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AnAsMcidied CluUdiJ Vol. 21, No. 252:...

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AnAsMcidied TODAY: CluUdiJ Vol. 21, No. 252: Liegislpto^ With Bitter Attack rniniin eii Itlalio S’cnuloi's in Coiifel'eiiccr ^r-^Ur=S.-l>awmakersJJeno_unce^ora ?NI“^:^=^A nd41erate“Adinlnistratio&5r.=^;::^ “Cioaking Deal in;Secrccy:. <))>• Tlie A-v,ocJatecl PrcM) I--- ■-■-^WASlIIMoiDJ N ^ cb.^T^Tlic.Balc.QrAmcrl^^ui-waVplaii-.. ^ ^ __ _ ~ coiiBrc^' wciBhcd*"Ul(i: Jmpllcnllons qc a-forcign 'policy - ------- ------ -■— --------- ^ - ParjsJSovernnicnl -Uuncliei International Negotiations In -Attempt t'c/ Arrange ir ^ f n u iklylUmgct atiiclplnrtfrc-clcmocrncjcff-of-the tt’oiyct hr ^—ihrmsdv^aBftlnal-thc-Ulotalor-statciJ.--------------; --------------- _ ■■—,-\vi)iic Gonnnn-P»"-''=P"i'''*'^^ fli>»Quncc[L.Ercsldcnt Rooso’ i-s a Icac^Jn'gJ-war aglthlor.” and tipp^nusc wns hcnrd ;in-Pi ■llv ’m e A.-i‘.oeliileil Pic:.?.i -PAHTSr-Pob7r2-TTinU's(layy a icamnB-"wur « biu. c«.. awu ............... . ..................... ..................... -^^f'rancoii^pciicci.liuctua' id Loijdoi). oric scnat'Or after. anothcc-rosc..tcu:onilcmix.ibc^'-'®“‘'‘ »eGOtiallons lii.nn «i. I----------------------------------------- “------------------------------------------i i c n l p t l o f i r r n n 'K c 'a n arhills- _tlcc_Ln Catalonia, tt was iransacLloh In som'ctlmca tci l-btttcEJanguagei — fncyo^«ciyd’Umntrmvotv=-j cd tUc.-!Unltcd. States' dlrcclly Ji\ Hif ilircnrcntng nltnirn of Ehtoiw.' iiiiil opiiosetl KivliiR oilier nnUor- AnicricttnnmllUtti trnnsncllou'. "OooU God." Sciiulor JQlmjon (It' Calif), vcltrnn /icnate L-soltvtloiilsV, •Oiouied III one point, "tlon’i yo mink the Amcrtcnn people Imve ih lii!h^ to know if they’nrc going <low; - itic rofttj-fo-^r?"— .------------------ , . •. Barkley.Defciiri* Cour«r Word Prom Bdrali’s Hospital , Bedside Telis of Im- . provement- _VASlUiJaTO-N_Jib_li-i')~.WHUc- tlic'senntc cnsaRcd iti' -n siormi' tlrbntp ovrr foreign polftfy lodnv^ (iii [jimllw-vverijM-iiclttiJ)—Swmior-W li 11am E. Bornli—In^' scrlomly 111 of Brlpi>»In-A-WMh[nf)i«ii-l)(w])lUI.—4 The 73-yenr-oy dean of tjic_i:cn- ' day, and jl the snmc tlme has ordered border troops Increas- ,'cd-to-50;0Cl0-in'cn:---------; ------------- liiii: s'liiiiiWi 'uovcrmmriit ,;lrDop^ wouUi be-forced tnilo'I'Vtiich'ioil >f llic IlchlUiK coiitlnui-(r.' Premier Fjlmmrd DnliKilti okIcv riJ’ lVcncll troops on llio Under bvoiIKllt lip lo 50.000 lo cope witli 250,000 ■Spanlsli mlllilninrri who woiilil l>c sK'cpi iicrow the froiuii-i- siioiilrt nfRotinilons for nii iirinL'i- tlce full .mid .Gcncriill.M,flfio Fnin- CtjriHiTi^m'iun ^ f o " H e " b y _ Five-iVIan — | Uojmi; Kniployos IMaccd lender •• • • ----- Merit System . ............ .. Tnnr:n7rniri J rcor^';inlv.ailoii_ iiitujjiirt: . c Parlm enu. oil ijubljc.rnisi; .-I ready TonT{;lil-for-.luliml.v ■who ruconiiiiaiuii'd li'; '\ii\s I ••j--Tli(>-luni.se. w llhoiil cicb: I_ 1 cmi.solidalliii- tin'_sliilc d ' 'Jpubti< !iu Ili'.si ;;oVcrnjiiciU.il iiHinirTor coii.'-.ondatlon of iho dc- :tancc_rii,d.._piii;iic_.woUart=^Wflir~ i,'.’. Ijovfrticir- C.“A, nq.ll_oJf?cn^ ir ~ •!!}■ lo 0 . U u r m c a .ul piibllc-wcUuvo- iurc , liUro(lui;cd by Senator Tu I'ath (ll-Traniilln). -•.ciia liJSMS, (lirir cir-.k'.'iii UirM ^r>l (K.ttoKM. Com m ittea Sees-Meeds of :::r^ ; Appilcation Calls' for R ' siimption of Federal Fi* ____ In^ncial-Assistance..— iiBalnsropponentaTrHoMUght-eon- , .•.mnlly tq Intcmipt with reaUea'to mIc o/;ril!i«M"to^a7frcndiy.p6wer‘"^‘^ ‘ ^**” ^ “” *""’* ^ '^ ’"“~ '^ »nl8hi.,lie o cnrr}’ the j»'might IM wtn «iy. tliRt ilio i;nltetl Stnteji Steel corporntlon —emiltf-Tioc-senTrtecJ-tO'EnjlBi ‘ • Pmncc-Uiftt-nilsht-lfttcr-bc'l -'frrrea-Jnio itnme. kina of mimitrj- iinlttee wiMTmovc Itotlny where iils'conrilllon -iiWiWtftr^nttsnictDTTr-:-... itrlckch will) n cold ycMcrduy. rqulpment for nnrkley snld. ■ Jn nddltlon, fic lield that no’ revc- . Iiilloai of American nUlltary Recretn' -.cnftl«'fi mlllt«ry-oommm*o,J<Uiol<l-| Inj aecret hciirUtB* upon Ihc clrcuni' .................... B'Wle. waa merely, fol' . . Mni. Borwh jeporlctl. tonliiht ' ■ ‘lio.'Itmpcraliirc <11115, wiia .'rcsiln: eomfortnbly. • • • Dr. Ocoi^e W. Cnlvor, cnjillol jiliv .ilelan. ' Tlip iicBoliiitloiifi \vlili Clcii Fnim'o, -11 viiifi roiMjrtfd, wcrn 1 c'.’tilInK tlirutiKli.IfrKUIi niillibrl arrinirRMi iiic .inuiinpiit m'i jovTi-nm,<^t:whrrcTTiitlcc' l.'i.iiol iWiimiodxiT! I nffills. dli)lom;itIc .■•oiii'cc.i .\iild, ii: I h ' tii inlormod -of ilic »p"<-n.in. > bi’on iLiKctl 10 0 porjiiindc Kraiico ;o iv %s1^teons on JiierMse Kirtcrnmcni; fli?l;itprr|-------- iiw iir ajQISEIlIRl merlin};- ^'orw’anraoolan^. I nMiu(f lu ii»- h.r... : -li^iiUlinyf-I-rogJ^ani- riit J . .\V...T.iyror.Xuppiovnl iillon «:i.s*rii n>iuc..lodn:.- iwion, U, (?,. cnilliia Ioy n - ........ iiviiiiiii: fnr Idaho’.^ ' CtVnKratloii •rnn.m’n n r M ^ i * ci><)i>cralloii _»4U i.. j Borah's- iwnwnnl doctor tlu i tlicr ..... no prtaent.iljreflt of nncnmpun ...ica o[ iho hcnnlor wild lie !>nd 1 bcftrardcretmn'etnBlii'nmir pitnl severlil-dny^ Io'r,H 'conii .White. Uoiue:t»-J>rcaldent nooievelL yestcrdny. and the chief executive. • nlitT .cxnciliiB-'tt--pled8e-'0f-ft«cr«y- (lom ihe mcmUerMilp. (iwicrlcil Ihla .—toiimrjCKcu.pcepnrctl .to scll._nol ohiy plniics, b^t other munltloivs to democrntlc .MiitM .10 Jong lis' they —imin-fon>U»ftn-ln-l«whr;7-^-------- r— '■ _Those wlfo fittended wi rnilELl -------- ,„ J ‘flrccincht;ji3:to:Im;"/ar;.tiic,iiftti__ - • - dent had Ronn In ouUlnlnirthe for- clRn. .policy Itiyojved. One nenftior Slid Mr. nooicvell. li«.<i (U.s<irlcd thnt in the event of n European' , Trontler.t of tl ” “ • — • ilbii and Hcucrifl ovcrj\;orkaitj-iat;. cd'for the rcinnlndcr of llifKUrn- mcr ril Inland SprlnK".' Mcv-iind hnd been ordered by hL’i physlclnii notJft^overMert at U»U.ic.\slGn. B ii E i i a fe NEVfCHAELlE l■iiIl^'IqNAH.•l•■•l■anc^ Kiai. t .M^impcdr ul iliuu;.aiid.i ul ■'■'MSfW '■■v-Htiiileit punhrti Mpiirill ,j)])cr Si'Rrc rl^xr vnl]ey of Ciilnlonlfl.. Oeneh^li^^lalo ' Fnuico’n moyed.'oa Bcrpj lnirihd"'fiiih rmnee-below nuiCliriCFnillc.? fioiii vhfre It rravcji iiifirontletiiJ l'ulB- 'erd.}. ■• • . - . Lciw of Ihf toiid^wonld leave'nov- ’m n ic iif lioops ‘ioT tlic iiorlhwVj.( mly one. uxlt—Inio Ffiuicc tlii-oiiRh Id a h o Senator Announces ,WPA Action ori Twin -Falls'Projcct'--r"i Ttialio .lcnl;;IiiLlv :T]iort.,tod.Ty adoiilloiidl a ycM. riflUnn.’iTcornrm;tcc-:m‘y p -'fy ^ i proved nil i>|)|ilIcallo:i «: ' IViiujalli-. 1city fw tl siio.ooo, kdiMi: yv?>A, , [Iinini to cpij.s'niel ;i 1iimli; commriill ; (‘mi)h;i.'>l7':rijlic‘ , BOISE, f'cbi Iv o'mmcnclcd in unified bulldinn proi;ram" for iminovi.'iui liilions at Lava Hot yprliiK«. Ulat-.kfobi, -Tsaoa^iy:-:____ I_jUH:j'i.’po'rt_was. atlopK The commltleL' waj; 1:1 BencwMi). a Si. Mar!*v rR-Frci(ioiiV) and RcJjrc. tlvcs'-*K>cddore. Hill fR-Don- apjiroi . . ., t h a n S<.000. - ip-iy:f{|, blind. <ippendciit' inl-iiiin iiiilu.^t!a. uUIJrDVcd .thc .-.oclaljMeiir-.. vv pmvldrd In ilie ^Menily incar.ure tiiDL l--(l M.ioa.ooo. for relief."- m o n i- v i->'iifi-ni. M • • J .Bnreeloii UX)uiu^d-lin|Hi- criimcnt rtrooji Mayor U'rp - a.- criiipii' lid Juli iW O l: mwm i>e ijrVniiicc,, mluilulfill lion t)iipporl'er................... . Mr. Roo.icveit. wa.% milil to li fWreMfd- thc-onlnlon -ll ^xtctiAlvc.................... •in>un;em lc/(dcr;.„ u, f-l'k‘lllllllH OUl-HOV- l — III ■norihciiiierV • dnys.1 oops patrolled roiid.s ui If tlie. frontier, ready !• flood, of rclrtiitlnK liov ■iimSyi-'cfi-oificim.x iiw ni''irsf HCilon ypsipniftjv’ - ’ iui(or:ClnrirTndic.i:rTi-'ihii!- -nil' .that.Lt.now iiccdcd-1:. :tppruval bv Prc.'ldenl R«o;,evrIK’ H'llWl iiiid.i'l'l'.'i. .U'i)liiliiu>>-ohou;.-,. ,.|.iirsVr m\»utrl^0 flcoyal -jf-Wa'cplantL-Qeal| Imprfisscs Sentiment' ' Uppr fbu «::a.oao-.i luuKUAb. 6i)iiin. I'tb. I coiirler to the.Frc.nch border) lA'i— ilUof-nii yint, Amerlcif had i . orcooperatlnR wltl> the dembc'racles. . ..-HcwasfurUicr-reprcacntcdJiiiaj-- niR tlwt If Great Drltjfln and Franec , alioulcf bo bcnien In war. North iind South Amcrlcn would be the ln*t , defenders of democracy-and iMgel •'WASinNGTONTTL-b“ i:ra-)=XTi' .lomicempnMlint- Pnin'ce Ivn.n biiy- Ini: millfary iJIane.i iii tiil.i coutitn- wiUi White. Hoiwe iipprovnl' pro- vlde.n n- flfst gllinp.1.; of those incth* |'o<U •'^hort of war" PfcsUleni Roa<ic- liiu:r.Jmil_i'a. ' ... rtn*thi'~spOTisirini)'iiiimcnr tnda<"vorc<i:-cnnnflMM.-aifr-m7n;7:57 ..................... ^ .1. met lit-the--.u-hin!tt-a*hcd of Ihc laih ccnturj- BtrOMR. cur FlKuera.s to c.wape an in' I bombiiiK of llie wKh erery iiieniu nlivt ot ^ .-^Moantt'tiilp.- thft House naral-eor - .•(ConilniiKl 0ft-P.B9 s. Coliitim- « ‘ IF13EBESo £ i. then; ilial..till.. ___ , methqi^. j'RHongcr and raorc:.cf-. , ftctlvp .llian' niere word.i,” of Int- {•TjrcMlng Amcrlchn publlc-rontimont «pon "nKKrwiMr natlon«." * . .;By-Al<linK.'Pruiu;o.aiid.liu«i«-lliiV'{ n-.wiatc'comiriUtte of-hls reasons for fiuch Bcilon. Mr. Roaicvelt him .BcrIlJi!and_Rom£_buLioJiU^oppa<-j ' For Girl Singer NEW -yoUK.. Feb: r-M^Lou'l»’a Coreliln, whb .v>on «'|ii ,bc 'ic. ha.i very-littlc- moncyrTbut-slie-has-tt lilting coloi'atura volci^and a bar* tender "anBcr’ who likM music; TBRCU- I , ,, jl—Opo«lnB-Am iippio that (• pri wi'iild 1 iiecci-ilLj' of prctlllin , ', Snow Hits Scattered Areas': Six .Below Zero' at’ Idalio Falls. .l=i;t ttiid.-riiiiupcili'd-.ic.il?.! ' T in' b w rjl fir.'-t tv.iV. ' IfiJ.) IcKMaim—lHH-n chnlminirrniriaj thp jn. I •nil- lin.-lTfI »Vil5 ciiipov 1uin-r.Tic ttlth fcdrral oi'fi 111 d c tm n U ir n tT n l i .CUlld^(lucttor-of-U)<^Idiili<>- ppariiiK-nt. public ajjtUlance, lid IibihoVappIleatlon-lo-the.fod-' • m l MKliil i.ecurliy bofCll. for* .•;irdi'd lo WiisUhnion yMlerdny.. npplieaUon call* f^r. :-ai;e pfnMofiTWiQ.^si rpy de- . . it"cWlrtnnr‘nntno,(>i5~firfTir' blind for Uic ftr«t..quarter of 103^. mrruii'u'i ivuiiin uc uKBwtnnmi [.fillip arul cDun'tj- Xunda. I llii- vDiinrle.'i contnbuic one-i-lxili..' •. -l.lhc. slJitc- unij-tiilrd iind Uio-federal— , - on»-half iS pen.'doiu' . . _ ,.,(^.cxm;Dtlccl_iuc_miuiscdj>nd.bllud. , iw c-nnitTTontTlBure-«5Qall7'^==^ I’lowHid dci>endent djlldrcn.. -The- ..................... n-m I proved u bill, vnhlcli tt^Ji'JfffHiiKl b;^.— 'i :'o CO-1 Covonior;C.'-A. BoUoirsen'. to norrcct;' ' a-^efpiy^rUdn fr;iture<i In Idaho relief ad- iiccj^; mlnbtration to whifh the .saelal ae-. liojccix d"-l wUlihcl'd fuud.i jicnd* projccl II 3,000.000-Kalloii t ... _\voull^be coilatniEtcd l^-.:jL-^'r U'lf-ftHeEZuEnr C -H llil im fiiEA Provbiion fnr Irrojicrly .• air." I) Apeclal ell)l)hH^L•i;. wiJlial wuih. ••3. liicrnifcod alIc)wiiiircTi>i _cl(itli n;} for lumnies av .••iii'ltr liitopH al! lUouili. nr. ;Lcaiu»m t cniiii«ni Wl;.cQnJn. ____ -• . —Tlie slonn'jleposlletJ loiw Miivw bI o 'iik the western eiliic Wci.Mi|<'Ii moiinlaljM In UUili .itfi^d.couip , .Miiu wiin procce<lj reveriinR .srlirrnljuild., ______ By a volc-of 13 lo 40. llic. , tkfciiltd'u me.isirre"By iKc* ; ir^-eommlttcc wliifh would hr aulr«l-hionihIy -OUlOV.l.l 5R JAiaOOPE :j 12’ Known Distributors ,of :.GovernmcnlJ\cts tc. -Stop Rumors- I fire trap.-i and laMallailon of proper Bn(i-iidefjiin»e'-f|n>-pwapf'c.------- ^— itrlcltldciicjTliv. ii;uiul«L] ^dallO;J;iilln..K«!‘ gnu roL-lUiilio'4 i-introduccd- coUl Mioi;*'; ?cio ri-auuiK. we.slcrii Idiilm iiroumtj pH(.ni)ofis /( It tnblDd a ,scjiatc-upiJrovcil 1)111. 7=lh^New Yorkf^T -SA>mAGO.-Cin!crT'.'bT7‘“ r.=:!:*-coiiimrnllilK Tlio Chilean KOH'rjHn<-iil..iiii-|).uril,^ilic'nfllMl loday. 10 i'pend S.SOO.000,000 ------- -PmLADELPUIA-rA^iiia».:VlTh: boitli! o(.liquor-In-hls-liand-ftpc .lohn-Lynehr* _ . 7 l-P'ch'TIrcil liTliol Iht'ff It .-.mn.ihi-d on the p . - ..................... ^ o “ (he -world-thftr l| American' rPMurcciC aro.avnllnble tu the EuroDoan <Ieniocriii'l<-« in -iiioi- -cln>lV3^m.^ofn'Ui --- -ln3t-wcrR‘.se«nn(iiinin;"miTirnrCuii ceptton“ ortJcrod'lhinu3 h“for <-:ir!Ii niTnkA-nimQ.--t.'n»L.i.y-— ------- _ T h e "ovemm^m tlrpriv-ii Hi-n -'lollilni: for Inmulcs [niacKniiiiTmid'Tiiir ------------ ------ I ^lofi'muney n«iiitnl- liir ^rll'n^w-wliiv-^o’^t'ffTlpfT• , nturcA.'-A-ii)liilmum of N'Wiix.rp> poried ftt DoL-.p nnd Twin Fnlb.-lt Another .M-niil' hiiroduced by i iitiie'or' ■■ . .......... raided tfte “cata-? eonibcil nreil" df San Juan Hlllhere'' ,t!ic "mo^C notorloitf,. Tictous ganir-. :.v | . j OrniircoilcA peddlers in Amerlca.” ‘"^*~'^^ •~-T«i& iiHgiiiwrhood _(iroiind^'^esi .-l-cma'. Jhibs- ..... _. lils-customers ' perioii fouii mor.i r.-aiild I , inp lifiH nf tl ivlilppcd pulillcl: , l^tlie_IVackfpot _n>fnHil_ho;,pl i-liaK not b«-^n pfflpirnilv.iiin'nusnii^': I imO-r<-TOmiil«ndf«l-culllUK of -Uic lliaur..'Gij3sIlBoi:i __________ Pinkaii(l-Heallbv-!S»s prior I New York police,- who, hnd n o t b«^cl^ ' where buj.lu(»i bulldlnss i-t'reciitl t'li-UlallMLaLrcctaJ provWoivi (if the coiimII. ' ly block.-i of-seati ............... !tTtgcr':Ii-^roni Corehla.-her-fallicr'.'i lirjt pcrxunded-soelnlj—f»mldcntri’cdlfl'~Ailinnc~Ci;i!.'ir‘T3it:’cuinmItlcc iiiUl Ilicr. ..._ . - ;io._a.iid ..ihany-Of: aaked.-aad -consrok" ■ wnR-('vivvicti!lfOiW^ldcrnble dyr«?g'' ijijjoxloiw wcffl j-] iawis!.-.:- ' N»- offlclal-fjlitnttie- |h e iUvi!|i~ — . .ilajor, CaiSand_vy.iniBnij.,.dl*lrl«..:^ »Mfv*rvUAf* ll'<»- ^ siffti?; known dUtributors hntlbeen V '-^ ------- * being. riTieIcIuarenls.-Mr. .■ _snp0I_.£a:^ltal2hL~.T.wou]di>itl»iavV- • Any Port’ . : 'NEW . LISBON.’ Ind. i- Stormv I 'Vrflhpr, drove birds of .a. (jHferentl ^feather lOKether here. Mra. Oeoi'ffC 'Vnfl“ Du.*ikii.............. . ■’robin.ilj’-}V''''ay .froni-iUcuci-.ncar • her farm liome and head for the chicken hou.^s in a laiff wind. - . Later *he went out lo Rather CBga: —Undcc-Uia-»4n8-ot-<i-np»UiiB-lK-n she found tlic robin huddled, CmCAOO.-Fcb. 1 (-Vj—H erb w i Hoo\-er tonlghl accused 'Pre.iidciit' RooseveK ot pi-ojectUig <lMttid - 8Kpt>nMo» - e f - f c____ ;q .ipad .to:.u:nr,Tftnii.iippcai^ to coiigrcM lo-"have this adventure clarl/led before we go, bllncjly Into griftV Increajc.A In nrmattienl ‘ said, “can m tranrcCTi^ent ................... -on ribiillon of hopa of prcaervluK llberly .c Iioiuing I continent. TliU K Ainerlcir -----rnnaT— I BadRctt, n construction •''i‘i-i :- -patir-foreman -«iho-ta- emploj-ed-al j Houma. La;.-wan worried over the' i|*afety of. his wife and chlldt’fiv mhcr-bilLi: UyTleprLclBTilwi rRiTwUr I»inii,T . •II. iR-Bftiiiieek'—chani;- j iesuiih-a-proccuutc._nc .oc--..uont-«nld-ln--bpenlng—hlj-nddr "arft.bclnit.nrcpttrcd-lo ac&pi. nation against wronB and peVwi que5tibn»''..il r» pr..l forcc-ir_iiccei!ar>-...of..Uic.JU-«»:jf. AmerlcanV who are of nececsitj'' abroad": coaperatlon In movementa ” -nt-really-lTnTc*i rK-ILtEJS- i -EA•cIT-d«y-people-cul^-^ll^-NBW8- nnd T7MIS offlee exclaiming. j|viog*PTg5taent~3phn'^nmcr'caih»‘i~.'gM ^jgy<g_AL-Oklajfjleitr}:..Ari^p»itLuf,, .Rooiaom—liml—! fprebtn relniloiu. I •hould no: be iioIatloclLiti II proinulliiK (KACL- by Ihc mctlio^li T-. Amlolt ofK tinmi, nyin | G Q ld ^ Q l '•** .Oklahoi Golden Olovea offkial.i were Im- departuro“-for- deiillnx wUIjI tijt,world-ulilduu’oi ......................... ' ly.-lo - prfiMvrei" -.TOQoew tlon —to—restore 1 iheirplaces iecoiiouile-^auclla^l’&ir!.^“ i^ t .all our 'Wrongs llie ncaec of war.v For, he said; ■•«ny form of •dhtct- or Jiidlreci--cocrTlon o f n a - tions Is force and li die stfafght path of war lU^ell- - - . .lu,, un«cr mui . -..-I. I.. , V'Our country'standing apart." hoj io 4tand.lhete;becausc ll.ls the only ,, .---‘-pwplo- nnd therConirrc.wM b>; the ijrcdlrtent tilons. Tlie elila — alwln pPl* who ................... ........ .. wcrlficB iheir lives and Ut; lives of _U»clr.»on3.". . ............ ;___ ____ _ ."/ul* dlnKiulon*.of_Aiacriwu psiieic. that h a « befn oppctntxl by ine American-pcdpic up to now,” he U0111..H0 «ay*-wo-miMt . od» MrorTRer thon. words and V^t^n I ' . .......... nslti'^r----- ---- - ______ iiTtrn; ~ ___ ^ ______ ■Daniel Wcb^le^ said lii I .reply,.lo Hoynr. ‘Let me run.I lJtotumbie.,BCuU«uuin‘« docirlno ' litUe . liiBr-TUrTprnctgal' ~ apiJIc . — r places wiui ^_.^^*per..q^d*.qf_C)mon,.N...J., . . I tiio.I'errlcone-quaoruplAU-of-Bcau- | lev of-Oklahoma,-jind -thc-Morlok. fjuadj of Lansing, Mich. ••. .T^^e.. Badges ..havp..iwo^ljie£^iIl- e of seven m«n Uiits adopt«<i-tV'%9~ > lodge whlch^annu^Ir-pand^T^M 71. In |1 weather Ji -tn «tore for the'D6i r i ........... "-Paney-* /-M rs. BadECll's 'moUier. M «. -C.I ;L. .Harpcr.otiCprpu»:Chri8U.-Jimfc4 : 1 iiticd - blood - t o : ~ t > c r ^ 3q>year>old Tflnugliiet7iinrtninstu»Ioij as.a p ^ ll f iectlve m<a«uie.- , •<-Il^t^hm1^c-wlth•gtecpJmJorcn^ l i t o r i e ^ h Ave. East. PHONE' 38; OK'32 : tASK por^hbI— ^1 ?!n<r'-nichtiwr«rotr:tt>»7i; .to learn whether ' > p o u n d h o g , J>ol«. tflmorww.;.-/;!

AnAsM cidied TODAY:CluUdiJ

Vol. 21, No. 252:

L ie g i s lp t o ^

W ith B itte r A tta c krniniin

e i i

Itla lio S’cnuloi's in Coiifel'eiiccr

^ r - ^ U r = S . - l > a w m a k e r s J J e n o _ u n c e ^ o r a ? N I “ ^ : ^ = ^ A n d 4 1 e r a t e “ A d i n l n i s t r a t i o & 5 r . = ^ ; : : ^

“ C i o a k i n g D e a l i n ; S e c r c c y : .

<))>• Tlie A-v,ocJatecl PrcM)I---■-■-^WASlIIMoiDJN ^ cb.^T^Tlic.Balc.QrAmcrl^ ui-waVplaii-.. ^ ___

~ c o iiB r c ^ ' w ciB hcd*"U l(i: J m p l lc n l lo n s qc a - f o r c i g n 'p o licy -------------- - ■— --------- -

ParjsJSovernnicnl - Uuncliei International Negotiations In - Attempt t'c/ Arrange

i r ^ f n u ik lylUmgct a tiic lp ln r tf rc -c lcm o crn c jc ff-o f- th e tt’oiyct h r — — ih rm sd v ^ aB ftln a l-th c -U lo ta lo r-s ta tc iJ .--------------;---------------_ ■■ — ,- \v i )iic G o n n n n-P»"-''=P"i'''*'^^ fli>»Quncc [L .E rc s ld c n t R o o so ’

■ i-s a Icac^Jn'gJ-war aglthlor.” a n d tipp^nusc wns hcnrd ;in-Pi

■llv ’m e A.-i‘.oeliileil Pic:.?.i-PAHTSr-Pob7r2-TTinU's(layy

a ic a m n B -" w u r « b iu .c«.. aw u ............... . ..................... ..................... - ^ ^ f ' r a n c o i i ^ p c i i c c i . l i u c t u a 'id L o ijdo i). o r ic sc n a t'O r a f t e r . a n o th c c -r o s c .. tc u :o n ilc m ix .ib c ^ '- '® “ ‘' ‘ »eG O tiallons l i i .n n « i .

I----------------------------------------- “------------------------------------------i i c n lp t lo f ir rn n 'K c 'a n arhills-_tlcc_Ln C a ta lo n ia , t t w a sira n s a c L lo h In so m 'c tlm ca tci

l-b tttcE Janguagei— f n c y o ^ « c iy d ’Umntrmvotv=-j cd tUc.-!Unltcd. S ta tes ' d lrcclly

J i\ Hif ilircnrcntng nltnirn of Ehtoiw.' iiiiil opiiosetl KivliiR oilier nnU or-


trnnsncllou'."OooU God." Sciiulor JQlmjon (It'

Calif), vc ltrnn /icnate L-soltvtloiilsV, •Oiouied III one point, "tlon’i yo m ink the Amcrtcnn people Imve ih lii!h^ to know if they’nrc going <low;

- itic ro fttj-fo -^ r? "—.------------------, . •. Barkley.Defciiri* Cour«r

Word Prom Bdrali’s Hospital , Bedside Telis of Im-

. provement-_V A SlU iJaTO -N _Jib_li-i')~.W H U c- t lic 'sen n tc cnsaRcd iti' -n siormi' tlrbntp ovrr foreign polftfy lodnv^ (iii

[jimllw-vverijM-iiclttiJ)—Sw m ior-W li 11am E. Bornli—In ' scrlomly 111 of Brlpi>»In-A-WMh[nf)i«ii-l)(w])lUI.—4

T he 73-yenr-oy dean of tjic_i:cn-

' d a y , a n d j l th e sn m c tlm e h a s o r d e r e d b o rd e r tro o p s In c re a s-


liiii: s'liiiiiWi 'uovcrmmriit ,;lrDop^ wouUi be-forced tn ilo 'I 'V tiich 'io il >f llic IlchlUiK coiitlnui-(r.'

Premier Fjlmmrd DnliKilti okIcv riJ’ lVcncll troops on llio Under bvoiIKllt lip lo 50.000 lo cope witli 250,000 ■ Spanlsli mlllilninrri who woiilil l>c sK'cpi iicrow the froiuii-i- siioiilrt nfRotinilons for nii iirinL'i- tlce full .mid .Gcncriill.M,flfio Fnin-

CtjriHiTi^m'iun ^ f o " H e " b y _ Five-iVIan — | Uojmi; Kniployos IMaccd lender •• • •----- Merit S ys tem . ..............

T n n r : n 7 r n i r iJ rcor^';inlv.ailoii_ iii tu jjiirt: . c

“ P a r lm e n u . o i l iju b l jc .rn is i ; .-I r e a d y T onT {;lil-fo r-.lu lim l.v

■w ho ru co n iiiia iu ii'd li'; '\ii\s I ••j--Tli(> -luni.se. w llh o i i l cicb: I_ 1 cm i.so lidalliii- t in '_ s l i i lc d ' 'J pubti< • ■

!iu Ili'.si ;;oV crn jiic iU .iliiH in irT o r coii.'- .ondatlon of ih o d c -:tancc_rii,d.._piii;iic_.woUart=^W flir~

i,'.’. Ijovfrticir- C.“A, nq.ll_oJf?cn^

ir~ •!!}■ lo 0 . U u rm c a .u l p iib llc -w cU u v o -

iu rc ,

liU ro (lu i;cd by S e n a to r T u I 'a th ( l l - T r a n i i l l n ) . -•.ciia l i J S M S ,

(lirir cir-.k'.'iii UirM^r>l (K.ttoKM.

C o m m it te a S ees-M eed s of :::r^; Appilcation Calls' for R ' siimption of Federal Fi* ____ In^ncial-Assistance..—

iiBalnsropponentaTrHoMUght-eon- , .•.mnlly tq In tcm ip t w ith reaU ea'to

• mIc o /;ril!i«M "to^a7frcndiy .p6w er‘ "^‘^ ‘^**” ^ “” *""’* ^ ' ^ ’" “~ ' ^ »nl8hi.,lie o cnrr}’ the

j»'m ight IM w tn «iy. tliRt ilio i;nltetl Stnteji Steel corporntlon

—emiltf-Tioc-senTrtecJ-tO'EnjlBi ‘• P m ncc-U iftt-n ilsh t-lfttcr-bc 'l - 'f rr re a -Jn io itnme. kina of mimitrj-

iinlttee wiMTmovc Itotlny where iils'conrilllon -iiWiWtftr^nttsnictDTTr-:-. . . itrlckch will) n cold ycMcrduy.

rqulpment for nnrkley snld. ■

Jn nddltlon, fic lield th a t no’ revc- . Iiilloai of American nUlltary Recretn'

-.cnftl« 'fi mlllt«ry-oommm*o,J<Uiol<l-| In j aecret hciirUtB* upon Ihc clrcuni' .................... B'Wle. waa merely, fol'

. . Mni. Borwh jeporlctl. tonliiht

' ■ ‘lio .'Itm pcra liirc <11115, wiia .'rcsiln: eomfortnbly. • • •

Dr. Ocoi^e W. Cnlvor, cnjillol jiliv .ilelan. ' • ■

Tlip iicBoliiitloiifi \vlili Clcii Fnim'o, -11 viiifi roiMjrtfd, wcrn 1 c'.’tilInK tlirutiKli.IfrKUIi niillibrl a rrinirRM i iiic .inuiinpiit m'i jovTi-nm,<^t:whrrcTTiitlcc' l.'i.iioliWiimiodxiT! I

nffills. dli)lom;itIc .■•oiii'cc.i .\iild, ii: Ih'tii in lormod -of ilic »p"<-n.in.

> bi’on iLiKctl 10 0 porjiiindc Kraiico ;o iv

% s 1 ^ t e o n s o n J i ie r M s e

Kirtcrnmcni; fli?l;itprr|--------

i i w i i rajQISEIlIRl

m e r l i n } ; - ^ ' o r w ’a n r a o o l a n ^ . I n M iu ( f lu ii»- h.r... :

- l i ^ i i U l i n y f - I - r o g J ^ a n i -

riit J . .\V...T.iyror.Xuppiovnl iillon «:i.s*rii n>iuc..lodn:.- iwion, U, (?,. cnilliia Ioy n -

........ iiviiiiiii: fnr Idaho’. ^' CtVnKratloii•rnn.m’n n r M ^ i * ci><)i>cralloii _»4U i.. j

Borah's- iwnwnnl doctor t l u i tlicr..... no prtaen t.iljreflt of nncnmpun

...ic a o[ iho hcnnlor wild lie !>nd 1b c f tr a rd c re tm n 'e tn B li i 'n m irpitnl severlil-dny^ Io'r,H 'conii

.W hite. Uoiue:t»-J>rcaldent nooievelL yestcrdny. and the chief executive.

• nlitT .cxnciliiB-'tt--pled8e-'0 f-ft«cr«y- (lom ihe mcmUerMilp. (iwicrlcil Ihla

.—toiim rjCK cu.pcepnrctl .to scll._nol ohiy plniics, b^t o ther munltloivs to democrntlc .MiitM .10 Jong lis' they

—imin-fon>U»ftn-ln-l«whr;7-^-------- r—'■_Those wlfo fittended wi rnilELl-------- , „ J ‘flrccincht;ji3:to:Im;"/ar;.tiic,iiftti__

- • - den t had Ronn In ouU lnlnirthe for- clRn. .policy Itiyojved. One nenftior Slid Mr. nooicvell. li«.<i (U.s<irlcd thn t in the event of n European'

, Trontler.t o f tl ” “ • — •

ilb ii and Hcucrifl ovcrj\;o rka itj-ia t;. c d 'fo r the rcinnlndcr of llifKUrn- mcr ril In land SprlnK".' Mcv-iind hnd been ordered by hL’i physlclnii notJft^overM ert a t U»U.ic.\slGn.

Bii E i i a f eNEVfCHAELlE

l■iiIl 'IqNAH.•l•■•l■anc Kiai. t .M^impcdr ul iliuu;.aiid.i ul

■'■'MSfW'■■v-Htiiileit punhrti Mpiirill,j)])cr Si'Rrc rl^xr vnl]ey of

Ciilnlonlfl..Oeneh^li^^lalo ' Fnuico’n

moyed.'oa Bcrpj

lnirihd" 'fiiih rm nee-below nuiCliriCFnillc.? fioiiivhfre It rravcji iiifirontletiiJ l'ulB-'erd.}. ■ • • . - . ■ • •

Lciw of Ihf toiid^wonld leave'nov- ’m n ic iif lioops ‘ioT tlic iiorlhwVj.( mly one. uxlt—Inio Ffiuicc tlii-oiiRh

Idaho Senator Announces ,WPA Action ori Twin

-Fa lls 'Pro jcct'--r"i

T tia lio .lcnl;;IiiLlv :T]iort.,tod.Ty a d o i i l lo i id l a


riflUnn.’iT cornrm ;tcc-:m ‘y p - ' f y ^ i proved nil i>|)|ilIcallo:i «: ' I V i i u j a l l i - .

1 city fw tl siio.ooo, kdiMi: yv?>A, ,[Iinini to cpij.s'niel ;i 1 iimli; commriill

; (‘mi)h;i.'>l7':rijlic‘

, B O IS E , f 'cb i Iv o 'm m cnclcd in u n if ie d b u lld in n p r o i ;r a m " f o r im inovi.'iu i l i i l io n s a t L a v a H o t yp rliiK «. U lat-.kfobi,

-Tsaoa^iy:-:____I_ jU H :j'i .’po 'rt_w as. a tlopK

T h e co m m ltleL ' w aj; 1:1 B e n c w M i). a S i . Mar!*v rR -F rc i(io iiV ) a n d RcJjrc. tlvcs'-*K >cddore . H ill f R -D o n -


. . ., th a n S<.000. - ip-iy:f{|, blind. <ippendciit' inl- iiiin iiiilu. t!a. uUIJrDVcd .thc .-.oclaljMeiir-.. vv pmvldrd In ilie ^Menily

incar.ure tiiDL l--(l M.ioa.ooo. for relief."-

m on i-v i->'iifi-ni. M • •

J .Bnreeloii UX)uiu^d-lin|Hi- criim cnt rtrooji

Mayor U'rp -a .- criiipii' lid Juli

i W O l :m w m

i>e ijrV niiicc ,,mluilulfill

lion t)iipporl'er................... .Mr. Roo.icveit. wa.% milil to li

■ fWreMfd- thc-onlnlon -ll ^xtctiAlvc....................

•in>un;em lc/(dcr;.„ u,f-l'k‘lllllllH OUl-HOV- l—

■ III ■ norihciiiierV • dnys.1

oops patrolled roiid.s ui If tlie. frontier, ready !• flood, of rclrtiitlnK liov

■iimSyi-'cfi-oificim.x iiwni''irsfHCilon ypsipniftjv’ - ’ iui(or:ClnrirTndic.i:rTi-'ihii!- -nil'

.tha t.L t.now iiccdcd-1:. :tppruval bv Prc.'ldenl R«o;,evrIK’

H'llWl iiiid.i'l'l'.'i..U'i)liiliiu>>-ohou;.-,.


m\»utrl^0flcoyal - jf-Wa'cplantL-Qeal| Imprfisscs Sentiment'' U p p r

fbu «::a.oao-.iluuKUAb. 6i)iiin. I'tb. I

coiirler to the.Frc.nch border) lA'i— ilUof-nii

yint, A m erlcif had i

. orcooperatlnR wltl> the dembc'racles. . ..-H cw asfurU icr-reprcacntcdJiiiaj--

niR tlw t If G reat Drltjfln and Franec , alioulcf bo bcnien In war. North iind

South Amcrlcn would be the ln*t , defenders of democracy-and iM gel

•'WASinNGTONTTL-b“ i:ra-)=XTi' .lomicempnMlint- Pnin'ce Ivn.n biiy- Ini: millfary iJIane.i iii tiil.i coutitn- wiUi W hite. Hoiwe iipprovnl' pro- vlde.n n- flfst gllinp.1.; of those incth*

|'o<U •'^hort of w ar" PfcsUleni Roa<ic- liiu:r.Jm il_i'a . '

... rtn*thi'~spOTisirini)'iiiimcnr tnda<"vorc<i:-cnnnflMM.-aifr-m7n;7:57


.1. met lit-the--.u-hin!tt-a*hcd of Ihc la ih ccnturj- BtrOMR.

cur FlKuera.s to c.wape an in' I bombiiiK of llie

wKh erery iiieniu nlivt ot .-^Moantt'tiilp.- thft House naral-eor - .•(ConilniiKl 0ft-P.B9 s. Coliitim- « ‘


i. th e n ; i l i a l . . t i l l . . ___, methqi^. j'RH ongcr and raorc:.cf-., ftctlvp .llian ' niere word.i,” of Int- {•TjrcMlng Amcrlchn publlc-rontimont

«pon "nKKrwiMr natlon«." * .■ .;By-Al<linK.'Pruiu;o.aiid.liu«i«-lliiV'{ n-.w iatc 'com iriU tte o f-h ls reasons for fiuch Bcilon. Mr. Roaicvelt him


' For Girl Singer“ NEW -yoU K .. Feb : r-M ^Lou'l»’a Coreliln, whb .v>on «'|ii ,bc 'ic. ha.i v e ry-littlc- m oncyrTbut-slie-has-tt lilting coloi'atura vo lc i^and a bar* tender "anBcr’ who likM music;


I , ,, j l —Opo«lnB-Am

iippiothat (• pri wi'iild 1

iiecci-ilLj' of prctlllin ,

', Snow Hits Scattered Areas': Six .Below Zero' a t’

Idalio Falls.

.l=i;t ttiid.-riiiiupcili'd-.ic.il?.!

' Tin' bw rjl fir.'-t tv.iV.' IfiJ.) IcKMaim—lHH-n

chnlm in irrn iriaj thp jn. I •nil- lin.-lTfI »Vil5 ciiipov 1 uin-r.Tic ttlth fcdrral oi'fi

111 dc tm nU irn tT n l i

.CUlld^(lucttor-of-U)<^Idiili<>- ppariiiK-nt. public ajjtUlance, lid IibihoV appIleatlon-lo-the.fod-' • m l MKliil i.ecurliy bofCll. for*.•;irdi'd lo WiisUhnion yMlerdny..

npplieaUon call* f^r.:-ai;e p fnMofiTWiQ.^s i rpy de-

. . it"cW lrtnnr‘nntno,(>i5~firfTir'■ blind for Uic f tr«t..quarter of 103 .

m rru ii'u 'i ivuiiin uc u K B w tn n m i [.fillip arul cDun'tj- Xunda.

■ I lli i- vDiinrle.'i contnbuic one-i-lxili..'• . -l.lhc. slJitc- unij-tiilrd iind Uio-federal—, - on»- hal f iS pen.'doiu' . . _ ,.,(^.cxm ;D tlccl_iuc_m iuiscdj>nd.bllud. ■,— i w c-nnitTTontTlBure-«5Qall7'^ = = ^ ■ • I’lowHid dci>endent djlldrcn..

- T h e - .....................n-mI proved u bill, vnhlcli tt^Ji'JfffHiiKl b;^.— 'i

:'o CO-1 Covonior;C.'-A. BoUoirsen'. to norrcct;' ' a-^efpiy^rUdn fr;iture<i In Idaho relief a d - iiccj^; m lnb tra tion to w hifh the .saelal ae-.

liojccix d " -l wUlihcl'd fuud.i jicnd*

projccl II 3,000.000-Kalloii t ... _\voull^be coilatniEtcd l -.:jL- 'r U'lf-ftHeEZuEnr

C - H l l i l im f i iE A

Provbiion fnr Irrojicrly .• air."

I) Apeclal ell)l)hH^L•i;. w iJlial w u ih .

••3. liicrnifcod alIc)wiiiircTi>i _cl(itli n;} for lumnies av .••iii'ltr liitopH al!

lU ouili.n r .

;Lcaiu»m ■ t cniiii«ni

Wl;.cQnJn. ____ -• .— Tlie slonn'jleposlletJ loiw Miivw bIo'iik the western eiliic Wci.Mi|<'Ii moiinlaljM In UUili

.itfi d.couip , .Miiu wiin procce<lj reveriinR

.srlirrn lju ild ., ______By a volc-of 13 lo 40. llic.

, tk fc i iltd 'u me.isirre"By iKc* ; ir^-eommlttcc w liifh would hr ■ aulr«l-hionihIy


5 R

JAiaOOPE:j 12’ Known Distributors ,of

:.GovernmcnlJ\cts tc. -Stop Rumors-

I fire trap.-i and laMallailon of properBn(i-iidefjiin»e'-f|n>-pwapf'c.------- —

itr lc ltldciic jT liv . ii;uiul«L]^ dallO ;J;iilln ..K «!‘ gnu roL-lUiilio'4 i-introduccd- coUl Mioi;*';?cio ri-auuiK. we.slcrii Idiilm iiroumtj pH(.ni)ofis /(

I t tnblDd a ,scjiatc-upiJrovcil 1)111.7=lh New Yorkf^T

-SA >m A G O .-C in !c rT '.'bT 7 ‘“ r.=:!:*-coiiimrnllilK Tlio Chilean KOH'rjHn<-iil..iiii-|).uril,^ilic'nfllMl loday. 10 i'pend S.SOO.000,000

--------PmLADELPUIA-rA^iiia».:VlTh:boitli! o ( .liquo r-In -h ls-liand -ftpc

— “ .lohn-Lynehr* _ .7 l-P 'ch 'TIrcil liT lio l Iht'ff

It .-.mn.ihi-d on the p

. - ..................... ^ o “ (he -w orld-thftrl | American' rPMurcciC aro.avnllnble tu

the EuroDoan <Ieniocriii'l<-« in -iiioi--cln>lV3 m. ofn'Ui---

-ln3t-wcrR‘.se«nn(iiinin;"miTirnrCuii ceptton“ ortJcrod'lhinu3h“for <-:ir!IiniTnkA-nimQ.--t.'n»L.i.y-— -------_ T h e "ovemm^m tlrpriv-ii Hi-n

-'lollilni: for Inmulcs [niacKniiiiTmid 'Tiiir ------------------I ^ lo fi 'm u n e y

■ n«iiitnl- liir rll'n^w-wliiv-^o’ t'ffTlpfT• , nturcA.'-A-ii)liilmum of N'Wiix.rp>

poried ftt DoL-.p nnd Twin Fnlb.-lt Another .M-niil' hiiroduced by i iitiie'or' ■■

. .......... raided tfte “cata-?eonibcil nreil" df San Juan H lllh e re ''

,t! ic "mo^C notorloitf,. Tictous ganir-. : .v | . j OrniircoilcA peddlers in Amerlca.” ‘"^*~'^^

•~-T«i& iiHgiiiwrhood _(iroiind^'^esi


' perioii fouii mor.i r.-aiild I

, inp lifiH nf tlivlilppcd pulillcl:

, l^tlie_IVackfpot _n>fnHil_ho;,pl i-liaK not b«-^n pfflpirnilv.iiin'nusnii^': I imO-r<-TOmiil«ndf«l-culllUK of -Uic

l l ia u r . . 'G i j3 s I lB o i: i__________P in k a i i ( l - H e a l l b v - ! S » s

prior I New York police,- who, hnd n o t b« cl '

where buj.lu(»i bulldlnss i-t'reciitl t'li-UlallMLaLrcctaJ provWoivi (if the coiimII. '

ly block.-i of-seati............... !tTtgcr':Ii- roni

Corehla.-her-fallicr'.'i l ir jt

pcrxunded-soelnlj— f» m ld c n tri’c d lfl'~A ilinnc~ C i;i!.'ir‘ T3it:’cuinmItlcc iiiUl Ilicr. ..._ . - ;io._a.iid ..ihany-O f: aaked .-aad -consrok" ■ wnR-('vivvicti!lfOiW ldcrnble dyr«?g'' ijijjoxloiw wcffl j-]

iawis!.-.:- 'N»- offlclal-fjlitnttie- |he iUvi!|i~ —

. .ilajor, C a iS and_vy .in iB n ij.,.d l* lrl« ..:^»Mfv*rvUAf* ll'<» - ^s if f ti? ; known dUtributors hntlbeen V ' - ^


riTieIcIuarenls.-Mr. .■

_snp0I_.£a: ltal2hL~.T.wou]di>itl»iavV-

• A n y P o r t ’ .: 'NEW . LISBON.’ Ind. i - Stormv I

'Vrflhpr, drove birds of .a. (jHferentl ^ fea the r lOKether here.

Mra. Oeoi'ffC 'Vnfl“ Du.*ikii.............. .■’ rob in .ilj’-}V''''ay .fron i-iU cuci- .ncar• her farm liome and head for the

chicken hou.^s in a laiff wind. -. Later *he went ou t lo Rather CBga:

—Undcc-Uia-»4n8-ot-<i-np»UiiB-lK-n she found tlic robin huddled,

Cm CA O O .-Fcb. 1 (-Vj—H erbw i Hoo\-er tonlghl accused 'Pre.iidciit' RooseveK ot pi-ojectUig <lMttid - 8Kpt>nMo» - e f- fc____

;q .ipad .to:.u:nr,Tftnii.iippcai^to coiigrcM lo-"have this adventure clarl/led before we go, bllncjly Into griftV Increajc.A In nrmattienl ‘

said, “can m tranrcCTi ent ...................

-on ribiillon of hopa of prcaervluK llberly .c • Iioiuing I continent. TliU K Ainerlcir


I BadRctt, n construction • ''i‘i-i :- -patir-foreman -«iho-ta- emploj-ed-al

j Houma. La;.-wan worried over the ' i |*afe ty of. his wife and chlldt’fiv

mhcr-bilLi:UyTleprLclBTilwi rRiTwUr I»inii,T.

•II. iR -Bftiiiieek'—chani;- j

iesu iih-a-proccuutc._nc .oc--..uont-«nld-ln--bpenlng—hlj-nddr "arft.bcln it.n rcp ttrcd-lo ac& pi.

nation against wronB and peVwique5tibn»''..il r» pr..l

forcc-ir_iiccei!ar>-...of..Uic.JU-«»:jf. AmerlcanV who are of n ececsitj'' abroad": coaperatlon In movementa

” -n t-really-lT nT c*i r K - IL t E J S -

i-EA•cIT-d«y-people-cul^-^ll^-NBW8- nnd T7MIS offlee exclaiming.

j|viog*PTg5taent~3phn'^nmcr'c a ih»‘i~.'gM

jgy<g_AL-Oklajfjleitr}:..Ari^p»itLuf,, .Rooiaom—liml—!fprebtn relniloiu. I

•hould no: be iioIatloclLiti II proinulliiK (KACL- by Ihc mctlio^li

T-. Amlolt of K t inmi, nyin |

G Q ld ^ Q l '•** .Oklahoi

Golden Olovea offkial.i were Im-

departuro“-fo r- deiillnx wUIjItijt,w o rld -u lilduu ’o i ......................... 'ly.-lo - prfiMvrei"

-.TOQoew tlon —to—restore 1ihe irp laces

iecoiiouile-^auclla l’&ir!. “ i^ t .a ll our 'Wrongs llie ncaec

of war.v For, he said; ■•«ny form of •dhtct- or Jiidlreci--cocrTlon o f n a - tions Is force and li d ie stfafgh tp a th of war lU^ell- - - . .lu,, un«cr mui . -..-I. I..

, V 'O ur country 'standing apart." ho j i o 4tand.lhete;becausc ll.ls the only

, , .- -- ‘-pw p lo - nnd therConirrc.wM b>; the ijrcdlrtent tilons. Tlie elila — a l w l n

pPl* who ................... ........ ..wcrlficB ih e ir lives and Ut; lives of_U»clr.»on3.". . ............ ;___ ____ _„ ."/ul* dlnKiulon*.of_Aiacriwu psiieic. th a t h a « befn oppctntxl by ine American-pcdpic up to now,” he

U0111..H 0 «ay*-wo-miMt . od» MrorTRer thon. words and V^t^n I•' . ..........nslti'^r----- ---- -

______ iiTtrn; ~___ ^______■Daniel Wcb^le^ said lii I

. reply,.lo H oynr. ‘Let me r u n .I lJtotumbie.,BCuU«uuin‘« docirlno ' litUe . liiBr-TUrTprnctgal' ~ apiJIc

. — — — r places wiui ^_.^^*per..q^d*.qf_C)mon,.N...J., . . I tiio.I'errlcone-quaoruplAU-of-Bcau- |

l e v of-O klahoma,-jind -thc-Morlok. fjuadj of Lansing, Mich. • ••.

.T^^e.. B adges ..havp..iw o^ljie£^iIl-

e of seven m«n Uiits adopt«<i-tV'%9~ > lodge w h lc h ^ a n n u ^ I r - p a n d ^ T ^ M

71. In

|1 w eather Ji -tn «tore for the'D 6i r i...........

" -P a n e y -*

/-M rs. BadECll's 'moUier. M « . -C.I ;L. .H arpcr.otiCprpu»:Chri8U.-Jimfc4 :

1 iiticd - blood - to : ~ t> c r^ 3q>year>old T flnugliiet7iinrtninstu»Ioij a s .a p ^ l l f iectlve m<a«uie.- ,

•<-Il^t^hm1 c-w lth•gtecpJm Jorcn^ l i t o r i e ^ h Ave. East.

PHONE' 38; OK'32: tASK p o r^ h b I— ^1

?!n<r'-nichtiwr«rotr:tt>»7i;.to learn w hether ' >

p o u n d h o g , J>ol«. tflmorww.;.-/;!

I Sa cra Ji e72to;-jBe(27St z7ts““lBrmdc^^

...i;iiMlmllc,broa*lc&Mlii8 jiunirys p pUuto -clcctrlc cell 'fly.item-^o •«cnii nnill 'ick iip vArindons In llRlit wnvci. lUi rc/Ic'cicil Jroiii ilVc coi>>^to be scni mu! iruiuiniiiliu; I f by electric Im- liiilKC lo thp rc'jordlne mccliaiiUm w lirrp'ihe imiiRC;ls i>rlnt«l on »eiis(- Uvc iKiper. fPiiriiUucJiJB Jn black nnd u liuc Hiiiiioncs..- — '

•me bronllciist iie«'.ip;iper j;trl will b? four coliiimif. wide by aliot is-iiiultc-i riccp.- -

FORE GN POLICYrcomlriUfJ from f i s t Jjrj*)'

■ 'T im . Tlic only kJioui\ etfeciivc meiliortJ s l io r i '« : a’n r ' a n il’ more Uian words urc lUat »c <!lllicr jtup* port-one i>Ide wlili n tppllcs.at-Io<^ rnw—mstcrlaLC "iiiul niuiil- UoiV!. or lliai H'<! (fi-iiy there to U. o:ticr side by ttnbarRoc^.' boycot! or oilier .ccohonilc i.ar.ciUmi.- • •

- Wlio Are i£ tr c » o r» 7 ------■" ‘ -Tlie-««!)r«uJwifc-03i l -

OlJciixalng arc iiol alone In the weal- cm- liemUplicic. Tlify are In rciilliy nscreMloii5-acrti?T:tne“A tl3nt«nroa .. . . w. , ......... ind-AMft

TIiursdB)' wllli

r tlon: Frldiy.slioiTers irlt'- ......mountains, and lomewlial lillti'

e r U m p e ^ r e » ;u |h porllan.

H ljli niHl low temperatures AVed- Jie»<1ay. 29 and desree-i. Partly cloudy.' westerly wfti<ls; Inimldlty 30 to 60 -w r .cent ot;«ttturnUon.

't s y The Assocltiied Prcsj) TuerJny'A-CoIcrndo storm c(

;as - p a w d - norlheastfl’n n l ' to iioniu-r» MlM lulppl vul!ey..wlth Itsweak hl b

TNewJloaril.'Chairman.Prant isc's Procedure .With

-U'x^UtmosU:autlon:.i~. ~nOISR, Fef/; 1 tJT^The7(ln)io Ics- • inttire mny-|>e a«ke^ by liie urw '

m tc . llauor, Jw nrd: lo provide - io r -


(ic'ipczniiniifJF^trBPPfEaIs pnd freijK tjuancrly lo^I ' , prlniloii-bllls pnd

11 , .'rmi-minufllly Himunlclpnl nnnncinl>Btntcmcut.^.Ap-

I ' proved. H to 0.• By Indiutry commltiep—netjiilrii „• j . psym eni by Uic st.ne -for ajl printed ]! 'materiiil purehi«ed a ^ a tM n o t i

exlC M O ^U irfrt proi<rlbc<l I n - t l i . Tt: Pninklln.prlliUnB catoTof. Approved.

i.'lry commitice—1 mlmeosrnplied 'publications from cla.vltlcftUon newspaper;<. P u ie d

i:; '" . 41 to 8.y;_L-', ~-fey-judiciary, committee—Incrcas-

• Inn'.from.J5 lo JT50 tha'A iinunl ll-

nseTsnld: • . .•— r voted for the -p re sen fln w li.

3937 In the r.enaU!; du rln s .th e 1 u i eampttign I *pent h a lt of my Umifl'pOlOl

t.T iinuenU'lnlonelUnit"m?"c6iric back ftnd sponsor a meajiuro to repeal ItV’

i r ' , ■KeVatRtied I fW ia UeirtnieTititf'to- .M ' tlie amnti producer' ( ind 'thn l tlie blR [>'••• producer "enn tnko snrc of lilmself,” i ,. .r. - ..O nly .w om ui. In the .leclalature. ■, Mrs. M ttrtliiiQ lagq-(R .nolsel. mn.' j | ... l ie r flr ji t ftddre.-a on the floor, nrp.

+ ------lnir-for-repeal.->'b«miw>-aomi>-m«r-^ • chnniA were twlng cold MomRe eggs

ond RlvlnB'thyn u hlch Bmrie."' •(J Tlio Bingham foimty Bepiibllcai 7j — w n a lc r .-J . . E. - WV!iam.v- tleclartrt

r tg 's r a d ln s wiui "here to fli/iy" /»nU—- rtnni* "Inng hr«fnr>.--------

— n jT im r '................

........ Jurtlclnry—Permlitli— dUtribuUon-trt-Mipr«‘m(«-court

. porUi to addlUonal departmi

r tla lln f f - to - ijnmisii)^ ‘-procctdmfffl.—pjiM edrja.gr-^---------J Dy ncpre.icnifttlve W ftrtdoups'm- a -J - H uttaX—Ti>-pefmltrrot<WTlnfthe-rgt-:

' .ter. county nnd nnhcxniion of U lo Bullo county. Defrniert. 7 fo 33.

By lioinr 1nt1lKlr\- rni.unllt^n — Perm lU lns biirl)cr colkuca <o employ

■"t*fte^r^Blrll5to^. for e lR in s pupils, in- hldad of one for every 10. Pjt.v^eit, 35-3;.,

plateau section, wltli .UoLv. 30.20 inches. .SklM

-partly '0(«iiiiy-wciL-or-Ut«-Roc ktesri ind Wmi>er.ilure» arc lower, being

mountaliw. ..hn.t rcsulU-U ‘J»

I.eavM -rnr-O ai rlere, of, Dicli

vlillinc litre . Iin.' Dench.!l. Conner

the 'nviii FniI.i111,-hler born T iioduy ;

■ Mieli n ctinfcrcnci;.W haicvcr-the tllplom ntlc'rfferl ■tern., of llie nalc of plntU'.H •

I - ‘■“‘i£C!.-'''''...PP'ltlcnl._rcp«rcu.i^uiia, J j i l . liom c.flxc.of. p rlm ary-lnterw t-K r • ;obMrvcr4.-TJ»(ijjicUlw»Hii«v-brli».

n te .it.o f the. prctUlenl'a Indlcntei 1 brllef- th a t A m erlcairpiibllc o'plnlo.

‘'•'_fii'.c.rw«itinili)uii-_bchlud_hi Cnnl .deten.UL.proBrun), of V'hlel


of-Mr^r^S’cldbh-.Jxnnins.-'rwlio' w;i: Injiired in an nuionioblle nccUlcii Jftuuarj- 20, b Improvril, accordlni. to nt(chdani.i h i ilm IV lii -Knll.i [. county Rciieral lio^pimi.

' fntl» •Trli*'— Mrs. MnrUiii T iin ... has reitirncd Jrrfn >Jcw' York Cliy. •wJiflrtt-Hio-went-OM-ft-buylnB-lrli.-i ......................... JDciurtiaim LU

.lo.IilahQ .il ... . n cmlitmnl wagon. Mr*.

Wlnhlii Ellen Siniillry.-'70. died i 3:12 .p. j ii . Xueulay .-it Uic-Goodti: hM plinir-She-hnO Tallcn 'niU l'Jai im yt » , nu in r-liom o-ln—B<ih|-i»nbroken her h i p . 1. ______

ral ^cn-lce.i nlM.be lieltl 'i .2 .P ..m . Frldny al.lliE_Evfliis..aii

lm.-.on liiiJemt chapel. I nlerm rt

if .ihc bulldliiR »-n-v)rr-,rmploj-e.T-m~- I niilon. raid 4,0M mein-

out. - f i i i r n r io o buiur. iflcctcd aiul_Uiat^ivt_iirt_.

lO'. for a mbhili'ft j

[ZTwillln'm D. ni ~ .. . .:eclor of the ncalty AdvUory boaril

:nllnn aRcntr. of m o il build- ,.............. ilrr<e I

-Amwica-.'hnirttfunderlaker M a^ pecliilly as each ca.sc'mu.it need be debat«!-iti coniiios and dIvUlcd.by

>ino:loiis eL.our_CA.cJt'L-oilBlns..| ‘oiirih. T11CI.C ' >ro|>oSM. lo '

iclot) .ig.;Un.U iin>J c ii coiiipleie de-

................................ illiy In o ther peo-pici' wnr.i. U b. ihe method of coor- ■cIonnioriV fr.iuitT ioiinrE-in-dlrscr'

FEiRMEiSim yteiE

•w3men‘.T|jtart}o » vhlclr*lle

Itulldx tiome — Ailpllcntlou for perm it to- construct- a Jt.SOO ,fniT. dwelling a t tlift'lnttr.sciTTlon of Sev

tl Blili

i:Vl..Dr. Gi D. Onrdner Ir. N. C.. had Jjcx-n-iirroi

tlK'-vlili'f (IMrUnillonn;

Troni 'Penn.'-.ylv.-inlii. Mr. and Mnii 'Smullcy.Miriil ii year In Nebr.u.llli, ind ilK-n ri'.sumrd ih rlr trip . Tlicir .ii'Mln'.nillli .l.t.V UHI I’t'iTTrt.-ir'Wlu'i) ilicir wn:!un brDkr' down n t’ Ceil.ir Uraw, u.-.i of Filer, and they dc- rnic'd 10 Kin.iiri In Idaho, 'fliry '|n 'm a yi:iir on \Vcod river and :iipn— hnm«T,’:;(irrt-7T l ^ N lalpra

.von, ni)rllir;<;.t (j[ Hiihl. In 1008 they

.'.old the ra n c h /n il nioWd to Buhl.<ilrd iirrc Tn J03I. ^ ,

71 In the work week.

en th avrmie ciiM and Blilc I.;i}cn* ^ •-'habby section, Jii.a abon

noId.i with the clly clerk ycMcrday. ~yini:iiiis la ld thi' iillv/rd rrllnGoodlncj. iirii

, HTtft’~Kdwnr hDa-nslllcri. U

r>f nuhl

• fon;. m r-C harll IMIph. ilny, Or1uij.Ii

I '.'iiiiatli -

- growinS


id .p o lnu h> bongUt sprlnu r stftbl&hmrnt.

nriMdfliVt Am

»ndL->i' tor li l s N * ‘' ’>’ ■'

nud relief ..............lliP 'fcderal-.nsenu.-v. aJt»r . i i r s ’of Inyc.siljjatian. -•'iriK'k

'core or dlb.pldai.ii i ■ " i|> ilort

regular; Ci«nip Fire U lrli bm ada AlAtloiuKI^LSnlnrdny. at.O^jO^

B ria t i f c J ^ n r Til u r M i- i - a .W. Hrtw^r have none 10 Califnriiln Iq vIslL.Tcmiivcs. .MrTand Mr... }<iilph MeMcrklh of Los Ani;<'les .nid Mr.

Mr.-«. Paul Drcwrr'-or^flrrCi'lrv,--------M cM eckln.i.i.-thc lr-daushicranriiJ a u l ■ Brewer the ir son*.___

E i« r a ....... "Ihey. frrinH-nllyACiipe If .M'lU there. Proper pro- ■l. lon (.lionld be nmdc for ilic.-,c ca.-cH

nilnry or ihe hr.v|ilial

iiurm.-illon ilini v,-iih li.ui.'2.i;uu.i;iU,.Ccntuiiy.wuj. forill; liiK one of Ihe Qirollm- "hlaiuK : ihc I’aelflc. The Isl.inils arc nnd'

ted. "provldl unds collecled Ii . .

illlc* for.carc of pa tlm i« In IhC' :n Sotp ltu li be c:vVmar»ff<l for ' lintlons rOnrrrned aiid .re.'p I slbtlil^for e'olleet'loii-nf rn rh nmni....

" .. .'Jhey caiUJC-ljiutLbejiJore diT 'f ly pliiccd by Ift'v."The conlmltteu' rixi>inuuanli'd at: linn' of iH-o iV'yclilfttil.'.f.i and twn ■ llitee hitrnu'.s .lo r:irr for llie (100

' Hie okJi.0 day* dry. of an nUI Aiticrican .pol:

affairs of am • •T lfth . sue:

vloiL’.ly fulllt .-.*auidcrt3ko:i li: Other nations

lion iupplleii 01

_rope 0

= b 6=tibliiki«l-=i2ie£»i,lct6i==AniL-| It nrsloit nii-iirn ill least iciripo*'

n il coimirlc.s In Eu-

Lot AUEelcs._SI.Mliin. ■ St.' F...:itNew Vutk ......;ifl

-Om aha.....V........49 --Pocatello ' “ '.OS’ r t r t l ’rPorllantl. Orej.-lt 33 T Clouily

,.<0 0 Clea

s a l t Lake.Clly M 16 Cleai San FranfUeo 55— <0“ '.M Cleai

:K e 5 0 ir‘~ . ..TT<I— 31— ^.oo-ciouilr

_ . . 4fi..:_26— .W-Cluudy.

".Mll'ri. t:LT/.All£TJl‘ .MeiNTVllE Funeral .-.ervlc^ l(3r J^tra. E llw

Ix ih Mclniyrc who died ■l\ic.-dny morning .from Injuries received ,an aulniiicbllc nccldcjit a't'Amerlc: K«i!n r>.Timl>cr in. 193B. will .by hclil Frltliiy af

!.wm_aimiu c i.jjtK . DuriiiLy:»)J>c.j!i. T w W T .iir r ifw : lH ru n 'd ? H h c - dl- j wclluii ot liic ‘iv ln Fnlls'm orlu

"SI.Mli. Sueh pollelfvi ar« provo* e(itlv«>-:«>f—ts |iv l^ U .^ iu l—miuU^-bo. backnl by armament. f(ir_bcyoucLL’uiT im y^uffcarn jP -dc f........................ -w-eMorn hemisphere, h i provoi;e »c musx b<: prepai icitca_ ' ___

lur M r» .-ld ;l •Mil________ (>r Jam es G . F t li^ _ \i l« i .U^UMdli)vWT?c~IIcTd~tO-

home. The Rev. L'. 1.. While of the iMetliodht . f h iireh will o lflelnti

evllablyHrtr^aTTc—TiTiTl •■iTi-.r [ m i l -p 'npnrailoaT .-^iriw piiriinbn 's'

jcrnient will -be u ctcr.v..


luilly wotuen and thilciren. T h e ; )nils of Marvatlon’by foa-( lilitlier Ih.-iit klllliiK Ircm i:

'tlR liih . Any. nikilon w hich, w ls snch-policies and build'

l i sure 10 nroii-.c lear. Tlilii Idea oli America -Hlitlna alon.i;. dclejmlnInK , \^irl»Hlntl-•^rhat I n - i l j r worid-ahall;: fitop and.i;o,»;ould nuke Us .ausp clo-.i.''ol.the wbolc.world." . . . . .

dcrion of II.-iiir,en. wlfo died M( day. win b c 'h tld today ^»t 2 &. :'n..

•. Tw ill.F jil^ niorinnry thapcl.

ihbexlyl -: d . .h. m'A .. . . ... . . with A. Stani;er of-Kl

-ln-fi)iiii'i:e -nnd -President - . RIchliu. US M>eakcr. BujUal 'Oil ,be In ijunK-l M cm orhfparl:.

TcnTtiL'K V.- r t ' t ' i r ■ ISURLKV' — l-^mcrol:hel'VlccK for Aitinir V. J’cek ..si. B u tky in'i\rond

*«rctar> ', Frnncc* Carrel. -__Sophomoru: rrcOdent._ZeIda Ma»

~ ^ ‘r e h : .~-vTce preiftleiilTT^aymimd^ui» — lc r: .-4 e c to u ry .- ,J lic lia « i. QucincJI:

.^ rtftsuror. Dorls,Tlllry; II. P. .sccre-tar}*. Gladys ronWy';

. . . . . Diifly. ...... .. ,.,r, »;iuJ ’r'i-.i*iJ'u.Diiffv,,_IJiini,:nfia.G3yjin lo iiiin , Klde.M .son oi Mr. nnd Mrs.', a . 1-’. l'onUfi..CuMlefoi(i. were m u rij rled 'Jn n . 24 by n e r, S>1:oiroI 'the Chrl-;tlnn church ni nUrley',

l->biii-jry C, Dolllne :,aid. O ilier mcnilieif, ol the. comnilllee

ire; Gcorsc, ' \ ’aM)err. S , H.'Clruve.^; C.-‘H. KK-niifl. Carl A ndenon. W. B; I.ftwn-nrr. H. K nob iim ii. R. J . Ilolme.s, Ed T in ier. H. potee. Ai J.

, Lloyd:

. ctar>'-»nri lix-atiut..........__Jorlo Teague: fo m n . CaiH Norris.

EJjliUi grade: Prcsideiil,' Oeorjo

IRcvft Clark nf Erfen and On.il Peck I of Burley. . ' 'I - Ml-. -Toi'iltn-U *v^lt-kno»-n -fli-O I tlcford_where he fv-'i lived lor k

. Cplncr: vlcaprc.^ldent.Camilla Free- i Atono: secretarj'. Yvonne Graves;

• .treasurer.'C larenec T ate. ' i

«?m»n; sccrctarj'. Lorraine Sud- ueek<; trean irer. Nadlt\e ttorc:

-•a-ell-Icadcrsi R u tlrB aty 'T in d Ki

. TERMANKNT CCC rilO rO S I - - vr-W A SinN G T O N rT eb. "■” aU5J'''niaUlIU‘ ID-ClUlir'{)rt)p5;cd''In ... . tb e .M n a te ,today Ufat th e civilian; _ ..'.«on*en'atJcn corp.< be — ' I M f ' ■ “

- - -b ird s -E Y i> - r R i t e a a r E p o D s - l

.f A 'T tlT E i^ F I T n F lf * • •

..... ZIPWAY;

■ - .— m rr-----. T d l’. (lU A LITV

i i r c T t r i^A|y)ljartces_

On- O ur-R ti« Jrtt-pa> in tn« -n4n -nwrxnTfLi3TgAcnTmnr'f’ir $tone

)=RipAY MQRNINQ.Over 100 Spring Goioxs In

Each' m iSec


nopoly sj-stem.- M. Greenfield of Bol.ie, bogrfl"'- "

(iia -teday - Ihe Iw urrtr—

....................jBsiun. was.coH sld....... .proposed nm endm cnu "but will p ro - . ceed .wlllr the utmost cnullon."

■ArBottO _ . _ _Falls, the ncwly-hlrcd inannw the sta te store system, and Q. Nicho­las U fl. Jr.. of Pocatello and Victor L - Peterson of Grangcvllfc. theo ther two board members.------- -_JQi&flCDii(JKrf-nmcn5ltnciite.KUUic_ a u b in fl ia la o r th K jirs J jl rm irc ^ ^ ly -^

: a m r.l. 'te rlfc t.o f -h c a r ln 8s w ith ln--l. LlcrcilccJ-j)crst>».\lth(>c)ialr!pBr)jnJ,d.i_ cd.

P IM IS "* 0 S li

-^ti5t!r-3tniiTnTr>'^'TW5ry"er'5ii' mllfs per hour whirled .ilx lo .12 Inches of .mow acriv's Sonlli Dr.kota, Road.^ drifted hO rapidly a ?lni<“wlil<- hlKhway blnckatlc w-iii; feared. '1‘em- peralure.s ^li-opped lowiird the :eiu level In the wenicrn sector. .-

More i.nov.' w.in li» p'ra-.pect In ,T,7:W--roliTM«knil-.(l-lllfl Centrin iin ir- [-«»ofthenwllittrtct»^ f- Neiir-BnRlnn.t r -

’I lu is 'th e cr


E iurlnjrihnt time l-toua-lnelicr.’l i i . ' aml'Vtah lin rn-dlu3a« ^

r woes was no t In slgln.I’"---

!3;ireJ:heft-Charge(l_T j . J J . ^ Y c A r ^ O M B p . v X .

T heft of 16 automobile tires from 10 loaUliiR platfornr of tlie ^c:ilc rn nlo Supply company iit noon ye.i-

terdiiy Aya!. clcare<l with the nrrc.^t I 1.1-ypnr-olil boy, police ilepari- it officials nnnouncud.[ i ^ TnTgnnrr-

iind bne-half liotin> nfler liln ir the tjrcs-icix :fl« ‘«ents*caclv ' a local seconcf hond.aloce. Poncc'lurneil th e ‘Jn trn lle over lo

the’ eoiliiiyyioD ailon 'oflH er.'

n ^ lc i'i^ '^ n u s rr tr fc H ^ y 'iu 'u c iic ft] exnmpic.s a tn r ’ ' movie illiislrntmliR of vjirious form.s of .iiwnio

value on co rrcc t Iiouk- liKhlinjr. W e an'RO younot.-to niisa.U iis-jiovcl prttrentJrttoiTT—

IDAHO POWER CO.i : " Z A iJ u y T Q R i u M : i _

Thursday, Feb, -i—2:30. p. m.

a n d t h i s a d d e t l f p n t i i r

" yen=meai Cookery"' - U a r n how'you c a n .^ e p a re a connilete riieal of veBcUhlfs. - _m e.it.nn 'd p le 'a l 'o n a iriiift Jrdm' a’ "eold oven s ta r i”—a n d -..

■ -a-iihout w w y or'ftiM . 81m'prft.-u.?i I t 'tfry o u r elecuic oven'• a n d - fo r c e f 'I t until time 10 MT\c.^ '

Rumble Seat and Hcat«r..«325 M Master Chevrolet Coupe....S205a'«r;V-0 - Dlx. .coupe— -------LS233an V.-8 D Ix .J’ordor. Radio. .

— H«l«r-ond-DelVo*lcr-v„.TnWe&- - 34 Qldsmobllo Coach. Radio.

H eater nnd T ntnk ...........42S0-' - -T udo r-_ ...... ;.......... »17-%

32 Chryiler”& dan, NcwTlnlah —an d -Reeondltlor' ‘

■ --------T nirk. TDual Wheels .............. ........ $350

38 V-8 BUvJte P Ick ilp --------_J350jfi v-e P ic k u p ^ p c c a ? :^ :^

37 v -e stake'B ody Pickilp.;....»305


FOJJB. 1~T™ ^^-FALLS■N E^VS. TWIN' FALLS. iE A llb . TllDRSDAY MOnKlNG. FEHRirARV ? ' 103? '.

T W I N F A L L S N I i W S Silver Program to End Witii ' ; Dfiele^SamHolSmgHugeJB^


......... .......... .1 New Y orK -obJrtvmproj)hesrl>}at ihc '8ol'«mnienl'ii *11- vrr program will end up ^ llh Uncle a«m holdUiE a iiuge bag. W hen ihc allvcr 'purehaw a c t became law In U 3<, the _u , s ._ trca iu ry . ownca

< afaoui-700,MOMO-ounoM-0(-M>vot Since then .I t .bax Acquired 000,000 aunce« more from , domestic smi /o re ljn sou rce ji.to r a lotal*

r 3li-b lllloo ounces. • —

d ay. \y iiU c r-w n i-d rn ff-a lo n ’e -to -H 3 -e n d m oi;c i l L .— .‘o r .lc ss .a s .u su a l..-a u 'd -5 p rlp ({ _ w lll-g lV D .a w Jo W -jrl------- prc'-vlcw’s b c t o r c -s h c a c t u a lt y - n r r lv ia -w llh - u ll | t l i e r b ird s . ' f lo w e rs t in d o th e r bnB B ttse ...T h i

. . . . .ror±itfli:3(^5£i\<?r,—. n e ith e r d e la y or sp e e d t h e scrtson's progi

i|] ' N e v e r th e le s s ,'w e lik e b o th th e g r o u n d h o g , -=-»nd-tTT F^legcnd-ft& oiit-hli»i=-*m cy-ftftorcFT ip^ g t t t / w m i y j i t 4 ‘'u u m i j - j i i i i i'u iai!ua^tiiauM e riT ^

h u m o ro u s. T h ey ' .fiu sg c st. q u ite as- m u ch , a.'s th e s e e d <:atalogs, t h a t It Is* tim e to p lan i;ar-

' den s ' a n d v a c a t io n s a n d hou.<;chold rep airs a n d r e fr e sh in g s p r in g c lo th es . T h e j ^ r c .stlm u la t ln g to t h e lio p e d h d th e P h otograp h cr£u ;u n ta k e a d a y o f l.f to m 'sn a p ; p in g m o v ie Jatllc.s a n d m a k e acrccn te.sl.s oi lw I jy io u iia ifo O iC Q u l'____________

S iip c rs tt t lo a ? N o , , m erely -|>)i _Q nm rlcsg ...fp JK i9 tc> j___—

in . • ■ itoccU riga t K a n sa s C lty .'a tu d lc d w a y s i(j ninJtc p a ssen g er s c o m fo rta b le w h c n j .a lr lln c r s fjy

4 n - th e -a tr tt to 3 p h e rc r — A c c o r t ln is - to - t h c -a r nQ tinccm c n ^ o f t h e C iv il A eronau tlc.s A uthoi

,♦ Ity, s u b je c ls d iscu sse d In clu d ed i i .« ' o f b x y - t ffpn In thi» enbln."! o f ne(»spnt a ir lin ers, rind,1 . g e n In t h e p n blns o f p r e sen t

I'j ' p o s sib le p h y s ic a l r e a c tio n s to Hyli ; !n th e. 3up erchargcd '-cab lns-ot-:aJucM fi-typ i

*’ l in e r s n e a r ly read y for te s t 'll lg lit .’i.. ' • r r o n i a n p th c r -p «rt._ i)t ._ lh c _cou n try_a tic l a n o th e r g a th c r ln c of'sQ gc lu I lst^ .-tH fcZ N cy:'

.‘ J )0llcj-.-Pnll;i» N f« .

•■\T t.OVKUS:j»EIUL-|{ILj - l_ - _ - : ___.SoiTictJoO'y oiitililiio elnilte off this llp-dcircioi- Idio

‘‘ imt b . jiM i 10 mooiillslH. in

-I <levlCL- whicli. II (a.'iir-i. nily ;voiiT(ljiroi)nbly..inftkc-4llvo^c«-.tpldctiilc, .Uc.. 'Mlllnui^Moilireu MOV.ItOil .now untiouncM on(?/<Ci'll caleiilnicd to krci),i)cople Irani ReltliiB m iirrlra 'a i «li. He calLi II n lovt'-detecior nnd uny.r no doubt wlih ncndlsK ffliio vocc rhorllc-v il,ini li.i ll L• will makiI--------- - -

— >Yorlc-S^t^.C hlropractlc£Soctot^-c& m o& >w occ ■‘j T . .of_a proposed- slu cfy ofra"utbm6tl.Uc s c a ts . T iii jl' ■ Id ea Is to Jm p r o v £ .th em so n s to red u ce b ack

.. s tr a in a n d In cfe lisc t h e heaU }i" an d c o m fo rt— r o f-r id e r s -o n d -c lr lv c r s : ------- ^ ------- ,

-ji-v . r - T h c r c •o r cT n a n y -g r o 'u p .y lo o k lns - fo r -w f ly s "--------i o = b t t te f l t ^ n - = h l l - f a y - t td a i» ^ o -o u V - c o m f o i‘iT

.^...i^conYbnlence^^iPJcn.-iure^ or h e a lth as.'\vc..BO

■‘ arc to I c c c p ' s e c l n g r ]

___- ---------^ Q B - F Q U jT H E D LIKIS------ -T h e . rugged In d iv id u a lists , or ^my'bc:c j;uR (;cd_£oyallsL suxt:ho o rg a n iz e d , th e d in .

j i c r In N ew Y o r k to f ix u p i i - jo b / 6 r th c -D n k « r i o f ~ W ^ s o r , in c an l~ w ciir - -m iy ,w n y . ‘'F’rlcn d .s '

„ - 6 f - th ^ a u ic a -o f - 'W l» d s o r - ln A m eV lca-' t h b ' c a i l T ,lic rh scfirc!^ \It H as ' b e e n 'c lc Q r rofV s'dnie 't im e

•7 " t h a t t h e D u k e • needs 'ff leT uT s. a n '^ jV U rh u p s 'h i

------- f o r e v e r - j u s t p la y in g go lf - a n d c ro q u e t a r id3 |r z = ic a d ln g r th c ; :p a p tn ^ n a n a r .ta l} ; ln B = tq - h lf i= w tf o > ] ! ' I n a ll. sp rlo u sn o .w , E d w a rd w oulc | p r o b i^ ly | i . .lik e to w o rk r e g u la r ly , f o r I n t e r n a t io n a l p e a c e , i i . . . w h ic h .I s th e .sort o f Jo b th e la d le s e n g a g e dJl^___ I h . th ls .c i t tc r D r ls c h a v c . l a .m ln d 'J Q ^ lh l m - A ^ .i --------h e -m lc h 'l-b o .-v p rv -K Q Q d - a f ir - llP -h 'n s - .: iV Q r '\t b een k n o w n .p a r t ic u la r ly ns a s k ilfu l ii I' ' t la to r . b u t i l r s t g iiln c jl a rep u tu tloh :alcf

I— .-\vcll a i.a n y b o d y -J n -so llln g -]m ic« nn<l;Kood w ill ^•Jyst now,. wh_en .th a t com m od ily ..jls .,n rcd ctl' ■'mpre- t h a n ji'nythirft:- c k c - in ' th c -R -o r tc t- ilts - .w ife; to o . w ou ld be a n able-aKs'lhlarli,.. I f E d w ard l.s to h a v e a n y su ch Job. Ih oup h.

_hc_W ouId_ra lhc ii-B cL lt J rom J ils ow n. cou n try .H e probab ly- w o u ld su c c e e d b r ltcr l n t it ; too

- l f - - h e - w « ‘re-w ork ln tf^ top-Si4{^M irH -ftH ««

..c h ild 's f ir s t , p lc tu r c b ook Is .c iu U le d ; -‘'T ru st ^ ic J'QX o il H ls -G r e t lr N o r th e J e w 3 ii h l5

■ ^ ir G c m ia n cduca'tlon l.s b ased o n 5 ]ja>;e.<; . Of t h e n } th e i ' 'I l l i t e r a te N nrl B ib le . -M(^ln

?— ;K a m p f;' ,'- ln -w h ic h : iH iy c r jh a s -.o r U c r c c l'th a t ■ .:eve l7 c l i l ld ' t h a ir b e ta u g h t, s 'la r lln g w ith th e

p r ltner. t h a t ••A lm igh ty G od w ill on e day b less o u r w ea p o n s." C h ild ren d o h o t p la y w ith

a n d t h e b o y s -a r e t a u g h t ' t o s h o o t .a s soon a. th e y c a n h o ld n r jflo . - , - -I

'~ ~ ' jn t^ ic r c - l« -:v iU u a H y -n o -m o r c .h o m e - l if e , b e c a u se a ll th e tim e th fit Is

—n o t- fa k c n - u p -w 'it h - lh e - d n y ^ -'j o b - l i -s p e n l- ln_N R zL Q rj£onlzn^lftn_w orJc ._________ L ..!... . . j _____'.^-.If t h is c o n t in u e s , w h a t w ill G erm U ny be lik e

In. a ,d o z e n morft. yct»rj»?.

c cn tr a te d on iin p r o d u ct lv c -a r m a m c n t . ’d o o u i m ade for 'export h a v e b eon -d u m p ed abton d u l far len s Ih iilT Thcir v a lu e . T h e A u str ia n an d Cwclio-iloviTlvtan- t e r r iio r y -sb lz e d Is" n o t ' Im ­m ed ia te ly proclU(^lvc. T h e a r m y 'g r b w s lar^;- cr. r c tju rr ln g 'm oro 'cxp cn d lU irc o n It. ' ' ^

•D r.'H Jalm ar S c h a c t , h e a d o f th e R e lch s- bank. w as rem oved b ecau .sc 'cven h o cou ld n'n

-have bt^fn tftlklnir' uri the prospect.v. Tor Bcller. 'rclatlonB, iin d jh ey niii>;'. be able (o ca«h Iti belore li b<-. eomi-.i npiMrciit' th a l ih n ' dove of police I t n*c#inoUllaged‘crow .. .

~ soU ir.'T nm m any-L V 6«i!mijlnK-to-•• ivrk-^ip 9nd enjoy, ure n;;ala>aftrP flve'lcnn years. Th'c boys throw ii "victorV’ party n t IW a p la te - ln 'l -

cclpbrnte ihe -New York — 'IrTCuigl i ' -tn' '.'lllu^N u

v.iiut*. i-.ti.iion. T h e nffnlr • ivbh; well njlcndcd nnd Jovial, ■ a erartjin 'in -the -pa rtr-tha r-l d 'd iouldercd Tnnunnny .extended k'c brnnchr.i bn this occo-^lon.

rcttiured ancaJter.? .weia tftw Deul ' Senator Jluttcs'^f.-Mciid and Chnr*. - V Je»-PeletltrKerbere-Lehniati'A-hftn<l—

- '«■ November succe.vi. U bgglns lo ^ •lo«lt '.“u ' if“ihi- Ti»vi 1.1 crneT” " iro in .ihc j> rm ocrn tlc ilosli?

O nly 'a couple of .tour niv..! red*the'fesllviilc.i. The .New York ‘ D tniocrntlc bin-'bIioI.1, Governor ' Lehman und Senator ^ ngner. were

.............. >•- BK»n'U~ .Ml wt>«-

t'ascb i and Nazi ailir». Out by the time tlii-y rMliiod ihl.-,. ihcy were a fraid -lo try to th w n n ttic will «{ •MiiMOllnl and Illiler. • ■

Today Frnnec must rrconclle herieU tcTGcrninn cannons iind Ilailmi plnurn located permanently on her I'jrenec.s border. And teiKltind nuwt Krapple wIili an-increa»lnHl.v illftlciilt problem of hcopliiK her Med- llcrninfnn .'pa !llnc^ open. All beiaii.ve ihc.ic connlrlc.-i

iwseheduW -to;speak;--. • . . . » Jiow InJlCfld—and

wiw.cxccted bynap.H ter of fc,'.pIan.M' thnt-wa»vnow-polltc-th«ri'entim.M— -

' s,'tlc. Evidently old woinids Btlll rnhklcd. de.ilille Ihe Invr-frllft. at>

■ MofWeVoV

IILAMKr e pgeiiiatiir?-who-,-ha\JTt‘-R" tr ln iin in in n ftic rccrr •ket break are ciijulns Ambiuvva-

dor Joseph P. Kennedy under their.

UASIIINOTON I»v Kn.v Tiickcr

HKVKl.ATIONS. In >i-confldei Llal prl. 'll;tt• of. ill-'clos'ntb In 'i

■ ■" .^iiw{Dirr~sr

fl lovall^1 .

■lih II.n-lover'a lie and fier a

ThLi In ju s l jila in ^ocllll anarchy and .U oujsht 'toZbc.allowe'd. -W hat ■chiinco ,hu» Ihc'blHloglcal ii . ......------------------------- ..............................................-imtlimcitrjMvuaJfcc ujiv^OMn.frflna it*ph>T-

'*llln KmplV-n'')?• Jlovi loiiK ...............

^ Urr: ttil3_tlcvl-:c_glvc3__,- lady .bm rrfly liiilllngIlls IcsJ-llow mu

niar_ry-»-jhfy I n w n s m ii i 'i u ^ a 't t


iniLu:irLM -U)oUcnni.alterw»rd?..Yeu| itiiii Ur. M:irsn)iu'roinl»r:., ■” iMcnce of .Mictv a fi.itantc limchli' . n r ----------------------------------------- - ...... - ■on.; Wiiiilit l^ ^ q fm C n i

. .irrnld ilj ir to ll.« ll. ' Can .vmilmiiKlne Wtint u-oiild h:ippcnJo.i_buddlaK -hcan.aiJalr-i.hould.U icjim ltJ«j.

3.Iollow cd.ll____________.»milder.25-to.-,nci: work..before b'lii

aiorihip. wlilnh Kcis (hlnr.> doi h r (li;>r.-! l.i ihe th rea l of tllr r -Oii:AfoiidHy/.Mi^hBmbcHain

'•rlfirlpiicy of die.' : l)y,dpcrfe. Bclihid. lu-riiiralloii camps'..-. olir Ncv—In England

loin ihc “ elvll defen.^c 'O iir call Li /o r vollir

iloiH'. TlierelO' rffori wlin'>lii'i

. .. ^ w ii l j T .............i.< lioH n licforxlance wijli tiiV ir:

:h'ttc'havo-aKayfc-*lr|i»ii (o-nial !rr»T-not-m>irh-''cfflc1rnr\— iiri •rrv I t Li backed by no Mvn-i p; o: <'oi\ceiilrnl1on'eiimrx'.. ii ih r inllllinf which Brltahi fiiTif.ui liiiR ulll be done oboiit-li. 'freOTicemrO'nooiiCTVIiaf.iii

jmtj ■____wlU .Joln-up.ior uid.Ncv.^--

'"■jfiiK:and voliiniarv effort '•>riy ■K^lcy:

lir-u .y.'‘!..«iii'pui-

iippOnllo'Vol- •I'l ponce, hlorili U jop- l iir "oviTiiIi army* of

doewi'i enlist. tiiKlishmen arc prclly I mil llir liberty of the


«-"'ier:...«vQ(:L^e4{uvi]ilidntha:t tln' .Jm-UM;lr-«iOinKiU»«>rv.i>n <r of

rc l inmcl*' ' ^i^m-lr ,'i-crcl' inind* whnt- nllTKCi nactlflec•‘ill -Oermiut-menr-dtn/ici-Tti" «nnilfrlnK too, ^ecretly. for ivii r>' -'iirtcndrrlng Ihe prlvllPKPs ti licii the Jnnkiji-’rijlcd— -. ,Old NcvwiiiTrnQU'-Tit-T.-iui'Uiai the ov^ail nrmy

V dors cnll.u will be detncated. in the ir hcatt.i and minds. 10 a can»e M crrd to Ensll.Nhmen for centurlei.

Herr. Illiler \^lll not boilirr nbtnii the srate of mind

10.11 iniiiorui Mr. DoiiBla:

eompanlrji wh wa«. Ill

> PMrt:. 11 to 1).! thi


'.'ii.v.N ,Mr. IliiKhcs.ii

;aln»i Jl/nrr-W allaee, UK anx -jl-m , -Som" linlrte crltlc.s .i friendi arc sedrrylnK lo pin ' '

the.lr flnKers-on the -hlddsn -*oiirc-oX lhe_rumnr,;_ ____ ,J-'IKE\VOKKS. AIUjOubU-

Tho.'o w ith Jh a tp eyf.i ln-.ve hPnM Adolph S.ibath of ChlcaRo ■hlalieriipr.' m urmurs, of .cvmiilami the honor of belnj; chaltm ar

•ni« h ifjulry will ba^clyii o r tx'nrfn* of Imtnn o lic r liplticT?, ir:w i!i .............

m annar In, which Uii' hTinillir.i; n h^nUci'i-

ind in

iw bodW -in.idw . til,

S150iJOO.QOa.' tionie-companle.s today, .Mr. Doiiis-

Ia,i noted, haver nwrt.i lOlallns lhr^: billion, and arc forced lo find In*' vestment for »I,000,ODO fvrrv day of

llh e je iir . ir«- a s o T ' fiilly 'w U ir'lU c, I 'lliiKhe.i-^tnirmimrthnt " th e in iu h r 'l

.will . ;<rloui

; o h ';jniKhes - a iw dwoi .U 'htch 'the.S . LVO, n j.o n ly - rfccniiy—Uu>:-niMxi-{or-««*- mmption- of inon: le.sjionsiijlliiy by dlrtciors a.-i rt-<'iirli nn.rhe vpfactl* :nllv liro'pon.'lblc iiaw'-r cX'.TCbed jy .c scc m n c o!iiccri’'.’to ihc .rilu rc - ga rd 'o r pnili vTiu’dor.i

• jWljl

conipanlci.inrlnl fn In which they h : , biink.'<. r.illroads; sleel plaht.i,

-. ..w ill ijc sharply' icrutlnlied. Mr. •irtTK-URfiG-f------------------------------------

n o '. - ^ 'p y W l^ K l i l c j l ^

r.say. n wan lack of Jedcrnl cooii.Tation. saj-n Mr. Dies, which brouKhi eharpe.i th a t hi

iipou" IrLPipoh-iIbl.e' wltni-».».j K r^ rai;nirnuiry' "t;n.i<in, Whfttlie£

. - ...... .. t<TTil.iin. ............fliic.iilon!i. bu t he bcllcve.i Uiat the i to dblodyc lilm. .'.ohillon will become plainer after I t the LaHol he ha,s turned on the X-rny. commlttr.e in .ic

ItlMCK. TJie .Mine Mibt liriv.juie which forced the re»lgn« ;lon M Daniel C.’ Jtopcr—off-; rcpnrd—snapTfJlIoTIil lutlioriMd .'|>oke»mai

.•lie civil liberlle.i aiii>ed-^and.U

•D ier


ast 0110 jecretffrj' : all-poxerful^rulea c o m m its . II, U

s.n-ell a- . - - ........stubbornly refib'cd..lo the ^hL......Uvarne Involved- In the' ptn-Ke, do- o e n r -cos of Or^rnln', whoiu >plto-specific reque-it> tha l he take of the Mew Deal l.i buIldo«sUli ;ha. .stiiinp'l n tm-'TilrinUitLcounlry. ' M r. s.->br' '

■AiTrt-oii l^uvvmccr' 8'nnr^iMhwrrrTr; ihfTTSji pii' iiffercd-their w orn defeat*- In tlif I l tv.rleinx_a!!d-;«yp{i.lf^iw.-‘rpn'^»i-.

- x n n maker.; dared 'to

;. 'Unices chi-cked. thlj

price- wl

vould jia v e 'an io u n ied lo aiV iffrnnt rn thO )ri-^ldcllt: 'O n

.vciy- niiijor- l.viic Mr.- Cox—»lded the loi'mer CJialrinan John J.


Tiie fum ieri' income. Heiiryboo.s; ..................' be sacrificed in a eoutjlermov', chei'k iho--cOT*.Tof*productlon . A<> Harry Hopkins wai ahlli'-d

.fcom w . p. A, to bloc^ .a Tonate ill- Vv'sUtWlou of iH lrf. *0 Henry may lxj”d lopixxl-In an-effort- lo-Pilnr- for---------m p -pw/T—— -------------- -—

recosnlllon of the real'M liiatlnr humnruiL-.ly harlni; ih'r Cliicai; amf lUtenlni; rv>p'ectfnlly to the

.Mr. Cox. lIKc tlic ' r.al•n.■r^ i.fKi Harrisons, ha.i tempered his public Tmnndn • towprd th e man In .tht

>-l>or»iua_d<.'<l ir. nlvMlif


ntOdUA.M. 'i tie DlfJ

] 1110- com m itter antT' nn 1 forebodes fireworks befo

• Moii i::ov.i, H rt. one of ' b u n n J ir ,— - • -

f report, he fouuil iha i they

b}' Attorney .u w iM a M d u i^ h r^ i Jorlty I'iCadtr .llayhorn und Chai

i-OlPc"colin: and I■ompeic;

hcarlnssregard for, rules of evidence—ihoiiji.ii

:onBri9.Mona!.^ commlLLw' over 'loufi Rovcnmii

i ' lm : lieen’buylnvc'tip-fb

ehajdnp pcearam. Inslder.t h f t\. wayx been«convlnced U iai the iid< mlnl-itmtlon em barked on li chief­ly to wfp' the niffiport of the "allfej aenator*"’ for olher New Deal Icgls- laUon. no t bcoaasf, the prealdent

|.had faith h» I t . a a ,o jno n e tan ' mraMire. Indlcallniw are th a t Ih li

UOodwUUwllMiini-oat'tn'T>e an ex- jH n ily a u x u fy 'fo 'F 'U T e-iiii tlw i;' "

mLyilon-^'lll c a ll ,a nioetlhg or~i7t'ii. I opcr:|-tty ■ 1b;ii{uiS" U, dKcttw—n n tlo n a r-------iwwer dc/cnw plan.i.

I t will be advertised aLi a "peace’ ilon, blit noner 'chlot.i lanlr tn-.* ■ the MMion w ltlf dread. .They

ley are d u e 'to be bawled

lent and l!Li • 'K cre f .icMion , , :onKre3.ilonal leadcra. H c h a a been ipreadlnB the word far 'f ln d wld;-' n .private conversations wltlf' h li

former 'W all Street awioclate.i. thu.i ^ puttliiB a damper on buy^nR ;,enii- ’® m m t BmonK active Iradern. Wound-_etLJiulla—bitter ly - re mark - » m l~ ir __Joe couldn't f iv .lomeihlhe to-hcTi)’ lh B .-T n a rk c f-a !B n |c ::lieT i^ iiT Ii1 — lfa .il-have'kep t quli:l for the .nakc » of auld lang-jyne. I t Lin’t !o loir.,-

.. . . .. .- - m'arkl’l .

? i - T , : t r s r r '

piLihlnR nhea'd f a s t e r , with the ihuch-bullyhooed^eon.itrucllon pro- jirarn. In,' cffeci. llio FJP.C. w lll.iell Mirm to 'B ri -buiy and apcnd-^o'r'

nd............... Ihe n-_...............................Comptroller.-, - of several. 'IcadJin: cor|»ratlnn.i have been .made •

islble to bonrda pf directors In- - - (1 of to ronnanompntft ilnce ih"

:tpwd t MCKt-V.oif-Vandar broke, —Copv,

OURGHILDRENii,\ io f i- i .’irici?nfyKK

. Uetiy._l^i?.-.RnU-iirhalf-yeTir5..ola'> f«ll-flff - llK -nw lnfr'snd-broko-'htff....... 'n ir-4 loet

IliunK u in ii. .ill....[-on-nc t r a r s i m i - lielned 'herself-Jm ta.v.m ueii piiN.'l!>ly..rnuldV'IfnvinK h e r rlBht

.•J*"mh^nd3jte4-‘-3lic;--.fcd..-liciidLl chccrlullx.,,wltlj_Cje?lcft;4»ntLilld.: '

I t belhi: a fine <lay moUier . •Idwi to tjike Betty, .'out to urand* na'.i, ' Tlie--slde woitltl b e 'p leasan t b g -the~ ch lld --and~^^he ' loved Vio

.1 Kin of B e tty .i-M-hndretH-plaj-ed-happlly

jBciiicr .un til Uiey were called-tt mch.-Aunt IfiiUic took o v e r the ■ boy'; !a;e._r,iu.lit.'i.meBt and.-vcitclaljlcs tid“h«hderf^hlm-n-lOrir. He puck- red hLi fiice and J lirsa lc u e tl tt

ih?- bocVv. for yetir.i for ie» inisht liicubaH:. bad-Ulra-i In .^omt IrriiiutD r.T lieid. l i ha.i. m r it ha.- te rn • fa\’bn ie :ri'aainR : for s.-E.-C .-

....I, I " lu t —I." ... .i ?r.- for, icveral moiith-v—'CopyrltfhiM£au_rc,.m'Vipj p t r ayr.a» i.m .

•On-the upiw .ltc-sldo 'of thclU bli [jiai moilipf -and" Betty. Betty .wa- proecedlni: calm ly-to-oat,her. Iwiicrr| •A’lth her le fl-liand. M other cut her

-chop iiiwi-ieft-h tr -to help h e rze lf .-^ • W jy ^ o n 't yon help U iat poor

I'hlUl? Her nrm brokni-nnd bIic-Iii

out ot Ills imv lo lirir-:. .1 jjlrl' d ti« Hnit youcJiand dow,t3aSii«fcJif~ii«vtT-ecacCTitnrOTi'T^TiT5ir’ Mrniiiht ouv-:

Prrhapi il ink Mr-.1 a .deal or in............. lUildlng on U

rtinn H rrr Hltler,-*-Pcrhaps th n f » onh'.ti'libfurtlllnR^ 'lY e t.U u .......... '- •

B i-eakfasr Food

fc next.

! _ ' h fts jo n - ^ f o v b r a b la b a la n c e 0 trad «, jhij;UiE • I' • • m orV ’ t h a n ItV sells.’ I t s "debt-'is m o u jiiln g to J:'" " I6V618 U io l“ 1H e g o v e r n m e n t do'es 'n o t .dare <, ' c o h fess j b e c a u sc H lC lcr'has h a d in d u s tr y con*

■'Yc.v M.Q reiillfd. . < ''••'\VeU. wUi.:-d4n‘f we nsk him' i "Oh,-Harold,-lhls-la-i«.iU clder•‘W hal'i :o ».uddcn?'i . . -------‘'W>y • . . why . . . ho'a 'our.m laliter."

wil.'_>i)t9unc(L_bv_iiic_i',i3uii5_Jat1t!...... Kuvc th r laM one aT •ay•' '

liliTi .MiincilnK there.

^ i i s f - s i n fy Lbdi‘.jl)ur}\ Jtiil

■■lOilRh". had

the other day up

involvrd•.MtllnK tn jh e ;f.H=U.ii*oiiiul»He-«nd-beli*tMlmf3^iH-nBi

" iiK 11 took fi'om the 1

.T to iild ta k e 'h 'ij foot off th i ,'lerator.and jam « i the brskci.

Tlic upplicont .i.urvlvtfd - tl'ie te it 111) a fa ir m ark.' He was n o t color

- lliuL recosiilzldE red. .>|reeu..und i'ClH'i'-'-**- '.I'vp-Sio nnd catitipji: Mg-

■ fullrd 0

lid -Uiat If- t?>e'drived- cx traded i f a n n tira iS h t-o u t H it wlhtjow ^n-as-K olnrw niB lte ■a-rlsHt'hiraa irp. i f lie fxtended lt directly down',

pbltttlns to the pavement, i t meant-

and I've never hod a :,lubbonily -rtld thc-nnii! 'Rtiy brliiiid me eaii ulwi

. ^ I g h t E£ll'.arXfi.tKiitlol] to the fir»i oJic yeatei^ji o^her^ have appeared, 1 one Incniloned ain'ons r u ld c n u -uppcnred- ihh

.lit I

! aior?' i. . -Id 'free I: traces the caie from ih OeorsB OUen*4T »dy"to jio r of m e onc-ilme niioo: Falli.


lilalio.;--Memi)rial=Askitloi- . — FcdcraI=CongftS5=R—

- ' - i i a d m e n r ~ - - -

no iS B . reb .-I r/p>—E n a c t m c n t •i>v-il?t-frdenil c o n c res i 'o n n eT o » ii. '»<-ml -old-.age-—pension— plan rWJiS i:r:;eH 'In a ,-Jo in t' memorial Iniro- diicrd In Ihe Idaho nenatC- Tucii'day,


Ihc Idaho a e n a tt Tuciday, -upoiliiorcd. by Senators

e Puamlrc <D-Bannock). Phil-

r ta i i i fD-Kootcnaik; ■ -^Jr^l•••o^her•Jol^t-^lcmQ^lBls n


iiKutlon ana ua inltti'C!:.. a»ked i

TTflil-rcuUn...................................lall pow br.ot th e fiecrcton- of

isrlculH irc' lii llmiUng production, mrilciilerly. of sugar, beet?.

Another, by Senators A. M. Derr.' D -Boim er).-Lo 'F « n t ^ y a i i - and , V ilU a in_E _R alh_ .C R ;S oundar} i! l««M m »M »tffH »nft«ctfevo l--(h iir

la iV Fork river In no rlb Idaho. .

fourtli which u r jed » federal pro- ttrnm far noxloua weed control on federally-owned Oii.ds.

vnvwinsTx/iiXtiaa _^tfl.lhc.pU)cr of hcr-daufeh

. - , ; l t for an Insm nt .on Ijie.' : lu i tf^ f . th » -3lx«re3T?e7t r n ^ b e - '

Irom 4“»poon. and ^ald hoth-liii! Jed

!_-\VhlcJi..moUier--waK Uio /<-lfUli,' cruel one? N ot .BcltVs moViri•a7.n^io'-joy=lo-1ie r to w e - h t r i___iliiuRhter’s a m In a.fclliiK. Kor to have to aft by ■ ‘ along w ith one , ... . ...

ilh a ll h e r hearl-aftd-.ioul. but her mind 'said, ‘'l/ei he r alone -to helji h # f a e l^ i r r n u . ir x { a i ld . a e lk f let. h e r-R e t.ready."

do b to. help her child to be hriplew, A burden to him jclf andto -n U ie r-p c o p le rrm fK in a c m in n g*ho-ean-dQ-for him Js.lo tm T T titn ri from th e firs t day'fon>;»rd. to liHp hlnM lf as f/tr as he ctm. os long u he can. lu aa'.many ways as ho can." - Ererr-tlm c-a-cnitd:R elp5:hlm s«tf.

lom'ebody elM he miln.i In In- leillsence and power. Tlio help leu

-C hlIiL-)*-#u-U t#-m trcy-of-»hal*r^ drcum.Mances Hw lo tfb tib li' him. Tiis child who has been taugh t to •heip htm iclf and o thers controU Un

• Inc." In which Iip exnlaliis th e a rl. 01 servinc fooiTlo children and of--fem;aolullDiu In Ihe -prublcn

•volvcH.—Bcml*;for It, rnclosin -ee n U. 7Ad a -t-ou c 'reqiTcs t- t

The Forum

Editor. Ko iiicDtloa-wlU u* uniliDMl eooimunlcallenj.

R e a d e r - E ye s^ I^ iie h r -e i^And PrauH for P<>.acr

------ --------- Newr.-Aa soon a.i IDccanvo known In Ccrmn na th ?h ad bctn-killed I

Germany th a t voii A -.- .(lUed In Paria thi:

tTiWU'i;i)l 6I11-0I coiilrol. robbetl'nnil— — mlstrealcd the. Jews. Tliat broughl,B prijte^l ftom c right- a f te r -o u r -broke loose In New York'nnd it look

l-nbout'200 policc to, hold It'-under 'Tonlrol-?o a.i to prevent linrmlni: n f-th e- ••DeulMlUand." li -Oermnn ' ship tlint W113 here on business, •

Ho it Is rosy to tmderstand what--«ffirnjicteatn«ra'

lion. Tlio Industries were only run--. : | j [ - n in i r -« -h s irT a ^ ~ a c it^ ^ g -T « e rc— werc mllllcnu of Idle men,' because • -L nom arkct—D u m iU * r« o n foundT:—.=

market and put the'Jbbl?M to work.'n ia t made him tiio great dictator

Ll-would-^aUitMlv* - . - 'country of our*.' Still r d u. knowledge tha t H itler Ca, 1lalMnf t n r .—:----- -— ■. England.. ncocnU cd. liim .j

agreement tiiat'nelUier liatlou ■wnrnB»tn/it'the-othcr=i•r-t« peaeo,......... — -— ..............•So_I will close: will) the pmyer.

may peacc be with lu for a-Jons ‘Ime. ■ . . - •— — ---------P--C.-PETERSEN.—

ids Uie 3 for 2 elca'nlnr ipeeial and gi»ei jfou your la it-cp |» rtonU y-4o m u n f«mou* Sasitoo* c leu lp g a t ,3 ram e n l* for the price of *1 Tar- wlaii. Jne. la a n d e re r s ^ Dry CJ;an*


■ S 0 < e i © t y ^ - a x i ( i : - T g l p f e &

Phone 32'

i ' . ' -District Conventian P la n s_ P la n « - fo r- ,- t l ie lr j ) a r l ln - U ip - jm p o r ta » t< d ls ir ic i._ -c o n v c iitlo n

' of Ihe-Votofflhs o f-F oreltjn Ware and-Auxliliiry w ere m adc-by locnl Atixtllnry n icm ljcts ' a t a tnccllng TiKM diiy.evening.-Tlic

--- -m e e tin g wJll take place In-q^vln Falls, a n d lias been s e t to r

---------- th e -p cln cJp a l a c t iv i ty or-thC 'A u xlllary .T h o conventlon-s arc f ie ld c a c h au tu m ii . and .-aprlng ...an cl.

th e T ^ vln 'F alls gr o u p is a lw a y s .h o s t a t th e sp r in g m ee tin g .v A p p r o x lm a tc ly s e v c n t y -I iv e

d e le g a te s , a tte n d ed t h e ]a£t «e.<islon. a n d a ktm ila r n u m ber IS ox p c c te d l^ rc _ tn i.s nVonlhT

.Esther^'Jbsl^n - - 'MarfHage-Told D i f i

-M l5S -SstlT P r~Jtr;ly ii.‘' ilTOl .'.lor O f ’M r. ftnil M rs, I._B,-,Jo.s'

lyn, w asiro icnU y . n^ajTled to M a lc o lm 'E . Qrds.^, Che cerc- m on y ta k in g p la ce a t C am

nll-daj' MUilon Is i>Innnrnrrlir tlm evening llie "ncllo Aincrlcv' pioBrnm will be prc.witcO. L'.ist ytiir all veteranA' orRniilrjitioi'i.i

::T vr=ch e m U t^ c rg : th 6-O o o d ric lira u b -bcF’compKHjHiwrEfonT . . . .

. - 'H ie y - w i l l - b o a t - 'h o m c a t o n e l/JUla_JD(.'Sijalji_or_jiui>crt-_diairii;i Immlrcit nlnciy-revcn Bc&k iivoijut

M n. Gram is ^ grncluntc of l y i n “ 'F i'n in iiR ii lifjioot-nnQ -iof-tttrrcol-

Ifcr .of m is lnm ■TKltjilnljlnUloii,.j5u-jtou_univ«4>iy;

- M r " afw s-w tit -KiaciuiSvil-'.Trvm" Mlddlcbiiry coIIcbc. M]dtUplmry, Vrr-. iiiuiu, und In ter oltcndcd llclddberi;

(iFiiiUy-clilcf-ol. ati*«frfmn"AVl Me- <?nll. ilcpuiy. Impcclffr.

Mrs.' Coin H; Siimtiiern. iiri^ldrjii.;• londucrcd-m cvjcccttf mcrancT-imti;

cnihmllicM for th e Kiippcr w rrr n-mird. Tlify._\vi-rc, Mrs. U w lc Frasct_nna._M rs^-W ftiicI.i_JCmoiu kllcliMi commlKcp: iiiul Mr». Ucrih

h e g io v L W o m m i ^ I n l t i a te-N eia—

Chib- Members- ■ .T h ir te e n new , tnom beis-.vfevo J h l t ia t e c iT jn to r U ic • A m o flen n ' L o g lo n 'A u x i l ia r y 'In s t e v e n ln p a t f t 'm e e t in g In t h e M e m o rln l h n jl. A n u m b e r o f 4 n e m b c rs w ere e .spec la lfy -lion,ored a t ' t l io c v e n i r ^ n O C P .C o g r a m o f liT-' le re .s t wa.s prc.senJecl.

. •inUlaics'were-T iMrrrcluioF■flent. M rs . r i n r fn p o KiO

w. ft, nurt:i\oittc’f.- ir.«ru.'K; Coubcrly. B m l.- Mr.*;. n . M. JollIl^oll. Mr:., HiTlicri. W. Rotlnrr. Mr.v Howard C. Uortncr, Mr.s, Ivnii Mock, Mu'. O. L, Ch'irl:Wiif'MlA, . -

D r. W. F.

Mi'locllf.H." by Mrs, linr,l..;olw.soii

fH E A J|R Sdp01f(|10 |(iS- OJII’HKl'.>J

I • Pni!erefl7Ri. ••.Hirn'nitc •

IT I. ..sut.-"Ooin^r •warc.s,".'Di<-k

. .S 1111....MUIU Tiiu.i.J-'TraUc WtncU.'' Frcclrric M.ircii. Joan Uiniiicii.

n o w • -

S t r i k e r s ; S o i i i u l- ■ ' I ‘ I r l i r 1 < i VC r

- l"rPT ' nCC PT D C FcbV.l V.-A- LLu J_U j- r- u L ltO

— Ulu 111 ft-Miiall loiiii Un'lbe. ru c 'lrc m beliit -...

provtiiclnir ttir rw id fu t of , -^TnnirTn«ii-=rOTl-TrcnrmfiirorTn~ff^ r ,.ll-.-rln ,U ih r ff |rb n ilr> of

;- ,:r ilii ; a o m - ! . ... i:iv.iu-iv .-.I:.!. .•

F,fk H.,i•)iica_iL - . . .

Harold ■ E. Naylc -PresidciiT" — of Ncwiy-Orfjani?ccr

Associnlion .

.lIiii(..rSi.-LouU-woUld H ke4]iB t-Jdnd~ of iiicim c." . “ J . r I•*^'’hWinr>*-hTpr-of1 nnivy.(»»-flri—I dliDult wJlli lil3.Icllow MUwiurlaiu.,-;! inoimiifbiirrliiK n u p a ln t ln r w w n r r r ; j:iiiirr\- 1dm,■' - • ••

iccond iiioughu- •d. bv Uic-i IT urrhiip.s iccoiid.looli—K ojrra d c» ...

-;iiTrr-«-ii\-rt-to-nh(nt—thc-pW iirc, n«,vlv)d.‘-’ ■l.'t-Ti'prr^'-nfnlloii of nn •Incident-.re* '•''• orrird Id tiir-A iiocn 'phii.nnilD ouay'.' 'i lltj-j] ii'iviuji ot Ui« u ibu '.' . .

imtiircn-cd Ilic *torj* to :; , l;ii. luav i!. UMrLi.Jiiia..(U'pJctC(l^«k.u

red IlnBW- ' n .iir ra o o u r tc rta Jw a rr

111 .(—. I . i r . •

(in<l \<l>. T1..1__ .ami MIM-Mftrllyii n H z « .......... ......; of Mm. .Efflc Rlherd Ilbiioii. .

Corsaiics were prc.seniod by Mr.s • P ’ WU.'ioii 10 two «;ir miriicj.

.D ouckiirjin iirijrs

itna'hiSfii— *yTnj‘l l ' l J r ‘>iwoonliic '

Mr, P,iihTcw.vkl tu rns out In b«',, iltiiKUblK-d lookliig.[;ci»lcmftii ftiitl * contiiltrablc pcmonnl. cluir

-Tom lini^iftirni’OTicrjwc.'irnciiirjTnr t*""Mr.-i. Kllccii Itiiywnril, ;.ciTriary. tre.i#;iiirirw],o uvrc'Tiiffli rorvici-i by Mi«, \v. P,,S;ilmoii. Mrs if, a , faitlUlI-Jiitfmbcrablp-cJuliiiiaii -wxa pre.u-iilcd ulili' u uiivnl prim iiimc in rrcoKiilllflii of licr ^rl vll•c)«,.-itKv-AUn Dipttry-irns-pnatnnnm ''ttic-prORriim—SeivliiK r.'frcsnim'iTu-r

. rnibcFnvtfttwrtiil-nnyTW x-mimti'd .-.woonina 'inlo ilip.alslcVfl-nfr « Iik-lurr dW fficUoinj;

ir<“ to be llir m -ult. •.As SiiAhmu- .^Ulrled.-lo say. V(n

iirrriiri 'bp 11 nuLslclnii.to lipprffi.il' •Iccilonj.?’ On llie o ih rr lianil

^ i. ni'p-oni' -yen'll -bp. Interr’ trd tp-tbr-p|i3T:r.Bp.'r n f - ! h r •ma' lclnn','5

r.i;M ST,\TK S'l tJIlVGcni a ta lc SUiily rliib .ViH

limHirrtn nl t-i);-m:-tnmnrrn'\home Of M lirc . A, nickfuni:

- P A < a f f g i x - ^ F A L - b S - N E W S .J W I N - F A L L S .- lD A l lO . T l lU K S D A Y T a b R N lN G :

' — b y A n g e l a L o r d c nif iiK ~ a l)on t^ s‘“ ^hp~7raT»nnir'T

— ; S'orl- -Sia rfh anJ, ' a-^-bfauHful ~| cep M .’'.•yuuiifaclrcs^.

' Allair C'olliiisv die m• loTfx. • • — •■• -

Daviil S'urrii, Iirr (lanc«,____.- flu lttr—‘t*vfr'prtwrpm»ji«

YMjfrday^ N « l; aiiil.A lbii ftrcUUwl ,— ^lo ft»mi)|)CAi''

Tomiiiv llicv MOp r<n’ro lfrr. Ill n ^ ro n ic r ot , i lv

ii|)i)r:il.'it'il' 111 Til

-:-n-7is-brKRinr-tiwnmirom-lo-<iiitlor- . j«uiu(l, " It wnuldn't'be- ' f u l l m u

' ................ M ihr him viTv

•h-fiUifr soodby.-


.......M»B told l»liu~"Noi (itiltc ibiil. Ijiil I’m tJuliiK

I woll." h r.- ndmltli-d \ p»<l iiddcd -U arm u.m ' --,'THaiiKs-Lo_Allnn' Col-

much bu i L iriillzc iKiw. ill lorr thnn.jiiM llhlnfi Jn marrlam-. dWiitlMrom tllieW li r WiiMi i

-Hlviu5_iiln;_Uit-wauIc_Mi3riViL.\\::i; llifn . lip loUf, ln-r_ vrl)ciiu-iitly_li(i>v tciolWi «lic wni:.- • ‘Alitl ! wiml -ioCIlUaUCH'POt-. tOtllKlll." f j lir - tnliii. on lln: nurliicc. 'Kwrnisli'

JKllOMK. Fi.i. 1-AC Uir tt Uirt Ciiii(i'oiiAlili>-<<rniiiin' Inhl'Wc—k

I'liifiuDcr.'i \v(-ri'^'iil-'il;iliiOU”w 'i l i r jT v - ________ _________________ _____, 'iil-trrl-1 fjrn io iirn p lr tiirP .n n tliiil-1 ' ' ' 'I

i»V Improvemi'nt'iilaii iho;(lji« iliu.- A-'-nciatnl I'rcM sclenci* Editor- mrltrtHlv-«iiivloy«cl by-n<K-k-^wiHT"j— NKW—HAVEN—Conn.r'P^lr. 1' — nml hiilciicrj'f'>-'n In uroiluciiiK h itl i i Crrntmiv of itfw cltlps;' moaily»,6f <liirUlU’ dLcii-‘>u.lri:i? ulilcl:»..'rivi;niy*.| u«ik1 Ijia .ulU iuut

ill, Tdiilio, nil iiii'Hibi.-rA | ua;. LNjilatni-d m: n:i iiln'Ody ])rlictl'of llip tdnlio I'oiilliy Itiiproretnm i

iiS-.wtnMoii tii-ffoopct-at!n ':rn inn ii~

YoH'il liio r In l'ilirn \ Saliirday rmU llip :i fiir 2 olranlnR njirriul .iiiiil jiv rs you yniir la<l, miporluiiHy

iiljlc- :.oltt:;[)ii oJ lioiisliig proljlCiil!.. , T lic [ircrtk-IIoil Ilindir ty ,llic il 'n lc -tir) .'~ ‘C onfcm ic(r;,.o ti" 'lIon3t

Ilililrtmir Tcrlinlw wiilfli-ojwiiPd n tv.o.'lliW loil ill-Viilc'ii ivchtwrof riiii; n it.. 11 iviiji iiiiidc by R. V.

■oiircli «'iit!Uie«r of lliP

-au:£iU54uaiiciiit4iiidJirc.rcal3iQnt.__■ Al iirmciil, Mr. Pnrsoiw mild,

"Tii(rt'P‘thTin~tIG'pi'r ccnt^cf'Auif ricfttis nrc nble to psy lew limn 530'n w oiiU i-.ruiii. -ii- Ifyurc . which h e cnllctl liii|irii('tlcul lu rcnch on tin lilnlrviilm -. Ill :iii urban cominim-

trcatlQnT0(-’n c T \-..c H lc ;7 ;~ r7 :rn - - ThCTf vUlM wuuki bp bum with- In comiiiuiliii.' <lb.i:incv;; of prMcni d tlca. on never It-vi than J3;0C0 nercs

•'green beU.” M ft barrier, for recrc- niion nntl {or cnrdenif... ..The hoiuca-u'oulil bc.crcctC(Uaooa. n t . a lltnc. The tcclinlqtio^for do-. Inu ihw he *ald Is already avftllable

•irom-woric aene'lii th e 'U .’S. R irm l Produce LnborntoO'i' -n fM afllson

. Wfci; Tlicre nails arc rcplnced.by n ,-r jvaicrpntelcil_l»iul...whlen-i!5. rcnllr.

kbid oC Blue.r*-niMUyr'<

rormnlitchyde nna phenol.. I t U nn oiJtcrowth o t - u w o rld 'w ftr .^ b - iilnncc, lined lo make ntCDiiR wooden i»lrplnno_«liiR», bul-objcetlonftl then TjcciiiiAe. liincinrmiiljlc; Oovdtiimchl sclcmis«-.linTC-mnt3crlt--ilre-rcsl3ti i it ifn n tf the_fore.it Inboratory tisea tl to .mnbe ply-uobd. Tlirce thin Inyen .uf wood ure sniurated U'lth

NEWGAMEiCOMMlSSlON' • ..FJiVOBED F0R,W-Y0M1NG~-i ; : c i lE V E N N E ,..W y o .,- r tb .- l- iin - - - -‘n»e. >v>omlna • house .-of-repr«se:Fr7 T “ " tatlfea Iwil'nUihl approved for pniw- ^ • 1nge tlic-ncpubllcaii H d iiiliflH tm ionT #------bjfl to Kpf6»nlM-nie-Blq{c flih .an U ... '

...U iiaer-tbo-jneM uro Oovemor-Mcla - r —Jl; - SmUh-would appoint, six’ fljh ' ' ' ' and gam^.commlalon members.nnd would nerve as ah c i-ofriclo mem­ber. Tho .volc, a loug p a rty lin ts, • w n r3 5 ;W -llir • A fter finni hcUon by-ihn ho i»»-tly;blll-«ill750"to llic i.— zr~ Mriale.' • '

- ..-rJttii- perlwmnnce.-Uiai-,Uio > u ti)rh fd N’o<j. She _lwd Rone a*:

— fRllnl—t o 'h r r 'drewiliiR*room riftrr:

. . iSlic took her lime aboiii •tciiiu’(,- — • ilift -itinkciip.-aoltlnp ig to ^ V r

^lr^cl ■ Clothp.i. She ' wh.i nImoJi

, 50«_whltc.K0wn.TlUulta..\hotl-tralj.r -------- n n d 't h r veil ciinntnsly capped ^'Itn1. — ;—-rrM ))-w hl(« ' (lowen,., wWi^tT- for -i*

• :».vjhnl.- WlUt famine* and fricna< .• ■ • tliose who loved.her. and

—.- • .d l i t c iH * . .............................

—. -----—W ith --i> - j le h —.«he wnlkcd- llPflrjratreicuberahl;

----- 7 - ' ’H cU o;'X tts-J.ia rehrtndr—

lookln’e ymins blonde nw n 'Indwell-

r" .1 ’« llo r nict- welnR you nifalnT ■ T hey ..shook hantlii. ‘■May I wnlk

w iih jo i t - n 'WlT“ TT>miny asked , - polUrly. -

-O f . c o u n ty I 'd - IlkVPJt,' We - c«n

? ^ M g ^ B V t g f ? A X '^ B P A H 'O ? T H g |^ A - Y r . a i O I l N l N ~ G r r ‘E B R T ; A ^ '2 ,~ 1 0 3 0 '^ ■PAGB^EVEN^

L o c a l C lu b P la n. „ . BLACKBIRD SlIARPSnoOTEKS o i s c S e s s i o n s f i r " ................. ~ .......

Colwell ‘ Asks Montgom ery. to Confer W ith

-— • 6f-Grandstand-and-Bleachers'--^

------ BolBo th ls '- m o n th - to - a p p r o v e a -8 ( ih o d u lo % f-1 2 0 -g a m e s ,— - x o r d l n f f 't ( H - w o r d - f r o m = J t tc f c - I * r ^ a » iw e l l^ P b c a t e l l o r - lM

^:::—- ln 4 h o 4 > o u sa -o i^ Jo p ro M n ta ttv c g -n 6 w ^ ln -B O S s lo n ^ < ^ ^ ^ c l ^ ^ ^ A . B. ColweU^Tsvln Falls^-j/lcc p re sid en t o f tho-C ow boysr

--------^ a ld -to flt-n lg h U th a t-A . ,T fM nntvV -M ontgo ifio ry^usimin n u n i‘f At m i l mrieh'g~hft«n>-~|~— ~ . ' '“ ■**b U - in t e r e s t s In T w in- F a l l r

-------T-ictU y a ttc n d Jh E S o lsc a e ss ton r r— ------- Ko.{teXtnltc.<rtt{fl.wM*<Ujy:iiiUll-.|

~ w « i r t ) u n r r w t tn n Q ic a t « j “ U Jttrit-| ............. would ■ probably' be licld 'pyjbriinry '. .~ r ----------

Sche^uM Drawn Up ' ■ Haydn Walker, BoLm club ovn'cr.

- -an d Eddlii.MulUji<m;-m>naBer-Bna- owner of th ^ 8 aU Lake City Be«s,

' havo both ~tfv«.................

d lrn to r s ' before - ndoptloii. Tito .leaffU# h«8 wjitatlvely ^ e n « t to

---------- »->y- Sunday .-A prll— ao.— o r L-


.. .. 'th Ij.m onU t to conto.w lU i.U ie local btueball commtuce on flnnl-plons Jt>r' mo“ ba»elsall"'grftndstand' nnd bleacjicra.* * _

."However, nr-M oQtgom ery will '• ;^~ ~tindoubtrtiy~ntK n<irtnB ~dltee tore ~ W "ine«U iig In BoUe. 0»e ciiimhittc«

■will probably m eet wlUi him there • to .d ls cu u .tln s l-p o rlc p la r* ”

— 'W w in t - lh e - 'o l c f iy - i

jReraains AmateurlJ/l9rvin.Wafd-Seel(s. Another

B Ertlro irU rS rW a lks i^ Cup Team . '

, LONG ISLAND unhen lly 's Dlachblrdi n n f tip a i l r l n r o f 43 ( !_ tolt«e .bM kclbatL record-.\V lllui-|roup-«H ienlorT eter»

Coach Clair Bee.bcllevu lie has annllier c r a ^ team.


. r m n k M hstl^B - 8..'ftfflcm lrc ,L w .- »1 Perry and R. P. Robinson.• Preliminary leveling and movlns

- o f '8,000 yarrta o f.d lrtrharbK n-eem * '- plc led-on~ the locnlTboH park allc. “'ncecnf'snows-nnd-

,, SANvFRANCISqO. Peb. J . i , ? w r^MHrxJn--.Ward, am ateuP-rjolf a S r

from O ly 'm plo ,-W uh,,. a member 1 JiL .lilsL .ycar'a..-W tlket::cup ..team

tumlnR-profcMlfmBl.,, ........ ..............num ow /'pienty of Uicui'. Uml lie

■n.'j enierlBlnliiB 8H cli_o-propoal- .tlon-followRl-T«9 nppearanewi In the Oakland and San TroncUeo

•open ■ ■ —

, 'BH06>CLYH — Tlirer yeani • ngo , .tlio.Bjnckblrd_cnscra:pr.,LflutLHliui[L| ■unlttrim-. a.J Htie-torown-Brooklyn- tchool.rang UQ a tu m s of 4] ttrn lght basketball y ium plu. . ' ' *

cpacu CJplr:.Bcc_hM_lmUt ju i - J

get (lie fldvly ealU'bccaiiiie.oC their ixpcriea«_buLlthft-M phs.-arB ..n lL

Tlie^Uiun rot>{j>«l‘-ttiroujl}-lui first U Bnmw~v?kH‘o5a *<lcfem-ftnd np» penrs about ae-M njns na the •ad club--.. .. . . . ._________

Kentucky nncl Mnrjiueite-os well as polciil .eaiilern tcnm*. Tlio Black-

|. - ^ -TotgoJC-ca^lt^^nt^Ulo-Bi^^o^c> plilnls,' A rt Hlllhonae. U»e velcmn

► Burley ScoresE S S S b jw f J ^ m -hta. Job ' In the bfflMTot '

- Heybucn's:FastQumtet.Drops ■ "CIose~Decision

BPriLEY, i^ b . \ J -7Heybum*8

7- -nothWB-liiOTorio'Bal_______ _ .* ' '.tlncUoa-of.payln(t-HU'.own exiwnsei -

tnch reody 10 blow

, . " ^ c e ‘fl. squad, of .-regulars Is com-. poied of seniors' And sophomores

I n w i> Juh lo r.'T he seniors

y^teran PilfcHeE ZComparesLoopi

... ------ - „ DCCJIUJ

sMking experience_____ . . . . ______•VBcation.-plu«-;extni-tlmc-accumu-latcd-.ftt_work.-.Hl8 expenses-were- light bcoiuae he had relaUvcs here .

HMrlers.Hav.e_Tougtier-Time in-^Amerioan-League;

irTtmotor-twroirwi V - - -“SayS-Jai k PuSSell—

’QulnUst foi*-th8 only other loss.' ' r .T he'B obcata .scL .'a .f^ t pacC'ond

Rccnied hended for . a n . casy~wln;—lCAdlns-lB'*0 -a t 'U io -h a lf -B u t- th e '

. Btubbem ~ir<ybum -' U d s ' n\»dc— a-, .:;B iiinfliout:of U tl 'ln .th e : U a a L l i a l U ^ ^

W alker cup team of this year. Ho [sold he believed hla showing In f

toumamentfl ml8] i t“ bc

‘pullln j, w ithin one point a, ended the, game,____ '

_ _ , Heyb.um', ,rea«rvc»-H----- B urley -P rosh -“ ‘ '


the suD

■fisair_________ ______ «helpful.lttfluence.w hcn tha .m atter. oC.seIectlilg.(h<i.team mem bcn Is a t

!-hand ...................... .. : ■ • •southern.C all, k double-p'ur- Tirwnr-----

Jack RusseU, nho 's been obout a bit !ln:both elrculls, said today pitchers bad a, tougher Umc.ln the American •leasufr'than-JnthrNnuonBrbrt-SuM the youngsMtJop-la, "homc iiun coi>-

both eara 6pcn In ci

— ^ ^ ^ ty b i ln j '—'P eterton ;-f;'8 ; stU. . son. / , 1; T ^ e . c, 0: D. McCoo

— gr3;-.K McComb!i,;g._o; ... ;

■ iilclfans R eieaee “ “ " ± E a j - l - ^ i i le h i l i'.“ “ TTCLEVELAND.-.Peb.- 1

................... _ . . .„ _ r tn '- t l« t~ ) « c “: .tloar. y»metWns.lnl«t«Unsrtun» up.'.W ard undoubtedly i chani '

8 Industry already h u ' t

. I . l i a t wsfl offered by Uie veteran JP/li-Chlca8ttCub.n rcl1irf.htttler-a»-a-pot-

' slbie .espianjvUon. of.'.tho.sueccsa.of. -a- num ber o f «o»called -“old-m en’‘.

"Itchcrs ln ''th e National league, bu t

niovle indostry already h u provi J£,caa.produca.toleual-ioha..ior^b

? S f r i u . standoub Rolfer; He flh - bhed fifth In^the-pakland-toum a-.■ n ------... « ..\ Ijj

behind hed-the moclsco

---------------------------j-and^s eventually won the toumn>

the Orcenburjr. Poxx and achrlR type In the National leajtue." e x - , poundod-RusM ll,-h«re-fornav:Tinrj nuai w inter s tay .- *.

"Artd iberft's no getting around .th c -rn c t.u ia t UiU -Is-m lghly-com - forllnB and cases -a pltchcrs. m lnd afte r he’s 'sp en t 13 jv a n toAslng 'em .un^Xoi ~ • - — • •• - - - Ihcoic

as a relief pUclief for U»e Cubs Jn tt Mwaj»on. winning ;j« a..............................Ja-li<ilUng-for-»carU D l__

inK u iui r

iiiOix' Cy LobcHj;Tlje Ulackblrds pny c h lrt atlcn^

tion lo.offciwe. T ljeii'ideiiln to o u t- scori;. tlic... other., fellow, juid U>cy. bcUBve they have tlVt aliarpMiooi* rs to do It,■Bee has been u bn.-'ketball coach

for IS ycnr.vHe^Tn.viiflttdcr I'uttllBtr Jof -ncvenil 'sctuons. ’D il7-ls“ Hl* sfxih year , a t Long I.flsnd, HU teams won '126 names and lost 10 dudnp h is.Jlrsi live years.,r ils ions winning streak starte<l

lote .In ^U ie 1035 season, .cnrrlert

'-Si)orts=~ h r 'V H lT N E V > tA R W N ~ ^ :

:il rs l .l0 8ames.or.U 37j t

-------- 1933.34; W oirtT rl/M t lri01l-3S;'W on U . U s t S. ' •“• ’ .sa^jvoB-za, Lbst o

KEW YOIUC. Pob.-:i--w v-IhB ro may havc_bcen.lon8er. dribbles,. II you liieiude the- leaky water U p In

unadultc.ra ted^rlbb le executed by Oeorge Fogarty when he w ns'tho :bouiiclnf-^abyrOf-U)»'Fond-Da-Loe{ Wls.. prtis years ogo probably'coh>

:sUtutes a hoskctbaU-rcconl.' - In-faclvK ogw ly-not-only-crecut-:

ed the dribble; he practically exe- ,cuted-thc-opno8inB-playera-who.-ac-' cordlng-loOilVer K uEcm B im nritn*

, liglitenlns arUclo In tli Milwaukee llJOU nlBirW ere-m UnrB'a'airfo'slar- b^ord-when'FOBArty finally harided Ih fc 'bB irunhrrcfcrce-w lU r'R -'now i If# your tumV air.

r-ITw HT drlbblft 1....................... VM..V-.UV- . . »• allowed, anil dribbling,

- f '^ e n n iT e r i ’C'wrmnnyTrtuncrS^orboards. Inslead-of announcing ,“Kew York vs. Johnstown." wpuld shout ■yEOfnrty. vft,i,.Hauff.'.l^whteh..,would appear the same as billing the bat* tie 'o r .W a te rlo o as "NBpoleon vs. WelllnBlon.*'.

IB3(P3TnV«>‘M.“ E 5 ir3 r , im-3l!LW.en.2?..»,OTU..- While many-colleBW s«roni::lJn.i-: . ketbsll leama- arc given aridltlontil :.ballj-hoo_thr'QUjliuUie_flchools:

kctball merits.. Back In 1031 Long Island had fool- balt for one senion bu t dropped It because ' of Ihe dcprcMlon. i Tlic Blackbirds plan to h a v rn grid.team next. fall. Bee has coached bnsc- boll and limduced outKlnnillnir tfnm ■ in tnat_spon^Jop^ M, t^ n g J s la n d .

>Vhcn the season closes mid fans S tan Jabbering about the country's best'basketball team . It Is quite pos> ^ilblesthat Long island’s .Blackbirds will hawf to_bc Included In, any. ^ m c n t ,_


Florida’s-Gulfstream -Park -Opens With15,000Fans--^


----------DyliAIlRY H O U iK S__ : . l " ,' . nOCI.YWOOD.'Fla.rTcIi; O'ulfstroam park racctrack opened

io d a y .w lU ra n -e s llw .................


Ur—s. Stai^-Onrttrg^ TTazel loii aufl- P a jil:J2 B .t te r A t t a c k , onc^ - S p l i t : D o u b l c ; B a i ; : i

~I^E\g"PORT' RICH ~ ■irltimphed 36-32.

second period jin d drove'to n 10«7 lB ad._noiw «-a1fo-leil'a l-lhe-end-of ll»T .ci:.uuailcts.by-oac-polal^4-13r. ---------------------- ----------

- r^ u rr r J t t r ^ c = s tn n { ) r ; := W K io i 6ehoWj^ll>M)n-nn(MVttl1iim.<,':JomBt out offfie Rnme. whllc Parente. Bob i forw ard...w av ejected. on ' fo u r ' pc i: sonnlfl,- - .

Schott-.' Uiiiifrt lnrxn!<l, scorcrj wirii nine pouitA. .

T he llnrui)^:_________Z 33Q li(£Collim . i..iij;-Kyiclil*orir' .l2J;_Tliom iii..t.-a»;. T.ililfy. if (4)- Eby, g,: Dimrnii.- f. r j) ; Parenlr. . ‘:ij Stoo-. c. o ; SiiiKicr.^ g,: Spros'

Feb. 1 Stocky Gene Snr.r- _____________________; len'yJlOK O npCtlOC S^JCim .W eiits; ^H ai^crz-forw arti:- m a d e ' 11 np ln t t r - r ^ - c d cjiiic t t o d n v b v 'c h a r c l n i ' nnd Cornelnon. cejiier. scored 10. for

H oor stD ortsm anjsh ln nn rl'n n rliiP '‘ limirtrf l‘nni iJo5'S;'OnWS7Hait71- n. forwanl. connected for nine. .The score was tied a t U -all a t tlio

Conquei: BurleyM u r r a D g ir Q U in t 'B e a t s E lk s , '

4 0 : 3 4 ; - B u l i l - : M - i y i e n ^ J^.iWjn,RrcliiTiihpry ;

, 'M 6 r t a u 6 i i . rcb : i-M u r ta n i th [ 3 a ^ g « : M j } i c j i r u ^ ^

:iitrc” toniRhi. In a l i c . fcntil'rc- gamc- of n doubleliender staged as a benellt perfomiance. proceeds go­ing lowarti piirchwsc of 0 'new auto­m a tic Kore.board.

Biihl M-men defeated the Mur- taugh M-men 16-14 i t f a n l., p.- a .


_ftgftlM t..pcgaut-ithi;n he, ,giivB'hLi unozlns cxhlbiuon. whlcli m ight be temJbd' a 'varlety of Ihe badger

•Isn't T > e w - m ^ 'i s n o 7 e a r n m i " S t___

" * IJUtd-UlEshort-

____y.“ n icblock i l t h

-'E ich--reotn-3<& l‘Trno~6ut'^^^^games,,making,t)io Ihreft-wlky..........wpa nnnotm std. , ••

3 ' ( ^ 8lIC[8het-', iat Pep Band Show

^Uafiera..at .tlic.'Tw in

.. 'ell“ iiv^h*3—early’tTlaIly“ irr ttwscttpiirissnniaiRrTsiif *“

ST. LOtTIs; Peb.,1 (AV-Peppfcr' M artin and Branch Rickey d idn 't

B une^(U U u-!n>t o t” play on which a ll-large Individual

n e a r .tl« foul'llne

a hooic” ot'lwa3 a;i«*8£mdS..d«nt-indlcated-BtronBly the- -w ild ^ O W fr ^ r Uw' a sa t t" -<wiff=6g ^ r - - ' th e team thls-scason. • .- - m , l n - M a r t l n ' « p r a -

rciKirtcrs.Btormtna.the.fenccs _____.......................house th a t younB Jock------------------:-jlQ-bucfc.fiwnn>!y.Hla--leah park. .“ E\W W ond6'£onJa'irenlc,‘w li6Ttil I blue.and-whito ribbon to opcn-tlio track officially, - had to ^ llm b - the walst-Mgh fonca wlUt h e r p a r ty o f

u n a b ii^ ^ g S ^ w a T ^ e ^ ro tra rK ^ ^ e ^

ous ice skater followed the ' example;! o fhundreds ofjothers.'

At- Jok^ph Ei.W idenefa: beauUful Hialeah park,, attendance . slumped 3.140 and th« mutuel "handle* drop- .?e4 i« jn ,.H M .«T ..Jo ..#203J58 Ih comparison-with Feb. 1 of-last year, a ,T ues« tay ,it»aa polnled out7how--, ever, tn a t tl iu TaBlnR_8ea8on_hnd

^•if6a-5eH Ind"f038 » and thfft'O m fattcam V opehlhg day wita-no gatige— -------------------------

---------- , . UifiUldM Anns.

Pimlico n e e . track

■mrgnr. c o n te s t ." - -

SeorliiR lionon In Uie M-men. game went to Clawson of Muriaugh w ith elgh( points. Bankhead was hlBh' for.'BuTiI wlUi six. •. Burley Jed the- Savases Ifl-is a f

•ihe-halfTM nj'llin '^Iiffinueirsuarff." eeored.is-points-ftw -high hoDon. - -33j«-llneups:

, BurK vE lJtw D ctm era.f. (8i: Mar-hiiiapfi=aT -?jnorByrciT T oflsS i^:^¥r'- - - n .C » ! l ! s . - B r ^ r J » c i - ( 7 ) ^ n d e ^

i^ B rtlO )r.-----T<2):

S7 «18>; Oreen.-|r,-(7) ; wells, rf.-H):' X leoah9U se,-t-............. .......

S F a l e p X t l i J i i t i c

m i r n ^ n n

BOISE, Febi.l W P r a n k Turner ofJti^ygTTry jOf th e tiew;6ta le ath letic cdramlssion

T h e other two Commlasldncra aro-

iT tu rrT o f Boise. Jam es ja ttftieh fjjf . iSolso w»s named'secretary.-

p o o r sp o rtsm a n sh ip a n d un du e -d e v o tio n -to -t lie d6U a r ;io -B r li- | Ish BOU p r o s'.ln (jcncral a n d H e n r y -G o tlo i i- in p ar ticu lar .

.|CllC SW ttl3P{ppU £Q m iU {r& ^i :njpr.'.Trom ~BrooKricidrCcnten;; O omirr-hai-been-doine-uVtiitme-hij- '■>etoveu-t>OR-o(fa-for- qulte-a-spelir

— ■ it'h e was nrous- . i-toold^Umo-oral' fbrni by rrjiorLi Cotton and other Britons were d«- niandJmLiKUBro.ilij

lho-Unltod-SiatOf> to pluy. ■

, In (net, lie!>^lratc_lie..de::.

. .im cf ___Ibrlnir buck thnv. btfll}^.cup~O ei)o

hnlf,- • ... -.-.-o. til tljc girls game. Dctweller b f t l ie ___^winiiUit. Hnrijiion Kirla. JuodB_13___

^-JltortaUcfeiiZBoUi-are- fgnrardw.- ^ '' '" . ’

_ "\Vlmfs wron^ wllh this<BrltW i ^ P ^ Coiton."^^iikecl Ocne, •'ihnili^o'

WIiec..TcnrcoiniC-i*v«r -hei . .w.j»onio niaiciicaJjj.tlilicouhtrj't___-

■'” * .............. of tlie.BiB.llsii

. . bcOHc world's best so ife r.,,ln tlie mo»py_ now, but demands |

- --------- Ainericpn prosJsuch as \Vaiter H a«cn ;JItom m r:A ^ inour and m yse lf-and 'o fco iffte tiie ' g rea t Bobby Jones, made annual

.l^ .S t. Andrews to moke tlie

•■Now would be the time for the British to show 'som e jtood *port*-» m anshlp. Let Cot(oi» and his friends “ ■! over here and win some honor

.^■Ago^ lliLr-]^g le r » : ^ n w l= :^ y leaEue-ieadlng Sah1lti.outfluin~U ie Comm<rclal league by 'taklnB'ti-o ot lh rce ,88m c s;Ju t.n lB h t..ln -the . City league Ray's T ex a co -w o n - three stra igh t games from • Twin, Falls

merelal leag iu fe ln m in ' U st night

c ity league .b ew le ^T ie rro lin o riK c '


football xoach a t Mississippi e u i e ,

l-wei8o n - | a t r i M r a x r ^ " ~ ^ 'T -------^

Acequia Cagers — OvercoMecio

, ACEQUIA. reb ,l_A -fourli> .< iu tr-te r rally . th a t^ n e tte d l l ixjlnta' brought Aceaiila hlgh'school a- a i- 15 vlctoiy-over'Deelo in a basketball game played hero Tuesday n ight.

^PrelQ.BCt.theJnacp fnr thrr#. T».H. is a n d led a t the half. Clayton, Acequia guard. > arid

O feTO hrD *d»-«tm ttt7-«cd-ftn^bi Ing honors w ith nine points each, ,:z m _^_pre lltn ihary-gam e - Aceqiha,defeated Oeclo 20-14 as seeond 'str ln s' baskcteers clashed, Chugg. fonvard Mid 4Iardy,. guard, each mnde e lih t

<or-thew 1nnlnrA ceqT iirT e^

. . Jineops: l^Decle-Jacobs, t, I j M athew (,‘f ; Sardncten , e ,-S rO rtir -el.-C -5 ;JC cU «y ,.f^ l|.C lay t«n .-fr> rTum ar, f.

sK E uFT m nr"

British Ch^enge— : For Polo Trophy

Mairet‘'Swingcrs of“Ur Sr' and England Renew

.-■afr-e-.-i-A--;N E W .yO R K rFci). 1. I,Vi ^ Tlje

t;nltcd Stales Polo ' iu.noclntlo».----- 1

ih“ clinllenge of.O reat Britain tlia t will pu t. ihc famous' We«tchestcr.c «pon 'th ;'tine-ngalif-fortne 'A nglo- - ~ ‘ l /im erlcnn mallet strife. 1 . V

Tlie- thrce-B.imc scrte.^. rcnewlnir . a competition stafC d In IMO. will ,J)a-play« t - 4>arl.«-in-^.<Mii>-on-tln>—■ _Mendojr-BnJOK- c iub 'srr .im i)it< :jn lc :^ ... _ national -field. T h e 'c x a c f ‘date 'w ll f - - = l

'be aiuiouncr<l later. ;_ & m o ib r - l) ic -a r ltW i J io rw s - a r ^ new in CnllJomia. Oerald Balding;--

^p iaftT V tffrttio -da radm z t .expcctcd ro-arrlve In Oils soon.

Tlie ' early trainliip work

winter at-Alkcn, a ..C . Last fitll Uio • defense committee selected a squod of 13 players, bicluding the coun- _ try's four ten-goal m e n .'a rid . In­structed them to hoTd themseU’cs and the ir .ponies In read iness.

R o n i_ p ias '^ are- 'M ltchcoclt' Mike Pm pp.v-titewarl Ig lch a rfa n d CccH . IIpp.v-titewarl Ig lch a rfa n d CccH SmlU). All except Sinltli .aje veter^

M Of International D la y ,. ' .K ot since 1014, vhen.EnBlsAd lo s t ..

won the* .trophy .'have..thc jnatchcs...li:. .b<S!LJaPiL«l-lnJunfl ltu.U»Uj;0H l l- : .„ , tp> .............._______________

i B r o w i i s ^ h i g g c r"Sigiis'Conli-acT'

ST. L O in a p c i l--im -lH iirIon>l......_Cllft.--ltome-rim’-klnir«cf-thlrd-ba a p ^ - - r ^ men. .has -algned. hU-18?9■ co n tra c t'' v l

— W }ille.detallaiif-tliejontraetj>all-— cd.by C lift ^ m his Yakima, W ash. home were no t disclosed; it is n«.

ON BASEDALI. COMMISSION. . . . _ NEW- Y O R K , 'n b r T -p p j= o e i« r a r - T 7 |

John J . I ^ r s h ln j accepted member- ship .today cm.the NaU onaLBaseball.~ CenftnnlaLxot

eelebratloQ c f th e .d lam o i^ i ip c ^ _

k i ™ F D Al ^ L f f i . n r i5 « 0 - £, O rPO SIT B ID A aO IB E A T C K i '

dB d_Y ou-_H av^i3^he^

■ Thursday,. Fridasv^Saturday, FeB

-J'V JN .JlALI^-N EW S.JnviN’-r'ALl^f.IDATlbr-TTOiraD^AY-MQliOTW&^PBHnTtfBV-giliimV


r y o p i i"iTurnDvcrShrinks to68V,920,‘ ]___ Shares; Averaoe..Sljps,_L,

• -.4 of Point'......

'Markets At A Glance;iEW VOUK..

S T © S K S :

I I U I I I U H U U H I i n E A T ;

: : P i E « e i

'j Market Regains Bafahoi arid . Mainta'ihs.Fraclional

.. -..^Upturns^ -By rnANICLIN MULUN- - -CUIOAOO.. Feb.- ‘ I - M>_SctllnB I

Mibstclwl In' IJie clien t p it today o I tlie mftrlccl rcaninotl •' ‘ •

- U»e.rcnmlndcr of Ui^ nm lon iletpltc iicn ’ottt:«ucluatlonK. '

Trndlill: A’iiltitno aimltikilivd evcr.“wltH the bulk of ilenllnBB .s,... tincd to eommcrcltil opemtlmw nml cUainiiiB of poslUoiw by vnrlom Jij.

• i£rrxt_s.. , , . .W ncnfclg-.t<l

I T w i n : F a l I s ^ l y i a r . f e c t s P I t E R ;

ol->r<:"l,hMit. « lu < puumla ■«l«r»l hrtll, untl«r •»el»irn lirull«ri. l 'i-5 l U . ______ Itr

I.Vni, uo.Ur-Jli'lxiuml* ^ -

H i P i o o e i i o M

Commercial 'Crops" to v.Be •.-Grown-in 17 Cijuntics---

, . , of State .—More’ lhnn ■iOOO-fi'crcs-ln-ftt-Jeaat-f; n 'courtllM 'of fcOUtHcrn nnO-noutli- coaterii .Idnho >vlll.bc p lftn te d 'ta tlaxicwl -thin unrliig to niftlce tlax

, ,VUIl In O hl*-M r..ftnd,M r3..J..O .. 'Baker, are- homo from <?clo,. Olilo,' where tliey vl^ltcd’reltiUvu. m lttee b-compoMd of >twilamc*r1-., a . Nicliolfonr -Bronnau. 11. E j” ianunBrquUt..It.lV’; ‘PftwltIh».''''3 ’

■lUrthdar Event—Mrri. Frcd'M un* yon entertnined « itli ft nun>r^o party-for Jier-Mii Pf^c'rlclc’Mimyon on'-hlj elglitcenth birthday nnnlvfr- "Aty; Chlnce^clifckers and plnoelilo

..ne ic.ugw ad»lU i prtzM^or-chcoki

.coins.(oBopkW Ui

■i:'^ t^ F ile ic - f iU iu rd i -PU^Sll, Peb.' I—

' --8 train ing 'Io r_ tigT(im.,prrBhgcd j . . --------

„;i!crviee*' a i.U ib ^ e r B i p - -tfat-churth,i.the~pM tor,-Rov..Jullu«—— » ’ h e iT .'u n n o u n c e a .'" '— ' . ■ ■• - >. J . R . I* lloalcm of BeSiliij........ W nah,"oTanselUUa, c ,.tiat.chUi5>UMt:ei-—,iCvenlnit-.onj,'aea«)na ';l___________ ____I the Dlb)e," and ..cn..Thur?.dny cv ci_ _ ; . iifiiR ho wIIf dlKUss “neaM tu I Be­lieve In •Jcsiu Chru t.’; '

mpalgm a t the 'B ap - t: (Sunday; ji'poke; thl* ' leoMiU'-.l. B e ile re Jo i,____

, - ........ ....................— ...............J.-.PlM'l, .wlU.be-ra iled .tills .y e ar 'In .Vnlley,

Adtun'a, WnshlnBton. Payette. Cn«»I yon, -Owyhee,- •Elinore.” OoodlnB,

Jerom e. Twin Fulls, Cauln, Power.) Bannock. Caribou, Blnsliam. Bonne*

vlllei.nud Butto.couDlles of Iduho!

lla rrU and-Mr. Al K lavai..of Yakima.—W whlnston. arrived Monday for n Tlrtt 'wlUi'Mr8..Harrla brother., A. _ ^D avU ._M ra ,W a '

j 'iilK tW iliiiii «n;»ii tlian gO?Q-.ncrfB vItC^JlHy.CO’r n In eantem .OrCBC

I Li hU niece:

/!h \^o tncrrcb ;-i*T T r= D fm A ii[rl----- . " / te r , h’'s tu rtly tu'o»ilny refoviirj’. IcRVlnu'tlic-

■ Dcalluii sliniiife 10 581,020 • ihe smiillcsl for a full scmIi . Snpir 23, Jit nuiny •Iradca

to- observ.itlon benches to ftwnlt dcvclopmn)tji,~ Tlip~iririmvrr cnmV.

S x . ......Crnrriil Kr,o<l« ,

[- •^Kw'VoiT'it|^rrhr4-^' Oiiiuni.' S ind. *111) .................... ............•j'-tqacrt«ii.>"rnrtmnwTT^'iFff«Tfntn**j

rccelpt/i, -Onlfi unrt r>'c'were niiiVt'. 1 , Lard dcellncd In nyinp.-Ythy wlili low- : _er jjog nnil„c,0.Hpmcca..0a-mnrkct3. ■

llapld UevcIo|imeii... AmiouDccmcu^ of Uie rapid dovel. -opmtnT-'ofUie-ldftho'.iOrtSWfrn;

I-prodaetion-f ta r -ljeen 'iiin^ g -tiy -Jav WWaWLi, Bol4c..nt:rlcuUurol osen t of tiie Union Pacific ratlt«ad, Ttio

;jor netbackJi v. iirir«innB-chi

jaii*_Ca.Xjt.,J.T.’rnr,4%bVirv-h': •I ypbprneja^ c ^ r im c H t c ; HoiOfegoWVlnx Development com' , : .m iitcc._wlilcb_l3LlicatlcdibyLa^A..

J a e f c » o n , - P o r t l a n d . - ' ReportJni; on thb new Idaho'pit>>

, duclion movement. Mr.-Jacvls oaJdr ! "PIox-Ij best adapted t6 -tho,heavler ’ Jo U s-^d -d p c* -L M t..Jn -« re« » ^ Jth -

. exeeplLon!illi_«'el.Uinslcr_lirl*aUoiu; < •‘l/sually eoll tljn t'w lll grow'good ' wheat - ------

Uiony of Pocatello.who arrived Sat-;}:iaasjrurwuHd:uv(nw4d(iwfc^i-Kc

Robert Rclcherl returned hom ^ |.Sumliiyp .-.^syktra,j\,;E^dcn-;

for tbe wtddliis' w ent'on to BoLie 1 Sunday.'•■-y fe Tr; 1g|Hi»T ail^:-H; M.-RcgdTr

, i Idolio.Piilla.apcnl tlie week-end.vli. ^ ■ > ^ a ^ ^ ^ h o m t :o t- h la r «lat«TAlia.-h

J E i g l i l i n g J l G c C -h DEND, Ore> ITcb. l'(/F>~A ronKer In ,the anonv P o rt Hock country of central Oregon told a'w ildlife tal* •• today or Iiow coyotes deVourrt Uie corciuw-of-rv b»ck-dcer-whll#-lt,-wft»—iMWTff-iirmfTinucnnjntrJtTinirToo;— ■ H®PiT PqWlne. meun—

Tafn'-rohger.—found^iln‘ exhausted,

.m'alnfl:.of • Jta-former Jcncmy, dangl-

........ .:ho Jlv ln s^iiek .kicked andcharged to savolts life, cdyotis tore -Kfay a ll bu t tho he&d nhd'neck of :

to profcKlonnl tiroflt<taklni: (empt- • cd by the rebotmd.

. ]}e:pllu much dbicusnlon o( the ; forclKii ^ltuntlm> fnllowlni; the l i l t . icr ipcecli to the Oerm an rclelutac I

i----------M o»dav..lUKai.dli(lcuIt4or-Uts.iiv* 'eriiRfl Wall Rtrecter to- formulate .f!eflt}lte. Ideas lobout .war pro&pects. ,

Meanwhile, with many-^Vflll xtr rc t- ■

' " g f e S S B '

the H itler iiddrcsii lind. relaxed._ . Top;Brade bond.i. Javored by

-p o rta .o f a-Rood reccptton lo r '• $70.000,000 North Amcrlcan-of(ei

. .'errdeliciUutca. fo'und.reaily bu i ,: B ut moat c o rjio ra tu ' eased with

___ atocfai.Tlie A.uoclated Prew coniposlte I

r r ^ u o - « . 4 „ . . . - --------- T T .■ / 'Down: 1 to ^ m o rc - lh a ir2 a t- lh e :

„ .^ tU a li- tt-erc-D ..a .-^ t« il..n e th le h ew : ' T3^iontKDmEry-W!n‘arTJin5TTCarb-nier'

■ Sperry, •\v«tlnBljouw . • Siuita rc.' .^merlcfln-erfieltlnO Oenemt-Eiec.f

Irlc and Youngstown r ‘Chicago w lieat wan

rr buahel .liiehcr.^^^

Hu"cJson Pow er^” l e ^ k h c ^ , Ele™ . trie Bond nnd .8 hare> and U k e j '

■ ’ Shore fell bnek na muehr

c ri)»*T'«nil Uclit ■

i : f o r ~ V f i l l~ M r s r Willard |~tntttnRled~enei>ti^/

illu*-witrr«mWn-Toriwo-weeka-Rt PHer l<r-compIcle'buslhw arm nge- m cnts before Bolng to . r o r t Colllna. Prom thera they-wlll leaT SiiarrcS lirofnla: t6" 'i ....................honic.-Mr. j»rid-M r*r-EarrPcck oiid' T b ii-w lllr inove-to -the ' fa rm -llte j’-racated.— ...................

To ' Tucson—Fred -Relcliert Icfl Xuesday.to.vl^lt itlatlvq taf.T uacon

l i v e s t o c k M a r k e t s .

I M-i ii; s t> Ai r» :

' • 1.0-S ANfilll.KH I'OtATOia.* , l.os ANCKr.KS. fVl,. 1 (D WJ s n , '.IC — llrnVM*: iKlr* SwUni. I'f!.• coul 1.5J In l.M i>rr 100 j.oiinJ ■•r

^ r . i r n « r r ^ ^ ' " r

__JUiisMh.ahlp!i'<u'a*>a.'Uti>l>.J.^-J l!<; Hi.Tkt.in I'fiiir. cool I.::. i.*,o! in■rn, tcanlr_ffliUe-JtMt_?ffc^lo_I.08.—

ncrc Is recommended for bcst-ro* Mills on dry land. Under Irrigation, SO to DO pounds I s . lecommcHdcd. Hax,.llko. nfly other crop. Kill no t comiiele with weeds'nnd, therefore, fJioutd beon'K round.ireo fipm weeds for best jcau lu . Max luiunlly will yield about one -lialf. w h n t. wheat

LM)I-P?U1k?„ aiii?r .c m u n d - jn a ^ ie - [l)Flc?-neiicrnHyihii.Vbeen-frpm-three- .to ,four, times h J^ jer U tan',wheat. Flax wclRhR.50 pound:i p^r’ buihej. •It ahould be- Bectled--enrlyTina“Cftn' be seeded as - 'carliT nnp rlhB ' Brain,

, The crop will m ature lu 00 to laO' t«fly<P'niidru-fiin-lje-so]<l for<^ '^immediately upon harvest, th rouall'

" ready m arket In PorUand, Oregon.

llojtcfj^iilrsrA '.-C.'PuntlTrll. Jft-il»c*.M rtToa.iarklgc club lay afternoon. .

P r i s o n e r P l a y s

R o l e : o t ' H e i - o


frtm ” . . . . ___-.Suffotlng-lK w ucuU -oiJd-brulM i.. Corl Pflterson, 35. pulled Deputy e iierlff Mnrtlri. Honeutli and • lili .wife iind JlecbrderJ6f,'Deid.n .West a n f l 'h lT * lfo . f r o m T ^ e a t l r ’' tttc wrecked car.



lust .'y a rload ,'^ ' ‘a love: luraji' •• .coal*Mid loo faat.*.^V(i

g i e e k ^ A v e r a g c s — [[ SlOTI-t no Ml«lil»

i J C a s l l e f o n l D l i i l )

“ t W o i h c u K l l l e i ' l l !.CXSTLEFORD. Feb. -l-ElKhtV

persons attended the. banquet or ilic ■'Gentlemen’B' Nlsht" of tlie woman's club a t the M. E. fhurcli

: Tliursdiw cvenln.’; . _ _ ;________l l i e Junsle theme .wan iL cd ui the

.................................... ll.CUtzlL.^.!!..

n t Dlir Timber, and guarded th ____

I nnd coments-uutll a Llvluitkbn of­ficer. orrlvcd; Tlie:) Pelerson- ww taken to-the nhme h a ip ltn i; ; ' V.'“ - T h e condition- o f-n o n e -oT-the

[jwa:4t.‘*^very^Idom 7.w o=«vor-Iow -__ —

--------- ) -

t;um'il« o].l I ..... ,I,t>.. Itll»cl> >11,1 'vou irr-~l. nnrtliern ilork Its Ma lluiirl IJurbl llka,I rnr wulml. Ii'avr In

; for

U uiuW ^ou.-i.U -io jt•mcaium—vflijiir-

H rlv .’TC'i

Pr»v(nui Oj)- lun r* of i'ii«ni*T'

$jt-4rrr-ini . j i i , i i

I.N.IIr>, ^.zt

■tloiw^wUll-'mUiUtu.-~<t—bqatJ— cu: i>nddlc.i OS the nu t ciip.i and plnce cnl-ds. 1 • ._ The prpgrnln Itkl'Kird a trmTpy't;,olo bv Wayne Skeen i ...............b'r.M nr. Leo'.!potersoii: •Drcam,”;-Mi*.l.M .-W._Cook;. <rehcl> lioiii nolo by ifaliili Rol>prt.i. aeum - jian lcd—b y r -M n r -Karlren -Uarls; tMifct,-"btir-Husbands,—Mr». Diclen Shields:’ toa.iC. "Our wives.'.' Rev. -Lero>--Wftllcer;:'.vloll:i' aml' »utc .uuc c

I T«r. li.'.J'.i : uo.n-r’ tftitT s ir s 'is r r ’.s 'te ?

"■rHl-ttlf. yrrr

J V I e i i ^ I e s J y i u l ™

. T l i i - e a l c j i s A l h i o i i

-BURLEY. !Vb. I—Mls.1 Loandaj

irurVeil'In fat. Unit,<

• 7»F:NVKnrrri:. I ,Caiil> COO:

H tKTf-rtnrt-S.-J-tn

I Prank Hill, iiud Cb'de Mannlntc.-son * of Mr, aurt Ml-.'!. Wllllani •MMmlns, ■ were unllcil In marrlase n t 8 p . w.


pnnled by M lu Wlhnn niM of Buhl. Mnrllyn' He.ller j)1nyed two .clilrliiet xolo.1 accompnnlcd by M n. Chnrle.';

t iu u ic i^ lrs rT .f l '^ o i ir id bb»i eadlnBS imd Elllpi .McDcrmli.,

plns’cd 'ft violin .tolO accompnulcd, by-Mrs. C hnrles-Shorlhm w '.'-. . ! ... Chnlnneii-i^Q r_U ic_afI:ilt_w erc I Mrs> .Bill-Kln.von und Mri..-Ceorg( '


Koldetvlolor iwrore Anting. Flax* , ^ d b quito reiUtftnt to ahatterlnff. For the Pacific nortliwest the Bison vnrlfty Is recommended na lt Is wilt U««l rust re.M.i,tnnt and-ha.i proveh to glvo-ihc best nll-urminri results. .niMflsc* th a t -iiUHck--other-erop.1 •wllUiot,nti«ol<-fla)(-nna'ihi*-dl3ea.'ie3' I do-not-nltacJc-other- crep.vF]nx Is -in excellent nurse cn>i> for tegume.i. It may be iilanted under .the 1030 iKricuUurnI cojtservftilon program'

hiad-nvlU-jidfcbe cow ldered-solN dciJ.1C11U5-. - . . •

'<Srowerj« who -are Interestedi In

tce.-ataUon-E, 'Portland,.Oregon: or with life Caldwell Produce company,.Caklft:ctl:„M__ NUinrt._Ca»Uirford.«-Bob Siwnce, Declo; jmil county ngrl- ‘ainurnl akcnta: T he flftns’n t Declo, I

ilrtweHrrmtfCastlcJora; *il-o ocllne 1 . -wlH-dlStrlbutc the.CPOntinTine the contmcta and hmi-

. die oil flarf. Tliey will work In' co-1 • operation w ith Uio Oil x tm .^ '» r ■ Portlanil. o th e r flmw to handle

th e , *eed will be arranged for a t

B u r l r i y C o u p l e ’

W f e d a t C l m r e h■ B0ftLEXuI!let>:"-lr-71ic'nuirrl'ase'

of Mlss-Anna-KerahUnlk, dnoRhter of—Joliiv--KJr<ihknlkr-:ni>d-T:WHIh.Johii'Jones, son .o f Mr. nnd.M n.- P ercy 'Jones, look place Monday niom lns a t n o'clock ma.-» a t ihc Church of the Little Flower, v’ltl)

-very^ ....e. o n e of bur farmer friends oskcU 5 If I.knew th a t some of the other

oU;,companle.i ..w ert knocking.o^c.. Arkai^M Nfotol Oil, nnd he also Mked n>e lfT khc'w 'tlifl''6ome~of tlio'~

......... n^Luiupiuiiia illdu‘t~i>nnt>' ■“too highly of our oil. I told the . fn rm cr'frlend U jat.U w implement companlc.1. should be our gtealest booster if they -w an ted -the ir-m a- - chlnery lo last. Of ctfurae if they. w ould.mU ierjscll.Iola oI.parts and • replace fcu of w orn-out mnehinery • •

J lu d - P « a U w > ? t-b)am e- them -foii-----knocklfis-our .TirKmuKa‘S fo Io rO il .. 'I f tlicy. w on't stand behind their own machinery If the farmer uses oiir oil to lubricatc’it. then Claud Pra tt will

ft«d-.wQ£...ntlcndcd - by- her-alster.-j 'Is Kei?hijhnlk,„who .w ore . n

.oulflt71.ewLi Jon is was best m an .. auc»t«-at-the-weddlriE-werc- •the bride's father. Mri and Mra. -Jonc5.-"Mni.-Mtttt-rerlte-hii. | - i r ^ - |o u r - n t T n m r -T a a h t . Ftollowlng-}ne inony IhVyoung couple le f t 'o n "

lvemnnrTrtiro?T$oiA6VTn$yTnim5 in-Jerom e for. dinner aS guests of WtijiniQci JJbhn y/hecavT:M r.'and Mrs.-. Jonen 'are graduatei of Burley high Khod), and will

tliclrjiom ejierc.

u nntL hrn ina-me-tnfl«hin..ry.^ - _ -You Juat-drlveyour trutfk by thiit'n

oBrtfid w )th new mochln(!ry_w];ethcr_ ------------ In i^M hlnef-ii-cresnT —

'" « 'u « > P « a ‘ler.or ji; h


• ’p rhittd-. , ___ ______tti;:4ige-o»-;mik-ro,'K- Tlie groom wnr. Attended'by O m i..] I Freer. The ccrcmbny took pliice be­

fore the lari;i- front window banked with bn.ikfts of rose.< and evenjreen. While' biukcis of. cnmaUon* .were

; ujcd throiiEhoul the house. Bcllsjled, 1 Kilh ntlrncllvr bo«-3 w c r r h u h r i r

the main arclTV .Ty,* - ■ -•. t ’ollowlns the ceremony, refre.ih.

_____ , mcm.T-^Ttfc-!.crved~-rrbnv~ii~tjiblir- m," fru ['foV crfzm uini

CASTLEPOfiD, Feb, 1 — Fifty .•lends of Mrs. J ..S . ReKndcra-Lo-, p « nltendfd n' Miowr for her twin baWeii-ftt-llie=iiome-orjiMr»;-ArthuP- Brown. Wednesday.

Tlio bablc.s. who have been nanied

tw o wrfk.- nRfT.-ft sn irtra tn tv lm rln - tAcMurrny hali; ono-ot-'thn-lwo-caiiw- .

is.rt.'ljlcnces fo r men; I t wns'nnl f itll the f im ca.ie hud hecn'clfnrpd |

up-thiit o th trs were notedi—In la.^t-three'dnyartiow ev

;lU iccJbc.8cho6Li)t.tlitL.vlilM<uUn-^.l.l)luc *howcr _honorIn[.le rth e aupmWon-'oI'-Mf^S^Eff......... ....................................UuRgln*, .rcMdcnt ntirf.o of the mnl, oiie .corner of. McMurmy Imll 1104' l)*en vacated by sii^deii has been converted Inio nn tion lnflrmar>-. I t Li the hoi>e of Uie' adrtltU strattonlhflt- hy 'itfcp li'

.•nslier. We .will guarantee tho ' !> lubrlcaUon of our oll.-'Some of the - ' - - 'f i - farmenpwlll no doubt say wluit about . f

-T- - ............-.-j-our new c4r..lm t .><'111 no t aland bock of theth .un- ' , '

tw r ra tf a-ArktttuarM o ioi ' '......first to last. We hove pub- ' I

i l» ? ^ i “ «L*^'Ume.«•:l«at'^iho:•PIit6-------, Sales Co.Ts offering tlo o i i any one I th a t can prove th a t C laud: Pralt'.t.A rkansna-M otoi^U-JiaM rerirulncd.— n new m o to r ._ ‘n ic ,;rfa« )n .C|au(l P ra tt doesn't say an old motor Is , bccftu.-»e-moat'ef thcm.BreTUtnra-be-— - ■•“ }•■

!-for».they~e(art-uslnir C laud'•frA tt's~A r k n n ^ ^ Ip to r .Oil. Claud P rn tt

Show(^r fo r Twins

. i\jiu Mrs.,.Tom.

. . . . . ...>'-Mre.-fitiiw- Balley Wednesdoy a t Tier J io m e .'"

K nteria ln-M r. a n d ' Mrs. T . - ^ . Ohllry entertained o t the ir homo Wed.ne.'.dny evTning nt' a surprise

^ irth d ay dinner for.U»clr son. Max Cinicy.“ r - ------



.d o n l'ju a t tfcllevclie'sjsotRood motor .

cause your new m otor.{o la st'j'bu over twice as tone. .W e have hun.- ' dreds of pcop.le that^ll testify tha t ' U»M 8tnteme,nl8 nro true. You can

*hla :Arknns.w .■ (f.yo*'.kfcp switching oil

nll-lho^Unie.-:-Viutm<i*t>uso-lt,all the time to net the 'fu ll remarkable ' results.. I f I dfdn't in o w 'I have a UU'oJMlariul—*' ' — -

: th lnk’ ffboui, ia>'ing-^>Veif.Tloblc of I standing back o fj^ icnslvo m aeliin -'

- M K T A l ^ S jj-ntng-nrc Tcr.lging Hi-thclrnew.-nomc- -M R-F

- P i i y i i i c i i i s S igh ted I------------------------------------ j - T io is E . m : i .v r ^ - j . M l-;u m ^ ‘


m - S P R m g - V E T C y g E EPlaec your order n w 'n g n ln s t arrlvnV# AiLcxcclltnt.juine_grop-to-C lov

— A.-WomlerfuV'-------------------

■»*el8hH>f*foomardtnc8srW V B -,„, ^j£cdaiw -inotor=olIW rDia-U ie-! ginnln!g_.Now-Just-to.;m_ftke-a-,t

' I fliiu EBo iiow'mony •,te#t-'-—-T-pr

today , congress meetihB

u u 14 i ) s

iernm ehtcron.m oiil.-.;.-ftch-year.............—

" n i l i would eliminate repayment t of rccdpts of 0 ppor crop year

.......... Jttce .'T be library boord upqrted-lns£nllatloii.of..ncK..jihelvcs. . painting of interior and addition,ot i

number of new, books. An “Ama- • »ut-Kom>^>fCtfran>-linil»(l*<U>eort«.; niu. dialogues and musical num-

" ictian—Af—I '

Outstonding os o Nitrogen gathering legume.-

* t e ^ o f b o n « in K = = = iS i r ^ ^

In* my ads we’re g o ln r to offer'for?y'.*;:o=tnenibetahipdnrflimnl-C.—' - ^ V i r s o I c O k t — Ihnm ghou tL lth^ " ’"^tli of Febniory fo r only « c . 'Hils

. W ashington, u . C. '• '- l ie *aW lie believed legal objec- ! Uons. which hait blocked letting of

Twin Sprlnui reser^Dlr—to provlrtt I "£2 i . AunplemcnLil •ft-alcLioLBoUelmllcy.l ■ ; lands—had been removed.'

Edna-Pli>eL.Camp Fire—'Jlie Takiknko Curip

'Ircrn je t In the dob house T huts* n'd'mftde-plans fot'a<Pebruary :

< tusar «».hrIH >i :.mi ,vT«=. u i=T.-,u»-.iir-.i r I Ii<»nnl rta»ilirtL«t

^ J i l o r ~ t o - D i g G U 66 ^ - - - - - - 1___ . . th b -w ee k told . . _ ...tieaUT-orvoseptr-'A ~ A iy rtrp rO n iP ' nent*bankcr o^^alcm ', Oreron«*^ho owned Tnrm-land-htrfe for n nuiD*

|— H a rry- M u g g ra ve — S E L t S - -

IfljiC'j rnvJloBk ISS«:

. “ *ri(icAco-itu°'r% --- t l

- fOHTI.ASI> TI.ANIi, Orr„ r..uneb*tttc«l..

j i l r .J i r .l j .- 'i i in !«• i

f .Nfw Orlrani InirnnwIhmtsh tNf*..«HitgTT i . .I In "linmlln.. The liii c

«{ I lO.,« PtHiilfi ■

F I L E R . 'F e b . . 'l - iM n y o r -11. . Jilom ine rq iilst' announces.a meeting

.the.lilK li sc ' ----- ■ 'ng";c~gmir;3' . _ ___I fo r Flier. T li'e-publle Is tffge d j o l

‘ ” a -M f ir in rc n g in e e n

received--from—Llojrd- flterciw. _Richfield-toy,^wlK)^en^^^

■ C oal R a n g e s -

toncJPanam a-oh-H ie U;-8.-8.“Port=4

John -O rlfllth , -WPA- englnacr. -NEWS.WANTJ^^i.


r * Honie;^KurnishliiKs—■‘: n u ^ — :.T

Will BCll lhe.followIngr horse's n n d m ules aU Io llcn b cck ’s - Sale Xar i. mi- . --

: S A T U R P A Y , F E B . 4. 1939 ‘

>f>Arkonaaa-Motcr-Oii;7flUo-».8«&-^- reductlon In paints nnd olts.;wli»dow

- s Iw .-B U lo m o b l!e tt lrtn u K l-t iib e » r- pltchforka. ahorelj. .Juo ,im d :-cup

I grease, canvas for.dams,-spark plugs., ' ‘Taaer. ttirrwntinn. .rtn iU ' '

e tni ^ mm » S.otH 'a -rp .______ — - ............. ... . .i.l600jeaclir.On*.gr»y.m»r*,-»-y«»,-IJOO, in fool r B a r rowe, 8 yr.,^1500; Buekriiln trion. unootb moath; '

you-puVoha»*->our-80od».'-«ou-can---------I belong ito Iho C o^ ns anil Granges

r»a<l:*tJ»,«» :a.-niem6aL 0f-.lha Pra tt.

||n » f tit« ln e d by tho nfony membera ----- -------------- — in w tf M .u-en"'-

|'M a o S > .s S r ia 6 p ^ : i« o « tB > o u i l . rn s o n > K ti r m ir r ? 5 5 a 6 ^ S a

I l i o ^ ' s i n o a m - ' a 8U l l ^ ‘ U M r T a m e7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *. ' icob ejieb'l PU'ck b«we. 9 yrt^ 33S0.

I'ow n' > •fom e«:'_drew b r t a d lv id e n d ilM t.,,.,

|-SAEE_.O iT lh e m a to UmhoiplUJ

- <Ko S un^> ;D u»lii< ^);;7 -'

= T W IN -F A I;L 5 N B ^ y 5 .T ^ V m -^ ^ ]C L S ^ lD A H b 7 ^ |I’U R ^ D A Y '^ r< 5 R N fe ^

I h ; - .

•SCH O O LS-A N D T R A IN IN G I FtmN. i.» . 0.t«E«,■ flllj A v^ Eaal,

. noOKr'K'P'O mHl office mitchliics . ifi'iisUi comlmiallj^. T. p. Biw. Uiii'v, 3 lU JS . t,T0iiiul fir.*, priv. cnlciuice.

well lu rn Nice IbcallOH. Price rciw. • • ••-.■a&6-Bhie-Ukea-yrPh.-»623.

• WANTED 10 Ijorrow from vrlvale , • - ‘- im r ty ISOOoiirW A. Uox-30,.Tlmes

• ' •„ • r ■HAND tettercd nncl lltiuirntcd pince

- ...cafds.tlouaj-BMoniibljr. Phono.127.. cvfiiilncs-

H O B S E K E E w il t f j tO O l lS -

n-n60M house, Ihrsc lot, 233 Dliic •Lakcj Ko. Will rc:il. Pli. I37G o


B O ISE. V A L LEY ^j'A IlM SICO actM. Irrlsated. la ir . hiiiHovc-,

eiitnla, oti ollccJ hUhwiiy, a ml. So. I

HAY. ( ; » a'LN. f e e d

•tacii. 03DC*nir

IJV ESTO C K F O ll .SA LE. itEO. yoiiiiB S h o r tl io rn - ti iilir ro rn r

43KOINNINO Feb, 20, n ’l; . ........off. es«i.Jilbimny, . brccdii,

, Send for jirlte.i of u ii^ x c d ' itnill-rrexnl-chtcfac-— ------------

_____Gnniulu-M ntcheryIjlfrom rI "VERY IlEST:^AAA-l)nl)y-flik-k«,-

i-nrRc li fst w!iii.r-rwjiiroiiC-,.-ncd,-■ • New-Iminnslilrr^,- Bnriwl Rocki

Glaiii.*. Butf

BOARD A N D ttO O M ' B D ?nna-nn/ 120 Cth'Avci-No. ' '

-[-BD r-*-rm ,-8W -0lh-E.-Phr-s'B fl'W :

Claud Prftlfrt Barber Shop___ ^ lIA lirC U T S -2 - .c“ Oiibu f;rrn iugJ7T

• R M ;* bd. O cnacmeii p re fP h V .im ;

BD, a m i. 222 otb AVC. E .T h .n n S -J .

; BD.-anrt’n ir.'S iO -n ttrE rr ii: B66-W.~|

i 100 acre.i. no bWss.. l»rlKiilt*I.-,oii Rraveled rond. li> il fine coimiiiml'* ty, 3 ml. No.,.} ml. EnAt'-irom ' Naiiijm.. • , '

CO nccc3. Irrlfiatcd. lio b ldss.rsood , toll. pood.coniiMUuliy, on Rravclctl ' road; S ’ln l.-N o .ljr mi: EoU 'from'

-NBmpir~ — ------- !!--------- ZZ------430 ucrellvcifock' raiTefiTttooU meail-'

ow. f uJI ic i bldgx., In Jordiiii VAllcy. UNION-CENTRAt, L IFE I^{S. CQ.|

1 U -0 . KcMl. PltllJ Ilcp; ' i-208-Nccatti^5cr---“ - " ^ D o i ic :

Ofplll^lOL « a iniflcil'i

. lloudai-D c - lb iK -.a -x fT . . ,

13c to 22c. Lcsliorn-CockcruU. 3c. Lou'wt prlce.i In lA-j-cnrti-l.ltrra--

_ lu re rrtc.. .,H aY ES.,.U l-G RA D E itA T gJE R V . Ph0ne i3 .

. .P Q U r / r R Y . .

apRINGER COUM. T . b ' ;iiuI BauR I 'ir iied .-cn il a il.JV U ali l. bi-iwecn •

•12 luirt n i --------------------

tt'h ldK .flre p r lm c r I tan Wb«a,—ltaUier.-decr*lcIn,.mUc.

>_______ -_,EJ3..KIlA U CEISL-Rt...l^PlJ«r^'CHEERFUL Iron: bedroom ;-Eicclr

•m c s u r n a r v ir a r rn in m e e - i i t r s ia - , •Wulitut.-Pllr-ISI&TW. R«a«<rl>nc<r -I s a a fiie s iW i

■raK O z:(i^or« i /r r r rT .-T v in n c in ;!ftllvc; :ie-drrs:cd.-.Jio>-«» JII"Or«dH llnUlier}-. Phoitp "3.

ELKCTRIC frncc miitroK, 7 iid k r i 'l . sho/;iivft6 > v p.uwic MiirtM. |

■CENETIAL £ioc:il'j • (inn ;.Pcrfcc;.oOiidUW):. 7*0.

" f r l trt-un b 'T iu u iro n ^ - " -Crlct! -All-SliM.aBa.colarj^...■;-------- ---------------------------------

Kciiin dy fxpfnliied th a t u'ndi ■'111 ih r fccrplnry of acrltfiiltiir' . nuUt fix 'the flricj{L_f6r,half.a ')iuij-

Vi"rrl (llfft'rri^r fariiiliir^tirVL'^ganfl.

All biiyrr*. handler.^ and procew .rn-tlien-trmiid -b - r c g iTlrcililO'na^'::

[ lhc^c jrrlcc!. under a syaiem. of ir rrli«M niid prnallle.r ■ '- v.'oitUl receive Ih li'flxe tnrlce: <n;U~ on

<1. 10 Vunl;.noii«r, l52,2ml_Av. So.

t l G n Y l X G T l X T L T i W '^All mmlrni de.M’/tb . ' Aht> v;irlni;

mnicrlRh for home nr cnmiiicrdi;! wlrlnB.,KRENOEL'S im w . ’

•thenN'cicd .lor domr.Mic cniviuinpii.

j n i e MirpUi* lljcii w ould'to- ' — rt'tarj-ror'sa lP in’tne 'TOrtd m a r

Anv rrliin i from such snie; wnliM BO'buck to fiirmer.s, nftcr dC'

tlon nf CO.M:’.

E D irS ra jK E - l.-O R .S A L E . | P < r t i ! t o - J k : < ’ ’ « ? r S 7

;i-:S ivuet.'sJ3aseincu l:iS to in i:-|

~ Q i o o s ‘e O f f i c e r s___________ llU P E n t. Feb, 1 -Sevenly’potnto-:~a-'pc.' pea-' umwer.'': meettn8‘'ftt*ihe'coiirtttou.« -"■- 'M onday afternoon. , cl< :tMl E.t A.

iJr«ikmaiv^l>r<>6Ul«i*tj>(-r44>0:J0cat la-vftcrftilon, ^ndJ!i^cc^orJ5t.Ult^.falc.

"ajclntloli.-. ■ J . H .. .May, of...Paul

. . . . .M iil^tM lnr lUjit mull ):<0 p. m. ind n. ■

I;M. p.. m-.-n


THE TIME A rrO JN TED FOR -• , rn o v iN G W U.U e t c .

In Mic Probate C ourt o f T»'ln Falls •Comity.-ItfnhOi-

n r s ta te t r t^ U T ir -

MondajrrUais-i3tnTflayror T c f iru a ^ Z _ _ , 1030. a t 10 o’clocic a . m . of paid d v , 7Jnt.':-thg Court. Rnom nf itald. C m ii^ ' i l l

.lin4_bcrn.BPpOlIlt«d-lu:lhe Hme a n t l - ^ M

heftrIng“ tno applleaU on•■or'H ar^ 'e^^Wllliftm.n for iMuance to -h U a -o f-^ _

: lc tte ry ;o f’«dn»liiIiUMll6iL:wItK.JKilCII ■'annexed w hen jind where any H

_ T 3 a i i - & > I . I .S _ :< l i .K 5 .J D \U X J ;L V L I ; i ; ^ n A I I - l ) ^ T I I t . 'l iS n , \ Y i lO K N lN G H - ’ E im U A U Y - l ; J* '' .

mmm n».U IVIL11- fMUk ■■. I ,5ti}mbeffiJNaiiic<lL. Stiuluut -i;<<iiii>'ll— r»-|)tT3ciitntIvn '

ll.iU' liWiri'lior-rii bv'Twin h'all^ Jiili- i l.ir lilt;li i«liDol iium.- rw.!ii:i, n i r v i « ill iioniliuic fiinl'-tii iindv otiiL’i ' r i ;

n , , , and ,tf»- siiiiit'iu-lMHiy w ill't P 0 U C e - r + a k ^ H 0 id - H |} —SHS— UiMm-l>,v-v.,ie. tom orron-;-— !


-GITYACTIVIS____________ ,, ■■•y.OcxHijcur. lilC; Uorolliy cdckrcll.

■ Accu^r^l of roblH>y of u^Cu.iUu-:. |Ni-viiilii- -re^lrtcn*-'iti » - ii- ' ’ tjn icc Unilcy. 2II; M ail.


iamm. m ou.tvkvi Muraoipal'Depaflmenls’:iS l» S n ': i;3 'ijS ;if 'n^ “ ;S - - W«rk; OlldlfflJanlinDL,.:;

— ................ ' . R e v i e w e d _________

nt'C-ori,': for .liiiiii iirv 'o f work In •nr n iy (Irpiirimnit.'; were filed 111. (^tly CI.-CJ; W. H. l::irlria;:e ve^-

............ p coniiulupc In clmrt!i'itlie ciTllU wlilcl) will b<' sliiKed Oiir-

• in s tlie I'rijriiiir)- ••full m oon/’Tiic.'- »1ny, I'cUriiiiry T. •

, A b*flK^'U'Y,«tl rvent. Joliii[,iVi-;<\

. inli'iiri tr>‘tnnkc li'p triii

W e ! r e s i i r e . y b i i ’ U ; g e t e x c i t e d a b o u t o u r n e w s p r i n g

' C l o t h e s ! Y o u ’ l l { > n d - e v e r y t I t i j i g ~ y o a ' n e e c l ~ a n c l : w a n t — - a l l a t n r i c e s t h a t s p e U S a V I N G S ! ^ ^ ^ " r

nam icy. E, 5.l^:ivi>nni'm ul ■'-“ ^ t r c j K l 1 ;.S . Moi.- iTcrc-'clw nU

—— irarn ’tne *Waicncp” ljj'-7^cT}ro;T3^ ,— t.c ju ic r lo-Kivo.*lif»ri-.i "

alltnhd >ubJccLs. r

~ Gjiiiio-Fiirin lIciKl

■■'TTTvriTi-'nTrHiffVnf'nrf TTlv - - erlL's In Irtnlio nnd of the K.inic t

_ - . / a r m ;ji..Jcronin.w fre eiitilljltetl by j . ' • I'c llx Plnitlno, fiUiwrlittcmlriil of I'lic ; . - Jerpm c rrojecl. a t Ihe Rotiiry club I • Imicheon a t tlic-rnrle lio td \

........l)c olMcrvcd til h (llniifr «iy I n t nex( ^Vmnesday n ish t «■ P«rlc'holeJ, Jl mus onnniinrect.'

_ ::.»p« t« l.jjrog rn in l3'

St'och Vp Now!
