Recipients are responsible for eliminating all superseded documents in their possession

© Pendragon Environmental Solutions 2019

Page 4: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Page 4 of 29 Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

List of Abbreviations


AASS Actual Acid Sulfate Soil

ABA Acid Base Accounting

ALS Australian Laboratory Services

ANC Acid Neutralizing Capacity

ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council

ASS Acid Sulfate Soil

AVS Acid Volatile Sulfur

BoM Bureau of Meteorology

CRS Chromium Reducible Sulfur

DWER Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

EC Electrical Conductivity

EPA Environmental Protection Authority

LoR Limit of Reporting

NATA National Association of Testing Authorities

PASS Potential Acid Sulfate Soil

pHf A measure of the pH of a soil on a soil : water paste

pHfox A measure of the pH of a soil after rapid oxidation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

QAQC Quality Assurance/Quality Control

Reaction Rate Effervescence (or reaction rate) is a visual measure of the vigorousness of the oxidation reaction during the pHfox test where: 1 = slight; 2 = moderate; 3 = high; and 4 = extreme

SoP Sulfate of Potassium

SPOS Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur

SPOCAS Suspension Peroxide Oxidation Combined Acidity and Sulfur

MBOs Mono Sulfidic Black Oozes

TAA Titratable Actual Acidity

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TPA Titratable Peroxide Acidity

TSA Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


d day

hr hour

min minute

s second

km kilometre

m metre

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Table of Contents

Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... 4 

Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 7 

1.  Introduction ............................................................................................................... 10 

1.1  Background ..................................................................................................................... 10 

1.2  Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 10 

1.3  Scope of Work ................................................................................................................. 10 

1.4  Sources of Data .............................................................................................................. 11 

2.  Site Identification ...................................................................................................... 13 

2.1  Climate ............................................................................................................................ 13 

2.2  Topography ..................................................................................................................... 13 

2.3  Geology ........................................................................................................................... 13 

2.4  Hydrology ........................................................................................................................ 14 

2.5  Hydrogeology .................................................................................................................. 14 

2.5.1  ASS Risk Map ...................................................................................................................... 15 

2.6  Data Gaps ....................................................................................................................... 16 

3.  Sampling and Analysis Quality Plan ....................................................................... 17 

3.1  Objective ......................................................................................................................... 17 

3.2  Sampling Rationale ......................................................................................................... 17 

3.3  Sampling Methodology .................................................................................................... 17 

3.4  Laboratory Testing .......................................................................................................... 19 

4.  Quality Assurance and Quality Control ................................................................... 20 

4.1  Field QA/QC .................................................................................................................... 20 

4.2  Laboratory QA/QC .......................................................................................................... 20 

4.3  QA/QC Data Evaluation .................................................................................................. 21 

5.  Results ....................................................................................................................... 22 

5.1  Assessment Criteria ........................................................................................................ 22 

5.2  Sediment Description and pH Tests ................................................................................ 22 

5.3  CRS and SPOCAS Testing ............................................................................................. 23 

5.3.1  Chromium Reducible Sulfur (CRS) ...................................................................................... 23 

5.3.2  Acidity and Sulfur Trails........................................................................................................ 23 

5.3.3  Acid Neutralizing Capacity (ANC) ........................................................................................ 24 

5.3.4  Metal Leachability ................................................................................................................. 24 

5.4  ASS Assessment Summary ............................................................................................ 25 

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

6.  Conclusion and Recommendations ........................................................................ 27 

6.1  Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 27 

6.2  Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 27 

References ....................................................................................................................... 28 


Table 2.1: Brine Quality.

Table 3.1: Time Line of Acid Sulfate Soil Sampling and Analyses.

Table 3.2: Sampling and Analysis.

Table 4.1: Field QA/QC.

Table 4.2: Laboratory QA/QC.

Table 5.1: Field Acid Sulfate Soil Indicators.

Table 5.2: Acid Sulfate Soil Action Criteria.

Table 5.3: Sample Descriptions, pH and AVS.

Table 5.4: CRS and SPOCAS Laboratory Analytical Data.

Table 5.5: Leachable Metals.

Table 5.6: Metal Concentrations in Laboratory Leachates.


Figure 1.1: Site Location.

Figure 2.1: ASS Soil Risk (ASRIS).

Figure 3.1: ASS Sampling Locations. Appendices

Appendix A: Laboratory Data and Certificates.

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Executive Summary Background Pendragon Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by Salt Lake Potash Ltd to undertake preliminary acid sulfate soil (ASS) investigations at Lake Way, located in the Mid West Region of Western Australia, approximately 15km south-east of Wiluna. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether ASS are present, and if present, to assess the potential risk for acidification of soils and surface and ground water during the proposed abstraction of brines from the lake. It is the intention of Salt Lake Potash to abstract hyper-saline brines by trenches discharging into large ponds where the Sulfate of Potash (SoP) will be concentrated by means of evaporation. The potassium-rich salts precipitated in the final ponds will be harvested and processed in a demonstration crystallisation plant to produce saleable SoP. Objectives and Scope of Work The objectives of this study are to:

Ascertain the presence/absence of acid sulfate soils.

Assess the leachability of heavy metals.

Ascertain the significance of potential impacts during excavation of the trenches and abstraction of the brines.

Make recommendations and detail management options (if necessary).

The scope of works entailed:

Review available pertinent documentation and conduct preliminary desk studies.

Formulate a Sampling and Analysis Quality Plan.

Field inspections and investigations.

Sample collection and laboratory analysis.

Interpret data against relevant standards/guidelines and undertake QA/QC data validation.

Compile an acid sulfate soils investigation report. Methodology Lake Way is blanketed by a relative consistent and homogenous sediment profile. A total of 237 samples of lake sediment, including what appear to be monosulfidic black oozes (MBOs), were obtained from 37 auger bores to depths of up to 6m across the lake. These samples were analysed for field pHf and pHfox. A subset of samples was analysed for Acid Volatile Sulfur (AVS). Subsequent to assessing the field screen analytical data, further laboratory testing for Suspension Peroxide Oxidation Combined Acidity and Sulfur (SPOCAS) and Chromium Reducible Sulfur (CRS) were undertaken, with a limited number of samples analysed for heavy metals (total concentrations) and leachable metals. It should be noted that whilst MBO’s11 were targeted, as they are considered materials with the highest risk to form acidity, the sediments encountered at Lake Way are considered to rather represent silts and clays

1 The term used to describe black, oily in appearance, gel-like substances with a moisture content greater than 70%, enriched in monosulfides (up to 27%), high in organic matter (usually 10% organic carbon) and can form thick (>1.0m) accumulations in waterways (DWER, 2015).

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

with organic materials between 1% and 4% primarily due to their visual characteristics and thickness (generally less than 8mm). Summary of Analytical Results The salient findings to date include:

The lake sediments occur in a fairly consistent and homogenous profile comprising brown and red-brown fine grained silty sandy clay and clay overlying weathered basement/basalt varying in depth between 1m along the western shore to deeper than 30m in the east where the paleochannel prevails (Salt Lake Potash, 2019).

A visual inspection of the Williamson Pit (mined between 2005 and 2006) and trenches within the footprint of the trenches for the demonstration plant exhibited no evidence of acidification in the sediments and soils in the sidewalls and brine in the pit lake. The brine in the pit lake has a pH of 7.0 with very large concentrations of sodium, chloride, potassium and sulfate.

The sediments have pHf above 5.0, well above the assessment (trigger) level, indicative of brine-logged alkaline un-oxidised conditions and absence of AASS. pHfox exceeds 3.9, well above the assessment level of 3, indicative of the absence of PASS.

From current laboratory analytical data the sediments within the footprint of the trenches for the demonstration plant cannot be classified as either Sulfidic or Sulfuric. AVS as a proxy for MBOs were found in three samples at between 0.001%S and 0.008%S well below the assessment level of 0.010%S. Consequently, the sediments cannot be classified as MBO’s either.

Chromium Reducible Sulfur (CRS) as a measure of potential sulfidic acidity and inorganic sulfur vary between <0.005%S and 0.018%S with only two samples (0.035% and 0.057%S) exceeding the Assessment Level of 0.030%S.

o pHKCl in all samples exceeds 5.8 (averages at 8.0) and pHox exceeds 5.9 (averages at 7.4) indicating that there is no actual acidity and/or retained acidity in any of the samples.

o The samples contain large concentrations of Peroxide Sulfur (SP) which reflects the presence of sulfate from gypsum. In samples where SP is less than SKCl resulting in psoitive SPOS (SPOS = SP – SKCl) values, CRS concentrations are well below the assessment level of 0.03%S..

o Acid Neutralising Capacity (ANC) is only effective when pHKCl ≥ 6.5 which is the case in most of the samples. Sediments contain ANC between 0.07%S and 0.98%S with an average of 0.42%S which exceeds any potential acidity from oxidation of sulfides (if any are present).

o As the assessment endpoints are for ecosystem protection, total metal concentrations were determined and except for a few marginal exceedances, the sediments contain heavy metals in concentrations well below the Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) Low Level indicating the probable effects concentrations are below levels where biological effects would rarely occur.

o Dissolved metal concentrations in laboratory prepared leachates at a pH around 7 reflect concentrations currently measured in the brine; this scenario is likely to prevail due to the characteristics of the sediments and brines. Few metals leach under alkaline (pH > 9) conditions whilst more metals leach at larger concentrations under acidic (pH 4) conditions. It is however highly unlikely that the environment at Lake Way will become acidic due to the alkaline brines entrained in the clay and gypsum.

Conclusions and Recommendations There are no acid sulfate soils within the footprint of the infrastructure for the proposed Lake Way Project. Consequently there is no risk of acidification and acid sulfate soil management will not be required.

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No further investigation and assessment will be necessary.

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Reference: PES14017 Page 10 of 29 Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

1. Introduction

1.1 Background Pendragon Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd was engaged by Salt Lake Potash Ltd to undertake an acid sulfate soil investigation (ASSI) at Lake Way in the Mid West Region of Western Australia, approximately 15km south-south-east of Wiluna (Figure 1.1). The lake is underlain by sediments, predominantly red-brown silts and clays with large amounts of gypsum. Hyper-saline brines will be abstracted by trenches discharging into large ponds where the Sulfate of Potash (SoP) will be concentrated by means of evaporation. The potassium-rich salts precipitated in the final ponds will be harvested and processed in a crystallisation plant to produce saleable SoP.

1.2 Objectives The objectives of this study are to:

Ascertain the presence/absence of acid sulfate soils (ASS) across Lake Way.

Assess the leachability of heavy metals.

Ascertain the significance of potential impacts during excavation of the trenches and abstraction of the brines.

Make recommendations and detail management options (if necessary).

1.3 Scope of Work This investigation was undertaken taking cognisance of:

Shand, P, Appleyard, S, Simpson, SL, Degens, B, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: Guidance for the Dewatering of Acid Sulfate Soils in Shallow Groundwater Environments, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT.

Sullivan, L, Ward, N, Toppler, N and Lancaster, G, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: National Acid Sulfate Soils Identification and Laboratory Methods Manual, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT.

Sullivan, LA, Ward, NJ, Bush, RT, Toppler, NR, Choppala, G, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: Overview and Management of Monosulfidic Black Ooze (MBO) accumulations in Waterways and Wetlands, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT.

Sullivan, L, Ward, N, Toppler, N and Lancaster, G, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: National Acid Sulfate Soils Sampling and Identification Methods Manual, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra ACT.

Sullivan, L.A., Burton, E., Bush, R., Watling, K., Bush, M.D. (2008). Acid, metal and nutrient mobilisation dynamics of some MBOs and sulfuric soil materials in the Lower Murray region. Southern Cross GeoScience Report Number 108 (v.2).

Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER, 2015a): Identification and Investigation of Acid Sulfate Soils and Acidic Landscapes.

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER, 2015b): Treatment and Management of Soil and Water in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes.

Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Investigation Team Acid Sulfate Soils (QASSIT, 2004): Laboratory Methods Guidelines.

The following tasks were undertaken to achieve the above mentioned objectives:

1) Desk study assessment of the likelihood of ASS occurring at Lake Way:

Identify climate, topography, geology, hydrology and hydrogeology at the site.

Review ASS risk (ASRIS).

Obtain and assess aerial imagery.

Evaluate existing sediment and ground water (brine) qualities.

2) Field investigation and site assessment:

Develop a sampling and analysis plan.

Inspect Lake Way and validate desk study.

Obtain samples of sediment from various depths at different locations.

3) Laboratory analysis:

pHf and pHfox on all samples.

Acid Volatile Sulfur (AVS) on selected samples predominantly based upon observations during sampling.

Suspension Peroxide Oxidation Combined Acidity and Sulfur (SPOCAS) and Chromium Reducible Sulfur (CRS) on selected samples.

Concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and laboratory prepared leachates (at pH 4, 7 and 9) on selected samples.

Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) data validation.

4) Assessment of ASS characteristics:

Compare laboratory results against assessment criteria.

Identify significance and locations of potential acid generating sediments.

Classify sediments.

Evaluate potential impacts and risks.

5) Compile a report with conclusions and recommendations on the ASS investigation.

1.4 Sources of Data Data and relevant information was obtained from:

Published sources, including geological maps, reports and publications.

Historic and current aerial photos from Google Earth.

Climatic data from the Bureau of Meteorology (http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/data/).

Acid sulfate soil risk map from Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) (http://www.asris.csiro.au/themes/AcidSulfateSoils.html).

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Regional elevation contours from MapConnect of Geoscience Australia (http://mapconnect.ga.gov.au/MapConnect/250K/).

Several relevant reports (referenced where required) and data from the Salt Lake Potash database.

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

2. Site Identification

2.1 Climate Lake Way is located in an arid climate. The nearest weather station is Wiluna (Bureau of Meteorology, BoM, Site No 013012 with data since 1898), approximately 15km north-north-west. The average annual rainfall at Wiluna is 262mm with average monthly rain varying between 5mm in September and 39mm in February. The annual evaporation at the Meekatharra Weather Station is considered more accurate due to data inconsistencies at the old Wiluna Weather Station (advice by BoM); a new automated station was opened in 2017 (Salt Lake Potash Ltd, 2019). The average daily pan evaporation at Meekatharra is 10mm and annual evaporation amounts to approximately 3,504mm. The playa has thus a marked water balance deficit: evaporation exceeds rainfall by more than thirteen times.

2.2 Topography Lake Way has a surface area of 205km2, it is 38.5km long, averages 9.0km in width, and is a terminal feature in the regional drainage pattern. Topographic data including the regional contour map SG51 Wiluna, obtained from Geoscience Australia, indicates that elevations across the region fall from the north to the south and from the west towards the east; however, elevations across the lake bed decreases slightly from the south-east (497mAHD) to the north-west (491mAHD).

2.3 Geology Lake Way is located in the Northern Goldfields Province on the Archaean Yilgarn Craton characterised by granite-greenstone rocks that exhibit a prominent north-west tectonic trend and low to medium-grade metamorphism intruded by east-west striking dykes of dolerite (Salt Lake Potash Ltd, 2019). The basement rocks are generally poorly exposed owing to low relief, extensive superficial cover and widespread deep weathering. The lake is associated with arid zone paleo-valleys (Magee, 2009) indicating a long-term absence of down-valley throughflow, and consequently, development of a large, hyper-saline reflux brine reservoir due to prolonged concentration by evaporation. The Lake Way system developed on the Carey Paleochannel in the Western Eucla Basin incised into the Archean basement and in-filled with a mixed Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary sequence comprising sand, silts and clays of lacustrine, aeolian, fluvial and colluvial depositional origins. The paleochannel itself prevails along the eastern margin of the lake with the central, western and much of the northern portions of the playa residing on basement mafic, felsic and meta-sedimentary rocks at depths less than 5m. The playa sediments are dominated by alternating sequences of red-brown evaporitic sands, silts and dark brown and red clays with fine to large gypsum crystals. Sedimentation appears to have occurred in two distinct phases: sediments deeper than approximately 1.1m are firm to hard and notably competent whilst those from surface to 1.1m depth are soft, puggy and unstable suggesting that the lower sediments are distinctly older than the upper sediments. The nature of sedimentation conforms to a model of geologically recent (Pleistocene to Holocene) phased tectonic uplift that has progressively dammed the Carey Paleochannel thereby creating the expanding lacustrine environment observed in the excavated pits today (as indicated by the multiple paleo surfaces and evidence of a receding, vegetated shoreline).

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

2.4 Hydrology There are no permanent surface water bodies anywhere in the development envelope for the demonstration plant other than the pit lake at Williamson Pit. The lake is dry except during wet summers and/or when cyclones, having a very low frequency, cause extensive rainfall-runoff such as in 1900, 1942, 1963, 1973 (Cyclone Kerry), repeatedly between 1992 and 2001, 2005 (Cyclone Bobby) and in 2006. In January and February 1995 (Cyclone Bobby), 294mm fell over 9 rain days including a 124mm event on 20 February resulting in inundation of the playa until at least December when the flooded lake surface was captured by satellite imagery. Lake Way receives episodic surface water inflows from West and East Creeks in the north and smaller creeks along the western and south-western perimeter of the lake and consequently surface water recharge is a significant part of the water balance for brine abstraction (Groundwater Science, 2018). The northern part of the playa exhibits morphology typical of significant surface water influence and periodic inundation (smooth playa edges). The southern part of the playa exhibits morphology consistent with a groundwater dominated playa with rare inundation (irregular shoreline, numerous islands; Groundwater Science, 2018). The frequency of inundation across the lake may be influenced by prevailing south-easterly winds driving water to the north eastern end of the lake. The Lake Way catchment is 3,767km2 (including the total West Creek sub-catchment, the extent of the catchment extent increases to some 11,000km2; KP, 2018 and 2019). Run-off modelling estimated that on average 3.9% of rainfall runs off to the lake (Groundwater Science, 2018). Most heavy rainfall occurs between December and March and as such 71% of significant runoff events (runoff depth >5mm) occur during this period. The average annual modelled run-off to the playa is 38GL/year but this is highly variable and ranges from 0 (years 1910 and 1936) up to a maximum of 314GL in 1936 and more recently 283GL in 1995. Since there are no drainage lines leaving the playa runoff onto the playa is eventually lost to evaporation (Groundwater Science, 2018). The quality of water ponding on the playa is influenced by the salt crust that covers the playa. Except for brief periods after large rainfall events, water ponded on the playa is typically hyper saline (>200g/L TDS). Groundwater beneath Lake Way is also hyper saline with a median TDS concentration of approximately 326g/L. The playa groundwater has no noticeable enrichment in trace metals, including uranium and thorium (Groundwater Science, 2018).

2.5 Hydrogeology Detailed geological and hydrogeological investigations (36 test pits and bores and 5 trenches) across the lake (Figure 2.1) indicated that:

Materials at the site comprise a consistent, homogenous profile of evaporite salts blanketing upper lakebed sand, silt and clay sequences underlain by weathered basement/basalt:

SaC/CS Brown Sand Clay or Clayey Sand, fine to medium, dry to moist, soft to firm; on average 1m thick, present across the entire lake.

SiC Brown and red brown Silty Clay, dry to moist, soft to firm with gypsum crystals locally; only present locally but attains thicknesses of up to 1.5m.

Cl Orange, purple, white, green or red brown Clay, saprolite, porous, soft to stiff; generally directly underlying the brown Sand Clay; between 0.4m and more than 4m thick, present across the entire lake.

B Weathered Basement/Basalt; between 1m (western part of the lake) and deeper than 30m (eastern and central parts of the lake.

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Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Brine flows were encountered in most, if not all, bores and test pits.

Some test pits maintained low sustainable yields indicating low hydraulic conductivity, whilst others had comparatively high test rates and small drawdowns indicating significantly larger hydraulic conductivities and specific yields.

Some 30 recovery and slug tests (in pits and trenches) analysed using several methodologies, in addition to some 45 laboratory porosity and specific yield tests reported, remarkably consistent, K (hydraulic conductivity or permeability) values around 2.5m/d to 4.0m/d with specific yields varying between 5% and 15% averaging 11%.

The upper lakebed sequences have high hydraulic conductivities whilst the underlying or lower sequences have markedly lower hydraulic conductivity.

The average water (brine) level depth beneath the playa surface measured in piezometers and test pits ranges between 0.3m and 0.5m averaging 0.4m. The thickness of the brine resource is defined by the depth to the base of the lakebed sediments which varies between less than 1m in the west and 34.6m below ground level; generally thinner in the north and thickening to the south. The lake sediments are recharged by infiltration of surface run-off from the surrounding catchment (on average 38GL/yr) and direct rainfall. Based on monitoring elsewhere, rainfall events of greater than 5mm/d will infiltrate to the brine surface and a detailed analysis of rainfall data at Wiluna found that the average annual rainfall that falls in events greater than 5mm/day is 200mm/a which amounts to 38GL/yr across the playa (Groundwater Science, 2018). All this water is lost to capillary rise and evaporation. The analysis of ground water (Table 2.1), essentially a hyper-saline brine, and particularly a ratio of soluble chloride to soluble sulfate (Cl-:SO4

2-) may provide an indication of the possible presence of ASS in the landscape (DER, 2015a). A Cl-:SO4

2- ratio of less than four, and certainly a ratio less than two, is a strong indication of an extra source of sulfate from previous oxidation. In addition, other indicative parameters (DER, 2015b) include a pH of less than 5 and a soluble aluminium concentration greater than 1mg/L. Sampling to date (Table 2.1) indicates that none of the samples have a Cl-:SO4

2- ratio below 4, pH below 6 or an aluminium concentration greater than 1mg/L, inferring a low potential risk for acidity.

2.5.1 ASS Risk Map The Australian National Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map (ASRIS, Figure 2.1) indicates that Lake Way is an inland water body with sediments of recent (Holocene) geological age with a high probability, but with very low confidence, of the presence of potential acid sulfate soils (PASS). The Atlas of Australian Acid Sulfate Soils was compiled by CSIRO to provide a consistent national collation of acid sulfate soils. The ASS mapping is classified with a nationally consistent legend that includes risk assessment criteria and correlations between Australian and International Soil Classification Systems. Existing digital datasets of ASS mapping have been sourced from each coastal state and territory and combined into a single national dataset. The original state classifications have been translated to a common national classification system by the respective creators of the original data and other experts. This component of the Atlas is referred to as the Coastal ASS mapping. The remainder of Australia beyond the extent of state ASS mapping has been backfilled with a provisional ASS classification inferred from national and state soils, hydrography and landscape coverages; this

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component is referred to as the Inland ASS mapping.

2.6 Data Gaps Prior to this investigation no ASS investigations and/or assessments were undertaken at Lake Way.

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3. Sampling and Analysis Quality Plan

3.1 Objective Since the ASS risk map indicated a high probability with low confidence of potential acid sulfate soils (PASS) at Lake Way, sampling and analysis quality plans were undertaken for:

The Lake Way Demonstration Plant (central and northern parts of the lake): a preliminary sampling program was undertaken during February 2019 to sample sediment across the disturbance footprint of the proposed evaporation ponds and trenches where access was possible (locations with approved Section 18 clearance) and outside the exclusion zones (Figure 3.1). The objective of this first sampling event was to ascertain the presence or absence of ASS within the footprint of the on-lake infrastructure (Pendragon Environmental Solutions, 2019).

The Lake Way Project (across most of the lake): a further lake wide sampling program was undertaken during May 2019 to sample sediment across the disturbance footprint of the proposed ponds and trenches for the larger project where access was possible (locations with approved Section 18 clearance) and outside the exclusion zones (Figure 3.1). The objective of this second sampling event, and the subject of this document, was to ascertain the presence or absence of ASS across Lake Way down to a depth of 6m.

3.2 Sampling Rationale Although DER (2015a) indicates a minimum of two sampling locations per hectare required for non-linear disturbance and 50m intervals for linear disturbance with major width and volume, taking due cognisance of the extent of the lake coupled with the consistency in stratigraphic sedimentary sequences, a reduced sampling density could be justified and was adopted. The sampling and analysis program and time line appears in Table 3.1.

3.3 Sampling Methodology The locations of samples, recorded using a global positioning system (GPS) unit, are indicated on Figure 3.1. Sampling depths and sample descriptions may be found in Table 3.2. Owing to the consistency of the sediment profile at Lake Way (refer Section 2.1.5):

A total of 25 sediment samples from 7 locations were obtained during the initial sampling event in February 2019.

A further 199 samples were obtained during May 2019 from auger bores to a depth of almost 6m at 16 locations in addition to 14 samples from 7 locations where Shelby Tube samples were relatively undisturbed samples obtained for sediment porosity determinations.

Samples of sediments (generally moist, soft to firm and with gypsum crystals to a depth of 2m) were obtained at 0.25m intervals to almost 6m depth into moist to wet, dense to very dense, stiff, brown and red brown clay often with horizons of gypsum (the material in the vertical sidewalls of the trench pictured overleaf). Sediments across the surface of Lake Way with an appearance similar to monosulfidic black oozes (MBOs; refer pictures overleaf) were targeted during sampling as they are considered to represent the highest risk.

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It should be noted that whilst the apparent MBO’s [the term used to describe black, oily in appearance, gel-like substances with a moisture content greater than 70%, enriched in monosulfides (up to 27%), high in organic matter (usually 10% organic carbon) and can form thick (>1.0m) accumulations in waterways; DWER, 2015] were targeted, the materials encountered at Lake Way are considered to rather represent organic silts and clays primarily due to their visual characteristics and total thickness (generally less than 8mm). MBO’s are of environmental concern because when disturbed they may react with oxygen and release acidity and metals resulting in acidification and de-oxygenation. Clean disposable nitrile gloves were used to handle each sample in order to minimise the potential for cross contamination. Samples were placed in glass containers with Teflon lids provided by the analytical laboratory, stored with sufficient ice in insulated coolers and delivered to Australian Laboratory Services (ALS) Pty Ltd, a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratory, within the prescribed holding times.

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3.4 Laboratory Testing Each sample of sediment was subjected to field pH (pHf) and pH peroxide (pHfox) testing to screen for actual and potential ASS (Table 3.2). In addition, selected samples, having the visual appearance of MBO’s, were analysed for AVS. The subsequent analytical program included the SPOCAS suite to ascertain existing acidity and/or the potential to generate acidity including whether these sediments contain buffering or neutralising capacity. Selected samples were also tested for CRS, organic matter and Total Organic Carbon; it is known that SPOCAS testing may over estimate concentrations of sulphur where the samples contain large concentrations of gypsum and/or organic matter. The analytical program also included total metals in the sediments and metals in laboratory prepared leachates using both the Australian Standard Leaching Procedure (ASLP) and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP).

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4. Quality Assurance and Quality Control

4.1 Field QA/QC The field QA/QC is summarised in Table 4.1.

4.2 Laboratory QA/QC Samples were analysed by ALS, a NATA accredited laboratory. Analysis methods employed were in line with Identification and Investigation of Acid Sulfate Soils and Acidic Landscapes (DER, 2015a). The laboratory certificates (Chain of Custody, Sample Receipt Notification, Certificate of Analysis, Quality Control and Quality Control Interpretive Report) are included in Appendix A and a summary of laboratory QA/QC is detailed in Table 4.2. Laboratory QA/QC breaches included:


o Analysis holding time breach for Organic Matter. Organic Matter is considered a non-essential analyte for an ASS Risk Assessment.


o One duplicate outlier exist for Manganese (RPD exceeds LoR based limits).

o Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries outliers exist: ASS 8 and ASS 17 Aluminium (2) and Iron (2), Anonymous Aluminium, Iron and Manganese one each; MS recoveries not determined, background level greater than or equal to 4x spike level. The laboratory QA/QC samples indicated as anonymous12 are not project related; Aluminium and Iron are elements that occur abundant in sediments and the percentage of outliers are less than 5% of the number of samples analysed.

o Analysis Holding Time Compliance outliers pertain to Moisture Content and Organic Matter which are considered non-essential elements for an ASS Risk Assessment.

o Quality Control Sample Frequency outliers pertain to Total Metals which are considered non-essential for an Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Assessment.


o One duplicate outlier exist: anonymous in which the RPD for Manganese exceeds its LoR based limits; this laboratory QA/QC sample is not project related.

o Matrix Spike outliers exist: ASS 10 Aluminium and Iron, Anonymous Aluminium and Iron, MS recoveries not determined, background level greater than or equal to 4x spike level. The laboratory QA/QC samples indicated as anonymous are not project related; Aluminium and Iron are elements that occur abundant in sediments and the percentage of outliers are less than 5% of the number of samples analysed.

o Analysis Holding Time Compliance outliers pertain to Organic Matter which is considered a non-essential element for an Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Assessment.

o Quality Control Sample Frequency outliers pertain to Total Metals which are considered non-essential for an Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Assessment.

2 Anonymous samples refer to samples which are not part of this investigation but formed part of the laboratory QC process; they are selected from a batch of laboratory samples often made up from several different projects and indicated as anonymous when it is a sample from another unrelated project.

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4.3 QA/QC Data Evaluation Appropriate and sufficient field quality control measures were taken and the laboratory analytical results are deemed sufficiently accurate and representative of site conditions and consequently most suitable for an Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Assessment.

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5. Results

5.1 Assessment Criteria Field ASS indicators (Table 5.1) are based on pHf and pHfox (DER, 2015a): A combination of pHfox<3 and an analytical value of 0.01%Scr or greater are excellent indicators of ASS. The assessment criteria adopted for ASS in Western Australia are the Texture-Based ASS Action Criteria (Table 5.2) based on Net acidity (excluding the consideration of ANC; DER, 2015a).

5.2 Sediment Description and pH Tests Sample descriptions and pH results appear in Table 3.2. Earlier investigations (Salt Lake Potash Ltd, 2019) described sediments across the lake as predominantly brown and red brown, fine to medium grained, silty sandy clay and clay often with organic matter and fine to coarse grained gypsum crystals. Similar lithologies were observed during the ASS sampling events. Surficial sediments comprise a thin salt crust at the surface blanketing in places, thin dark grey, brown to black organic silts and clays (with an appearance similar to MBO’s) overlying brown and red brown saturated silty sand, silty clay and/or clay, with fine to coarse gypsum grains. Visual inspections of the surface of the lake where access was possible indicated that the organic rich silts and clays are between 2mm and 8mm thick (refer photo inserts on page 17), localised and sporadically distributed. The sediments have pHf between 5.0 and 8.4, averaging 7.3, well above the assessment (trigger) level of 4 indicative of brine-logged alkaline un-oxidised poorly drained conditions and absence of AASS. pHfox ranges between 3.9 and 8.8, averaging 6.4, well above the assessment level of 3 which is indicative of acid generation capability. The difference of >1 between pHf and pHfox in seven samples (Table 3.2) coupled with all samples having strong to extreme reactions with peroxide suggest there is a potential for sulfide materials to be present hence the request for further laboratory testing to assess the potential for acid generation. Organic rich substrates such as peat and coffee rock, and constituents like manganese oxides, may also cause a reaction to peroxide. Care must be exercised in interpreting the pH results and reaction rates and generally further laboratory testing is required to confirm if appreciable concentrations of reduced inorganic sulfide (RIS) is present and whether these sediments contain effective self-neutralising materials. The pH and AVS data facilitate classification of the Lake Way sediments in accordance with the new classification system to describe acid sulfate soil materials (Shand et al., 2018):

Sulfidic: soils (synonymous with PASS i.e. materials that may become severely acidic if allowed to oxidise) containing detectable sulfide with the following sub-division:

o Hypersulfidic: sulfidic soil material that is capable of severe acidification (pH less than 4) as a result of oxidation of contained sulfides.

o Hyposulfidic: sulfidic soil material that is not capable of severe acidification (pH less than 4) as a result of oxidation of contained sulfides.

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Sulfuric: soil material that has a pH less than 4 (1:1 by weight in water, or in a minimum of water to permit measurement) when measured in dry season conditions as a result of the oxidation of sulfidic materials. These materials are synonymous with AASS, that is ASS materials that have been oxidised and are severely acidic.

Monosulfidic: soil material containing greater than or equal to 0.01% acid volatile sulphur (AVS). From current laboratory analytical data the soils at Lake Way cannot be classified as either Sulfidic or Sulfuric. AVS is a proxy for MBOs enriched with iron monosulfides (FeS) associated with drainage channels and/or lake floors. AVS above the limit of reporting (0.001%S) were found in only three samples between 0.001%S and 0.008%S well below the assessment level of 0.010%S. Consequently, the sediments/materials at Lake Way cannot be classified as MBO’s.

5.3 CRS and SPOCAS Testing The samples were analysed using both the SPOCAS and CRS methods:

SPOCAS: an acronym for suspension peroxide oxidation combined acidity and sulfur method; the acid-base accounting approach to calculate Net Acidity using a decision tree approach based on the values of pHKCl and pHOX. This method is a self-contained acid base accounting (ABA) test. The complete SPOCAS method provides 12 individual analytes (plus five calculated parameters), enabling the quantification of some key fractions in the soil sample, leading to better prediction of its likely acid-generating potential (DWER, 2015).

SCR: the symbol of the result from the chromium reducible sulphur (CRS) method. The SCR method provides a measure of RIS and is not subject to interferences from organic sulfur (DWER, 2015).

Table 5.4 details the CRS (inorganic sulfide) and SPOCAS assessment, including acid generating ability, acid neutralising capability, net acidity with and without consideration of neutralising capacity and lime rate required to counteract any potential and existing acidity.

5.3.1 Chromium Reducible Sulfur (CRS) This method measures the RIS content (by the chromium reducible sulfur SCR method) to estimate the potential sulfidic acidity. It is used to determine (non-sulfate) inorganic sulfur and is not subject to significant interferences from sulfur, either in organic matter or sulfate minerals e.g. gypsum (Sullivan et. al., 1999). The inorganic sulfur compounds measured by this method include pyrite and other iron disulfides; elemental sulphur, thiosulfate, tetrathionate, polythionites and acid volatile sulfides (e.g. greigite, mackinawite, amorphous FeS). One hundred and twenty two samples were submitted for CRS testing:

Seventy one (58%) samples reported a value below the LoR at 0.005%.

Only two samples (0.035%S and 0.057%S) exceeded the Assessment Level of 0.030%S; the remaining 120 samples reported concentrations between <0.005%S and 0.026%S with an average of 0.012%S.

5.3.2 Acidity and Sulfur Trails pHKCl exceeds 5.8 varying between 5.8 and 9.1 and averaging 8.0. pHox exceeds 5.9 and varies between 5.9 and 8.4 with an average of 7.4. Differences (∆pH) between pHKCl and pHox vary between -0.2 and 0.9, averaging 0.3.

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The acidity trail, including sulfidic-Titratable Actual Acidity, sulfidic-Titratable Peroxide Acidity and sulfidic-Titratable Sulfidic Acidity, reported concentrations below the LoRs of 0.020%S (Demonstration Plant footprint) and 0.005%S as pHKCl is generally > 6.5 (only four samples are below this value). Consequently there is no actual acidity and/or retained in any of the samples. In the sulphur trail, KCL Extractable Sulfur generally exceeds Peroxide Sulfur (SP) which is an indication of the presence of soluble and exchangeable sulfur, sulfate from gypsum, sulfate from oxidation of sulfides and/or sulfur released by the breakdown of organic matter. In those few samples where SKCl exceeds Sp resulting in a positive SPOS (SPOS = SP – SKCl) values, CRS concentrations, albeit above the LoR, are below the assessment level of 0.03%S.

5.3.3 Acid Neutralizing Capacity (ANC) The Acid Neutralising Capacity (ANC) is a measure of the inherent ability of a sediment to buffer acidity and resist the lowering of the pH. In the analysis of ASS materials, ANC is only considered to be effective when the pHKCl of the TAA extract is greater than or equal to 6.5 which is the case in all but four of the samples submitted during this investigation. Sediments contain ANC between 0.07%S and 0.98%S with an average of 0.42%S.

5.3.4 Metal Leachability As the assessment endpoints are for ecosystem protection, total metal concentrations were determined by ALS Environmental Laboratory by acid digestion on 15 samples of sediment (Table 5.5). Two samples were selected from each sampling location: one between the surface and 0.25m depth and one at a depth deeper than 0.50m:

Cadmium and Selenium were not present above the analytical LoR.

Excluding Arsenic (in two samples) and Nickel (in three samples), Chromium, Copper, Lead, Manganese, Vanadium Zinc, Thorium, Uranium and Lithium are present in concentrations well below the Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) Low Level: probable effects concentrations below which biological effects would rarely occur (ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000).

Arsenic is present in the lake sediments at concentrations between 5mg/kg and 32mg/kg averaging 11mg/kg (ISQG Low is at 20mg/kg and ISQG High at 70mg/kg; the High Level: probable effects concentrations below which biological effects would possibly occur.

Nickel is present in the lake sediments at concentrations between 10mg/kg and 27mg/kg averaging 17mg/kg (ISQG Low is at 21mg/kg and ISQG High at 52mg/kg; the High Level: probable effects concentrations below which biological effects would possibly occur.

Subsequently, dissolved metal concentrations (Table 5.6) were determined in laboratory prepared leachates using both the Australian Standard Leaching Procedure (ASLP) and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) to ascertain which heavy metals may mobilise should there be oxidation of the excavated materials and/or the materials in the cone of depression surrounding the trenches. The concentrations of the dissolved metals were not compared to any guideline and/or trigger value in the absence of appropriate guidelines for these hyper-saline environments. Dissolved metals in the DI water leach with a pH between 7.2 and 7.7:

Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Selenium, Thorium and Zinc were not present above the analytical LoR.

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Vanadium (1 sample at 0.01mg/L), Uranium (7 samples between 0.001mg/L and 0.014mg/L), Manganese (5 samples between 0.01mg/L and 0.32mg/L) and Aluminium (9 samples between 0.3mg/L and 2.0mg/L) were present in some leachates.

Iron (between 0.1mg/L and 2.4mg/L) and Lithium (between 0.001mg/L and 0.003mg/L) were present in all the leachates.

The concentrations in these leachates are at levels similar to those in the brine in the Williamson Pit lake. Dissolved metals in the alkaline leach with a pH between 9.0 and 9.3:

Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Lithium, Manganese, Nickel, Selenium, Thorium and Zinc were not present above the analytical LoR.

Aluminium (in 1 sample at 3.3mg/L), Arsenic (in 1 sample at 0.035mg/L), Iron (in 2 samples at 0.3mg/L and 4.4mg/L), Uranium (in 10 samples between 0.006mg/L and 0.013mg/L) and Vanadium (in 8 samples between 0.06mg/L and 0.13mg/L) were present in some leachates.

Dissolved metals in the acid leach with a pH between 4.1 and 4.2:

Only Selenium was not present above the analytical LoR.

Arsenic (in 4 samples between 0.006mg/L and 0.026mg/L), Cadmium (in 1 sample at 0.001mg/L), Copper (in 1 sample at 0.02mg/L), Lead (in 1 sample at 0.01mg/L), Thorium (in 1 sample at 0.001mg/L), Vanadium (in 1 sample at 0.03mg/L) and Zinc (in 7 samples between 0.1mg/L and 0.2mg/L) were present in some leachates.

Aluminium (between 3.1mg/L and 10.2mg/L), Chromium (between 0.01mg/L and 0.09mg/L), Iron (between 0.1mg/L and 18.8mg/L), Lithium (between 0.002mg/L and 0.009mg/L), Manganese (between 01.2mg/L and 9.76mg/L), Nickel (between 0.02mg/L and 0.11mg/L) and Uranium (between 0.069mg/L and 0.202mg/L) were present in all the leachates.

The amount of uranium found in the soil samples ranges between 3mg/kg and 18.3mg/kg, averaging 10.7mg/kg. To put that into perspective, the average in the earth’s crust is about 2.8mg/kg, the average found in granite is about 4mg/kg and the average in volcanic rock is in the range 20mg/kg to about 200mg/kg. Uranium in the leachates vary between 0.001mg/L and 0.202mg/L in the acid leach marginally above the trigger value (low risk) for uranium in livestock drinking water at 0.200mg/L. None of the total uranium results reaches a geochemical abundance index (GAI) value of 3 (which for uranium would correspond to approximately 28 mg/kg); as a general guide, a GAI of 3 or above is considered significant and such an enrichment may warrant further examination.

5.4 ASS Assessment Summary In summary:

The lake sediments occur in a fairly consistent and homogenous profile comprising brown and red brown fine grained silty sandy clay and clay overlying weathered basement/basalt varying between 1m along the western shore to deeper than 30m in the east where the paleochannel prevails.

A visual inspection of the Williamson Pit (mined between 2005 and 2006) and trenches within the footprint of the development envelope for the Lake Way Project exhibited no evidence of acidification in the sediments and soils in the sidewalls and brine in the pit lake (e.g. the absence of sulfide crystals, iron sulfides or pyrite, yellow and/or red mottling in the soil profile, hydrogen sulfide smells and extremely clear blue-green water surfaces). The brine in the pit lake has a pH around 7

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with very large concentrations of sodium, chloride, potassium and sulfate.

The sediments have pHf between 5.0 and 8.4, averaging 7.3, well above the assessment (trigger) level of 4 indicative of brine-logged alkaline un-oxidised poorly drained conditions and absence of AASS whilst pHfox range between 3.9 and 8.8, averaging 6.4, well above the assessment level of 3.

From current laboratory analytical data the sediments within the footprint of the demonstration plant cannot be classified as either Sulfidic or Sulfuric. AVS as a proxy for MBOs enriched with iron monosulfides (FeS) above the limit of reporting (0.001%S) were found in three samples at between 0.001%S and 0.008%S well below the assessment level of 0.010%S. Consequently, the sediments/materials cannot be classified as MBO’s either.

Chromium Reducible Sulfur (CRS) as a measure of potential sulfidic acidity (determine inorganic sulfur and not sulphur either in organic matter or sulfate minerals e.g. gypsum) indicated that:

Seventy one (58%) samples reported a value below the LoR at 0.005%.

Only two samples (0.035%S and 0.057%S) exceeded the Assessment Level of 0.030%S; the remaining 120 samples reported concentrations between <0.005%S and 0.026%S with an average of 0.012%S.

pHKCl exceeds 5.8 varying between 5.8 and 9.1 and averaging 8.0. pHox exceeds 5.9 and varies between 5.9 and 8.4 with an average of 7.4 indicating that there is no actual acidity and/or retained acidity in any of the samples.

The acidity trail, including sulfidic-Titratable Actual Acidity, sulfidic-Titratable Peroxide Acidity and sulfidic-Titratable Sulfidic Acidity, reported concentrations below the LoRs of 0.020%S (Demonstration Plant footprint) and 0.005%S as pHKCl is generally > 6.5 (only four samples are below this value). Consequently there is no actual acidity and/or retained in any of the samples.

The samples contain large concentrations of Peroxide Sulfur (SP) which reflects the presence of soluble and exchangeable sulfur, sulfate from gypsum, sulfate from oxidation of sulfides and/or sulfur released by the breakdown of organic matter. In all samples where SP is less than SKCl resulting in positive SPOS (SPOS = SP – SKCl) values, CRS concentrations are below the assessment level of 0.03%S.

The Acid Neutralising Capacity (ANC) is a measure of the inherent ability of a sediment to buffer acidity and resist the lowering of the pH. In the analysis of ASS materials, ANC is only considered to be effective when the pHKCl of the TAA extract is greater than or equal to 6.5 which is the case in all but four of the samples submitted during this investigation. Sediments contain ANC between 0.07%S and 0.98%S with an average of 0.42%S.

Total Organic Carbon concentrations vary between less than 0.5% and 2.2% averaging 0.9%

As the assessment endpoints are for ecosystem protection, leachable (total) metal concentrations were determined and except for a few marginal exceedances, the sediments contain heavy metals in concentrations well below the Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG) Low Level indicating the probable effects concentrations are below levels where biological effects would rarely occur.

Dissolved metal concentrations in laboratory prepared leachates at a pH around 7 reflect concentrations currently measured in the brine; this scenario is likely to prevail due to the characteristics of the sediments and brines. Few metals leach under alkaline (pH > 9) conditions whilst more metals leach at larger concentrations under acidic (pH 4) conditions. It is highly unlikely that the environment at Lake Way will become acidic.

Taking cognisance of the above, there is no ASS acidity hazard and consequently ASS management is not required.

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6. Conclusion and Recommendations

6.1 Conclusion The investigation concluded that:

There are no acid sulfate soils within the footprint of the proposed Lake Way Project.

Consequently there is no risk of acidification and acid sulfate soil management will not be required.

6.2 Recommendations With regard to acid sulfate soils within the footprint of the proposed Lake Way Project, no further investigation and assessment will be necessary.

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References Acid sulfate soil risk map from Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) (http://www.asris.csiro.au/themes/AcidSulfateSoils.html).

Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council (ANZECC, 2000): Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality, Volume 1.

Beard, J.S. 2002: Palaeogeography and drainage evolution in the Gibson and Great Victoria Deserts, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 85: 17-29.

Beard, J.S. 2003: Palaeodrainage and the geomorphic evolution of passive margins in Southwestern Australia. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, N F 47 (3): 273-288.

Bureau of Meteorology, 2015; Monthly Climate Statistics for Wiluna (Site No 013012). Viewed 19 February 2019, <www.bom.gov.au>.

Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) 2015a: Identification and Investigation of Acid Sulfate Soils and Acidic Landscapes.

Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) 2015b: Treatment and Management of Soil and Water in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes.

Groundwater Science, 2018: Lake Way Goldfields Salt Lake Project, Blackham Resources Tenements, SOP Resource Estimate.

Groundwater Science, 2018: Lake Way Playa Mineralisation Report.

Knight Piésold Consulting Engineers, 2018: Lake Way Project – Climatology and Hydrology Assessment, Rev A.

Knight Piésold Consulting Engineers, 2019: Lake Way Project – Updated Flood Study.

Magee, J.W., 2009: Palaeovalley Groundwater Resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Australia - A Literature Review. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.

Pendragon Environmental Solutions, 2019: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Demonstration Plant; unpublished technical report to Salt Lake Potash Ltd.

Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Investigation Team, 2004: Acid Sulfate Soils - Laboratory Methods Guidelines.

Salt Lake Potash, 2019: Lake Way Groundwater Modelling.

Shand, P, Appleyard, S, Simpson, SL, Degens, B, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: Guidance for the Dewatering of Acid Sulfate Soils in Shallow Groundwater Environments, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT.

Sullivan, L, Ward, N, Toppler, N and Lancaster, G, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: National Acid Sulfate Soils Identification and Laboratory Methods Manual, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT.

Sullivan, LA, Ward, NJ, Bush, RT, Toppler, NR, Choppala, G, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: Overview and Management of Monosulfidic Black Ooze (MBO) accumulations in waterways and wetlands, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT.

Sullivan, L, Ward, N, Toppler, N and Lancaster, G, 2018: National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: National Acid Sulfate Soils Sampling and Identification Methods Manual, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra ACT.

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Sullivan, L.A., Burton, E., Bush, R., Watling, K., Bush, M.D. (2008). Acid, Metal and Nutrient Mobilisation Dynamics of some MBOs and Sulfuric Soil Materials in the Lower Murray Region. Southern Cross GeoScience Report Number 108 (v.2).

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Figure 1.1: Site Location.

Figure 2.1: ASS Soil Risk (ASRIS).

Figure 3.1: ASS Sampling Locations.

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Figure 1.1: Locality Plan.

Figure 2.1: ASS Soil Risk (ASRIS).

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COPYRIGHT: this document remains the property of Pendragon Environmental Solutions; it was prepared for the exclusive use of the authorised recipient(s) and may not be used, copied or re-produced in whole, or in part, for any purpose(s) other than that for which it was prepared for. No responsibility or liability to any other party is accepted by the use of this document without written consent.


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ASS Sample Location

Tenement Boundary

Demonstration Process PlantDevelopment Envelope

Brine Pipeline

Process Water Pipeline



E 53/1862 E 53/1862

E 53/1905

E 53/1952

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M 53/253

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ASS 10ASS 11

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ASS 13

ASS 14

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C:\GIS\Jobs\Pendragon\180025 - Salt Lake Potash Lakeway Referral\Figures\180025_FY-ASSSampleLocs_190805.mxd



±Scale: 1:82,944 @ A3GDA 1994 MGA Zone 51


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Page 33: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Tables Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2


Table 2.1: Brine Quality.

Table 3.1: Time Line of Acid Sulfate Soil Sampling and Analyses.

Table 3.2: Sampling and Analysis.

Table 4.1: Field QA/QC.

Table 4.2: Laboratory QA/QC.

Table 5.1: Field Acid Sulfate Soil Indicators.

Table 5.2: Acid Sulfate Soil Action Criteria.

Table 5.3: Sample Descriptions, pH and AVS.

Table 5.4: CRS and SPOCAS Laboratory Analytical Data.

Table 5.5: Leachable Metals.

Table 5.6: Metal Concentrations in Laboratory Leachates.

Page 34: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Tables Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Table 2.1: Brine Concentrations.

Parameter pH EC TDS Na Cl K Mg Ca SO4 Al Cl:SO4

Unit are in mg/L where relevant; EC in mS/cm

Minimum 6.0 420 252 78,000 121,800 3,900 3,100 175 15,900 <1 4

Maximum 7.1 1,050 630 113,000 178,500 8,970 10,800 814 34,200 11

Average 6.6 537 322 99,064 155,025 5,411 6,407 446 25,429 6

Note: Nine samples were taken from the Williamson Pit and 47 from the Demonstration Plant Trench Area.

Table 3.1: Sampling and Analysis Time Line.

Date Sample Locations


Analytes and No of Samples

pH AVS CRS SPOCAS Organic Matter

and Total Organic Carbon

Total Metals

Leachable Metals

February to March 2019

ASS1 to 7 (n=25)

EB1904386 25 4 12 25 - 15 15

May to August 2019

ASS8 to 23 (n=199)

LYAGZ001, 5, 7, 9, 10, 26, 27 and 28 (n=14)

EP1904569 101 - - - - - -

EP1904571 98 - - - - - -

EP1905285 16 89 84 41 40 -

EP1905955 14 14 14 - - -

EP1907976 7 7 7

Total 238 20 122 123 48 62 15

% of Total 100 8% 51% 52% 20% 26% 6%

n denotes No of Samples.

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -


ASS 1 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.6 6.6 Strong 1.0 ----

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.4 6.1 Strong 1.3 ----

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense becoming very dense with depth, brown, very 7.3 6.1 Strong 1.2 ----

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, very dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, w 7.4 5.8 Strong 1.6 ----

ASS 2 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.8 6.1 Strong 1.7 ----

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.6 7.5 Extreme 0.1 ----

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense becoming very dense with depth, brown, very 7.5 5.8 Strong 1.7 0.008 29.6

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals and minor black speckles, very dense, brown to dark 7.4 6.4 Extreme 1.0 ----

ASS 3 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.5 6.6 Extreme 0.9 ----

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate heat) 7.5 8.0 Extreme -0.5 ----

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals and minor black speckles, dense, brown to dark brow 7.5 6.6 Strong 0.9 <0.001 26.4

ASS 4 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown, very fine to fine, wet; MBO at surface 4-6mm thick 7.8 7.4 Extreme 0.4 ---- ----

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.6 8.0 Extreme -0.4 ---- ----

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense, brown, very fine to fine, wet 7.7 8.0 Extreme -0.3 ---- ----

ASS 5 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet, MBO at surface 7.6 7.5 Extreme 0.1 <0.001 19

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense, brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate 7.7 8.1 Extreme -0.4 ---- ----

0.50 0.75 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, very dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, w 7.4 8.0 Extreme -0.6 ---- ----

ASS 6 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown, very fine to fine, wet; MBO at surface 2-6mm thick 7.7 7.0 Extreme 0.7 0.002 24.7

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense, brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate 7.6 7.5 Extreme 0.1 ---- ----

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, becoming very dense, brown to dark brown, very fin 7.7 6.8 Extreme 0.9 ---- ----

ASS 7 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 8.3 6.7 Strong 1.6 ---- ----

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense, very fine to fine, dry 7.7 7.8 Extreme -0.1 ---- ----

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense becoming very dense, very fine to fine, dry 7.8 7.9 Extreme -0.1 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense becoming very dense, very fine to fine, dry 7.3 7.1 Extreme 0.2 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense becoming very dense, very fine to fine, dry 7.4 6.2 Strong 1.2 ---- ----

ASS 8 0.00 0.10 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.7 6.0 Slight 1.7 <0.001 29.1

DUP 1 7.2 6.0 Slight 1.2 0.001 30

0.40 0.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.8 6.0 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.7 7.0 Moderate 0.7 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.7 7.4 Moderate 0.3 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.8 6.2 Moderate 1.6 ---- ----

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Williamson Pit (cut face)

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Work Order/Date: EB1905285, 31 May 2019

Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

DUP 2 7.4 6.0 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet Centre north of lake 7.8 5.8 Slight 2.0 ---- 29.2

2.90 3.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.6 5.9 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.8 5.7 Slight 2.1 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.8 5.8 Slight 2.0 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.8 5.9 Slight 1.9 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 CLAY brown to black, very fine to fine, Wet 7.8 5.8 Slight 2.0 ---- 17.9

5.40 5.50 CLAY brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.8 5.7 Slight 2.1 ---- 19.4

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY yellow with blue/white lenses and minor gypsum crystals, fine, Wet 7.8 5.6 Slight 2.2 ---- 20.9

ASS 9 0.00 0.10 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 8.0 5.8 Slight 2.2 <0.001 18.9

0.40 0.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.9 7.6 Strong 0.3 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.8 7.6 Strong 0.2 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.9 7.7 Moderate 0.2 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.2 7.5 Moderate -0.3 ---- 23.8

2.40 2.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.3 6.6 Slight 0.7 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry Centre east of lake 7.6 6.6 Moderate 1.0 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.3 6.0 Moderate 1.3 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.4 6.4 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.4 6.0 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.1 6.1 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.2 7.3 Moderate -0.1 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.1 6.8 Moderate 0.3 ---- ----

ASS 10 0.00 0.10 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.9 6.2 Slight 1.7 ---- 10.8

DUP 3 7.7 5.9 Moderate 1.8 ---- 13.3

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.2 5.1 Slight 2.1 ---- 18.5

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.1 5.0 Slight 2.1 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 6.8 5.8 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 6.6 4.9 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet Southern lake 6.6 5.0 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 6.5 5.2 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 6.6 5.0 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 6.7 5.0 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

4.40 4.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 6.8 5.1 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 CLAY brown to grey, very fine to fine, Wet 6.6 5.1 Slight 1.5 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 CLAY brown to grey, very fine to fine, Wet 6.6 5.2 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 6.8 5.2 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

ASS 11 0.00 0.10 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.3 5.6 Slight 1.7 ---- 15.6

DUP 5 7.2 5.6 Moderate 1.6 ---- ----

0.40 0.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.1 5.3 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 6.7 5.1 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine with minor gypsum crystals, dry 6.9 7.7 Strong -0.8 ---- 18.2

1.90 2.00 CLAY brown minor sand, fine, Wet Southern lake 6.6 7.6 Strong -1.0 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 CLAY brown minor sand, fine, Wet 6.8 5.9 Slight 0.9 ---- 31.4

2.90 3.00 CLAY brown minor sand, fine, Wet 7.0 5.6 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY brown minor sand, fine small gypsum crystals, Wet 7.1 5.8 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY brown minor sand, fine small gypsum crystals, Wet 7.1 6.0 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 CLAY brown minor sand, fine small gypsum crystals, Wet 7.1 5.6 Slight 1.5 ---- ----

ASS 12 0.00 0.10 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 7.8 6.0 Moderate 1.8 ---- ----

0.40 0.50 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.4 5.6 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.2 6.2 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 7.2 6.1 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Clayey SAND brown to cream, very fine to fine, Wet 6.7 7.2 Strong -0.5 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.1 7.3 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet Southern lake 6.8 7.2 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.0 5.3 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.0 5.6 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.0 5.4 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 7.0 7.8 Strong -0.8 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, cream, Wet 7.8 8.7 Strong -0.9 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown, Wet 7.8 8.8 Strong -1.0 ---- ----

ASS 13 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 8.4 6.7 Moderate 1.7 ---- 2.8

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.6 5.8 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.4 5.8 Strong 1.6 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 7.7 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

DUP 6 7.2 7.7 Strong -0.5 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.8 5.1 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.9 5.3 Moderate 1.6 ---- ----

DUP 7 6.7 5.5 Moderate 1.2 ---- 34.5

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Southern lake 6.8 5.2 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 5.2 Slight 1.9 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.3 5.1 Slight 1.2 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.4 5.2 Slight 1.2 ---- ----

DUP 8 6.5 5.1 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, gypsum crystals, wet 6.4 5.0 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, gypsum crystals, wet 6.3 5.0 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, gypsum crystals, wet 6.3 5.0 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

ASS 14 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.4 5.4 Slight 2.0 <0.001 23.8

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.3 5.9 Slight 1.4 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 5.8 Slight 1.5 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 6.5 Slight 0.8 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.5 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 5.8 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Centre of lake near trial ponds 7.4 5.6 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.7 5.6 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.6 5.8 Slight 0.8 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.2 5.6 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.7 5.6 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 5.6 Slight 1.5 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.9 5.6 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

ASS 15 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.6 6.0 Moderate 1.6 <0.001 19.2

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.4 7.6 Strong -0.2 <0.001 25.5

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.2 7.7 Strong -0.5 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.4 Strong -0.3 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.9 5.8 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

DUP 9 7.0 6.1 Moderate 0.9 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.9 5.5 Slight 1.4 ---- 23.5

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

DUP 10 7.1 6.1 Strong 1.0 ---- 24.8

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.8 5.5 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

DUP 11 7.0 5.8 Moderate 1.2 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 6.8 6.4 Slight 0.4 ---- 15.7

DUP 12 7.2 7.4 Strong -0.2 ---- 24.5

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 6.9 6.1 Slight 0.8 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 6.8 6.2 Slight 0.6 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 7.0 5.8 Slight 1.2 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 7.0 6.0 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 7.0 5.5 Slight 1.5 ---- ----

ASS 16 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 8.1 7.2 Moderate 0.9 <0.001 19

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.8 8.0 Strong -0.2 <0.001 32.5

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.8 7.7 Strong 0.1 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Central lake near trail ponds and will 7.9 7.9 Strong 0.0 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.6 7.6 Strong 0.0 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.7 7.6 Strong 0.1 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 7.8 7.7 Strong 0.1 ---- ----

ASS 17 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.8 6.7 Moderate 1.1 <0.001 21.5

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.6 7.5 Strong 0.1 <0.001 24.9

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.6 7.7 Strong -0.1 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.5 7.7 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.4 7.5 Strong -0.1 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to cream, wet North western lake 7.5 7.5 Strong 0.0 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to cream, wet 7.4 7.6 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, cream increasingly dense with white/blue lenses of clay very fine, wet 7.2 6.1 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, cream increasingly dense with white/blue lenses of clay very fine, wet 7.1 5.9 Slight 1.2 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, cream increasingly dense with white/blue lenses of clay very fine, wet 7.4 7.5 Strong -0.1 ---- ----

ASS 18 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.9 5.9 Slight 2.0 <0.001 25.9

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.6 7.2 Slight 0.4 <0.001 26.1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.7 7.7 Strong 0.0 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.2 7.8 Strong -0.6 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.6 Strong -0.5 ---- ----

North western lake, chosen to compare initial samples to depth

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Northern lake 7.0 7.6 Strong -0.6 ---- 13.4

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.9 7.7 Strong -0.8 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 7.7 Strong -0.7 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.5 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 7.4 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

ASS 19 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.5 6.0 Slight 1.5 <0.001 24.1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.4 7.1 Slight 0.3 <0.001 24.8

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.4 7.6 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 7.8 Strong -0.5 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.9 5.9 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 6.6 Moderate 0.4 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 6.6 Moderate 0.4 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet North eastern lake 7.3 7.7 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 7.6 Strong -0.6 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 7.3 Slight 0.0 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 6.7 7.3 Strong -0.6 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.2 7.3 Moderate -0.1 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 7.3 Moderate -0.3 ---- ----

ASS 20 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.5 5.9 Slight 1.6 <0.001 25

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.5 7.4 Strong 0.1 <0.001 26.9

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 7.4 Strong -0.1 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 7.5 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.5 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Eastern central lake 7.1 7.5 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.0 6.7 Slight 0.3 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.3 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 6.3 Slight 0.8 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.1 7.0 Slight 0.1 ---- ----

ASS 21 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 7.6 6.0 Slight 1.6 ---- 21.3

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 7.7 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.3 6.2 Moderate 1.1 ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.5 6.3 Moderate 1.2 ---- ----

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.5 6.0 Moderate 1.5 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Central western lake 7.4 5.7 Moderate 1.7 ---- 15.9

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.5 5.7 Moderate 1.8 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.5 5.9 Moderate 1.6 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.4 5.9 Moderate 1.5 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 7.5 6.0 Moderate 1.5 ---- ----

ASS 22 0.00 0.10 Silty Sand, brown, dry 8.4 5.7 Slight 2.7 ---- 32.6

0.40 0.50 CLAY minor sand brown 7.7 5.9 Moderate 1.8 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 CLAY minor sand brown 7.4 7.4 Strong 0.0 ---- 22.3

1.40 1.50 CLAY minor sand brown 7.6 7.0 Strong 0.6 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 CLAY minor sand brown 7.7 7.4 Slight 0.3 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 CLAY minor sand brown 7.8 6.2 Slight 1.6 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 CLAY minor sand brown Centre of lake 7.4 5.6 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 5.9 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 7.1 Slight 0.1 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 7.2 Moderate 0.0 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 6.2 Slight 1.0 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 6.0 Slight 1.2 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.4 5.7 Slight 1.7 ---- ----

ASS 23 0.00 0.10 Silty Sand, brown, dry 7.2 5.4 Slight 1.8 ---- 18.5

0.40 0.50 CLAY minor sand brown 7.4 6.8 Moderate 0.6 ---- ----

0.90 1.00 CLAY minor sand brown 7.1 7.4 Strong -0.3 ---- 16.4

1.40 1.50 CLAY minor sand brown 7.2 7.6 Strong -0.4 ---- ----

1.90 2.00 CLAY minor sand brown 7.3 6.7 Slight 0.6 ---- ----

2.40 2.50 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 7.4 Moderate -0.2 ---- ----

2.90 3.00 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing Central western lake 7.3 6.8 Moderate 0.5 ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.0 6.1 Slight 0.9 ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 5.9 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.3 7.5 Strong -0.2 ---- ----

4.90 5.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 6.3 Moderate 0.9 ---- ----

5.40 5.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 6.8 5.7 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

5.90 6.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 7.2 5.9 Slight 1.3 ---- ----

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Units pH Unit pH Unit - pH Unit % %

LoR 0.1 0.1 - - 0.001 0.1

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

Location Work Order/Date: EB1903555, 19 February 2019

Table 3.2: Sediment Sampling and Analysis. ASS Field ScreeningAcid Volatile Sulfur


Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

LYAGZ001 ---- 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown Centre of lake near trial ponds 8.1 5.8 Slight 2.3 ---- ----

LYAGZ005 ---- 2.50 CLAY red brown 7.1 4.3 Slight 2.8 ---- ----

LYAGZ005 ---- 3.00 sandy (minor) CLAY, red brown, black sand pockets Central western lake 6.6 5.2 Moderate 1.4 ---- ----

LYAGZ005 ---- 4.00 sandy (minor) CLAY, red brown, black sand pockets, minor gypsum crystals 6.5 4.4 Moderate 2.1 ---- ----

LYAGZ007 ---- 4.00 CLAY red brown Centre of lake 7.6 5.6 Slight 2.0 ---- ----

LYAGZ009 ---- 3.00 CLAY red brown, wet 7.4 5.6 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

LYAGZ009 ---- 4.50 CLAY red brown, wet 7.4 5.6 Slight 1.8 ---- ----

LYAGZ010 ---- 1.50 CLAY red brown, minor black sands, wet 6.0 8.6 Extreme -2.6 ---- ----

LYAGZ010 ---- 3.00 CLAY red brown, minor black sands, wet Eastern Centre of lake 7.2 5.3 Slight 1.9 ---- ----

LYAGZ010 ---- 4.00 CLAY red brown, minor black sands, wet 7.4 5.9 Moderate 1.5 ---- ----

LYAGZ026 ---- 1.50 CLAY brown, minor sand dense 6.0 6.8 Strong -0.8 ---- ----

LYAGZ026 ---- 4.50 CLAY brown, minor sand dense 6.4 5.0 Moderate 1.4 ---- ----

LYAGZ027 ---- 5.00 sandy CLAY, brown South centre of lake 5.0 3.9 Slight 1.1 ---- ----

LYAGZ028 ---- 5.50 sand (minor) CLAY red brown, wet South east of lake 6.8 5.3 Slight 1.5 ---- ----

Field pH tests are purely qualitative and do not give any quantitative measure of the amount of acid that has been or could be produced throughout oxidation processes.

pHF<4.0 indicates actual acidity (AASS).

pHFOX<3.0 indicates potential acidity (PASS) using 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

pH difference: The larger the difference from (pHF) to (pHFOX), the more likely of the soil being PASS.

In summary: pHFOX<3 plus a strong reaction plus a large change from pHF to pHFOX strongly indicates PASS.

pHFOX: <3: strongly indicates ASS; 3-4: possibly ASS, but less certain, laboratory analysis would be required to confirm the presence of sulfides; 4-5: possible small amount of sulfides present, or the sample might be

poorly reactive or fine carbonates are present. Laboratory analysis will again be necessary to determine the soil’s status; >5: with a minimal difference to pHF, this is unlikely to be ASS unless fine carbonates are present.

The Reaction Rate generally indicates the level of sulfides but depends also on texture and other constituents. Soils containing little sulfides may rate Slight, however, high levels are more likely to rate Extreme although there are exceptions. This rating scale alone should not be used - it is unreliable in isolation since other factors e.g. manganese and organic acids may also trigger reactions. Reactions with organic matter tend to be more frothing with less heat than sulfidic reactions whilst manganese reactions will be quite extreme but don’t tend to lower pHFOX.

pHF: <4: oxidised ASS (extremely acidic); jarosite may be present; <4.5: extremely acidic, most likely pyrite oxidation but also when soil is highly organic or from fertiliser use; 4.5-5.5: very acidic soil, however it is

inconclusive whether low pH is due to pyrite oxidation; 6-7: no actual acidity - common in undisturbed acid sulfate soil. Marine-influenced samples may have pHF up to ~8.

The pHF test does not detect acidity in un-oxidised sulfides, consequently the pHFOX test is conducted. Rapid reaction with concentrated peroxide fast-forwards the breakdown of pyrite and provides an indication of

potential acid that could be released from the soil.

Centre of lake

South west of lake

Work Order/Date: EP19005955, 19 June 2019

Page 43: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Tables Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Table 4.1: Field QA/QC.

Component Description

Guidelines: Identification and Investigation of Acid Sulfate Soils and Acidic Landscapes, DER, 2015.

Treatment and Management of Soil and Water in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes, DER, 2015.

National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: Guidance for the Dewatering of Acid Sulfate Soils in Shallow Groundwater Environments, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT, Shand, P, Appleyard, S, Simpson, SL, Degens, B, 2018.

National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: National Acid Sulfate Soils Identification and Laboratory Methods Manual, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT, Sullivan, L, Ward, N, Toppler, N and Lancaster, G, 2018.

National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: Overview and Management of Monosulfidic Black Ooze (MBO) accumulations in waterways and wetlands, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra, ACT, Sullivan, LA, Ward, NJ, Bush, RT, Toppler, NR, Choppala, G, 2018.

National Acid Sulfate Soils Guidance: National Acid Sulfate Soils Sampling and Identification Methods Manual, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Canberra ACT, Sullivan, L, Ward, N, Toppler, N and Lancaster, G, 2018.

Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Investigation Team Acid Sulfate Soils - Laboratory Methods Guidelines (QASSIT 2004).

Assessment and Management of Contaminated Sites, Contaminated Sites Guidelines, DWER, 2014.

ASC NEPM, National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999.

Procedure (not included in this document):

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Standard Environmental Sampling Protocol.

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Health, Safety and Environmental Plan (HSEP).

Record keeping: Full details of sample collection and sample description were recorded on field data sheets including sampling date, location (coordinates, elevations and depths where relevant), and water levels.

Sampling and decontamination to prevent cross contamination:

Sediment samples were collected using a stainless steel trowel by site personnel using new disposable nitrile gloves for each sample.

Equipment used in the sampling process was rinsed with laboratory grade distilled water, on arrival at site and between sampling locations, to reduce the risk of cross contamination.

QA/QC Samples: Laboratory QA/QC samples were used for Quality Control in initial sampling event for preliminary ASS investigation. Field and laboratory QA/QC samples were analyzed in subsequent sampling event.

Sample labelling: Samples were clearly marked with unique identification details, sampling date, sampler initials, project name and number and analyses required.

Sample storage and delivery:

Samples were placed into the ASS sampling bags prepared and provided by the NATA accredited laboratory - ALS. All samples were placed in an insulated cooler with sufficient ice and delivered to ALS within the necessary holding times.

Chain of Custody Chain of Custody (CoC) were adhered to for all sample transfers, detailing all relevant contact details, sample numbers, sampling date and time, condition of sample, description of sample containers and sizes, analyses required, detection or reporting limits and specific instructions. CoC may be found in Appendix A.

Page 44: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Tables Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Table 4.2: Laboratory QA/QC.

Component ALS Work Order

EB1903555 EB1904386 EP1904569 EP1904571 EP1905285 EP1905955 EP1907976

Holding Times:

no outliers Breaches

(refer Notes) no outliers no outliers

Breaches (refer Notes)

no outliers Breaches

(refer Notes)

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP):

no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers Breaches

(refer Notes) no outliers

Breaches (refer Notes)

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS):

no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers

Method Blank (MB):

no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers

Laboratory Control Spike:

no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers

Matrix Spikes (MS):

no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers

Frequency of Quality Control Samples (FQC):

no outliers no outliers no outliers no outliers Breaches

(refer Notes) no outliers

Breaches (refer Notes)


Analysis holding time breach for Organic Matter.


Duplicate outliers exist: ASS 17 Manganese RPD exceeds LOR based limits.

Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries outliers exist: ASS 8 Aluminium, ASS 17 Aluminium, Anonymous Aluminium, ASS 8 0 Iron, ASS 17 0 Iron, Anonymous Iron, Anonymous Manganese - MS recoveries not determined, background level greater than or equal to 4x spike level.

Analysis Holding Time Compliance: Moisture Content and Organic Matter.

Quality Control Sample Frequency: Outliers: Total Metals


Duplicate outliers exist: Anonymous Manganese RPD exceeds LOR based limits.

Matrix Spike outliers exist: ASS 10 Aluminium, Anonymous Aluminium, ASS 10 Iron, Anonymous Iron, MS recovery not determined, background level greater than or equal to 4x spike level.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance: Organic Matter

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples: Total Metals

Page 45: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Tables Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Table 5.1: Field ASS Indicators.

pH Value Indication Comments


pHf ≤ 4 AASS Not conclusive

4 < pHf ≤ 5.5 ASS Further investigation needed

pHf > 7 waterlogged un-oxidised or poorly drained soil/sediment

pHfox test required


pHfox<3 with strong reaction rate and large ∆pH PASS The lower pHfox below 3, the more positive likely presence of sulfides

3 ≤ pHfox < 4 and reaction to peroxide less positive and borderline Laboratory analyses needed

4 ≤ pHfox < 5 neither positive nor negative Laboratory analyses needed

pHfox >5 or no drop in pH but reaction to peroxide

little net acidifying ability Laboratory analyses needed

pHf - pHfox ≥ 1 and reaction to peroxide maybe PASS The greater ∆pH, the more indicative PASS. The lower final pHfox is, the better indication of a positive result.

Notes: Peroxide reaction rate cannot be used alone.

Table 5.2 Texture-based ASS Action Criteria.

Type of Material Net Acidity Action Criteria

>1000 tonnes of materials disturbed

Texture range McDonald et al. (1990)

Approx. clay content (%) Equivalent sulfur (%S)

(oven-dry basis) Equivalent acidity (mol H+/

tonne) (oven-dry basis)

Coarse texture sands to loamy sands and peats

<5 0.03 18

Medium texture sandy loams to light clays

5–40 0.03 18

Fine texture medium to heavy clays and silty clays

>40 0.03 18

Page 46: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Tables Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Table 5.3: pH and AVS Laboratory Analytical Data.

Analyte ASS Field Screening Acid Volatile Sulfur (AVS)

pHf pHfox Reaction Rate ∆pH = pHf - pHfox AVS Moisture Content

Units pH Unit - pH Unit % %

Assessment Level 4 3 - 1 0.010 -

n 237 237 - 237 20 44

Minimum 5.0 3.9 Strong -2.6 <0.001 (n=17) 2.8

Maximum 8.4 8.8 Extreme 2.8 0.001 - 0.008 34.5

Average 7.3 6.4 - 0.8 0.004 22.3

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Units % pH UnitpH Unit %S %S %S %S %S %S %Ca %Ca %Ca %S %Mg %Mg %Mg %S %CaCO3 %S %S %S kgCaCO3kgCaCO3/

LoR 0.005 0.1 0.1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 -

Assessment Level 0.030 - - 0.030 0.030 0.030 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.030 - -


ASS 1 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet <0.005 8.3 7.7 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.814 0.674 <0.020 0.621 0.588 <0.020 <0.020 0.193 0.935 0.742 0.979 3.06 0.98 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet - 8.2 7.9 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 2.610 1.880 <0.020 2.250 1.940 <0.020 <0.020 0.233 0.568 0.335 0.442 1.64 0.52 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense becoming very dense with depth, brown, very fine to fine, wet - 8.0 7.6 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.860 0.664 <0.020 0.156 0.154 <0.020 <0.020 0.473 0.876 0.404 0.532 1.90 0.61 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, very dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet <0.005 8.1 7.4 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.682 0.510 <0.020 0.176 0.170 <0.020 <0.020 0.264 0.666 0.401 0.529 1.88 0.60 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 2 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet 0.017 8.3 7.4 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 9.500 7.420 <0.020 9.720 8.990 <0.020 <0.020 0.198 0.616 0.417 0.551 1.83 0.59 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet - 8.2 7.9 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 7.630 6.360 <0.020 7.400 7.440 0.034 0.027 0.238 0.607 0.369 0.486 1.75 0.56 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense becoming very dense with depth, brown, very fine to fine, wet 0.008 8.0 7.1 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 3.420 2.670 <0.020 3.120 2.830 <0.020 <0.020 0.296 0.662 0.367 0.484 1.62 0.52 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals and minor black speckles, very dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet 0.007 8.0 7.4 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 3.770 2.990 <0.020 3.600 3.220 <0.020 <0.020 0.311 0.635 0.324 0.428 1.44 0.46 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 3 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown, very fine to fine, wet 0.008 8.0 7.6 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.890 1.590 <0.020 1.330 1.220 <0.020 <0.020 0.442 0.854 0.412 0.544 1.84 0.59 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate heat) - 8.2 8.1 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.641 0.508 <0.020 0.084 0.082 <0.020 <0.020 0.332 0.608 0.276 0.364 1.44 0.46 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals and minor black speckles, dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet <0.005 7.5 7.7 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.939 0.642 <0.020 0.048 0.054 <0.020 <0.020 0.587 0.886 0.299 0.394 1.73 0.55 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 4 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown, very fine to fine, wet; MBO at surface 4-6mm thick 0.057 8.0 8.0 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.750 0.145 <0.020 1.030 0.084 <0.020 <0.020 0.472 0.199 <0.020 <0.020 0.71 0.23 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY, brown, very fine to fine, wet - 8.1 8.1 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.808 0.598 <0.020 0.201 0.191 <0.020 <0.020 0.273 0.577 0.304 0.401 1.53 0.49 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense, brown, very fine to fine, wet - 8.0 8.1 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.838 0.589 <0.020 0.098 0.092 <0.020 <0.020 0.392 0.635 0.243 0.320 1.53 0.49 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 5 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet, MBO at surface 4-8mm thick 0.012 8.1 7.9 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 2.200 1.820 <0.020 1.530 1.430 <0.020 <0.020 0.454 0.830 0.376 0.496 1.66 0.53 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense, brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate heat) - 8.3 8.2 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.827 0.611 <0.020 0.162 0.148 <0.020 <0.020 0.360 0.758 0.399 0.526 1.89 0.60 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.50 0.75 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, very dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate heat) <0.005 8.1 8.0 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.885 0.610 <0.020 0.117 0.099 <0.020 <0.020 0.412 0.568 0.156 0.205 1.05 0.34 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 6 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY underlying a thin salt crust, brown, very fine to fine, wet; MBO at surface 2-6mm thick 0.006 8.1 8.0 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.450 1.170 <0.020 0.779 0.743 <0.020 <0.020 0.370 0.850 0.479 0.632 1.98 0.63 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, dense, brown, very fine to fine, wet (sample radiate heat) - 8.1 7.9 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.120 0.811 <0.020 0.445 0.404 <0.020 <0.020 0.328 0.714 0.386 0.508 1.67 0.53 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with minor small gypsum crystals, becoming very dense, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, wet - 8.0 7.8 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 2.090 1.590 <0.020 1.500 1.420 <0.020 <0.020 0.305 0.643 0.338 0.446 1.46 0.47 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 7 0.00 0.25 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 0.018 8.3 7.8 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 11.000 10.000 <0.020 13.900 11.700 <0.020 <0.020 0.085 0.379 0.294 0.388 2.47 0.79 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.25 0.50 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense, very fine to fine, dry - 8.4 8.0 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.080 0.998 <0.020 0.142 0.149 <0.020 <0.020 0.475 0.777 0.302 0.398 1.44 0.46 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.10 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense becoming very dense, very fine to fine, dry - 8.2 8.2 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.130 0.978 <0.020 0.826 0.751 <0.020 <0.020 0.215 0.580 0.365 0.481 1.80 0.58 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense becoming very dense, very fine to fine, dry - 7.9 7.5 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 1.470 1.490 0.021 0.245 0.251 <0.020 <0.020 0.868 1.320 0.457 0.602 1.69 0.54 <0.02 0.02 <1 <1

1.90 2.00 Silty CLAY with small gypsum crystals, brown, dense becoming very dense, very fine to fine, dry - 8.0 7.3 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.859 0.760 <0.020 0.082 0.081 <0.020 <0.020 0.616 0.997 0.382 0.503 1.72 0.55 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

Work Order/Date: EB1905285, 31 May 2019

ASS 8 0.00 0.10 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 0.008 8.7 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.170 3.190 0.014 3.360 3.370 0.012 0.009 0.448 0.941 0.493 0.650 1.720 0.550 <0.02 <0.02 1 <1

DUP 1 0.005 8.7 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.950 2.590 <0.005 3.120 2.740 <0.005 <0.005 0.502 0.988 0.486 0.642 2.100 0.673 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 8.7 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.400 5.510 0.103 5.980 6.160 0.183 0.146 0.350 0.764 0.414 0.546 1.460 0.467 <0.02 0.100 5 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 8.5 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.270 2.190 <0.005 2.050 2.050 <0.005 <0.005 0.397 0.727 0.330 0.435 1.590 0.508 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 8.5 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.957 0.979 0.022 0.558 0.637 0.078 0.063 0.342 0.741 0.399 0.526 1.600 0.513 <0.02 0.020 1 <1

1.90 2.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet <0.005 8.8 7.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.050 0.982 <0.005 0.375 0.404 0.029 0.023 0.484 1.100 0.619 0.816 2.620 0.840 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

DUP 2 <0.005 8.6 7.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.120 0.977 <0.005 0.471 0.434 <0.005 <0.005 0.541 0.865 0.324 0.428 1.660 0.530 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.40 2.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet Centre north of lake <0.005 8.6 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.738 0.620 <0.005 0.138 0.161 0.024 0.019 0.334 0.649 0.315 0.415 1.540 0.492 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.90 3.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 8.5 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.020 0.878 <0.005 0.388 0.401 0.013 0.010 0.469 0.813 0.344 0.453 1.660 0.532 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.40 3.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 8.7 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.948 0.815 <0.005 0.164 0.177 0.013 0.010 0.511 0.930 0.419 0.552 1.750 0.559 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.90 4.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet <0.005 8.4 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.703 0.738 0.035 0.248 0.298 0.050 0.040 0.389 0.756 0.367 0.484 1.370 0.438 <0.02 0.040 2 <1

4.40 4.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 8.2 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.493 0.463 <0.005 0.077 0.096 0.019 0.015 0.374 0.568 0.195 0.257 1.100 0.352 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.90 5.00 CLAY brown to black, very fine to fine, Wet <0.005 7.9 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.579 0.548 <0.005 0.134 0.153 0.020 0.016 0.419 0.641 0.222 0.293 1.350 0.432 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

5.40 5.50 CLAY brown, very fine to fine, Wet <0.005 7.6 7.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.393 0.426 0.034 0.128 0.171 0.043 0.034 0.294 0.401 0.107 0.141 0.758 0.243 <0.02 0.030 2 <1

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY yellow with blue/white lenses and minor gypsum crystals, fine, Wet <0.005 7.4 6.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.704 0.728 0.024 0.431 0.458 0.027 0.021 0.340 0.456 0.116 0.153 0.906 0.290 <0.02 0.020 1 <1

ASS 9 0.00 0.10 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.40 0.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry Centre east of lake ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 10 0.00 0.10 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 0.017 8.5 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 11.900 12.800 0.947 14.500 15.700 1.210 0.967 0.225 0.470 0.245 0.323 1.590 0.508 <0.02 0.950 44 <1

DUP 3 0.017 8.6 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 11.600 12.500 0.950 13.900 15.000 1.060 0.846 0.091 0.241 0.150 0.197 0.856 0.274 0.130 0.950 44 6

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 0.018 7.2 6.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 12.900 13.700 0.854 15.600 16.400 0.740 0.592 0.068 0.097 0.029 0.038 0.204 0.065 0.240 0.850 40 11

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 0.015 6.9 6.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 12.700 13.500 0.748 15.500 16.000 0.450 0.360 0.086 0.109 0.022 0.029 0.255 0.081 0.200 0.750 35 9

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet ---- 7.0 6.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.680 1.560 <0.005 1.910 1.770 <0.005 <0.005 0.074 0.089 0.015 0.020 0.494 0.158 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet 0.006 6.8 6.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.020 5.830 0.812 6.050 6.920 0.873 0.698 0.124 0.177 0.052 0.069 0.423 0.135 0.180 0.810 38 8

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet Southern lake 0.006 7.0 6.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 8.770 9.160 0.387 10.600 10.700 0.114 0.091 0.162 0.201 0.039 0.051 0.436 0.139 0.040 0.390 18 2

2.90 3.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 0.007 6.8 6.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.550 3.640 0.087 4.280 4.270 <0.005 <0.005 0.075 0.089 0.014 0.019 0.229 0.073 <0.02 0.090 4 <1

3.40 3.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 6.6 6.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.930 1.800 <0.005 2.300 2.020 <0.005 <0.005 0.098 0.108 0.011 0.014 0.202 0.065 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.90 4.00 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet <0.005 6.6 6.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.400 5.480 0.075 6.580 6.360 <0.005 <0.005 0.135 0.153 0.018 0.023 0.304 0.097 <0.02 0.08 4 <1

4.40 4.50 CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 7.0 6.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.120 1.940 <0.005 2.330 2.120 <0.005 <0.005 0.199 0.212 0.014 0.018 0.384 0.123 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.90 5.00 CLAY brown to grey, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 6.5 6.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.396 0.341 <0.005 0.328 0.305 <0.005 <0.005 0.127 0.132 0.005 0.007 0.228 0.073 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Williamson Pit (cut face)

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Lake surface adjacent to causeway

Calcium Values Magnesium ValuesAcid Neutralising

Capacity Acid Base Accounting

Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

Work Order/Date: EB1904386, 4 March 2019

Table 5.4: CRS and SPOCAS Analytical Data.Chromium Reducible Sulphur


pH Acidity Trail Sulfur Trail

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Units % pH UnitpH Unit %S %S %S %S %S %S %Ca %Ca %Ca %S %Mg %Mg %Mg %S %CaCO3 %S %S %S kgCaCO3kgCaCO3/

LoR 0.005 0.1 0.1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 -

Assessment Level 0.030 - - 0.030 0.030 0.030 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.030 - -


Calcium Values Magnesium ValuesAcid Neutralising

Capacity Acid Base Accounting

Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

Work Order/Date: EB1904386, 4 March 2019

Table 5.4: CRS and SPOCAS Analytical Data.Chromium Reducible Sulphur


pH Acidity Trail Sulfur Trail

5.40 5.50 CLAY brown to grey, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 6.5 6.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.346 0.248 <0.005 0.228 0.198 <0.005 <0.005 0.114 0.146 0.031 0.041 0.291 0.093 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- 6.6 6.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.194 0.195 <0.005 0.136 0.150 0.014 0.012 0.104 0.126 0.021 0.028 0.252 0.080 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 11 0.00 0.10 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 0.008 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

DUP 5 ---- 8.1 6.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 4.550 4.300 <0.005 5.530 5.190 <0.005 <0.005 0.338 0.523 0.185 0.244 1.060 0.338 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Silty CLAY brown to dark brown, very fine to fine with minor gypsum crystals, dry 0.013 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 CLAY brown minor sand, fine, Wet Southern lake <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 CLAY brown minor sand, fine, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 CLAY brown minor sand, fine, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY brown minor sand, fine small gypsum crystals, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY brown minor sand, fine small gypsum crystals, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 CLAY brown minor sand, fine small gypsum crystals, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 12 0.00 0.10 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, dry 0.006 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.40 0.50 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 0.017 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Clayey SAND brown to dark brown, very fine to fine, Wet 0.013 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Clayey SAND brown to cream, very fine to fine, Wet 0.010 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet Southern lake ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with cream sandy lenses, Wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, cream, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown, Wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 13 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry <0.005 9.0 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.480 1.250 <0.005 1.780 1.700 <0.005 <0.005 0.188 0.607 0.419 0.552 2.560 0.818 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 0.015 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet 0.012 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

DUP 6 0.015 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

DUP 7 0.010 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Southern lake 0.006 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

DUP 8 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, gypsum crystals, wet 0.008 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, gypsum crystals, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, gypsum crystals, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 14 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry <0.005 9.0 7.1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 11.800 11.800 <0.005 14.100 14.400 0.289 0.231 0.301 0.430 0.129 0.170 0.766 0.245 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Centre of lake near trial p <0.005 8.2 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.961 0.741 <0.005 0.478 0.459 <0.005 <0.005 0.396 0.658 0.262 0.346 1.710 0.547 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 15 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.011 8.9 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 9.300 10.200 0.861 10.400 11.400 1.050 0.841 0.328 0.862 0.535 0.705 2.430 0.776 <0.02 0.860 40 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.010 8.5 8.1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 8.180 8.070 <0.005 9.720 9.520 <0.005 <0.005 0.286 0.578 0.292 0.385 1.710 0.548 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 8.3 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 6.760 6.320 <0.005 7.500 6.900 <0.005 <0.005 0.387 0.559 0.172 0.227 1.280 0.408 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 8.4 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.970 1.740 <0.005 1.680 1.600 <0.005 <0.005 0.389 0.690 0.301 0.397 1.760 0.563 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 7.8 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.603 0.593 <0.005 0.392 0.359 <0.005 <0.005 0.244 0.298 0.054 0.071 0.579 0.185 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

DUP 9 ---- 7.9 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.577 0.506 <0.005 0.306 0.268 <0.005 <0.005 0.242 0.276 0.034 0.044 0.381 0.122 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 7.4 6.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.541 0.499 <0.005 0.330 0.298 <0.005 <0.005 0.229 0.259 0.031 0.040 0.330 0.106 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

DUP 10 0.007 7.6 6.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.477 0.479 <0.005 0.226 0.235 0.009 0.007 0.202 0.251 0.049 0.065 0.402 0.128 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 6.5 6.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.365 0.352 <0.005 0.170 0.169 <0.005 <0.005 0.244 0.257 0.013 0.017 0.334 0.107 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

DUP 11 <0.005 7.3 6.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.420 0.413 <0.005 0.168 0.181 0.012 0.010 0.230 0.276 0.047 0.062 0.332 0.106 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet <0.005 6.5 6.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.110 1.020 <0.005 0.856 0.745 <0.005 <0.005 0.391 0.360 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

North western lake, chosen to compare initial

samples to depth

Page 49: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA



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Units % pH UnitpH Unit %S %S %S %S %S %S %Ca %Ca %Ca %S %Mg %Mg %Mg %S %CaCO3 %S %S %S kgCaCO3kgCaCO3/

LoR 0.005 0.1 0.1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 -

Assessment Level 0.030 - - 0.030 0.030 0.030 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.030 - -


Calcium Values Magnesium ValuesAcid Neutralising

Capacity Acid Base Accounting

Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

Work Order/Date: EB1904386, 4 March 2019

Table 5.4: CRS and SPOCAS Analytical Data.Chromium Reducible Sulphur


pH Acidity Trail Sulfur Trail

DUP 12 0.006 6.9 6.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.957 0.858 <0.005 0.760 0.701 <0.005 <0.005 0.253 0.261 0.008 0.010 0.313 0.100 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet ---- 7.1 6.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.290 1.280 <0.005 1.220 1.160 <0.005 <0.005 0.234 0.261 0.027 0.035 0.258 0.082 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet ---- 7.1 6.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.060 1.050 <0.005 0.927 0.884 <0.005 <0.005 0.248 0.281 0.033 0.043 0.298 0.095 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet <0.005 6.0 6.1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.170 1.200 0.031 0.964 0.965 <0.005 <0.005 0.321 0.337 0.016 0.022 ---- ---- 0.040 0.040 2 2

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet <0.005 6.2 6.1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.837 0.868 0.030 0.636 0.681 0.046 0.036 0.286 0.307 0.021 0.028 ---- ---- 0.030 0.030 2 2

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet 0.005 5.8 6.0 0.012 <0.005 <0.005 1.220 1.130 <0.005 1.100 1.010 <0.005 <0.005 0.271 0.263 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 16 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.006 8.8 8.1 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.360 3.020 <0.005 4.140 3.870 <0.005 <0.005 0.172 0.666 0.494 0.652 2.360 0.754 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry <0.005 8.8 8.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.690 0.570 <0.005 0.369 0.345 <0.005 <0.005 0.207 0.502 0.295 0.389 1.660 0.532 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown with purple/violet lenses, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 17 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.007 8.4 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.400 2.210 <0.005 1.850 1.770 <0.005 <0.005 0.634 0.961 0.327 0.431 1.590 0.508 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.008 8.3 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.950 3.750 <0.005 3.860 3.670 <0.005 <0.005 0.641 1.020 0.375 0.495 1.870 0.600 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to cream, wet North western lake ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to cream, wet <0.005 7.3 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.206 0.224 0.018 0.034 0.052 0.018 0.014 0.184 0.248 0.063 0.083 0.637 0.204 <0.02 0.020 1 <1

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, cream increasingly dense with white/blue lenses of clay very fine, wet <0.005 6.2 6.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.442 0.441 <0.005 0.138 0.134 <0.005 <0.005 0.329 0.332 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, cream increasingly dense with white/blue lenses of clay very fine, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, cream increasingly dense with white/blue lenses of clay very fine, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 18 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.035 8.3 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.070 5.220 0.156 4.090 4.350 0.259 0.207 0.972 1.340 0.372 0.491 1.150 0.368 <0.02 0.160 7 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.008 8.4 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 8.800 8.720 <0.005 9.940 10.000 0.067 0.053 0.477 0.779 0.302 0.398 1.590 0.510 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 8.5 8.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.820 2.580 <0.005 2.580 2.380 <0.005 <0.005 0.590 0.944 0.355 0.468 1.980 0.633 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 8.5 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.650 1.580 <0.005 1.120 1.070 <0.005 <0.005 0.693 1.250 0.562 0.741 2.750 0.879 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 8.4 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.737 0.612 <0.005 0.093 0.094 <0.005 <0.005 0.594 0.844 0.251 0.331 1.800 0.575 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Northern lake <0.005 7.9 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.750 0.646 <0.005 0.115 0.112 <0.005 <0.005 0.694 0.986 0.293 0.386 2.360 0.755 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 8.0 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.863 0.729 <0.005 0.176 0.177 <0.005 <0.005 0.704 1.030 0.328 0.433 2.300 0.735 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.40 3.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 8.0 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.654 0.580 <0.005 0.071 0.080 0.008 0.007 0.708 1.130 0.419 0.553 2.980 0.952 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.90 4.00 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 8.5 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.633 0.509 <0.005 0.071 0.067 <0.005 <0.005 0.474 0.667 0.192 0.254 1.290 0.413 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- 7.6 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.606 0.555 <0.005 0.096 0.094 <0.005 <0.005 0.537 0.673 0.136 0.179 1.160 0.372 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 19 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.015 8.6 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 6.640 6.230 <0.005 7.140 6.760 <0.005 <0.005 0.620 1.050 0.430 0.567 1.660 0.530 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.008 8.6 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.040 4.830 <0.005 5.480 5.370 <0.005 <0.005 0.423 0.782 0.359 0.474 1.600 0.512 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet North eastern lake <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.90 5.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.40 5.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.90 6.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 20 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.009 8.6 7.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 4.060 3.890 <0.005 3.260 3.200 <0.005 <0.005 0.809 1.280 0.473 0.623 1.980 0.634 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry 0.005 8.6 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.820 1.740 <0.005 1.330 1.320 <0.005 <0.005 0.544 0.908 0.364 0.481 1.530 0.489 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Eastern central lake ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

ASS 21 0.00 0.10 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, dry <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.40 0.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet Central western lake <0.005 8.1 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.090 0.955 <0.005 0.686 0.660 <0.005 <0.005 0.516 0.771 0.256 0.337 1.500 0.480 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.90 3.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brown, wet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Central lake near trail ponds and Williamson


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, 20


Units % pH UnitpH Unit %S %S %S %S %S %S %Ca %Ca %Ca %S %Mg %Mg %Mg %S %CaCO3 %S %S %S kgCaCO3kgCaCO3/

LoR 0.005 0.1 0.1 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 1 -

Assessment Level 0.030 - - 0.030 0.030 0.030 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.030 - -


Calcium Values Magnesium ValuesAcid Neutralising

Capacity Acid Base Accounting

Sample Number

Depth (from)

Depth (to)

Sample Description (preliminary regional sampling event across lake)

Work Order/Date: EB1904386, 4 March 2019

Table 5.4: CRS and SPOCAS Analytical Data.Chromium Reducible Sulphur


pH Acidity Trail Sulfur Trail

ASS 22 0.00 0.10 Silty Sand, brown, dry 0.022 8.8 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 12.800 14.800 2.030 15.300 17.800 2.450 1.960 0.122 0.318 0.197 0.259 0.766 0.245 0.510 2.030 95 24

0.40 0.50 CLAY minor sand brown 0.006 8.8 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.780 5.850 0.065 6.550 6.830 0.276 0.221 0.237 0.492 0.255 0.336 1.210 0.388 <0.02 0.070 3 <1

0.90 1.00 CLAY minor sand brown <0.005 8.5 7.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.090 2.020 <0.005 2.080 2.100 0.022 0.017 0.365 0.743 0.378 0.499 1.970 0.630 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.40 1.50 CLAY minor sand brown ---- 8.6 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.540 1.290 <0.005 1.340 1.160 <0.005 <0.005 0.309 0.636 0.327 0.431 1.590 0.510 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

1.90 2.00 CLAY minor sand brown ---- 8.3 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.846 0.776 <0.005 0.703 0.710 0.007 0.006 0.175 0.278 0.103 0.136 0.786 0.252 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.40 2.50 CLAY minor sand brown <0.005 8.2 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 6.170 5.940 <0.005 7.080 6.990 <0.005 <0.005 0.225 0.360 0.134 0.177 0.744 0.238 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

2.90 3.00 CLAY minor sand brown Centre of lake 0.012 8.2 7.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 5.470 5.280 <0.005 6.260 6.220 <0.005 <0.005 0.265 0.395 0.130 0.171 0.927 0.296 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.40 3.50 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing <0.005 8.3 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.684 0.569 <0.005 0.408 0.364 <0.005 <0.005 0.247 0.354 0.107 0.141 0.731 0.234 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

3.90 4.00 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- 8.3 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.000 0.804 <0.005 0.667 0.599 <0.005 <0.005 0.265 0.413 0.148 0.195 0.968 0.310 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- 8.5 7.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.160 0.940 <0.005 0.933 0.801 <0.005 <0.005 0.284 0.458 0.175 0.230 1.020 0.325 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

4.90 5.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- 8.3 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.786 0.699 <0.005 0.540 0.501 <0.005 <0.005 0.294 0.480 0.186 0.246 1.010 0.324 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

5.40 5.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- 8.2 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.860 1.660 <0.005 1.700 1.540 <0.005 <0.005 0.313 0.496 0.183 0.241 1.010 0.323 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

5.90 6.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- 8.4 7.7 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.924 0.912 <0.005 0.700 0.727 0.028 0.022 0.243 0.462 0.218 0.288 1.030 0.328 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

ASS 23 0.00 0.10 Silty Sand, brown, dry 0.026 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.40 0.50 CLAY minor sand brown 0.014 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

0.90 1.00 CLAY minor sand brown 0.010 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.40 1.50 CLAY minor sand brown ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

1.90 2.00 CLAY minor sand brown ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.40 2.50 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

2.90 3.00 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing Central western lake ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.40 3.50 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

3.90 4.00 CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.40 4.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing 0.014 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

4.90 5.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing <0.005 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.40 5.50 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

5.90 6.00 stiff CLAY minor sand brown, gypsum crystals increasing ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

LYAGZ001 ---- 2.50 Sandy CLAY, brown to dark brownCentre of lake near trial ponds <0.005 8.2 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.345 0.351 0.01 0.054 0.072 0.02 0.02 0.287 0.454 0.167 0.220 1.06 0.34 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ005 ---- 2.50 CLAY red brown <0.005 7.2 6.3 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.247 0.273 0.03 0.077 0.078 <0.005 <0.005 0.226 0.249 0.022 0.029 ---- ---- <0.02 0.03 1 <1

LYAGZ005 ---- 3.00 sandy (minor) CLAY, red brown, black sand pockets Central western lake <0.005 6.8 7.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 13.000 14.400 1.41 15.700 16.800 1.10 0.88 0.216 0.230 0.014 0.019 0.56 0.18 0.35 1.410 66 16

LYAGZ005 ---- 4.00 sandy (minor) CLAY, red brown, black sand pockets, minor gypsum crystals 0.009 6.8 5.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 13.200 18.000 4.74 16.200 21.000 4.77 3.82 0.142 0.140 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- 1.58 4.740 222 74

LYAGZ007 ---- 4.00 CLAY red brown Centre of lake <0.005 7.8 7.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.636 0.581 <0.005 0.051 0.079 0.03 0.02 0.464 0.600 0.136 0.180 1.01 0.32 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ009 ---- 3.00 CLAY red brown, wet <0.005 8.2 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 2.640 2.650 0.01 2.620 2.820 0.19 0.15 0.438 0.722 0.284 0.375 1.42 0.46 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ009 ---- 4.50 CLAY red brown, wet <0.005 8.2 7.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.230 1.240 0.02 1.040 1.130 0.09 0.07 0.373 0.645 0.272 0.359 1.35 0.43 <0.02 0.02 1 <1

LYAGZ010 ---- 1.50 CLAY red brown, minor black sands, wet <0.005 9.1 8.4 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.516 0.439 <0.005 0.093 0.126 0.03 0.03 0.213 0.758 0.545 0.719 2.76 0.88 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ010 ---- 3.00 CLAY red brown, minor black sands, wet Eastern centre of lake <0.005 8.4 7.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.766 1.080 0.31 0.712 1.080 0.37 0.29 0.149 0.358 0.208 0.275 1.13 0.36 <0.02 0.310 15 <1

LYAGZ010 ---- 4.00 CLAY red brown, minor black sands, wet 0.006 8.7 8.2 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.190 3.170 <0.005 3.480 3.710 0.23 0.19 0.210 0.457 0.247 0.326 2.00 0.64 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ026 ---- 1.50 CLAY brown, minor sand dense <0.005 8.9 8.0 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.170 3.170 <0.005 3.550 3.600 0.04 0.03 0.230 0.509 0.279 0.367 1.57 0.50 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ026 ---- 4.50 CLAY brown, minor sand dense <0.005 8.7 7.5 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.274 0.262 <0.005 0.167 0.179 0.01 0.01 0.207 0.370 0.162 0.214 0.89 0.29 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ027 ---- 5.00 sandy CLAY, brown South centre of lake <0.005 7.3 6.6 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.820 1.770 <0.005 1.980 2.000 0.02 0.01 0.159 0.192 0.033 0.043 0.40 0.13 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

LYAGZ028 ---- 5.50 sand (minor) CLAY red brown, wet South east of lake <0.005 7.3 6.8 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 1.610 1.610 <0.005 1.730 1.800 0.07 0.06 0.178 0.236 0.058 0.076 0.53 0.17 <0.02 <0.02 <1 <1

n 122 123

Minimum <0.005 5.8 5.9 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.194 0.145 0.01 0.034 0.052 0.01 0.01 0.068 0.089 0.005 0.007 0.20 0.07 0.03 0.02 1 2

Maximum 0.057 9.1 8.4 - - - 13.200 18.000 4.74 16.200 21.000 4.77 3.82 0.972 1.340 0.742 0.979 3.06 0.98 1.58 4.74 222 74

Average 0.012 8.0 7.4 - - - 2.869 2.823 0.51 2.919 2.968 0.35 0.28 0.337 0.569 0.245 0.323 1.32 0.42 0.33 0.57 27 15

Notes: 2.4 Detection: concentration exceeds Limit of Reporting LoR.

2.4 Indicate exceedance of Assessment Level.

Lime needed (kg CaCO3/m3 soil) = Bulk density soil (ton/m3 = 1.6) x Net acidity (S% x 30.59) x 1.028 x safety factor (=2.0) x 100/ENV (=60%)

Centre of lake

South west of lake

Page 51: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Sample Type:

Work Group:




, As



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% % %

0.1 0.5 0.5 5 1 2 2 5 50 5 5 2 5 5 5 0.1 0.1 0.1

ISQG-Low - - - 20 1 80 - 65 - 50 - 21 - - 200 - - -

ISQG-High - - - 70 10 370 - 270 - 220 - 52 - - 410 - - -

Sample ID Depth (m)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 30 0.9 0.5 6 <1 76 5 26 33,000 5 134 15 <5 86 33 5.2 17.4 5.6

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.00-1.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.25-1.50 19 0.7 <0.5 5 <1 56 15 28 34,400 9 271 19 <5 74 25 4.8 9.6 2.7

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 18 <0.5 <0.5 9 <1 35 5 14 17,300 <5 142 10 <5 43 13 2.2 5.2 2.4

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.00-1.25 29 0.5 <0.5 6 <1 42 12 22 25,300 8 526 12 <5 56 20 3.7 9.4 2.5

1.25-1.50 24 <0.5 <0.5 6 <1 49 11 37 44,200 11 212 19 <5 93 32 5.9 11.6 2.7

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 21 1.0 0.6 8 <1 60 7 26 29,900 8 400 14 <5 68 24 3.3 6.7 2.6

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.00-1.25 22 0.9 0.5 8 <1 56 30 36 48,700 14 406 27 <5 104 40 7.0 18.3 3.6

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 29 1.4 0.8 26 <1 59 16 28 34,500 8 406 19 <5 84 24 3.8 11.4 3.6

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.00-1.25 24 0.6 <0.5 7 <1 66 9 32 40,500 15 1,320 18 <5 87 30 5.1 14.4 2.6

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 23 0.6 <0.5 10 <1 68 7 29 30,700 7 540 16 <5 72 22 3.4 10.2 2.4

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0.50-0.75 23 3.7 2.2 <5 <1 10 <2 50 18,500 <5 962 17 <5 54 6 0.2 3.0 0.3

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 22 1.5 0.8 12 <1 66 5 23 27,700 7 523 15 <5 62 22 3.7 11.0 2.4

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0.50-0.75 21 1.3 0.7 32 <1 79 7 26 35,400 10 296 21 <5 76 27 4.2 14.2 2.2

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 26 0.8 <0.5 <5 <1 41 4 15 20,000 <5 136 11 <5 53 18 3.1 10.6 3.5

0.25-0.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.00-1.25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.25-1.50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1.50-2.00 12 1.9 1.1 5 <1 55 14 29 30,600 7 224 21 <5 66 22 3.8 7.3 2.2

Minimum 12 0.5 <0.5 5 - 10 4 14 17,300 5 134 10 - 43 6 0.2 3.0 0.3

Maximum 30 3.7 2.2 32 - 79 30 50 48,700 15 1,320 27 - 104 40 7.0 18.3 5.6

Average 23 1.2 0.9 11 - 55 11 28 31,380 9 433 17 - 72 24 4.0 10.7 2.8

Std Dev 5 0.9 0.6 8 - 18 7 9 8,994 3 327 4 - 17 8 1.6 4.2 1.1

Notes: 2.4 Detection: concentration exceeds Limit of Reporting LoR.

2.4 Indicate exceedance of Assessment Level.

Table 5.5: Leachable Metals




Monday, 4 March 2019

Assessment Level (DWER, 2014)



Total Metals




re C









tal O


ic C



, T


Page 52: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Sample Type:

Work Group:





, A




, As








, C




t, C






























, T











c, Z


0.1 0.005 0.001 0.01 0.010 0.0100 0.05 0.0100 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.100

Sample ID Depth (m) Note: Leachable Metals by ICP-MS: limit of reporting raised due to matrix interferences.

DI Water Leachate (pH 7.2 to 7.7)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 1.8 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 2.4 <0.01 0.002 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.002 0.01 <0.1

1.00-1.25 2.0 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 1.3 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 1.6 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 2.0 <0.01 0.003 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.002 <0.01 <0.1

1.00-1.25 1.0 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 1.3 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.001 <0.01 <0.1

1.25-1.50 0.8 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 1.0 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 1.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 1.3 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

1.00-1.25 1.2 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 1.4 <0.01 0.002 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.001 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 0.9 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.5 <0.01 0.002 0.32 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.004 <0.01 <0.1

1.00-1.25 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.1 <0.01 0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.1 <0.01 0.002 0.14 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

0.050-0.75 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 <0.05 <0.01 0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 0.3 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.2 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

0.50-0.75 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.1 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.001 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.1 <0.01 0.001 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 0.014 <0.01 <0.1

1.75-2.00 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.1 <0.01 0.002 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.01 <0.1

n 9 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 15 5 0 0 0 7 1 0

Minimum 0.3 - - - - - 0.1 - 0.001 0.01 - - - 0.001 0.01 -

Maximum 2.0 - - - - - 2.4 - 0.003 0.32 - - - 0.014 0.01 -

Average 1.2 - - - - - 0.8 - 0.002 0.10 - - - 0.004 - -

Alkaline Leachate (pH 9.0 to 9.3)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 - <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.007 0.13 <0.5

1.00-1.25 3.3 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 4.4 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.006 0.08 <0.5

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 <0.5

1.00-1.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 <0.5

1.25-1.50 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.006 0.08 <0.5

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 <0.5

1.00-1.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.011 0.08 <0.5

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 <0.005 0.09 <0.5

1.00-1.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.3 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.012 0.07 <0.5

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.009 <0.05 <0.5

0.050-0.75 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.010 <0.05 <0.5

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.010 <0.05 <0.5

0.50-0.75 <0.5 0.035 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.013 <0.05 <0.5

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 <0.005 0.08 <0.5

1.75-2.00 <0.5 <0.026 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.26 <0.05 <0.005 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.005 0.006 0.06 <0.5

n 1 1 - - - - 2 - - - - - - 10 8 -

Minimum 3.3 0.035 - - - - 0.3 - - - - - - 0.006 0.06 -

Maximum 3.3 0.035 - - - - 4.4 - - - - - - 0.013 0.13 -

Average - - - - - - 2.3 - - - - - - 0.009 0.1 -

Acid Leach (pH 4.1 to 4.2)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 3.9 <0.005 <0.001 0.09 ---- <0.01 0.8 <0.01 0.009 0.46 0.03 <0.01 <0.001 0.202 <0.01 <0.1

1.00-1.25 3.2 <0.005 <0.001 0.02 ---- <0.01 0.4 <0.01 0.005 0.16 0.05 <0.01 <0.001 0.093 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 5.0 <0.005 <0.001 0.04 ---- <0.01 1.1 <0.01 0.006 0.43 0.03 <0.01 <0.001 0.105 <0.01 0.2

1.00-1.25 4.1 <0.005 <0.001 0.02 ---- <0.01 0.5 <0.01 0.004 0.59 0.02 <0.01 <0.001 0.111 <0.01 <0.1

1.25-1.50 3.1 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 1.2 <0.01 0.005 0.12 0.03 <0.01 <0.001 0.112 <0.01 0.2

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 3.9 <0.005 <0.001 0.04 ---- <0.01 1.3 <0.01 0.004 0.54 0.02 <0.01 <0.001 0.069 <0.01 0.1

1.00-1.25 3.4 <0.005 <0.001 0.01 ---- <0.01 0.9 <0.01 0.006 0.13 0.05 <0.01 <0.001 0.182 <0.01 0.1

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 5.1 0.026 0.001 0.04 ---- 0.02 18.8 0.01 0.005 9.76 0.08 <0.01 <0.001 0.100 0.03 0.1

1.00-1.25 4.2 <0.005 <0.001 0.02 ---- <0.01 1.2 <0.01 0.004 1.12 0.02 <0.01 <0.001 0.141 <0.01 0.1

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 4.4 0.006 <0.001 0.02 ---- <0.01 0.5 <0.01 0.004 4.83 0.05 <0.01 <0.001 0.112 <0.01 <0.1

0.050-0.75 10.2 <0.005 <0.001 <0.01 ---- <0.01 0.1 <0.01 0.002 0.54 0.04 <0.01 <0.001 0.071 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 5.8 0.006 <0.001 0.05 ---- <0.01 0.6 <0.01 0.007 0.77 0.04 <0.01 <0.001 0.129 <0.01 <0.1

0.50-0.75 3.9 0.018 <0.001 0.02 ---- <0.01 0.4 <0.01 0.005 0.36 0.03 <0.01 <0.001 0.178 <0.01 <0.1

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 5.8 <0.005 <0.001 0.07 ---- <0.01 0.8 <0.01 0.005 0.76 0.03 <0.01 <0.001 0.190 <0.01 0.2

1.75-2.00 3.7 <0.005 <0.001 0.02 ---- <0.01 0.5 <0.01 0.005 0.12 0.11 <0.01 0.001 0.095 <0.01 <0.1

n 15 4 1 13 - 1 15 1 15 15 15 - 1 15 1 7

Minimum 3.1 0.006 0.001 0.01 - 0.02 0.1 0.01 0.002 0.12 0.02 - 0.001 0.069 0.03 0.1

Maximum 10.2 0.026 0.001 0.09 - 0.02 18.8 0.01 0.009 9.76 0.11 - 0.001 0.202 0.03 0.2

Average 4.6 0.014 - 0.04 - - 1.9 - 0.005 1.38 0.04 - - 0.126 0.0 0.1

Notes: 2.4 Detection: concentration exceeds Limit of Reporting LoR.

2.4 Indicate exceedance of Assessment Level.


Units mg/L


Table 5.6: Metals in Laboratory Leachates

Laboratory Leachate


Monday, 4 March 2019

Dissolved Metals

Page 53: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Appendices Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2


Appendix A: Laboratory Certificates.

Summary of Laboratory Analytical Certificates

Date Work Order Acid Sulfate Soil Analytes

February 2019 EB1903555 pH screen and Acid Volatile Sulfur (AVS).

EB1904386 Chromium Reducible Sulphur (CRS), Suspension Peroxide Oxidation Combined Acidity and Sulfur (SPOCAS), Total Metals, Leachable Metals, Organic Matter and Total Organic Carbon.

May 2019 EP1904569 pH screen

EP1904571 pH screen

EP1905285 Acid Volatile Sulfur (AVS), Chromium Reducible Sulphur (CRS), Suspension Peroxide Oxidation Combined Acidity and Sulfur (SPOCAS), Total Metals, Organic Matter and Total Organic Carbon.

June 2019 EP1905955 pH, Chromium Reducible Sulphur (CRS), Suspension Peroxide Oxidation Combined Acidity and Sulfur (SPOCAS).

August 2019 EP1907976 Chromium Reducible Sulphur (CRS), Total Metals, Organic Matter and Total Organic Carbon.

Page 54: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Reference: PES14017 Appendices Date: August 2019

Site: Lake Way Potash Project Title: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Revision No: 2

Appendix A: Laboratory Certificates

Page 55: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA
Page 56: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA
Page 57: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA



:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division BrisbanePENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL


: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EB

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET



2 Byth Street Stafford QLD Australia


:: E-mailE-mail [email protected] [email protected]

:: TelephoneTelephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-7-3243 7222

:: FacsimileFacsimile +61 08 9382 8693 +61-7-3243 7218

::Project PES18020 Page 1 of 3

:Order number :Quote number EP2018PENENV0002 (EN/222)

:C-O-C number ---- :QC Level NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard

Site : SLP


DatesDate Samples Received : Issue Date : 13-Feb-201913-Feb-2019 08:45

Scheduled Reporting Date: 20-Feb-2019:Client Requested Due



Delivery DetailsMode of Delivery : :Carrier Intact.Security Seal

No. of coolers/boxes : :2 Temperature 4.4, 5.8°C - Ice present

: : 25 / 25FOAM ESKYReceipt Detail No. of samples received / analysed

General Comments

This report contains the following information:l

- Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

- Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

- Proactive Holding Time Report

- Requested Deliverables

l PLEASE RETAIN SAMPLES FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONSl Discounted Package Prices apply only when specific ALS Group Codes ('W', 'S', 'NT' suites) are referenced on COCs.

l Please direct any turn around / technical queries to the laboratory contact designated above.

l Sample Disposal - Aqueous (3 weeks), Solid (2 months ± 1 week) from receipt of samples.

l Analysis will be conducted by ALS Environmental, Brisbane, NATA accreditation no. 825, Site No. 818 (Micro site no. 18958).

l Breaches in recommended extraction / analysis holding times (if any) are displayed overleaf in

the Proactive Holding Time Report table.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

Page 58: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA


Work Order : EB1903555 Amendment 02 of 3:Page

13-Feb-2019:Issue Date

Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

All comparisons are made against pretreatment/preservation AS, APHA, USEPA standards.

l No sample container / preservation non-compliance exists.

Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

Some items described below may be part of a laboratory

process necessary for the execution of client requested

tasks. Packages may contain additional analyses, such

as the determination of moisture content and preparation

tasks, that are included in the package.

If no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will

default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date

is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the

laboratory and displayed in brackets without a time



IL -







IL -




d V


tile S




IL -








EB1903555-001 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 1 0.00-0.25 ü

EB1903555-002 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 1 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-003 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 1 1.0 ü

EB1903555-004 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 1 1.5 ü

EB1903555-005 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 2 0.00-0.25 ü

EB1903555-006 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 2 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-007 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 2 1.0 ü ü ü

EB1903555-008 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 2 1.5 ü

EB1903555-009 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 3 0.00-0.25 ü

EB1903555-010 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 3 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-011 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 3 1.0 ü ü ü

EB1903555-012 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 4 0.00-0.25 ü

EB1903555-013 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 4 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-014 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 4 1.0 ü

EB1903555-015 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 5 0.00-0.25 ü ü ü

EB1903555-016 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 5 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-017 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 5 0.75 ü

EB1903555-018 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 6 0.00-0.25 ü ü ü

EB1903555-019 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 6 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-020 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 6 0.75 ü

EB1903555-021 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 7 0.00-0.25 ü

EB1903555-022 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 7 0.25-0.50 ü

EB1903555-023 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 7 1.0 ü

EB1903555-024 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 7 1.5 ü

EB1903555-025 09-Feb-2019 00:00 ASS 7 2.0 ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

Proactive Holding Time Report

Sample(s) have been received within the recommended holding times for the requested analysis.

Page 59: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA


Work Order : EB1903555 Amendment 03 of 3:Page

13-Feb-2019:Issue Date

Requested Deliverables


- A4 - AU Tax Invoice (INV) Email [email protected]



- *AU Certificate of Analysis - NATA (COA) Email [email protected]

- *AU Interpretive QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QCI Rep) (QCI) Email [email protected]

- *AU QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QC Rep) - NATA (QC) Email [email protected]

- A4 - AU Sample Receipt Notification - Environmental HT (SRN) Email [email protected]

- Chain of Custody (CoC) (COC) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ENMRG (ENMRG) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ESDAT (ESDAT) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - XTab (XTAB) Email [email protected]

Page 60: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Form: VDC-DE-N-F-141.OP Revision 2Catalog: D000007848

Chain of Custody (CoC) DocumentationSampler:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Mobile:


Project Manager (PM): e-mail analysis/report to:Job Number: Copy invoice to:

Site: Results required by (date):

For Laboratory Use Only!

Cooler Seal Quote:

Intact: Yes No N/A

Sample Temperature

Chilled Yes No

Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Time Type / Code Total

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 1 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 1 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 1 1.5 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 2 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 2 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x

ASS 2 1.5 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 3 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 3 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 4 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 4 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

Name: Date: 11/02/2019 Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :Time

Name: Date: Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :TimeWater Container Codes: P = Unpreserved Plastic; N = Nitric Preserved Plastic; ORC = Nitric Preserved ORC; SH = Sodium Hydroxide/Cd Preserved; S = Sodium Hydroxide Preserveed Plastic; AG = Amber Glass Unpreserved;

V = VOA Vial HCl Preserved; VS = VOA Vial Sulphuric Preserved; SG = Sulfuric Preserved Amber Glass; H = HCl preserved Plastic; HS = HCl preserved Speciation bottle; SP = Sulfuric Preserved Plastic; F = Formaldehyde Preserved Glass;

Z = Zinc Acetate Preserved Bottle; E = EDTA Preserved Bottles; ST = Sterile Bottle; ASS = Plastic Bag for Acid Sulphate Soils; B = Unpreserved Bag. Page: OF

Note: Job Number must be reflected on all invoices and statements. Attach copy of CoC to Invoice.

Please RETAIN Samples for further instructions

[email protected]

Ryan Lawrence 0430-310-0850430-310-085

Ryan Lawrence 0430-310-085

Ryan Lawrence [email protected]


Water and Environmental Scientists and Engineers




dl f







Relinguished By: Received By Method of Shipment

Notes: e.g. Highly contaminated samples,extra volume for QC or trace LORs



Hand Delivery

1 1 1


Number of Eskys:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions


Sample Information (S = Soil, Sed = Sediment, R = Rock, W=Water) Container Information

Comments/Special Handling/Storage or Disposal

Ryan Lawrence

Page 61: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Form: VDC-DE-N-F-141.OP Revision 2Catalog: D000007848

Chain of Custody (CoC) DocumentationSampler:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Mobile:


Project Manager (PM): e-mail analysis/report to:Job Number: Copy invoice to:

Site: Results required by (date):

For Laboratory Use Only!

Cooler Seal Quote:

Intact: Yes No N/A

Sample Temperature

Chilled Yes No

Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Time Type / Code Total

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x

ASS 5 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 5 0.75 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x

ASS 6 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 6 0.75 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 1.5 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 2.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

Name: Date: 11/02/2019 Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :Time

Name: Date: Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :TimeWater Container Codes: P = Unpreserved Plastic; N = Nitric Preserved Plastic; ORC = Nitric Preserved ORC; SH = Sodium Hydroxide/Cd Preserved; S = Sodium Hydroxide Preserveed Plastic; AG = Amber Glass Unpreserved;

V = VOA Vial HCl Preserved; VS = VOA Vial Sulphuric Preserved; SG = Sulfuric Preserved Amber Glass; H = HCl preserved Plastic; HS = HCl preserved Speciation bottle; SP = Sulfuric Preserved Plastic; F = Formaldehyde Preserved Glass;

Z = Zinc Acetate Preserved Bottle; E = EDTA Preserved Bottles; ST = Sterile Bottle; ASS = Plastic Bag for Acid Sulphate Soils; B = Unpreserved Bag. Page: OF

Note: Job Number must be reflected on all invoices and statements. Attach copy of CoC to Invoice.

Ryan Lawrence 0430-310-0850430-310-085

Water and Environmental Scientists and EngineersRyan Lawrence 0430-310-085

Ryan Lawrence [email protected]


Comments/Special Handling/Storage or Disposal



ld fo

x re



) E







PES18020 [email protected]

Notes: e.g. Highly contaminated samples,extra volume for QC or trace LORs



Please RETAIN Samples for further instructions

Sample Information (S = Soil, Sed = Sediment, R = Rock, W=Water) Container Information

Relinguished By: Received By Method of Shipment

Ryan Lawrence Courier:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions


Hand Delivery

1 1 1Number of Eskys:

Page 62: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 7EB1903555

:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Brisbane

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EB

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


2 Byth Street Stafford QLD Australia 4053

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-7-3243 7222

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 13-Feb-2019 08:45

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 18-Feb-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 20-Feb-2019 08:09


Site : SLP

Quote number : EN/222

25:No. of samples received

25:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Acid Sulphate Soils, Stafford, QLD

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

ASS: EA003 (NATA Field and F(ox) screening): pH F(ox) Reaction Rate: 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Strong; 4 - Extremel

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 0.00-0.25ASS 1 1.5ASS 1 1.0ASS 1 0.25-0.50ASS 1 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1903555-005EB1903555-004EB1903555-003EB1903555-002EB1903555-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.6 7.4 7.3 7.4 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.6 6.1 6.1 5.8 6.1pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 3 3 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

ASS 3 0.25-0.50ASS 3 0.00-0.25ASS 2 1.5ASS 2 1.0ASS 2 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1903555-010EB1903555-009EB1903555-008EB1903555-007EB1903555-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.6 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.5 5.8 6.4 6.6 8.0pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

4 3 3 4 4Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- 0.008 ---- ---- ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- 29.6 ---- ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25ASS 4 1.0ASS 4 0.25-0.50ASS 4 0.00-0.25ASS 3 1.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1903555-015EB1903555-014EB1903555-013EB1903555-012EB1903555-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.5 7.8 7.6 7.7 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.6 7.4 8.0 8.0 7.5pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 4 4 4 4Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

<0.001 ---- ---- ---- <0.001%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

26.4 ---- ---- ---- 19.0%0.1----Moisture Content

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Analytical Results

ASS 6 0.75ASS 6 0.25-0.50ASS 6 0.00-0.25ASS 5 0.75ASS 5 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1903555-020EB1903555-019EB1903555-018EB1903555-017EB1903555-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.7 7.4 7.7 7.6 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

8.1 8.0 7.0 7.5 6.8pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

4 4 4 4 4Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- 0.002 ---- ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 24.7 ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0ASS 7 1.5ASS 7 1.0ASS 7 0.25-0.50ASS 7 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1903555-025EB1903555-024EB1903555-023EB1903555-022EB1903555-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

8.3 7.7 7.8 7.3 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.7 7.8 7.9 7.1 6.2pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 4 4 4 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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2 2.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EB1903555 Page : 1 of 3

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division BrisbanePENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EB



Address : 2 Byth Street Stafford QLD Australia 4053

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-7-3243 7222:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 13-Feb-2019

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 18-Feb-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 20-Feb-2019


Site : SLP

Quote number : EN/222

No. of samples received 25:

No. of samples analysed 25:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Acid Sulphate Soils, Stafford, QLD

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2191724)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.6 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1903555-001

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.6 6.5 1.53 0% - 20%

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.5 7.5 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 3 0.25-0.50 EB1903555-010

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.0 8.1 1.24 0% - 20%

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2191725)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.3 8.3 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1903555-021

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.7 6.5 3.03 0% - 20%

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.7 6.8 1.48 0% - 20%Anonymous EB1903798-005

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 4.1 3.8 7.59 0% - 20%

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur (QC Lot: 2191708)

EA038: Acid Volatile Sulfur ---- 0.001 % 0.008 0.008 0.00 No LimitASS 2 1.0 EB1903555-007

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) (QC Lot: 2191709)

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 29.6 29.9 1.11 0% - 20%ASS 2 1.0 EB1903555-007

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Work Order :





Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur (QCLot: 2191708)

EA038: Acid Volatile Sulfur ---- 0.001 % <0.001 88.50.17 % 9787

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

l No Matrix Spike (MS) or Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Results are required to be reported.

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EB1903555 Page : 1 of 4

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division BrisbanePENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-7-3243 7222

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 13-Feb-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 20-Feb-2019

RYAN LAWRENCE:Sampler No. of samples received : 25

:Order number No. of samples analysed : 25

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Duplicate outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l NO Matrix Spike outliers occur.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l NO Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l NO Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA003)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

20-May-201904-Nov-2021 19-Feb-201919-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA038)

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 3 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 6 0.00-0.25

09-Feb-2020---- 18-Feb-2019----09-Feb-2019 ---- ü

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA055)

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 3 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 6 0.00-0.25

23-Feb-2019---- 18-Feb-2019----09-Feb-2019 ---- ü

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Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 25.00 10.001 4 üAcid Volatile Sulfur EA038

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 25.00 10.001 4 üMoisture Content EA055

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.43 10.004 35 üpH field/fox EA003

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 25.00 5.001 4 üAcid Volatile Sulfur EA038

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 25.00 5.001 4 üAcid Volatile Sulfur EA038

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Work Order :





Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 1998 - determined on a 1:5 soil/water extract designed to simulate field

measured pH and pH after the extract has been oxidised with peroxide.

pH field/fox EA003 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Sullivan et al (1998). The AVS method converts reduced inorganic Sulfur to H2S by way

of a cold 12MHCl acid digest; the evolved H2S is trapped in a Zinc Acetate solution as ZnS which is quantified by

iodometric titration.

Acid Volatile Sulfur EA038 SOIL

In house: A gravimetric procedure based on weight loss over a 12 hour drying period at 105-110 degrees C.

This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) Section 7.1 and Table 1 (14 day holding time).

Moisture Content EA055 SOIL

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In houseDrying only EN020D SOIL

Page 76: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Form: VDC-DE-N-F-141.OP Revision 2Catalog: D000007848

Chain of Custody (CoC) DocumentationSampler:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Mobile:


Project Manager (PM): e-mail analysis/report to:Job Number: Copy invoice to:

Site: Results required by (date):

For Laboratory Use Only!

Cooler Seal Quote:

Intact: Yes No N/A

Sample Temperature

Chilled Yes No

Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Time Type / Code Total

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 1 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 1 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 1 1.5 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 2 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 2 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 2 1.5 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x x

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x x

ASS 3 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 3 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x x

ASS 4 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 4 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x

Name: Date: 20/02/2019 Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :Time

Name: Date: Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :TimeWater Container Codes: P = Unpreserved Plastic; N = Nitric Preserved Plastic; ORC = Nitric Preserved ORC; SH = Sodium Hydroxide/Cd Preserved; S = Sodium Hydroxide Preserveed Plastic; AG = Amber Glass Unpreserved;

V = VOA Vial HCl Preserved; VS = VOA Vial Sulphuric Preserved; SG = Sulfuric Preserved Amber Glass; H = HCl preserved Plastic; HS = HCl preserved Speciation bottle; SP = Sulfuric Preserved Plastic; F = Formaldehyde Preserved Glass;

Z = Zinc Acetate Preserved Bottle; E = EDTA Preserved Bottles; ST = Sterile Bottle; ASS = Plastic Bag for Acid Sulphate Soils; B = Unpreserved Bag. Page: OF

Note: Job Number must be reflected on all invoices and statements. Attach copy of CoC to Invoice.


[email protected]

Ryan Lawrence 0430-310-0850430-310-085

Ryan Lawrence 0430-310-085

Ryan Lawrence [email protected]


Water and Environmental Scientists and Engineers









Relinguished By: Received By Method of Shipment

Notes: e.g. Highly contaminated samples,extra volume for QC or trace LORs



Hand Delivery

1 1 1


Number of Eskys:


al M


s in






















U, V

, Z




e M


s at


4, 7


d 9

Pendragon Environmental Solutions


Sample Information (S = Soil, Sed = Sediment, R = Rock, W=Water) Container Information

Comments/Special Handling/Storage or Disposal

Ryan Lawrence

Page 77: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

Form: VDC-DE-N-F-141.OP Revision 2Catalog: D000007848

Chain of Custody (CoC) DocumentationSampler:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions Mobile:


Project Manager (PM): e-mail analysis/report to:Job Number: Copy invoice to:

Site: Results required by (date):

For Laboratory Use Only!

Cooler Seal Quote:

Intact: Yes No N/A

Sample Temperature

Chilled Yes No

Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Time Type / Code Total

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 5 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 5 0.75 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x x

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x

ASS 6 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 6 0.75 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x x x

ASS 7 0.25-0.50 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 1.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 1.5 S 9-Feb-19 1 x

ASS 7 2.0 S 9-Feb-19 1 x x x

Name: Date: 20/02/2019 Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :Time

Name: Date: Name: :Date

Of: Time: Of: :TimeWater Container Codes: P = Unpreserved Plastic; N = Nitric Preserved Plastic; ORC = Nitric Preserved ORC; SH = Sodium Hydroxide/Cd Preserved; S = Sodium Hydroxide Preserveed Plastic; AG = Amber Glass Unpreserved;

V = VOA Vial HCl Preserved; VS = VOA Vial Sulphuric Preserved; SG = Sulfuric Preserved Amber Glass; H = HCl preserved Plastic; HS = HCl preserved Speciation bottle; SP = Sulfuric Preserved Plastic; F = Formaldehyde Preserved Glass;

Z = Zinc Acetate Preserved Bottle; E = EDTA Preserved Bottles; ST = Sterile Bottle; ASS = Plastic Bag for Acid Sulphate Soils; B = Unpreserved Bag. Page: OF

Note: Job Number must be reflected on all invoices and statements. Attach copy of CoC to Invoice.

Ryan Lawrence 0430-310-0850430-310-085

Water and Environmental Scientists and EngineersRyan Lawrence 0430-310-085

Ryan Lawrence [email protected]


Comments/Special Handling/Storage or Disposal











al M


s in






















U, V

, Z


PES18020 [email protected]

Notes: e.g. Highly contaminated samples,extra volume for QC or trace LORs




Sample Information (S = Soil, Sed = Sediment, R = Rock, W=Water) Container Information



e M


s at


4, 7


d 9

Relinguished By: Received By Method of Shipment

Ryan Lawrence Courier:

Pendragon Environmental Solutions


Hand Delivery

1 1 1Number of Eskys:

Page 78: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 38EB1904386

:Amendment 1:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Brisbane

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EB

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


2 Byth Street Stafford QLD Australia 4053

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-7-3243 7222

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 20-Feb-2019 12:03

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 21-Feb-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 07-Mar-2019 13:54


Site : SLP

Quote number : EN/222

70:No. of samples received

70:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Acid Sulphate Soils, Stafford, QLD

Kim McCabe Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

Mark Hallas Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

Tom Maloney Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :


EB1904386 Amendment 1



General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

EG005T (Total Metals): Samples EB1904386-001 (ASS 1 0.00-0.25) and EB1904386-017 (ASS 5 0.75) shows poor duplicate results due to sample heterogeneity. Confirmed by visual inspection.l

EG020-C (Leachable Metals by ICP-MS): The high failing laboratory control standard for Selenium is deemed acceptable as all results are less than the limit of reporting.l

EG020C (Leachable Metals by ICP-MS): Limit of reporting raised for some samples due to matrix interference.l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Retained Acidity not required because pH KCl greater than or equal to 4.5l

Amendment (04/03/2019): This report has been amended and re-released to allow the reporting of additional analytical data, specifically ICP-MS metals & additional leachates.l

EG005C (Leachable Metals by ICP-AES): Particular samples required dilution prior to analysis due to matrix interferences. Limit of reporting values have been adjusted accordingly.l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Liming rate is calculated and reported on a dry weight basis assuming use of fine agricultural lime (CaCO3) and using a safety factor of 1.5 to allow for non-homogeneous mixing and poor

reactivity of lime. For conversion of Liming Rate from kg/t dry weight to kg/m3 in-situ soil, multiply reported results x wet bulk density of soil in t/m3.


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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5ASS 2 1.0ASS 2 0.00-0.25ASS 1 1.5ASS 1 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-008EB1904386-007EB1904386-005EB1904386-004EB1904386-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-38-2

<0.05Cadmium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057440-43-9

<0.1Chromium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-47-3

<0.1Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-48-4

<0.1Copper <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-50-8

1.0Iron 3.8 0.7 1.9 1.1mg/L0.17439-89-6

<0.1Lead <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-92-1

<0.1Manganese <0.1 0.2 0.2 <0.1mg/L0.17439-96-5

<0.1Nickel <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-02-0

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057782-49-2

<0.1Vanadium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-62-2

0.2Zinc 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

0.006Lithium 0.004 0.006 0.005 0.006mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.079Uranium 0.046 0.053 0.070 0.053mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25ASS 4 1.0ASS 4 0.00-0.25ASS 3 1.0ASS 3 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-015EB1904386-014EB1904386-012EB1904386-011EB1904386-009UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-38-2

<0.05Cadmium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057440-43-9

<0.1Chromium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-47-3

<0.1Cobalt <0.1 0.2 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-48-4

<0.1Copper <0.1 0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-50-8

0.7Iron 0.6 3.7 1.4 0.2mg/L0.17439-89-6

<0.1Lead <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-92-1

0.2Manganese <0.1 7.4 0.6 2.8mg/L0.17439-96-5

<0.1Nickel <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-02-0

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057782-49-2

<0.1Vanadium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-62-2

<0.1Zinc <0.1 1.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

0.005Lithium 0.007 0.007 0.005 0.005mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.033Uranium 0.089 0.127 0.093 0.064mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0ASS 7 0.00-0.25ASS 6 0.75ASS 6 0.00-0.25ASS 5 0.75Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-025EB1904386-021EB1904386-020EB1904386-018EB1904386-017UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-38-2

<0.05Cadmium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057440-43-9

<0.1Chromium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-47-3

<0.1Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-48-4

<0.1Copper <0.1 <0.1 0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-50-8

<0.1Iron 0.7 0.5 0.2 1.0mg/L0.17439-89-6

<0.1Lead <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-92-1

0.2Manganese 0.3 0.1 0.3 <0.1mg/L0.17439-96-5

<0.1Nickel <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-02-0

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057782-49-2

<0.1Vanadium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-62-2

0.1Zinc <0.1 0.1 1.0 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

0.003Lithium 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.055Uranium 0.086 0.091 0.104 0.042mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 2 1.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 2 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 1 1.5

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 1 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-030EB1904386-029EB1904386-028EB1904386-027EB1904386-026UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-38-2

<0.05Cadmium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057440-43-9

<0.1Chromium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-47-3

<0.1Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-48-4

<0.1Copper <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-50-8

<0.1Iron 5.9 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-89-6

<0.1Lead <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-92-1

<0.1Manganese <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-96-5

<0.1Nickel <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-02-0

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057782-49-2

0.2Vanadium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-62-2

<0.5Zinc <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

<0.5Aluminium 3.3 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.026Arsenic <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.005Cadmium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.05Cobalt <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-48-4

<0.05Chromium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.05Copper <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-50-8

<0.005Lithium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.05Manganese <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017439-96-5

<0.05Nickel <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.05Lead <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017782-49-2

0.13Vanadium 0.08 <0.05 <0.05 0.08mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.5Zinc <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17440-66-6

----Iron 4.38 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.005Thorium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.007Uranium 0.006 <0.005 <0.005 0.006mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 4 1.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 4 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 3 1.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 3 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-035EB1904386-034EB1904386-033EB1904386-032EB1904386-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-38-2

<0.05Cadmium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057440-43-9

<0.1Chromium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-47-3

<0.1Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-48-4

<0.1Copper <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-50-8

<0.1Iron <0.1 <0.1 0.3 <0.1mg/L0.17439-89-6

<0.1Lead <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-92-1

<0.1Manganese <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-96-5

<0.1Nickel <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-02-0

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057782-49-2

<0.1Vanadium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-62-2

<0.5Zinc <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

<0.5Aluminium <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.026Arsenic <0.026 <0.026 <0.026 <0.026mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.005Cadmium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.05Cobalt <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-48-4

<0.05Chromium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.05Copper <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-50-8

<0.005Lithium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.05Manganese <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017439-96-5

<0.05Nickel <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.05Lead <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.05Vanadium 0.08 0.09 0.07 <0.05mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.5Zinc <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17440-66-6

<0.26Iron <0.26 <0.26 0.29 <0.26mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.005Thorium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017440-29-1

<0.005Uranium 0.011 <0.005 0.012 0.009mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 7 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 6 0.75

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 6 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 5 0.75

ASLP @ pH 9.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-040EB1904386-039EB1904386-038EB1904386-037EB1904386-036UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

<0.1Arsenic <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-38-2

<0.05Cadmium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057440-43-9

<0.1Chromium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-47-3

<0.1Cobalt <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-48-4

<0.1Copper <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-50-8

<0.1Iron <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-89-6

<0.1Lead <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-92-1

<0.1Manganese <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17439-96-5

<0.1Nickel <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-02-0

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.057782-49-2

<0.1Vanadium <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-62-2

<0.5Zinc <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17440-66-6

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

<0.5Aluminium <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.026Arsenic <0.026 0.035 <0.026 <0.026mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.005Cadmium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.05Cobalt <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-48-4

<0.05Chromium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.05Copper <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-50-8

<0.005Lithium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.05Manganese <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017439-96-5

<0.05Nickel <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.05Lead <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.05Selenium <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.05Vanadium <0.05 <0.05 0.08 0.06mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.5Zinc <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5mg/L0.17440-66-6

<0.26Iron <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.005Thorium <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.010Uranium 0.010 0.013 <0.005 0.006mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 2 1.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 2 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 1 1.5

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 1 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-045EB1904386-044EB1904386-043EB1904386-042EB1904386-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

3.9Aluminium 3.2 5.0 4.1 3.1mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.005Arsenic <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.001Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-43-9

0.09Chromium 0.02 0.04 0.02 <0.01mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.01Copper <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-50-8

0.009Lithium 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.005mg/L0.0017439-93-2

0.46Manganese 0.16 0.43 0.59 0.12mg/L0.017439-96-5

0.03Nickel 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.01Lead <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.01Vanadium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.1Zinc <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.2mg/L0.17440-66-6

0.77Iron 0.40 1.08 0.53 1.23mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.202Uranium 0.093 0.105 0.111 0.112mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 4 1.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 4 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 3 1.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 3 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-050EB1904386-049EB1904386-048EB1904386-047EB1904386-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

3.9Aluminium 3.4 5.1 4.2 4.4mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.005Arsenic <0.005 0.026 <0.005 0.006mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.001Cadmium <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-43-9

0.04Chromium 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.02mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.01Copper <0.01 0.02 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-50-8

0.004Lithium 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.004mg/L0.0017439-93-2

0.54Manganese 0.13 9.76 1.12 4.83mg/L0.017439-96-5

0.02Nickel 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.05mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.01Lead <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.01Vanadium <0.01 0.03 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-62-2

0.1Zinc 0.1 0.1 0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

1.30Iron 0.92 18.8 1.23 0.45mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.069Uranium 0.182 0.100 0.141 0.112mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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EB1904386 Amendment 1



Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 7 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 6 0.75

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 6 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 5 0.75

ASLP @ pH 4.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-055EB1904386-054EB1904386-053EB1904386-052EB1904386-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

10.2Aluminium 5.8 3.9 5.8 3.7mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.005Arsenic 0.006 0.018 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.001Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.01Chromium 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.02mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.01Copper <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-50-8

0.002Lithium 0.007 0.005 0.005 0.005mg/L0.0017439-93-2

0.54Manganese 0.77 0.36 0.76 0.12mg/L0.017439-96-5

0.04Nickel 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.11mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.01Lead <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.01Vanadium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.1Zinc <0.1 <0.1 0.2 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

0.05Iron 0.55 0.40 0.83 0.49mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.071Uranium 0.129 0.178 0.190 0.095mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 2 1.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 2 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 1 1.5

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 1 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-060EB1904386-059EB1904386-058EB1904386-057EB1904386-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

1.8Aluminium 2.0 1.6 1.0 0.8mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.005Arsenic <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.001Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.01Chromium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.01Copper <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-50-8

0.002Lithium 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.002mg/L0.0017439-93-2

0.02Manganese <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-96-5

<0.01Nickel <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.01Lead <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017782-49-2

0.01Vanadium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.1Zinc <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

2.38Iron 1.31 2.04 1.32 0.97mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

0.002Uranium <0.001 0.002 0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 4 1.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 4 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 3 1.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 3 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-065EB1904386-064EB1904386-063EB1904386-062EB1904386-061UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

1.1Aluminium 1.2 0.9 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.005Arsenic <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.001Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.01Chromium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.01Copper <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-50-8

0.002Lithium 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.002mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.01Manganese 0.01 0.32 <0.01 0.14mg/L0.017439-96-5

<0.01Nickel <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.01Lead <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.01Vanadium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.1Zinc <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

1.28Iron 1.37 0.48 0.06 0.06mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

<0.001Uranium 0.001 0.004 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 7 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 6 0.75

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 6 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 5 0.75

ASLP @ pH 7.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: ASLP LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-070EB1904386-069EB1904386-068EB1904386-067EB1904386-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

<0.1Aluminium 0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17429-90-5

<0.005Arsenic <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005mg/L0.0057440-38-2

<0.001Cadmium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-43-9

<0.01Chromium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-47-3

<0.01Copper <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-50-8

0.001Lithium 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.002mg/L0.0017439-93-2

<0.01Manganese <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-96-5

<0.01Nickel <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-02-0

<0.01Lead <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017782-49-2

<0.01Vanadium <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.1Zinc <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1mg/L0.17440-66-6

<0.05Iron 0.22 0.06 0.07 0.06mg/L0.057439-89-6

<0.001Thorium <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-29-1

<0.001Uranium <0.001 0.001 0.014 <0.001mg/L0.0017440-61-1

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 0.00-0.25ASS 1 1.5ASS 1 1.0ASS 1 0.25-0.50ASS 1 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-005EB1904386-004EB1904386-003EB1904386-002EB1904386-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 ---- ---- <0.005 0.017%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.3 8.2 8.0 8.1 8.3pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.7 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.814 2.61 0.860 0.682 9.50% S0.020----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.674 1.88 0.664 0.510 7.42% S0.020----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.621 2.25 0.156 0.176 9.72% Ca0.020----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.588 1.94 0.154 0.170 8.99% Ca0.020----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% Ca0.020----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.193 0.233 0.473 0.264 0.198% Mg0.020----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.935 0.568 0.876 0.666 0.616% Mg0.020----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.742 0.335 0.404 0.401 0.417% Mg0.020----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

610 276 332 330 343mole H+ / t10----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.979 0.442 0.532 0.529 0.551% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

3.06 1.64 1.90 1.88 1.83% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 0.00-0.25ASS 1 1.5ASS 1 1.0ASS 1 0.25-0.50ASS 1 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-005EB1904386-004EB1904386-003EB1904386-002EB1904386-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

612 328 380 376 365mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.981 0.524 0.608 0.602 0.585% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

30.3 ---- ---- 18.6 17.8%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

6Arsenic ---- ---- 5 9mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

76Chromium ---- ---- 56 35mg/kg27440-47-3

5Cobalt ---- ---- 15 5mg/kg27440-48-4

26Copper ---- ---- 28 14mg/kg57440-50-8

33000Iron ---- ---- 34400 17300mg/kg507439-89-6

5Lead ---- ---- 9 <5mg/kg57439-92-1

134Manganese ---- ---- 271 142mg/kg57439-96-5

15Nickel ---- ---- 19 10mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- <5 <5mg/kg57782-49-2

86Vanadium ---- ---- 74 43mg/kg57440-62-2

33Zinc ---- ---- 25 13mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

5.2Thorium ---- ---- 4.8 2.2mg/kg0.17440-29-1

17.4Uranium ---- ---- 9.6 5.2mg/kg0.17440-61-1

5.6Lithium ---- ---- 2.7 2.4mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

4.7 ---- ---- 4.7 4.7pH Unit0.1----Extraction Fluid pH

4.8 ---- ---- 4.7 4.7pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 0.00-0.25ASS 1 1.5ASS 1 1.0ASS 1 0.25-0.50ASS 1 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-005EB1904386-004EB1904386-003EB1904386-002EB1904386-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

0.9 ---- ---- 0.7 <0.5%0.5----Organic Matter

0.5 ---- ---- <0.5 <0.5%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 3 0.25-0.50ASS 3 0.00-0.25ASS 2 1.5ASS 2 1.0ASS 2 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-010EB1904386-009EB1904386-008EB1904386-007EB1904386-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- 0.008 0.007 0.008 ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.2pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.9 7.1 7.4 7.6 8.1pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

7.63 3.42 3.77 1.89 0.641% S0.020----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

6.36 2.67 2.99 1.59 0.508% S0.020----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

7.40 3.12 3.60 1.33 0.084% Ca0.020----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

7.44 2.83 3.22 1.22 0.082% Ca0.020----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.034 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% Ca0.020----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

17 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.027 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.238 0.296 0.311 0.442 0.332% Mg0.020----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.607 0.662 0.635 0.854 0.608% Mg0.020----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.369 0.367 0.324 0.412 0.276% Mg0.020----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

303 302 267 339 227mole H+ / t10----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.486 0.484 0.428 0.544 0.364% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.75 1.62 1.44 1.84 1.44% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 3 0.25-0.50ASS 3 0.00-0.25ASS 2 1.5ASS 2 1.0ASS 2 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-010EB1904386-009EB1904386-008EB1904386-007EB1904386-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

350 324 289 367 288mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.561 0.520 0.462 0.587 0.461% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- 29.0 24.2 21.2 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Arsenic 6 6 8 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium <1 <1 <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium 42 49 60 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt 12 11 7 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper 22 37 26 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron 25300 44200 29900 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead 8 11 8 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese 526 212 400 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel 12 19 14 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium <5 <5 <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium 56 93 68 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc 20 32 24 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium 3.7 5.9 3.3 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium 9.4 11.6 6.7 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium 2.5 2.7 2.6 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

---- 4.7 4.7 4.7 ----pH Unit0.1----Extraction Fluid pH

---- 4.6 4.7 4.7 ----pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 3 0.25-0.50ASS 3 0.00-0.25ASS 2 1.5ASS 2 1.0ASS 2 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-010EB1904386-009EB1904386-008EB1904386-007EB1904386-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- 0.5 <0.5 1.0 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- <0.5 <0.5 0.6 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25ASS 4 1.0ASS 4 0.25-0.50ASS 4 0.00-0.25ASS 3 1.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-015EB1904386-014EB1904386-013EB1904386-012EB1904386-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 0.057 ---- ---- 0.012%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

7.5 8.0 8.1 8.0 8.1pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.7 8.0 8.1 8.1 7.9pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.939 1.75 0.808 0.838 2.20% S0.020----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.642 0.145 0.598 0.589 1.82% S0.020----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.048 1.03 0.201 0.098 1.53% Ca0.020----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.054 0.084 0.191 0.092 1.43% Ca0.020----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% Ca0.020----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.587 0.472 0.273 0.392 0.454% Mg0.020----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.886 0.199 0.577 0.635 0.830% Mg0.020----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.299 <0.020 0.304 0.243 0.376% Mg0.020----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

246 <10 250 200 309mole H+ / t10----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.394 <0.020 0.401 0.320 0.496% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.73 0.712 1.53 1.53 1.66% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25ASS 4 1.0ASS 4 0.25-0.50ASS 4 0.00-0.25ASS 3 1.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-015EB1904386-014EB1904386-013EB1904386-012EB1904386-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

345 142 306 306 332mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.553 0.228 0.489 0.490 0.532% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

22.2 29.3 ---- 24.1 22.7%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

8Arsenic 26 ---- 7 10mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 ---- <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

56Chromium 59 ---- 66 68mg/kg27440-47-3

30Cobalt 16 ---- 9 7mg/kg27440-48-4

36Copper 28 ---- 32 29mg/kg57440-50-8

48700Iron 34500 ---- 40500 30700mg/kg507439-89-6

14Lead 8 ---- 15 7mg/kg57439-92-1

406Manganese 406 ---- 1320 540mg/kg57439-96-5

27Nickel 19 ---- 18 16mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium <5 ---- <5 <5mg/kg57782-49-2

104Vanadium 84 ---- 87 72mg/kg57440-62-2

40Zinc 24 ---- 30 22mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

7.0Thorium 3.8 ---- 5.1 3.4mg/kg0.17440-29-1

18.3Uranium 11.4 ---- 14.4 10.2mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.6Lithium 3.6 ---- 2.6 2.4mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

4.7 4.7 ---- 4.7 4.7pH Unit0.1----Extraction Fluid pH

4.7 4.7 ---- 4.7 4.7pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25ASS 4 1.0ASS 4 0.25-0.50ASS 4 0.00-0.25ASS 3 1.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-015EB1904386-014EB1904386-013EB1904386-012EB1904386-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

0.9 1.4 ---- 0.6 0.6%0.5----Organic Matter

0.5 0.8 ---- <0.5 <0.5%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 6 0.75ASS 6 0.25-0.50ASS 6 0.00-0.25ASS 5 0.75ASS 5 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-020EB1904386-019EB1904386-018EB1904386-017EB1904386-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- <0.005 0.006 ---- ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.3 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.0pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

8.2 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.827 0.885 1.45 1.12 2.09% S0.020----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.611 0.610 1.17 0.811 1.59% S0.020----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.162 0.117 0.779 0.445 1.50% Ca0.020----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.148 0.099 0.743 0.404 1.42% Ca0.020----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% Ca0.020----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.360 0.412 0.370 0.328 0.305% Mg0.020----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.758 0.568 0.850 0.714 0.643% Mg0.020----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.399 0.156 0.479 0.386 0.338% Mg0.020----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

328 128 394 317 278mole H+ / t10----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.526 0.205 0.632 0.508 0.446% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.89 1.05 1.98 1.67 1.46% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 6 0.75ASS 6 0.25-0.50ASS 6 0.00-0.25ASS 5 0.75ASS 5 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-020EB1904386-019EB1904386-018EB1904386-017EB1904386-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

377 209 395 334 292mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.604 0.335 0.633 0.534 0.468% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- 23.3 21.9 ---- 20.8%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Arsenic <5 12 ---- 32mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium <1 <1 ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium 10 66 ---- 79mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt <2 5 ---- 7mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper 50 23 ---- 26mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron 18500 27700 ---- 35400mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead <5 7 ---- 10mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese 962 523 ---- 296mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel 17 15 ---- 21mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium <5 <5 ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium 54 62 ---- 76mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc 6 22 ---- 27mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium 0.2 3.7 ---- 4.2mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium 3.0 11.0 ---- 14.2mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium 0.3 2.4 ---- 2.2mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

---- 4.7 4.7 ---- 4.7pH Unit0.1----Extraction Fluid pH

---- 4.7 4.7 ---- 4.7pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 6 0.75ASS 6 0.25-0.50ASS 6 0.00-0.25ASS 5 0.75ASS 5 0.25-0.50Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-020EB1904386-019EB1904386-018EB1904386-017EB1904386-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- 3.7 1.5 ---- 1.3%0.5----Organic Matter

---- 2.2 0.8 ---- 0.7%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0ASS 7 1.5ASS 7 1.0ASS 7 0.25-0.50ASS 7 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-025EB1904386-024EB1904386-023EB1904386-022EB1904386-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.018 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.3 8.4 8.2 7.9 8.0pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.8 8.0 8.2 7.5 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% pyrite S0.020----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

11.0 1.08 1.13 1.47 0.859% S0.020----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

10.0 0.998 0.978 1.49 0.760% S0.020----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 0.021 <0.020% S0.020----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<10 <10 <10 13 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

13.9 0.142 0.826 0.245 0.082% Ca0.020----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

11.7 0.149 0.751 0.251 0.081% Ca0.020----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% Ca0.020----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020 <0.020% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.085 0.475 0.215 0.868 0.616% Mg0.020----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.379 0.777 0.580 1.32 0.997% Mg0.020----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.294 0.302 0.365 0.457 0.382% Mg0.020----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

242 248 300 376 314mole H+ / t10----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.388 0.398 0.481 0.602 0.503% S0.020----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

2.47 1.44 1.80 1.69 1.72% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0ASS 7 1.5ASS 7 1.0ASS 7 0.25-0.50ASS 7 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-025EB1904386-024EB1904386-023EB1904386-022EB1904386-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

493 289 360 338 344mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.789 0.462 0.576 0.542 0.551% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 13 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

25.5 ---- ---- ---- 11.5%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

<5Arsenic ---- ---- ---- 5mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

41Chromium ---- ---- ---- 55mg/kg27440-47-3

4Cobalt ---- ---- ---- 14mg/kg27440-48-4

15Copper ---- ---- ---- 29mg/kg57440-50-8

20000Iron ---- ---- ---- 30600mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead ---- ---- ---- 7mg/kg57439-92-1

136Manganese ---- ---- ---- 224mg/kg57439-96-5

11Nickel ---- ---- ---- 21mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

53Vanadium ---- ---- ---- 66mg/kg57440-62-2

18Zinc ---- ---- ---- 22mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

3.1Thorium ---- ---- ---- 3.8mg/kg0.17440-29-1

10.6Uranium ---- ---- ---- 7.3mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.5Lithium ---- ---- ---- 2.2mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

4.7 ---- ---- ---- 4.7pH Unit0.1----Extraction Fluid pH

4.8 ---- ---- ---- 4.7pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0ASS 7 1.5ASS 7 1.0ASS 7 0.25-0.50ASS 7 0.00-0.25Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-025EB1904386-024EB1904386-023EB1904386-022EB1904386-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

0.8 ---- ---- ---- 1.9%0.5----Organic Matter

<0.5 ---- ---- ---- 1.1%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 2 1.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 2 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 1 1.5

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 1 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-030EB1904386-029EB1904386-028EB1904386-027EB1904386-026UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

9.2 9.3 9.0 9.1 9.2pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 4 1.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 4 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 3 1.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 3 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-035EB1904386-034EB1904386-033EB1904386-032EB1904386-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

9.2 9.2 9.1 9.3 9.3pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 7 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 6 0.75

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 6 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 9.0

ASS 5 0.75

ASLP @ pH 9.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-040EB1904386-039EB1904386-038EB1904386-037EB1904386-036UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

9.3 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 2 1.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 2 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 1 1.5

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 1 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-045EB1904386-044EB1904386-043EB1904386-042EB1904386-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 4 1.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 4 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 3 1.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 3 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-050EB1904386-049EB1904386-048EB1904386-047EB1904386-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 7 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 6 0.75

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 6 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 4.0

ASS 5 0.75

ASLP @ pH 4.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-055EB1904386-054EB1904386-053EB1904386-052EB1904386-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.1pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 2 1.5

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 2 1.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 2 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 1 1.5

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 1 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-060EB1904386-059EB1904386-058EB1904386-057EB1904386-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

7.7 7.4 7.6 7.3 7.3pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 5 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 4 1.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 4 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 3 1.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 3 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-065EB1904386-064EB1904386-063EB1904386-062EB1904386-061UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

7.3 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.2pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Analytical Results

ASS 7 2.0

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 7 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 6 0.75

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 6 0.00-0.25

ASLP @ pH 7.0

ASS 5 0.75

ASLP @ pH 7.0

Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

09-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:0009-Feb-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EB1904386-070EB1904386-069EB1904386-068EB1904386-067EB1904386-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

7.4 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.3pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EB1904386 Page : 1 of 16

:Amendment 1

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division BrisbanePENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-7-3243 7222

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 20-Feb-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 07-Mar-2019

RYAN LAWRENCE:Sampler No. of samples received : 70

:Order number No. of samples analysed : 70

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l Method Blank value outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l Duplicate outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l Laboratory Control outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l Matrix Spike outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Outliers : Quality Control Samples

Duplicates, Method Blanks, Laboratory Control Samples and Matrix Spikes

Matrix: SOIL

Compound Group Name CommentLimitsDataAnalyteClient Sample IDLaboratory Sample ID CAS Number

Duplicate (DUP) RPDs

EB1904386--017 7439-89-6IronASS 5 0.75 RPD exceeds LOR based limits0% - 20%38.9 %EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EB1904386--001 7439-96-5ManganeseASS 1 0.00-0.25 RPD exceeds LOR based limits0% - 20%65.3 %EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EB1904386--017 7439-96-5ManganeseASS 5 0.75 RPD exceeds LOR based limits0% - 20%68.2 %EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EB1904386--017 7440-62-2VanadiumASS 5 0.75 RPD exceeds LOR based limits0% - 20%62.5 %EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries

EB1904386--004 7439-96-5ManganeseASS 1 1.5 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Matrix: WATER

Compound Group Name CommentLimitsDataAnalyteClient Sample IDLaboratory Sample ID CAS Number

Method Blank (MB) Values

QC-MRG3-2206681001 7440-50-8Copper---- Blank result exceeds permitted value0.01 mg/L0.37 mg/LEG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG3-2206681001 7439-92-1Lead---- Blank result exceeds permitted value0.01 mg/L0.02 mg/LEG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG3-2206681001 7440-66-6Zinc---- Blank result exceeds permitted value0.1 mg/L0.2 mg/LEG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Recoveries

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7429-90-5Aluminium---- Recovery less than lower control limit83-117%1.34 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7429-90-5Aluminium---- Recovery greater than upper control


83-117%446 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-38-2Arsenic---- Recovery less than lower control limit87-113%1.16 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-38-2Arsenic---- Recovery greater than upper control


87-113%510 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-43-9Cadmium---- Recovery less than lower control limit87-109%1.08 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-43-9Cadmium---- Recovery greater than upper control


87-109%489 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-48-4Cobalt---- Recovery less than lower control limit89-119%0.895 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-48-4Cobalt---- Recovery greater than upper control


89-119%452 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-47-3Chromium---- Recovery less than lower control limit86-116%1.90 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-47-3Chromium---- Recovery greater than upper control


86-116%485 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-50-8Copper---- Recovery less than lower control limit83-119%0.852 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-50-8Copper---- Recovery greater than upper control


83-119%464 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7439-96-5Manganese---- Recovery less than lower control limit87-113%0.268 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7439-96-5Manganese---- Recovery greater than upper control


87-113%466 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-02-0Nickel---- Recovery less than lower control limit85-112%3.04 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

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Matrix: WATER

Compound Group Name CommentLimitsDataAnalyteClient Sample IDLaboratory Sample ID CAS Number

Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Recoveries - Continued

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-02-0Nickel---- Recovery greater than upper control


85-112%482 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7439-92-1Lead---- Recovery less than lower control limit88-110%0.504 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7439-92-1Lead---- Recovery greater than upper control


88-110%470 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7782-49-2Selenium---- Recovery less than lower control limit79-110%0.983 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7782-49-2Selenium---- Recovery greater than upper control


79-110%470 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2219445002 7782-49-2Selenium---- Recovery greater than upper control


79-110%127 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-62-2Vanadium---- Recovery less than lower control limit80-115%1.23 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-62-2Vanadium---- Recovery greater than upper control


80-115%497 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7440-66-6Zinc---- Recovery less than lower control limit89-114%2.18 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7440-66-6Zinc---- Recovery greater than upper control


89-114%433 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2206681002 7439-89-6Iron---- Recovery less than lower control limit95-119%2.56 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

QC-MRG2-2209661002 7439-89-6Iron---- Recovery greater than upper control


95-119%495 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries

EB1904386--029 7440-38-2ArsenicASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%511 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-43-9CadmiumASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%483 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-48-4CobaltASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%476 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-47-3ChromiumASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%516 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-50-8CopperASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%491 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7439-96-5ManganeseASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%481 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-02-0NickelASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%477 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7439-92-1LeadASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%518 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-62-2VanadiumASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%525 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

EB1904386--029 7440-66-6ZincASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0 Recovery greater than upper data

quality objective

70-130%413 %EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

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Matrix: SOIL

AnalysisExtraction / Preparation

Date analysedDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s) Days




Due for extraction Due for analysis


EP004: Organic Matter

Snap Lock Bag

----16-Feb-2019ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

----28-Feb-2019 12 ----

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

Matrix: SOIL

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X 0.00 5.000 15

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X 0.00 5.000 15

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y 0.00 5.000 15

Matrix: WATER

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite B 0.00 5.000 60

Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

80* dried soil (EA026)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.75,

ASS 6 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.00-0.25

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA029-A: pH Measurements

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA029-D: Calcium Values

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-G: Retained Acidity

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

80* dried soil (EA029)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 0.25-0.50,

ASS 1 1.0, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 0.25-0.50,

ASS 2 1.0, ASS 2 1.5,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25, ASS 3 0.25-0.50,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 0.25-0.50, ASS 4 1.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25, ASS 5 0.25-0.50,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.25-0.50, ASS 6 0.75,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25, ASS 7 0.25-0.50,

ASS 7 1.0, ASS 7 1.5,

ASS 7 2.0

29-May-201904-Nov-2021 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

Snap Lock Bag (EA055)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

23-Feb-2019---- 21-Feb-2019----09-Feb-2019 ---- ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

80* dried soil (EG005T)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

08-Aug-201908-Aug-2019 22-Feb-201921-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

80* dried soil (EG020Y-T)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

08-Aug-201908-Aug-2019 22-Feb-201921-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

Non-Volatile Leach: 180 day HT (e.g. PFAS, metals ex.Hg) (EN60a)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0

----08-Aug-2019 ----05-Mar-201909-Feb-2019 ü ----

Non-Volatile Leach: 180 day HT (e.g. PFAS, metals ex.Hg) (EN60a)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0, ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0

----08-Aug-2019 ----22-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 ü ----

EP004: Organic Matter

Snap Lock Bag (EP004)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

28-Mar-201916-Feb-2019 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201909-Feb-2019 û ü

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Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG005C)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

21-Aug-201921-Aug-2019 27-Feb-201927-Feb-201922-Feb-2019 ü ü

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG005C)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0

21-Aug-201921-Aug-2019 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201922-Feb-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG020B-C)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 4.0,

ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 4.0, ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 7.0,

ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 7.0, ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 7.0

01-Sep-201901-Sep-2019 06-Mar-201906-Mar-201905-Mar-2019 ü ü

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG020B-C)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25, ASS 1 1.5,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25, ASS 2 1.0,

ASS 2 1.5, ASS 3 0.00-0.25,

ASS 3 1.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25,

ASS 4 1.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25,

ASS 5 0.75, ASS 6 0.00-0.25,

ASS 6 0.75, ASS 7 0.00-0.25,

ASS 7 2.0

21-Aug-201921-Aug-2019 27-Feb-201927-Feb-201922-Feb-2019 ü ü

Clear Plastic Bottle - Nitric Acid; Unfiltered (EG020B-C)

ASS 1 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 1 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 2 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 2 1.5 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 3 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 3 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 4 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 4 1.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 5 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 5 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 6 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 6 0.75 - ASLP @ pH 9.0, ASS 7 0.00-0.25 - ASLP @ pH 9.0,

ASS 7 2.0 - ASLP @ pH 9.0

21-Aug-201921-Aug-2019 28-Feb-201928-Feb-201922-Feb-2019 ü ü

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Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 16.67 10.002 12 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.002 15 üMoisture Content EA055

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.002 15 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.54 10.003 26 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.002 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.002 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.002 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 8.33 5.001 12 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.69 5.002 26 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 15 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.00 5.003 60 üASLP for Non & Semivolatile Analytes EN60a

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 8.33 5.001 12 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.69 5.002 26 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.001 15 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 15 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 15 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.004 30 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

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Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP) - Continued

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.008 60 üLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite A EG020A-C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.33 10.008 60 üLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite B EG020B-C

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.002 30 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.004 60 üLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite A EG020A-C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 60 ûLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite B EG020B-C

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.002 30 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.004 60 üLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite A EG020A-C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.004 60 üLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite B EG020B-C

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.002 30 üLeachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.67 5.004 60 üLeachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite A EG020A-C

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Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Sullivan et al (1998) The CRS method converts reduced inorganic sulfur to H2S by

CrCl2 solution ; the evolved H2S is trapped in a zinc acetate solution as ZnS which is quantified by iodometric


Chromium Reducible Sulphur EA026 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 2004 - a suspension peroxide oxidation method following the 'sulfur trail' by

determining the level of 1M KCL extractable sulfur and the sulfur level after oxidation of soil sulphides. The

'acidity trail' is followed by measurement of TAA, TPA and TSA. Liming Rate is based on results for samples as

submitted and incorporates a minimum safety factor of 1.5.

Suspension Peroxide

Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



In house: A gravimetric procedure based on weight loss over a 12 hour drying period at 105-110 degrees C.

This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) Section 7.1 and Table 1 (14 day holding time).

Moisture Content EA055 SOIL

In house: referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010: The ICPAES technique ionises leachate sample

atoms emitting a characteristic spectrum. This spectrum is then compared against matrix matched standards for

quantification. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Leachable Metals by ICPAES EG005C SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010. Metals are determined following an appropriate

acid digestion of the soil. The ICPAES technique ionises samples in a plasma, emitting a characteristic

spectrum based on metals present. Intensities at selected wavelengths are compared against those of matrix

matched standards. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals by ICP-AES EG005T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020: The ICPMS technique utilizes a

highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Leachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite A EG020A-C SOIL

In house: referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes a

highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Leachable Metals by ICPMS - Suite B EG020B-C SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T SOIL

In house: Referenced to AS1289.4.1.1 - 1997. Dichromate oxidation method after Walkley and Black. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3).

Organic Matter EP004 SOIL

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

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Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In houseDrying at 85 degrees, bagging and

labelling (ASS)


In house: Referenced to USEPA SW846-3005. Method 3005 is a Nitric/Hydrochloric acid digestion procedure

used to prepare surface and ground water samples for analysis by ICPAES or ICPMS. This method is compliant

with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Digestion for Total Recoverable Metals

in TCLP Leachate


In house QWI-EN/60 referenced to AS4439.3 Preparation of LeachatesASLP for Non & Semivolatile Analytes EN60a SOIL

In house: Referenced to USEPA 200.2. Hot Block Acid Digestion 1.0g of sample is heated with Nitric and

Hydrochloric acids, then cooled. Peroxide is added and samples heated and cooled again before being filtered

and bulked to volume for analysis. Digest is appropriate for determination of selected metals in sludge,

sediments, and soils. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 202)

Hot Block Digest for metals in soils

sediments and sludges


In house: Referenced to AS1289.4.1.1 - 1997. Dichromate oxidation method after Walkley and Black. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 105)

Organic Matter EP004-PR SOIL

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4 4.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EB1904386 Page : 1 of 19

:Amendment 1

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division BrisbanePENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EB



Address : 2 Byth Street Stafford QLD Australia 4053

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-7-3243 7222:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 20-Feb-2019

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 21-Feb-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 07-Mar-2019


Site : SLP

Quote number : EN/222

No. of samples received 70:

No. of samples analysed 70:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Acid Sulphate Soils, Stafford, QLD

Kim McCabe Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

Mark Hallas Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

Tom Maloney Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

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General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2207820)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 0.006 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % 0.018 0.017 0.00 No LimitASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.5 7.7 2.63 0% - 20%ASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.7 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.3 8.5 2.38 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.7 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2207821)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.3 8.5 2.38 0% - 20%ASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.8 7.8 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No LimitASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2207819) - continued

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2207821)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No LimitASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.939 0.867 8.00 0% - 20%ASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.642 0.646 0.528 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.814 0.859 5.37 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.674 0.698 3.50 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2207821)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 11.0 11.5 3.88 0% - 20%ASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 10.0 10.6 5.25 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.048 0.047 2.93 No LimitASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.054 0.052 4.13 No Limit

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.621 0.669 7.39 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.588 0.584 0.768 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2207821)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 13.9 14.4 3.36 0% - 20%ASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 11.7 12.0 2.55 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 <0.020 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.587 0.567 3.57 0% - 20%ASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.886 0.902 1.74 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.299 0.335 11.4 0% - 50%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.394 0.442 11.4 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 246 276 11.4 0% - 20%

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.193 0.204 5.47 0% - 50%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.935 0.941 0.565 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.742 0.736 0.752 0% - 20%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.979 0.972 0.752 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 610 606 0.752 0% - 20%

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2207821)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.085 0.086 2.13 No LimitASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.379 0.422 10.9 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.294 0.336 13.2 0% - 50%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.388 0.443 13.2 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 242 276 13.2 0% - 20%

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.73 1.74 0.534 0% - 20%ASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.553 0.556 0.534 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 345 347 0.534 0% - 20%

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 3.06 3.06 0.0408 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.981 0.981 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 612 612 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2207821)

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2207821) - continued

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 2.47 2.46 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.789 0.789 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 493 493 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2207819)

EA029: ANC Fineness Factor ---- 0.5 - 1.5 1.5 0.00 No LimitASS 3 1.0 EB1904386-011

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: ANC Fineness Factor ---- 0.5 - 1.5 1.5 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2207821)

EA029: ANC Fineness Factor ---- 0.5 - 1.5 1.5 0.00 No LimitASS 7 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-021

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) (QC Lot: 2198406)

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 30.3 30.7 1.33 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 23.3 23.5 0.852 0% - 20%ASS 5 0.75 EB1904386-017

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2198403)

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 76 82 8.53 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 5 6 25.0 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 15 18 17.7 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 6 7 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 26 28 6.43 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 5 7 29.2 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 134 # 265 65.3 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2198403) - continued

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 86 84 1.86 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 33 36 8.98 No Limit

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 33000 35600 7.54 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.75 EB1904386-017

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 10 17 50.4 No Limit

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 17 10 56.4 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 50 47 5.48 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 962 # 473 68.2 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 54 # 102 62.5 0% - 20%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 6 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 18500 # 27500 38.9 0% - 20%

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2198404)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 17.4 19.5 11.1 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 5.6 5.3 4.48 0% - 20%

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 3.0 3.2 7.88 0% - 20%ASS 5 0.75 EB1904386-017

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 0.3 0.3 0.00 No Limit

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2198405)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 5.2 5.4 5.20 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 0.2 0.2 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.75 EB1904386-017

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2200539)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 0.9 0.9 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % 0.5 0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 0.6 0.6 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-015

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QC Lot: 2206683)

EG005C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-015

EG005C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QC Lot: 2206683) - continued

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-015

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L 2.8 2.8 0.00 0% - 20%

EG005C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG005C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.1 mg/L 1.0 1.0 0.00 0% - 50%

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QC Lot: 2209660)

EG005C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 9.0


EG005C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 9.0


EG005C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.05 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QC Lot: 2209660) - continued

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 9.0


EG005C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.1 mg/L 0.2 0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2206681)

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.75 EB1904386-017

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L 0.003 0.003 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L 0.27 0.26 0.00 0% - 20%

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L 0.04 0.04 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L 6.1 6.0 0.00 0% - 20%

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L 0.006 0.007 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L 0.03 0.03 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L 0.13 0.13 0.00 0% - 50%

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L 0.01 0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L 1.3 1.3 0.00 0% - 50%

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L 0.2 0.2 0.00 No Limit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2206682)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-015

EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.064 0.066 3.19 0% - 20%

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 EB1904386-001

EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.079 0.085 6.90 0% - 20%

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2209661)

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.75 ASLP @ pH 9.0EB1904386-036

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2209661) - continued

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.026 <0.026 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.75 ASLP @ pH 9.0EB1904386-036

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 9.0


EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.026 <0.026 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.05 <0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L 0.13 0.13 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2209662)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 9.0


EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.009 0.009 0.00 No Limit

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 9.0


EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.007 0.006 0.00 No Limit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2219445)

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 4.0


EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L 0.009 0.010 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L 0.09 0.09 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2219445) - continued

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L 0.46 0.46 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 4.0


EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L 0.03 0.03 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L 3.9 3.8 3.44 0% - 20%

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 4.0


EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L 0.004 0.004 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L 0.006 0.006 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L 0.01 0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L 4.83 4.86 0.621 0% - 20%

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L 4.4 4.4 0.00 0% - 20%

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2219446)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 4.0


EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.202 0.201 0.00 0% - 20%

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 4.0


EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.112 0.115 3.10 0% - 20%

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2219447)

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 7.0


EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2219447) - continued

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 7.0


EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L 0.01 0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L 1.8 1.8 0.00 0% - 50%

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 7.0


EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L 0.14 0.14 0.00 0% - 50%

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 <0.01 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QC Lot: 2219448)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 1 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 7.0


EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.00 No Limit

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 5 0.00-0.25 ASLP @

pH 7.0


EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 <0.001 0.00 No Limit

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Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2207820)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 91.30.25483 % 13070

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit <0.1 97.84.5 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit <0.1 95.64.5 pH Unit 13070

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit <0.1 97.84.5 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit <0.1 97.84.5 pH Unit 13070

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 93.024.6 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 91.629.1 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 91.824.6 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 83.529.1 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 87.30.052 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1060.145 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 91.70.052 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 96.50.145 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1120.151 % Ca 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2207819) - continued

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 96.40.296 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1150.151 % Ca 13070

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 94.50.296 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1080.176 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1100.175 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1080.176 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1050.175 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (a-23Q) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity


---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (a-23Q) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity


---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QCLot: 2207819)

EA029: ANC Fineness Factor ---- 0.5 - <0.5 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 -------- --------

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QCLot: 2207819) - continued

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 -------- --------

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QCLot: 2207821)

EA029: ANC Fineness Factor ---- 0.5 - <0.5 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 -------- --------

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 -------- --------

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2198403)

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 95.5124 mg/kg 12384

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 -------- --------

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 12014.52 mg/kg 12583

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 93.710.3 mg/kg 12589

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 99.654 mg/kg 12286

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 10233500 mg/kg 12070

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 97.659.9 mg/kg 11984

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 96.9541 mg/kg 11384

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 95.914.7 mg/kg 12689

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 12740.82 mg/kg 12791

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 118106.635 mg/kg 12787

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2198404)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2198405)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 80.43.2 mg/kg 13070

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure (QCLot: 2200107)

EN60a: Final pH ---- 0.1 pH Unit 4.7 -------- --------

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure (QCLot: 2200109)

EN60a: Final pH ---- 0.1 pH Unit 9.3 -------- --------

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure (QCLot: 2216762)

EN60a: Final pH ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.0 -------- --------

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2200539)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 10380 % 11583

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 10346.4 % 11585

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2206683)

EG005C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1121 mg/L 12389

EG005C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.05 mg/L <0.05 99.70.5 mg/L 12088

EG005C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 mg/L <0.1 99.61 mg/L 11586

EG005C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.1 mg/L <0.1 92.81 mg/L 11687

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1111 mg/L 11787

EG005C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 -------- --------

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 95.71 mg/L 11785

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 92.91 mg/L 11783

EG005C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1 mg/L <0.1 98.41 mg/L 11690

EG005C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.05 mg/L <0.05 -------- --------

EG005C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1011 mg/L 11288

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 94.01 mg/L 12287

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2209660)

EG005C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1161 mg/L 12389

EG005C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.05 mg/L <0.05 1110.5 mg/L 12088

EG005C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1091 mg/L 11586

EG005C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1071 mg/L 11687

EG005C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1141 mg/L 11787

EG005C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 -------- --------

EG005C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1041 mg/L 11785

EG005C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1041 mg/L 11783

EG005C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1091 mg/L 11690

EG005C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.05 mg/L <0.05 -------- --------

EG005C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.1 mg/L <0.1 1081 mg/L 11288

EG005C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.5 1091 mg/L 12287

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2206681)

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 # 1.340.5 mg/L 11783

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 # 1.160.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 # 1.080.1 mg/L 10987

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 0.8950.1 mg/L 11989

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 1.900.1 mg/L 11686

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L # 0.37 # 0.8520.2 mg/L 11983

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 0.2680.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 3.040.1 mg/L 11285

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L # 0.02 # 0.5040.1 mg/L 11088

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 0.9830.1 mg/L 11079

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 1.230.1 mg/L 11580

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L # 0.2 # 2.180.2 mg/L 11489

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2206681) - continued

EG020A-C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.05 mg/L <0.05 # 2.560.5 mg/L 11995

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2206682)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2209661)

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.5 # 4460.5 mg/L 11783

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.026 # 5100.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.005 # 4890.1 mg/L 10987

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4520.1 mg/L 11989

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4850.1 mg/L 11686

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4640.2 mg/L 11983

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L <0.005 -------- --------

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4660.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4820.1 mg/L 11285

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4700.1 mg/L 11088

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4700.1 mg/L 11079

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.05 # 4970.1 mg/L 11580

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.5 # 4330.2 mg/L 11489

EG020A-C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.05 mg/L <0.26 # 4950.5 mg/L 11995

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2209662)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.005 -------- --------

EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L <0.005 -------- --------

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219445)

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 99.50.5 mg/L 11783

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 1060.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 98.80.1 mg/L 10987

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 1010.1 mg/L 11989

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.01 1010.1 mg/L 11686

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 94.50.2 mg/L 11983

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L <0.01 98.40.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.01 95.20.1 mg/L 11285

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 98.20.1 mg/L 11088

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 # 1270.1 mg/L 11079

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 1010.1 mg/L 11580

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 98.50.2 mg/L 11489

EG020A-C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.05 mg/L <0.05 1000.5 mg/L 11995

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219446)

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Work Order :


EB1904386 Amendment 1



Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219446) - continued

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219447)

EG020A-C: Aluminium 7429-90-5 0.1 mg/L <0.1 98.10.5 mg/L 11783

EG020A-C: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.005 mg/L <0.005 1090.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.001 mg/L <0.001 99.20.1 mg/L 10987

EG020A-C: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.01 mg/L <0.01 98.80.1 mg/L 11989

EG020A-C: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.01 mg/L <0.01 99.70.1 mg/L 11686

EG020A-C: Copper 7440-50-8 0.01 mg/L <0.01 90.90.2 mg/L 11983

EG020A-C: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020A-C: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.01 mg/L <0.01 99.40.1 mg/L 11387

EG020A-C: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.01 mg/L <0.01 93.80.1 mg/L 11285

EG020A-C: Lead 7439-92-1 0.01 mg/L <0.01 98.90.1 mg/L 11088

EG020A-C: Selenium 7782-49-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 1100.1 mg/L 11079

EG020A-C: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.01 mg/L <0.01 1000.1 mg/L 11580

EG020A-C: Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 mg/L <0.1 97.40.2 mg/L 11489

EG020A-C: Iron 7439-89-6 0.05 mg/L <0.05 1020.5 mg/L 11995

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219448)

EG020B-C: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

EG020B-C: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.001 mg/L <0.001 -------- --------

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2198403)

ASS 1 1.5 EB1904386-004 7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 83.450 mg/kg 13070

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 82.125 mg/kg 13070

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 84.350 mg/kg 13070

7440-48-4EG005T: Cobalt 93.750 mg/kg 13070

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 96.150 mg/kg 13070

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 84.950 mg/kg 13070

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 82.350 mg/kg 13070

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Work Order :


EB1904386 Amendment 1



Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2198403) - continued

ASS 1 1.5 EB1904386-004 7440-62-2EG005T: Vanadium 83.850 mg/kg 13070

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 83.950 mg/kg 13070

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2200539)

ASS 1 1.5 EB1904386-004 ----EP004: Organic Matter 88.92.667 % 13070

----EP004: Total Organic Carbon 88.81.547 % 13070

Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2206683)

ASS 1 1.5 EB1904386-004 7440-38-2EG005C: Arsenic 1051 mg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG005C: Cadmium 92.00.5 mg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG005C: Chromium 94.11 mg/L 13070

7440-48-4EG005C: Cobalt 85.51 mg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG005C: Copper 1041 mg/L 13070

7439-92-1EG005C: Lead 88.91 mg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG005C: Manganese 88.31 mg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG005C: Nickel 93.41 mg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG005C: Vanadium 96.51 mg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG005C: Zinc 91.81 mg/L 13070

EG005C: Leachable Metals by ICPAES (QCLot: 2209660)

ASS 2 0.00-0.25 ASLP @ pH 9.0EB1904386-028 7440-38-2EG005C: Arsenic 1141 mg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG005C: Cadmium 1110.5 mg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG005C: Chromium 1101 mg/L 13070

7440-48-4EG005C: Cobalt 1081 mg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG005C: Copper 1171 mg/L 13070

7439-92-1EG005C: Lead 1061 mg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG005C: Manganese 1091 mg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG005C: Nickel 1101 mg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG005C: Vanadium 1131 mg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG005C: Zinc 1071 mg/L 13070

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2206681)

ASS 1 1.5 EB1904386-004 7440-38-2EG020A-C: Arsenic 1121 mg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG020A-C: Cadmium 1030.5 mg/L 13070

7440-48-4EG020A-C: Cobalt 1031 mg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG020A-C: Chromium 1081 mg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG020A-C: Copper 1011 mg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG020A-C: Manganese 1031 mg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG020A-C: Nickel 1041 mg/L 13070

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Work Order :


EB1904386 Amendment 1



Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2206681) - continued

ASS 1 1.5 EB1904386-004 7439-92-1EG020A-C: Lead 1101 mg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG020A-C: Vanadium 1131 mg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG020A-C: Zinc 1031 mg/L 13070

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2209661)

ASS 2 1.0 ASLP @ pH 9.0EB1904386-029 7440-38-2EG020A-C: Arsenic # 5111 mg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG020A-C: Cadmium # 4830.5 mg/L 13070

7440-48-4EG020A-C: Cobalt # 4761 mg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG020A-C: Chromium # 5161 mg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG020A-C: Copper # 4911 mg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG020A-C: Manganese # 4811 mg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG020A-C: Nickel # 4771 mg/L 13070

7439-92-1EG020A-C: Lead # 5181 mg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG020A-C: Vanadium # 5251 mg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG020A-C: Zinc # 4131 mg/L 13070

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219445)

ASS 1 1.5 ASLP @ pH 4.0EB1904386-042 7440-38-2EG020A-C: Arsenic 1181 mg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG020A-C: Cadmium 98.00.5 mg/L 13070

7440-48-4EG020A-C: Cobalt 90.31 mg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG020A-C: Chromium 95.71 mg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG020A-C: Copper 84.21 mg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG020A-C: Manganese 90.21 mg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG020A-C: Nickel 91.71 mg/L 13070

7439-92-1EG020A-C: Lead 86.81 mg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG020A-C: Vanadium 97.51 mg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG020A-C: Zinc 93.91 mg/L 13070

EG020C: Leachable Metals by ICPMS (QCLot: 2219447)

ASS 1 1.5 ASLP @ pH 7.0EB1904386-057 7440-38-2EG020A-C: Arsenic 1071 mg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG020A-C: Cadmium 94.90.5 mg/L 13070

7440-48-4EG020A-C: Cobalt 86.21 mg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG020A-C: Chromium 91.51 mg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG020A-C: Copper 79.21 mg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG020A-C: Manganese 87.21 mg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG020A-C: Nickel 85.91 mg/L 13070

7439-92-1EG020A-C: Lead 86.31 mg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG020A-C: Vanadium 94.21 mg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG020A-C: Zinc 88.41 mg/L 13070

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:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL


: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET



26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia


:: E-mailE-mail [email protected] [email protected]

:: TelephoneTelephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301

:: FacsimileFacsimile +61 08 9382 8693 +61-8-9406 1399

::Project PES18020 Page 1 of 4

:Order number :Quote number EP2019PENENV0001 (EP/249/19)

:C-O-C number ---- :QC Level NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard

Site : SLP


DatesDate Samples Received : Issue Date : 14-May-201914-May-2019 11:45

Scheduled Reporting Date: 23-May-2019:Client Requested Due



Delivery DetailsMode of Delivery : :Carrier Intact.Security Seal

No. of coolers/boxes : :16 Temperature 6.8 - Ice present

: : 101 / 101Receipt Detail No. of samples received / analysed

General Comments

This report contains the following information:l

- Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

- Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

- Proactive Holding Time Report

- Requested Deliverables

l Please see scanned COC for sample discrepencies: extra samples , samples not received etc.

l Please direct any queries related to sample condition / numbering / breakages to Sample Receipt ([email protected])

l Analytical work for this work order will be conducted at ALS Environmental Perth.

l Please direct any turnaround / technical queries to the laboratory contact designated above.

l Sample Disposal - Aqueous (3 weeks), Solid (2 months) from receipt of samples.

l Please note that your submission has been split into several Work Orders EP1904569 and

EP1904571 to facilitate the regular delivery of data.l pH analysis should be conducted within 6 hours of sampling.l Please be aware that APHA/NEPM recommends water and soil samples be chilled to less than or equal to 6°C for chemical

analysis, and less than or equal to 10°C but unfrozen for Microbiological analysis. Where samples are received above this

temperature, it should be taken into consideration when interpreting results. Refer to ALS EnviroMail 85 for ALS

recommendations of the best practice for chilling samples after sampling and for maintaining a cool temperature during transit.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order : EP1904569 Amendment 02 of 4:Page

14-May-2019:Issue Date

Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

All comparisons are made against pretreatment/preservation AS, APHA, USEPA standards.

l No sample container / preservation non-compliance exists.

Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

Some items described below may be part of a laboratory

process necessary for the execution of client requested

tasks. Packages may contain additional analyses, such

as the determination of moisture content and preparation

tasks, that are included in the package.

If no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will

default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date

is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the

laboratory and displayed in brackets without a time



IL -






EP1904569-001 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 0 ü

EP1904569-002 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 0.5 ü

EP1904569-003 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 1.0 ü

EP1904569-004 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 1.5 ü

EP1904569-005 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 2.0 ü

EP1904569-006 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 2.5 ü

EP1904569-007 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 3.0 ü

EP1904569-008 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 3.5 ü

EP1904569-009 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 4.0 ü

EP1904569-010 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 4.5 ü

EP1904569-011 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 5.0 ü

EP1904569-012 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 5.5 ü

EP1904569-013 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 6.0 ü

EP1904569-014 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 0 ü

EP1904569-015 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 0.5 ü

EP1904569-016 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 1.0 ü

EP1904569-017 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 1.5 ü

EP1904569-018 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 2.0 ü

EP1904569-019 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 2.5 ü

EP1904569-020 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 3.0 ü

EP1904569-021 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 3.5 ü

EP1904569-022 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 4.0 ü

EP1904569-023 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 4.5 ü

EP1904569-024 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 5.0 ü

EP1904569-025 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 5.5 ü

EP1904569-026 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 6.0 ü

EP1904569-027 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 0 ü

EP1904569-028 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 0.5 ü

EP1904569-029 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 1.0 ü

EP1904569-030 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 1.5 ü

EP1904569-031 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 2.0 ü

EP1904569-032 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 2.5 ü

EP1904569-033 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 3.0 ü

EP1904569-034 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 3.5 ü

EP1904569-035 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 4.0 ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

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Work Order : EP1904569 Amendment 03 of 4:Page

14-May-2019:Issue Date


IL -






EP1904569-036 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 4.5 ü

EP1904569-037 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 5.0 ü

EP1904569-038 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 5.5 ü

EP1904569-039 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 6.0 ü

EP1904569-040 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 0 ü

EP1904569-041 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 0.5 ü

EP1904569-042 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 1.0 ü

EP1904569-043 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 1.5 ü

EP1904569-044 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 2.0 ü

EP1904569-045 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 2.5 ü

EP1904569-046 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 3.0 ü

EP1904569-047 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 3.5 ü

EP1904569-048 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 4.0 ü

EP1904569-049 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 4.5 ü

EP1904569-050 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 0 ü

EP1904569-051 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 0.5 ü

EP1904569-052 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 1.0 ü

EP1904569-053 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 1.5 ü

EP1904569-054 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 2.0 ü

EP1904569-055 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 2.5 ü

EP1904569-056 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 3.0 ü

EP1904569-057 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 3.5 ü

EP1904569-058 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 4.0 ü

EP1904569-059 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 4.5 ü

EP1904569-060 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 5.0 ü

EP1904569-061 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 5.5 ü

EP1904569-062 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 6.0 ü

EP1904569-063 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 0 ü

EP1904569-064 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 0.5 ü

EP1904569-065 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 1.0 ü

EP1904569-066 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 1.5 ü

EP1904569-067 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 2.0 ü

EP1904569-068 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 2.5 ü

EP1904569-069 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 3.0 ü

EP1904569-070 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 3.5 ü

EP1904569-071 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 4.0 ü

EP1904569-072 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 4.5 ü

EP1904569-073 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 5.0 ü

EP1904569-074 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 5.5 ü

EP1904569-075 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 6.0 ü

EP1904569-076 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 0 ü

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Work Order : EP1904569 Amendment 04 of 4:Page

14-May-2019:Issue Date


IL -






EP1904569-077 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 0.5 ü

EP1904569-078 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 1.0 ü

EP1904569-079 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 1.5 ü

EP1904569-080 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 2.0 ü

EP1904569-081 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 2.5 ü

EP1904569-082 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 3.0 ü

EP1904569-083 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 3.5 ü

EP1904569-084 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 4.0 ü

EP1904569-085 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 4.5 ü

EP1904569-086 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 5.0 ü

EP1904569-087 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 5.5 ü

EP1904569-088 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 6.0 ü

EP1904569-089 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 0 ü

EP1904569-090 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 0.5 ü

EP1904569-091 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 1.0 ü

EP1904569-092 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 1.5 ü

EP1904569-093 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 2.0 ü

EP1904569-094 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 2.5 ü

EP1904569-095 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 3.0 ü

EP1904569-096 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 3.5 ü

EP1904569-097 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 4.0 ü

EP1904569-098 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 4.5 ü

EP1904569-099 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 5.0 ü

EP1904569-100 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 5.5 ü

EP1904569-101 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 6.0 ü

Proactive Holding Time Report

Sample(s) have been received within the recommended holding times for the requested analysis.

Requested Deliverables


- A4 - AU Tax Invoice (INV) Email [email protected]



- *AU Certificate of Analysis - NATA (COA) Email [email protected]

- *AU Interpretive QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QCI Rep) (QCI) Email [email protected]

- *AU QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QC Rep) - NATA (QC) Email [email protected]

- A4 - AU Sample Receipt Notification - Environmental HT (SRN) Email [email protected]

- Chain of Custody (CoC) (COC) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ENMRG (ENMRG) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ESDAT (ESDAT) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - XTab (XTAB) Email [email protected]

Page 172: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 23EP1904569

:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Perth

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019 11:45

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 16-May-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 17-May-2019 12:29


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

101:No. of samples received

101:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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2 of 23:Page

Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

ASS: EA003 (NATA Field and F(ox) screening): pH F(ox) Reaction Rate: 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Strong; 4 - Extremel

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 8 2.0ASS 8 1.5ASS 8 1.0ASS 8 0.5ASS 8 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-005EP1904569-004EP1904569-003EP1904569-002EP1904569-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.7 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.0 6.0 7.0 7.4 6.2pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 2 2 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 8 4.5ASS 8 4.0ASS 8 3.5ASS 8 3.0ASS 8 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-010EP1904569-009EP1904569-008EP1904569-007EP1904569-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.8 7.6 7.8 7.8 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.8 5.9 5.7 5.8 5.9pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 9 0.5ASS 9 0ASS 8 6.0ASS 8 5.5ASS 8 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-015EP1904569-014EP1904569-013EP1904569-012EP1904569-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.8 7.8 7.8 8.0 7.9pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.8 5.7 5.6 5.8 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 9 3.0ASS 9 2.5ASS 9 2.0ASS 9 1.5ASS 9 1.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-020EP1904569-019EP1904569-018EP1904569-017EP1904569-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.8 7.9 7.2 7.3 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.6 7.7 7.5 6.6 6.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 2 2 1 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 9 5.5ASS 9 5.0ASS 9 4.5ASS 9 4.0ASS 9 3.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-025EP1904569-024EP1904569-023EP1904569-022EP1904569-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.3 7.4 7.4 7.1 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.0 6.4 6.0 6.1 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 1 1 1 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 10 1.5ASS 10 1.0ASS 10 0.5ASS 10 0ASS 9 6.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-030EP1904569-029EP1904569-028EP1904569-027EP1904569-026UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.1 7.9 7.2 7.1 6.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.8 6.2 5.1 5.0 5.8pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 10 4.0ASS 10 3.5ASS 10 3.0ASS 10 2.5ASS 10 2.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-035EP1904569-034EP1904569-033EP1904569-032EP1904569-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.6 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.7pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

4.9 5.0 5.2 5.0 5.0pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 11 0ASS 10 6.0ASS 10 5.5ASS 10 5.0ASS 10 4.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-040EP1904569-039EP1904569-038EP1904569-037EP1904569-036UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.8 6.6 6.6 6.8 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.1 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 11 2.5ASS 11 2.0ASS 11 1.5ASS 11 1.0ASS 11 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-045EP1904569-044EP1904569-043EP1904569-042EP1904569-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.1 6.7 6.9 6.6 6.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.3 5.1 7.7 7.6 5.9pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 3 3 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 12 0ASS 11 4.5ASS 11 4.0ASS 11 3.5ASS 11 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-050EP1904569-049EP1904569-048EP1904569-047EP1904569-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.0 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.6 5.8 6.0 5.6 6.0pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 12 2.5ASS 12 2.0ASS 12 1.5ASS 12 1.0ASS 12 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-055EP1904569-054EP1904569-053EP1904569-052EP1904569-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.4 7.2 7.2 6.7 7.1pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.6 6.2 6.1 7.2 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 3 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 12 5.0ASS 12 4.5ASS 12 4.0ASS 12 3.5ASS 12 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-060EP1904569-059EP1904569-058EP1904569-057EP1904569-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.8 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.2 5.3 5.6 5.4 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 1 1 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 13 1.0ASS 13 0.5ASS 13 0ASS 12 6.0ASS 12 5.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-065EP1904569-064EP1904569-063EP1904569-062EP1904569-061UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.8 7.8 8.4 7.6 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

8.7 8.8 6.7 5.8 5.8pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 2 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 13 3.5ASS 13 3.0ASS 13 2.5ASS 13 2.0ASS 13 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-070EP1904569-069EP1904569-068EP1904569-067EP1904569-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.3 6.8 6.9 6.8 7.1pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.7 5.1 5.3 5.2 5.2pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 1 2 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 13 6.0ASS 13 5.5ASS 13 5.0ASS 13 4.5ASS 13 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-075EP1904569-074EP1904569-073EP1904569-072EP1904569-071UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.3 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.1 5.2 5.0 5.0 5.0pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 14 2.0ASS 14 1.5ASS 14 1.0ASS 14 0.5ASS 14 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-080EP1904569-079EP1904569-078EP1904569-077EP1904569-076UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.4 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.1pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.4 5.9 5.8 6.5 7.5pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 14 4.5ASS 14 4.0ASS 14 3.5ASS 14 3.0ASS 14 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-085EP1904569-084EP1904569-083EP1904569-082EP1904569-081UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.1 7.4 6.7 6.6 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.8 5.6 5.6 5.8 5.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 15 0.5ASS 15 0ASS 14 6.0ASS 14 5.5ASS 14 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-090EP1904569-089EP1904569-088EP1904569-087EP1904569-086UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.7 7.1 6.9 7.6 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.6 5.6 5.6 6.0 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 2 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 15 3.0ASS 15 2.5ASS 15 2.0ASS 15 1.5ASS 15 1.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-095EP1904569-094EP1904569-093EP1904569-092EP1904569-091UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.2 7.1 6.9 6.9 6.8pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.7 7.4 5.8 5.5 5.5pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 15 5.5ASS 15 5.0ASS 15 4.5ASS 15 4.0ASS 15 3.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904569-100EP1904569-099EP1904569-098EP1904569-097EP1904569-096UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.8 6.9 6.8 7.0 7.0pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.4 6.1 6.2 5.8 6.0pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

----------------ASS 15 6.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

----------------14-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EP1904569-101UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.0 ---- ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.5 ---- ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 ---- ---- ---- ----Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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1 1.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EP1904569 Page : 1 of 4

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EP



Address : 26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 16-May-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 17-May-2019


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

No. of samples received 101:

No. of samples analysed 101:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353329)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.7 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1904569-001

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.0 6.0 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.8 7.6 1.82 0% - 20%ASS 8 4.5 EP1904569-010

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.9 5.9 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353330)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.3 7.1 2.22 0% - 20%ASS 9 3.5 EP1904569-021

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.0 5.8 3.22 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.8 6.8 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 10 1.5 EP1904569-030

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.8 6.3 7.43 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353331)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.1 7.1 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 11 0.5 EP1904569-041

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.3 5.3 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.8 7.8 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 12 0 EP1904569-050

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.0 6.0 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353332)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.8 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 12 5.5 EP1904569-061

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.7 8.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

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Work Order :





Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353332) - continued

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.1 6.9 2.71 0% - 20%ASS 13 3.5 EP1904569-070

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.2 5.2 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353333)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.1 6.7 5.93 0% - 20%ASS 14 2.5 EP1904569-081

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.8 5.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.4 7.4 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 15 0.5 EP1904569-090

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2353334)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.0 6.9 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 15 6.0 EP1904569-101

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.5 5.8 4.44 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

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Work Order :





Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

l No Method Blank (MB) or Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Results are required to be reported.

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

l No Matrix Spike (MS) or Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Results are required to be reported.

Page 199: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA



QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EP1904569 Page : 1 of 6

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 17-May-2019

RYAN LAWRENCE:Sampler No. of samples received : 101

:Order number No. of samples analysed : 101

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Duplicate outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l NO Matrix Spike outliers occur.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l NO Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l NO Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

Snap Lock Bag - frozen on receipt at ALS (EA003)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 9 0.5, ASS 9 1.0,

ASS 9 1.5, ASS 9 2.0,

ASS 9 2.5, ASS 9 3.0,

ASS 9 3.5, ASS 9 4.0,

ASS 9 4.5, ASS 9 5.0,

ASS 9 5.5, ASS 9 6.0,

ASS 10 0, ASS 10 0.5,

ASS 10 1.0, ASS 10 1.5,

ASS 10 2.0, ASS 10 2.5,

ASS 10 3.0, ASS 10 3.5,

ASS 10 4.0, ASS 10 4.5,

ASS 10 5.0, ASS 10 5.5,

ASS 10 6.0, ASS 11 0,

ASS 11 0.5, ASS 11 1.0,

ASS 11 1.5, ASS 11 2.0,

ASS 11 2.5, ASS 11 3.0,

ASS 11 3.5, ASS 11 4.0,

ASS 11 4.5, ASS 12 0,

ASS 12 0.5, ASS 12 1.0,

ASS 12 1.5, ASS 12 2.0,

ASS 12 2.5, ASS 12 3.0,

ASS 12 3.5, ASS 12 4.0,

ASS 12 4.5, ASS 12 5.0,

ASS 12 5.5, ASS 12 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 13 0.5,

ASS 13 1.0, ASS 13 1.5,

ASS 13 2.0, ASS 13 2.5,

ASS 13 3.0, ASS 13 3.5,

ASS 13 4.0, ASS 13 4.5,

ASS 13 5.0, ASS 13 5.5,

ASS 13 6.0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 0.5, ASS 14 1.0,

ASS 14 1.5, ASS 14 2.0,

ASS 14 2.5, ASS 14 3.0,

14-Aug-201906-Feb-2022 17-May-201916-May-201914-May-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) - Continued

ASS 14 3.5, ASS 14 4.0,

ASS 14 4.5, ASS 14 5.0,

ASS 14 5.5, ASS 14 6.0,

ASS 15 0, ASS 15 0.5,

ASS 15 1.0, ASS 15 1.5,

ASS 15 2.0, ASS 15 2.5,

ASS 15 3.0, ASS 15 3.5,

ASS 15 4.0, ASS 15 4.5,

ASS 15 5.0, ASS 15 5.5,

ASS 15 6.0

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Work Order :





Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.89 10.0011 101 üpH field/fox EA003

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Work Order :





Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 1998 - determined on a 1:5 soil/water extract designed to simulate field

measured pH and pH after the extract has been oxidised with peroxide.

pH field/fox EA003 SOIL

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In houseDrying only EN020D SOIL

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:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL


: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET



26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia


:: E-mailE-mail [email protected] [email protected]

:: TelephoneTelephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301

:: FacsimileFacsimile +61 08 9382 8693 +61-8-9406 1399

::Project PES18020 Page 1 of 4

:Order number ---- :Quote number EP2019PENENV0001 (EP/249/19)

:C-O-C number ---- :QC Level NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard

Site : SLP


DatesDate Samples Received : Issue Date : 14-May-201914-May-2019 11:45

Scheduled Reporting Date: 23-May-2019:Client Requested Due



Delivery DetailsMode of Delivery : :Carrier Intact.Security Seal

No. of coolers/boxes : :16 Temperature 6.8 - Ice present

: : 98 / 98Receipt Detail No. of samples received / analysed

General Comments

This report contains the following information:l

- Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

- Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

- Proactive Holding Time Report

- Requested Deliverables

l Please see scanned COC for sample discrepencies: extra samples , samples not received etc.

l Please direct any queries related to sample condition / numbering / breakages to Sample Receipt ([email protected])

l Analytical work for this work order will be conducted at ALS Environmental Perth.

l Please direct any turnaround / technical queries to the laboratory contact designated above.

l Sample Disposal - Aqueous (3 weeks), Solid (2 months) from receipt of samples.

l Please note that your submission has been split into several Work Orders EP1904569 and

EP1904571 to facilitate the regular delivery of data.l pH analysis should be conducted within 6 hours of sampling.l Please be aware that APHA/NEPM recommends water and soil samples be chilled to less than or equal to 6°C for chemical

analysis, and less than or equal to 10°C but unfrozen for Microbiological analysis. Where samples are received above this

temperature, it should be taken into consideration when interpreting results. Refer to ALS EnviroMail 85 for ALS

recommendations of the best practice for chilling samples after sampling and for maintaining a cool temperature during transit.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order : EP1904571 Amendment 02 of 4:Page

14-May-2019:Issue Date

Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

All comparisons are made against pretreatment/preservation AS, APHA, USEPA standards.

l No sample container / preservation non-compliance exists.

Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

Some items described below may be part of a laboratory

process necessary for the execution of client requested

tasks. Packages may contain additional analyses, such

as the determination of moisture content and preparation

tasks, that are included in the package.

If no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will

default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date

is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the

laboratory and displayed in brackets without a time



IL -






EP1904571-001 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 0 ü

EP1904571-002 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 0.5 ü

EP1904571-003 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 1.0 ü

EP1904571-004 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 1.5 ü

EP1904571-005 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 2.0 ü

EP1904571-006 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 2.5 ü

EP1904571-007 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 3.0 ü

EP1904571-008 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 0 ü

EP1904571-009 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 0.5 ü

EP1904571-010 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 1.0 ü

EP1904571-011 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 1.5 ü

EP1904571-012 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 2.0 ü

EP1904571-013 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 2.5 ü

EP1904571-014 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 3.0 ü

EP1904571-015 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 3.5 ü

EP1904571-016 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 4.0 ü

EP1904571-017 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 4.5 ü

EP1904571-018 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 0 ü

EP1904571-019 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 0.5 ü

EP1904571-020 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 1.0 ü

EP1904571-021 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 1.5 ü

EP1904571-022 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 2.0 ü

EP1904571-023 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 2.5 ü

EP1904571-024 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 3.0 ü

EP1904571-025 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 3.5 ü

EP1904571-026 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 4.0 ü

EP1904571-027 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 4.5 ü

EP1904571-028 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 0 ü

EP1904571-029 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 0.5 ü

EP1904571-030 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 1.0 ü

EP1904571-031 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 1.5 ü

EP1904571-032 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 2.0 ü

EP1904571-033 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 2.5 ü

EP1904571-034 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 3.0 ü

EP1904571-035 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 3.5 ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

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Work Order : EP1904571 Amendment 03 of 4:Page

14-May-2019:Issue Date


IL -






EP1904571-036 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 4.0 ü

EP1904571-037 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 4.5 ü

EP1904571-038 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 0 ü

EP1904571-039 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 0.5 ü

EP1904571-040 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 1.0 ü

EP1904571-041 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 1.5 ü

EP1904571-042 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 2.0 ü

EP1904571-043 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 2.5 ü

EP1904571-044 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 3.0 ü

EP1904571-045 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 3.5 ü

EP1904571-046 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 4.0 ü

EP1904571-047 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 4.5 ü

EP1904571-048 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 0 ü

EP1904571-049 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 0.5 ü

EP1904571-050 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 1.0 ü

EP1904571-051 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 1.5 ü

EP1904571-052 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 2.0 ü

EP1904571-053 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 2.5 ü

EP1904571-054 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 3.0 ü

EP1904571-055 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 3.5 ü

EP1904571-056 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 4.0 ü

EP1904571-057 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 4.5 ü

EP1904571-058 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 0 ü

EP1904571-059 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 0.5 ü

EP1904571-060 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 1.0 ü

EP1904571-061 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 1.5 ü

EP1904571-062 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 2.0 ü

EP1904571-063 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 2.5 ü

EP1904571-064 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 3.0 ü

EP1904571-065 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 3.5 ü

EP1904571-066 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 4.0 ü

EP1904571-067 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 4.5 ü

EP1904571-068 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 5.0 ü

EP1904571-069 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 5.5 ü

EP1904571-070 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 6.0 ü

EP1904571-071 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 0 ü

EP1904571-072 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 0.5 ü

EP1904571-073 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 1.0 ü

EP1904571-074 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 1.5 ü

EP1904571-075 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 2.0 ü

EP1904571-076 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 2.5 ü

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Work Order : EP1904571 Amendment 04 of 4:Page

14-May-2019:Issue Date


IL -






EP1904571-077 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 3.0 ü

EP1904571-078 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 3.5 ü

EP1904571-079 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 4.0 ü

EP1904571-080 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 4.5 ü

EP1904571-081 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 5.0 ü

EP1904571-082 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 5.5 ü

EP1904571-083 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 6.0 ü

EP1904571-084 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 1 ü

EP1904571-085 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 2 ü

EP1904571-086 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 3 ü

EP1904571-087 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 4 ü

EP1904571-088 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 5 ü

EP1904571-089 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 6 ü

EP1904571-090 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 7 ü

EP1904571-091 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 8 ü

EP1904571-092 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 9 ü

EP1904571-093 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 10 ü

EP1904571-094 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 11 ü

EP1904571-095 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 12 ü

EP1904571-096 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 5.0 ü

EP1904571-097 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS19 5.5 ü

EP1904571-098 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 6.0 ü

Proactive Holding Time Report

Sample(s) have been received within the recommended holding times for the requested analysis.

Requested Deliverables


- A4 - AU Tax Invoice (INV) Email [email protected]



- *AU Certificate of Analysis - NATA (COA) Email [email protected]

- *AU Interpretive QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QCI Rep) (QCI) Email [email protected]

- *AU QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QC Rep) - NATA (QC) Email [email protected]

- A4 - AU Sample Receipt Notification - Environmental HT (SRN) Email [email protected]

- Chain of Custody (CoC) (COC) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ENMRG (ENMRG) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ESDAT (ESDAT) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - XTab (XTAB) Email [email protected]

Page 226: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 22EP1904571

:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Perth

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019 11:45

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 21-May-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 23-May-2019 18:20


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

98:No. of samples received

98:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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2 of 22:Page

Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

ASS: EA003 (NATA Field and F(ox) screening): pH F(ox) Reaction Rate: 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Strong; 4 - Extremel

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3 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 16 2.0ASS 16 1.5ASS 16 1.0ASS 16 0.5ASS 16 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-005EP1904571-004EP1904571-003EP1904571-002EP1904571-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

8.1 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.2 8.0 7.7 7.9 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 3 3 3 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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4 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 17 1.0ASS 17 0.5ASS 17 0ASS 16 3.0ASS 16 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-010EP1904571-009EP1904571-008EP1904571-007EP1904571-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.7 7.8 7.8 7.6 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.6 7.7 6.7 7.5 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 2 3 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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5 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 17 3.5ASS 17 3.0ASS 17 2.5ASS 17 2.0ASS 17 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-015EP1904571-014EP1904571-013EP1904571-012EP1904571-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.5 7.4 7.5 7.4 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.7 7.5 7.5 7.6 6.1pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 3 3 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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6 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 18 1.0ASS 18 0.5ASS 18 0ASS 17 4.5ASS 17 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-020EP1904571-019EP1904571-018EP1904571-017EP1904571-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.1 7.4 7.9 7.6 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.9 7.5 5.9 7.2 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 3 1 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 18 3.5ASS 18 3.0ASS 18 2.5ASS 18 2.0ASS 18 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-025EP1904571-024EP1904571-023EP1904571-022EP1904571-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.2 7.1 7.0 6.9 7.0pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.8 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 3 3 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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8 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 19 1.0ASS 19 0.5ASS 19 0ASS 18 4.5ASS 18 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-030EP1904571-029EP1904571-028EP1904571-027EP1904571-026UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.1 7.0 7.5 7.4 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.5 7.4 6.0 7.1 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 1 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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9 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 19 3.5ASS 19 3.0ASS 19 2.5ASS 19 2.0ASS 19 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-035EP1904571-034EP1904571-033EP1904571-032EP1904571-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.3 6.9 7.0 7.0 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.8 5.9 6.6 6.6 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 1 2 2 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 20 1.0ASS 20 0.5ASS 20 0ASS 19 4.5ASS 19 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-040EP1904571-039EP1904571-038EP1904571-037EP1904571-036UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.0 7.3 7.5 7.5 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.6 7.3 5.9 7.4 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 1 1 3 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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11 of 22:Page

Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 20 3.5ASS 20 3.0ASS 20 2.5ASS 20 2.0ASS 20 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-045EP1904571-044EP1904571-043EP1904571-042EP1904571-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.3 7.1 7.1 7.0 7.1pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.5 7.5 7.5 6.7 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 3 3 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

ASS 21 1.0ASS 21 0.5ASS 21 0ASS 20 4.5ASS 20 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-050EP1904571-049EP1904571-048EP1904571-047EP1904571-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.1 7.1 7.6 7.3 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.3 7.0 6.0 7.7 6.2pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 1 3 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 21 3.5ASS 21 3.0ASS 21 2.5ASS 21 2.0ASS 21 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-055EP1904571-054EP1904571-053EP1904571-052EP1904571-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.5 7.5 7.4 7.5 7.5pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.3 6.0 5.7 5.7 5.9pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 2 2 2 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 22 1.0ASS 22 0.5ASS 22 0ASS 21 4.5ASS 21 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-060EP1904571-059EP1904571-058EP1904571-057EP1904571-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.4 7.5 8.4 7.7 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.9 6.0 5.7 5.9 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 2 1 2 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 22 3.5ASS 22 3.0ASS 22 2.5ASS 22 2.0ASS 22 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-065EP1904571-064EP1904571-063EP1904571-062EP1904571-061UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.6 7.7 7.8 7.4 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.0 7.4 6.2 5.6 5.9pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 22 6.0ASS 22 5.5ASS 22 5.0ASS 22 4.5ASS 22 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-070EP1904571-069EP1904571-068EP1904571-067EP1904571-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.1 7.2 6.2 6.0 5.7pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 2 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

ASS 23 2.0ASS 23 1.5ASS 23 1.0ASS 23 0.5ASS 23 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-075EP1904571-074EP1904571-073EP1904571-072EP1904571-071UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.2 7.4 7.1 7.2 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.4 6.8 7.4 7.6 6.7pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 2 3 3 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 23 4.5ASS 23 4.0ASS 23 3.5ASS 23 3.0ASS 23 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-080EP1904571-079EP1904571-078EP1904571-077EP1904571-076UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.2 7.3 7.0 7.2 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.4 6.8 6.1 5.9 7.5pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 2 1 1 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

DUP 2DUP 1ASS 23 6.0ASS 23 5.5ASS 23 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-085EP1904571-084EP1904571-083EP1904571-082EP1904571-081UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.2 6.8 7.2 7.2 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.3 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.0pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 1 1 1 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

DUP 7DUP 6DUP 5DUP 4DUP 3Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-090EP1904571-089EP1904571-088EP1904571-087EP1904571-086UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.7 7.8 7.2 7.2 6.7pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.9 6.0 5.6 7.7 5.5pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

2 2 2 3 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

DUP 12DUP 11DUP 10DUP 9DUP 8Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1904571-095EP1904571-094EP1904571-093EP1904571-092EP1904571-091UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.5 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.1 6.1 6.1 5.8 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 2 3 2 3Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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Analytical Results

--------ASS 19 6.0ASS19 5.5ASS 19 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

--------14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

----------------EP1904571-098EP1904571-097EP1904571-096UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result ---- ----

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.7 7.2 7.0 ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

7.3 7.3 7.3 ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 2 2 ---- ----Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

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1 1.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EP1904571 Page : 1 of 4

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EP



Address : 26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 21-May-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 23-May-2019


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

No. of samples received 98:

No. of samples analysed 98:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2365418)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.1 8.2 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 16 0 EP1904571-001

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.2 7.2 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.6 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 17 1.0 EP1904571-010

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.7 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2365419)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.2 7.3 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 18 1.5 EP1904571-021

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.8 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.4 7.3 1.36 0% - 20%ASS 19 1.0 EP1904571-030

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.6 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2365420)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.3 7.2 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 20 1.5 EP1904571-041

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.5 7.6 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.3 7.3 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 21 1.0 EP1904571-050

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.2 6.3 1.92 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2365421)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.7 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 22 1.5 EP1904571-061

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.0 7.1 1.71 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 3 3 0.00 No Limit

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Work Order :





Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2365421) - continued

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.4 7.6 2.01 0% - 20%ASS 22 6.0 EP1904571-070

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.7 5.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2365422)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.2 7.0 1.97 0% - 20%ASS 23 5.0 EP1904571-081

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.3 6.4 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.7 6.8 0.00 0% - 20%DUP 7 EP1904571-090

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.5 5.4 2.56 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

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Work Order :





Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

l No Method Blank (MB) or Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Results are required to be reported.

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

l No Matrix Spike (MS) or Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Results are required to be reported.

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EP1904571 Page : 1 of 5

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 23-May-2019

RYAN LAWRENCE:Sampler No. of samples received : 98

:Order number ---- No. of samples analysed : 98

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Duplicate outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l NO Matrix Spike outliers occur.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l NO Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l NO Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist.

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Work Order :





Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

Snap Lock Bag - frozen on receipt at ALS (EA003)

ASS 16 0, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 16 1.0, ASS 16 1.5,

ASS 16 2.0, ASS 16 2.5,

ASS 16 3.0, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 17 1.0,

ASS 17 1.5, ASS 17 2.0,

ASS 17 2.5, ASS 17 3.0,

ASS 17 3.5, ASS 17 4.0,

ASS 17 4.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 18 1.0,

ASS 18 1.5, ASS 18 2.0,

ASS 18 2.5, ASS 18 3.0,

ASS 18 3.5, ASS 18 4.0,

ASS 18 4.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 19 1.0,

ASS 19 1.5, ASS 19 2.0,

ASS 19 2.5, ASS 19 3.0,

ASS 19 3.5, ASS 19 4.0,

ASS 19 4.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5, ASS 20 1.0,

ASS 20 1.5, ASS 20 2.0,

ASS 20 2.5, ASS 20 3.0,

ASS 20 3.5, ASS 20 4.0,

ASS 20 4.5, ASS 21 0,

ASS 21 0.5, ASS 21 1.0

19-Aug-201906-Feb-2022 23-May-201921-May-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Snap Lock Bag - frozen on receipt at ALS (EA003)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) - Continued

ASS 21 1.5, ASS 21 2.0,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 21 3.0,

ASS 21 3.5, ASS 21 4.0,

ASS 21 4.5, ASS 22 0,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

ASS 23 0, ASS 23 0.5,

ASS 23 1.0, ASS 23 1.5,

ASS 23 2.0, ASS 23 2.5,

ASS 23 3.0, ASS 23 3.5,

ASS 23 4.0, ASS 23 4.5,

ASS 23 5.0, ASS 23 5.5,

ASS 23 6.0, DUP 1,

DUP 2, DUP 3,

DUP 4, DUP 5,

DUP 6, DUP 7,

DUP 8, DUP 9,

DUP 10, DUP 11,

DUP 12, ASS 19 5.0,

ASS19 5.5, ASS 19 6.0

20-Aug-201906-Feb-2022 23-May-201922-May-201914-May-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.20 10.0010 98 üpH field/fox EA003

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Work Order :





Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 1998 - determined on a 1:5 soil/water extract designed to simulate field

measured pH and pH after the extract has been oxidised with peroxide.

pH field/fox EA003 SOIL

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In houseDrying only EN020D SOIL

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:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL


: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET



26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia


:: E-mailE-mail [email protected] [email protected]

:: TelephoneTelephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301

:: FacsimileFacsimile +61 08 9382 8693 +61-8-9406 1399

::Project PES18020 Page 1 of 9

:Order number ---- :Quote number EP2019PENENV0001 (EP/249/19)

:C-O-C number ---- :QC Level NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard

Site : SLP

Sampler :

DatesDate Samples Received : Issue Date : 31-May-201914-May-2019 11:45

Scheduled Reporting Date: 21-Jun-2019:Client Requested Due



Delivery DetailsMode of Delivery : :Samples On Hand Not AvailableSecurity Seal

No. of coolers/boxes : :---- Temperature ----

: : 127 / 127Receipt Detail No. of samples received / analysed

General Comments

This report contains the following information:l

- Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

- Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

- Proactive Holding Time Report

- Requested Deliverables

l Please see scanned COC for sample discrepencies: extra samples , samples not received etc.

l Please direct any queries related to sample condition / numbering / breakages to Sample Receipt ([email protected])

l Analytical work for this work order will be conducted at ALS Environmental Perth.

l Please direct any turnaround / technical queries to the laboratory contact designated above.

l Sample Disposal - Aqueous (3 weeks), Solid (2 months) from receipt of samples.

l AVS and CRS analysis will be conducted by ALS Environmental, Brisbane, NATA accreditation

no. 825, Site No. 818.l pH analysis should be conducted within 6 hours of sampling.l Please be aware that APHA/NEPM recommends water and soil samples be chilled to less than or equal to 6°C for chemical

analysis, and less than or equal to 10°C but unfrozen for Microbiological analysis. Where samples are received above this

temperature, it should be taken into consideration when interpreting results. Refer to ALS EnviroMail 85 for ALS

recommendations of the best practice for chilling samples after sampling and for maintaining a cool temperature during transit.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order : EP1905285 Amendment 02 of 9:Page

31-May-2019:Issue Date

Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

All comparisons are made against pretreatment/preservation AS, APHA, USEPA standards.

MethodSample Container Received Preferred Sample Container for AnalysisClient sample ID

Low Level Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by ORC-ICPMS : EG093A-T_LL

DUP 5 EP1904571_88 - Clear Plastic Bottle - Natural - Clear HDPE (U-T ORC) - Unfiltered;


Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X : EG020X-T

ASS 8 2.5 EP1904569_06 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 5.0 EP1904569_11 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 5.5 EP1904569_12 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 6.0 EP1904569_13 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 9 2.0 EP1904569_18 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 0 EP1904569_27 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 0.5 EP1904569_28 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 11 0 EP1904569_40 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 11 1.5 EP1904569_43 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 13 0 EP1904569_63 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 13 2.5 EP1904569_68 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 2.5 EP1904569_94 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 3.5 EP1904569_96 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 18 2.5 EP1904571_23 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 21 0 EP1904571_48 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 21 2.5 EP1904571_53 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 22 0 EP1904571_58 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 22 1.0 EP1904571_60 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 23 0 EP1904571_71 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 23 1.0 EP1904571_73 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 3 EP1904571_86 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 7 EP1904571_90 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 10 EP1904571_93 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y : EG020Y-T

ASS 8 2.5 EP1904569_06 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 5.0 EP1904569_11 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 5.5 EP1904569_12 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 6.0 EP1904569_13 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 9 2.0 EP1904569_18 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 0 EP1904569_27 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 0.5 EP1904569_28 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 11 0 EP1904569_40 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 11 1.5 EP1904569_43 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 13 0 EP1904569_63 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 13 2.5 EP1904569_68 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 2.5 EP1904569_94 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 3.5 EP1904569_96 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 18 2.5 EP1904571_23 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 21 0 EP1904571_48 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 21 2.5 EP1904571_53 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 22 0 EP1904571_58 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 22 1.0 EP1904571_60 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 23 0 EP1904571_71 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 23 1.0 EP1904571_73 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 3 EP1904571_86 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 7 EP1904571_90 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 10 EP1904571_93 - Snap Lock Bag - frozen - Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by ORC-ICPMS : EG093A-T

DUP 5 EP1904571_88 - Clear Plastic Bottle - Natural - Clear HDPE (U-T ORC) - Unfiltered;


Any sample identifications that cannot be displayed entirely in the analysis summary table will be listed below.

EP1905285-001 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 0 - EP1904569_01

EP1905285-002 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 0.5 - EP1904569_02

EP1905285-003 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 1.0 - EP1904569_03

EP1905285-004 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 1.5 - EP1904569_04

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EP1905285-005 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 2.0 - EP1904569_05

EP1905285-006 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 2.5 - EP1904569_06

EP1905285-007 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 3.0 - EP1904569_07

EP1905285-008 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 3.5 - EP1904569_08

EP1905285-009 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 4.0 - EP1904569_09

EP1905285-010 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 4.5 - EP1904569_10

EP1905285-011 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 5.0 - EP1904569_11

EP1905285-012 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 5.5 - EP1904569_12

EP1905285-013 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 8 6.0 - EP1904569_13

EP1905285-014 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 9 0 - EP1904569_14

EP1905285-015 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 9 0.5 - EP1904569_15

EP1905285-016 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 9 2.0 - EP1904569_18

EP1905285-017 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 9 2.5 - EP1904569_19

EP1905285-018 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 9 3.5 - EP1904569_21

EP1905285-019 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 9 4.0 - EP1904569_22

EP1905285-020 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 0 - EP1904569_27

EP1905285-021 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 0.5 - EP1904569_28

EP1905285-022 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 1.0 - EP1904569_29

EP1905285-023 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 1.5 - EP1904569_30

EP1905285-024 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 2.0 - EP1904569_31

EP1905285-025 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 2.5 - EP1904569_32

EP1905285-026 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 3.0 - EP1904569_33

EP1905285-027 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 3.5 - EP1904569_34

EP1905285-028 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 4.0 - EP1904569_35

EP1905285-029 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 4.5 - EP1904569_36

EP1905285-030 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 5.0 - EP1904569_37

EP1905285-031 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 5.5 - EP1904569_38

EP1905285-032 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 10 6.0 - EP1904569_39

EP1905285-033 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 11 0 - EP1904569_40

EP1905285-034 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 11 1.5 - EP1904569_43

EP1905285-035 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 11 2.0 - EP1904569_44

EP1905285-036 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 12 0 - EP1904569_50

EP1905285-037 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 12 0.5 - EP1904569_51

EP1905285-038 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 12 1.5 - EP1904569_53

EP1905285-039 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 12 2.0 - EP1904569_54

EP1905285-040 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 12 4.5 - EP1904569_59

EP1905285-041 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 12 5.0 - EP1904569_60

EP1905285-042 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 0 - EP1904569_63

EP1905285-043 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 1.0 - EP1904569_65

EP1905285-044 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 1.5 - EP1904569_66

EP1905285-045 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 2.5 - EP1904569_68

EP1905285-046 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 3.0 - EP1904569_69

EP1905285-047 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 3.5 - EP1904569_70

EP1905285-048 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 13 5.0 - EP1904569_73

EP1905285-049 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 14 0 - EP1904569_76

EP1905285-050 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 14 3.0 - EP1904569_82

EP1905285-051 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 14 4.0 - EP1904569_84

EP1905285-052 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 14 4.5 - EP1904569_85

EP1905285-053 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 0 - EP1904569_89

EP1905285-054 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 0.5 - EP1904569_90

EP1905285-055 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 1.0 - EP1904569_91

EP1905285-056 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 1.5 - EP1904569_92

EP1905285-057 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 2.0 - EP1904569_93

EP1905285-058 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 2.5 - EP1904569_94

EP1905285-059 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 3.0 - EP1904569_95

EP1905285-060 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 3.5 - EP1904569_96

EP1905285-061 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 4.0 - EP1904569_97

EP1905285-062 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 4.5 - EP1904569_98

EP1905285-063 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 5.0 - EP1904569_99

EP1905285-064 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 5.5 - EP1904569_100

EP1905285-065 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 15 6.0 - EP1904569_101

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EP1905285-066 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 16 0 - EP1904571_01

EP1905285-067 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 16 0.5 - EP1904571_02

EP1905285-068 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 16 2.0 - EP1904571_05

EP1905285-069 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 17 0 - EP1904571_08

EP1905285-070 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 17 0.5 - EP1904571_09

EP1905285-071 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 17 3.0 - EP1904571_14

EP1905285-072 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 17 3.5 - EP1904571_15

EP1905285-073 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 0 - EP1904571_18

EP1905285-074 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 0.5 - EP1904571_19

EP1905285-075 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 1.0 - EP1904571_20

EP1905285-076 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 1.5 - EP1904571_21

EP1905285-077 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 2.0 - EP1904571_22

EP1905285-078 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 2.5 - EP1904571_23

EP1905285-079 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 3.0 - EP1904571_24

EP1905285-080 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 3.5 - EP1904571_25

EP1905285-081 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 4.0 - EP1904571_26

EP1905285-082 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 18 4.5 - EP1904571_27

EP1905285-083 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 19 0 - EP1904571_28

EP1905285-084 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 19 0.5 - EP1904571_29

EP1905285-085 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 19 3.0 - EP1904571_34

EP1905285-086 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 19 3.5 - EP1904571_35

EP1905285-087 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 19 4.5 - EP1904571_37

EP1905285-088 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 19 5.0 - EP1904571_96

EP1905285-089 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS19 5.5 - EP1904571_97

EP1905285-090 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 20 0 - EP1904571_38

EP1905285-091 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 20 0.5 - EP1904571_39

EP1905285-092 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 20 3.0 - EP1904571_44

EP1905285-093 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 20 3.5 - EP1904571_45

EP1905285-094 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 21 0 - EP1904571_48

EP1905285-095 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 21 0.5 - EP1904571_49

EP1905285-096 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 21 2.5 - EP1904571_53

EP1905285-097 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 21 3.0 - EP1904571_54

EP1905285-098 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 0 - EP1904571_58

EP1905285-099 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 0.5 - EP1904571_59

EP1905285-100 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 1.0 - EP1904571_60

EP1905285-101 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 1.5 - EP1904571_61

EP1905285-102 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 2.0 - EP1904571_62

EP1905285-103 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 2.5 - EP1904571_63

EP1905285-104 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 3.0 - EP1904571_64

EP1905285-105 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 3.5 - EP1904571_65

EP1905285-106 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 4.0 - EP1904571_66

EP1905285-107 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 4.5 - EP1904571_67

EP1905285-108 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 5.0 - EP1904571_68

EP1905285-109 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 5.5 - EP1904571_69

EP1905285-110 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 22 6.0 - EP1904571_70

EP1905285-111 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 23 0 - EP1904571_71

EP1905285-112 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 23 0.5 - EP1904571_72

EP1905285-113 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 23 1.0 - EP1904571_73

EP1905285-114 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 23 4.0 - EP1904571_79

EP1905285-115 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 23 4.5 - EP1904571_80

EP1905285-116 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : ASS 23 5.0 - EP1904571_81

EP1905285-117 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 1 - EP1904571_84

EP1905285-118 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 2 - EP1904571_85

EP1905285-119 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 3 - EP1904571_86

EP1905285-120 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 5 - EP1904571_88

EP1905285-121 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 6 - EP1904571_89

EP1905285-122 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 7 - EP1904571_90

EP1905285-123 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 9 - EP1904571_92

EP1905285-124 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 10 - EP1904571_93

EP1905285-125 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 11 - EP1904571_94

EP1905285-126 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 12 - EP1904571_95

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EP1905285-127 : [ 14-May-2019 ] : DUP 5 - EP1904571_88

Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

Some items described below may be part of a laboratory

process necessary for the execution of client requested

tasks. Packages may contain additional analyses, such

as the determination of moisture content and preparation

tasks, that are included in the package.

If no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will

default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date

is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the

laboratory and displayed in brackets without a time



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EP1905285-001 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 0 EP1904569_01 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-002 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 0.5 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-003 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 1.0 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-004 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 1.5 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-005 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 2.0 EP1904569... ü ü

EP1905285-006 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 2.5 EP1904569... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-007 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 3.0 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-008 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 3.5 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-009 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 4.0 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-010 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 4.5 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-011 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 5.0 EP1904569... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-012 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 5.5 EP1904569... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-013 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 6.0 EP1904569... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-014 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 0 EP1904569_14 ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-015 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 0.5 EP1904569... ü ü

EP1905285-016 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 2.0 EP1904569... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-017 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 2.5 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-018 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 3.5 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-019 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 9 4.0 EP1904569... ü

EP1905285-020 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 0 EP1904569_... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-021 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 0.5 EP190456... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-022 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 1.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-023 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 1.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-024 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 2.0 EP190456... ü ü

EP1905285-025 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 2.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-026 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 3.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-027 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 3.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-028 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 4.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-029 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 4.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-030 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 5.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-031 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 5.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-032 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 6.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-033 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 0 EP1904569_... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-034 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 1.5 EP190456... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-035 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 11 2.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-036 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 0 EP1904569_... ü

EP1905285-037 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 0.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-038 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 1.5 EP190456... ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

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EP1905285-039 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 2.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-040 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 4.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-041 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 12 5.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-042 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 0 EP1904569_... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-043 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 1.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-044 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 1.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-045 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 2.5 EP190456... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-046 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 3.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-047 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 3.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-048 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 13 5.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-049 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 0 EP1904569_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-050 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 3.0 EP190456... ü ü

EP1905285-051 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 4.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-052 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 14 4.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-053 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 0 EP1904569_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-054 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 0.5 EP190456... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-055 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 1.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-056 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 1.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-057 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 2.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-058 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 2.5 EP190456... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-059 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 3.0 EP190456... ü ü

EP1905285-060 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 3.5 EP190456... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-061 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 4.0 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-062 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 4.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-063 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 5.0 EP190456... ü ü

EP1905285-064 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 5.5 EP190456... ü

EP1905285-065 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 6.0 EP190456... ü ü

EP1905285-066 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-067 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 0.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-068 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 16 2.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-069 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-070 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 0.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-071 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 3.0 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-072 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 17 3.5 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-073 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-074 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 0.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-075 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 1.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-076 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 1.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-077 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 2.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-078 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 2.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-079 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 3.0 EP190457... ü ü

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EP1905285-080 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 3.5 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-081 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 4.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-082 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 18 4.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-083 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-084 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 0.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-085 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 3.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-086 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 3.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-087 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 4.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-088 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 19 5.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-089 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS19 5.5 EP1904571... ü

EP1905285-090 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-091 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 0.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-092 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 3.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-093 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 20 3.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-094 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-095 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 0.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-096 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 2.5 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-097 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 21 3.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-098 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-099 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 0.5 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-100 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 1.0 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-101 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 1.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-102 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 2.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-103 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 2.5 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-104 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 3.0 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-105 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 3.5 EP190457... ü ü

EP1905285-106 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 4.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-107 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 4.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-108 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 5.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-109 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 5.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-110 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 22 6.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-111 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 0 EP1904571_... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-112 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 0.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-113 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 1.0 EP190457... ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-114 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 4.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-115 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 4.5 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-116 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 23 5.0 EP190457... ü

EP1905285-117 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 1 EP1904571_84 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-118 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 2 EP1904571_85 ü ü

EP1905285-119 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 3 EP1904571_86 ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-120 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 5 EP1904571_88 ü

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Work Order : EP1905285 Amendment 08 of 9:Page

31-May-2019:Issue Date


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EP1905285-121 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 6 EP1904571_89 ü

EP1905285-122 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 7 EP1904571_90 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-123 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 9 EP1904571_92 ü

EP1905285-124 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 10 EP1904571_93 ü ü ü ü ü ü

EP1905285-125 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 11 EP1904571_94 ü ü

EP1905285-126 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 12 EP1904571_95 ü ü ü ü ü ü


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EP1905285-120 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 5 EP1904571_88 ü ü ü

EP1905285-127 14-May-2019 00:00 DUP 5 EP1904571_88 ü ü ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

Proactive Holding Time Report

The following table summarises breaches of recommended holding times that have occurred prior to samples/instructions being

received at the laboratory.

Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time. Matrix: SOIL

EvaluationClient Sample ID(s)

Due for


Due for

analysis Evaluation

Samples Received Instructions Received

Date Date



EA055: Moisture Content

ASS 10 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 10 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 11 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 11 1.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 13 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 13 2.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 14 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 2.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 15 3.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 16 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 16 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 17 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 17 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

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Work Order : EP1905285 Amendment 09 of 9:Page

31-May-2019:Issue Date

ASS 18 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 18 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 18 2.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 19 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 19 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 20 0.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 20 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 21 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 21 2.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 22 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 22 1.0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 23 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 23 1.0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 8 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 2.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 8 5.0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 8 5.5 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 8 6.0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

ASS 9 0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 9 2.0 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

DUP 10 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

DUP 12 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 1 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

DUP 3 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

DUP 7 ü û31-May-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Snap Lock Bag - frozen

Requested Deliverables


- A4 - AU Tax Invoice (INV) Email [email protected]



- *AU Certificate of Analysis - NATA (COA) Email [email protected]

- *AU Interpretive QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QCI Rep) (QCI) Email [email protected]

- *AU QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QC Rep) - NATA (QC) Email [email protected]

- A4 - AU Sample Receipt Notification - Environmental HT (SRN) Email [email protected]

- Chain of Custody (CoC) (COC) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ENMRG (ENMRG) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ESDAT (ESDAT) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - XTab (XTAB) Email [email protected]

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0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 74EP1905285

:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Perth

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019 11:45

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 05-Jun-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 25-Jun-2019 15:28

Sampler : ----

Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

127:No. of samples received

127:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Acid Sulphate Soils, Stafford, QLD

Canhuang Ke Inorganics Supervisor Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Chris Lemaitre Laboratory Manager (Perth) Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

Efua Wilson Metals Chemist Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Ivan Taylor Analyst Sydney Inorganics, Smithfield, NSW

Kim McCabe Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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2 of 74:Page

Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

AVS and CRS conducted by ALS Brisbane, NATA Site No. 818.l

EG020: Samples were diluted and rerun for Lithium due to possible matrix interference and LOR’s have been raised accordingly.l

EG005T (Total Metals) : Poor duplicate precision for Mn due to sample heterogeneity on sample EP1905285-069. Confirmed by visual inspection.l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Retained Acidity not required because pH KCl greater than or equal to 4.5l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Excess ANC not required for sample(s) #60, #63, #64, #65 and #72 because pH OX less than 6.5.l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Liming rate is calculated and reported on a dry weight basis assuming use of fine agricultural lime (CaCO3) and using a safety factor of 1.5 to allow for non-homogeneous mixing and poor

reactivity of lime. For conversion of Liming Rate from kg/t dry weight to kg/m3 in-situ soil, multiply reported results x wet bulk density of soil in t/m3.


EG093: Samples containing high levels of sulfate may precipitate barium under the acidic conditions of this method and may therefore bias results low.l

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Analytical Results

----------------DUP 5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: DI WATER LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

----------------14-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EP1905285-120UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

277Aluminium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L57429-90-5

0.8Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-38-2

<0.2Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.27440-43-9

<0.5Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-47-3

186Iron ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L57439-89-6

<0.2Lead ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.27439-92-1

1Lithium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L17439-93-2

4.0Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57439-96-5

<0.5Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-02-0

<2Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L27782-49-2

<0.1Thorium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.17440-29-1

0.1Uranium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.17440-61-1

8.3Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-62-2

13Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L57440-66-6

EG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

0.12Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.057440-48-4

1.3Copper ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.27440-50-8

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Analytical Results

----------------DUP 5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: LEACHATE

(Matrix: WATER)

----------------14-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

--------------------------------EP1905285-127UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result ---- ---- ---- ----

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

136Aluminium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L57429-90-5

1.7Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-38-2

<0.2Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.27440-43-9

0.9Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-47-3

<5Iron ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L57439-89-6

<0.2Lead ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.27439-92-1

<1Lithium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L17439-93-2

<0.5Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57439-96-5

<0.5Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-02-0

<2Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L27782-49-2

<0.1Thorium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.17440-29-1

0.8Uranium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.17440-61-1

64.6Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.57440-62-2

12Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L57440-66-6

EG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

0.09Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.057440-48-4

4.2Copper ---- ---- ---- ----µg/L0.27440-50-8

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Analytical Results

ASS 8 2.0ASS 8 1.5ASS 8 1.0ASS 8 0.5ASS 8 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-005EP1905285-004EP1905285-003EP1905285-002EP1905285-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.008 ---- ---- ---- <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.7 8.7 8.5 8.5 8.8pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.6 7.9 7.7 7.8 7.5pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

3.17 5.40 2.27 0.957 1.05% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

3.19 5.51 2.19 0.979 0.982% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

0.014 0.103 <0.005 0.022 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

8 64 <5 14 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

3.36 5.98 2.05 0.558 0.375% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

3.37 6.16 2.05 0.637 0.404% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.012 0.183 <0.005 0.078 0.029% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

6 91 <5 39 14mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.009 0.146 <0.005 0.063 0.023% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.448 0.350 0.397 0.342 0.484% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.941 0.764 0.727 0.741 1.10% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.493 0.414 0.330 0.399 0.619% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

406 340 271 328 509mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.650 0.546 0.435 0.526 0.816% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.72 1.46 1.59 1.60 2.62% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 8 2.0ASS 8 1.5ASS 8 1.0ASS 8 0.5ASS 8 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-005EP1905285-004EP1905285-003EP1905285-002EP1905285-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

343 292 317 320 524mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.550 0.467 0.508 0.513 0.840% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 0.10 <0.02 0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 64 <10 14 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

1 5 <1 1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

<0.001 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

29.1 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

14000Aluminium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

6Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

68Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

7Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

25Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

32500Iron ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

180Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

14Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

88Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

30Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

5.9Thorium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

11.6Uranium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

7.3Lithium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 8 2.0ASS 8 1.5ASS 8 1.0ASS 8 0.5ASS 8 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-005EP1905285-004EP1905285-003EP1905285-002EP1905285-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

1.8 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

1.0 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 8 4.5ASS 8 4.0ASS 8 3.5ASS 8 3.0ASS 8 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-010EP1905285-009EP1905285-008EP1905285-007EP1905285-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.6 8.5 8.7 8.4 8.2pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.4 7.3 7.4 7.2 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.738 1.02 0.948 0.703 0.493% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.620 0.878 0.815 0.738 0.463% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.035 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 22 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.138 0.388 0.164 0.248 0.077% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.161 0.401 0.177 0.298 0.096% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.024 0.013 0.013 0.050 0.019% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

12 6 6 25 9mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.019 0.010 0.010 0.040 0.015% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.334 0.469 0.511 0.389 0.374% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.649 0.813 0.930 0.756 0.568% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.315 0.344 0.419 0.367 0.195% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

259 283 344 302 160mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.415 0.453 0.552 0.484 0.257% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.54 1.66 1.75 1.37 1.10% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 8 4.5ASS 8 4.0ASS 8 3.5ASS 8 3.0ASS 8 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-010EP1905285-009EP1905285-008EP1905285-007EP1905285-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

307 332 349 274 220mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.492 0.532 0.559 0.438 0.352% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.04 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 22 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 2 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

29.2 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

10800Aluminium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

7Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

68Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

10Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

29Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

37600Iron ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

8Lead ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

184Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

18Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

85Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

29Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

6.1Thorium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

6.9Uranium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.2Lithium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

0.9 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 8 4.5ASS 8 4.0ASS 8 3.5ASS 8 3.0ASS 8 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-010EP1905285-009EP1905285-008EP1905285-007EP1905285-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

0.5 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 9 0.5ASS 9 0ASS 8 6.0ASS 8 5.5ASS 8 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-015EP1905285-014EP1905285-013EP1905285-012EP1905285-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

7.9 7.6 7.4 ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.2 7.0 6.9 ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.579 0.393 0.704 ---- ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.548 0.426 0.728 ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 0.034 0.024 ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 21 15 ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.134 0.128 0.431 ---- ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.153 0.171 0.458 ---- ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.020 0.043 0.027 ---- ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

10 21 13 ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.016 0.034 0.021 ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.419 0.294 0.340 ---- ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.641 0.401 0.456 ---- ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.222 0.107 0.116 ---- ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

183 88 96 ---- ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.293 0.141 0.153 ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.35 0.758 0.906 ---- ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 9 0.5ASS 9 0ASS 8 6.0ASS 8 5.5ASS 8 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-015EP1905285-014EP1905285-013EP1905285-012EP1905285-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

270 151 181 ---- ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.432 0.243 0.290 ---- ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 ---- -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 0.03 0.02 ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 21 15 ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 2 1 ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- ---- <0.001 ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

17.9 19.4 20.9 18.9 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

5590Aluminium 7580 7060 8070 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

7Arsenic 8 11 <5 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 <1 <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

179Chromium 152 131 49 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

12Cobalt 10 9 4 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

28Copper 33 41 16 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

53400Iron 52900 45400 22000 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

14Lead 14 9 <5 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

195Manganese 140 128 141 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

20Nickel 22 23 9 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium <5 <5 <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

133Vanadium 121 105 57 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

19Zinc 26 30 21 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

5.1Thorium 5.5 8.2 3.9 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

5.8Uranium 8.1 9.4 11.4 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

1.4Lithium 2.0 2.3 4.0 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 9 0.5ASS 9 0ASS 8 6.0ASS 8 5.5ASS 8 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-015EP1905285-014EP1905285-013EP1905285-012EP1905285-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

1.8 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.0%0.5----Organic Matter

1.0 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.6%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 0ASS 9 4.0ASS 9 3.5ASS 9 2.5ASS 9 2.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-020EP1905285-019EP1905285-018EP1905285-017EP1905285-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.017%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- ---- ---- ---- 8.5pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- ---- ---- ---- 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- ---- ---- ---- <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- ---- ---- ---- <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- ---- ---- ---- <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- ---- ---- ---- 11.9% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- ---- ---- ---- 12.8% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.947% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- ---- ---- ---- 590mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- ---- ---- ---- 14.5% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- ---- ---- ---- 15.7% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.21% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- ---- ---- ---- 603mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.967% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.225% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.470% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.245% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- ---- ---- ---- 201mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.323% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.59% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 0ASS 9 4.0ASS 9 3.5ASS 9 2.5ASS 9 2.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-020EP1905285-019EP1905285-018EP1905285-017EP1905285-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- ---- ---- ---- 317mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.508% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- ---- ---- ---- <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- ---- ---- ---- <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.95% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- ---- ---- ---- 591mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- ---- ---- ---- 44kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

23.8 ---- ---- ---- 10.8%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

9720Aluminium ---- ---- ---- 6500mg/kg507429-90-5

<5Arsenic ---- ---- ---- <5mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

54Chromium ---- ---- ---- 19mg/kg27440-47-3

8Cobalt ---- ---- ---- 2mg/kg27440-48-4

24Copper ---- ---- ---- 7mg/kg57440-50-8

26600Iron ---- ---- ---- 11300mg/kg507439-89-6

6Lead ---- ---- ---- <5mg/kg57439-92-1

356Manganese ---- ---- ---- 156mg/kg57439-96-5

16Nickel ---- ---- ---- 5mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

60Vanadium ---- ---- ---- 19mg/kg57440-62-2

31Zinc ---- ---- ---- 17mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

4.5Thorium ---- ---- ---- 2.4mg/kg0.17440-29-1

11.1Uranium ---- ---- ---- 0.9mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.7Lithium ---- ---- ---- 2.4mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

1.0 ---- ---- ---- 1.4%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 0ASS 9 4.0ASS 9 3.5ASS 9 2.5ASS 9 2.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-020EP1905285-019EP1905285-018EP1905285-017EP1905285-016UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

0.6 ---- ---- ---- 0.8%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 2.5ASS 10 2.0ASS 10 1.5ASS 10 1.0ASS 10 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-025EP1905285-024EP1905285-023EP1905285-022EP1905285-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.018 ---- ---- 0.006 ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

7.2 6.9 7.0 6.8 7.0pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

6.6 6.6 6.9 6.8 6.9pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

12.9 12.7 1.68 5.02 8.77% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

13.7 13.5 1.56 5.83 9.16% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

0.854 0.748 <0.005 0.812 0.387% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

532 467 <5 506 241mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

15.6 15.5 1.91 6.05 10.6% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

16.4 16.0 1.77 6.92 10.7% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.740 0.450 <0.005 0.873 0.114% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

369 225 <5 436 57mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.592 0.360 <0.005 0.698 0.091% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.068 0.086 0.074 0.124 0.162% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.097 0.109 0.089 0.177 0.201% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.029 0.022 0.015 0.052 0.039% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

24 18 12 43 32mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.038 0.029 0.020 0.069 0.051% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.204 0.255 0.494 0.423 0.436% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 2.5ASS 10 2.0ASS 10 1.5ASS 10 1.0ASS 10 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-025EP1905285-024EP1905285-023EP1905285-022EP1905285-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

41 51 99 84 87mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.065 0.081 0.158 0.135 0.139% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

0.24 0.20 <0.02 0.18 0.04% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

150 122 <10 112 22mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

11 9 <1 8 2kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

0.85 0.75 <0.02 0.81 0.39% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

533 467 <10 506 241mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

40 35 <1 38 18kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

18.5 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

2070Aluminium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

<5Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

10Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

<2Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

5Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

4540Iron ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

54Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

2Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

14Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

<5Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

1.1Thorium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

2.9Uranium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

<1.0Lithium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

1.0 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 2.5ASS 10 2.0ASS 10 1.5ASS 10 1.0ASS 10 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-025EP1905285-024EP1905285-023EP1905285-022EP1905285-021UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

0.6 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 5.0ASS 10 4.5ASS 10 4.0ASS 10 3.5ASS 10 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-030EP1905285-029EP1905285-028EP1905285-027EP1905285-026UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-A: pH Measurements

6.8 6.6 6.6 7.0 6.5pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

6.6 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.7pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

3.55 1.93 5.40 2.12 0.396% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

3.64 1.80 5.48 1.94 0.341% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

0.087 <0.005 0.075 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

54 <5 47 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

4.28 2.30 6.58 2.33 0.328% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

4.27 2.02 6.36 2.12 0.305% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.075 0.098 0.135 0.199 0.127% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.089 0.108 0.153 0.212 0.132% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.014 0.011 0.018 0.014 0.005% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

12 9 15 11 <5mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.019 0.014 0.023 0.018 0.007% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.229 0.202 0.304 0.384 0.228% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

46 40 61 77 46mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.073 0.065 0.097 0.123 0.073% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 10 5.0ASS 10 4.5ASS 10 4.0ASS 10 3.5ASS 10 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-030EP1905285-029EP1905285-028EP1905285-027EP1905285-026UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

0.09 <0.02 0.08 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

55 <10 47 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

4 <1 4 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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Analytical Results

ASS 11 2.0ASS 11 1.5ASS 11 0ASS 10 6.0ASS 10 5.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-035EP1905285-034EP1905285-033EP1905285-032EP1905285-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- ---- 0.008 0.013 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

6.5 6.6 ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

6.7 6.8 ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.346 0.194 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.248 0.195 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.228 0.136 ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.198 0.150 ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 0.014 ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 7 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 0.012 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.114 0.104 ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.146 0.126 ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.031 0.021 ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

26 18 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.041 0.028 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.291 0.252 ---- ---- ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 11 2.0ASS 11 1.5ASS 11 0ASS 10 6.0ASS 10 5.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-035EP1905285-034EP1905285-033EP1905285-032EP1905285-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

58 50 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.093 0.080 ---- ---- ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 ---- ---- -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 15.6 18.2 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- 16100 6410 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- <5 8 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- <1 <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- 49 29 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- 6 9 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- 19 18 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- 30200 21000 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- <5 12 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- 328 481 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- 12 11 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- <5 <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- 56 76 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- 37 15 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- 5.5 4.9 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- 2.7 3.8 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- 5.4 1.5 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- 1.5 1.1 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 11 2.0ASS 11 1.5ASS 11 0ASS 10 6.0ASS 10 5.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-035EP1905285-034EP1905285-033EP1905285-032EP1905285-031UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

---- ---- 0.9 0.6 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 12 4.5ASS 12 2.0ASS 12 1.5ASS 12 0.5ASS 12 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-040EP1905285-039EP1905285-038EP1905285-037EP1905285-036UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.006 0.017 0.013 0.010 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

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Analytical Results

ASS 13 2.5ASS 13 1.5ASS 13 1.0ASS 13 0ASS 12 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-045EP1905285-044EP1905285-043EP1905285-042EP1905285-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 0.015 0.012 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- 9.0 ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- 7.9 ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- <2 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- <2 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- <2 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- <0.005 ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- <0.005 ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- <0.005 ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- 1.48 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- 1.25 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- <0.005 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- <5 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- 1.78 ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- 1.70 ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- <0.005 ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- <5 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- <0.005 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- 0.188 ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- 0.607 ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- 0.419 ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- 344 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- 0.552 ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- 2.56 ---- ---- ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 13 2.5ASS 13 1.5ASS 13 1.0ASS 13 0ASS 12 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-045EP1905285-044EP1905285-043EP1905285-042EP1905285-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- 511 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 0.818 ---- ---- ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- 1.5 ---- ---- -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- <0.02 ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- <10 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- <1 ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- <0.02 ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- <10 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- <1 ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- 2.8 ---- ---- 31.4%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium 9500 ---- ---- 10800mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic <5 ---- ---- 7mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium <1 ---- ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium 38 ---- ---- 48mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt 4 ---- ---- 7mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper 11 ---- ---- 23mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron 19000 ---- ---- 29200mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead <5 ---- ---- 6mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese 218 ---- ---- 178mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel 10 ---- ---- 10mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium <5 ---- ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium 34 ---- ---- 80mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc 24 ---- ---- 20mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium 3.3 ---- ---- 6.4mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium 1.4 ---- ---- 8.6mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium 3.5 ---- ---- 2.2mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

---- 1.3 ---- ---- 0.9%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 13 2.5ASS 13 1.5ASS 13 1.0ASS 13 0ASS 12 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-045EP1905285-044EP1905285-043EP1905285-042EP1905285-041UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

---- 0.8 ---- ---- 0.5%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 14 3.0ASS 14 0ASS 13 5.0ASS 13 3.5ASS 13 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-050EP1905285-049EP1905285-048EP1905285-047EP1905285-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.006 <0.005 0.008 0.019 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- ---- ---- 9.0 8.2pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- ---- ---- 7.1 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- ---- ---- <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- ---- ---- <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- ---- ---- <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- ---- ---- <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- ---- ---- <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- ---- ---- <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- ---- ---- 11.8 0.961% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- ---- ---- 11.8 0.741% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- ---- ---- <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- ---- ---- <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- ---- ---- 14.1 0.478% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- ---- ---- 14.4 0.459% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- ---- ---- 0.289 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- ---- ---- 144 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- ---- ---- 0.231 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- ---- ---- 0.301 0.396% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- ---- ---- 0.430 0.658% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- ---- ---- 0.129 0.262% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- ---- ---- 106 216mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- ---- ---- 0.170 0.346% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- ---- ---- 0.766 1.71% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 14 3.0ASS 14 0ASS 13 5.0ASS 13 3.5ASS 13 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-050EP1905285-049EP1905285-048EP1905285-047EP1905285-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- ---- ---- 153 341mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- ---- ---- 0.245 0.547% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- ---- ---- 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- ---- ---- <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- ---- ---- <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- ---- ---- <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- ---- ---- <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- ---- ---- <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- ---- ---- <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- ---- <0.001 ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- ---- 23.8 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- ---- 3220 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- ---- <5 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- ---- <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- ---- 14 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- ---- <2 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- ---- 5 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- ---- 5730 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- ---- <5 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- ---- 44 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- ---- 3 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- ---- <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- ---- 18 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- ---- 6 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- ---- 1.0 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- ---- 2.4 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- ---- 1.6 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 14 3.0ASS 14 0ASS 13 5.0ASS 13 3.5ASS 13 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-050EP1905285-049EP1905285-048EP1905285-047EP1905285-046UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- ---- 0.8 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- ---- ---- <0.5 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 1.0ASS 15 0.5ASS 15 0ASS 14 4.5ASS 14 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-055EP1905285-054EP1905285-053EP1905285-052EP1905285-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 0.011 0.010 ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- ---- 8.9 8.5 8.3pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- ---- 7.7 8.1 7.9pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- ---- 9.30 8.18 6.76% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- ---- 10.2 8.07 6.32% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- ---- 0.861 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- ---- 537 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- ---- 10.4 9.72 7.50% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- ---- 11.4 9.52 6.90% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- ---- 1.05 <0.005 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- ---- 525 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- ---- 0.841 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- ---- 0.328 0.286 0.387% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- ---- 0.862 0.578 0.559% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- ---- 0.535 0.292 0.172% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- ---- 440 240 142mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- ---- 0.705 0.385 0.227% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- ---- 2.43 1.71 1.28% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 1.0ASS 15 0.5ASS 15 0ASS 14 4.5ASS 14 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-055EP1905285-054EP1905285-053EP1905285-052EP1905285-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- ---- 485 342 255mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- ---- 0.776 0.548 0.408% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- ---- 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- ---- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- ---- <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- ---- <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- ---- 0.86 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- ---- 537 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- ---- 40 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- <0.001 <0.001 ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 19.2 25.5 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- 11700 8970 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- 6 7 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- <1 <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- 63 52 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- 6 8 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- 21 21 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- 25900 24600 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- <5 10 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- 164 931 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- 14 13 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- <5 <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- 67 59 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- 23 27 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- 4.0 3.9 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- 9.3 12.2 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- 5.3 4.0 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 1.0ASS 15 0.5ASS 15 0ASS 14 4.5ASS 14 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-055EP1905285-054EP1905285-053EP1905285-052EP1905285-051UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- 1.5 0.9 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- ---- 0.9 0.5 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 3.5ASS 15 3.0ASS 15 2.5ASS 15 2.0ASS 15 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-060EP1905285-059EP1905285-058EP1905285-057EP1905285-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.4 7.8 7.4 6.5 6.5pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.7 7.2 6.9 6.5 6.5pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.97 0.603 0.541 0.365 1.11% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

1.74 0.593 0.499 0.352 1.02% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

1.68 0.392 0.330 0.170 0.856% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

1.60 0.359 0.298 0.169 0.745% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.389 0.244 0.229 0.244 0.391% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.690 0.298 0.259 0.257 0.360% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.301 0.054 0.031 0.013 <0.005% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

248 44 25 11 <5mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.397 0.071 0.040 0.017 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.76 0.579 0.330 0.334 ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 3.5ASS 15 3.0ASS 15 2.5ASS 15 2.0ASS 15 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-060EP1905285-059EP1905285-058EP1905285-057EP1905285-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

352 116 66 67 ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.563 0.185 0.106 0.107 ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 23.5 ---- 15.7%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- 6350 ---- 1240mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- 17 ---- <5mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- <1 ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- 161 ---- 10mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- 11 ---- <2mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- 37 ---- 36mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- 65800 ---- 15200mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- 10 ---- <5mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- 172 ---- 32mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- 22 ---- <2mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- <5 ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- 177 ---- 38mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- 39 ---- 6mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- 3.8 ---- 0.5mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- 6.4 ---- 0.8mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- 1.1 ---- <1.0mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- 0.6 ---- 0.7%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 3.5ASS 15 3.0ASS 15 2.5ASS 15 2.0ASS 15 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-060EP1905285-059EP1905285-058EP1905285-057EP1905285-056UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

---- ---- <0.5 ---- <0.5%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 6.0ASS 15 5.5ASS 15 5.0ASS 15 4.5ASS 15 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-065EP1905285-064EP1905285-063EP1905285-062EP1905285-061UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- ---- <0.005 ---- 0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

7.1 7.1 6.0 6.2 5.8pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

6.7 6.8 6.1 6.1 6.0pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 2 <2 8mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.012% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.29 1.06 1.17 0.837 1.22% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

1.28 1.05 1.20 0.868 1.13% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 0.031 0.030 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 19 19 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

1.22 0.927 0.964 0.636 1.10% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

1.16 0.884 0.965 0.681 1.01% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.046 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 23 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.036 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.234 0.248 0.321 0.286 0.271% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.261 0.281 0.337 0.307 0.263% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.027 0.033 0.016 0.021 <0.005% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

22 27 14 17 <5mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.035 0.043 0.022 0.028 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.258 0.298 ---- ---- ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 15 6.0ASS 15 5.5ASS 15 5.0ASS 15 4.5ASS 15 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-065EP1905285-064EP1905285-063EP1905285-062EP1905285-061UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

52 60 ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.082 0.095 ---- ---- ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 0.04 0.03 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 22 20 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 2 2 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 0.04 0.03 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 22 20 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 2 2 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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Analytical Results

ASS 17 0.5ASS 17 0ASS 16 2.0ASS 16 0.5ASS 16 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-070EP1905285-069EP1905285-068EP1905285-067EP1905285-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.006 <0.005 <0.005 0.007 0.008%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.8 8.8 ---- 8.4 8.3pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

8.1 8.3 ---- 7.6 7.9pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 ---- <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 ---- <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 ---- <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

3.36 0.690 ---- 2.40 3.95% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

3.02 0.570 ---- 2.21 3.75% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 ---- <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

4.14 0.369 ---- 1.85 3.86% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

3.87 0.345 ---- 1.77 3.67% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 ---- <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.172 0.207 ---- 0.634 0.641% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.666 0.502 ---- 0.961 1.02% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.494 0.295 ---- 0.327 0.375% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

407 243 ---- 269 308mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.652 0.389 ---- 0.431 0.495% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

2.36 1.66 ---- 1.59 1.87% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 17 0.5ASS 17 0ASS 16 2.0ASS 16 0.5ASS 16 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-070EP1905285-069EP1905285-068EP1905285-067EP1905285-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

471 332 ---- 317 374mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.754 0.532 ---- 0.508 0.600% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 ---- 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 ---- <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 ---- <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 ---- <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 ---- <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 ---- <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 ---- <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

<0.001 <0.001 ---- <0.001 <0.001%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

19.0 32.5 ---- 21.5 24.9%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

18200Aluminium 11400 ---- 8090 12800mg/kg507429-90-5

7Arsenic 7 ---- 16 7mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium <1 ---- <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

89Chromium 68 ---- 94 71mg/kg27440-47-3

9Cobalt 12 ---- 8 9mg/kg27440-48-4

32Copper 31 ---- 20 30mg/kg57440-50-8

38100Iron 33600 ---- 30300 36800mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead 7 ---- <5 12mg/kg57439-92-1

267Manganese 1220 ---- 155 798mg/kg57439-96-5

21Nickel 18 ---- 13 18mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium <5 ---- <5 <5mg/kg57782-49-2

104Vanadium 78 ---- 78 81mg/kg57440-62-2

37Zinc 30 ---- 20 35mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

6.4Thorium 4.7 ---- 3.7 6.1mg/kg0.17440-29-1

16.2Uranium 12.8 ---- 5.4 17.5mg/kg0.17440-61-1

9.3Lithium 4.2 ---- 4.0 5.3mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 17 0.5ASS 17 0ASS 16 2.0ASS 16 0.5ASS 16 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-070EP1905285-069EP1905285-068EP1905285-067EP1905285-066UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

0.8 <0.5 ---- 1.6 1.8%0.5----Organic Matter

<0.5 <0.5 ---- 1.0 1.0%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 18 1.0ASS 18 0.5ASS 18 0ASS 17 3.5ASS 17 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-075EP1905285-074EP1905285-073EP1905285-072EP1905285-071UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 0.035 0.008 ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

7.3 6.2 8.3 8.4 8.5pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.4 6.5 7.3 7.9 8.0pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.206 0.442 5.07 8.80 2.82% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.224 0.441 5.22 8.72 2.58% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

0.018 <0.005 0.156 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

11 <5 97 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.034 0.138 4.09 9.94 2.58% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.052 0.134 4.35 10.0 2.38% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.018 <0.005 0.259 0.067 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

9 <5 129 33 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.014 <0.005 0.207 0.053 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.184 0.329 0.972 0.477 0.590% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.248 0.332 1.34 0.779 0.944% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.063 <0.005 0.372 0.302 0.355% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

52 <5 306 248 292mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.083 <0.005 0.491 0.398 0.468% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.637 ---- 1.15 1.59 1.98% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 18 1.0ASS 18 0.5ASS 18 0ASS 17 3.5ASS 17 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-075EP1905285-074EP1905285-073EP1905285-072EP1905285-071UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

127 ---- 230 318 395mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.204 ---- 0.368 0.510 0.633% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

0.02 <0.02 0.16 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

11 <10 97 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

1 <1 7 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- <0.001 <0.001 ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 25.9 26.1 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- 10000 9350 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- 32 6 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- <1 <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- 76 62 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- 29 6 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- 20 21 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- 27000 26700 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- <5 7 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- 99 398 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- 15 12 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- <5 <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- 78 64 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- 25 25 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- 3.6 3.9 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- 5.9 12.7 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- 5.7 3.7 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 18 1.0ASS 18 0.5ASS 18 0ASS 17 3.5ASS 17 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-075EP1905285-074EP1905285-073EP1905285-072EP1905285-071UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- 1.8 1.4 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- ---- 1.0 0.8 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 18 3.5ASS 18 3.0ASS 18 2.5ASS 18 2.0ASS 18 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-080EP1905285-079EP1905285-078EP1905285-077EP1905285-076UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.5 8.4 7.9 8.0 8.0pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.9 7.8 7.6 7.7 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.65 0.737 0.750 0.863 0.654% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

1.58 0.612 0.646 0.729 0.580% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

1.12 0.093 0.115 0.176 0.071% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

1.07 0.094 0.112 0.177 0.080% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.008% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.007% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.693 0.594 0.694 0.704 0.708% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

1.25 0.844 0.986 1.03 1.13% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.562 0.251 0.293 0.328 0.419% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

462 206 241 270 345mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.741 0.331 0.386 0.433 0.553% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

2.75 1.80 2.36 2.30 2.98% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 18 3.5ASS 18 3.0ASS 18 2.5ASS 18 2.0ASS 18 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-080EP1905285-079EP1905285-078EP1905285-077EP1905285-076UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

549 359 472 459 595mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.879 0.575 0.755 0.735 0.952% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 13.4 ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- 14200 ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- 7 ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- <1 ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- 65 ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- 12 ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- 38 ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- 45500 ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- 16 ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- 827 ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- 23 ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- <5 ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- 108 ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- 43 ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- 8.0 ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- 16.7 ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- 3.8 ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- 1.4 ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 18 3.5ASS 18 3.0ASS 18 2.5ASS 18 2.0ASS 18 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-080EP1905285-079EP1905285-078EP1905285-077EP1905285-076UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

---- ---- 0.8 ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 19 3.0ASS 19 0.5ASS 19 0ASS 18 4.5ASS 18 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-085EP1905285-084EP1905285-083EP1905285-082EP1905285-081UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- ---- 0.015 0.008 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.5 7.6 8.6 8.6 ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.8 7.6 7.6 7.8 ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.633 0.606 6.64 5.04 ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.509 0.555 6.23 4.83 ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 <5 ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.071 0.096 7.14 5.48 ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.067 0.094 6.76 5.37 ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 <5 ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.474 0.537 0.620 0.423 ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.667 0.673 1.05 0.782 ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.192 0.136 0.430 0.359 ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

158 112 354 295 ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.254 0.179 0.567 0.474 ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.29 1.16 1.66 1.60 ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 19 3.0ASS 19 0.5ASS 19 0ASS 18 4.5ASS 18 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-085EP1905285-084EP1905285-083EP1905285-082EP1905285-081UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

258 232 331 320 ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.413 0.372 0.530 0.512 ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- <0.001 <0.001 ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- 24.1 24.8 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- 15100 8540 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- 7 <5 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- <1 <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- 67 49 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- 7 5 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- 26 19 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- 32700 23200 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- <5 7 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- 186 279 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- 15 10 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- <5 <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- 89 57 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- 28 23 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- 5.2 3.7 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- 11.8 11.2 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- 6.5 3.3 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 19 3.0ASS 19 0.5ASS 19 0ASS 18 4.5ASS 18 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-085EP1905285-084EP1905285-083EP1905285-082EP1905285-081UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- 2.4 1.4 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- ---- 1.4 0.8 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 20 0ASS19 5.5ASS 19 5.0ASS 19 4.5ASS 19 3.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-090EP1905285-089EP1905285-088EP1905285-087EP1905285-086UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.009%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- ---- ---- ---- 8.6pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- ---- ---- ---- 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- ---- ---- ---- <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- ---- ---- ---- <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- ---- ---- ---- <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- ---- ---- ---- 4.06% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- ---- ---- ---- 3.89% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- ---- ---- ---- <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- ---- ---- ---- 3.26% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- ---- ---- ---- 3.20% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- ---- ---- ---- <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.809% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.28% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.473% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- ---- ---- ---- 389mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.623% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.98% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 20 0ASS19 5.5ASS 19 5.0ASS 19 4.5ASS 19 3.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-090EP1905285-089EP1905285-088EP1905285-087EP1905285-086UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- ---- ---- ---- 396mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- ---- ---- ---- 0.634% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- ---- ---- ---- <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- ---- ---- ---- <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- ---- ---- ---- <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- ---- ---- ---- <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- ---- ---- ---- <0.001%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- ---- ---- ---- 25.0%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium ---- ---- ---- 6820mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic ---- ---- ---- 8mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium ---- ---- ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium ---- ---- ---- 38mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt ---- ---- ---- 5mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper ---- ---- ---- 12mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron ---- ---- ---- 15300mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead ---- ---- ---- <5mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese ---- ---- ---- 73mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel ---- ---- ---- 7mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium ---- ---- ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium ---- ---- ---- 42mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc ---- ---- ---- 13mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium ---- ---- ---- 2.5mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium ---- ---- ---- 4.0mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium ---- ---- ---- 3.2mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 20 0ASS19 5.5ASS 19 5.0ASS 19 4.5ASS 19 3.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-090EP1905285-089EP1905285-088EP1905285-087EP1905285-086UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.8%0.5----Organic Matter

---- ---- ---- ---- 1.0%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 21 0.5ASS 21 0ASS 20 3.5ASS 20 3.0ASS 20 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-095EP1905285-094EP1905285-093EP1905285-092EP1905285-091UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.6 ---- ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.9 ---- ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.82 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

1.74 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

1.33 ---- ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

1.32 ---- ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.544 ---- ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.908 ---- ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.364 ---- ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

300 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.481 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.53 ---- ---- ---- ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 21 0.5ASS 21 0ASS 20 3.5ASS 20 3.0ASS 20 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-095EP1905285-094EP1905285-093EP1905285-092EP1905285-091UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

305 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.489 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 ---- ---- ---- -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 ---- ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 ---- ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

<0.001 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

26.9 ---- ---- 21.3 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

10200Aluminium ---- ---- 8200 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

<5Arsenic ---- ---- 5 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- ---- <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

51Chromium ---- ---- 49 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

7Cobalt ---- ---- 5 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

28Copper ---- ---- 21 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

28200Iron ---- ---- 20800 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

8Lead ---- ---- 5 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

582Manganese ---- ---- 332 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

13Nickel ---- ---- 10 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

64Vanadium ---- ---- 51 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

26Zinc ---- ---- 20 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

4.5Thorium ---- ---- 3.5 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

12.7Uranium ---- ---- 12.2 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.2Lithium ---- ---- 3.1 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

ASS 21 0.5ASS 21 0ASS 20 3.5ASS 20 3.0ASS 20 0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-095EP1905285-094EP1905285-093EP1905285-092EP1905285-091UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter

1.7 ---- ---- 1.8 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

1.0 ---- ---- 1.0 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 1.0ASS 22 0.5ASS 22 0ASS 21 3.0ASS 21 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-100EP1905285-099EP1905285-098EP1905285-097EP1905285-096UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 0.022 0.006 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.1 ---- 8.8 8.8 8.5pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.4 ---- 7.2 7.8 7.9pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.09 ---- 12.8 5.78 2.09% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.955 ---- 14.8 5.85 2.02% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 ---- 2.03 0.065 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 ---- 1270 41 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.686 ---- 15.3 6.55 2.08% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.660 ---- 17.8 6.83 2.10% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 ---- 2.45 0.276 0.022% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 ---- 1220 138 11mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 ---- 1.96 0.221 0.017% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.516 ---- 0.122 0.237 0.365% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.771 ---- 0.318 0.492 0.743% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.256 ---- 0.197 0.255 0.378% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

210 ---- 162 210 311mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.337 ---- 0.259 0.336 0.499% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.50 ---- 0.766 1.21 1.97% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 1.0ASS 22 0.5ASS 22 0ASS 21 3.0ASS 21 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-100EP1905285-099EP1905285-098EP1905285-097EP1905285-096UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

300 ---- 153 242 393mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.480 ---- 0.245 0.388 0.630% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 ---- 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 ---- 0.51 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 ---- 320 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 ---- 24 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 ---- 2.03 0.07 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 ---- 1270 41 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 ---- 95 3 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

15.9 ---- 32.6 ---- 22.3%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

11200Aluminium ---- 1520 ---- 10800mg/kg507429-90-5

7Arsenic ---- <5 ---- <5mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- <1 ---- <1mg/kg17440-43-9

56Chromium ---- 7 ---- 56mg/kg27440-47-3

8Cobalt ---- <2 ---- 6mg/kg27440-48-4

33Copper ---- <5 ---- 22mg/kg57440-50-8

36200Iron ---- 2590 ---- 28200mg/kg507439-89-6

10Lead ---- <5 ---- 11mg/kg57439-92-1

231Manganese ---- 20 ---- 455mg/kg57439-96-5

16Nickel ---- <2 ---- 12mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- <5 ---- <5mg/kg57782-49-2

83Vanadium ---- 8 ---- 65mg/kg57440-62-2

29Zinc ---- <5 ---- 27mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

5.8Thorium ---- 0.5 ---- 5.2mg/kg0.17440-29-1

11.6Uranium ---- 1.3 ---- 12.1mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.3Lithium ---- <1.0 ---- 3.9mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

0.8 ---- 1.3 ---- 0.9%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 1.0ASS 22 0.5ASS 22 0ASS 21 3.0ASS 21 2.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-100EP1905285-099EP1905285-098EP1905285-097EP1905285-096UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

<0.5 ---- 0.8 ---- 0.5%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 3.5ASS 22 3.0ASS 22 2.5ASS 22 2.0ASS 22 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-105EP1905285-104EP1905285-103EP1905285-102EP1905285-101UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

---- ---- <0.005 0.012 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.6 8.3 8.2 8.2 8.3pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.8 7.4 7.2 7.3 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.54 0.846 6.17 5.47 0.684% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

1.29 0.776 5.94 5.28 0.569% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

1.34 0.703 7.08 6.26 0.408% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

1.16 0.710 6.99 6.22 0.364% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 0.007 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 0.006 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.309 0.175 0.225 0.265 0.247% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.636 0.278 0.360 0.395 0.354% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.327 0.103 0.134 0.130 0.107% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

269 85 111 106 88mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.431 0.136 0.177 0.171 0.141% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.59 0.786 0.744 0.927 0.731% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 3.5ASS 22 3.0ASS 22 2.5ASS 22 2.0ASS 22 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-105EP1905285-104EP1905285-103EP1905285-102EP1905285-101UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

318 157 149 185 146mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.510 0.252 0.238 0.296 0.234% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 6.0ASS 22 5.5ASS 22 5.0ASS 22 4.5ASS 22 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-110EP1905285-109EP1905285-108EP1905285-107EP1905285-106UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.3 8.5 8.3 8.2 8.4pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.7 7.8 7.4 7.2 7.7pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

1.00 1.16 0.786 1.86 0.924% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.804 0.940 0.699 1.66 0.912% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.667 0.933 0.540 1.70 0.700% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.599 0.801 0.501 1.54 0.727% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.028% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 <5 <5 <5 14mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.022% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.265 0.284 0.294 0.313 0.243% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.413 0.458 0.480 0.496 0.462% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.148 0.175 0.186 0.183 0.218% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

122 144 153 150 180mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.195 0.230 0.246 0.241 0.288% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.968 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.03% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

194 203 202 202 205mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.310 0.325 0.324 0.323 0.328% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

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Analytical Results

ASS 22 6.0ASS 22 5.5ASS 22 5.0ASS 22 4.5ASS 22 4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-110EP1905285-109EP1905285-108EP1905285-107EP1905285-106UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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Analytical Results

ASS 23 4.5ASS 23 4.0ASS 23 1.0ASS 23 0.5ASS 23 0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-115EP1905285-114EP1905285-113EP1905285-112EP1905285-111UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.026 0.014 0.010 <0.005 0.014%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

18.5 ---- 16.4 ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

1800Aluminium ---- 11000 ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

<5Arsenic ---- 8 ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium ---- 1 ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

10Chromium ---- 52 ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

<2Cobalt ---- 7 ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

<5Copper ---- 24 ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

4310Iron ---- 29500 ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead ---- 11 ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

50Manganese ---- 536 ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

<2Nickel ---- 13 ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

14Selenium ---- 7 ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

11Vanadium ---- 68 ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

<5Zinc ---- 27 ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

0.6Thorium ---- 5.3 ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

1.7Uranium ---- 12.4 ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

0.7Lithium ---- 3.4 ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

1.7 ---- 1.3 ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

1.0 ---- 0.8 ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

DUP 5DUP 3DUP 2DUP 1ASS 23 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-120EP1905285-119EP1905285-118EP1905285-117EP1905285-116UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 0.005 <0.005 0.017 ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.1pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- 7.6 7.5 7.3 6.7pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- 2.95 1.12 11.6 4.55% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- 2.59 0.977 12.5 4.30% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- <0.005 <0.005 0.950 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- <5 <5 593 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- 3.12 0.471 13.9 5.53% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- 2.74 0.434 15.0 5.19% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- <0.005 <0.005 1.06 <0.005% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- <5 <5 528 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- <0.005 <0.005 0.846 <0.005% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- 0.502 0.541 0.091 0.338% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- 0.988 0.865 0.241 0.523% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- 0.486 0.324 0.150 0.185% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- 400 267 123 152mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- 0.642 0.428 0.197 0.244% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- 2.10 1.66 0.856 1.06% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

DUP 5DUP 3DUP 2DUP 1ASS 23 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-120EP1905285-119EP1905285-118EP1905285-117EP1905285-116UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- 420 331 171 211mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 0.673 0.530 0.274 0.338% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- <0.02 <0.02 0.13 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- <10 <10 83 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- <1 <1 6 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- <0.02 <0.02 0.95 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- <10 <10 593 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- <1 <1 44 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

---- 0.001 ---- ---- ----%0.001----Acid Volatile Sulfur

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- 30.0 ---- 13.3 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium 15000 ---- 7760 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic 8 ---- <5 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium 2 ---- <1 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium 70 ---- 24 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt 8 ---- 3 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper 26 ---- 9 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron 34700 ---- 13600 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead <5 ---- <5 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese 252 ---- 178 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel 15 ---- 6 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium <5 ---- <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium 93 ---- 26 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc 27 ---- 17 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium 5.5 ---- 2.2 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium 9.0 ---- 0.8 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium 5.2 ---- 1.7 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

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Analytical Results

DUP 5DUP 3DUP 2DUP 1ASS 23 5.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-120EP1905285-119EP1905285-118EP1905285-117EP1905285-116UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EN60: Bottle Leaching Procedure

---- ---- ---- ---- 6.9pH Unit0.1----Final pH

EP004: Organic Matter

---- 1.2 ---- 1.1 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

---- 0.7 ---- 0.7 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

DUP 11DUP 10DUP 9DUP 7DUP 6Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-125EP1905285-124EP1905285-123EP1905285-122EP1905285-121UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.015 0.010 ---- 0.007 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

---- ---- 7.9 7.6 7.3pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

---- ---- 7.2 6.9 6.8pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

---- ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

---- ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

---- ---- <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

---- ---- 0.577 0.477 0.420% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

---- ---- 0.506 0.479 0.413% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

---- ---- <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

---- ---- <5 <5 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

---- ---- 0.306 0.226 0.168% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

---- ---- 0.268 0.235 0.181% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

---- ---- <0.005 0.009 0.012% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

---- ---- <5 <5 6mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

---- ---- <0.005 0.007 0.010% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

---- ---- 0.242 0.202 0.230% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

---- ---- 0.276 0.251 0.276% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

---- ---- 0.034 0.049 0.047% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

---- ---- 28 40 38mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

---- ---- 0.044 0.065 0.062% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

---- ---- 0.381 0.402 0.332% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

DUP 11DUP 10DUP 9DUP 7DUP 6Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-125EP1905285-124EP1905285-123EP1905285-122EP1905285-121UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

---- ---- 76 80 66mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- ---- 0.122 0.128 0.106% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

---- ---- 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

---- ---- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

---- ---- <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

---- ---- <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

---- ---- <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

---- ---- <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

---- ---- <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

---- 34.5 ---- 24.8 ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

----Aluminium 11400 ---- 7200 ----mg/kg507429-90-5

----Arsenic 9 ---- 19 ----mg/kg57440-38-2

----Cadmium 1 ---- 3 ----mg/kg17440-43-9

----Chromium 50 ---- 163 ----mg/kg27440-47-3

----Cobalt 7 ---- 12 ----mg/kg27440-48-4

----Copper 23 ---- 41 ----mg/kg57440-50-8

----Iron 30900 ---- 72100 ----mg/kg507439-89-6

----Lead 6 ---- 11 ----mg/kg57439-92-1

----Manganese 190 ---- 197 ----mg/kg57439-96-5

----Nickel 11 ---- 22 ----mg/kg27440-02-0

----Selenium <5 ---- <5 ----mg/kg57782-49-2

----Vanadium 83 ---- 186 ----mg/kg57440-62-2

----Zinc 19 ---- 38 ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

----Thorium 6.3 ---- 4.2 ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

----Uranium 8.1 ---- 7.0 ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

----Lithium 1.3 ---- 0.7 ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

---- 0.8 ---- 0.5 ----%0.5----Organic Matter

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Analytical Results

DUP 11DUP 10DUP 9DUP 7DUP 6Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1905285-125EP1905285-124EP1905285-123EP1905285-122EP1905285-121UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EP004: Organic Matter - Continued

---- <0.5 ---- <0.5 ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

------------DUP 5DUP 12Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

------------14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

------------------------EP1905285-127EP1905285-126UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result ---- ---- ----

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

0.006 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

6.9 ---- ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

6.5 ---- ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.957 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.858 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.760 ---- ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.701 ---- ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

<5 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

<0.005 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.253 ---- ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.261 ---- ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.008 ---- ---- ---- ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

6 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

0.010 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

0.313 ---- ---- ---- ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

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Analytical Results

------------DUP 5DUP 12Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

------------14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

------------------------EP1905285-127EP1905285-126UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result ---- ---- ----

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

62 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.100 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 ---- ---- ---- -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 ---- ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 ---- ---- ---- ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 ---- ---- ---- ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 ---- ---- ---- ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

24.5 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.1----Moisture Content

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

2940Aluminium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

6Arsenic ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

1Cadmium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

42Chromium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

4Cobalt ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

32Copper ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

28200Iron ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

122Manganese ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

6Nickel ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

66Vanadium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

12Zinc ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

1.2Thorium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

1.9Uranium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

0.4Lithium ---- ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

---- 9.1 ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.1----Final pH

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

------------DUP 5DUP 12Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

------------14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

------------------------EP1905285-127EP1905285-126UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result ---- ---- ----

EP004: Organic Matter

1.5 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

0.8 ---- ---- ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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7 7.00False


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EP1905285 Page : 1 of 24

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EP



Address : 26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 05-Jun-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 25-Jun-2019

Sampler : ----

Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

No. of samples received 127:

No. of samples analysed 127:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Ben Felgendrejeris Senior Acid Sulfate Soil Chemist Brisbane Acid Sulphate Soils, Stafford, QLD

Canhuang Ke Inorganics Supervisor Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Chris Lemaitre Laboratory Manager (Perth) Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

Efua Wilson Metals Chemist Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Ivan Taylor Analyst Sydney Inorganics, Smithfield, NSW

Kim McCabe Senior Inorganic Chemist Brisbane Inorganics, Stafford, QLD

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2402376)

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 68 64 5.39 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 7 6 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 14 14 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 6 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 25 23 7.29 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 180 176 1.97 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 88 81 8.02 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 30 27 8.25 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 14000 13200 6.44 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 32500 30300 7.14 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 11 1.5 EP1905285-034

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 29 22 26.3 0% - 50%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 9 7 31.2 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 11 7 42.8 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 8 <5 40.8 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 18 12 42.3 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 12 10 26.1 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 481 480 0.00 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 76 46 49.6 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 15 11 30.0 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 6410 5450 16.2 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2402376) - continued

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 21000 21900 4.04 0% - 20%ASS 11 1.5 EP1905285-034

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2402379)

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 17 0 EP1905285-069

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 94 87 7.26 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 8 7 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 13 12 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 16 17 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 20 18 10.9 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 155 # 207 28.6 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 78 73 6.81 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 20 18 9.66 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 8090 7240 11.1 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 30300 28500 6.02 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 21 2.5 EP1905285-096

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 56 54 2.53 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 8 8 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 16 16 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 7 7 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 33 33 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 10 10 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 231 248 6.95 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 83 82 0.00 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 29 28 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 11200 11000 2.09 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 36200 35800 0.934 0% - 20%

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2402401)

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EP1905276-021

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 8 8 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 5 6 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 324 353 8.56 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 8 9 0.00 No Limit

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Work Order :





Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2402401) - continued

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 260 270 5.62 No LimitAnonymous EP1905276-021

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 10400 11300 8.22 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg 1 1 0.00 No LimitDUP 7 EP1905285-122

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 50 52 4.21 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 7 7 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 11 11 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 9 9 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 23 23 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 6 6 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 190 172 10.4 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 83 86 4.36 0% - 50%

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 19 18 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 11400 11200 2.16 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 30900 31800 2.90 0% - 20%

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2408985)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % 0.008 0.007 0.00 No LimitASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 9 4.0 EP1905285-019

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2408986)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % 0.013 0.012 0.00 No LimitASS 12 1.5 EP1905285-038

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % 0.019 0.019 0.00 No LimitASS 14 0 EP1905285-049

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2411720)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 15 5.0 EP1905285-063

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 18 2.5 EP1905285-078

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2411721)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS19 5.5 EP1905285-089

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 22 1.0 EP1905285-100

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2411722)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 23 5.0 EP1905285-116

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.7 8.7 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.6 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.9 7.9 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.2 7.2 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.6 6.6 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.6 6.6 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.5 8.6 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.1 8.1 0.00 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.2 6.2 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 15 5.5 EP1905285-064

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 6.1 6.2 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.5 8.5 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.0 8.0 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.6 8.6 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.6 7.6 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.3 8.3 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.2 7.2 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.9 7.9 0.00 0% - 20%DUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.2 7.2 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397785) - continued

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 15 5.5 EP1905285-064

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397787) - continued

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No LimitASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitDUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 3.17 3.25 2.35 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 3.19 3.19 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S 0.014 <0.005 93.0 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t 8 <5 52.3 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.579 0.572 1.09 0% - 20%ASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.548 0.529 3.47 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 1.93 1.97 1.87 0% - 20%ASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 1.80 1.93 7.09 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 8.18 8.04 1.74 0% - 20%ASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 8.07 7.98 1.12 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.837 0.830 0.912 0% - 20%ASS 15 5.5 EP1905285-064

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.868 0.866 0.173 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S 0.030 0.036 18.4 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t 19 22 18.4 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 2.82 2.79 1.07 0% - 20%ASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 2.58 2.52 2.22 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2397786) - continued

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 4.06 4.20 3.37 0% - 20%ASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 3.89 3.94 1.20 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.684 0.676 1.16 0% - 20%ASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.569 0.553 2.99 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.577 0.600 3.94 0% - 20%DUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.506 0.473 6.84 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 3.36 3.43 2.26 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 3.37 3.37 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.012 <0.005 81.0 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S 0.009 <0.005 61.5 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 6 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.134 0.130 2.66 0% - 20%ASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.153 0.151 1.05 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.020 0.021 9.29 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S 0.016 0.017 9.29 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 10 11 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 2.30 2.32 0.906 0% - 20%ASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 2.02 2.12 4.54 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 9.72 9.59 1.28 0% - 20%ASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 9.52 9.49 0.255 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2397785) - continued

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.636 0.606 4.83 0% - 20%ASS 15 5.5 EP1905285-064

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.681 0.648 5.07 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.046 0.042 8.46 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S 0.036 0.034 8.46 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 23 21 8.46 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 2.58 2.55 1.25 0% - 20%ASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 2.38 2.32 2.37 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 3.26 3.31 1.35 0% - 20%ASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 3.20 3.22 0.645 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.408 0.409 0.367 0% - 20%ASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.364 0.373 2.42 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.306 0.306 0.00 0% - 20%DUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.268 0.266 0.824 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.448 0.456 1.77 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.941 0.941 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.493 0.485 1.64 0% - 20%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.650 0.640 1.64 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 406 399 1.64 0% - 20%

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.419 0.417 0.598 0% - 20%ASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.641 0.606 5.60 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397784) - continued

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.222 0.190 15.7 0% - 20%ASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.293 0.250 15.7 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 183 156 15.7 0% - 20%

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.098 0.099 1.32 0% - 50%ASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.108 0.116 6.25 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.011 0.016 42.4 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.014 0.021 42.4 No Limit

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 9 13 42.4 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.286 0.301 5.08 0% - 20%ASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.578 0.576 0.347 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.292 0.275 5.96 0% - 20%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.385 0.363 5.96 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 240 226 5.96 0% - 20%

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.286 0.271 5.34 0% - 20%ASS 15 5.5 EP1905285-064

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.307 0.283 8.20 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.021 0.012 57.2 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.028 0.015 57.2 No Limit

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 17 10 57.2 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.590 0.582 1.24 0% - 20%ASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.944 0.911 3.64 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.355 0.328 7.76 0% - 20%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.468 0.433 7.76 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 292 270 7.76 0% - 20%

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.809 0.845 4.35 0% - 20%ASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 1.28 1.31 2.11 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.473 0.464 1.86 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397787) - continued

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.623 0.612 1.86 0% - 20%ASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 389 382 1.86 0% - 20%

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.247 0.246 0.446 0% - 20%ASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.354 0.353 0.509 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.107 0.106 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.141 0.140 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 88 88 0.00 0% - 50%

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.242 0.245 0.862 0% - 20%DUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.276 0.265 4.06 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.034 0.021 48.2 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.044 0.027 48.2 No Limit

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 28 17 48.2 No Limit

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.72 1.72 0.150 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.550 0.550 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 343 344 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.35 1.35 0.0998 0% - 20%ASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.432 0.433 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 270 270 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 0.202 0.209 3.05 0% - 50%ASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.065 0.067 3.05 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 40 42 3.05 No Limit

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.71 1.70 0.518 0% - 20%ASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.548 0.545 0.518 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 342 340 0.518 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.98 1.98 0.200 0% - 20%ASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.633 0.634 0.200 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 395 396 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.98 1.97 0.400 0% - 20%ASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.634 0.631 0.400 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 396 394 0.400 0% - 20%

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 0.731 0.736 0.679 0% - 20%ASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.234 0.236 0.679 0% - 50%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 146 147 0.00 0% - 50%

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 0.381 0.382 0.00 0% - 50%DUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.122 0.122 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 76 76 0.00 No Limit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397784)

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t 1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 8 5.0 EP1905285-011

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397785)

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397785) - continued

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No LimitASS 10 3.5 EP1905285-027

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 15 0.5 EP1905285-054

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397786)

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S 0.03 0.04 28.6 No LimitASS 15 5.5 EP1905285-064

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S 0.03 0.04 28.6 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 20 24 18.2 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 20 24 18.2 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 18 1.0 EP1905285-075

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397787)

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 20 0 EP1905285-090

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitASS 22 3.5 EP1905285-105

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397788)

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitDUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2397788) - continued

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No LimitDUP 9 EP1905285-123

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur (QC Lot: 2412212)

EA038: Acid Volatile Sulfur ---- 0.001 % 0.012 0.012 0.00 0% - 50%Anonymous EB1914854-009

EA038: Acid Volatile Sulfur ---- 0.001 % <0.001 0.001 0.00 No LimitASS 17 0.5 EP1905285-070

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) (QC Lot: 2390990)

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 29.1 28.0 3.88 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 15.6 14.9 4.40 0% - 20%ASS 11 0 EP1905285-033

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) (QC Lot: 2390991)

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 21.5 21.9 1.86 0% - 20%ASS 17 0 EP1905285-069

EA055: Moisture Content ---- 0.1 % 21.3 22.4 5.21 0% - 20%ASS 21 0 EP1905285-094

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2402377)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 5.9 5.3 9.26 0% - 20%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 4.9 4.8 0.00 0% - 20%ASS 11 1.5 EP1905285-034

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2402378)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 11.6 10.7 7.80 0% - 50%ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 7.3 6.6 8.97 No Limit

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 3.8 3.6 4.62 0% - 20%ASS 11 1.5 EP1905285-034

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 1.5 1.2 20.6 No Limit

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2402380)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 3.7 3.4 9.80 0% - 20%ASS 17 0 EP1905285-069

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 5.8 5.7 2.15 0% - 20%ASS 21 2.5 EP1905285-096

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2402381)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 5.4 4.7 14.4 0% - 20%ASS 17 0 EP1905285-069

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 4.0 3.5 11.8 No Limit

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 11.6 11.1 4.72 0% - 50%ASS 21 2.5 EP1905285-096

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 3.3 3.0 10.0 No Limit

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2402400)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 0.7 0.6 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EP1905276-021

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 6.3 6.5 3.27 0% - 20%DUP 7 EP1905285-122

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2402402)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 1.7 1.9 9.57 0% - 50%ASS 23 0 EP1905285-111

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 0.7 0.7 0.00 No Limit

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2385152)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 1.8 1.7 6.60 No LimitASS 8 0 EP1905285-001

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % 1.0 1.0 0.00 No Limit

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 1.5 1.4 9.02 No LimitASS 11 0 EP1905285-033

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % 0.9 0.8 0.00 No Limit

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2385154)

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2385154) - continued

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 0.5 0.00 No LimitASS 16 0.5 EP1905285-067

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 1.8 1.9 7.54 No LimitASS 21 0 EP1905285-094

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % 1.0 1.1 0.00 No Limit

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2385155)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 1.5 1.4 0.00 No LimitDUP 12 EP1905285-126

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % 0.8 0.8 0.00 No Limit

Sub-Matrix: WATER Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QC Lot: 2394858)

EG093A-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 µg/L <0.1 <0.1 0.00 No LimitDUP 5 EP1905285-120

EG093A-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 µg/L 0.1 0.1 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.2 µg/L <0.2 <0.2 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Lead 7439-92-1 0.2 µg/L <0.2 <0.2 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.5 µg/L 0.8 0.8 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.5 µg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.5 µg/L 4.0 4.0 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.5 µg/L <0.5 <0.5 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.5 µg/L 8.3 8.4 0.00 0% - 50%

EG093A-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 1 µg/L 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EG093A-T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 5 µg/L 277 259 6.54 0% - 20%

EG093A-T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 µg/L 13 12 0.00 No Limit

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QC Lot: 2394859)

EG093B-T: Selenium 7782-49-2 2 µg/L <2 <2 0.00 No LimitDUP 5 EP1905285-120

EG093B-T: Iron 7439-89-6 5 µg/L 186 184 1.32 0% - 20%

EG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QC Lot: 2399824)

EG093A-T_LL: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.05 µg/L 0.12 0.12 0.00 No LimitDUP 5 EP1905285-120

EG093A-T_LL: Copper 7440-50-8 0.2 µg/L 1.3 1.3 0.00 No Limit

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Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402376)

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 95.722 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 92.05 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 88.742.2 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 -------- --------

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 96.334 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 98.040 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 99.155.5 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 11162 mg/kg 13070

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402379)

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 94.522 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 89.05 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 92.342.2 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 -------- --------

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 94.134 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 91.440 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 99.455.5 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 10862 mg/kg 13070

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402401)

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 10222 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 99.05 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 93.542.2 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 -------- --------

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 96.834 mg/kg 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402401) - continued

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 98.940 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 99.555.5 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 10462 mg/kg 13070

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2408985)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 1050.25483 % 13070

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2408986)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 1020.25483 % 13070

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2411720)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 97.60.25483 % 13070

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2411721)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 1020.25483 % 13070

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2411722)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 1010.25483 % 13070

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2397784)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 96.85.02 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 1083.5615 pH Unit 12092

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2397785)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 97.45.02 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 1123.5615 pH Unit 12092

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2397786)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 96.05.02 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 1093.5615 pH Unit 12092

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2397787)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 97.85.02 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 1123.5615 pH Unit 12092

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2397788)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 97.65.02 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 1073.5615 pH Unit 12092

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2397784)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 92.824.27 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 10555.0798 mole H+ / t 11490

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2397784) - continued

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2397785)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 93.624.27 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 11255.0798 mole H+ / t 11490

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2397786)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 98.024.27 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 10455.0798 mole H+ / t 11490

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2397787)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 92.824.27 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 99.655.0798 mole H+ / t 11490

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2397788)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 92.924.27 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 10855.0798 mole H+ / t 11490

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2397784)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1170.1671 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1120.6561 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2397785)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1180.1671 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1120.6561 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2397786)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1160.1671 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1160.6561 % S 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2397786) - continued

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2397787)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1190.1671 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1130.6561 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2397788)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1290.1671 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1070.6561 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2397784)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1040.4248 % Ca 13070

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1080.6748 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2397785)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1060.4248 % Ca 13070

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1040.6748 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2397786)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1070.4248 % Ca 13070

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1060.6748 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2397787)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1050.4248 % Ca 13070

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1010.6748 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2397788)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 1030.4248 % Ca 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2397788) - continued

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 98.80.6748 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2397784)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 96.20.0686 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1030.0926 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2397785)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 98.40.0686 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1000.0926 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2397786)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 98.80.0686 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1040.0926 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2397787)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 96.80.0686 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 99.60.0926 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2397788)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 1020.0686 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 98.90.0926 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur (QCLot: 2412212)

EA038: Acid Volatile Sulfur ---- 0.001 % <0.001 96.70.17 % 9787

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2402377)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2402378)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2402380)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2402381)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2402400)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2402402)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure (QCLot: 2389869)

EN60a: Final pH ---- 0.1 pH Unit 9.0 -------- --------

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2385152)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 87.42.3 % 13070

<0.5 84.185 % 13070

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 -------- --------

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2385154)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 87.82.3 % 13070

<0.5 87.085 % 13070

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 -------- --------

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2385155)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 1022.3 % 13070

<0.5 84.085 % 13070

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 -------- --------

Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QCLot: 2394858)

EG093A-T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 5 µg/L <5 99.150 µg/L 12085

EG093A-T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.5 µg/L <0.5 98.010 µg/L 11786

EG093A-T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 0.2 µg/L <0.2 96.410 µg/L 11584

EG093A-T: Chromium 7440-47-3 0.5 µg/L <0.5 93.210 µg/L 12084

EG093A-T: Lead 7439-92-1 0.2 µg/L <0.2 93.910 µg/L 12084

EG093A-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 1 µg/L <1 -------- --------

EG093A-T: Manganese 7439-96-5 0.5 µg/L <0.5 96.010 µg/L 12486

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QCLot: 2394858) - continued

EG093A-T: Nickel 7440-02-0 0.5 µg/L <0.5 91.010 µg/L 12080

EG093A-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 µg/L <0.1 -------- --------

EG093A-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 µg/L <0.1 -------- --------

EG093A-T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 0.5 µg/L <0.5 96.610 µg/L 12084

EG093A-T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 µg/L <5 98.620 µg/L 12481

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QCLot: 2394859)

EG093B-T: Iron 7439-89-6 5 µg/L <5 89.650 µg/L 12880

EG093B-T: Selenium 7782-49-2 2 µg/L <2 99.010 µg/L 11989

EG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QCLot: 2399824)

EG093A-T_LL: Cobalt 7440-48-4 0.05 µg/L <0.05 96.21 µg/L 11585

EG093A-T_LL: Copper 7440-50-8 0.2 µg/L <0.2 99.81 µg/L 11585

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402376)

ASS 8 0 EP1905285-001 7429-90-5EG005T: Aluminium # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 99.750 mg/kg 13070

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 90.450 mg/kg 13070

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 82.750 mg/kg 13070

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 99.950 mg/kg 13070

7439-89-6EG005T: Iron # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 93.550 mg/kg 13070

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese 10350 mg/kg 13070

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 92.050 mg/kg 13070

7782-49-2EG005T: Selenium 10610 mg/kg 13070

7440-62-2EG005T: Vanadium 79.150 mg/kg 13070

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 93.150 mg/kg 13070

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402379)

ASS 17 0 EP1905285-069 7429-90-5EG005T: Aluminium # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 96.650 mg/kg 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402379) - continued

ASS 17 0 EP1905285-069 7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 92.250 mg/kg 13070

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 84.150 mg/kg 13070

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 10350 mg/kg 13070

7439-89-6EG005T: Iron # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 95.250 mg/kg 13070

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese 12050 mg/kg 13070

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 93.250 mg/kg 13070

7782-49-2EG005T: Selenium 10110 mg/kg 13070

7440-62-2EG005T: Vanadium 89.850 mg/kg 13070

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 96.850 mg/kg 13070

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2402401)

Anonymous EP1905276-021 7429-90-5EG005T: Aluminium # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 85.850 mg/kg 13070

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 10250 mg/kg 13070

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 99.450 mg/kg 13070

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 10250 mg/kg 13070

7439-89-6EG005T: Iron # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 10350 mg/kg 13070

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 10050 mg/kg 13070

7782-49-2EG005T: Selenium 90.210 mg/kg 13070

7440-62-2EG005T: Vanadium 99.050 mg/kg 13070

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 10450 mg/kg 13070

Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QCLot: 2394858)

DUP 5 EP1905285-127 7440-38-2EG093A-T: Arsenic 10750 µg/L 13070

7440-43-9EG093A-T: Cadmium 98.550 µg/L 13070

7440-47-3EG093A-T: Chromium 98.950 µg/L 13070

7439-92-1EG093A-T: Lead 10150 µg/L 13070

7439-96-5EG093A-T: Manganese 10150 µg/L 13070

7440-02-0EG093A-T: Nickel 10350 µg/L 13070

7440-62-2EG093A-T: Vanadium 10350 µg/L 13070

7440-66-6EG093A-T: Zinc 105100 µg/L 13070

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Sub-Matrix: WATER Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS (QCLot: 2399824)

DUP 5 EP1905285-127 7440-48-4EG093A-T_LL: Cobalt 1174 µg/L 13070

7440-50-8EG093A-T_LL: Copper # Not


1 µg/L 13070

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EP1905285 Page : 1 of 36

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 25-Jun-2019

----:Sampler No. of samples received : 127

:Order number ---- No. of samples analysed : 127

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l Duplicate outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l Matrix Spike outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Outliers : Quality Control Samples

Duplicates, Method Blanks, Laboratory Control Samples and Matrix Spikes

Matrix: SOIL

Compound Group Name CommentLimitsDataAnalyteClient Sample IDLaboratory Sample ID CAS Number

Duplicate (DUP) RPDs

EP1905285--069 7439-96-5ManganeseASS 17 0 RPD exceeds LOR based limits0% - 20%28.6 %EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries

EP1905285--001 7429-90-5AluminiumASS 8 0 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1905285--069 7429-90-5AluminiumASS 17 0 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1905276--021 7429-90-5AluminiumAnonymous MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1905285--001 7439-89-6IronASS 8 0 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1905285--069 7439-89-6IronASS 17 0 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1905276--021 7439-89-6IronAnonymous MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1905276--021 7439-96-5ManganeseAnonymous MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Matrix: WATER

Compound Group Name CommentLimitsDataAnalyteClient Sample IDLaboratory Sample ID CAS Number

Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries

EP1905285--127 7440-50-8CopperDUP 5 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Matrix: SOIL

AnalysisExtraction / Preparation

Date analysedDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s) Days




Due for extraction Due for analysis


EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

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Matrix: SOIL

AnalysisExtraction / Preparation

Date analysedDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s) Days




Due for extraction Due for analysis


EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C) - Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Snap Lock Bag - frozen

28-May-2019----ASS 8 2.5, ASS 8 5.0,

ASS 8 5.5, ASS 8 6.0,

ASS 9 2.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 11 0,

ASS 11 1.5, ASS 13 0,

ASS 13 2.5, ASS 15 2.5,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 21 0, ASS 21 2.5,

ASS 22 0, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 23 0, ASS 23 1.0,

DUP 3, DUP 7,

DUP 10, DUP 12

06-Jun-2019---- ---- 9

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

28-May-2019----ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0,

ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5, DUP 1

06-Jun-2019---- ---- 9

EP004: Organic Matter

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

11-Jun-201911-Jun-2019ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0

13-Jun-201913-Jun-2019 2 2

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

11-Jun-201911-Jun-2019ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5, DUP 1

14-Jun-201913-Jun-2019 2 3

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

Matrix: SOIL

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X 0.00 5.000 40

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y 0.00 5.000 40

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Matrix: SOIL

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X 0.00 5.000 40

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y 0.00 5.000 40

Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

80* dried soil (EA026)

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 9 0.5,

ASS 9 2.0, ASS 9 2.5,

ASS 9 3.5, ASS 9 4.0,

ASS 10 0, ASS 10 0.5,

ASS 10 2.0, ASS 11 0,

ASS 11 1.5, ASS 11 2.0,

ASS 12 0, ASS 12 0.5,

ASS 12 1.5, ASS 12 2.0,

ASS 12 4.5, ASS 12 5.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 13 1.0,

ASS 13 1.5, ASS 13 2.5,

ASS 13 3.0, ASS 13 3.5,

ASS 13 5.0, ASS 14 3.0,

ASS 14 4.0, ASS 14 4.5,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5

16-Sep-201906-Feb-2022 18-Jun-201918-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

80* dried soil (EA026)

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur - Continued

ASS 15 5.0, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 2.0, ASS 17 3.0,

ASS 17 3.5, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 19 3.0, ASS 19 3.5,

ASS 19 4.5, ASS 19 5.0,

ASS19 5.5, ASS 20 3.0,

ASS 20 3.5, ASS 21 0,

ASS 21 0.5, ASS 21 2.5,

ASS 21 3.0, ASS 22 0,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 23 0,

ASS 23 0.5, ASS 23 1.0,

ASS 23 4.0, ASS 23 4.5,

ASS 23 5.0, DUP 2,

DUP 3, DUP 6,

DUP 7, DUP 10,

DUP 11, DUP 12

17-Sep-201906-Feb-2022 19-Jun-201919-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA026)

ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5

16-Sep-201906-Feb-2022 18-Jun-201918-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA026)

ASS 16 0, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,


17-Sep-201906-Feb-2022 19-Jun-201919-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-A: pH Measurements

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-A: pH Measurements - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-A: pH Measurements - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-D: Calcium Values

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-D: Calcium Values - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-D: Calcium Values - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-G: Retained Acidity

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-G: Retained Acidity - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-G: Retained Acidity - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

80* dried soil (EA029)

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting - Continued

ASS 8 0, ASS 8 0.5,

ASS 8 1.0, ASS 8 1.5,

ASS 8 2.0, ASS 8 2.5,

ASS 8 3.0, ASS 8 3.5,

ASS 8 4.0, ASS 8 4.5,

ASS 8 5.0, ASS 8 5.5,

ASS 8 6.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 10 1.0,

ASS 10 1.5, ASS 10 2.0,

ASS 10 2.5, ASS 10 3.0,

ASS 10 3.5, ASS 10 4.0,

ASS 10 4.5, ASS 10 5.0,

ASS 10 5.5, ASS 10 6.0,

ASS 13 0, ASS 14 0,

ASS 14 3.0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 15 1.0,

ASS 15 1.5, ASS 15 2.0,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.0,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 15 4.0,

ASS 15 4.5, ASS 15 5.0,

ASS 15 5.5, ASS 15 6.0,

ASS 16 0, DUP 1, ASS 16 0.5,

ASS 17 0, ASS 17 0.5,

ASS 17 3.0, ASS 17 3.5,

ASS 18 0, ASS 18 0.5,

ASS 18 1.0, ASS 18 1.5,

ASS 18 2.0, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 18 3.0, ASS 18 3.5,

ASS 18 4.0, ASS 18 4.5,

ASS 19 0, ASS 19 0.5,

ASS 20 0, ASS 20 0.5,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

DUP 2,

ASS 22 0.5, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 22 1.5, ASS 22 2.0,

ASS 22 2.5, ASS 22 3.0,

ASS 22 3.5, ASS 22 4.0,

ASS 22 4.5, ASS 22 5.0,

ASS 22 5.5, ASS 22 6.0,

DUP 3, DUP 5,

DUP 9, DUP 10,

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting - Continued

DUP 11, DUP 12

EA038: Acid Volatlile Sulfur

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA038)

ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0,

ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5, DUP 1

13-May-2020---- 18-Jun-2019----14-May-2019 ---- ü

EA055: Moisture Content (Dried @ 105-110°C)

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EA055)

ASS 8 2.5, ASS 8 5.0,

ASS 8 5.5, ASS 8 6.0,

ASS 9 2.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 11 0,

ASS 11 1.5, ASS 13 0,

ASS 13 2.5, ASS 15 2.5,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 21 0, ASS 21 2.5,

ASS 22 0, ASS 22 1.0,

ASS 23 0, ASS 23 1.0,

DUP 3, DUP 7,

DUP 10, DUP 12

28-May-2019---- 06-Jun-2019----14-May-2019 ---- û

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EA055)

ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0,

ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5, DUP 1

28-May-2019---- 06-Jun-2019----14-May-2019 ---- û

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EG005T)

ASS 23 0, ASS 23 1.0,

DUP 3, DUP 7,

DUP 10, DUP 12

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 17-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EG005T)

ASS 8 2.5, ASS 8 5.0,

ASS 8 5.5, ASS 8 6.0,

ASS 9 2.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 11 0,

ASS 11 1.5, ASS 13 0,

ASS 13 2.5, ASS 15 2.5,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 21 0, ASS 21 2.5,

ASS 22 0, ASS 22 1.0

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 20-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG005T)

DUP 1 10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 17-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü üSoil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG005T)

ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0,

ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 20-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EG020Y-T)

ASS 23 0, ASS 23 1.0,

DUP 3, DUP 7,

DUP 10, DUP 12

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 17-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EG020Y-T)

ASS 8 2.5, ASS 8 5.0,

ASS 8 5.5, ASS 8 6.0,

ASS 9 2.0, ASS 10 0,

ASS 10 0.5, ASS 11 0,

ASS 11 1.5, ASS 13 0,

ASS 13 2.5, ASS 15 2.5,

ASS 15 3.5, ASS 18 2.5,

ASS 21 0, ASS 21 2.5,

ASS 22 0, ASS 22 1.0

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 20-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG020Y-T)

DUP 1 10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 17-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü üSoil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG020Y-T)

ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0,

ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 20-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

EN60: ASLP Leaching Procedure

Non-Volatile Leach: 180 day HT (e.g. PFAS, metals ex.Hg) (EN60a)

DUP 5 ----10-Nov-2019 ----06-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ----

EN60: Bottle Leaching Procedure

Non-Volatile Leach: 180 day HT (e.g. PFAS, metals ex.Hg) (EN60-DIa)

DUP 5 ----10-Nov-2019 ----06-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ----

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EP004: Organic Matter

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EP004)

ASS 8 2.5, ASS 8 5.0,

ASS 8 5.5, ASS 8 6.0,

ASS 9 0.5, ASS 9 2.0,

ASS 10 0, ASS 10 0.5,

ASS 11 0, ASS 11 1.5,

ASS 13 0, ASS 13 2.5,

ASS 15 2.5, ASS 15 3.5

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 13-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Snap Lock Bag - frozen (EP004)

ASS 18 2.5, ASS 21 0,

ASS 21 2.5, ASS 22 0,

ASS 22 1.0, ASS 23 0,

ASS 23 1.0, DUP 3,

DUP 7, DUP 10,

DUP 12

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 14-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 ü ü

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP004)

ASS 8 0, ASS 9 0,

ASS 14 0, ASS 15 0,

ASS 15 0.5, ASS 16 0

11-Jun-201911-Jun-2019 13-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 û û

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP004)

ASS 16 0.5, ASS 17 0,

ASS 17 0.5, ASS 18 0,

ASS 18 0.5, ASS 19 0,

ASS 19 0.5, ASS 20 0,

ASS 20 0.5, DUP 1

11-Jun-201911-Jun-2019 14-Jun-201913-Jun-201914-May-2019 û û

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EG093T: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

Clear HDPE (U-T ORC) - Unfiltered; Lab-acidified (EG093A-T)

DUP 5, DUP 5 03-Dec-201903-Dec-2019 21-Jun-201921-Jun-201906-Jun-2019 ü üEG093T_LL: Total Metals in Saline Water by ORC-ICPMS

Clear HDPE (U-T ORC) - Unfiltered; Lab-acidified (EG093A-T_LL)

DUP 5, DUP 5 03-Dec-201903-Dec-2019 12-Jun-201912-Jun-201906-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 11.76 10.002 17 üAcid Volatile Sulfur EA038

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.11 10.009 89 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 10.004 40 üMoisture Content EA055

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 12.20 10.005 41 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.71 10.009 84 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 13.04 10.006 46 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 12.50 10.005 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 15.00 10.006 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.88 5.001 17 üAcid Volatile Sulfur EA038

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.62 5.005 89 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.63 10.006 41 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.95 5.005 84 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.52 5.003 46 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 40 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 40 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.88 5.001 17 üAcid Volatile Sulfur EA038

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 100.00 5.001 1 üASLP for Non & Semivolatile Analytes EN60a

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.62 5.005 89 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.32 5.003 41 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 5.95 5.005 84 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.52 5.003 46 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.50 5.003 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.50 5.003 40 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 6.52 5.003 46 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 40 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 40 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

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Work Order :





Matrix: WATER Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 10.001 2 üLow Level Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 10.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water Suite A by ORC-ICPMS EG093A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 10.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water -Suite B by ORC-ICPMS EG093B-T

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üLow Level Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water Suite A by ORC-ICPMS EG093A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water -Suite B by ORC-ICPMS EG093B-T

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üLow Level Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water Suite A by ORC-ICPMS EG093A-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water -Suite B by ORC-ICPMS EG093B-T

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üLow Level Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by



NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 50.00 5.001 2 üTotal Metals in Saline Water Suite A by ORC-ICPMS EG093A-T

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Work Order :





Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Sullivan et al (1998) The CRS method converts reduced inorganic sulfur to H2S by

CrCl2 solution ; the evolved H2S is trapped in a zinc acetate solution as ZnS which is quantified by iodometric


Chromium Reducible Sulphur EA026 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 2004 - a suspension peroxide oxidation method following the 'sulfur trail' by

determining the level of 1M KCL extractable sulfur and the sulfur level after oxidation of soil sulphides. The

'acidity trail' is followed by measurement of TAA, TPA and TSA. Liming Rate is based on results for samples as

submitted and incorporates a minimum safety factor of 1.5.

Suspension Peroxide

Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



In house: Referenced to Sullivan et al (1998). The AVS method converts reduced inorganic Sulfur to H2S by way

of a cold 12MHCl acid digest; the evolved H2S is trapped in a Zinc Acetate solution as ZnS which is quantified by

iodometric titration.

Acid Volatile Sulfur EA038 SOIL

In house: A gravimetric procedure based on weight loss over a 12 hour drying period at 105-110 degrees C.

This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) Section 7.1 and Table 1 (14 day holding time).

Moisture Content EA055 SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010. Metals are determined following an appropriate

acid digestion of the soil. The ICPAES technique ionises samples in a plasma, emitting a characteristic

spectrum based on metals present. Intensities at selected wavelengths are compared against those of matrix

matched standards. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals by ICP-AES EG005T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020. The ORC-ICPMS technique removes interfering

species through a series of chemical reactions prior to ion detection. Ions are passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to measurement

by a discrete dynode ion detector. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals in Saline Water Suite A by



In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020. The ORC-ICPMS technique removes interfering

species through a series of chemical reactions prior to ion detection. Ions are passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to measurement

by a discrete dynode ion detector. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Low Level Total Metals in Saline Water

Suite A by ORC-ICPMS


In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020. The ORC-ICPMS technique removes interfering

species through a series of chemical reactions prior to ion detection. Ions are passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to measurement

by a discrete dynode ion detector. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals in Saline Water -Suite B by



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Page 419: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA



:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL


: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET



26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia


:: E-mailE-mail [email protected] [email protected]

:: TelephoneTelephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301

:: FacsimileFacsimile +61 08 9382 8693 +61-8-9406 1399

::Project PES18020 Page 1 of 2

:Order number :Quote number EP2019PENENV0001 (EP/249/19)

:C-O-C number ---- :QC Level NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard

Site : SLP


DatesDate Samples Received : Issue Date : 19-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 13:15

Scheduled Reporting Date: 28-Jun-2019:Client Requested Due



Delivery DetailsMode of Delivery : :Carrier Not AvailableSecurity Seal

No. of coolers/boxes : :1 Temperature 22.8

: : 14 / 14Receipt Detail No. of samples received / analysed

General Comments

This report contains the following information:l

- Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

- Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

- Proactive Holding Time Report

- Requested Deliverables

l Please see scanned COC for sample discrepencies: extra samples , samples not received etc.

l Please direct any queries related to sample condition / numbering / breakages to Sample Receipt ([email protected])

l Analytical work for this work order will be conducted at ALS Environmental Perth.

l Please direct any turnaround / technical queries to the laboratory contact designated above.

l Sample Disposal - Aqueous (3 weeks), Solid (2 months) from receipt of samples.

l pH analysis should be conducted within 6 hours of sampling.l Please be aware that APHA/NEPM recommends water and soil samples be chilled to less than or equal to 6°C for chemical

analysis, and less than or equal to 10°C but unfrozen for Microbiological analysis. Where samples are received above this

temperature, it should be taken into consideration when interpreting results. Refer to ALS EnviroMail 85 for ALS

recommendations of the best practice for chilling samples after sampling and for maintaining a cool temperature during transit.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

Page 420: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA


Work Order : EP1905955 Amendment 02 of 2:Page

19-Jun-2019:Issue Date

Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

All comparisons are made against pretreatment/preservation AS, APHA, USEPA standards.

l No sample container / preservation non-compliance exists.

Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

Some items described below may be part of a laboratory

process necessary for the execution of client requested

tasks. Packages may contain additional analyses, such

as the determination of moisture content and preparation

tasks, that are included in the package.

If no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will

default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date

is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the

laboratory and displayed in brackets without a time



IL -







IL -





m R






IL -





- S




EP1905955-001 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ001 - 1.5 ü ü ü

EP1905955-002 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ005 - 2.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-003 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ005 - 3.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-004 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ005 - 4.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-005 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ007 - 4.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-006 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ009 - 3.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-007 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ009 - 4.5 ü ü ü

EP1905955-008 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ010 - 1.5 ü ü ü

EP1905955-009 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ010 - 3.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-010 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ010 - 4.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-011 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ026 - 1.5 ü ü ü

EP1905955-012 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ026 - 4.5 ü ü ü

EP1905955-013 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ027 - 5.0 ü ü ü

EP1905955-014 [ 19-Jun-2019 ] LYAGZ028 - 5.5 ü ü ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

Proactive Holding Time Report

Sample(s) have been received within the recommended holding times for the requested analysis.

Requested Deliverables


- A4 - AU Tax Invoice (INV) Email [email protected]



- *AU Certificate of Analysis - NATA (COA) Email [email protected]

- *AU Interpretive QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QCI Rep) (QCI) Email [email protected]

- *AU QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QC Rep) - NATA (QC) Email [email protected]

- A4 - AU Sample Receipt Notification - Environmental HT (SRN) Email [email protected]

- Chain of Custody (CoC) (COC) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ENMRG (ENMRG) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ESDAT (ESDAT) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - XTab (XTAB) Email [email protected]

Page 421: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 8EP1905955

:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Perth

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 19-Jun-2019 13:15

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 25-Jun-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 03-Jul-2019 15:23


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

14:No. of samples received

14:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Retained Acidity not required because pH KCl greater than or equal to 4.5l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Excess ANC not required for sample #2 and #4 because pH OX less than 6.5.l

ASS: EA029 (SPOCAS): Liming rate is calculated and reported on a dry weight basis assuming use of fine agricultural lime (CaCO3) and using a safety factor of 1.5 to allow for non-homogeneous mixing and poor

reactivity of lime. For conversion of Liming Rate from kg/t dry weight to kg/m3 in-situ soil, multiply reported results x wet bulk density of soil in t/m3.


ASS: EA003 (NATA Field and F(ox) screening): pH F(ox) Reaction Rate: 1 - Slight; 2 - Moderate; 3 - Strong; 4 - Extremel

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

LYAGZ007 - 4.0LYAGZ005 - 4.0LYAGZ005 - 3.0LYAGZ005 - 2.0LYAGZ001 - 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

[19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019]Client sampling date / time

EP1905955-005EP1905955-004EP1905955-003EP1905955-002EP1905955-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

8.1 7.1 6.6 6.5 7.6pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.8 4.3 5.2 4.4 5.6pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 2 2 1Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.009 <0.005%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.2 7.2 6.8 6.8 7.8pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.4 6.3 7.0 5.9 7.2pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

0.345 0.247 13.0 13.2 0.636% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

0.351 0.273 14.4 18.0 0.581% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

0.006 0.026 1.41 4.74 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 16 878 2960 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

0.054 0.077 15.7 16.2 0.051% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

0.072 0.078 16.8 21.0 0.079% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.019 <0.005 1.10 4.77 0.028% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

9 <5 548 2380 14mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.015 <0.005 0.878 3.82 0.022% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.287 0.226 0.216 0.142 0.464% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.454 0.249 0.230 0.140 0.600% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.167 0.022 0.014 <0.005 0.136% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

137 18 12 <5 112mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

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Analytical Results

LYAGZ007 - 4.0LYAGZ005 - 4.0LYAGZ005 - 3.0LYAGZ005 - 2.0LYAGZ001 - 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

[19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019]Client sampling date / time

EP1905955-005EP1905955-004EP1905955-003EP1905955-002EP1905955-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-E: Magnesium Values - Continued

0.220 0.029 0.019 <0.005 0.180% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.06 ---- 0.561 ---- 1.01% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

212 ---- 112 ---- 201mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.340 ---- 0.180 ---- 0.322% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 0.35 1.58 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 218 986 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 16 74 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 0.03 1.41 4.74 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 16 878 2960 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 1 66 222 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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Analytical Results

LYAGZ010 - 4.0LYAGZ010 - 3.0LYAGZ010 - 1.5LYAGZ009 - 4.5LYAGZ009 - 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

[19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019]Client sampling date / time

EP1905955-010EP1905955-009EP1905955-008EP1905955-007EP1905955-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

7.4 7.4 6.0 7.2 7.4pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

5.6 5.6 8.6 5.3 5.9pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

1 1 4 1 2Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.006%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.2 8.2 9.1 8.4 8.7pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

7.4 7.4 8.4 7.5 8.2pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 <2mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

2.64 1.23 0.516 0.766 3.19% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

2.65 1.24 0.439 1.08 3.17% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

0.006 0.019 <0.005 0.314 <0.005% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 12 <5 196 <5mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

2.62 1.04 0.093 0.712 3.48% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

2.82 1.13 0.126 1.08 3.71% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.191 0.091 0.032 0.366 0.231% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

95 45 16 183 115mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.153 0.073 0.026 0.293 0.185% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.438 0.373 0.213 0.149 0.210% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.722 0.645 0.758 0.358 0.457% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.284 0.272 0.545 0.208 0.247% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

234 224 448 171 203mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

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Analytical Results

LYAGZ010 - 4.0LYAGZ010 - 3.0LYAGZ010 - 1.5LYAGZ009 - 4.5LYAGZ009 - 3.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

[19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019]Client sampling date / time

EP1905955-010EP1905955-009EP1905955-008EP1905955-007EP1905955-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA029-E: Magnesium Values - Continued

0.375 0.359 0.719 0.275 0.326% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.42 1.35 2.76 1.13 2.00% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

284 270 551 225 399mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.456 0.433 0.883 0.360 0.640% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5-0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 0.02 <0.02 0.31 <0.02% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 12 <10 196 <10mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 1 <1 15 <1kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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Analytical Results

----LYAGZ028 - 5.5LYAGZ027 - 5.0LYAGZ026 - 4.5LYAGZ026 - 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

----[19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019]Client sampling date / time

--------EP1905955-014EP1905955-013EP1905955-012EP1905955-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result ----

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

6.0 6.4 5.0 6.8 ----pH Unit0.1----pH (F)

6.8 5.0 3.9 5.3 ----pH Unit0.1----pH (Fox)

3 2 1 1 ----Reaction Unit1----Reaction Rate

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EA029-A: pH Measurements

8.9 8.7 7.3 7.3 ----pH Unit0.1----pH KCl (23A)

8.0 7.5 6.6 6.8 ----pH Unit0.1----pH OX (23B)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

<2 <2 <2 <2 ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Actual Acidity (23F)

<2 <2 <2 <2 ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G)

<2 <2 <2 <2 ----mole H+ / t2----Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% pyrite S0.005----sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H)

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

3.17 0.274 1.82 1.61 ----% S0.005----KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce)

3.17 0.262 1.77 1.61 ----% S0.005----Peroxide Sulfur (23De)

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 ----% S0.005----Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E)

<5 <5 <5 <5 ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


EA029-D: Calcium Values

3.55 0.167 1.98 1.73 ----% Ca0.005----KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh)

3.60 0.179 2.00 1.80 ----% Ca0.005----Peroxide Calcium (23Wh)

0.043 0.012 0.017 0.074 ----% Ca0.005----Acid Reacted Calcium (23X)

22 6 8 37 ----mole H+ / t5----acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X)

0.034 0.010 0.014 0.059 ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

0.230 0.207 0.159 0.178 ----% Mg0.005----KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm)

0.509 0.370 0.192 0.236 ----% Mg0.005----Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm)

0.279 0.162 0.033 0.058 ----% Mg0.005----Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U)

229 134 27 47 ----mole H+ / t5----Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U)

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Analytical Results

----LYAGZ028 - 5.5LYAGZ027 - 5.0LYAGZ026 - 4.5LYAGZ026 - 1.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

----[19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019][19-Jun-2019]Client sampling date / time

--------EP1905955-014EP1905955-013EP1905955-012EP1905955-011UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result ----

EA029-E: Magnesium Values - Continued

0.367 0.214 0.043 0.076 ----% S0.005----sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

1.57 0.890 0.403 0.525 ----% CaCO30.020----Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q)

313 178 80 105 ----mole H+ / t10----acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

0.502 0.285 0.129 0.168 ----% S0.020----sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 -----0.5----ANC Fineness Factor

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 ----% S0.02----Net Acidity (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate

<0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 ----% S0.02----Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units)

<10 <10 <10 <10 ----mole H+ / t10----Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units)

<1 <1 <1 <1 ----kg CaCO3/t1----Liming Rate excluding ANC

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1 1.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EP1905955 Page : 1 of 5

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EP



Address : 26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 19-Jun-2019

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 25-Jun-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 03-Jul-2019


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

No. of samples received 14:

No. of samples analysed 14:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA003 :pH (field/fox) (QC Lot: 2433942)

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.1 8.1 0.00 0% - 20%LYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.8 5.7 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 1 1 0.00 No Limit

EA003: pH (F) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.4 7.4 0.00 0% - 20%LYAGZ010 - 4.0 EP1905955-010

EA003: pH (Fox) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 5.9 5.9 0.00 0% - 20%

EA003: Reaction Rate ---- 1 Reaction Unit 2 2 0.00 No Limit

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2432596)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.2 8.2 0.00 0% - 20%LYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 7.4 7.3 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.9 8.9 0.00 0% - 20%LYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- 0.1 pH Unit 8.0 8.1 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QC Lot: 2432595) - continued

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity


---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (23H) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 0.345 0.359 3.78 0% - 20%LYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 0.351 0.356 1.24 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S 0.006 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S 3.17 3.24 2.37 0% - 20%LYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S 3.17 3.17 0.0757 0% - 20%

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.005 <0.005 0.00 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur


---- 10 mole H+ / t <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.054 0.052 3.02 0% - 50%LYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.072 0.073 0.00 0% - 50%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.019 0.021 10.2 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S 0.015 0.016 10.2 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 9 10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 3.55 3.76 5.82 0% - 20%LYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca 3.60 3.51 2.33 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca 0.043 <0.005 158 No Limit

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S 0.034 <0.005 149 No Limit

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t 22 <5 124 No Limit

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.287 0.288 0.522 0% - 20%LYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.454 0.458 0.922 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.167 0.170 1.60 0% - 20%

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.220 0.224 1.60 0% - 20%

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 137 140 1.60 0% - 20%

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.230 0.217 5.99 0% - 20%LYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.509 0.475 6.87 0% - 20%

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg 0.279 0.258 7.60 0% - 20%

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QC Lot: 2432595) - continued

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 0.02 % S 0.367 0.340 7.60 0% - 20%LYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium


---- 10 mole H+ / t 229 212 7.60 0% - 20%

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.06 1.06 0.400 0% - 20%LYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.340 0.338 0.400 0% - 50%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 212 211 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity (23Q) ---- 0.02 % CaCO3 1.57 1.57 0.200 0% - 20%LYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: sulfidic - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (s-23Q)

---- 0.02 % S 0.502 0.503 0.200 0% - 20%

EA029: acidity - Excess Acid Neutralising

Capacity (a-23Q)

---- 10 mole H+ / t 313 314 0.00 0% - 20%

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting (QC Lot: 2432595)

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ001 - 1.5 EP1905955-001

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No LimitLYAGZ026 - 1.5 EP1905955-011

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (sulfur units) ---- 0.02 % S <0.02 <0.02 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Liming Rate excluding ANC ---- 1 kg CaCO3/t <1 <1 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

EA029: Net Acidity excluding ANC (acidity units) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 <10 0.00 No Limit

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Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2432596)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 1080.202 % 13070

EA029-A: pH Measurements (QCLot: 2432595)

EA029: pH KCl (23A) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 97.65.02 pH Unit 13070

EA029: pH OX (23B) ---- ---- pH Unit ---- 1093.5615 pH Unit 12092

EA029-B: Acidity Trail (QCLot: 2432595)

EA029: Titratable Actual Acidity (23F) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 94.124.27 mole H+ / t 13070

EA029: Titratable Peroxide Acidity (23G) ---- 2 mole H+ / t <2 10855.0798 mole H+ / t 11490

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Actual Acidity (s-23F) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Peroxide Acidity (s-23G) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Titratable Sulfidic Acidity (s-23H) ---- 0.02 % pyrite S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail (QCLot: 2432595)

EA029: KCl Extractable Sulfur (23Ce) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 1050.1671 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Sulfur (23De) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 99.70.6561 % S 13070

EA029: Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (23E) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Peroxide Oxidisable Sulfur (a-23E) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029-D: Calcium Values (QCLot: 2432595)

EA029: KCl Extractable Calcium (23Vh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 97.40.4248 % Ca 13070

EA029: Peroxide Calcium (23Wh) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 97.80.6748 % Ca 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Calcium (23X) ---- 0.02 % Ca <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: acidity - Acid Reacted Calcium (a-23X) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Calcium (s-23X) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

EA029-E: Magnesium Values (QCLot: 2432595)

EA029: KCl Extractable Magnesium (23Sm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 93.40.0686 % Mg 13070

EA029: Peroxide Magnesium (23Tm) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 95.00.0926 % Mg 13070

EA029: Acid Reacted Magnesium (23U) ---- 0.02 % Mg <0.020 -------- --------

EA029: Acidity - Acid Reacted Magnesium (a-23U) ---- 10 mole H+ / t <10 -------- --------

EA029: sulfidic - Acid Reacted Magnesium (s-23U) ---- 0.02 % S <0.020 -------- --------

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

l No Matrix Spike (MS) or Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Results are required to be reported.

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EP1905955 Page : 1 of 6

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 19-Jun-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 03-Jul-2019

RYAN LAWRENCE:Sampler No. of samples received : 14

:Order number No. of samples analysed : 14

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Duplicate outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l NO Matrix Spike outliers occur.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l NO Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l NO Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist.

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Work Order :





Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA003 :pH (field/fox)

Snap Lock Bag - frozen on receipt at ALS (EA003)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

24-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 26-Jun-201926-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

80* dried soil (EA026)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA029-A: pH Measurements

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-B: Acidity Trail

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA029-C: Sulfur Trail

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA029-D: Calcium Values

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA029-E: Magnesium Values

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA029-F: Excess Acid Neutralising Capacity

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA029-G: Retained Acidity

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

EA029-H: Acid Base Accounting

80* dried soil (EA029)

LYAGZ001 - 1.5, LYAGZ005 - 2.0,

LYAGZ005 - 3.0, LYAGZ005 - 4.0,

LYAGZ007 - 4.0, LYAGZ009 - 3.0,

LYAGZ009 - 4.5, LYAGZ010 - 1.5,

LYAGZ010 - 3.0, LYAGZ010 - 4.0,

LYAGZ026 - 1.5, LYAGZ026 - 4.5,

LYAGZ027 - 5.0, LYAGZ028 - 5.5

23-Sep-201914-Mar-2022 28-Jun-201925-Jun-201919-Jun-2019 ü ü

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Work Order :





Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.002 14 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.002 14 üpH field/fox EA003

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.002 14 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.14 5.001 14 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.14 5.001 14 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.14 5.001 14 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 7.14 5.001 14 üSuspension Peroxide Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



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Work Order :





Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 1998 - determined on a 1:5 soil/water extract designed to simulate field

measured pH and pH after the extract has been oxidised with peroxide.

pH field/fox EA003 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Sullivan et al (1998) The CRS method converts reduced inorganic sulfur to H2S by

CrCl2 solution ; the evolved H2S is trapped in a zinc acetate solution as ZnS which is quantified by iodometric


Chromium Reducible Sulphur EA026 SOIL

In house: Referenced to Ahern et al 2004 - a suspension peroxide oxidation method following the 'sulfur trail' by

determining the level of 1M KCL extractable sulfur and the sulfur level after oxidation of soil sulphides. The

'acidity trail' is followed by measurement of TAA, TPA and TSA. Liming Rate is based on results for samples as

submitted and incorporates a minimum safety factor of 1.5.

Suspension Peroxide

Oxidation-Combined Acidity and



Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In houseDrying only EN020D SOIL

In houseDrying at 85 degrees, bagging and

labelling (ASS)


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Page 441: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA



:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL


: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET



26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia


:: E-mailE-mail [email protected] [email protected]

:: TelephoneTelephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301

:: FacsimileFacsimile +61 08 9382 8693 +61-8-9406 1399

::Project PES18020 Page 1 of 3

:Order number :Quote number EP2019PENENV0001 (EP/249/19)

:C-O-C number ---- :QC Level NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard

Site : SLP


DatesDate Samples Received : Issue Date : 09-Aug-201914-May-2019 11:45

Scheduled Reporting Date: 14-Aug-2019:Client Requested Due



Delivery DetailsMode of Delivery : :Samples On Hand Not AvailableSecurity Seal

No. of coolers/boxes : :---- Temperature ----

: : 7 / 7Receipt Detail No. of samples received / analysed

General Comments

This report contains the following information:l

- Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

- Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

- Proactive Holding Time Report

- Requested Deliverables

l Please see scanned COC for sample discrepencies: extra samples , samples not received etc.

l Please direct any queries related to sample condition / numbering / breakages to Sample Receipt ([email protected])

l Analytical work for this work order will be conducted at ALS Environmental Perth.

l Please direct any turnaround / technical queries to the laboratory contact designated above.

l Sample Disposal - Aqueous (3 weeks), Solid (2 months) from receipt of samples.

l pH analysis should be conducted within 6 hours of sampling.l Please be aware that APHA/NEPM recommends water and soil samples be chilled to less than or equal to 6°C for chemical

analysis, and less than or equal to 10°C but unfrozen for Microbiological analysis. Where samples are received above this

temperature, it should be taken into consideration when interpreting results. Refer to ALS EnviroMail 85 for ALS

recommendations of the best practice for chilling samples after sampling and for maintaining a cool temperature during transit.

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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Work Order : EP1907976 Amendment 02 of 3:Page

09-Aug-2019:Issue Date

Sample Container(s)/Preservation Non-Compliances

All comparisons are made against pretreatment/preservation AS, APHA, USEPA standards.

l No sample container / preservation non-compliance exists.

Summary of Sample(s) and Requested Analysis

Some items described below may be part of a laboratory

process necessary for the execution of client requested

tasks. Packages may contain additional analyses, such

as the determination of moisture content and preparation

tasks, that are included in the package.

If no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will

default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date

is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the

laboratory and displayed in brackets without a time



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EP1907976-001 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 0.4-0.5 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1907976-002 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 8 3.9-4.0 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1907976-003 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 0.9-1.0 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1907976-004 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 2.4-2.5 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1907976-005 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 2.9-3.0 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1907976-006 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 10 3.9-4.0 ü ü ü ü ü

EP1907976-007 14-May-2019 00:00 ASS 15 5.4-5.5 ü ü ü ü ü

Matrix: SOIL

Client sample IDLaboratory sample


Client sampling

date / time

Proactive Holding Time Report

The following table summarises breaches of recommended holding times that have occurred prior to samples/instructions being

received at the laboratory.

Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time. Matrix: SOIL

EvaluationClient Sample ID(s)

Due for


Due for

analysis Evaluation

Samples Received Instructions Received

Date Date



EA055: Moisture Content

ASS 10 0.9-1.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 2.4-2.5 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 2.9-3.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 3.9-4.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 5.4-5.5 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 0.4-0.5 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 3.9-4.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201928-May-2019----Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

EP004: Organic Matter

ASS 10 0.9-1.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 2.4-2.5 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 2.9-3.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 10 3.9-4.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 15 5.4-5.5 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 0.4-0.5 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

ASS 8 3.9-4.0 ü û09-Aug-201914-May-201911-Jun-201911-Jun-2019Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

Page 443: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA


Work Order : EP1907976 Amendment 03 of 3:Page

09-Aug-2019:Issue Date

Requested Deliverables


- A4 - AU Tax Invoice (INV) Email [email protected]



- *AU Certificate of Analysis - NATA (COA) Email [email protected]

- *AU Interpretive QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QCI Rep) (QCI) Email [email protected]

- *AU QC Report - DEFAULT (Anon QC Rep) - NATA (QC) Email [email protected]

- A4 - AU Sample Receipt Notification - Environmental HT (SRN) Email [email protected]

- Chain of Custody (CoC) (COC) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ENMRG (ENMRG) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - ESDAT (ESDAT) Email [email protected]

- EDI Format - XTab (XTAB) Email [email protected]

Page 444: Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation - EPA WA

0 0.00 True


CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 4EP1907976

:: LaboratoryClient PENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Environmental Division Perth

: :ContactContact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress 310 NEWCASTLE STREET


26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

:Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 :Telephone +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019 11:45

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 12-Aug-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 14-Aug-2019 17:05


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

7:No. of samples received

7:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Canhuang Ke Inorganics Supervisor Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Chris Lemaitre Laboratory Manager (Perth) Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

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Work Order :





General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When sampling time information is not provided by the client, sampling dates are shown without a time component. In these instances, the time component has been assumed by the laboratory for processing


Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

EG005T (Total Metals) : Poor duplicate precision results for manganese on sample EP1907970-005 due to sample heterogeneity. Confirmed by visual inspection.l

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Work Order :





Analytical Results

ASS 10 2.9-3.0ASS 10 2.4-2.5ASS 10 0.9-1.0ASS 8 3.9-4.0ASS 8 0.4-0.5Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

EP1907976-005EP1907976-004EP1907976-003EP1907976-002EP1907976-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result Result Result Result

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 0.015 0.006 0.007%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

12100Aluminium 19100 8400 15100 7910mg/kg507429-90-5

5Arsenic 9 <5 <5 6mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium 2 <1 <1 <1mg/kg17440-43-9

60Chromium 123 27 49 46mg/kg27440-47-3

5Cobalt 14 3 7 5mg/kg27440-48-4

21Copper 39 14 23 16mg/kg57440-50-8

24900Iron 54800 14200 27500 23600mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead 10 6 <5 <5mg/kg57439-92-1

185Manganese 210 74 166 121mg/kg57439-96-5

11Nickel 26 5 10 7mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium <5 <5 <5 <5mg/kg57782-49-2

59Vanadium 130 39 52 54mg/kg57440-62-2

24Zinc 37 11 20 11mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

4.0Thorium 9.0 2.6 3.9 3.1mg/kg0.17440-29-1

11.3Uranium 7.5 6.9 9.4 5.4mg/kg0.17440-61-1

3.1Lithium 2.7 1.0 1.2 0.6mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

1.8 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.8%0.5----Organic Matter

1.1 0.8 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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Analytical Results

------------ASS 15 5.4-5.5ASS 10 3.9-4.0Client sample IDSub-Matrix: SOIL

(Matrix: SOIL)

------------14-May-2019 00:0014-May-2019 00:00Client sampling date / time

------------------------EP1907976-007EP1907976-006UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result ---- ---- ----

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

<0.005 <0.005 ---- ---- ----%0.005----Chromium Reducible Sulphur

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

15500Aluminium 12600 ---- ---- ----mg/kg507429-90-5

7Arsenic <5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-38-2

<1Cadmium 1 ---- ---- ----mg/kg17440-43-9

85Chromium 20 ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-47-3

6Cobalt 3 ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-48-4

24Copper 26 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-50-8

35300Iron 43600 ---- ---- ----mg/kg507439-89-6

<5Lead <5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-92-1

130Manganese 106 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57439-96-5

10Nickel 4 ---- ---- ----mg/kg27440-02-0

<5Selenium <5 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57782-49-2

81Vanadium 69 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-62-2

18Zinc 6 ---- ---- ----mg/kg57440-66-6

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

5.0Thorium 0.9 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-29-1

8.7Uranium 1.4 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17440-61-1

1.2Lithium 0.7 ---- ---- ----mg/kg0.17439-93-2

EP004: Organic Matter

1.5 <0.5 ---- ---- ----%0.5----Organic Matter

0.8 <0.5 ---- ---- ----%0.5----Total Organic Carbon

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3 3.00True


QUALITY CONTROL REPORTWork Order : EP1907976 Page : 1 of 6

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE :Contact Customer Services EP



Address : 26 Rigali Way Wangara WA Australia 6065

::Telephone +61 08 9382 8286 +61-8-9406 1301:Telephone

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

:Order number Date Analysis Commenced : 12-Aug-2019

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 14-Aug-2019


Site : SLP

Quote number : EP/249/19

No. of samples received 7:

No. of samples analysed 7:

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Quality Control Report contains the following information:

l Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report; Relative Percentage Difference (RPD) and Acceptance Limits

l Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report ; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

l Matrix Spike (MS) Report; Recovery and Acceptance Limits

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Canhuang Ke Inorganics Supervisor Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Chris Lemaitre Laboratory Manager (Perth) Perth Inorganics, Wangara, WA

Daniel Fisher Inorganics Analyst Perth ASS, Wangara, WA

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General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis. Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

Anonymous = Refers to samples which are not specifically part of this work order but formed part of the QC process lot

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

RPD = Relative Percentage Difference

# = Indicates failed QC

Key :

Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

The quality control term Laboratory Duplicate refers to a randomly selected intralaboratory split. Laboratory duplicates provide information regarding method precision and sample heterogeneity. The permitted ranges

for the Relative Percent Deviation (RPD) of Laboratory Duplicates are specified in ALS Method QWI -EN/38 and are dependent on the magnitude of results in comparison to the level of reporting: Result < 10 times LOR:

No Limit; Result between 10 and 20 times LOR: 0% - 50%; Result > 20 times LOR: 0% - 20%.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2518064)

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg 1 2 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EP1907970-005

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 93 95 2.23 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 13 17 26.2 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 56 64 13.3 0% - 20%

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg 6 6 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 90 94 4.76 0% - 50%

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 9 9 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 222 # 176 23.2 0% - 20%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 44 50 12.3 No Limit

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 64 68 5.80 0% - 50%

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 8680 9620 10.2 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 32400 35100 7.93 0% - 20%

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitAnonymous EP1907908-001

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 <2 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 6 7 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 10 10 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 28 33 14.1 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 250 220 14.6 No Limit

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Laboratory Duplicate (DUP) Report

Original Result RPD (%)Laboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit Duplicate Result Recovery Limits (%)

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2518064) - continued

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 420 460 8.81 No LimitAnonymous EP1907908-001

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QC Lot: 2518068)

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 <1 0.00 No LimitASS 10 0.9-1.0 EP1907976-003

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg 27 28 3.96 0% - 50%

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg 3 3 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg 5 5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg 14 15 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg 6 6 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg 74 77 3.95 0% - 50%

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 <5 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg 39 41 3.60 No Limit

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg 11 12 0.00 No Limit

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg 8400 8620 2.66 0% - 20%

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg 14200 14700 3.58 0% - 20%

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QC Lot: 2524163)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 0.005 0.00 No LimitASS 8 0.4-0.5 EP1907976-001

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2518066)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg 11.3 11.0 2.68 0% - 20%ASS 8 0.4-0.5 EP1907976-001

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg 3.1 2.9 8.18 0% - 20%

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QC Lot: 2518067)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg 4.0 3.8 3.39 0% - 20%ASS 8 0.4-0.5 EP1907976-001

EP004: Organic Matter (QC Lot: 2518093)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % 1.8 1.8 0.00 No LimitASS 8 0.4-0.5 EP1907976-001

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % 1.1 1.1 0.00 No Limit

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Method Blank (MB) and Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

The quality control term Method / Laboratory Blank refers to an analyte free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in standard sample preparation. The purpose of this QC

parameter is to monitor potential laboratory contamination. The quality control term Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) refers to a certified reference material, or a known interference free matrix spiked with target

analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor method precision and accuracy independent of sample matrix. Dynamic Recovery Limits are based on statistical evaluation of processed LCS.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2518064)

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 95.922 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 93.05 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 87.942.2 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 -------- --------

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 95.734 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 10340 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 95.555.5 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 95.462 mg/kg 13070

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2518068)

EG005T: Aluminium 7429-90-5 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Arsenic 7440-38-2 5 mg/kg <5 98.422 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cadmium 7440-43-9 1 mg/kg <1 94.05 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Chromium 7440-47-3 2 mg/kg <2 89.942.2 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Cobalt 7440-48-4 2 mg/kg <2 -------- --------

EG005T: Copper 7440-50-8 5 mg/kg <5 10634 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Iron 7439-89-6 50 mg/kg <50 -------- --------

EG005T: Lead 7439-92-1 5 mg/kg <5 98.140 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Manganese 7439-96-5 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Nickel 7440-02-0 2 mg/kg <2 97.555.5 mg/kg 13070

EG005T: Selenium 7782-49-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Vanadium 7440-62-2 5 mg/kg <5 -------- --------

EG005T: Zinc 7440-66-6 5 mg/kg <5 10162 mg/kg 13070

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur (QCLot: 2524163)

EA026: Chromium Reducible Sulphur ---- 0.005 % <0.005 1020.202 % 13070

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2518066)

EG020X-T: Uranium 7440-61-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020X-T: Lithium 7439-93-2 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS (QCLot: 2518067)

EG020Y-T: Thorium 7440-29-1 0.1 mg/kg <0.1 -------- --------

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Method Blank (MB)


Laboratory Control Spike (LCS) Report

Spike Spike Recovery (%) Recovery Limits (%)

Result Concentration HighLowLCSMethod: Compound CAS Number LOR Unit

EP004: Organic Matter (QCLot: 2518093)

EP004: Organic Matter ---- 0.5 % <0.5 1052.3 % 13070

<0.5 91.485 % 13070

EP004: Total Organic Carbon ---- 0.5 % <0.5 -------- --------

Matrix Spike (MS) ReportThe quality control term Matrix Spike (MS) refers to an intralaboratory split sample spiked with a representative set of target analytes. The purpose of this QC parameter is to monitor potential matrix effects on

analyte recoveries. Static Recovery Limits as per laboratory Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). Ideal recovery ranges stated may be waived in the event of sample matrix interference.

Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2518064)

Anonymous EP1907908-001 7429-90-5EG005T: Aluminium # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 99.650 mg/kg 13070

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 10150 mg/kg 13070

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 10350 mg/kg 13070

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 10650 mg/kg 13070

7439-89-6EG005T: Iron # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 11150 mg/kg 13070

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese 10450 mg/kg 13070

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 10250 mg/kg 13070

7782-49-2EG005T: Selenium 97.510 mg/kg 13070

7440-62-2EG005T: Vanadium 10350 mg/kg 13070

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 11850 mg/kg 13070

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2518068)

ASS 10 0.9-1.0 EP1907976-003 7429-90-5EG005T: Aluminium # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7440-38-2EG005T: Arsenic 11850 mg/kg 13070

7440-43-9EG005T: Cadmium 10050 mg/kg 13070

7440-47-3EG005T: Chromium 11250 mg/kg 13070

7440-50-8EG005T: Copper 12650 mg/kg 13070

7439-89-6EG005T: Iron # Not


50 mg/kg 13070

7439-92-1EG005T: Lead 11050 mg/kg 13070

7439-96-5EG005T: Manganese 12250 mg/kg 13070

7440-02-0EG005T: Nickel 10450 mg/kg 13070

7782-49-2EG005T: Selenium 12510 mg/kg 13070

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Sub-Matrix: SOIL Matrix Spike (MS) Report

SpikeRecovery(%) Recovery Limits (%)Spike

HighLowMSConcentrationLaboratory sample ID Client sample ID Method: Compound CAS Number

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES (QCLot: 2518068) - continued

ASS 10 0.9-1.0 EP1907976-003 7440-62-2EG005T: Vanadium 12150 mg/kg 13070

7440-66-6EG005T: Zinc 10450 mg/kg 13070

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QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with Quality ReviewWork Order : EP1907976 Page : 1 of 5

:: LaboratoryClient Environmental Division PerthPENDRAGON ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

:Contact MR RYAN LAWRENCE Telephone : +61-8-9406 1301

:Project PES18020 Date Samples Received : 14-May-2019

Site : SLP Issue Date : 14-Aug-2019

RYAN LAWRENCE:Sampler No. of samples received : 7

:Order number No. of samples analysed : 7

This report is automatically generated by the ALS LIMS through interpretation of the ALS Quality Control Report and several Quality Assurance parameters measured by ALS. This automated

reporting highlights any non-conformances, facilitates faster and more accurate data validation and is designed to assist internal expert and external Auditor review. Many components of this

report contribute to the overall DQO assessment and reporting for guideline compliance.

Brief method summaries and references are also provided to assist in traceability.

Summary of Outliers

Outliers : Quality Control Samples

This report highlights outliers flagged in the Quality Control (QC) Report.

l NO Method Blank value outliers occur.

l NO Laboratory Control outliers occur.

l Duplicate outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l Matrix Spike outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

l For all regular sample matrices, NO surrogate recovery outliers occur.

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

l Analysis Holding Time Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

l Quality Control Sample Frequency Outliers exist - please see following pages for full details.

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Outliers : Quality Control Samples

Duplicates, Method Blanks, Laboratory Control Samples and Matrix Spikes

Matrix: SOIL

Compound Group Name CommentLimitsDataAnalyteClient Sample IDLaboratory Sample ID CAS Number

Duplicate (DUP) RPDs

EP1907970--005 7439-96-5ManganeseAnonymous RPD exceeds LOR based limits0% - 20%23.2 %EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Matrix Spike (MS) Recoveries

EP1907976--003 7429-90-5AluminiumASS 10 0.9-1.0 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1907908--001 7429-90-5AluminiumAnonymous MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1907976--003 7439-89-6IronASS 10 0.9-1.0 MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

EP1907908--001 7439-89-6IronAnonymous MS recovery not determined,

background level greater than or

equal to 4x spike level.



EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Outliers : Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Matrix: SOIL

AnalysisExtraction / Preparation

Date analysedDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s) Days




Due for extraction Due for analysis


EP004: Organic Matter

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved

11-Jun-201911-Jun-2019ASS 8 0.4-0.5, ASS 8 3.9-4.0,

ASS 10 0.9-1.0, ASS 10 2.4-2.5,

ASS 10 2.9-3.0, ASS 10 3.9-4.0,

ASS 15 5.4-5.5

14-Aug-201914-Aug-2019 64 64

Outliers : Frequency of Quality Control Samples

Matrix: SOIL

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

Method ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type Count

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X 0.00 5.000 7

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y 0.00 5.000 7

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X 0.00 5.000 7

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC StandardTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y 0.00 5.000 7

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Analysis Holding Time Compliance

Holding times for VOC in soils vary according to analytes of interest. Vinyl Chloride and Styrene holding time is 7 days; others 14 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all VOC analytes and

should be verified in case the reported breach is a false positive or Vinyl Chloride and Styrene are not key analytes of interest/concern.

Holding time for leachate methods (e.g. TCLP) vary according to the analytes reported. Assessment compares the leach date with the shortest analyte holding time for the equivalent soil method. These are: organics

14 days, mercury 28 days & other metals 180 days. A recorded breach does not guarantee a breach for all non-volatile parameters.

If samples are identified below as having been analysed or extracted outside of recommended holding times, this should be taken into consideration when interpreting results.

This report summarizes extraction / preparation and analysis times and compares each with ALS recommended holding times (referencing USEPA SW 846, APHA, AS and NEPM) based on the sample container

provided. Dates reported represent first date of extraction or analysis and preclude subsequent dilutions and reruns. A listing of breaches (if any) is provided herein.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Holding time breach ; ü = Within holding time.

AnalysisExtraction / PreparationSample DateMethod

EvaluationDue for analysisDate analysedEvaluationDue for extractionDate extractedContainer / Client Sample ID(s)

EA026 : Chromium Reducible Sulfur

80* dried soil (EA026)

ASS 8 0.4-0.5, ASS 8 3.9-4.0,

ASS 10 0.9-1.0, ASS 10 2.4-2.5,

ASS 10 2.9-3.0, ASS 10 3.9-4.0,

ASS 15 5.4-5.5

10-Nov-201906-Feb-2022 14-Aug-201912-Aug-201914-May-2019 ü ü

EG005(ED093)T: Total Metals by ICP-AES

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG005T)

ASS 8 0.4-0.5, ASS 8 3.9-4.0,

ASS 10 0.9-1.0, ASS 10 2.4-2.5,

ASS 10 2.9-3.0, ASS 10 3.9-4.0,

ASS 15 5.4-5.5

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 12-Aug-201912-Aug-201914-May-2019 ü ü

EG020T: Total Metals by ICP-MS

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EG020Y-T)

ASS 8 0.4-0.5, ASS 8 3.9-4.0,

ASS 10 0.9-1.0, ASS 10 2.4-2.5,

ASS 10 2.9-3.0, ASS 10 3.9-4.0,

ASS 15 5.4-5.5

10-Nov-201910-Nov-2019 12-Aug-201912-Aug-201914-May-2019 ü ü

EP004: Organic Matter

Soil Glass Jar - Unpreserved (EP004)

ASS 8 0.4-0.5, ASS 8 3.9-4.0,

ASS 10 0.9-1.0, ASS 10 2.4-2.5,

ASS 10 2.9-3.0, ASS 10 3.9-4.0,

ASS 15 5.4-5.5

11-Jun-201911-Jun-2019 14-Aug-201914-Aug-201914-May-2019 û û

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Quality Control Parameter Frequency ComplianceThe following report summarises the frequency of laboratory QC samples analysed within the analytical lot(s) in which the submitted sample(s) was(were) processed. Actual rate should be greater than or equal to

the expected rate. A listing of breaches is provided in the Summary of Outliers.

Matrix: SOIL Evaluation: û = Quality Control frequency not within specification ; ü = Quality Control frequency within specification.

Quality Control SpecificationQuality Control Sample Type

ExpectedQC Regular Actual

Rate (%)Quality Control Sample Type CountEvaluationAnalytical Methods Method

Laboratory Duplicates (DUP)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.001 7 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.001 7 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 15.00 10.003 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.001 7 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 10.001 7 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Laboratory Control Samples (LCS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 5.001 7 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 28.57 10.002 7 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 5.002 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 7 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 7 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Method Blanks (MB)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 5.001 7 üChromium Reducible Sulphur EA026

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 5.001 7 üOrganic Matter EP004

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 5.002 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 5.001 7 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 14.29 5.001 7 üTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

Matrix Spikes (MS)

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 10.00 5.002 20 üTotal Metals by ICP-AES EG005T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 7 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T

NEPM 2013 B3 & ALS QC Standard 0.00 5.000 7 ûTotal Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T

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Work Order :





Brief Method SummariesThe analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the US EPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request. The following report provides brief descriptions of the analytical procedures employed for results reported in the

Certificate of Analysis. Sources from which ALS methods have been developed are provided within the Method Descriptions.

Analytical Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In house: Referenced to Sullivan et al (1998) The CRS method converts reduced inorganic sulfur to H2S by

CrCl2 solution ; the evolved H2S is trapped in a zinc acetate solution as ZnS which is quantified by iodometric


Chromium Reducible Sulphur EA026 SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010. Metals are determined following an appropriate

acid digestion of the soil. The ICPAES technique ionises samples in a plasma, emitting a characteristic

spectrum based on metals present. Intensities at selected wavelengths are compared against those of matrix

matched standards. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals by ICP-AES EG005T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X EG020X-T SOIL

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes

a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass

spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their

measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y EG020Y-T SOIL

In house: Referenced to AS1289.4.1.1 - 1997. Dichromate oxidation method after Walkley and Black. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3).

Organic Matter EP004 SOIL

Preparation Methods Method DescriptionsMatrixMethod

In houseDrying at 85 degrees, bagging and

labelling (ASS)


In house: Referenced to USEPA 200.2. Hot Block Acid Digestion 1.0g of sample is heated with Nitric and

Hydrochloric acids, then cooled. Peroxide is added and samples heated and cooled again before being filtered

and bulked to volume for analysis. Digest is appropriate for determination of selected metals in sludge,

sediments, and soils. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 202)

Hot Block Digest for metals in soils

sediments and sludges


In house: Referenced to AS1289.4.1.1 - 1997. Dichromate oxidation method after Walkley and Black. This

method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 105)

Organic Matter EP004-PR SOIL
