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Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012

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  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012



    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012





    We want to empower volunteerswho love food to become Ambassadorsfor the Food Revolution. Ambassadors will share information, talents and

    resources, pass on their knowledgeand work together to make a

    difference by connecting with their communitythrough schools,

    restaurants, local businesses, farmers markets and beyond. Food

    Revolution is about inspiring changein peoples food habits and

    promoting the mission for better food and food education for everyone.

    Our Ambassadors are integralto growing the Food Revolution from the

    ground up, within the communities who need it the most. Thank you for

    joining us!

  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012




    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    3Welcome Ambassador!

    4- Your goals as an Ambassador

    5- Who we are and how well support you

    6Food Revolution Day

    7- Our pledge to you

    8- Your pledge to us

    9-13- Guidelines to make your life easier


    Alongside this toolkit there are also other useful resources to help you in

    your role as a volunteer for the Food Revolution. These are outlined below:

    General Press Kit

    Local Press Guide for Ambassadors

    Press releases

    Food Revolution Factsheet

    Logo guidelines

    Posters and infographics

    School Food Toolkits and support tools, with more toolkits to inspire

    change, coming soon!

    Food Revolution Day Factsheet

    Food Revolution Day eBooks and one pagers

    COMING SOON: Exclusive digital space just for our ambassadors.

  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012




    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    We are so excited that you have joined us as a Food Revolution

    Ambassador! As a voluntary leader you are the spark of enthusiasm that

    can turn the Food Revolution into a local movement by connecting

    supporters together and working to bring back better food education. We

    want to give you a platform to share your knowledge with the local

    community and open up opportunities for even more people to learn

    about real food. The Food Revolution is the rally cry to unite all of the

    amazing work going on out there.

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    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    Hi guys,

    Since launching the Food Revolution back in 2010, our campaign to fight

    the obesity epidemic and get people cooking again has been growing

    from strength to strength.

    The Food Revolution began in Huntington, West Virginia, where we

    opened a community kitchen for people to come and learn to cook from

    scratch. It wasnt always easy at first but the center had a great responseand since then, weve been taking the movement across America and

    the world. I have to say, Ive been overwhelmed by how many have

    supported us and all the effort and love each and every one of you have

    given to getting people cooking from scratch and eating fresh, real food.

    I honestly cant put into words just how muchwe owe to all the

    dedicated, passionate people like you, giving up your time to help spread

    the Food Revolution messageits all about bringing communities

    together and creating a unified voice, and the level of support were

    getting from guys like you is just incredible.

    For me, the future for the Food Revolution lies in creating a global army of

    volunteers to make sure the campaign and the amazing progress weve

    made can continue growing across the world. While weve come a long

    way, theres still lots to do and build upon, from tackling school food and

    campaigning against sugared milk to simply making a noise and getting

    people talking about good, real food.

    If we can combine our efforts and unify our expertise, together we can

    continue the Food Revolutions amazing work in getting food education

    at the top of everyones agenda. The Food Revolution team are a really

    solid bunch and will be there for you at every step to offer any advice orguidance you need, as well as challenging you to keep things fresh and

    exciting in your communities along the way.

    Massive shout out to you for all your brilliant hard work and dedication.

    Keep it up and good luck!

    Jamie O xx

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    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    1.Work together and be creative. Work with the Food Revolution teamand other Ambassadors to find new and exciting ways to reach out to

    and interact with your community. Every month, the Food Revolution

    will give you suggestions and ideas to help grow the movement in your

    town or city, but we need your help to implement them.

    2.Talk and listen to your local community. Get out there and make sureyou understand what is already going on, and work withlocal

    businesses, farmersmarkets, schools, community groups andorganizations to offer them any additional support they need.

    3.Inspire change in your local community. Use your knowledge, skills andpassion to help inspire others in your community to make small changes

    that will lead to big differences. Reach out to restaurants, gardeners,

    farmers markets, schools, local businesses, friends and family to get

    involved and help make a difference - particularly if they have special

    food skills and knowledge that they could pass on to others. The

    resources listed on page 2 are there to help you be proactive in your

    city and reach out to these different groups.

    4.Spread the word and rally the troops. Youre the local representative ofthe Food Revolutionfor those looking to get further involved in your

    community, you are the point of contact. Be a central point for

    answering questions from volunteers who are excited about getting

    involved in the Food Revolution or even looking for ways to lend a hand

    in their own communities.

    5.Tell us the amazing things youve been doing. We want to know what isgoing on in your city so please send us content and updates of all theinteresting events and stories happening in your city. We want to know

    whats working and whats not, we want to shout about and share your

    great work through social media and blog posts. You can reach us

    [email protected] tweet us @foodrev.

    6.Party with us on Food Revolution Day! Youre at the heart of thisRevolution so we want you to play an active role in engaging your

    community in this important annual global event.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012




    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    We, at the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation, want to change the way

    people eat by educating every child about food, empowering families

    by arming them with the skills and knowledge to cook again, and

    inspiring everyone to stand up for their rights to better food, which in

    turn, will fight the epidemic of diet-related diseases. Heres how were

    supporting you:

    Its likely that you have already been in contact with the wonderful

    Sarah Curl, our Community Manager. Sarah is your main point of

    contact and works with the rest of the Food Revolution team to ensureyou are supported and that were up to date with all your great work.

    Listed on page 2 are the additional resourcesavailable for you to use.

    Sarah will send these to you and heres how you can use them:

    Press resourcesincluding a general kit, a press guide for you to

    use when talking to the local press and press releases that you

    can tailor to make them more locally relevant to youthese will

    make sure you have the facts you need.

    Factsheets, posters and printable assetsuse them all year roundin community hubs and for any Food Revolution events.

    Toolkitsstep-by-step information on how you can campaign to

    change school food in your area as well as support tools to help

    you along the way. Its best to use them during the school year so

    that you can engage directly with local schools.

    Food Revolution Day assetsthe eBooks, one pagers and

    infographics can be used year round and for our annual Food

    Revolution Day, along with the posters for any of your events.

    Every month, therell be different challengesto inspire you to further

    engage with your community. They are designed to make deeperconnections with the thought leaders in the real food industry and

    connect with family and friends through fresh food. At the beginning

    of every month, the challenges will be announced through a blog

    post as well as email, Facebook and Twitter. The idea is to complete

    as many challenges as you can and for us to document your progress.

    Were excited about the exclusive digital spacewere creating for

    you, our Ambassadorsonce its live, youll be the first to know!

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    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    Our annual global day of action, Food

    Revolution Day, is a chance for people

    who love food to come together to share

    information, talents and resources, to pass

    on their knowledge. Food Revolution is

    about connecting with your community

    through events at schools, restaurants,

    local businesses, dinner parties and

    farmers' markets and standing up for real

    food. This is a key time for you as a FoodRevolution Ambassador.

    You may have been involved in the first ever Food Revolution Day on

    May 19, 2012 which inspired global change in peoples food habits

    through community action. If you were, thank you! If not, dont worry,

    wed love you to get involved in 2013.

    Here are some stats about Food Revolution Day in 2012:

    Over 1000 events, (460 local food events and 541 dinner parties)took place in 664 cities spanning 62 countries worldwide.

    @FoodRev was the THIRD MOST MENTIONED twitter handleGLOBALLY.

    Our twitter reach was over 729,993,200 users, showing the strengthof our awareness campaign.

    We cant wait forFood Revolution Day 2013. Having learnt so much from

    2012, plans are shaping up to make it an amazing event. We are

    working with inspiring and innovative partners to bring the best platformand resources to you and our supporters. We want to build from 2012 so

    youll be the first to know the details before we go live plus we want to

    give you as much time as possible to kick start your plans for 2013 to

    make it even bigger and better!

    COMING SOON: Well want you to do the honorsin launching the 2013

    Food Revolution date, so watch this space.


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    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    We, the Food Revolution team, pledge to support and honor the amazing

    work you do as a voluntary Ambassador for the Food Revolution.

    We truly appreciate your hard work, commitment and everything you do

    for the Food Revolution. You are helping us to change the way people

    think about the food they eat. Youre helping us to promote the transfer of

    skills and knowledge to get people cooking again and promoting a better

    understanding of the obesity epidemic and the role all of us need to play

    to tackle it.

    Through the Community Manager, Sarah Curl

    ([email protected]), we will maintain an honest and open

    dialogue with you on a regular basis, create and share monthly

    challenges specifically with you in mind, and promote your work through

    social media, blog posts and newsletters.

    We will ensure you have all of the resources and tools you need and

    continue to support you as the Food Revolution grows. We cant wait!

    PRINTED NAME: Sarah Curl, on behalf of JOFF

    JOB TITLE: JOFF Community Manager

    DATE: 26 September 2012

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012




    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    As a voluntary Food Revolution Ambassador I, INSERT NAME HERE,pledge

    to uphold the mission of Jamie Olivers Food Revolution, the Jamie Oliver

    Food Foundation (JOFF) and Food Revolution Day, and give my spare

    time for free to further the mission.

    I am a volunteer for the Food Revolution. I am the eyes and ears on the

    ground, representing and connecting my community in order to run a

    local real food movement, inspired by Jamie and in collaboration with the

    JOFF Community Manager, Sarah Curl ([email protected]).

    I understand that all intellectual property that you share with me is

    property of or licensed to JOFF and can only be used as outlined in the

    guidelines of this toolkit.

    I understand that I need to keep an honest and open dialogue with the

    JOFF Community Manager and share my work as a voluntary Food

    Revolution Ambassador with her on a regular basis.

    I understand that I am not offered insurance or financial support

    throughout my time as a volunteer. If I organize a local event, I will beresponsible for making sure this is in place and agree that neither JOFF,

    Jamie Oliver nor any of his organizations will be liable.

    I understand that failing to observe the above pledge will result in my

    dismissal of the voluntary Ambassador Program.

    PRINTED NAME: _______________________________________

    SIGNATURE: __________________________________________

    AMBASSADOR LOCATION: ____________________________

    DATE: _______________________________________________

    Please note Sarah can send you a word document to manually sign this, pledges can also be

    signed via email by responding to this with the text: I have read and understood the Voluntary

    Food Revolution Ambassador pledge and confirm my agreement to this.This pledge is not legally

    enforceable but shows our commitment to taking you seriously as an Ambassador and managing

    your expectations as a super volunteer. We need you to sign this to be approved as an Ambassador.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012




    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012


    Weresure youll agreethat unifying expertise and collaborating with

    like-minded individuals is essential to finding solutions to modern day

    problems and the only way to achieve great results. We know that

    you, our Ambassadors, are integral to reaching our goals and creating

    change at a local level. To ensure that you, as a volunteer, can better

    understand us, and so we can work together more effectively to meet

    these goals, we like to be upfront about the way we work.

    Here are the guidelines we can all use:

    How to speak about your voluntary rolethis is how you should

    reference your volunteer role in relation to the foundation: "My name is

    INSERT NAME from INSERT PLACE and I volunteer for the Food

    Revolution. I give my spare time for free to further the mission of the

    Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. The Food Revolution has selected a

    number of volunteers from around the world who showed a deep

    commitment to real food and Im thrilled to be one of them.

    How to reference Jamie and the Food RevolutionFood Revand

    Food Revolutioncan be used in you social media accounts, email

    accounts and in your dialogue as a voluntary ambassador. Pleasedont use Jamies name within a social media account name, email

    address or blog title in reference to your work as a voluntary

    ambassador. We have to distinguish between JOFF and Jamies

    broader work so basically, anything you say is your opiniondont

    speak for us, speak in support of us.

    How to use Food Revolution logosall of our logos are trademarked so

    we need to be careful with how we use themmake sure youre

    familiar with our logo guidelines to ensure youre using the right one. In

    brief, your Ambassador social media profiles can use the FoodRevolution logo and/or fist and spoon logo, all without Jamies name.

    Posters and press releases we supply you with will have the approved

    logos included. No other use of logos is allowed.

    How to start your own non-profit organization/501c3as a Food

    Revolution Ambassador we dont see any reason for you to set up a

    non-profit organization for your volunteering.

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    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012JOFF is non-profit so should you want to fundraise you can

    do so and donate this directly to us and receive your tax

    deductible receipt. Should you still want to set up a non-

    profit, please contact [email protected],and understand that you will not be able to use any of our

    logos or branding to avoid any confusion between


    How to set up a websiteas above, we dont see any reason for you

    to set up a website for your voluntary role. We encourage you to use

    social media to spread the word and gather support. Should you still

    want to set up a website please contact Sarah

    [email protected],and understand that you will not be able

    to use JOFF, Food Revor Food Revolutionin the domain name

    or any of our logos or branding to avoid any confusion betweenorganizations. Remember that any opinions expressed on your website

    will be your own. If you already have a website that you want to

    incorporate your Ambassador work into, please make Sarah aware of

    all of the web spaces that you want to use for your Ambassador


    How to blogif you have a blog already or want to set up a blog to

    document any of your voluntary work for the Food Revolution, please

    let [email protected] know. It must be clear that

    whatever you say is your own opinion and you are not speaking onJOFFs behalf. You will not be able to use any of our logos or branding

    in your blog design to avoid any confusion between organizations.

    Please contact Sarah for our blogging guidelines should you want

    further details.

    Cross promotion though our social mediawe regularly post across

    our 5 social media spacesFacebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and

    Google+. Well be shouting about your great work here too and

    tagging you in these posts so make sure youre following us. The

    quickest way for us to respond to youand help spread the word aboutwhat youre doing, is if you tag us through these spaces too.






    You can also follow us on Instagram, by searching for Food Revolution.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.facebook.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.twitter.com/foodrevhttp://www.twitter.com/foodrevhttp://www.youtube.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.youtube.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.pinterest.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.pinterest.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.google.com/+foodrevolutioncommunityhttp://www.google.com/+foodrevolutioncommunityhttp://www.google.com/+foodrevolutioncommunityhttp://www.pinterest.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.youtube.com/foodrevolutionhttp://www.twitter.com/foodrevhttp://www.facebook.com/foodrevolutionmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012




    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012Ambassador social mediaFood Revolution Day 2012

    saw local volunteer teams established in over 60 countries.

    You can find the details here:

    http://foodrevolutionday.com/teams.As an Ambassador, your contact information will also be

    visible here so if youre happy for it to be public, let us

    know, otherwise we will at least need to include your

    Twitter account and/or your Food Revolution Facebook

    page instead. We do this so Ambassadors are easily

    accessible to volunteers looking to get involved in the

    Food Revolution, as well as other Ambassadors looking to


    Food Revolution social media city profilescity profiles have been

    running for up to 6 months now so there could already be an accountfor your community. If there is already an official Twitter account or

    Facebook group, please get in touch with the city Ambassador to let

    them know you are now part of the local team. If you would like help

    with this, please contact Sarah [email protected],and

    she will send out introduction emails to connect all team members.

    We encourage you to get your city up and running on social media so

    if your city needs an account, you can set this upsee the Twitter and

    Facebook info below. Once youve done this, please let us know so

    that we can add it to our lists as a legitimate account linked to usthisway we can differentiate between you and other people who create

    accounts that have no association to our campaign. Remember that

    you are responsible for these profilesyour posts are your own

    opinions in support of promoting and growing the Food Revolution.

    Our team also monitors and supports your profiles via our social media

    well ask you to remove anything posted across them that we deem

    to be inappropriate. Similarly, if you see anyone posting inappropriate

    content from another Food Revolution account, please let us know. It

    is important we maintain consistency with the overall Jamie Oliver

    Food Foundation brand, the Food Revolution and Food Revolution

    Day to ensure our local awareness efforts have a truly global impact.

    Twitter:if there isnt an official Twitter account for your city, you

    can create one. Please make sure that your profile description is

    the following:

    http://foodrevolutionday.com/teamshttp://foodrevolutionday.com/teamsmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://foodrevolutionday.com/teams
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    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012I/We volunteer for @FoodRev and give up my/our spare

    time to further the #realfood mission. Everything I/we tweet

    is my/our opinion and in support of better


    Food Revolution Twitter accounts should be in this format

    @FoodRevCITYNAME (i.e. @foodrevnyc or @foodrevlondon). We

    have a Food Revolution Twitter wallpaper and template for the

    profile image where the city name can be added underneath.

    Tweet us at @foodrev to let us know once your Twitter account is

    ready to go and we can send this to you. Wellalso make it

    official by adding it to our list on

    http://foodrevolutionday.com/teamsand make sure were

    following you too.

    Facebook:The same goes for Facebook pages. Please check

    hereto see if a Facebook page already exists for your city.

    Please make sure that your profile description is the following:

    I/We volunteer for the Food Revolution and give up my/our

    spare time to further the mission of the Jamie Oliver Food

    Foundation. Everything I/we post here is my/our opinion and in

    support of real food and better food education.

    All Facebook pages should be CITY NAME Food Revolution. Wecan also send you a profile image to use. When deciding if you

    are going to create a Facebook page, keep in mind that it must

    stay active and is checked regularlythis is vital as many

    supporters use Facebook as a channel to get more involved in

    their community. To be featured on thecommunity mapwe

    also need to be added as an admin member of your Facebook

    page, to show our united collaboration and better keep track of

    your great work. Check out ourFacebook toolkitto start your

    page today.

    Your photos, videos and other collateralphotos, videos and any

    other collateral are often the best way to catch peoples attention

    and are one of the ways wed love to share your great work. By

    sending them to us we will confirm that you are happy for us to do

    that. Should we want to use anything you send us beyond social

    media sharing and blogging, we will get in touch and make sure you

    are happy first so that everything is clear and understood.

  • 8/13/2019 Ambassador Toolkit Sept2012


    LAST EDITED: 26 September 2012

    Note: Material in this Ambassador Toolkit is subject to change at any time.

    With any updates, we will send you the latest version and that will by

    default replace the previous version. Thanks for your understanding.

    Feel free to email our Community Manager, Sarah Curl, with any questions

    you might have.

    Email: [email protected]


    We want to thank you in advance for your continued support of the Food

    Revolution and the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation. We rely on grassroots

    initiatives to make changes in communities around the world and we

    could not do it without each and every one of you. You are the reason we

    have been successful and we thank you.


    Sarah and The Food Revolution Team

