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“Asia and The Pacific Incubator Conference” - infoDev of Technology... · The Development of TT...

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“Asia and The Pacific Incubator Conference” The Practice of Technology Transfer Promotion Organization in China Dr. Liu Zhengping, general manager Shanghai Co-way International Technology Transfer Center Shanghai, P.R.China

“Asia and The Pacific Incubator Conference”

The Practice of Technology Transfer Promotion Organization in China

Dr. Liu Zhengping, general manager

Shanghai Co-way International Technology Transfer Center

Shanghai, P.R.China

1.The Development of Technology Transfer (TT)

in China

2.TT promotion organizations (TTPO)

3.Cooperation proposals


Technology Transfer (TT)

1 Vertical technology transferResearch→ achievements (patent, know-how, etc.) →industry test → commercialization and industrialization

2 Horizontal technology transfer(1) Industrialized technology transfer among different

industries: new technology application from one industry to another industry

(2) technology transfer between different geographic regions

Transnational transfer of technology

Transnational transfer of technology is one of the most important features in a global economy.

Complete plants and equipment import International LicenseJoint venture with technology transferForeign Direct investment with technology transferJoint researchInternational training program, expert exchange and education

The Development of TT in China

First Stage: 1950-1978 technology import stageFeatures: (1) TTT play dominant role(2) TT forms: Complete plants and equipment import(3) technology supplier: Former USSR and other East

Europe countries(4) Technology field: heavy industry(5) TT is operated mainly by the Government(6) TT export: African countries(7) Domestic TT is not developed.

The Development of TT in China

Second Stage: 1979-1992 transfer stageFeatures: (1) TTT still play an important role, but TTT forms are

diversified.(2) Government is still the main player in TT, but

enterprises and companies began to participate in TT. (3) Technology supplier: USA, Japan, France, German, UK,

Italy, Swiss land and etc.(4) Technology field: light industry and heavy industry(5) TT export is increased.(6) Domestic TT and innovation are paid more attention and

domestic TT market emerged.

The Development of TT in China

Third Stage: from 1992 to now innovation stageFeatures: (1) Domestic TT and innovation is the main task, at the same

time TTT continues to develop.(2) Government still play an important role in innovation and TT,

but the role of market in TT is increasing rapidly. Enterprises and R&D company actively participated in TT.

(3) IPR law system is established and IPR protection improved step by step.

(4) R&D is increased, and innovation tools, such as Science & Technology Park, Incubator and Venture Capital are developed.

(5) Diverse TT promotion organization are established. (6) The amount of domestic TT and TTT increased rapidly.

TT from 1990 to 2005 in China

2005 reached to 20 billion USD (not including TTT)

75.09 94.13151.03

207.55 228.89268.34













1500 (亿元)

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005(年份)

TT from 1990 to 2005 in Beijing

22.4331.31 35.59



81.56 92.19






1991年 1993年 1995年 1997年 1999年 2001年 2003年 2005年

2005 reached to 6.5 billion USD (not including TTT)

TT promotion organization (TTPO) in China

A large number of TTPO established in China in recent 10 years.State-owned

Market oriented

TTPO is on the increase

State-owed TTPO1. China Academy of Science

3 TTPO (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang) are established in 2002 and 2003;main services: linkage between Academy and Industries

2. Ministry of Education (University based)

9 TechTrans Centers are established from 1998 to now.main services: project screening, agent and incubation

3. Ministry of Science and Technology4 technology exchange bureau (Shanghai, North, Shenyang, Wuhan) are established from 1993.main service: technology transfer registration and management

Market oriented TTPOsuch as:

Shanghai Co-way International Technology Transfer Center

International Technology Transfer Center of Tsinghua University ( Coway International TechTrans Company)

Shanghai Co-way Profile

Established in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park in Dec, 2001

Shanghai Technology Innovation Center

Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Co., Ltd.

Shanghai AoWei Technology Development Co., Ltd.

International Technology Transfer Center of Tsinghua University


Shanghai Co-way Profile



Information Consulting Agent service SupportingOffice



Shanghai Co-way Profile

Promote international science and technology cooperation and set up TTT platform

Provide professional support and integrated solution on TTT for Hi-Tech parks, incubators, SMEs and local administration


Main Services

Visit enterprises, identify TT demands

Establish & maintain international TT network

Maintain TT database & website ( www.sittnet.cn ; www.co-way.com.cn )

Organize presentation, demonstration, seminar and exhibition

Information Service

Initial assessment of project on market, technology and finance

Technology market research

Organize technology testing & experiment

Innovation project Feasibility Study

Business planning and financial consulting

TT intermediary service

Contract signing and execution support

Consulting & agent Service

Main Services

Main Services

Co-Way TT service flow chart

Visit enterprises, identify TT demands

Describe requirement/ search for partners

Provide further support/initial assessment

Feasibility study and organize negotiations

Support contract signing & execution

Shanghai Co-Way’s government related projects

One of 16 International Technology Cooperation Bases nominated by Torch Program (Ministry of Science & Technology, China)

Secretariat of SITTNet (Shanghai International Technology Transfer Network)

Secretariat of AABI (Asian Association of Business Incubator)

Standing member of STBIA (Shanghai Technology Business Incubation Association)

Coordinator of World Bank InfoDev Project: Incubator Initiative (Internationalization and networking of incubators in Shanghai)

International TechTrans Center Of TsinghuaUniversity (ITTC)

Established in June 2001Accredited as a state-level technology transfer center by the former State Economic & Trade Commission and the Ministry of Education in Sept. 2001Currently a leading Supporting Partner of the Ministry of Science & Technology (MOST), China

Financing Department

Information Resource Division


Tsinghua CowayInternational TechTrans Co., Ltd

Technology Transfer Division

Administration & Human Resource Division



Consulting Division(Business & Products Division)



Structure of ITTC

School of Public Policy & Management; School of Economics & Management

CDM Division

Mission of ITTC

Authorized by Chinese companies to find technology from overseas market

Provide complete business / technology consulting service for overseas companies who are interested in Chinese market.

Business Mode I – technology transfer agent services




Technology ServiceAgency

Technology Commercializing


Business Mode 2 – Consulting services


Localization & Business services

Market & Competitorsinvestigation

Policy & Law Consulting

Partner Matching: JV / OEM / sales


IPR Protection

Marketing Analysis Project Investment& Trade

Business Mode 3 – investment and incubation

Shanghai ITT Network

Shanghai Co-Way ITT CenterShanghai Technology Innovation Center (STIC)Shanghai Small Enterprises Service CenterNational Technology Transfer Center of Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityTechnology Transfer Center of Shanghai Academy of Sciences

SITTNet Initial Members

What we learned from TTPO’s experience in China

1. Specializationobjective, expertise and professional team, demands

2. government supportlaw and policy support, finance support

3. Networkinglocal, national and regional


Make use of the current info-Dev and AABI network, create cooperation channel among incubators, hi-tech parks and SMEs to promote TTT and cooperation in Asia and the Pacific region.

Cooperation Proposal (1)

Create cooperation channel & Information Platform

•Establish web pages for information exchange among our network•Recommend cooperation proposal•organize events to deepen communication between SMEs among network

Provide support for overseas companies entering into Chinese market according to companies’ specific request.

Cooperation Proposal (2)

Seek for initial customer & partner in China market

Market research

Organize presentation, demonstration, etc.

Matching of partners (find product distributor, agent, etc.)

Organize PR relative issues

Provide IPR relative services for specific technology transfer

STIC and Shanghai Co-Way is constructing the international hi-tech product exhibition and marketing centre.

The centre demonstrates technologies and products from differentcountries.

Shanghai Co-Way establishes professional marketing team for demonstrating technologies and products, first stage focus on: Environment Protection & Energy Saving; Chemical application & New Material; Mechanical & Electronic application.

Cooperation Proposal (3)

Shanghai International Hi-Tech Product Exhibition and Marketing Centre

Thank YouThank You!![email protected]

www.sittnet.cn; www.co-way.com.cn

Oct.3-6, 2007Hanoi, Vietnam
